FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 06 MTG - Unit 03 - Tape 3P-1.mp3.vtt 18 KB

  2. 00:00.000 --> 00:03.200
  3. Meeting Module Unit 3, Production Tape 1
  4. 00:03.900 --> 00:09.000
  5. On the comprehension tape in this unit, you learn questions and answers used in inviting someone to a private house.
  6. 00:09.500 --> 00:14.800
  7. If you think that you might have forgotten the meaning of some of these sentences, go back to the end of the C1 tape and review them.
  8. 00:15.200 --> 00:19.800
  9. If you think that you know the meanings of all the sentences on the talking list, you should begin learning how to say them.
  10. 00:20.700 --> 00:25.500
  11. James Franklin, an American businessman in Taipei, is talking with an official at his bank.
  12. 00:25.500 --> 00:30.000
  13. 黄科长,您下个星期六有功夫吗?
  14. 00:30.500 --> 00:34.500
  15. 我想请您和您夫人到我们家来吃个便饭。
  16. 00:36.500 --> 00:39.000
  17. Repeat, Saturday of next week.
  18. 00:40.000 --> 00:41.500
  19. 下个星期六。
  20. 00:43.500 --> 00:45.000
  21. 下个星期六。
  22. 00:47.500 --> 00:50.500
  23. Repeat, are you free Saturday of next week?
  24. 00:51.000 --> 00:53.500
  25. 您下个星期六有功夫吗?
  26. 00:53.500 --> 00:56.500
  27. 您下个星期六有功夫吗?
  28. 00:57.500 --> 00:59.500
  29. 您下个星期六有功夫吗?
  30. 01:01.500 --> 01:05.500
  31. Repeat, Section Chief Huang, are you free Saturday of next week?
  32. 01:06.500 --> 01:10.500
  33. 黄科长,您下个星期六有功夫吗?
  34. 01:15.500 --> 01:19.500
  35. 黄科长,您下个星期六有功夫吗?
  36. 01:19.500 --> 01:26.500
  37. Try saying it ahead of the speaker, Section Chief Huang, are you free Saturday of next week?
  38. 01:31.500 --> 01:35.500
  39. 黄科长,您下个星期六有功夫吗?
  40. 01:37.500 --> 01:38.500
  41. Again.
  42. 01:38.500 --> 01:44.500
  43. Repeat, I'd like to invite you and your wife.
  44. 01:45.500 --> 01:47.500
  45. 我想请您和您夫人。
  46. 01:49.500 --> 01:54.500
  47. Repeat, I'd like to invite you and your wife.
  48. 01:55.500 --> 01:58.500
  49. 我想请您和您夫人。
  50. 01:59.500 --> 02:03.500
  51. Repeat, I'd like to invite you and your wife.
  52. 02:03.500 --> 02:08.500
  53. 我想请您和您夫人。
  54. 02:09.500 --> 02:11.500
  55. 我想请您和您夫人。
  56. 02:13.500 --> 02:15.500
  57. Repeat the verb to eat.
  58. 02:16.500 --> 02:19.500
  59. 吃,吃。
  60. 02:20.500 --> 02:23.500
  61. Repeat the word for a simple or informal meal.
  62. 02:24.500 --> 02:28.500
  63. 便饭,便饭。
  64. 02:28.500 --> 02:34.500
  65. Repeat, I'd like to invite you and your wife to come to our house for a simple meal.
  66. 02:35.500 --> 02:39.500
  67. 我想请您和您夫人到我们家来吃个便饭。
  68. 02:45.500 --> 02:49.500
  69. 我想请您和您夫人到我们家来吃个便饭。
  70. 02:53.500 --> 02:54.500
  71. Again.
  72. 02:54.500 --> 02:59.500
  73. 我想请您和您夫人到我们家来吃个便饭。
  74. 03:04.500 --> 03:08.500
  75. 我想请您和您夫人到我们家来吃个便饭。
  76. 03:11.500 --> 03:14.500
  77. How do you say, are you free Saturday of next week?
  78. 03:19.500 --> 03:21.500
  79. 您下个星期六有功夫吗?
  80. 03:21.500 --> 03:26.500
  81. How do you say, I'd like to invite you and your wife to come to our house for a simple meal.
  82. 03:34.500 --> 03:38.500
  83. 我想请您和您夫人到我们家来吃个便饭。
  84. 03:42.500 --> 03:46.500
  85. When the verb is not followed by a specific object such as 便饭,
  86. 03:46.500 --> 03:51.500
  87. it must be followed by the general object 饭,which literally means cooked rice.
  88. 03:52.500 --> 03:54.500
  89. Repeat the general expression to eat.
  90. 03:55.500 --> 03:58.500
  91. 吃饭,吃饭。
  92. 04:01.500 --> 04:05.500
  93. Listen now as the conversation between Section Chief Huang and Mr. Franklin continues.
  94. 04:07.500 --> 04:09.500
  95. 您何必这么客气?
  96. 04:10.500 --> 04:11.500
  97. 不是客气。
  98. 04:12.500 --> 04:14.500
  99. Repeat, why is it necessary?
  100. 04:14.500 --> 04:15.500
  101. 何必?
  102. 04:17.500 --> 04:18.500
  103. 何必?
  104. 04:20.500 --> 04:24.500
  105. Repeat, why is it necessary to be so polite?
  106. 04:25.500 --> 04:27.500
  107. 您何必这么客气?
  108. 04:31.500 --> 04:33.500
  109. 您何必这么客气?
  110. 04:37.500 --> 04:39.500
  111. Try saying it yourself, you get a reply.
  112. 04:40.500 --> 04:42.500
  113. Why is it necessary to be so polite?
  114. 04:42.500 --> 04:44.500
  115. 您何必这么客气?
  116. 04:45.500 --> 04:46.500
  117. 不是客气。
  118. 04:47.500 --> 04:48.500
  119. Again.
  120. 04:52.500 --> 04:54.500
  121. 您何必这么客气?
  122. 04:55.500 --> 04:56.500
  123. 不是客气。
  124. 04:59.500 --> 05:01.500
  125. Now repeat, it's not politeness.
  126. 05:02.500 --> 05:03.500
  127. 不是客气。
  128. 05:06.500 --> 05:07.500
  129. 不是客气。
  130. 05:09.500 --> 05:10.500
  131. 不是客气。
  132. 05:10.500 --> 05:11.500
  133. 不是客气。
  134. 05:14.500 --> 05:16.500
  135. Respond to the question yourself now.
  136. 05:17.500 --> 05:18.500
  137. It's not politeness.
  138. 05:19.500 --> 05:21.500
  139. 您何必这么客气?
  140. 05:23.500 --> 05:24.500
  141. 不是客气。
  142. 05:27.500 --> 05:28.500
  143. Again.
  144. 05:29.500 --> 05:31.500
  145. 您何必这么客气?
  146. 05:34.500 --> 05:35.500
  147. 不是客气。
  148. 05:35.500 --> 05:38.500
  149. Mr. Franklin continues, listen.
  150. 05:40.500 --> 05:42.500
  151. 我有一个朋友刚从美国来。
  152. 05:43.500 --> 05:45.500
  153. 他现在在台湾大学教经济学。
  154. 05:46.500 --> 05:48.500
  155. 我很想给你们两位介绍介绍。
  156. 05:50.500 --> 05:53.500
  157. Repeat, I have a friend who has just come from America.
  158. 05:54.500 --> 05:56.500
  159. 我有一个朋友刚从美国来。
  160. 05:56.500 --> 05:59.700
  161. 我有一个朋友刚从美国来。
  162. 06:04.500 --> 06:06.500
  163. 我有一个朋友刚从美国来。
  164. 06:09.500 --> 06:11.500
  165. Understand that there is no marker luh used here,
  166. 06:12.500 --> 06:14.800
  167. even though you're talking about a completed action.
  168. 06:15.560 --> 06:18.140
  169. It's often the case that a sentence using gung, just,
  170. 06:18.500 --> 06:20.100
  171. does not use a completed action luh.
  172. 06:20.100 --> 06:22.100
  173. I have a friend who has just come from America.
  174. 06:28.100 --> 06:30.100
  175. 我有一个朋友刚从美国来。
  176. 06:32.100 --> 06:34.100
  177. Now repeat the verb to teach.
  178. 06:40.100 --> 06:41.100
  179. Repeat.
  180. 06:41.100 --> 06:44.100
  181. She is teaching economics at Taiwan University right now.
  182. 06:44.100 --> 06:48.100
  183. 她现在在台湾大学教经济学。
  184. 06:54.100 --> 06:57.100
  185. 她现在在台湾大学教经济学。
  186. 06:59.100 --> 07:00.100
  187. Again.
  188. 07:01.100 --> 07:04.100
  189. 她现在在台湾大学教经济学。
  190. 07:04.100 --> 07:12.100
  191. 他现在在台湾大学教经济学。
  192. 07:12.100 --> 07:25.100
  193. The verb is another verb which is either followed by a specific object such as 经济学, or a general object, in this case 书, repeat the expression to teach.
  194. 07:25.100 --> 07:30.100
  195. 教书
  196. 07:30.100 --> 07:36.100
  197. How do you say she's teaching economics at Taiwan University right now?
  198. 07:36.100 --> 07:45.100
  199. 他现在在台湾大学教经济学。
  200. 07:45.100 --> 07:51.100
  201. Repeat the verb to introduce 介绍
  202. 07:51.100 --> 07:55.100
  203. 介绍
  204. 07:55.100 --> 07:59.100
  205. Repeat, introduce the two of you.
  206. 07:59.100 --> 08:10.100
  207. 给你们两位介绍介绍。
  208. 08:10.100 --> 08:17.100
  209. Notice that when you want to talk about making introductions, you use the prepositional verb with the verb 介绍.
  210. 08:17.100 --> 08:21.100
  211. In a sense, you're saying that you want to perform an introduction for the two of them.
  212. 08:21.100 --> 08:24.100
  213. Repeat, I'd like very much to introduce the two of you.
  214. 08:24.100 --> 08:38.100
  215. 我很想给你们两位介绍介绍。
  216. 08:38.100 --> 08:48.100
  217. Again,我很想给你们两位介绍介绍。
  218. 08:48.100 --> 08:53.100
  219. 我很想给你们两位介绍介绍。
  220. 08:53.100 --> 09:01.100
  221. How do you say I have a friend who's just come from America?
  222. 09:01.100 --> 09:06.100
  223. 我有一个朋友刚从美国来。
  224. 09:06.100 --> 09:15.100
  225. How do you say she's teaching economics at Taiwan University right now?
  226. 09:15.100 --> 09:20.100
  227. 他现在在台湾大学教经济学。
  228. 09:20.100 --> 09:29.100
  229. How do you say I would very much like to introduce the two of you?
  230. 09:29.100 --> 09:38.100
  231. 我很想给你们两位介绍介绍。
  232. 09:38.100 --> 09:44.100
  233. 那太好了,很希望跟他谈谈。
  234. 09:44.100 --> 09:47.100
  235. Repeat, that's wonderful.
  236. 09:47.100 --> 09:55.100
  237. 那太好了,那太好了。
  238. 09:55.100 --> 09:59.100
  239. Notice that this sentence is not translated as too good.
  240. 09:59.100 --> 10:06.100
  241. The word is stronger than 恒, but does not include any connotations of overly or excessive here.
  242. 10:06.100 --> 10:11.100
  243. Now repeat the verb to wish, to hope to, or to look forward to.
  244. 10:11.100 --> 10:16.100
  245. 希望。
  246. 10:16.100 --> 10:19.100
  247. Repeat, I very much wish to talk with her.
  248. 10:19.100 --> 10:30.100
  249. 很希望跟她谈谈。
  250. 10:30.100 --> 10:32.100
  251. Try saying it ahead of the speaker.
  252. 10:32.100 --> 10:39.100
  253. I very much wish to talk with her.
  254. 10:39.100 --> 10:43.100
  255. 很希望跟她谈谈。
  256. 10:43.100 --> 10:53.100
  257. Again,很希望跟她谈谈。
  258. 10:53.100 --> 10:58.100
  259. How do you say that's wonderful?
  260. 10:58.100 --> 11:01.100
  261. 那太好了。
  262. 11:01.100 --> 11:07.100
  263. How do you say I very much wish to talk with her?
  264. 11:07.100 --> 11:11.100
  265. 很希望跟她谈谈。
  266. 11:11.100 --> 11:14.100
  267. Let's review quickly some of the new vocabulary covered so far.
  268. 11:14.100 --> 11:19.100
  269. How do you say eat a simple meal?
  270. 11:19.100 --> 11:22.100
  271. 吃个便饭。
  272. 11:22.100 --> 11:25.100
  273. How do you say simply to eat?
  274. 11:25.100 --> 11:28.100
  275. 吃饭。
  276. 11:28.100 --> 11:32.100
  277. How do you say why is it necessary?
  278. 11:32.100 --> 11:34.100
  279. 何必?
  280. 11:34.100 --> 11:38.100
  281. How do you say to teach?
  282. 11:38.100 --> 11:40.100
  283. 教书。
  284. 11:40.100 --> 11:44.100
  285. What's the verb to introduce?
  286. 11:44.100 --> 11:46.100
  287. 介绍。
  288. 11:46.100 --> 11:49.100
  289. Let's return to the conversation now.
  290. 11:49.100 --> 11:53.100
  291. Section Chief Huang was talking about meeting Mr. Franklin's friend.
  292. 11:53.100 --> 11:55.100
  293. 那太好了。
  294. 11:55.100 --> 11:58.100
  295. 我希望跟她谈谈。
  296. 11:58.100 --> 12:01.100
  297. 不过恐怕我的英文不行。
  298. 12:01.100 --> 12:08.100
  299. 不但说得不好,有时候也听不懂。
  300. 12:08.100 --> 12:11.100
  301. Repeat the adverb but or however。
  302. 12:11.100 --> 12:17.100
  303. 不过。不过。
  304. 12:17.100 --> 12:23.100
  305. The adverb不过,like its counterpart, however, is usually seen at the beginning of sentences.
  306. 12:23.100 --> 12:27.100
  307. Now repeat the word for to be afraid that。
  308. 12:27.100 --> 12:34.100
  309. 恐怕。恐怕。
  310. 12:34.100 --> 12:41.100
  311. To be afraid that may seem like an awkward translation, but there is another word which means simply to be afraid.
  312. 12:41.100 --> 12:46.100
  313. Repeat, however, I'm afraid that my English isn't good enough。
  314. 12:46.100 --> 12:54.100
  315. 不过。恐怕我的英文不行。
  316. 12:54.100 --> 12:59.100
  317. 不过。恐怕我的英文不行。
  318. 12:59.100 --> 13:09.100
  319. Try saying it ahead of the speaker, however, I'm afraid that my English isn't good enough。
  320. 13:09.100 --> 13:16.100
  321. 不过。恐怕我的英文不行。
  322. 13:16.100 --> 13:27.100
  323. Again。不过。恐怕我的英文不行。
  324. 13:27.100 --> 13:37.100
  325. Now repeat, not only。不但。不但。
  326. 13:37.100 --> 13:47.100
  327. Repeat the phrase sometimes。有时候。有时候。
  328. 13:47.100 --> 13:54.100
  329. Now repeat the compound verb result can't understand, which is used to talk about oral conversations.
  330. 13:54.100 --> 14:03.100
  331. 听不懂。听不懂。
  332. 14:03.100 --> 14:14.100
  333. As you remember, in the potential forms of compound verbs of result, the negative marker不 occurs between the action verb听 to listen and the verb showing result,懂 to understand.
  334. 14:14.100 --> 14:20.100
  335. How would you say can understand?
  336. 14:20.100 --> 14:24.100
  337. 听得懂。
  338. 14:24.100 --> 14:36.100
  339. In addition to referring to what is possible, compound verbs of result can also refer to what actually happened. How would you say I understood?
  340. 14:36.100 --> 14:40.100
  341. 我听懂了。
  342. 14:40.100 --> 14:45.100
  343. How would you say I didn't understand?
  344. 14:45.100 --> 14:49.100
  345. 我没听懂。
  346. 14:49.100 --> 15:04.100
  347. Now if you were talking about something you're reading, you'd have to substitute the verb看 to read for the verb听 to listen. How would you say I can't understand in this context?
  348. 15:04.100 --> 15:08.100
  349. 我看不懂。
  350. 15:08.100 --> 15:14.100
  351. How would you say I can't understand?
  352. 15:14.100 --> 15:18.100
  353. 我看得懂。
  354. 15:18.100 --> 15:23.100
  355. How would you say I understood?
  356. 15:23.100 --> 15:27.100
  357. 我看懂了。
  358. 15:27.100 --> 15:32.100
  359. How would you say I didn't understand?
  360. 15:32.100 --> 15:37.100
  361. 我没看懂。
  362. 15:37.100 --> 15:44.100
  363. Now repeat the sentence. Not only don't I speak well, sometimes I can't understand what I hear either.
  364. 15:44.100 --> 15:53.100
  365. 不但说得不好,有时候也听不懂。
  366. 15:53.100 --> 16:00.100
  367. 不但说得不好,有时候也听不懂。
  368. 16:00.100 --> 16:10.100
  369. In a sentence when you're expressing an idea in terms of not only but also use不但 in the first part of the sentence and yeah in the second part of the sentence.
  370. 16:10.100 --> 16:16.100
  371. Repeat again. Not only don't I speak well, sometimes I can't understand what I hear either.
  372. 16:16.100 --> 16:25.100
  373. 不但说得不好,有时候也听不懂。
  374. 16:25.100 --> 16:32.100
  375. 不但说得不好,有时候也听不懂。
  376. 16:32.100 --> 16:40.100
  377. Notice that while 不但 comes at the front of the phrase yeah still occurs in its usual position before the verb.
  378. 16:40.100 --> 16:50.100
  379. Now how do you say however I'm afraid that my English isn't good enough?
  380. 16:50.100 --> 16:55.100
  381. 不过恐怕我的英文不行。
  382. 16:55.100 --> 17:08.100
  383. How do you say not only don't I speak well, sometimes I can't understand what I hear either.
  384. 17:08.100 --> 17:15.100
  385. 不但说得不好,有时候也听不懂。
  386. 17:15.100 --> 17:18.100
  387. Mr. Franklin replied, listen.
  388. 17:18.100 --> 17:25.100
  389. 哪里哪里,您说得跟美国人一样好。
  390. 17:25.100 --> 17:27.100
  391. Repeat the adverb equally.
  392. 17:27.100 --> 17:35.100
  393. 一样。一样。
  394. 17:35.100 --> 17:38.100
  395. This adverb is used to compare things which are similar in some quality.
  396. 17:38.100 --> 17:44.100
  397. Repeat, this is as good as that, or more literally, this and that are equally good.
  398. 17:44.100 --> 17:51.100
  399. 这个跟那个一样好。
  400. 17:51.100 --> 17:57.100
  401. 这个跟那个一样好。
  402. 17:57.100 --> 18:05.100
  403. As with other sentences you've learned comparing two things, you use a prepositional verb, in this case gun, and an adjectival verb.
  404. 18:05.100 --> 18:15.100
  405. Here,一样, and好。How do you say this is as good as that?
  406. 18:15.100 --> 18:19.100
  407. 这个跟那个一样好。
  408. 18:19.100 --> 18:22.100
  409. Now repeat, you speak as well as an American.
  410. 18:22.100 --> 18:29.100
  411. 您说得跟美国人一样好。
  412. 18:29.100 --> 18:36.100
  413. 您说得跟美国人一样好。
  414. 18:36.100 --> 18:39.100
  415. This sentence is actually a shortened version of the comparison.
  416. 18:39.100 --> 18:43.100
  417. When you're comparing how two people do things, the full sentence can be quite long.
  418. 18:43.100 --> 18:47.100
  419. Repeat, you speak as well as an American.
  420. 18:47.100 --> 18:58.100
  421. 您说英文说得跟美国人说得一样好。
  422. 18:58.100 --> 19:05.100
  423. 您说英文说得跟美国人说得一样好。
  424. 19:05.100 --> 19:11.100
  425. As with the prepositional verb be, the elements compared with gun may be nouns, pronouns, or phrases.
  426. 19:11.100 --> 19:21.100
  427. Now, using the short form again, how do you say you speak as well as an American?
  428. 19:21.100 --> 19:26.100
  429. 您说得跟美国人一样好。
  430. 19:26.100 --> 19:36.100
  431. Again,您说得跟美国人一样好。
  432. 19:36.100 --> 19:40.100
  433. Mr. Franklin and Section Chief Huang conclude their conversation.
  434. 19:40.100 --> 19:44.100
  435. 怎么样,六点半对您方便不方便?
  436. 19:44.100 --> 19:47.100
  437. 方便,方便。
  438. 19:47.100 --> 19:50.100
  439. 我没请什么人,很随便。
  440. 19:50.100 --> 19:53.100
  441. 那就先谢了。
  442. 19:53.100 --> 20:05.100
  443. Repeat, I haven't invited anyone special.我没请什么人。
  444. 20:05.100 --> 20:10.100
  445. Here you see another example of an any phrase, but notice that the sentence has a unique meaning.
  446. 20:10.100 --> 20:14.100
  447. Instead of meaning anyone at all, the phrase means anyone special.
  448. 20:14.100 --> 20:22.100
  449. Repeat again, I haven't invited anyone special.我没请什么人。
  450. 20:22.100 --> 20:27.100
  451. I haven't invited anyone special.我没请什么人。
  452. 20:27.100 --> 20:40.100
  453. Now repeat the adjectival verb to be informal.随便。随便。
  454. 20:40.100 --> 20:46.100
  455. This is an often used expression meaning not only informal, but frequently meaning as you please.
  456. 20:46.100 --> 20:48.100
  457. Here of course it's used to describe the party.
  458. 20:48.100 --> 21:00.100
  459. Repeat, I haven't invited anyone special. It's very informal.我没请什么人,很随便。
  460. 21:00.100 --> 21:05.100
  461. 我没请什么人,很随便。
  462. 21:05.100 --> 21:16.100
  463. Now repeat Section Chief Huang's reply. I'll thank you in advance then.那就先谢了。
  464. 21:16.100 --> 21:31.100
  465. How do you say I haven't invited anyone special?我没请什么人。
  466. 21:31.100 --> 21:38.100
  467. How do you say it's very informal?很随便。
  468. 21:38.100 --> 21:45.100
  469. How do you say, well, I'll thank you in advance then.
  470. 21:45.100 --> 21:49.100
  471. 那就先谢了。
  472. 21:49.100 --> 21:55.100
  473. Let's review what's been covered on this tape. Put the following sentences into Chinese.
  474. 21:55.100 --> 21:58.100
  475. Number one.
  476. 21:58.100 --> 22:08.100
  477. I'd like to invite you to come to our house for a simple meal Saturday of next week.
  478. 22:08.100 --> 22:15.100
  479. 我想下个星期六请您到我们家来吃个便饭。
  480. 22:15.100 --> 22:26.100
  481. Why is it necessary to be so polite?您何必这么客气?
  482. 22:26.100 --> 22:35.100
  483. Number two. I have an American friend who teaches at Taiwan University.
  484. 22:35.100 --> 22:41.100
  485. 我有一个美国朋友在台湾大学教书。
  486. 22:41.100 --> 22:52.100
  487. I would very much like to introduce the two of you.很想给你们两位介绍介绍。
  488. 22:52.100 --> 23:00.100
  489. That's wonderful. 那太好了。
  490. 23:00.100 --> 23:04.100
  491. Number three. I very much wish to talk with your friend.
  492. 23:04.100 --> 23:29.100
  493. However, I'm afraid that my English isn't good enough.不过,恐怕我的英文不行。
  494. 23:29.100 --> 23:50.100
  495. Not only do I speak well, sometimes I can't understand what I hear either.不但说得不好,有时候也听不懂。
  496. 23:50.100 --> 23:58.100
  497. You speak as well as an American.您说得跟美国人一样好。
  498. 23:58.100 --> 24:11.100
  499. Number five. I haven't invited anyone special. It's very informal. 我没请什么人,很随便。
  500. 24:11.100 --> 24:21.100
  501. I'll thank you in advance then. 那就先谢了。
  502. 24:21.100 --> 24:29.100
  503. This is the end of the tape. End of meeting module unit three, production tape one.