FSI-30-Drill-C.csv 1.1 KB

  1. 1. Zuòhǎo le ma? 做好了吗? Have you finished doing it? méi no Méi zuòhǎo ne. 没做好呢。 I haven't finished doing it. 5 7 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2. Shuōhǎo le ma? 说好了吗? Have you finished saying it? shì yes Shuōhǎo le. 说好了。 I finished saying it. 5 7 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3. Xiǎnghǎo le ma? 想好了吗? Have you finished thinking about it? kuài soon Kuài xiǎnghǎo le. 快想好了。 I'll finish thinking about it soon. 5 7 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4. Dìnghǎo le ma? 订好了吗? Have you finished order it? hái méi 还没 not yet Hái méi dìnghǎo ne. 还没订好。 I haven't ordered it yet. 5 7 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5. Shuōhǎo le ma? 说好了吗? Have you finished saying it? méi no Méi shuōhǎo ne. 没说好呢。 I haven't said it yet. 5 7 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6. Zuòhǎo le ma? 做好了吗? Have you finished doing it? kuài soon Kuài zuòhǎo le. 快做好了。 I'll finish it soon. 5 7 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7. Xiǎnghǎo le ma? 想好了吗? Have you finished thinking about it? hái méi 还没 not yet Hái méi Xiǎnghǎo ne 还没想好呢。 I haven't thought about it yet. 5 7 FSI-Chinese