FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 03 MON - Unit 06 - Tape 6C-1.mp3.tsv 19 KB

  1. start end text
  2. 0 2800 Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach
  3. 2800 7200 Money Module, Unit 6, Comprehension Tape 1
  4. 7200 9700 This unit is set in the ROC
  5. 9700 14200 On this tape, you'll learn how to understand more questions and answers about changing money
  6. 14200 18600 as well as questions and answers about opening and closing times.
  7. 18600 21500 Mr. Perez is stopping in the town of Xindru
  8. 21500 24100 on his way to study Chinese in Taichung.
  9. 24100 28500 He tries to change some money in his small, traditional style hotel.
  10. 28500 34400 Listen, may I ask, can you ask currency to be changed here?
  11. 34400 38700 请问,你们这里可以换美金吗?
  12. 38700 43100 请问,你们这里可以换美金吗?
  13. 43100 45900 I'm sorry, that's not possible.
  14. 45900 51600 对不起,不可以。
  15. 51600 54100 Here's the auxiliary verb, may.
  16. 54100 57700 可以,可以。
  17. 57700 62500 Although the basic meaning of可以 is that something is permitted or possible,
  18. 62500 66300 you'll often find that can will be a better English translation.
  19. 66300 69800 You'll remember that你们这里 is really a place phrase,
  20. 69800 72000 meaning something like your place,
  21. 72000 75100 so that a more literal translation of the question would be,
  22. 75100 79300 as for your place, may one change American currency?
  23. 79300 81800 Listen to the exchange live.
  24. 81800 85600 请问,你们这里可以换美金吗?
  25. 85600 87600 对不起,不可以。
  26. 87600 89200 Again.
  27. 89200 92800 请问,你们这里可以换美金吗?
  28. 92800 95400 对不起,不可以。
  29. 95400 97800 Check your comprehension.
  30. 97800 105100 请问,你们这里可以换美金吗?
  31. 105100 109600 May I ask, can US currency be changed here?
  32. 109600 115100 对不起,不可以。
  33. 115100 118400 I'm sorry, that's not possible.
  34. 118400 120400 The conversation continues.
  35. 120400 124700 Listen, how about traveler's checks?
  36. 124700 129800 旅行支票呢?
  37. 129800 131600 That's not possible either.
  38. 131600 134800 You have to change them at the Bank of Taiwan.
  39. 134800 144800 也不可以,你得在台湾银行换。
  40. 144800 148400 Here's the auxiliary verb must or have to.
  41. 148400 152300
  42. 152300 155300 Listen to the exchange live.
  43. 155300 156900 旅行支票呢?
  44. 156900 160900 也不可以,你得在台湾银行换。
  45. 160900 162300 Again.
  46. 162300 163900 旅行支票呢?
  47. 163900 168300 也不可以,你得在台湾银行换。
  48. 168300 170500 Check your comprehension.
  49. 170500 174500 旅行支票呢?
  50. 174500 177700 How about traveler's checks?
  51. 177700 186900 也不可以,你得在台湾银行换。
  52. 186900 188800 That's not possible either.
  53. 188800 192500 You have to change them at the Bank of Taiwan.
  54. 192500 194300 The conversation continues.
  55. 194300 198300 Listen, when does the bank open?
  56. 198300 204300 银行什么时候开门?
  57. 204300 206500 It opens at nine o'clock.
  58. 206500 211900 九点钟开门。
  59. 211900 214700 Here's the phrase used to refer to the start of business.
  60. 214700 217300 Literally, to open the doors.
  61. 217300 221500 开门。
  62. 221500 226900 The verb 开, of course, is to open, and 门 is door.
  63. 226900 229900 Here's the counter referring to hours on the clock.
  64. 229900 233700 点。点。
  65. 233700 235900 And here's the word for clock.
  66. 235900 239500 钟。
  67. 239500 242500 Nine o'clock is 九点钟。
  68. 242500 246100 You may think of 钟 as being o'clock.
  69. 246100 248500 Sometimes, 钟 is left off.
  70. 248500 249900 九点。
  71. 249900 254900 Just as we sometimes leave off o'clock, as in, it's nine.
  72. 254900 257300 Listen to the exchange live.
  73. 257300 259500 银行什么时候开门?
  74. 259500 261700 九点钟开门。
  75. 261700 262900 Again.
  76. 262900 265100 银行什么时候开门?
  77. 265100 267500 九点钟开门。
  78. 267500 269300 Check your comprehension.
  79. 269300 274500 银行什么时候开门?
  80. 274500 276900 When does the bank open?
  81. 276900 281100 九点钟开门。
  82. 281100 283900 It opens at nine o'clock.
  83. 283900 285700 The conversation continues.
  84. 285700 287500 Listen.
  85. 287500 289500 What time does it close?
  86. 289500 292100 几点钟关门。
  87. 292100 294700 几点钟关门。
  88. 294700 296900 It closes at three o'clock.
  89. 296900 301700 三点钟关门。
  90. 301700 306900 Here's the phrase referring to the close of business, literally, to close the doors.
  91. 306900 310500 关门。
  92. 310500 315300 The phrase 关门 can also refer to going out of business altogether.
  93. 315300 321100 In this conversation, of course, the context makes it clear that you're referring to a closing time.
  94. 321100 324100 Listen to the exchange live.
  95. 324100 327900 几点钟关门。
  96. 327900 329500 Again.
  97. 329500 333500 几点钟关门。
  98. 333500 335500 Check your comprehension.
  99. 335500 339500 几点钟关门。
  100. 339500 342500 What time does it close?
  101. 342500 346700 三点钟关门。
  102. 346700 349700 It closes at three o'clock.
  103. 349700 351700 The conversation continues.
  104. 351700 353300 Listen.
  105. 353300 354900 What time is it now?
  106. 354900 358100 I can still change money, I suppose.
  107. 358100 363700 现在几点钟还可以换吧。
  108. 363700 368300 现在几点钟还可以换吧。
  109. 368300 370300 It's half past two now.
  110. 370300 373900 You can still change money.
  111. 373900 378100 现在两点半还可以换。
  112. 378100 382300 现在两点半还可以换。
  113. 382300 385500 Notice that the marker 吧 is here added to a question.
  114. 385500 387100 还可以换吧。
  115. 387100 389900 I can still change money, I suppose.
  116. 389900 395100 The marker 吧 is added to a question when you're pretty sure the answer is going to be yes.
  117. 395100 400700 This suggestive quality of 吧 is translated here by the expression I suppose.
  118. 400700 402500 Here's the word for half.
  119. 402500 407100 半。
  120. 407100 410700 half past two is 两点半。
  121. 410700 414100 Although in English we seldom say half past two o'clock,
  122. 414100 417300 in Chinese you may hear 两点半钟,
  123. 417300 420900 since any clock time expression may end with 钟。
  124. 420900 423300 Listen to the exchange live.
  125. 423300 426900 现在几点钟还可以换吧。
  126. 426900 431100 现在两点半还可以换。
  127. 431100 432500 Again.
  128. 432500 435700 现在几点钟还可以换吧。
  129. 435700 439700 现在两点半还可以换。
  130. 439700 441900 Check your comprehension.
  131. 441900 449900 现在几点钟还可以换吧。
  132. 449900 451500 What time is it now?
  133. 451500 455700 I can still change money, I suppose.
  134. 455700 463700 现在两点半还可以换。
  135. 463700 465700 It's half past two now.
  136. 465700 468900 You can still change money.
  137. 468900 472900 Now let's back up and have Mr. Perez approach the clerk for the first time again
  138. 472900 476300 for a similar conversation live.
  139. 476300 477700 麻烦你。
  140. 477700 479700 我得换点美金。
  141. 479700 481900 在哪里可以换?
  142. 481900 484300 在台湾银行可以换。
  143. 484300 488100 请问台湾银行在哪里?
  144. 488100 491700 您看这张地图就在这里。
  145. 491700 494500 现在银行还开门吧。
  146. 494500 497700 哎呦,现在三点半了。
  147. 497700 501500 银行三点钟关门。
  148. 501500 505900 现在已经关了。
  149. 505900 507500 明天几点钟开门?
  150. 507500 509700 九点。
  151. 509700 511700 好,我明天换吧。
  152. 511700 513500 谢谢。
  153. 513500 515500 不客气。
  154. 515500 517300 Again.
  155. 517300 518700 麻烦你。
  156. 518700 521700 我得换点美金,在哪里可以换?
  157. 521700 524700 在台湾银行可以换。
  158. 524700 527700 请问台湾银行在哪里?
  159. 527700 531700 您看这张地图就在这里。
  160. 531700 534700 现在银行还开门吧。
  161. 534700 537700 哎呦,现在三点半了。
  162. 537700 540700 银行三点钟关门。
  163. 540700 543700 现在已经关门了。
  164. 543700 545700 明天几点钟开门?
  165. 545700 547700 九点。
  166. 547700 548700 我明天换吧。
  167. 548700 549700 谢谢。
  168. 549700 551700 不客气。
  169. 551700 554700 Check your comprehension.
  170. 554700 555700 麻烦你。
  171. 555700 558700 我得换点美金。
  172. 561700 563700 Sorry to bother you.
  173. 563700 566700 I have to change some American money.
  174. 566700 570700 在哪里可以换?
  175. 570700 573700 Where can I change it?
  176. 573700 579700 在台湾银行可以换。
  177. 579700 582700 You can change it at the Bank of Taiwan.
  178. 582700 589700 请问台湾银行在哪里?
  179. 589700 592700 May I ask, where is the Bank of Taiwan?
  180. 592700 599700 您看这张地图就在这里。
  181. 599700 601700 Look at this map.
  182. 601700 603700 It's right here.
  183. 603700 609700 现在银行还开门吧。
  184. 609700 613700 The bank is still open now, I suppose.
  185. 613700 620700 哎呦,现在三点半了。
  186. 620700 624700 Oh dear, it's half past three now.
  187. 624700 630700 银行三点钟关门。
  188. 630700 634700 The bank closes at three o'clock.
  189. 634700 639700 现在已经关了。
  190. 639700 642700 It's already closed now.
  191. 642700 648700 明天几点钟开门?
  192. 648700 651700 What time does it open tomorrow?
  193. 651700 654700 九点。
  194. 654700 656700 Nine.
  195. 656700 659700 好,我明天换吧。
  196. 659700 664700 谢谢。
  197. 664700 667700 好,我明天换吧。
  198. 667700 668700 谢谢。
  199. 668700 671700 不客气。
  200. 671700 674700 您欢迎。
  201. 674700 677700 The next day, Mr. Perez is at the bank.
  202. 677700 681700 听说,我想换一些钱去台币。
  203. 681700 685700 Here's a hundred dollars U.S. in traveler's checks.
  204. 685700 688700 我要换一点台币。
  205. 688700 692700 这是一百块美金的旅行支票。
  206. 692700 694700 我要换一点台币。
  207. 694700 698700 这是一百块美金的旅行支票。
  208. 698700 703700 Certainly, one U.S. dollar is 38 dollars台币。
  209. 703700 710700 好,一块美金换38块台币。
  210. 710700 715700 好,一块美金换38块台币。
  211. 715700 717700 Here's the word for Taiwan currency.
  212. 717700 720700 台币。
  213. 720700 723700 台币。
  214. 723700 726700 Let's compare the sentence,我要换一点台币。
  215. 726700 731700 With a very similar sentence,我要换一点美金。
  216. 731700 734700 The sentence,我要换一点美金 can mean,
  217. 734700 737700 I want to change some American currency,
  218. 737700 742700 in which what follows the verb 换 is the currency to be changed.
  219. 742700 746700 But in the new sentence from the exchange,我要换一点台币。
  220. 746700 751700 What follows the verb 换 is the currency to be changed into.
  221. 751700 753700 Literally, it means something like,
  222. 753700 758700 I want to change some foreign currency into Taiwan currency.
  223. 758700 763700 Notice that in the two phrases 换美金 and 换台币,
  224. 763700 767700 there is no clue as to the direction of the transaction.
  225. 767700 771700 It's only the situation which tells us that both refer to changing US currency
  226. 771700 774700 into Taiwan currency rather than the reverse.
  227. 774700 778700 If this seems unlikely, think of our own verb to rent.
  228. 778700 780700 The sentence, he rented the room,
  229. 780700 784700 maybe referring either to the landlord or to the tenant,
  230. 784700 787700 although in context it should be clear which.
  231. 787700 790700 Listen to the exchange live.
  232. 790700 792700 我要换一点台币。
  233. 792700 795700 这是一百块美金的旅行支票。
  234. 795700 800700 好,一块美金换三十八块台币。
  235. 800700 803700 Again,我要换一点台币。
  236. 803700 807700 这是一百块美金的旅行支票。
  237. 807700 812700 好,一块美金换三十八块台币。
  238. 812700 815700 Check your comprehension.
  239. 815700 817700 我要换一点台币。
  240. 817700 821700 这是一百块美金的旅行支票。
  241. 826700 829700 I want to change some money into 台币。
  242. 829700 833700 Here's a hundred dollars US in traveler's checks.
  243. 833700 838700 好,一块美金换三十八块台币。
  244. 842700 847700 Certainly, one US dollar is 38 dollars台币。
  245. 847700 851700 The conversation continues. Listen.
  246. 851700 855700 Here are five twenty dollar traveler's checks.
  247. 855700 859700 这是五张二十块的旅行支票。
  248. 859700 863700 这是五张二十块的旅行支票。
  249. 863700 867700 Please wait a moment. I'll be right back.
  250. 867700 871700 请您等一等,我就来。
  251. 871700 875700 请您等一等,我就来。
  252. 875700 877700 Here's the verb to wait.
  253. 877700 881700 等,等。
  254. 881700 885700 We've talked about the reduplication of verbs in Chinese.
  255. 885700 889700 Besides simple reduplication, such as in 看看,
  256. 889700 894700 there is reduplication with the number one inserted as in 看一看.
  257. 894700 897700 Both forms of reduplication have the same effect on the meaning,
  258. 897700 900700 making the verb more tentative.
  259. 900700 903700 We may translate 等一等 as wait a moment,
  260. 903700 908700 rather than just wait, to try to capture the softening.
  261. 908700 912700 After asking Mr. Perez to wait, the teller turns to go to the desk behind the counter,
  262. 912700 916700 saying 我就来,I'll be right back.
  263. 916700 921700 In this context, the verb lie is understood to mean come back,
  264. 921700 925700 and the adverb 舊,which we have again translated right,
  265. 925700 929700 means immediately. Listen to the exchange live.
  266. 929700 933700 这是五张二十块的旅行支票。
  267. 933700 936700 请您等一等,我就来。
  268. 936700 940700 Again,这是五张二十块的旅行支票。
  269. 940700 944700 请您等一等,我就来。
  270. 944700 947700 Check your comprehension.
  271. 947700 951700 这是五张二十块的旅行支票。
  272. 954700 958700 Here are five twenty dollar travelers checks.
  273. 958700 962700 请您等一等,我就来。
  274. 962700 968700 Please wait a moment. I'll be right back.
  275. 968700 972700 After the teller completes the paperwork,
  276. 972700 977700 she hands Mr. Perez three thousand eight hundred dollars Tai B in hundred dollar bills.
  277. 977700 980700 Now listen as the conversation continues.
  278. 980700 983700 I want some small bills.
  279. 983700 988700 我要点小票子。我要点小票子。
  280. 988700 993700 Please change this hundred dollar bill for me. Would that be all right?
  281. 993700 998700 这张一百块的,请你给我换换,行不行?
  282. 998700 1003700 这张一百块的,请你给我换换,行不行?
  283. 1003700 1008700 All right. I'll give you nine tens and two fives.
  284. 1008700 1014700 行,给您九张十块的,两张五块的。
  285. 1014700 1018700 Here's the word for bill in the sense of paper money.
  286. 1018700 1022700 票子。票子。
  287. 1022700 1026700 And here's a verb which means to be all right.
  288. 1026700 1030700 行,行。
  289. 1030700 1034700 Listen to the exchange live.
  290. 1034700 1038700 我要点小票子。
  291. 1038700 1043700 这张一百块的,请你给我换换,行不行?
  292. 1043700 1048700 行,给您九张十块的,两张五块的。
  293. 1048700 1051700 Again.
  294. 1051700 1056700 我要点小票子。这张一百块的,请你给我换换,行不行?
  295. 1056700 1062700 行,给您九张十块的,两张五块的。
  296. 1062700 1065700 Check your comprehension.
  297. 1065700 1070700 我要点小票子。
  298. 1070700 1074700 I want some small bills.
  299. 1074700 1079700 这张一百块的,请你给我换换,行不行?
  300. 1079700 1084700 Please change this hundred dollar bill for me. Would that be all right?
  301. 1084700 1089700 行,给您九张十块的,两张五块的。
  302. 1089700 1094700 I'll give you nine tens and two fives.
  303. 1094700 1100700 两张五块的。
  304. 1100700 1105700 All right. I'll give you nine tens and two fives.
  305. 1105700 1109700 The conversation concludes. Listen.
  306. 1109700 1112700 Sorry to have bothered you.
  307. 1112700 1116700 麻烦你了,麻烦你了。
  308. 1116700 1118700 It's nothing.
  309. 1118700 1123700 没什么,没什么。
  310. 1123700 1126700 I don't want anything else.
  311. 1126700 1130700 So,没什么,means literally, there isn't anything.
  312. 1130700 1137700 That is, presumably, what I did wasn't anything calling for your making such a polite remark.
  313. 1137700 1140700 Listen to the exchange live.
  314. 1140700 1145700 麻烦你了,没什么。
  315. 1145700 1148700 Again.
  316. 1148700 1153700 麻烦你了,没什么。
  317. 1153700 1156700 麻烦你了,没什么。
  318. 1156700 1159700 Check your comprehension.
  319. 1159700 1163700 麻烦你了。
  320. 1163700 1169700 Sorry to have bothered you,没什么。
  321. 1169700 1172700 It's nothing.
  322. 1172700 1176700 Now listen to someone else getting change live.
  323. 1176700 1181700 我要点小票子,对不起,麻烦你。
  324. 1181700 1184700 请给我点小票子,行不行?
  325. 1184700 1189700 行,这是十张十块的。Again.
  326. 1189700 1194700 我要点小票子,对不起,麻烦你。
  327. 1194700 1197700 请给我点小票子,行不行?
  328. 1197700 1203700 行,这是十张十块的。Check your comprehension.
  329. 1203700 1208700 我要点小票子。
  330. 1208700 1211700 I want some small bills.
  331. 1211700 1216700 对不起,麻烦你。
  332. 1216700 1220700 Excuse me, sorry to bother you.
  333. 1220700 1227700 请你给我点小票子,行不行?
  334. 1227700 1229700 Please give me some small bills.
  335. 1229700 1232700 Would that be all right?
  336. 1232700 1238700 这是十张十块的。
  337. 1238700 1242700 All right, here's ten tens.
  338. 1242700 1246700 Here's a live dialogue reviewing what you've covered on this tape.
  339. 1246700 1251700 A couple of days later, Mr. Perez is at the front desk of his hotel.
  340. 1251700 1253700 Listen.
  341. 1253700 1258700 我得换点台币,星期六可以换吗?
  342. 1258700 1268700 可以,银行九点钟开门,现在九点半,银行已经开门了。
  343. 1268700 1271700 今天几点钟关门?
  344. 1271700 1275700 今天十二点钟关门。
  345. 1275700 1278700 好,谢谢你。
  346. 1278700 1283700 没什么。Again.
  347. 1283700 1287700 我得换点台币,星期六可以换吗?
  348. 1287700 1295700 可以,银行九点钟开门,现在九点半,银行已经开门了。
  349. 1295700 1298700 今天几点钟关门?
  350. 1298700 1301700 今天十二点钟关门。
  351. 1301700 1303700 好,谢谢你。
  352. 1303700 1306700 没什么。
  353. 1306700 1309700 Check your comprehension.
  354. 1309700 1314700 我得换点台币。
  355. 1314700 1318700 我得换点台币。
  356. 1318700 1323700 星期六可以换吗?
  357. 1323700 1333700 可以,银行九点钟开门。
  358. 1333700 1337700 Yes, you can. The bank opens at nine o'clock.
  359. 1337700 1342700 现在九点半。
  360. 1342700 1345700 It's half past nine now.
  361. 1345700 1351700 银行已经开门了。
  362. 1351700 1354700 The bank has already opened.
  363. 1354700 1360700 今天几点钟关门?
  364. 1360700 1362700 What time does it close today?
  365. 1362700 1368700 今天十二点钟关门。
  366. 1368700 1372700 Today it closes at twelve.
  367. 1372700 1375700 好,谢谢你。
  368. 1375700 1380700 OK, thank you. 没什么。
  369. 1380700 1384700 It's nothing.
  370. 1384700 1388700 Now try translating the sentences of the target list.
  371. 1388700 1394700 Number one. 我要换台币。
  372. 1394700 1397700 I'd like to change some money into 台币。
  373. 1397700 1407700 Number two. 请给我点小票子,行不行?
  374. 1407700 1411700 Please give me some small bills. Would that be all right?
  375. 1411700 1419700 Number three. 你们这里可以换美金吗?
  376. 1419700 1422700 Can I change you as currency here?
  377. 1422700 1426700 Number four. 银行几点钟开门?
  378. 1426700 1432700 几点钟关门?
  379. 1432700 1436700 What time does the bank open and what time does it close?
  380. 1436700 1446700 Number five. 一块美金换三十八块台币。
  381. 1446700 1451700 One dollar US is 38 dollars台币。
  382. 1451700 1455700 Number six. 没什么。
  383. 1455700 1457700 It's nothing. 没什么。
  384. 1457700 1466700 Number seven. 您得在台湾银行换。
  385. 1466700 1470700 You have to change it at the bank of Taiwan. 您得在台湾银行换。
  386. 1470700 1474700 Number eight. 九点钟开门?
  387. 1474700 1480700 三点钟关门?
  388. 1480700 1484700 It opens at nine o'clock and closes at three o'clock.
  389. 1484700 1493700 Number nine. 请您等一等。我就来。
  390. 1493700 1497700 Please wait a moment. I'll be right back. 请您等一等。我就来。
  391. 1497700 1505700 Number ten. 现在两点半。
  392. 1505700 1509700 It's half past two now. 现在两点半。
  393. 1509700 1512700 If you feel you're ready, go on to the P1 tape. 如果你感觉你准备好了,去到P1 tape.
  394. 1512700 1515700 This is the end of the tape. 这就是台湾银行换。
  395. 1515700 1542700 End of money six, C1. 这就是台湾银行换。