vocab-MBD-6.csv 2.5 KB

  1. ānxīn 安心 to be without worry, to feel at ease to feel relieved MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  2. běnlái 本来 originally MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  3. bìngqiě 并且 moreover, and MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  4. cānjiā 参加 to take part in; to attend MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  5. chángshòu 长寿 long life, longevity; to live a long time MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  6. chūchāi 出差 to be out of town on business MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  7. dǎ chángtū diànhuà 大长途电话 to make a long-distance phone call MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  8. dàgē 大哥 oldest brother MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  9. diàosāng 吊嗓 to present one’s condolences at a funeral, to attend a funeral MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  10. érnǚ 儿女 children MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  11. fàn 犯 to have an attack (of an old disease) MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  12. gǎndeshàng 干得上 to be able to catch up, to be able to make it in time MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  13. gǎnhuilai 赶回来 to rush back MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  14. gǎnjīn 赶紧 quickly MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  15. gǔhuī 骨灰 bone ashes MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  16. guòqu 过去 to pass away, to die MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  17. guòshì 过世 to pass away, to die MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  18. huǒzàng 火葬 to cremate; cremation MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  19. hūrǎn 忽然 suddenly MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  20. jiānglái 将来 the future, someday MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  21. jíjiù 急救 first aid; to administer emergency treatment MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  22. jiùguolai 就过来 to save MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  23. orénjiā 老人家 polite way of addressing or referring to an old person (nǐ lǎorénjiā, tā lǎorénjiā) MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  24. -liǎo 了 can, to be able to MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  25. nánguò 难过 to be sad MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  26. niánji (niánjì) 年纪 age MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  27. píngjìng 平静 to be calm MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  28. qubuliǎo 去不了 cannot go MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  29. qùshì 去世 to pass away, to die MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  30. sānglǐ 丧礼 funeral MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  31. shāngxīn 伤心 to be grieved, to be sorrowful, to be heartbroken MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  32. shēnbiān 身边 one’s vicinity, one’s immediate surroundings MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  33. sòng 送 to escort, to take (someone to a place) MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  34. xiāoxi 消息 news MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  35. xīnzàng 心脏 heart MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  36. xīnzàngbìng 心脏病 heart disease MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  37. yíbèizi 一辈子 all one’s life MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  38. yíxiang 一向 (have) always, (had) always, consistently, all along MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  39. zài shuō 再说 furthermore, besides MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  40. zàng 葬 to bury MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  41. zuìjìn 最近 recently; soon MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  42. zǔmǔ 祖母 grandmother (on the fathers side)