FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook.xml 959 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE article>
  3. <article
  4. xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0"
  5. xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" >
  6. <info>
  7. <title>FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 06 MTG - Student
  8. Workbook</title>
  9. <authorgroup>
  10. <author>
  11. <firstname>Foreign Service</firstname>
  12. <surname>Institute</surname>
  13. </author>
  14. </authorgroup>
  15. </info>
  16. <para>
  17. CM 0186 S
  18. </para>
  19. <para>
  20. <anchor id="caption1" />
  21. </para>
  22. <section xml:id="standard-chinese">
  23. <title><anchor id="bookmark0" /><anchor id="bookmark1" />STANDARD
  24. CHINESE</title>
  25. <para>
  27. </para>
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  30. </para>
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  33. </para>
  34. <para>
  36. </para>
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  40. <para>
  42. </para>
  43. <para>
  46. </para>
  47. <para>
  49. </para>
  50. <para>
  52. </para>
  53. <para>
  55. </para>
  56. <para>
  67. </para>
  68. <para>
  69. IN THIS PUBLICATION, THE WORDS &quot;HE,&quot; &quot;HIM,&quot;
  72. TEXTS.
  73. </para>
  74. <section xml:id="standard-chinese-1">
  75. <title><anchor id="bookmark2" /><anchor id="bookmark3" />STANDARD
  76. CHINESE</title>
  77. <section xml:id="a-modular-approach">
  78. <title><anchor id="bookmark4" /><anchor id="bookmark5" />A
  79. MODULAR APPROACH</title>
  80. <para>
  82. </para>
  83. <para>
  85. </para>
  86. <para>
  87. AUGUST 1979
  88. </para>
  89. <section xml:id="preface">
  90. <title><anchor id="bookmark6" /><anchor id="bookmark7" />PREFACE</title>
  91. <para>
  92. Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach originated in an
  93. interagency conference held at the Foreign Service Institute
  94. in August 1973 to address the need generally felt in the
  95. U.S. Government language training community for improving
  96. and updating Chinese materials to reflect current usage in
  97. Beijing and Taipei.
  98. </para>
  99. <para>
  100. The conference resolved to develop materials which were
  101. flexible enough in form and content to meet the requirements
  102. of a wide range of government agencies and academic
  103. institutions.
  104. </para>
  105. <para>
  106. A Project Board was established consisting of
  107. representatives of the Central Intelligence Agency Language
  108. Learning Center, the Defense Language Institute, the State
  109. Department’s Foreign Service Institute, the Cryptologic
  110. School of the National Security Agency, and the U.S. Office
  111. of Education, later Joined by the Canadian Forces Foreign
  112. Language School. The representatives have included Arthur T.
  113. McNeill, John Hopkins, and John Boag (CIA); Colonel John F.
  114. Elder III, Joseph C. Hutchinson, Ivy Gibian, and Major
  115. Bernard Muller-Thym (DLl); James R. Frith and John B.
  116. Ratliff III (FSI); Kazuo Shitama (NSA); Richard T. Thompson
  117. and Julia Petrov (OE); and Lieutenant Colonel George Kozoriz
  118. (CFFLS).
  119. </para>
  120. <para>
  121. The Project Board set up the Chinese Core Curriculum Project
  122. in 197^ in space provided at the Foreign Service Institute.
  123. Each of the six U.S. and Canadian government agencies
  124. provided funds and other assistance.
  125. </para>
  126. <para>
  127. Gerard P. Kok was appointed project coordinator, and a
  128. planning council was formed consisting of Mr. Kok, Frances
  129. Li of the Defense Language Institute, Patricia O’Connor of
  130. the University of Texas, Earl M. Rickerson of the Language
  131. Learning Center, and James Wrenn of Brown University. In the
  132. fall of 1977, Lucille A. Barale was appointed deputy project
  133. coordinator. David W. Dellinger of the Language Learning
  134. Center and Charles R. Sheehan of the Foreign Service
  135. Institute also served on the planning council and
  136. contributed material to the project. The planning council
  137. drew up the original overall design for the materials and
  138. met regularly to review their development.
  139. </para>
  140. <para>
  141. Writers for the first half of the materials were John H. T.
  142. Harvey, Lucille A. Barale, and Roberta S. Barry, who worked
  143. in close cooperation with the planning council and with the
  144. Chinese staff of the Foreign Service Institute. Mr. Harvey
  145. developed the instructional formats of the comprehension and
  146. production self-study materials, and also designed the
  147. communication-based classroom activities and wrote the
  148. teacher’s guides. Lucille A. Barale and Roberta S. Barry
  149. wrote the tape scripts and the student text. By 1978 Thomas
  150. E. Madden and Susan C. Pola had Joined the staff. Led by Ms.
  151. Barale, they worked as a team to produce the materials
  152. subsequent to Module 6.
  153. </para>
  154. <para>
  155. All Chinese language material was prepared or selected by
  156. Chuan 0. Chao, Ying-chih Chen, Hsiao-Jung Chi, Eva Diao, Jan
  157. Hu, Tsung-mi Li, and Yunhui C. Yang, assisted for part of
  158. the time by Chieh-fang Ou Lee, Ying-ming Chen, and Joseph Yu
  159. Hsu Wang. Anna Affholder, Mei-li Chen, and Henry Khuo helped
  160. in the preparation of a preliminary corpus of dialogues.
  161. </para>
  162. <para>
  163. Administrative assistance was provided at various times by
  164. Vincent Basciano, Lisa A. Bowden, Jill W. Ellis, Donna Fong,
  165. Renee T. C. Liang, Thomas E. Madden, Susan C. Pola, and
  166. Kathleen Strype.
  167. </para>
  168. <para>
  169. The production of tape recordings was directed by Jose M.
  170. Ramirez of the Foreign Service Institute Recording Studio.
  171. The Chinese script was voiced by Ms. Chao, Ms. Chen, Mr.
  172. Chen, Ms. Diao, Ms. Hu, Mr. Khuo, Mr. Li, and Ms. Yang. The
  173. English script was read by Ms. Barale, Ms. Barry, Mr.
  174. Basciano, Ms. Ellis, Ms. Pola, and Ms. Strype.
  175. </para>
  176. <para>
  177. The graphics were produced by John McClelland of the Foreign
  178. Service Institute Audio-Visual staff, under the general
  179. supervision of Joseph A. Sadote, Chief of Audio-Visual.
  180. </para>
  181. <para>
  182. Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach was field-tested with
  183. the cooperation of Brown University; the Defense Language
  184. Institute, Foreign Language Center; the Foreign Service
  185. Institute; the Language Learning Center; the United States
  186. Air Force Academy; the University of Illinois; and the
  187. University of Virginia.
  188. </para>
  189. <para>
  190. Colonel Samuel L. Stapleton and Colonel Thomas G. Foster,
  191. Commandants of the Defense Language Institute, Foreign
  192. Language Center, authorized the DLIFLC support necessary for
  193. preparation of this edition of the course materials. This
  194. support included coordination, graphic arts, editing,
  195. typing, proofreading, printing, and materials necessary to
  196. carry out these tasks.
  197. </para>
  198. <para>
  199. / .'James R. Frith, Chairman
  200. </para>
  201. <para>
  202. [/ Chinese Core Curriculum Project Board
  203. </para>
  204. </section>
  205. <section xml:id="contents">
  206. <title><anchor id="bookmark8" /><anchor id="bookmark9" />CONTENTS</title>
  207. <para>
  208. <link linkend="bookmark6">Preface</link>
  209. </para>
  210. <para>
  212. </para>
  213. <para>
  214. <link linkend="bookmark10">UNIT 1 C-2 Workbook</link>
  215. </para>
  216. <para>
  217. <link linkend="bookmark11">P-2 Workbook</link>
  218. </para>
  219. <para>
  220. <link linkend="bookmark12">Communication Game </link>
  221. </para>
  222. <para>
  223. <link linkend="bookmark13">UNIT 2 C-2 Workbook</link>
  224. </para>
  225. <para>
  226. <link linkend="bookmark14">P-2 Workbook</link>
  227. </para>
  228. <para>
  229. <link linkend="bookmark15">Communication Game</link>
  230. </para>
  231. <para>
  232. <link linkend="bookmark16">UNIT 3 C-2 Workbook</link>
  233. </para>
  234. <para>
  235. <link linkend="bookmark17">P-2 Workbook</link>
  236. </para>
  237. <para>
  238. <link linkend="bookmark18">Communication Game</link>
  239. </para>
  240. <para>
  241. <link linkend="bookmark19">UNIT U C-2 Workbook</link>
  242. </para>
  243. <para>
  244. <link linkend="bookmark20">P-2 Workbook</link>
  245. </para>
  246. <para>
  247. <link linkend="bookmark21">Communication Game</link>
  248. </para>
  249. <para>
  250. <link linkend="bookmark22">UNIT 5 C-2 Workbook</link>
  251. </para>
  252. <para>
  253. <link linkend="bookmark23">P-2 Workbook</link>
  254. </para>
  255. <para>
  256. <link linkend="bookmark24">Communication Game</link>
  257. </para>
  258. <para>
  259. <link linkend="bookmark25">UNIT 6 C-l Review Dialogue</link>
  260. </para>
  261. <para>
  262. <link linkend="bookmark26">C-2 Workbook</link>
  263. </para>
  264. <para>
  265. <link linkend="bookmark27">P-2 Workbook</link>
  266. </para>
  267. <para>
  268. <link linkend="bookmark28">Communication Game</link>
  269. </para>
  270. <para>
  271. <link linkend="bookmark29">UNIT 7 C-2 Workbook</link>
  272. </para>
  273. <para>
  274. <link linkend="bookmark30">P-2 Workbook</link>
  275. </para>
  276. <para>
  277. <link linkend="bookmark31">Communication Game</link>
  278. </para>
  279. <para>
  280. <link linkend="bookmark32">UNIT 8 C-l Review Dialogue</link>
  281. </para>
  282. <para>
  283. <link linkend="bookmark33">C-2 Workbook</link>
  284. </para>
  285. <para>
  286. <link linkend="bookmark34">P-2 Workbook</link>
  287. </para>
  288. <para>
  289. <link linkend="bookmark35">Communication Game</link>
  290. </para>
  291. <para>
  293. </para>
  294. <para>
  295. <link linkend="bookmark36">UNIT 1 C-l Review Dialogue</link>
  296. </para>
  297. <para>
  298. <link linkend="bookmark37">C-2 Workbook</link>
  299. </para>
  300. <para>
  301. <link linkend="bookmark38">P-2 Workbook</link>
  302. </para>
  303. <para>
  304. <link linkend="bookmark39">Communication Game</link>
  305. </para>
  306. <para>
  307. UNIT 2
  308. </para>
  309. <para>
  310. <link linkend="bookmark40">C-l Review Dialogue</link>
  311. </para>
  312. <para>
  313. <link linkend="bookmark41">C-2 Workbook</link>
  314. </para>
  315. <para>
  316. <link linkend="bookmark42">P-2 Workbook</link>
  317. </para>
  318. <para>
  319. <link linkend="bookmark43">Communication Game</link>
  320. </para>
  321. <para>
  322. UNIT 3
  323. </para>
  324. <para>
  325. <link linkend="bookmark44">C-l Review Dialogue</link>
  326. </para>
  327. <para>
  328. <link linkend="bookmark45">C-2 Workbook</link>
  329. </para>
  330. <para>
  331. <link linkend="bookmark46">P-2 Workbook</link>
  332. </para>
  333. <para>
  334. <link linkend="bookmark47">Communication Game</link>
  335. </para>
  336. <para>
  337. UNIT U
  338. </para>
  339. <para>
  340. <link linkend="bookmark48">C-l Review Dialogue</link>
  341. </para>
  342. <para>
  343. <link linkend="bookmark49">C-2 Workbook</link>
  344. </para>
  345. <para>
  346. <link linkend="bookmark50">P-2 Workbook</link>
  347. </para>
  348. <para>
  349. <link linkend="bookmark51">Communication Game</link>
  350. </para>
  351. <para>
  352. UNIT 5
  353. </para>
  354. <para>
  355. <link linkend="bookmark52">C-l Review Dialogue</link>
  356. </para>
  357. <para>
  358. <link linkend="bookmark53">C-2 Workbook</link>
  359. </para>
  360. <para>
  361. <link linkend="bookmark54">P-2 Workbook</link>
  362. </para>
  363. <para>
  364. <link linkend="bookmark55">Communication Game</link>
  365. </para>
  366. <para>
  367. UNIT 6
  368. </para>
  369. <para>
  370. <link linkend="bookmark56">C-l Review Dialogue</link>
  371. </para>
  372. <para>
  373. <link linkend="bookmark57">C-2 Workbook</link>
  374. </para>
  375. <para>
  376. <link linkend="bookmark58">P-2 Workbook</link>
  377. </para>
  378. <para>
  379. <link linkend="bookmark59">Communication Game</link>
  380. </para>
  381. <para>
  382. UNIT 7
  383. </para>
  384. <para>
  385. <link linkend="bookmark60">C-l Review Dialogue</link>
  386. </para>
  387. <para>
  388. <link linkend="bookmark61">C-2 Workbook</link>
  389. </para>
  390. <para>
  391. <link linkend="bookmark62">P-2 Workbook</link>
  392. </para>
  393. <para>
  394. <link linkend="bookmark63">Communication Game</link>
  395. </para>
  396. <para>
  397. UNIT 8
  398. </para>
  399. <para>
  400. <link linkend="bookmark64">C-2 Workbook</link>
  401. </para>
  402. <para>
  403. <link linkend="bookmark65">P-2 Workbook</link>
  404. </para>
  405. <para>
  406. <link linkend="bookmark66">Communication Game</link>
  407. </para>
  408. <para>
  409. <link linkend="bookmark67">Vocabulary</link>
  410. </para>
  411. </section>
  412. <section xml:id="module-6-arranging-a-meeting">
  413. <title><anchor id="bookmark68" /><anchor id="bookmark69" />MODULE
  414. 6: ARRANGING A MEETING</title>
  415. <section xml:id="unit-1-c-1-review-dialogue">
  416. <title><anchor id="bookmark25" /><anchor id="bookmark70" />UNIT
  417. 1 C-1 REVIEW DIALOGUE</title>
  418. <para>
  419. *A: Wei.
  420. </para>
  421. <para>
  422. B: Wài. Qīngwèn, Zhāng Kēzhǎng zài bu zai?
  423. </para>
  424. <itemizedlist>
  425. <listitem>
  426. <para>
  427. A: Bú zài. Tā chūqu le. Nín shi něiwèi?
  428. </para>
  429. </listitem>
  430. <listitem>
  431. <para>
  432. B: Wǒ shi Lī Dàwèi.
  433. </para>
  434. </listitem>
  435. </itemizedlist>
  436. <itemizedlist>
  437. <listitem>
  438. <para>
  439. A: Ou, Lī Xiānsheng, hǎo Jiǔ bú Jiàn. Nín zhǎo Zhāng
  440. Kēzhǎng you shénme shi ma?
  441. </para>
  442. </listitem>
  443. <listitem>
  444. <para>
  445. B: Wǒ you diǎnr shi xiǎng gēn ta dāngmiàn tǎntan. Bù
  446. zhīdào tā shíyīdiǎn zhōng huídelai huíbulāi.
  447. </para>
  448. </listitem>
  449. </itemizedlist>
  450. <itemizedlist>
  451. <listitem>
  452. <para>
  453. A: Tā shi shídiǎn ban chūqude. Yěxǔ shíyīdiǎn
  454. huíbulāi.
  455. </para>
  456. </listitem>
  457. <listitem>
  458. <para>
  459. B: Nín zhīdao ta shénme shíhou you gōngfu?
  460. </para>
  461. </listitem>
  462. </itemizedlist>
  463. <itemizedlist>
  464. <listitem>
  465. <para>
  466. A: Zhāng Kēzhǎng shàngwú bǐ xiàwǔ máng. Tā měitiān
  467. sìdiǎn zhōng yīhòu jiù bú name máng le. Bù zhīdào
  468. zhèige shíjiān duì nín héshì bu heshi?
  469. </para>
  470. </listitem>
  471. <listitem>
  472. <para>
  473. B: Héshì, héshì.
  474. </para>
  475. </listitem>
  476. </itemizedlist>
  477. <itemizedlist>
  478. <listitem>
  479. <para>
  480. A: Deng yìhuīr Zhāng Kēzhǎng huílai, wǒ gàosong ta.
  481. Nīmen zài shénme dìfang Jiàn ne?
  482. </para>
  483. </listitem>
  484. <listitem>
  485. <para>
  486. B: Wǒ xiǎng wǒ sìdiǎn zhōng kéyi zài nín nèibianrde
  487. lóuxià huìkèshì děng ta. Xièxie nín.
  488. </para>
  489. </listitem>
  490. </itemizedlist>
  491. <itemizedlist>
  492. <listitem>
  493. <para>
  494. A: Bú kèqi. Zàijiàn.
  495. </para>
  496. </listitem>
  497. <listitem>
  498. <para>
  499. B: Zàijiàn.
  500. </para>
  501. </listitem>
  502. </itemizedlist>
  503. <para>
  504. Hello.
  505. </para>
  506. <para>
  507. Hello. May I ask, is Section Chief Zhāng in?
  508. </para>
  509. <para>
  510. She’s not in. She has gone out. Who is this, please?
  511. </para>
  512. <para>
  513. I’m David Lee.
  514. </para>
  515. <para>
  516. Oh, Mr. Lee. I haven’t seen you in a long time. Did you
  517. want to see Section Chief Zhāng about something in
  518. particular?
  519. </para>
  520. <para>
  521. I have something I want to talk with her about in person.
  522. I don’t know whether she will be (able to get) back by
  523. eleven o’clock or not.
  524. </para>
  525. <para>
  526. She went out at ten-thirty. She might not be (able to get)
  527. back by eleven.
  528. </para>
  529. <para>
  530. Do you know when she will be free?
  531. </para>
  532. <para>
  533. Section Chief Zhāng is busier in the morning than in the
  534. afternoon. Everyday after four o’clock she’s not so busy.
  535. I don’t know whether that time would suit you or not.
  536. </para>
  537. <para>
  538. It’s fine.
  539. </para>
  540. <para>
  541. In a little while, when Section Chief Zhāng comes back,
  542. I’ll tell her. Where will you meet?
  543. </para>
  544. <para>
  545. I think I can wait for her in the downstairs reception
  546. room at your place at four o’clock. Thank you.
  547. </para>
  548. <para>
  549. Don’t mention it. Good-bye.
  550. </para>
  551. <para>
  552. Good-bye.
  553. </para>
  554. <para>
  555. *Only the untranslated version of this conversation is on
  556. the C-1 tape. This conversation also appears as Exercise 1
  557. of the C-2 tape.
  558. </para>
  559. </section>
  560. <section xml:id="unit-1-c-2-workbook">
  561. <title><anchor id="bookmark10" /><anchor id="bookmark71" />UNIT
  562. 1 C-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  563. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1">
  564. <title><anchor id="bookmark72" /><anchor id="bookmark73" />EXERCISE
  565. 1</title>
  566. <para>
  567. This conversation takes place between David. Lee, a
  568. Foreign Service Officer in Beijing, and an official of
  569. the Chinese government.
  570. </para>
  571. <para>
  572. You will hear the conversation twice. As you listen to
  573. it for the second time, translate orally during the
  574. pauses provided on tape. Compare your translations with
  575. the suggested translations given by the speaker.
  576. </para>
  577. </simplesect>
  578. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2">
  579. <title><anchor id="bookmark74" /><anchor id="bookmark75" />EXERCISE
  580. 2</title>
  581. <para>
  582. In this conversation you will again hear expressions
  583. used to arrange a meeting by telephone. Comrade Tang, an
  584. engineer presently employed as an office worker, is
  585. calling the section chief’s office to make a request.
  586. </para>
  587. <para>
  588. You will hear the conversation three times. As you
  589. listen to it for the third time, answer the questions
  590. below.
  591. </para>
  592. <para>
  593. Here are the words and expressions you will need in this
  594. exercise: huì kè                           (to receive
  595. guests)
  596. </para>
  597. <para>
  598. gōngchǎng                         (factory)
  599. </para>
  600. <para>
  601. xuéxí                            (to learn (PRCl)
  602. </para>
  603. <para>
  604. you yòng                         (to be useful)
  605. </para>
  606. <para>
  607. huídelái                         (to be able to get
  608. back)
  609. </para>
  610. <para>
  612. </para>
  613. <itemizedlist>
  614. <listitem>
  615. <para>
  616. 1. Is the person free to talk with Mr. Tang? ( ) Yes
  617. ( ) No
  618. </para>
  619. </listitem>
  620. <listitem>
  621. <para>
  622. 2. Where is Section Chief Hú?
  623. _________________________________________
  624. </para>
  625. </listitem>
  626. <listitem>
  627. <para>
  628. 3. How long has he been there?
  629. _________________________________________
  630. </para>
  631. </listitem>
  632. </itemizedlist>
  633. <para>
  634. U. Will Section Chief Hú be back by eleven o’clock?
  635. </para>
  636. <para>
  637. 5. When will Tang try to get in touch with Section Chief
  638. Hú again?
  639. </para>
  640. </simplesect>
  641. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3">
  642. <title><anchor id="bookmark76" /><anchor id="bookmark77" />EXERCISE
  643. 3</title>
  644. <para>
  645. This exercise consists of two short telephone
  646. conversations &quot;between an American businessman, Mr.
  647. John Henderson, and two Chinese cadres of the Foreign
  648. Trade Ministry in Beijing.
  649. </para>
  650. <para>
  651. You will hear the conversations three times. Answer the
  652. questions below as you listen for the third time.
  653. </para>
  654. <para>
  655. Here are three expressions you will need for this
  656. exercise:
  657. </para>
  658. <para>
  659. Wàimàobù                        Cabbreviation for
  660. Foreign Trade
  661. </para>
  662. <para>
  663. Ministry, PRC3
  664. </para>
  665. <para>
  666. chūkǒu gōngsī                    (export company)
  667. </para>
  668. <para>
  669. Nǐ zhǎo shéi shuō huà?          (Whom do you want to
  670. speak with?
  671. </para>
  672. <para>
  673. Cliterally, &quot;Whom are you looking for to speak
  674. with?3)
  675. </para>
  676. <para>
  678. </para>
  679. <itemizedlist>
  680. <listitem>
  681. <para>
  682. 1. Whom does Mr. Henderson want to speak with?
  683. </para>
  684. </listitem>
  685. <listitem>
  686. <para>
  687. 2. On what day does Mr. Henderson want to set up the
  688. meeting?
  689. </para>
  690. </listitem>
  691. <listitem>
  692. <para>
  693. 3. What time of day is best for the cadre?
  694. </para>
  695. </listitem>
  696. </itemizedlist>
  697. <para>
  698. U. Will the cadre be back by the hour which Mr.
  699. Henderson suggests?
  700. </para>
  701. <para>
  702. ( ) Yes ( ) No
  703. </para>
  704. </simplesect>
  705. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-4">
  706. <title><anchor id="bookmark78" /><anchor id="bookmark79" />EXERCISE
  707. 4</title>
  708. <para>
  709. This is a telephone conversation about arranging the
  710. time and place of a meeting. Mary Gardner works for an
  711. American import-export company in Taiwan. She is calling
  712. a Chinese official who deals with trade matters.
  713. </para>
  714. <para>
  715. You will hear the conversation three times. Answer the
  716. questions below as you listen for the third time.
  717. </para>
  718. <para>
  719. Here are two words you will need for this exercise:
  720. </para>
  721. <para>
  722. xiē                              (several, some)
  723. </para>
  724. <para>
  725. bàngōngshì                       (office)
  726. </para>
  727. <para>
  729. </para>
  730. <itemizedlist>
  731. <listitem>
  732. <para>
  733. 1. What is the full name of the man whom Miss Gāo is
  734. calling?
  735. </para>
  736. </listitem>
  737. <listitem>
  738. <para>
  739. 2. What is Miss Gāo doing next month?
  740. </para>
  741. </listitem>
  742. <listitem>
  743. <para>
  744. 3. When is Miss Gāo free to see the section chief?
  745. </para>
  746. </listitem>
  747. </itemizedlist>
  748. <para>
  749. U. What time is best for the section chief?
  750. </para>
  751. <para>
  752. 5. Who does Miss Gāo say is busier?
  753. </para>
  754. <para>
  755. 6. At what time does Miss Gāo say she will come?
  756. </para>
  757. </simplesect>
  758. </section>
  759. <section xml:id="unit-1-p-2-workbook">
  760. <title><anchor id="bookmark13" /><anchor id="bookmark80" />UNIT
  761. 1 P-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  762. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-1">
  763. <title><anchor id="bookmark81" /><anchor id="bookmark82" />EXERCISE
  764. 1</title>
  765. <para>
  766. In this exercise you will take part in ten telephone
  767. conversations. You will try to arrange suitable times to
  768. meet with the people you talk with. Each meeting will
  769. last less than one hour.
  770. </para>
  771. <para>
  772. Information from your appointment schedule is given in
  773. Display I. The shaded areas indicate times already taken
  774. in your schedule. The blank areas show times which you
  775. still have free. Use this information to negotiate
  776. meeting times. (Numbers to the left of the schedules
  777. refer to the conversations in which particular schedules
  778. are to be used.)
  779. </para>
  780. <para>
  781. Example
  782. </para>
  783. <para>
  784. TAPE: WS ySu diSnr shì xiSng gēn nín dāngmiān tantan. Bù
  785. zhīdào nín y3u gōngfu měiyou.
  786. </para>
  787. <para>
  788. YOU: You gōngfǔ.
  789. </para>
  790. <para>
  791. TAPE: Shénme shíhou duì nín heshì?
  792. </para>
  793. <para>
  794. YOU: Míngtiān, hòutiān dōu kéyi.
  795. </para>
  796. <para>
  797. TAPE: Míngtiān shàngwǔ shídiān zhōng fāngbian ma?
  798. </para>
  799. <para>
  800. YOU: JiǔdiSn bi shídiSn fāngbian yìdiSnr.
  801. </para>
  802. <para>
  803. TAPE: HSo. JiǔdiSn jiàn.
  804. </para>
  805. <para>
  806. DISPLAY I
  807. </para>
  808. <para>
  809. 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 l+:00
  810. </para>
  811. <informaltable>
  812. <tgroup cols="9">
  813. <colspec align="left" />
  814. <colspec align="left" />
  815. <colspec align="left" />
  816. <colspec align="left" />
  817. <colspec align="left" />
  818. <colspec align="left" />
  819. <colspec align="left" />
  820. <colspec align="left" />
  821. <colspec align="left" />
  822. <tbody>
  823. <row>
  824. <entry>
  825. <para>
  826. Tomorrow
  827. </para>
  828. </entry>
  829. <entry>
  830. </entry>
  831. <entry>
  832. </entry>
  833. <entry>
  834. </entry>
  835. <entry>
  836. </entry>
  837. <entry>
  838. </entry>
  839. <entry>
  840. </entry>
  841. <entry>
  842. </entry>
  843. <entry>
  844. </entry>
  845. </row>
  846. <row>
  847. <entry>
  848. <para>
  849. Day After Tomorrow
  850. </para>
  851. </entry>
  852. <entry>
  853. </entry>
  854. <entry>
  855. </entry>
  856. <entry>
  857. </entry>
  858. <entry>
  859. </entry>
  860. <entry>
  861. </entry>
  862. <entry>
  863. </entry>
  864. <entry>
  865. </entry>
  866. <entry>
  867. </entry>
  868. </row>
  869. </tbody>
  870. </tgroup>
  871. </informaltable>
  872. <para>
  873. 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 U:00
  874. </para>
  875. <para>
  876. 3. &amp; U.
  877. </para>
  878. <para>
  879. <inlinemediaobject>
  880. <imageobject>
  881. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-1.png" />
  882. </imageobject>
  883. </inlinemediaobject>
  884. </para>
  885. <para>
  886. 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 h:00
  887. </para>
  888. <informaltable>
  889. <tgroup cols="8">
  890. <colspec align="left" />
  891. <colspec align="left" />
  892. <colspec align="left" />
  893. <colspec align="left" />
  894. <colspec align="left" />
  895. <colspec align="left" />
  896. <colspec align="left" />
  897. <colspec align="left" />
  898. <tbody>
  899. <row>
  900. <entry>
  901. <para>
  902. Today
  903. </para>
  904. </entry>
  905. <entry>
  906. </entry>
  907. <entry>
  908. </entry>
  909. <entry>
  910. </entry>
  911. <entry>
  912. <para>
  913. ijisp
  914. </para>
  915. </entry>
  916. <entry>
  917. </entry>
  918. <entry>
  919. </entry>
  920. <entry>
  921. </entry>
  922. </row>
  923. <row>
  924. <entry>
  925. <para>
  926. Tomorrow
  927. </para>
  928. </entry>
  929. <entry>
  930. </entry>
  931. <entry>
  932. </entry>
  933. <entry>
  934. </entry>
  935. <entry>
  936. </entry>
  937. <entry>
  938. </entry>
  939. <entry>
  940. </entry>
  941. <entry>
  942. </entry>
  943. </row>
  944. </tbody>
  945. </tgroup>
  946. </informaltable>
  947. <para>
  948. 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 U:00
  949. </para>
  950. <para>
  951. 7. &amp; 8 .
  952. </para>
  953. <informaltable>
  954. <tgroup cols="9">
  955. <colspec align="left" />
  956. <colspec align="left" />
  957. <colspec align="left" />
  958. <colspec align="left" />
  959. <colspec align="left" />
  960. <colspec align="left" />
  961. <colspec align="left" />
  962. <colspec align="left" />
  963. <colspec align="left" />
  964. <tbody>
  965. <row>
  966. <entry>
  967. <para>
  968. Next Monday
  969. </para>
  970. </entry>
  971. <entry>
  972. </entry>
  973. <entry>
  974. </entry>
  975. <entry>
  976. </entry>
  977. <entry>
  978. </entry>
  979. <entry>
  980. </entry>
  981. <entry>
  982. </entry>
  983. <entry>
  984. </entry>
  985. <entry>
  986. </entry>
  987. </row>
  988. <row>
  989. <entry>
  990. <para>
  991. Next Tuesday
  992. </para>
  993. </entry>
  994. <entry>
  995. </entry>
  996. <entry>
  997. </entry>
  998. <entry>
  999. </entry>
  1000. <entry>
  1001. </entry>
  1002. <entry>
  1003. </entry>
  1004. <entry>
  1005. </entry>
  1006. <entry>
  1007. </entry>
  1008. <entry>
  1009. </entry>
  1010. </row>
  1011. </tbody>
  1012. </tgroup>
  1013. </informaltable>
  1014. </simplesect>
  1015. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-1">
  1016. <title><anchor id="bookmark83" /><anchor id="bookmark84" />EXERCISE
  1017. 2</title>
  1018. <para>
  1019. This exercise gives you practice in making comparisons.
  1020. </para>
  1021. <para>
  1022. Display II shows information about some of the large
  1023. cities in China: area, population, and distance from
  1024. BěiJIng. Use this information to answer the questions on
  1025. tape.
  1026. </para>
  1027. <para>
  1028. Negative sentences in which two things are compared have
  1029. not yet been introduced in this course. However, to
  1030. correct information given by the speaker on tape, you
  1031. can change the order in which the things being compared
  1032. are mentioned. Mention first the thing which is of
  1033. greater degree.
  1034. </para>
  1035. <para>
  1036. Example
  1037. </para>
  1038. <para>
  1039. TAPE: Beijing bl Tiānjīn dà ma?
  1040. </para>
  1041. <para>
  1042. YOU: Shi, BěiJIng bl Tianjin dà.
  1043. </para>
  1044. <para>
  1045. TAPE: BěiJIngde rénkōu bl Tiānjīnde rénkōu duō ma?
  1046. </para>
  1047. <para>
  1048. YOU: Shi, BěiJIngde rénkou bl Tiānjīnde rénkou duō.
  1049. </para>
  1050. <para>
  1051. TAPE: BěiJIngde rénkou bl Shànghāide rénkou duō ma?
  1052. </para>
  1053. <para>
  1054. YOU: Bù, Shànghāide rénkōu bī BěiJIngde rénkou duō.
  1055. </para>
  1056. <para>
  1057. For this exercise you will need the word rénkōu,
  1058. ’’population.”
  1059. </para>
  1060. <para>
  1061. DISPLAY II
  1062. </para>
  1063. <para>
  1064. AREA           POPULATION        DISTANCE
  1065. </para>
  1066. <para>
  1067. (sq km)          (rénkōu) FROM BĒIJĪNG
  1068. </para>
  1069. <para>
  1070. BěiJIng
  1071. </para>
  1072. <para>
  1073. Tianjin
  1074. </para>
  1075. <para>
  1076. Shanghai
  1077. </para>
  1078. <para>
  1079. NanJIng
  1080. </para>
  1081. <para>
  1082. Wǔhàn<anchor id="footnote1" /><superscript><link linkend="bookmark85">1</link></superscript>
  1083. </para>
  1084. <para>
  1085. Guangzhou
  1086. </para>
  1087. <literallayout>
  1088. </literallayout>
  1089. <informaltable>
  1090. <tgroup cols="3">
  1091. <colspec align="left" />
  1092. <colspec align="left" />
  1093. <colspec align="left" />
  1094. <tbody>
  1095. <row>
  1096. <entry>
  1097. <para>
  1098. 17,800
  1099. </para>
  1100. </entry>
  1101. <entry>
  1102. <para>
  1103. 7,500,000
  1104. </para>
  1105. </entry>
  1106. <entry>
  1107. </entry>
  1108. </row>
  1109. <row>
  1110. <entry>
  1111. <para>
  1112. 11,000
  1113. </para>
  1114. </entry>
  1115. <entry>
  1116. <para>
  1117. 6,280,000
  1118. </para>
  1119. </entry>
  1120. <entry>
  1121. <para>
  1122. 96 km
  1123. </para>
  1124. </entry>
  1125. </row>
  1126. <row>
  1127. <entry>
  1128. <para>
  1129. 5,800
  1130. </para>
  1131. </entry>
  1132. <entry>
  1133. <para>
  1134. 10,820,000
  1135. </para>
  1136. </entry>
  1137. <entry>
  1138. <para>
  1139. l,U70 km
  1140. </para>
  1141. </entry>
  1142. </row>
  1143. <row>
  1144. <entry>
  1145. </entry>
  1146. <entry>
  1147. <para>
  1148. 1,1+00,000
  1149. </para>
  1150. </entry>
  1151. <entry>
  1152. <para>
  1153. 1,220 km
  1154. </para>
  1155. </entry>
  1156. </row>
  1157. <row>
  1158. <entry>
  1159. </entry>
  1160. <entry>
  1161. <para>
  1162. 2,000,000
  1163. </para>
  1164. </entry>
  1165. <entry>
  1166. <para>
  1167. 1,180 km
  1168. </para>
  1169. </entry>
  1170. </row>
  1171. <row>
  1172. <entry>
  1173. </entry>
  1174. <entry>
  1175. <para>
  1176. 2,150,000
  1177. </para>
  1178. </entry>
  1179. <entry>
  1180. <para>
  1181. 2,160 km
  1182. </para>
  1183. </entry>
  1184. </row>
  1185. </tbody>
  1186. </tgroup>
  1187. </informaltable>
  1188. <literallayout>
  1189. </literallayout>
  1190. </simplesect>
  1191. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-1">
  1192. <title><anchor id="bookmark86" /><anchor id="bookmark87" />EXERCISE
  1193. 3</title>
  1194. <para>
  1195. In this exercise you will act as an interpreter.
  1196. </para>
  1197. <para>
  1198. You will hear a telephone conversation between a
  1199. representative of the American government who is
  1200. assigned to Beijing and a Chinese acquaintance. Then you
  1201. will hear the conversation as if the American cannot
  1202. speak Chinese and the acquaintance cannot speak English.
  1203. Each speaker's lines will be followed by a pause, during
  1204. which you will translate.
  1205. </para>
  1206. <para>
  1207. Example
  1208. </para>
  1209. <para>
  1210. CHINESE:   Wei.
  1211. </para>
  1212. <para>
  1213. YOU:       Hello.
  1214. </para>
  1215. <para>
  1216. AMERICAN:  Is this Section Chief Fang?
  1217. </para>
  1218. <para>
  1219. YOU:       Wei, shi Fang Kēzhǎng ma?
  1220. </para>
  1221. <para>
  1222. CHINESE:   Shì a, ni shi něiwèi?
  1223. </para>
  1224. <para>
  1225. YOU:       Yes. Who is this?
  1226. </para>
  1227. <para>
  1228. For this exercise you will need the word huídelái,
  1229. &quot;to be able to get back in time.&quot;
  1230. </para>
  1231. <para>
  1232. You will probably come up with some translations which
  1233. differ from the suggested translations on tape. The
  1234. suggested translations are generally close to
  1235. translations in the Reference List, but your versions
  1236. may also be correct.
  1237. </para>
  1238. </simplesect>
  1239. </section>
  1240. <section xml:id="unit-1-communication-game">
  1241. <title><anchor id="bookmark12" /><anchor id="bookmark88" />UNIT
  1242. 1 COMMUNICATION GAME</title>
  1243. <para>
  1245. </para>
  1246. <para>
  1247. Type: When and Where?
  1248. </para>
  1249. <para>
  1250. Situation: You are telephoning a business acquaintance to
  1251. make an appointment for the following day. Both of you
  1252. already have several appointments for that day in
  1253. different parts of the downtown area of a city in Taiwan.
  1254. </para>
  1255. <para>
  1256. Goal: To agree on a time and place for your meeting that
  1257. will allow you as much time together as possible.
  1258. </para>
  1259. <para>
  1260. Number of Players: Groups of four students.
  1261. </para>
  1262. <para>
  1263. Materials: A work sheet for each player. (See Sample Work
  1264. Sheets, on the following pages.) Your name and the names
  1265. of the three other people in your group are given at the
  1266. top of your work sheet.
  1267. </para>
  1268. <para>
  1269. On each work sheet is a partially labeled map of the
  1270. downtown area. Each player knows certain places not known
  1271. to his acquaintances. Each player’s work sheet also
  1272. includes that person’s schedule for the following day.
  1273. </para>
  1274. <para>
  1275. Procedure: Before starting, the four players in a group
  1276. should introduce themselves to each other, so that players
  1277. can ask for others by their names.
  1278. </para>
  1279. <para>
  1280. Talk to each player in your group. Either player in a pair
  1281. may take the initiative and play the caller.
  1282. </para>
  1283. <para>
  1284. When it is more convenient, a meeting may be arranged at a
  1285. coffeehouse, restaurant, or hotel rather than at your
  1286. office or the other person’s office. If the meeting place
  1287. is not known to the other person, you may either describe
  1288. its location or arrange to meet first at a place that is
  1289. known to him.
  1290. </para>
  1291. <para>
  1292. Example: You are Speaker 1.
  1293. </para>
  1294. <itemizedlist>
  1295. <listitem>
  1296. <para>
  1297. SI: Wài! Shi Mǎ Yìmíng, Mǎ Xiānsheng ma?
  1298. </para>
  1299. </listitem>
  1300. <listitem>
  1301. <para>
  1302. S2: Shi a. Nín guìxìng?
  1303. </para>
  1304. </listitem>
  1305. <listitem>
  1306. <para>
  1307. SI: Wǒ xìng Zhōu. Wǒ jiao Zhōu Shìkǎi.
  1308. </para>
  1309. </listitem>
  1310. <listitem>
  1311. <para>
  1312. S2: Ou, Zhōu Xiānsheng, hāo jiǔ méi jiàn. Nín hǎo?
  1313. </para>
  1314. </listitem>
  1315. <listitem>
  1316. <para>
  1317. SI: Wǒ you diǎn shì xiǎng gēn nín dāngmiàn tantan. Nín
  1318. míngtiān xiàwǔ you shíjiān ma?
  1319. </para>
  1320. </listitem>
  1321. <listitem>
  1322. <para>
  1323. S2: Xiàwǔ shénme shíhou a?
  1324. </para>
  1325. </listitem>
  1326. <listitem>
  1327. <para>
  1328. SI: Xiàwǔ sāndiān zhōng zěnmeyàng?
  1329. </para>
  1330. </listitem>
  1331. <listitem>
  1332. <para>
  1333. S2: Duìbuqī, xiàwǔ sāndian zhōng wō yào dào Měiguo
  1334. YÍnháng qu, sìdiān zhōng děi huí bàngōngshì qu.
  1335. Shàngwu shídiǎn ban yīhòu duì nín héshì ma?
  1336. </para>
  1337. </listitem>
  1338. <listitem>
  1339. <para>
  1340. SI: Duìbuqī, wǒ shàngwu you shìqing. Women zhōngwǔ
  1341. zhāo yíge dìfang jiàn hǎo bu hǎo?
  1342. </para>
  1343. </listitem>
  1344. <listitem>
  1345. <para>
  1346. S2: Hǎo. Nīde bàngōngshì zàl náli?
  1347. </para>
  1348. </listitem>
  1349. <listitem>
  1350. <para>
  1351. SI: Jiù zài Měiguo YÍnháng fùjìn.
  1352. </para>
  1353. </listitem>
  1354. <listitem>
  1355. <para>
  1356. S2: Ou, zhè duì wo hěn fāngbian. Nà wōmen kéyi zài
  1357. Nanjing JiǓjiā jiàn.
  1358. </para>
  1359. </listitem>
  1360. <listitem>
  1361. <para>
  1362. SI: Hǎojíle. Míngtiān jiàn.
  1363. </para>
  1364. </listitem>
  1365. </itemizedlist>
  1366. <para>
  1367. Practice Points: Everything in the unit.
  1368. </para>
  1369. <para>
  1371. </para>
  1372. <literallayout>
  1373. </literallayout>
  1374. <para>
  1375. SHEET:
  1376. </para>
  1377. <literallayout>
  1378. </literallayout>
  1379. <para>
  1380. Zhōu Shìkǎi
  1381. </para>
  1382. <literallayout>
  1383. </literallayout>
  1384. <para>
  1385. (OTHERS: Ma Yìmíng, Qian Wěidá, Zhū Yìzhāng)
  1386. </para>
  1387. <literallayout>
  1388. </literallayout>
  1389. <para>
  1390. <inlinemediaobject>
  1391. <imageobject>
  1392. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-2.png" />
  1393. </imageobject>
  1394. </inlinemediaobject>
  1395. </para>
  1396. <literallayout>
  1397. </literallayout>
  1398. <para>
  1399. <inlinemediaobject>
  1400. <imageobject>
  1401. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-3.png" />
  1402. </imageobject>
  1403. </inlinemediaobject>
  1404. </para>
  1405. <literallayout>
  1406. </literallayout>
  1407. <para>
  1408. <inlinemediaobject>
  1409. <imageobject>
  1410. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-4.png" />
  1411. </imageobject>
  1412. </inlinemediaobject>
  1413. </para>
  1414. <literallayout>
  1415. </literallayout>
  1416. <para>
  1417. <inlinemediaobject>
  1418. <imageobject>
  1419. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-5.png" />
  1420. </imageobject>
  1421. </inlinemediaobject>
  1422. </para>
  1423. <literallayout>
  1424. </literallayout>
  1425. <para>
  1426. <inlinemediaobject>
  1427. <imageobject>
  1428. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-6.png" />
  1429. </imageobject>
  1430. </inlinemediaobject>
  1431. </para>
  1432. <literallayout>
  1433. </literallayout>
  1434. <itemizedlist>
  1435. <listitem>
  1436. <para>
  1437. 1.
  1438. </para>
  1439. </listitem>
  1440. <listitem>
  1441. <para>
  1442. 2.
  1443. </para>
  1444. </listitem>
  1445. <listitem>
  1446. <para>
  1447. 3. U.
  1448. </para>
  1449. </listitem>
  1450. </itemizedlist>
  1451. <literallayout>
  1452. </literallayout>
  1453. <para>
  1454. USICA
  1455. </para>
  1456. <literallayout>
  1457. </literallayout>
  1458. <para>
  1459. <inlinemediaobject>
  1460. <imageobject>
  1461. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-7.png" />
  1462. </imageobject>
  1463. </inlinemediaobject>
  1464. </para>
  1465. <literallayout>
  1466. </literallayout>
  1467. <para>
  1468. <inlinemediaobject>
  1469. <imageobject>
  1470. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-8.png" />
  1471. </imageobject>
  1472. </inlinemediaobject>
  1473. </para>
  1474. <literallayout>
  1475. </literallayout>
  1476. <para>
  1477. Nanjing
  1478. </para>
  1479. <literallayout>
  1480. </literallayout>
  1481. <para>
  1482. Bank of America
  1483. </para>
  1484. <literallayout>
  1485. </literallayout>
  1486. <para>
  1487. <inlinemediaobject>
  1488. <imageobject>
  1489. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-9.png" />
  1490. </imageobject>
  1491. </inlinemediaobject>
  1492. </para>
  1493. <literallayout>
  1494. </literallayout>
  1495. <para>
  1496. Jiujiā
  1497. </para>
  1498. <literallayout>
  1499. </literallayout>
  1500. <para>
  1501. <inlinemediaobject>
  1502. <imageobject>
  1503. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-10.png" />
  1504. </imageobject>
  1505. </inlinemediaobject>
  1506. </para>
  1507. <literallayout>
  1508. </literallayout>
  1509. <para>
  1510. 9:30-10:00
  1511. </para>
  1512. <para>
  1513. TAIWAN: 10:30-11:30
  1514. </para>
  1515. <para>
  1516. 2:00-2:30 (meeting)
  1517. </para>
  1518. <literallayout>
  1519. </literallayout>
  1520. <para>
  1521. (appointment with Mr. Feng)
  1522. </para>
  1523. <literallayout>
  1524. </literallayout>
  1525. <para>
  1527. 5:00-5=30
  1528. </para>
  1529. <literallayout>
  1530. </literallayout>
  1531. <para>
  1532. Wang Guóān
  1533. </para>
  1534. <literallayout>
  1535. </literallayout>
  1536. <para>
  1537. (OTHERS: Lǐ Zhìpíng, Huang Bǎoyí, Xú Shèohuá)
  1538. </para>
  1539. <para>
  1540. <inlinemediaobject>
  1541. <imageobject>
  1542. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-11.png" />
  1543. </imageobject>
  1544. </inlinemediaobject>
  1545. </para>
  1546. <literallayout>
  1547. </literallayout>
  1548. <para>
  1549. <inlinemediaobject>
  1550. <imageobject>
  1551. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-12.png" />
  1552. </imageobject>
  1553. </inlinemediaobject>
  1554. </para>
  1555. <para>
  1556. Huáměi □ s Coffeehouse
  1557. </para>
  1558. <literallayout>
  1559. </literallayout>
  1560. <para>
  1561. <inlinemediaobject>
  1562. <imageobject>
  1563. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-13.png" />
  1564. </imageobject>
  1565. </inlinemediaobject>
  1566. </para>
  1567. <literallayout>
  1568. </literallayout>
  1569. <para>
  1570. Bank of aiwan
  1571. </para>
  1572. <para>
  1573. <inlinemediaobject>
  1574. <imageobject>
  1575. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-14.png" />
  1576. </imageobject>
  1577. </inlinemediaobject>
  1578. </para>
  1579. <para>
  1580. Shanghai &quot;2| Jiìijlá
  1581. </para>
  1582. <literallayout>
  1583. </literallayout>
  1584. <para>
  1585. <inlinemediaobject>
  1586. <imageobject>
  1587. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-15.png" />
  1588. </imageobject>
  1589. </inlinemediaobject>
  1590. </para>
  1591. <literallayout>
  1592. </literallayout>
  1593. <para>
  1594. <inlinemediaobject>
  1595. <imageobject>
  1596. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-16.png" />
  1597. </imageobject>
  1598. </inlinemediaobject>
  1599. </para>
  1600. <para>
  1601. XTmén
  1602. </para>
  1603. <literallayout>
  1604. </literallayout>
  1605. <para>
  1606. <inlinemediaobject>
  1607. <imageobject>
  1608. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-17.png" />
  1609. </imageobject>
  1610. </inlinemediaobject>
  1611. </para>
  1612. <para>
  1613. USICA
  1614. </para>
  1615. <literallayout>
  1616. </literallayout>
  1617. <para>
  1618. Coffeehouse
  1619. </para>
  1620. <para>
  1621. <inlinemediaobject>
  1622. <imageobject>
  1623. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-18.png" />
  1624. </imageobject>
  1625. </inlinemediaobject>
  1626. </para>
  1627. <literallayout>
  1628. </literallayout>
  1629. <para>
  1630. <inlinemediaobject>
  1631. <imageobject>
  1632. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-19.png" />
  1633. </imageobject>
  1634. </inlinemediaobject>
  1635. </para>
  1636. <literallayout>
  1637. </literallayout>
  1638. <para>
  1639. <inlinemediaobject>
  1640. <imageobject>
  1641. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-20.png" />
  1642. </imageobject>
  1643. </inlinemediaobject>
  1644. </para>
  1645. <literallayout>
  1646. </literallayout>
  1647. <para>
  1648. <inlinemediaobject>
  1649. <imageobject>
  1650. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-21.png" />
  1651. </imageobject>
  1652. </inlinemediaobject>
  1653. </para>
  1654. <literallayout>
  1655. </literallayout>
  1656. <para>
  1657. Bank of America
  1658. </para>
  1659. <literallayout>
  1660. </literallayout>
  1661. <para>
  1662. <inlinemediaobject>
  1663. <imageobject>
  1664. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-22.png" />
  1665. </imageobject>
  1666. </inlinemediaobject>
  1667. </para>
  1668. <literallayout>
  1669. </literallayout>
  1670. <para>
  1671. <inlinemediaobject>
  1672. <imageobject>
  1673. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-23.png" />
  1674. </imageobject>
  1675. </inlinemediaobject>
  1676. </para>
  1677. <literallayout>
  1678. </literallayout>
  1679. <para>
  1680. <inlinemediaobject>
  1681. <imageobject>
  1682. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-24.png" />
  1683. </imageobject>
  1684. </inlinemediaobject>
  1685. </para>
  1686. <literallayout>
  1687. </literallayout>
  1688. <itemizedlist>
  1689. <listitem>
  1690. <para>
  1691. 1. OFFICE: 9:00-10:00 (appointment with Mr. Zhōu)
  1692. </para>
  1693. </listitem>
  1694. <listitem>
  1695. <para>
  1696. 2. USICA: 12:30-1:00
  1697. </para>
  1698. </listitem>
  1699. <listitem>
  1700. <para>
  1701. 3. SHANGHAI JIUJIĀ: 1:30-2:30 (lunch with Mr. Zhāng)
  1702. </para>
  1703. </listitem>
  1704. </itemizedlist>
  1705. <para>
  1706. U. FIRST HOTEL: 3:00-6:00 (appointment with Mr. Zhao)
  1707. </para>
  1708. <para>
  1709. Li Zhìplng (OTHERS: Huang Bǎoyí, Xu Shàohuá, Wáng Guoān)
  1710. </para>
  1711. <para>
  1712. <inlinemediaobject>
  1713. <imageobject>
  1714. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-25.png" />
  1715. </imageobject>
  1716. </inlinemediaobject>
  1717. </para>
  1718. <literallayout>
  1719. </literallayout>
  1720. <para>
  1721. Train Station
  1722. </para>
  1723. <literallayout>
  1724. </literallayout>
  1725. <para>
  1726. <inlinemediaobject>
  1727. <imageobject>
  1728. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-26.png" />
  1729. </imageobject>
  1730. </inlinemediaobject>
  1731. </para>
  1732. <literallayout>
  1733. </literallayout>
  1734. <para>
  1735. <inlinemediaobject>
  1736. <imageobject>
  1737. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-27.png" />
  1738. </imageobject>
  1739. </inlinemediaobject>
  1740. </para>
  1741. <literallayout>
  1742. </literallayout>
  1743. <para>
  1744. <inlinemediaobject>
  1745. <imageobject>
  1746. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-28.png" />
  1747. </imageobject>
  1748. </inlinemediaobject>
  1749. </para>
  1750. <literallayout>
  1751. </literallayout>
  1752. <para>
  1753. <inlinemediaobject>
  1754. <imageobject>
  1755. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-29.png" />
  1756. </imageobject>
  1757. </inlinemediaobject>
  1758. </para>
  1759. <literallayout>
  1760. </literallayout>
  1761. <para>
  1762. <inlinemediaobject>
  1763. <imageobject>
  1764. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-30.png" />
  1765. </imageobject>
  1766. </inlinemediaobject>
  1767. </para>
  1768. <literallayout>
  1769. </literallayout>
  1770. <para>
  1771. <inlinemediaobject>
  1772. <imageobject>
  1773. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-31.png" />
  1774. </imageobject>
  1775. </inlinemediaobject>
  1776. </para>
  1777. <literallayout>
  1778. </literallayout>
  1779. <para>
  1780. USICA
  1781. </para>
  1782. <literallayout>
  1783. </literallayout>
  1784. <para>
  1785. <inlinemediaobject>
  1786. <imageobject>
  1787. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-32.png" />
  1788. </imageobject>
  1789. </inlinemediaobject>
  1790. </para>
  1791. <literallayout>
  1792. </literallayout>
  1793. <para>
  1794. <inlinemediaobject>
  1795. <imageobject>
  1796. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-33.png" />
  1797. </imageobject>
  1798. </inlinemediaobject>
  1799. </para>
  1800. <literallayout>
  1801. </literallayout>
  1802. <para>
  1803. <inlinemediaobject>
  1804. <imageobject>
  1805. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-34.png" />
  1806. </imageobject>
  1807. </inlinemediaobject>
  1808. </para>
  1809. <literallayout>
  1810. </literallayout>
  1811. <para>
  1812. Bank of America
  1813. </para>
  1814. <literallayout>
  1815. </literallayout>
  1816. <para>
  1817. <inlinemediaobject>
  1818. <imageobject>
  1819. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-35.png" />
  1820. </imageobject>
  1821. </inlinemediaobject>
  1822. </para>
  1823. <literallayout>
  1824. </literallayout>
  1825. <para>
  1826. <inlinemediaobject>
  1827. <imageobject>
  1828. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-36.png" />
  1829. </imageobject>
  1830. </inlinemediaobject>
  1831. </para>
  1832. <para>
  1833. w
  1834. </para>
  1835. <para>
  1836. Lis Office
  1837. </para>
  1838. <literallayout>
  1839. </literallayout>
  1840. <itemizedlist>
  1841. <listitem>
  1842. <para>
  1843. 1. BANK OF AMERICA: 9:00-9:30
  1844. </para>
  1845. </listitem>
  1846. <listitem>
  1847. <para>
  1848. 2. OFFICE: 11:00-1:00 (meeting)
  1849. </para>
  1850. </listitem>
  1851. <listitem>
  1852. <para>
  1853. 3. MILITARY ATTACHE’S OFFICE: 2:00-3:00
  1854. </para>
  1855. </listitem>
  1856. </itemizedlist>
  1857. <para>
  1858. U. TRAIN STATION: 5:30 (train to Taipei)
  1859. </para>
  1860. <para>
  1861. Huang Bǎoyí (OTHERS: Xu Shàohuá, Wang Guóān, Lǐ Zhìpíng)
  1862. </para>
  1863. <para>
  1864. Huang’s Office
  1865. </para>
  1866. <para>
  1867. <inlinemediaobject>
  1868. <imageobject>
  1869. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-37.png" />
  1870. </imageobject>
  1871. </inlinemediaobject>
  1872. </para>
  1873. <literallayout>
  1874. </literallayout>
  1875. <para>
  1876. <inlinemediaobject>
  1877. <imageobject>
  1878. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-38.png" />
  1879. </imageobject>
  1880. </inlinemediaobject>
  1881. </para>
  1882. <literallayout>
  1883. </literallayout>
  1884. <para>
  1885. Huáměi
  1886. </para>
  1887. <para>
  1888. <inlinemediaobject>
  1889. <imageobject>
  1890. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-39.png" />
  1891. </imageobject>
  1892. </inlinemediaobject>
  1893. </para>
  1894. <literallayout>
  1895. </literallayout>
  1896. <para>
  1897. <inlinemediaobject>
  1898. <imageobject>
  1899. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-40.png" />
  1900. </imageobject>
  1901. </inlinemediaobject>
  1902. </para>
  1903. <literallayout>
  1904. </literallayout>
  1905. <para>
  1906. <inlinemediaobject>
  1907. <imageobject>
  1908. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-41.png" />
  1909. </imageobject>
  1910. </inlinemediaobject>
  1911. </para>
  1912. <literallayout>
  1913. </literallayout>
  1914. <para>
  1915. <inlinemediaobject>
  1916. <imageobject>
  1917. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-42.png" />
  1918. </imageobject>
  1919. </inlinemediaobject>
  1920. </para>
  1921. <para>
  1922. USICA
  1923. </para>
  1924. <literallayout>
  1925. </literallayout>
  1926. <para>
  1927. Xīmén Coffeehouse
  1928. </para>
  1929. <para>
  1930. <inlinemediaobject>
  1931. <imageobject>
  1932. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-43.png" />
  1933. </imageobject>
  1934. </inlinemediaobject>
  1935. </para>
  1936. <literallayout>
  1937. </literallayout>
  1938. <para>
  1939. Coffeehouse
  1940. </para>
  1941. <para>
  1942. <inlinemediaobject>
  1943. <imageobject>
  1944. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-44.png" />
  1945. </imageobject>
  1946. </inlinemediaobject>
  1947. </para>
  1948. <literallayout>
  1949. </literallayout>
  1950. <para>
  1951. <inlinemediaobject>
  1952. <imageobject>
  1953. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-45.png" />
  1954. </imageobject>
  1955. </inlinemediaobject>
  1956. </para>
  1957. <literallayout>
  1958. </literallayout>
  1959. <para>
  1960. ।----------------------------1
  1961. </para>
  1962. <para>
  1963. J.S. Military
  1964. </para>
  1965. <para>
  1966. 3 Attache’s Office I
  1967. </para>
  1968. <para>
  1969. <inlinemediaobject>
  1970. <imageobject>
  1971. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-46.png" />
  1972. </imageobject>
  1973. </inlinemediaobject>
  1974. </para>
  1975. <literallayout>
  1976. </literallayout>
  1977. <para>
  1978. T rain Station
  1979. </para>
  1980. <literallayout>
  1981. </literallayout>
  1982. <para>
  1983. <inlinemediaobject>
  1984. <imageobject>
  1985. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-47.png" />
  1986. </imageobject>
  1987. </inlinemediaobject>
  1988. </para>
  1989. <literallayout>
  1990. </literallayout>
  1991. <para>
  1992. <inlinemediaobject>
  1993. <imageobject>
  1994. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-48.png" />
  1995. </imageobject>
  1996. </inlinemediaobject>
  1997. </para>
  1998. <literallayout>
  1999. </literallayout>
  2000. <para>
  2001. <inlinemediaobject>
  2002. <imageobject>
  2003. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-49.png" />
  2004. </imageobject>
  2005. </inlinemediaobject>
  2006. </para>
  2007. <literallayout>
  2008. </literallayout>
  2009. <para>
  2010. <inlinemediaobject>
  2011. <imageobject>
  2012. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-50.png" />
  2013. </imageobject>
  2014. </inlinemediaobject>
  2015. </para>
  2016. <literallayout>
  2017. </literallayout>
  2018. <para>
  2019. <inlinemediaobject>
  2020. <imageobject>
  2021. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-51.png" />
  2022. </imageobject>
  2023. </inlinemediaobject>
  2024. </para>
  2025. <literallayout>
  2026. </literallayout>
  2027. <para>
  2028. <inlinemediaobject>
  2029. <imageobject>
  2030. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-52.png" />
  2031. </imageobject>
  2032. </inlinemediaobject>
  2033. </para>
  2034. <literallayout>
  2035. </literallayout>
  2036. <itemizedlist>
  2037. <listitem>
  2038. <para>
  2039. 1. OFFICE: 10:00-12:00 (meeting)
  2040. </para>
  2041. </listitem>
  2042. <listitem>
  2043. <para>
  2044. 2. USICA: 2:30-3:00
  2045. </para>
  2046. </listitem>
  2047. <listitem>
  2048. <para>
  2049. 3. BANK OF AMERICA: 3:15-3:H5
  2050. </para>
  2051. </listitem>
  2052. </itemizedlist>
  2053. <para>
  2054. U. DÀHUÁ STORE: U:00-5:30 (shopping with wife)
  2055. </para>
  2056. <para>
  2057. Xu Shàohuá (OTHERS: Wang Guoān, Lī Zhìpíng, Huang Baoyí)
  2058. </para>
  2059. <para>
  2060. <inlinemediaobject>
  2061. <imageobject>
  2062. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-53.png" />
  2063. </imageobject>
  2064. </inlinemediaobject>
  2065. </para>
  2066. <literallayout>
  2067. </literallayout>
  2068. <para>
  2069. Train Station
  2070. </para>
  2071. <literallayout>
  2072. </literallayout>
  2073. <para>
  2074. <inlinemediaobject>
  2075. <imageobject>
  2076. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-54.png" />
  2077. </imageobject>
  2078. </inlinemediaobject>
  2079. </para>
  2080. <literallayout>
  2081. </literallayout>
  2082. <para>
  2083. <inlinemediaobject>
  2084. <imageobject>
  2085. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-55.png" />
  2086. </imageobject>
  2087. </inlinemediaobject>
  2088. </para>
  2089. <literallayout>
  2090. </literallayout>
  2091. <para>
  2092. <inlinemediaobject>
  2093. <imageobject>
  2094. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-56.png" />
  2095. </imageobject>
  2096. </inlinemediaobject>
  2097. </para>
  2098. <literallayout>
  2099. </literallayout>
  2100. <para>
  2101. <inlinemediaobject>
  2102. <imageobject>
  2103. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-57.png" />
  2104. </imageobject>
  2105. </inlinemediaobject>
  2106. </para>
  2107. <literallayout>
  2108. </literallayout>
  2109. <para>
  2110. Xú’s Office
  2111. </para>
  2112. <literallayout>
  2113. </literallayout>
  2114. <para>
  2115. <inlinemediaobject>
  2116. <imageobject>
  2117. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-58.png" />
  2118. </imageobject>
  2119. </inlinemediaobject>
  2120. </para>
  2121. <literallayout>
  2122. </literallayout>
  2123. <para>
  2124. U.S. Military i
  2125. </para>
  2126. <para>
  2127. Attache’s Office |
  2128. </para>
  2129. <para>
  2130. <inlinemediaobject>
  2131. <imageobject>
  2132. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-59.png" />
  2133. </imageobject>
  2134. </inlinemediaobject>
  2135. </para>
  2136. <literallayout>
  2137. </literallayout>
  2138. <para>
  2139. <inlinemediaobject>
  2140. <imageobject>
  2141. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-60.png" />
  2142. </imageobject>
  2143. </inlinemediaobject>
  2144. </para>
  2145. <para>
  2146. Shanghai Jitíjla
  2147. </para>
  2148. <literallayout>
  2149. </literallayout>
  2150. <para>
  2151. <inlinemediaobject>
  2152. <imageobject>
  2153. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-61.png" />
  2154. </imageobject>
  2155. </inlinemediaobject>
  2156. </para>
  2157. <literallayout>
  2158. </literallayout>
  2159. <para>
  2160. <inlinemediaobject>
  2161. <imageobject>
  2162. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-62.png" />
  2163. </imageobject>
  2164. </inlinemediaobject>
  2165. </para>
  2166. <literallayout>
  2167. </literallayout>
  2168. <para>
  2169. Dàhuá
  2170. </para>
  2171. <para>
  2172. Store
  2173. </para>
  2174. <para>
  2175. _n
  2176. </para>
  2177. <literallayout>
  2178. </literallayout>
  2179. <para>
  2180. <inlinemediaobject>
  2181. <imageobject>
  2182. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-63.png" />
  2183. </imageobject>
  2184. </inlinemediaobject>
  2185. </para>
  2186. <literallayout>
  2187. </literallayout>
  2188. <para>
  2189. <inlinemediaobject>
  2190. <imageobject>
  2191. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-64.png" />
  2192. </imageobject>
  2193. </inlinemediaobject>
  2194. </para>
  2195. <literallayout>
  2196. </literallayout>
  2197. <para>
  2198. Shen’s Office
  2199. </para>
  2200. <literallayout>
  2201. </literallayout>
  2202. <itemizedlist>
  2203. <listitem>
  2204. <para>
  2205. 1. OFFICE: 9:00-11:00 (meeting)
  2206. </para>
  2207. </listitem>
  2208. <listitem>
  2209. <para>
  2210. 2. MILITARY ATTACHE’S OFFICE: 12:00-1:00
  2211. </para>
  2212. </listitem>
  2213. <listitem>
  2214. <para>
  2215. 3. OFFICE: 2:30-3:30 (appointment with Mr. Guō)
  2216. </para>
  2217. </listitem>
  2218. </itemizedlist>
  2219. <para>
  2220. U. MR. SHEN'S OFFICE: U:15-5:15
  2221. </para>
  2222. </section>
  2223. <section xml:id="unit-2-c-1-review-dialogue">
  2224. <title><anchor id="bookmark32" /><anchor id="bookmark89" />UNIT
  2225. 2 C-1 REVIEW DIALOGUE</title>
  2226. <para>
  2227. *A: Wei.
  2228. </para>
  2229. <para>
  2230. B: Qīng Zhōu Kēzhǎng jiǎng huà.
  2231. </para>
  2232. <itemizedlist>
  2233. <listitem>
  2234. <para>
  2235. A: Nín guìxìng?
  2236. </para>
  2237. </listitem>
  2238. <listitem>
  2239. <para>
  2240. B: Wǒ shi Jiānàdà Dàshiguǎnde Qiǎozhì Díēn.
  2241. </para>
  2242. </listitem>
  2243. </itemizedlist>
  2244. <para>
  2245. A: Ou.’ Zhōu Kēzhang xianzai bu zài zhèibianr gōngzuò le.
  2246. Tā xiànzài zài Měidàsī. Qīng nī wàng Měidàsī dǎ diànhuà
  2247. ba.
  2248. </para>
  2249. <para>
  2250. B: Duìbuqī, mafan ni le.
  2251. </para>
  2252. <itemizedlist>
  2253. <listitem>
  2254. <para>
  2255. A: Mei guānxi.
  2256. </para>
  2257. </listitem>
  2258. </itemizedlist>
  2259. <para>
  2260. (LATER)
  2261. </para>
  2262. <itemizedlist>
  2263. <listitem>
  2264. <para>
  2265. B: Wài, shi Měidàsī ma?
  2266. </para>
  2267. </listitem>
  2268. </itemizedlist>
  2269. <itemizedlist>
  2270. <listitem>
  2271. <para>
  2272. A: Shi.
  2273. </para>
  2274. </listitem>
  2275. <listitem>
  2276. <para>
  2277. B: Wǒ yào zhǎo Zhōu Kēzhǎng shuō huà.
  2278. </para>
  2279. </listitem>
  2280. </itemizedlist>
  2281. <para>
  2282. A: Zhōu Kēzhǎng zài Jiē diànhuà. Qīng děng yíxià.
  2283. </para>
  2284. <para>
  2285. Section Chief Zhōu finishes her phone to talk to Mr. Dean.
  2286. </para>
  2287. <itemizedlist>
  2288. <listitem>
  2289. <para>
  2290. C: Wei.
  2291. </para>
  2292. </listitem>
  2293. </itemizedlist>
  2294. <para>
  2295. B: Zhōu Kēzhǎng ma?
  2296. </para>
  2297. <para>
  2298. C: Shi, nín něiwèi?
  2299. </para>
  2300. <para>
  2301. B: Wǒ shi Qiaozhì Díēn. Hǎo Jiǔ méi jiàn. Zěnmeyàng?
  2302. </para>
  2303. <para>
  2304. Hello.
  2305. </para>
  2306. <para>
  2307. Please ask Section Chief Zhōu to come to the phone.
  2308. </para>
  2309. <para>
  2310. What is your name?
  2311. </para>
  2312. <para>
  2313. I am George Dean from the Canadian Embassy.
  2314. </para>
  2315. <para>
  2316. Ah.’ Section Chief Zhōu doesn’t work here anymore. She is
  2317. at the Department of American and Oceanic Affairs now.
  2318. Please call the Department of American and Oceanic
  2319. Affairs.
  2320. </para>
  2321. <para>
  2322. I am sorry to have bothered you.
  2323. </para>
  2324. <para>
  2325. It doesn’t matter.
  2326. </para>
  2327. <para>
  2328. Hello. Is this the Department of American and Oceanic
  2329. Affairs?
  2330. </para>
  2331. <para>
  2332. Yes.
  2333. </para>
  2334. <para>
  2335. I want to speak to Section Chief Zhōu.
  2336. </para>
  2337. <para>
  2338. Section Chief Zhōu is on the phone. Please wait a moment.
  2339. </para>
  2340. <para>
  2341. ’ call. Then she picks up the
  2342. </para>
  2343. <para>
  2344. Hello.
  2345. </para>
  2346. <para>
  2347. Is this Section Chief Zhōu?
  2348. </para>
  2349. <para>
  2350. Yes. Who is this, please?
  2351. </para>
  2352. <para>
  2353. I am George Dean. I haven’t seen you for a long time. How
  2354. are things going?
  2355. </para>
  2356. <para>
  2357. *Only the untranslated versions of these conversations are
  2358. on the C-l tape. The conversations also appear as Exercise
  2359. 1 on the C-2 tape.
  2360. </para>
  2361. <para>
  2362. C: Mang yìdiǎnr. Nín hǎo ba!
  2363. </para>
  2364. <para>
  2365. B: Hǎo. Xièxie. Wǒ gǎi nín dǎ diànhuàde mùdi shi wǒ you
  2366. diǎnr shi yào gēn nín dāng-miàn tāntan. Bù zhídào míngtiǎn
  2367. shénme shíhou duì nín héshì.
  2368. </para>
  2369. <para>
  2370. C: Míngtiǎn shàngwǔ wǒ děi kāi huì• Xiàwǔ zǎnmeyàng?
  2371. </para>
  2372. <para>
  2373. B: Hǎo, xiàwǔ shénme shíhou dōu kéyi.
  2374. </para>
  2375. <para>
  2376. C: Name, sāndiǎn zhōng qing nín dào wǒ zhèr lái, xíng bu
  2377. xíng?
  2378. </para>
  2379. <para>
  2380. B: Xíng. Sāndiǎn zhōng zài nín nàr jiàn.
  2381. </para>
  2382. <para>
  2383. I’m a little busy. How are you?
  2384. </para>
  2385. <para>
  2386. Fine, thanks. The reason I called you is that I have
  2387. something I would like to talk with you about in person. I
  2388. don’t know what time tomorrow would suit you.
  2389. </para>
  2390. <para>
  2391. Tomorrow morning I have to attend a meeting. How about
  2392. afternoon?
  2393. </para>
  2394. <para>
  2395. Fine. Anytime in the afternoon would be fine.
  2396. </para>
  2397. <para>
  2398. Well then, please come over here at three o’clock. All
  2399. right?
  2400. </para>
  2401. <para>
  2402. All right. I will meet you at your place at three o’clock.
  2403. </para>
  2404. </section>
  2405. <section xml:id="unit-2-c-2-workbook">
  2406. <title><anchor id="bookmark16" /><anchor id="bookmark90" />UNIT
  2407. 2 C-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  2408. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-2">
  2409. <title><anchor id="bookmark91" /><anchor id="bookmark92" />EXERCISE
  2410. 1</title>
  2411. <para>
  2412. In this exercise George Dean of the Canadian Embassy (in
  2413. Beijing) is making a series of phone calls to locate
  2414. Section Chief Zhōu.
  2415. </para>
  2416. <para>
  2417. You will hear the conversations twice. As you listen to
  2418. them for the second time, translate orally during the
  2419. pauses on tape. Compare your translations with the
  2420. suggested translations given by the speaker.
  2421. </para>
  2422. <para>
  2423. You will hear the expression zài jiē diànhuà, &quot;to
  2424. be receiving a phone call,&quot; &quot;to be on the
  2425. phone,&quot; in the conversations. You will also learn a
  2426. new way to ask to speak with someone:
  2427. </para>
  2428. <informaltable>
  2429. <tgroup cols="3">
  2430. <colspec align="left" />
  2431. <colspec align="left" />
  2432. <colspec align="left" />
  2433. <tbody>
  2434. <row>
  2435. <entry>
  2436. <para>
  2437. Qīng
  2438. </para>
  2439. </entry>
  2440. <entry>
  2441. <para>
  2442. Zhōu Kēzhǎng
  2443. </para>
  2444. </entry>
  2445. <entry>
  2446. <para>
  2447. jiǎng huà.
  2448. </para>
  2449. </entry>
  2450. </row>
  2451. <row>
  2452. <entry>
  2453. <para>
  2454. (Ask
  2455. </para>
  2456. </entry>
  2457. <entry>
  2458. <para>
  2459. Section Chief Zhōu
  2460. </para>
  2461. </entry>
  2462. <entry>
  2463. <para>
  2464. to speak.)
  2465. </para>
  2466. </entry>
  2467. </row>
  2468. </tbody>
  2469. </tgroup>
  2470. </informaltable>
  2471. <literallayout>
  2472. </literallayout>
  2473. <para>
  2474. (Please ask Section Chief Zhōu to come to the phone.)
  2475. </para>
  2476. <literallayout>
  2477. </literallayout>
  2478. </simplesect>
  2479. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-2">
  2480. <title><anchor id="bookmark93" /><anchor id="bookmark94" />EXERCISE
  2481. 2</title>
  2482. <para>
  2483. In this exercise you will hear the vocabulary of this
  2484. unit in a new context. The conversation takes place in
  2485. the PRC between two friends who work in the same office
  2486. building.
  2487. </para>
  2488. <para>
  2489. You will hear the conversation three times. Answer the
  2490. questions on the next page as you listen for the third
  2491. time.
  2492. </para>
  2493. <para>
  2494. Here are the expressions you will hear in this
  2495. conversation:
  2496. </para>
  2497. <para>
  2498. hòulái                         (later)
  2499. </para>
  2500. <para>
  2501. yàojīn                         (to be urgent/important)
  2502. </para>
  2503. <para>
  2504. jiéhūn                         (to get married)
  2505. </para>
  2506. <para>
  2507. hē chá                         (to drink tea)
  2508. </para>
  2509. <para>
  2510. chī                             (to eat)
  2511. </para>
  2512. <para>
  2513. rènshi                         (to be acquainted with)
  2514. </para>
  2515. <para>
  2516. tóngyì                         (to agree)
  2517. </para>
  2518. <para>
  2519. You may find, one long sentence in this conversation
  2520. rather difficult to follow:
  2521. </para>
  2522. <para>
  2523. Wǒ zhǎo nícLe mùdi                       shi wèn ni,
  2524. </para>
  2525. <para>
  2526. (The reason I was looking for you_____was to ask you,
  2527. </para>
  2528. <para>
  2529. Xīngqītiān Xiao Hu jiéhūn, as for Xiao Hu’s getting
  2530. married this Sunday, tā qíng zánmen he chá chī tang, as
  2531. for her inviting us to drink tea and eat candy, ni qù bu
  2532. qu?
  2533. </para>
  2534. <para>
  2535. are you going or not?)
  2536. </para>
  2537. <para>
  2538. The two clauses directly preceding the final ni qù bu qu
  2539. are TOPICS, providing information needed to understand
  2540. the final question portion of the sentence.
  2541. </para>
  2542. <para>
  2544. </para>
  2545. <itemizedlist>
  2546. <listitem>
  2547. <para>
  2548. 1. What was Cheng doing at two o’clock?
  2549. </para>
  2550. </listitem>
  2551. <listitem>
  2552. <para>
  2553. 2. What did he talk to Section Chief Wang about?
  2554. </para>
  2555. </listitem>
  2556. <listitem>
  2557. <para>
  2558. 3. Whom is Hu marrying?
  2559. _________________________________________________
  2560. </para>
  2561. </listitem>
  2562. </itemizedlist>
  2563. <para>
  2564. U. How long have they known each other?
  2565. </para>
  2566. <itemizedlist>
  2567. <listitem>
  2568. <para>
  2569. 5. Did Hu want to get married when she was 23 years
  2570. old?
  2571. </para>
  2572. </listitem>
  2573. </itemizedlist>
  2574. <para>
  2575. ( ) Yes ( ) No
  2576. </para>
  2577. <itemizedlist>
  2578. <listitem>
  2579. <para>
  2580. 6. Where did Huang Han work in England?
  2581. </para>
  2582. </listitem>
  2583. <listitem>
  2584. <para>
  2585. 7. When did he get back?
  2586. ________________________________________________
  2587. </para>
  2588. </listitem>
  2589. <listitem>
  2590. <para>
  2591. 8. At what time did Hu say they should get to her
  2592. house?
  2593. </para>
  2594. </listitem>
  2595. </itemizedlist>
  2596. </simplesect>
  2597. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-2">
  2598. <title><anchor id="bookmark95" /><anchor id="bookmark96" />EXERCISE
  2599. 3</title>
  2600. <para>
  2601. This exercise includes expressions which a visitor is
  2602. likely to hear on a visit to China. The three short
  2603. conversations take place in the PRC between an American
  2604. scholar, Mr. George Smith, and his Chinese guide Comrade
  2605. Mǎ Lian.
  2606. </para>
  2607. <para>
  2608. Listen to the conversations twice. As you listen to them
  2609. for the third time, translate orally during the pauses
  2610. provided on tape. Compare your translations with the
  2611. suggested translations given by the speaker.
  2612. </para>
  2613. <para>
  2614. Here are nine expressions you will hear:
  2615. </para>
  2616. <informaltable>
  2617. <tgroup cols="2">
  2618. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  2619. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  2620. <tbody>
  2621. <row>
  2622. <entry>
  2623. <para>
  2624. Zhōngguo Liixíngshè cānguān Rénmín Gōngshè
  2625. nóngmín shēnghuó dàxuéshēng láodòng ānpái
  2626. Hóngqí
  2627. </para>
  2628. </entry>
  2629. <entry>
  2630. <para>
  2631. (China Travel Agency)
  2632. </para>
  2633. <para>
  2634. (to visit)
  2635. </para>
  2636. <para>
  2637. (People’s Commune)
  2638. </para>
  2639. <para>
  2640. (peasant)
  2641. </para>
  2642. <para>
  2643. (life)
  2644. </para>
  2645. <para>
  2646. (college student)
  2647. </para>
  2648. <para>
  2649. (to do manual labor)
  2650. </para>
  2651. <para>
  2652. (to arrange, to settle)
  2653. </para>
  2654. <para>
  2655. Ename of a commune (literally, &quot;Red
  2656. Flag&quot;)l
  2657. </para>
  2658. </entry>
  2659. </row>
  2660. </tbody>
  2661. </tgroup>
  2662. </informaltable>
  2663. </simplesect>
  2664. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-4-1">
  2665. <title><anchor id="bookmark97" /><anchor id="bookmark98" />EXERCISE
  2666. 4</title>
  2667. <para>
  2668. This exercise will give you practice with expressions
  2669. used in deciding on the time and place for a meeting.
  2670. </para>
  2671. <para>
  2672. In this conversation, Miss Tyler is telephoning to ask
  2673. for information from the Intelligence Department of the
  2674. Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  2675. </para>
  2676. <para>
  2677. You will hear the conversation three times. Answer the
  2678. questions on the next page as you listen for the third
  2679. time.
  2680. </para>
  2681. <para>
  2682. Here are some expressions you will hear in this
  2683. conversation:
  2684. </para>
  2685. <para>
  2686. Qíngbàosī                      (intelligence Bureau
  2687. Epart of the
  2688. </para>
  2689. <para>
  2690. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PRC!)
  2691. </para>
  2692. <para>
  2693. Guójì Jiāoliu Zǒngshǔ         (U.S. International
  2694. Communications
  2695. </para>
  2696. <para>
  2697. Agency)<anchor id="footnote2" /><superscript><link linkend="bookmark99">2</link></superscript>
  2698. </para>
  2699. <para>
  2700. diànhuà hàomǎ
  2701. </para>
  2702. <para>
  2703. dating
  2704. </para>
  2705. <literallayout>
  2706. </literallayout>
  2707. <para>
  2708. (telephone number) (to inquire about)
  2709. </para>
  2710. <para>
  2711. Auxiliary verbs are STATE verbs. Therefore, to make the
  2712. description of a completed action negative, you would
  2713. expect to use bù with an auxiliary verb. Néng, however,
  2714. may be used with méi as well as with bù:
  2715. </para>
  2716. <para>
  2717. Méi néng gēn ni shuō huà. (I wasn’t able to talk with
  2718. you.)
  2719. </para>
  2720. <para>
  2722. </para>
  2723. <itemizedlist>
  2724. <listitem>
  2725. <para>
  2726. 1. Where is Department Chief Chén?
  2727. _____________________________________
  2728. </para>
  2729. </listitem>
  2730. <listitem>
  2731. <para>
  2732. 2. When might he return?
  2733. </para>
  2734. </listitem>
  2735. <listitem>
  2736. <para>
  2737. 3. Does Department Chief Chén know Miss Tyler’s
  2738. phone number?
  2739. </para>
  2740. </listitem>
  2741. </itemizedlist>
  2742. <para>
  2743. ( ) Yes ( ) No
  2744. </para>
  2745. <itemizedlist>
  2746. <listitem>
  2747. <para>
  2748. 4. According to Department Chief Chén, what time
  2749. would be most convenient for him? ( ) morning ( )
  2750. afternoon     ( ) anytime
  2751. </para>
  2752. </listitem>
  2753. <listitem>
  2754. <para>
  2755. 5. Where do Miss Tyler and Department Chief Chén
  2756. plan to meet?
  2757. </para>
  2758. </listitem>
  2759. </itemizedlist>
  2760. </simplesect>
  2761. </section>
  2762. <section xml:id="unit-2-p-2-workbook">
  2763. <title><anchor id="bookmark19" /><anchor id="bookmark100" />UNIT
  2764. 2 P-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  2765. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-3">
  2766. <title><anchor id="bookmark101" /><anchor id="bookmark102" />EXERCISE
  2767. 1</title>
  2768. <para>
  2769. In this exercise you will practice translating from
  2770. English into Chinese. The sentences include the words
  2771. for &quot;any,” ’’none,&quot; &quot;all,&quot; and
  2772. &quot;some.&quot;*
  2773. </para>
  2774. <para>
  2775. First, you will hear an English sentence. Translate it
  2776. into Chinese. Then compare your translation with the
  2777. suggested translation given by the speaker.
  2778. </para>
  2779. <para>
  2780. Example
  2781. </para>
  2782. <para>
  2783. TAPE: Anyone can read a newspaper.
  2784. </para>
  2785. <para>
  2786. YOU: Shéi dōu néng kàn bào.
  2787. </para>
  2788. <para>
  2789. TAPE: Shéi dōu néng kàn bào.
  2790. </para>
  2791. <para>
  2792. You may wish to go through this exercise more than once.
  2793. Practice the sentences until you have mastered them.
  2794. </para>
  2795. </simplesect>
  2796. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-3">
  2797. <title><anchor id="bookmark103" /><anchor id="bookmark104" />EXERCISE
  2798. 2</title>
  2799. <para>
  2800. In this exercise you will take part in five
  2801. conversations. You will answer questions in terms of
  2802. &quot;all,&quot; &quot;some,&quot; &quot;none,&quot; and
  2803. &quot;any.&quot;
  2804. </para>
  2805. <para>
  2806. In each conversation you will talk with someone who asks
  2807. your opinion or advice from time to time. Display I
  2808. indicates how you should respond to the questions. Use
  2809. this information to form complete responses.
  2810. </para>
  2811. <para>
  2812. Example (In Conversation 1 you are George Duffy, who is
  2813. assigned to the Canadian Embassy in Beijing. You are
  2814. talking with a Chinese staff member.)
  2815. </para>
  2816. <para>
  2817. TAPE: Qiáozhì Dǎfēi, wǒ zhīdào nīmen hǎo Jiǔ méi qù kàn
  2818. diànyīng le. Xiànzài you yige diànyīng, hen hǎo, Nī yào
  2819. bu yao wǒ gǎi nīmen mǎi diànyīng piào?
  2820. </para>
  2821. <para>
  2822. YOU: Hǎo.
  2823. </para>
  2824. <para>
  2825. TAPE: Nī àiren hé hǎizi yě qù ma?
  2826. </para>
  2827. <para>
  2828. YOU: Shi, women dōu qù.
  2829. </para>
  2830. <para>
  2831. ♦Before beginning this exercise, read Unit 2 text,
  2832. Reference Notes on No. 6.
  2833. </para>
  2834. <para>
  2835. DISPLAY I
  2836. </para>
  2837. <para>
  2838. QUESTIONS 12    3   U   5
  2839. </para>
  2840. <para>
  2842. </para>
  2843. <para>
  2845. </para>
  2846. <para>
  2848. </para>
  2849. <para>
  2851. </para>
  2852. <para>
  2854. </para>
  2855. <para>
  2856. good
  2857. </para>
  2858. <para>
  2859. all
  2860. </para>
  2861. <para>
  2862. any day
  2863. </para>
  2864. <para>
  2865. anywhere
  2866. </para>
  2867. <para>
  2868. yes
  2869. </para>
  2870. <para>
  2871. not all
  2872. </para>
  2873. <para>
  2874. any day
  2875. </para>
  2876. <para>
  2877. anytime
  2878. </para>
  2879. <para>
  2880. good
  2881. </para>
  2882. <para>
  2883. all
  2884. </para>
  2885. <para>
  2886. anyone
  2887. </para>
  2888. <para>
  2889. anytime
  2890. </para>
  2891. <para>
  2892. not all
  2893. </para>
  2894. <para>
  2895. not all
  2896. </para>
  2897. <para>
  2898. good
  2899. </para>
  2900. <para>
  2901. anytime
  2902. </para>
  2903. <para>
  2904. either
  2905. </para>
  2906. <para>
  2907. all
  2908. </para>
  2909. <para>
  2910. don’t all like beer
  2911. </para>
  2912. <para>
  2913. anytime
  2914. </para>
  2915. </simplesect>
  2916. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-3">
  2917. <title><anchor id="bookmark105" /><anchor id="bookmark106" />EXERCISE
  2918. 3</title>
  2919. <para>
  2920. In this conversation you will act as an interpreter. A
  2921. Canadian government representative (assigned to Béijīng)
  2922. is telephoning a member of the Chinese government.
  2923. </para>
  2924. <para>
  2925. First, you will hear the conversation without
  2926. interruptions. Then it will be presented as if the
  2927. Canadian cannot speak Chinese and the PRC government
  2928. official cannot speak English. Each speaker’s lines will
  2929. be followed by a pause, during which you will translate.
  2930. </para>
  2931. <para>
  2932. Example
  2933. </para>
  2934. <informaltable>
  2935. <tgroup cols="2">
  2936. <colspec align="left" />
  2937. <colspec align="left" />
  2938. <tbody>
  2939. <row>
  2940. <entry>
  2941. <para>
  2942. CHINESE:
  2943. </para>
  2944. </entry>
  2945. <entry>
  2946. <para>
  2947. Wài, Měidàsī.
  2948. </para>
  2949. </entry>
  2950. </row>
  2951. <row>
  2952. <entry>
  2953. <para>
  2954. YOU:
  2955. </para>
  2956. </entry>
  2957. <entry>
  2958. <para>
  2959. Hello. Department of American and Oceanic
  2960. Affairs.
  2961. </para>
  2962. </entry>
  2963. </row>
  2964. <row>
  2965. <entry>
  2966. <para>
  2967. AMERICAN:
  2968. </para>
  2969. </entry>
  2970. <entry>
  2971. <para>
  2972. I am Katherine Martin of the Canadian Embassy.
  2973. I have something I wish to discuss with
  2974. Department Chief Li.
  2975. </para>
  2976. </entry>
  2977. </row>
  2978. <row>
  2979. <entry>
  2980. <para>
  2981. YOU:
  2982. </para>
  2983. </entry>
  2984. <entry>
  2985. <para>
  2986. Wo shi Jiānádà Dàshiguande Kǎilàn Mǎdīng. Wo
  2987. you yíjiàn shì xīwang gēn Li Sīzhǎng
  2988. jiǎngyiJiang.
  2989. </para>
  2990. </entry>
  2991. </row>
  2992. </tbody>
  2993. </tgroup>
  2994. </informaltable>
  2995. <para>
  2996. You will need to know the expression dù jià, &quot;to
  2997. spend one’s vacation.&quot;
  2998. </para>
  2999. <para>
  3000. Although some of your translations may differ from the
  3001. suggestions on tape, your versions may also be correct.
  3002. If you are not sure about a particular sentence, jot it
  3003. down and ask your instructor about it.
  3004. </para>
  3005. </simplesect>
  3006. </section>
  3007. <section xml:id="unit-2-communication-game">
  3008. <title><anchor id="bookmark43" /><anchor id="bookmark107" />UNIT
  3009. 2 COMMUNICATION GAME</title>
  3010. <para>
  3012. </para>
  3013. <para>
  3014. Type: When and Where? (This game is similar to the Unit 1
  3015. Communication Game.)
  3016. </para>
  3017. <para>
  3018. Situation: You are telephoning three acquaintances in
  3019. Beijing to make business appointments for the following
  3020. day. You start with an open schedule for that day, but the
  3021. time set for an appointment with one acquaintance will no
  3022. longer be available for others. Each meeting will be
  3023. either at your office or at the other person’s office.
  3024. </para>
  3025. <para>
  3026. Goal: To make appointments with the three people.
  3027. </para>
  3028. <para>
  3029. Number of Players: Groups of four students.
  3030. </para>
  3031. <para>
  3032. Materials: A work sheet for each player. (See Sample Work
  3033. Sheets, on the following pages.) Your work sheet is a map
  3034. of Beijing bus routes. It also indicates (in italics) your
  3035. name, the place where you work, and the name and location
  3036. of the bus stop nearest your office. The names of your
  3037. acquaintances are also included.
  3038. </para>
  3039. <para>
  3040. Procedure: Before starting the game, you and the other
  3041. players in your group introduce yourselves. Then begin the
  3042. phone calls.
  3043. </para>
  3044. <para>
  3045. For each conversation, one player places the call. The
  3046. other player receives the call, first in the role of his
  3047. secretary (either putting the call through or giving a
  3048. reason for asking the caller to telephone later and
  3049. suggesting a time). Then the player who receives the call
  3050. answers the phone as himself, the acquaintance.
  3051. </para>
  3052. <para>
  3053. When the caller talks with his acquaintance (either right
  3054. away or after calling back), he negotiates a time and
  3055. place for the next day’s meeting.
  3056. </para>
  3057. <para>
  3058. Travel time to and from appointments is to be calculated
  3059. on the basis of five minutes per bus stop.
  3060. </para>
  3061. <para>
  3062. Example: You are Speaker 1.
  3063. </para>
  3064. <itemizedlist>
  3065. <listitem>
  3066. <para>
  3067. SI: Wài.’ Shi Qian Tóngzhì ma?
  3068. </para>
  3069. </listitem>
  3070. <listitem>
  3071. <para>
  3072. S2: Shi a. Nín guìxìng?
  3073. </para>
  3074. </listitem>
  3075. <listitem>
  3076. <para>
  3077. SI: Wǒ xing Xu, wo jiào Xú Dàlong.
  3078. </para>
  3079. </listitem>
  3080. <listitem>
  3081. <para>
  3082. S2: Ou, Xú Tóngzhì, ni hǎo?
  3083. </para>
  3084. </listitem>
  3085. <listitem>
  3086. <para>
  3087. SI: Wǒ you yíjiàn shi yào gēn ni dāngmiàn
  3088. jiǎngyijiǎng. Ni míngtiǎn xiàwǔ you gōngfu ma?
  3089. </para>
  3090. </listitem>
  3091. <listitem>
  3092. <para>
  3093. S2: Duìbuqi. Wǒ míngtiǎn xiàwǔ you shi. Shàngwǔ duì ni
  3094. héshì ma?
  3095. </para>
  3096. </listitem>
  3097. <listitem>
  3098. <para>
  3099. SI: Hǎo. Ni jìdiǎn zhōng shàng ban?
  3100. </para>
  3101. </listitem>
  3102. <listitem>
  3103. <para>
  3104. S2: Wǒ bādiǎn zhōng shàng ban.
  3105. </para>
  3106. </listitem>
  3107. <listitem>
  3108. <para>
  3109. SI: Nà wǒ Jiǔdiǎn zhōng lai jiàn ni, hǎo bu hǎo?
  3110. </para>
  3111. </listitem>
  3112. <listitem>
  3113. <para>
  3114. S2: Hǎo. Ni zhīdao wǒ shàngbānde dìfang zài nǎr ma?
  3115. </para>
  3116. </listitem>
  3117. <listitem>
  3118. <para>
  3119. SI: Wǒ bù zhīdào.
  3120. </para>
  3121. </listitem>
  3122. <listitem>
  3123. <para>
  3124. S2: Zài Běi Chízi.
  3125. </para>
  3126. </listitem>
  3127. </itemizedlist>
  3128. <itemizedlist>
  3129. <listitem>
  3130. <para>
  3131. SI: Wǒ zuò jilù chē?
  3132. </para>
  3133. </listitem>
  3134. <listitem>
  3135. <para>
  3136. S2: Nī bàngōngshì zài nǎr?
  3137. </para>
  3138. </listitem>
  3139. <listitem>
  3140. <para>
  3141. SI: Zài Chong Wén Men fùjìnde Huāshì Dàjiē.
  3142. </para>
  3143. </listitem>
  3144. <listitem>
  3145. <para>
  3146. S2: Ni zuò Sānlù chē. Guòle Dōnghuámén dìèr zhàn Jiù
  3147. shi Běi Chízi.
  3148. </para>
  3149. </listitem>
  3150. <listitem>
  3151. <para>
  3152. SI: Hǎo. Xièxie ni. Míngtiān jiàn.
  3153. </para>
  3154. </listitem>
  3155. <listitem>
  3156. <para>
  3157. S2: Míngtiān Jiàn.
  3158. </para>
  3159. </listitem>
  3160. </itemizedlist>
  3161. <para>
  3162. Practice Points: Everything in the unit.
  3163. </para>
  3164. <para>
  3166. </para>
  3167. <para>
  3168. <inlinemediaobject>
  3169. <imageobject>
  3170. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-65.png" />
  3171. </imageobject>
  3172. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  3173. <imageobject>
  3174. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-66.png" />
  3175. </imageobject>
  3176. </inlinemediaobject>
  3177. </para>
  3178. <para>
  3179. BeTjTng Bus Routes
  3180. </para>
  3181. <literallayout>
  3182. </literallayout>
  3183. <para>
  3184. <inlinemediaobject>
  3185. <imageobject>
  3186. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-67.png" />
  3187. </imageobject>
  3188. </inlinemediaobject>
  3189. </para>
  3190. <literallayout>
  3191. <inlinemediaobject>
  3192. <imageobject>
  3193. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-68.png" />
  3194. </imageobject>
  3195. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  3196. <imageobject>
  3197. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-69.png" />
  3198. </imageobject>
  3199. </inlinemediaobject></literallayout>
  3200. </section>
  3201. <section xml:id="unit-3-c-1-review-dialogue">
  3202. <title><anchor id="bookmark44" /><anchor id="bookmark108" />UNIT
  3203. 3 C-1 REVIEW DIALOGUE</title>
  3204. <para>
  3205. *A: Shǐ Mìsi Xiǎojiě, wǒ gěi ni jièshao yíwèi péngyou.
  3206. Zhè-wèi shi Yang Jiàoshòu, zài Taiwan Dàxué jiao
  3207. zhèngzhixué. Zhèwèi shi Shǐ Mìsi Xiǎojiě.
  3208. </para>
  3209. <para>
  3210. B: Yang Jiàoshòu, nín hǎo.
  3211. </para>
  3212. <para>
  3213. C: Shǐ Mìsi Xiǎojiě hǎo. Nín huì shuō Zhōngwén!
  3214. </para>
  3215. <para>
  3216. B: Wǒ xǐhuan shuō, kěshi shuōde bù hǎo.
  3217. </para>
  3218. <para>
  3219. C: Bú kèqi. Nín xuéle Jǐniǎn Zhōngwén?
  3220. </para>
  3221. <para>
  3222. B: Jiù xuéle yìniǎn; hen shǎo shuō.
  3223. </para>
  3224. <para>
  3225. C: Zhōngguo rén shuō huà, nín dōu tīngdedǒng ba?
  3226. </para>
  3227. <para>
  3228. B: Yǒude tīngdedǒng, yǒude tīng-budǒng. Wǒ hái xiǎng zài
  3229. xué yìdiǎn.
  3230. </para>
  3231. <para>
  3232. C: Wǒ xiǎng zài zhèli zhùle yìliǎng niǎn yǐhòu, nínde
  3233. Zhōngguo huà búdàn dōu tīngdedǒng, yě jiù shuōde gēn
  3234. Zhōngguo rén yíyàng hǎo le.
  3235. </para>
  3236. <para>
  3237. B: Nín tài kèqi. Wǒ xiànzài méiyou duōshao Zhōngguo
  3238. péngyou. Xīwàng yǐhòu Zhōngguo péngyou duō le, shuōde
  3239. jīhui yě duō le, jiù hǎo yìdiǎn le.
  3240. </para>
  3241. <para>
  3242. C: Shìde.
  3243. </para>
  3244. <para>
  3245. Miss Smith, let me introduce a friend to you. This is
  3246. professor Yang, who teaches political science at Taiwan
  3247. University. This is Miss Smith.
  3248. </para>
  3249. <para>
  3250. How are you, Professor Yang?
  3251. </para>
  3252. <para>
  3253. How are-you, Miss Smith? You can speak Chinese!
  3254. </para>
  3255. <para>
  3256. I like to speak, but I don’t speak well.
  3257. </para>
  3258. <para>
  3259. Don’t be so modest. How many years have you studied
  3260. Chinese?
  3261. </para>
  3262. <para>
  3263. I have studied for only one year; I speak very little.
  3264. </para>
  3265. <para>
  3266. When Chinese people speak, you can understand it all, I
  3267. imagine.
  3268. </para>
  3269. <para>
  3270. Some I can understand, and some I can’t. I still want to
  3271. study a little more.
  3272. </para>
  3273. <para>
  3274. I think that after you have lived here a year or two not
  3275. only will you be able to understand any Chinese you hear
  3276. but you will also speak as well as a Chinese person.
  3277. </para>
  3278. <para>
  3279. You are too flattering. I don’t have many Chinese friends
  3280. now. I hope that later, when I have more Chinese friends
  3281. and when I also have more opportunity to speak, my Chinese
  3282. will get a little better.
  3283. </para>
  3284. <para>
  3285. That’s right.
  3286. </para>
  3287. <para>
  3288. *Only the untranslated version of this conversation is on
  3289. the C-l tape. The conversation also appears as Exercise 1
  3290. on the C-2 tape.
  3291. </para>
  3292. <para>
  3293. C: E..., xià Xīngqīliù wǎnshang wǒ qīngle Jīge péngyou zài
  3294. jiāli chi biànfàn. Xīwàng nī néng lái.
  3295. </para>
  3296. <para>
  3297. B: Na tài kèqi. Buguò, wǒde Zhōngwén shuōde bù hǎo. Kǒngpà
  3298. nīmen wǎnde méi yìsi.
  3299. </para>
  3300. <para>
  3301. C: Hébì kèqi. Wǒ méi qǐng shénme rén. Zhèxiē péngyou hen
  3302. suí-biàn. Nín jiù lǎi ba! Wǒ zhù zai Dàlī Jiē Wǔshièr hào.
  3303. </para>
  3304. <para>
  3305. B: Hǎo, xièxie nín. Qīngwèn, xià Xīngqīliù wǎnshang Jīdiǎn
  3306. zhōng?
  3307. </para>
  3308. <para>
  3309. C: Qīdiǎn zhōng.
  3310. </para>
  3311. <para>
  3312. Uh..., Saturday of next week I have invited a few friends
  3313. to have a simple meal at my house. I hope that you will be
  3314. able to come.
  3315. </para>
  3316. <para>
  3317. That’s too kind of you. But. I don’t speak Chinese well.
  3318. I’m afraid that the party wouldn’t be interesting for you
  3319. and your friends.
  3320. </para>
  3321. <para>
  3322. Why is it necessary to be so polite? I haven’t invited
  3323. anyone special. These friends are very informal.
  3324. </para>
  3325. <para>
  3326. Why don’t you come! I live at 52 Dàlī Street.
  3327. </para>
  3328. <para>
  3329. All right, thank you. May I ask, on Saturday of next week
  3330. at what time in the evening is it I&quot;the party!?
  3331. </para>
  3332. <para>
  3333. Seven o’clock.
  3334. </para>
  3335. </section>
  3336. <section xml:id="unit-3-c-2-workbook">
  3337. <title><anchor id="bookmark22" /><anchor id="bookmark109" />UNIT
  3338. 3 C-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  3339. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-4">
  3340. <title><anchor id="bookmark110" /><anchor id="bookmark111" />EXERCISE
  3341. 1</title>
  3342. <para>
  3343. In Taipei, Rebecca Smith has been invited to the home of
  3344. her friend Mrs. Zhǎo, who has also invited another
  3345. guest. You will hear the conversation twice. As you
  3346. listen to it for the second time, translate orally
  3347. during the pauses provided on tape. Compare your
  3348. translations with the suggested translations given by
  3349. the speaker.
  3350. </para>
  3351. </simplesect>
  3352. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-4">
  3353. <title><anchor id="bookmark112" /><anchor id="bookmark113" />EXERCISE
  3354. 2</title>
  3355. <para>
  3356. In this exercise you will hear questions and answers
  3357. typically used in extending and accepting invitations.
  3358. The conversation takes place in Taipei between two
  3359. Chinese women, Miss Wú and Miss Tang, who work together.
  3360. </para>
  3361. <para>
  3362. You will hear the conversation twice. As you listen to
  3363. it for the second time, answer the questions below.
  3364. </para>
  3365. <para>
  3366. Here are expressions you will hear in the conversation:
  3367. yuēhǎo (le)                     (to have made an
  3368. appointment with)
  3369. </para>
  3370. <para>
  3371. chi fan                         (to eat, to have a meal)
  3372. </para>
  3373. <para>
  3374. zhèng hǎo                       (Just right)
  3375. </para>
  3376. <para>
  3377. méiwèntí                        (there’s no problem)
  3378. </para>
  3379. <para>
  3380. hǎode duo                       (much better)
  3381. </para>
  3382. <para>
  3384. </para>
  3385. <itemizedlist>
  3386. <listitem>
  3387. <para>
  3388. 1. What day of the week is it?
  3389. _________________________________________
  3390. </para>
  3391. </listitem>
  3392. <listitem>
  3393. <para>
  3394. 2. Where does Miss Wú invite her friend to go?
  3395. </para>
  3396. </listitem>
  3397. <listitem>
  3398. <para>
  3399. 3. Miss Tang wants to introduce Miss Wú to what
  3400. person?
  3401. </para>
  3402. </listitem>
  3403. </itemizedlist>
  3404. <itemizedlist>
  3405. <listitem>
  3406. <para>
  3407. k. Has Miss Wú spoken English recently? ( ) Yes ( )
  3408. No
  3409. </para>
  3410. </listitem>
  3411. </itemizedlist>
  3412. <itemizedlist>
  3413. <listitem>
  3414. <para>
  3415. 5. Miss Táng says that she
  3416. </para>
  3417. </listitem>
  3418. </itemizedlist>
  3419. <para>
  3420. ( ) doesn't speak English well.
  3421. </para>
  3422. <para>
  3423. ( ) can't speak English well.
  3424. </para>
  3425. </simplesect>
  3426. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-4">
  3427. <title><anchor id="bookmark114" /><anchor id="bookmark115" />EXERCISE
  3428. 3</title>
  3429. <para>
  3430. This conversation takes place between a Canadian woman
  3431. and a Japanese businessman who became acquainted while
  3432. staying at the same hotel in Beijing. You will hear the
  3433. conversation twice. As you listen to it for
  3434. </para>
  3435. <para>
  3436. the second time, answer the questions
  3437. </para>
  3438. <para>
  3439. Here are ten expressions you will Wǔyī Láodòngjié cānjiā
  3440. yóuyuánhuì Yíhéyuán Tiān An Men yānhuo jiāo shū chi fan
  3441. kěxī he chá
  3442. </para>
  3443. <literallayout>
  3444. </literallayout>
  3445. <para>
  3446. below.
  3447. </para>
  3448. <para>
  3449. hear in this conversation:
  3450. </para>
  3451. <para>
  3452. (May Day, Labor Day [literally, &quot;May the first,
  3453. Labor Day&quot;])
  3454. </para>
  3455. <para>
  3456. (to attend)
  3457. </para>
  3458. <para>
  3459. (carnival)
  3460. </para>
  3461. <para>
  3462. (Summer Palace)
  3463. </para>
  3464. <para>
  3465. [literally, &quot;Gate of Heavenly Peace&quot;]
  3466. </para>
  3467. <para>
  3468. (fireworks display)
  3469. </para>
  3470. <para>
  3471. (to teach)
  3472. </para>
  3473. <para>
  3474. (to eat, to have a meal)
  3475. </para>
  3476. <para>
  3477. (what a pity)
  3478. </para>
  3479. <para>
  3480. (to drink tea)
  3481. </para>
  3482. <literallayout>
  3483. </literallayout>
  3484. <para>
  3486. </para>
  3487. <itemizedlist>
  3488. <listitem>
  3489. <para>
  3490. 1. The Japanese businessman has
  3491. </para>
  3492. </listitem>
  3493. </itemizedlist>
  3494. <para>
  3495. ( ) an invitation to a carnival.
  3496. </para>
  3497. <para>
  3498. ( ) tickets to a carnival.
  3499. </para>
  3500. <para>
  3501. ( ) an appointment for a meeting.
  3502. </para>
  3503. <itemizedlist>
  3504. <listitem>
  3505. <para>
  3506. 2. Can the Canadian woman go to the fireworks
  3507. display? ( ) Yes ( ) No
  3508. </para>
  3509. </listitem>
  3510. <listitem>
  3511. <para>
  3512. 3. Why or why not? __
  3513. </para>
  3514. </listitem>
  3515. </itemizedlist>
  3516. <itemizedlist>
  3517. <listitem>
  3518. <para>
  3519. U. What and when did she hear about the fireworks
  3520. display on Chinese
  3521. </para>
  3522. </listitem>
  3523. </itemizedlist>
  3524. <para>
  3525. Labor Day?
  3526. ________________________________________________________
  3527. </para>
  3528. </simplesect>
  3529. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-4-2">
  3530. <title><anchor id="bookmark116" /><anchor id="bookmark117" />EXERCISE
  3531. 4</title>
  3532. <para>
  3533. In Taipei, Mr. Stewart is making a phone call to the
  3534. office of someone with whom he does business. You will
  3535. hear the conversation twice. Answer the questions below
  3536. as you listen for the second time.
  3537. </para>
  3538. <para>
  3539. You will hear the expressions
  3540. </para>
  3541. <para>
  3542. ting diànhuà
  3543. </para>
  3544. <para>
  3545. da (ge) diànhuà yídìng zāogāo méi bànfa
  3546. </para>
  3547. <literallayout>
  3548. </literallayout>
  3549. <para>
  3550. (to answer the phone) (to make a phone call)
  3551. (definitely)
  3552. </para>
  3553. <para>
  3554. (what a mess; oh, no) (there is no way to)
  3555. </para>
  3556. <para>
  3558. </para>
  3559. <itemizedlist>
  3560. <listitem>
  3561. <para>
  3562. 1. Where is Section Chief Wáng?
  3563. _________________________________________
  3564. </para>
  3565. </listitem>
  3566. <listitem>
  3567. <para>
  3568. 2. What time is it now?
  3569. _________________________________________
  3570. </para>
  3571. </listitem>
  3572. <listitem>
  3573. <para>
  3574. 3. What time is Mr. Stewart told to call back?
  3575. </para>
  3576. </listitem>
  3577. </itemizedlist>
  3578. <para>
  3579. U. What is Mr. Stewart’s home phone number?
  3580. </para>
  3581. </simplesect>
  3582. </section>
  3583. <section xml:id="unit-3-p-2-workbook">
  3584. <title><anchor id="bookmark29" /><anchor id="bookmark118" />UNIT
  3585. 3 P-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  3586. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-5">
  3587. <title><anchor id="bookmark119" /><anchor id="bookmark120" />EXERCISE
  3588. 1</title>
  3589. <para>
  3590. In this exercise you will compare things which are
  3591. different as well as stating that some things are alike.
  3592. </para>
  3593. <para>
  3594. The four charts in Display I give information to be used
  3595. in comparing various things: Chart 1—the grades of three
  3596. students; Chart 2—the volume of book and map sales in
  3597. three Taipei stores; Chart 3—the average unit price of
  3598. television sets and electic fans in three Taipei stores;
  3599. Chart U—the distances of four cities from Taipei. Use
  3600. this information to answer the questions on tape.
  3601. </para>
  3602. <para>
  3603. Example
  3604. </para>
  3605. <para>
  3606. TAPE: Wang Huìmín, Lī Měiyīn, shéi xué Riwén, xuéde hǎo?
  3607. </para>
  3608. <para>
  3609. YOU: Wáng Huìmín xué Riwén bī Lī Měiyīn xuéde hǎo.
  3610. </para>
  3611. <para>
  3612. TAPE: Lī Měiyīn, Zhāng Xiǎoqiān, shéi xué Riwén, xuéde
  3613. hǎo?
  3614. </para>
  3615. <para>
  3616. YOU: Zhāng Xiǎoqiān xué Riwén bī Lī Měiyīn xuéde hǎo.
  3617. </para>
  3618. <para>
  3619. TAPE: Wáng Huìmín, Zhāng Xiǎoqiān, shéi xué Riwén, xuéde
  3620. hǎo?
  3621. </para>
  3622. <para>
  3623. YOU: Wang Huìmín xué Riwén gēn Zhāng xiǎoqiān xuéde
  3624. yíyǎng hǎo.
  3625. </para>
  3626. <para>
  3627. When you use manner adverbs to describe how someone does
  3628. something (including comparisons), mention the activity
  3629. first; then describe it with the adverb.
  3630. </para>
  3631. <para>
  3632. DISPLAY I
  3633. </para>
  3634. <informaltable>
  3635. <tgroup cols="3">
  3636. <colspec align="left" />
  3637. <colspec align="left" />
  3638. <colspec align="left" />
  3639. <tbody>
  3640. <row>
  3641. <entry>
  3642. </entry>
  3643. <entry>
  3644. <para>
  3645. JAPANESE
  3646. </para>
  3647. </entry>
  3648. <entry>
  3649. <para>
  3651. </para>
  3652. </entry>
  3653. </row>
  3654. <row>
  3655. <entry>
  3656. <para>
  3657. Wáng Huìmín
  3658. </para>
  3659. </entry>
  3660. <entry>
  3661. <para>
  3662. A-
  3663. </para>
  3664. </entry>
  3665. <entry>
  3666. <para>
  3667. B
  3668. </para>
  3669. </entry>
  3670. </row>
  3671. <row>
  3672. <entry>
  3673. <para>
  3674. 1. Lī Měiyīn
  3675. </para>
  3676. </entry>
  3677. <entry>
  3678. <para>
  3679. C
  3680. </para>
  3681. </entry>
  3682. <entry>
  3683. <para>
  3684. A
  3685. </para>
  3686. </entry>
  3687. </row>
  3688. <row>
  3689. <entry>
  3690. <para>
  3691. Zhang Xiǎoqiān
  3692. </para>
  3693. </entry>
  3694. <entry>
  3695. <para>
  3696. A-
  3697. </para>
  3698. </entry>
  3699. <entry>
  3700. <para>
  3701. A
  3702. </para>
  3703. </entry>
  3704. </row>
  3705. </tbody>
  3706. </tgroup>
  3707. </informaltable>
  3708. <para>
  3710. </para>
  3711. <informaltable>
  3712. <tgroup cols="3">
  3713. <colspec align="left" />
  3714. <colspec align="left" />
  3715. <colspec align="left" />
  3716. <tbody>
  3717. <row>
  3718. <entry>
  3719. <para>
  3720. DÌyī Gōngsī
  3721. </para>
  3722. </entry>
  3723. <entry>
  3724. <para>
  3725. 2500/mo.
  3726. </para>
  3727. </entry>
  3728. <entry>
  3729. <para>
  3730. 600/mo.
  3731. </para>
  3732. </entry>
  3733. </row>
  3734. <row>
  3735. <entry>
  3736. <para>
  3737. Jīnrì'Gōngsī
  3738. </para>
  3739. </entry>
  3740. <entry>
  3741. <para>
  3742. 2500/mo.
  3743. </para>
  3744. </entry>
  3745. <entry>
  3746. <para>
  3747. 250/mo. '
  3748. </para>
  3749. </entry>
  3750. </row>
  3751. <row>
  3752. <entry>
  3753. <para>
  3754. Dōngfāng Shūdiàn
  3755. </para>
  3756. </entry>
  3757. <entry>
  3758. <para>
  3759. 3U00/mo.
  3760. </para>
  3761. </entry>
  3762. <entry>
  3763. <para>
  3764. 600/mo.
  3765. </para>
  3766. </entry>
  3767. </row>
  3768. </tbody>
  3769. </tgroup>
  3770. </informaltable>
  3771. <para>
  3773. </para>
  3774. <informaltable>
  3775. <tgroup cols="4">
  3776. <colspec align="left" />
  3777. <colspec align="left" />
  3778. <colspec align="left" />
  3779. <colspec align="left" />
  3780. <tbody>
  3781. <row>
  3782. <entry>
  3783. </entry>
  3784. <entry>
  3785. <para>
  3786. DÌyī Gōngsī
  3787. </para>
  3788. </entry>
  3789. <entry>
  3790. <para>
  3791. NT$3800<anchor id="footnote3" /><superscript><link linkend="bookmark121">3</link></superscript>
  3792. </para>
  3793. </entry>
  3794. <entry>
  3795. <para>
  3796. NT$950
  3797. </para>
  3798. </entry>
  3799. </row>
  3800. <row>
  3801. <entry>
  3802. <para>
  3803. 3.
  3804. </para>
  3805. </entry>
  3806. <entry>
  3807. <para>
  3808. Jīnrì Gōngsī
  3809. </para>
  3810. </entry>
  3811. <entry>
  3812. <para>
  3813. NT$U5OO
  3814. </para>
  3815. </entry>
  3816. <entry>
  3817. <para>
  3818. NT$780
  3819. </para>
  3820. </entry>
  3821. </row>
  3822. <row>
  3823. <entry>
  3824. </entry>
  3825. <entry>
  3826. <para>
  3827. Yuǎndōng Gōngsī
  3828. </para>
  3829. </entry>
  3830. <entry>
  3831. <para>
  3832. NT$U5OO
  3833. </para>
  3834. </entry>
  3835. <entry>
  3836. <para>
  3837. NT$780
  3838. </para>
  3839. </entry>
  3840. </row>
  3841. </tbody>
  3842. </tgroup>
  3843. </informaltable>
  3844. <para>
  3846. </para>
  3847. <informaltable>
  3848. <tgroup cols="3">
  3849. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  3850. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  3851. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  3852. <tbody>
  3853. <row>
  3854. <entry>
  3855. <para>
  3856. L
  3857. </para>
  3858. </entry>
  3859. <entry>
  3860. <para>
  3861. Hualian
  3862. </para>
  3863. <para>
  3864. Tai zhong
  3865. </para>
  3866. </entry>
  3867. <entry>
  3868. <para>
  3869. 105 km lUo km
  3870. </para>
  3871. </entry>
  3872. </row>
  3873. <row>
  3874. <entry>
  3875. <para>
  3876. 4.
  3877. </para>
  3878. </entry>
  3879. <entry>
  3880. <para>
  3881. Taidong
  3882. </para>
  3883. </entry>
  3884. <entry>
  3885. <para>
  3886. 280 km
  3887. </para>
  3888. </entry>
  3889. </row>
  3890. <row>
  3891. <entry>
  3892. </entry>
  3893. <entry>
  3894. <para>
  3895. Tainan
  3896. </para>
  3897. </entry>
  3898. <entry>
  3899. <para>
  3900. 280 km
  3901. </para>
  3902. </entry>
  3903. </row>
  3904. </tbody>
  3905. </tgroup>
  3906. </informaltable>
  3907. </simplesect>
  3908. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-5">
  3909. <title><anchor id="bookmark122" /><anchor id="bookmark123" />EXERCISE
  3910. 2</title>
  3911. <para>
  3912. In this exercise you will take the part of a travel
  3913. agent in Hong Kong and give information about various
  3914. flights in China.
  3915. </para>
  3916. <para>
  3917. Display II shows the timetables for four flight routes.
  3918. Use this information to answer the questions on tape.
  3919. Whenever possible, use the búdàn...yě... construction to
  3920. give a customer the needed information.
  3921. </para>
  3922. <para>
  3923. Example
  3924. </para>
  3925. <para>
  3926. TAPE: Cong Běijīng dào Guangzhou zǎoshang you fēijī ma?
  3927. </para>
  3928. <para>
  3929. YOU:   Budàn zǎoshang you fēijī, xiàwǔ yě you fēijī.
  3930. </para>
  3931. <para>
  3932. TAPE: Zǎoshangde, xiàwǔde dōu shi zhí fēide ma?
  3933. </para>
  3934. <para>
  3935. YOU:   Bùdōu shi zhí fēide.
  3936. </para>
  3937. <para>
  3938. TAPE: Neibān shi zhí fēide?
  3939. </para>
  3940. <para>
  3941. YOU:   Zǎoshang Jiǔdiǎn ling wǔfēn, xiàwǔ yìdiǎn ling
  3942. wǔfēn dōu
  3943. </para>
  3944. <para>
  3945. shi zhí fēide.
  3946. </para>
  3947. <para>
  3948. TAPE: Zǎoshangde nèibān gēn xiàwǔde nèibān yòngde
  3949. shíjiān yíyàng duō ma?
  3950. </para>
  3951. <para>
  3952. YOU:   Shi, zǎoshangde nèibān gēn xiàwǔde nèibān yòngde
  3953. shíjiān
  3954. </para>
  3955. <para>
  3956. yíyàng duō.
  3957. </para>
  3958. <para>
  3959. DISPLAY II
  3960. </para>
  3961. <literallayout>
  3962. </literallayout>
  3963. <para>
  3965. </para>
  3966. <para>
  3967. IL-62            IL-62          B-707
  3968. </para>
  3969. <para>
  3971. </para>
  3972. <para>
  3973. IL-62
  3974. </para>
  3975. <literallayout>
  3976. </literallayout>
  3977. <informaltable>
  3978. <tgroup cols="4">
  3979. <colspec align="left" />
  3980. <colspec align="left" />
  3981. <colspec align="left" />
  3982. <colspec align="left" />
  3983. <tbody>
  3984. <row>
  3985. <entry>
  3986. <para>
  3987. Běi JIng
  3988. </para>
  3989. </entry>
  3990. <entry>
  3991. <para>
  3992. 9:05 a.m.
  3993. </para>
  3994. </entry>
  3995. <entry>
  3996. <para>
  3997. 1:05 p.m.
  3998. </para>
  3999. </entry>
  4000. <entry>
  4001. <para>
  4002. 2:15 p.m.
  4003. </para>
  4004. </entry>
  4005. </row>
  4006. <row>
  4007. <entry>
  4008. <para>
  4009. Shanghai
  4010. </para>
  4011. </entry>
  4012. <entry>
  4013. </entry>
  4014. <entry>
  4015. </entry>
  4016. <entry>
  4017. <para>
  4018. 3:55 P.m.
  4019. </para>
  4020. </entry>
  4021. </row>
  4022. <row>
  4023. <entry>
  4024. </entry>
  4025. <entry>
  4026. <para>
  4027. (2hr 55m)
  4028. </para>
  4029. </entry>
  4030. <entry>
  4031. <para>
  4032. (2hr 55m)
  4033. </para>
  4034. </entry>
  4035. <entry>
  4036. <para>
  4037. U:55 P.m.
  4038. </para>
  4039. </entry>
  4040. </row>
  4041. <row>
  4042. <entry>
  4043. <para>
  4044. Hangzhou
  4045. </para>
  4046. </entry>
  4047. <entry>
  4048. </entry>
  4049. <entry>
  4050. </entry>
  4051. <entry>
  4052. <para>
  4053. 6:25 p.m.
  4054. </para>
  4055. </entry>
  4056. </row>
  4057. <row>
  4058. <entry>
  4059. </entry>
  4060. <entry>
  4061. </entry>
  4062. <entry>
  4063. </entry>
  4064. <entry>
  4065. <para>
  4066. 6:^5 p.m.
  4067. </para>
  4068. </entry>
  4069. </row>
  4070. <row>
  4071. <entry>
  4072. <para>
  4073. Guangzhou
  4074. </para>
  4075. </entry>
  4076. <entry>
  4077. <para>
  4078. 12:00 noon
  4079. </para>
  4080. </entry>
  4081. <entry>
  4082. <para>
  4083. It:00 p.m.
  4084. </para>
  4085. </entry>
  4086. <entry>
  4087. <para>
  4088. 7:00 p.m.
  4089. </para>
  4090. </entry>
  4091. </row>
  4092. </tbody>
  4093. </tgroup>
  4094. </informaltable>
  4095. <para>
  4096. IL-62
  4097. </para>
  4098. <para>
  4099. TRID
  4100. </para>
  4101. <para>
  4102. B-707
  4103. </para>
  4104. <informaltable>
  4105. <tgroup cols="5">
  4106. <colspec align="left" />
  4107. <colspec align="left" />
  4108. <colspec align="left" />
  4109. <colspec align="left" />
  4110. <colspec align="left" />
  4111. <tbody>
  4112. <row>
  4113. <entry>
  4114. <para>
  4115. Guangzhou
  4116. </para>
  4117. </entry>
  4118. <entry>
  4119. <para>
  4120. 1:15 p.m.
  4121. </para>
  4122. </entry>
  4123. <entry>
  4124. <para>
  4125. 2:05 p.m.
  4126. </para>
  4127. </entry>
  4128. <entry>
  4129. <para>
  4130. U:25 p.m.
  4131. </para>
  4132. </entry>
  4133. <entry>
  4134. <para>
  4135. 7:15 p.m.
  4136. </para>
  4137. </entry>
  4138. </row>
  4139. <row>
  4140. <entry>
  4141. <para>
  4142. Hangzhou
  4143. </para>
  4144. </entry>
  4145. <entry>
  4146. </entry>
  4147. <entry>
  4148. <para>
  4149. 3:50 p.m.
  4150. </para>
  4151. </entry>
  4152. <entry>
  4153. </entry>
  4154. <entry>
  4155. </entry>
  4156. </row>
  4157. <row>
  4158. <entry>
  4159. </entry>
  4160. <entry>
  4161. <para>
  4162. (3 hr)
  4163. </para>
  4164. </entry>
  4165. <entry>
  4166. <para>
  4167. U:lt-5 p.m.
  4168. </para>
  4169. </entry>
  4170. <entry>
  4171. </entry>
  4172. <entry>
  4173. <para>
  4174. (2hr 35m)
  4175. </para>
  4176. </entry>
  4177. </row>
  4178. <row>
  4179. <entry>
  4180. <para>
  4181. Shanghai
  4182. </para>
  4183. </entry>
  4184. <entry>
  4185. </entry>
  4186. <entry>
  4187. </entry>
  4188. <entry>
  4189. <para>
  4190. 6:20 p.m.
  4191. </para>
  4192. </entry>
  4193. <entry>
  4194. </entry>
  4195. </row>
  4196. <row>
  4197. <entry>
  4198. </entry>
  4199. <entry>
  4200. </entry>
  4201. <entry>
  4202. </entry>
  4203. <entry>
  4204. <para>
  4205. 7:05 p.m.
  4206. </para>
  4207. </entry>
  4208. <entry>
  4209. </entry>
  4210. </row>
  4211. <row>
  4212. <entry>
  4213. <para>
  4214. Běijīng
  4215. </para>
  4216. </entry>
  4217. <entry>
  4218. <para>
  4219. U:15 p.m.
  4220. </para>
  4221. </entry>
  4222. <entry>
  4223. <para>
  4224. 6:30 p.m.
  4225. </para>
  4226. </entry>
  4227. <entry>
  4228. <para>
  4229. 9:00 p.m.
  4230. </para>
  4231. </entry>
  4232. <entry>
  4233. <para>
  4234. 9:50 p.m.
  4235. </para>
  4236. </entry>
  4237. </row>
  4238. </tbody>
  4239. </tgroup>
  4240. </informaltable>
  4241. <para>
  4243. </para>
  4244. <informaltable>
  4245. <tgroup cols="1">
  4246. <colspec colwidth="100*" align="left" />
  4247. <tbody>
  4248. <row>
  4249. <entry>
  4250. <para>
  4251. AN-24                 IL-18
  4252. </para>
  4253. </entry>
  4254. </row>
  4255. <row>
  4256. <entry>
  4257. <para>
  4258. Beijing          9:15 a.m.              U:15
  4259. p.m.  c?
  4260. </para>
  4261. <para>
  4262. 1         í              í
  4263. </para>
  4264. <para>
  4265. Xīān             12:05 p.m.
  4266.  <emphasis role="smallcaps">cm</emphasis>
  4267.          6:05 p.m.
  4268. </para>
  4269. <para>
  4270. 12:Uo p.m. £          6:4o p.m. J3
  4271. </para>
  4272. <para>
  4273. Chengdu          2:35 p.m.  íx         8:35
  4274. p.m.
  4275. </para>
  4276. </entry>
  4277. </row>
  4278. </tbody>
  4279. </tgroup>
  4280. </informaltable>
  4281. <para>
  4283. </para>
  4284. <para>
  4285. AN-2U
  4286. </para>
  4287. <para>
  4288. IL-18
  4289. </para>
  4290. <para>
  4291. Chengdu
  4292. </para>
  4293. <para>
  4294. 7:00 a.m.
  4295. </para>
  4296. <para>
  4297. ca
  4298. </para>
  4299. <para>
  4300. 2:00 p.m.
  4301. </para>
  4302. <para>
  4303. a on
  4304. </para>
  4305. <para>
  4306. Xīān
  4307. </para>
  4308. <para>
  4309. 9:00 a.m.
  4310. </para>
  4311. <para>
  4312. 0 CM
  4313. </para>
  4314. <para>
  4315. 3:35 p.m.
  4316. </para>
  4317. <para>
  4318. 9:35 a.m.
  4319. </para>
  4320. <para>
  4321. £
  4322. </para>
  4323. <para>
  4324. 4:25 p.m.
  4325. </para>
  4326. <para>
  4327. BěiJ īng
  4328. </para>
  4329. <para>
  4330. 12:20 a.m.
  4331. </para>
  4332. <para>
  4333. fx
  4334. </para>
  4335. <para>
  4336. 6:30 p.m.
  4337. </para>
  4338. <para>
  4339. -zr
  4340. </para>
  4341. </simplesect>
  4342. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-5">
  4343. <title><anchor id="bookmark124" /><anchor id="bookmark125" />EXERCISE
  4344. 3</title>
  4345. <para>
  4346. In this conversation you will act as an interpreter. An
  4347. American living in Taiwan is talking with a Chinese
  4348. businessman.
  4349. </para>
  4350. <para>
  4351. First, you will hear the conversation in Chinese without
  4352. interruptions. Then, it will be presented as if the
  4353. American cannot speak Chinese and the businessman cannot
  4354. speak English. Each speaker’s lines will be followed by
  4355. a pause, during which you will translate.
  4356. </para>
  4357. <para>
  4358. Example
  4359. </para>
  4360. <para>
  4361. AMERICAN: Section Chief Huang, are you free on Saturday
  4362. evening of next week?
  4363. </para>
  4364. <para>
  4365. YOU:       Huang Kēzhǎng, nín xiàge Xīngqīliù wanshang
  4366. y3u gōngfu ma?
  4367. </para>
  4368. <para>
  4369. CHINESE: Y3u a! You shénme shi ma?
  4370. </para>
  4371. <para>
  4372. YOU:        Yes.’ Is there something I can do for you?
  4373. </para>
  4374. <para>
  4375. For this exercise you will need the word chángcháng,
  4376. &quot;often.”
  4377. </para>
  4378. </simplesect>
  4379. </section>
  4380. <section xml:id="unit-3-communication-game">
  4381. <title><anchor id="bookmark47" /><anchor id="bookmark126" />UNIT
  4382. 3 COMMUNICATION GAME</title>
  4383. <para>
  4385. </para>
  4386. <para>
  4387. Type: Rating Panel
  4388. </para>
  4389. <para>
  4390. Situation: The setting is Taizhong. You and. three other
  4391. people have given ratings in speaking and understanding
  4392. Chinese to five students (identified by their adopted
  4393. Chinese names). You must now find out what ratings have
  4394. been given by the other panel members and rank the
  4395. students in both skills.
  4396. </para>
  4397. <para>
  4398. Goal: To rank the five students in speaking and
  4399. understanding Chinese.
  4400. </para>
  4401. <para>
  4402. Number of Players: Groups of four students.
  4403. </para>
  4404. <para>
  4405. Materials: A work sheet for each player. (See Sample Work
  4406. Sheets, on the following pages.)
  4407. </para>
  4408. <para>
  4409. Procedure: Mingle with the players in your group to
  4410. exchange information. Because yíyàng is introduced in this
  4411. unit, all information should be exchanged in the form of
  4412. comparative statements such as ”1 think Mr. Zhōu speaks
  4413. better than Mr. Jiang,” and &quot;I think Mr. MS speaks as
  4414. well as Mr. Jiāng.”
  4415. </para>
  4416. <para>
  4417. Example: You are Speaker 2. In this example you are giving
  4418. rather than receiving information.
  4419. </para>
  4420. <itemizedlist>
  4421. <listitem>
  4422. <para>
  4423. SI: Wáng Xiānsheng shuō Zhōngguo huǎ bl Lī Xiānsheng
  4424. shuō Zhōngguo huǎ shuōde hǎo ma?
  4425. </para>
  4426. </listitem>
  4427. <listitem>
  4428. <para>
  4429. S2: Duì le , Wáng Xiānsheng bl Lī Xiānsheng shuōde
  4430. hǎo.
  4431. </para>
  4432. </listitem>
  4433. <listitem>
  4434. <para>
  4435. SI: Lī Xiānsheng bī Liú Xiānsheng shuōde hǎo ma?
  4436. </para>
  4437. </listitem>
  4438. <listitem>
  4439. <para>
  4440. S2: Bù, Lī Xiansheng gēn Liú Xiānsheng shuōde yíyǎng
  4441. hǎo.
  4442. </para>
  4443. </listitem>
  4444. <listitem>
  4445. <para>
  4446. SI: Lī Xiānsheng gēn Zhāng Xiānsheng shuōde yíyǎng hǎo
  4447. ma?
  4448. </para>
  4449. </listitem>
  4450. <listitem>
  4451. <para>
  4452. S2: Bù, Lī Xiānsheng bī Zhāng Xiānsheng shuōde hǎo.
  4453. (etc..)
  4454. </para>
  4455. </listitem>
  4456. </itemizedlist>
  4457. <para>
  4458. Additional Note: You must ask enough questions so that a
  4459. player’s answers indicate clearly in which ability level
  4460. students should be placed. This means that you have to
  4461. remember the answers to several questions (asking the
  4462. questions again, if necessary). You may decide to make
  4463. tentative pencil check marks during an interview.
  4464. </para>
  4465. <para>
  4466. Practice Points: Yíyǎng and other comparative
  4467. constructions.
  4468. </para>
  4469. <para>
  4471. </para>
  4472. <para>
  4473. NUMBER 1
  4474. </para>
  4475. <para>
  4476. Wang Lǐ Zhang Zhao Liú.
  4477. </para>
  4478. <para>
  4479. Does he speak well?
  4480. </para>
  4481. <para>
  4482. YES
  4483. </para>
  4484. <para>
  4486. </para>
  4487. <para>
  4488. NO
  4489. </para>
  4490. <para>
  4491. /////////////////
  4492. </para>
  4493. <para>
  4494. ilium
  4495. </para>
  4496. <para>
  4497. mm
  4498. </para>
  4499. <para>
  4500. ////////////////////////
  4501. </para>
  4502. <para>
  4503. Does he understand what is said?
  4504. </para>
  4505. <para>
  4506. YES
  4507. </para>
  4508. <para>
  4510. </para>
  4511. <para>
  4512. NO
  4513. </para>
  4514. <para>
  4515. NUMBER 2
  4516. </para>
  4517. <para>
  4518. Wang Lǐ Zhāng Zhao Liú.
  4519. </para>
  4520. <para>
  4521. Does he speak well? ■
  4522. </para>
  4523. <para>
  4524. Does he understand what is said?
  4525. </para>
  4526. <para>
  4527. YES
  4528. </para>
  4529. <para>
  4531. </para>
  4532. <para>
  4533. NO
  4534. </para>
  4535. <para>
  4536. mmimmimmimmimmiimmiiiiiimiiii
  4537. </para>
  4538. <para>
  4539. YES
  4540. </para>
  4541. <para>
  4543. </para>
  4544. <para>
  4545. NO
  4546. </para>
  4547. <para>
  4548. NUMBER 3
  4549. </para>
  4550. <para>
  4551. Wáng
  4552. </para>
  4553. <para>
  4554. </para>
  4555. <para>
  4556. Zhāng
  4557. </para>
  4558. <para>
  4559. Zhao
  4560. </para>
  4561. <para>
  4562. Liú
  4563. </para>
  4564. <para>
  4565. Does he speak well?
  4566. </para>
  4567. <para>
  4568. YES
  4569. </para>
  4570. <para>
  4572. </para>
  4573. <para>
  4574. NO
  4575. </para>
  4576. <para>
  4577. ///////////////////////////////
  4578. </para>
  4579. <para>
  4580. llllllllllllllllllllllll
  4581. </para>
  4582. <para>
  4583. Does he understand what is said?
  4584. </para>
  4585. <para>
  4586. YES
  4587. </para>
  4588. <para>
  4590. </para>
  4591. <para>
  4592. NO
  4593. </para>
  4594. <para>
  4595. NUMBER 4
  4596. </para>
  4597. <para>
  4598. Wáng
  4599. </para>
  4600. <para>
  4601. </para>
  4602. <para>
  4603. Zhāng
  4604. </para>
  4605. <para>
  4606. Zhao
  4607. </para>
  4608. <para>
  4609. Liú
  4610. </para>
  4611. <para>
  4612. Does he speak well?
  4613. </para>
  4614. <para>
  4615. YES
  4616. </para>
  4617. <para>
  4619. </para>
  4620. <para>
  4621. NO
  4622. </para>
  4623. <para>
  4624. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4625. </para>
  4626. <para>
  4627. Does he understand what is said?
  4628. </para>
  4629. <para>
  4630. YES
  4631. </para>
  4632. <para>
  4634. </para>
  4635. <para>
  4636. NO
  4637. </para>
  4638. <para>
  4639. NUMBER 5
  4640. </para>
  4641. <para>
  4642. Wang
  4643. </para>
  4644. <para>
  4645. LI
  4646. </para>
  4647. <para>
  4648. Zhāng
  4649. </para>
  4650. <para>
  4651. Zhao
  4652. </para>
  4653. <para>
  4654. Liú
  4655. </para>
  4656. <para>
  4657. Does he speak well?
  4658. </para>
  4659. <para>
  4660. YES
  4661. </para>
  4662. <para>
  4664. </para>
  4665. <para>
  4666. NO
  4667. </para>
  4668. <para>
  4669. <emphasis role="smallcaps">//////////////////////////////a</emphasis>
  4670. </para>
  4671. <para>
  4672. ///////////////////////
  4673. </para>
  4674. <para>
  4675. Does he understand what is said?
  4676. </para>
  4677. <para>
  4678. YES
  4679. </para>
  4680. <para>
  4682. </para>
  4683. <para>
  4684. NO
  4685. </para>
  4686. </section>
  4687. <section xml:id="unit-4-c-1-review-dialogue">
  4688. <title><anchor id="bookmark48" /><anchor id="bookmark127" />UNIT
  4689. 4 C-1 REVIEW DIALOGUE</title>
  4690. <para>
  4691. *A: Bai Xiǎojiě, qǐng J in. Wǒ gěi ni Jièshao Jièshao
  4692. Tǎidàde Yè Jiàoshòu.
  4693. </para>
  4694. <para>
  4695. B: Shì bu shi nàwèi Jiao huàhuàde Yè Jiàoshòu?
  4696. </para>
  4697. <para>
  4698. A: Shì tā.
  4699. </para>
  4700. <para>
  4701. B: Hǎojíle. Wǒ hen xiǎng hé ta jiànjian miàn. Wǒ kànguo
  4702. tāde huà, búguò méi he ta Jiànguo miàn. Tāde shānshuǐ huà
  4703. wǒ zuì xǐhuan.
  4704. </para>
  4705. <para>
  4706. Miss Bailey and Miss Zhōu have now
  4707. </para>
  4708. <para>
  4709. Please come in, Miss Bailey. I am going to introduce you
  4710. to Professor Yè from Taiwan University.
  4711. </para>
  4712. <para>
  4713. Is that the Professor Yè who teaches painting?
  4714. </para>
  4715. <para>
  4716. Yes.
  4717. </para>
  4718. <para>
  4719. Wonderful. I would very much like to meet him. I have seen
  4720. his paintings, but I haven’t met him. I especially like
  4721. his landscape paintings.
  4722. </para>
  4723. <para>
  4724. entered the living room.
  4725. </para>
  4726. <literallayout>
  4727. </literallayout>
  4728. <itemizedlist>
  4729. <listitem>
  4730. <para>
  4731. A: Yè Jiàoshòu, zhèwèi shi Bai Xiǎojiě, gang cong
  4732. Měiguo lai bù Jiǔ. Bai Xiǎojiě, zhèwèi shi Yè
  4733. Jiàoshòu.
  4734. </para>
  4735. </listitem>
  4736. <listitem>
  4737. <para>
  4738. B: Ye Jiàoshòu, Jiǔyǎng, Jiǔyǎng.
  4739. </para>
  4740. </listitem>
  4741. <listitem>
  4742. <para>
  4743. C: Nǐ hǎo. Nín lāile duójiǔ le?
  4744. </para>
  4745. </listitem>
  4746. </itemizedlist>
  4747. <para>
  4748. B: Wǒ gang lai yígeduō yuè.
  4749. </para>
  4750. <para>
  4751. C: Nǐ lai niàn shū ma?
  4752. </para>
  4753. <para>
  4754. B: Bú shi. Wǒ xiànzài zài Měiguo Yínháng gōngzuò.
  4755. </para>
  4756. <para>
  4757. C: Nà tài hǎo le.
  4758. </para>
  4759. <para>
  4760. B: Gang lai, hāi you hěn duō bù shóuxide dìfang. Yè
  4761. Jiàoshòu, wǒ hen xǐhuan Zhōngguo huàr. Yīqiǎn xuéguo
  4762. liǎngniǎn.
  4763. </para>
  4764. <para>
  4765. C: Nà nǐ dàgài huàde hěn hǎo le.
  4766. </para>
  4767. <para>
  4768. B: Bù xíng. Yǐhòu xīwang you Jīhui xiàng nín duō qǐngjiào
  4769. qīngjiào.
  4770. </para>
  4771. <para>
  4772. C: Nali, náli. Huānyíng nǐ lai tantan.
  4773. </para>
  4774. <para>
  4775. Professor Yè, this is Miss Bailey, who Just came from
  4776. America not long ago. Miss Bailey, this is Professor Yè.
  4777. </para>
  4778. <para>
  4779. Glad to meet you, Professor Yè.
  4780. </para>
  4781. <para>
  4782. How are you. How long have you been here?
  4783. </para>
  4784. <para>
  4785. It has been only a month or so since I got here.
  4786. </para>
  4787. <para>
  4788. Did you come to study?
  4789. </para>
  4790. <para>
  4791. No. I work at the Bank of America now.
  4792. </para>
  4793. <para>
  4794. That’s wonderful.
  4795. </para>
  4796. <para>
  4797. Since I have Just come, there’s still a lot I’m not
  4798. familiar with. Professor Yè, I like Chinese paintings very
  4799. much. In the past I studied painting for two years.
  4800. </para>
  4801. <para>
  4802. Then you probably paint very well.
  4803. </para>
  4804. <para>
  4805. Not well enough. Later on I hope to have the opportunity
  4806. to consult you often.
  4807. </para>
  4808. <para>
  4809. Thank you (not at all). You are welcome to come have a
  4810. chat with me.
  4811. </para>
  4812. <para>
  4813. *The untranslated version of this conversation is on the
  4814. C-l tape. The conversation also appears as Exercise 1 on
  4815. the C-2 tape.
  4816. </para>
  4817. </section>
  4818. <section xml:id="unit-4-c-2-workbook">
  4819. <title><anchor id="bookmark128" /><anchor id="bookmark129" />UNIT
  4820. 4 C-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  4821. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-6">
  4822. <title><anchor id="bookmark130" /><anchor id="bookmark131" />EXERCISE
  4823. 1</title>
  4824. <para>
  4825. As this conversation begins, Miss Bailey has just
  4826. knocked on the door of her friend Miss Zhōu. You will
  4827. hear the conversation twice. As you listen to it for the
  4828. second time, translate orally during the pauses on tape.
  4829. Compare your translations with the suggested
  4830. translations given by the speaker.
  4831. </para>
  4832. <para>
  4833. Remember that the verb xué is used for
  4834. &quot;learning&quot; a skill, as well as for
  4835. &quot;studying&quot; a subject. In this conversation the
  4836. adverb zuì means &quot;very much,&quot; not
  4837. &quot;most.&quot;
  4838. </para>
  4839. <para>
  4840. Wǒ zuì xǐhuan tāde shānshuǐ (I like his landscape
  4841. paintings huà.                               very much.)
  4842. </para>
  4843. </simplesect>
  4844. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-6">
  4845. <title><anchor id="bookmark132" /><anchor id="bookmark133" />EXERCISE
  4846. 2</title>
  4847. <para>
  4848. In this conversation you will hear some polite
  4849. expressions typically used by guests and hosts. Mr. and
  4850. Mrs. Shen, who were born in Beijing and still speak with
  4851. a Beijing accent, have invited some of their American
  4852. friends for a special treat.
  4853. </para>
  4854. <para>
  4855. You will hear the conversation between Mrs. Shen and
  4856. Professor Liang twice. Answer the questions below as you
  4857. listen for the second time.
  4858. </para>
  4859. <para>
  4860. Here are five expressions you will hear in the
  4861. conversation:
  4862. </para>
  4863. <para>
  4864. duì...shóuxi biǎoyǎn xuéxi song gei bù hǎo yìsi
  4865. </para>
  4866. <literallayout>
  4867. </literallayout>
  4868. <para>
  4869. (to be familiar with)
  4870. </para>
  4871. <para>
  4872. (to give a demonstration)
  4873. </para>
  4874. <para>
  4875. (to study)
  4876. </para>
  4877. <para>
  4878. (to give to) (embarrassing)
  4879. </para>
  4880. <para>
  4882. </para>
  4883. <itemizedlist>
  4884. <listitem>
  4885. <para>
  4886. 1. Why have the Shens invited Professor Liang?
  4887. </para>
  4888. </listitem>
  4889. <listitem>
  4890. <para>
  4891. 2. According to Mrs. Shen, how familiar are she and
  4892. her guests with
  4893. </para>
  4894. </listitem>
  4895. </itemizedlist>
  4896. <para>
  4897. Chinese painting?
  4898. _______________________________________________
  4899. </para>
  4900. <itemizedlist>
  4901. <listitem>
  4902. <para>
  4903. 3. What has Mrs. Shen prepared for Professor Liang?
  4904. </para>
  4905. </listitem>
  4906. <listitem>
  4907. <para>
  4908. 4. What kind of picture does Professor Liang paint?
  4909. </para>
  4910. </listitem>
  4911. <listitem>
  4912. <para>
  4913. 5. What does Mrs. Shen ask Professor Liang to do
  4914. when he has finished?
  4915. </para>
  4916. </listitem>
  4917. </itemizedlist>
  4918. </simplesect>
  4919. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-6">
  4920. <title><anchor id="bookmark134" /><anchor id="bookmark135" />EXERCISE
  4921. 3</title>
  4922. <para>
  4923. As this conversation starts, Miss Wilson has knocked on
  4924. the door of Professor Cao’s house, in Taipei, and the
  4925. professor has just opened it.
  4926. </para>
  4927. <para>
  4928. You will hear the conversation twice. As you listen to
  4929. it for the second time, answer the questions below.
  4930. </para>
  4931. <para>
  4932. Here are eight expressions you will hear in the
  4933. conversation: Shi Bai Xiānsheng jièshao       (It was
  4934. Mr. Bai who gave me an
  4935. </para>
  4936. <para>
  4937. wo laide.                        introduction to you.)
  4938. </para>
  4939. <para>
  4940. tīngshuō                         (to hear that)
  4941. </para>
  4942. <para>
  4943. zhǎnlǎn                          (exhibition)
  4944. </para>
  4945. <para>
  4946. fēicháng                         (unusually, extremely)
  4947. </para>
  4948. <para>
  4949. zuìjìn                           (recently)
  4950. </para>
  4951. <para>
  4952. Alǐshān                          (Mount Ali)
  4953. </para>
  4954. <para>
  4955. song gei                         (to give to)
  4956. </para>
  4957. <para>
  4958. yánjiu                           (to study, to do
  4959. research)
  4960. </para>
  4961. <para>
  4963. </para>
  4964. <itemizedlist>
  4965. <listitem>
  4966. <para>
  4967. 1. Who gave Miss Wilson an introduction to Professor
  4968. Cao?
  4969. </para>
  4970. </listitem>
  4971. <listitem>
  4972. <para>
  4973. 2. When did Miss Wilson hear that Professor Cao’s
  4974. landscape paintings were very good?
  4975. ______________________________________________
  4976. </para>
  4977. </listitem>
  4978. <listitem>
  4979. <para>
  4980. 3. When did Professor Cao go to Mount Ali?
  4981. </para>
  4982. </listitem>
  4983. </itemizedlist>
  4984. <para>
  4985. U. What does Miss Wilson say about the paintings which
  4986. Professor Cáo shows her?
  4987. ________________________________________________________
  4988. </para>
  4989. <para>
  4990. 5. What does Professor Cáo say about the painting which
  4991. he gives to Miss Wilson?
  4992. </para>
  4993. <para>
  4994. ( ) It’s somewhat (a little) interesting.
  4995. </para>
  4996. <para>
  4997. ( ) It’s just a little something.
  4998. </para>
  4999. <para>
  5000. ( ) It’s a good idea.
  5001. </para>
  5002. </simplesect>
  5003. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-4-3">
  5004. <title><anchor id="bookmark136" /><anchor id="bookmark137" />EXERCISE
  5005. 4</title>
  5006. <para>
  5007. This exercise will give you a chance to see what you can
  5008. understand in a conversation containing new vocabulary
  5009. and new uses of known vocabulary. An American professor,
  5010. Mr. Seegar, (accompanied by his guide) is visiting the
  5011. home of a Chinese worker, Wáng Mei, who works at the
  5012. Number 1 Textile Mill in Shanghai.
  5013. </para>
  5014. <para>
  5015. You will hear the conversation only once. Answer the
  5016. questions on the next page after listening. Then rewind
  5017. the tape and check your answers as you listen again.
  5018. </para>
  5019. <para>
  5020. Here are some expressions you will hear:
  5021. </para>
  5022. <informaltable>
  5023. <tgroup cols="2">
  5024. <colspec align="left" />
  5025. <colspec align="left" />
  5026. <tbody>
  5027. <row>
  5028. <entry>
  5029. <para>
  5030. qīng zuò
  5031. </para>
  5032. </entry>
  5033. <entry>
  5034. <para>
  5035. (please have a seat)
  5036. </para>
  5037. </entry>
  5038. </row>
  5039. <row>
  5040. <entry>
  5041. <para>
  5042. lěng
  5043. </para>
  5044. </entry>
  5045. <entry>
  5046. <para>
  5047. (to be cold)
  5048. </para>
  5049. </entry>
  5050. </row>
  5051. <row>
  5052. <entry>
  5053. <para>
  5054. re
  5055. </para>
  5056. </entry>
  5057. <entry>
  5058. <para>
  5059. (to be hot)
  5060. </para>
  5061. </entry>
  5062. </row>
  5063. <row>
  5064. <entry>
  5065. <para>
  5066. xiǎoxué
  5067. </para>
  5068. </entry>
  5069. <entry>
  5070. <para>
  5071. (elementary school)
  5072. </para>
  5073. </entry>
  5074. </row>
  5075. <row>
  5076. <entry>
  5077. <para>
  5078. yòuéryuán
  5079. </para>
  5080. </entry>
  5081. <entry>
  5082. <para>
  5083. (kindergarten)
  5084. </para>
  5085. </entry>
  5086. </row>
  5087. <row>
  5088. <entry>
  5089. <para>
  5090. zhàogu
  5091. </para>
  5092. </entry>
  5093. <entry>
  5094. <para>
  5095. (to take care of)
  5096. </para>
  5097. </entry>
  5098. </row>
  5099. <row>
  5100. <entry>
  5101. <para>
  5102. zuò fan
  5103. </para>
  5104. </entry>
  5105. <entry>
  5106. <para>
  5107. (to cook)
  5108. </para>
  5109. </entry>
  5110. </row>
  5111. <row>
  5112. <entry>
  5113. <para>
  5114. mǎi cài
  5115. </para>
  5116. </entry>
  5117. <entry>
  5118. <para>
  5119. (to buy groceries)
  5120. </para>
  5121. </entry>
  5122. </row>
  5123. <row>
  5124. <entry>
  5125. <para>
  5126. xì yīshang
  5127. </para>
  5128. </entry>
  5129. <entry>
  5130. <para>
  5131. (to wash clothes)
  5132. </para>
  5133. </entry>
  5134. </row>
  5135. <row>
  5136. <entry>
  5137. <para>
  5138. bú dà hǎo mǎi
  5139. </para>
  5140. </entry>
  5141. <entry>
  5142. <para>
  5143. (not very easy to buy)
  5144. </para>
  5145. </entry>
  5146. </row>
  5147. </tbody>
  5148. </tgroup>
  5149. </informaltable>
  5150. <para>
  5152. </para>
  5153. <itemizedlist>
  5154. <listitem>
  5155. <para>
  5156. 1. What’s the weather like today?
  5157. ____________________________
  5158. </para>
  5159. </listitem>
  5160. <listitem>
  5161. <para>
  5162. 2. Where is Wang Mei’s husband?
  5163. </para>
  5164. </listitem>
  5165. <listitem>
  5166. <para>
  5167. 3. How old are Comrade Wang’s children?
  5168. </para>
  5169. </listitem>
  5170. </itemizedlist>
  5171. <para>
  5172. H. What does Comrade Wáng’s husband do when she is
  5173. picking up the children?
  5174. ___________________________________________________________
  5175. </para>
  5176. <para>
  5177. 5. When do they go to the movies?
  5178. </para>
  5179. <para>
  5180. 6. What does Wang Méi hope that Mr. Seegar will have a
  5181. chance to do in the
  5182. future?________________________________
  5183. </para>
  5184. </simplesect>
  5185. </section>
  5186. <section xml:id="unit-4-p-2-workbook">
  5187. <title><anchor id="bookmark138" /><anchor id="bookmark139" />UNIT
  5188. 4 P-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  5189. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-7">
  5190. <title><anchor id="bookmark140" /><anchor id="bookmark141" />EXERCISE
  5191. 1</title>
  5192. <para>
  5193. In this exercise you will use compound verbs of result
  5194. in various forms.
  5195. </para>
  5196. <para>
  5197. Display I lists twelve subjects that you are studying at
  5198. this time.
  5199. </para>
  5200. <para>
  5201. The chart shows which subjects you have finished
  5202. studying this evening and which you have not. Some of
  5203. the unfinished homework can be completed tonight, and
  5204. some cannot. Use the information in the display to
  5205. respond to comments from another student.
  5206. </para>
  5207. <para>
  5208. Example
  5209. </para>
  5210. <para>
  5211. STUDENT: Wǒ zuòwánle wǒde Rìwén zuòyè le. Nī ne?
  5212. </para>
  5213. <para>
  5214. YOU:      Wǒ yě zuòwán le.
  5215. </para>
  5216. <para>
  5217. STUDENT: Wǒ zuòwánle wǒde Rìběn Lìshī zuòyè le. Nī ne?
  5218. </para>
  5219. <para>
  5220. YOU:      Wǒ hái méi zuòwán, kěshi wǒ xiǎng Jīntiǎn
  5221. wǎnshang zuòdewán.
  5222. </para>
  5223. <para>
  5224. STUDENT: Wǒ zuòwánle wǒde Rìběn Wénxué zuòyè le. Nǐ ne?
  5225. </para>
  5226. <para>
  5227. YOU:      Wo hái néi zuòwán, wǒ xiǎng jīntiǎn wǎnshang
  5228. yě zuòbuwán.
  5229. </para>
  5230. <para>
  5231. In sentences in which it is mentioned that something
  5232. cannot be done in a certain length of time, yě means
  5233. ’’even,” not &quot;also.”
  5234. </para>
  5235. <para>
  5236. Zhèiběn shū wǒ yíge yuè yě niǎnbuwán.
  5237. </para>
  5238. <para>
  5239. (I can’t finish studying this book even in a month.)
  5240. </para>
  5241. <para>
  5242. For this exercise you will need the following words:
  5243. </para>
  5244. <para>
  5245. zuoye Fǎwén Déwén
  5246. </para>
  5247. <literallayout>
  5248. </literallayout>
  5249. <para>
  5250. shūxue
  5251. </para>
  5252. <literallayout>
  5253. </literallayout>
  5254. <para>
  5255. (homework)
  5256. </para>
  5257. <para>
  5258. (French CPRC pronunciation!)
  5259. </para>
  5260. <para>
  5261. (German)
  5262. </para>
  5263. <para>
  5264. (mathematics)
  5265. </para>
  5266. <para>
  5267. DISPLAY I
  5268. </para>
  5269. <para>
  5271. </para>
  5272. <informaltable>
  5273. <tgroup cols="4">
  5274. <colspec align="left" />
  5275. <colspec align="left" />
  5276. <colspec align="left" />
  5277. <colspec align="left" />
  5278. <tbody>
  5279. <row>
  5280. <entry>
  5281. <para>
  5282. SUBJECT
  5283. </para>
  5284. </entry>
  5285. <entry>
  5286. <para>
  5287. FINISHED
  5288. </para>
  5289. </entry>
  5290. <entry>
  5291. <para>
  5293. </para>
  5294. </entry>
  5295. <entry>
  5296. <para>
  5298. </para>
  5299. </entry>
  5300. </row>
  5301. <row>
  5302. <entry>
  5303. <para>
  5304. Japanese
  5305. </para>
  5306. </entry>
  5307. <entry>
  5308. <para>
  5309. X
  5310. </para>
  5311. </entry>
  5312. <entry>
  5313. </entry>
  5314. <entry>
  5315. </entry>
  5316. </row>
  5317. <row>
  5318. <entry>
  5319. <para>
  5320. Japanese History
  5321. </para>
  5322. </entry>
  5323. <entry>
  5324. </entry>
  5325. <entry>
  5326. <para>
  5327. X
  5328. </para>
  5329. </entry>
  5330. <entry>
  5331. </entry>
  5332. </row>
  5333. <row>
  5334. <entry>
  5335. <para>
  5336. Japanese Literature
  5337. </para>
  5338. </entry>
  5339. <entry>
  5340. </entry>
  5341. <entry>
  5342. </entry>
  5343. <entry>
  5344. <para>
  5345. X
  5346. </para>
  5347. </entry>
  5348. </row>
  5349. <row>
  5350. <entry>
  5351. <para>
  5352. English
  5353. </para>
  5354. </entry>
  5355. <entry>
  5356. </entry>
  5357. <entry>
  5358. </entry>
  5359. <entry>
  5360. <para>
  5361. X
  5362. </para>
  5363. </entry>
  5364. </row>
  5365. <row>
  5366. <entry>
  5367. <para>
  5368. French (Fǎvén)
  5369. </para>
  5370. </entry>
  5371. <entry>
  5372. <para>
  5373. X
  5374. </para>
  5375. </entry>
  5376. <entry>
  5377. </entry>
  5378. <entry>
  5379. </entry>
  5380. </row>
  5381. <row>
  5382. <entry>
  5383. <para>
  5384. Chinese History
  5385. </para>
  5386. </entry>
  5387. <entry>
  5388. </entry>
  5389. <entry>
  5390. <para>
  5391. X
  5392. </para>
  5393. </entry>
  5394. <entry>
  5395. </entry>
  5396. </row>
  5397. <row>
  5398. <entry>
  5399. <para>
  5400. Chinese Literature
  5401. </para>
  5402. </entry>
  5403. <entry>
  5404. <para>
  5405. X
  5406. </para>
  5407. </entry>
  5408. <entry>
  5409. </entry>
  5410. <entry>
  5411. </entry>
  5412. </row>
  5413. <row>
  5414. <entry>
  5415. <para>
  5416. Mathematics
  5417. </para>
  5418. </entry>
  5419. <entry>
  5420. </entry>
  5421. <entry>
  5422. <para>
  5423. X
  5424. </para>
  5425. </entry>
  5426. <entry>
  5427. </entry>
  5428. </row>
  5429. <row>
  5430. <entry>
  5431. <para>
  5432. Mathematics
  5433. </para>
  5434. </entry>
  5435. <entry>
  5436. </entry>
  5437. <entry>
  5438. </entry>
  5439. <entry>
  5440. <para>
  5441. X
  5442. </para>
  5443. </entry>
  5444. </row>
  5445. <row>
  5446. <entry>
  5447. <para>
  5448. German (D^wen)
  5449. </para>
  5450. </entry>
  5451. <entry>
  5452. </entry>
  5453. <entry>
  5454. <para>
  5455. X
  5456. </para>
  5457. </entry>
  5458. <entry>
  5459. </entry>
  5460. </row>
  5461. <row>
  5462. <entry>
  5463. <para>
  5464. English History
  5465. </para>
  5466. </entry>
  5467. <entry>
  5468. <para>
  5469. X
  5470. </para>
  5471. </entry>
  5472. <entry>
  5473. </entry>
  5474. <entry>
  5475. </entry>
  5476. </row>
  5477. <row>
  5478. <entry>
  5479. <para>
  5480. French History
  5481. </para>
  5482. </entry>
  5483. <entry>
  5484. </entry>
  5485. <entry>
  5486. </entry>
  5487. <entry>
  5488. <para>
  5489. X
  5490. </para>
  5491. </entry>
  5492. </row>
  5493. </tbody>
  5494. </tgroup>
  5495. </informaltable>
  5496. </simplesect>
  5497. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-7">
  5498. <title><anchor id="bookmark142" /><anchor id="bookmark143" />EXERCISE
  5499. 2</title>
  5500. <para>
  5501. In this translation exercise you will use compound verbs
  5502. of result in various forms. First, you will hear an
  5503. English sentence. Translate it into Chinese. Then the
  5504. speaker on tape will give a suggested translation.
  5505. </para>
  5506. <para>
  5507. Example
  5508. </para>
  5509. <para>
  5510. TAPE: One. Can you walk up here?
  5511. </para>
  5512. <para>
  5513. YOU:         Nǐ zǒudeshànglái ma?
  5514. </para>
  5515. <para>
  5516. TAPE: Two. Yesterday he walked back there.
  5517. </para>
  5518. <para>
  5519. YOU:         Zuótiān tā shi zǒuhuíqù de.
  5520. </para>
  5521. <para>
  5522. Because this exercise is difficult, you may wish to
  5523. repeat it.
  5524. </para>
  5525. </simplesect>
  5526. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-7">
  5527. <title><anchor id="bookmark144" /><anchor id="bookmark145" />EXERCISE
  5528. 3</title>
  5529. <para>
  5530. In this exercise you will act as an interpreter. The
  5531. conversation is between an American living in Taiwan and
  5532. her guests—an American who teaches at Taiwan University
  5533. and a Chinese employee of the Ministry of Education.
  5534. </para>
  5535. <para>
  5536. First, you will hear the conversation in Chinese without
  5537. interruptions. Then it will be presented as if the two
  5538. Americans cannot speak Chinese and the ministry official
  5539. cannot speak English. Each sentence will be followed by
  5540. a pause, during which you will translate.
  5541. </para>
  5542. <para>
  5543. Example
  5544. </para>
  5545. <para>
  5546. AMERICAN: Section Chief Fang, Mrs. Fang—welcome.
  5547. </para>
  5548. <para>
  5549. YOU:       Fang Kēzhǎng, Fang Tàitai, huānyíng,
  5550. huānyíng.
  5551. </para>
  5552. <para>
  5553. AMERICAN: Please come in.
  5554. </para>
  5555. <para>
  5556. YOU:        Qi ng J in.
  5557. </para>
  5558. <para>
  5559. CHINESE:   Wáng Tàitai, nín hǎo?
  5560. </para>
  5561. <para>
  5562. YOU:       How are you, Mrs. King?
  5563. </para>
  5564. <para>
  5565. For this exercise you will need the following
  5566. expressions:
  5567. </para>
  5568. <para>
  5569. you huà                          (oil painting)
  5570. </para>
  5571. <para>
  5572. Jiàoyubù                        (Ministry of Education)
  5573. </para>
  5574. <para>
  5575. chángcháng                       (often)
  5576. </para>
  5577. </simplesect>
  5578. </section>
  5579. <section xml:id="unit-4-communication-game">
  5580. <title><anchor id="bookmark51" /><anchor id="bookmark146" />UNIT
  5581. 4 COMMUNICATION GAME</title>
  5582. <para>
  5584. </para>
  5585. <para>
  5586. Type: Let’s Get Together Again
  5587. </para>
  5588. <para>
  5589. Situation: You meet three people at a party in Taipei. All
  5590. of you are from out of town. With each person* you discuss
  5591. your backgrounds, present visits to Taipei, and future
  5592. plans.
  5593. </para>
  5594. <para>
  5595. Goal: To find topics of mutual interest and make plans to
  5596. get together again to discuss them further, setting the
  5597. time and place of the meetings.
  5598. </para>
  5599. <para>
  5600. Number of Players: Groups of four students.
  5601. </para>
  5602. <para>
  5603. Materials: A fact sheet for each player. (See Sample Fact
  5604. Sheets, on the following pages.) Take the man’s name
  5605. written at the top of your fact sheet if you are male, or
  5606. the woman’s name if you are female.
  5607. </para>
  5608. <para>
  5609. Procedure: Mingle with the other players in your group to
  5610. exchange information.
  5611. </para>
  5612. <para>
  5613. When you are given your fact sheet, take a minute or two
  5614. to familiarize yourself with your role. Then you will only
  5615. have to glance at your fact sheet for an occasional
  5616. reminder during your conversations.
  5617. </para>
  5618. <para>
  5619. Since the conversations will vary, you may need to use
  5620. unknown or forgotten vocabulary items. Feel free to ask
  5621. your instructor to supply these words.
  5622. </para>
  5623. <para>
  5624. Example: No single example would be particularly helpful
  5625. for these open discussions.
  5626. </para>
  5627. <para>
  5628. Practice Points: General review and everything in the unit
  5629. except the material about gift giving.
  5630. </para>
  5631. <para>
  5633. </para>
  5634. <para>
  5635. Ma MÍngli (M) / Fang Bǎolán (F)
  5636. </para>
  5637. <para>
  5638. You were born in Taidong in 1935- You studied political
  5639. science at Taiwan University in Taipei and are currently a
  5640. professor of political science at Qīnghuá University in
  5641. Xinzhu.
  5642. </para>
  5643. <para>
  5644. You are visiting Taipei to attend a political science
  5645. meeting at Taiwan University. You are staying at the
  5646. Ambassador Hotel.
  5647. </para>
  5648. <para>
  5649. After the meeting, you plan to take a vacation trip to
  5650. Hong Kong.
  5651. </para>
  5652. <para>
  5653. Liu Huìrán (F) / Liú Shìyīng (M)
  5654. </para>
  5655. <para>
  5656. Your family comes from a city south of Gaoxiong called
  5657. Linyuan, but you moved to Xinzhu when you were a child.
  5658. You have two older sisters and three younger brothers. You
  5659. went to Taiwan University in Taipei, where you studied
  5660. economics, graduating in 1968. You are currently teaching
  5661. economics at Qīnghuá University in Xinzhu.
  5662. </para>
  5663. <para>
  5664. You arrived in Taipei two days ago, coming up from Xinzhu
  5665. by train. You are staying with one of your younger
  5666. brothers and his wife. While here, you want to look up an
  5667. old friend of your parents, Mr. Sun Zhīyuǎn. But your main
  5668. reason for coming to Taipei is to visit and talk with
  5669. friends and professors you know at Taiwan University.
  5670. </para>
  5671. <para>
  5672. After your stay in Taipei, you are flying to Hong Kong to
  5673. attend a meeting of economists (,1īngjixuéJiā) from Japan,
  5674. the United States, Great Britain, and other countries.
  5675. </para>
  5676. <para>
  5677. Song Līrong (F) / Song Déxiǎn (M)
  5678. </para>
  5679. <para>
  5680. Your family comes from Huìmín in Shandong, but you grew up
  5681. in Taizhong. You have three older brothers and one younger
  5682. sister. All of you were educated at Qīnghuǎ University in
  5683. Xinzhu. You studied economics there.
  5684. </para>
  5685. <para>
  5686. You graduated in 1971 and went to work for the government
  5687. as an economist (Jīngjixuéjiā) in Taizhong. You were
  5688. married last year.
  5689. </para>
  5690. <para>
  5691. You arrived in Taipei last week. You have been staying
  5692. with your younger sister and her husband. When in Taipei,
  5693. you like to check the bookstores for the latest English
  5694. publications in the field of economics. You are hoping to
  5695. find time to do this during your current trip. But your
  5696. main reason for coming to Taipei is to attend a meeting
  5697. being held the day after tomorrow at the Ministry of
  5698. Economics (JīngJibù) by Section Chief Lī.
  5699. </para>
  5700. <para>
  5701. After your stay in Taipei, you are flying to Hong Kong to
  5702. attend a meeting of economists from Japan, the United
  5703. States, Great Britain, and other countries.
  5704. </para>
  5705. <para>
  5706. Huang Yùzhēn (F) / Huang Zìqiáng (M)
  5707. </para>
  5708. <para>
  5709. Your family comes from a city south of Gaoxiong called
  5710. Linyuan. For the last few years you have been living in
  5711. Gaoxiong. You are the oldest of six children, with two
  5712. brothers and three sisters. You and your brothers are the
  5713. only ones in your family who attended college. You studied
  5714. at Dōnghǎi University, majoring in economics. You
  5715. graduated in 19&amp;9 and went to work for the Bank of
  5716. China in Gaoxiong.
  5717. </para>
  5718. <para>
  5719. You arrived in Taipei yesterday, coming by bus from
  5720. Taoyuan, where you were visiting friends. You will be
  5721. staying at the First Hotel for four or five days. During
  5722. your stay you would like to look up an old friend of your
  5723. parents, Mr. Sun Zhīyuǎn. But your main reason for coming
  5724. to Taipei is to attend a meeting being held the day after
  5725. tomorrow at the Ministry of Economics (Jīngjibù) by
  5726. Section Chief Lī.
  5727. </para>
  5728. <para>
  5729. After your stay in Taipei, you will return by train to
  5730. Gaoxiong via Taizhong. You want to stop in Taizhong for
  5731. two days to attend a meeting of economists (Jīngjixuějiā)
  5732. at Dōnghǎi University, your old school.
  5733. </para>
  5734. <para>
  5735. Cheng Xīwéi (F) / Chéng Yǒngpíng (M)
  5736. </para>
  5737. <para>
  5738. Your family comes from Nanjing, but for the last twenty
  5739. years you have lived in Tainan. You have an older sister
  5740. and two younger brothers. Your older sister attended the
  5741. University of California, where she studied literature.
  5742. You and your two brothers studied at Taiwan University in
  5743. Taipei. Your major was economics. You graduated in 1972
  5744. and went to work for the Bank of Taiwan in Tainan. You
  5745. were married two years ago.
  5746. </para>
  5747. <para>
  5748. Two days ago you arrived in Taipei by train. You will be
  5749. staying here about a week at the Ambassador Hotel. When in
  5750. Taipei, you like to check the bookstores for the latest
  5751. English publications in the field of economics. You are
  5752. hoping to find time to do this during your current visit.
  5753. But your main reason for coming to Taipei is to visit and
  5754. talk with friends and professors you know at Taiwan
  5755. University.
  5756. </para>
  5757. <para>
  5758. After your stay in Taipei, you will return by train to
  5759. Tainan via Taizhong. You want to stop in Taizhong for two
  5760. days to attend a meeting of economists (jīngjixuějiā) at
  5761. Dōnghǎi University.
  5762. </para>
  5763. </section>
  5764. <section xml:id="unit-5-c-1-review-dialogue">
  5765. <title><anchor id="bookmark52" /><anchor id="bookmark147" />UNIT
  5766. 5 C-1 REVIEW DIALOGUE</title>
  5767. <itemizedlist>
  5768. <listitem>
  5769. <para>
  5770. *A: Wài, Wàijiāobù ma? Wǒ zhǎo Zhang Sizhang shuō huà.
  5771. </para>
  5772. </listitem>
  5773. </itemizedlist>
  5774. <itemizedlist>
  5775. <listitem>
  5776. <para>
  5777. B: Ou, Zhang SIzhang bu zài. Tā qù kāi huì qu le. Nín
  5778. shi nǎr a?
  5779. </para>
  5780. </listitem>
  5781. </itemizedlist>
  5782. <itemizedlist>
  5783. <listitem>
  5784. <para>
  5785. A: Wǒ shi Fǎguo Dàshiguǎnde Shāngwùguān Lǔyìsī.
  5786. Qìngwèn, Zhang SIzhang shénme shíhou huílai?
  5787. </para>
  5788. </listitem>
  5789. <listitem>
  5790. <para>
  5791. B: Tā méi shuō. Nín you shénme shì? Yào liú ge huàr
  5792. ma?
  5793. </para>
  5794. </listitem>
  5795. </itemizedlist>
  5796. <itemizedlist>
  5797. <listitem>
  5798. <para>
  5799. A: Shì. Qing gàosong ta. Shàng xīngqī women yuēhǎole
  5800. shíwǔ-hào xiàwǔ sāndiǎn zhōng Jiàn. Kěshi gāngcái
  5801. women Dàshǐ gàosong wǒ nèitiān women you yàojínde shi.
  5802. Suǒyi wǒ xiǎng gǎi dào shíqīhào xiàwǔ sāndiǎn zhōng.
  5803. Bù zhīdào xíng bu xíng.
  5804. </para>
  5805. </listitem>
  5806. <listitem>
  5807. <para>
  5808. B: Hǎo. Wǒ gàosong ta gěi nín huí diànhuà. Qingwèn,
  5809. nínde diànhuà hàomǎr shi duōshao hào?
  5810. </para>
  5811. </listitem>
  5812. </itemizedlist>
  5813. <itemizedlist>
  5814. <listitem>
  5815. <para>
  5816. A: Wǔ èr yāo, sān sān yāo.
  5817. </para>
  5818. </listitem>
  5819. <listitem>
  5820. <para>
  5821. B: Wǔ èr yāo, sān sān yāo.
  5822. </para>
  5823. </listitem>
  5824. </itemizedlist>
  5825. <itemizedlist>
  5826. <listitem>
  5827. <para>
  5828. A: Duì le. Zhèihuir wǒ děi qù kāi huì. Xièxie nín.
  5829. </para>
  5830. </listitem>
  5831. <listitem>
  5832. <para>
  5833. B: Bǔ kèqi.
  5834. </para>
  5835. </listitem>
  5836. </itemizedlist>
  5837. <para>
  5838. Hello. Is this the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? I want to
  5839. speak to Department Chief Zhāng.
  5840. </para>
  5841. <para>
  5842. Oh, Department Chief Zhāng is not in. He went to (attend)
  5843. a meeting. Who is this?
  5844. </para>
  5845. <para>
  5846. I am Commercial Officer Louis from the French Embassy. May
  5847. I ask, what time is Department Chief Zhāng coming back?
  5848. </para>
  5849. <para>
  5850. He didn’t say. What can I do for you? Would you like to
  5851. leave a message?
  5852. </para>
  5853. <para>
  5854. Yes. Please tell him: Last week we arranged to meet at
  5855. three o’clock on the afternoon of the fifteenth. But our
  5856. ambassador Just told me that we have some urgent business
  5857. that day. So I would like to change it Cthe meeting] to
  5858. three o’clock on the afternoon of the seventeenth. I don’t
  5859. know whether that would be all right (with him).
  5860. </para>
  5861. <para>
  5862. Fine. I’ll tell him to call you back. May I ask, what is
  5863. your phone number?
  5864. </para>
  5865. <para>
  5866. 521-331
  5867. </para>
  5868. <para>
  5869. 521-331
  5870. </para>
  5871. <para>
  5872. That’s right. I have to go to (attend) a meeting now.
  5873. Thank you.
  5874. </para>
  5875. <para>
  5876. You’re welcome.
  5877. </para>
  5878. <para>
  5879. *Only the untranslated version of this conversation is on
  5880. the C-l tape. The conversation also appears as Exercise 1
  5881. on the C-2 tape.
  5882. </para>
  5883. </section>
  5884. <section xml:id="unit-5-c-2-workbook">
  5885. <title><anchor id="bookmark148" /><anchor id="bookmark149" />UNIT
  5886. 5 C-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  5887. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-8">
  5888. <title><anchor id="bookmark150" /><anchor id="bookmark151" />EXERCISE
  5889. 1</title>
  5890. <para>
  5891. You -will hear this conversation twice. As you listen to
  5892. it for the second time, translate orally during the
  5893. pauses provided on tape. Compare your translations with
  5894. the suggested translations given by the speaker.
  5895. </para>
  5896. <para>
  5897. You will need to know the proper name Luyìsǐ,
  5898. &quot;Louis,&quot; for this exercise.
  5899. </para>
  5900. </simplesect>
  5901. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-8">
  5902. <title><anchor id="bookmark152" /><anchor id="bookmark153" />EXERCISE
  5903. 2</title>
  5904. <para>
  5905. In this conversation you will hear expressions typically
  5906. used in leaving a message and setting up a meeting. Miss
  5907. Lieberman (Lǐ) is calling an official at the Ministry of
  5908. Foreign Trade in Taipei.
  5909. </para>
  5910. <para>
  5911. You will hear the conversation twice. Answer the
  5912. questions below as you listen for the second time.
  5913. </para>
  5914. <para>
  5915. Here are expressions you will hear in the conversation:
  5916. Tōngyòng Gōngsī                  (General Electric
  5917. Company)
  5918. </para>
  5919. <para>
  5920. qīnzì                            (personally, privately)
  5921. </para>
  5922. <para>
  5923. jīnglǐ                           (manager)
  5924. </para>
  5925. <para>
  5926. (yì)bēi kāfēi                    (a cup of coffee)
  5927. </para>
  5928. <para>
  5929. zìjǐ                             (oneself
  5930. I&quot;myself,&quot; &quot;yourself,&quot; etc.l)
  5931. </para>
  5932. <para>
  5934. </para>
  5935. <itemizedlist>
  5936. <listitem>
  5937. <para>
  5938. 1. When is Department Chief Qian expected back?
  5939. </para>
  5940. </listitem>
  5941. <listitem>
  5942. <para>
  5943. 2. What does Miss Lieberman want Mr. Qian to do when
  5944. he gets back?
  5945. </para>
  5946. </listitem>
  5947. <listitem>
  5948. <para>
  5949. 3. What time does Miss Lieberman propose for their
  5950. meeting?
  5951. </para>
  5952. </listitem>
  5953. </itemizedlist>
  5954. <para>
  5955. U. Where does Miss Lieberman want to go if it’s
  5956. convenient for Mr. Qian to go out?
  5957. _______________________________________________________
  5958. </para>
  5959. <para>
  5960. 5. Do they decide that Miss Lieberman will pick up Mr.
  5961. Qian in her car? ( ) Yes ( ) No
  5962. </para>
  5963. </simplesect>
  5964. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-8">
  5965. <title><anchor id="bookmark154" /><anchor id="bookmark155" />EXERCISE
  5966. 3</title>
  5967. <para>
  5968. This exercise will give you more practice with questions
  5969. and answers used in leaving a message and will also
  5970. introduce some useful new words.
  5971. </para>
  5972. <para>
  5973. As the conversation begins, Comrade Qian Kǎi has just
  5974. called the Ministry of Education in Beijing.
  5975. </para>
  5976. <para>
  5977. Listen to the conversation two times. As you listen to
  5978. it for the third time, answer the questions below.
  5979. </para>
  5980. <para>
  5981. Here are six expressions you will need for this
  5982. exercise:
  5983. </para>
  5984. <para>
  5985. J iàoyubu Jiàoyuán
  5986. </para>
  5987. <literallayout>
  5988. </literallayout>
  5989. <para>
  5990. dàibiǎotuán tuánzhǎng cānguān zhōngxué
  5991. </para>
  5992. <literallayout>
  5993. </literallayout>
  5994. <para>
  5995. (Ministry of Education)
  5996. </para>
  5997. <para>
  5998. (teacher)
  5999. </para>
  6000. <para>
  6001. (delegation)
  6002. </para>
  6003. <para>
  6004. (head of the delegation)
  6005. </para>
  6006. <para>
  6007. (to visit)
  6008. </para>
  6009. <para>
  6010. (middle school, high school)
  6011. </para>
  6012. <para>
  6014. </para>
  6015. <itemizedlist>
  6016. <listitem>
  6017. <para>
  6018. 1. When Comrade Wú calls, where has Comrade Fang
  6019. just gone?
  6020. </para>
  6021. </listitem>
  6022. <listitem>
  6023. <para>
  6024. 2. When will she be back?
  6025. _____________________________________________
  6026. </para>
  6027. </listitem>
  6028. <listitem>
  6029. <para>
  6030. 3. What is Comrade Wú’s phone number?
  6031. </para>
  6032. </listitem>
  6033. </itemizedlist>
  6034. <para>
  6035. H. When do Comrade Wú and Comrade Fang agree to meet?
  6036. </para>
  6037. <para>
  6038. 5. Where do they agree to meet?
  6039. _______________________________________
  6040. </para>
  6041. </simplesect>
  6042. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-4-4">
  6043. <title><anchor id="bookmark156" /><anchor id="bookmark157" />EXERCISE
  6044. 4</title>
  6045. <para>
  6046. This exercise presents the vocabulary of Unit 5 in a
  6047. more complicated conversation.
  6048. </para>
  6049. <para>
  6050. The first phone call is made by Monsieur Dupre
  6051. (Dùpǔlèi), a French scholar visiting China. The other
  6052. proper name you will hear is Lānǐěr.
  6053. </para>
  6054. <para>
  6055. You will hear the conversation twice. Answer the
  6056. questions below as you listen for the second time.
  6057. </para>
  6058. <para>
  6059. Here are expressions you will hear in this exercise:
  6060. </para>
  6061. <para>
  6062. Zhōngguo Luxíngshè tì fángjiān ānpai
  6063. </para>
  6064. <para>
  6065. Gùgōng chūtǔ wénwù zhǎnlǎn zhōngfàn gǎnbuhuílái dǎ dao
  6066. </para>
  6067. <para>
  6068. (China Travel Agency)
  6069. </para>
  6070. <para>
  6071. (for, substituting for)
  6072. </para>
  6073. <para>
  6074. (room)
  6075. </para>
  6076. <para>
  6077. (to arrange)
  6078. </para>
  6079. <para>
  6080. (Old Palace)
  6081. </para>
  6082. <para>
  6083. (exhibit of archaeological finds)
  6084. </para>
  6085. <para>
  6086. (lunch)
  6087. </para>
  6088. <para>
  6089. (can’t make it back in time)
  6090. </para>
  6091. <para>
  6092. (to make a phone call to)
  6093. </para>
  6094. <para>
  6096. </para>
  6097. <itemizedlist>
  6098. <listitem>
  6099. <para>
  6100. 1. When was Monsieur Dupre going to go to the Old
  6101. Palace?
  6102. </para>
  6103. </listitem>
  6104. <listitem>
  6105. <para>
  6106. 2. Who has arranged for him to go out to eat with
  6107. some friends?
  6108. </para>
  6109. </listitem>
  6110. <listitem>
  6111. <para>
  6112. 3. To what time does he want to change the
  6113. appointment?
  6114. </para>
  6115. </listitem>
  6116. </itemizedlist>
  6117. <para>
  6118. U. Where can Comrade Fan call Monsieur Dupre (according
  6119. to Monsieur Dupre)?
  6120. ________________________________________________________________
  6121. </para>
  6122. <para>
  6123. 5. What is his phone number?
  6124. __________________________________________
  6125. </para>
  6126. </simplesect>
  6127. </section>
  6128. <section xml:id="unit-5-p-2-workbook">
  6129. <title><anchor id="bookmark158" /><anchor id="bookmark159" />UNIT
  6130. 5 P-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  6131. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-9">
  6132. <title><anchor id="bookmark160" /><anchor id="bookmark161" />EXERCISE
  6133. 1</title>
  6134. <para>
  6135. In this exercise you will make business and. social
  6136. telephone calls. Display I is the list of calls you want
  6137. to make today. Taking the part of Mary White, an
  6138. American working in Taipei, call the people on your
  6139. list.
  6140. </para>
  6141. <para>
  6142. Example
  6143. </para>
  6144. <para>
  6145. TAPE: Wai, Wài j iāobǔ.
  6146. </para>
  6147. <para>
  6148. YOU: Wài. Wo zhǎo Li Sīzhǎng shuo huà.
  6149. </para>
  6150. <para>
  6151. TAPE: Wài, nín shi nǎr a?
  6152. </para>
  6153. <para>
  6154. YOU: Wǒ shi Bai Mǎlì.
  6155. </para>
  6156. <para>
  6157. TAPE: Ou, Bai Nushì. Nǐ jīntiān xiàwǔ yào dào wǒmen
  6158. zhèli lai gen Lǐ Sīzhǎng tǎntan, shì bu shi?
  6159. </para>
  6160. <para>
  6161. YOU:   Shì, kǎshi yīnwei wǒ xiàwǔ you yíjiàn hǎn
  6162. yàojǐnde shì, suoyi
  6163. </para>
  6164. <para>
  6165. xiǎng wen Lǐ Sīzhǎng néng bu néng gǎi dào míngtiān
  6166. shàngwǔ.
  6167. </para>
  6168. <para>
  6169. TAPE: Nín dǎngyidǎng. Wǒ kànkan tā míngtiān shàngwǔ yǒu
  6170. méiyou shíjiān...,0u, Lǐ Sīzhǎng míngtiān shàngwǔ
  6171. shíyīdiǎn you shiJiàn.
  6172. </para>
  6173. <para>
  6174. YOU: Hǎo. Wǒ míngtiān shíyīdiǎn zhong lāi.
  6175. </para>
  6176. <para>
  6177. If you compare this example with item 1 in Display I,
  6178. you will see that your lines are largely determined by
  6179. the display information. Generally, your replies to
  6180. comments on tape will be fairly close to the text
  6181. Reference List sentences. However, your way of saying
  6182. something may be different from the confirmation which
  6183. follows. If you are not sure that your way is correct,
  6184. ask your instructor.
  6185. </para>
  6186. <para>
  6187. DISPLAY I
  6188. </para>
  6189. <para>
  6191. </para>
  6192. <itemizedlist>
  6193. <listitem>
  6194. <para>
  6195. 1. Call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to see if
  6196. you can change your appointment with Department
  6197. Chief Li from this afternoon at two o’clock to
  6198. tomorrow morning.
  6199. </para>
  6200. </listitem>
  6201. </itemizedlist>
  6202. <itemizedlist>
  6203. <listitem>
  6204. <para>
  6205. a. Ask to speak with Department Chief Li.
  6206. </para>
  6207. </listitem>
  6208. <listitem>
  6209. <para>
  6210. b. Identify yourself.
  6211. </para>
  6212. </listitem>
  6213. <listitem>
  6214. <para>
  6215. c. Explain that something has come up and that you
  6216. would like to change the time.
  6217. </para>
  6218. </listitem>
  6219. <listitem>
  6220. <para>
  6221. d. Confirm the new time by saying that you will be
  6222. there at that time.
  6223. </para>
  6224. </listitem>
  6225. </itemizedlist>
  6226. <itemizedlist>
  6227. <listitem>
  6228. <para>
  6229. 2. Call Tang Shàowén, who arranges official
  6230. transportation for personnel in your office. Arrange
  6231. to have a car meet your fellow worker Mr. Childs
  6232. (Jin) at the airport tomorrow.
  6233. </para>
  6234. </listitem>
  6235. </itemizedlist>
  6236. <itemizedlist>
  6237. <listitem>
  6238. <para>
  6239. a. Ask to speak with Mr. Tang.
  6240. </para>
  6241. </listitem>
  6242. <listitem>
  6243. <para>
  6244. b. Inform him that Mr. Childs will arrive tomorrow
  6245. from America.
  6246. </para>
  6247. </listitem>
  6248. <listitem>
  6249. <para>
  6250. c. Ask him to send a car to the airport.
  6251. </para>
  6252. </listitem>
  6253. <listitem>
  6254. <para>
  6255. d. Inform him that the plane arrives at 1 p.m.
  6256. </para>
  6257. </listitem>
  6258. </itemizedlist>
  6259. <itemizedlist>
  6260. <listitem>
  6261. <para>
  6262. 3. Call the Bank of Taiwan to make an appointment
  6263. with Mr. Zhāng Shìmín. Talk with him in person.
  6264. Anytime this week would be fine, but remember that
  6265. you have made an appointment for tomorrow morning
  6266. with Department Chief Li.
  6267. </para>
  6268. </listitem>
  6269. </itemizedlist>
  6270. <itemizedlist>
  6271. <listitem>
  6272. <para>
  6273. a. Ask to speak with Mr. Zhāng.
  6274. </para>
  6275. </listitem>
  6276. <listitem>
  6277. <para>
  6278. b. Identify yourself.
  6279. </para>
  6280. </listitem>
  6281. <listitem>
  6282. <para>
  6283. c. Ask to speak with him in person.
  6284. </para>
  6285. </listitem>
  6286. <listitem>
  6287. <para>
  6288. d. Explain that you are free this week.
  6289. </para>
  6290. </listitem>
  6291. </itemizedlist>
  6292. <itemizedlist>
  6293. <listitem>
  6294. <para>
  6295. H. Call Department Chief Huáng at the Ministry of
  6296. Education (Jiàoyubù). Ask if he and his wife are
  6297. free next Saturday. If they are, invite them to
  6298. dinner at your house.
  6299. </para>
  6300. </listitem>
  6301. </itemizedlist>
  6302. <itemizedlist>
  6303. <listitem>
  6304. <para>
  6305. a. Ask to speak with Department Chief Huáng.
  6306. </para>
  6307. </listitem>
  6308. <listitem>
  6309. <para>
  6310. b. Identify yourself.
  6311. </para>
  6312. </listitem>
  6313. <listitem>
  6314. <para>
  6315. c. Tell him that you called to ask if he and his
  6316. wife are free on Saturday.
  6317. </para>
  6318. </listitem>
  6319. <listitem>
  6320. <para>
  6321. d. Invite him and his wife to your house for a
  6322. simple meal.
  6323. </para>
  6324. </listitem>
  6325. <listitem>
  6326. <para>
  6327. e. Explain that you have not seen them for a long
  6328. time and would really like to see them.
  6329. </para>
  6330. </listitem>
  6331. <listitem>
  6332. <para>
  6333. f. Ask if seven o’clock would be all right.
  6334. </para>
  6335. </listitem>
  6336. <listitem>
  6337. <para>
  6338. g. Say that you will see them on Saturday.
  6339. </para>
  6340. </listitem>
  6341. </itemizedlist>
  6342. <itemizedlist>
  6343. <listitem>
  6344. <para>
  6345. 5. Call Zhōu Zhìyuǎn, who works in another
  6346. department of your organization. Ask if you can
  6347. arrange a meeting for sometime this week. Remember
  6348. that you are busy tomorrow morning with Section
  6349. Chief Li and the day after tomorrow at two o’clock
  6350. with Mr. Zhāng.
  6351. </para>
  6352. </listitem>
  6353. </itemizedlist>
  6354. <itemizedlist>
  6355. <listitem>
  6356. <para>
  6357. a. Ask to speak with Mr. Zhōu.
  6358. </para>
  6359. </listitem>
  6360. <listitem>
  6361. <para>
  6362. b. Explain that you would like to arrange a meeting.
  6363. </para>
  6364. </listitem>
  6365. <listitem>
  6366. <para>
  6367. c. Ask if he is free on Friday morning.
  6368. </para>
  6369. </listitem>
  6370. <listitem>
  6371. <para>
  6372. d. Agree on the time.
  6373. </para>
  6374. </listitem>
  6375. </itemizedlist>
  6376. </simplesect>
  6377. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-9">
  6378. <title><anchor id="bookmark162" /><anchor id="bookmark163" />EXERCISE
  6379. 2</title>
  6380. <para>
  6381. In this translation exercise you will decide when to use
  6382. the bǎ construction.
  6383. </para>
  6384. <para>
  6385. First, you will hear an English sentence. Translate it
  6386. into Chinese. Then the speaker will give you a suggested
  6387. translation for comparison.
  6388. </para>
  6389. <para>
  6390. Example
  6391. </para>
  6392. <para>
  6393. TAPE: One. Please take the suitcases upstairs.
  6394. </para>
  6395. <para>
  6396. YOU:         Qīng ni bǎ xíngli ná dao lóushang qu.
  6397. </para>
  6398. <para>
  6399. TAPE: Two. He gave me two tickets.
  6400. </para>
  6401. <para>
  6402. YOU:         Tā gěile wo liǎngzhāng piào.
  6403. </para>
  6404. <para>
  6405. You may want to reread the text Reference Notes about bǎ
  6406. before beginning this exercise. If confirmation comes as
  6407. a surprise to you, try to find an appropriate
  6408. explanation in the text notes.
  6409. </para>
  6410. <para>
  6411. You may want to repeat this exercise.
  6412. </para>
  6413. </simplesect>
  6414. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-9">
  6415. <title><anchor id="bookmark164" /><anchor id="bookmark165" />EXERCISE
  6416. 3</title>
  6417. <para>
  6418. In this exercise you will act as an interpreter. The
  6419. conversation takes place between a Canadian who lives in
  6420. Běijīng and someone who works for the Chinese
  6421. government.
  6422. </para>
  6423. <para>
  6424. First, you will hear the conversation in Chinese without
  6425. interruptions. Then it will be presented as if the
  6426. Canadian cannot speak Chinese and the government
  6427. employee cannot speak English. Each speaker’s lines will
  6428. be followed by a pause, during which you will translate.
  6429. </para>
  6430. <para>
  6431. Example
  6432. </para>
  6433. <para>
  6434. CHINESE: Wài.
  6435. </para>
  6436. <para>
  6437. YOU:       Hello.
  6438. </para>
  6439. <para>
  6440. CANADIAN: Hello. Is this the Ministry of Foreign
  6441. Affairs?
  6442. </para>
  6443. <para>
  6444. YOU:       Wài, shi Wàijiāobù ma?
  6445. </para>
  6446. <para>
  6447. CHINESE: Shi a.
  6448. </para>
  6449. <para>
  6450. YOU:       Yes.
  6451. </para>
  6452. </simplesect>
  6453. </section>
  6454. <section xml:id="unit-5-communication-game">
  6455. <title><anchor id="bookmark55" /><anchor id="bookmark166" />UNIT
  6456. 5 COMMUNICATION GAME</title>
  6457. <para>
  6459. </para>
  6460. <para>
  6461. Type: Moving
  6462. </para>
  6463. <para>
  6464. Situation: The setting is Taipei. An American is moving
  6465. his possessions from one house to another, by car, with
  6466. the help of a Chinese friend. Each person tells the other
  6467. exactly what to do, step by step.
  6468. </para>
  6469. <para>
  6470. Goal: To move the possessions out of the old house; to
  6471. load them onto and into the car; to take them to the new
  6472. house; and to move them into it, arranging the possessions
  6473. as they were in the old house.
  6474. </para>
  6475. <para>
  6476. Number of Players: Pairs of students.
  6477. </para>
  6478. <para>
  6479. Materials: A &quot;board” and a set of cards for each pair
  6480. of movers. (See Sample Boards and Cards, on the following
  6481. pages•)
  6482. </para>
  6483. <para>
  6484. The board represents both the house the American is moving
  6485. from and the house he is moving into. A side view of the
  6486. house is shown: upstairs, downstairs, garage, outside the
  6487. front door, and outside the garage. (There is no door from
  6488. the garage to the inside of the house.)
  6489. </para>
  6490. <para>
  6491. The cards represent the items to be moved: two small
  6492. tables, four chairs, a television set, and some luggage—as
  6493. well as the car and the two movers. (The first Sample
  6494. Board shows one possible arrangement of the cards in the
  6495. house.)
  6496. </para>
  6497. <para>
  6498. Procedure: Each pair of movers arranges the cards on the
  6499. board. The two players take turns giving each other
  6500. instructions.
  6501. </para>
  6502. <para>
  6503. Each time you are told to GO somewhere, move the card that
  6504. represents you. (Notice that you must take into account
  6505. your position and your partner’s position to use the
  6506. directional verbs lai and q,ù correctly.) When you are
  6507. told to TAKE something somewhere, move your card and the
  6508. card for the item. When you are told to PUT something
  6509. somewhere, move only the card for the item. You may leave
  6510. your card beside the car as you load and unload it.
  6511. </para>
  6512. <para>
  6513. Make each instruction as simple as possible. Examples of
  6514. single instructions are: ”Go inside,” ’’Come
  6515. upstairs,&quot; &quot;Take (something) outside,&quot;
  6516. &quot;Bring (something) downstairs,&quot; &quot;Put
  6517. (something) on the car,&quot; &quot;Take (something) out
  6518. of the car,&quot; &quot;Drive the car to the new
  6519. house,&quot; &quot;Drive the car into the garage.&quot; If
  6520. your partner is downstairs, telling him to go to the
  6521. garage may actually be broken down into two instructions:
  6522. telling him to go outside and then telling him to go to
  6523. the garage (perhaps even telling him, finally, to go into
  6524. the garage). If your partner gives you instructions which
  6525. may be divided into smaller steps, you will break the task
  6526. down as you do each step and report it.
  6527. </para>
  6528. <para>
  6529. Example: You are Speaker 1, the &quot;American.” (You may
  6530. want to trace your route and the route of your
  6531. &quot;Chinese friend” on the first Sample Board.) This
  6532. example is simplified: You are moving only two pieces of
  6533. furniture, and the example ends as you reach the new
  6534. house.
  6535. </para>
  6536. <itemizedlist>
  6537. <listitem>
  6538. <para>
  6539. SI: Nǐ jìnqu.
  6540. </para>
  6541. </listitem>
  6542. <listitem>
  6543. <para>
  6544. S2: Hǎo. Nǐ J ìnlai.
  6545. </para>
  6546. </listitem>
  6547. <listitem>
  6548. <para>
  6549. SI: Hǎo. Nǐ bǎ zhuōzi bānchuqu. Ebān, &quot;to
  6550. move&quot;]
  6551. </para>
  6552. </listitem>
  6553. <listitem>
  6554. <para>
  6555. S2: Hǎo. Nǐ shàng lóu qu.
  6556. </para>
  6557. </listitem>
  6558. <listitem>
  6559. <para>
  6560. SI: Hǎo. Nǐ bǎ zhuōzi ban dao chēfáng wàibian qu.
  6561. Echēfǎng, &quot;garage&quot;]
  6562. </para>
  6563. </listitem>
  6564. <listitem>
  6565. <para>
  6566. S2: Hǎo. Nǎ yìbǎ yǐzi xiàlai. EThe bǎ construction is
  6567. not used because the chair is UNSPECIFIED. Your friend
  6568. does not care which of the two chairs you bring down.]
  6569. </para>
  6570. </listitem>
  6571. <listitem>
  6572. <para>
  6573. SI: Hǎo. Dào chēfǎngli qù.
  6574. </para>
  6575. </listitem>
  6576. <listitem>
  6577. <para>
  6578. S2: Wǒ xiān bǎ zhuōzi fang zai dìshang, rǎnhòu dào
  6579. chēfǎngli qù.
  6580. </para>
  6581. </listitem>
  6582. </itemizedlist>
  6583. <para>
  6584. EYou forgot to tell your friend to put it down, He cannot
  6585. load it on the car inside the garage.] Hǎo. Bǎ yǐzi nǎ dao
  6586. wàibian qu. ENow it is a SPECIFIED chair—the one you
  6587. brought down— and bǎ is used.]
  6588. </para>
  6589. <itemizedlist>
  6590. <listitem>
  6591. <para>
  6592. SI: Hǎo. Bǎ qìchē kāi dao wàibian lai.
  6593. </para>
  6594. </listitem>
  6595. <listitem>
  6596. <para>
  6597. S2: Wǒ xiān shàng chē, rǎnhòu bǎ chē kāi dao wàibian
  6598. qu. EHe caught you again!] Hǎo. Bǎ yǐzi nǎ dao zhèli
  6599. lai.
  6600. </para>
  6601. </listitem>
  6602. </itemizedlist>
  6603. <para>
  6604. SI: Hǎo. Nǐ xià chē.
  6605. </para>
  6606. <para>
  6607. S2: Hǎo. Bǎ yǐzi fàng zai qìchē lǐtou. Eqìchē lǐtou,
  6608. specifically, &quot;inside the car&quot; Fàng zai chēshang
  6609. would also mean &quot;to put in the car&quot; in most
  6610. cases, although it could mean, more literally, &quot;to
  6611. put on the car.&quot;]
  6612. </para>
  6613. <para>
  6614. SI: Hǎo. Bǎ zhuōzi fàng zai qìchē shàngtou. Eqìchē
  6615. shàngtou, specifically, &quot;on top of the car&quot; for
  6616. most speakers]
  6617. </para>
  6618. <informaltable>
  6619. <tgroup cols="3">
  6620. <colspec align="left" />
  6621. <colspec align="left" />
  6622. <colspec align="left" />
  6623. <tbody>
  6624. <row>
  6625. <entry>
  6626. <para>
  6627. S2:
  6628. </para>
  6629. </entry>
  6630. <entry>
  6631. <para>
  6632. Hǎo.
  6633. </para>
  6634. </entry>
  6635. <entry>
  6636. <para>
  6637. Nǐ shàng chē qu.
  6638. </para>
  6639. </entry>
  6640. </row>
  6641. <row>
  6642. <entry>
  6643. <para>
  6644. SI:
  6645. </para>
  6646. </entry>
  6647. <entry>
  6648. <para>
  6649. Hǎo.
  6650. </para>
  6651. </entry>
  6652. <entry>
  6653. <para>
  6654. Nǐ yě shàng chē lai.
  6655. </para>
  6656. </entry>
  6657. </row>
  6658. <row>
  6659. <entry>
  6660. <para>
  6661. S2:
  6662. </para>
  6663. </entry>
  6664. <entry>
  6665. <para>
  6666. Hǎo.
  6667. </para>
  6668. </entry>
  6669. <entry>
  6670. <para>
  6671. Nǐ kāi dao xīn fǎngzi qu.
  6672. </para>
  6673. </entry>
  6674. </row>
  6675. <row>
  6676. <entry>
  6677. <para>
  6678. SI:
  6679. </para>
  6680. </entry>
  6681. <entry>
  6682. <para>
  6683. Hǎo.
  6684. </para>
  6685. </entry>
  6686. <entry>
  6687. <para>
  6688. Dào le. Nǐ xià chē.
  6689. </para>
  6690. </entry>
  6691. </row>
  6692. <row>
  6693. <entry>
  6694. <para>
  6695. S2:
  6696. </para>
  6697. </entry>
  6698. <entry>
  6699. <para>
  6700. Hǎo.
  6701. </para>
  6702. </entry>
  6703. <entry>
  6704. <para>
  6705. Nǐ yě xià chē.
  6706. </para>
  6707. </entry>
  6708. </row>
  6709. <row>
  6710. <entry>
  6711. <para>
  6712. SI:
  6713. </para>
  6714. </entry>
  6715. <entry>
  6716. <para>
  6717. Hǎo.
  6718. </para>
  6719. </entry>
  6720. <entry>
  6721. <para>
  6722. Bǎ zhuōzi bānxialai.
  6723. </para>
  6724. </entry>
  6725. </row>
  6726. <row>
  6727. <entry>
  6728. <para>
  6729. S2:
  6730. </para>
  6731. </entry>
  6732. <entry>
  6733. <para>
  6734. Hǎo.
  6735. </para>
  6736. </entry>
  6737. <entry>
  6738. <para>
  6739. Bǎ yǐzi nǎxialai.
  6740. </para>
  6741. </entry>
  6742. </row>
  6743. <row>
  6744. <entry>
  6745. <para>
  6746. (etc
  6747. </para>
  6748. </entry>
  6749. <entry>
  6750. <para>
  6751. .)
  6752. </para>
  6753. </entry>
  6754. <entry>
  6755. </entry>
  6756. </row>
  6757. </tbody>
  6758. </tgroup>
  6759. </informaltable>
  6760. <para>
  6761. Additional Note: The word dì means &quot;ground,&quot;
  6762. &quot;earth.&quot;
  6763. </para>
  6764. <para>
  6765. Practice Points: Bǎ and directional-verb expressions.
  6766. </para>
  6767. <para>
  6768. <inlinemediaobject>
  6769. <imageobject>
  6770. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-70.png" />
  6771. </imageobject>
  6772. </inlinemediaobject>
  6773. </para>
  6774. <para>
  6775. NOTE: The items to be moved are shown in their
  6776. starting/ending positions. There are two ways to squeeze
  6777. several cards into one room: either put one or more cards
  6778. up near the ceiling, or cover one card with another (as
  6779. two chair cards are shown here covering two others).
  6780. </para>
  6781. <para>
  6783. </para>
  6784. <literallayout>
  6785. </literallayout>
  6786. <para>
  6787. <inlinemediaobject>
  6788. <imageobject>
  6789. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-71.png" />
  6790. </imageobject>
  6791. </inlinemediaobject>
  6792. </para>
  6793. <literallayout>
  6794. </literallayout>
  6795. <para>
  6796. <inlinemediaobject>
  6797. <imageobject>
  6798. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-72.png" />
  6799. </imageobject>
  6800. </inlinemediaobject>
  6801. </para>
  6802. <literallayout>
  6803. </literallayout>
  6804. <para>
  6805. <inlinemediaobject>
  6806. <imageobject>
  6807. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-73.png" />
  6808. </imageobject>
  6809. </inlinemediaobject>
  6810. </para>
  6811. <literallayout>
  6812. </literallayout>
  6813. <para>
  6814. <inlinemediaobject>
  6815. <imageobject>
  6816. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-74.png" />
  6817. </imageobject>
  6818. </inlinemediaobject>
  6819. </para>
  6820. <literallayout>
  6821. </literallayout>
  6822. <para>
  6823. <inlinemediaobject>
  6824. <imageobject>
  6825. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-75.png" />
  6826. </imageobject>
  6827. </inlinemediaobject>
  6828. </para>
  6829. <literallayout>
  6830. </literallayout>
  6831. <para>
  6832. <inlinemediaobject>
  6833. <imageobject>
  6834. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-76.png" />
  6835. </imageobject>
  6836. </inlinemediaobject>
  6837. </para>
  6838. <literallayout>
  6839. </literallayout>
  6840. <para>
  6841. <inlinemediaobject>
  6842. <imageobject>
  6843. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-77.png" />
  6844. </imageobject>
  6845. </inlinemediaobject>
  6846. </para>
  6847. <literallayout>
  6848. </literallayout>
  6849. <para>
  6850. <inlinemediaobject>
  6851. <imageobject>
  6852. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-78.png" />
  6853. </imageobject>
  6854. </inlinemediaobject>
  6855. </para>
  6856. <literallayout>
  6857. </literallayout>
  6858. <para>
  6859. <inlinemediaobject>
  6860. <imageobject>
  6861. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-79.png" />
  6862. </imageobject>
  6863. </inlinemediaobject>
  6864. </para>
  6865. <literallayout>
  6866. </literallayout>
  6867. <para>
  6868. <inlinemediaobject>
  6869. <imageobject>
  6870. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-80.png" />
  6871. </imageobject>
  6872. </inlinemediaobject>
  6873. </para>
  6874. <literallayout>
  6875. </literallayout>
  6876. <para>
  6877. Chinese
  6878. </para>
  6879. <literallayout>
  6880. </literallayout>
  6881. <para>
  6882. <inlinemediaobject>
  6883. <imageobject>
  6884. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-81.png" />
  6885. </imageobject>
  6886. </inlinemediaobject>
  6887. </para>
  6888. <literallayout>
  6889. </literallayout>
  6890. <para>
  6891. <inlinemediaobject>
  6892. <imageobject>
  6893. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-82.png" />
  6894. </imageobject>
  6895. </inlinemediaobject>
  6896. </para>
  6897. <literallayout>
  6898. </literallayout>
  6899. <para>
  6900. <inlinemediaobject>
  6901. <imageobject>
  6902. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-83.png" />
  6903. </imageobject>
  6904. </inlinemediaobject>
  6905. </para>
  6906. <literallayout>
  6907. </literallayout>
  6908. <para>
  6909. <inlinemediaobject>
  6910. <imageobject>
  6911. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-84.png" />
  6912. </imageobject>
  6913. </inlinemediaobject>
  6914. </para>
  6915. <literallayout>
  6916. </literallayout>
  6917. <para>
  6918. <inlinemediaobject>
  6919. <imageobject>
  6920. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-85.png" />
  6921. </imageobject>
  6922. </inlinemediaobject>
  6923. </para>
  6924. <literallayout>
  6925. </literallayout>
  6926. <para>
  6927. <inlinemediaobject>
  6928. <imageobject>
  6929. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-86.png" />
  6930. </imageobject>
  6931. </inlinemediaobject>
  6932. </para>
  6933. <literallayout>
  6934. <inlinemediaobject>
  6935. <imageobject>
  6936. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-87.png" />
  6937. </imageobject>
  6938. </inlinemediaobject></literallayout>
  6939. </section>
  6940. <section xml:id="unit-6-c-1-review-dialogue">
  6941. <title><anchor id="bookmark56" /><anchor id="bookmark167" />UNIT
  6942. 6 C-1 REVIEW DIALOGUE</title>
  6943. <para>
  6944. *A: LÍn Kēzhǎng ma? Wǒ shi Měiguo Yínhàngde Fan Mēilì.
  6945. </para>
  6946. <para>
  6947. B: Ou, Fan Nūshì, nín hǎo. Hǎo jiǔ méi jiàn.
  6948. </para>
  6949. <itemizedlist>
  6950. <listitem>
  6951. <para>
  6952. A: Hǎo jiǔ méi jiàn. NÍn zǎnme-yàng? Mang ma?
  6953. </para>
  6954. </listitem>
  6955. <listitem>
  6956. <para>
  6957. B: Bù zenme máng.
  6958. </para>
  6959. </listitem>
  6960. </itemizedlist>
  6961. <para>
  6962. A: LÍn Kēzhǎng, wǒ you dian shi yào he nin dāngmiàn
  6963. tantan. Nín míngtiān you shíjiān ma?
  6964. </para>
  6965. <para>
  6966. B: You. Ei..., Fan Nùshì, you yíge xīn kāide Sichuan
  6967. fànguǎnzi lí women zhèli fēichāng jin. Wǒ míngtiān qīng
  6968. nín chi zhōngfàn, hǎo ma? Women chi fànde shíhou kéyi
  6969. tantan.
  6970. </para>
  6971. <itemizedlist>
  6972. <listitem>
  6973. <para>
  6974. A: Nà bù hǎo yìsi. Nín yījing qīngguo wo hǎoxiē ci le.
  6975. Zhècì wǒ qing nín.
  6976. </para>
  6977. </listitem>
  6978. <listitem>
  6979. <para>
  6980. B: Bié kèqi. Wǒ qīng nín. Wǒ suírān hāi méi qùguo,
  6981. kěshi Lī Dàniān Xiānsheng qù chīguo le. Tā shuō zhège
  6982. fànguǎnzide cài you nàge Hunan fànguǎnzide cài nàme
  6983. hǎo, gèng pianyi.
  6984. </para>
  6985. </listitem>
  6986. </itemizedlist>
  6987. <para>
  6988. Yě you hǎoxiē cài biéde difang chībuzhào.
  6989. </para>
  6990. <itemizedlist>
  6991. <listitem>
  6992. <para>
  6993. A: Shi ma! You hǎo yòu piānyi, yíding dǎi qù chī yícì.
  6994. Hǎo, míngtiān jīdiǎn zhōng jiàn?
  6995. </para>
  6996. </listitem>
  6997. <listitem>
  6998. <para>
  6999. B: Shíèrdiǎn bàn zěnmeyàng? Duì nín héshi ma?
  7000. </para>
  7001. </listitem>
  7002. </itemizedlist>
  7003. <itemizedlist>
  7004. <listitem>
  7005. <para>
  7006. A: Shíèrdiǎn bàn hǎo. Nàme wǒ dào nín nàbian qu.
  7007. </para>
  7008. </listitem>
  7009. </itemizedlist>
  7010. <para>
  7011. Is this Section Chief LÍn? I am Mary Fane from the Bank of
  7012. America.
  7013. </para>
  7014. <para>
  7015. Oh, Miss Fane. How are you. I haven’t seen you for a long
  7016. time.
  7017. </para>
  7018. <para>
  7019. Yes, it has been a long time. How are things going? Are
  7020. you busy?
  7021. </para>
  7022. <para>
  7023. Not particularly busy.
  7024. </para>
  7025. <para>
  7026. Section Chief LÍn, I have something I would like to talk
  7027. with you about in person. Do you have time tomorrow?
  7028. </para>
  7029. <para>
  7030. Yes. Eh..., Miss Fane, there is a newly opened Szechuanese
  7031. restaurant that is very close-by. I’ll treat you to lunch
  7032. tomorrow. Okay? We can talk while we are eating.
  7033. </para>
  7034. <para>
  7035. I couldn’t let you do that. You have already treated me
  7036. many times. This time I’ll treat you.
  7037. </para>
  7038. <para>
  7039. Don’t be so polite. I’ll treat you. Although I haven’t
  7040. gone there yet, Mr. Lī Dànián has gone there to eat. He
  7041. says the food at that restaurant is as good as the food at
  7042. that Hunanese restaurant, and it’s even cheaper. They also
  7043. have many dishes you can’t find in other places.
  7044. </para>
  7045. <para>
  7046. Is that so! If it’s both good and cheap, we certainly must
  7047. go there to eat once. All right, what time shall we meet
  7048. tomorrow?
  7049. </para>
  7050. <para>
  7051. How would twelve-thirty be? Would that be all right for
  7052. you?
  7053. </para>
  7054. <para>
  7055. Twelve-thirty would be fine. Well then, I’ll go to your
  7056. place.
  7057. </para>
  7058. <para>
  7059. *The untranslated version of this conversation is on the
  7060. C-1 tape. The conversation also appears as Exercise 1 on
  7061. the C-2 tape.
  7062. </para>
  7063. <itemizedlist>
  7064. <listitem>
  7065. <para>
  7066. B: Hǎo. W8 zài lóuxià dǎng nín.
  7067. </para>
  7068. </listitem>
  7069. </itemizedlist>
  7070. <itemizedlist>
  7071. <listitem>
  7072. <para>
  7073. A: Hǎo, zàijiàn.
  7074. </para>
  7075. </listitem>
  7076. <listitem>
  7077. <para>
  7078. B: Zàijiàn.
  7079. </para>
  7080. </listitem>
  7081. </itemizedlist>
  7082. <para>
  7083. All right, I’ll wait for you downstairs.
  7084. </para>
  7085. <para>
  7086. All right. Good-bye.
  7087. </para>
  7088. <para>
  7089. Good-bye.
  7090. </para>
  7091. </section>
  7092. <section xml:id="unit-6-c-2-workbook">
  7093. <title><anchor id="bookmark168" /><anchor id="bookmark169" />UNIT
  7094. 6 C-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  7095. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-10">
  7096. <title><anchor id="bookmark170" /><anchor id="bookmark171" />EXERCISE
  7097. 1</title>
  7098. <para>
  7099. In this conversation Mary Fane (Fan Měilì) is calling an
  7100. official in Taipei to discuss business.
  7101. </para>
  7102. <para>
  7103. You will hear the conversation twice. As you listen to
  7104. it for the second time, translate orally during the
  7105. pauses provided on tape. Compare your translations with
  7106. the suggested translations given by the speaker.
  7107. </para>
  7108. </simplesect>
  7109. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-10">
  7110. <title><anchor id="bookmark172" /><anchor id="bookmark173" />EXERCISE
  7111. 2</title>
  7112. <para>
  7113. You will hear the vocabulary used in a different
  7114. context. The conversation takes place between Miss
  7115. Wilson, who works for an American company in Taiwan, and
  7116. her friend Professor He.
  7117. </para>
  7118. <para>
  7119. You will hear the conversation twice. Answer the
  7120. questions below as you listen for the second time.
  7121. </para>
  7122. <para>
  7123. Here are some expressions you will hear:
  7124. </para>
  7125. <para>
  7126. lǎoshi
  7127. </para>
  7128. <para>
  7129. (always, all the time)
  7130. </para>
  7131. <para>
  7132. Yúyuán
  7133. </para>
  7134. <para>
  7135. (Szechuan Garden)
  7136. </para>
  7137. <para>
  7138. you míng
  7139. </para>
  7140. <para>
  7141. (to be famous)
  7142. </para>
  7143. <para>
  7144. lián...(yě)
  7145. </para>
  7146. <para>
  7147. (even...Calsol)
  7148. </para>
  7149. <para>
  7150. jiāoqū
  7151. </para>
  7152. <para>
  7153. (suburbs)
  7154. </para>
  7155. <para>
  7157. </para>
  7158. <itemizedlist>
  7159. <listitem>
  7160. <para>
  7161. 1. Why is Miss Wilson embarrassed?
  7162. </para>
  7163. </listitem>
  7164. <listitem>
  7165. <para>
  7166. 2. Has the East Gate Restaurant been open for a long
  7167. time?
  7168. </para>
  7169. </listitem>
  7170. </itemizedlist>
  7171. <para>
  7172. ( ) Yes ( ) No
  7173. </para>
  7174. <itemizedlist>
  7175. <listitem>
  7176. <para>
  7177. 3. Is it close to Miss Wilson's office? ( ) Yes ( )
  7178. No
  7179. </para>
  7180. </listitem>
  7181. </itemizedlist>
  7182. <para>
  7183. U. The food at the Szechuan Garden is
  7184. </para>
  7185. <para>
  7186. ( ) better than the food at the East Gate.
  7187. </para>
  7188. <para>
  7189. ( ) not as good as the food at the East Gate.
  7190. </para>
  7191. <para>
  7192. 5. Is the food at the East Gate expensive? ( ) Yes ( )
  7193. No
  7194. </para>
  7195. <para>
  7196. 6. What does Miss Wilson decide about going to the East
  7197. Gate? ( ) definitely will not go
  7198. </para>
  7199. <para>
  7200. ( ) probably will not go
  7201. </para>
  7202. <para>
  7203. ( ) probably will go
  7204. </para>
  7205. <para>
  7206. ( ) definitely will go
  7207. </para>
  7208. </simplesect>
  7209. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-10">
  7210. <title><anchor id="bookmark174" /><anchor id="bookmark175" />EXERCISE
  7211. 3</title>
  7212. <para>
  7213. This exercise will give you practice with words and
  7214. expressions typically used in planning a picnic. Mrs.
  7215. Billings, a member of a tourist group in Beijing, is
  7216. talking with the group’s guide.
  7217. </para>
  7218. <para>
  7219. You will hear the conversation twice. Answer the
  7220. questions below as you listen for the second time.
  7221. </para>
  7222. <para>
  7223. Here are expressions you will need for this exercise:
  7224. </para>
  7225. <para>
  7226. Chángchéng
  7227. </para>
  7228. <para>
  7229. (the Great Wall)
  7230. </para>
  7231. <para>
  7232. ānpaihǎo le
  7233. </para>
  7234. <para>
  7235. (successfully arranged)
  7236. </para>
  7237. <para>
  7238. Shísānlíng
  7239. </para>
  7240. <para>
  7241. (Ming Tombs [literally, &quot;Thirteen Tombs&quot;!)
  7242. </para>
  7243. <para>
  7244. cānguān
  7245. </para>
  7246. <para>
  7247. (to visit)
  7248. </para>
  7249. <para>
  7250. yěcān
  7251. </para>
  7252. <para>
  7253. (picnic)
  7254. </para>
  7255. <para>
  7256. zìjǐ
  7257. </para>
  7258. <para>
  7259. (oneself [&quot;myself,&quot; &quot;yourself,&quot; etc.
  7260. J)
  7261. </para>
  7262. <para>
  7263. dài
  7264. </para>
  7265. <para>
  7266. (to bring along)
  7267. </para>
  7268. <para>
  7269. -bù
  7270. </para>
  7271. <para>
  7272. [counter for cars and buses!
  7273. </para>
  7274. <para>
  7275. chūfā
  7276. </para>
  7277. <para>
  7278. (to start a journey)
  7279. </para>
  7280. <para>
  7282. </para>
  7283. <itemizedlist>
  7284. <listitem>
  7285. <para>
  7286. 1. Where is the group going first?
  7287. </para>
  7288. </listitem>
  7289. <listitem>
  7290. <para>
  7291. 2. Is there a restaurant there? ( ) Yes ( ) No
  7292. </para>
  7293. </listitem>
  7294. <listitem>
  7295. <para>
  7296. 3. What is the hotel dining room preparing?
  7297. </para>
  7298. </listitem>
  7299. </itemizedlist>
  7300. <para>
  7301. U. When will the group leave the hotel?
  7302. </para>
  7303. <para>
  7304. 5. When is the group supposed to come downstairs?
  7305. </para>
  7306. </simplesect>
  7307. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-4-5">
  7308. <title><anchor id="bookmark176" /><anchor id="bookmark177" />EXERCISE
  7309. 4</title>
  7310. <para>
  7311. In this exercise you will hear expressions typically
  7312. used to discuss plans for going to a restaurant. The
  7313. conversation takes place between two Chinese people who
  7314. work in the same office in Taipei.
  7315. </para>
  7316. <para>
  7317. You will hear the conversation twice. As you listen to
  7318. it for the second time, answer the questions below.
  7319. </para>
  7320. <para>
  7321. You will need
  7322. </para>
  7323. <para>
  7324. tīngshuō gānjing zhāodài
  7325. </para>
  7326. <literallayout>
  7327. </literallayout>
  7328. <para>
  7329. (I have heard that....)
  7330. </para>
  7331. <para>
  7332. (to be clean)
  7333. </para>
  7334. <para>
  7335. (to be hospitable to)
  7336. </para>
  7337. <para>
  7339. </para>
  7340. <itemizedlist>
  7341. <listitem>
  7342. <para>
  7343. 1. Has Miss Gāo eaten yet? ( ) Yes ( ) No
  7344. </para>
  7345. </listitem>
  7346. <listitem>
  7347. <para>
  7348. 2. Is the food at the Great China Restaurant better
  7349. or worse than it used to be?
  7350. _______________________________________________________
  7351. </para>
  7352. </listitem>
  7353. <listitem>
  7354. <para>
  7355. 3. Does Miss Gāo think they have enough time to go
  7356. to the East Gate Restaurant? ( ) Yes ( ) No
  7357. </para>
  7358. </listitem>
  7359. </itemizedlist>
  7360. <para>
  7361. U. Is the food at the East Gate better or worse than
  7362. when the restaurant first opened?
  7363. _____________________________________________________
  7364. </para>
  7365. </simplesect>
  7366. </section>
  7367. <section xml:id="unit-6-p-2-workbook">
  7368. <title><anchor id="bookmark178" /><anchor id="bookmark179" />UNIT
  7369. 6 P-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  7370. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-11">
  7371. <title><anchor id="bookmark180" /><anchor id="bookmark181" />EXERCISE
  7372. 1</title>
  7373. <para>
  7374. In this exercise you will use three different
  7375. constructions to make comparisons.
  7376. </para>
  7377. <informaltable>
  7378. <tgroup cols="3">
  7379. <colspec align="left" />
  7380. <colspec align="left" />
  7381. <colspec align="left" />
  7382. <tbody>
  7383. <row>
  7384. <entry>
  7385. <para>
  7386. ...bī...
  7387. </para>
  7388. </entry>
  7389. <entry>
  7390. <para>
  7391. Cto indicate that something is
  7392. </para>
  7393. </entry>
  7394. <entry>
  7395. <para>
  7396. MORE!
  7397. </para>
  7398. </entry>
  7399. </row>
  7400. <row>
  7401. <entry>
  7402. <para>
  7403. ...méiyou...(nàme)
  7404. </para>
  7405. </entry>
  7406. <entry>
  7407. <para>
  7408. Cto indicate that something is
  7409. </para>
  7410. </entry>
  7411. <entry>
  7412. <para>
  7413. LESS!
  7414. </para>
  7415. </entry>
  7416. </row>
  7417. <row>
  7418. <entry>
  7419. <para>
  7420. ...gēn...yíyàng
  7421. </para>
  7422. </entry>
  7423. <entry>
  7424. <para>
  7425. Ito indicate that something is
  7426. </para>
  7427. </entry>
  7428. <entry>
  7429. <para>
  7430. EQUAL1
  7431. </para>
  7432. </entry>
  7433. </row>
  7434. </tbody>
  7435. </tgroup>
  7436. </informaltable>
  7437. <para>
  7438. Display I shows the ratings of six restaurants in
  7439. Taipei: the more smiles beside a restaurant’s name, the
  7440. better its rating. Use this information to answer the
  7441. questions on tape.
  7442. </para>
  7443. <para>
  7444. Example
  7445. </para>
  7446. <para>
  7447. TAPE: Dōngmén Cāntīngde cài bī Dàhuá Fàndiànde cài hǎo
  7448. ma?
  7449. </para>
  7450. <para>
  7451. YOU:   Bù, Dōngmén Cāntīngde cài méiyou Dàhuā Fàndiànde
  7452. cài hǎo.
  7453. </para>
  7454. <para>
  7455. TAPE: Dōngmén Cāntīng gēn Shāndōng Xiǎo Chīdiàn, nālide
  7456. cài hǎo?
  7457. </para>
  7458. <para>
  7459. YOU:   Dōngmén Cāntīngde cài bī Shāndōng Xiǎo Chīdiànde
  7460. cài hǎo.
  7461. </para>
  7462. <para>
  7463. TAPE: Dōngmén Cāntīng gēn Sān-liù-Jiù, nālide cài hǎo?
  7464. </para>
  7465. <para>
  7466. YOU: Dōngmén Cāntīngde cài gēn Sān-liù-jiǔde cài yíyàng
  7467. hǎo.
  7468. </para>
  7469. </simplesect>
  7470. <simplesect xml:id="display-i">
  7471. <title><anchor id="bookmark182" /><anchor id="bookmark183" />DISPLAY
  7472. I</title>
  7473. <para>
  7475. </para>
  7476. <para>
  7477. RATING
  7478. </para>
  7479. <para>
  7480. ©©
  7481. </para>
  7482. <para>
  7483. ©©©© ©©©© ©©&lt;3 ©0 ©©
  7484. </para>
  7485. <literallayout>
  7486. </literallayout>
  7487. <para>
  7488. Dōngmén Cāntīng
  7489. </para>
  7490. <para>
  7491. Dàhuā Fàndiàn
  7492. </para>
  7493. <para>
  7494. Yúyuān
  7495. </para>
  7496. <para>
  7497. Nānběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn
  7498. </para>
  7499. <para>
  7500. Shāndōng Xiǎo Chīdiàn
  7501. </para>
  7502. <para>
  7503. Sān-liù-jiù
  7504. </para>
  7505. </simplesect>
  7506. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-11">
  7507. <title><anchor id="bookmark184" /><anchor id="bookmark185" />EXERCISE
  7508. 2</title>
  7509. <para>
  7510. In this exercise you will discuss where you will go to
  7511. do certain things.
  7512. </para>
  7513. <para>
  7514. Display II lists five activities, the places you will go
  7515. to do them, and the reasons for choosing those places.
  7516. Use this information in your conversations.
  7517. </para>
  7518. <para>
  7519. Example
  7520. </para>
  7521. <para>
  7522. TAPE: Jīntiǎn women yìqī qù mǎi cài, hǎo ma?
  7523. </para>
  7524. <para>
  7525. YOU:   Hǎo a.
  7526. </para>
  7527. <para>
  7528. TAPE:  Dao nǎli qù mǎi a?
  7529. </para>
  7530. <para>
  7531. YOU:   Dao Xīméndīng Càishichǎng qù ba.
  7532. </para>
  7533. <para>
  7534. TAPE:  Xīméndīng Càishichǎng kǒngpà méiyou Dōngmén
  7535. Càishichǎng
  7536. </para>
  7537. <para>
  7538. name dà.
  7539. </para>
  7540. <para>
  7541. YOU: Suīrèn bú tài dà, kěshi lí women zhèli jīn.
  7542. </para>
  7543. <para>
  7544. TAPE: Rúguǒ women dào Dōngmén Càishichǎng qù, women mǎi
  7545. cài yīhòu kéyi zài nàli chī diǎn dōngxi.
  7546. </para>
  7547. <para>
  7548. YOU:   Hǎo ba.
  7549. </para>
  7550. <para>
  7551. DISPLAY II
  7552. </para>
  7553. <para>
  7554. ACTIVITY           PLACE           REASON FOR GOING
  7555. THERE
  7556. </para>
  7557. <informaltable>
  7558. <tgroup cols="3">
  7559. <colspec align="left" />
  7560. <colspec align="left" />
  7561. <colspec align="left" />
  7562. <tbody>
  7563. <row>
  7564. <entry>
  7565. <para>
  7566. shop for food
  7567. </para>
  7568. </entry>
  7569. <entry>
  7570. <para>
  7571. Xīméndīng Market
  7572. </para>
  7573. </entry>
  7574. <entry>
  7575. <para>
  7576. It’s close-by.
  7577. </para>
  7578. </entry>
  7579. </row>
  7580. <row>
  7581. <entry>
  7582. <para>
  7583. go to the park
  7584. </para>
  7585. </entry>
  7586. <entry>
  7587. <para>
  7588. Zhōngshān Park
  7589. </para>
  7590. </entry>
  7591. <entry>
  7592. <para>
  7593. Not too many people are there.
  7594. </para>
  7595. </entry>
  7596. </row>
  7597. <row>
  7598. <entry>
  7599. <para>
  7600. go for lunch
  7601. </para>
  7602. </entry>
  7603. <entry>
  7604. <para>
  7605. Dōngmén Cāntīng
  7606. </para>
  7607. </entry>
  7608. <entry>
  7609. <para>
  7610. It’s not so expensive.
  7611. </para>
  7612. </entry>
  7613. </row>
  7614. <row>
  7615. <entry>
  7616. <para>
  7617. buy books
  7618. </para>
  7619. </entry>
  7620. <entry>
  7621. <para>
  7622. Yuǎndōng Bookstore
  7623. </para>
  7624. </entry>
  7625. <entry>
  7626. <para>
  7627. It’s larger.
  7628. </para>
  7629. </entry>
  7630. </row>
  7631. <row>
  7632. <entry>
  7633. <para>
  7634. go to a coffeehouse
  7635. </para>
  7636. </entry>
  7637. <entry>
  7638. <para>
  7639. Huaměi Coffeehouse
  7640. </para>
  7641. </entry>
  7642. <entry>
  7643. <para>
  7644. It’s close.
  7645. </para>
  7646. </entry>
  7647. </row>
  7648. </tbody>
  7649. </tgroup>
  7650. </informaltable>
  7651. </simplesect>
  7652. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-11">
  7653. <title><anchor id="bookmark186" /><anchor id="bookmark187" />EXERCISE
  7654. 3</title>
  7655. <para>
  7656. In this exercise you will act as an interpreter for an
  7657. American woman and. a Chinese man who both work for the
  7658. same firm in Taiwan.
  7659. </para>
  7660. <para>
  7661. First, you will hear the conversation without
  7662. interruptions. Then it will be presented as if the woman
  7663. cannot speak Chinese and the man cannot speak English.
  7664. Each speaker's lines will be followed by a pause, during
  7665. which you will translate.
  7666. </para>
  7667. <para>
  7668. Example
  7669. </para>
  7670. <para>
  7671. AMERICAN: Wang, the weather is very good today. Let's go
  7672. out for lunch. Okay?
  7673. </para>
  7674. <para>
  7675. YOU:       Xiao Wang, Jlntiān tiānqi hěn hǎo. Women
  7676. chūqu chi zhōng-
  7677. </para>
  7678. <para>
  7679. fàn hǎo bu hǎo?
  7680. </para>
  7681. <para>
  7682. CHINESE: Hǎo a! Dào Dahua Canting qù zěnmeyàng?
  7683. </para>
  7684. <para>
  7685. YOU:       Fine.' How about going to the Great China
  7686. Restaurant?
  7687. </para>
  7688. <para>
  7689. For this exercise you will need the following
  7690. expressions:
  7691. </para>
  7692. <informaltable>
  7693. <tgroup cols="2">
  7694. <colspec align="left" />
  7695. <colspec align="left" />
  7696. <tbody>
  7697. <row>
  7698. <entry>
  7699. <para>
  7700. tiānqi
  7701. </para>
  7702. </entry>
  7703. <entry>
  7704. <para>
  7705. (weather)
  7706. </para>
  7707. </entry>
  7708. </row>
  7709. <row>
  7710. <entry>
  7711. <para>
  7712. yìxiē
  7713. </para>
  7714. </entry>
  7715. <entry>
  7716. <para>
  7717. (some)
  7718. </para>
  7719. </entry>
  7720. </row>
  7721. <row>
  7722. <entry>
  7723. <para>
  7724. zǎofàn
  7725. </para>
  7726. </entry>
  7727. <entry>
  7728. <para>
  7729. (breakfast)
  7730. </para>
  7731. </entry>
  7732. </row>
  7733. <row>
  7734. <entry>
  7735. <para>
  7736. bù yídìng
  7737. </para>
  7738. </entry>
  7739. <entry>
  7740. <para>
  7741. (it's not definite.)
  7742. </para>
  7743. </entry>
  7744. </row>
  7745. <row>
  7746. <entry>
  7747. <para>
  7748. wǎnfàn
  7749. </para>
  7750. </entry>
  7751. <entry>
  7752. <para>
  7753. (dinner)
  7754. </para>
  7755. </entry>
  7756. </row>
  7757. <row>
  7758. <entry>
  7759. <para>
  7760. píngchāng
  7761. </para>
  7762. </entry>
  7763. <entry>
  7764. <para>
  7765. (usually)
  7766. </para>
  7767. </entry>
  7768. </row>
  7769. </tbody>
  7770. </tgroup>
  7771. </informaltable>
  7772. </simplesect>
  7773. </section>
  7774. <section xml:id="unit-6-communication-game">
  7775. <title><anchor id="bookmark59" /><anchor id="bookmark188" />UNIT
  7776. 6 COMMUNICATION GAME</title>
  7777. <para>
  7779. </para>
  7780. <para>
  7781. Type: Restaurant Rating
  7782. </para>
  7783. <para>
  7784. Situation: You and your friend are in a hotel in Taipei.
  7785. You are asking him to compare four Taipei restaurants in
  7786. terms of quality of food, price, and distance from your
  7787. hotel.
  7788. </para>
  7789. <para>
  7790. Goal: For the player who is asking questions to place the
  7791. restaurant cards on his rating sheet (&quot;board”) so
  7792. that the arrangement matches the ratings on his partner’s
  7793. fact sheet.
  7794. </para>
  7795. <para>
  7796. Number of Players: Pairs of students.
  7797. </para>
  7798. <para>
  7799. Materials: A ’’board,&quot; a fact sheet, and a deck of
  7800. cards for each pair of students. (See Sample
  7801. &quot;Boards,&quot; Sample Fact Sheets, and
  7802. Cards—Restaurant Rating, on the following pages.)
  7803. </para>
  7804. <para>
  7805. One player, who is supposed to know about the restaurants,
  7806. has a fact sheet. Under the headings Food, Price, and
  7807. Distance, the restaurants are rated, with the DESIRABLE
  7808. end of the scales on the right-hand side of the fact
  7809. sheet.
  7810. </para>
  7811. <para>
  7812. The other player, who will ask questions, has a rating
  7813. &quot;board&quot; and a deck of twelve cards. The name of
  7814. a restaurant and a heading (Food, Price, or Distance)
  7815. appear on each card.
  7816. </para>
  7817. <para>
  7818. The first Sample &quot;Board&quot; includes cards as they
  7819. would be arranged at the conclusion of a game. Under the
  7820. Food heading, Nánběi Xiao Chīdiàn and Dōngmén Canting are
  7821. rated as having the same quality food. Yúyuán has better
  7822. food, and Dàhuá Fàndiàn has worse food. Under Price,
  7823. Yúyuán and and Nánběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn are rated as having
  7824. cheap food, and Dàhuá Fàndiàn and Dōngmén Cāntīng as
  7825. having expensive food.* All four restaurants are the same
  7826. distance from your hotel.**
  7827. </para>
  7828. <para>
  7829. Procedure: The player asking questions draws the cards one
  7830. at a time from the shuffled deck. The first card drawn for
  7831. each heading (Food, Price, Distance) is placed in the
  7832. middle of the appropriate scale. If the first Price card
  7833. is &quot;Yúyuán,&quot; the player puts it in the middle
  7834. box under Price. When other Price cards are drawn, the
  7835. player asks how the restaurants compare in price and
  7836. arranges the cards accordingly. For the price card
  7837. </para>
  7838. <para>
  7839. -------------------------------------------------------------------------<subscript>K</subscript>----------------------
  7840. </para>
  7841. <para>
  7842. *Notice that the two boxes at the ends of the scale are
  7843. used for the two categories under the Price heading.
  7844. </para>
  7845. <para>
  7846. **Notice that the middle box on the scale is used for the
  7847. single category under the Distance heading.
  7848. </para>
  7849. <para>
  7850. &quot;Dàhuá Fàndiàn,&quot; he might ask Dàhuá Fàndiànde
  7851. cài bl Yúyuánde cài guì ma? If the answer is affirmative,
  7852. he puts the &quot;Dàhuá Fàndiàn” card in the left-hand box
  7853. on the scale and the &quot;Yúyuán&quot; card in the
  7854. right-hand box. The player continues to arrange all the
  7855. cards until he is satisfied that his &quot;board”
  7856. duplicates his partner’s fact sheet.
  7857. </para>
  7858. <para>
  7859. All questions must be yes/no questions involving
  7860. comparisons. All answers must be comparison statements.
  7861. (You may want to make an occasional additional comment
  7862. that goes beyond these restrictions, however.)
  7863. </para>
  7864. <para>
  7865. The player who asks the questions could obtain all needed
  7866. information by using only the bi construction. But he
  7867. should try out all comparison constructions which have
  7868. been introduced in this course. Similarly, the other
  7869. player should use the full range of comparison
  7870. constructions in his answers. (This may sometimes lead to
  7871. evasive answers, but these will inspire follow-up
  7872. questions.)
  7873. </para>
  7874. <para>
  7875. Example: You are Speaker 2. Speaker 1 is asking the
  7876. questions. This example shows the final three moves made
  7877. on the Sample ’’Board” with cards.
  7878. </para>
  7879. <itemizedlist>
  7880. <listitem>
  7881. <para>
  7882. SI: (taking his next card) Dàhuá Fàndiànde cài bi
  7883. Nánběi Xiǎo Chīdiànde cài hāo ma?
  7884. </para>
  7885. </listitem>
  7886. <listitem>
  7887. <para>
  7888. S2: Bù, Dàhuá Fàndiànde cài méiyou Nánběi Xiǎo
  7889. Chīdiànde cài nàme hǎo.
  7890. </para>
  7891. </listitem>
  7892. <listitem>
  7893. <para>
  7894. SI: (putting the &quot;Dàhuá Fàndiàn (food)&quot; card
  7895. in the left-hand box under the Food heading and moving
  7896. the two cards already there to the middle box) Xièxie.
  7897. </para>
  7898. </listitem>
  7899. </itemizedlist>
  7900. <para>
  7901. (taking his next card) Yuyuán lí zhèr y3u Dōngmén Canting
  7902. lí zhèr nàme yuǎn ma?
  7903. </para>
  7904. <itemizedlist>
  7905. <listitem>
  7906. <para>
  7907. S2: Duì le, Yúyuán lí zhèr you Dōngmén Canting lí zhèr
  7908. nàme yuan.
  7909. </para>
  7910. </listitem>
  7911. <listitem>
  7912. <para>
  7913. SI: Yúyuán lí zhèr bī Dōngmén Canting lí zhèr yuǎn ma?
  7914. </para>
  7915. </listitem>
  7916. <listitem>
  7917. <para>
  7918. S2: Bù, Yúyuán gēn Dōngmén Canting lí zhèr yíyàng
  7919. yuǎn.
  7920. </para>
  7921. </listitem>
  7922. <listitem>
  7923. <para>
  7924. SI: (putting his &quot;Yúyuán (distance)&quot; card in
  7925. the middle box under the Distance heading, with the
  7926. other cards) Hǎo.
  7927. </para>
  7928. </listitem>
  7929. </itemizedlist>
  7930. <para>
  7931. (taking his last card) Dōngmén Cāntīngde cài bī Nánbéi
  7932. Xiǎo Chīdiànde piányi ma?
  7933. </para>
  7934. <itemizedlist>
  7935. <listitem>
  7936. <para>
  7937. S2: Bù, Dōngmén Cāntīngde cài bī Nánběi Xiǎo Chīdiànde
  7938. guì.
  7939. </para>
  7940. </listitem>
  7941. <listitem>
  7942. <para>
  7943. SI: Dōngmén Cāntīngde cài you Dàhuá Fàndiànde nàme guì
  7944. ma?
  7945. </para>
  7946. </listitem>
  7947. <listitem>
  7948. <para>
  7949. S2: Duì le, Dōngmén Cāntīngde cài you Dàhuán Fàndiànde
  7950. nàme guì.
  7951. </para>
  7952. </listitem>
  7953. <listitem>
  7954. <para>
  7955. SI: (putting the &quot;Dōngmén Cāntīng (price)&quot;
  7956. card in the left-hand box under the Price heading)
  7957. Hǎo, xièxie.
  7958. </para>
  7959. </listitem>
  7960. </itemizedlist>
  7961. <para>
  7962. Additional Note: For a second round in this game, switch
  7963. roles with your partner.
  7964. </para>
  7965. <para>
  7966. Practice Points: Bī, yíyàng, méiyou...nàme, you...nàme,
  7967. bù...yíyàng.
  7968. </para>
  7969. <para>
  7970. SAMPLE &quot;BOARD&quot; (with cards):
  7971. </para>
  7972. <para>
  7973. bad ----
  7974. </para>
  7975. <para>
  7976. FOOD
  7977. </para>
  7978. <para>
  7979. good
  7980. </para>
  7981. <informaltable>
  7982. <tgroup cols="3">
  7983. <colspec align="left" />
  7984. <colspec align="left" />
  7985. <colspec align="left" />
  7986. <tbody>
  7987. <row>
  7988. <entry>
  7989. </entry>
  7990. <entry>
  7991. </entry>
  7992. <entry>
  7993. </entry>
  7994. </row>
  7995. <row>
  7996. <entry>
  7997. <para>
  7998. Dàhuā Fàndiàn
  7999. </para>
  8000. </entry>
  8001. <entry>
  8002. <para>
  8003. Nanběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn
  8004. </para>
  8005. </entry>
  8006. <entry>
  8007. <para>
  8008. Yúyuǎn
  8009. </para>
  8010. </entry>
  8011. </row>
  8012. <row>
  8013. <entry>
  8014. <para>
  8015. (food)
  8016. </para>
  8017. </entry>
  8018. <entry>
  8019. <para>
  8020. (food)
  8021. </para>
  8022. </entry>
  8023. <entry>
  8024. <para>
  8025. (food)
  8026. </para>
  8027. </entry>
  8028. </row>
  8029. <row>
  8030. <entry>
  8031. </entry>
  8032. <entry>
  8033. <para>
  8034. Dōngmén Cāntīng
  8035. </para>
  8036. </entry>
  8037. <entry>
  8038. </entry>
  8039. </row>
  8040. <row>
  8041. <entry>
  8042. </entry>
  8043. <entry>
  8044. <para>
  8045. (food)
  8046. </para>
  8047. </entry>
  8048. <entry>
  8049. </entry>
  8050. </row>
  8051. </tbody>
  8052. </tgroup>
  8053. </informaltable>
  8054. <para>
  8055. expensive
  8056. </para>
  8057. <para>
  8058. PRICE
  8059. </para>
  8060. <para>
  8061. cheap
  8062. </para>
  8063. <informaltable>
  8064. <tgroup cols="3">
  8065. <colspec align="left" />
  8066. <colspec align="left" />
  8067. <colspec align="left" />
  8068. <tbody>
  8069. <row>
  8070. <entry>
  8071. </entry>
  8072. <entry>
  8073. </entry>
  8074. <entry>
  8075. </entry>
  8076. </row>
  8077. <row>
  8078. <entry>
  8079. <para>
  8080. Dàhuā Fàndiàn
  8081. </para>
  8082. </entry>
  8083. <entry>
  8084. </entry>
  8085. <entry>
  8086. <para>
  8087. Yúyuǎn
  8088. </para>
  8089. </entry>
  8090. </row>
  8091. <row>
  8092. <entry>
  8093. <para>
  8094. (price)
  8095. </para>
  8096. </entry>
  8097. <entry>
  8098. </entry>
  8099. <entry>
  8100. <para>
  8101. (price)
  8102. </para>
  8103. </entry>
  8104. </row>
  8105. <row>
  8106. <entry>
  8107. </entry>
  8108. <entry>
  8109. </entry>
  8110. <entry>
  8111. </entry>
  8112. </row>
  8113. <row>
  8114. <entry>
  8115. <para>
  8116. Dōngmén Cāntīng
  8117. </para>
  8118. </entry>
  8119. <entry>
  8120. </entry>
  8121. <entry>
  8122. <para>
  8123. Nānběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn
  8124. </para>
  8125. </entry>
  8126. </row>
  8127. <row>
  8128. <entry>
  8129. <para>
  8130. (price)
  8131. </para>
  8132. </entry>
  8133. <entry>
  8134. </entry>
  8135. <entry>
  8136. <para>
  8137. (price)
  8138. </para>
  8139. </entry>
  8140. </row>
  8141. <row>
  8142. <entry>
  8143. </entry>
  8144. <entry>
  8145. </entry>
  8146. <entry>
  8147. </entry>
  8148. </row>
  8149. </tbody>
  8150. </tgroup>
  8151. </informaltable>
  8152. <para>
  8153. DISTANCE
  8154. </para>
  8155. <para>
  8156. far ----
  8157. </para>
  8158. <para>
  8159. near
  8160. </para>
  8161. <informaltable>
  8162. <tgroup cols="3">
  8163. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8164. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8165. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8166. <tbody>
  8167. <row>
  8168. <entry>
  8169. </entry>
  8170. <entry>
  8171. <para>
  8172. Nānběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn (distance)
  8173. </para>
  8174. <para>
  8175. Yúyuǎn (distance)
  8176. </para>
  8177. <para>
  8178. Dàhuā Fàndiàn (distance)
  8179. </para>
  8180. <para>
  8181. Dōngmén Cāntīng (distance)
  8182. </para>
  8183. </entry>
  8184. <entry>
  8185. </entry>
  8186. </row>
  8187. </tbody>
  8188. </tgroup>
  8189. </informaltable>
  8190. <para>
  8192. </para>
  8193. <para>
  8194. Dàhuá Fàndiàn (food)
  8195. </para>
  8196. <literallayout>
  8197. </literallayout>
  8198. <para>
  8199. Dàhuá Fàndiàn (price)
  8200. </para>
  8201. <literallayout>
  8202. </literallayout>
  8203. <para>
  8204. Dàhuá Fàndiàn (distance)
  8205. </para>
  8206. <literallayout>
  8207. </literallayout>
  8208. <para>
  8209. Yúyuán (food)
  8210. </para>
  8211. <literallayout>
  8212. </literallayout>
  8213. <para>
  8214. Yúyuán (distance)
  8215. </para>
  8216. <literallayout>
  8217. </literallayout>
  8218. <para>
  8219. Nánběi Xiao Chīdiàn (food)
  8220. </para>
  8221. <literallayout>
  8222. </literallayout>
  8223. <para>
  8224. Nánběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn (price)
  8225. </para>
  8226. <literallayout>
  8227. </literallayout>
  8228. <para>
  8229. Nánběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn (distance)
  8230. </para>
  8231. <literallayout>
  8232. </literallayout>
  8233. <para>
  8234. Dōngmén Canting (food)
  8235. </para>
  8236. <literallayout>
  8237. </literallayout>
  8238. <para>
  8239. Dōngmén Canting (price)
  8240. </para>
  8241. <literallayout>
  8242. </literallayout>
  8243. <para>
  8244. Dōngmén Canting (distance)
  8245. </para>
  8246. <literallayout>
  8247. </literallayout>
  8248. <para>
  8249. SAMPLE &quot;BOARD&quot;:
  8250. </para>
  8251. <para>
  8252. bad
  8253. </para>
  8254. <literallayout>
  8255. </literallayout>
  8256. <para>
  8257. FOOD
  8258. </para>
  8259. <literallayout>
  8260. </literallayout>
  8261. <para>
  8262. good
  8263. </para>
  8264. <literallayout>
  8265. </literallayout>
  8266. <para>
  8267. expensive
  8268. </para>
  8269. <literallayout>
  8270. </literallayout>
  8271. <para>
  8272. PRICE
  8273. </para>
  8274. <literallayout>
  8275. </literallayout>
  8276. <para>
  8277. ---cheap
  8278. </para>
  8279. <literallayout>
  8280. </literallayout>
  8281. <para>
  8282. far
  8283. </para>
  8284. <para>
  8285. DISTANCE
  8286. </para>
  8287. <para>
  8288. near
  8289. </para>
  8290. <informaltable>
  8291. <tgroup cols="3">
  8292. <colspec align="left" />
  8293. <colspec align="left" />
  8294. <colspec align="left" />
  8295. <tbody>
  8296. <row>
  8297. <entry>
  8298. </entry>
  8299. <entry>
  8300. </entry>
  8301. <entry>
  8302. </entry>
  8303. </row>
  8304. </tbody>
  8305. </tgroup>
  8306. </informaltable>
  8307. <para>
  8309. </para>
  8310. <informaltable>
  8311. <tgroup cols="3">
  8312. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8313. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8314. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8315. <tbody>
  8316. <row>
  8317. <entry>
  8318. <para>
  8319. bad ----
  8320. </para>
  8321. </entry>
  8322. <entry>
  8323. <para>
  8324. FOOD
  8325. </para>
  8326. </entry>
  8327. <entry>
  8328. <para>
  8329. ---► good
  8330. </para>
  8331. </entry>
  8332. </row>
  8333. <row>
  8334. <entry>
  8335. <para>
  8336. Dàhuá Fàndiàn
  8337. </para>
  8338. <para>
  8339. Yúyuán
  8340. </para>
  8341. </entry>
  8342. <entry>
  8343. <para>
  8344. Nánběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn
  8345. </para>
  8346. </entry>
  8347. <entry>
  8348. <para>
  8349. Dōngmén Canting
  8350. </para>
  8351. </entry>
  8352. </row>
  8353. </tbody>
  8354. </tgroup>
  8355. </informaltable>
  8356. <informaltable>
  8357. <tgroup cols="3">
  8358. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8359. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8360. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8361. <tbody>
  8362. <row>
  8363. <entry>
  8364. <para>
  8365. expensive ----
  8366. </para>
  8367. </entry>
  8368. <entry>
  8369. <para>
  8370. PRICE
  8371. </para>
  8372. </entry>
  8373. <entry>
  8374. <para>
  8375. ----cheap
  8376. </para>
  8377. </entry>
  8378. </row>
  8379. <row>
  8380. <entry>
  8381. <para>
  8382. Yúyuán
  8383. </para>
  8384. </entry>
  8385. <entry>
  8386. <para>
  8387. Dàhuá Fàndiàn
  8388. </para>
  8389. <para>
  8390. Nánběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn
  8391. </para>
  8392. </entry>
  8393. <entry>
  8394. <para>
  8395. Dōngmén Canting
  8396. </para>
  8397. </entry>
  8398. </row>
  8399. </tbody>
  8400. </tgroup>
  8401. </informaltable>
  8402. <informaltable>
  8403. <tgroup cols="3">
  8404. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8405. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8406. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8407. <tbody>
  8408. <row>
  8409. <entry>
  8410. <para>
  8411. far -----
  8412. </para>
  8413. </entry>
  8414. <entry>
  8415. <para>
  8416. DISTANCE
  8417. </para>
  8418. </entry>
  8419. <entry>
  8420. <para>
  8421. ----near
  8422. </para>
  8423. </entry>
  8424. </row>
  8425. <row>
  8426. <entry>
  8427. <para>
  8428. Dōngmén Canting
  8429. </para>
  8430. </entry>
  8431. <entry>
  8432. <para>
  8433. Yúyuán
  8434. </para>
  8435. <para>
  8436. Nánběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn
  8437. </para>
  8438. </entry>
  8439. <entry>
  8440. <para>
  8441. Dàhuá Fàndiàn
  8442. </para>
  8443. </entry>
  8444. </row>
  8445. </tbody>
  8446. </tgroup>
  8447. </informaltable>
  8448. <informaltable>
  8449. <tgroup cols="3">
  8450. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8451. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8452. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8453. <tbody>
  8454. <row>
  8455. <entry>
  8456. <para>
  8457. bad ---
  8458. </para>
  8459. </entry>
  8460. <entry>
  8461. <para>
  8462. FOOD
  8463. </para>
  8464. </entry>
  8465. <entry>
  8466. <para>
  8467. ---good
  8468. </para>
  8469. </entry>
  8470. </row>
  8471. <row>
  8472. <entry>
  8473. <para>
  8474. Nánběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn
  8475. </para>
  8476. </entry>
  8477. <entry>
  8478. </entry>
  8479. <entry>
  8480. <para>
  8481. Dàhuá Fàndiàn
  8482. </para>
  8483. <para>
  8484. Yúyuán
  8485. </para>
  8486. <para>
  8487. Dōngmén Canting
  8488. </para>
  8489. </entry>
  8490. </row>
  8491. </tbody>
  8492. </tgroup>
  8493. </informaltable>
  8494. <para>
  8495. PRICE
  8496. </para>
  8497. <para>
  8498. ----1^. cheap
  8499. </para>
  8500. <informaltable>
  8501. <tgroup cols="3">
  8502. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8503. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8504. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8505. <tbody>
  8506. <row>
  8507. <entry>
  8508. <para>
  8509. Nánběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn
  8510. </para>
  8511. </entry>
  8512. <entry>
  8513. <para>
  8514. Yúyuán
  8515. </para>
  8516. <para>
  8517. Dōngmén Canting
  8518. </para>
  8519. </entry>
  8520. <entry>
  8521. <para>
  8522. Dàhuá Fàndiàn
  8523. </para>
  8524. </entry>
  8525. </row>
  8526. </tbody>
  8527. </tgroup>
  8528. </informaltable>
  8529. <para>
  8530. DISTANCE
  8531. </para>
  8532. <para>
  8533. ----near
  8534. </para>
  8535. <informaltable>
  8536. <tgroup cols="3">
  8537. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8538. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8539. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8540. <tbody>
  8541. <row>
  8542. <entry>
  8543. <para>
  8544. Dàhuá Fàndiàn
  8545. </para>
  8546. </entry>
  8547. <entry>
  8548. <para>
  8549. Nánběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn
  8550. </para>
  8551. </entry>
  8552. <entry>
  8553. <para>
  8554. Yúyuán
  8555. </para>
  8556. <para>
  8557. Dōngmén Canting
  8558. </para>
  8559. </entry>
  8560. </row>
  8561. </tbody>
  8562. </tgroup>
  8563. </informaltable>
  8564. <para>
  8565. bad ---
  8566. </para>
  8567. <para>
  8568. FOOD
  8569. </para>
  8570. <informaltable>
  8571. <tgroup cols="3">
  8572. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8573. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8574. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8575. <tbody>
  8576. <row>
  8577. <entry>
  8578. </entry>
  8579. <entry>
  8580. <para>
  8581. Dàhuá Fàndiàn
  8582. </para>
  8583. <para>
  8584. Yuyuǎn
  8585. </para>
  8586. <para>
  8587. Nanběi Xiǎo Chidiàn
  8588. </para>
  8589. <para>
  8590. Dōngmén Canting
  8591. </para>
  8592. </entry>
  8593. <entry>
  8594. </entry>
  8595. </row>
  8596. </tbody>
  8597. </tgroup>
  8598. </informaltable>
  8599. <para>
  8600. expensive
  8601. </para>
  8602. <para>
  8603. PRICE
  8604. </para>
  8605. <para>
  8606. cheap
  8607. </para>
  8608. <informaltable>
  8609. <tgroup cols="3">
  8610. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8611. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8612. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8613. <tbody>
  8614. <row>
  8615. <entry>
  8616. <para>
  8617. Dàhuā Fàndiàn
  8618. </para>
  8619. <para>
  8620. Dōngmén Canting
  8621. </para>
  8622. </entry>
  8623. <entry>
  8624. <para>
  8625. Nanběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn
  8626. </para>
  8627. </entry>
  8628. <entry>
  8629. <para>
  8630. Yuyuǎn
  8631. </para>
  8632. </entry>
  8633. </row>
  8634. </tbody>
  8635. </tgroup>
  8636. </informaltable>
  8637. <para>
  8638. far ----
  8639. </para>
  8640. <para>
  8641. DISTANCE
  8642. </para>
  8643. <para>
  8644. near
  8645. </para>
  8646. <informaltable>
  8647. <tgroup cols="3">
  8648. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8649. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8650. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8651. <tbody>
  8652. <row>
  8653. <entry>
  8654. <para>
  8655. Yúyúan
  8656. </para>
  8657. </entry>
  8658. <entry>
  8659. <para>
  8660. Nanběi Xiǎo Chidiàn
  8661. </para>
  8662. <para>
  8663. Dōngmén Cāntīng
  8664. </para>
  8665. </entry>
  8666. <entry>
  8667. <para>
  8668. Dàhuā Fàndiàn
  8669. </para>
  8670. </entry>
  8671. </row>
  8672. </tbody>
  8673. </tgroup>
  8674. </informaltable>
  8675. <para>
  8676. bad
  8677.                                                                 good
  8678. </para>
  8679. <informaltable>
  8680. <tgroup cols="3">
  8681. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8682. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8683. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8684. <tbody>
  8685. <row>
  8686. <entry>
  8687. <para>
  8688. Dàhuá Fàndiàn
  8689. </para>
  8690. <para>
  8691. Nánběi Xiǎo Chidiàn
  8692. </para>
  8693. <para>
  8694. Dōngmén Canting
  8695. </para>
  8696. </entry>
  8697. <entry>
  8698. </entry>
  8699. <entry>
  8700. <para>
  8701. Yúyuán
  8702. </para>
  8703. </entry>
  8704. </row>
  8705. </tbody>
  8706. </tgroup>
  8707. </informaltable>
  8708. <para>
  8709. expensive
  8710. </para>
  8711. <para>
  8712. PRICE
  8713. </para>
  8714. <para>
  8715. cheap
  8716. </para>
  8717. <informaltable>
  8718. <tgroup cols="3">
  8719. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8720. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8721. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8722. <tbody>
  8723. <row>
  8724. <entry>
  8725. </entry>
  8726. <entry>
  8727. <para>
  8728. Dàhuá Fàndiàn
  8729. </para>
  8730. <para>
  8731. Yúyuán
  8732. </para>
  8733. <para>
  8734. Nánběi Xiǎo Chīdiàn
  8735. </para>
  8736. <para>
  8737. Dōngmén Canting
  8738. </para>
  8739. </entry>
  8740. <entry>
  8741. </entry>
  8742. </row>
  8743. </tbody>
  8744. </tgroup>
  8745. </informaltable>
  8746. <para>
  8747. DISTANCE
  8748. </para>
  8749. <para>
  8750. near
  8751. </para>
  8752. <informaltable>
  8753. <tgroup cols="3">
  8754. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8755. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8756. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  8757. <tbody>
  8758. <row>
  8759. <entry>
  8760. <para>
  8761. Dàhuá Fàndiàn
  8762. </para>
  8763. </entry>
  8764. <entry>
  8765. <para>
  8766. Yúyuán
  8767. </para>
  8768. <para>
  8769. Dōngmén Canting
  8770. </para>
  8771. </entry>
  8772. <entry>
  8773. <para>
  8774. Nánběi Xiǎo Chidiàn
  8775. </para>
  8776. </entry>
  8777. </row>
  8778. </tbody>
  8779. </tgroup>
  8780. </informaltable>
  8781. <para>
  8782. expensive
  8783. </para>
  8784. <para>
  8785. <inlinemediaobject>
  8786. <imageobject>
  8787. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-88.png" />
  8788. </imageobject>
  8789. </inlinemediaobject>
  8790. </para>
  8791. <literallayout>
  8792. </literallayout>
  8793. <para>
  8794. far
  8795. </para>
  8796. <para>
  8797. <inlinemediaobject>
  8798. <imageobject>
  8799. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-89.png" />
  8800. </imageobject>
  8801. </inlinemediaobject>
  8802. </para>
  8803. <literallayout>
  8804. </literallayout>
  8805. <para>
  8806. far
  8807. </para>
  8808. <para>
  8809. <inlinemediaobject>
  8810. <imageobject>
  8811. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-90.png" />
  8812. </imageobject>
  8813. </inlinemediaobject>
  8814. </para>
  8815. <literallayout>
  8816. </literallayout>
  8817. </section>
  8818. <section xml:id="unit-7-c-1-review-dialogue">
  8819. <title><anchor id="bookmark60" /><anchor id="bookmark189" />UNIT
  8820. 7 C-1 REVIEW DIALOGUE</title>
  8821. <itemizedlist>
  8822. <listitem>
  8823. <para>
  8824. *A: Qīngwèn, Mǎ Kēzhǎng zài bu zai?
  8825. </para>
  8826. </listitem>
  8827. </itemizedlist>
  8828. <itemizedlist>
  8829. <listitem>
  8830. <para>
  8831. B: Bú zài. Tā qù kai huì qu le. Nín you shénme shì?
  8832. </para>
  8833. </listitem>
  8834. </itemizedlist>
  8835. <itemizedlist>
  8836. <listitem>
  8837. <para>
  8838. A: Wǒ you diǎn shì xiǎng gēn Mǎ Kēzhāng dāngmiàn
  8839. tántan.
  8840. </para>
  8841. </listitem>
  8842. <listitem>
  8843. <para>
  8844. B: Tā shíyīdiǎn cai huílai. Nín yào bu yao zài zhèli
  8845. děng ta yíxià?
  8846. </para>
  8847. </listitem>
  8848. </itemizedlist>
  8849. <itemizedlist>
  8850. <listitem>
  8851. <para>
  8852. A: Hǎo, xièxie. Qīngwèn nín guìxìng?
  8853. </para>
  8854. </listitem>
  8855. <listitem>
  8856. <para>
  8857. B: Wǒ xing Zhào.
  8858. </para>
  8859. </listitem>
  8860. </itemizedlist>
  8861. <itemizedlist>
  8862. <listitem>
  8863. <para>
  8864. A: Ou, Zhào Nushì. Wǒ shi Luo Bǒtè. Nín shì bu shi xīn
  8865. láide? Yīqiān wǒ méiyou Jiànguo nín.
  8866. </para>
  8867. </listitem>
  8868. <listitem>
  8869. <para>
  8870. B: Shìde, wǒ shi zuǒtiān gāng pàilaide.
  8871. </para>
  8872. </listitem>
  8873. </itemizedlist>
  8874. <itemizedlist>
  8875. <listitem>
  8876. <para>
  8877. A: Nín yīqiān zài shénme dìfang gōngzuò?
  8878. </para>
  8879. </listitem>
  8880. <listitem>
  8881. <para>
  8882. B: Wǒ yīqiān zài Tāizhōngde Táiwān Yínháng gōngzuò.
  8883. </para>
  8884. </listitem>
  8885. </itemizedlist>
  8886. <itemizedlist>
  8887. <listitem>
  8888. <para>
  8889. A: Tīngshuō Tāizhōngde Táiwān Yínhāng you yíwèi Lī
  8890. Kēzhǎng, shì ma?
  8891. </para>
  8892. </listitem>
  8893. <listitem>
  8894. <para>
  8895. B: Shì. Nàbian shì you yíwèi Lī Kēzhǎng. Tāde míngzi
  8896. Jiào Lī Guoān. Nín rènshi ta ma?
  8897. </para>
  8898. </listitem>
  8899. </itemizedlist>
  8900. <itemizedlist>
  8901. <listitem>
  8902. <para>
  8903. A: Bú rènshi. Wǒ xiǎng gēn nín dǎting dǎting. Tā shì
  8904. bu shi xué JīngJide?
  8905. </para>
  8906. </listitem>
  8907. </itemizedlist>
  8908. <para>
  8909. May I ask, is Section Chief Mǎ in?
  8910. </para>
  8911. <para>
  8912. He’s not in. He went to a meeting. What can I do for you?
  8913. </para>
  8914. <para>
  8915. I have something I want to talk with Section Chief Mǎ
  8916. about in person.
  8917. </para>
  8918. <para>
  8919. He won’t be back until eleven. Do you want to wait for him
  8920. here for awhile?
  8921. </para>
  8922. <para>
  8923. Yes, thank you. What is your name?
  8924. </para>
  8925. <para>
  8926. My name is Zhào.
  8927. </para>
  8928. <para>
  8929. Oh, Miss Zhào. My name is Roberts. Did you come here
  8930. recently?
  8931. </para>
  8932. <para>
  8933. I haven’t seen you before.
  8934. </para>
  8935. <para>
  8936. Yes, I was Just assigned here yesterday.
  8937. </para>
  8938. <para>
  8939. Where did you work before?
  8940. </para>
  8941. <para>
  8942. Before, I worked at the Taichung branch of the Bank of
  8943. Taiwan.
  8944. </para>
  8945. <para>
  8946. I’ve heard that there is a Section Chief Lī at the
  8947. Taichung branch of the Bank of Taiwan. Is that right?
  8948. </para>
  8949. <para>
  8950. Yes. There IS a Section Chief Lī there. His name is Lī
  8951. Guǒān. Do you know him?
  8952. </para>
  8953. <para>
  8954. No. I want to ask you about something. Did he study
  8955. economics?
  8956. </para>
  8957. <para>
  8958. *Only the untranslated version of this conversation is on
  8959. the C-l tape. The conversation also appears as Exercise 1
  8960. on the C-2 tape.
  8961. </para>
  8962. <itemizedlist>
  8963. <listitem>
  8964. <para>
  8965. B: Bú cuò.
  8966. </para>
  8967. </listitem>
  8968. </itemizedlist>
  8969. <itemizedlist>
  8970. <listitem>
  8971. <para>
  8972. A: Wo péngyou gàosong wo tā shi shénme dàxué bìyède,
  8973. wǒ wàngji le.
  8974. </para>
  8975. </listitem>
  8976. <listitem>
  8977. <para>
  8978. B: Tā shi Táiwān Dàxué bìyède.
  8979. </para>
  8980. </listitem>
  8981. </itemizedlist>
  8982. <para>
  8983. A: Duì le, shi Taidà bìyède. Wǒ xiàge yuè yào dào Taizhong
  8984. qù; hen xiǎng gēn ta tantan. Nín néng bu néng gěi wo
  8985. jièshao jièshao?
  8986. </para>
  8987. <para>
  8988. B: Méi wèntí. Nín qù Táizhōng yīqián gàosong wo. Wǒ gěi ta
  8989. da ge diànhuà, shuō yíxià.
  8990. </para>
  8991. <itemizedlist>
  8992. <listitem>
  8993. <para>
  8994. A: Hǎojíle. Zhēn xièxie nín.
  8995. </para>
  8996. </listitem>
  8997. <listitem>
  8998. <para>
  8999. B: Bú kèqi. Ou, xiànzài chàbuduō shíyīdiǎn le. Mǎ
  9000. Kēzhǎng mǎshàng jiù yào huílai le.
  9001. </para>
  9002. </listitem>
  9003. </itemizedlist>
  9004. <para>
  9005. A: Hǎo, wǒ zài zhèli děng ta.
  9006. </para>
  9007. <para>
  9008. That’s right.
  9009. </para>
  9010. <para>
  9011. My friend told me which university he graduated from, but
  9012. I’ve forgotten.
  9013. </para>
  9014. <para>
  9015. He graduated from Taiwan University.
  9016. </para>
  9017. <para>
  9018. That’s right. He graduated from Taiwan University. I’m
  9019. going to Taichung next month and would very much like to
  9020. talk with him. Can you give me an introduction to him?
  9021. </para>
  9022. <para>
  9023. No problem. Before you go to Taichung, tell me. I’ll give
  9024. him a call and talk with him about it.
  9025. </para>
  9026. <para>
  9027. That’s great! I really thank you.
  9028. </para>
  9029. <para>
  9030. You’re welcome. Oh, it’s almost eleven now. Section Chief
  9031. Mǎ will be back very soon now.
  9032. </para>
  9033. <para>
  9034. All right. I’ll wait for him here.
  9035. </para>
  9036. </section>
  9037. <section xml:id="unit-7-c-2-workbook">
  9038. <title><anchor id="bookmark190" /><anchor id="bookmark191" />UNIT
  9039. 7 C-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  9040. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-12">
  9041. <title><anchor id="bookmark192" /><anchor id="bookmark193" />EXERCISE
  9042. 1</title>
  9043. <para>
  9044. In this conversation Mr. Roberts (Luò Bote Xiānsheng) is
  9045. at the Taipei branch of the Bank of Taiwan. As you
  9046. listen to the dialogue for the second time, translate
  9047. orally during the pauses provided on tape. Compare your
  9048. translations with the suggested translations given by
  9049. the speaker.
  9050. </para>
  9051. </simplesect>
  9052. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-12">
  9053. <title><anchor id="bookmark194" /><anchor id="bookmark195" />EXERCISE
  9054. 2</title>
  9055. <para>
  9056. In this exercise the vocabulary for Unit 7 is presented
  9057. in a new context. Miss Wilson, an American who works in
  9058. Taipei, is talking with her friend Professor He, who
  9059. teaches at Taiwan University.
  9060. </para>
  9061. <para>
  9062. You will hear the conversation twice. As you listen to
  9063. it for the second time, answer the questions below.
  9064. </para>
  9065. <para>
  9066. Here are expressions you will need for this exercise:
  9067. </para>
  9068. <informaltable>
  9069. <tgroup cols="2">
  9070. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  9071. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  9072. <tbody>
  9073. <row>
  9074. <entry>
  9075. <para>
  9076. Yēlù Dàxué
  9077. </para>
  9078. </entry>
  9079. <entry>
  9080. <para>
  9081. (Yale University)
  9082. </para>
  9083. </entry>
  9084. </row>
  9085. <row>
  9086. <entry>
  9087. <para>
  9088. yánj iuyuàn cōngming yònggōng Shìjiè Yínháng
  9089. xiū jià
  9090. </para>
  9091. </entry>
  9092. <entry>
  9093. <para>
  9094. (graduate school) (to be intelligent) (to be
  9095. hardworking) (World Bank)
  9096. </para>
  9097. <para>
  9098. (to take a vacation)
  9099. </para>
  9100. </entry>
  9101. </row>
  9102. </tbody>
  9103. </tgroup>
  9104. </informaltable>
  9105. <para>
  9107. </para>
  9108. <itemizedlist>
  9109. <listitem>
  9110. <para>
  9111. 1. When did Miss Wilson receive her graduate degree
  9112. from Yale?
  9113. </para>
  9114. </listitem>
  9115. <listitem>
  9116. <para>
  9117. 2. Was Yang Shūhuì a good or a bad student at Yale?
  9118. </para>
  9119. </listitem>
  9120. <listitem>
  9121. <para>
  9122. 3. What did he do after he graduated?
  9123. </para>
  9124. </listitem>
  9125. </itemizedlist>
  9126. <para>
  9127. U. What is he going to do soon?
  9128. ________________________________________
  9129. </para>
  9130. <para>
  9131. 5. How long will it be until he arrives?
  9132. </para>
  9133. </simplesect>
  9134. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-12">
  9135. <title><anchor id="bookmark196" /><anchor id="bookmark197" />EXERCISE
  9136. 3</title>
  9137. <para>
  9138. In this exercise you will hear expressions typically
  9139. used to arrange informal meetings. The conversation
  9140. takes place at the Běijīng University library between a
  9141. Canadian and a Chinese student.
  9142. </para>
  9143. <para>
  9144. You will hear the conversation twice. Answer the
  9145. questions below as you listen for the second time.
  9146. </para>
  9147. <para>
  9148. You will hear the following:
  9149. </para>
  9150. <para>
  9151. Bǎihuó Dàlōu Dōngfēng Shìchǎng duōde duō
  9152. </para>
  9153. <literallayout>
  9154. </literallayout>
  9155. <para>
  9156. -tang xià kè kěnéng
  9157. </para>
  9158. <literallayout>
  9159. </literallayout>
  9160. <para>
  9161. Ea department store in Běijīng] (Dōngfēng Market
  9162. CBěijīng]) (much more) Ccounter for classes] (to get out
  9163. of class) (maybe)
  9164. </para>
  9165. <para>
  9167. </para>
  9168. <itemizedlist>
  9169. <listitem>
  9170. <para>
  9171. 1. On what day is the Wángfǔjīng Shopping District
  9172. less crowded?
  9173. </para>
  9174. </listitem>
  9175. </itemizedlist>
  9176. <para>
  9177. ( ) Saturday ( ) Sunday
  9178. </para>
  9179. <itemizedlist>
  9180. <listitem>
  9181. <para>
  9182. 2. Does the department store sell more things than
  9183. the Dōngfēng Market? ( ) Yes ( ) No
  9184. </para>
  9185. </listitem>
  9186. <listitem>
  9187. <para>
  9188. 3. When does Wang want to go shopping? ( ) morning (
  9189. ) afternoon
  9190. </para>
  9191. </listitem>
  9192. </itemizedlist>
  9193. </simplesect>
  9194. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-4-6">
  9195. <title><anchor id="bookmark198" /><anchor id="bookmark199" />EXERCISE
  9196. 4</title>
  9197. <para>
  9198. In this conversation an informal meeting is arranged.
  9199. Miss Chen is telephoning her American friend Miss Brown
  9200. (Huáng).
  9201. </para>
  9202. <para>
  9203. You will hear the conversation twice. Answer the
  9204. questions below as you listen for the second time.
  9205. </para>
  9206. <para>
  9207. You will hear the following expressions:
  9208. </para>
  9209. <para>
  9210. yàobushi...J iùshi... yuèdi
  9211. </para>
  9212. <para>
  9213. yuèchū
  9214. </para>
  9215. <para>
  9216. (if it's not...then it will be...)
  9217. </para>
  9218. <para>
  9219. (end of the month)
  9220. </para>
  9221. <para>
  9222. (beginning of the month)
  9223. </para>
  9224. <para>
  9225. QUESTIONS                   . .
  9226. </para>
  9227. <itemizedlist>
  9228. <listitem>
  9229. <para>
  9230. 1. Miss Brown (Huáng) is soon to return
  9231. </para>
  9232. </listitem>
  9233. </itemizedlist>
  9234. <para>
  9235. ( ) to school.
  9236. </para>
  9237. <para>
  9238. ( ) home.
  9239. </para>
  9240. <para>
  9241. ( ) to the United States.
  9242. </para>
  9243. <itemizedlist>
  9244. <listitem>
  9245. <para>
  9246. 2. When does Miss Brown plan to go?
  9247. </para>
  9248. </listitem>
  9249. <listitem>
  9250. <para>
  9251. 3. What does Miss Chen invite Miss Brown to do?
  9252. </para>
  9253. </listitem>
  9254. </itemizedlist>
  9255. <para>
  9256. U. When and where will the two women meet?
  9257. </para>
  9258. <para>
  9259. 5. Does Miss Huáng have a car? ( ) Yes ( ) No
  9260. </para>
  9261. </simplesect>
  9262. </section>
  9263. <section xml:id="unit-7-p-2-workbook">
  9264. <title><anchor id="bookmark200" /><anchor id="bookmark201" />UNIT
  9265. 7 P-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  9266. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-13">
  9267. <title><anchor id="bookmark202" /><anchor id="bookmark203" />EXERCISE
  9268. 1</title>
  9269. <para>
  9270. In this exercise you will talk about where and when
  9271. people went to school and what they studied. Ask
  9272. questions about the people listed in Display I. For each
  9273. person, find out where he/she went to college, what
  9274. class he/she was in, and what subject was his/her major
  9275. field of study. Complete Display I by filling in the
  9276. needed information.
  9277. </para>
  9278. <para>
  9279. Example
  9280. </para>
  9281. <para>
  9282. YOU:   Bai Huìrán shi něige dàxué bìyède?
  9283. </para>
  9284. <para>
  9285. TAPE: Tā shi Taiwan Dàxué bìyède.
  9286. </para>
  9287. <para>
  9288. YOU: Tā shi něinián bìyède?
  9289. </para>
  9290. <para>
  9291. TAPE: Tā shi Yījiǔqīsānnián bìyède.
  9292. </para>
  9293. <para>
  9294. YOU:   Tā zài dàxué niàn shénme?
  9295. </para>
  9296. <para>
  9297. TAPE: Tā niànde shi lìshǐ.
  9298. </para>
  9299. <para>
  9300. After completing the display, use this information to
  9301. answer questions on tape. You will be asked which people
  9302. know each other. You are to assume that people who
  9303. studied the same subjects and were in the same college
  9304. at the same time would probably know each other.
  9305. </para>
  9306. </simplesect>
  9307. <simplesect xml:id="display-i-1">
  9308. <title><anchor id="bookmark204" /><anchor id="bookmark205" />DISPLAY
  9309. I</title>
  9310. <para>
  9311. COLLEGE           CLASS OF            MAJOR
  9312. </para>
  9313. <para>
  9314. Bai Huìrán
  9315. </para>
  9316. <para>
  9317. Gāo Bīngyíng
  9318. </para>
  9319. <para>
  9320. Shǐ Guóquán Lǐ Tíngfēng
  9321. </para>
  9322. <para>
  9323. Wang Défén Dèng Shàowén
  9324. </para>
  9325. </simplesect>
  9326. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-13">
  9327. <title><anchor id="bookmark206" /><anchor id="bookmark207" />EXERCISE
  9328. 2</title>
  9329. <para>
  9330. In this exercise you will make phone calls to ask for
  9331. information. Display II lists the calls you want to make
  9332. today: whom you want to call, what you want to find out,
  9333. and detailed instructions for making each call.
  9334. </para>
  9335. <para>
  9336. Take the part of Miss White and make the phone calls. A
  9337. typical conversation is as follows.
  9338. </para>
  9339. <para>
  9340. Example
  9341. </para>
  9342. <para>
  9343. YOU:   Wèi, Xiǎo Ma, zǎol
  9344. </para>
  9345. <para>
  9346. TAPE: Zǎol Shi Xiǎo Bai ba?
  9347. </para>
  9348. <para>
  9349. YOU:   Shi. Wǒ xiǎng gēn ni dǎting yíjiàn shi.
  9350. </para>
  9351. <para>
  9352. TAPE: Shénme shi a?
  9353. </para>
  9354. <para>
  9355. YOU: Wang Kēzhǎng shi bu shi Jīntiān cóng Xiānggǎng
  9356. huílai?
  9357. </para>
  9358. <para>
  9359. TAPE: Tā dǎ diānhuà lai shuō tā jīntiān huíbulāi, yào
  9360. hòutiān cái néng huílai.
  9361. </para>
  9362. <para>
  9363. YOU: Hǎo, xièxie.
  9364. </para>
  9365. <para>
  9366. DISPLAY II
  9367. </para>
  9368. <itemizedlist>
  9369. <listitem>
  9370. <para>
  9371. 1. Call Xiǎo Mǎ to find out if Section Chief Wáng is
  9372. coming back from Hong Kong today.
  9373. </para>
  9374. </listitem>
  9375. </itemizedlist>
  9376. <itemizedlist>
  9377. <listitem>
  9378. <para>
  9379. a. Say good morning to Xiǎo Mǎ.
  9380. </para>
  9381. </listitem>
  9382. <listitem>
  9383. <para>
  9384. b. Tell him you would like to ask him something.
  9385. </para>
  9386. </listitem>
  9387. <listitem>
  9388. <para>
  9389. c. Ask if it is today that Section Chief Wáng is
  9390. coming back.
  9391. </para>
  9392. </listitem>
  9393. <listitem>
  9394. <para>
  9395. d. Thank him.
  9396. </para>
  9397. </listitem>
  9398. </itemizedlist>
  9399. <itemizedlist>
  9400. <listitem>
  9401. <para>
  9402. 2. Call Mr. Liú to find out when Mr. White (Huáitè)
  9403. is returning to his country.
  9404. </para>
  9405. </listitem>
  9406. </itemizedlist>
  9407. <itemizedlist>
  9408. <listitem>
  9409. <para>
  9410. a. Say hello.
  9411. </para>
  9412. </listitem>
  9413. <listitem>
  9414. <para>
  9415. b. Ask if this is Mr. Liú.
  9416. </para>
  9417. </listitem>
  9418. <listitem>
  9419. <para>
  9420. c. Tell him you would like to ask him something.
  9421. </para>
  9422. </listitem>
  9423. <listitem>
  9424. <para>
  9425. d. Ask when Mr. White is returning to his country.
  9426. </para>
  9427. </listitem>
  9428. <listitem>
  9429. <para>
  9430. e. Comment on the fact that he is leaving so soon.
  9431. </para>
  9432. </listitem>
  9433. <listitem>
  9434. <para>
  9435. f. Say that you didn’t want anything important—you
  9436. just wanted to invite Mr. White for a simple meal.
  9437. </para>
  9438. </listitem>
  9439. </itemizedlist>
  9440. <itemizedlist>
  9441. <listitem>
  9442. <para>
  9443. 3. Call Professor Chéng to find out when Professor
  9444. Wèi will be back from America.
  9445. </para>
  9446. </listitem>
  9447. </itemizedlist>
  9448. <itemizedlist>
  9449. <listitem>
  9450. <para>
  9451. a. Ask if this is Professor Chéng.
  9452. </para>
  9453. </listitem>
  9454. <listitem>
  9455. <para>
  9456. b. Tell him you would like to ask him something.
  9457. </para>
  9458. </listitem>
  9459. <listitem>
  9460. <para>
  9461. c. Ask when Professor Wèi will be back from America.
  9462. </para>
  9463. </listitem>
  9464. <listitem>
  9465. <para>
  9466. d. Request that Professor Chéng ask on your behalf.
  9467. </para>
  9468. </listitem>
  9469. </itemizedlist>
  9470. <itemizedlist>
  9471. <listitem>
  9472. <para>
  9473. U. Call Xiǎo Zhāng to find out when Lǎo Song is
  9474. going to Tokyo (Dōngjlng).
  9475. </para>
  9476. </listitem>
  9477. </itemizedlist>
  9478. <itemizedlist>
  9479. <listitem>
  9480. <para>
  9481. a. Say hello to Xiǎo Zhāng.
  9482. </para>
  9483. </listitem>
  9484. <listitem>
  9485. <para>
  9486. b. Tell him you would like to ask him something.
  9487. </para>
  9488. </listitem>
  9489. <listitem>
  9490. <para>
  9491. c. Ask when Lǎo Song is going to Tokyo.
  9492. </para>
  9493. </listitem>
  9494. <listitem>
  9495. <para>
  9496. d. Ask if Xiǎo Zhāng knows how long Lǎo Song plans
  9497. to stay there.
  9498. </para>
  9499. </listitem>
  9500. </itemizedlist>
  9501. </simplesect>
  9502. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-13">
  9503. <title><anchor id="bookmark208" /><anchor id="bookmark209" />EXERCISE
  9504. 3</title>
  9505. <para>
  9506. In this exercise you will act as an interpreter for a
  9507. young American woman and a Chinese man.
  9508. </para>
  9509. <para>
  9510. First, you will hear the telephone conversation in
  9511. Chinese, without interruptions. Then it will be
  9512. presented as if the woman cannot speak Chinese and the
  9513. man cannot speak English. Each speaker’s lines will be
  9514. followed by a pause, during which you will translate.
  9515. </para>
  9516. <para>
  9517. Example
  9518. </para>
  9519. <para>
  9520. CHINESE: WàiJ
  9521. </para>
  9522. <para>
  9523. YOU:        Hello.’
  9524. </para>
  9525. <para>
  9526. AMERICAN: Is it Mr. Mǎ?
  9527. </para>
  9528. <para>
  9529. YOU:       Shì Mǎ Xiānsheng ma?
  9530. </para>
  9531. </simplesect>
  9532. </section>
  9533. <section xml:id="unit-7-communication-game">
  9534. <title><anchor id="bookmark63" /><anchor id="bookmark210" />UNIT
  9535. 7 COMMUNICATION GAME</title>
  9536. <para>
  9538. </para>
  9539. <para>
  9540. Type: Who’s Who
  9541. </para>
  9542. <para>
  9543. Situation: The setting is Taipei. A friend is teaching you
  9544. to recognize pictures of several people and is also
  9545. telling you several biographical facts about each person.
  9546. Then you help your friend learn the same things.
  9547. </para>
  9548. <para>
  9549. Goal: To learn to recognize the faces and to associate the
  9550. biographical facts with the faces.
  9551. </para>
  9552. <para>
  9553. Number of Players: Pairs of students.
  9554. </para>
  9555. <para>
  9556. Materials: A deck of flash cards for each pair of
  9557. students. (See Flash Cards, on the following pages.) On
  9558. one side of each card is a face and a symbol indicating
  9559. sex (&lt;J for a male and ? for a female). On the other
  9560. side, biographical facts about that person are given:
  9561. name, college, graduation year, and major field of study.
  9562. All of the people listed on the cards are Americans with
  9563. adopted Chinese names.
  9564. </para>
  9565. <para>
  9566. Set 1 flash cards are for Round 1 of the game. Set 2 cards
  9567. are for the second round. (Partners switch roles for a
  9568. second round.)
  9569. </para>
  9570. <para>
  9571. Procedure: The flash cards are placed face up between the
  9572. two players. Either player may choose a card to be
  9573. discussed. The &quot;teacher” picks up that card so that
  9574. he can read the back, while the ’’student” sees only the
  9575. face on the card. The two players then discuss the person
  9576. described on the card until the &quot;student&quot; is
  9577. reasonably familiar with the information about that
  9578. person. Then another card is chosen.
  9579. </para>
  9580. <para>
  9581. The &quot;student&quot; or the &quot;teacher&quot; may at
  9582. any time ask to review a card discussed earlier. The
  9583. &quot;student&quot; may test himself on any card at any
  9584. time, and the &quot;teacher&quot; may test his partner on
  9585. any card at any time. The &quot;teacher&quot; may ask the
  9586. &quot;student&quot; whether he recognizes a face, whether
  9587. he remembers who the person is, whether he has forgotton
  9588. where the person went to college, and so forth.
  9589. </para>
  9590. <para>
  9591. Example: You are Speaker 1, the &quot;teacher.&quot; You
  9592. are checking to see if your &quot;student&quot; remembers
  9593. information about a person described on a card which was
  9594. studied previously.
  9595. </para>
  9596. <itemizedlist>
  9597. <listitem>
  9598. <para>
  9599. SI: Nī rènshi bu renshi zhèige rén?
  9600. </para>
  9601. </listitem>
  9602. <listitem>
  9603. <para>
  9604. S2: Wo bú rènshi ta.
  9605. </para>
  9606. </listitem>
  9607. <listitem>
  9608. <para>
  9609. SI: Nī wàng le, tā shi MS Mínglī.
  9610. </para>
  9611. </listitem>
  9612. <listitem>
  9613. <para>
  9614. S2: òu, wǒ xiSngqilai le. (&quot;Now I remember.&quot;
  9615. Exiang, &quot;to think,&quot; plus qīlái, literally,
  9616. &quot;to rise&quot;!)
  9617. </para>
  9618. </listitem>
  9619. </itemizedlist>
  9620. <para>
  9621. Wo hái jìde tā shi Niǔyuē Dàxué bìyède, shi bu shi?
  9622. </para>
  9623. <itemizedlist>
  9624. <listitem>
  9625. <para>
  9626. SI: Bú cuò. Nī zhīdao bu zhidao tā shi něinián bìyède?
  9627. </para>
  9628. </listitem>
  9629. <listitem>
  9630. <para>
  9631. S2: Wǒ wàngji le. Nī gàosong wo tā shi něinián bìyède.
  9632. </para>
  9633. </listitem>
  9634. <listitem>
  9635. <para>
  9636. SI: Tā shi Yījiǔliùwǔnián bìyède.
  9637. </para>
  9638. </listitem>
  9639. <listitem>
  9640. <para>
  9641. S2: Wo yě wangle tā zài dàxué niànde shi shénme.
  9642. </para>
  9643. </listitem>
  9644. </itemizedlist>
  9645. <para>
  9646. SI: Nǐ xiǎngyixiāng.
  9647. </para>
  9648. <para>
  9649. S2: Ou, wǒ jìde le. Tā niànde shi Fǎguo lìshǐ.
  9650. </para>
  9651. <para>
  9652. SI: Duì le.
  9653. </para>
  9654. <para>
  9655. Practice Points: Rènshi, wàng, wàngji, jìde, cud, and
  9656. review of associated
  9657. </para>
  9658. <para>
  9659. vocabulary.
  9660. </para>
  9661. <literallayout>
  9662. </literallayout>
  9663. <para>
  9665. </para>
  9666. <literallayout>
  9667. </literallayout>
  9668. <para>
  9669. <inlinemediaobject>
  9670. <imageobject>
  9671. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-91.png" />
  9672. </imageobject>
  9673. </inlinemediaobject>
  9674. </para>
  9675. <literallayout>
  9676. </literallayout>
  9677. <para>
  9678. <inlinemediaobject>
  9679. <imageobject>
  9680. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-92.png" />
  9681. </imageobject>
  9682. </inlinemediaobject>
  9683. </para>
  9684. <literallayout>
  9685. </literallayout>
  9686. <para>
  9687. <inlinemediaobject>
  9688. <imageobject>
  9689. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-93.png" />
  9690. </imageobject>
  9691. </inlinemediaobject>
  9692. </para>
  9693. <literallayout>
  9694. </literallayout>
  9695. <para>
  9696. <inlinemediaobject>
  9697. <imageobject>
  9698. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-94.png" />
  9699. </imageobject>
  9700. </inlinemediaobject>
  9701. </para>
  9702. <literallayout>
  9703. </literallayout>
  9704. <para>
  9705. <inlinemediaobject>
  9706. <imageobject>
  9707. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-95.png" />
  9708. </imageobject>
  9709. </inlinemediaobject>
  9710. </para>
  9711. <literallayout>
  9712. <inlinemediaobject>
  9713. <imageobject>
  9714. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-96.png" />
  9715. </imageobject>
  9716. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  9717. <imageobject>
  9718. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-97.png" />
  9719. </imageobject>
  9720. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  9721. <imageobject>
  9722. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-98.png" />
  9723. </imageobject>
  9724. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  9725. <imageobject>
  9726. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-99.png" />
  9727. </imageobject>
  9728. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  9729. <imageobject>
  9730. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-100.png" />
  9731. </imageobject>
  9732. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  9733. <imageobject>
  9734. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-101.png" />
  9735. </imageobject>
  9736. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  9737. <imageobject>
  9738. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-102.png" />
  9739. </imageobject>
  9740. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  9741. <imageobject>
  9742. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-103.png" />
  9743. </imageobject>
  9744. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  9745. <imageobject>
  9746. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-104.png" />
  9747. </imageobject>
  9748. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  9749. <imageobject>
  9750. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-105.png" />
  9751. </imageobject>
  9752. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  9753. <imageobject>
  9754. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-106.png" />
  9755. </imageobject>
  9756. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  9757. <imageobject>
  9758. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-107.png" />
  9759. </imageobject>
  9760. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  9761. <imageobject>
  9762. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-108.png" />
  9763. </imageobject>
  9764. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  9765. <imageobject>
  9766. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-109.png" />
  9767. </imageobject>
  9768. </inlinemediaobject></literallayout>
  9769. </section>
  9770. <section xml:id="unit-8-c-2-workbook">
  9771. <title><anchor id="bookmark64" /><anchor id="bookmark211" />UNIT
  9772. 8 C-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  9773. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-14">
  9774. <title><anchor id="bookmark212" /><anchor id="bookmark213" />EXERCISE
  9775. 1</title>
  9776. <para>
  9777. In this conversation you will hear expressions which can
  9778. be used to decline a formal invitation. Mrs. Robinson
  9779. (Luo) is secretary to the chief executive officer of the
  9780. Bank of America’s Chinese branch in Taiwan. She has
  9781. received a telephone call.
  9782. </para>
  9783. <para>
  9784. You will hear the conversation twice. As you listen to
  9785. it for the second time, answer the questions below.
  9786. </para>
  9787. <para>
  9788. Here are some expressions you will need to know:
  9789. </para>
  9790. <informaltable>
  9791. <tgroup cols="2">
  9792. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  9793. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  9794. <tbody>
  9795. <row>
  9796. <entry>
  9797. <para>
  9798. JIng j ibù zǒng jīnglǐ
  9799. </para>
  9800. </entry>
  9801. <entry>
  9802. <para>
  9803. (Ministry of Economics)
  9804. </para>
  9805. <para>
  9806. (general manager Cchief executive officer])
  9807. </para>
  9808. </entry>
  9809. </row>
  9810. <row>
  9811. <entry>
  9812. <para>
  9813. náribù
  9814. </para>
  9815. </entry>
  9816. <entry>
  9817. <para>
  9818. (the southern part Eof the island], the south)
  9819. </para>
  9820. </entry>
  9821. </row>
  9822. <row>
  9823. <entry>
  9824. <para>
  9825. cānjiā
  9826. </para>
  9827. <para>
  9828. xièxie tāde yāoqīng
  9829. </para>
  9830. </entry>
  9831. <entry>
  9832. <para>
  9833. (to participate in, to attend)
  9834. </para>
  9835. <para>
  9836. (to thank him for his invitation)
  9837. </para>
  9838. </entry>
  9839. </row>
  9840. </tbody>
  9841. </tgroup>
  9842. </informaltable>
  9843. <para>
  9845. </para>
  9846. <itemizedlist>
  9847. <listitem>
  9848. <para>
  9849. 1. From whom does Mrs. Robinson (Luo) receive a
  9850. call?
  9851. </para>
  9852. </listitem>
  9853. <listitem>
  9854. <para>
  9855. 2. Has Minister Sun received an invitation? ( ) Yes
  9856. ( ) No
  9857. </para>
  9858. </listitem>
  9859. <listitem>
  9860. <para>
  9861. 3. Can Minister Sun attend on July 2? ( ) Yes ( ) No
  9862. </para>
  9863. </listitem>
  9864. </itemizedlist>
  9865. <para>
  9866. U. Why, or why not?
  9867. ___________________________________________________
  9868. </para>
  9869. </simplesect>
  9870. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-14">
  9871. <title><anchor id="bookmark214" /><anchor id="bookmark215" />EXERCISE
  9872. 2</title>
  9873. <para>
  9874. The vocabulary of Unit 8 and some useful new terms are
  9875. included in this conversation. Comrade Wang and Comrade
  9876. Cheng, two cadres of the Ministry of Public Health in
  9877. Beijing, are talking.
  9878. </para>
  9879. <para>
  9880. You will hear the conversation twice. As you listen to
  9881. it for the second time, translate orally during the
  9882. pauses provided on tape. Compare your translations with
  9883. the suggested translations given by the speaker.
  9884. </para>
  9885. <para>
  9886. Here are ten expressions you will need for this
  9887. exercise:
  9888. </para>
  9889. <para>
  9890. tóngshì
  9891. </para>
  9892. <para>
  9893. cānguān
  9894. </para>
  9895. <literallayout>
  9896. </literallayout>
  9897. <para>
  9898. Shǒudū Gāngtiě Chang yīsheng dàibiāotuán yīyuàn láodòng
  9899. mófàn láodòng zhèngzhi xuéxí shítáng
  9900. </para>
  9901. <literallayout>
  9902. </literallayout>
  9903. <para>
  9904. (fellow worker, colleague)
  9905. </para>
  9906. <para>
  9907. (to visit)
  9908. </para>
  9909. <para>
  9910. (Capital Iron and Steel Factory)
  9911. </para>
  9912. <para>
  9913. (doctor, physician)
  9914. </para>
  9915. <para>
  9916. (delegation)
  9917. </para>
  9918. <para>
  9919. (hospital)
  9920. </para>
  9921. <para>
  9922. (model worker)
  9923. </para>
  9924. <para>
  9925. (to labor)
  9926. </para>
  9927. <para>
  9928. (political study session)
  9929. </para>
  9930. <para>
  9931. (mess hall, dining hall)
  9932. </para>
  9933. </simplesect>
  9934. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-14">
  9935. <title><anchor id="bookmark216" /><anchor id="bookmark217" />EXERCISE
  9936. 3</title>
  9937. <para>
  9938. You will hear expressions which may be used to decline
  9939. an invitation. This phone conversation is about an
  9940. invitation being received by Colonel Lincoln (Lin) in
  9941. Taiwan.
  9942. </para>
  9943. <para>
  9944. You will hear the conversation twice. Answer the
  9945. questions on the next page as you listen for the second
  9946. time.
  9947. </para>
  9948. <para>
  9949. Here are expressions you will need to know:
  9950. </para>
  9951. <para>
  9952. shāngxiào nánbù
  9953. </para>
  9954. <para>
  9955. cānguān jūnshì yǎnxí
  9956. </para>
  9957. <para>
  9958. juéde
  9959. </para>
  9960. <para>
  9961. cānjiā
  9962. </para>
  9963. <literallayout>
  9964. </literallayout>
  9965. <para>
  9966. (colonel)
  9967. </para>
  9968. <para>
  9969. (southern part)
  9970. </para>
  9971. <para>
  9972. (to visit)
  9973. </para>
  9974. <para>
  9975. (military maneuvers)
  9976. </para>
  9977. <para>
  9978. (to feel)
  9979. </para>
  9980. <para>
  9981. (to participate in, to attend)
  9982. </para>
  9983. <para>
  9985. </para>
  9986. <itemizedlist>
  9987. <listitem>
  9988. <para>
  9989. 1. Who is the woman making the call?
  9990. </para>
  9991. </listitem>
  9992. <listitem>
  9993. <para>
  9994. 2. From whom is the invitation?
  9995. ______________________________________
  9996. </para>
  9997. </listitem>
  9998. <listitem>
  9999. <para>
  10000. 3. For what day is the invitation?
  10001. </para>
  10002. </listitem>
  10003. </itemizedlist>
  10004. <para>
  10005. U. For what kind of occasion is the invitation?
  10006. </para>
  10007. <para>
  10008. 5. Where is Colonel Lincoln (LÍn) now? '
  10009. </para>
  10010. </simplesect>
  10011. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-4-7">
  10012. <title><anchor id="bookmark218" /><anchor id="bookmark219" />EXERCISE
  10013. 4</title>
  10014. <para>
  10015. Mr. Anderson is an American economic officer in Beijing.
  10016. He has Just returned from a trip to the United States
  10017. which was taken for purposes of consultation. In this
  10018. conversation Mr. Anderson is talking to his counterpart
  10019. in the Ministry of Foreign Trade.
  10020. </para>
  10021. <para>
  10022. You will hear the conversation twice. Answer the
  10023. questions on the next page as you listen for the second
  10024. time.
  10025. </para>
  10026. <para>
  10027. Here are some expressions you will hear:
  10028. </para>
  10029. <informaltable>
  10030. <tgroup cols="2">
  10031. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  10032. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  10033. <tbody>
  10034. <row>
  10035. <entry>
  10036. <para>
  10037. dìèrtiān
  10038. </para>
  10039. </entry>
  10040. <entry>
  10041. <para>
  10042. (the next day)
  10043. </para>
  10044. </entry>
  10045. </row>
  10046. <row>
  10047. <entry>
  10048. <para>
  10049. qīnzì Juéde cānjiā
  10050. </para>
  10051. </entry>
  10052. <entry>
  10053. <para>
  10054. (personally, privately)
  10055. </para>
  10056. <para>
  10057. (to feel)
  10058. </para>
  10059. <para>
  10060. (to participate in, to Join, to attend)
  10061. </para>
  10062. </entry>
  10063. </row>
  10064. <row>
  10065. <entry>
  10066. <para>
  10067. dù Jià zhǔchí Jiéhūn
  10068. </para>
  10069. </entry>
  10070. <entry>
  10071. <para>
  10072. (to take a vacation)
  10073. </para>
  10074. <para>
  10075. (to preside at a marriage ceremony Ci.e., to
  10076. give the bride awayJ)
  10077. </para>
  10078. </entry>
  10079. </row>
  10080. <row>
  10081. <entry>
  10082. <para>
  10083. zhǔchí
  10084. </para>
  10085. </entry>
  10086. <entry>
  10087. <para>
  10088. (to preside Catl)
  10089. </para>
  10090. </entry>
  10091. </row>
  10092. <row>
  10093. <entry>
  10094. <para>
  10095. jiéhūn diǎnlī
  10096. </para>
  10097. </entry>
  10098. <entry>
  10099. <para>
  10100. (to get married) (ceremony)
  10101. </para>
  10102. </entry>
  10103. </row>
  10104. <row>
  10105. <entry>
  10106. <para>
  10107. dào xǐ
  10108. </para>
  10109. </entry>
  10110. <entry>
  10111. <para>
  10112. (to congratulate)
  10113. </para>
  10114. </entry>
  10115. </row>
  10116. <row>
  10117. <entry>
  10118. <para>
  10119. Xiàwēiyí
  10120. </para>
  10121. </entry>
  10122. <entry>
  10123. <para>
  10124. (Hawaii)
  10125. </para>
  10126. </entry>
  10127. </row>
  10128. </tbody>
  10129. </tgroup>
  10130. </informaltable>
  10131. <para>
  10132. QUESTIONS
  10133. </para>
  10134. <itemizedlist>
  10135. <listitem>
  10136. <para>
  10137. 1. When did Mr. Anderson return?     .
  10138. </para>
  10139. </listitem>
  10140. <listitem>
  10141. <para>
  10142. 2. When did Mr. Anderson receive the invitation?
  10143. </para>
  10144. </listitem>
  10145. <listitem>
  10146. <para>
  10147. 3. Whom did Mr. Anderson ask to pass on the message?
  10148. </para>
  10149. </listitem>
  10150. <listitem>
  10151. <para>
  10152. 4. Did that person pass on the message? ( ) Yes ( )
  10153. No
  10154. </para>
  10155. </listitem>
  10156. <listitem>
  10157. <para>
  10158. 5. Where did Mr. Anderson go first?
  10159.  <subscript>;</subscript>    
  10160. </para>
  10161. </listitem>
  10162. <listitem>
  10163. <para>
  10164. 6. Where did Mr. Anderson go next?
  10165. </para>
  10166. </listitem>
  10167. <listitem>
  10168. <para>
  10169. 7. Where did Mr. Anderson go last, and for how long?
  10170. </para>
  10171. </listitem>
  10172. </itemizedlist>
  10173. </simplesect>
  10174. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-5">
  10175. <title><anchor id="bookmark220" /><anchor id="bookmark221" />EXERCISE
  10176. 5</title>
  10177. <para>
  10178. This conversation will show you how the vocabulary you
  10179. are using in this unit might be used in a more informal
  10180. situation. The phone call concerns an alumni
  10181. association. Mr. Wang is the secretary, and Mr. LÍn is
  10182. the president.
  10183. </para>
  10184. <para>
  10185. You will hear the conversation twice. Answer the
  10186. questions on the next page as you listen for the second
  10187. time.
  10188. </para>
  10189. <para>
  10190. Here are words you will hear in this conversation:
  10191. </para>
  10192. <informaltable>
  10193. <tgroup cols="2">
  10194. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  10195. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  10196. <tbody>
  10197. <row>
  10198. <entry>
  10199. <para>
  10200. tīngdechūlái
  10201. </para>
  10202. </entry>
  10203. <entry>
  10204. <para>
  10205. (to be able to recognize something from its
  10206. sound)
  10207. </para>
  10208. </entry>
  10209. </row>
  10210. <row>
  10211. <entry>
  10212. <para>
  10213. Jiēdào tóngxuéhuì
  10214. </para>
  10215. </entry>
  10216. <entry>
  10217. <para>
  10218. (to receive)
  10219. </para>
  10220. <para>
  10221. (alumni association Eliterally,
  10222. &quot;fellow-student group&quot;])
  10223. </para>
  10224. </entry>
  10225. </row>
  10226. <row>
  10227. <entry>
  10228. <para>
  10229. tōngzhī
  10230. </para>
  10231. </entry>
  10232. <entry>
  10233. <para>
  10234. (announcement Ewritten], notification)
  10235. </para>
  10236. </entry>
  10237. </row>
  10238. <row>
  10239. <entry>
  10240. <para>
  10241. cānjiā
  10242. </para>
  10243. </entry>
  10244. <entry>
  10245. <para>
  10246. (to participate in, to Join, to attend)
  10247. </para>
  10248. </entry>
  10249. </row>
  10250. <row>
  10251. <entry>
  10252. <para>
  10253. dàjiā
  10254. </para>
  10255. <para>
  10256. yīnggāi
  10257. </para>
  10258. </entry>
  10259. <entry>
  10260. <para>
  10261. (everybody, everyone)
  10262. </para>
  10263. <para>
  10264. (should, ought to, must)
  10265. </para>
  10266. </entry>
  10267. </row>
  10268. </tbody>
  10269. </tgroup>
  10270. </informaltable>
  10271. <para>
  10272. QUESTIONS
  10273. </para>
  10274. <itemizedlist>
  10275. <listitem>
  10276. <para>
  10277. 1. Does Miss Sòng answer the phone? ( ) Yes ( ) No
  10278. </para>
  10279. </listitem>
  10280. <listitem>
  10281. <para>
  10282. 2. For what day is the student get-together planned?
  10283. </para>
  10284. </listitem>
  10285. <listitem>
  10286. <para>
  10287. 3. How long has it been since they got together
  10288. last?
  10289. </para>
  10290. </listitem>
  10291. <listitem>
  10292. <para>
  10293. 4. What are some of the former classmates planning
  10294. to do on the evening of the twenty-first?
  10295.                  . ,
  10296. </para>
  10297. </listitem>
  10298. </itemizedlist>
  10299. </simplesect>
  10300. <simplesect xml:id="section">
  10301. <title><anchor id="bookmark222" /><anchor id="bookmark223" />235</title>
  10302. <para>
  10303. </para>
  10304. </simplesect>
  10305. </section>
  10306. <section xml:id="unit-8-p-2-workbook">
  10307. <title><anchor id="bookmark224" /><anchor id="bookmark225" />UNIT
  10308. 8 P-2 WORKBOOK</title>
  10309. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-1-15">
  10310. <title><anchor id="bookmark226" /><anchor id="bookmark227" />EXERCISE
  10311. 1</title>
  10312. <para>
  10313. In this translation exercise you will review some of the
  10314. important grammar points covered, in the Meeting Module:
  10315. comparisons, &quot;any&quot; statements, compound verbs
  10316. of result, and sentences containing bǎ.
  10317. </para>
  10318. <para>
  10319. First, you will hear an English sentence. Translate it
  10320. into Chinese. Then, you will hear a suggested
  10321. translation.
  10322. </para>
  10323. <para>
  10324. Example
  10325. </para>
  10326. <para>
  10327. TAPE: One. Can you walk up here?
  10328. </para>
  10329. <para>
  10330. YOU:   Nī zǒudeshànglái ma?
  10331. </para>
  10332. <para>
  10333. TAPE: Two. He gave the apples to his little sister.
  10334. </para>
  10335. <para>
  10336. YOU:   Tā bǎ píngguǒ gěi tā mèimei le.
  10337. </para>
  10338. <para>
  10339. You are learning from each attempt to produce
  10340. constructions like these. You may wish to repeat the
  10341. exercise several times.
  10342. </para>
  10343. </simplesect>
  10344. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-2-15">
  10345. <title><anchor id="bookmark228" /><anchor id="bookmark229" />EXERCISE
  10346. 2</title>
  10347. <para>
  10348. In this exercise you will review the aspect markers you
  10349. have learned: two types of le, guo, and ne.
  10350. </para>
  10351. <para>
  10352. Display I lists people who studied, are studying, and
  10353. will study English (four people) and French (four
  10354. people). It shows the dates and duration of the studies.
  10355. Use this information to answer the questions on tape.
  10356. </para>
  10357. <para>
  10358. Example
  10359. </para>
  10360. <para>
  10361. TAPE: Chen Guóquān xuéguo Yīngwén ma?
  10362. </para>
  10363. <para>
  10364. YOU:   Xuéguo.
  10365. </para>
  10366. <para>
  10367. TAPE: Tā wué Yīngwén, xuéle duo jiu?
  10368. </para>
  10369. <para>
  10370. YOU:   Tā xuéle liǎngniān.
  10371. </para>
  10372. <para>
  10373. TAPE: Tā you duo Jiǔ méi xué Yīngwén le?
  10374. </para>
  10375. <para>
  10376. YOU:   Tā you sānnián méi xué Yīngwén le.
  10377. </para>
  10378. <para>
  10379. NOTE: Some questions and answers will refer to ongoing
  10380. actions; some will refer to future actions; and some
  10381. will refer to completed actions.
  10382. </para>
  10383. <para>
  10384. For this exercise you need to know that jìhua can be a
  10385. noun meaning &quot;a plan” as well as a verb meaning
  10386. &quot;to plan.&quot;
  10387. </para>
  10388. <para>
  10389. Tā you méiyou jìhua xué Fàwén?
  10390. </para>
  10391. <para>
  10392. (Does he have a plan to study French?)
  10393. </para>
  10394. <para>
  10395. Tā jìhua shénme shíhou kāishǐ xué Fàwén?
  10396. </para>
  10397. <para>
  10398. (When does he plan to start studying French?)
  10399. </para>
  10400. <para>
  10401. DISPLAY I
  10402. </para>
  10403. <para>
  10404. <inlinemediaobject>
  10405. <imageobject>
  10406. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-110.png" />
  10407. </imageobject>
  10408. </inlinemediaobject><inlinemediaobject>
  10409. <imageobject>
  10410. <imagedata fileref="FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook_files/FSI-StandardChinese-Module06MTG-StudentWorkbook-111.png" />
  10411. </imageobject>
  10412. </inlinemediaobject>
  10413. </para>
  10414. </simplesect>
  10415. <simplesect xml:id="exercise-3-15">
  10416. <title><anchor id="bookmark230" /><anchor id="bookmark231" />EXERCISE
  10417. 3</title>
  10418. <para>
  10419. In this exercise you will act as an interpreter for an
  10420. American who works in Taipei and a Chinese government
  10421. official.
  10422. </para>
  10423. <para>
  10424. First, you will hear the conversation, in Chinese,
  10425. without interruptions. Then it will be presented as if
  10426. the American cannot speak Chinese and the government
  10427. official cannot speak English. Each speaker’s lines will
  10428. be followed by a pause, during which you will translate.
  10429. </para>
  10430. <para>
  10431. Example
  10432. </para>
  10433. <para>
  10434. CHINESE: Wài.
  10435. </para>
  10436. <para>
  10437. AMERICAN: Is this Secretary Lǐ?
  10438. </para>
  10439. <para>
  10440. YOU:       Shi Lǐ Mìshū ma?
  10441. </para>
  10442. <para>
  10443. CHINESE:   Shi a! Nín shi Wang Xiǎojiě ba!
  10444. </para>
  10445. <para>
  10446. YOU:       Yes. You must be Miss Wang.
  10447. </para>
  10448. <para>
  10449. In Chinese, the word for &quot;secretary,&quot; mishū,
  10450. can refer to a low-ranking Job as well as to a very
  10451. high-ranking position.
  10452. </para>
  10453. </simplesect>
  10454. </section>
  10455. <section xml:id="unit-8-communication-game">
  10456. <title><anchor id="bookmark66" /><anchor id="bookmark232" />UNIT
  10457. 8 COMMUNICATION GAME</title>
  10458. <para>
  10460. </para>
  10461. <para>
  10462. Type: Picnic
  10463. </para>
  10464. <para>
  10465. Situation: The setting is the neighborhood of your school.
  10466. Your class is planning a picnic.
  10467. </para>
  10468. <para>
  10469. Goal: 1) To make a list of people who will attend the
  10470. picnic, describing them in terms of relationship to class
  10471. members (e.g., spouse, child, friend of child, friend); 2)
  10472. to make a shopping list for adequate and appropriate food;
  10473. 3) to decide who will buy specific items, where he will
  10474. buy them, and how much they should cost; U) to determine
  10475. the total food bill and the expense per person; 5) to
  10476. choose a place for the picnic and plan transportation
  10477. (again calculating the cost); and, finally, 6) to set a
  10478. time schedule for the excursion and a date which fits in
  10479. with known commitments of your classmates and presumed
  10480. commitments of their friends and families attending the
  10481. picnic.
  10482. </para>
  10483. <para>
  10484. The more ambitious the picnic—the greater the number and
  10485. variety of picnickers, the more elaborate the menu, the
  10486. more remote the picnic spot, the more imaginative the
  10487. planned activities—the better.
  10488. </para>
  10489. <para>
  10490. Materials: None. All information is taken from your life
  10491. and from your knowledge of the neighborhood.
  10492. </para>
  10493. <para>
  10494. Procedure: Discussion by the whole class. Smaller
  10495. committee groups may be formed, if desired. A class
  10496. discussion should follow committee meetings so that
  10497. general approval of committee proposals can be obtained.
  10498. </para>
  10499. <para>
  10500. Example: No single example would be helpful in view of the
  10501. possibilities for varied discussions.
  10502. </para>
  10503. <para>
  10504. Additional Vocabulary: A list of obvious food choices is
  10505. provided below. You may consult this list during the game.
  10506. You are free to ask your instructor for additional needed
  10507. vocabulary items.
  10508. </para>
  10509. <informaltable>
  10510. <tgroup cols="2">
  10511. <colspec align="left" />
  10512. <colspec align="left" />
  10513. <tbody>
  10514. <row>
  10515. <entry>
  10516. <para>
  10517. miànbāo
  10518. </para>
  10519. </entry>
  10520. <entry>
  10521. <para>
  10522. (bread)
  10523. </para>
  10524. </entry>
  10525. </row>
  10526. <row>
  10527. <entry>
  10528. <para>
  10529. dàngāo
  10530. </para>
  10531. </entry>
  10532. <entry>
  10533. <para>
  10534. (cake)
  10535. </para>
  10536. </entry>
  10537. </row>
  10538. <row>
  10539. <entry>
  10540. <para>
  10541. niúròu
  10542. </para>
  10543. </entry>
  10544. <entry>
  10545. <para>
  10546. (beef)
  10547. </para>
  10548. </entry>
  10549. </row>
  10550. <row>
  10551. <entry>
  10552. <para>
  10553. huǒtuī
  10554. </para>
  10555. </entry>
  10556. <entry>
  10557. <para>
  10558. (ham)
  10559. </para>
  10560. </entry>
  10561. </row>
  10562. <row>
  10563. <entry>
  10564. <para>
  10565. Ji
  10566. </para>
  10567. </entry>
  10568. <entry>
  10569. <para>
  10570. (chicken)
  10571. </para>
  10572. </entry>
  10573. </row>
  10574. <row>
  10575. <entry>
  10576. <para>
  10577. Jīdàn
  10578. </para>
  10579. </entry>
  10580. <entry>
  10581. <para>
  10582. (eggs)
  10583. </para>
  10584. </entry>
  10585. </row>
  10586. <row>
  10587. <entry>
  10588. <para>
  10589. qìsi
  10590. </para>
  10591. </entry>
  10592. <entry>
  10593. <para>
  10594. (cheese)
  10595. </para>
  10596. </entry>
  10597. </row>
  10598. <row>
  10599. <entry>
  10600. <para>
  10601. niǔnai
  10602. </para>
  10603. </entry>
  10604. <entry>
  10605. <para>
  10606. (milk)
  10607. </para>
  10608. </entry>
  10609. </row>
  10610. <row>
  10611. <entry>
  10612. <para>
  10613. fānqié
  10614. </para>
  10615. </entry>
  10616. <entry>
  10617. <para>
  10618. (tomatoes)
  10619. </para>
  10620. </entry>
  10621. </row>
  10622. <row>
  10623. <entry>
  10624. <para>
  10625. OR xīhóngshì
  10626. </para>
  10627. </entry>
  10628. <entry>
  10629. <para>
  10630. CBěiJIng1
  10631. </para>
  10632. </entry>
  10633. </row>
  10634. <row>
  10635. <entry>
  10636. <para>
  10637. xiāngjiāo
  10638. </para>
  10639. </entry>
  10640. <entry>
  10641. <para>
  10642. (bananas)
  10643. </para>
  10644. </entry>
  10645. </row>
  10646. <row>
  10647. <entry>
  10648. <para>
  10649. xīguā
  10650. </para>
  10651. </entry>
  10652. <entry>
  10653. <para>
  10654. (watermelon)
  10655. </para>
  10656. </entry>
  10657. </row>
  10658. <row>
  10659. <entry>
  10660. <para>
  10661. pi Jiǔ
  10662. </para>
  10663. </entry>
  10664. <entry>
  10665. <para>
  10666. (beer)
  10667. </para>
  10668. </entry>
  10669. </row>
  10670. </tbody>
  10671. </tgroup>
  10672. </informaltable>
  10673. <para>
  10674. Practice Points: General review.
  10675. </para>
  10676. </section>
  10677. <section xml:id="vocabulary">
  10678. <title><anchor id="bookmark67" /><anchor id="bookmark233" />VOCABULARY</title>
  10679. <para>
  10680. Module &amp; Unit
  10681. </para>
  10682. <informaltable>
  10683. <tgroup cols="3">
  10684. <colspec align="left" />
  10685. <colspec align="left" />
  10686. <colspec align="left" />
  10687. <tbody>
  10688. <row>
  10689. <entry>
  10690. <para>
  10691. a
  10692. </para>
  10693. </entry>
  10694. <entry>
  10695. <para>
  10696. oh!
  10697. </para>
  10698. </entry>
  10699. <entry>
  10700. <para>
  10701. 3.H
  10702. </para>
  10703. </entry>
  10704. </row>
  10705. <row>
  10706. <entry>
  10707. <para>
  10708. a
  10709. </para>
  10710. </entry>
  10711. <entry>
  10712. <para>
  10713. (question marker)
  10714. </para>
  10715. </entry>
  10716. <entry>
  10717. <para>
  10718. 1.2
  10719. </para>
  10720. </entry>
  10721. </row>
  10722. <row>
  10723. <entry>
  10724. <para>
  10725. ǎi
  10726. </para>
  10727. </entry>
  10728. <entry>
  10729. <para>
  10730. to be short (of stature)
  10731. </para>
  10732. </entry>
  10733. <entry>
  10734. <para>
  10735. 3.3
  10736. </para>
  10737. </entry>
  10738. </row>
  10739. <row>
  10740. <entry>
  10741. <para>
  10742. àiren
  10743. </para>
  10744. </entry>
  10745. <entry>
  10746. <para>
  10747. spouse
  10748. </para>
  10749. </entry>
  10750. <entry>
  10751. <para>
  10752. l.U
  10753. </para>
  10754. </entry>
  10755. </row>
  10756. <row>
  10757. <entry>
  10758. <para>
  10759. ǎlīshǎn
  10760. </para>
  10761. </entry>
  10762. <entry>
  10763. <para>
  10764. Mt. Ali
  10765. </para>
  10766. </entry>
  10767. <entry>
  10768. <para>
  10769. 6. U*
  10770. </para>
  10771. </entry>
  10772. </row>
  10773. <row>
  10774. <entry>
  10775. <para>
  10776. Āndàluè
  10777. </para>
  10778. </entry>
  10779. <entry>
  10780. <para>
  10781. Ontario
  10782. </para>
  10783. </entry>
  10784. <entry>
  10785. <para>
  10786. l.U
  10787. </para>
  10788. </entry>
  10789. </row>
  10790. <row>
  10791. <entry>
  10792. <para>
  10793. Andìngmén
  10794. </para>
  10795. </entry>
  10796. <entry>
  10797. <para>
  10798. (a neighborhood in Běijīng)
  10799. </para>
  10800. </entry>
  10801. <entry>
  10802. <para>
  10803. 5.2*
  10804. </para>
  10805. </entry>
  10806. </row>
  10807. <row>
  10808. <entry>
  10809. <para>
  10810. ānpǎi
  10811. </para>
  10812. </entry>
  10813. <entry>
  10814. <para>
  10815. to arrange, to settle
  10816. </para>
  10817. </entry>
  10818. <entry>
  10819. <para>
  10820. 6.2*, 6.5*
  10821. </para>
  10822. </entry>
  10823. </row>
  10824. <row>
  10825. <entry>
  10826. <para>
  10827. ānpǎihǎo le
  10828. </para>
  10829. </entry>
  10830. <entry>
  10831. <para>
  10832. to have successfully arranged
  10833. </para>
  10834. </entry>
  10835. <entry>
  10836. <para>
  10837. 6.6*
  10838. </para>
  10839. </entry>
  10840. </row>
  10841. </tbody>
  10842. </tgroup>
  10843. </informaltable>
  10844. <informaltable>
  10845. <tgroup cols="3">
  10846. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  10847. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  10848. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  10849. <tbody>
  10850. <row>
  10851. <entry>
  10852. <para>
  10853. </para>
  10854. </entry>
  10855. <entry>
  10856. <para>
  10857. eight
  10858. </para>
  10859. </entry>
  10860. <entry>
  10861. <para>
  10862. NUM 2
  10863. </para>
  10864. </entry>
  10865. </row>
  10866. <row>
  10867. <entry>
  10868. <para>
  10869. </para>
  10870. </entry>
  10871. <entry>
  10872. <para>
  10873. (prepositional verb which indicates the direct
  10874. object)
  10875. </para>
  10876. </entry>
  10877. <entry>
  10878. <para>
  10879. 5.3, 6.5
  10880. </para>
  10881. </entry>
  10882. </row>
  10883. <row>
  10884. <entry>
  10885. <para>
  10886. -bǎ
  10887. </para>
  10888. </entry>
  10889. <entry>
  10890. <para>
  10891. (counter for things with handles)
  10892. </para>
  10893. </entry>
  10894. <entry>
  10895. <para>
  10896. 3.3
  10897. </para>
  10898. </entry>
  10899. </row>
  10900. <row>
  10901. <entry>
  10902. <para>
  10903. ba
  10904. </para>
  10905. </entry>
  10906. <entry>
  10907. <para>
  10908. (marker for a question which expresses the
  10909. speaker’s supposition as to what the answer will
  10910. be)
  10911. </para>
  10912. </entry>
  10913. <entry>
  10914. <para>
  10915. 2.2
  10916. </para>
  10917. </entry>
  10918. </row>
  10919. <row>
  10920. <entry>
  10921. <para>
  10922. ba
  10923. </para>
  10924. </entry>
  10925. <entry>
  10926. <para>
  10927. (tone softener)
  10928. </para>
  10929. </entry>
  10930. <entry>
  10931. <para>
  10932. 5.2
  10933. </para>
  10934. </entry>
  10935. </row>
  10936. <row>
  10937. <entry>
  10938. <para>
  10939. baba
  10940. </para>
  10941. </entry>
  10942. <entry>
  10943. <para>
  10944. papa, dad, father
  10945. </para>
  10946. </entry>
  10947. <entry>
  10948. <para>
  10949. 2.3
  10950. </para>
  10951. </entry>
  10952. </row>
  10953. <row>
  10954. <entry>
  10955. <para>
  10956. bǎi
  10957. </para>
  10958. </entry>
  10959. <entry>
  10960. <para>
  10961. to be white
  10962. </para>
  10963. </entry>
  10964. <entry>
  10965. <para>
  10966. 3.3
  10967. </para>
  10968. </entry>
  10969. </row>
  10970. <row>
  10971. <entry>
  10972. <para>
  10973. -bǎi
  10974. </para>
  10975. </entry>
  10976. <entry>
  10977. <para>
  10978. hundred
  10979. </para>
  10980. </entry>
  10981. <entry>
  10982. <para>
  10983. 3.5, NUM 5
  10984. </para>
  10985. </entry>
  10986. </row>
  10987. <row>
  10988. <entry>
  10989. <para>
  10990. Bǎihuò Dàlóu
  10991. </para>
  10992. </entry>
  10993. <entry>
  10994. <para>
  10995. (name of a department store in Běijīng)
  10996. </para>
  10997. </entry>
  10998. <entry>
  10999. <para>
  11000. H.3, 6.7
  11001. </para>
  11002. </entry>
  11003. </row>
  11004. <row>
  11005. <entry>
  11006. <para>
  11007. bǎihuò gōngsī
  11008. </para>
  11009. </entry>
  11010. <entry>
  11011. <para>
  11012. department store
  11013. </para>
  11014. </entry>
  11015. <entry>
  11016. <para>
  11017. H.3
  11018. </para>
  11019. </entry>
  11020. </row>
  11021. <row>
  11022. <entry>
  11023. <para>
  11024. ban
  11025. </para>
  11026. </entry>
  11027. <entry>
  11028. <para>
  11029. to move (furniture, etc.); to move (house)
  11030. </para>
  11031. </entry>
  11032. <entry>
  11033. <para>
  11034. 5.6
  11035. </para>
  11036. </entry>
  11037. </row>
  11038. <row>
  11039. <entry>
  11040. <para>
  11041. -ban
  11042. </para>
  11043. </entry>
  11044. <entry>
  11045. <para>
  11046. (counter for regularly scheduled trips of buses,
  11047. planes, subways, trains, etc.)
  11048. </para>
  11049. </entry>
  11050. <entry>
  11051. <para>
  11052. 5.1
  11053. </para>
  11054. </entry>
  11055. </row>
  11056. <row>
  11057. <entry>
  11058. <para>
  11059. ban
  11060. </para>
  11061. </entry>
  11062. <entry>
  11063. <para>
  11064. half past the hour
  11065. </para>
  11066. </entry>
  11067. <entry>
  11068. <para>
  11069. 3.6, T&amp;D 3
  11070. </para>
  11071. </entry>
  11072. </row>
  11073. <row>
  11074. <entry>
  11075. <para>
  11076. ban
  11077. </para>
  11078. </entry>
  11079. <entry>
  11080. <para>
  11081. and a half
  11082. </para>
  11083. </entry>
  11084. <entry>
  11085. <para>
  11086. 5.5
  11087. </para>
  11088. </entry>
  11089. </row>
  11090. <row>
  11091. <entry>
  11092. <para>
  11093. ban
  11094. </para>
  11095. </entry>
  11096. <entry>
  11097. <para>
  11098. half of (followed by a counter or a noun which
  11099. does not take a counter)
  11100. </para>
  11101. </entry>
  11102. <entry>
  11103. <para>
  11104. 5.5
  11105. </para>
  11106. </entry>
  11107. </row>
  11108. <row>
  11109. <entry>
  11110. <para>
  11111. ban
  11112. </para>
  11113. <para>
  11114. «
  11115. </para>
  11116. </entry>
  11117. <entry>
  11118. <para>
  11119. to manage, to handle, to do, to take care of
  11120. </para>
  11121. </entry>
  11122. <entry>
  11123. <para>
  11124. 5-6
  11125. </para>
  11126. </entry>
  11127. </row>
  11128. <row>
  11129. <entry>
  11130. <para>
  11131. bànfa
  11132. </para>
  11133. </entry>
  11134. <entry>
  11135. <para>
  11136. method, way
  11137. </para>
  11138. </entry>
  11139. <entry>
  11140. <para>
  11141. 6.8
  11142. </para>
  11143. </entry>
  11144. </row>
  11145. <row>
  11146. <entry>
  11147. <para>
  11148. bang
  11149. </para>
  11150. </entry>
  11151. <entry>
  11152. <para>
  11153. to help
  11154. </para>
  11155. </entry>
  11156. <entry>
  11157. <para>
  11158. 5.6*
  11159. </para>
  11160. </entry>
  11161. </row>
  11162. <row>
  11163. <entry>
  11164. <para>
  11165. bàngōngshì (-shǐ)
  11166. </para>
  11167. </entry>
  11168. <entry>
  11169. <para>
  11170. office
  11171. </para>
  11172. </entry>
  11173. <entry>
  11174. <para>
  11175. U.h*, 6.1*, 6.5
  11176. </para>
  11177. </entry>
  11178. </row>
  11179. <row>
  11180. <entry>
  11181. <para>
  11182. ban jiā
  11183. </para>
  11184. </entry>
  11185. <entry>
  11186. <para>
  11187. to move one’s residence
  11188. </para>
  11189. </entry>
  11190. <entry>
  11191. <para>
  11192. U.5*
  11193. </para>
  11194. </entry>
  11195. </row>
  11196. <row>
  11197. <entry>
  11198. <para>
  11199. bànshìchù
  11200. </para>
  11201. </entry>
  11202. <entry>
  11203. <para>
  11204. office
  11205. </para>
  11206. </entry>
  11207. <entry>
  11208. <para>
  11209. U.2*
  11210. </para>
  11211. </entry>
  11212. </row>
  11213. </tbody>
  11214. </tgroup>
  11215. </informaltable>
  11216. <informaltable>
  11217. <tgroup cols="3">
  11218. <colspec align="left" />
  11219. <colspec align="left" />
  11220. <colspec align="left" />
  11221. <tbody>
  11222. <row>
  11223. <entry>
  11224. <para>
  11225. bànyè
  11226. </para>
  11227. </entry>
  11228. <entry>
  11229. <para>
  11230. midnight, the middle of the night
  11231. </para>
  11232. </entry>
  11233. <entry>
  11234. <para>
  11235. 3.6’, T&amp;D li
  11236. </para>
  11237. </entry>
  11238. </row>
  11239. <row>
  11240. <entry>
  11241. <para>
  11242. bào (yífèn)
  11243. </para>
  11244. </entry>
  11245. <entry>
  11246. <para>
  11247. newspaper
  11248. </para>
  11249. </entry>
  11250. <entry>
  11251. <para>
  11252. 3.1
  11253. </para>
  11254. </entry>
  11255. </row>
  11256. <row>
  11257. <entry>
  11258. <para>
  11259. bàoqiàn
  11260. </para>
  11261. </entry>
  11262. <entry>
  11263. <para>
  11264. to be sorry
  11265. </para>
  11266. </entry>
  11267. <entry>
  11268. <para>
  11269. 6.8
  11270. </para>
  11271. </entry>
  11272. </row>
  11273. <row>
  11274. <entry>
  11275. <para>
  11276. bàozhī (yífèn)
  11277. </para>
  11278. </entry>
  11279. <entry>
  11280. <para>
  11281. newspaper
  11282. </para>
  11283. </entry>
  11284. <entry>
  11285. <para>
  11286. 3.1
  11287. </para>
  11288. </entry>
  11289. </row>
  11290. <row>
  11291. <entry>
  11292. <para>
  11293. Bayue (Bāyue)
  11294. </para>
  11295. </entry>
  11296. <entry>
  11297. <para>
  11298. August
  11299. </para>
  11300. </entry>
  11301. <entry>
  11302. <para>
  11303. 2.5, T&amp;D 1
  11304. </para>
  11305. </entry>
  11306. </row>
  11307. <row>
  11308. <entry>
  11309. <para>
  11310. -běi
  11311. </para>
  11312. </entry>
  11313. <entry>
  11314. <para>
  11315. (counter for cups of something)
  11316. </para>
  11317. </entry>
  11318. <entry>
  11319. <para>
  11320. lull’
  11321. </para>
  11322. </entry>
  11323. </row>
  11324. <row>
  11325. <entry>
  11326. <para>
  11327. běi
  11328. </para>
  11329. </entry>
  11330. <entry>
  11331. <para>
  11332. north
  11333. </para>
  11334. </entry>
  11335. <entry>
  11336. <para>
  11337. ll.2
  11338. </para>
  11339. </entry>
  11340. </row>
  11341. <row>
  11342. <entry>
  11343. <para>
  11344. běibian(r)
  11345. </para>
  11346. </entry>
  11347. <entry>
  11348. <para>
  11349. north side
  11350. </para>
  11351. </entry>
  11352. <entry>
  11353. <para>
  11354. U.2
  11355. </para>
  11356. </entry>
  11357. </row>
  11358. <row>
  11359. <entry>
  11360. <para>
  11361. Běihǎi Gōngyuan^
  11362. </para>
  11363. </entry>
  11364. <entry>
  11365. <para>
  11366. (a famous park in Běijīng)
  11367. </para>
  11368. </entry>
  11369. <entry>
  11370. <para>
  11371. 5.1°
  11372. </para>
  11373. </entry>
  11374. </row>
  11375. <row>
  11376. <entry>
  11377. <para>
  11378. Beijing
  11379. </para>
  11380. </entry>
  11381. <entry>
  11382. <para>
  11383. Běijīng (Peking)
  11384. </para>
  11385. </entry>
  11386. <entry>
  11387. <para>
  11388. 1.3
  11389. </para>
  11390. </entry>
  11391. </row>
  11392. <row>
  11393. <entry>
  11394. <para>
  11395. Běijīng Fàndiàn
  11396. </para>
  11397. </entry>
  11398. <entry>
  11399. <para>
  11400. Běijīng Hotel
  11401. </para>
  11402. </entry>
  11403. <entry>
  11404. <para>
  11405. 2.1
  11406. </para>
  11407. </entry>
  11408. </row>
  11409. <row>
  11410. <entry>
  11411. <para>
  11412. Beijing Zhǎnlǎnguǎn
  11413. </para>
  11414. </entry>
  11415. <entry>
  11416. <para>
  11417. Běijīng Exhibition Hall
  11418. </para>
  11419. </entry>
  11420. <entry>
  11421. <para>
  11422. 5.2
  11423. </para>
  11424. </entry>
  11425. </row>
  11426. <row>
  11427. <entry>
  11428. <para>
  11429. -ben
  11430. </para>
  11431. </entry>
  11432. <entry>
  11433. <para>
  11434. volume (counter for books
  11435. </para>
  11436. </entry>
  11437. <entry>
  11438. <para>
  11439. 3.1
  11440. </para>
  11441. </entry>
  11442. </row>
  11443. <row>
  11444. <entry>
  11445. </entry>
  11446. <entry>
  11447. <para>
  11448. and magazines)
  11449. </para>
  11450. </entry>
  11451. <entry>
  11452. </entry>
  11453. </row>
  11454. <row>
  11455. <entry>
  11456. <para>
  11457. bi (yìzhī)
  11458. </para>
  11459. </entry>
  11460. <entry>
  11461. <para>
  11462. pen
  11463. </para>
  11464. </entry>
  11465. <entry>
  11466. <para>
  11467. 3.1
  11468. </para>
  11469. </entry>
  11470. </row>
  11471. <row>
  11472. <entry>
  11473. <para>
  11474. bi
  11475. </para>
  11476. </entry>
  11477. <entry>
  11478. <para>
  11479. compared with, than
  11480. </para>
  11481. </entry>
  11482. <entry>
  11483. <para>
  11484. 6.1
  11485. </para>
  11486. </entry>
  11487. </row>
  11488. <row>
  11489. <entry>
  11490. <para>
  11491. -bì
  11492. </para>
  11493. </entry>
  11494. <entry>
  11495. <para>
  11496. currency
  11497. </para>
  11498. </entry>
  11499. <entry>
  11500. <para>
  11501. 3.5’
  11502. </para>
  11503. </entry>
  11504. </row>
  11505. <row>
  11506. <entry>
  11507. <para>
  11508. -bian(r)
  11509. </para>
  11510. </entry>
  11511. <entry>
  11512. <para>
  11513. side, edge (used in place words)
  11514. </para>
  11515. </entry>
  11516. <entry>
  11517. <para>
  11518. U.2
  11519. </para>
  11520. </entry>
  11521. </row>
  11522. <row>
  11523. <entry>
  11524. <para>
  11525. biànfàn
  11526. </para>
  11527. </entry>
  11528. <entry>
  11529. <para>
  11530. a simple, informal meal
  11531. </para>
  11532. </entry>
  11533. <entry>
  11534. <para>
  11535. 6.3
  11536. </para>
  11537. </entry>
  11538. </row>
  11539. <row>
  11540. <entry>
  11541. <para>
  11542. biǎo
  11543. </para>
  11544. </entry>
  11545. <entry>
  11546. <para>
  11547. watch (timepiece)
  11548. </para>
  11549. </entry>
  11550. <entry>
  11551. <para>
  11552. li. 3
  11553. </para>
  11554. </entry>
  11555. </row>
  11556. <row>
  11557. <entry>
  11558. <para>
  11559. biǎoyǎn
  11560. </para>
  11561. </entry>
  11562. <entry>
  11563. <para>
  11564. to give a demonstration
  11565. </para>
  11566. </entry>
  11567. <entry>
  11568. <para>
  11569. 6.li °
  11570. </para>
  11571. </entry>
  11572. </row>
  11573. <row>
  11574. <entry>
  11575. <para>
  11576. bié
  11577. </para>
  11578. </entry>
  11579. <entry>
  11580. <para>
  11581. don’t
  11582. </para>
  11583. </entry>
  11584. <entry>
  11585. <para>
  11586. 5.3
  11587. </para>
  11588. </entry>
  11589. </row>
  11590. <row>
  11591. <entry>
  11592. <para>
  11593. biéde
  11594. </para>
  11595. </entry>
  11596. <entry>
  11597. <para>
  11598. other, different
  11599. </para>
  11600. </entry>
  11601. <entry>
  11602. <para>
  11603. 5.8°, 6.6
  11604. </para>
  11605. </entry>
  11606. </row>
  11607. <row>
  11608. <entry>
  11609. <para>
  11610. biéde dìfang
  11611. </para>
  11612. </entry>
  11613. <entry>
  11614. <para>
  11615. other place
  11616. </para>
  11617. </entry>
  11618. <entry>
  11619. <para>
  11620. 5-5°
  11621. </para>
  11622. </entry>
  11623. </row>
  11624. <row>
  11625. <entry>
  11626. <para>
  11627. biéde shíhou
  11628. </para>
  11629. </entry>
  11630. <entry>
  11631. <para>
  11632. other time
  11633. </para>
  11634. </entry>
  11635. <entry>
  11636. <para>
  11637. 5.1*
  11638. </para>
  11639. </entry>
  11640. </row>
  11641. <row>
  11642. <entry>
  11643. <para>
  11644. biérén (biéren)
  11645. </para>
  11646. </entry>
  11647. <entry>
  11648. <para>
  11649. another person, someone
  11650. </para>
  11651. </entry>
  11652. <entry>
  11653. <para>
  11654. H.5
  11655. </para>
  11656. </entry>
  11657. </row>
  11658. <row>
  11659. <entry>
  11660. </entry>
  11661. <entry>
  11662. <para>
  11663. else
  11664. </para>
  11665. </entry>
  11666. <entry>
  11667. </entry>
  11668. </row>
  11669. <row>
  11670. <entry>
  11671. <para>
  11672. bijiao (bijiào)
  11673. </para>
  11674. </entry>
  11675. <entry>
  11676. <para>
  11677. comparatively, relatively;
  11678. </para>
  11679. </entry>
  11680. <entry>
  11681. <para>
  11682. 5-2’
  11683. </para>
  11684. </entry>
  11685. </row>
  11686. <row>
  11687. <entry>
  11688. </entry>
  11689. <entry>
  11690. <para>
  11691. fairly, rather
  11692. </para>
  11693. </entry>
  11694. <entry>
  11695. </entry>
  11696. </row>
  11697. <row>
  11698. <entry>
  11699. <para>
  11700. bìng
  11701. </para>
  11702. </entry>
  11703. <entry>
  11704. <para>
  11705. to become ill
  11706. </para>
  11707. </entry>
  11708. <entry>
  11709. <para>
  11710. 2.8
  11711. </para>
  11712. </entry>
  11713. </row>
  11714. <row>
  11715. <entry>
  11716. <para>
  11717. bīngxiāng
  11718. </para>
  11719. </entry>
  11720. <entry>
  11721. <para>
  11722. refrigerator
  11723. </para>
  11724. </entry>
  11725. <entry>
  11726. <para>
  11727. 3.li
  11728. </para>
  11729. </entry>
  11730. </row>
  11731. <row>
  11732. <entry>
  11733. <para>
  11734. Bīnzhōu
  11735. </para>
  11736. </entry>
  11737. <entry>
  11738. <para>
  11739. Pennsylvania
  11740. </para>
  11741. </entry>
  11742. <entry>
  11743. <para>
  11744. 1.3’, l.li’
  11745. </para>
  11746. </entry>
  11747. </row>
  11748. <row>
  11749. <entry>
  11750. <para>
  11751. bìyè
  11752. </para>
  11753. </entry>
  11754. <entry>
  11755. <para>
  11756. to graduate
  11757. </para>
  11758. </entry>
  11759. <entry>
  11760. <para>
  11761. 6.7
  11762. </para>
  11763. </entry>
  11764. </row>
  11765. <row>
  11766. <entry>
  11767. <para>
  11768. bù/bú
  11769. </para>
  11770. </entry>
  11771. <entry>
  11772. <para>
  11773. not
  11774. </para>
  11775. </entry>
  11776. <entry>
  11777. <para>
  11778. 1.2
  11779. </para>
  11780. </entry>
  11781. </row>
  11782. <row>
  11783. <entry>
  11784. <para>
  11785. -bù
  11786. </para>
  11787. </entry>
  11788. <entry>
  11789. <para>
  11790. (counter for cars or buses);
  11791. </para>
  11792. </entry>
  11793. <entry>
  11794. <para>
  11795. 6.6’
  11796. </para>
  11797. </entry>
  11798. </row>
  11799. <row>
  11800. <entry>
  11801. </entry>
  11802. <entry>
  11803. <para>
  11804. (counter for units of
  11805. </para>
  11806. </entry>
  11807. <entry>
  11808. </entry>
  11809. </row>
  11810. <row>
  11811. <entry>
  11812. </entry>
  11813. <entry>
  11814. <para>
  11815. machines)
  11816. </para>
  11817. </entry>
  11818. <entry>
  11819. </entry>
  11820. </row>
  11821. <row>
  11822. <entry>
  11823. <para>
  11824. bú bì
  11825. </para>
  11826. </entry>
  11827. <entry>
  11828. <para>
  11829. not necessary, don’t have to
  11830. </para>
  11831. </entry>
  11832. <entry>
  11833. </entry>
  11834. </row>
  11835. <row>
  11836. <entry>
  11837. <para>
  11838. bú cuò
  11839. </para>
  11840. </entry>
  11841. <entry>
  11842. <para>
  11843. not bad, pretty good; that’s
  11844. </para>
  11845. </entry>
  11846. <entry>
  11847. <para>
  11848. 6.7
  11849. </para>
  11850. </entry>
  11851. </row>
  11852. <row>
  11853. <entry>
  11854. </entry>
  11855. <entry>
  11856. <para>
  11857. right
  11858. </para>
  11859. </entry>
  11860. <entry>
  11861. </entry>
  11862. </row>
  11863. <row>
  11864. <entry>
  11865. <para>
  11866. bú dà hǎomǎi
  11867. </para>
  11868. </entry>
  11869. <entry>
  11870. <para>
  11871. not very easy to buy
  11872. </para>
  11873. </entry>
  11874. <entry>
  11875. <para>
  11876. 6.1T
  11877. </para>
  11878. </entry>
  11879. </row>
  11880. <row>
  11881. <entry>
  11882. <para>
  11883. búdàn. •. y ě...
  11884. </para>
  11885. </entry>
  11886. <entry>
  11887. <para>
  11888. not only...but also...
  11889. </para>
  11890. </entry>
  11891. <entry>
  11892. <para>
  11893. 6.3
  11894. </para>
  11895. </entry>
  11896. </row>
  11897. <row>
  11898. <entry>
  11899. <para>
  11900. búguò
  11901. </para>
  11902. </entry>
  11903. <entry>
  11904. <para>
  11905. however, but
  11906. </para>
  11907. </entry>
  11908. <entry>
  11909. <para>
  11910. 6.3
  11911. </para>
  11912. </entry>
  11913. </row>
  11914. <row>
  11915. <entry>
  11916. <para>
  11917. bù hǎo yìsi
  11918. </para>
  11919. </entry>
  11920. <entry>
  11921. <para>
  11922. to be embarrassing; to feel
  11923. </para>
  11924. </entry>
  11925. <entry>
  11926. <para>
  11927. 6.IT, 6.6
  11928. </para>
  11929. </entry>
  11930. </row>
  11931. <row>
  11932. <entry>
  11933. </entry>
  11934. <entry>
  11935. <para>
  11936. embarrassed
  11937. </para>
  11938. </entry>
  11939. <entry>
  11940. </entry>
  11941. </row>
  11942. <row>
  11943. <entry>
  11944. <para>
  11945. bú kèqi
  11946. </para>
  11947. </entry>
  11948. <entry>
  11949. <para>
  11950. you’re welcome
  11951. </para>
  11952. </entry>
  11953. <entry>
  11954. <para>
  11955. 3.5
  11956. </para>
  11957. </entry>
  11958. </row>
  11959. <row>
  11960. <entry>
  11961. <para>
  11962. bù qiǎo
  11963. </para>
  11964. </entry>
  11965. <entry>
  11966. <para>
  11967. to be inopportune
  11968. </para>
  11969. </entry>
  11970. <entry>
  11971. <para>
  11972. 6.8
  11973. </para>
  11974. </entry>
  11975. </row>
  11976. <row>
  11977. <entry>
  11978. <para>
  11979. bú shi
  11980. </para>
  11981. </entry>
  11982. <entry>
  11983. <para>
  11984. not to be
  11985. </para>
  11986. </entry>
  11987. <entry>
  11988. <para>
  11989. 1.2
  11990. </para>
  11991. </entry>
  11992. </row>
  11993. <row>
  11994. <entry>
  11995. <para>
  11996. bù tong
  11997. </para>
  11998. </entry>
  11999. <entry>
  12000. <para>
  12001. to be different
  12002. </para>
  12003. </entry>
  12004. <entry>
  12005. <para>
  12006. 6.3
  12007. </para>
  12008. </entry>
  12009. </row>
  12010. <row>
  12011. <entry>
  12012. <para>
  12013. bú xiè
  12014. </para>
  12015. </entry>
  12016. <entry>
  12017. <para>
  12018. don’t mention it
  12019. </para>
  12020. </entry>
  12021. <entry>
  12022. <para>
  12023. 6.2
  12024. </para>
  12025. </entry>
  12026. </row>
  12027. </tbody>
  12028. </tgroup>
  12029. </informaltable>
  12030. <informaltable>
  12031. <tgroup cols="3">
  12032. <colspec align="left" />
  12033. <colspec align="left" />
  12034. <colspec align="left" />
  12035. <tbody>
  12036. <row>
  12037. <entry>
  12038. <para>
  12039. bú yào
  12040. </para>
  12041. </entry>
  12042. <entry>
  12043. <para>
  12044. don’t
  12045. </para>
  12046. </entry>
  12047. <entry>
  12048. <para>
  12049. 5.6
  12050. </para>
  12051. </entry>
  12052. </row>
  12053. <row>
  12054. <entry>
  12055. <para>
  12056. bù yídìng
  12057. </para>
  12058. </entry>
  12059. <entry>
  12060. <para>
  12061. not necessarily; it’s not definite
  12062. </para>
  12063. </entry>
  12064. <entry>
  12065. <para>
  12066. 6.6
  12067. </para>
  12068. </entry>
  12069. </row>
  12070. <row>
  12071. <entry>
  12072. <para>
  12073. bú yòng
  12074. </para>
  12075. </entry>
  12076. <entry>
  12077. <para>
  12078. no need to
  12079. </para>
  12080. </entry>
  12081. <entry>
  12082. <para>
  12083. 5.3
  12084. </para>
  12085. </entry>
  12086. </row>
  12087. <row>
  12088. <entry>
  12089. <para>
  12090. bú zài le
  12091. </para>
  12092. </entry>
  12093. <entry>
  12094. <para>
  12095. to be deceased
  12096. </para>
  12097. </entry>
  12098. <entry>
  12099. <para>
  12100. 2.5
  12101. </para>
  12102. </entry>
  12103. </row>
  12104. <row>
  12105. <entry>
  12106. <para>
  12107. bù zěnme
  12108. </para>
  12109. </entry>
  12110. <entry>
  12111. <para>
  12112. not especially, not particularly
  12113. </para>
  12114. </entry>
  12115. <entry>
  12116. <para>
  12117. 5.7
  12118. </para>
  12119. </entry>
  12120. </row>
  12121. <row>
  12122. <entry>
  12123. <para>
  12124. bùzhàng
  12125. </para>
  12126. </entry>
  12127. <entry>
  12128. <para>
  12129. minister (of a government
  12130. </para>
  12131. </entry>
  12132. <entry>
  12133. <para>
  12134. 6.8
  12135. </para>
  12136. </entry>
  12137. </row>
  12138. <row>
  12139. <entry>
  12140. </entry>
  12141. <entry>
  12142. <para>
  12143. organization)
  12144. </para>
  12145. </entry>
  12146. <entry>
  12147. </entry>
  12148. </row>
  12149. </tbody>
  12150. </tgroup>
  12151. </informaltable>
  12152. <informaltable>
  12153. <tgroup cols="3">
  12154. <colspec align="left" />
  12155. <colspec align="left" />
  12156. <colspec align="left" />
  12157. <tbody>
  12158. <row>
  12159. <entry>
  12160. <para>
  12161. cai
  12162. </para>
  12163. </entry>
  12164. <entry>
  12165. <para>
  12166. then and only then, not until
  12167. </para>
  12168. </entry>
  12169. <entry>
  12170. <para>
  12171. 5.2
  12172. </para>
  12173. </entry>
  12174. </row>
  12175. <row>
  12176. <entry>
  12177. <para>
  12178. cài
  12179. </para>
  12180. </entry>
  12181. <entry>
  12182. <para>
  12183. food; cooked dish, main dish
  12184. </para>
  12185. </entry>
  12186. <entry>
  12187. <para>
  12188. 6.6
  12189. </para>
  12190. </entry>
  12191. </row>
  12192. <row>
  12193. <entry>
  12194. <para>
  12195. càishichǎng
  12196. </para>
  12197. </entry>
  12198. <entry>
  12199. <para>
  12200. market
  12201. </para>
  12202. </entry>
  12203. <entry>
  12204. <para>
  12205. it.2
  12206. </para>
  12207. </entry>
  12208. </row>
  12209. <row>
  12210. <entry>
  12211. <para>
  12212. cānchē
  12213. </para>
  12214. </entry>
  12215. <entry>
  12216. <para>
  12217. dining car
  12218. </para>
  12219. </entry>
  12220. <entry>
  12221. <para>
  12222. 5-6
  12223. </para>
  12224. </entry>
  12225. </row>
  12226. <row>
  12227. <entry>
  12228. <para>
  12229. canguan
  12230. </para>
  12231. </entry>
  12232. <entry>
  12233. <para>
  12234. to observe, to visit (as an
  12235. </para>
  12236. </entry>
  12237. <entry>
  12238. <para>
  12239. 5.5°, 5.8°, 6.2
  12240. </para>
  12241. </entry>
  12242. </row>
  12243. <row>
  12244. <entry>
  12245. </entry>
  12246. <entry>
  12247. <para>
  12248. observer)
  12249. </para>
  12250. </entry>
  12251. <entry>
  12252. <para>
  12253. 6.5°, 6.6’, 6.8
  12254. </para>
  12255. </entry>
  12256. </row>
  12257. <row>
  12258. <entry>
  12259. <para>
  12260. cānjiā
  12261. </para>
  12262. </entry>
  12263. <entry>
  12264. <para>
  12265. to attend; to participate in
  12266. </para>
  12267. </entry>
  12268. <entry>
  12269. <para>
  12270. 6.3°, 6.8°
  12271. </para>
  12272. </entry>
  12273. </row>
  12274. <row>
  12275. <entry>
  12276. <para>
  12277. cāntīng
  12278. </para>
  12279. </entry>
  12280. <entry>
  12281. <para>
  12282. dining room, restaurant
  12283. </para>
  12284. </entry>
  12285. <entry>
  12286. <para>
  12287. UA, 6.6
  12288. </para>
  12289. </entry>
  12290. </row>
  12291. <row>
  12292. <entry>
  12293. <para>
  12294. cèsuo
  12295. </para>
  12296. </entry>
  12297. <entry>
  12298. <para>
  12299. toilet
  12300. </para>
  12301. </entry>
  12302. <entry>
  12303. <para>
  12304. 1+A
  12305. </para>
  12306. </entry>
  12307. </row>
  12308. <row>
  12309. <entry>
  12310. <para>
  12311. chá
  12312. </para>
  12313. </entry>
  12314. <entry>
  12315. <para>
  12316. tea
  12317. </para>
  12318. </entry>
  12319. <entry>
  12320. <para>
  12321. 6.3
  12322. </para>
  12323. </entry>
  12324. </row>
  12325. <row>
  12326. <entry>
  12327. <para>
  12328. chà
  12329. </para>
  12330. </entry>
  12331. <entry>
  12332. <para>
  12333. to lack; before the hour
  12334. </para>
  12335. </entry>
  12336. <entry>
  12337. <para>
  12338. T&amp;D 4
  12339. </para>
  12340. </entry>
  12341. </row>
  12342. <row>
  12343. <entry>
  12344. <para>
  12345. chábēi
  12346. </para>
  12347. </entry>
  12348. <entry>
  12349. <para>
  12350. teacup
  12351. </para>
  12352. </entry>
  12353. <entry>
  12354. <para>
  12355. 3.it
  12356. </para>
  12357. </entry>
  12358. </row>
  12359. <row>
  12360. <entry>
  12361. <para>
  12362. chàbuduō
  12363. </para>
  12364. </entry>
  12365. <entry>
  12366. <para>
  12367. almost, about, approximately
  12368. </para>
  12369. </entry>
  12370. <entry>
  12371. <para>
  12372. 6.7
  12373. </para>
  12374. </entry>
  12375. </row>
  12376. <row>
  12377. <entry>
  12378. <para>
  12379. cháng
  12380. </para>
  12381. </entry>
  12382. <entry>
  12383. <para>
  12384. to be long
  12385. </para>
  12386. </entry>
  12387. <entry>
  12388. <para>
  12389. 3.3°
  12390. </para>
  12391. </entry>
  12392. </row>
  12393. <row>
  12394. <entry>
  12395. <para>
  12396. chāngchāng
  12397. </para>
  12398. </entry>
  12399. <entry>
  12400. <para>
  12401. often
  12402. </para>
  12403. </entry>
  12404. <entry>
  12405. <para>
  12406. 6.3’
  12407. </para>
  12408. </entry>
  12409. </row>
  12410. <row>
  12411. <entry>
  12412. <para>
  12413. Chángchéng
  12414. </para>
  12415. </entry>
  12416. <entry>
  12417. <para>
  12418. the Great Wall
  12419. </para>
  12420. </entry>
  12421. <entry>
  12422. <para>
  12423. 6.6’, 6.8
  12424. </para>
  12425. </entry>
  12426. </row>
  12427. <row>
  12428. <entry>
  12429. <para>
  12430. cháo
  12431. </para>
  12432. </entry>
  12433. <entry>
  12434. <para>
  12435. to, towards
  12436. </para>
  12437. </entry>
  12438. <entry>
  12439. <para>
  12440. 3
  12441. </para>
  12442. </entry>
  12443. </row>
  12444. <row>
  12445. <entry>
  12446. <para>
  12447. cháyè
  12448. </para>
  12449. </entry>
  12450. <entry>
  12451. <para>
  12452. tea leaves, tea (the
  12453. </para>
  12454. </entry>
  12455. <entry>
  12456. <para>
  12457. 3.it’
  12458. </para>
  12459. </entry>
  12460. </row>
  12461. <row>
  12462. <entry>
  12463. </entry>
  12464. <entry>
  12465. <para>
  12466. prepared leaves)
  12467. </para>
  12468. </entry>
  12469. <entry>
  12470. </entry>
  12471. </row>
  12472. <row>
  12473. <entry>
  12474. <para>
  12475. chē
  12476. </para>
  12477. </entry>
  12478. <entry>
  12479. <para>
  12480. vehicle, car, bus
  12481. </para>
  12482. </entry>
  12483. <entry>
  12484. <para>
  12485. 5.1
  12486. </para>
  12487. </entry>
  12488. </row>
  12489. <row>
  12490. <entry>
  12491. <para>
  12492. chēfang
  12493. </para>
  12494. </entry>
  12495. <entry>
  12496. <para>
  12497. garage
  12498. </para>
  12499. </entry>
  12500. <entry>
  12501. <para>
  12502. 6.5’
  12503. </para>
  12504. </entry>
  12505. </row>
  12506. <row>
  12507. <entry>
  12508. <para>
  12509. chéng
  12510. </para>
  12511. </entry>
  12512. <entry>
  12513. <para>
  12514. city
  12515. </para>
  12516. </entry>
  12517. <entry>
  12518. <para>
  12519. 5.1
  12520. </para>
  12521. </entry>
  12522. </row>
  12523. <row>
  12524. <entry>
  12525. <para>
  12526. chī
  12527. </para>
  12528. </entry>
  12529. <entry>
  12530. <para>
  12531. to eat
  12532. </para>
  12533. </entry>
  12534. <entry>
  12535. <para>
  12536. 5.6’, 6.2’, 6.3
  12537. </para>
  12538. </entry>
  12539. </row>
  12540. <row>
  12541. <entry>
  12542. <para>
  12543. chībuzhāo
  12544. </para>
  12545. </entry>
  12546. <entry>
  12547. <para>
  12548. can’t find to eat
  12549. </para>
  12550. </entry>
  12551. <entry>
  12552. <para>
  12553. 6.6
  12554. </para>
  12555. </entry>
  12556. </row>
  12557. <row>
  12558. <entry>
  12559. <para>
  12560. chī fàn
  12561. </para>
  12562. </entry>
  12563. <entry>
  12564. <para>
  12565. to eat, to have a meal
  12566. </para>
  12567. </entry>
  12568. <entry>
  12569. <para>
  12570. 5.3', 5.6', 6.3
  12571. </para>
  12572. </entry>
  12573. </row>
  12574. <row>
  12575. <entry>
  12576. <para>
  12577. chú
  12578. </para>
  12579. </entry>
  12580. <entry>
  12581. <para>
  12582. to go out, to exit
  12583. </para>
  12584. </entry>
  12585. <entry>
  12586. <para>
  12587. it.2
  12588. </para>
  12589. </entry>
  12590. </row>
  12591. <row>
  12592. <entry>
  12593. <para>
  12594. chuān
  12595. </para>
  12596. </entry>
  12597. <entry>
  12598. <para>
  12599. boat, ship
  12600. </para>
  12601. </entry>
  12602. <entry>
  12603. <para>
  12604. 5.1’, 5A
  12605. </para>
  12606. </entry>
  12607. </row>
  12608. <row>
  12609. <entry>
  12610. <para>
  12611. chū chāi
  12612. </para>
  12613. </entry>
  12614. <entry>
  12615. <para>
  12616. to go on a business trip
  12617. </para>
  12618. </entry>
  12619. <entry>
  12620. <para>
  12621. 5-7’
  12622. </para>
  12623. </entry>
  12624. </row>
  12625. <row>
  12626. <entry>
  12627. <para>
  12628. chūfā
  12629. </para>
  12630. </entry>
  12631. <entry>
  12632. <para>
  12633. to start a Journey
  12634. </para>
  12635. </entry>
  12636. <entry>
  12637. <para>
  12638. 6.6'
  12639. </para>
  12640. </entry>
  12641. </row>
  12642. <row>
  12643. <entry>
  12644. <para>
  12645. chūkou gōngsī
  12646. </para>
  12647. </entry>
  12648. <entry>
  12649. <para>
  12650. export company
  12651. </para>
  12652. </entry>
  12653. <entry>
  12654. <para>
  12655. 6.1’
  12656. </para>
  12657. </entry>
  12658. </row>
  12659. <row>
  12660. <entry>
  12661. <para>
  12662. chūlai
  12663. </para>
  12664. </entry>
  12665. <entry>
  12666. <para>
  12667. to come out
  12668. </para>
  12669. </entry>
  12670. <entry>
  12671. <para>
  12672. it.3
  12673. </para>
  12674. </entry>
  12675. </row>
  12676. <row>
  12677. <entry>
  12678. <para>
  12679. chū mén(r)
  12680. </para>
  12681. </entry>
  12682. <entry>
  12683. <para>
  12684. to go out; to go out of town,
  12685. </para>
  12686. </entry>
  12687. <entry>
  12688. <para>
  12689. 5.8
  12690. </para>
  12691. </entry>
  12692. </row>
  12693. <row>
  12694. <entry>
  12695. </entry>
  12696. <entry>
  12697. <para>
  12698. to go away from home
  12699. </para>
  12700. </entry>
  12701. <entry>
  12702. </entry>
  12703. </row>
  12704. <row>
  12705. <entry>
  12706. <para>
  12707. chūqu
  12708. </para>
  12709. </entry>
  12710. <entry>
  12711. <para>
  12712. to go out
  12713. </para>
  12714. </entry>
  12715. <entry>
  12716. <para>
  12717. it.3
  12718. </para>
  12719. </entry>
  12720. </row>
  12721. <row>
  12722. <entry>
  12723. <para>
  12724. chūtǔ wénwù zhānlǎn
  12725. </para>
  12726. </entry>
  12727. <entry>
  12728. <para>
  12729. exhibition of archaeological
  12730. </para>
  12731. </entry>
  12732. <entry>
  12733. <para>
  12734. 6.5’
  12735. </para>
  12736. </entry>
  12737. </row>
  12738. <row>
  12739. <entry>
  12740. </entry>
  12741. <entry>
  12742. <para>
  12743. finds
  12744. </para>
  12745. </entry>
  12746. <entry>
  12747. </entry>
  12748. </row>
  12749. <row>
  12750. <entry>
  12751. <para>
  12752. chùzhǎng
  12753. </para>
  12754. </entry>
  12755. <entry>
  12756. <para>
  12757. division chief, section chief,
  12758. </para>
  12759. </entry>
  12760. <entry>
  12761. <para>
  12762. 5-7'
  12763. </para>
  12764. </entry>
  12765. </row>
  12766. <row>
  12767. <entry>
  12768. </entry>
  12769. <entry>
  12770. <para>
  12771. head of a department or office
  12772. </para>
  12773. </entry>
  12774. <entry>
  12775. </entry>
  12776. </row>
  12777. <row>
  12778. <entry>
  12779. <para>
  12780. chūzū qìchē
  12781. </para>
  12782. </entry>
  12783. <entry>
  12784. <para>
  12785. taxi (PRC)
  12786. </para>
  12787. </entry>
  12788. <entry>
  12789. <para>
  12790. 5.3
  12791. </para>
  12792. </entry>
  12793. </row>
  12794. <row>
  12795. <entry>
  12796. <para>
  12797. -cì
  12798. </para>
  12799. </entry>
  12800. <entry>
  12801. <para>
  12802. occasion, time
  12803. </para>
  12804. </entry>
  12805. <entry>
  12806. <para>
  12807. 5.2°, 5.5
  12808. </para>
  12809. </entry>
  12810. </row>
  12811. <row>
  12812. <entry>
  12813. <para>
  12814. cóng
  12815. </para>
  12816. </entry>
  12817. <entry>
  12818. <para>
  12819. from
  12820. </para>
  12821. </entry>
  12822. <entry>
  12823. <para>
  12824. lt.l
  12825. </para>
  12826. </entry>
  12827. </row>
  12828. </tbody>
  12829. </tgroup>
  12830. </informaltable>
  12831. <informaltable>
  12832. <tgroup cols="3">
  12833. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  12834. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  12835. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  12836. <tbody>
  12837. <row>
  12838. <entry>
  12839. <para>
  12840. cóng cōngming cóngqián cuò
  12841. </para>
  12842. </entry>
  12843. <entry>
  12844. <para>
  12845. through, via to be intelligent before,
  12846. previously to make a mistake, to be
  12847. </para>
  12848. <para>
  12849. wrong
  12850. </para>
  12851. </entry>
  12852. <entry>
  12853. <para>
  12854. U.2* 6.7* 2.6
  12855. </para>
  12856. <para>
  12857. H.5
  12858. </para>
  12859. </entry>
  12860. </row>
  12861. <row>
  12862. <entry>
  12863. <para>
  12864. </para>
  12865. </entry>
  12866. <entry>
  12867. <para>
  12868. to be large
  12869. </para>
  12870. </entry>
  12871. <entry>
  12872. <para>
  12873. 2.8*, 3.2,
  12874. </para>
  12875. </entry>
  12876. </row>
  12877. <row>
  12878. <entry>
  12879. <para>
  12880. da dao
  12881. </para>
  12882. </entry>
  12883. <entry>
  12884. <para>
  12885. to make a phone call to
  12886. </para>
  12887. </entry>
  12888. <entry>
  12889. <para>
  12890. 6.5*
  12891. </para>
  12892. </entry>
  12893. </row>
  12894. <row>
  12895. <entry>
  12896. <para>
  12897. da diànhuà
  12898. </para>
  12899. </entry>
  12900. <entry>
  12901. <para>
  12902. to make a phone call
  12903. </para>
  12904. </entry>
  12905. <entry>
  12906. <para>
  12907. 5.7
  12908. </para>
  12909. </entry>
  12910. </row>
  12911. <row>
  12912. <entry>
  12913. <para>
  12914. dàfàndiàn
  12915. </para>
  12916. </entry>
  12917. <entry>
  12918. <para>
  12919. hotel
  12920. </para>
  12921. </entry>
  12922. <entry>
  12923. <para>
  12924. 2.2
  12925. </para>
  12926. </entry>
  12927. </row>
  12928. <row>
  12929. <entry>
  12930. <para>
  12931. dàgài
  12932. </para>
  12933. </entry>
  12934. <entry>
  12935. <para>
  12936. probably; approximately
  12937. </para>
  12938. </entry>
  12939. <entry>
  12940. <para>
  12941. H.5, 5.5
  12942. </para>
  12943. </entry>
  12944. </row>
  12945. <row>
  12946. <entry>
  12947. <para>
  12948. Dàhuá Canting
  12949. </para>
  12950. </entry>
  12951. <entry>
  12952. <para>
  12953. Great China Restaurant
  12954. </para>
  12955. </entry>
  12956. <entry>
  12957. <para>
  12958. 6.6
  12959. </para>
  12960. </entry>
  12961. </row>
  12962. <row>
  12963. <entry>
  12964. <para>
  12965. dài
  12966. </para>
  12967. </entry>
  12968. <entry>
  12969. <para>
  12970. to wear, to put on (glasses,
  12971. </para>
  12972. </entry>
  12973. <entry>
  12974. <para>
  12975. U.3
  12976. </para>
  12977. </entry>
  12978. </row>
  12979. <row>
  12980. <entry>
  12981. </entry>
  12982. <entry>
  12983. <para>
  12984. gloves, a hat, a watch,
  12985. </para>
  12986. </entry>
  12987. <entry>
  12988. </entry>
  12989. </row>
  12990. <row>
  12991. <entry>
  12992. </entry>
  12993. <entry>
  12994. <para>
  12995. jewelry, etc.)
  12996. </para>
  12997. </entry>
  12998. <entry>
  12999. </entry>
  13000. </row>
  13001. <row>
  13002. <entry>
  13003. <para>
  13004. dài
  13005. </para>
  13006. </entry>
  13007. <entry>
  13008. <para>
  13009. to bring (along), to take
  13010. </para>
  13011. </entry>
  13012. <entry>
  13013. <para>
  13014. 6.6*
  13015. </para>
  13016. </entry>
  13017. </row>
  13018. <row>
  13019. <entry>
  13020. </entry>
  13021. <entry>
  13022. <para>
  13023. (along)
  13024. </para>
  13025. </entry>
  13026. <entry>
  13027. </entry>
  13028. </row>
  13029. <row>
  13030. <entry>
  13031. <para>
  13032. dài biǎo
  13033. </para>
  13034. </entry>
  13035. <entry>
  13036. <para>
  13037. to wear a watch
  13038. </para>
  13039. </entry>
  13040. <entry>
  13041. <para>
  13042. H.3*
  13043. </para>
  13044. </entry>
  13045. </row>
  13046. <row>
  13047. <entry>
  13048. <para>
  13049. dàibiǎotuán
  13050. </para>
  13051. </entry>
  13052. <entry>
  13053. <para>
  13054. delegation
  13055. </para>
  13056. </entry>
  13057. <entry>
  13058. <para>
  13059. 6.5’, 6.8*
  13060. </para>
  13061. </entry>
  13062. </row>
  13063. <row>
  13064. <entry>
  13065. <para>
  13066. dàifu
  13067. </para>
  13068. </entry>
  13069. <entry>
  13070. <para>
  13071. doctor
  13072. </para>
  13073. </entry>
  13074. <entry>
  13075. <para>
  13076. 5.2*
  13077. </para>
  13078. </entry>
  13079. </row>
  13080. <row>
  13081. <entry>
  13082. <para>
  13083. dàjiā
  13084. </para>
  13085. </entry>
  13086. <entry>
  13087. <para>
  13088. everybody, everyone
  13089. </para>
  13090. </entry>
  13091. <entry>
  13092. <para>
  13093. 6.8
  13094. </para>
  13095. </entry>
  13096. </row>
  13097. <row>
  13098. <entry>
  13099. <para>
  13100. dàjiē
  13101. </para>
  13102. </entry>
  13103. <entry>
  13104. <para>
  13105. boulevard
  13106. </para>
  13107. </entry>
  13108. <entry>
  13109. <para>
  13110. H.3
  13111. </para>
  13112. </entry>
  13113. </row>
  13114. <row>
  13115. <entry>
  13116. <para>
  13117. Dàli Jiē
  13118. </para>
  13119. </entry>
  13120. <entry>
  13121. <para>
  13122. Dàli Street (Taipei)
  13123. </para>
  13124. </entry>
  13125. <entry>
  13126. <para>
  13127. 2.2
  13128. </para>
  13129. </entry>
  13130. </row>
  13131. <row>
  13132. <entry>
  13133. <para>
  13134. dàlóu
  13135. </para>
  13136. </entry>
  13137. <entry>
  13138. <para>
  13139. building (multistoried)
  13140. </para>
  13141. </entry>
  13142. <entry>
  13143. <para>
  13144. H.3
  13145. </para>
  13146. </entry>
  13147. </row>
  13148. <row>
  13149. <entry>
  13150. <para>
  13151. dàmén(r)
  13152. </para>
  13153. </entry>
  13154. <entry>
  13155. <para>
  13156. main entrance, main gate
  13157. </para>
  13158. </entry>
  13159. <entry>
  13160. <para>
  13161. H.3, U.5
  13162. </para>
  13163. </entry>
  13164. </row>
  13165. <row>
  13166. <entry>
  13167. <para>
  13168. dàngāo
  13169. </para>
  13170. </entry>
  13171. <entry>
  13172. <para>
  13173. cake
  13174. </para>
  13175. </entry>
  13176. <entry>
  13177. <para>
  13178. 6.8*
  13179. </para>
  13180. </entry>
  13181. </row>
  13182. <row>
  13183. <entry>
  13184. <para>
  13185. dāngmiàn
  13186. </para>
  13187. </entry>
  13188. <entry>
  13189. <para>
  13190. in person, face to face
  13191. </para>
  13192. </entry>
  13193. <entry>
  13194. <para>
  13195. 6.1
  13196. </para>
  13197. </entry>
  13198. </row>
  13199. <row>
  13200. <entry>
  13201. <para>
  13202. dāngrán
  13203. </para>
  13204. </entry>
  13205. <entry>
  13206. <para>
  13207. naturally, of course
  13208. </para>
  13209. </entry>
  13210. <entry>
  13211. <para>
  13212. 5.6’
  13213. </para>
  13214. </entry>
  13215. </row>
  13216. <row>
  13217. <entry>
  13218. <para>
  13219. dànshi
  13220. </para>
  13221. </entry>
  13222. <entry>
  13223. <para>
  13224. but
  13225. </para>
  13226. </entry>
  13227. <entry>
  13228. <para>
  13229. 6.3
  13230. </para>
  13231. </entry>
  13232. </row>
  13233. <row>
  13234. <entry>
  13235. <para>
  13236. dào
  13237. </para>
  13238. </entry>
  13239. <entry>
  13240. <para>
  13241. to arrive
  13242. </para>
  13243. </entry>
  13244. <entry>
  13245. <para>
  13246. 2.U, T&amp;D U
  13247. </para>
  13248. </entry>
  13249. </row>
  13250. <row>
  13251. <entry>
  13252. <para>
  13253. dào
  13254. </para>
  13255. </entry>
  13256. <entry>
  13257. <para>
  13258. to, towards
  13259. </para>
  13260. </entry>
  13261. <entry>
  13262. <para>
  13263. U.l
  13264. </para>
  13265. </entry>
  13266. </row>
  13267. <row>
  13268. <entry>
  13269. <para>
  13270. -dào
  13271. </para>
  13272. </entry>
  13273. <entry>
  13274. <para>
  13275. route, path
  13276. </para>
  13277. </entry>
  13278. <entry>
  13279. <para>
  13280. U.5
  13281. </para>
  13282. </entry>
  13283. </row>
  13284. <row>
  13285. <entry>
  13286. <para>
  13287. -dào (-dao)
  13288. </para>
  13289. </entry>
  13290. <entry>
  13291. <para>
  13292. (indicates success in getting
  13293. </para>
  13294. </entry>
  13295. <entry>
  13296. <para>
  13297. 6.6
  13298. </para>
  13299. </entry>
  13300. </row>
  13301. <row>
  13302. <entry>
  13303. </entry>
  13304. <entry>
  13305. <para>
  13306. or obtaining something)
  13307. </para>
  13308. </entry>
  13309. <entry>
  13310. </entry>
  13311. </row>
  13312. <row>
  13313. <entry>
  13314. <para>
  13315. dào xí
  13316. </para>
  13317. </entry>
  13318. <entry>
  13319. <para>
  13320. to congratulate
  13321. </para>
  13322. </entry>
  13323. <entry>
  13324. <para>
  13325. 6.8*
  13326. </para>
  13327. </entry>
  13328. </row>
  13329. <row>
  13330. <entry>
  13331. <para>
  13332. dàren
  13333. </para>
  13334. </entry>
  13335. <entry>
  13336. <para>
  13337. adult
  13338. </para>
  13339. </entry>
  13340. <entry>
  13341. <para>
  13342. 3.2
  13343. </para>
  13344. </entry>
  13345. </row>
  13346. <row>
  13347. <entry>
  13348. <para>
  13349. dàshi
  13350. </para>
  13351. </entry>
  13352. <entry>
  13353. <para>
  13354. ambassador
  13355. </para>
  13356. </entry>
  13357. <entry>
  13358. <para>
  13359. 2.2*, 6.2
  13360. </para>
  13361. </entry>
  13362. </row>
  13363. <row>
  13364. <entry>
  13365. <para>
  13366. dàshiguǎn
  13367. </para>
  13368. </entry>
  13369. <entry>
  13370. <para>
  13371. embassy
  13372. </para>
  13373. </entry>
  13374. <entry>
  13375. <para>
  13376. 6.2
  13377. </para>
  13378. </entry>
  13379. </row>
  13380. <row>
  13381. <entry>
  13382. <para>
  13383. dǎsuàn (dǎsuan)
  13384. </para>
  13385. </entry>
  13386. <entry>
  13387. <para>
  13388. to plan to
  13389. </para>
  13390. </entry>
  13391. <entry>
  13392. <para>
  13393. 5.5
  13394. </para>
  13395. </entry>
  13396. </row>
  13397. <row>
  13398. <entry>
  13399. <para>
  13400. dǎting
  13401. </para>
  13402. </entry>
  13403. <entry>
  13404. <para>
  13405. to inquire about, to ask about
  13406. </para>
  13407. </entry>
  13408. <entry>
  13409. <para>
  13410. 6.2*, 6.7
  13411. </para>
  13412. </entry>
  13413. </row>
  13414. <row>
  13415. <entry>
  13416. <para>
  13417. dàxué
  13418. </para>
  13419. </entry>
  13420. <entry>
  13421. <para>
  13422. university
  13423. </para>
  13424. </entry>
  13425. <entry>
  13426. <para>
  13427. 2.7
  13428. </para>
  13429. </entry>
  13430. </row>
  13431. <row>
  13432. <entry>
  13433. <para>
  13434. dàxuéshēng
  13435. </para>
  13436. </entry>
  13437. <entry>
  13438. <para>
  13439. college student
  13440. </para>
  13441. </entry>
  13442. <entry>
  13443. <para>
  13444. 6.2*
  13445. </para>
  13446. </entry>
  13447. </row>
  13448. <row>
  13449. <entry>
  13450. <para>
  13451. -de
  13452. </para>
  13453. </entry>
  13454. <entry>
  13455. <para>
  13456. (possessive marker)
  13457. </para>
  13458. </entry>
  13459. <entry>
  13460. <para>
  13461. 2.2
  13462. </para>
  13463. </entry>
  13464. </row>
  13465. <row>
  13466. <entry>
  13467. <para>
  13468. -de
  13469. </para>
  13470. </entry>
  13471. <entry>
  13472. <para>
  13473. (marker of modification)
  13474. </para>
  13475. </entry>
  13476. <entry>
  13477. <para>
  13478. 3.2
  13479. </para>
  13480. </entry>
  13481. </row>
  13482. <row>
  13483. <entry>
  13484. <para>
  13485. -de-
  13486. </para>
  13487. </entry>
  13488. <entry>
  13489. <para>
  13490. to be able to
  13491. </para>
  13492. </entry>
  13493. <entry>
  13494. <para>
  13495. 6.1
  13496. </para>
  13497. </entry>
  13498. </row>
  13499. <row>
  13500. <entry>
  13501. <para>
  13502. -deduō
  13503. </para>
  13504. </entry>
  13505. <entry>
  13506. <para>
  13507. much more (following a state verb)
  13508. </para>
  13509. </entry>
  13510. <entry>
  13511. <para>
  13512. 6.6
  13513. </para>
  13514. </entry>
  13515. </row>
  13516. <row>
  13517. <entry>
  13518. <para>
  13519. Déguó (Déguo)
  13520. </para>
  13521. </entry>
  13522. <entry>
  13523. <para>
  13524. Germany
  13525. </para>
  13526. </entry>
  13527. <entry>
  13528. <para>
  13529. 1.3
  13530. </para>
  13531. </entry>
  13532. </row>
  13533. <row>
  13534. <entry>
  13535. <para>
  13536. děi
  13537. </para>
  13538. </entry>
  13539. <entry>
  13540. <para>
  13541. must
  13542. </para>
  13543. </entry>
  13544. <entry>
  13545. <para>
  13546. 3.6
  13547. </para>
  13548. </entry>
  13549. </row>
  13550. <row>
  13551. <entry>
  13552. <para>
  13553. děng
  13554. </para>
  13555. </entry>
  13556. <entry>
  13557. <para>
  13558. to wait, to wait for
  13559. </para>
  13560. </entry>
  13561. <entry>
  13562. <para>
  13563. 3.6
  13564. </para>
  13565. </entry>
  13566. </row>
  13567. <row>
  13568. <entry>
  13569. <para>
  13570. děng
  13571. </para>
  13572. </entry>
  13573. <entry>
  13574. <para>
  13575. when, by the time
  13576. </para>
  13577. </entry>
  13578. <entry>
  13579. <para>
  13580. 6.2
  13581. </para>
  13582. </entry>
  13583. </row>
  13584. </tbody>
  13585. </tgroup>
  13586. </informaltable>
  13587. <informaltable>
  13588. <tgroup cols="3">
  13589. <colspec align="left" />
  13590. <colspec align="left" />
  13591. <colspec align="left" />
  13592. <tbody>
  13593. <row>
  13594. <entry>
  13595. <para>
  13596. děngyiděng
  13597. </para>
  13598. </entry>
  13599. <entry>
  13600. <para>
  13601. to wait a moment
  13602. </para>
  13603. </entry>
  13604. <entry>
  13605. <para>
  13606. 3.6
  13607. </para>
  13608. </entry>
  13609. </row>
  13610. <row>
  13611. <entry>
  13612. <para>
  13613. -de shíhou
  13614. </para>
  13615. </entry>
  13616. <entry>
  13617. <para>
  13618. when
  13619. </para>
  13620. </entry>
  13621. <entry>
  13622. <para>
  13623. 5.1
  13624. </para>
  13625. </entry>
  13626. </row>
  13627. <row>
  13628. <entry>
  13629. <para>
  13630. Dewén
  13631. </para>
  13632. </entry>
  13633. <entry>
  13634. <para>
  13635. German language
  13636. </para>
  13637. </entry>
  13638. <entry>
  13639. <para>
  13640. 2.7*, 2.8
  13641. </para>
  13642. </entry>
  13643. </row>
  13644. <row>
  13645. <entry>
  13646. <para>
  13647. Dezhōu
  13648. </para>
  13649. </entry>
  13650. <entry>
  13651. <para>
  13652. Texas
  13653. </para>
  13654. </entry>
  13655. <entry>
  13656. <para>
  13657. 1.1+
  13658. </para>
  13659. </entry>
  13660. </row>
  13661. <row>
  13662. <entry>
  13663. <para>
  13664. di-
  13665. </para>
  13666. </entry>
  13667. <entry>
  13668. <para>
  13669. (used in forming ordinal
  13670. </para>
  13671. </entry>
  13672. <entry>
  13673. <para>
  13674. NUM 4
  13675. </para>
  13676. </entry>
  13677. </row>
  13678. <row>
  13679. <entry>
  13680. </entry>
  13681. <entry>
  13682. <para>
  13683. numbers Ei.e., dìyì, ’’the
  13684. </para>
  13685. </entry>
  13686. <entry>
  13687. </entry>
  13688. </row>
  13689. <row>
  13690. <entry>
  13691. </entry>
  13692. <entry>
  13693. <para>
  13694. first,” dìèr, ’’the second’’])
  13695. </para>
  13696. </entry>
  13697. <entry>
  13698. </entry>
  13699. </row>
  13700. <row>
  13701. <entry>
  13702. <para>
  13703. </para>
  13704. </entry>
  13705. <entry>
  13706. <para>
  13707. ground, earth
  13708. </para>
  13709. </entry>
  13710. <entry>
  13711. <para>
  13712. 6.5*
  13713. </para>
  13714. </entry>
  13715. </row>
  13716. <row>
  13717. <entry>
  13718. <para>
  13719. diǎn(r)
  13720. </para>
  13721. </entry>
  13722. <entry>
  13723. <para>
  13724. a little, some
  13725. </para>
  13726. </entry>
  13727. <entry>
  13728. <para>
  13729. 3.2
  13730. </para>
  13731. </entry>
  13732. </row>
  13733. <row>
  13734. <entry>
  13735. <para>
  13736. -diǎn
  13737. </para>
  13738. </entry>
  13739. <entry>
  13740. <para>
  13741. (counter for hours on the
  13742. </para>
  13743. </entry>
  13744. <entry>
  13745. <para>
  13746. 3.6, T&amp;D 3
  13747. </para>
  13748. </entry>
  13749. </row>
  13750. <row>
  13751. <entry>
  13752. </entry>
  13753. <entry>
  13754. <para>
  13755. clock)
  13756. </para>
  13757. </entry>
  13758. <entry>
  13759. </entry>
  13760. </row>
  13761. <row>
  13762. <entry>
  13763. <para>
  13764. diànhuà
  13765. </para>
  13766. </entry>
  13767. <entry>
  13768. <para>
  13769. telephone; phone call
  13770. </para>
  13771. </entry>
  13772. <entry>
  13773. <para>
  13774. 6.2
  13775. </para>
  13776. </entry>
  13777. </row>
  13778. <row>
  13779. <entry>
  13780. <para>
  13781. diànhuà hàomǎ(r)
  13782. </para>
  13783. </entry>
  13784. <entry>
  13785. <para>
  13786. telephone number
  13787. </para>
  13788. </entry>
  13789. <entry>
  13790. <para>
  13791. 6.2’, 6.3*
  13792. </para>
  13793. </entry>
  13794. </row>
  13795. <row>
  13796. <entry>
  13797. <para>
  13798. diànshàn
  13799. </para>
  13800. </entry>
  13801. <entry>
  13802. <para>
  13803. electric fan
  13804. </para>
  13805. </entry>
  13806. <entry>
  13807. <para>
  13808. 3.5
  13809. </para>
  13810. </entry>
  13811. </row>
  13812. <row>
  13813. <entry>
  13814. <para>
  13815. diànshì
  13816. </para>
  13817. </entry>
  13818. <entry>
  13819. <para>
  13820. television
  13821. </para>
  13822. </entry>
  13823. <entry>
  13824. <para>
  13825. 3.5
  13826. </para>
  13827. </entry>
  13828. </row>
  13829. <row>
  13830. <entry>
  13831. <para>
  13832. diàntī
  13833. </para>
  13834. </entry>
  13835. <entry>
  13836. <para>
  13837. elevator
  13838. </para>
  13839. </entry>
  13840. <entry>
  13841. <para>
  13842. 4.4
  13843. </para>
  13844. </entry>
  13845. </row>
  13846. <row>
  13847. <entry>
  13848. <para>
  13849. diǎnxin (yíkuài)
  13850. </para>
  13851. </entry>
  13852. <entry>
  13853. <para>
  13854. pastry, snack
  13855. </para>
  13856. </entry>
  13857. <entry>
  13858. <para>
  13859. 3.2
  13860. </para>
  13861. </entry>
  13862. </row>
  13863. <row>
  13864. <entry>
  13865. <para>
  13866. diànyǐng(r)
  13867. </para>
  13868. </entry>
  13869. <entry>
  13870. <para>
  13871. movie, film
  13872. </para>
  13873. </entry>
  13874. <entry>
  13875. <para>
  13876. 1+.2
  13877. </para>
  13878. </entry>
  13879. </row>
  13880. <row>
  13881. <entry>
  13882. <para>
  13883. dìdi
  13884. </para>
  13885. </entry>
  13886. <entry>
  13887. <para>
  13888. younger brother
  13889. </para>
  13890. </entry>
  13891. <entry>
  13892. <para>
  13893. 2.3
  13894. </para>
  13895. </entry>
  13896. </row>
  13897. <row>
  13898. <entry>
  13899. <para>
  13900. dìèrtiān
  13901. </para>
  13902. </entry>
  13903. <entry>
  13904. <para>
  13905. the next day
  13906. </para>
  13907. </entry>
  13908. <entry>
  13909. <para>
  13910. 6.8*
  13911. </para>
  13912. </entry>
  13913. </row>
  13914. <row>
  13915. <entry>
  13916. <para>
  13917. dìfang
  13918. </para>
  13919. </entry>
  13920. <entry>
  13921. <para>
  13922. a place
  13923. </para>
  13924. </entry>
  13925. <entry>
  13926. <para>
  13927. 3.4
  13928. </para>
  13929. </entry>
  13930. </row>
  13931. <row>
  13932. <entry>
  13933. <para>
  13934. ding
  13935. </para>
  13936. </entry>
  13937. <entry>
  13938. <para>
  13939. to reserve, to order
  13940. </para>
  13941. </entry>
  13942. <entry>
  13943. <para>
  13944. 5.7
  13945. </para>
  13946. </entry>
  13947. </row>
  13948. <row>
  13949. <entry>
  13950. <para>
  13951. dìnghǎo le
  13952. </para>
  13953. </entry>
  13954. <entry>
  13955. <para>
  13956. to have (been) reserved
  13957. </para>
  13958. </entry>
  13959. <entry>
  13960. <para>
  13961. 5.7
  13962. </para>
  13963. </entry>
  13964. </row>
  13965. <row>
  13966. <entry>
  13967. <para>
  13968. dìtǎn (yìzhang)
  13969. </para>
  13970. </entry>
  13971. <entry>
  13972. <para>
  13973. rug
  13974. </para>
  13975. </entry>
  13976. <entry>
  13977. <para>
  13978. 3.4
  13979. </para>
  13980. </entry>
  13981. </row>
  13982. <row>
  13983. <entry>
  13984. <para>
  13985. dìtiě
  13986. </para>
  13987. </entry>
  13988. <entry>
  13989. <para>
  13990. subway (abbreviation for dìxià
  13991. </para>
  13992. </entry>
  13993. <entry>
  13994. <para>
  13995. 5.4
  13996. </para>
  13997. </entry>
  13998. </row>
  13999. <row>
  14000. <entry>
  14001. </entry>
  14002. <entry>
  14003. <para>
  14004. tiědào)
  14005. </para>
  14006. </entry>
  14007. <entry>
  14008. </entry>
  14009. </row>
  14010. <row>
  14011. <entry>
  14012. <para>
  14013. dìtú (yìzhang)
  14014. </para>
  14015. </entry>
  14016. <entry>
  14017. <para>
  14018. map
  14019. </para>
  14020. </entry>
  14021. <entry>
  14022. <para>
  14023. 3.1
  14024. </para>
  14025. </entry>
  14026. </row>
  14027. <row>
  14028. <entry>
  14029. <para>
  14030. dǐxia
  14031. </para>
  14032. </entry>
  14033. <entry>
  14034. <para>
  14035. underneath
  14036. </para>
  14037. </entry>
  14038. <entry>
  14039. <para>
  14040. 4.3
  14041. </para>
  14042. </entry>
  14043. </row>
  14044. <row>
  14045. <entry>
  14046. <para>
  14047. dìxià
  14048. </para>
  14049. </entry>
  14050. <entry>
  14051. <para>
  14052. underground
  14053. </para>
  14054. </entry>
  14055. <entry>
  14056. <para>
  14057. 4.5
  14058. </para>
  14059. </entry>
  14060. </row>
  14061. <row>
  14062. <entry>
  14063. <para>
  14064. dìxià huǒchē
  14065. </para>
  14066. </entry>
  14067. <entry>
  14068. <para>
  14069. underground train, subway
  14070. </para>
  14071. </entry>
  14072. <entry>
  14073. <para>
  14074. 5.4
  14075. </para>
  14076. </entry>
  14077. </row>
  14078. <row>
  14079. <entry>
  14080. <para>
  14081. dìxià xíngrén dào
  14082. </para>
  14083. </entry>
  14084. <entry>
  14085. <para>
  14086. pedestrian underground walkway
  14087. </para>
  14088. </entry>
  14089. <entry>
  14090. <para>
  14091. 4.5
  14092. </para>
  14093. </entry>
  14094. </row>
  14095. <row>
  14096. <entry>
  14097. <para>
  14098. dìyīcì (dìyícì)
  14099. </para>
  14100. </entry>
  14101. <entry>
  14102. <para>
  14103. the first time
  14104. </para>
  14105. </entry>
  14106. <entry>
  14107. <para>
  14108. 5.5
  14109. </para>
  14110. </entry>
  14111. </row>
  14112. <row>
  14113. <entry>
  14114. <para>
  14115. Dìyì Dàfàndiàn
  14116. </para>
  14117. </entry>
  14118. <entry>
  14119. <para>
  14120. the First Hotel (name of a hotel
  14121. </para>
  14122. </entry>
  14123. <entry>
  14124. <para>
  14125. 2.2*
  14126. </para>
  14127. </entry>
  14128. </row>
  14129. <row>
  14130. <entry>
  14131. </entry>
  14132. <entry>
  14133. <para>
  14134. in Taipei)
  14135. </para>
  14136. </entry>
  14137. <entry>
  14138. </entry>
  14139. </row>
  14140. <row>
  14141. <entry>
  14142. <para>
  14143. Dìyī Gōngsī
  14144. </para>
  14145. </entry>
  14146. <entry>
  14147. <para>
  14148. the First Company (department
  14149. </para>
  14150. </entry>
  14151. <entry>
  14152. <para>
  14153. 3.U
  14154. </para>
  14155. </entry>
  14156. </row>
  14157. <row>
  14158. <entry>
  14159. </entry>
  14160. <entry>
  14161. <para>
  14162. store in Taipei)
  14163. </para>
  14164. </entry>
  14165. <entry>
  14166. </entry>
  14167. </row>
  14168. <row>
  14169. <entry>
  14170. <para>
  14171. dìzhī
  14172. </para>
  14173. </entry>
  14174. <entry>
  14175. <para>
  14176. address
  14177. </para>
  14178. </entry>
  14179. <entry>
  14180. <para>
  14181. 2.2
  14182. </para>
  14183. </entry>
  14184. </row>
  14185. <row>
  14186. <entry>
  14187. <para>
  14188. dong
  14189. </para>
  14190. </entry>
  14191. <entry>
  14192. <para>
  14193. east
  14194. </para>
  14195. </entry>
  14196. <entry>
  14197. <para>
  14198. 4.2
  14199. </para>
  14200. </entry>
  14201. </row>
  14202. <row>
  14203. <entry>
  14204. <para>
  14205. dong
  14206. </para>
  14207. </entry>
  14208. <entry>
  14209. <para>
  14210. to understand
  14211. </para>
  14212. </entry>
  14213. <entry>
  14214. <para>
  14215. 2.8’, CE 1
  14216. </para>
  14217. </entry>
  14218. </row>
  14219. <row>
  14220. <entry>
  14221. <para>
  14222. dōngběi
  14223. </para>
  14224. </entry>
  14225. <entry>
  14226. <para>
  14227. northeast
  14228. </para>
  14229. </entry>
  14230. <entry>
  14231. <para>
  14232. It.2*
  14233. </para>
  14234. </entry>
  14235. </row>
  14236. <row>
  14237. <entry>
  14238. <para>
  14239. dōngbian(r)
  14240. </para>
  14241. </entry>
  14242. <entry>
  14243. <para>
  14244. east side
  14245. </para>
  14246. </entry>
  14247. <entry>
  14248. <para>
  14249. It.2
  14250. </para>
  14251. </entry>
  14252. </row>
  14253. <row>
  14254. <entry>
  14255. <para>
  14256. Dōngdān
  14257. </para>
  14258. </entry>
  14259. <entry>
  14260. <para>
  14261. a neighborhood in Běijīng
  14262. </para>
  14263. </entry>
  14264. <entry>
  14265. <para>
  14266. It.2
  14267. </para>
  14268. </entry>
  14269. </row>
  14270. <row>
  14271. <entry>
  14272. <para>
  14273. Dongfeng Shìchǎng
  14274. </para>
  14275. </entry>
  14276. <entry>
  14277. <para>
  14278. the Dōngfēng Market
  14279. </para>
  14280. </entry>
  14281. <entry>
  14282. <para>
  14283. 6.7’
  14284. </para>
  14285. </entry>
  14286. </row>
  14287. <row>
  14288. <entry>
  14289. <para>
  14290. Dōngjīng
  14291. </para>
  14292. </entry>
  14293. <entry>
  14294. <para>
  14295. Tokyo
  14296. </para>
  14297. </entry>
  14298. <entry>
  14299. <para>
  14300. 5.1*
  14301. </para>
  14302. </entry>
  14303. </row>
  14304. <row>
  14305. <entry>
  14306. <para>
  14307. Dōngmén Canting
  14308. </para>
  14309. </entry>
  14310. <entry>
  14311. <para>
  14312. East Gate Restaurant
  14313. </para>
  14314. </entry>
  14315. <entry>
  14316. <para>
  14317. 6.6
  14318. </para>
  14319. </entry>
  14320. </row>
  14321. <row>
  14322. <entry>
  14323. <para>
  14324. dōngnán
  14325. </para>
  14326. </entry>
  14327. <entry>
  14328. <para>
  14329. southeast
  14330. </para>
  14331. </entry>
  14332. <entry>
  14333. <para>
  14334. it.2’
  14335. </para>
  14336. </entry>
  14337. </row>
  14338. <row>
  14339. <entry>
  14340. <para>
  14341. dòngwuyuan
  14342. </para>
  14343. </entry>
  14344. <entry>
  14345. <para>
  14346. zoo
  14347. </para>
  14348. </entry>
  14349. <entry>
  14350. <para>
  14351. 5.2*, 5.1+’, 5.8
  14352. </para>
  14353. </entry>
  14354. </row>
  14355. <row>
  14356. <entry>
  14357. <para>
  14358. dōngxi
  14359. </para>
  14360. </entry>
  14361. <entry>
  14362. <para>
  14363. thing
  14364. </para>
  14365. </entry>
  14366. <entry>
  14367. <para>
  14368. 3.1+
  14369. </para>
  14370. </entry>
  14371. </row>
  14372. <row>
  14373. <entry>
  14374. <para>
  14375. dōu
  14376. </para>
  14377. </entry>
  14378. <entry>
  14379. <para>
  14380. all, both
  14381. </para>
  14382. </entry>
  14383. <entry>
  14384. <para>
  14385. 2.3
  14386. </para>
  14387. </entry>
  14388. </row>
  14389. <row>
  14390. <entry>
  14391. <para>
  14392. duǎn
  14393. </para>
  14394. </entry>
  14395. <entry>
  14396. <para>
  14397. to be short
  14398. </para>
  14399. </entry>
  14400. <entry>
  14401. <para>
  14402. 3.3*
  14403. </para>
  14404. </entry>
  14405. </row>
  14406. <row>
  14407. <entry>
  14408. <para>
  14409. -duàn
  14410. </para>
  14411. </entry>
  14412. <entry>
  14413. <para>
  14414. section, block
  14415. </para>
  14416. </entry>
  14417. <entry>
  14418. <para>
  14419. 4.5
  14420. </para>
  14421. </entry>
  14422. </row>
  14423. </tbody>
  14424. </tgroup>
  14425. </informaltable>
  14426. <informaltable>
  14427. <tgroup cols="3">
  14428. <colspec align="left" />
  14429. <colspec align="left" />
  14430. <colspec align="left" />
  14431. <tbody>
  14432. <row>
  14433. <entry>
  14434. <para>
  14435. duì
  14436. </para>
  14437. </entry>
  14438. <entry>
  14439. <para>
  14440. to be correct
  14441. </para>
  14442. </entry>
  14443. <entry>
  14444. <para>
  14445. 2.8’, 4.1, CE 1
  14446. </para>
  14447. </entry>
  14448. </row>
  14449. <row>
  14450. <entry>
  14451. <para>
  14452. duì
  14453. </para>
  14454. </entry>
  14455. <entry>
  14456. <para>
  14457. to, towards; with regard to, with respect to
  14458. </para>
  14459. </entry>
  14460. <entry>
  14461. <para>
  14462. 6.1
  14463. </para>
  14464. </entry>
  14465. </row>
  14466. <row>
  14467. <entry>
  14468. <para>
  14469. duìbuqí
  14470. </para>
  14471. </entry>
  14472. <entry>
  14473. <para>
  14474. I’m sorry, excuse me
  14475. </para>
  14476. </entry>
  14477. <entry>
  14478. <para>
  14479. 1.4’, 3.1
  14480. </para>
  14481. </entry>
  14482. </row>
  14483. <row>
  14484. <entry>
  14485. <para>
  14486. duì le
  14487. </para>
  14488. </entry>
  14489. <entry>
  14490. <para>
  14491. yes, that’s right
  14492. </para>
  14493. </entry>
  14494. <entry>
  14495. <para>
  14496. 2.1, CE 1
  14497. </para>
  14498. </entry>
  14499. </row>
  14500. <row>
  14501. <entry>
  14502. <para>
  14503. duìmiàn(r)
  14504. </para>
  14505. </entry>
  14506. <entry>
  14507. <para>
  14508. across from, opposite, facing
  14509. </para>
  14510. </entry>
  14511. <entry>
  14512. <para>
  14513. 4.4
  14514. </para>
  14515. </entry>
  14516. </row>
  14517. <row>
  14518. <entry>
  14519. <para>
  14520. duì...shōuxi
  14521. </para>
  14522. </entry>
  14523. <entry>
  14524. <para>
  14525. to be familiar with
  14526. </para>
  14527. </entry>
  14528. <entry>
  14529. <para>
  14530. 6.4’
  14531. </para>
  14532. </entry>
  14533. </row>
  14534. <row>
  14535. <entry>
  14536. <para>
  14537. dù jià
  14538. </para>
  14539. </entry>
  14540. <entry>
  14541. <para>
  14542. to spend one’s vacation
  14543. </para>
  14544. </entry>
  14545. <entry>
  14546. <para>
  14547. 6.2*
  14548. </para>
  14549. </entry>
  14550. </row>
  14551. <row>
  14552. <entry>
  14553. <para>
  14554. duo
  14555. </para>
  14556. </entry>
  14557. <entry>
  14558. <para>
  14559. to be many/much/more; too many/much
  14560. </para>
  14561. </entry>
  14562. <entry>
  14563. <para>
  14564. 3.4’, 5.1, 6.4
  14565. </para>
  14566. </entry>
  14567. </row>
  14568. <row>
  14569. <entry>
  14570. <para>
  14571. -duō
  14572. </para>
  14573. </entry>
  14574. <entry>
  14575. <para>
  14576. over, more than
  14577. </para>
  14578. </entry>
  14579. <entry>
  14580. <para>
  14581. 5-5
  14582. </para>
  14583. </entry>
  14584. </row>
  14585. <row>
  14586. <entry>
  14587. <para>
  14588. duō (duō)
  14589. </para>
  14590. </entry>
  14591. <entry>
  14592. <para>
  14593. how (to what extent)
  14594. </para>
  14595. </entry>
  14596. <entry>
  14597. <para>
  14598. 4.3
  14599. </para>
  14600. </entry>
  14601. </row>
  14602. <row>
  14603. <entry>
  14604. <para>
  14605. duō dà
  14606. </para>
  14607. </entry>
  14608. <entry>
  14609. <para>
  14610. how old
  14611. </para>
  14612. </entry>
  14613. <entry>
  14614. <para>
  14615. 2.5
  14616. </para>
  14617. </entry>
  14618. </row>
  14619. <row>
  14620. <entry>
  14621. <para>
  14622. duōde duō
  14623. </para>
  14624. </entry>
  14625. <entry>
  14626. <para>
  14627. much more
  14628. </para>
  14629. </entry>
  14630. <entry>
  14631. <para>
  14632. 6.7’
  14633. </para>
  14634. </entry>
  14635. </row>
  14636. <row>
  14637. <entry>
  14638. <para>
  14639. duō jiǔ
  14640. </para>
  14641. </entry>
  14642. <entry>
  14643. <para>
  14644. how long
  14645. </para>
  14646. </entry>
  14647. <entry>
  14648. <para>
  14649. 2.6
  14650. </para>
  14651. </entry>
  14652. </row>
  14653. <row>
  14654. <entry>
  14655. <para>
  14656. duōshao (duōshao)
  14657. </para>
  14658. </entry>
  14659. <entry>
  14660. <para>
  14661. how much, how many
  14662. </para>
  14663. </entry>
  14664. <entry>
  14665. <para>
  14666. 3.1
  14667. </para>
  14668. </entry>
  14669. </row>
  14670. <row>
  14671. <entry>
  14672. <para>
  14673. duōshao bào
  14674. </para>
  14675. </entry>
  14676. <entry>
  14677. <para>
  14678. what size (shoe), what number
  14679. </para>
  14680. </entry>
  14681. <entry>
  14682. <para>
  14683. 5.5’
  14684. </para>
  14685. </entry>
  14686. </row>
  14687. <row>
  14688. <entry>
  14689. <para>
  14690. duō yuan
  14691. </para>
  14692. </entry>
  14693. <entry>
  14694. <para>
  14695. how far
  14696. </para>
  14697. </entry>
  14698. <entry>
  14699. <para>
  14700. 4.3
  14701. </para>
  14702. </entry>
  14703. </row>
  14704. </tbody>
  14705. </tgroup>
  14706. </informaltable>
  14707. <informaltable>
  14708. <tgroup cols="3">
  14709. <colspec align="left" />
  14710. <colspec align="left" />
  14711. <colspec align="left" />
  14712. <tbody>
  14713. <row>
  14714. <entry>
  14715. <para>
  14716. Éguō (Èguō) (-guo)
  14717. </para>
  14718. </entry>
  14719. <entry>
  14720. <para>
  14721. Russia
  14722. </para>
  14723. </entry>
  14724. <entry>
  14725. <para>
  14726. 1.3
  14727. </para>
  14728. </entry>
  14729. </row>
  14730. <row>
  14731. <entry>
  14732. <para>
  14733. Èng
  14734. </para>
  14735. </entry>
  14736. <entry>
  14737. <para>
  14738. urn, mm, uh-huh (actually
  14739. </para>
  14740. </entry>
  14741. <entry>
  14742. <para>
  14743. 3.3
  14744. </para>
  14745. </entry>
  14746. </row>
  14747. <row>
  14748. <entry>
  14749. </entry>
  14750. <entry>
  14751. <para>
  14752. pronounced like ng or mm)
  14753. </para>
  14754. </entry>
  14755. <entry>
  14756. </entry>
  14757. </row>
  14758. <row>
  14759. <entry>
  14760. <para>
  14761. èr
  14762. </para>
  14763. </entry>
  14764. <entry>
  14765. <para>
  14766. two
  14767. </para>
  14768. </entry>
  14769. <entry>
  14770. <para>
  14771. NUM 1
  14772. </para>
  14773. </entry>
  14774. </row>
  14775. <row>
  14776. <entry>
  14777. <para>
  14778. + • w erqie
  14779. </para>
  14780. </entry>
  14781. <entry>
  14782. <para>
  14783. furthermore, moreover
  14784. </para>
  14785. </entry>
  14786. <entry>
  14787. <para>
  14788. 6.3
  14789. </para>
  14790. </entry>
  14791. </row>
  14792. <row>
  14793. <entry>
  14794. <para>
  14795. Èryǔè (Èryǔe)
  14796. </para>
  14797. </entry>
  14798. <entry>
  14799. <para>
  14800. February
  14801. </para>
  14802. </entry>
  14803. <entry>
  14804. <para>
  14805. 2.5, <superscript>1</superscript>
  14806. </para>
  14807. </entry>
  14808. </row>
  14809. <row>
  14810. <entry>
  14811. <para>
  14812. érzi
  14813. </para>
  14814. </entry>
  14815. <entry>
  14816. <para>
  14817. son
  14818. </para>
  14819. </entry>
  14820. <entry>
  14821. <para>
  14822. 2.4
  14823. </para>
  14824. </entry>
  14825. </row>
  14826. </tbody>
  14827. </tgroup>
  14828. </informaltable>
  14829. <para>
  14830. fā chē
  14831. </para>
  14832. <para>
  14833. to depart (from the first terminal of a train route)
  14834. </para>
  14835. <para>
  14836. 5.6
  14837. </para>
  14838. <para>
  14839. Fǎguō (Fàguō)
  14840. </para>
  14841. <para>
  14842. (-guo) France
  14843. </para>
  14844. <para>
  14845. 1.3
  14846. </para>
  14847. <para>
  14848. fan
  14849. </para>
  14850. <para>
  14851. (cooked) rice
  14852. </para>
  14853. <para>
  14854. 6.3
  14855. </para>
  14856. <para>
  14857. fānchéng
  14858. </para>
  14859. <para>
  14860. to translate into
  14861. </para>
  14862. <para>
  14863. CE 2
  14864. </para>
  14865. <para>
  14866. fàndiàn
  14867. </para>
  14868. <para>
  14869. hotel; restaurant
  14870. </para>
  14871. <para>
  14872. 2.1
  14873. </para>
  14874. <para>
  14875. fàng
  14876. </para>
  14877. <para>
  14878. to put
  14879. </para>
  14880. <para>
  14881. 5.3
  14882. </para>
  14883. <para>
  14884. fāngbiàn (fāngbian) to be convenient
  14885. </para>
  14886. <para>
  14887. 4.1’, 5.4
  14888. </para>
  14889. <para>
  14890. fāngfǎ
  14891. </para>
  14892. <para>
  14893. method, way, means
  14894. </para>
  14895. <para>
  14896. 6.4
  14897. </para>
  14898. <para>
  14899. fàng jià
  14900. </para>
  14901. <para>
  14902. to take time off for a holiday
  14903. </para>
  14904. <para>
  14905. 5.1’
  14906. </para>
  14907. <para>
  14908. fángjiān
  14909. </para>
  14910. <para>
  14911. room
  14912. </para>
  14913. <para>
  14914. 6.5*
  14915. </para>
  14916. <para>
  14917. fànguǎnr
  14918. </para>
  14919. <para>
  14920. restaurant (Beijing)
  14921. </para>
  14922. <para>
  14923. 4.1
  14924. </para>
  14925. <para>
  14926. fànguǎnzi
  14927. </para>
  14928. <para>
  14929. restaurant
  14930. </para>
  14931. <para>
  14932. 4.1
  14933. </para>
  14934. <para>
  14935. fángzi
  14936. </para>
  14937. <para>
  14938. house
  14939. </para>
  14940. <para>
  14941. 4.1
  14942. </para>
  14943. <para>
  14944. fànwǎn
  14945. </para>
  14946. <para>
  14947. rice bowl
  14948. </para>
  14949. <para>
  14950. 3.4
  14951. </para>
  14952. <para>
  14953. Fǎwén (Fàwén)
  14954. </para>
  14955. <para>
  14956. French language
  14957. </para>
  14958. <para>
  14959. 2.7’, 2.8
  14960. </para>
  14961. <para>
  14962. fāyīn
  14963. </para>
  14964. <para>
  14965. pronunciation
  14966. </para>
  14967. <para>
  14968. CE 2
  14969. </para>
  14970. <para>
  14971. fázi
  14972. </para>
  14973. <para>
  14974. method, way (Beijing)
  14975. </para>
  14976. <para>
  14977. 6.4
  14978. </para>
  14979. <para>
  14980. fēi
  14981. </para>
  14982. <para>
  14983. to fly
  14984. </para>
  14985. <para>
  14986. 5.5’, 5.7
  14987. </para>
  14988. <para>
  14989. fēicháng
  14990. </para>
  14991. <para>
  14992. very, extremely, highly
  14993. </para>
  14994. <para>
  14995. 6.4’, 6.6
  14996. </para>
  14997. <informaltable>
  14998. <tgroup cols="3">
  14999. <colspec align="left" />
  15000. <colspec align="left" />
  15001. <colspec align="left" />
  15002. <tbody>
  15003. <row>
  15004. <entry>
  15005. <para>
  15006. gǎi
  15007. </para>
  15008. </entry>
  15009. <entry>
  15010. <para>
  15011. to change
  15012. </para>
  15013. </entry>
  15014. <entry>
  15015. <para>
  15016. 6.5
  15017. </para>
  15018. </entry>
  15019. </row>
  15020. <row>
  15021. <entry>
  15022. <para>
  15023. gǎi dào
  15024. </para>
  15025. </entry>
  15026. <entry>
  15027. <para>
  15028. to change to
  15029. </para>
  15030. </entry>
  15031. <entry>
  15032. <para>
  15033. 6.5
  15034. </para>
  15035. </entry>
  15036. </row>
  15037. <row>
  15038. <entry>
  15039. <para>
  15040. gǎnbuhuílai
  15041. </para>
  15042. </entry>
  15043. <entry>
  15044. <para>
  15045. can’t rush back in time
  15046. </para>
  15047. </entry>
  15048. <entry>
  15049. <para>
  15050. 6.5*
  15051. </para>
  15052. </entry>
  15053. </row>
  15054. <row>
  15055. <entry>
  15056. <para>
  15057. gǎnbushàng
  15058. </para>
  15059. </entry>
  15060. <entry>
  15061. <para>
  15062. can’t catch up to
  15063. </para>
  15064. </entry>
  15065. <entry>
  15066. <para>
  15067. 5.7’
  15068. </para>
  15069. </entry>
  15070. </row>
  15071. <row>
  15072. <entry>
  15073. <para>
  15074. gang
  15075. </para>
  15076. </entry>
  15077. <entry>
  15078. <para>
  15079. only a short time ago, just
  15080. </para>
  15081. </entry>
  15082. <entry>
  15083. <para>
  15084. 5.8
  15085. </para>
  15086. </entry>
  15087. </row>
  15088. <row>
  15089. <entry>
  15090. <para>
  15091. gāngcǎi
  15092. </para>
  15093. </entry>
  15094. <entry>
  15095. <para>
  15096. just now, a moment ago
  15097. </para>
  15098. </entry>
  15099. <entry>
  15100. <para>
  15101. 6.5
  15102. </para>
  15103. </entry>
  15104. </row>
  15105. <row>
  15106. <entry>
  15107. <para>
  15108. gānjìng (gānjing)
  15109. </para>
  15110. </entry>
  15111. <entry>
  15112. <para>
  15113. to be clean, to be neat
  15114. </para>
  15115. </entry>
  15116. <entry>
  15117. <para>
  15118. 6.6*
  15119. </para>
  15120. </entry>
  15121. </row>
  15122. <row>
  15123. <entry>
  15124. <para>
  15125. gāo
  15126. </para>
  15127. </entry>
  15128. <entry>
  15129. <para>
  15130. to be tall, to be high
  15131. </para>
  15132. </entry>
  15133. <entry>
  15134. <para>
  15135. 3.3
  15136. </para>
  15137. </entry>
  15138. </row>
  15139. <row>
  15140. <entry>
  15141. <para>
  15142. gàosong (gàosu)
  15143. </para>
  15144. </entry>
  15145. <entry>
  15146. <para>
  15147. to tell, to inform
  15148. </para>
  15149. </entry>
  15150. <entry>
  15151. <para>
  15152. 5.1
  15153. </para>
  15154. </entry>
  15155. </row>
  15156. <row>
  15157. <entry>
  15158. <para>
  15159. gàosu (gàosong)
  15160. </para>
  15161. </entry>
  15162. <entry>
  15163. <para>
  15164. to tell, to inform
  15165. </para>
  15166. </entry>
  15167. <entry>
  15168. <para>
  15169. 5.1
  15170. </para>
  15171. </entry>
  15172. </row>
  15173. <row>
  15174. <entry>
  15175. <para>
  15176. gāoxìng
  15177. </para>
  15178. </entry>
  15179. <entry>
  15180. <para>
  15181. to be happy
  15182. </para>
  15183. </entry>
  15184. <entry>
  15185. <para>
  15186. 3.3
  15187. </para>
  15188. </entry>
  15189. </row>
  15190. <row>
  15191. <entry>
  15192. <para>
  15193. </para>
  15194. </entry>
  15195. <entry>
  15196. <para>
  15197. to separate, to divide off
  15198. </para>
  15199. </entry>
  15200. <entry>
  15201. <para>
  15202. 5.1
  15203. </para>
  15204. </entry>
  15205. </row>
  15206. <row>
  15207. <entry>
  15208. <para>
  15209. -ge
  15210. </para>
  15211. </entry>
  15212. <entry>
  15213. <para>
  15214. (general counter)
  15215. </para>
  15216. </entry>
  15217. <entry>
  15218. <para>
  15219. 2.1, 2.3
  15220. </para>
  15221. </entry>
  15222. </row>
  15223. <row>
  15224. <entry>
  15225. <para>
  15226. gēge
  15227. </para>
  15228. </entry>
  15229. <entry>
  15230. <para>
  15231. older brother
  15232. </para>
  15233. </entry>
  15234. <entry>
  15235. <para>
  15236. 2.3
  15237. </para>
  15238. </entry>
  15239. </row>
  15240. <row>
  15241. <entry>
  15242. <para>
  15243. gěi
  15244. </para>
  15245. </entry>
  15246. <entry>
  15247. <para>
  15248. to give
  15249. </para>
  15250. </entry>
  15251. <entry>
  15252. <para>
  15253. 3.2
  15254. </para>
  15255. </entry>
  15256. </row>
  15257. <row>
  15258. <entry>
  15259. <para>
  15260. gěi
  15261. </para>
  15262. </entry>
  15263. <entry>
  15264. <para>
  15265. for
  15266. </para>
  15267. </entry>
  15268. <entry>
  15269. <para>
  15270. 3.5
  15271. </para>
  15272. </entry>
  15273. </row>
  15274. <row>
  15275. <entry>
  15276. <para>
  15277. gēn
  15278. </para>
  15279. </entry>
  15280. <entry>
  15281. <para>
  15282. and
  15283. </para>
  15284. </entry>
  15285. <entry>
  15286. <para>
  15287. 2.3
  15288. </para>
  15289. </entry>
  15290. </row>
  15291. <row>
  15292. <entry>
  15293. <para>
  15294. gēn
  15295. </para>
  15296. </entry>
  15297. <entry>
  15298. <para>
  15299. with
  15300. </para>
  15301. </entry>
  15302. <entry>
  15303. <para>
  15304. U.3*, 5.8*, 6.1
  15305. </para>
  15306. </entry>
  15307. </row>
  15308. <row>
  15309. <entry>
  15310. </entry>
  15311. <entry>
  15312. </entry>
  15313. <entry>
  15314. <para>
  15315. CE 1*
  15316. </para>
  15317. </entry>
  15318. </row>
  15319. <row>
  15320. <entry>
  15321. <para>
  15322. gèng
  15323. </para>
  15324. </entry>
  15325. <entry>
  15326. <para>
  15327. even more
  15328. </para>
  15329. </entry>
  15330. <entry>
  15331. <para>
  15332. 6.6
  15333. </para>
  15334. </entry>
  15335. </row>
  15336. <row>
  15337. <entry>
  15338. <para>
  15339. gōngchǎng
  15340. </para>
  15341. </entry>
  15342. <entry>
  15343. <para>
  15344. factory
  15345. </para>
  15346. </entry>
  15347. <entry>
  15348. <para>
  15349. 5-5’, 5.8*, 6.1
  15350. </para>
  15351. </entry>
  15352. </row>
  15353. <row>
  15354. <entry>
  15355. <para>
  15356. gōngfu
  15357. </para>
  15358. </entry>
  15359. <entry>
  15360. <para>
  15361. time, free time, spare time
  15362. </para>
  15363. </entry>
  15364. <entry>
  15365. <para>
  15366. 6.1
  15367. </para>
  15368. </entry>
  15369. </row>
  15370. <row>
  15371. <entry>
  15372. <para>
  15373. gōnggòng qìchē
  15374. </para>
  15375. </entry>
  15376. <entry>
  15377. <para>
  15378. public bus (local)
  15379. </para>
  15380. </entry>
  15381. <entry>
  15382. <para>
  15383. 5.2
  15384. </para>
  15385. </entry>
  15386. </row>
  15387. <row>
  15388. <entry>
  15389. <para>
  15390. gōnglí
  15391. </para>
  15392. </entry>
  15393. <entry>
  15394. <para>
  15395. kilometer
  15396. </para>
  15397. </entry>
  15398. <entry>
  15399. <para>
  15400. 5.5
  15401. </para>
  15402. </entry>
  15403. </row>
  15404. <row>
  15405. <entry>
  15406. <para>
  15407. Gōnglùjú
  15408. </para>
  15409. </entry>
  15410. <entry>
  15411. <para>
  15412. Bureau of Highways (Taiwan)
  15413. </para>
  15414. </entry>
  15415. <entry>
  15416. <para>
  15417. 5.1’, 5-4
  15418. </para>
  15419. </entry>
  15420. </row>
  15421. <row>
  15422. <entry>
  15423. <para>
  15424. Gōnglùjú(de chē)
  15425. </para>
  15426. </entry>
  15427. <entry>
  15428. <para>
  15429. bus between cities (Taiwan)
  15430. </para>
  15431. </entry>
  15432. <entry>
  15433. <para>
  15434. 5A
  15435. </para>
  15436. </entry>
  15437. </row>
  15438. <row>
  15439. <entry>
  15440. <para>
  15441. gōngsī
  15442. </para>
  15443. </entry>
  15444. <entry>
  15445. <para>
  15446. company
  15447. </para>
  15448. </entry>
  15449. <entry>
  15450. <para>
  15451. 3.1+
  15452. </para>
  15453. </entry>
  15454. </row>
  15455. <row>
  15456. <entry>
  15457. <para>
  15458. gōngxiǎo hézuòshè
  15459. </para>
  15460. </entry>
  15461. <entry>
  15462. <para>
  15463. marketing and supply
  15464. </para>
  15465. </entry>
  15466. <entry>
  15467. <para>
  15468. 3.2*, 1+.2*
  15469. </para>
  15470. </entry>
  15471. </row>
  15472. <row>
  15473. <entry>
  15474. </entry>
  15475. <entry>
  15476. <para>
  15477. cooperative (PRC)
  15478. </para>
  15479. </entry>
  15480. <entry>
  15481. </entry>
  15482. </row>
  15483. <row>
  15484. <entry>
  15485. <para>
  15486. gōngyuǎn
  15487. </para>
  15488. </entry>
  15489. <entry>
  15490. <para>
  15491. park
  15492. </para>
  15493. </entry>
  15494. <entry>
  15495. <para>
  15496. 1+.2
  15497. </para>
  15498. </entry>
  15499. </row>
  15500. <row>
  15501. <entry>
  15502. <para>
  15503. gōngzuò
  15504. </para>
  15505. </entry>
  15506. <entry>
  15507. <para>
  15508. to work
  15509. </para>
  15510. </entry>
  15511. <entry>
  15512. <para>
  15513. 2.2, T&amp;D 2
  15514. </para>
  15515. </entry>
  15516. </row>
  15517. <row>
  15518. <entry>
  15519. <para>
  15520. gòu
  15521. </para>
  15522. </entry>
  15523. <entry>
  15524. <para>
  15525. to be enough
  15526. </para>
  15527. </entry>
  15528. <entry>
  15529. <para>
  15530. H.2<superscript>e</superscript>, 5.1
  15531. </para>
  15532. </entry>
  15533. </row>
  15534. <row>
  15535. <entry>
  15536. <para>
  15537. guǎi
  15538. </para>
  15539. </entry>
  15540. <entry>
  15541. <para>
  15542. to turn
  15543. </para>
  15544. </entry>
  15545. <entry>
  15546. <para>
  15547. U.3
  15548. </para>
  15549. </entry>
  15550. </row>
  15551. <row>
  15552. <entry>
  15553. <para>
  15554. guan
  15555. </para>
  15556. </entry>
  15557. <entry>
  15558. <para>
  15559. to close
  15560. </para>
  15561. </entry>
  15562. <entry>
  15563. <para>
  15564. 3.6
  15565. </para>
  15566. </entry>
  15567. </row>
  15568. </tbody>
  15569. </tgroup>
  15570. </informaltable>
  15571. <informaltable>
  15572. <tgroup cols="3">
  15573. <colspec align="left" />
  15574. <colspec align="left" />
  15575. <colspec align="left" />
  15576. <tbody>
  15577. <row>
  15578. <entry>
  15579. <para>
  15580. -guān
  15581. </para>
  15582. </entry>
  15583. <entry>
  15584. <para>
  15585. government official, military official
  15586. </para>
  15587. </entry>
  15588. <entry>
  15589. <para>
  15590. 6.5
  15591. </para>
  15592. </entry>
  15593. </row>
  15594. <row>
  15595. <entry>
  15596. <para>
  15597. Guāngmíng RÌbào
  15598. </para>
  15599. </entry>
  15600. <entry>
  15601. <para>
  15602. The Guangmíng Daily (an official publication of
  15603. the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee)
  15604. </para>
  15605. </entry>
  15606. <entry>
  15607. <para>
  15608. 3.2
  15609. </para>
  15610. </entry>
  15611. </row>
  15612. <row>
  15613. <entry>
  15614. <para>
  15615. Guangzhou
  15616. </para>
  15617. </entry>
  15618. <entry>
  15619. <para>
  15620. Guangzhou (Canton)
  15621. </para>
  15622. </entry>
  15623. <entry>
  15624. <para>
  15625. 5.7
  15626. </para>
  15627. </entry>
  15628. </row>
  15629. <row>
  15630. <entry>
  15631. <para>
  15632. guān men
  15633. </para>
  15634. </entry>
  15635. <entry>
  15636. <para>
  15637. to close (for the business day); to close down,
  15638. to go out of business
  15639. </para>
  15640. </entry>
  15641. <entry>
  15642. <para>
  15643. 3.6
  15644. </para>
  15645. </entry>
  15646. </row>
  15647. <row>
  15648. <entry>
  15649. <para>
  15650. guānxi
  15651. </para>
  15652. </entry>
  15653. <entry>
  15654. <para>
  15655. relation, relationship, connection
  15656. </para>
  15657. </entry>
  15658. <entry>
  15659. <para>
  15660. 6.2
  15661. </para>
  15662. </entry>
  15663. </row>
  15664. <row>
  15665. <entry>
  15666. <para>
  15667. Gùgōng Bówuyuàn
  15668. </para>
  15669. </entry>
  15670. <entry>
  15671. <para>
  15672. Palace Museum
  15673. </para>
  15674. </entry>
  15675. <entry>
  15676. <para>
  15677. 1+.2*
  15678. </para>
  15679. </entry>
  15680. </row>
  15681. <row>
  15682. <entry>
  15683. <para>
  15684. guì
  15685. </para>
  15686. </entry>
  15687. <entry>
  15688. <para>
  15689. to be expensive
  15690. </para>
  15691. </entry>
  15692. <entry>
  15693. <para>
  15694. 3.3
  15695. </para>
  15696. </entry>
  15697. </row>
  15698. <row>
  15699. <entry>
  15700. <para>
  15701. guìxìng
  15702. </para>
  15703. </entry>
  15704. <entry>
  15705. <para>
  15706. honorable surname
  15707. </para>
  15708. </entry>
  15709. <entry>
  15710. <para>
  15711. 1.2
  15712. </para>
  15713. </entry>
  15714. </row>
  15715. <row>
  15716. <entry>
  15717. <para>
  15718. guò
  15719. </para>
  15720. </entry>
  15721. <entry>
  15722. <para>
  15723. past the hour
  15724. </para>
  15725. </entry>
  15726. <entry>
  15727. <para>
  15728. T&amp;D It
  15729. </para>
  15730. </entry>
  15731. </row>
  15732. <row>
  15733. <entry>
  15734. <para>
  15735. guò
  15736. </para>
  15737. </entry>
  15738. <entry>
  15739. <para>
  15740. to cross, to pass
  15741. </para>
  15742. </entry>
  15743. <entry>
  15744. <para>
  15745. H.2’, It.5
  15746. </para>
  15747. </entry>
  15748. </row>
  15749. <row>
  15750. <entry>
  15751. <para>
  15752. -guo
  15753. </para>
  15754. </entry>
  15755. <entry>
  15756. <para>
  15757. country
  15758. </para>
  15759. </entry>
  15760. <entry>
  15761. <para>
  15762. 1.3
  15763. </para>
  15764. </entry>
  15765. </row>
  15766. <row>
  15767. <entry>
  15768. <para>
  15769. -guo
  15770. </para>
  15771. </entry>
  15772. <entry>
  15773. <para>
  15774. (experience marker)
  15775. </para>
  15776. </entry>
  15777. <entry>
  15778. <para>
  15779. 2.6
  15780. </para>
  15781. </entry>
  15782. </row>
  15783. <row>
  15784. <entry>
  15785. <para>
  15786. guobīn
  15787. </para>
  15788. </entry>
  15789. <entry>
  15790. <para>
  15791. (official) state guest
  15792. </para>
  15793. </entry>
  15794. <entry>
  15795. <para>
  15796. 2.2’
  15797. </para>
  15798. </entry>
  15799. </row>
  15800. <row>
  15801. <entry>
  15802. <para>
  15803. Guóbin Dàfàndiàn
  15804. </para>
  15805. </entry>
  15806. <entry>
  15807. <para>
  15808. the Ambassador Hotel (name of a hotel in Taipei)
  15809. </para>
  15810. </entry>
  15811. <entry>
  15812. <para>
  15813. 2.2
  15814. </para>
  15815. </entry>
  15816. </row>
  15817. <row>
  15818. <entry>
  15819. <para>
  15820. Guówùyuàn (Māiguo)
  15821. </para>
  15822. </entry>
  15823. <entry>
  15824. <para>
  15825. U.S. Department of State
  15826. </para>
  15827. </entry>
  15828. <entry>
  15829. <para>
  15830. 2.7
  15831. </para>
  15832. </entry>
  15833. </row>
  15834. </tbody>
  15835. </tgroup>
  15836. </informaltable>
  15837. <informaltable>
  15838. <tgroup cols="3">
  15839. <colspec align="left" />
  15840. <colspec align="left" />
  15841. <colspec align="left" />
  15842. <tbody>
  15843. <row>
  15844. <entry>
  15845. <para>
  15846. hái
  15847. </para>
  15848. </entry>
  15849. <entry>
  15850. <para>
  15851. still
  15852. </para>
  15853. </entry>
  15854. <entry>
  15855. <para>
  15856. 2.3
  15857. </para>
  15858. </entry>
  15859. </row>
  15860. <row>
  15861. <entry>
  15862. <para>
  15863. hái
  15864. </para>
  15865. </entry>
  15866. <entry>
  15867. <para>
  15868. also, addit i onally
  15869. </para>
  15870. </entry>
  15871. <entry>
  15872. <para>
  15873. 3.2
  15874. </para>
  15875. </entry>
  15876. </row>
  15877. <row>
  15878. <entry>
  15879. <para>
  15880. hái
  15881. </para>
  15882. </entry>
  15883. <entry>
  15884. <para>
  15885. fairly, pretty, rather
  15886. </para>
  15887. </entry>
  15888. <entry>
  15889. <para>
  15890. 5.7*, 5.8’
  15891. </para>
  15892. </entry>
  15893. </row>
  15894. <row>
  15895. <entry>
  15896. <para>
  15897. hái bù yídìng
  15898. </para>
  15899. </entry>
  15900. <entry>
  15901. <para>
  15902. not yet certain
  15903. </para>
  15904. </entry>
  15905. <entry>
  15906. <para>
  15907. U.l’
  15908. </para>
  15909. </entry>
  15910. </row>
  15911. <row>
  15912. <entry>
  15913. <para>
  15914. hái hǎo
  15915. </para>
  15916. </entry>
  15917. <entry>
  15918. <para>
  15919. fairly good/well
  15920. </para>
  15921. </entry>
  15922. <entry>
  15923. <para>
  15924. 5.7*, 5.8’
  15925. </para>
  15926. </entry>
  15927. </row>
  15928. <row>
  15929. <entry>
  15930. <para>
  15931. hāijūn
  15932. </para>
  15933. </entry>
  15934. <entry>
  15935. <para>
  15936. navy
  15937. </para>
  15938. </entry>
  15939. <entry>
  15940. <para>
  15941. 2.8
  15942. </para>
  15943. </entry>
  15944. </row>
  15945. <row>
  15946. <entry>
  15947. <para>
  15948. háishi
  15949. </para>
  15950. </entry>
  15951. <entry>
  15952. <para>
  15953. or
  15954. </para>
  15955. </entry>
  15956. <entry>
  15957. <para>
  15958. 3.3
  15959. </para>
  15960. </entry>
  15961. </row>
  15962. <row>
  15963. <entry>
  15964. <para>
  15965. háishi
  15966. </para>
  15967. </entry>
  15968. <entry>
  15969. <para>
  15970. still
  15971. </para>
  15972. </entry>
  15973. <entry>
  15974. <para>
  15975. 5.3*, 6.5
  15976. </para>
  15977. </entry>
  15978. </row>
  15979. <row>
  15980. <entry>
  15981. <para>
  15982. háizi
  15983. </para>
  15984. </entry>
  15985. <entry>
  15986. <para>
  15987. child
  15988. </para>
  15989. </entry>
  15990. <entry>
  15991. <para>
  15992. 2.3
  15993. </para>
  15994. </entry>
  15995. </row>
  15996. <row>
  15997. <entry>
  15998. <para>
  15999. Hángzhōu
  16000. </para>
  16001. </entry>
  16002. <entry>
  16003. <para>
  16004. (a city in Zhèjiāng Province,
  16005. </para>
  16006. </entry>
  16007. <entry>
  16008. <para>
  16009. 5.8
  16010. </para>
  16011. </entry>
  16012. </row>
  16013. <row>
  16014. <entry>
  16015. </entry>
  16016. <entry>
  16017. <para>
  16018. formerly spelled Hangchow)
  16019. </para>
  16020. </entry>
  16021. <entry>
  16022. </entry>
  16023. </row>
  16024. <row>
  16025. <entry>
  16026. <para>
  16027. Hàn-Rì zìdiān
  16028. </para>
  16029. </entry>
  16030. <entry>
  16031. <para>
  16032. Chinese-Japanese dictionary
  16033. </para>
  16034. </entry>
  16035. <entry>
  16036. <para>
  16037. 1+.3*
  16038. </para>
  16039. </entry>
  16040. </row>
  16041. <row>
  16042. <entry>
  16043. <para>
  16044. Han-Ying zìdiān
  16045. </para>
  16046. </entry>
  16047. <entry>
  16048. <para>
  16049. Chinese-English dictionary
  16050. </para>
  16051. </entry>
  16052. <entry>
  16053. <para>
  16054. 3.1
  16055. </para>
  16056. </entry>
  16057. </row>
  16058. <row>
  16059. <entry>
  16060. <para>
  16061. hāo
  16062. </para>
  16063. </entry>
  16064. <entry>
  16065. <para>
  16066. to be good, to be well
  16067. </para>
  16068. </entry>
  16069. <entry>
  16070. <para>
  16071. 2.2
  16072. </para>
  16073. </entry>
  16074. </row>
  16075. <row>
  16076. <entry>
  16077. <para>
  16078. hǎo
  16079. </para>
  16080. </entry>
  16081. <entry>
  16082. <para>
  16083. to be better
  16084. </para>
  16085. </entry>
  16086. <entry>
  16087. <para>
  16088. 3.3
  16089. </para>
  16090. </entry>
  16091. </row>
  16092. <row>
  16093. <entry>
  16094. <para>
  16095. -hāo
  16096. </para>
  16097. </entry>
  16098. <entry>
  16099. <para>
  16100. to complete satisfactorily
  16101. </para>
  16102. </entry>
  16103. <entry>
  16104. <para>
  16105. 5.7
  16106. </para>
  16107. </entry>
  16108. </row>
  16109. <row>
  16110. <entry>
  16111. <para>
  16112. hāo
  16113. </para>
  16114. </entry>
  16115. <entry>
  16116. <para>
  16117. very
  16118. </para>
  16119. </entry>
  16120. <entry>
  16121. <para>
  16122. 5.8
  16123. </para>
  16124. </entry>
  16125. </row>
  16126. <row>
  16127. <entry>
  16128. <para>
  16129. -hào
  16130. </para>
  16131. </entry>
  16132. <entry>
  16133. <para>
  16134. number (in address, etc.);
  16135. </para>
  16136. </entry>
  16137. <entry>
  16138. <para>
  16139. 2.2, T&amp;D 2
  16140. </para>
  16141. </entry>
  16142. </row>
  16143. <row>
  16144. <entry>
  16145. </entry>
  16146. <entry>
  16147. <para>
  16148. day of the month
  16149. </para>
  16150. </entry>
  16151. <entry>
  16152. </entry>
  16153. </row>
  16154. <row>
  16155. <entry>
  16156. <para>
  16157. hāodeduó
  16158. </para>
  16159. </entry>
  16160. <entry>
  16161. <para>
  16162. much better
  16163. </para>
  16164. </entry>
  16165. <entry>
  16166. <para>
  16167. 6.3
  16168. </para>
  16169. </entry>
  16170. </row>
  16171. <row>
  16172. <entry>
  16173. <para>
  16174. hāojíle
  16175. </para>
  16176. </entry>
  16177. <entry>
  16178. <para>
  16179. to be wonderful, to be great
  16180. </para>
  16181. </entry>
  16182. <entry>
  16183. <para>
  16184. 5.4’, 5.5*
  16185. </para>
  16186. </entry>
  16187. </row>
  16188. <row>
  16189. <entry>
  16190. <para>
  16191. hāo jiù
  16192. </para>
  16193. </entry>
  16194. <entry>
  16195. <para>
  16196. a long time
  16197. </para>
  16198. </entry>
  16199. <entry>
  16200. <para>
  16201. 5.8
  16202. </para>
  16203. </entry>
  16204. </row>
  16205. <row>
  16206. <entry>
  16207. <para>
  16208. hāo Jiù méi Jiàn
  16209. </para>
  16210. </entry>
  16211. <entry>
  16212. <para>
  16213. I haven’t seen you for a
  16214. </para>
  16215. </entry>
  16216. <entry>
  16217. <para>
  16218. 5.8
  16219. </para>
  16220. </entry>
  16221. </row>
  16222. </tbody>
  16223. </tgroup>
  16224. </informaltable>
  16225. <para>
  16226. 5.6
  16227. </para>
  16228. <para>
  16229. long time
  16230. </para>
  16231. <informaltable>
  16232. <tgroup cols="3">
  16233. <colspec align="left" />
  16234. <colspec align="left" />
  16235. <colspec align="left" />
  16236. <tbody>
  16237. <row>
  16238. <entry>
  16239. <para>
  16240. hǎokǎn
  16241. </para>
  16242. </entry>
  16243. <entry>
  16244. <para>
  16245. to be good looking, to look nice
  16246. </para>
  16247. </entry>
  16248. <entry>
  16249. <para>
  16250. 3.3
  16251. </para>
  16252. </entry>
  16253. </row>
  16254. <row>
  16255. <entry>
  16256. <para>
  16257. -hǎo le
  16258. </para>
  16259. </entry>
  16260. <entry>
  16261. <para>
  16262. to be satisfactorily completed
  16263. </para>
  16264. </entry>
  16265. <entry>
  16266. <para>
  16267. 5-7
  16268. </para>
  16269. </entry>
  16270. </row>
  16271. <row>
  16272. <entry>
  16273. <para>
  16274. hǎomǎ(r)
  16275. </para>
  16276. </entry>
  16277. <entry>
  16278. <para>
  16279. number
  16280. </para>
  16281. </entry>
  16282. <entry>
  16283. <para>
  16284. 6.5
  16285. </para>
  16286. </entry>
  16287. </row>
  16288. <row>
  16289. <entry>
  16290. <para>
  16291. hǎowǎn(r)
  16292. </para>
  16293. </entry>
  16294. <entry>
  16295. <para>
  16296. to be enjoyable, to be fun
  16297. </para>
  16298. </entry>
  16299. <entry>
  16300. <para>
  16301. 5.1’, 5A’
  16302. </para>
  16303. </entry>
  16304. </row>
  16305. <row>
  16306. <entry>
  16307. <para>
  16308. hǎoxiē
  16309. </para>
  16310. </entry>
  16311. <entry>
  16312. <para>
  16313. a good many, a lot
  16314. </para>
  16315. </entry>
  16316. <entry>
  16317. <para>
  16318. 6.6
  16319. </para>
  16320. </entry>
  16321. </row>
  16322. <row>
  16323. <entry>
  16324. <para>
  16325. he
  16326. </para>
  16327. </entry>
  16328. <entry>
  16329. <para>
  16330. to drink
  16331. </para>
  16332. </entry>
  16333. <entry>
  16334. <para>
  16335. 6.3
  16336. </para>
  16337. </entry>
  16338. </row>
  16339. <row>
  16340. <entry>
  16341. <para>
  16342. he
  16343. </para>
  16344. </entry>
  16345. <entry>
  16346. <para>
  16347. and
  16348. </para>
  16349. </entry>
  16350. <entry>
  16351. <para>
  16352. 5.6
  16353. </para>
  16354. </entry>
  16355. </row>
  16356. <row>
  16357. <entry>
  16358. <para>
  16359. hēbì
  16360. </para>
  16361. </entry>
  16362. <entry>
  16363. <para>
  16364. why is it necessary (to)
  16365. </para>
  16366. </entry>
  16367. <entry>
  16368. <para>
  16369. 6.3
  16370. </para>
  16371. </entry>
  16372. </row>
  16373. <row>
  16374. <entry>
  16375. <para>
  16376. he chǎ
  16377. </para>
  16378. </entry>
  16379. <entry>
  16380. <para>
  16381. to drink tea
  16382. </para>
  16383. </entry>
  16384. <entry>
  16385. <para>
  16386. 6.2’
  16387. </para>
  16388. </entry>
  16389. </row>
  16390. <row>
  16391. <entry>
  16392. <para>
  16393. hēi
  16394. </para>
  16395. </entry>
  16396. <entry>
  16397. <para>
  16398. to be black
  16399. </para>
  16400. </entry>
  16401. <entry>
  16402. <para>
  16403. 3.3
  16404. </para>
  16405. </entry>
  16406. </row>
  16407. <row>
  16408. <entry>
  16409. <para>
  16410. hēibǎn
  16411. </para>
  16412. </entry>
  16413. <entry>
  16414. <para>
  16415. blackboard
  16416. </para>
  16417. </entry>
  16418. <entry>
  16419. <para>
  16420. 6.5’
  16421. </para>
  16422. </entry>
  16423. </row>
  16424. <row>
  16425. <entry>
  16426. <para>
  16427. hen
  16428. </para>
  16429. </entry>
  16430. <entry>
  16431. <para>
  16432. very
  16433. </para>
  16434. </entry>
  16435. <entry>
  16436. <para>
  16437. 2.1
  16438. </para>
  16439. </entry>
  16440. </row>
  16441. <row>
  16442. <entry>
  16443. <para>
  16444. Hépíng Dōnglù
  16445. </para>
  16446. </entry>
  16447. <entry>
  16448. <para>
  16449. Hépíng East Road
  16450. </para>
  16451. </entry>
  16452. <entry>
  16453. </entry>
  16454. </row>
  16455. <row>
  16456. <entry>
  16457. <para>
  16458. héshì
  16459. </para>
  16460. </entry>
  16461. <entry>
  16462. <para>
  16463. to be suitable, to be
  16464. </para>
  16465. </entry>
  16466. <entry>
  16467. <para>
  16468. 6.1
  16469. </para>
  16470. </entry>
  16471. </row>
  16472. <row>
  16473. <entry>
  16474. </entry>
  16475. <entry>
  16476. <para>
  16477. appropriate; to fit
  16478. </para>
  16479. </entry>
  16480. <entry>
  16481. </entry>
  16482. </row>
  16483. <row>
  16484. <entry>
  16485. <para>
  16486. hóng
  16487. </para>
  16488. </entry>
  16489. <entry>
  16490. <para>
  16491. to be red
  16492. </para>
  16493. </entry>
  16494. <entry>
  16495. <para>
  16496. 3.3
  16497. </para>
  16498. </entry>
  16499. </row>
  16500. <row>
  16501. <entry>
  16502. <para>
  16503. hong chǎ
  16504. </para>
  16505. </entry>
  16506. <entry>
  16507. <para>
  16508. black tea
  16509. </para>
  16510. </entry>
  16511. <entry>
  16512. <para>
  16513. 5.6'
  16514. </para>
  16515. </entry>
  16516. </row>
  16517. <row>
  16518. <entry>
  16519. <para>
  16520. Héngqí
  16521. </para>
  16522. </entry>
  16523. <entry>
  16524. <para>
  16525. ’’Red Flag’’ (name of a commune)
  16526. </para>
  16527. </entry>
  16528. <entry>
  16529. <para>
  16530. 6.2’
  16531. </para>
  16532. </entry>
  16533. </row>
  16534. <row>
  16535. <entry>
  16536. <para>
  16537. hòu
  16538. </para>
  16539. </entry>
  16540. <entry>
  16541. <para>
  16542. back
  16543. </para>
  16544. </entry>
  16545. <entry>
  16546. <para>
  16547. UA
  16548. </para>
  16549. </entry>
  16550. </row>
  16551. <row>
  16552. <entry>
  16553. <para>
  16554. hòubian(r)
  16555. </para>
  16556. </entry>
  16557. <entry>
  16558. <para>
  16559. back side
  16560. </para>
  16561. </entry>
  16562. <entry>
  16563. <para>
  16564. UA
  16565. </para>
  16566. </entry>
  16567. </row>
  16568. <row>
  16569. <entry>
  16570. <para>
  16571. hòulǎi
  16572. </para>
  16573. </entry>
  16574. <entry>
  16575. <para>
  16576. later, afterwards, later on
  16577. </para>
  16578. </entry>
  16579. <entry>
  16580. <para>
  16581. 6.2’
  16582. </para>
  16583. </entry>
  16584. </row>
  16585. <row>
  16586. <entry>
  16587. <para>
  16588. hòuniǎn (-nian)
  16589. </para>
  16590. </entry>
  16591. <entry>
  16592. <para>
  16593. the year after next
  16594. </para>
  16595. </entry>
  16596. <entry>
  16597. <para>
  16598. 2.5, T&amp;D 2
  16599. </para>
  16600. </entry>
  16601. </row>
  16602. <row>
  16603. <entry>
  16604. <para>
  16605. hòutiǎn (-tian)
  16606. </para>
  16607. </entry>
  16608. <entry>
  16609. <para>
  16610. the day after tomorrow
  16611. </para>
  16612. </entry>
  16613. <entry>
  16614. <para>
  16615. 2A, T&amp;D 2
  16616. </para>
  16617. </entry>
  16618. </row>
  16619. <row>
  16620. <entry>
  16621. <para>
  16622. </para>
  16623. </entry>
  16624. <entry>
  16625. <para>
  16626. lake
  16627. </para>
  16628. </entry>
  16629. <entry>
  16630. <para>
  16631. 5A*
  16632. </para>
  16633. </entry>
  16634. </row>
  16635. <row>
  16636. <entry>
  16637. <para>
  16638. huǎ
  16639. </para>
  16640. </entry>
  16641. <entry>
  16642. <para>
  16643. glorious; abbreviation for
  16644. </para>
  16645. </entry>
  16646. <entry>
  16647. <para>
  16648. u.r
  16649. </para>
  16650. </entry>
  16651. </row>
  16652. <row>
  16653. <entry>
  16654. </entry>
  16655. <entry>
  16656. <para>
  16657. China
  16658. </para>
  16659. </entry>
  16660. <entry>
  16661. </entry>
  16662. </row>
  16663. <row>
  16664. <entry>
  16665. <para>
  16666. huǎ
  16667. </para>
  16668. </entry>
  16669. <entry>
  16670. <para>
  16671. language, words, speech
  16672. </para>
  16673. </entry>
  16674. <entry>
  16675. <para>
  16676. 2.7
  16677. </para>
  16678. </entry>
  16679. </row>
  16680. <row>
  16681. <entry>
  16682. <para>
  16683. huǎ
  16684. </para>
  16685. </entry>
  16686. <entry>
  16687. <para>
  16688. to paint
  16689. </para>
  16690. </entry>
  16691. <entry>
  16692. <para>
  16693. 6A
  16694. </para>
  16695. </entry>
  16696. </row>
  16697. <row>
  16698. <entry>
  16699. <para>
  16700. huǎ(r) (yìzhǎng)
  16701. </para>
  16702. </entry>
  16703. <entry>
  16704. <para>
  16705. painting, drawing, picture
  16706. </para>
  16707. </entry>
  16708. <entry>
  16709. <para>
  16710. 6A
  16711. </para>
  16712. </entry>
  16713. </row>
  16714. <row>
  16715. <entry>
  16716. <para>
  16717. huǎ chuǎn
  16718. </para>
  16719. </entry>
  16720. <entry>
  16721. <para>
  16722. to row a boat
  16723. </para>
  16724. </entry>
  16725. <entry>
  16726. <para>
  16727. 5A’
  16728. </para>
  16729. </entry>
  16730. </row>
  16731. <row>
  16732. <entry>
  16733. <para>
  16734. huǎ kāile
  16735. </para>
  16736. </entry>
  16737. <entry>
  16738. <para>
  16739. the flowers have bloomed
  16740. </para>
  16741. </entry>
  16742. <entry>
  16743. <para>
  16744. 5.8°
  16745. </para>
  16746. </entry>
  16747. </row>
  16748. <row>
  16749. <entry>
  16750. <para>
  16751. Huǎměi Kāfēitīng
  16752. </para>
  16753. </entry>
  16754. <entry>
  16755. <para>
  16756. Huǎměi Coffeehouse (Taipei)
  16757. </para>
  16758. </entry>
  16759. <entry>
  16760. <para>
  16761. U.l
  16762. </para>
  16763. </entry>
  16764. </row>
  16765. <row>
  16766. <entry>
  16767. <para>
  16768. huǎn
  16769. </para>
  16770. </entry>
  16771. <entry>
  16772. <para>
  16773. to change, to exchange
  16774. </para>
  16775. </entry>
  16776. <entry>
  16777. <para>
  16778. 3.5
  16779. </para>
  16780. </entry>
  16781. </row>
  16782. <row>
  16783. <entry>
  16784. <para>
  16785. huǎng
  16786. </para>
  16787. </entry>
  16788. <entry>
  16789. <para>
  16790. to be yellow, to be brown
  16791. </para>
  16792. </entry>
  16793. <entry>
  16794. <para>
  16795. 3.3
  16796. </para>
  16797. </entry>
  16798. </row>
  16799. <row>
  16800. <entry>
  16801. <para>
  16802. huānyíng
  16803. </para>
  16804. </entry>
  16805. <entry>
  16806. <para>
  16807. to welcome
  16808. </para>
  16809. </entry>
  16810. <entry>
  16811. <para>
  16812. 6A
  16813. </para>
  16814. </entry>
  16815. </row>
  16816. <row>
  16817. <entry>
  16818. <para>
  16819. huǎpíng
  16820. </para>
  16821. </entry>
  16822. <entry>
  16823. <para>
  16824. (flower) vase
  16825. </para>
  16826. </entry>
  16827. <entry>
  16828. <para>
  16829. 3.3
  16830. </para>
  16831. </entry>
  16832. </row>
  16833. <row>
  16834. <entry>
  16835. <para>
  16836. huǎxué
  16837. </para>
  16838. </entry>
  16839. <entry>
  16840. <para>
  16841. chemistry
  16842. </para>
  16843. </entry>
  16844. <entry>
  16845. <para>
  16846. 3.1
  16847. </para>
  16848. </entry>
  16849. </row>
  16850. <row>
  16851. <entry>
  16852. <para>
  16853. huí
  16854. </para>
  16855. </entry>
  16856. <entry>
  16857. <para>
  16858. the opposite direction, back
  16859. </para>
  16860. </entry>
  16861. <entry>
  16862. <para>
  16863. H.5’
  16864. </para>
  16865. </entry>
  16866. </row>
  16867. <row>
  16868. <entry>
  16869. <para>
  16870. huí
  16871. </para>
  16872. </entry>
  16873. <entry>
  16874. <para>
  16875. to return to, to go back to
  16876. </para>
  16877. </entry>
  16878. <entry>
  16879. <para>
  16880. 5A’, 5.8
  16881. </para>
  16882. </entry>
  16883. </row>
  16884. <row>
  16885. <entry>
  16886. <para>
  16887. huì
  16888. </para>
  16889. </entry>
  16890. <entry>
  16891. <para>
  16892. to know how to, can; to have
  16893. </para>
  16894. </entry>
  16895. <entry>
  16896. <para>
  16897. 2.7, 2.8
  16898. </para>
  16899. </entry>
  16900. </row>
  16901. <row>
  16902. <entry>
  16903. </entry>
  16904. <entry>
  16905. <para>
  16906. the skill or knowledge of,
  16907. </para>
  16908. </entry>
  16909. <entry>
  16910. </entry>
  16911. </row>
  16912. <row>
  16913. <entry>
  16914. </entry>
  16915. <entry>
  16916. <para>
  16917. to know
  16918. </para>
  16919. </entry>
  16920. <entry>
  16921. </entry>
  16922. </row>
  16923. <row>
  16924. <entry>
  16925. <para>
  16926. hui
  16927. </para>
  16928. </entry>
  16929. <entry>
  16930. <para>
  16931. will
  16932. </para>
  16933. </entry>
  16934. <entry>
  16935. <para>
  16936. 5.1’
  16937. </para>
  16938. </entry>
  16939. </row>
  16940. <row>
  16941. <entry>
  16942. <para>
  16943. huíbulāi
  16944. </para>
  16945. </entry>
  16946. <entry>
  16947. <para>
  16948. to be unable to get back
  16949. </para>
  16950. </entry>
  16951. <entry>
  16952. <para>
  16953. 6.1
  16954. </para>
  16955. </entry>
  16956. </row>
  16957. <row>
  16958. <entry>
  16959. <para>
  16960. huídǎ
  16961. </para>
  16962. </entry>
  16963. <entry>
  16964. <para>
  16965. to answer, to reply
  16966. </para>
  16967. </entry>
  16968. <entry>
  16969. <para>
  16970. CE 2
  16971. </para>
  16972. </entry>
  16973. </row>
  16974. <row>
  16975. <entry>
  16976. <para>
  16977. huídelǎi
  16978. </para>
  16979. </entry>
  16980. <entry>
  16981. <para>
  16982. to be able to get back
  16983. </para>
  16984. </entry>
  16985. <entry>
  16986. <para>
  16987. 6.1
  16988. </para>
  16989. </entry>
  16990. </row>
  16991. <row>
  16992. <entry>
  16993. <para>
  16994. huí guo
  16995. </para>
  16996. </entry>
  16997. <entry>
  16998. <para>
  16999. to return to one’s native
  17000. </para>
  17001. </entry>
  17002. <entry>
  17003. <para>
  17004. 5.8
  17005. </para>
  17006. </entry>
  17007. </row>
  17008. <row>
  17009. <entry>
  17010. </entry>
  17011. <entry>
  17012. <para>
  17013. country
  17014. </para>
  17015. </entry>
  17016. <entry>
  17017. </entry>
  17018. </row>
  17019. <row>
  17020. <entry>
  17021. <para>
  17022. huí Jià
  17023. </para>
  17024. </entry>
  17025. <entry>
  17026. <para>
  17027. to return home
  17028. </para>
  17029. </entry>
  17030. <entry>
  17031. <para>
  17032. 5.8
  17033. </para>
  17034. </entry>
  17035. </row>
  17036. <row>
  17037. <entry>
  17038. <para>
  17039. huì kè
  17040. </para>
  17041. </entry>
  17042. <entry>
  17043. <para>
  17044. to receive guests
  17045. </para>
  17046. </entry>
  17047. <entry>
  17048. <para>
  17049. 6.1’
  17050. </para>
  17051. </entry>
  17052. </row>
  17053. </tbody>
  17054. </tgroup>
  17055. </informaltable>
  17056. <para>
  17057. &lt;
  17058. </para>
  17059. <para>
  17060. to be anxious, to worry, to be
  17061. </para>
  17062. <para>
  17063. 5.6
  17064. </para>
  17065. <para>
  17066. impatient, to be hurried
  17067. </para>
  17068. <para>
  17069. Jǐ-
  17070. </para>
  17071. <para>
  17072. how many
  17073. </para>
  17074. <para>
  17075. 2.3
  17076. </para>
  17077. <para>
  17078. jǐ- (ji—)
  17079. </para>
  17080. <para>
  17081. a few
  17082. </para>
  17083. <para>
  17084. 4.3
  17085. </para>
  17086. <para>
  17087. jiao
  17088. </para>
  17089. <para>
  17090. to call; to be called, to be
  17091. </para>
  17092. <para>
  17093. 1.2
  17094. </para>
  17095. <para>
  17096. given-named
  17097. </para>
  17098. <para>
  17099. NUM 4
  17100. </para>
  17101. <para>
  17102. jiā
  17103. </para>
  17104. <para>
  17105. plus; to add
  17106. </para>
  17107. <para>
  17108. jiā
  17109. </para>
  17110. <para>
  17111. home
  17112. </para>
  17113. <para>
  17114. 2.2
  17115. </para>
  17116. <para>
  17117. -jiā
  17118. </para>
  17119. <para>
  17120. (counter for institutions)
  17121. </para>
  17122. <para>
  17123. 2.3’
  17124. </para>
  17125. <para>
  17126. jiāli
  17127. </para>
  17128. <para>
  17129. family
  17130. </para>
  17131. <para>
  17132. 2.3
  17133. </para>
  17134. <para>
  17135. jiāli
  17136. </para>
  17137. <para>
  17138. household
  17139. </para>
  17140. <para>
  17141. 3.4
  17142. </para>
  17143. <para>
  17144. jiàn
  17145. </para>
  17146. <para>
  17147. to meet, to see
  17148. </para>
  17149. <para>
  17150. 3.6, 5.8
  17151. </para>
  17152. <para>
  17153. -jiàn
  17154. </para>
  17155. <para>
  17156. (counter for items or articles
  17157. </para>
  17158. <para>
  17159. 4.3*, 5.3, 5.7
  17160. </para>
  17161. <para>
  17162. such as suitcases, clothing);
  17163. </para>
  17164. <para>
  17165. (counter for matters, affairs)
  17166. </para>
  17167. <para>
  17168. 6.2
  17169. </para>
  17170. <para>
  17171. Jiānáda
  17172. </para>
  17173. <para>
  17174. Canada
  17175. </para>
  17176. <para>
  17177. 1.4
  17178. </para>
  17179. <para>
  17180. jiǎng
  17181. </para>
  17182. <para>
  17183. to discuss (something), to talk
  17184. </para>
  17185. <para>
  17186. 6.2
  17187. </para>
  17188. <para>
  17189. about (something)
  17190. </para>
  17191. <para>
  17192. jiǎng huà
  17193. </para>
  17194. <para>
  17195. to speak, to talk
  17196. </para>
  17197. <para>
  17198. 6.2
  17199. </para>
  17200. <para>
  17201. j iǎnghuà
  17202. </para>
  17203. <para>
  17204. a speech
  17205. </para>
  17206. <para>
  17207. 6.2
  17208. </para>
  17209. <para>
  17210. jiānglái
  17211. </para>
  17212. <para>
  17213. in the future
  17214. </para>
  17215. <para>
  17216. 5.8°
  17217. </para>
  17218. <para>
  17219. jiàn miàn
  17220. </para>
  17221. <para>
  17222. to meet someone, to see someone
  17223. </para>
  17224. <para>
  17225. 6.4
  17226. </para>
  17227. <para>
  17228. jiao
  17229. </para>
  17230. <para>
  17231. to teach
  17232. </para>
  17233. <para>
  17234. 6.3
  17235. </para>
  17236. <para>
  17237. j iāoqū
  17238. </para>
  17239. <para>
  17240. suburbs
  17241. </para>
  17242. <para>
  17243. 6.6*
  17244. </para>
  17245. <para>
  17246. jiàoshòu
  17247. </para>
  17248. <para>
  17249. professor
  17250. </para>
  17251. <para>
  17252. 6.4
  17253. </para>
  17254. <para>
  17255. jiao shū
  17256. </para>
  17257. <para>
  17258. to teach
  17259. </para>
  17260. <para>
  17261. 6.3
  17262. </para>
  17263. <para>
  17264. jiàoyuán
  17265. </para>
  17266. <para>
  17267. teacher
  17268. </para>
  17269. <para>
  17270. 6.5*
  17271. </para>
  17272. <para>
  17273. Jiàoyubù
  17274. </para>
  17275. <para>
  17276. Ministry of Education
  17277. </para>
  17278. <para>
  17279. 6.4*
  17280. </para>
  17281. <para>
  17282. Jiāzhōu
  17283. </para>
  17284. <para>
  17285. California
  17286. </para>
  17287. <para>
  17288. 1.3
  17289. </para>
  17290. <para>
  17291. jìchéngchē
  17292. </para>
  17293. <para>
  17294. taxi (Taiwan)
  17295. </para>
  17296. <para>
  17297. 5-3
  17298. </para>
  17299. <para>
  17300. jìde
  17301. </para>
  17302. <para>
  17303. to remember
  17304. </para>
  17305. <para>
  17306. 6.7
  17307. </para>
  17308. <para>
  17309. jidiǎn zhōng
  17310. </para>
  17311. <para>
  17312. what hour, what time
  17313. </para>
  17314. <para>
  17315. 3.6, T&amp;D 3
  17316. </para>
  17317. <para>
  17318. jiē
  17319. </para>
  17320. <para>
  17321. street
  17322. </para>
  17323. <para>
  17324. 2.2
  17325. </para>
  17326. <para>
  17327. Jiē
  17328. </para>
  17329. <para>
  17330. to meet/pick up/get (someone)
  17331. </para>
  17332. <para>
  17333. 5.3*, 5.7
  17334. </para>
  17335. <para>
  17336. jiē
  17337. </para>
  17338. <para>
  17339. to receive (mail, messages,
  17340. </para>
  17341. <para>
  17342. 6.8
  17343. </para>
  17344. <para>
  17345. guests, phone calls)
  17346. </para>
  17347. <para>
  17348. jiēdàishì (-shǐ)
  17349. </para>
  17350. <para>
  17351. waiting room
  17352. </para>
  17353. <para>
  17354. 5.6
  17355. </para>
  17356. <informaltable>
  17357. <tgroup cols="3">
  17358. <colspec align="left" />
  17359. <colspec align="left" />
  17360. <colspec align="left" />
  17361. <tbody>
  17362. <row>
  17363. <entry>
  17364. <para>
  17365. j iēdao
  17366. </para>
  17367. </entry>
  17368. <entry>
  17369. <para>
  17370. to receive
  17371. </para>
  17372. </entry>
  17373. <entry>
  17374. <para>
  17375. 6.8
  17376. </para>
  17377. </entry>
  17378. </row>
  17379. <row>
  17380. <entry>
  17381. <para>
  17382. jiějie
  17383. </para>
  17384. </entry>
  17385. <entry>
  17386. <para>
  17387. older sister
  17388. </para>
  17389. </entry>
  17390. <entry>
  17391. <para>
  17392. 2.3
  17393. </para>
  17394. </entry>
  17395. </row>
  17396. <row>
  17397. <entry>
  17398. <para>
  17399. jiěmèi
  17400. </para>
  17401. </entry>
  17402. <entry>
  17403. <para>
  17404. sisters
  17405. </para>
  17406. </entry>
  17407. <entry>
  17408. <para>
  17409. 2.3
  17410. </para>
  17411. </entry>
  17412. </row>
  17413. <row>
  17414. <entry>
  17415. <para>
  17416. jièshao
  17417. </para>
  17418. </entry>
  17419. <entry>
  17420. <para>
  17421. to introduce
  17422. </para>
  17423. </entry>
  17424. <entry>
  17425. <para>
  17426. 6.3
  17427. </para>
  17428. </entry>
  17429. </row>
  17430. <row>
  17431. <entry>
  17432. <para>
  17433. jiēzháo
  17434. </para>
  17435. </entry>
  17436. <entry>
  17437. <para>
  17438. to receive
  17439. </para>
  17440. </entry>
  17441. <entry>
  17442. <para>
  17443. 6.8
  17444. </para>
  17445. </entry>
  17446. </row>
  17447. <row>
  17448. <entry>
  17449. <para>
  17450. Jǐge
  17451. </para>
  17452. </entry>
  17453. <entry>
  17454. <para>
  17455. how many
  17456. </para>
  17457. </entry>
  17458. <entry>
  17459. <para>
  17460. 2.3
  17461. </para>
  17462. </entry>
  17463. </row>
  17464. <row>
  17465. <entry>
  17466. <para>
  17467. jǐge (jige)
  17468. </para>
  17469. </entry>
  17470. <entry>
  17471. <para>
  17472. several
  17473. </para>
  17474. </entry>
  17475. <entry>
  17476. <para>
  17477. 1+.3
  17478. </para>
  17479. </entry>
  17480. </row>
  17481. <row>
  17482. <entry>
  17483. <para>
  17484. jǐge xīngqi
  17485. </para>
  17486. </entry>
  17487. <entry>
  17488. <para>
  17489. how many weeks
  17490. </para>
  17491. </entry>
  17492. <entry>
  17493. <para>
  17494. 2.6
  17495. </para>
  17496. </entry>
  17497. </row>
  17498. <row>
  17499. <entry>
  17500. <para>
  17501. jǐge yuè
  17502. </para>
  17503. </entry>
  17504. <entry>
  17505. <para>
  17506. how many months
  17507. </para>
  17508. </entry>
  17509. <entry>
  17510. <para>
  17511. 2.6
  17512. </para>
  17513. </entry>
  17514. </row>
  17515. <row>
  17516. <entry>
  17517. <para>
  17518. jǐhào
  17519. </para>
  17520. </entry>
  17521. <entry>
  17522. <para>
  17523. what day of the month
  17524. </para>
  17525. </entry>
  17526. <entry>
  17527. <para>
  17528. 2.5, T&amp;D 1
  17529. </para>
  17530. </entry>
  17531. </row>
  17532. <row>
  17533. <entry>
  17534. <para>
  17535. jìhua
  17536. </para>
  17537. </entry>
  17538. <entry>
  17539. <para>
  17540. to plan to
  17541. </para>
  17542. </entry>
  17543. <entry>
  17544. <para>
  17545. 5.5
  17546. </para>
  17547. </entry>
  17548. </row>
  17549. <row>
  17550. <entry>
  17551. <para>
  17552. jīhui
  17553. </para>
  17554. </entry>
  17555. <entry>
  17556. <para>
  17557. opportunity, chance
  17558. </para>
  17559. </entry>
  17560. <entry>
  17561. <para>
  17562. 5.8
  17563. </para>
  17564. </entry>
  17565. </row>
  17566. <row>
  17567. <entry>
  17568. <para>
  17569. -jíle
  17570. </para>
  17571. </entry>
  17572. <entry>
  17573. <para>
  17574. extremely, awfully
  17575. </para>
  17576. </entry>
  17577. <entry>
  17578. <para>
  17579. 5.6
  17580. </para>
  17581. </entry>
  17582. </row>
  17583. <row>
  17584. <entry>
  17585. <para>
  17586. jǐlóu
  17587. </para>
  17588. </entry>
  17589. <entry>
  17590. <para>
  17591. what floor
  17592. </para>
  17593. </entry>
  17594. <entry>
  17595. <para>
  17596. 1+.1+
  17597. </para>
  17598. </entry>
  17599. </row>
  17600. <row>
  17601. <entry>
  17602. <para>
  17603. jǐlù chē
  17604. </para>
  17605. </entry>
  17606. <entry>
  17607. <para>
  17608. what number bus
  17609. </para>
  17610. </entry>
  17611. <entry>
  17612. <para>
  17613. 5.1
  17614. </para>
  17615. </entry>
  17616. </row>
  17617. <row>
  17618. <entry>
  17619. <para>
  17620. -j’n
  17621. </para>
  17622. </entry>
  17623. <entry>
  17624. <para>
  17625. catty (1.1 pounds)
  17626. </para>
  17627. </entry>
  17628. <entry>
  17629. <para>
  17630. 3.2
  17631. </para>
  17632. </entry>
  17633. </row>
  17634. <row>
  17635. <entry>
  17636. <para>
  17637. jin
  17638. </para>
  17639. </entry>
  17640. <entry>
  17641. <para>
  17642. to be close, to be near
  17643. </para>
  17644. </entry>
  17645. <entry>
  17646. <para>
  17647. l+.l’, 1+.3
  17648. </para>
  17649. </entry>
  17650. </row>
  17651. <row>
  17652. <entry>
  17653. <para>
  17654. jin
  17655. </para>
  17656. </entry>
  17657. <entry>
  17658. <para>
  17659. to enter
  17660. </para>
  17661. </entry>
  17662. <entry>
  17663. <para>
  17664. 1+.1+, 6.1+
  17665. </para>
  17666. </entry>
  17667. </row>
  17668. <row>
  17669. <entry>
  17670. <para>
  17671. jīngguo
  17672. </para>
  17673. </entry>
  17674. <entry>
  17675. <para>
  17676. by way of, via; to pass through
  17677. </para>
  17678. </entry>
  17679. <entry>
  17680. <para>
  17681. l+.l’
  17682. </para>
  17683. </entry>
  17684. </row>
  17685. <row>
  17686. <entry>
  17687. <para>
  17688. Jīngj ibù
  17689. </para>
  17690. </entry>
  17691. <entry>
  17692. <para>
  17693. Ministry of Economics
  17694. </para>
  17695. </entry>
  17696. <entry>
  17697. <para>
  17698. 6.8
  17699. </para>
  17700. </entry>
  17701. </row>
  17702. <row>
  17703. <entry>
  17704. <para>
  17705. jīngjiguān
  17706. </para>
  17707. </entry>
  17708. <entry>
  17709. <para>
  17710. economics officer
  17711. </para>
  17712. </entry>
  17713. <entry>
  17714. <para>
  17715. 6.5
  17716. </para>
  17717. </entry>
  17718. </row>
  17719. <row>
  17720. <entry>
  17721. <para>
  17722. jīngjixué
  17723. </para>
  17724. </entry>
  17725. <entry>
  17726. <para>
  17727. economics
  17728. </para>
  17729. </entry>
  17730. <entry>
  17731. <para>
  17732. 2.7
  17733. </para>
  17734. </entry>
  17735. </row>
  17736. <row>
  17737. <entry>
  17738. <para>
  17739. jīnglī
  17740. </para>
  17741. </entry>
  17742. <entry>
  17743. <para>
  17744. manager
  17745. </para>
  17746. </entry>
  17747. <entry>
  17748. <para>
  17749. 6.5°
  17750. </para>
  17751. </entry>
  17752. </row>
  17753. <row>
  17754. <entry>
  17755. <para>
  17756. jǐnián
  17757. </para>
  17758. </entry>
  17759. <entry>
  17760. <para>
  17761. how many years
  17762. </para>
  17763. </entry>
  17764. <entry>
  17765. <para>
  17766. 2.6
  17767. </para>
  17768. </entry>
  17769. </row>
  17770. <row>
  17771. <entry>
  17772. <para>
  17773. jìnliàng
  17774. </para>
  17775. </entry>
  17776. <entry>
  17777. <para>
  17778. to exert all one’s effort, to do
  17779. </para>
  17780. </entry>
  17781. <entry>
  17782. <para>
  17783. 5.3°
  17784. </para>
  17785. </entry>
  17786. </row>
  17787. <row>
  17788. <entry>
  17789. </entry>
  17790. <entry>
  17791. <para>
  17792. one’s best to
  17793. </para>
  17794. </entry>
  17795. <entry>
  17796. </entry>
  17797. </row>
  17798. <row>
  17799. <entry>
  17800. <para>
  17801. jīnnián (-nian)
  17802. </para>
  17803. </entry>
  17804. <entry>
  17805. <para>
  17806. this year
  17807. </para>
  17808. </entry>
  17809. <entry>
  17810. <para>
  17811. 2.5, T&amp;D 2
  17812. </para>
  17813. </entry>
  17814. </row>
  17815. <row>
  17816. <entry>
  17817. <para>
  17818. jīntiān (-tian)
  17819. </para>
  17820. </entry>
  17821. <entry>
  17822. <para>
  17823. today
  17824. </para>
  17825. </entry>
  17826. <entry>
  17827. <para>
  17828. 2.1+, T&amp;D 1
  17829. </para>
  17830. </entry>
  17831. </row>
  17832. <row>
  17833. <entry>
  17834. <para>
  17835. J1SU1
  17836. </para>
  17837. </entry>
  17838. <entry>
  17839. <para>
  17840. how old
  17841. </para>
  17842. </entry>
  17843. <entry>
  17844. <para>
  17845. 2.5
  17846. </para>
  17847. </entry>
  17848. </row>
  17849. <row>
  17850. <entry>
  17851. <para>
  17852. jītiān
  17853. </para>
  17854. </entry>
  17855. <entry>
  17856. <para>
  17857. how many days
  17858. </para>
  17859. </entry>
  17860. <entry>
  17861. <para>
  17862. 2.6
  17863. </para>
  17864. </entry>
  17865. </row>
  17866. <row>
  17867. <entry>
  17868. <para>
  17869. Jiù
  17870. </para>
  17871. </entry>
  17872. <entry>
  17873. <para>
  17874. nine
  17875. </para>
  17876. </entry>
  17877. <entry>
  17878. <para>
  17879. NUM 2
  17880. </para>
  17881. </entry>
  17882. </row>
  17883. <row>
  17884. <entry>
  17885. <para>
  17886. Jiù
  17887. </para>
  17888. </entry>
  17889. <entry>
  17890. <para>
  17891. to be long (period of time)
  17892. </para>
  17893. </entry>
  17894. <entry>
  17895. <para>
  17896. 5.8
  17897. </para>
  17898. </entry>
  17899. </row>
  17900. <row>
  17901. <entry>
  17902. <para>
  17903. jiù
  17904. </para>
  17905. </entry>
  17906. <entry>
  17907. <para>
  17908. only
  17909. </para>
  17910. </entry>
  17911. <entry>
  17912. <para>
  17913. 2.3
  17914. </para>
  17915. </entry>
  17916. </row>
  17917. <row>
  17918. <entry>
  17919. <para>
  17920. jiù
  17921. </para>
  17922. </entry>
  17923. <entry>
  17924. <para>
  17925. right, immediately, exactly
  17926. </para>
  17927. </entry>
  17928. <entry>
  17929. <para>
  17930. 3.1, 3.6
  17931. </para>
  17932. </entry>
  17933. </row>
  17934. <row>
  17935. <entry>
  17936. </entry>
  17937. <entry>
  17938. <para>
  17939. (with reference to space or
  17940. </para>
  17941. </entry>
  17942. <entry>
  17943. </entry>
  17944. </row>
  17945. <row>
  17946. <entry>
  17947. </entry>
  17948. <entry>
  17949. <para>
  17950. time)
  17951. </para>
  17952. </entry>
  17953. <entry>
  17954. </entry>
  17955. </row>
  17956. <row>
  17957. <entry>
  17958. <para>
  17959. jiù
  17960. </para>
  17961. </entry>
  17962. <entry>
  17963. <para>
  17964. to be old, to be used, to be worn
  17965. </para>
  17966. </entry>
  17967. <entry>
  17968. <para>
  17969. 3.1’, 3.3
  17970. </para>
  17971. </entry>
  17972. </row>
  17973. <row>
  17974. <entry>
  17975. <para>
  17976. Jiù <subscript>w</subscript>
  17977. </para>
  17978. </entry>
  17979. <entry>
  17980. <para>
  17981. then
  17982. </para>
  17983. </entry>
  17984. <entry>
  17985. <para>
  17986. l+.l
  17987. </para>
  17988. </entry>
  17989. </row>
  17990. <row>
  17991. <entry>
  17992. <para>
  17993. j iùyǎng
  17994. </para>
  17995. </entry>
  17996. <entry>
  17997. <para>
  17998. I’ve been looking forward to
  17999. </para>
  18000. </entry>
  18001. <entry>
  18002. <para>
  18003. 6.1+
  18004. </para>
  18005. </entry>
  18006. </row>
  18007. <row>
  18008. <entry>
  18009. </entry>
  18010. <entry>
  18011. <para>
  18012. meeting you for a long time
  18013. </para>
  18014. </entry>
  18015. <entry>
  18016. </entry>
  18017. </row>
  18018. <row>
  18019. <entry>
  18020. <para>
  18021. Jiùyuè (Jiùyue)
  18022. </para>
  18023. </entry>
  18024. <entry>
  18025. <para>
  18026. September
  18027. </para>
  18028. </entry>
  18029. <entry>
  18030. <para>
  18031. 2.5, T&amp;D 1
  18032. </para>
  18033. </entry>
  18034. </row>
  18035. <row>
  18036. <entry>
  18037. <para>
  18038. jǐyuè
  18039. </para>
  18040. </entry>
  18041. <entry>
  18042. <para>
  18043. what month
  18044. </para>
  18045. </entry>
  18046. <entry>
  18047. <para>
  18048. 2.5
  18049. </para>
  18050. </entry>
  18051. </row>
  18052. <row>
  18053. <entry>
  18054. <para>
  18055. </para>
  18056. </entry>
  18057. <entry>
  18058. <para>
  18059. to assemble
  18060. </para>
  18061. </entry>
  18062. <entry>
  18063. <para>
  18064. 6.8
  18065. </para>
  18066. </entry>
  18067. </row>
  18068. <row>
  18069. <entry>
  18070. <para>
  18071. juéde
  18072. </para>
  18073. </entry>
  18074. <entry>
  18075. <para>
  18076. to feel (that)
  18077. </para>
  18078. </entry>
  18079. <entry>
  18080. <para>
  18081. 5.8’, 6.8’
  18082. </para>
  18083. </entry>
  18084. </row>
  18085. <row>
  18086. <entry>
  18087. <para>
  18088. jūnguān
  18089. </para>
  18090. </entry>
  18091. <entry>
  18092. <para>
  18093. military officer
  18094. </para>
  18095. </entry>
  18096. <entry>
  18097. <para>
  18098. 2.8
  18099. </para>
  18100. </entry>
  18101. </row>
  18102. <row>
  18103. <entry>
  18104. <para>
  18105. jūnrén
  18106. </para>
  18107. </entry>
  18108. <entry>
  18109. <para>
  18110. military person
  18111. </para>
  18112. </entry>
  18113. <entry>
  18114. <para>
  18115. 2.8
  18116. </para>
  18117. </entry>
  18118. </row>
  18119. <row>
  18120. <entry>
  18121. <para>
  18122. jūnshì yǎnxí
  18123. </para>
  18124. </entry>
  18125. <entry>
  18126. <para>
  18127. military maneuvers
  18128. </para>
  18129. </entry>
  18130. <entry>
  18131. <para>
  18132. 6.8’
  18133. </para>
  18134. </entry>
  18135. </row>
  18136. <row>
  18137. <entry>
  18138. <para>
  18139. jùyiju
  18140. </para>
  18141. </entry>
  18142. <entry>
  18143. <para>
  18144. to get together
  18145. </para>
  18146. </entry>
  18147. <entry>
  18148. <para>
  18149. 6.8
  18150. </para>
  18151. </entry>
  18152. </row>
  18153. <row>
  18154. <entry>
  18155. <para>
  18156. jùzi
  18157. </para>
  18158. </entry>
  18159. <entry>
  18160. <para>
  18161. tangerine; (loosely) orange
  18162. </para>
  18163. </entry>
  18164. <entry>
  18165. <para>
  18166. 3.2
  18167. </para>
  18168. </entry>
  18169. </row>
  18170. </tbody>
  18171. </tgroup>
  18172. </informaltable>
  18173. <informaltable>
  18174. <tgroup cols="3">
  18175. <colspec align="left" />
  18176. <colspec align="left" />
  18177. <colspec align="left" />
  18178. <tbody>
  18179. <row>
  18180. <entry>
  18181. <para>
  18182. kāfēi
  18183. </para>
  18184. </entry>
  18185. <entry>
  18186. <para>
  18187. coffee
  18188. </para>
  18189. </entry>
  18190. <entry>
  18191. <para>
  18192. 6.5’
  18193. </para>
  18194. </entry>
  18195. </row>
  18196. <row>
  18197. <entry>
  18198. <para>
  18199. kāfēitīng
  18200. </para>
  18201. </entry>
  18202. <entry>
  18203. <para>
  18204. coffeehouse
  18205. </para>
  18206. </entry>
  18207. <entry>
  18208. <para>
  18209. 4.1
  18210. </para>
  18211. </entry>
  18212. </row>
  18213. <row>
  18214. <entry>
  18215. <para>
  18216. kāi
  18217. </para>
  18218. </entry>
  18219. <entry>
  18220. <para>
  18221. to open
  18222. </para>
  18223. </entry>
  18224. <entry>
  18225. <para>
  18226. 3.6
  18227. </para>
  18228. </entry>
  18229. </row>
  18230. <row>
  18231. <entry>
  18232. <para>
  18233. kāi
  18234. </para>
  18235. </entry>
  18236. <entry>
  18237. <para>
  18238. to drive (a vehicle)
  18239. </para>
  18240. </entry>
  18241. <entry>
  18242. <para>
  18243. 5-3
  18244. </para>
  18245. </entry>
  18246. </row>
  18247. <row>
  18248. <entry>
  18249. <para>
  18250. kai
  18251. </para>
  18252. </entry>
  18253. <entry>
  18254. <para>
  18255. to leave (of a train, etc.)
  18256. </para>
  18257. </entry>
  18258. <entry>
  18259. <para>
  18260. 5.6
  18261. </para>
  18262. </entry>
  18263. </row>
  18264. <row>
  18265. <entry>
  18266. <para>
  18267. kāi chē
  18268. </para>
  18269. </entry>
  18270. <entry>
  18271. <para>
  18272. to drive
  18273. </para>
  18274. </entry>
  18275. <entry>
  18276. <para>
  18277. 5-3
  18278. </para>
  18279. </entry>
  18280. </row>
  18281. <row>
  18282. <entry>
  18283. <para>
  18284. kāidechūlài
  18285. </para>
  18286. </entry>
  18287. <entry>
  18288. <para>
  18289. to he able to drive out
  18290. </para>
  18291. </entry>
  18292. <entry>
  18293. <para>
  18294. 6.1
  18295. </para>
  18296. </entry>
  18297. </row>
  18298. <row>
  18299. <entry>
  18300. <para>
  18301. kāideshàngqu
  18302. </para>
  18303. </entry>
  18304. <entry>
  18305. <para>
  18306. to be able to drive up
  18307. </para>
  18308. </entry>
  18309. <entry>
  18310. <para>
  18311. 6.1
  18312. </para>
  18313. </entry>
  18314. </row>
  18315. <row>
  18316. <entry>
  18317. <para>
  18318. kāi huì
  18319. </para>
  18320. </entry>
  18321. <entry>
  18322. <para>
  18323. to attend a meeting
  18324. </para>
  18325. </entry>
  18326. <entry>
  18327. <para>
  18328. 5.7’, 6.;
  18329. </para>
  18330. </entry>
  18331. </row>
  18332. <row>
  18333. <entry>
  18334. <para>
  18335. kāi men
  18336. </para>
  18337. </entry>
  18338. <entry>
  18339. <para>
  18340. to open (for the business day); to open for
  18341. business
  18342. </para>
  18343. </entry>
  18344. <entry>
  18345. <para>
  18346. 3.6
  18347. </para>
  18348. </entry>
  18349. </row>
  18350. <row>
  18351. <entry>
  18352. <para>
  18353. kāishǐ
  18354. </para>
  18355. </entry>
  18356. <entry>
  18357. <para>
  18358. to start, to begin
  18359. </para>
  18360. </entry>
  18361. <entry>
  18362. <para>
  18363. 3.6°
  18364. </para>
  18365. </entry>
  18366. </row>
  18367. <row>
  18368. <entry>
  18369. <para>
  18370. kāiwán huì
  18371. </para>
  18372. </entry>
  18373. <entry>
  18374. <para>
  18375. to finish a meeting
  18376. </para>
  18377. </entry>
  18378. <entry>
  18379. <para>
  18380. 6.2
  18381. </para>
  18382. </entry>
  18383. </row>
  18384. <row>
  18385. <entry>
  18386. <para>
  18387. kāi xue
  18388. </para>
  18389. </entry>
  18390. <entry>
  18391. <para>
  18392. to begin school
  18393. </para>
  18394. </entry>
  18395. <entry>
  18396. <para>
  18397. 4.1’
  18398. </para>
  18399. </entry>
  18400. </row>
  18401. <row>
  18402. <entry>
  18403. <para>
  18404. kàn
  18405. </para>
  18406. </entry>
  18407. <entry>
  18408. <para>
  18409. to read; to look at; to visit
  18410. </para>
  18411. </entry>
  18412. <entry>
  18413. <para>
  18414. 3.3
  18415. </para>
  18416. </entry>
  18417. </row>
  18418. <row>
  18419. <entry>
  18420. <para>
  18421. kàn
  18422. </para>
  18423. </entry>
  18424. <entry>
  18425. <para>
  18426. to think (hold an opinion)
  18427. </para>
  18428. </entry>
  18429. <entry>
  18430. <para>
  18431. 3.3
  18432. </para>
  18433. </entry>
  18434. </row>
  18435. <row>
  18436. <entry>
  18437. <para>
  18438. kànbuj iàn
  18439. </para>
  18440. </entry>
  18441. <entry>
  18442. <para>
  18443. not able to see
  18444. </para>
  18445. </entry>
  18446. <entry>
  18447. <para>
  18448. 6.1
  18449. </para>
  18450. </entry>
  18451. </row>
  18452. <row>
  18453. <entry>
  18454. <para>
  18455. kàndedǒng
  18456. </para>
  18457. </entry>
  18458. <entry>
  18459. <para>
  18460. to be able to understand by reading
  18461. </para>
  18462. </entry>
  18463. <entry>
  18464. <para>
  18465. 6.1
  18466. </para>
  18467. </entry>
  18468. </row>
  18469. <row>
  18470. <entry>
  18471. <para>
  18472. kàndej iàn
  18473. </para>
  18474. </entry>
  18475. <entry>
  18476. <para>
  18477. to be able to see
  18478. </para>
  18479. </entry>
  18480. <entry>
  18481. <para>
  18482. 6.1
  18483. </para>
  18484. </entry>
  18485. </row>
  18486. <row>
  18487. <entry>
  18488. <para>
  18489. kànfa
  18490. </para>
  18491. </entry>
  18492. <entry>
  18493. <para>
  18494. opinion, view
  18495. </para>
  18496. </entry>
  18497. <entry>
  18498. <para>
  18499. 6.6
  18500. </para>
  18501. </entry>
  18502. </row>
  18503. <row>
  18504. <entry>
  18505. <para>
  18506. kàn j ian
  18507. </para>
  18508. </entry>
  18509. <entry>
  18510. <para>
  18511. to see
  18512. </para>
  18513. </entry>
  18514. <entry>
  18515. <para>
  18516. 4.4
  18517. </para>
  18518. </entry>
  18519. </row>
  18520. <row>
  18521. <entry>
  18522. <para>
  18523. kànkan
  18524. </para>
  18525. </entry>
  18526. <entry>
  18527. <para>
  18528. to look at, to look around, to sightsee, to
  18529. visit
  18530. </para>
  18531. </entry>
  18532. <entry>
  18533. <para>
  18534. 3.3, 5.5
  18535. </para>
  18536. </entry>
  18537. </row>
  18538. <row>
  18539. <entry>
  18540. <para>
  18541. </para>
  18542. </entry>
  18543. <entry>
  18544. <para>
  18545. class
  18546. </para>
  18547. </entry>
  18548. <entry>
  18549. <para>
  18550. 2.8
  18551. </para>
  18552. </entry>
  18553. </row>
  18554. <row>
  18555. <entry>
  18556. <para>
  18557. -kè
  18558. </para>
  18559. </entry>
  18560. <entry>
  18561. <para>
  18562. quarter of an hour
  18563. </para>
  18564. </entry>
  18565. <entry>
  18566. <para>
  18567. T&amp;D 3
  18568. </para>
  18569. </entry>
  18570. </row>
  18571. <row>
  18572. <entry>
  18573. <para>
  18574. kěnéng
  18575. </para>
  18576. </entry>
  18577. <entry>
  18578. <para>
  18579. maybe
  18580. </para>
  18581. </entry>
  18582. <entry>
  18583. <para>
  18584. 6.7’
  18585. </para>
  18586. </entry>
  18587. </row>
  18588. <row>
  18589. <entry>
  18590. <para>
  18591. kèqi
  18592. </para>
  18593. </entry>
  18594. <entry>
  18595. <para>
  18596. to be polite
  18597. </para>
  18598. </entry>
  18599. <entry>
  18600. <para>
  18601. 6.3
  18602. </para>
  18603. </entry>
  18604. </row>
  18605. <row>
  18606. <entry>
  18607. <para>
  18608. kěshi
  18609. </para>
  18610. </entry>
  18611. <entry>
  18612. <para>
  18613. but
  18614. </para>
  18615. </entry>
  18616. <entry>
  18617. <para>
  18618. 3.4
  18619. </para>
  18620. </entry>
  18621. </row>
  18622. <row>
  18623. <entry>
  18624. <para>
  18625. kēxī
  18626. </para>
  18627. </entry>
  18628. <entry>
  18629. <para>
  18630. unfortunately, what a pity
  18631. </para>
  18632. </entry>
  18633. <entry>
  18634. <para>
  18635. 6.3’, 6.
  18636. </para>
  18637. </entry>
  18638. </row>
  18639. <row>
  18640. <entry>
  18641. <para>
  18642. keyi
  18643. </para>
  18644. </entry>
  18645. <entry>
  18646. <para>
  18647. may, can, to be permitted to; to be all right,
  18648. to be okay, to be feasible, to be possible
  18649. </para>
  18650. </entry>
  18651. <entry>
  18652. <para>
  18653. 3.6, 4.3
  18654. </para>
  18655. </entry>
  18656. </row>
  18657. <row>
  18658. <entry>
  18659. <para>
  18660. kēzhǎng
  18661. </para>
  18662. </entry>
  18663. <entry>
  18664. <para>
  18665. section chief
  18666. </para>
  18667. </entry>
  18668. <entry>
  18669. <para>
  18670. 6.1
  18671. </para>
  18672. </entry>
  18673. </row>
  18674. <row>
  18675. <entry>
  18676. <para>
  18677. kòng(r)
  18678. </para>
  18679. </entry>
  18680. <entry>
  18681. <para>
  18682. free time
  18683. </para>
  18684. </entry>
  18685. <entry>
  18686. <para>
  18687. 6.1
  18688. </para>
  18689. </entry>
  18690. </row>
  18691. <row>
  18692. <entry>
  18693. <para>
  18694. kōngjūn
  18695. </para>
  18696. </entry>
  18697. <entry>
  18698. <para>
  18699. air force
  18700. </para>
  18701. </entry>
  18702. <entry>
  18703. <para>
  18704. 2.8
  18705. </para>
  18706. </entry>
  18707. </row>
  18708. <row>
  18709. <entry>
  18710. <para>
  18711. kǒngpà
  18712. </para>
  18713. </entry>
  18714. <entry>
  18715. <para>
  18716. to be afraid that (something is or is not the
  18717. case); probably
  18718. </para>
  18719. </entry>
  18720. <entry>
  18721. <para>
  18722. 6.3
  18723. </para>
  18724. </entry>
  18725. </row>
  18726. <row>
  18727. <entry>
  18728. <para>
  18729. -kuài
  18730. </para>
  18731. </entry>
  18732. <entry>
  18733. <para>
  18734. dollar
  18735. </para>
  18736. </entry>
  18737. <entry>
  18738. <para>
  18739. 3.1
  18740. </para>
  18741. </entry>
  18742. </row>
  18743. <row>
  18744. <entry>
  18745. <para>
  18746. -kuài
  18747. </para>
  18748. </entry>
  18749. <entry>
  18750. <para>
  18751. piece (counter)
  18752. </para>
  18753. </entry>
  18754. <entry>
  18755. <para>
  18756. 3.2
  18757. </para>
  18758. </entry>
  18759. </row>
  18760. <row>
  18761. <entry>
  18762. <para>
  18763. kuài
  18764. </para>
  18765. </entry>
  18766. <entry>
  18767. <para>
  18768. to be fast
  18769. </para>
  18770. </entry>
  18771. <entry>
  18772. <para>
  18773. 5.3
  18774. </para>
  18775. </entry>
  18776. </row>
  18777. <row>
  18778. <entry>
  18779. <para>
  18780. kuài
  18781. </para>
  18782. </entry>
  18783. <entry>
  18784. <para>
  18785. soon
  18786. </para>
  18787. </entry>
  18788. <entry>
  18789. <para>
  18790. 5.6
  18791. </para>
  18792. </entry>
  18793. </row>
  18794. </tbody>
  18795. </tgroup>
  18796. </informaltable>
  18797. <informaltable>
  18798. <tgroup cols="3">
  18799. <colspec align="left" />
  18800. <colspec align="left" />
  18801. <colspec align="left" />
  18802. <tbody>
  18803. <row>
  18804. <entry>
  18805. <para>
  18806. lai
  18807. </para>
  18808. </entry>
  18809. <entry>
  18810. <para>
  18811. to come
  18812. </para>
  18813. </entry>
  18814. <entry>
  18815. <para>
  18816. 2.4
  18817. </para>
  18818. </entry>
  18819. </row>
  18820. <row>
  18821. <entry>
  18822. <para>
  18823. láibuj í
  18824. </para>
  18825. </entry>
  18826. <entry>
  18827. <para>
  18828. can’t make it in time
  18829. </para>
  18830. </entry>
  18831. <entry>
  18832. <para>
  18833. 5-3
  18834. </para>
  18835. </entry>
  18836. </row>
  18837. <row>
  18838. <entry>
  18839. <para>
  18840. láidejí
  18841. </para>
  18842. </entry>
  18843. <entry>
  18844. <para>
  18845. can make it in time
  18846. </para>
  18847. </entry>
  18848. <entry>
  18849. <para>
  18850. 5.3
  18851. </para>
  18852. </entry>
  18853. </row>
  18854. <row>
  18855. <entry>
  18856. <para>
  18857. lai (ge) diànhuà
  18858. </para>
  18859. </entry>
  18860. <entry>
  18861. <para>
  18862. to make a phone call here
  18863. </para>
  18864. </entry>
  18865. <entry>
  18866. <para>
  18867. 6.3
  18868. </para>
  18869. </entry>
  18870. </row>
  18871. <row>
  18872. <entry>
  18873. <para>
  18874. lāilai wángwāng
  18875. </para>
  18876. </entry>
  18877. <entry>
  18878. <para>
  18879. comings and goings
  18880. </para>
  18881. </entry>
  18882. <entry>
  18883. <para>
  18884. 5.6
  18885. </para>
  18886. </entry>
  18887. </row>
  18888. </tbody>
  18889. </tgroup>
  18890. </informaltable>
  18891. <informaltable>
  18892. <tgroup cols="3">
  18893. <colspec align="left" />
  18894. <colspec align="left" />
  18895. <colspec align="left" />
  18896. <tbody>
  18897. <row>
  18898. <entry>
  18899. <para>
  18900. lán
  18901. </para>
  18902. </entry>
  18903. <entry>
  18904. <para>
  18905. to be blue
  18906. </para>
  18907. </entry>
  18908. <entry>
  18909. <para>
  18910. 3.3
  18911. </para>
  18912. </entry>
  18913. </row>
  18914. <row>
  18915. <entry>
  18916. <para>
  18917. lǎo
  18918. </para>
  18919. </entry>
  18920. <entry>
  18921. <para>
  18922. to be old (in years)
  18923. </para>
  18924. </entry>
  18925. <entry>
  18926. <para>
  18927. 3.3*, 5.7
  18928. </para>
  18929. </entry>
  18930. </row>
  18931. <row>
  18932. <entry>
  18933. <para>
  18934. Lao
  18935. </para>
  18936. </entry>
  18937. <entry>
  18938. <para>
  18939. (used before a surname)
  18940. </para>
  18941. </entry>
  18942. <entry>
  18943. <para>
  18944. 5.3’
  18945. </para>
  18946. </entry>
  18947. </row>
  18948. <row>
  18949. <entry>
  18950. <para>
  18951. láodòng
  18952. </para>
  18953. </entry>
  18954. <entry>
  18955. <para>
  18956. to do manual labor
  18957. </para>
  18958. </entry>
  18959. <entry>
  18960. <para>
  18961. 6.2’
  18962. </para>
  18963. </entry>
  18964. </row>
  18965. <row>
  18966. <entry>
  18967. <para>
  18968. láodòng mófàn
  18969. </para>
  18970. </entry>
  18971. <entry>
  18972. <para>
  18973. model worker
  18974. </para>
  18975. </entry>
  18976. <entry>
  18977. <para>
  18978. 6.8’
  18979. </para>
  18980. </entry>
  18981. </row>
  18982. <row>
  18983. <entry>
  18984. <para>
  18985. lǎoj iā
  18986. </para>
  18987. </entry>
  18988. <entry>
  18989. <para>
  18990. ’’original home”
  18991. </para>
  18992. </entry>
  18993. <entry>
  18994. <para>
  18995. l.H
  18996. </para>
  18997. </entry>
  18998. </row>
  18999. <row>
  19000. <entry>
  19001. <para>
  19002. láojià
  19003. </para>
  19004. </entry>
  19005. <entry>
  19006. <para>
  19007. excuse me (Běijīng)
  19008. </para>
  19009. </entry>
  19010. <entry>
  19011. <para>
  19012. H.3
  19013. </para>
  19014. </entry>
  19015. </row>
  19016. <row>
  19017. <entry>
  19018. <para>
  19019. lǎoshī
  19020. </para>
  19021. </entry>
  19022. <entry>
  19023. <para>
  19024. teacher
  19025. </para>
  19026. </entry>
  19027. <entry>
  19028. <para>
  19029. CE 2
  19030. </para>
  19031. </entry>
  19032. </row>
  19033. <row>
  19034. <entry>
  19035. <para>
  19036. lǎoshi
  19037. </para>
  19038. </entry>
  19039. <entry>
  19040. <para>
  19041. always, all the time
  19042. </para>
  19043. </entry>
  19044. <entry>
  19045. <para>
  19046. 6.6*
  19047. </para>
  19048. </entry>
  19049. </row>
  19050. <row>
  19051. <entry>
  19052. <para>
  19053. le
  19054. </para>
  19055. </entry>
  19056. <entry>
  19057. <para>
  19058. (combined le, new-situation
  19059. </para>
  19060. </entry>
  19061. <entry>
  19062. <para>
  19063. 2.U
  19064. </para>
  19065. </entry>
  19066. </row>
  19067. <row>
  19068. <entry>
  19069. </entry>
  19070. <entry>
  19071. <para>
  19072. and completion marker)
  19073. </para>
  19074. </entry>
  19075. <entry>
  19076. </entry>
  19077. </row>
  19078. <row>
  19079. <entry>
  19080. <para>
  19081. le
  19082. </para>
  19083. </entry>
  19084. <entry>
  19085. <para>
  19086. (new-situation marker)
  19087. </para>
  19088. </entry>
  19089. <entry>
  19090. <para>
  19091. 2.5
  19092. </para>
  19093. </entry>
  19094. </row>
  19095. <row>
  19096. <entry>
  19097. <para>
  19098. le
  19099. </para>
  19100. </entry>
  19101. <entry>
  19102. <para>
  19103. (completion marker)
  19104. </para>
  19105. </entry>
  19106. <entry>
  19107. <para>
  19108. 2.6
  19109. </para>
  19110. </entry>
  19111. </row>
  19112. <row>
  19113. <entry>
  19114. <para>
  19115. </para>
  19116. </entry>
  19117. <entry>
  19118. <para>
  19119. from, apart from
  19120. </para>
  19121. </entry>
  19122. <entry>
  19123. <para>
  19124. U.3
  19125. </para>
  19126. </entry>
  19127. </row>
  19128. <row>
  19129. <entry>
  19130. <para>
  19131. </para>
  19132. </entry>
  19133. <entry>
  19134. <para>
  19135. inside
  19136. </para>
  19137. </entry>
  19138. <entry>
  19139. <para>
  19140. U.2
  19141. </para>
  19142. </entry>
  19143. </row>
  19144. <row>
  19145. <entry>
  19146. <para>
  19147. -li
  19148. </para>
  19149. </entry>
  19150. <entry>
  19151. <para>
  19152. in (locational ending)
  19153. </para>
  19154. </entry>
  19155. <entry>
  19156. <para>
  19157. 5.2
  19158. </para>
  19159. </entry>
  19160. </row>
  19161. <row>
  19162. <entry>
  19163. <para>
  19164. lián...(yě)...
  19165. </para>
  19166. </entry>
  19167. <entry>
  19168. <para>
  19169. even...(also)...
  19170. </para>
  19171. </entry>
  19172. <entry>
  19173. <para>
  19174. 6.6*
  19175. </para>
  19176. </entry>
  19177. </row>
  19178. <row>
  19179. <entry>
  19180. <para>
  19181. liǎng
  19182. </para>
  19183. </entry>
  19184. <entry>
  19185. <para>
  19186. two
  19187. </para>
  19188. </entry>
  19189. <entry>
  19190. <para>
  19191. 2.3
  19192. </para>
  19193. </entry>
  19194. </row>
  19195. <row>
  19196. <entry>
  19197. <para>
  19198. liǎngsān-
  19199. </para>
  19200. </entry>
  19201. <entry>
  19202. <para>
  19203. two or three
  19204. </para>
  19205. </entry>
  19206. <entry>
  19207. <para>
  19208. 5.U
  19209. </para>
  19210. </entry>
  19211. </row>
  19212. <row>
  19213. <entry>
  19214. <para>
  19215. lǐbài
  19216. </para>
  19217. </entry>
  19218. <entry>
  19219. <para>
  19220. week
  19221. </para>
  19222. </entry>
  19223. <entry>
  19224. <para>
  19225. T&amp;D 2
  19226. </para>
  19227. </entry>
  19228. </row>
  19229. <row>
  19230. <entry>
  19231. <para>
  19232. lǐbàijī
  19233. </para>
  19234. </entry>
  19235. <entry>
  19236. <para>
  19237. what day of the week
  19238. </para>
  19239. </entry>
  19240. <entry>
  19241. <para>
  19242. T&amp;D 2
  19243. </para>
  19244. </entry>
  19245. </row>
  19246. <row>
  19247. <entry>
  19248. <para>
  19249. Lībàirì
  19250. </para>
  19251. </entry>
  19252. <entry>
  19253. <para>
  19254. Sunday
  19255. </para>
  19256. </entry>
  19257. <entry>
  19258. <para>
  19259. T&amp;D 3
  19260. </para>
  19261. </entry>
  19262. </row>
  19263. <row>
  19264. <entry>
  19265. <para>
  19266. Lǐbàitiān
  19267. </para>
  19268. </entry>
  19269. <entry>
  19270. <para>
  19271. Sunday
  19272. </para>
  19273. </entry>
  19274. <entry>
  19275. <para>
  19276. T&amp;D 1
  19277. </para>
  19278. </entry>
  19279. </row>
  19280. <row>
  19281. <entry>
  19282. <para>
  19283. Lǐbàiyī (èr...)
  19284. </para>
  19285. </entry>
  19286. <entry>
  19287. <para>
  19288. Monday (Tuesday...)
  19289. </para>
  19290. </entry>
  19291. <entry>
  19292. <para>
  19293. T&amp;D 2
  19294. </para>
  19295. </entry>
  19296. </row>
  19297. <row>
  19298. <entry>
  19299. <para>
  19300. lǐbian(r)
  19301. </para>
  19302. </entry>
  19303. <entry>
  19304. <para>
  19305. inside
  19306. </para>
  19307. </entry>
  19308. <entry>
  19309. <para>
  19310. U.2
  19311. </para>
  19312. </entry>
  19313. </row>
  19314. <row>
  19315. <entry>
  19316. <para>
  19317. Lǐbīnsī
  19318. </para>
  19319. </entry>
  19320. <entry>
  19321. <para>
  19322. Protocol Department (PRC)
  19323. </para>
  19324. </entry>
  19325. <entry>
  19326. <para>
  19327. 6.8
  19328. </para>
  19329. </entry>
  19330. </row>
  19331. <row>
  19332. <entry>
  19333. <para>
  19334. lǐfǎ (lǐfǎ)
  19335. </para>
  19336. </entry>
  19337. <entry>
  19338. <para>
  19339. to cut hair
  19340. </para>
  19341. </entry>
  19342. <entry>
  19343. <para>
  19344. U.U
  19345. </para>
  19346. </entry>
  19347. </row>
  19348. <row>
  19349. <entry>
  19350. <para>
  19351. 11fade dìfang (-fà-)
  19352. </para>
  19353. </entry>
  19354. <entry>
  19355. <para>
  19356. a place where hair is cut
  19357. </para>
  19358. </entry>
  19359. <entry>
  19360. </entry>
  19361. </row>
  19362. <row>
  19363. <entry>
  19364. <para>
  19365. líkāi
  19366. </para>
  19367. </entry>
  19368. <entry>
  19369. <para>
  19370. to leave
  19371. </para>
  19372. </entry>
  19373. <entry>
  19374. <para>
  19375. 5.5
  19376. </para>
  19377. </entry>
  19378. </row>
  19379. <row>
  19380. <entry>
  19381. <para>
  19382. ling
  19383. </para>
  19384. </entry>
  19385. <entry>
  19386. <para>
  19387. zero
  19388. </para>
  19389. </entry>
  19390. <entry>
  19391. <para>
  19392. NUM 1, 3.2
  19393. </para>
  19394. </entry>
  19395. </row>
  19396. <row>
  19397. <entry>
  19398. <para>
  19399. lǐngshiguǎn
  19400. </para>
  19401. </entry>
  19402. <entry>
  19403. <para>
  19404. consulate
  19405. </para>
  19406. </entry>
  19407. <entry>
  19408. <para>
  19409. 6.2
  19410. </para>
  19411. </entry>
  19412. </row>
  19413. <row>
  19414. <entry>
  19415. <para>
  19416. lìshǐ
  19417. </para>
  19418. </entry>
  19419. <entry>
  19420. <para>
  19421. history
  19422. </para>
  19423. </entry>
  19424. <entry>
  19425. <para>
  19426. 2.7
  19427. </para>
  19428. </entry>
  19429. </row>
  19430. <row>
  19431. <entry>
  19432. <para>
  19433. liú
  19434. </para>
  19435. </entry>
  19436. <entry>
  19437. <para>
  19438. to leave (someone or something),
  19439. </para>
  19440. </entry>
  19441. <entry>
  19442. <para>
  19443. 6.5
  19444. </para>
  19445. </entry>
  19446. </row>
  19447. <row>
  19448. <entry>
  19449. </entry>
  19450. <entry>
  19451. <para>
  19452. to keep (someone or something),
  19453. </para>
  19454. </entry>
  19455. <entry>
  19456. </entry>
  19457. </row>
  19458. <row>
  19459. <entry>
  19460. </entry>
  19461. <entry>
  19462. <para>
  19463. to stay, to remain
  19464. </para>
  19465. </entry>
  19466. <entry>
  19467. </entry>
  19468. </row>
  19469. <row>
  19470. <entry>
  19471. <para>
  19472. liù
  19473. </para>
  19474. </entry>
  19475. <entry>
  19476. <para>
  19477. six
  19478. </para>
  19479. </entry>
  19480. <entry>
  19481. <para>
  19482. NUM 1
  19483. </para>
  19484. </entry>
  19485. </row>
  19486. <row>
  19487. <entry>
  19488. <para>
  19489. liú (ge) huà(r)
  19490. </para>
  19491. </entry>
  19492. <entry>
  19493. <para>
  19494. to leave a message
  19495. </para>
  19496. </entry>
  19497. <entry>
  19498. <para>
  19499. 6.5
  19500. </para>
  19501. </entry>
  19502. </row>
  19503. <row>
  19504. <entry>
  19505. <para>
  19506. Liùyuè (Liùyue)
  19507. </para>
  19508. </entry>
  19509. <entry>
  19510. <para>
  19511. June
  19512. </para>
  19513. </entry>
  19514. <entry>
  19515. <para>
  19516. 2.5, T&amp;D 1
  19517. </para>
  19518. </entry>
  19519. </row>
  19520. <row>
  19521. <entry>
  19522. <para>
  19523. -long (-nòng)
  19524. </para>
  19525. </entry>
  19526. <entry>
  19527. <para>
  19528. alley
  19529. </para>
  19530. </entry>
  19531. <entry>
  19532. <para>
  19533. U.5
  19534. </para>
  19535. </entry>
  19536. </row>
  19537. <row>
  19538. <entry>
  19539. <para>
  19540. -lóu
  19541. </para>
  19542. </entry>
  19543. <entry>
  19544. <para>
  19545. floor, story of a building
  19546. </para>
  19547. </entry>
  19548. <entry>
  19549. <para>
  19550. u.u
  19551. </para>
  19552. </entry>
  19553. </row>
  19554. <row>
  19555. <entry>
  19556. <para>
  19557. lóushàng
  19558. </para>
  19559. </entry>
  19560. <entry>
  19561. <para>
  19562. upstairs
  19563. </para>
  19564. </entry>
  19565. <entry>
  19566. <para>
  19567. 6.1
  19568. </para>
  19569. </entry>
  19570. </row>
  19571. <row>
  19572. <entry>
  19573. <para>
  19574. loutī
  19575. </para>
  19576. </entry>
  19577. <entry>
  19578. <para>
  19579. staircase, stairway, stairs
  19580. </para>
  19581. </entry>
  19582. <entry>
  19583. <para>
  19584. u.u
  19585. </para>
  19586. </entry>
  19587. </row>
  19588. <row>
  19589. <entry>
  19590. <para>
  19591. lóuxià
  19592. </para>
  19593. </entry>
  19594. <entry>
  19595. <para>
  19596. downstairs
  19597. </para>
  19598. </entry>
  19599. <entry>
  19600. <para>
  19601. 6.1
  19602. </para>
  19603. </entry>
  19604. </row>
  19605. <row>
  19606. <entry>
  19607. <para>
  19608. </para>
  19609. </entry>
  19610. <entry>
  19611. <para>
  19612. road
  19613. </para>
  19614. </entry>
  19615. <entry>
  19616. <para>
  19617. 2.2
  19618. </para>
  19619. </entry>
  19620. </row>
  19621. <row>
  19622. <entry>
  19623. <para>
  19624. lu
  19625. </para>
  19626. </entry>
  19627. <entry>
  19628. <para>
  19629. to be green
  19630. </para>
  19631. </entry>
  19632. <entry>
  19633. <para>
  19634. 3.3
  19635. </para>
  19636. </entry>
  19637. </row>
  19638. <row>
  19639. <entry>
  19640. <para>
  19641. lùběi
  19642. </para>
  19643. </entry>
  19644. <entry>
  19645. <para>
  19646. north side of the street
  19647. </para>
  19648. </entry>
  19649. <entry>
  19650. <para>
  19651. U.3
  19652. </para>
  19653. </entry>
  19654. </row>
  19655. <row>
  19656. <entry>
  19657. <para>
  19658. lú chá
  19659. </para>
  19660. </entry>
  19661. <entry>
  19662. <para>
  19663. green tea
  19664. </para>
  19665. </entry>
  19666. <entry>
  19667. <para>
  19668. 5.6*
  19669. </para>
  19670. </entry>
  19671. </row>
  19672. <row>
  19673. <entry>
  19674. <para>
  19675. lùdōng
  19676. </para>
  19677. </entry>
  19678. <entry>
  19679. <para>
  19680. east side of the street
  19681. </para>
  19682. </entry>
  19683. <entry>
  19684. <para>
  19685. H.3
  19686. </para>
  19687. </entry>
  19688. </row>
  19689. <row>
  19690. <entry>
  19691. <para>
  19692. lúguǎn
  19693. </para>
  19694. </entry>
  19695. <entry>
  19696. <para>
  19697. hotel
  19698. </para>
  19699. </entry>
  19700. <entry>
  19701. <para>
  19702. 2.1’, 5.7
  19703. </para>
  19704. </entry>
  19705. </row>
  19706. <row>
  19707. <entry>
  19708. <para>
  19709. lùjūn
  19710. </para>
  19711. </entry>
  19712. <entry>
  19713. <para>
  19714. army
  19715. </para>
  19716. </entry>
  19717. <entry>
  19718. <para>
  19719. 2.8
  19720. </para>
  19721. </entry>
  19722. </row>
  19723. <row>
  19724. <entry>
  19725. <para>
  19726. lùkǒu(r)
  19727. </para>
  19728. </entry>
  19729. <entry>
  19730. <para>
  19731. intersection
  19732. </para>
  19733. </entry>
  19734. <entry>
  19735. <para>
  19736. U.l
  19737. </para>
  19738. </entry>
  19739. </row>
  19740. </tbody>
  19741. </tgroup>
  19742. </informaltable>
  19743. <informaltable>
  19744. <tgroup cols="3">
  19745. <colspec align="left" />
  19746. <colspec align="left" />
  19747. <colspec align="left" />
  19748. <tbody>
  19749. <row>
  19750. <entry>
  19751. <para>
  19752. ma
  19753. </para>
  19754. </entry>
  19755. <entry>
  19756. <para>
  19757. (question marker)
  19758. </para>
  19759. </entry>
  19760. <entry>
  19761. <para>
  19762. 1.2
  19763. </para>
  19764. </entry>
  19765. </row>
  19766. <row>
  19767. <entry>
  19768. <para>
  19769. mafan ni
  19770. </para>
  19771. </entry>
  19772. <entry>
  19773. <para>
  19774. sorry to bother you
  19775. </para>
  19776. </entry>
  19777. <entry>
  19778. <para>
  19779. 3.5
  19780. </para>
  19781. </entry>
  19782. </row>
  19783. <row>
  19784. <entry>
  19785. <para>
  19786. mǎi
  19787. </para>
  19788. </entry>
  19789. <entry>
  19790. <para>
  19791. to buy
  19792. </para>
  19793. </entry>
  19794. <entry>
  19795. <para>
  19796. 3.1
  19797. </para>
  19798. </entry>
  19799. </row>
  19800. <row>
  19801. <entry>
  19802. <para>
  19803. mài
  19804. </para>
  19805. </entry>
  19806. <entry>
  19807. <para>
  19808. to sell
  19809. </para>
  19810. </entry>
  19811. <entry>
  19812. <para>
  19813. 3.1
  19814. </para>
  19815. </entry>
  19816. </row>
  19817. <row>
  19818. <entry>
  19819. <para>
  19820. mǎi cài
  19821. </para>
  19822. </entry>
  19823. <entry>
  19824. <para>
  19825. to buy groceries
  19826. </para>
  19827. </entry>
  19828. <entry>
  19829. <para>
  19830. 6A<superscript>#</superscript>
  19831. </para>
  19832. </entry>
  19833. </row>
  19834. <row>
  19835. <entry>
  19836. <para>
  19837. mǎimai
  19838. </para>
  19839. </entry>
  19840. <entry>
  19841. <para>
  19842. business
  19843. </para>
  19844. </entry>
  19845. <entry>
  19846. <para>
  19847. 3.2
  19848. </para>
  19849. </entry>
  19850. </row>
  19851. <row>
  19852. <entry>
  19853. <para>
  19854. màiwǎn le
  19855. </para>
  19856. </entry>
  19857. <entry>
  19858. <para>
  19859. to be sold out
  19860. </para>
  19861. </entry>
  19862. <entry>
  19863. <para>
  19864. 5.U
  19865. </para>
  19866. </entry>
  19867. </row>
  19868. <row>
  19869. <entry>
  19870. <para>
  19871. mama
  19872. </para>
  19873. </entry>
  19874. <entry>
  19875. <para>
  19876. momma, mom, mother
  19877. </para>
  19878. </entry>
  19879. <entry>
  19880. <para>
  19881. 2.3
  19882. </para>
  19883. </entry>
  19884. </row>
  19885. <row>
  19886. <entry>
  19887. <para>
  19888. mámahūhū
  19889. </para>
  19890. </entry>
  19891. <entry>
  19892. <para>
  19893. so-so, fair
  19894. </para>
  19895. </entry>
  19896. <entry>
  19897. <para>
  19898. 3.6
  19899. </para>
  19900. </entry>
  19901. </row>
  19902. <row>
  19903. <entry>
  19904. <para>
  19905. man
  19906. </para>
  19907. </entry>
  19908. <entry>
  19909. <para>
  19910. to be slow
  19911. </para>
  19912. </entry>
  19913. <entry>
  19914. <para>
  19915. 5.3, CE
  19916. </para>
  19917. </entry>
  19918. </row>
  19919. <row>
  19920. <entry>
  19921. <para>
  19922. máng
  19923. </para>
  19924. </entry>
  19925. <entry>
  19926. <para>
  19927. to be busy
  19928. </para>
  19929. </entry>
  19930. <entry>
  19931. <para>
  19932. 5-7
  19933. </para>
  19934. </entry>
  19935. </row>
  19936. <row>
  19937. <entry>
  19938. <para>
  19939. -mao
  19940. </para>
  19941. </entry>
  19942. <entry>
  19943. <para>
  19944. dime
  19945. </para>
  19946. </entry>
  19947. <entry>
  19948. <para>
  19949. 3.2
  19950. </para>
  19951. </entry>
  19952. </row>
  19953. <row>
  19954. <entry>
  19955. <para>
  19956. mǎshàng
  19957. </para>
  19958. </entry>
  19959. <entry>
  19960. <para>
  19961. immediately, right away
  19962. </para>
  19963. </entry>
  19964. <entry>
  19965. <para>
  19966. 6.7
  19967. </para>
  19968. </entry>
  19969. </row>
  19970. <row>
  19971. <entry>
  19972. <para>
  19973. mei
  19974. </para>
  19975. </entry>
  19976. <entry>
  19977. <para>
  19978. not; not to have
  19979. </para>
  19980. </entry>
  19981. <entry>
  19982. <para>
  19983. 2.3
  19984. </para>
  19985. </entry>
  19986. </row>
  19987. <row>
  19988. <entry>
  19989. <para>
  19990. mei
  19991. </para>
  19992. </entry>
  19993. <entry>
  19994. <para>
  19995. to be beautiful
  19996. </para>
  19997. </entry>
  19998. <entry>
  19999. <para>
  20000. U.l
  20001. </para>
  20002. </entry>
  20003. </row>
  20004. <row>
  20005. <entry>
  20006. <para>
  20007. mǎi-
  20008. </para>
  20009. </entry>
  20010. <entry>
  20011. <para>
  20012. each, every
  20013. </para>
  20014. </entry>
  20015. <entry>
  20016. <para>
  20017. 5.1
  20018. </para>
  20019. </entry>
  20020. </row>
  20021. <row>
  20022. <entry>
  20023. <para>
  20024. méi bànfa
  20025. </para>
  20026. </entry>
  20027. <entry>
  20028. <para>
  20029. there’s no way out, it can’t
  20030. </para>
  20031. </entry>
  20032. <entry>
  20033. <para>
  20034. 6.8
  20035. </para>
  20036. </entry>
  20037. </row>
  20038. <row>
  20039. <entry>
  20040. </entry>
  20041. <entry>
  20042. <para>
  20043. be helped
  20044. </para>
  20045. </entry>
  20046. <entry>
  20047. </entry>
  20048. </row>
  20049. <row>
  20050. <entry>
  20051. <para>
  20052. Mǎidàsī
  20053. </para>
  20054. </entry>
  20055. <entry>
  20056. <para>
  20057. Department of American and
  20058. </para>
  20059. </entry>
  20060. <entry>
  20061. <para>
  20062. 6.2
  20063. </para>
  20064. </entry>
  20065. </row>
  20066. <row>
  20067. <entry>
  20068. </entry>
  20069. <entry>
  20070. <para>
  20071. Oceanic Affairs
  20072. </para>
  20073. </entry>
  20074. <entry>
  20075. </entry>
  20076. </row>
  20077. <row>
  20078. <entry>
  20079. <para>
  20080. mǎigé
  20081. </para>
  20082. </entry>
  20083. <entry>
  20084. <para>
  20085. every (certain amount of time)
  20086. </para>
  20087. </entry>
  20088. <entry>
  20089. <para>
  20090. 5.1
  20091. </para>
  20092. </entry>
  20093. </row>
  20094. <row>
  20095. <entry>
  20096. <para>
  20097. méi guānxi
  20098. </para>
  20099. </entry>
  20100. <entry>
  20101. <para>
  20102. it doesn’t matter
  20103. </para>
  20104. </entry>
  20105. <entry>
  20106. <para>
  20107. 6.2
  20108. </para>
  20109. </entry>
  20110. </row>
  20111. <row>
  20112. <entry>
  20113. <para>
  20114. Mǎiguo Guójì
  20115. </para>
  20116. </entry>
  20117. <entry>
  20118. <para>
  20119. International Communications
  20120. </para>
  20121. </entry>
  20122. <entry>
  20123. <para>
  20124. 2.2*, 2.
  20125. </para>
  20126. </entry>
  20127. </row>
  20128. <row>
  20129. <entry>
  20130. <para>
  20131. Jiāoliu Zongshǔ
  20132. </para>
  20133. </entry>
  20134. <entry>
  20135. <para>
  20136. Agency (USICA, formerly United
  20137. </para>
  20138. </entry>
  20139. <entry>
  20140. </entry>
  20141. </row>
  20142. <row>
  20143. <entry>
  20144. </entry>
  20145. <entry>
  20146. <para>
  20147. States Information Agency
  20148. </para>
  20149. </entry>
  20150. <entry>
  20151. </entry>
  20152. </row>
  20153. <row>
  20154. <entry>
  20155. </entry>
  20156. <entry>
  20157. <para>
  20158. CUSIAI)
  20159. </para>
  20160. </entry>
  20161. <entry>
  20162. </entry>
  20163. </row>
  20164. <row>
  20165. <entry>
  20166. <para>
  20167. Meiguo Guéwùyuàn
  20168. </para>
  20169. </entry>
  20170. <entry>
  20171. <para>
  20172. U.S. Department of State
  20173. </para>
  20174. </entry>
  20175. <entry>
  20176. <para>
  20177. 2.7
  20178. </para>
  20179. </entry>
  20180. </row>
  20181. <row>
  20182. <entry>
  20183. <para>
  20184. Mǎiguo (Mǎiguo)
  20185. </para>
  20186. </entry>
  20187. <entry>
  20188. <para>
  20189. America, United States
  20190. </para>
  20191. </entry>
  20192. <entry>
  20193. <para>
  20194. 1.3
  20195. </para>
  20196. </entry>
  20197. </row>
  20198. <row>
  20199. <entry>
  20200. <para>
  20201. Meiguo Yínhàng
  20202. </para>
  20203. </entry>
  20204. <entry>
  20205. <para>
  20206. Bank of America
  20207. </para>
  20208. </entry>
  20209. <entry>
  20210. <para>
  20211. 2.2'
  20212. </para>
  20213. </entry>
  20214. </row>
  20215. <row>
  20216. <entry>
  20217. <para>
  20218. Mǎijin
  20219. </para>
  20220. </entry>
  20221. <entry>
  20222. <para>
  20223. U.S. currency
  20224. </para>
  20225. </entry>
  20226. <entry>
  20227. <para>
  20228. 3.5
  20229. </para>
  20230. </entry>
  20231. </row>
  20232. <row>
  20233. <entry>
  20234. <para>
  20235. mèimei
  20236. </para>
  20237. </entry>
  20238. <entry>
  20239. <para>
  20240. younger sister
  20241. </para>
  20242. </entry>
  20243. <entry>
  20244. <para>
  20245. 2.3
  20246. </para>
  20247. </entry>
  20248. </row>
  20249. <row>
  20250. <entry>
  20251. <para>
  20252. méi shenme
  20253. </para>
  20254. </entry>
  20255. <entry>
  20256. <para>
  20257. it’s nothing
  20258. </para>
  20259. </entry>
  20260. <entry>
  20261. <para>
  20262. 3.6
  20263. </para>
  20264. </entry>
  20265. </row>
  20266. <row>
  20267. <entry>
  20268. <para>
  20269. mǎitiān
  20270. </para>
  20271. </entry>
  20272. <entry>
  20273. <para>
  20274. everyday
  20275. </para>
  20276. </entry>
  20277. <entry>
  20278. <para>
  20279. 5.1
  20280. </para>
  20281. </entry>
  20282. </row>
  20283. <row>
  20284. <entry>
  20285. <para>
  20286. méi wèntí
  20287. </para>
  20288. </entry>
  20289. <entry>
  20290. <para>
  20291. there’s no problem
  20292. </para>
  20293. </entry>
  20294. <entry>
  20295. <para>
  20296. 6.3’, 6.
  20297. </para>
  20298. </entry>
  20299. </row>
  20300. <row>
  20301. <entry>
  20302. <para>
  20303. méi(you)
  20304. </para>
  20305. </entry>
  20306. <entry>
  20307. <para>
  20308. not; not to have, there
  20309. </para>
  20310. </entry>
  20311. <entry>
  20312. <para>
  20313. 2.3
  20314. </para>
  20315. </entry>
  20316. </row>
  20317. <row>
  20318. <entry>
  20319. </entry>
  20320. <entry>
  20321. <para>
  20322. isn’t/aren’t
  20323. </para>
  20324. </entry>
  20325. <entry>
  20326. </entry>
  20327. </row>
  20328. <row>
  20329. <entry>
  20330. <para>
  20331. méiyou...name/
  20332. </para>
  20333. </entry>
  20334. <entry>
  20335. <para>
  20336. is not as...as...
  20337. </para>
  20338. </entry>
  20339. <entry>
  20340. <para>
  20341. 6.6
  20342. </para>
  20343. </entry>
  20344. </row>
  20345. <row>
  20346. <entry>
  20347. <para>
  20348. zhème...
  20349. </para>
  20350. </entry>
  20351. <entry>
  20352. </entry>
  20353. <entry>
  20354. </entry>
  20355. </row>
  20356. <row>
  20357. <entry>
  20358. <para>
  20359. méi(you) yìsi
  20360. </para>
  20361. </entry>
  20362. <entry>
  20363. <para>
  20364. to be uninteresting
  20365. </para>
  20366. </entry>
  20367. <entry>
  20368. <para>
  20369. 5.8
  20370. </para>
  20371. </entry>
  20372. </row>
  20373. <row>
  20374. <entry>
  20375. <para>
  20376. mén(r)
  20377. </para>
  20378. </entry>
  20379. <entry>
  20380. <para>
  20381. door, gate
  20382. </para>
  20383. </entry>
  20384. <entry>
  20385. <para>
  20386. 3.6, H.5
  20387. </para>
  20388. </entry>
  20389. </row>
  20390. <row>
  20391. <entry>
  20392. <para>
  20393. -men
  20394. </para>
  20395. </entry>
  20396. <entry>
  20397. <para>
  20398. plural suffix
  20399. </para>
  20400. </entry>
  20401. <entry>
  20402. <para>
  20403. 2.3
  20404. </para>
  20405. </entry>
  20406. </row>
  20407. <row>
  20408. <entry>
  20409. <para>
  20410. Mǎngtèruì
  20411. </para>
  20412. </entry>
  20413. <entry>
  20414. <para>
  20415. Monterey
  20416. </para>
  20417. </entry>
  20418. <entry>
  20419. <para>
  20420. 2.7’
  20421. </para>
  20422. </entry>
  20423. </row>
  20424. </tbody>
  20425. </tgroup>
  20426. </informaltable>
  20427. <informaltable>
  20428. <tgroup cols="3">
  20429. <colspec align="left" />
  20430. <colspec align="left" />
  20431. <colspec align="left" />
  20432. <tbody>
  20433. <row>
  20434. <entry>
  20435. <para>
  20436. ménkǒu(r)
  20437. </para>
  20438. </entry>
  20439. <entry>
  20440. <para>
  20441. doorway, gateway, entrance
  20442. </para>
  20443. </entry>
  20444. <entry>
  20445. <para>
  20446. 4.5
  20447. </para>
  20448. </entry>
  20449. </row>
  20450. <row>
  20451. <entry>
  20452. <para>
  20453. -mian(r)
  20454. </para>
  20455. </entry>
  20456. <entry>
  20457. <para>
  20458. surface (used in place words)
  20459. </para>
  20460. </entry>
  20461. <entry>
  20462. <para>
  20463. 4.4
  20464. </para>
  20465. </entry>
  20466. </row>
  20467. <row>
  20468. <entry>
  20469. <para>
  20470. míngniān (-nian)
  20471. </para>
  20472. </entry>
  20473. <entry>
  20474. <para>
  20475. next year
  20476. </para>
  20477. </entry>
  20478. <entry>
  20479. <para>
  20480. 2.5, T&amp;D 2
  20481. </para>
  20482. </entry>
  20483. </row>
  20484. <row>
  20485. <entry>
  20486. <para>
  20487. míngtiān (-tian)
  20488. </para>
  20489. </entry>
  20490. <entry>
  20491. <para>
  20492. tomorrow
  20493. </para>
  20494. </entry>
  20495. <entry>
  20496. <para>
  20497. 2.5, CE 2, T&amp;D 2
  20498. </para>
  20499. </entry>
  20500. </row>
  20501. <row>
  20502. <entry>
  20503. <para>
  20504. míngzi
  20505. </para>
  20506. </entry>
  20507. <entry>
  20508. <para>
  20509. given name
  20510. </para>
  20511. </entry>
  20512. <entry>
  20513. <para>
  20514. 1.2
  20515. </para>
  20516. </entry>
  20517. </row>
  20518. <row>
  20519. <entry>
  20520. <para>
  20521. mìshū
  20522. </para>
  20523. </entry>
  20524. <entry>
  20525. <para>
  20526. secretary, executive assistant
  20527. </para>
  20528. </entry>
  20529. <entry>
  20530. <para>
  20531. 6.8
  20532. </para>
  20533. </entry>
  20534. </row>
  20535. <row>
  20536. <entry>
  20537. <para>
  20538. mótuòchē
  20539. </para>
  20540. </entry>
  20541. <entry>
  20542. <para>
  20543. motorcycle
  20544. </para>
  20545. </entry>
  20546. <entry>
  20547. <para>
  20548. 5-3’
  20549. </para>
  20550. </entry>
  20551. </row>
  20552. <row>
  20553. <entry>
  20554. <para>
  20555. mùdi
  20556. </para>
  20557. </entry>
  20558. <entry>
  20559. <para>
  20560. objective, aim, purpose
  20561. </para>
  20562. </entry>
  20563. <entry>
  20564. <para>
  20565. 6.2
  20566. </para>
  20567. </entry>
  20568. </row>
  20569. <row>
  20570. <entry>
  20571. <para>
  20572. mǔqin
  20573. </para>
  20574. </entry>
  20575. <entry>
  20576. <para>
  20577. mother
  20578. </para>
  20579. </entry>
  20580. <entry>
  20581. <para>
  20582. 2.3
  20583. </para>
  20584. </entry>
  20585. </row>
  20586. </tbody>
  20587. </tgroup>
  20588. </informaltable>
  20589. <informaltable>
  20590. <tgroup cols="3">
  20591. <colspec align="left" />
  20592. <colspec align="left" />
  20593. <colspec align="left" />
  20594. <tbody>
  20595. <row>
  20596. <entry>
  20597. <para>
  20598. </para>
  20599. </entry>
  20600. <entry>
  20601. <para>
  20602. to hold, to take, to pick up
  20603. </para>
  20604. </entry>
  20605. <entry>
  20606. <para>
  20607. 5-6
  20608. </para>
  20609. </entry>
  20610. </row>
  20611. <row>
  20612. <entry>
  20613. <para>
  20614. nǎ-
  20615. </para>
  20616. </entry>
  20617. <entry>
  20618. <para>
  20619. which?
  20620. </para>
  20621. </entry>
  20622. <entry>
  20623. <para>
  20624. 4.5
  20625. </para>
  20626. </entry>
  20627. </row>
  20628. <row>
  20629. <entry>
  20630. <para>
  20631. </para>
  20632. </entry>
  20633. <entry>
  20634. <para>
  20635. that
  20636. </para>
  20637. </entry>
  20638. <entry>
  20639. <para>
  20640. 2.2
  20641. </para>
  20642. </entry>
  20643. </row>
  20644. <row>
  20645. <entry>
  20646. <para>
  20647. </para>
  20648. </entry>
  20649. <entry>
  20650. <para>
  20651. then, in that case
  20652. </para>
  20653. </entry>
  20654. <entry>
  20655. <para>
  20656. 4.2’, 4.4’
  20657. </para>
  20658. </entry>
  20659. </row>
  20660. <row>
  20661. <entry>
  20662. <para>
  20663. nābian
  20664. </para>
  20665. </entry>
  20666. <entry>
  20667. <para>
  20668. which side, where
  20669. </para>
  20670. </entry>
  20671. <entry>
  20672. <para>
  20673. 4.it
  20674. </para>
  20675. </entry>
  20676. </row>
  20677. <row>
  20678. <entry>
  20679. <para>
  20680. nàbian (nèibianr)
  20681. </para>
  20682. </entry>
  20683. <entry>
  20684. <para>
  20685. that side, there
  20686. </para>
  20687. </entry>
  20688. <entry>
  20689. <para>
  20690. 4.4
  20691. </para>
  20692. </entry>
  20693. </row>
  20694. <row>
  20695. <entry>
  20696. <para>
  20697. nábushànglái
  20698. </para>
  20699. </entry>
  20700. <entry>
  20701. <para>
  20702. can’t carry up
  20703. </para>
  20704. </entry>
  20705. <entry>
  20706. <para>
  20707. 6.1
  20708. </para>
  20709. </entry>
  20710. </row>
  20711. <row>
  20712. <entry>
  20713. <para>
  20714. nábuxiàlái
  20715. </para>
  20716. </entry>
  20717. <entry>
  20718. <para>
  20719. can’t get (it) down
  20720. </para>
  20721. </entry>
  20722. <entry>
  20723. <para>
  20724. 6.1
  20725. </para>
  20726. </entry>
  20727. </row>
  20728. <row>
  20729. <entry>
  20730. <para>
  20731. nāchulai
  20732. </para>
  20733. </entry>
  20734. <entry>
  20735. <para>
  20736. to take out
  20737. </para>
  20738. </entry>
  20739. <entry>
  20740. <para>
  20741. 5-6
  20742. </para>
  20743. </entry>
  20744. </row>
  20745. <row>
  20746. <entry>
  20747. <para>
  20748. náchuqu
  20749. </para>
  20750. </entry>
  20751. <entry>
  20752. <para>
  20753. to take out
  20754. </para>
  20755. </entry>
  20756. <entry>
  20757. <para>
  20758. 5.3’, 5.6
  20759. </para>
  20760. </entry>
  20761. </row>
  20762. <row>
  20763. <entry>
  20764. <para>
  20765. nāge
  20766. </para>
  20767. </entry>
  20768. <entry>
  20769. <para>
  20770. which?
  20771. </para>
  20772. </entry>
  20773. <entry>
  20774. <para>
  20775. 4.4’, 4.5
  20776. </para>
  20777. </entry>
  20778. </row>
  20779. <row>
  20780. <entry>
  20781. <para>
  20782. nàge
  20783. </para>
  20784. </entry>
  20785. <entry>
  20786. <para>
  20787. that
  20788. </para>
  20789. </entry>
  20790. <entry>
  20791. <para>
  20792. 4.4’, 4.5
  20793. </para>
  20794. </entry>
  20795. </row>
  20796. <row>
  20797. <entry>
  20798. <para>
  20799. náli
  20800. </para>
  20801. </entry>
  20802. <entry>
  20803. <para>
  20804. where
  20805. </para>
  20806. </entry>
  20807. <entry>
  20808. <para>
  20809. 2.2
  20810. </para>
  20811. </entry>
  20812. </row>
  20813. <row>
  20814. <entry>
  20815. <para>
  20816. náli
  20817. </para>
  20818. </entry>
  20819. <entry>
  20820. <para>
  20821. Not at all!
  20822. </para>
  20823. </entry>
  20824. <entry>
  20825. <para>
  20826. 2.7
  20827. </para>
  20828. </entry>
  20829. </row>
  20830. <row>
  20831. <entry>
  20832. <para>
  20833. nàli
  20834. </para>
  20835. </entry>
  20836. <entry>
  20837. <para>
  20838. there
  20839. </para>
  20840. </entry>
  20841. <entry>
  20842. <para>
  20843. 2.2
  20844. </para>
  20845. </entry>
  20846. </row>
  20847. <row>
  20848. <entry>
  20849. <para>
  20850. nàme
  20851. </para>
  20852. </entry>
  20853. <entry>
  20854. <para>
  20855. so, to that extent, in that way;
  20856. </para>
  20857. </entry>
  20858. <entry>
  20859. <para>
  20860. 5.3, 6.1
  20861. </para>
  20862. </entry>
  20863. </row>
  20864. <row>
  20865. <entry>
  20866. </entry>
  20867. <entry>
  20868. <para>
  20869. well then, in that case
  20870. </para>
  20871. </entry>
  20872. <entry>
  20873. </entry>
  20874. </row>
  20875. <row>
  20876. <entry>
  20877. <para>
  20878. nan
  20879. </para>
  20880. </entry>
  20881. <entry>
  20882. <para>
  20883. to be difficult
  20884. </para>
  20885. </entry>
  20886. <entry>
  20887. <para>
  20888. 2.7
  20889. </para>
  20890. </entry>
  20891. </row>
  20892. <row>
  20893. <entry>
  20894. <para>
  20895. nán
  20896. </para>
  20897. </entry>
  20898. <entry>
  20899. <para>
  20900. south
  20901. </para>
  20902. </entry>
  20903. <entry>
  20904. <para>
  20905. 4.2
  20906. </para>
  20907. </entry>
  20908. </row>
  20909. <row>
  20910. <entry>
  20911. <para>
  20912. nánbian(r)
  20913. </para>
  20914. </entry>
  20915. <entry>
  20916. <para>
  20917. south side
  20918. </para>
  20919. </entry>
  20920. <entry>
  20921. <para>
  20922. 4.2
  20923. </para>
  20924. </entry>
  20925. </row>
  20926. <row>
  20927. <entry>
  20928. <para>
  20929. nánbù
  20930. </para>
  20931. </entry>
  20932. <entry>
  20933. <para>
  20934. the southern part (i.e., of the
  20935. </para>
  20936. </entry>
  20937. <entry>
  20938. <para>
  20939. 6.8’
  20940. </para>
  20941. </entry>
  20942. </row>
  20943. <row>
  20944. <entry>
  20945. </entry>
  20946. <entry>
  20947. <para>
  20948. island)
  20949. </para>
  20950. </entry>
  20951. <entry>
  20952. </entry>
  20953. </row>
  20954. <row>
  20955. <entry>
  20956. <para>
  20957. nánháizi
  20958. </para>
  20959. </entry>
  20960. <entry>
  20961. <para>
  20962. boy
  20963. </para>
  20964. </entry>
  20965. <entry>
  20966. <para>
  20967. 2.3
  20968. </para>
  20969. </entry>
  20970. </row>
  20971. <row>
  20972. <entry>
  20973. <para>
  20974. Nanjing Dōnglù
  20975. </para>
  20976. </entry>
  20977. <entry>
  20978. <para>
  20979. Nanjing East Road
  20980. </para>
  20981. </entry>
  20982. <entry>
  20983. <para>
  20984. 4.5
  20985. </para>
  20986. </entry>
  20987. </row>
  20988. <row>
  20989. <entry>
  20990. <para>
  20991. Nanjing Xīlù
  20992. </para>
  20993. </entry>
  20994. <entry>
  20995. <para>
  20996. Nánjīng West Road
  20997. </para>
  20998. </entry>
  20999. <entry>
  21000. <para>
  21001. 4.5
  21002. </para>
  21003. </entry>
  21004. </row>
  21005. <row>
  21006. <entry>
  21007. <para>
  21008. nānkàn
  21009. </para>
  21010. </entry>
  21011. <entry>
  21012. <para>
  21013. to be ugly
  21014. </para>
  21015. </entry>
  21016. <entry>
  21017. <para>
  21018. 3.3
  21019. </para>
  21020. </entry>
  21021. </row>
  21022. <row>
  21023. <entry>
  21024. <para>
  21025. nánpéngyou
  21026. </para>
  21027. </entry>
  21028. <entry>
  21029. <para>
  21030. boyfriend
  21031. </para>
  21032. </entry>
  21033. <entry>
  21034. <para>
  21035. 2.3’
  21036. </para>
  21037. </entry>
  21038. </row>
  21039. <row>
  21040. <entry>
  21041. <para>
  21042. nǎr
  21043. </para>
  21044. </entry>
  21045. <entry>
  21046. <para>
  21047. where
  21048. </para>
  21049. </entry>
  21050. <entry>
  21051. <para>
  21052. 1.4
  21053. </para>
  21054. </entry>
  21055. </row>
  21056. <row>
  21057. <entry>
  21058. <para>
  21059. nàr (nèr)
  21060. </para>
  21061. </entry>
  21062. <entry>
  21063. <para>
  21064. there
  21065. </para>
  21066. </entry>
  21067. <entry>
  21068. <para>
  21069. 1.4
  21070. </para>
  21071. </entry>
  21072. </row>
  21073. <row>
  21074. <entry>
  21075. <para>
  21076. nāshanglai
  21077. </para>
  21078. </entry>
  21079. <entry>
  21080. <para>
  21081. to bring up
  21082. </para>
  21083. </entry>
  21084. <entry>
  21085. <para>
  21086. 5.6
  21087. </para>
  21088. </entry>
  21089. </row>
  21090. <row>
  21091. <entry>
  21092. <para>
  21093. náshangqu
  21094. </para>
  21095. </entry>
  21096. <entry>
  21097. <para>
  21098. to take up
  21099. </para>
  21100. </entry>
  21101. <entry>
  21102. <para>
  21103. 5.6
  21104. </para>
  21105. </entry>
  21106. </row>
  21107. <row>
  21108. <entry>
  21109. <para>
  21110. náxialai
  21111. </para>
  21112. </entry>
  21113. <entry>
  21114. <para>
  21115. to bring down
  21116. </para>
  21117. </entry>
  21118. <entry>
  21119. <para>
  21120. 5.6
  21121. </para>
  21122. </entry>
  21123. </row>
  21124. <row>
  21125. <entry>
  21126. <para>
  21127. nāxiaqu
  21128. </para>
  21129. </entry>
  21130. <entry>
  21131. <para>
  21132. to take down
  21133. </para>
  21134. </entry>
  21135. <entry>
  21136. <para>
  21137. 5-6
  21138. </para>
  21139. </entry>
  21140. </row>
  21141. <row>
  21142. <entry>
  21143. <para>
  21144. ne
  21145. </para>
  21146. </entry>
  21147. <entry>
  21148. <para>
  21149. (question marker)
  21150. </para>
  21151. </entry>
  21152. <entry>
  21153. <para>
  21154. 1.2, 5.4
  21155. </para>
  21156. </entry>
  21157. </row>
  21158. <row>
  21159. <entry>
  21160. <para>
  21161. ne
  21162. </para>
  21163. </entry>
  21164. <entry>
  21165. <para>
  21166. (marker of absence of change)
  21167. </para>
  21168. </entry>
  21169. <entry>
  21170. <para>
  21171. 2.8’, 5.2*, 5.6
  21172. </para>
  21173. </entry>
  21174. </row>
  21175. <row>
  21176. <entry>
  21177. <para>
  21178. něi
  21179. </para>
  21180. </entry>
  21181. <entry>
  21182. <para>
  21183. which
  21184. </para>
  21185. </entry>
  21186. <entry>
  21187. <para>
  21188. 2.1
  21189. </para>
  21190. </entry>
  21191. </row>
  21192. <row>
  21193. <entry>
  21194. <para>
  21195. nèi-
  21196. </para>
  21197. </entry>
  21198. <entry>
  21199. <para>
  21200. that
  21201. </para>
  21202. </entry>
  21203. <entry>
  21204. <para>
  21205. 2.1
  21206. </para>
  21207. </entry>
  21208. </row>
  21209. <row>
  21210. <entry>
  21211. <para>
  21212. neibian(r)
  21213. </para>
  21214. </entry>
  21215. <entry>
  21216. <para>
  21217. which side, where
  21218. </para>
  21219. </entry>
  21220. <entry>
  21221. <para>
  21222. 4.4
  21223. </para>
  21224. </entry>
  21225. </row>
  21226. <row>
  21227. <entry>
  21228. <para>
  21229. nèibian(r)
  21230. </para>
  21231. </entry>
  21232. <entry>
  21233. <para>
  21234. that side, there
  21235. </para>
  21236. </entry>
  21237. <entry>
  21238. <para>
  21239. 4.4
  21240. </para>
  21241. </entry>
  21242. </row>
  21243. </tbody>
  21244. </tgroup>
  21245. </informaltable>
  21246. <informaltable>
  21247. <tgroup cols="3">
  21248. <colspec align="left" />
  21249. <colspec align="left" />
  21250. <colspec align="left" />
  21251. <tbody>
  21252. <row>
  21253. <entry>
  21254. <para>
  21255. něige
  21256. </para>
  21257. </entry>
  21258. <entry>
  21259. <para>
  21260. which
  21261. </para>
  21262. </entry>
  21263. <entry>
  21264. <para>
  21265. 2.1
  21266. </para>
  21267. </entry>
  21268. </row>
  21269. <row>
  21270. <entry>
  21271. <para>
  21272. nèige
  21273. </para>
  21274. </entry>
  21275. <entry>
  21276. <para>
  21277. that
  21278. </para>
  21279. </entry>
  21280. <entry>
  21281. <para>
  21282. 2.1
  21283. </para>
  21284. </entry>
  21285. </row>
  21286. <row>
  21287. <entry>
  21288. <para>
  21289. něiguó
  21290. </para>
  21291. </entry>
  21292. <entry>
  21293. <para>
  21294. which country
  21295. </para>
  21296. </entry>
  21297. <entry>
  21298. <para>
  21299. 1.3
  21300. </para>
  21301. </entry>
  21302. </row>
  21303. <row>
  21304. <entry>
  21305. <para>
  21306. něinián
  21307. </para>
  21308. </entry>
  21309. <entry>
  21310. <para>
  21311. which year
  21312. </para>
  21313. </entry>
  21314. <entry>
  21315. <para>
  21316. 2.5
  21317. </para>
  21318. </entry>
  21319. </row>
  21320. <row>
  21321. <entry>
  21322. <para>
  21323. něitiān
  21324. </para>
  21325. </entry>
  21326. <entry>
  21327. <para>
  21328. which day
  21329. </para>
  21330. </entry>
  21331. <entry>
  21332. <para>
  21333. 2.4
  21334. </para>
  21335. </entry>
  21336. </row>
  21337. <row>
  21338. <entry>
  21339. <para>
  21340. nèitiān
  21341. </para>
  21342. </entry>
  21343. <entry>
  21344. <para>
  21345. the other day
  21346. </para>
  21347. </entry>
  21348. <entry>
  21349. <para>
  21350. 6.5
  21351. </para>
  21352. </entry>
  21353. </row>
  21354. <row>
  21355. <entry>
  21356. <para>
  21357. nèixie (nàxie)
  21358. </para>
  21359. </entry>
  21360. <entry>
  21361. <para>
  21362. those
  21363. </para>
  21364. </entry>
  21365. <entry>
  21366. <para>
  21367. 3.4
  21368. </para>
  21369. </entry>
  21370. </row>
  21371. <row>
  21372. <entry>
  21373. <para>
  21374. neng
  21375. </para>
  21376. </entry>
  21377. <entry>
  21378. <para>
  21379. can, to he able to
  21380. </para>
  21381. </entry>
  21382. <entry>
  21383. <para>
  21384. 5.8
  21385. </para>
  21386. </entry>
  21387. </row>
  21388. <row>
  21389. <entry>
  21390. <para>
  21391. nèr (nàr)
  21392. </para>
  21393. </entry>
  21394. <entry>
  21395. <para>
  21396. there
  21397. </para>
  21398. </entry>
  21399. <entry>
  21400. <para>
  21401. 1.4
  21402. </para>
  21403. </entry>
  21404. </row>
  21405. <row>
  21406. <entry>
  21407. <para>
  21408. ni
  21409. </para>
  21410. </entry>
  21411. <entry>
  21412. <para>
  21413. you
  21414. </para>
  21415. </entry>
  21416. <entry>
  21417. <para>
  21418. 1.1
  21419. </para>
  21420. </entry>
  21421. </row>
  21422. <row>
  21423. <entry>
  21424. <para>
  21425. niàn
  21426. </para>
  21427. </entry>
  21428. <entry>
  21429. <para>
  21430. to study
  21431. </para>
  21432. </entry>
  21433. <entry>
  21434. <para>
  21435. 2.7
  21436. </para>
  21437. </entry>
  21438. </row>
  21439. <row>
  21440. <entry>
  21441. <para>
  21442. niàn
  21443. </para>
  21444. </entry>
  21445. <entry>
  21446. <para>
  21447. to be pronounced as, to be
  21448. </para>
  21449. </entry>
  21450. <entry>
  21451. <para>
  21452. 4.3’
  21453. </para>
  21454. </entry>
  21455. </row>
  21456. <row>
  21457. <entry>
  21458. </entry>
  21459. <entry>
  21460. <para>
  21461. read as
  21462. </para>
  21463. </entry>
  21464. <entry>
  21465. </entry>
  21466. </row>
  21467. <row>
  21468. <entry>
  21469. <para>
  21470. -nián
  21471. </para>
  21472. </entry>
  21473. <entry>
  21474. <para>
  21475. year
  21476. </para>
  21477. </entry>
  21478. <entry>
  21479. <para>
  21480. 2.5, T&amp;D 2
  21481. </para>
  21482. </entry>
  21483. </row>
  21484. <row>
  21485. <entry>
  21486. <para>
  21487. niánji
  21488. </para>
  21489. </entry>
  21490. <entry>
  21491. <para>
  21492. age, years old
  21493. </para>
  21494. </entry>
  21495. <entry>
  21496. <para>
  21497. 2.5’
  21498. </para>
  21499. </entry>
  21500. </row>
  21501. <row>
  21502. <entry>
  21503. <para>
  21504. niánnián
  21505. </para>
  21506. </entry>
  21507. <entry>
  21508. <para>
  21509. every year
  21510. </para>
  21511. </entry>
  21512. <entry>
  21513. <para>
  21514. 2.5
  21515. </para>
  21516. </entry>
  21517. </row>
  21518. <row>
  21519. <entry>
  21520. <para>
  21521. niánqīng
  21522. </para>
  21523. </entry>
  21524. <entry>
  21525. <para>
  21526. to be young
  21527. </para>
  21528. </entry>
  21529. <entry>
  21530. <para>
  21531. 3.3’
  21532. </para>
  21533. </entry>
  21534. </row>
  21535. <row>
  21536. <entry>
  21537. <para>
  21538. niàn shū
  21539. </para>
  21540. </entry>
  21541. <entry>
  21542. <para>
  21543. to study
  21544. </para>
  21545. </entry>
  21546. <entry>
  21547. <para>
  21548. 2.7
  21549. </para>
  21550. </entry>
  21551. </row>
  21552. <row>
  21553. <entry>
  21554. <para>
  21555. nǐmen
  21556. </para>
  21557. </entry>
  21558. <entry>
  21559. <para>
  21560. you (plural)
  21561. </para>
  21562. </entry>
  21563. <entry>
  21564. <para>
  21565. 2.3
  21566. </para>
  21567. </entry>
  21568. </row>
  21569. <row>
  21570. <entry>
  21571. <para>
  21572. nín
  21573. </para>
  21574. </entry>
  21575. <entry>
  21576. <para>
  21577. you (polite)
  21578. </para>
  21579. </entry>
  21580. <entry>
  21581. <para>
  21582. 1.2
  21583. </para>
  21584. </entry>
  21585. </row>
  21586. <row>
  21587. <entry>
  21588. <para>
  21589. nín kàn
  21590. </para>
  21591. </entry>
  21592. <entry>
  21593. <para>
  21594. in your opinion, do you think...
  21595. </para>
  21596. </entry>
  21597. <entry>
  21598. <para>
  21599. 6.5
  21600. </para>
  21601. </entry>
  21602. </row>
  21603. <row>
  21604. <entry>
  21605. <para>
  21606. Niu Yuē
  21607. </para>
  21608. </entry>
  21609. <entry>
  21610. <para>
  21611. New York
  21612. </para>
  21613. </entry>
  21614. <entry>
  21615. <para>
  21616. 2.6
  21617. </para>
  21618. </entry>
  21619. </row>
  21620. <row>
  21621. <entry>
  21622. <para>
  21623. Niǔ Yuē Zhou
  21624. </para>
  21625. </entry>
  21626. <entry>
  21627. <para>
  21628. New York State
  21629. </para>
  21630. </entry>
  21631. <entry>
  21632. <para>
  21633. 1.4’
  21634. </para>
  21635. </entry>
  21636. </row>
  21637. <row>
  21638. <entry>
  21639. <para>
  21640. -nòng (-long)
  21641. </para>
  21642. </entry>
  21643. <entry>
  21644. <para>
  21645. alley
  21646. </para>
  21647. </entry>
  21648. <entry>
  21649. <para>
  21650. 4.5
  21651. </para>
  21652. </entry>
  21653. </row>
  21654. <row>
  21655. <entry>
  21656. <para>
  21657. nóngmín
  21658. </para>
  21659. </entry>
  21660. <entry>
  21661. <para>
  21662. peasant, farmer
  21663. </para>
  21664. </entry>
  21665. <entry>
  21666. <para>
  21667. 6.2’
  21668. </para>
  21669. </entry>
  21670. </row>
  21671. <row>
  21672. <entry>
  21673. <para>
  21674. nuér
  21675. </para>
  21676. </entry>
  21677. <entry>
  21678. <para>
  21679. daughter
  21680. </para>
  21681. </entry>
  21682. <entry>
  21683. <para>
  21684. 2.4
  21685. </para>
  21686. </entry>
  21687. </row>
  21688. <row>
  21689. <entry>
  21690. <para>
  21691. nuháizi
  21692. </para>
  21693. </entry>
  21694. <entry>
  21695. <para>
  21696. girl
  21697. </para>
  21698. </entry>
  21699. <entry>
  21700. <para>
  21701. 2.3
  21702. </para>
  21703. </entry>
  21704. </row>
  21705. <row>
  21706. <entry>
  21707. <para>
  21708. nushì
  21709. </para>
  21710. </entry>
  21711. <entry>
  21712. <para>
  21713. Ms., Miss; lady
  21714. </para>
  21715. </entry>
  21716. <entry>
  21717. <para>
  21718. 1.4°, 2.1
  21719. </para>
  21720. </entry>
  21721. </row>
  21722. <row>
  21723. <entry>
  21724. <para>
  21725. nutongzhì
  21726. </para>
  21727. </entry>
  21728. <entry>
  21729. <para>
  21730. (female) comrade
  21731. </para>
  21732. </entry>
  21733. <entry>
  21734. <para>
  21735. 2.3’
  21736. </para>
  21737. </entry>
  21738. </row>
  21739. </tbody>
  21740. </tgroup>
  21741. </informaltable>
  21742. <informaltable>
  21743. <tgroup cols="3">
  21744. <colspec align="left" />
  21745. <colspec align="left" />
  21746. <colspec align="left" />
  21747. <tbody>
  21748. <row>
  21749. <entry>
  21750. <para>
  21751. pài
  21752. </para>
  21753. </entry>
  21754. <entry>
  21755. <para>
  21756. to send/assign (a person to do something)
  21757. </para>
  21758. </entry>
  21759. <entry>
  21760. <para>
  21761. 5.7, 6.7
  21762. </para>
  21763. </entry>
  21764. </row>
  21765. <row>
  21766. <entry>
  21767. <para>
  21768. pài dao
  21769. </para>
  21770. </entry>
  21771. <entry>
  21772. <para>
  21773. to send to
  21774. </para>
  21775. </entry>
  21776. <entry>
  21777. <para>
  21778. 6.7
  21779. </para>
  21780. </entry>
  21781. </row>
  21782. <row>
  21783. <entry>
  21784. <para>
  21785. páijià
  21786. </para>
  21787. </entry>
  21788. <entry>
  21789. <para>
  21790. exchange rate (currency)
  21791. </para>
  21792. </entry>
  21793. <entry>
  21794. <para>
  21795. 3.5
  21796. </para>
  21797. </entry>
  21798. </row>
  21799. <row>
  21800. <entry>
  21801. <para>
  21802. pàilai
  21803. </para>
  21804. </entry>
  21805. <entry>
  21806. <para>
  21807. to send here
  21808. </para>
  21809. </entry>
  21810. <entry>
  21811. <para>
  21812. 6.7
  21813. </para>
  21814. </entry>
  21815. </row>
  21816. <row>
  21817. <entry>
  21818. <para>
  21819. pángbiān(r)
  21820. </para>
  21821. </entry>
  21822. <entry>
  21823. <para>
  21824. beside, next to, alongside of
  21825. </para>
  21826. </entry>
  21827. <entry>
  21828. <para>
  21829. 4.3
  21830. </para>
  21831. </entry>
  21832. </row>
  21833. <row>
  21834. <entry>
  21835. <para>
  21836. pánzi
  21837. </para>
  21838. </entry>
  21839. <entry>
  21840. <para>
  21841. plates
  21842. </para>
  21843. </entry>
  21844. <entry>
  21845. <para>
  21846. 3.4
  21847. </para>
  21848. </entry>
  21849. </row>
  21850. <row>
  21851. <entry>
  21852. <para>
  21853. panziwan
  21854. </para>
  21855. </entry>
  21856. <entry>
  21857. <para>
  21858. dishes
  21859. </para>
  21860. </entry>
  21861. <entry>
  21862. <para>
  21863. 3.4
  21864. </para>
  21865. </entry>
  21866. </row>
  21867. <row>
  21868. <entry>
  21869. <para>
  21870. pǎo
  21871. </para>
  21872. </entry>
  21873. <entry>
  21874. <para>
  21875. to run
  21876. </para>
  21877. </entry>
  21878. <entry>
  21879. <para>
  21880. 5.6
  21881. </para>
  21882. </entry>
  21883. </row>
  21884. <row>
  21885. <entry>
  21886. <para>
  21887. péi
  21888. </para>
  21889. </entry>
  21890. <entry>
  21891. <para>
  21892. to accompany
  21893. </para>
  21894. </entry>
  21895. <entry>
  21896. <para>
  21897. 5.8
  21898. </para>
  21899. </entry>
  21900. </row>
  21901. <row>
  21902. <entry>
  21903. <para>
  21904. péngyou
  21905. </para>
  21906. </entry>
  21907. <entry>
  21908. <para>
  21909. friend
  21910. </para>
  21911. </entry>
  21912. <entry>
  21913. <para>
  21914. 2.2
  21915. </para>
  21916. </entry>
  21917. </row>
  21918. <row>
  21919. <entry>
  21920. <para>
  21921. piányi
  21922. </para>
  21923. </entry>
  21924. <entry>
  21925. <para>
  21926. to be inexpensive, to be cheap
  21927. </para>
  21928. </entry>
  21929. <entry>
  21930. <para>
  21931. 3.3
  21932. </para>
  21933. </entry>
  21934. </row>
  21935. <row>
  21936. <entry>
  21937. <para>
  21938. piào (yìzhāng)
  21939. </para>
  21940. </entry>
  21941. <entry>
  21942. <para>
  21943. ticket, coupon
  21944. </para>
  21945. </entry>
  21946. <entry>
  21947. <para>
  21948. 5.2
  21949. </para>
  21950. </entry>
  21951. </row>
  21952. <row>
  21953. <entry>
  21954. <para>
  21955. piàoliang
  21956. </para>
  21957. </entry>
  21958. <entry>
  21959. <para>
  21960. to be beautiful
  21961. </para>
  21962. </entry>
  21963. <entry>
  21964. <para>
  21965. 5.8
  21966. </para>
  21967. </entry>
  21968. </row>
  21969. <row>
  21970. <entry>
  21971. <para>
  21972. piàozi
  21973. </para>
  21974. </entry>
  21975. <entry>
  21976. <para>
  21977. bills (currency)
  21978. </para>
  21979. </entry>
  21980. <entry>
  21981. <para>
  21982. 3.6
  21983. </para>
  21984. </entry>
  21985. </row>
  21986. <row>
  21987. <entry>
  21988. <para>
  21989. píjiǔ
  21990. </para>
  21991. </entry>
  21992. <entry>
  21993. <para>
  21994. beer
  21995. </para>
  21996. </entry>
  21997. <entry>
  21998. <para>
  21999. 3.2
  22000. </para>
  22001. </entry>
  22002. </row>
  22003. <row>
  22004. <entry>
  22005. <para>
  22006. -ping '
  22007. </para>
  22008. </entry>
  22009. <entry>
  22010. <para>
  22011. bottle (counter)
  22012. </para>
  22013. </entry>
  22014. <entry>
  22015. <para>
  22016. 3.2
  22017. </para>
  22018. </entry>
  22019. </row>
  22020. <row>
  22021. <entry>
  22022. <para>
  22023. píngcháng
  22024. </para>
  22025. </entry>
  22026. <entry>
  22027. <para>
  22028. usually
  22029. </para>
  22030. </entry>
  22031. <entry>
  22032. <para>
  22033. 6.6’
  22034. </para>
  22035. </entry>
  22036. </row>
  22037. <row>
  22038. <entry>
  22039. <para>
  22040. píngguǒ (píngguo)
  22041. </para>
  22042. </entry>
  22043. <entry>
  22044. <para>
  22045. apple
  22046. </para>
  22047. </entry>
  22048. <entry>
  22049. <para>
  22050. 3.2
  22051. </para>
  22052. </entry>
  22053. </row>
  22054. </tbody>
  22055. </tgroup>
  22056. </informaltable>
  22057. <informaltable>
  22058. <tgroup cols="3">
  22059. <colspec align="left" />
  22060. <colspec align="left" />
  22061. <colspec align="left" />
  22062. <tbody>
  22063. <row>
  22064. <entry>
  22065. <para>
  22066. pixie (yìshuāng)
  22067. </para>
  22068. </entry>
  22069. <entry>
  22070. <para>
  22071. (leather) shoes
  22072. </para>
  22073. </entry>
  22074. <entry>
  22075. <para>
  22076. 5.5
  22077. </para>
  22078. </entry>
  22079. </row>
  22080. <row>
  22081. <entry>
  22082. <para>
  22083. pùbù
  22084. </para>
  22085. </entry>
  22086. <entry>
  22087. <para>
  22088. waterfall
  22089. </para>
  22090. </entry>
  22091. <entry>
  22092. <para>
  22093. 2.3
  22094. </para>
  22095. </entry>
  22096. </row>
  22097. <row>
  22098. <entry>
  22099. <para>
  22100. pùzi
  22101. </para>
  22102. </entry>
  22103. <entry>
  22104. <para>
  22105. shop, store (Beijing)
  22106. </para>
  22107. </entry>
  22108. <entry>
  22109. <para>
  22110. U.l
  22111. </para>
  22112. </entry>
  22113. </row>
  22114. </tbody>
  22115. </tgroup>
  22116. </informaltable>
  22117. <informaltable>
  22118. <tgroup cols="3">
  22119. <colspec align="left" />
  22120. <colspec align="left" />
  22121. <colspec align="left" />
  22122. <tbody>
  22123. <row>
  22124. <entry>
  22125. <para>
  22126. ql
  22127. </para>
  22128. </entry>
  22129. <entry>
  22130. <para>
  22131. seven
  22132. </para>
  22133. </entry>
  22134. <entry>
  22135. <para>
  22136. NUM 2
  22137. </para>
  22138. </entry>
  22139. </row>
  22140. <row>
  22141. <entry>
  22142. <para>
  22143. qiān
  22144. </para>
  22145. </entry>
  22146. <entry>
  22147. <para>
  22148. one thousand
  22149. </para>
  22150. </entry>
  22151. <entry>
  22152. <para>
  22153. 3.6, NUM 6
  22154. </para>
  22155. </entry>
  22156. </row>
  22157. <row>
  22158. <entry>
  22159. <para>
  22160. qiān
  22161. </para>
  22162. </entry>
  22163. <entry>
  22164. <para>
  22165. money
  22166. </para>
  22167. </entry>
  22168. <entry>
  22169. <para>
  22170. 3.1
  22171. </para>
  22172. </entry>
  22173. </row>
  22174. <row>
  22175. <entry>
  22176. <para>
  22177. qián
  22178. </para>
  22179. </entry>
  22180. <entry>
  22181. <para>
  22182. front, ahead
  22183. </para>
  22184. </entry>
  22185. <entry>
  22186. <para>
  22187. 4.4
  22188. </para>
  22189. </entry>
  22190. </row>
  22191. <row>
  22192. <entry>
  22193. <para>
  22194. qiánbian(r)
  22195. </para>
  22196. </entry>
  22197. <entry>
  22198. <para>
  22199. front side, the place ahead
  22200. </para>
  22201. </entry>
  22202. <entry>
  22203. <para>
  22204. 4.5
  22205. </para>
  22206. </entry>
  22207. </row>
  22208. <row>
  22209. <entry>
  22210. <para>
  22211. qiánnián (-nian)
  22212. </para>
  22213. </entry>
  22214. <entry>
  22215. <para>
  22216. the year before last
  22217. </para>
  22218. </entry>
  22219. <entry>
  22220. <para>
  22221. 2.5
  22222. </para>
  22223. </entry>
  22224. </row>
  22225. <row>
  22226. <entry>
  22227. <para>
  22228. qiántiān (-tian)
  22229. </para>
  22230. </entry>
  22231. <entry>
  22232. <para>
  22233. the day before yesterday
  22234. </para>
  22235. </entry>
  22236. <entry>
  22237. <para>
  22238. 2.1+
  22239. </para>
  22240. </entry>
  22241. </row>
  22242. <row>
  22243. <entry>
  22244. <para>
  22245. qiáo
  22246. </para>
  22247. </entry>
  22248. <entry>
  22249. <para>
  22250. bridge
  22251. </para>
  22252. </entry>
  22253. <entry>
  22254. <para>
  22255. 4.5
  22256. </para>
  22257. </entry>
  22258. </row>
  22259. <row>
  22260. <entry>
  22261. <para>
  22262. qiǎo
  22263. </para>
  22264. </entry>
  22265. <entry>
  22266. <para>
  22267. to be timely, to be opportune
  22268. </para>
  22269. </entry>
  22270. <entry>
  22271. <para>
  22272. 6.8
  22273. </para>
  22274. </entry>
  22275. </row>
  22276. <row>
  22277. <entry>
  22278. <para>
  22279. qìchē
  22280. </para>
  22281. </entry>
  22282. <entry>
  22283. <para>
  22284. car; bus (short for gōnggòng
  22285. </para>
  22286. </entry>
  22287. <entry>
  22288. <para>
  22289. 5-3
  22290. </para>
  22291. </entry>
  22292. </row>
  22293. <row>
  22294. <entry>
  22295. </entry>
  22296. <entry>
  22297. <para>
  22298. qìchē
  22299. </para>
  22300. </entry>
  22301. <entry>
  22302. </entry>
  22303. </row>
  22304. <row>
  22305. <entry>
  22306. <para>
  22307. qìchēzhàn
  22308. </para>
  22309. </entry>
  22310. <entry>
  22311. <para>
  22312. bus stop
  22313. </para>
  22314. </entry>
  22315. <entry>
  22316. <para>
  22317. 5-2
  22318. </para>
  22319. </entry>
  22320. </row>
  22321. <row>
  22322. <entry>
  22323. <para>
  22324. qǐdiānzhàn
  22325. </para>
  22326. </entry>
  22327. <entry>
  22328. <para>
  22329. station where a train
  22330. </para>
  22331. </entry>
  22332. <entry>
  22333. <para>
  22334. 5.6’
  22335. </para>
  22336. </entry>
  22337. </row>
  22338. <row>
  22339. <entry>
  22340. </entry>
  22341. <entry>
  22342. <para>
  22343. originates
  22344. </para>
  22345. </entry>
  22346. <entry>
  22347. </entry>
  22348. </row>
  22349. <row>
  22350. <entry>
  22351. <para>
  22352. qǐfēi
  22353. </para>
  22354. </entry>
  22355. <entry>
  22356. <para>
  22357. to take off (airplane)
  22358. </para>
  22359. </entry>
  22360. <entry>
  22361. <para>
  22362. 5.7
  22363. </para>
  22364. </entry>
  22365. </row>
  22366. <row>
  22367. <entry>
  22368. <para>
  22369. qǐng
  22370. </para>
  22371. </entry>
  22372. <entry>
  22373. <para>
  22374. please
  22375. </para>
  22376. </entry>
  22377. <entry>
  22378. <para>
  22379. 3.2
  22380. </para>
  22381. </entry>
  22382. </row>
  22383. <row>
  22384. <entry>
  22385. <para>
  22386. qǐng
  22387. </para>
  22388. </entry>
  22389. <entry>
  22390. <para>
  22391. to request, to ask (someone
  22392. </para>
  22393. </entry>
  22394. <entry>
  22395. <para>
  22396. 5.8
  22397. </para>
  22398. </entry>
  22399. </row>
  22400. <row>
  22401. <entry>
  22402. </entry>
  22403. <entry>
  22404. <para>
  22405. to do something)
  22406. </para>
  22407. </entry>
  22408. <entry>
  22409. </entry>
  22410. </row>
  22411. <row>
  22412. <entry>
  22413. <para>
  22414. qǐng
  22415. </para>
  22416. </entry>
  22417. <entry>
  22418. <para>
  22419. to invite, to treat
  22420. </para>
  22421. </entry>
  22422. <entry>
  22423. <para>
  22424. 5.3’, 6.6
  22425. </para>
  22426. </entry>
  22427. </row>
  22428. <row>
  22429. <entry>
  22430. <para>
  22431. Qíngbàosī
  22432. </para>
  22433. </entry>
  22434. <entry>
  22435. <para>
  22436. Intelligence Bureau
  22437. </para>
  22438. </entry>
  22439. <entry>
  22440. <para>
  22441. 6.2*
  22442. </para>
  22443. </entry>
  22444. </row>
  22445. <row>
  22446. <entry>
  22447. <para>
  22448. qīngchu
  22449. </para>
  22450. </entry>
  22451. <entry>
  22452. <para>
  22453. to be clear, to be intelligible
  22454. </para>
  22455. </entry>
  22456. <entry>
  22457. <para>
  22458. 5.1’
  22459. </para>
  22460. </entry>
  22461. </row>
  22462. <row>
  22463. <entry>
  22464. <para>
  22465. Qingdao
  22466. </para>
  22467. </entry>
  22468. <entry>
  22469. <para>
  22470. Qingdao (a city in Shāndōng
  22471. </para>
  22472. </entry>
  22473. <entry>
  22474. <para>
  22475. 1.4
  22476. </para>
  22477. </entry>
  22478. </row>
  22479. <row>
  22480. <entry>
  22481. </entry>
  22482. <entry>
  22483. <para>
  22484. Province)
  22485. </para>
  22486. </entry>
  22487. <entry>
  22488. </entry>
  22489. </row>
  22490. <row>
  22491. <entry>
  22492. <para>
  22493. qǐngjiao
  22494. </para>
  22495. </entry>
  22496. <entry>
  22497. <para>
  22498. to ask advice, to consult
  22499. </para>
  22500. </entry>
  22501. <entry>
  22502. <para>
  22503. 6.4
  22504. </para>
  22505. </entry>
  22506. </row>
  22507. <row>
  22508. <entry>
  22509. <para>
  22510. qǐng Jin
  22511. </para>
  22512. </entry>
  22513. <entry>
  22514. <para>
  22515. please come in
  22516. </para>
  22517. </entry>
  22518. <entry>
  22519. <para>
  22520. 4.4’, 6.4
  22521. </para>
  22522. </entry>
  22523. </row>
  22524. <row>
  22525. <entry>
  22526. <para>
  22527. qīngtiě (qǐngtiē)
  22528. </para>
  22529. </entry>
  22530. <entry>
  22531. <para>
  22532. written invitation
  22533. </para>
  22534. </entry>
  22535. <entry>
  22536. <para>
  22537. 6.8
  22538. </para>
  22539. </entry>
  22540. </row>
  22541. <row>
  22542. <entry>
  22543. <para>
  22544. qīngwèn
  22545. </para>
  22546. </entry>
  22547. <entry>
  22548. <para>
  22549. May I ask...
  22550. </para>
  22551. </entry>
  22552. <entry>
  22553. <para>
  22554. 1.4
  22555. </para>
  22556. </entry>
  22557. </row>
  22558. <row>
  22559. <entry>
  22560. <para>
  22561. qǐng zuò
  22562. </para>
  22563. </entry>
  22564. <entry>
  22565. <para>
  22566. please sit down
  22567. </para>
  22568. </entry>
  22569. <entry>
  22570. <para>
  22571. 6.4
  22572. </para>
  22573. </entry>
  22574. </row>
  22575. <row>
  22576. <entry>
  22577. <para>
  22578. qīnzì
  22579. </para>
  22580. </entry>
  22581. <entry>
  22582. <para>
  22583. personally, privately, by
  22584. </para>
  22585. </entry>
  22586. <entry>
  22587. <para>
  22588. 6.5*, 6.8*
  22589. </para>
  22590. </entry>
  22591. </row>
  22592. <row>
  22593. <entry>
  22594. </entry>
  22595. <entry>
  22596. <para>
  22597. oneself, in person
  22598. </para>
  22599. </entry>
  22600. <entry>
  22601. </entry>
  22602. </row>
  22603. <row>
  22604. <entry>
  22605. <para>
  22606. qìshuǐ
  22607. </para>
  22608. </entry>
  22609. <entry>
  22610. <para>
  22611. soda, carbonated soft drink
  22612. </para>
  22613. </entry>
  22614. <entry>
  22615. <para>
  22616. 3.2
  22617. </para>
  22618. </entry>
  22619. </row>
  22620. <row>
  22621. <entry>
  22622. <para>
  22623. qìsi
  22624. </para>
  22625. </entry>
  22626. <entry>
  22627. <para>
  22628. cheese
  22629. </para>
  22630. </entry>
  22631. <entry>
  22632. <para>
  22633. 6.8’
  22634. </para>
  22635. </entry>
  22636. </row>
  22637. <row>
  22638. <entry>
  22639. <para>
  22640. Qīyuè (Qíyue)
  22641. </para>
  22642. </entry>
  22643. <entry>
  22644. <para>
  22645. July
  22646. </para>
  22647. </entry>
  22648. <entry>
  22649. <para>
  22650. 2.5, T&amp;D 1
  22651. </para>
  22652. </entry>
  22653. </row>
  22654. <row>
  22655. <entry>
  22656. <para>
  22657. </para>
  22658. </entry>
  22659. <entry>
  22660. <para>
  22661. to go *
  22662. </para>
  22663. </entry>
  22664. <entry>
  22665. <para>
  22666. 2.6, 4.1
  22667. </para>
  22668. </entry>
  22669. </row>
  22670. <row>
  22671. <entry>
  22672. <para>
  22673. qùnián (qùnian)
  22674. </para>
  22675. </entry>
  22676. <entry>
  22677. <para>
  22678. last year
  22679. </para>
  22680. </entry>
  22681. <entry>
  22682. <para>
  22683. 2.5, T&amp;D 2
  22684. </para>
  22685. </entry>
  22686. </row>
  22687. </tbody>
  22688. </tgroup>
  22689. </informaltable>
  22690. <informaltable>
  22691. <tgroup cols="3">
  22692. <colspec align="left" />
  22693. <colspec align="left" />
  22694. <colspec align="left" />
  22695. <tbody>
  22696. <row>
  22697. <entry>
  22698. <para>
  22699. ránhòu
  22700. </para>
  22701. </entry>
  22702. <entry>
  22703. <para>
  22704. afterwards, after that
  22705. </para>
  22706. </entry>
  22707. <entry>
  22708. <para>
  22709. 4.1
  22710. </para>
  22711. </entry>
  22712. </row>
  22713. <row>
  22714. <entry>
  22715. <para>
  22716. re
  22717. </para>
  22718. </entry>
  22719. <entry>
  22720. <para>
  22721. to be hot
  22722. </para>
  22723. </entry>
  22724. <entry>
  22725. <para>
  22726. 4.2
  22727. </para>
  22728. </entry>
  22729. </row>
  22730. <row>
  22731. <entry>
  22732. <para>
  22733. rěn
  22734. </para>
  22735. </entry>
  22736. <entry>
  22737. <para>
  22738. person
  22739. </para>
  22740. </entry>
  22741. <entry>
  22742. <para>
  22743. 1.3
  22744. </para>
  22745. </entry>
  22746. </row>
  22747. <row>
  22748. <entry>
  22749. <para>
  22750. rènao
  22751. </para>
  22752. </entry>
  22753. <entry>
  22754. <para>
  22755. to be lively/bustling/noisy
  22756. </para>
  22757. </entry>
  22758. <entry>
  22759. <para>
  22760. 5.8
  22761. </para>
  22762. </entry>
  22763. </row>
  22764. <row>
  22765. <entry>
  22766. <para>
  22767. rènde
  22768. </para>
  22769. </entry>
  22770. <entry>
  22771. <para>
  22772. to recognize, to know
  22773. </para>
  22774. </entry>
  22775. <entry>
  22776. <para>
  22777. 6.7
  22778. </para>
  22779. </entry>
  22780. </row>
  22781. <row>
  22782. <entry>
  22783. <para>
  22784. rénkǒu
  22785. </para>
  22786. </entry>
  22787. <entry>
  22788. <para>
  22789. population
  22790. </para>
  22791. </entry>
  22792. <entry>
  22793. <para>
  22794. 6.1
  22795. </para>
  22796. </entry>
  22797. </row>
  22798. <row>
  22799. <entry>
  22800. <para>
  22801. rénmín
  22802. </para>
  22803. </entry>
  22804. <entry>
  22805. <para>
  22806. people
  22807. </para>
  22808. </entry>
  22809. <entry>
  22810. <para>
  22811. 3.5
  22812. </para>
  22813. </entry>
  22814. </row>
  22815. </tbody>
  22816. </tgroup>
  22817. </informaltable>
  22818. <informaltable>
  22819. <tgroup cols="2">
  22820. <colspec align="left" />
  22821. <colspec align="left" />
  22822. <tbody>
  22823. <row>
  22824. <entry>
  22825. <para>
  22826. fēijī
  22827. </para>
  22828. </entry>
  22829. <entry>
  22830. <para>
  22831. airplane
  22832. </para>
  22833. </entry>
  22834. </row>
  22835. <row>
  22836. <entry>
  22837. <para>
  22838. fēijīchǎng
  22839. </para>
  22840. </entry>
  22841. <entry>
  22842. <para>
  22843. airport
  22844. </para>
  22845. </entry>
  22846. </row>
  22847. <row>
  22848. <entry>
  22849. <para>
  22850. féizào (yíkuài)
  22851. </para>
  22852. </entry>
  22853. <entry>
  22854. <para>
  22855. soap
  22856. </para>
  22857. </entry>
  22858. </row>
  22859. <row>
  22860. <entry>
  22861. <para>
  22862. -fēn
  22863. </para>
  22864. </entry>
  22865. <entry>
  22866. <para>
  22867. cent
  22868. </para>
  22869. </entry>
  22870. </row>
  22871. <row>
  22872. <entry>
  22873. <para>
  22874. -fēn
  22875. </para>
  22876. </entry>
  22877. <entry>
  22878. <para>
  22879. a minute
  22880. </para>
  22881. </entry>
  22882. </row>
  22883. <row>
  22884. <entry>
  22885. <para>
  22886. -fèn(r)
  22887. </para>
  22888. </entry>
  22889. <entry>
  22890. <para>
  22891. copy (counter for magazines or newspapers)
  22892. </para>
  22893. </entry>
  22894. </row>
  22895. <row>
  22896. <entry>
  22897. <para>
  22898. fùjìn (fǔjìn)
  22899. </para>
  22900. </entry>
  22901. <entry>
  22902. <para>
  22903. area, vicinity
  22904. </para>
  22905. </entry>
  22906. </row>
  22907. <row>
  22908. <entry>
  22909. <para>
  22910. fùmǔ
  22911. </para>
  22912. </entry>
  22913. <entry>
  22914. <para>
  22915. parents
  22916. </para>
  22917. </entry>
  22918. </row>
  22919. <row>
  22920. <entry>
  22921. <para>
  22922. fùqin
  22923. </para>
  22924. </entry>
  22925. <entry>
  22926. <para>
  22927. father
  22928. </para>
  22929. </entry>
  22930. </row>
  22931. <row>
  22932. <entry>
  22933. <para>
  22934. fūren
  22935. </para>
  22936. </entry>
  22937. <entry>
  22938. <para>
  22939. Mrs., Lady, Madame; a very
  22940. </para>
  22941. </entry>
  22942. </row>
  22943. </tbody>
  22944. </tgroup>
  22945. </informaltable>
  22946. <para>
  22947. polite word for the wife of a high-ranking person
  22948. </para>
  22949. <literallayout>
  22950. </literallayout>
  22951. <para>
  22952. T&amp;D U 5.7 3.2 3.2 5.1, T&amp;D 3 3.1
  22953. </para>
  22954. <para>
  22955. 1+.2 2.3 2.3 1.1+
  22956. </para>
  22957. <literallayout>
  22958. </literallayout>
  22959. <para>
  22960. huìkèshì (huìkèshì)
  22961. </para>
  22962. <literallayout>
  22963. </literallayout>
  22964. <para>
  22965. huílai
  22966. </para>
  22967. <literallayout>
  22968. </literallayout>
  22969. <para>
  22970. reception room to come back
  22971. </para>
  22972. <literallayout>
  22973. </literallayout>
  22974. <para>
  22975. huíqu
  22976. </para>
  22977. <para>
  22978. huochē
  22979. </para>
  22980. <para>
  22981. huochēzhàn
  22982. </para>
  22983. <para>
  22984. huòshi
  22985. </para>
  22986. <para>
  22987. huòzhě (huòzhe)
  22988. </para>
  22989. <para>
  22990. hútong (hútòngr)
  22991. </para>
  22992. <para>
  22993. hùzhào
  22994. </para>
  22995. <literallayout>
  22996. </literallayout>
  22997. <para>
  22998. to go back train train station
  22999. </para>
  23000. <para>
  23001. or
  23002. </para>
  23003. <para>
  23004. or
  23005. </para>
  23006. <para>
  23007. narrow street, lane
  23008. </para>
  23009. <para>
  23010. (Běijīng)
  23011. </para>
  23012. <para>
  23013. passport
  23014. </para>
  23015. <literallayout>
  23016. </literallayout>
  23017. <para>
  23018. 6.1
  23019. </para>
  23020. <para>
  23021. 5-2°, 5.3’,
  23022. </para>
  23023. <para>
  23024. 5-6’, 5.8
  23025. </para>
  23026. <para>
  23027. 5-8
  23028. </para>
  23029. <para>
  23030. 5-3
  23031. </para>
  23032. <para>
  23033. 5.5
  23034. </para>
  23035. <para>
  23036. 5-5
  23037. </para>
  23038. <para>
  23039. 4.5
  23040. </para>
  23041. <para>
  23042. 5-6
  23043. </para>
  23044. <literallayout>
  23045. </literallayout>
  23046. <para>
  23047. lùnán
  23048. </para>
  23049. <para>
  23050. lùxǐ
  23051. </para>
  23052. <para>
  23053. luxíng
  23054. </para>
  23055. <para>
  23056. luxíngzhèng
  23057. </para>
  23058. <para>
  23059. luxíng zhīpiào (yìzhǎng)
  23060. </para>
  23061. <literallayout>
  23062. </literallayout>
  23063. <informaltable>
  23064. <tgroup cols="2">
  23065. <colspec align="left" />
  23066. <colspec align="left" />
  23067. <tbody>
  23068. <row>
  23069. <entry>
  23070. <para>
  23071. south side of the street
  23072. </para>
  23073. </entry>
  23074. <entry>
  23075. <para>
  23076. H.3
  23077. </para>
  23078. </entry>
  23079. </row>
  23080. <row>
  23081. <entry>
  23082. <para>
  23083. west side of the street
  23084. </para>
  23085. </entry>
  23086. <entry>
  23087. <para>
  23088. U.3
  23089. </para>
  23090. </entry>
  23091. </row>
  23092. <row>
  23093. <entry>
  23094. <para>
  23095. to travel; trip
  23096. </para>
  23097. </entry>
  23098. <entry>
  23099. <para>
  23100. 3.5
  23101. </para>
  23102. </entry>
  23103. </row>
  23104. <row>
  23105. <entry>
  23106. <para>
  23107. travel permit
  23108. </para>
  23109. </entry>
  23110. <entry>
  23111. <para>
  23112. 5.6
  23113. </para>
  23114. </entry>
  23115. </row>
  23116. <row>
  23117. <entry>
  23118. <para>
  23119. traveler’s check
  23120. </para>
  23121. </entry>
  23122. <entry>
  23123. <para>
  23124. 3.5
  23125. </para>
  23126. </entry>
  23127. </row>
  23128. </tbody>
  23129. </tgroup>
  23130. </informaltable>
  23131. <literallayout>
  23132. </literallayout>
  23133. <informaltable>
  23134. <tgroup cols="3">
  23135. <colspec align="left" />
  23136. <colspec align="left" />
  23137. <colspec align="left" />
  23138. <tbody>
  23139. <row>
  23140. <entry>
  23141. <para>
  23142. Renminbi
  23143. </para>
  23144. </entry>
  23145. <entry>
  23146. <para>
  23147. People’s currency, Renminbi,
  23148. </para>
  23149. </entry>
  23150. <entry>
  23151. <para>
  23152. 3.2 , 3.5
  23153. </para>
  23154. </entry>
  23155. </row>
  23156. <row>
  23157. <entry>
  23158. </entry>
  23159. <entry>
  23160. <para>
  23161. RMB (PRC)
  23162. </para>
  23163. </entry>
  23164. <entry>
  23165. </entry>
  23166. </row>
  23167. <row>
  23168. <entry>
  23169. <para>
  23170. rénmín gōngshè
  23171. </para>
  23172. </entry>
  23173. <entry>
  23174. <para>
  23175. people’s commune
  23176. </para>
  23177. </entry>
  23178. <entry>
  23179. <para>
  23180. 6.2’
  23181. </para>
  23182. </entry>
  23183. </row>
  23184. <row>
  23185. <entry>
  23186. <para>
  23187. Remain Huàbào
  23188. </para>
  23189. </entry>
  23190. <entry>
  23191. <para>
  23192. The People’s Pictorial
  23193. </para>
  23194. </entry>
  23195. <entry>
  23196. <para>
  23197. 3.2’
  23198. </para>
  23199. </entry>
  23200. </row>
  23201. <row>
  23202. <entry>
  23203. <para>
  23204. Rénmín Rìbào
  23205. </para>
  23206. </entry>
  23207. <entry>
  23208. <para>
  23209. The People's Daily
  23210. </para>
  23211. </entry>
  23212. <entry>
  23213. <para>
  23214. 3.2°
  23215. </para>
  23216. </entry>
  23217. </row>
  23218. <row>
  23219. <entry>
  23220. <para>
  23221. renshi
  23222. </para>
  23223. </entry>
  23224. <entry>
  23225. <para>
  23226. to recognize, to know
  23227. </para>
  23228. </entry>
  23229. <entry>
  23230. <para>
  23231. 4.1°, 6.7
  23232. </para>
  23233. </entry>
  23234. </row>
  23235. <row>
  23236. <entry>
  23237. <para>
  23238. rènshi zì
  23239. </para>
  23240. </entry>
  23241. <entry>
  23242. <para>
  23243. to know how to read (literally,
  23244. </para>
  23245. </entry>
  23246. <entry>
  23247. <para>
  23248. 6.7
  23249. </para>
  23250. </entry>
  23251. </row>
  23252. <row>
  23253. <entry>
  23254. </entry>
  23255. <entry>
  23256. <para>
  23257. &quot;to recognize characters&quot;)
  23258. </para>
  23259. </entry>
  23260. <entry>
  23261. </entry>
  23262. </row>
  23263. <row>
  23264. <entry>
  23265. <para>
  23266. Rìběn
  23267. </para>
  23268. </entry>
  23269. <entry>
  23270. <para>
  23271. Japan
  23272. </para>
  23273. </entry>
  23274. <entry>
  23275. <para>
  23276. 1.3
  23277. </para>
  23278. </entry>
  23279. </row>
  23280. <row>
  23281. <entry>
  23282. <para>
  23283. Rì-Hàn zìdian
  23284. </para>
  23285. </entry>
  23286. <entry>
  23287. <para>
  23288. Japanese-Chinese dictionary
  23289. </para>
  23290. </entry>
  23291. <entry>
  23292. <para>
  23293. 4.3*
  23294. </para>
  23295. </entry>
  23296. </row>
  23297. <row>
  23298. <entry>
  23299. <para>
  23300. Rìwén
  23301. </para>
  23302. </entry>
  23303. <entry>
  23304. <para>
  23305. Japanese language
  23306. </para>
  23307. </entry>
  23308. <entry>
  23309. <para>
  23310. 2.7
  23311. </para>
  23312. </entry>
  23313. </row>
  23314. <row>
  23315. <entry>
  23316. <para>
  23317. róngyi
  23318. </para>
  23319. </entry>
  23320. <entry>
  23321. <para>
  23322. to be easy
  23323. </para>
  23324. </entry>
  23325. <entry>
  23326. <para>
  23327. 2.7
  23328. </para>
  23329. </entry>
  23330. </row>
  23331. <row>
  23332. <entry>
  23333. <para>
  23334. rúguǒ (rúguo)
  23335. </para>
  23336. </entry>
  23337. <entry>
  23338. <para>
  23339. if
  23340. </para>
  23341. </entry>
  23342. <entry>
  23343. <para>
  23344. 5-7
  23345. </para>
  23346. </entry>
  23347. </row>
  23348. </tbody>
  23349. </tgroup>
  23350. </informaltable>
  23351. <literallayout>
  23352. </literallayout>
  23353. <para>
  23354. sān sàn bù Sānlītǔn
  23355. </para>
  23356. <para>
  23357. Sānyuè (Sānyue) shābù shān
  23358. </para>
  23359. <para>
  23360. Shandong shàng
  23361. </para>
  23362. <para>
  23363. shàng--shang -shang shàng ban shàngbian(r) shàng chē
  23364. shāngdiàn shàngge
  23365. </para>
  23366. <para>
  23367. shàngge xīngqī shàngge yuè Shànghǎi shàng kè shāngliang
  23368. shàng lóu shàng lóu (qu) shangwu shāngwùguān shàngwǔ (-wu)
  23369. shàngxiào shàng xue shānshuī
  23370. </para>
  23371. <literallayout>
  23372. </literallayout>
  23373. <informaltable>
  23374. <tgroup cols="2">
  23375. <colspec align="left" />
  23376. <colspec align="left" />
  23377. <tbody>
  23378. <row>
  23379. <entry>
  23380. <para>
  23381. three
  23382. </para>
  23383. </entry>
  23384. <entry>
  23385. <para>
  23386. NUM 1
  23387. </para>
  23388. </entry>
  23389. </row>
  23390. <row>
  23391. <entry>
  23392. <para>
  23393. to take a walk
  23394. </para>
  23395. </entry>
  23396. <entry>
  23397. <para>
  23398. 5.4’
  23399. </para>
  23400. </entry>
  23401. </row>
  23402. <row>
  23403. <entry>
  23404. <para>
  23405. (an area in Běijīng where many
  23406. </para>
  23407. </entry>
  23408. <entry>
  23409. <para>
  23410. 5.7
  23411. </para>
  23412. </entry>
  23413. </row>
  23414. <row>
  23415. <entry>
  23416. <para>
  23417. foreign diplomats and Chinese people from other
  23418. countries live)
  23419. </para>
  23420. </entry>
  23421. <entry>
  23422. </entry>
  23423. </row>
  23424. <row>
  23425. <entry>
  23426. <para>
  23427. March
  23428. </para>
  23429. </entry>
  23430. <entry>
  23431. <para>
  23432. 2.5, T&amp;D 1
  23433. </para>
  23434. </entry>
  23435. </row>
  23436. <row>
  23437. <entry>
  23438. <para>
  23439. gauze
  23440. </para>
  23441. </entry>
  23442. <entry>
  23443. <para>
  23444. 5-4’
  23445. </para>
  23446. </entry>
  23447. </row>
  23448. <row>
  23449. <entry>
  23450. <para>
  23451. mountain
  23452. </para>
  23453. </entry>
  23454. <entry>
  23455. <para>
  23456. 5-4’
  23457. </para>
  23458. </entry>
  23459. </row>
  23460. <row>
  23461. <entry>
  23462. <para>
  23463. Shandong (a province of China)
  23464. </para>
  23465. </entry>
  23466. <entry>
  23467. <para>
  23468. 1.4
  23469. </para>
  23470. </entry>
  23471. </row>
  23472. <row>
  23473. <entry>
  23474. <para>
  23475. to go up; to get on/in (a bus,
  23476. </para>
  23477. </entry>
  23478. <entry>
  23479. <para>
  23480. 4.4, 5.1
  23481. </para>
  23482. </entry>
  23483. </row>
  23484. <row>
  23485. <entry>
  23486. <para>
  23487. car, plane, etc.)
  23488. </para>
  23489. </entry>
  23490. <entry>
  23491. </entry>
  23492. </row>
  23493. <row>
  23494. <entry>
  23495. <para>
  23496. last, previous (something)
  23497. </para>
  23498. </entry>
  23499. <entry>
  23500. <para>
  23501. 5.1
  23502. </para>
  23503. </entry>
  23504. </row>
  23505. <row>
  23506. <entry>
  23507. <para>
  23508. on (locational ending)
  23509. </para>
  23510. </entry>
  23511. <entry>
  23512. <para>
  23513. 5.2
  23514. </para>
  23515. </entry>
  23516. </row>
  23517. <row>
  23518. <entry>
  23519. <para>
  23520. onto (directional ending)
  23521. </para>
  23522. </entry>
  23523. <entry>
  23524. <para>
  23525. 5.6
  23526. </para>
  23527. </entry>
  23528. </row>
  23529. <row>
  23530. <entry>
  23531. <para>
  23532. to go to work, to start work
  23533. </para>
  23534. </entry>
  23535. <entry>
  23536. <para>
  23537. 5.1°, 5.2
  23538. </para>
  23539. </entry>
  23540. </row>
  23541. <row>
  23542. <entry>
  23543. <para>
  23544. the upper surface, above
  23545. </para>
  23546. </entry>
  23547. <entry>
  23548. <para>
  23549. 4.3
  23550. </para>
  23551. </entry>
  23552. </row>
  23553. <row>
  23554. <entry>
  23555. <para>
  23556. to get on/in a bus/train/car
  23557. </para>
  23558. </entry>
  23559. <entry>
  23560. <para>
  23561. 5.1
  23562. </para>
  23563. </entry>
  23564. </row>
  23565. <row>
  23566. <entry>
  23567. <para>
  23568. shop, store
  23569. </para>
  23570. </entry>
  23571. <entry>
  23572. <para>
  23573. 4.1
  23574. </para>
  23575. </entry>
  23576. </row>
  23577. <row>
  23578. <entry>
  23579. <para>
  23580. last, previous (i.e., &quot;last
  23581. </para>
  23582. </entry>
  23583. <entry>
  23584. <para>
  23585. 2.5°, T&amp;D 2
  23586. </para>
  23587. </entry>
  23588. </row>
  23589. <row>
  23590. <entry>
  23591. <para>
  23592. month,&quot; shàngge yuè)
  23593. </para>
  23594. </entry>
  23595. <entry>
  23596. </entry>
  23597. </row>
  23598. <row>
  23599. <entry>
  23600. <para>
  23601. last week
  23602. </para>
  23603. </entry>
  23604. <entry>
  23605. <para>
  23606. 2.5°, T&amp;D 2
  23607. </para>
  23608. </entry>
  23609. </row>
  23610. <row>
  23611. <entry>
  23612. <para>
  23613. last month
  23614. </para>
  23615. </entry>
  23616. <entry>
  23617. <para>
  23618. 2.5’
  23619. </para>
  23620. </entry>
  23621. </row>
  23622. <row>
  23623. <entry>
  23624. <para>
  23625. Shànghǎi
  23626. </para>
  23627. </entry>
  23628. <entry>
  23629. <para>
  23630. 1.3
  23631. </para>
  23632. </entry>
  23633. </row>
  23634. <row>
  23635. <entry>
  23636. <para>
  23637. to begin class, to attend class
  23638. </para>
  23639. </entry>
  23640. <entry>
  23641. <para>
  23642. CE 1
  23643. </para>
  23644. </entry>
  23645. </row>
  23646. <row>
  23647. <entry>
  23648. <para>
  23649. to discuss, to talk over
  23650. </para>
  23651. </entry>
  23652. <entry>
  23653. <para>
  23654. 6.1
  23655. </para>
  23656. </entry>
  23657. </row>
  23658. <row>
  23659. <entry>
  23660. <para>
  23661. to go upstairs
  23662. </para>
  23663. </entry>
  23664. <entry>
  23665. <para>
  23666. 4.4
  23667. </para>
  23668. </entry>
  23669. </row>
  23670. <row>
  23671. <entry>
  23672. <para>
  23673. to go upstairs
  23674. </para>
  23675. </entry>
  23676. <entry>
  23677. <para>
  23678. 4.4°
  23679. </para>
  23680. </entry>
  23681. </row>
  23682. <row>
  23683. <entry>
  23684. <para>
  23685. commercial business
  23686. </para>
  23687. </entry>
  23688. <entry>
  23689. <para>
  23690. 6.5
  23691. </para>
  23692. </entry>
  23693. </row>
  23694. <row>
  23695. <entry>
  23696. <para>
  23697. commercial officer
  23698. </para>
  23699. </entry>
  23700. <entry>
  23701. <para>
  23702. 6.5
  23703. </para>
  23704. </entry>
  23705. </row>
  23706. <row>
  23707. <entry>
  23708. <para>
  23709. forenoon, morning
  23710. </para>
  23711. </entry>
  23712. <entry>
  23713. <para>
  23714. 3.6, T&amp;D 4
  23715. </para>
  23716. </entry>
  23717. </row>
  23718. <row>
  23719. <entry>
  23720. <para>
  23721. colonel (military title)
  23722. </para>
  23723. </entry>
  23724. <entry>
  23725. <para>
  23726. 6.8’
  23727. </para>
  23728. </entry>
  23729. </row>
  23730. <row>
  23731. <entry>
  23732. <para>
  23733. to go to school
  23734. </para>
  23735. </entry>
  23736. <entry>
  23737. <para>
  23738. 5.8’
  23739. </para>
  23740. </entry>
  23741. </row>
  23742. <row>
  23743. <entry>
  23744. <para>
  23745. mountains and rivers, scenery
  23746. </para>
  23747. </entry>
  23748. <entry>
  23749. <para>
  23750. 6.4
  23751. </para>
  23752. </entry>
  23753. </row>
  23754. </tbody>
  23755. </tgroup>
  23756. </informaltable>
  23757. <para>
  23758. with hills and water
  23759. </para>
  23760. <literallayout>
  23761. </literallayout>
  23762. <informaltable>
  23763. <tgroup cols="3">
  23764. <colspec align="left" />
  23765. <colspec align="left" />
  23766. <colspec align="left" />
  23767. <tbody>
  23768. <row>
  23769. <entry>
  23770. <para>
  23771. shānshuī huà(r)
  23772. </para>
  23773. </entry>
  23774. <entry>
  23775. <para>
  23776. landscape painting
  23777. </para>
  23778. </entry>
  23779. <entry>
  23780. <para>
  23781. 6.4
  23782. </para>
  23783. </entry>
  23784. </row>
  23785. <row>
  23786. <entry>
  23787. <para>
  23788. (yìzhāng)
  23789. </para>
  23790. </entry>
  23791. <entry>
  23792. </entry>
  23793. <entry>
  23794. </entry>
  23795. </row>
  23796. <row>
  23797. <entry>
  23798. <para>
  23799. shāo
  23800. </para>
  23801. </entry>
  23802. <entry>
  23803. <para>
  23804. to be few/little/less; too few/
  23805. </para>
  23806. </entry>
  23807. <entry>
  23808. <para>
  23809. 5.1, 6.4
  23810. </para>
  23811. </entry>
  23812. </row>
  23813. <row>
  23814. <entry>
  23815. </entry>
  23816. <entry>
  23817. <para>
  23818. little
  23819. </para>
  23820. </entry>
  23821. <entry>
  23822. </entry>
  23823. </row>
  23824. <row>
  23825. <entry>
  23826. <para>
  23827. shàoxiào
  23828. </para>
  23829. </entry>
  23830. <entry>
  23831. <para>
  23832. major (military title)
  23833. </para>
  23834. </entry>
  23835. <entry>
  23836. <para>
  23837. 2.2
  23838. </para>
  23839. </entry>
  23840. </row>
  23841. <row>
  23842. <entry>
  23843. <para>
  23844. shèhuixué
  23845. </para>
  23846. </entry>
  23847. <entry>
  23848. <para>
  23849. sociology
  23850. </para>
  23851. </entry>
  23852. <entry>
  23853. <para>
  23854. 6.4
  23855. </para>
  23856. </entry>
  23857. </row>
  23858. <row>
  23859. <entry>
  23860. <para>
  23861. shéi
  23862. </para>
  23863. </entry>
  23864. <entry>
  23865. <para>
  23866. who
  23867. </para>
  23868. </entry>
  23869. <entry>
  23870. <para>
  23871. 1.1
  23872. </para>
  23873. </entry>
  23874. </row>
  23875. <row>
  23876. <entry>
  23877. <para>
  23878. shēng
  23879. </para>
  23880. </entry>
  23881. <entry>
  23882. <para>
  23883. to be born, to give birth
  23884. </para>
  23885. </entry>
  23886. <entry>
  23887. <para>
  23888. 2.5
  23889. </para>
  23890. </entry>
  23891. </row>
  23892. <row>
  23893. <entry>
  23894. <para>
  23895. shēng bìng
  23896. </para>
  23897. </entry>
  23898. <entry>
  23899. <para>
  23900. to get sick
  23901. </para>
  23902. </entry>
  23903. <entry>
  23904. <para>
  23905. 5.2*
  23906. </para>
  23907. </entry>
  23908. </row>
  23909. <row>
  23910. <entry>
  23911. <para>
  23912. shēnghuó
  23913. </para>
  23914. </entry>
  23915. <entry>
  23916. <para>
  23917. life
  23918. </para>
  23919. </entry>
  23920. <entry>
  23921. <para>
  23922. 6.2’
  23923. </para>
  23924. </entry>
  23925. </row>
  23926. <row>
  23927. <entry>
  23928. <para>
  23929. shēngyin
  23930. </para>
  23931. </entry>
  23932. <entry>
  23933. <para>
  23934. voice
  23935. </para>
  23936. </entry>
  23937. <entry>
  23938. <para>
  23939. CE 2
  23940. </para>
  23941. </entry>
  23942. </row>
  23943. <row>
  23944. <entry>
  23945. <para>
  23946. shénme
  23947. </para>
  23948. </entry>
  23949. <entry>
  23950. <para>
  23951. what
  23952. </para>
  23953. </entry>
  23954. <entry>
  23955. <para>
  23956. 1.1
  23957. </para>
  23958. </entry>
  23959. </row>
  23960. <row>
  23961. <entry>
  23962. <para>
  23963. shénme (shenme)
  23964. </para>
  23965. </entry>
  23966. <entry>
  23967. <para>
  23968. anything
  23969. </para>
  23970. </entry>
  23971. <entry>
  23972. <para>
  23973. 3.2
  23974. </para>
  23975. </entry>
  23976. </row>
  23977. <row>
  23978. <entry>
  23979. <para>
  23980. shénme dìfang
  23981. </para>
  23982. </entry>
  23983. <entry>
  23984. <para>
  23985. where, what place
  23986. </para>
  23987. </entry>
  23988. <entry>
  23989. <para>
  23990. 3.4
  23991. </para>
  23992. </entry>
  23993. </row>
  23994. <row>
  23995. <entry>
  23996. <para>
  23997. shénme shíhou
  23998. </para>
  23999. </entry>
  24000. <entry>
  24001. <para>
  24002. when, what time
  24003. </para>
  24004. </entry>
  24005. <entry>
  24006. <para>
  24007. 3.6
  24008. </para>
  24009. </entry>
  24010. </row>
  24011. <row>
  24012. <entry>
  24013. <para>
  24014. shi
  24015. </para>
  24016. </entry>
  24017. <entry>
  24018. <para>
  24019. ten
  24020. </para>
  24021. </entry>
  24022. <entry>
  24023. <para>
  24024. NUM 2
  24025. </para>
  24026. </entry>
  24027. </row>
  24028. <row>
  24029. <entry>
  24030. <para>
  24031. shi
  24032. </para>
  24033. </entry>
  24034. <entry>
  24035. <para>
  24036. to be
  24037. </para>
  24038. </entry>
  24039. <entry>
  24040. <para>
  24041. 1.1
  24042. </para>
  24043. </entry>
  24044. </row>
  24045. <row>
  24046. <entry>
  24047. <para>
  24048. shi
  24049. </para>
  24050. </entry>
  24051. <entry>
  24052. <para>
  24053. yes, that’s so
  24054. </para>
  24055. </entry>
  24056. <entry>
  24057. <para>
  24058. 2.1
  24059. </para>
  24060. </entry>
  24061. </row>
  24062. <row>
  24063. <entry>
  24064. <para>
  24065. shi (yíjiàn)
  24066. </para>
  24067. </entry>
  24068. <entry>
  24069. <para>
  24070. matter, affair, business
  24071. </para>
  24072. </entry>
  24073. <entry>
  24074. <para>
  24075. 4.5, 6.2
  24076. </para>
  24077. </entry>
  24078. </row>
  24079. <row>
  24080. <entry>
  24081. <para>
  24082. shi &quot;bu shi...
  24083. </para>
  24084. </entry>
  24085. <entry>
  24086. <para>
  24087. is it..., is it so that...
  24088. </para>
  24089. </entry>
  24090. <entry>
  24091. <para>
  24092. 3.5
  24093. </para>
  24094. </entry>
  24095. </row>
  24096. <row>
  24097. <entry>
  24098. <para>
  24099. shìbīng
  24100. </para>
  24101. </entry>
  24102. <entry>
  24103. <para>
  24104. enlisted man
  24105. </para>
  24106. </entry>
  24107. <entry>
  24108. <para>
  24109. 2.8
  24110. </para>
  24111. </entry>
  24112. </row>
  24113. <row>
  24114. <entry>
  24115. <para>
  24116. shi de
  24117. </para>
  24118. </entry>
  24119. <entry>
  24120. <para>
  24121. yes, that’s so
  24122. </para>
  24123. </entry>
  24124. <entry>
  24125. <para>
  24126. 2.2
  24127. </para>
  24128. </entry>
  24129. </row>
  24130. <row>
  24131. <entry>
  24132. <para>
  24133. shi...-de
  24134. </para>
  24135. </entry>
  24136. <entry>
  24137. <para>
  24138. (focus construction)
  24139. </para>
  24140. </entry>
  24141. <entry>
  24142. <para>
  24143. 2.4
  24144. </para>
  24145. </entry>
  24146. </row>
  24147. <row>
  24148. <entry>
  24149. <para>
  24150. Shi è ryuè (Shièryue)
  24151. </para>
  24152. </entry>
  24153. <entry>
  24154. <para>
  24155. December
  24156. </para>
  24157. </entry>
  24158. <entry>
  24159. <para>
  24160. 2.5, T&amp;D
  24161. </para>
  24162. </entry>
  24163. </row>
  24164. <row>
  24165. <entry>
  24166. <para>
  24167. shìguān
  24168. </para>
  24169. </entry>
  24170. <entry>
  24171. <para>
  24172. sergeant
  24173. </para>
  24174. </entry>
  24175. <entry>
  24176. <para>
  24177. 2.8’
  24178. </para>
  24179. </entry>
  24180. </row>
  24181. <row>
  24182. <entry>
  24183. <para>
  24184. shíhou
  24185. </para>
  24186. </entry>
  24187. <entry>
  24188. <para>
  24189. time
  24190. </para>
  24191. </entry>
  24192. <entry>
  24193. <para>
  24194. 2.4
  24195. </para>
  24196. </entry>
  24197. </row>
  24198. <row>
  24199. <entry>
  24200. <para>
  24201. shíjiān
  24202. </para>
  24203. </entry>
  24204. <entry>
  24205. <para>
  24206. time
  24207. </para>
  24208. </entry>
  24209. <entry>
  24210. <para>
  24211. 5.3
  24212. </para>
  24213. </entry>
  24214. </row>
  24215. <row>
  24216. <entry>
  24217. <para>
  24218. ShiJie Yínháng
  24219. </para>
  24220. </entry>
  24221. <entry>
  24222. <para>
  24223. World Bank
  24224. </para>
  24225. </entry>
  24226. <entry>
  24227. <para>
  24228. 6.7’
  24229. </para>
  24230. </entry>
  24231. </row>
  24232. <row>
  24233. <entry>
  24234. <para>
  24235. shìqing (yíjiàn)
  24236. </para>
  24237. </entry>
  24238. <entry>
  24239. <para>
  24240. matter, affair, business, thing
  24241. </para>
  24242. </entry>
  24243. <entry>
  24244. <para>
  24245. 6.2
  24246. </para>
  24247. </entry>
  24248. </row>
  24249. <row>
  24250. <entry>
  24251. <para>
  24252. Shísānlíng
  24253. </para>
  24254. </entry>
  24255. <entry>
  24256. <para>
  24257. Ming Tombs (literally, &quot;Thirteen
  24258. </para>
  24259. </entry>
  24260. <entry>
  24261. <para>
  24262. 6.6’
  24263. </para>
  24264. </entry>
  24265. </row>
  24266. <row>
  24267. <entry>
  24268. </entry>
  24269. <entry>
  24270. <para>
  24271. Tombs&quot;)
  24272. </para>
  24273. </entry>
  24274. <entry>
  24275. </entry>
  24276. </row>
  24277. <row>
  24278. <entry>
  24279. <para>
  24280. shítáng
  24281. </para>
  24282. </entry>
  24283. <entry>
  24284. <para>
  24285. dining hall, mess hall
  24286. </para>
  24287. </entry>
  24288. <entry>
  24289. <para>
  24290. 6.8’
  24291. </para>
  24292. </entry>
  24293. </row>
  24294. <row>
  24295. <entry>
  24296. <para>
  24297. Shíyīyuè (Shíyīyue)
  24298. </para>
  24299. </entry>
  24300. <entry>
  24301. <para>
  24302. November
  24303. </para>
  24304. </entry>
  24305. <entry>
  24306. <para>
  24307. 2.5, T&amp;D
  24308. </para>
  24309. </entry>
  24310. </row>
  24311. <row>
  24312. <entry>
  24313. <para>
  24314. Shíyuè (Shíyue)
  24315. </para>
  24316. </entry>
  24317. <entry>
  24318. <para>
  24319. October
  24320. </para>
  24321. </entry>
  24322. <entry>
  24323. <para>
  24324. 2.5, T&amp;D
  24325. </para>
  24326. </entry>
  24327. </row>
  24328. <row>
  24329. <entry>
  24330. <para>
  24331. shōu
  24332. </para>
  24333. </entry>
  24334. <entry>
  24335. <para>
  24336. to accept, to receive
  24337. </para>
  24338. </entry>
  24339. <entry>
  24340. <para>
  24341. 3.5
  24342. </para>
  24343. </entry>
  24344. </row>
  24345. <row>
  24346. <entry>
  24347. <para>
  24348. shǒubiǎo (yìzhī)
  24349. </para>
  24350. </entry>
  24351. <entry>
  24352. <para>
  24353. wristwatch
  24354. </para>
  24355. </entry>
  24356. <entry>
  24357. <para>
  24358. 3.5
  24359. </para>
  24360. </entry>
  24361. </row>
  24362. <row>
  24363. <entry>
  24364. <para>
  24365. shoudao
  24366. </para>
  24367. </entry>
  24368. <entry>
  24369. <para>
  24370. to receive
  24371. </para>
  24372. </entry>
  24373. <entry>
  24374. <para>
  24375. 5.8’
  24376. </para>
  24377. </entry>
  24378. </row>
  24379. <row>
  24380. <entry>
  24381. <para>
  24382. Shoudù Gangtie Chang
  24383. </para>
  24384. </entry>
  24385. <entry>
  24386. <para>
  24387. Capital Iron Works (Běijīng)
  24388. </para>
  24389. </entry>
  24390. <entry>
  24391. <para>
  24392. 6.8’
  24393. </para>
  24394. </entry>
  24395. </row>
  24396. <row>
  24397. <entry>
  24398. <para>
  24399. shéuxi (shūxi) (-xí)
  24400. </para>
  24401. </entry>
  24402. <entry>
  24403. <para>
  24404. to be familiar
  24405. </para>
  24406. </entry>
  24407. <entry>
  24408. <para>
  24409. 6.4
  24410. </para>
  24411. </entry>
  24412. </row>
  24413. <row>
  24414. <entry>
  24415. <para>
  24416. shōuyīnjī
  24417. </para>
  24418. </entry>
  24419. <entry>
  24420. <para>
  24421. radio
  24422. </para>
  24423. </entry>
  24424. <entry>
  24425. <para>
  24426. 3.5
  24427. </para>
  24428. </entry>
  24429. </row>
  24430. <row>
  24431. <entry>
  24432. <para>
  24433. shū (yìběn)
  24434. </para>
  24435. </entry>
  24436. <entry>
  24437. <para>
  24438. book
  24439. </para>
  24440. </entry>
  24441. <entry>
  24442. <para>
  24443. 3.1
  24444. </para>
  24445. </entry>
  24446. </row>
  24447. <row>
  24448. <entry>
  24449. <para>
  24450. shuāng
  24451. </para>
  24452. </entry>
  24453. <entry>
  24454. <para>
  24455. a pair (counter)
  24456. </para>
  24457. </entry>
  24458. <entry>
  24459. <para>
  24460. 5.5’
  24461. </para>
  24462. </entry>
  24463. </row>
  24464. <row>
  24465. <entry>
  24466. <para>
  24467. shūdiàn
  24468. </para>
  24469. </entry>
  24470. <entry>
  24471. <para>
  24472. bookstore
  24473. </para>
  24474. </entry>
  24475. <entry>
  24476. <para>
  24477. 4.1’, 4.
  24478. </para>
  24479. </entry>
  24480. </row>
  24481. <row>
  24482. <entry>
  24483. <para>
  24484. shūfu
  24485. </para>
  24486. </entry>
  24487. <entry>
  24488. <para>
  24489. to be comfortable; to feel good;
  24490. </para>
  24491. </entry>
  24492. <entry>
  24493. <para>
  24494. 5.6
  24495. </para>
  24496. </entry>
  24497. </row>
  24498. <row>
  24499. <entry>
  24500. </entry>
  24501. <entry>
  24502. <para>
  24503. to be well
  24504. </para>
  24505. </entry>
  24506. <entry>
  24507. </entry>
  24508. </row>
  24509. <row>
  24510. <entry>
  24511. <para>
  24512. shuǐ
  24513. </para>
  24514. </entry>
  24515. <entry>
  24516. <para>
  24517. water; rivers and lakes
  24518. </para>
  24519. </entry>
  24520. <entry>
  24521. <para>
  24522. 5.4’
  24523. </para>
  24524. </entry>
  24525. </row>
  24526. <row>
  24527. <entry>
  24528. <para>
  24529. shūjiàzi
  24530. </para>
  24531. </entry>
  24532. <entry>
  24533. <para>
  24534. bookcase
  24535. </para>
  24536. </entry>
  24537. <entry>
  24538. <para>
  24539. 3.4
  24540. </para>
  24541. </entry>
  24542. </row>
  24543. <row>
  24544. <entry>
  24545. <para>
  24546. shuō
  24547. </para>
  24548. </entry>
  24549. <entry>
  24550. <para>
  24551. to speak, to speak (a
  24552. </para>
  24553. </entry>
  24554. <entry>
  24555. <para>
  24556. 4.5
  24557. </para>
  24558. </entry>
  24559. </row>
  24560. <row>
  24561. <entry>
  24562. </entry>
  24563. <entry>
  24564. <para>
  24565. language); to say that
  24566. </para>
  24567. </entry>
  24568. <entry>
  24569. </entry>
  24570. </row>
  24571. <row>
  24572. <entry>
  24573. <para>
  24574. shuōcuò
  24575. </para>
  24576. </entry>
  24577. <entry>
  24578. <para>
  24579. to speak/say incorrectly
  24580. </para>
  24581. </entry>
  24582. <entry>
  24583. <para>
  24584. CE 2
  24585. </para>
  24586. </entry>
  24587. </row>
  24588. </tbody>
  24589. </tgroup>
  24590. </informaltable>
  24591. <informaltable>
  24592. <tgroup cols="3">
  24593. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  24594. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  24595. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  24596. <tbody>
  24597. <row>
  24598. <entry>
  24599. <para>
  24600. shuōhǎo le
  24601. </para>
  24602. </entry>
  24603. <entry>
  24604. <para>
  24605. to have come to an agreement
  24606. </para>
  24607. </entry>
  24608. <entry>
  24609. <para>
  24610. 5.7
  24611. </para>
  24612. </entry>
  24613. </row>
  24614. <row>
  24615. <entry>
  24616. <para>
  24617. shuō huà
  24618. </para>
  24619. </entry>
  24620. <entry>
  24621. <para>
  24622. (about something), (something) has been agreed
  24623. upon
  24624. </para>
  24625. <para>
  24626. to speak, to talk
  24627. </para>
  24628. </entry>
  24629. <entry>
  24630. <para>
  24631. 6.2
  24632. </para>
  24633. </entry>
  24634. </row>
  24635. <row>
  24636. <entry>
  24637. <para>
  24638. shùxué
  24639. </para>
  24640. </entry>
  24641. <entry>
  24642. <para>
  24643. mathematics
  24644. </para>
  24645. </entry>
  24646. <entry>
  24647. <para>
  24648. 3.1
  24649. </para>
  24650. </entry>
  24651. </row>
  24652. <row>
  24653. <entry>
  24654. <para>
  24655. si
  24656. </para>
  24657. </entry>
  24658. <entry>
  24659. <para>
  24660. four
  24661. </para>
  24662. </entry>
  24663. <entry>
  24664. <para>
  24665. NUM 1
  24666. </para>
  24667. </entry>
  24668. </row>
  24669. <row>
  24670. <entry>
  24671. <para>
  24672. sījī
  24673. </para>
  24674. </entry>
  24675. <entry>
  24676. <para>
  24677. driver of a hired vehicle
  24678. </para>
  24679. </entry>
  24680. <entry>
  24681. <para>
  24682. 5.1’, 5.7’
  24683. </para>
  24684. </entry>
  24685. </row>
  24686. <row>
  24687. <entry>
  24688. <para>
  24689. Sìyuè (SÌyue)
  24690. </para>
  24691. </entry>
  24692. <entry>
  24693. <para>
  24694. April
  24695. </para>
  24696. </entry>
  24697. <entry>
  24698. <para>
  24699. 2.5, T&amp;D 1
  24700. </para>
  24701. </entry>
  24702. </row>
  24703. <row>
  24704. <entry>
  24705. <para>
  24706. sīzhang
  24707. </para>
  24708. </entry>
  24709. <entry>
  24710. <para>
  24711. department chief
  24712. </para>
  24713. </entry>
  24714. <entry>
  24715. <para>
  24716. 6.2
  24717. </para>
  24718. </entry>
  24719. </row>
  24720. <row>
  24721. <entry>
  24722. <para>
  24723. song
  24724. </para>
  24725. </entry>
  24726. <entry>
  24727. <para>
  24728. to see someone off, to escort
  24729. </para>
  24730. </entry>
  24731. <entry>
  24732. <para>
  24733. 5.3’, 5-7
  24734. </para>
  24735. </entry>
  24736. </row>
  24737. <row>
  24738. <entry>
  24739. <para>
  24740. song gei
  24741. </para>
  24742. </entry>
  24743. <entry>
  24744. <para>
  24745. someone to a train station, airport, bus, depot,
  24746. etc.; to accompany/take (someone to a place)
  24747. </para>
  24748. <para>
  24749. to give to
  24750. </para>
  24751. </entry>
  24752. <entry>
  24753. <para>
  24754. 6.
  24755. </para>
  24756. </entry>
  24757. </row>
  24758. <row>
  24759. <entry>
  24760. <para>
  24761. -suì
  24762. </para>
  24763. </entry>
  24764. <entry>
  24765. <para>
  24766. year (of age)
  24767. </para>
  24768. </entry>
  24769. <entry>
  24770. <para>
  24771. 2.5
  24772. </para>
  24773. </entry>
  24774. </row>
  24775. <row>
  24776. <entry>
  24777. <para>
  24778. suíbiàn
  24779. </para>
  24780. </entry>
  24781. <entry>
  24782. <para>
  24783. to be informal, to be casual;
  24784. </para>
  24785. </entry>
  24786. <entry>
  24787. <para>
  24788. 6.3
  24789. </para>
  24790. </entry>
  24791. </row>
  24792. <row>
  24793. <entry>
  24794. <para>
  24795. suīrán (suírán)...
  24796. </para>
  24797. </entry>
  24798. <entry>
  24799. <para>
  24800. as you like, as you wish, whatever suits you
  24801. </para>
  24802. <para>
  24803. although/even though...(still)...
  24804. </para>
  24805. </entry>
  24806. <entry>
  24807. <para>
  24808. 6.6
  24809. </para>
  24810. </entry>
  24811. </row>
  24812. <row>
  24813. <entry>
  24814. <para>
  24815. kěshi... suìshu(r)
  24816. </para>
  24817. </entry>
  24818. <entry>
  24819. <para>
  24820. age
  24821. </para>
  24822. </entry>
  24823. <entry>
  24824. <para>
  24825. 2.5’
  24826. </para>
  24827. </entry>
  24828. </row>
  24829. <row>
  24830. <entry>
  24831. <para>
  24832. suoyi (suǒyi)
  24833. </para>
  24834. </entry>
  24835. <entry>
  24836. <para>
  24837. therefore
  24838. </para>
  24839. </entry>
  24840. <entry>
  24841. <para>
  24842. 5.8, 6.5
  24843. </para>
  24844. </entry>
  24845. </row>
  24846. <row>
  24847. <entry>
  24848. <para>
  24849. Suzhou
  24850. </para>
  24851. </entry>
  24852. <entry>
  24853. <para>
  24854. (a city in Jiāngsū Province,
  24855. </para>
  24856. </entry>
  24857. <entry>
  24858. <para>
  24859. 5-8
  24860. </para>
  24861. </entry>
  24862. </row>
  24863. </tbody>
  24864. </tgroup>
  24865. </informaltable>
  24866. <para>
  24867. formerly spelled Soochow)
  24868. </para>
  24869. <informaltable>
  24870. <tgroup cols="3">
  24871. <colspec align="left" />
  24872. <colspec align="left" />
  24873. <colspec align="left" />
  24874. <tbody>
  24875. <row>
  24876. <entry>
  24877. <para>
  24878. </para>
  24879. </entry>
  24880. <entry>
  24881. <para>
  24882. he, she, it
  24883. </para>
  24884. </entry>
  24885. <entry>
  24886. <para>
  24887. 1.1
  24888. </para>
  24889. </entry>
  24890. </row>
  24891. <row>
  24892. <entry>
  24893. <para>
  24894. tài
  24895. </para>
  24896. </entry>
  24897. <entry>
  24898. <para>
  24899. too (excessively)
  24900. </para>
  24901. </entry>
  24902. <entry>
  24903. <para>
  24904. 3.3
  24905. </para>
  24906. </entry>
  24907. </row>
  24908. <row>
  24909. <entry>
  24910. <para>
  24911. Táibì
  24912. </para>
  24913. </entry>
  24914. <entry>
  24915. <para>
  24916. Taiwan currency (NT$)
  24917. </para>
  24918. </entry>
  24919. <entry>
  24920. <para>
  24921. 3.6
  24922. </para>
  24923. </entry>
  24924. </row>
  24925. <row>
  24926. <entry>
  24927. <para>
  24928. Tāidà
  24929. </para>
  24930. </entry>
  24931. <entry>
  24932. <para>
  24933. Taiwan University
  24934. </para>
  24935. </entry>
  24936. <entry>
  24937. <para>
  24938. 6.4
  24939. </para>
  24940. </entry>
  24941. </row>
  24942. <row>
  24943. <entry>
  24944. <para>
  24945. tài hǎo le
  24946. </para>
  24947. </entry>
  24948. <entry>
  24949. <para>
  24950. wonderful
  24951. </para>
  24952. </entry>
  24953. <entry>
  24954. <para>
  24955. 6.3
  24956. </para>
  24957. </entry>
  24958. </row>
  24959. <row>
  24960. <entry>
  24961. <para>
  24962. tàitai
  24963. </para>
  24964. </entry>
  24965. <entry>
  24966. <para>
  24967. Mrs., wife; lady
  24968. </para>
  24969. </entry>
  24970. <entry>
  24971. <para>
  24972. 1.1
  24973. </para>
  24974. </entry>
  24975. </row>
  24976. <row>
  24977. <entry>
  24978. <para>
  24979. Taiwan Wéntán
  24980. </para>
  24981. </entry>
  24982. <entry>
  24983. <para>
  24984. Taiwan,Literary Magazine
  24985. </para>
  24986. </entry>
  24987. <entry>
  24988. <para>
  24989. 3.1’
  24990. </para>
  24991. </entry>
  24992. </row>
  24993. <row>
  24994. <entry>
  24995. <para>
  24996. Taiwan Yínháng
  24997. </para>
  24998. </entry>
  24999. <entry>
  25000. <para>
  25001. Bank of Taiwan
  25002. </para>
  25003. </entry>
  25004. <entry>
  25005. <para>
  25006. 2.2*
  25007. </para>
  25008. </entry>
  25009. </row>
  25010. <row>
  25011. <entry>
  25012. <para>
  25013. tāmen
  25014. </para>
  25015. </entry>
  25016. <entry>
  25017. <para>
  25018. they
  25019. </para>
  25020. </entry>
  25021. <entry>
  25022. <para>
  25023. 2.3
  25024. </para>
  25025. </entry>
  25026. </row>
  25027. <row>
  25028. <entry>
  25029. <para>
  25030. tán
  25031. </para>
  25032. </entry>
  25033. <entry>
  25034. <para>
  25035. to chat, to talk about
  25036. </para>
  25037. </entry>
  25038. <entry>
  25039. <para>
  25040. 6.1
  25041. </para>
  25042. </entry>
  25043. </row>
  25044. <row>
  25045. <entry>
  25046. <para>
  25047. tang
  25048. </para>
  25049. </entry>
  25050. <entry>
  25051. <para>
  25052. sugar, candy
  25053. </para>
  25054. </entry>
  25055. <entry>
  25056. <para>
  25057. 3.6', 4.2
  25058. </para>
  25059. </entry>
  25060. </row>
  25061. <row>
  25062. <entry>
  25063. <para>
  25064. -tang
  25065. </para>
  25066. </entry>
  25067. <entry>
  25068. <para>
  25069. (counter for class periods)
  25070. </para>
  25071. </entry>
  25072. <entry>
  25073. <para>
  25074. 3.6’
  25075. </para>
  25076. </entry>
  25077. </row>
  25078. <row>
  25079. <entry>
  25080. <para>
  25081. -tàng
  25082. </para>
  25083. </entry>
  25084. <entry>
  25085. <para>
  25086. (counter for trips of a train, bus, etc.)
  25087. </para>
  25088. </entry>
  25089. <entry>
  25090. <para>
  25091. 5-5
  25092. </para>
  25093. </entry>
  25094. </row>
  25095. <row>
  25096. <entry>
  25097. <para>
  25098. tèbié
  25099. </para>
  25100. </entry>
  25101. <entry>
  25102. <para>
  25103. especially
  25104. </para>
  25105. </entry>
  25106. <entry>
  25107. <para>
  25108. 6.4
  25109. </para>
  25110. </entry>
  25111. </row>
  25112. <row>
  25113. <entry>
  25114. <para>
  25115. tèkuài
  25116. </para>
  25117. </entry>
  25118. <entry>
  25119. <para>
  25120. express train
  25121. </para>
  25122. </entry>
  25123. <entry>
  25124. <para>
  25125. 5.5
  25126. </para>
  25127. </entry>
  25128. </row>
  25129. <row>
  25130. <entry>
  25131. <para>
  25132. </para>
  25133. </entry>
  25134. <entry>
  25135. <para>
  25136. for, substituting for, in place of
  25137. </para>
  25138. </entry>
  25139. <entry>
  25140. <para>
  25141. 6.5’, 6.8
  25142. </para>
  25143. </entry>
  25144. </row>
  25145. <row>
  25146. <entry>
  25147. <para>
  25148. -tian
  25149. </para>
  25150. </entry>
  25151. <entry>
  25152. <para>
  25153. day
  25154. </para>
  25155. </entry>
  25156. <entry>
  25157. <para>
  25158. 2.4
  25159. </para>
  25160. </entry>
  25161. </row>
  25162. <row>
  25163. <entry>
  25164. <para>
  25165. Tiān Ān Men
  25166. </para>
  25167. </entry>
  25168. <entry>
  25169. <para>
  25170. Tiān Ān Mén (the Gate of Heavenly Peace)
  25171. </para>
  25172. </entry>
  25173. <entry>
  25174. <para>
  25175. 6.3’
  25176. </para>
  25177. </entry>
  25178. </row>
  25179. <row>
  25180. <entry>
  25181. <para>
  25182. tiānqì (-qi)
  25183. </para>
  25184. </entry>
  25185. <entry>
  25186. <para>
  25187. weather
  25188. </para>
  25189. </entry>
  25190. <entry>
  25191. <para>
  25192. 5.4’, 6.6
  25193. </para>
  25194. </entry>
  25195. </row>
  25196. <row>
  25197. <entry>
  25198. <para>
  25199. tiānqiǎo
  25200. </para>
  25201. </entry>
  25202. <entry>
  25203. <para>
  25204. pedestrian overpass
  25205. </para>
  25206. </entry>
  25207. <entry>
  25208. <para>
  25209. 4.5
  25210. </para>
  25211. </entry>
  25212. </row>
  25213. </tbody>
  25214. </tgroup>
  25215. </informaltable>
  25216. <informaltable>
  25217. <tgroup cols="3">
  25218. <colspec align="left" />
  25219. <colspec align="left" />
  25220. <colspec align="left" />
  25221. <tbody>
  25222. <row>
  25223. <entry>
  25224. <para>
  25225. tiāntiān
  25226. </para>
  25227. </entry>
  25228. <entry>
  25229. <para>
  25230. every day
  25231. </para>
  25232. </entry>
  25233. <entry>
  25234. <para>
  25235. 2.1+
  25236. </para>
  25237. </entry>
  25238. </row>
  25239. <row>
  25240. <entry>
  25241. <para>
  25242. -tiáo
  25243. </para>
  25244. </entry>
  25245. <entry>
  25246. <para>
  25247. (counter for long, winding
  25248. </para>
  25249. </entry>
  25250. <entry>
  25251. <para>
  25252. U.5
  25253. </para>
  25254. </entry>
  25255. </row>
  25256. <row>
  25257. <entry>
  25258. </entry>
  25259. <entry>
  25260. <para>
  25261. things)
  25262. </para>
  25263. </entry>
  25264. <entry>
  25265. </entry>
  25266. </row>
  25267. <row>
  25268. <entry>
  25269. <para>
  25270. ting
  25271. </para>
  25272. </entry>
  25273. <entry>
  25274. <para>
  25275. to listen
  25276. </para>
  25277. </entry>
  25278. <entry>
  25279. <para>
  25280. 2.8’, CE 1, CE 2
  25281. </para>
  25282. </entry>
  25283. </row>
  25284. <row>
  25285. <entry>
  25286. <para>
  25287. ting
  25288. </para>
  25289. </entry>
  25290. <entry>
  25291. <para>
  25292. to stop, to park
  25293. </para>
  25294. </entry>
  25295. <entry>
  25296. <para>
  25297. 5.3
  25298. </para>
  25299. </entry>
  25300. </row>
  25301. <row>
  25302. <entry>
  25303. <para>
  25304. tīngbudSng
  25305. </para>
  25306. </entry>
  25307. <entry>
  25308. <para>
  25309. cannot understand
  25310. </para>
  25311. </entry>
  25312. <entry>
  25313. <para>
  25314. 6.3
  25315. </para>
  25316. </entry>
  25317. </row>
  25318. <row>
  25319. <entry>
  25320. <para>
  25321. tīngdechūlái
  25322. </para>
  25323. </entry>
  25324. <entry>
  25325. <para>
  25326. to be able to recognize what
  25327. </para>
  25328. </entry>
  25329. <entry>
  25330. <para>
  25331. 6.8’
  25332. </para>
  25333. </entry>
  25334. </row>
  25335. <row>
  25336. <entry>
  25337. </entry>
  25338. <entry>
  25339. <para>
  25340. something is from the sound
  25341. </para>
  25342. </entry>
  25343. <entry>
  25344. </entry>
  25345. </row>
  25346. <row>
  25347. <entry>
  25348. <para>
  25349. tīngdeděng
  25350. </para>
  25351. </entry>
  25352. <entry>
  25353. <para>
  25354. can understand
  25355. </para>
  25356. </entry>
  25357. <entry>
  25358. <para>
  25359. 6.3
  25360. </para>
  25361. </entry>
  25362. </row>
  25363. <row>
  25364. <entry>
  25365. <para>
  25366. ting diànhuà
  25367. </para>
  25368. </entry>
  25369. <entry>
  25370. <para>
  25371. to answer the phone
  25372. </para>
  25373. </entry>
  25374. <entry>
  25375. <para>
  25376. 6.3*
  25377. </para>
  25378. </entry>
  25379. </row>
  25380. <row>
  25381. <entry>
  25382. <para>
  25383. tīngshuo
  25384. </para>
  25385. </entry>
  25386. <entry>
  25387. <para>
  25388. to hear that
  25389. </para>
  25390. </entry>
  25391. <entry>
  25392. <para>
  25393. 6.7
  25394. </para>
  25395. </entry>
  25396. </row>
  25397. <row>
  25398. <entry>
  25399. <para>
  25400. tóngshì
  25401. </para>
  25402. </entry>
  25403. <entry>
  25404. <para>
  25405. fellow worker
  25406. </para>
  25407. </entry>
  25408. <entry>
  25409. <para>
  25410. 6.8
  25411. </para>
  25412. </entry>
  25413. </row>
  25414. <row>
  25415. <entry>
  25416. <para>
  25417. tóngxué
  25418. </para>
  25419. </entry>
  25420. <entry>
  25421. <para>
  25422. classmate
  25423. </para>
  25424. </entry>
  25425. <entry>
  25426. <para>
  25427. 6.8
  25428. </para>
  25429. </entry>
  25430. </row>
  25431. <row>
  25432. <entry>
  25433. <para>
  25434. tóngxuéhuì
  25435. </para>
  25436. </entry>
  25437. <entry>
  25438. <para>
  25439. alumni association
  25440. </para>
  25441. </entry>
  25442. <entry>
  25443. <para>
  25444. 6.8’
  25445. </para>
  25446. </entry>
  25447. </row>
  25448. <row>
  25449. <entry>
  25450. <para>
  25451. tóngyì
  25452. </para>
  25453. </entry>
  25454. <entry>
  25455. <para>
  25456. to agree
  25457. </para>
  25458. </entry>
  25459. <entry>
  25460. <para>
  25461. 6.2*
  25462. </para>
  25463. </entry>
  25464. </row>
  25465. <row>
  25466. <entry>
  25467. <para>
  25468. Tōngyòng Gongsī
  25469. </para>
  25470. </entry>
  25471. <entry>
  25472. <para>
  25473. General Electric
  25474. </para>
  25475. </entry>
  25476. <entry>
  25477. <para>
  25478. 6.5*
  25479. </para>
  25480. </entry>
  25481. </row>
  25482. <row>
  25483. <entry>
  25484. <para>
  25485. tōngzhī
  25486. </para>
  25487. </entry>
  25488. <entry>
  25489. <para>
  25490. announcement; to announce
  25491. </para>
  25492. </entry>
  25493. <entry>
  25494. <para>
  25495. 6.8*
  25496. </para>
  25497. </entry>
  25498. </row>
  25499. <row>
  25500. <entry>
  25501. <para>
  25502. tóngzhì
  25503. </para>
  25504. </entry>
  25505. <entry>
  25506. <para>
  25507. comrade
  25508. </para>
  25509. </entry>
  25510. <entry>
  25511. <para>
  25512. 1.1
  25513. </para>
  25514. </entry>
  25515. </row>
  25516. <row>
  25517. <entry>
  25518. <para>
  25519. tóu-
  25520. </para>
  25521. </entry>
  25522. <entry>
  25523. <para>
  25524. first (something)
  25525. </para>
  25526. </entry>
  25527. <entry>
  25528. <para>
  25529. 5.1
  25530. </para>
  25531. </entry>
  25532. </row>
  25533. <row>
  25534. <entry>
  25535. <para>
  25536. -tóu
  25537. </para>
  25538. </entry>
  25539. <entry>
  25540. <para>
  25541. one of two ends of something
  25542. </para>
  25543. </entry>
  25544. <entry>
  25545. <para>
  25546. 1+.1+’
  25547. </para>
  25548. </entry>
  25549. </row>
  25550. <row>
  25551. <entry>
  25552. <para>
  25553. -tou
  25554. </para>
  25555. </entry>
  25556. <entry>
  25557. <para>
  25558. end (used in place words)
  25559. </para>
  25560. </entry>
  25561. <entry>
  25562. <para>
  25563. 1+.1+
  25564. </para>
  25565. </entry>
  25566. </row>
  25567. <row>
  25568. <entry>
  25569. <para>
  25570. tuánzhang
  25571. </para>
  25572. </entry>
  25573. <entry>
  25574. <para>
  25575. head of the delegation
  25576. </para>
  25577. </entry>
  25578. <entry>
  25579. <para>
  25580. 6.5*
  25581. </para>
  25582. </entry>
  25583. </row>
  25584. <row>
  25585. <entry>
  25586. <para>
  25587. túshūguǎn
  25588. </para>
  25589. </entry>
  25590. <entry>
  25591. <para>
  25592. library
  25593. </para>
  25594. </entry>
  25595. <entry>
  25596. <para>
  25597. 6.1+
  25598. </para>
  25599. </entry>
  25600. </row>
  25601. </tbody>
  25602. </tgroup>
  25603. </informaltable>
  25604. <informaltable>
  25605. <tgroup cols="3">
  25606. <colspec align="left" />
  25607. <colspec align="left" />
  25608. <colspec align="left" />
  25609. <tbody>
  25610. <row>
  25611. <entry>
  25612. <para>
  25613. wài
  25614. </para>
  25615. </entry>
  25616. <entry>
  25617. <para>
  25618. hello (greeting on the phone)
  25619. </para>
  25620. </entry>
  25621. <entry>
  25622. <para>
  25623. 6.1
  25624. </para>
  25625. </entry>
  25626. </row>
  25627. <row>
  25628. <entry>
  25629. <para>
  25630. wàibian(r)
  25631. </para>
  25632. </entry>
  25633. <entry>
  25634. <para>
  25635. outside
  25636. </para>
  25637. </entry>
  25638. <entry>
  25639. <para>
  25640. 1+.2
  25641. </para>
  25642. </entry>
  25643. </row>
  25644. <row>
  25645. <entry>
  25646. <para>
  25647. wàiguó
  25648. </para>
  25649. </entry>
  25650. <entry>
  25651. <para>
  25652. outside one’s own country,
  25653. </para>
  25654. </entry>
  25655. <entry>
  25656. <para>
  25657. 6.5
  25658. </para>
  25659. </entry>
  25660. </row>
  25661. <row>
  25662. <entry>
  25663. </entry>
  25664. <entry>
  25665. <para>
  25666. abroad, foreign country
  25667. </para>
  25668. </entry>
  25669. <entry>
  25670. </entry>
  25671. </row>
  25672. <row>
  25673. <entry>
  25674. <para>
  25675. wàiguo rén
  25676. </para>
  25677. </entry>
  25678. <entry>
  25679. <para>
  25680. foreigner (non-Chinese)
  25681. </para>
  25682. </entry>
  25683. <entry>
  25684. <para>
  25685. 6.3’, 6.5
  25686. </para>
  25687. </entry>
  25688. </row>
  25689. <row>
  25690. <entry>
  25691. <para>
  25692. Wàij iāobù
  25693. </para>
  25694. </entry>
  25695. <entry>
  25696. <para>
  25697. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  25698. </para>
  25699. </entry>
  25700. <entry>
  25701. <para>
  25702. 6.5
  25703. </para>
  25704. </entry>
  25705. </row>
  25706. <row>
  25707. <entry>
  25708. <para>
  25709. Wàijiāo Xuéyuàn
  25710. </para>
  25711. </entry>
  25712. <entry>
  25713. <para>
  25714. Foreign Service Institute
  25715. </para>
  25716. </entry>
  25717. <entry>
  25718. <para>
  25719. 2.7*
  25720. </para>
  25721. </entry>
  25722. </row>
  25723. <row>
  25724. <entry>
  25725. <para>
  25726. Wàimàobù
  25727. </para>
  25728. </entry>
  25729. <entry>
  25730. <para>
  25731. Ministry of Foreign Trade
  25732. </para>
  25733. </entry>
  25734. <entry>
  25735. <para>
  25736. 6.2’
  25737. </para>
  25738. </entry>
  25739. </row>
  25740. <row>
  25741. <entry>
  25742. <para>
  25743. wài zǔf ù
  25744. </para>
  25745. </entry>
  25746. <entry>
  25747. <para>
  25748. maternal grandfather
  25749. </para>
  25750. </entry>
  25751. <entry>
  25752. <para>
  25753. 2.3
  25754. </para>
  25755. </entry>
  25756. </row>
  25757. <row>
  25758. <entry>
  25759. <para>
  25760. wàizǔmǔ
  25761. </para>
  25762. </entry>
  25763. <entry>
  25764. <para>
  25765. maternal grandmother
  25766. </para>
  25767. </entry>
  25768. <entry>
  25769. <para>
  25770. 2.3
  25771. </para>
  25772. </entry>
  25773. </row>
  25774. <row>
  25775. <entry>
  25776. <para>
  25777. wán(r)
  25778. </para>
  25779. </entry>
  25780. <entry>
  25781. <para>
  25782. to play, to relax, to enjoy
  25783. </para>
  25784. </entry>
  25785. <entry>
  25786. <para>
  25787. 5.2’, 5.H
  25788. </para>
  25789. </entry>
  25790. </row>
  25791. <row>
  25792. <entry>
  25793. </entry>
  25794. <entry>
  25795. <para>
  25796. oneself
  25797. </para>
  25798. </entry>
  25799. <entry>
  25800. </entry>
  25801. </row>
  25802. <row>
  25803. <entry>
  25804. <para>
  25805. -wan
  25806. </para>
  25807. </entry>
  25808. <entry>
  25809. <para>
  25810. to be finished (used in compound
  25811. </para>
  25812. </entry>
  25813. <entry>
  25814. <para>
  25815. 5.H
  25816. </para>
  25817. </entry>
  25818. </row>
  25819. <row>
  25820. <entry>
  25821. </entry>
  25822. <entry>
  25823. <para>
  25824. verbs of result)
  25825. </para>
  25826. </entry>
  25827. <entry>
  25828. </entry>
  25829. </row>
  25830. <row>
  25831. <entry>
  25832. <para>
  25833. wan
  25834. </para>
  25835. </entry>
  25836. <entry>
  25837. <para>
  25838. bowl
  25839. </para>
  25840. </entry>
  25841. <entry>
  25842. <para>
  25843. <emphasis role="smallcaps">3hU</emphasis>
  25844. </para>
  25845. </entry>
  25846. </row>
  25847. <row>
  25848. <entry>
  25849. <para>
  25850. wan
  25851. </para>
  25852. </entry>
  25853. <entry>
  25854. <para>
  25855. to be late
  25856. </para>
  25857. </entry>
  25858. <entry>
  25859. <para>
  25860. 5.6
  25861. </para>
  25862. </entry>
  25863. </row>
  25864. <row>
  25865. <entry>
  25866. <para>
  25867. wàn
  25868. </para>
  25869. </entry>
  25870. <entry>
  25871. <para>
  25872. ten thousand
  25873. </para>
  25874. </entry>
  25875. <entry>
  25876. <para>
  25877. NUM 6
  25878. </para>
  25879. </entry>
  25880. </row>
  25881. <row>
  25882. <entry>
  25883. <para>
  25884. wǎnfàn
  25885. </para>
  25886. </entry>
  25887. <entry>
  25888. <para>
  25889. dinner, supper
  25890. </para>
  25891. </entry>
  25892. <entry>
  25893. <para>
  25894. 6.6
  25895. </para>
  25896. </entry>
  25897. </row>
  25898. <row>
  25899. <entry>
  25900. <para>
  25901. wàng (wang)
  25902. </para>
  25903. </entry>
  25904. <entry>
  25905. <para>
  25906. to, towards
  25907. </para>
  25908. </entry>
  25909. <entry>
  25910. <para>
  25911. l+.l
  25912. </para>
  25913. </entry>
  25914. </row>
  25915. <row>
  25916. <entry>
  25917. <para>
  25918. wàng
  25919. </para>
  25920. </entry>
  25921. <entry>
  25922. <para>
  25923. to forget
  25924. </para>
  25925. </entry>
  25926. <entry>
  25927. <para>
  25928. 1+.1+’, 6.7
  25929. </para>
  25930. </entry>
  25931. </row>
  25932. <row>
  25933. <entry>
  25934. <para>
  25935. Wǎngfǔjing Dàjiē
  25936. </para>
  25937. </entry>
  25938. <entry>
  25939. <para>
  25940. Wǎngfǔjing Boulevard (Běijīng)
  25941. </para>
  25942. </entry>
  25943. <entry>
  25944. <para>
  25945. 1+.2
  25946. </para>
  25947. </entry>
  25948. </row>
  25949. <row>
  25950. <entry>
  25951. <para>
  25952. wàngJi
  25953. </para>
  25954. </entry>
  25955. <entry>
  25956. <para>
  25957. to forget
  25958. </para>
  25959. </entry>
  25960. <entry>
  25961. <para>
  25962. 6.7
  25963. </para>
  25964. </entry>
  25965. </row>
  25966. <row>
  25967. <entry>
  25968. <para>
  25969. wánquán
  25970. </para>
  25971. </entry>
  25972. <entry>
  25973. <para>
  25974. completely
  25975. </para>
  25976. </entry>
  25977. <entry>
  25978. <para>
  25979. 6.7
  25980. </para>
  25981. </entry>
  25982. </row>
  25983. <row>
  25984. <entry>
  25985. <para>
  25986. wǎnshang (wǎnshàng)
  25987. </para>
  25988. </entry>
  25989. <entry>
  25990. <para>
  25991. evening
  25992. </para>
  25993. </entry>
  25994. <entry>
  25995. <para>
  25996. 3.6, T&amp;D 1+
  25997. </para>
  25998. </entry>
  25999. </row>
  26000. <row>
  26001. <entry>
  26002. <para>
  26003. wéi
  26004. </para>
  26005. </entry>
  26006. <entry>
  26007. <para>
  26008. hello (greeting on the phone)
  26009. </para>
  26010. </entry>
  26011. <entry>
  26012. <para>
  26013. 6.1
  26014. </para>
  26015. </entry>
  26016. </row>
  26017. </tbody>
  26018. </tgroup>
  26019. </informaltable>
  26020. <para>
  26021. -wèi*
  26022. </para>
  26023. <para>
  26024. (polite counter for people)
  26025. </para>
  26026. <para>
  26027. 2.1
  26028. </para>
  26029. <para>
  26030. wèishénme (wèishenme) why
  26031. </para>
  26032. <para>
  26033. 5.1’, 5.8
  26034. </para>
  26035. <para>
  26036. wen
  26037. </para>
  26038. <para>
  26039. to ask, to inquire
  26040. </para>
  26041. <para>
  26042. 4.5
  26043. </para>
  26044. <para>
  26045. wèntí
  26046. </para>
  26047. <para>
  26048. question, problem
  26049. </para>
  26050. <para>
  26051. 6.7, CE 2
  26052. </para>
  26053. <para>
  26054. wénxué
  26055. </para>
  26056. <para>
  26057. literature
  26058. </para>
  26059. <para>
  26060. 2.7
  26061. </para>
  26062. <para>
  26063. w8
  26064. </para>
  26065. <para>
  26066. I, me
  26067. </para>
  26068. <para>
  26069. 1.1
  26070. </para>
  26071. <para>
  26072. women
  26073. </para>
  26074. <para>
  26075. we, us
  26076. </para>
  26077. <para>
  26078. 2.3
  26079. </para>
  26080. <para>
  26081. V
  26082. </para>
  26083. <para>
  26084. WU
  26085. </para>
  26086. <para>
  26087. five
  26088. </para>
  26089. <para>
  26090. NUM 1
  26091. </para>
  26092. <para>
  26093. Wǔguānchù
  26094. </para>
  26095. <para>
  26096. Defense Attache’s Office
  26097. </para>
  26098. <para>
  26099. 2.2
  26100. </para>
  26101. <para>
  26102. Wǔyī LáodòngJie
  26103. </para>
  26104. <para>
  26105. May Day, Labor Day (literally, ’’May the first, Labor
  26106. Day’’)
  26107. </para>
  26108. <para>
  26109. 6.3’
  26110. </para>
  26111. <para>
  26112. Wǔyuè (Wǔyue)
  26113. </para>
  26114. <para>
  26115. May
  26116. </para>
  26117. <para>
  26118. 2.5, <emphasis role="smallcaps">t&amp;d</emphasis>
  26119. </para>
  26120. <para>
  26121. wūzi
  26122. </para>
  26123. <para>
  26124. room
  26125. </para>
  26126. <para>
  26127. 6.5
  26128. </para>
  26129. <informaltable>
  26130. <tgroup cols="4">
  26131. <colspec colwidth="25*" align="left" />
  26132. <colspec colwidth="25*" align="left" />
  26133. <colspec colwidth="25*" align="left" />
  26134. <colspec colwidth="25*" align="left" />
  26135. <tbody>
  26136. <row>
  26137. <entry>
  26138. <para>
  26139. xī xǐ xià
  26140. </para>
  26141. </entry>
  26142. <entry>
  26143. <para>
  26144. west
  26145. </para>
  26146. <para>
  26147. to wash
  26148. </para>
  26149. <para>
  26150. to go down; to get off (a vehicle)
  26151. </para>
  26152. </entry>
  26153. <entry>
  26154. <para>
  26155. 4.2
  26156. </para>
  26157. <para>
  26158. 6.4°
  26159. </para>
  26160. <para>
  26161. H.4,
  26162. </para>
  26163. </entry>
  26164. <entry>
  26165. <para>
  26166. 5.1
  26167. </para>
  26168. </entry>
  26169. </row>
  26170. <row>
  26171. <entry>
  26172. <para>
  26173. xià-
  26174. </para>
  26175. </entry>
  26176. <entry>
  26177. <para>
  26178. next (something)
  26179. </para>
  26180. </entry>
  26181. <entry>
  26182. <para>
  26183. 5.1
  26184. </para>
  26185. </entry>
  26186. <entry>
  26187. </entry>
  26188. </row>
  26189. <row>
  26190. <entry>
  26191. <para>
  26192. xià ban
  26193. </para>
  26194. </entry>
  26195. <entry>
  26196. <para>
  26197. to get off from work, to leave work
  26198. </para>
  26199. </entry>
  26200. <entry>
  26201. <para>
  26202. 5.1’
  26203. </para>
  26204. </entry>
  26205. <entry>
  26206. <para>
  26207. , 5.2
  26208. </para>
  26209. </entry>
  26210. </row>
  26211. <row>
  26212. <entry>
  26213. <para>
  26214. xiàbian(r)
  26215. </para>
  26216. </entry>
  26217. <entry>
  26218. <para>
  26219. the bottom side, the under surface
  26220. </para>
  26221. </entry>
  26222. <entry>
  26223. <para>
  26224. 4.3
  26225. </para>
  26226. </entry>
  26227. <entry>
  26228. </entry>
  26229. </row>
  26230. <row>
  26231. <entry>
  26232. <para>
  26233. xià chē
  26234. </para>
  26235. </entry>
  26236. <entry>
  26237. <para>
  26238. to get off the bus J ’’Out, please!”
  26239. </para>
  26240. </entry>
  26241. <entry>
  26242. <para>
  26243. 5.1
  26244. </para>
  26245. </entry>
  26246. <entry>
  26247. </entry>
  26248. </row>
  26249. <row>
  26250. <entry>
  26251. <para>
  26252. xiàge
  26253. </para>
  26254. </entry>
  26255. <entry>
  26256. <para>
  26257. next (i. e., ’’next month, ” xiàge yuè)
  26258. </para>
  26259. </entry>
  26260. <entry>
  26261. <para>
  26262. 2.5’
  26263. </para>
  26264. </entry>
  26265. <entry>
  26266. <para>
  26267. , T&amp;D 2
  26268. </para>
  26269. </entry>
  26270. </row>
  26271. <row>
  26272. <entry>
  26273. <para>
  26274. xiàge xīngqī
  26275. </para>
  26276. </entry>
  26277. <entry>
  26278. <para>
  26279. next week
  26280. </para>
  26281. </entry>
  26282. <entry>
  26283. <para>
  26284. 2.5*
  26285. </para>
  26286. </entry>
  26287. <entry>
  26288. <para>
  26289. , T&amp;D 2
  26290. </para>
  26291. </entry>
  26292. </row>
  26293. <row>
  26294. <entry>
  26295. <para>
  26296. xiàge yuè
  26297. </para>
  26298. </entry>
  26299. <entry>
  26300. <para>
  26301. next month
  26302. </para>
  26303. </entry>
  26304. <entry>
  26305. <para>
  26306. 2.5*
  26307. </para>
  26308. </entry>
  26309. <entry>
  26310. </entry>
  26311. </row>
  26312. <row>
  26313. <entry>
  26314. <para>
  26315. xià kè
  26316. </para>
  26317. </entry>
  26318. <entry>
  26319. <para>
  26320. to end class
  26321. </para>
  26322. </entry>
  26323. <entry>
  26324. <para>
  26325. 6.7’
  26326. </para>
  26327. </entry>
  26328. <entry>
  26329. <para>
  26330. , CE 1
  26331. </para>
  26332. </entry>
  26333. </row>
  26334. <row>
  26335. <entry>
  26336. <para>
  26337. -xiàlái
  26338. </para>
  26339. </entry>
  26340. <entry>
  26341. <para>
  26342. down (verb ending)
  26343. </para>
  26344. </entry>
  26345. <entry>
  26346. <para>
  26347. 6.5
  26348. </para>
  26349. </entry>
  26350. <entry>
  26351. </entry>
  26352. </row>
  26353. <row>
  26354. <entry>
  26355. <para>
  26356. xià 16u
  26357. </para>
  26358. </entry>
  26359. <entry>
  26360. <para>
  26361. to go/come downstairs
  26362. </para>
  26363. </entry>
  26364. <entry>
  26365. <para>
  26366. 4.4
  26367. </para>
  26368. </entry>
  26369. <entry>
  26370. </entry>
  26371. </row>
  26372. <row>
  26373. <entry>
  26374. <para>
  26375. xià lou (lai)
  26376. </para>
  26377. </entry>
  26378. <entry>
  26379. <para>
  26380. to come downstairs
  26381. </para>
  26382. </entry>
  26383. <entry>
  26384. <para>
  26385. 4.4*
  26386. </para>
  26387. </entry>
  26388. <entry>
  26389. </entry>
  26390. </row>
  26391. <row>
  26392. <entry>
  26393. <para>
  26394. xiān
  26395. </para>
  26396. </entry>
  26397. <entry>
  26398. <para>
  26399. first; ahead of time, beforehand
  26400. </para>
  26401. </entry>
  26402. <entry>
  26403. <para>
  26404. 4.1,
  26405. </para>
  26406. </entry>
  26407. <entry>
  26408. <para>
  26409. 5.4
  26410. </para>
  26411. </entry>
  26412. </row>
  26413. <row>
  26414. <entry>
  26415. <para>
  26416. xiǎng
  26417. </para>
  26418. </entry>
  26419. <entry>
  26420. <para>
  26421. to think that; be thinking of (doing); to want
  26422. to, would like to
  26423. </para>
  26424. </entry>
  26425. <entry>
  26426. <para>
  26427. 3.1
  26428. </para>
  26429. </entry>
  26430. <entry>
  26431. </entry>
  26432. </row>
  26433. <row>
  26434. <entry>
  26435. <para>
  26436. xiàng
  26437. </para>
  26438. </entry>
  26439. <entry>
  26440. <para>
  26441. towards; from
  26442. </para>
  26443. </entry>
  26444. <entry>
  26445. <para>
  26446. 4.1,
  26447. </para>
  26448. </entry>
  26449. <entry>
  26450. <para>
  26451. 6.4
  26452. </para>
  26453. </entry>
  26454. </row>
  26455. <row>
  26456. <entry>
  26457. <para>
  26458. xiàng
  26459. </para>
  26460. </entry>
  26461. <entry>
  26462. <para>
  26463. lane
  26464. </para>
  26465. </entry>
  26466. <entry>
  26467. <para>
  26468. 4.5
  26469. </para>
  26470. </entry>
  26471. <entry>
  26472. </entry>
  26473. </row>
  26474. <row>
  26475. <entry>
  26476. <para>
  26477. xiǎngfa
  26478. </para>
  26479. </entry>
  26480. <entry>
  26481. <para>
  26482. idea, opinion
  26483. </para>
  26484. </entry>
  26485. <entry>
  26486. <para>
  26487. 6.6
  26488. </para>
  26489. </entry>
  26490. <entry>
  26491. </entry>
  26492. </row>
  26493. <row>
  26494. <entry>
  26495. <para>
  26496. xiǎnghǎo le
  26497. </para>
  26498. </entry>
  26499. <entry>
  26500. <para>
  26501. to have reached a conclusion
  26502. </para>
  26503. <para>
  26504. (about something); (something) has been thought
  26505. out
  26506. </para>
  26507. </entry>
  26508. <entry>
  26509. <para>
  26510. 5 • 7
  26511. </para>
  26512. </entry>
  26513. <entry>
  26514. </entry>
  26515. </row>
  26516. <row>
  26517. <entry>
  26518. <para>
  26519. xiǎngqilai
  26520. </para>
  26521. </entry>
  26522. <entry>
  26523. <para>
  26524. to think of, to remember
  26525. </para>
  26526. </entry>
  26527. <entry>
  26528. <para>
  26529. 6.7
  26530. </para>
  26531. </entry>
  26532. <entry>
  26533. </entry>
  26534. </row>
  26535. <row>
  26536. <entry>
  26537. <para>
  26538. xiǎngyixiǎng
  26539. </para>
  26540. </entry>
  26541. <entry>
  26542. <para>
  26543. to think it over
  26544. </para>
  26545. </entry>
  26546. <entry>
  26547. <para>
  26548. 3.1
  26549. </para>
  26550. </entry>
  26551. <entry>
  26552. </entry>
  26553. </row>
  26554. <row>
  26555. <entry>
  26556. <para>
  26557. xiānsheng
  26558. </para>
  26559. </entry>
  26560. <entry>
  26561. <para>
  26562. Mr., sir
  26563. </para>
  26564. </entry>
  26565. <entry>
  26566. <para>
  26567. 1.1
  26568. </para>
  26569. </entry>
  26570. <entry>
  26571. </entry>
  26572. </row>
  26573. <row>
  26574. <entry>
  26575. <para>
  26576. xiànzài
  26577. </para>
  26578. </entry>
  26579. <entry>
  26580. <para>
  26581. now
  26582. </para>
  26583. </entry>
  26584. <entry>
  26585. <para>
  26586. 1.4,
  26587. </para>
  26588. </entry>
  26589. <entry>
  26590. <para>
  26591. T&amp;D 3
  26592. </para>
  26593. </entry>
  26594. </row>
  26595. <row>
  26596. <entry>
  26597. <para>
  26598. xiǎo
  26599. </para>
  26600. </entry>
  26601. <entry>
  26602. <para>
  26603. to be small
  26604. </para>
  26605. </entry>
  26606. <entry>
  26607. <para>
  26608. 3.2
  26609. </para>
  26610. </entry>
  26611. <entry>
  26612. </entry>
  26613. </row>
  26614. </tbody>
  26615. </tgroup>
  26616. </informaltable>
  26617. <informaltable>
  26618. <tgroup cols="3">
  26619. <colspec align="left" />
  26620. <colspec align="left" />
  26621. <colspec align="left" />
  26622. <tbody>
  26623. <row>
  26624. <entry>
  26625. <para>
  26626. Xiǎo
  26627. </para>
  26628. </entry>
  26629. <entry>
  26630. <para>
  26631. (before a surname or given name, a familiar form
  26632. of address)
  26633. </para>
  26634. </entry>
  26635. <entry>
  26636. <para>
  26637. 5.2*
  26638. </para>
  26639. </entry>
  26640. </row>
  26641. <row>
  26642. <entry>
  26643. <para>
  26644. xiǎoháizi
  26645. </para>
  26646. </entry>
  26647. <entry>
  26648. <para>
  26649. child
  26650. </para>
  26651. </entry>
  26652. <entry>
  26653. <para>
  26654. 3.2
  26655. </para>
  26656. </entry>
  26657. </row>
  26658. <row>
  26659. <entry>
  26660. <para>
  26661. xiǎojiě (xiáojie)
  26662. </para>
  26663. </entry>
  26664. <entry>
  26665. <para>
  26666. Miss, young lady
  26667. </para>
  26668. </entry>
  26669. <entry>
  26670. <para>
  26671. 1.1
  26672. </para>
  26673. </entry>
  26674. </row>
  26675. <row>
  26676. <entry>
  26677. <para>
  26678. xiǎomàibù
  26679. </para>
  26680. </entry>
  26681. <entry>
  26682. <para>
  26683. variety shop
  26684. </para>
  26685. </entry>
  26686. <entry>
  26687. <para>
  26688. U.2
  26689. </para>
  26690. </entry>
  26691. </row>
  26692. <row>
  26693. <entry>
  26694. <para>
  26695. xiǎoshí
  26696. </para>
  26697. </entry>
  26698. <entry>
  26699. <para>
  26700. hour
  26701. </para>
  26702. </entry>
  26703. <entry>
  26704. <para>
  26705. 5.5
  26706. </para>
  26707. </entry>
  26708. </row>
  26709. <row>
  26710. <entry>
  26711. <para>
  26712. xiǎo xué
  26713. </para>
  26714. </entry>
  26715. <entry>
  26716. <para>
  26717. elementary school
  26718. </para>
  26719. </entry>
  26720. <entry>
  26721. <para>
  26722. U.l*, U.2
  26723. </para>
  26724. </entry>
  26725. </row>
  26726. <row>
  26727. <entry>
  26728. <para>
  26729. xiǎo yìsi
  26730. </para>
  26731. </entry>
  26732. <entry>
  26733. <para>
  26734. a token of appreciation
  26735. </para>
  26736. </entry>
  26737. <entry>
  26738. <para>
  26739. 6.H
  26740. </para>
  26741. </entry>
  26742. </row>
  26743. <row>
  26744. <entry>
  26745. <para>
  26746. xiàwǔ (xiàwu)
  26747. </para>
  26748. </entry>
  26749. <entry>
  26750. <para>
  26751. afternoon
  26752. </para>
  26753. </entry>
  26754. <entry>
  26755. <para>
  26756. 3.6, T&amp;D U
  26757. </para>
  26758. </entry>
  26759. </row>
  26760. <row>
  26761. <entry>
  26762. <para>
  26763. xīběi
  26764. </para>
  26765. </entry>
  26766. <entry>
  26767. <para>
  26768. northwest
  26769. </para>
  26770. </entry>
  26771. <entry>
  26772. <para>
  26773. H.2*
  26774. </para>
  26775. </entry>
  26776. </row>
  26777. <row>
  26778. <entry>
  26779. <para>
  26780. xībian(r)
  26781. </para>
  26782. </entry>
  26783. <entry>
  26784. <para>
  26785. west side
  26786. </para>
  26787. </entry>
  26788. <entry>
  26789. <para>
  26790. U.2
  26791. </para>
  26792. </entry>
  26793. </row>
  26794. <row>
  26795. <entry>
  26796. <para>
  26797. Xīcān
  26798. </para>
  26799. </entry>
  26800. <entry>
  26801. <para>
  26802. Western food
  26803. </para>
  26804. </entry>
  26805. <entry>
  26806. <para>
  26807. 5.6
  26808. </para>
  26809. </entry>
  26810. </row>
  26811. <row>
  26812. <entry>
  26813. <para>
  26814. Xīdǎn
  26815. </para>
  26816. </entry>
  26817. <entry>
  26818. <para>
  26819. (a district in Beijing)
  26820. </para>
  26821. </entry>
  26822. <entry>
  26823. <para>
  26824. 5.2
  26825. </para>
  26826. </entry>
  26827. </row>
  26828. <row>
  26829. <entry>
  26830. <para>
  26831. -xiē (-xie)
  26832. </para>
  26833. </entry>
  26834. <entry>
  26835. <para>
  26836. (counter for an indefinite
  26837. </para>
  26838. </entry>
  26839. <entry>
  26840. <para>
  26841. 3.U
  26842. </para>
  26843. </entry>
  26844. </row>
  26845. <row>
  26846. <entry>
  26847. </entry>
  26848. <entry>
  26849. <para>
  26850. plural number of things)
  26851. </para>
  26852. </entry>
  26853. <entry>
  26854. </entry>
  26855. </row>
  26856. <row>
  26857. <entry>
  26858. <para>
  26859. xiě
  26860. </para>
  26861. </entry>
  26862. <entry>
  26863. <para>
  26864. to write
  26865. </para>
  26866. </entry>
  26867. <entry>
  26868. <para>
  26869. 2.8
  26870. </para>
  26871. </entry>
  26872. </row>
  26873. <row>
  26874. <entry>
  26875. <para>
  26876. xiè
  26877. </para>
  26878. </entry>
  26879. <entry>
  26880. <para>
  26881. to thank
  26882. </para>
  26883. </entry>
  26884. <entry>
  26885. <para>
  26886. 2.2
  26887. </para>
  26888. </entry>
  26889. </row>
  26890. <row>
  26891. <entry>
  26892. <para>
  26893. -xie (-xiē)
  26894. </para>
  26895. </entry>
  26896. <entry>
  26897. <para>
  26898. (counter for an indefinite
  26899. </para>
  26900. </entry>
  26901. <entry>
  26902. <para>
  26903. 3.U
  26904. </para>
  26905. </entry>
  26906. </row>
  26907. <row>
  26908. <entry>
  26909. </entry>
  26910. <entry>
  26911. <para>
  26912. plural number of things)
  26913. </para>
  26914. </entry>
  26915. <entry>
  26916. </entry>
  26917. </row>
  26918. <row>
  26919. <entry>
  26920. <para>
  26921. xiēxialai
  26922. </para>
  26923. </entry>
  26924. <entry>
  26925. <para>
  26926. to write down
  26927. </para>
  26928. </entry>
  26929. <entry>
  26930. <para>
  26931. 6.5
  26932. </para>
  26933. </entry>
  26934. </row>
  26935. <row>
  26936. <entry>
  26937. <para>
  26938. xièxie
  26939. </para>
  26940. </entry>
  26941. <entry>
  26942. <para>
  26943. thank you
  26944. </para>
  26945. </entry>
  26946. <entry>
  26947. <para>
  26948. 2.2
  26949. </para>
  26950. </entry>
  26951. </row>
  26952. <row>
  26953. <entry>
  26954. <para>
  26955. xlhuan
  26956. </para>
  26957. </entry>
  26958. <entry>
  26959. <para>
  26960. to like
  26961. </para>
  26962. </entry>
  26963. <entry>
  26964. <para>
  26965. 3.H
  26966. </para>
  26967. </entry>
  26968. </row>
  26969. <row>
  26970. <entry>
  26971. <para>
  26972. Xīméndīng
  26973. </para>
  26974. </entry>
  26975. <entry>
  26976. <para>
  26977. (an area of Taipei)
  26978. </para>
  26979. </entry>
  26980. <entry>
  26981. <para>
  26982. 5.1
  26983. </para>
  26984. </entry>
  26985. </row>
  26986. <row>
  26987. <entry>
  26988. <para>
  26989. xln
  26990. </para>
  26991. </entry>
  26992. <entry>
  26993. <para>
  26994. to be new
  26995. </para>
  26996. </entry>
  26997. <entry>
  26998. <para>
  26999. 3.1*, 3.3
  27000. </para>
  27001. </entry>
  27002. </row>
  27003. <row>
  27004. <entry>
  27005. <para>
  27006. xìn (yìfēng)
  27007. </para>
  27008. </entry>
  27009. <entry>
  27010. <para>
  27011. letter
  27012. </para>
  27013. </entry>
  27014. <entry>
  27015. <para>
  27016. 5.8
  27017. </para>
  27018. </entry>
  27019. </row>
  27020. <row>
  27021. <entry>
  27022. <para>
  27023. xīnǎn
  27024. </para>
  27025. </entry>
  27026. <entry>
  27027. <para>
  27028. southwest
  27029. </para>
  27030. </entry>
  27031. <entry>
  27032. <para>
  27033. U.2*
  27034. </para>
  27035. </entry>
  27036. </row>
  27037. <row>
  27038. <entry>
  27039. <para>
  27040. xíng
  27041. </para>
  27042. </entry>
  27043. <entry>
  27044. <para>
  27045. to be all right
  27046. </para>
  27047. </entry>
  27048. <entry>
  27049. <para>
  27050. 3.6
  27051. </para>
  27052. </entry>
  27053. </row>
  27054. <row>
  27055. <entry>
  27056. <para>
  27057. xìng
  27058. </para>
  27059. </entry>
  27060. <entry>
  27061. <para>
  27062. to be surnamed
  27063. </para>
  27064. </entry>
  27065. <entry>
  27066. <para>
  27067. 1.1
  27068. </para>
  27069. </entry>
  27070. </row>
  27071. <row>
  27072. <entry>
  27073. <para>
  27074. xíngli (yíjiàn)
  27075. </para>
  27076. </entry>
  27077. <entry>
  27078. <para>
  27079. luggage, suitcase
  27080. </para>
  27081. </entry>
  27082. <entry>
  27083. <para>
  27084. 5.3
  27085. </para>
  27086. </entry>
  27087. </row>
  27088. <row>
  27089. <entry>
  27090. <para>
  27091. xīngqī
  27092. </para>
  27093. </entry>
  27094. <entry>
  27095. <para>
  27096. week
  27097. </para>
  27098. </entry>
  27099. <entry>
  27100. <para>
  27101. 2.6, T&amp;D 2
  27102. </para>
  27103. </entry>
  27104. </row>
  27105. <row>
  27106. <entry>
  27107. <para>
  27108. xīngqīji
  27109. </para>
  27110. </entry>
  27111. <entry>
  27112. <para>
  27113. what day of the week
  27114. </para>
  27115. </entry>
  27116. <entry>
  27117. <para>
  27118. 2.5, T&amp;D 2
  27119. </para>
  27120. </entry>
  27121. </row>
  27122. <row>
  27123. <entry>
  27124. <para>
  27125. Xīngqīrì
  27126. </para>
  27127. </entry>
  27128. <entry>
  27129. <para>
  27130. Sunday
  27131. </para>
  27132. </entry>
  27133. <entry>
  27134. <para>
  27135. T&amp;D 3
  27136. </para>
  27137. </entry>
  27138. </row>
  27139. <row>
  27140. <entry>
  27141. <para>
  27142. Xīngqītiān
  27143. </para>
  27144. </entry>
  27145. <entry>
  27146. <para>
  27147. Sunday
  27148. </para>
  27149. </entry>
  27150. <entry>
  27151. <para>
  27152. 2.5, T&amp;D 2
  27153. </para>
  27154. </entry>
  27155. </row>
  27156. <row>
  27157. <entry>
  27158. <para>
  27159. Xīngqīyī (-èr...)
  27160. </para>
  27161. </entry>
  27162. <entry>
  27163. <para>
  27164. Monday (Tuesday...)
  27165. </para>
  27166. </entry>
  27167. <entry>
  27168. <para>
  27169. 2.5, T&amp;D 2
  27170. </para>
  27171. </entry>
  27172. </row>
  27173. <row>
  27174. <entry>
  27175. <para>
  27176. xíngrén
  27177. </para>
  27178. </entry>
  27179. <entry>
  27180. <para>
  27181. pedestrian
  27182. </para>
  27183. </entry>
  27184. <entry>
  27185. <para>
  27186. H.5
  27187. </para>
  27188. </entry>
  27189. </row>
  27190. <row>
  27191. <entry>
  27192. <para>
  27193. Xinhua Shūdiàn
  27194. </para>
  27195. </entry>
  27196. <entry>
  27197. <para>
  27198. New China Bookstore (PRC)
  27199. </para>
  27200. </entry>
  27201. <entry>
  27202. <para>
  27203. H.3
  27204. </para>
  27205. </entry>
  27206. </row>
  27207. <row>
  27208. <entry>
  27209. <para>
  27210. Xinhua Zìdiǎn
  27211. </para>
  27212. </entry>
  27213. <entry>
  27214. <para>
  27215. New China Dictionary
  27216. </para>
  27217. </entry>
  27218. <entry>
  27219. <para>
  27220. 3.2*
  27221. </para>
  27222. </entry>
  27223. </row>
  27224. <row>
  27225. <entry>
  27226. <para>
  27227. xiōngdì
  27228. </para>
  27229. </entry>
  27230. <entry>
  27231. <para>
  27232. brothers
  27233. </para>
  27234. </entry>
  27235. <entry>
  27236. <para>
  27237. 2.5
  27238. </para>
  27239. </entry>
  27240. </row>
  27241. <row>
  27242. <entry>
  27243. <para>
  27244. xiōngdì jiěmèi
  27245. </para>
  27246. </entry>
  27247. <entry>
  27248. <para>
  27249. brothers and sisters
  27250. </para>
  27251. </entry>
  27252. <entry>
  27253. <para>
  27254. 2.3
  27255. </para>
  27256. </entry>
  27257. </row>
  27258. <row>
  27259. <entry>
  27260. <para>
  27261. xiōngmāo
  27262. </para>
  27263. </entry>
  27264. <entry>
  27265. <para>
  27266. panda
  27267. </para>
  27268. </entry>
  27269. <entry>
  27270. <para>
  27271. 5.2*
  27272. </para>
  27273. </entry>
  27274. </row>
  27275. <row>
  27276. <entry>
  27277. <para>
  27278. xǐshōujiān
  27279. </para>
  27280. </entry>
  27281. <entry>
  27282. <para>
  27283. washroom
  27284. </para>
  27285. </entry>
  27286. <entry>
  27287. <para>
  27288. u.u
  27289. </para>
  27290. </entry>
  27291. </row>
  27292. <row>
  27293. <entry>
  27294. <para>
  27295. xiū Jià
  27296. </para>
  27297. </entry>
  27298. <entry>
  27299. <para>
  27300. to take a vacation
  27301. </para>
  27302. </entry>
  27303. <entry>
  27304. <para>
  27305. 6.7’
  27306. </para>
  27307. </entry>
  27308. </row>
  27309. <row>
  27310. <entry>
  27311. <para>
  27312. xiūxi
  27313. </para>
  27314. </entry>
  27315. <entry>
  27316. <para>
  27317. to rest, to relax
  27318. </para>
  27319. </entry>
  27320. <entry>
  27321. <para>
  27322. 5.6
  27323. </para>
  27324. </entry>
  27325. </row>
  27326. <row>
  27327. <entry>
  27328. <para>
  27329. xīwàng (-wang)
  27330. </para>
  27331. </entry>
  27332. <entry>
  27333. <para>
  27334. to hope, to wish to
  27335. </para>
  27336. </entry>
  27337. <entry>
  27338. <para>
  27339. 5.5, 6.3
  27340. </para>
  27341. </entry>
  27342. </row>
  27343. <row>
  27344. <entry>
  27345. <para>
  27346. xǐ yīshang
  27347. </para>
  27348. </entry>
  27349. <entry>
  27350. <para>
  27351. to wash clothes
  27352. </para>
  27353. </entry>
  27354. <entry>
  27355. <para>
  27356. 6.k<superscript>J</superscript>
  27357. </para>
  27358. </entry>
  27359. </row>
  27360. <row>
  27361. <entry>
  27362. <para>
  27363. xué
  27364. </para>
  27365. </entry>
  27366. <entry>
  27367. <para>
  27368. to study
  27369. </para>
  27370. </entry>
  27371. <entry>
  27372. <para>
  27373. 2.7
  27374. </para>
  27375. </entry>
  27376. </row>
  27377. <row>
  27378. <entry>
  27379. <para>
  27380. xuéshēng (xuésheng)
  27381. </para>
  27382. </entry>
  27383. <entry>
  27384. <para>
  27385. student
  27386. </para>
  27387. </entry>
  27388. <entry>
  27389. <para>
  27390. 2.7
  27391. </para>
  27392. </entry>
  27393. </row>
  27394. <row>
  27395. <entry>
  27396. <para>
  27397. xuéxiào
  27398. </para>
  27399. </entry>
  27400. <entry>
  27401. <para>
  27402. school
  27403. </para>
  27404. </entry>
  27405. <entry>
  27406. <para>
  27407. U.l
  27408. </para>
  27409. </entry>
  27410. </row>
  27411. <row>
  27412. <entry>
  27413. <para>
  27414. xuéxí (-xi)
  27415. </para>
  27416. </entry>
  27417. <entry>
  27418. <para>
  27419. to study, to learn
  27420. </para>
  27421. </entry>
  27422. <entry>
  27423. <para>
  27424. 2.7
  27425. </para>
  27426. </entry>
  27427. </row>
  27428. </tbody>
  27429. </tgroup>
  27430. </informaltable>
  27431. <informaltable>
  27432. <tgroup cols="3">
  27433. <colspec align="left" />
  27434. <colspec align="left" />
  27435. <colspec align="left" />
  27436. <tbody>
  27437. <row>
  27438. <entry>
  27439. <para>
  27440. ya
  27441. </para>
  27442. </entry>
  27443. <entry>
  27444. <para>
  27445. (alternate form of marker a.)
  27446. </para>
  27447. </entry>
  27448. <entry>
  27449. <para>
  27450. 5.2
  27451. </para>
  27452. </entry>
  27453. </row>
  27454. <row>
  27455. <entry>
  27456. <para>
  27457. yānhuo
  27458. </para>
  27459. </entry>
  27460. <entry>
  27461. <para>
  27462. fireworks display
  27463. </para>
  27464. </entry>
  27465. <entry>
  27466. <para>
  27467. 6.3°
  27468. </para>
  27469. </entry>
  27470. </row>
  27471. <row>
  27472. <entry>
  27473. <para>
  27474. yán j iu
  27475. </para>
  27476. </entry>
  27477. <entry>
  27478. <para>
  27479. to study, to do research
  27480. </para>
  27481. </entry>
  27482. <entry>
  27483. <para>
  27484. 6.1*°
  27485. </para>
  27486. </entry>
  27487. </row>
  27488. <row>
  27489. <entry>
  27490. <para>
  27491. yān jiuyuàn
  27492. </para>
  27493. </entry>
  27494. <entry>
  27495. <para>
  27496. graduate school
  27497. </para>
  27498. </entry>
  27499. <entry>
  27500. <para>
  27501. 6.7°
  27502. </para>
  27503. </entry>
  27504. </row>
  27505. <row>
  27506. <entry>
  27507. <para>
  27508. yánsè
  27509. </para>
  27510. </entry>
  27511. <entry>
  27512. <para>
  27513. color
  27514. </para>
  27515. </entry>
  27516. <entry>
  27517. <para>
  27518. 3.1*
  27519. </para>
  27520. </entry>
  27521. </row>
  27522. <row>
  27523. <entry>
  27524. <para>
  27525. yāo
  27526. </para>
  27527. </entry>
  27528. <entry>
  27529. <para>
  27530. one (1) (telephone
  27531. </para>
  27532. </entry>
  27533. <entry>
  27534. <para>
  27535. 6.5
  27536. </para>
  27537. </entry>
  27538. </row>
  27539. <row>
  27540. <entry>
  27541. </entry>
  27542. <entry>
  27543. <para>
  27544. pronunciation)
  27545. </para>
  27546. </entry>
  27547. <entry>
  27548. </entry>
  27549. </row>
  27550. <row>
  27551. <entry>
  27552. <para>
  27553. yào
  27554. </para>
  27555. </entry>
  27556. <entry>
  27557. <para>
  27558. to want
  27559. </para>
  27560. </entry>
  27561. <entry>
  27562. <para>
  27563. 3.2
  27564. </para>
  27565. </entry>
  27566. </row>
  27567. <row>
  27568. <entry>
  27569. <para>
  27570. yào
  27571. </para>
  27572. </entry>
  27573. <entry>
  27574. <para>
  27575. should, must, to have to; to need,
  27576. </para>
  27577. </entry>
  27578. <entry>
  27579. <para>
  27580. 5.3’, 5-5
  27581. </para>
  27582. </entry>
  27583. </row>
  27584. <row>
  27585. <entry>
  27586. </entry>
  27587. <entry>
  27588. <para>
  27589. it is necessary; to take (a
  27590. </para>
  27591. </entry>
  27592. <entry>
  27593. </entry>
  27594. </row>
  27595. <row>
  27596. <entry>
  27597. </entry>
  27598. <entry>
  27599. <para>
  27600. certain amount of time)
  27601. </para>
  27602. </entry>
  27603. <entry>
  27604. </entry>
  27605. </row>
  27606. <row>
  27607. <entry>
  27608. <para>
  27609. yào
  27610. </para>
  27611. </entry>
  27612. <entry>
  27613. <para>
  27614. will, going to
  27615. </para>
  27616. </entry>
  27617. <entry>
  27618. <para>
  27619. 5.6
  27620. </para>
  27621. </entry>
  27622. </row>
  27623. <row>
  27624. <entry>
  27625. <para>
  27626. yàobushi...jiù shi...
  27627. </para>
  27628. </entry>
  27629. <entry>
  27630. <para>
  27631. if it’s not...then it is...
  27632. </para>
  27633. </entry>
  27634. <entry>
  27635. <para>
  27636. 6.7’
  27637. </para>
  27638. </entry>
  27639. </row>
  27640. <row>
  27641. <entry>
  27642. <para>
  27643. yàojǐn
  27644. </para>
  27645. </entry>
  27646. <entry>
  27647. <para>
  27648. to be important, to be
  27649. </para>
  27650. </entry>
  27651. <entry>
  27652. <para>
  27653. 6.2’, 6.5
  27654. </para>
  27655. </entry>
  27656. </row>
  27657. <row>
  27658. <entry>
  27659. </entry>
  27660. <entry>
  27661. <para>
  27662. urgent
  27663. </para>
  27664. </entry>
  27665. <entry>
  27666. </entry>
  27667. </row>
  27668. <row>
  27669. <entry>
  27670. <para>
  27671. yāoqǐng
  27672. </para>
  27673. </entry>
  27674. <entry>
  27675. <para>
  27676. invitation
  27677. </para>
  27678. </entry>
  27679. <entry>
  27680. <para>
  27681. 6.8’
  27682. </para>
  27683. </entry>
  27684. </row>
  27685. <row>
  27686. <entry>
  27687. <para>
  27688. yàoshi
  27689. </para>
  27690. </entry>
  27691. <entry>
  27692. <para>
  27693. if
  27694. </para>
  27695. </entry>
  27696. <entry>
  27697. <para>
  27698. !ul*’, 5-7
  27699. </para>
  27700. </entry>
  27701. </row>
  27702. <row>
  27703. <entry>
  27704. <para>
  27705. </para>
  27706. </entry>
  27707. <entry>
  27708. <para>
  27709. also
  27710. </para>
  27711. </entry>
  27712. <entry>
  27713. <para>
  27714. 1.1*
  27715. </para>
  27716. </entry>
  27717. </row>
  27718. <row>
  27719. <entry>
  27720. <para>
  27721. yěcān
  27722. </para>
  27723. </entry>
  27724. <entry>
  27725. <para>
  27726. picnic
  27727. </para>
  27728. </entry>
  27729. <entry>
  27730. <para>
  27731. 6.6’
  27732. </para>
  27733. </entry>
  27734. </row>
  27735. <row>
  27736. <entry>
  27737. <para>
  27738. yèli
  27739. </para>
  27740. </entry>
  27741. <entry>
  27742. <para>
  27743. at night
  27744. </para>
  27745. </entry>
  27746. <entry>
  27747. <para>
  27748. 3.6, T&amp;D 1*
  27749. </para>
  27750. </entry>
  27751. </row>
  27752. <row>
  27753. <entry>
  27754. <para>
  27755. Yēlǔ Dàxué
  27756. </para>
  27757. </entry>
  27758. <entry>
  27759. <para>
  27760. Yale University
  27761. </para>
  27762. </entry>
  27763. <entry>
  27764. <para>
  27765. 6.7’
  27766. </para>
  27767. </entry>
  27768. </row>
  27769. <row>
  27770. <entry>
  27771. <para>
  27772. yěxǔ
  27773. </para>
  27774. </entry>
  27775. <entry>
  27776. <para>
  27777. perhaps, maybe
  27778. </para>
  27779. </entry>
  27780. <entry>
  27781. <para>
  27782. 6.1
  27783. </para>
  27784. </entry>
  27785. </row>
  27786. <row>
  27787. <entry>
  27788. <para>
  27789. </para>
  27790. </entry>
  27791. <entry>
  27792. <para>
  27793. one
  27794. </para>
  27795. </entry>
  27796. <entry>
  27797. <para>
  27798. NUM 1
  27799. </para>
  27800. </entry>
  27801. </row>
  27802. <row>
  27803. <entry>
  27804. <para>
  27805. yìbēi
  27806. </para>
  27807. </entry>
  27808. <entry>
  27809. <para>
  27810. one cup of
  27811. </para>
  27812. </entry>
  27813. <entry>
  27814. <para>
  27815. !*.!*’, 6.5’
  27816. </para>
  27817. </entry>
  27818. </row>
  27819. <row>
  27820. <entry>
  27821. <para>
  27822. yícì
  27823. </para>
  27824. </entry>
  27825. <entry>
  27826. <para>
  27827. one time
  27828. </para>
  27829. </entry>
  27830. <entry>
  27831. <para>
  27832. CE 1
  27833. </para>
  27834. </entry>
  27835. </row>
  27836. <row>
  27837. <entry>
  27838. <para>
  27839. yìdiǎn (yìdiǎnr)
  27840. </para>
  27841. </entry>
  27842. <entry>
  27843. <para>
  27844. a little
  27845. </para>
  27846. </entry>
  27847. <entry>
  27848. <para>
  27849. 2.7, CE 2
  27850. </para>
  27851. </entry>
  27852. </row>
  27853. <row>
  27854. <entry>
  27855. <para>
  27856. yídìng
  27857. </para>
  27858. </entry>
  27859. <entry>
  27860. <para>
  27861. certainly, definitely
  27862. </para>
  27863. </entry>
  27864. <entry>
  27865. <para>
  27866. 5.8’, 6.3*, 6.6
  27867. </para>
  27868. </entry>
  27869. </row>
  27870. <row>
  27871. <entry>
  27872. <para>
  27873. yíge
  27874. </para>
  27875. </entry>
  27876. <entry>
  27877. <para>
  27878. a, an
  27879. </para>
  27880. </entry>
  27881. <entry>
  27882. <para>
  27883. 1*.3
  27884. </para>
  27885. </entry>
  27886. </row>
  27887. <row>
  27888. <entry>
  27889. <para>
  27890. yíge rén
  27891. </para>
  27892. </entry>
  27893. <entry>
  27894. <para>
  27895. singly, alone
  27896. </para>
  27897. </entry>
  27898. <entry>
  27899. <para>
  27900. 2.1*
  27901. </para>
  27902. </entry>
  27903. </row>
  27904. <row>
  27905. <entry>
  27906. <para>
  27907. yígòng
  27908. </para>
  27909. </entry>
  27910. <entry>
  27911. <para>
  27912. altogether
  27913. </para>
  27914. </entry>
  27915. <entry>
  27916. <para>
  27917. 3.1
  27918. </para>
  27919. </entry>
  27920. </row>
  27921. <row>
  27922. <entry>
  27923. <para>
  27924. yíhàn
  27925. </para>
  27926. </entry>
  27927. <entry>
  27928. <para>
  27929. to regret
  27930. </para>
  27931. </entry>
  27932. <entry>
  27933. <para>
  27934. 6.8
  27935. </para>
  27936. </entry>
  27937. </row>
  27938. <row>
  27939. <entry>
  27940. <para>
  27941. yíhào (yīhào)
  27942. </para>
  27943. </entry>
  27944. <entry>
  27945. <para>
  27946. the first day of the month
  27947. </para>
  27948. </entry>
  27949. <entry>
  27950. <para>
  27951. 2.5
  27952. </para>
  27953. </entry>
  27954. </row>
  27955. <row>
  27956. <entry>
  27957. <para>
  27958. Yìhéyuàn (Yihéyuàn)
  27959. </para>
  27960. </entry>
  27961. <entry>
  27962. <para>
  27963. the Summer Palace (in Běijīng)
  27964. </para>
  27965. </entry>
  27966. <entry>
  27967. <para>
  27968. 6.3’
  27969. </para>
  27970. </entry>
  27971. </row>
  27972. <row>
  27973. <entry>
  27974. <para>
  27975. yǐhòu
  27976. </para>
  27977. </entry>
  27978. <entry>
  27979. <para>
  27980. after
  27981. </para>
  27982. </entry>
  27983. <entry>
  27984. <para>
  27985. 1+.2
  27986. </para>
  27987. </entry>
  27988. </row>
  27989. <row>
  27990. <entry>
  27991. <para>
  27992. yǐhòu
  27993. </para>
  27994. </entry>
  27995. <entry>
  27996. <para>
  27997. afterwards, later on; in the
  27998. </para>
  27999. </entry>
  28000. <entry>
  28001. <para>
  28002. 5-5
  28003. </para>
  28004. </entry>
  28005. </row>
  28006. <row>
  28007. <entry>
  28008. </entry>
  28009. <entry>
  28010. <para>
  28011. future
  28012. </para>
  28013. </entry>
  28014. <entry>
  28015. </entry>
  28016. </row>
  28017. <row>
  28018. <entry>
  28019. <para>
  28020. yìhuǐr
  28021. </para>
  28022. </entry>
  28023. <entry>
  28024. <para>
  28025. a moment
  28026. </para>
  28027. </entry>
  28028. <entry>
  28029. <para>
  28030. 5.3’, 6.1
  28031. </para>
  28032. </entry>
  28033. </row>
  28034. <row>
  28035. <entry>
  28036. <para>
  28037. yíjiàn shì
  28038. </para>
  28039. </entry>
  28040. <entry>
  28041. <para>
  28042. a piece of business
  28043. </para>
  28044. </entry>
  28045. <entry>
  28046. <para>
  28047. 6.2
  28048. </para>
  28049. </entry>
  28050. </row>
  28051. <row>
  28052. <entry>
  28053. <para>
  28054. yǐjǐng (-jing,
  28055. </para>
  28056. </entry>
  28057. <entry>
  28058. <para>
  28059. already
  28060. </para>
  28061. </entry>
  28062. <entry>
  28063. <para>
  28064. 2.1*
  28065. </para>
  28066. </entry>
  28067. </row>
  28068. <row>
  28069. <entry>
  28070. <para>
  28071. -jìng)
  28072. </para>
  28073. </entry>
  28074. <entry>
  28075. </entry>
  28076. <entry>
  28077. </entry>
  28078. </row>
  28079. <row>
  28080. <entry>
  28081. <para>
  28082. Yī jiǔ__nian
  28083. </para>
  28084. </entry>
  28085. <entry>
  28086. <para>
  28087. the year 19___
  28088. </para>
  28089. </entry>
  28090. <entry>
  28091. <para>
  28092. 2.5
  28093. </para>
  28094. </entry>
  28095. </row>
  28096. <row>
  28097. <entry>
  28098. <para>
  28099. yīliào
  28100. </para>
  28101. </entry>
  28102. <entry>
  28103. <para>
  28104. medicine, medicinal treatment
  28105. </para>
  28106. </entry>
  28107. <entry>
  28108. <para>
  28109. 6.8’
  28110. </para>
  28111. </entry>
  28112. </row>
  28113. <row>
  28114. <entry>
  28115. <para>
  28116. yīnggāi
  28117. </para>
  28118. </entry>
  28119. <entry>
  28120. <para>
  28121. should, ought to
  28122. </para>
  28123. </entry>
  28124. <entry>
  28125. <para>
  28126. 6.8
  28127. </para>
  28128. </entry>
  28129. </row>
  28130. <row>
  28131. <entry>
  28132. <para>
  28133. Yīngguó (-guo)
  28134. </para>
  28135. </entry>
  28136. <entry>
  28137. <para>
  28138. England
  28139. </para>
  28140. </entry>
  28141. <entry>
  28142. <para>
  28143. 1.3
  28144. </para>
  28145. </entry>
  28146. </row>
  28147. <row>
  28148. <entry>
  28149. <para>
  28150. Yīng-Hàn zìdiǎn
  28151. </para>
  28152. </entry>
  28153. <entry>
  28154. <para>
  28155. English-Chinese dictionary
  28156. </para>
  28157. </entry>
  28158. <entry>
  28159. <para>
  28160. 3.1
  28161. </para>
  28162. </entry>
  28163. </row>
  28164. <row>
  28165. <entry>
  28166. <para>
  28167. yíng le
  28168. </para>
  28169. </entry>
  28170. <entry>
  28171. <para>
  28172. to have won
  28173. </para>
  28174. </entry>
  28175. <entry>
  28176. <para>
  28177. 2.3
  28178. </para>
  28179. </entry>
  28180. </row>
  28181. <row>
  28182. <entry>
  28183. <para>
  28184. Yīngwén
  28185. </para>
  28186. </entry>
  28187. <entry>
  28188. <para>
  28189. English language
  28190. </para>
  28191. </entry>
  28192. <entry>
  28193. <para>
  28194. 2.7, CE 2
  28195. </para>
  28196. </entry>
  28197. </row>
  28198. <row>
  28199. <entry>
  28200. <para>
  28201. yínhāng
  28202. </para>
  28203. </entry>
  28204. <entry>
  28205. <para>
  28206. bank
  28207. </para>
  28208. </entry>
  28209. <entry>
  28210. <para>
  28211. 2.2
  28212. </para>
  28213. </entry>
  28214. </row>
  28215. <row>
  28216. <entry>
  28217. <para>
  28218. yīnwèi (-wei)
  28219. </para>
  28220. </entry>
  28221. <entry>
  28222. <para>
  28223. because
  28224. </para>
  28225. </entry>
  28226. <entry>
  28227. <para>
  28228. 5.8
  28229. </para>
  28230. </entry>
  28231. </row>
  28232. <row>
  28233. <entry>
  28234. <para>
  28235. yìqǐ
  28236. </para>
  28237. </entry>
  28238. <entry>
  28239. <para>
  28240. together
  28241. </para>
  28242. </entry>
  28243. <entry>
  28244. <para>
  28245. 5.1°, 5.2’, 5.3
  28246. </para>
  28247. </entry>
  28248. </row>
  28249. <row>
  28250. <entry>
  28251. </entry>
  28252. <entry>
  28253. </entry>
  28254. <entry>
  28255. <para>
  28256. 5.8
  28257. </para>
  28258. </entry>
  28259. </row>
  28260. </tbody>
  28261. </tgroup>
  28262. </informaltable>
  28263. <informaltable>
  28264. <tgroup cols="3">
  28265. <colspec align="left" />
  28266. <colspec align="left" />
  28267. <colspec align="left" />
  28268. <tbody>
  28269. <row>
  28270. <entry>
  28271. <para>
  28272. yǐqián
  28273. </para>
  28274. </entry>
  28275. <entry>
  28276. <para>
  28277. before
  28278. </para>
  28279. </entry>
  28280. <entry>
  28281. <para>
  28282. 4.2
  28283. </para>
  28284. </entry>
  28285. </row>
  28286. <row>
  28287. <entry>
  28288. <para>
  28289. yǐqián
  28290. </para>
  28291. </entry>
  28292. <entry>
  28293. <para>
  28294. ahead of time, beforehand; previously, in the
  28295. past
  28296. </para>
  28297. </entry>
  28298. <entry>
  28299. <para>
  28300. 5.5
  28301. </para>
  28302. </entry>
  28303. </row>
  28304. <row>
  28305. <entry>
  28306. <para>
  28307. yǐqián
  28308. </para>
  28309. </entry>
  28310. <entry>
  28311. <para>
  28312. ago
  28313. </para>
  28314. </entry>
  28315. <entry>
  28316. <para>
  28317. 5.8
  28318. </para>
  28319. </entry>
  28320. </row>
  28321. <row>
  28322. <entry>
  28323. <para>
  28324. yīshang (yíjiàn)
  28325. </para>
  28326. </entry>
  28327. <entry>
  28328. <para>
  28329. clothing
  28330. </para>
  28331. </entry>
  28332. <entry>
  28333. <para>
  28334. 4.3*
  28335. </para>
  28336. </entry>
  28337. </row>
  28338. <row>
  28339. <entry>
  28340. <para>
  28341. yīshēng (-sheng)
  28342. </para>
  28343. </entry>
  28344. <entry>
  28345. <para>
  28346. doctor
  28347. </para>
  28348. </entry>
  28349. <entry>
  28350. <para>
  28351. 6.8’
  28352. </para>
  28353. </entry>
  28354. </row>
  28355. <row>
  28356. <entry>
  28357. <para>
  28358. yìsi
  28359. </para>
  28360. </entry>
  28361. <entry>
  28362. <para>
  28363. meaning
  28364. </para>
  28365. </entry>
  28366. <entry>
  28367. <para>
  28368. CE 1
  28369. </para>
  28370. </entry>
  28371. </row>
  28372. <row>
  28373. <entry>
  28374. <para>
  28375. yíxià (yixia)
  28376. </para>
  28377. </entry>
  28378. <entry>
  28379. <para>
  28380. a short amount of time
  28381. </para>
  28382. </entry>
  28383. <entry>
  28384. <para>
  28385. 5.3
  28386. </para>
  28387. </entry>
  28388. </row>
  28389. <row>
  28390. <entry>
  28391. <para>
  28392. yíxià
  28393. </para>
  28394. </entry>
  28395. <entry>
  28396. <para>
  28397. (similar to reduplicating a verb)
  28398. </para>
  28399. </entry>
  28400. <entry>
  28401. <para>
  28402. 6.8
  28403. </para>
  28404. </entry>
  28405. </row>
  28406. <row>
  28407. <entry>
  28408. <para>
  28409. yìxiē
  28410. </para>
  28411. </entry>
  28412. <entry>
  28413. <para>
  28414. some, several, a few
  28415. </para>
  28416. </entry>
  28417. <entry>
  28418. <para>
  28419. 6.6
  28420. </para>
  28421. </entry>
  28422. </row>
  28423. <row>
  28424. <entry>
  28425. <para>
  28426. yíyàng
  28427. </para>
  28428. </entry>
  28429. <entry>
  28430. <para>
  28431. to be alike, to be equal
  28432. </para>
  28433. </entry>
  28434. <entry>
  28435. <para>
  28436. 6.3
  28437. </para>
  28438. </entry>
  28439. </row>
  28440. <row>
  28441. <entry>
  28442. <para>
  28443. yīyuàn
  28444. </para>
  28445. </entry>
  28446. <entry>
  28447. <para>
  28448. hospital
  28449. </para>
  28450. </entry>
  28451. <entry>
  28452. <para>
  28453. 6.8’
  28454. </para>
  28455. </entry>
  28456. </row>
  28457. <row>
  28458. <entry>
  28459. <para>
  28460. Yíyuè (Yīyuè) (-yue)
  28461. </para>
  28462. </entry>
  28463. <entry>
  28464. <para>
  28465. J anuary
  28466. </para>
  28467. </entry>
  28468. <entry>
  28469. <para>
  28470. 2.5, T&amp;D
  28471. </para>
  28472. </entry>
  28473. </row>
  28474. <row>
  28475. <entry>
  28476. <para>
  28477. yìzhí
  28478. </para>
  28479. </entry>
  28480. <entry>
  28481. <para>
  28482. straight
  28483. </para>
  28484. </entry>
  28485. <entry>
  28486. <para>
  28487. 4.1
  28488. </para>
  28489. </entry>
  28490. </row>
  28491. <row>
  28492. <entry>
  28493. <para>
  28494. yǐzi (yìbǎ)
  28495. </para>
  28496. </entry>
  28497. <entry>
  28498. <para>
  28499. chair
  28500. </para>
  28501. </entry>
  28502. <entry>
  28503. <para>
  28504. 3.4
  28505. </para>
  28506. </entry>
  28507. </row>
  28508. <row>
  28509. <entry>
  28510. <para>
  28511. yònggōng
  28512. </para>
  28513. </entry>
  28514. <entry>
  28515. <para>
  28516. to be hardworking
  28517. </para>
  28518. </entry>
  28519. <entry>
  28520. <para>
  28521. 6.7’
  28522. </para>
  28523. </entry>
  28524. </row>
  28525. <row>
  28526. <entry>
  28527. <para>
  28528. you
  28529. </para>
  28530. </entry>
  28531. <entry>
  28532. <para>
  28533. to have; there is/are
  28534. </para>
  28535. </entry>
  28536. <entry>
  28537. <para>
  28538. 2.3, CE 2
  28539. </para>
  28540. </entry>
  28541. </row>
  28542. <row>
  28543. <entry>
  28544. <para>
  28545. you
  28546. </para>
  28547. </entry>
  28548. <entry>
  28549. <para>
  28550. right (direction)
  28551. </para>
  28552. </entry>
  28553. <entry>
  28554. <para>
  28555. 4.1
  28556. </para>
  28557. </entry>
  28558. </row>
  28559. <row>
  28560. <entry>
  28561. <para>
  28562. you
  28563. </para>
  28564. </entry>
  28565. <entry>
  28566. <para>
  28567. again (with completed actions)
  28568. </para>
  28569. </entry>
  28570. <entry>
  28571. <para>
  28572. 5.8
  28573. </para>
  28574. </entry>
  28575. </row>
  28576. <row>
  28577. <entry>
  28578. <para>
  28579. you
  28580. </para>
  28581. </entry>
  28582. <entry>
  28583. <para>
  28584. also
  28585. </para>
  28586. </entry>
  28587. <entry>
  28588. <para>
  28589. 5.8’
  28590. </para>
  28591. </entry>
  28592. </row>
  28593. <row>
  28594. <entry>
  28595. <para>
  28596. yòubian(r)
  28597. </para>
  28598. </entry>
  28599. <entry>
  28600. <para>
  28601. right side
  28602. </para>
  28603. </entry>
  28604. <entry>
  28605. <para>
  28606. 4.2
  28607. </para>
  28608. </entry>
  28609. </row>
  28610. <row>
  28611. <entry>
  28612. <para>
  28613. yǒude
  28614. </para>
  28615. </entry>
  28616. <entry>
  28617. <para>
  28618. some
  28619. </para>
  28620. </entry>
  28621. <entry>
  28622. <para>
  28623. 3.4
  28624. </para>
  28625. </entry>
  28626. </row>
  28627. <row>
  28628. <entry>
  28629. <para>
  28630. youde shíhou
  28631. </para>
  28632. </entry>
  28633. <entry>
  28634. <para>
  28635. sometimes
  28636. </para>
  28637. </entry>
  28638. <entry>
  28639. <para>
  28640. 3.6’, 5.1, 6.3
  28641. </para>
  28642. </entry>
  28643. </row>
  28644. <row>
  28645. <entry>
  28646. <para>
  28647. yòuéryuán
  28648. </para>
  28649. </entry>
  28650. <entry>
  28651. <para>
  28652. kindergarten
  28653. </para>
  28654. </entry>
  28655. <entry>
  28656. <para>
  28657. 6.4’
  28658. </para>
  28659. </entry>
  28660. </row>
  28661. <row>
  28662. <entry>
  28663. <para>
  28664. you gōngfu
  28665. </para>
  28666. </entry>
  28667. <entry>
  28668. <para>
  28669. to have free time
  28670. </para>
  28671. </entry>
  28672. <entry>
  28673. <para>
  28674. 6.1
  28675. </para>
  28676. </entry>
  28677. </row>
  28678. <row>
  28679. <entry>
  28680. <para>
  28681. you guānxi
  28682. </para>
  28683. </entry>
  28684. <entry>
  28685. <para>
  28686. to relate to, to have a bearing on, to matter
  28687. </para>
  28688. </entry>
  28689. <entry>
  28690. <para>
  28691. 6.2
  28692. </para>
  28693. </entry>
  28694. </row>
  28695. <row>
  28696. <entry>
  28697. <para>
  28698. yóuhuà(r)
  28699. </para>
  28700. </entry>
  28701. <entry>
  28702. <para>
  28703. oil painting
  28704. </para>
  28705. </entry>
  28706. <entry>
  28707. <para>
  28708. 6.4’
  28709. </para>
  28710. </entry>
  28711. </row>
  28712. <row>
  28713. <entry>
  28714. <para>
  28715. you kòng(r)
  28716. </para>
  28717. </entry>
  28718. <entry>
  28719. <para>
  28720. to have free time
  28721. </para>
  28722. </entry>
  28723. <entry>
  28724. <para>
  28725. 6.1
  28726. </para>
  28727. </entry>
  28728. </row>
  28729. <row>
  28730. <entry>
  28731. <para>
  28732. you míng
  28733. </para>
  28734. </entry>
  28735. <entry>
  28736. <para>
  28737. to be famous
  28738. </para>
  28739. </entry>
  28740. <entry>
  28741. <para>
  28742. 5.8’, 6.6’
  28743. </para>
  28744. </entry>
  28745. </row>
  28746. <row>
  28747. <entry>
  28748. <para>
  28749. you shíhou (you shihou)
  28750. </para>
  28751. </entry>
  28752. <entry>
  28753. <para>
  28754. sometimes
  28755. </para>
  28756. </entry>
  28757. <entry>
  28758. <para>
  28759. 3.6’, 5.1, 6.3
  28760. </para>
  28761. </entry>
  28762. </row>
  28763. <row>
  28764. <entry>
  28765. <para>
  28766. Youyí Shāngdiàn (-yì
  28767. </para>
  28768. </entry>
  28769. <entry>
  28770. <para>
  28771. ) Friendship Department Store
  28772. </para>
  28773. </entry>
  28774. <entry>
  28775. <para>
  28776. 3.5*, 4.2’, 4.3
  28777. </para>
  28778. </entry>
  28779. </row>
  28780. <row>
  28781. <entry>
  28782. <para>
  28783. you yìsi
  28784. </para>
  28785. </entry>
  28786. <entry>
  28787. <para>
  28788. to be interesting
  28789. </para>
  28790. </entry>
  28791. <entry>
  28792. <para>
  28793. 5.8
  28794. </para>
  28795. </entry>
  28796. </row>
  28797. <row>
  28798. <entry>
  28799. <para>
  28800. yǒuyǒng
  28801. </para>
  28802. </entry>
  28803. <entry>
  28804. <para>
  28805. to swim
  28806. </para>
  28807. </entry>
  28808. <entry>
  28809. <para>
  28810. 5.4’
  28811. </para>
  28812. </entry>
  28813. </row>
  28814. <row>
  28815. <entry>
  28816. <para>
  28817. you yòng
  28818. </para>
  28819. </entry>
  28820. <entry>
  28821. <para>
  28822. to be useful
  28823. </para>
  28824. </entry>
  28825. <entry>
  28826. <para>
  28827. 6.1’
  28828. </para>
  28829. </entry>
  28830. </row>
  28831. <row>
  28832. <entry>
  28833. <para>
  28834. yòu...you...
  28835. </para>
  28836. </entry>
  28837. <entry>
  28838. <para>
  28839. both...and...
  28840. </para>
  28841. </entry>
  28842. <entry>
  28843. <para>
  28844. 5.5*, 6.6
  28845. </para>
  28846. </entry>
  28847. </row>
  28848. <row>
  28849. <entry>
  28850. <para>
  28851. yóuyuanhuì
  28852. </para>
  28853. </entry>
  28854. <entry>
  28855. <para>
  28856. carnival
  28857. </para>
  28858. </entry>
  28859. <entry>
  28860. <para>
  28861. 6.3’
  28862. </para>
  28863. </entry>
  28864. </row>
  28865. <row>
  28866. <entry>
  28867. <para>
  28868. yóuzhèngju
  28869. </para>
  28870. </entry>
  28871. <entry>
  28872. <para>
  28873. post office
  28874. </para>
  28875. </entry>
  28876. <entry>
  28877. <para>
  28878. 2.2
  28879. </para>
  28880. </entry>
  28881. </row>
  28882. <row>
  28883. <entry>
  28884. <para>
  28885. -yuan
  28886. </para>
  28887. </entry>
  28888. <entry>
  28889. <para>
  28890. garden
  28891. </para>
  28892. </entry>
  28893. <entry>
  28894. <para>
  28895. 4.2’
  28896. </para>
  28897. </entry>
  28898. </row>
  28899. <row>
  28900. <entry>
  28901. <para>
  28902. yuan
  28903. </para>
  28904. </entry>
  28905. <entry>
  28906. <para>
  28907. to be far
  28908. </para>
  28909. </entry>
  28910. <entry>
  28911. <para>
  28912. 4.3
  28913. </para>
  28914. </entry>
  28915. </row>
  28916. <row>
  28917. <entry>
  28918. <para>
  28919. -yuàn
  28920. </para>
  28921. </entry>
  28922. <entry>
  28923. <para>
  28924. hall
  28925. </para>
  28926. </entry>
  28927. <entry>
  28928. <para>
  28929. 4.2*
  28930. </para>
  28931. </entry>
  28932. </row>
  28933. <row>
  28934. <entry>
  28935. <para>
  28936. yuē
  28937. </para>
  28938. </entry>
  28939. <entry>
  28940. <para>
  28941. to make arrangements with; to invite in advance
  28942. </para>
  28943. </entry>
  28944. <entry>
  28945. <para>
  28946. 6.5
  28947. </para>
  28948. </entry>
  28949. </row>
  28950. <row>
  28951. <entry>
  28952. <para>
  28953. yuè
  28954. </para>
  28955. </entry>
  28956. <entry>
  28957. <para>
  28958. month
  28959. </para>
  28960. </entry>
  28961. <entry>
  28962. <para>
  28963. 2.5, T&amp;D 1
  28964. </para>
  28965. </entry>
  28966. </row>
  28967. <row>
  28968. <entry>
  28969. <para>
  28970. yuèdǐ
  28971. </para>
  28972. </entry>
  28973. <entry>
  28974. <para>
  28975. the end of the month
  28976. </para>
  28977. </entry>
  28978. <entry>
  28979. <para>
  28980. 6.7*
  28981. </para>
  28982. </entry>
  28983. </row>
  28984. <row>
  28985. <entry>
  28986. <para>
  28987. yuēhǎo le
  28988. </para>
  28989. </entry>
  28990. <entry>
  28991. <para>
  28992. to have (successfully) made arrangements, to
  28993. have (successfully) made an appointment
  28994. </para>
  28995. </entry>
  28996. <entry>
  28997. <para>
  28998. 6.3’, 6.5
  28999. </para>
  29000. </entry>
  29001. </row>
  29002. <row>
  29003. <entry>
  29004. <para>
  29005. Yuènán
  29006. </para>
  29007. </entry>
  29008. <entry>
  29009. <para>
  29010. Vietnam
  29011. </para>
  29012. </entry>
  29013. <entry>
  29014. <para>
  29015. 1.3
  29016. </para>
  29017. </entry>
  29018. </row>
  29019. </tbody>
  29020. </tgroup>
  29021. </informaltable>
  29022. <informaltable>
  29023. <tgroup cols="3">
  29024. <colspec align="left" />
  29025. <colspec align="left" />
  29026. <colspec align="left" />
  29027. <tbody>
  29028. <row>
  29029. <entry>
  29030. <para>
  29031. yuètái
  29032. </para>
  29033. </entry>
  29034. <entry>
  29035. <para>
  29036. train platform
  29037. </para>
  29038. </entry>
  29039. <entry>
  29040. <para>
  29041. 5.6
  29042. </para>
  29043. </entry>
  29044. </row>
  29045. <row>
  29046. <entry>
  29047. <para>
  29048. yǔsǎn (yìbǎ)
  29049. </para>
  29050. </entry>
  29051. <entry>
  29052. <para>
  29053. umbrella
  29054. </para>
  29055. </entry>
  29056. <entry>
  29057. <para>
  29058. 3.3
  29059. </para>
  29060. </entry>
  29061. </row>
  29062. <row>
  29063. <entry>
  29064. <para>
  29065. Yúyuán
  29066. </para>
  29067. </entry>
  29068. <entry>
  29069. <para>
  29070. Chongqing (Chungking) Garden
  29071. </para>
  29072. </entry>
  29073. <entry>
  29074. <para>
  29075. 6.6
  29076. </para>
  29077. </entry>
  29078. </row>
  29079. </tbody>
  29080. </tgroup>
  29081. </informaltable>
  29082. <informaltable>
  29083. <tgroup cols="3">
  29084. <colspec align="left" />
  29085. <colspec align="left" />
  29086. <colspec align="left" />
  29087. <tbody>
  29088. <row>
  29089. <entry>
  29090. <para>
  29091. zài
  29092. </para>
  29093. </entry>
  29094. <entry>
  29095. <para>
  29096. to be in/at
  29097. </para>
  29098. </entry>
  29099. <entry>
  29100. <para>
  29101. l.U
  29102. </para>
  29103. </entry>
  29104. </row>
  29105. <row>
  29106. <entry>
  29107. <para>
  29108. zài
  29109. </para>
  29110. </entry>
  29111. <entry>
  29112. <para>
  29113. in, at, on (prepositional verb)
  29114. </para>
  29115. </entry>
  29116. <entry>
  29117. <para>
  29118. 2.2
  29119. </para>
  29120. </entry>
  29121. </row>
  29122. <row>
  29123. <entry>
  29124. <para>
  29125. zài
  29126. </para>
  29127. </entry>
  29128. <entry>
  29129. <para>
  29130. then (in commands, suggestions,
  29131. </para>
  29132. </entry>
  29133. <entry>
  29134. <para>
  29135. U.l
  29136. </para>
  29137. </entry>
  29138. </row>
  29139. <row>
  29140. <entry>
  29141. </entry>
  29142. <entry>
  29143. <para>
  29144. etc.)
  29145. </para>
  29146. </entry>
  29147. <entry>
  29148. </entry>
  29149. </row>
  29150. <row>
  29151. <entry>
  29152. <para>
  29153. zài
  29154. </para>
  29155. </entry>
  29156. <entry>
  29157. <para>
  29158. again (with uncompleted actions)
  29159. </para>
  29160. </entry>
  29161. <entry>
  29162. <para>
  29163. 5.8, CE 1
  29164. </para>
  29165. </entry>
  29166. </row>
  29167. <row>
  29168. <entry>
  29169. <para>
  29170. zài
  29171. </para>
  29172. </entry>
  29173. <entry>
  29174. <para>
  29175. in the midst of (marker of
  29176. </para>
  29177. </entry>
  29178. <entry>
  29179. <para>
  29180. 6.2
  29181. </para>
  29182. </entry>
  29183. </row>
  29184. <row>
  29185. <entry>
  29186. </entry>
  29187. <entry>
  29188. <para>
  29189. ongoing action)
  29190. </para>
  29191. </entry>
  29192. <entry>
  29193. </entry>
  29194. </row>
  29195. <row>
  29196. <entry>
  29197. <para>
  29198. zàiJ iàn
  29199. </para>
  29200. </entry>
  29201. <entry>
  29202. <para>
  29203. good-bye
  29204. </para>
  29205. </entry>
  29206. <entry>
  29207. <para>
  29208. 3.2
  29209. </para>
  29210. </entry>
  29211. </row>
  29212. <row>
  29213. <entry>
  29214. <para>
  29215. zài Jiē diànhuà
  29216. </para>
  29217. </entry>
  29218. <entry>
  29219. <para>
  29220. to be receiving a phone call,
  29221. </para>
  29222. </entry>
  29223. <entry>
  29224. <para>
  29225. 6.2°
  29226. </para>
  29227. </entry>
  29228. </row>
  29229. <row>
  29230. <entry>
  29231. </entry>
  29232. <entry>
  29233. <para>
  29234. to be on the phone
  29235. </para>
  29236. </entry>
  29237. <entry>
  29238. </entry>
  29239. </row>
  29240. <row>
  29241. <entry>
  29242. <para>
  29243. zánrnen
  29244. </para>
  29245. </entry>
  29246. <entry>
  29247. <para>
  29248. we (specifically includes the
  29249. </para>
  29250. </entry>
  29251. <entry>
  29252. <para>
  29253. 5.2
  29254. </para>
  29255. </entry>
  29256. </row>
  29257. <row>
  29258. <entry>
  29259. </entry>
  29260. <entry>
  29261. <para>
  29262. listener)
  29263. </para>
  29264. </entry>
  29265. <entry>
  29266. </entry>
  29267. </row>
  29268. <row>
  29269. <entry>
  29270. <para>
  29271. zǎo
  29272. </para>
  29273. </entry>
  29274. <entry>
  29275. <para>
  29276. Good morning.
  29277. </para>
  29278. </entry>
  29279. <entry>
  29280. <para>
  29281. 2.1, CE 1
  29282. </para>
  29283. </entry>
  29284. </row>
  29285. <row>
  29286. <entry>
  29287. <para>
  29288. zāo
  29289. </para>
  29290. </entry>
  29291. <entry>
  29292. <para>
  29293. to be early
  29294. </para>
  29295. </entry>
  29296. <entry>
  29297. <para>
  29298. i+.3‘, 5.6
  29299. </para>
  29300. </entry>
  29301. </row>
  29302. <row>
  29303. <entry>
  29304. <para>
  29305. zǎochen (-chén)
  29306. </para>
  29307. </entry>
  29308. <entry>
  29309. <para>
  29310. early morning
  29311. </para>
  29312. </entry>
  29313. <entry>
  29314. <para>
  29315. 3.6
  29316. </para>
  29317. </entry>
  29318. </row>
  29319. <row>
  29320. <entry>
  29321. <para>
  29322. zǎofàn
  29323. </para>
  29324. </entry>
  29325. <entry>
  29326. <para>
  29327. breakfast
  29328. </para>
  29329. </entry>
  29330. <entry>
  29331. <para>
  29332. 6.6
  29333. </para>
  29334. </entry>
  29335. </row>
  29336. <row>
  29337. <entry>
  29338. <para>
  29339. zāogāo
  29340. </para>
  29341. </entry>
  29342. <entry>
  29343. <para>
  29344. Oh, no; how awful; what a mess
  29345. </para>
  29346. </entry>
  29347. <entry>
  29348. <para>
  29349. 6.3°
  29350. </para>
  29351. </entry>
  29352. </row>
  29353. <row>
  29354. <entry>
  29355. <para>
  29356. zǎoshang (-shàng)
  29357. </para>
  29358. </entry>
  29359. <entry>
  29360. <para>
  29361. morning
  29362. </para>
  29363. </entry>
  29364. <entry>
  29365. <para>
  29366. 3.6, T&amp;D 1+
  29367. </para>
  29368. </entry>
  29369. </row>
  29370. <row>
  29371. <entry>
  29372. <para>
  29373. zázhì (yíběn)
  29374. </para>
  29375. </entry>
  29376. <entry>
  29377. <para>
  29378. magazine
  29379. </para>
  29380. </entry>
  29381. <entry>
  29382. <para>
  29383. 3.1
  29384. </para>
  29385. </entry>
  29386. </row>
  29387. <row>
  29388. <entry>
  29389. <para>
  29390. zěnme
  29391. </para>
  29392. </entry>
  29393. <entry>
  29394. <para>
  29395. how; why, how come
  29396. </para>
  29397. </entry>
  29398. <entry>
  29399. <para>
  29400. 3.5, 6.7, CE 2
  29401. </para>
  29402. </entry>
  29403. </row>
  29404. <row>
  29405. <entry>
  29406. <para>
  29407. zènme
  29408. </para>
  29409. </entry>
  29410. <entry>
  29411. <para>
  29412. so, to this extent, in this way
  29413. </para>
  29414. </entry>
  29415. <entry>
  29416. <para>
  29417. 5.3
  29418. </para>
  29419. </entry>
  29420. </row>
  29421. <row>
  29422. <entry>
  29423. <para>
  29424. zěnmeyàng
  29425. </para>
  29426. </entry>
  29427. <entry>
  29428. <para>
  29429. how (someone or something) is;
  29430. </para>
  29431. </entry>
  29432. <entry>
  29433. <para>
  29434. 3.3
  29435. </para>
  29436. </entry>
  29437. </row>
  29438. <row>
  29439. <entry>
  29440. </entry>
  29441. <entry>
  29442. <para>
  29443. how is...?
  29444. </para>
  29445. </entry>
  29446. <entry>
  29447. </entry>
  29448. </row>
  29449. <row>
  29450. <entry>
  29451. <para>
  29452. zhàn
  29453. </para>
  29454. </entry>
  29455. <entry>
  29456. <para>
  29457. a stop, a station
  29458. </para>
  29459. </entry>
  29460. <entry>
  29461. <para>
  29462. 5.1
  29463. </para>
  29464. </entry>
  29465. </row>
  29466. <row>
  29467. <entry>
  29468. <para>
  29469. -zhāng
  29470. </para>
  29471. </entry>
  29472. <entry>
  29473. <para>
  29474. (counter for flat things:
  29475. </para>
  29476. </entry>
  29477. <entry>
  29478. <para>
  29479. 3.1
  29480. </para>
  29481. </entry>
  29482. </row>
  29483. <row>
  29484. <entry>
  29485. </entry>
  29486. <entry>
  29487. <para>
  29488. tables, paper, pictures, etc.)
  29489. </para>
  29490. </entry>
  29491. <entry>
  29492. </entry>
  29493. </row>
  29494. <row>
  29495. <entry>
  29496. <para>
  29497. zhānlǎn
  29498. </para>
  29499. </entry>
  29500. <entry>
  29501. <para>
  29502. to exhibit; exhibition
  29503. </para>
  29504. </entry>
  29505. <entry>
  29506. <para>
  29507. 5.2°, 6.U’
  29508. </para>
  29509. </entry>
  29510. </row>
  29511. <row>
  29512. <entry>
  29513. <para>
  29514. zhānlǎnguān
  29515. </para>
  29516. </entry>
  29517. <entry>
  29518. <para>
  29519. exhibition hall
  29520. </para>
  29521. </entry>
  29522. <entry>
  29523. <para>
  29524. 5.2
  29525. </para>
  29526. </entry>
  29527. </row>
  29528. <row>
  29529. <entry>
  29530. <para>
  29531. zhàntái
  29532. </para>
  29533. </entry>
  29534. <entry>
  29535. <para>
  29536. train platform
  29537. </para>
  29538. </entry>
  29539. <entry>
  29540. <para>
  29541. 5-6
  29542. </para>
  29543. </entry>
  29544. </row>
  29545. <row>
  29546. <entry>
  29547. <para>
  29548. zhǎo
  29549. </para>
  29550. </entry>
  29551. <entry>
  29552. <para>
  29553. to give change
  29554. </para>
  29555. </entry>
  29556. <entry>
  29557. <para>
  29558. 3.2
  29559. </para>
  29560. </entry>
  29561. </row>
  29562. <row>
  29563. <entry>
  29564. <para>
  29565. zhǎo
  29566. </para>
  29567. </entry>
  29568. <entry>
  29569. <para>
  29570. to look for
  29571. </para>
  29572. </entry>
  29573. <entry>
  29574. <para>
  29575. H.5
  29576. </para>
  29577. </entry>
  29578. </row>
  29579. <row>
  29580. <entry>
  29581. <para>
  29582. -zhāo (-zhao)
  29583. </para>
  29584. </entry>
  29585. <entry>
  29586. <para>
  29587. to succeed in getting or
  29588. </para>
  29589. </entry>
  29590. <entry>
  29591. <para>
  29592. 6.6
  29593. </para>
  29594. </entry>
  29595. </row>
  29596. <row>
  29597. <entry>
  29598. </entry>
  29599. <entry>
  29600. <para>
  29601. obtaining something
  29602. </para>
  29603. </entry>
  29604. <entry>
  29605. </entry>
  29606. </row>
  29607. <row>
  29608. <entry>
  29609. <para>
  29610. zhāodài
  29611. </para>
  29612. </entry>
  29613. <entry>
  29614. <para>
  29615. to be hospitable to; hospitality
  29616. </para>
  29617. </entry>
  29618. <entry>
  29619. <para>
  29620. 6.6’
  29621. </para>
  29622. </entry>
  29623. </row>
  29624. <row>
  29625. <entry>
  29626. <para>
  29627. zhàogu
  29628. </para>
  29629. </entry>
  29630. <entry>
  29631. <para>
  29632. to take care of, to look after
  29633. </para>
  29634. </entry>
  29635. <entry>
  29636. <para>
  29637. 6.H’
  29638. </para>
  29639. </entry>
  29640. </row>
  29641. <row>
  29642. <entry>
  29643. <para>
  29644. zhè-
  29645. </para>
  29646. </entry>
  29647. <entry>
  29648. <para>
  29649. this
  29650. </para>
  29651. </entry>
  29652. <entry>
  29653. <para>
  29654. H.5
  29655. </para>
  29656. </entry>
  29657. </row>
  29658. <row>
  29659. <entry>
  29660. <para>
  29661. -zhe
  29662. </para>
  29663. </entry>
  29664. <entry>
  29665. <para>
  29666. (marker of duration)
  29667. </para>
  29668. </entry>
  29669. <entry>
  29670. <para>
  29671. H.3
  29672. </para>
  29673. </entry>
  29674. </row>
  29675. <row>
  29676. <entry>
  29677. <para>
  29678. zhèbian
  29679. </para>
  29680. </entry>
  29681. <entry>
  29682. <para>
  29683. this side, here
  29684. </para>
  29685. </entry>
  29686. <entry>
  29687. <para>
  29688. U.4
  29689. </para>
  29690. </entry>
  29691. </row>
  29692. <row>
  29693. <entry>
  29694. <para>
  29695. zhège
  29696. </para>
  29697. </entry>
  29698. <entry>
  29699. <para>
  29700. this
  29701. </para>
  29702. </entry>
  29703. <entry>
  29704. <para>
  29705. H.5
  29706. </para>
  29707. </entry>
  29708. </row>
  29709. <row>
  29710. <entry>
  29711. <para>
  29712. zhèi
  29713. </para>
  29714. </entry>
  29715. <entry>
  29716. <para>
  29717. this
  29718. </para>
  29719. </entry>
  29720. <entry>
  29721. <para>
  29722. 2.1
  29723. </para>
  29724. </entry>
  29725. </row>
  29726. <row>
  29727. <entry>
  29728. <para>
  29729. zhèibian(r)
  29730. </para>
  29731. </entry>
  29732. <entry>
  29733. <para>
  29734. this side, here
  29735. </para>
  29736. </entry>
  29737. <entry>
  29738. <para>
  29739. u.u
  29740. </para>
  29741. </entry>
  29742. </row>
  29743. <row>
  29744. <entry>
  29745. <para>
  29746. zhèicì
  29747. </para>
  29748. </entry>
  29749. <entry>
  29750. <para>
  29751. this time
  29752. </para>
  29753. </entry>
  29754. <entry>
  29755. <para>
  29756. 5.2*
  29757. </para>
  29758. </entry>
  29759. </row>
  29760. <row>
  29761. <entry>
  29762. <para>
  29763. zhèige
  29764. </para>
  29765. </entry>
  29766. <entry>
  29767. <para>
  29768. this
  29769. </para>
  29770. </entry>
  29771. <entry>
  29772. <para>
  29773. 2.1
  29774. </para>
  29775. </entry>
  29776. </row>
  29777. <row>
  29778. <entry>
  29779. <para>
  29780. zhèige yuè
  29781. </para>
  29782. </entry>
  29783. <entry>
  29784. <para>
  29785. this month
  29786. </para>
  29787. </entry>
  29788. <entry>
  29789. <para>
  29790. 2.it’, 2.5
  29791. </para>
  29792. </entry>
  29793. </row>
  29794. <row>
  29795. <entry>
  29796. <para>
  29797. zhèige xīngqī
  29798. </para>
  29799. </entry>
  29800. <entry>
  29801. <para>
  29802. this week
  29803. </para>
  29804. </entry>
  29805. <entry>
  29806. <para>
  29807. 2.6
  29808. </para>
  29809. </entry>
  29810. </row>
  29811. </tbody>
  29812. </tgroup>
  29813. </informaltable>
  29814. <informaltable>
  29815. <tgroup cols="3">
  29816. <colspec align="left" />
  29817. <colspec align="left" />
  29818. <colspec align="left" />
  29819. <tbody>
  29820. <row>
  29821. <entry>
  29822. <para>
  29823. zhèihuǐr
  29824. </para>
  29825. </entry>
  29826. <entry>
  29827. <para>
  29828. this moment, at the moment
  29829. </para>
  29830. </entry>
  29831. <entry>
  29832. <para>
  29833. 6.5
  29834. </para>
  29835. </entry>
  29836. </row>
  29837. <row>
  29838. <entry>
  29839. <para>
  29840. zhèixie (zhèxie)
  29841. </para>
  29842. </entry>
  29843. <entry>
  29844. <para>
  29845. these
  29846. </para>
  29847. </entry>
  29848. <entry>
  29849. <para>
  29850. 3.U
  29851. </para>
  29852. </entry>
  29853. </row>
  29854. <row>
  29855. <entry>
  29856. <para>
  29857. zhèi yícì
  29858. </para>
  29859. </entry>
  29860. <entry>
  29861. <para>
  29862. this time
  29863. </para>
  29864. </entry>
  29865. <entry>
  29866. <para>
  29867. 5.8
  29868. </para>
  29869. </entry>
  29870. </row>
  29871. <row>
  29872. <entry>
  29873. <para>
  29874. zhèli
  29875. </para>
  29876. </entry>
  29877. <entry>
  29878. <para>
  29879. here
  29880. </para>
  29881. </entry>
  29882. <entry>
  29883. <para>
  29884. 2.2
  29885. </para>
  29886. </entry>
  29887. </row>
  29888. <row>
  29889. <entry>
  29890. <para>
  29891. zhème
  29892. </para>
  29893. </entry>
  29894. <entry>
  29895. <para>
  29896. so, to this extent, in this way
  29897. </para>
  29898. </entry>
  29899. <entry>
  29900. <para>
  29901. 5-3
  29902. </para>
  29903. </entry>
  29904. </row>
  29905. <row>
  29906. <entry>
  29907. <para>
  29908. zhēn
  29909. </para>
  29910. </entry>
  29911. <entry>
  29912. <para>
  29913. really
  29914. </para>
  29915. </entry>
  29916. <entry>
  29917. <para>
  29918. 3.3
  29919. </para>
  29920. </entry>
  29921. </row>
  29922. <row>
  29923. <entry>
  29924. <para>
  29925. zhèng hǎo
  29926. </para>
  29927. </entry>
  29928. <entry>
  29929. <para>
  29930. just right
  29931. </para>
  29932. </entry>
  29933. <entry>
  29934. <para>
  29935. 5.3’, 6.3*
  29936. </para>
  29937. </entry>
  29938. </row>
  29939. <row>
  29940. <entry>
  29941. <para>
  29942. zhèngzhixué
  29943. </para>
  29944. </entry>
  29945. <entry>
  29946. <para>
  29947. political science
  29948. </para>
  29949. </entry>
  29950. <entry>
  29951. <para>
  29952. 2.7
  29953. </para>
  29954. </entry>
  29955. </row>
  29956. <row>
  29957. <entry>
  29958. <para>
  29959. zhèngzhi xuéxí
  29960. </para>
  29961. </entry>
  29962. <entry>
  29963. <para>
  29964. political study session
  29965. </para>
  29966. </entry>
  29967. <entry>
  29968. <para>
  29969. 6.8*
  29970. </para>
  29971. </entry>
  29972. </row>
  29973. <row>
  29974. <entry>
  29975. <para>
  29976. zhèr
  29977. </para>
  29978. </entry>
  29979. <entry>
  29980. <para>
  29981. here
  29982. </para>
  29983. </entry>
  29984. <entry>
  29985. <para>
  29986. 1.1+
  29987. </para>
  29988. </entry>
  29989. </row>
  29990. <row>
  29991. <entry>
  29992. <para>
  29993. zhí
  29994. </para>
  29995. </entry>
  29996. <entry>
  29997. <para>
  29998. directly
  29999. </para>
  30000. </entry>
  30001. <entry>
  30002. <para>
  30003. 5-7
  30004. </para>
  30005. </entry>
  30006. </row>
  30007. <row>
  30008. <entry>
  30009. <para>
  30010. zhī
  30011. </para>
  30012. </entry>
  30013. <entry>
  30014. <para>
  30015. only
  30016. </para>
  30017. </entry>
  30018. <entry>
  30019. <para>
  30020. 2.3
  30021. </para>
  30022. </entry>
  30023. </row>
  30024. <row>
  30025. <entry>
  30026. <para>
  30027. zhī (yìzhāng)
  30028. </para>
  30029. </entry>
  30030. <entry>
  30031. <para>
  30032. paper
  30033. </para>
  30034. </entry>
  30035. <entry>
  30036. <para>
  30037. 3.1
  30038. </para>
  30039. </entry>
  30040. </row>
  30041. <row>
  30042. <entry>
  30043. <para>
  30044. -zhī
  30045. </para>
  30046. </entry>
  30047. <entry>
  30048. <para>
  30049. (counter for straight, sticklike objects)
  30050. </para>
  30051. </entry>
  30052. <entry>
  30053. <para>
  30054. 3.1
  30055. </para>
  30056. </entry>
  30057. </row>
  30058. <row>
  30059. <entry>
  30060. <para>
  30061. zhídǎchē
  30062. </para>
  30063. </entry>
  30064. <entry>
  30065. <para>
  30066. direct, nonstop bus
  30067. </para>
  30068. </entry>
  30069. <entry>
  30070. <para>
  30071. 5.2
  30072. </para>
  30073. </entry>
  30074. </row>
  30075. <row>
  30076. <entry>
  30077. <para>
  30078. zhī dao
  30079. </para>
  30080. </entry>
  30081. <entry>
  30082. <para>
  30083. to know
  30084. </para>
  30085. </entry>
  30086. <entry>
  30087. <para>
  30088. l+.l
  30089. </para>
  30090. </entry>
  30091. </row>
  30092. <row>
  30093. <entry>
  30094. <para>
  30095. zhīpiào (yìzhāng)
  30096. </para>
  30097. </entry>
  30098. <entry>
  30099. <para>
  30100. check (e.g., banker’s or personal)
  30101. </para>
  30102. </entry>
  30103. <entry>
  30104. <para>
  30105. 3.5
  30106. </para>
  30107. </entry>
  30108. </row>
  30109. <row>
  30110. <entry>
  30111. <para>
  30112. zhōng
  30113. </para>
  30114. </entry>
  30115. <entry>
  30116. <para>
  30117. clock
  30118. </para>
  30119. </entry>
  30120. <entry>
  30121. <para>
  30122. 3.5
  30123. </para>
  30124. </entry>
  30125. </row>
  30126. <row>
  30127. <entry>
  30128. <para>
  30129. zhōng
  30130. </para>
  30131. </entry>
  30132. <entry>
  30133. <para>
  30134. o’clock
  30135. </para>
  30136. </entry>
  30137. <entry>
  30138. <para>
  30139. 3.6, T&amp;D 3
  30140. </para>
  30141. </entry>
  30142. </row>
  30143. <row>
  30144. <entry>
  30145. <para>
  30146. Zhōngcān
  30147. </para>
  30148. </entry>
  30149. <entry>
  30150. <para>
  30151. Chinese food
  30152. </para>
  30153. </entry>
  30154. <entry>
  30155. <para>
  30156. 5.6_
  30157. </para>
  30158. </entry>
  30159. </row>
  30160. <row>
  30161. <entry>
  30162. <para>
  30163. zhōngfàn
  30164. </para>
  30165. </entry>
  30166. <entry>
  30167. <para>
  30168. lunch
  30169. </para>
  30170. </entry>
  30171. <entry>
  30172. <para>
  30173. 6.5*, 6.6
  30174. </para>
  30175. </entry>
  30176. </row>
  30177. <row>
  30178. <entry>
  30179. <para>
  30180. Zhōngguo huà
  30181. </para>
  30182. </entry>
  30183. <entry>
  30184. <para>
  30185. Chinese (spoken) language
  30186. </para>
  30187. </entry>
  30188. <entry>
  30189. <para>
  30190. 2.7
  30191. </para>
  30192. </entry>
  30193. </row>
  30194. <row>
  30195. <entry>
  30196. <para>
  30197. Zhōngguo Luxíngshè
  30198. </para>
  30199. </entry>
  30200. <entry>
  30201. <para>
  30202. China Travel Agency
  30203. </para>
  30204. </entry>
  30205. <entry>
  30206. <para>
  30207. 6.2’, 6.5’
  30208. </para>
  30209. </entry>
  30210. </row>
  30211. <row>
  30212. <entry>
  30213. <para>
  30214. Zhōngguo Wénxué Shì
  30215. </para>
  30216. </entry>
  30217. <entry>
  30218. <para>
  30219. History of Chinese Literature
  30220. </para>
  30221. </entry>
  30222. <entry>
  30223. <para>
  30224. 3.1’, l+.l’
  30225. </para>
  30226. </entry>
  30227. </row>
  30228. <row>
  30229. <entry>
  30230. <para>
  30231. Zhōngguo (Zhōngguo)
  30232. </para>
  30233. </entry>
  30234. <entry>
  30235. <para>
  30236. China
  30237. </para>
  30238. </entry>
  30239. <entry>
  30240. <para>
  30241. 1.3
  30242. </para>
  30243. </entry>
  30244. </row>
  30245. <row>
  30246. <entry>
  30247. <para>
  30248. zhōngjiān(r) zhōngj iànr)
  30249. </para>
  30250. </entry>
  30251. <entry>
  30252. <para>
  30253. the middle, in between
  30254. </para>
  30255. </entry>
  30256. <entry>
  30257. <para>
  30258. 1+.3
  30259. </para>
  30260. </entry>
  30261. </row>
  30262. <row>
  30263. <entry>
  30264. <para>
  30265. Zhōngshān Beilù
  30266. </para>
  30267. </entry>
  30268. <entry>
  30269. <para>
  30270. Chungshan North Road
  30271. </para>
  30272. </entry>
  30273. <entry>
  30274. <para>
  30275. H.5
  30276. </para>
  30277. </entry>
  30278. </row>
  30279. <row>
  30280. <entry>
  30281. <para>
  30282. zhōngtóu
  30283. </para>
  30284. </entry>
  30285. <entry>
  30286. <para>
  30287. hour
  30288. </para>
  30289. </entry>
  30290. <entry>
  30291. <para>
  30292. 5.1+’, 5.5
  30293. </para>
  30294. </entry>
  30295. </row>
  30296. <row>
  30297. <entry>
  30298. <para>
  30299. Zhōngwěn
  30300. </para>
  30301. </entry>
  30302. <entry>
  30303. <para>
  30304. Chinese language
  30305. </para>
  30306. </entry>
  30307. <entry>
  30308. <para>
  30309. 2.7, CE 2
  30310. </para>
  30311. </entry>
  30312. </row>
  30313. <row>
  30314. <entry>
  30315. <para>
  30316. zhōngwǔ (zhōngwu)
  30317. </para>
  30318. </entry>
  30319. <entry>
  30320. <para>
  30321. noon, midday
  30322. </para>
  30323. </entry>
  30324. <entry>
  30325. <para>
  30326. 3.6, T&amp;D 1+
  30327. </para>
  30328. </entry>
  30329. </row>
  30330. <row>
  30331. <entry>
  30332. <para>
  30333. zhōngxué
  30334. </para>
  30335. </entry>
  30336. <entry>
  30337. <para>
  30338. middle school (the equivalent of junior and
  30339. senior high school)
  30340. </para>
  30341. </entry>
  30342. <entry>
  30343. <para>
  30344. 1+.2
  30345. </para>
  30346. </entry>
  30347. </row>
  30348. <row>
  30349. <entry>
  30350. <para>
  30351. zhù
  30352. </para>
  30353. </entry>
  30354. <entry>
  30355. <para>
  30356. to stay at, to live in
  30357. </para>
  30358. </entry>
  30359. <entry>
  30360. <para>
  30361. 2.1, 2.6
  30362. </para>
  30363. </entry>
  30364. </row>
  30365. <row>
  30366. <entry>
  30367. <para>
  30368. zhuǎn
  30369. </para>
  30370. </entry>
  30371. <entry>
  30372. <para>
  30373. to turn
  30374. </para>
  30375. </entry>
  30376. <entry>
  30377. <para>
  30378. 1+.3
  30379. </para>
  30380. </entry>
  30381. </row>
  30382. <row>
  30383. <entry>
  30384. <para>
  30385. zhuǎngào
  30386. </para>
  30387. </entry>
  30388. <entry>
  30389. <para>
  30390. to pass on a message, to inform
  30391. </para>
  30392. </entry>
  30393. <entry>
  30394. <para>
  30395. 6.8
  30396. </para>
  30397. </entry>
  30398. </row>
  30399. <row>
  30400. <entry>
  30401. <para>
  30402. zhǔchí jiéhūn
  30403. </para>
  30404. </entry>
  30405. <entry>
  30406. <para>
  30407. to preside at a marriage ceremony (i.e., to give
  30408. the bride away)
  30409. </para>
  30410. </entry>
  30411. <entry>
  30412. <para>
  30413. 6.8’
  30414. </para>
  30415. </entry>
  30416. </row>
  30417. <row>
  30418. <entry>
  30419. <para>
  30420. zhunbèi
  30421. </para>
  30422. </entry>
  30423. <entry>
  30424. <para>
  30425. to prepare, to get ready; to plan to
  30426. </para>
  30427. </entry>
  30428. <entry>
  30429. <para>
  30430. 5.1’, 5.6
  30431. </para>
  30432. </entry>
  30433. </row>
  30434. <row>
  30435. <entry>
  30436. <para>
  30437. zhuōzi (yìzhāng)
  30438. </para>
  30439. </entry>
  30440. <entry>
  30441. <para>
  30442. table
  30443. </para>
  30444. </entry>
  30445. <entry>
  30446. <para>
  30447. 3.1+
  30448. </para>
  30449. </entry>
  30450. </row>
  30451. <row>
  30452. <entry>
  30453. <para>
  30454. zhǔrèn
  30455. </para>
  30456. </entry>
  30457. <entry>
  30458. <para>
  30459. director
  30460. </para>
  30461. </entry>
  30462. <entry>
  30463. <para>
  30464. 6.5’
  30465. </para>
  30466. </entry>
  30467. </row>
  30468. <row>
  30469. <entry>
  30470. <para>
  30471. zhù yīyuàn
  30472. </para>
  30473. </entry>
  30474. <entry>
  30475. <para>
  30476. to stay at a hospital
  30477. </para>
  30478. </entry>
  30479. <entry>
  30480. <para>
  30481. 5.2’
  30482. </para>
  30483. </entry>
  30484. </row>
  30485. <row>
  30486. <entry>
  30487. <para>
  30488. zhù zai
  30489. </para>
  30490. </entry>
  30491. <entry>
  30492. <para>
  30493. to stay at, to live in
  30494. </para>
  30495. </entry>
  30496. <entry>
  30497. <para>
  30498. 2.1
  30499. </para>
  30500. </entry>
  30501. </row>
  30502. <row>
  30503. <entry>
  30504. <para>
  30505. zìdiǎn (yìbǎn)
  30506. </para>
  30507. </entry>
  30508. <entry>
  30509. <para>
  30510. dictionary
  30511. </para>
  30512. </entry>
  30513. <entry>
  30514. <para>
  30515. 3.1
  30516. </para>
  30517. </entry>
  30518. </row>
  30519. <row>
  30520. <entry>
  30521. <para>
  30522. zìjī
  30523. </para>
  30524. </entry>
  30525. <entry>
  30526. <para>
  30527. oneself (yourself, myself, etc.)
  30528. </para>
  30529. </entry>
  30530. <entry>
  30531. <para>
  30532. 6.5*
  30533. </para>
  30534. </entry>
  30535. </row>
  30536. <row>
  30537. <entry>
  30538. <para>
  30539. zǒng jīnglī
  30540. </para>
  30541. </entry>
  30542. <entry>
  30543. <para>
  30544. general manager, chief
  30545. </para>
  30546. </entry>
  30547. <entry>
  30548. <para>
  30549. 6.8’
  30550. </para>
  30551. </entry>
  30552. </row>
  30553. </tbody>
  30554. </tgroup>
  30555. </informaltable>
  30556. <para>
  30557. executive officer
  30558. </para>
  30559. <informaltable>
  30560. <tgroup cols="3">
  30561. <colspec align="left" />
  30562. <colspec align="left" />
  30563. <colspec align="left" />
  30564. <tbody>
  30565. <row>
  30566. <entry>
  30567. <para>
  30568. zongshi
  30569. </para>
  30570. </entry>
  30571. <entry>
  30572. <para>
  30573. always
  30574. </para>
  30575. </entry>
  30576. <entry>
  30577. <para>
  30578. 6.5*
  30579. </para>
  30580. </entry>
  30581. </row>
  30582. <row>
  30583. <entry>
  30584. <para>
  30585. zǒu
  30586. </para>
  30587. </entry>
  30588. <entry>
  30589. <para>
  30590. to leave
  30591. </para>
  30592. </entry>
  30593. <entry>
  30594. <para>
  30595. 2.4, T&amp;D 4
  30596. </para>
  30597. </entry>
  30598. </row>
  30599. <row>
  30600. <entry>
  30601. <para>
  30602. zǒu
  30603. </para>
  30604. </entry>
  30605. <entry>
  30606. <para>
  30607. to go
  30608. </para>
  30609. </entry>
  30610. <entry>
  30611. <para>
  30612. 4.1
  30613. </para>
  30614. </entry>
  30615. </row>
  30616. <row>
  30617. <entry>
  30618. <para>
  30619. zǒu ba
  30620. </para>
  30621. </entry>
  30622. <entry>
  30623. <para>
  30624. let’s go
  30625. </para>
  30626. </entry>
  30627. <entry>
  30628. <para>
  30629. 5.1’
  30630. </para>
  30631. </entry>
  30632. </row>
  30633. <row>
  30634. <entry>
  30635. <para>
  30636. zǒucuò le
  30637. </para>
  30638. </entry>
  30639. <entry>
  30640. <para>
  30641. to have gone the wrong way
  30642. </para>
  30643. </entry>
  30644. <entry>
  30645. <para>
  30646. 4.5
  30647. </para>
  30648. </entry>
  30649. </row>
  30650. <row>
  30651. <entry>
  30652. <para>
  30653. zǒu dào
  30654. </para>
  30655. </entry>
  30656. <entry>
  30657. <para>
  30658. to walk to
  30659. </para>
  30660. </entry>
  30661. <entry>
  30662. <para>
  30663. it.3’
  30664. </para>
  30665. </entry>
  30666. </row>
  30667. <row>
  30668. <entry>
  30669. <para>
  30670. zou dào tǒu
  30671. </para>
  30672. </entry>
  30673. <entry>
  30674. <para>
  30675. to walk to the end (of
  30676. </para>
  30677. </entry>
  30678. <entry>
  30679. <para>
  30680. 4.4’
  30681. </para>
  30682. </entry>
  30683. </row>
  30684. <row>
  30685. <entry>
  30686. </entry>
  30687. <entry>
  30688. <para>
  30689. something)
  30690. </para>
  30691. </entry>
  30692. <entry>
  30693. </entry>
  30694. </row>
  30695. <row>
  30696. <entry>
  30697. <para>
  30698. zǒudexiàqu
  30699. </para>
  30700. </entry>
  30701. <entry>
  30702. <para>
  30703. to be able to walk down
  30704. </para>
  30705. </entry>
  30706. <entry>
  30707. <para>
  30708. 6.1
  30709. </para>
  30710. </entry>
  30711. </row>
  30712. <row>
  30713. <entry>
  30714. <para>
  30715. zǒuguò le
  30716. </para>
  30717. </entry>
  30718. <entry>
  30719. <para>
  30720. to have walked pasf
  30721. </para>
  30722. </entry>
  30723. <entry>
  30724. <para>
  30725. 4.5
  30726. </para>
  30727. </entry>
  30728. </row>
  30729. <row>
  30730. <entry>
  30731. <para>
  30732. zǒuláng
  30733. </para>
  30734. </entry>
  30735. <entry>
  30736. <para>
  30737. corridor
  30738. </para>
  30739. </entry>
  30740. <entry>
  30741. <para>
  30742. 4.4
  30743. </para>
  30744. </entry>
  30745. </row>
  30746. <row>
  30747. <entry>
  30748. <para>
  30749. zǒuzhe
  30750. </para>
  30751. </entry>
  30752. <entry>
  30753. <para>
  30754. walking
  30755. </para>
  30756. </entry>
  30757. <entry>
  30758. <para>
  30759. 4.3
  30760. </para>
  30761. </entry>
  30762. </row>
  30763. <row>
  30764. <entry>
  30765. <para>
  30766. zǒuzou
  30767. </para>
  30768. </entry>
  30769. <entry>
  30770. <para>
  30771. to take a walk
  30772. </para>
  30773. </entry>
  30774. <entry>
  30775. <para>
  30776. H.2*
  30777. </para>
  30778. </entry>
  30779. </row>
  30780. <row>
  30781. <entry>
  30782. <para>
  30783. zǔfù
  30784. </para>
  30785. </entry>
  30786. <entry>
  30787. <para>
  30788. paternal grandfather
  30789. </para>
  30790. </entry>
  30791. <entry>
  30792. <para>
  30793. 2.3
  30794. </para>
  30795. </entry>
  30796. </row>
  30797. <row>
  30798. <entry>
  30799. <para>
  30800. zuì
  30801. </para>
  30802. </entry>
  30803. <entry>
  30804. <para>
  30805. most, -est
  30806. </para>
  30807. </entry>
  30808. <entry>
  30809. <para>
  30810. 5.1
  30811. </para>
  30812. </entry>
  30813. </row>
  30814. <row>
  30815. <entry>
  30816. <para>
  30817. zuì hǎo
  30818. </para>
  30819. </entry>
  30820. <entry>
  30821. <para>
  30822. it would be best to/that
  30823. </para>
  30824. </entry>
  30825. <entry>
  30826. <para>
  30827. 4.2’, 4.5’, 5.4
  30828. </para>
  30829. </entry>
  30830. </row>
  30831. <row>
  30832. <entry>
  30833. <para>
  30834. zuìhòu
  30835. </para>
  30836. </entry>
  30837. <entry>
  30838. <para>
  30839. final, last (something)
  30840. </para>
  30841. </entry>
  30842. <entry>
  30843. <para>
  30844. 5-1
  30845. </para>
  30846. </entry>
  30847. </row>
  30848. <row>
  30849. <entry>
  30850. <para>
  30851. zuìjin
  30852. </para>
  30853. </entry>
  30854. <entry>
  30855. <para>
  30856. recently
  30857. </para>
  30858. </entry>
  30859. <entry>
  30860. <para>
  30861. 5.8°, 6.it’
  30862. </para>
  30863. </entry>
  30864. </row>
  30865. <row>
  30866. <entry>
  30867. <para>
  30868. zǔmǔ
  30869. </para>
  30870. </entry>
  30871. <entry>
  30872. <para>
  30873. paternal grandmother
  30874. </para>
  30875. </entry>
  30876. <entry>
  30877. <para>
  30878. 2.3
  30879. </para>
  30880. </entry>
  30881. </row>
  30882. <row>
  30883. <entry>
  30884. <para>
  30885. zuo
  30886. </para>
  30887. </entry>
  30888. <entry>
  30889. <para>
  30890. left (direction)
  30891. </para>
  30892. </entry>
  30893. <entry>
  30894. <para>
  30895. 4.1
  30896. </para>
  30897. </entry>
  30898. </row>
  30899. <row>
  30900. <entry>
  30901. <para>
  30902. zuò
  30903. </para>
  30904. </entry>
  30905. <entry>
  30906. <para>
  30907. to do, to make
  30908. </para>
  30909. </entry>
  30910. <entry>
  30911. <para>
  30912. 2.7
  30913. </para>
  30914. </entry>
  30915. </row>
  30916. <row>
  30917. <entry>
  30918. <para>
  30919. zuò
  30920. </para>
  30921. </entry>
  30922. <entry>
  30923. <para>
  30924. to ride, to travel by (a bus,
  30925. </para>
  30926. </entry>
  30927. <entry>
  30928. <para>
  30929. 4.4
  30930. </para>
  30931. </entry>
  30932. </row>
  30933. <row>
  30934. <entry>
  30935. </entry>
  30936. <entry>
  30937. <para>
  30938. etc.); by (prepositional verb)
  30939. </para>
  30940. </entry>
  30941. <entry>
  30942. </entry>
  30943. </row>
  30944. <row>
  30945. <entry>
  30946. <para>
  30947. zuò
  30948. </para>
  30949. </entry>
  30950. <entry>
  30951. <para>
  30952. to sit
  30953. </para>
  30954. </entry>
  30955. <entry>
  30956. <para>
  30957. 6.4
  30958. </para>
  30959. </entry>
  30960. </row>
  30961. <row>
  30962. <entry>
  30963. <para>
  30964. zuǒbian(r)
  30965. </para>
  30966. </entry>
  30967. <entry>
  30968. <para>
  30969. left side
  30970. </para>
  30971. </entry>
  30972. <entry>
  30973. <para>
  30974. 4.2
  30975. </para>
  30976. </entry>
  30977. </row>
  30978. <row>
  30979. <entry>
  30980. <para>
  30981. zuòbuwǎn
  30982. </para>
  30983. </entry>
  30984. <entry>
  30985. <para>
  30986. to be unable to finish doing
  30987. </para>
  30988. </entry>
  30989. <entry>
  30990. <para>
  30991. 6.1
  30992. </para>
  30993. </entry>
  30994. </row>
  30995. <row>
  30996. <entry>
  30997. <para>
  30998. zuò dao
  30999. </para>
  31000. </entry>
  31001. <entry>
  31002. <para>
  31003. to ride to
  31004. </para>
  31005. </entry>
  31006. <entry>
  31007. <para>
  31008. 5.2
  31009. </para>
  31010. </entry>
  31011. </row>
  31012. <row>
  31013. <entry>
  31014. <para>
  31015. zuòdewán
  31016. </para>
  31017. </entry>
  31018. <entry>
  31019. <para>
  31020. to be able to finish doing
  31021. </para>
  31022. </entry>
  31023. <entry>
  31024. <para>
  31025. 6.1
  31026. </para>
  31027. </entry>
  31028. </row>
  31029. <row>
  31030. <entry>
  31031. <para>
  31032. zuòfa
  31033. </para>
  31034. </entry>
  31035. <entry>
  31036. <para>
  31037. way of doing things, practice
  31038. </para>
  31039. </entry>
  31040. <entry>
  31041. <para>
  31042. 6.6
  31043. </para>
  31044. </entry>
  31045. </row>
  31046. <row>
  31047. <entry>
  31048. <para>
  31049. zuò fan
  31050. </para>
  31051. </entry>
  31052. <entry>
  31053. <para>
  31054. to cook
  31055. </para>
  31056. </entry>
  31057. <entry>
  31058. <para>
  31059. 6.4’
  31060. </para>
  31061. </entry>
  31062. </row>
  31063. <row>
  31064. <entry>
  31065. <para>
  31066. zuòguò
  31067. </para>
  31068. </entry>
  31069. <entry>
  31070. <para>
  31071. to ride past
  31072. </para>
  31073. </entry>
  31074. <entry>
  31075. <para>
  31076. 5.2
  31077. </para>
  31078. </entry>
  31079. </row>
  31080. <row>
  31081. <entry>
  31082. <para>
  31083. zuòhǎo le
  31084. </para>
  31085. </entry>
  31086. <entry>
  31087. <para>
  31088. to have finished doing (some
  31089. </para>
  31090. </entry>
  31091. <entry>
  31092. <para>
  31093. 5.7
  31094. </para>
  31095. </entry>
  31096. </row>
  31097. <row>
  31098. <entry>
  31099. </entry>
  31100. <entry>
  31101. <para>
  31102. thing), (something) has been
  31103. </para>
  31104. </entry>
  31105. <entry>
  31106. </entry>
  31107. </row>
  31108. <row>
  31109. <entry>
  31110. </entry>
  31111. <entry>
  31112. <para>
  31113. finished
  31114. </para>
  31115. </entry>
  31116. <entry>
  31117. </entry>
  31118. </row>
  31119. <row>
  31120. <entry>
  31121. <para>
  31122. zuò mǎimai
  31123. </para>
  31124. </entry>
  31125. <entry>
  31126. <para>
  31127. to do business
  31128. </para>
  31129. </entry>
  31130. <entry>
  31131. <para>
  31132. 3.2
  31133. </para>
  31134. </entry>
  31135. </row>
  31136. <row>
  31137. <entry>
  31138. <para>
  31139. zuò shi
  31140. </para>
  31141. </entry>
  31142. <entry>
  31143. <para>
  31144. to work
  31145. </para>
  31146. </entry>
  31147. <entry>
  31148. <para>
  31149. 2.8
  31150. </para>
  31151. </entry>
  31152. </row>
  31153. <row>
  31154. <entry>
  31155. <para>
  31156. zuótiān (zuótian)
  31157. </para>
  31158. </entry>
  31159. <entry>
  31160. <para>
  31161. yesterday
  31162. </para>
  31163. </entry>
  31164. <entry>
  31165. <para>
  31166. 2.5, T&amp;D 2
  31167. </para>
  31168. </entry>
  31169. </row>
  31170. <row>
  31171. <entry>
  31172. <para>
  31173. zuòwǎn
  31174. </para>
  31175. </entry>
  31176. <entry>
  31177. <para>
  31178. to finish doing
  31179. </para>
  31180. </entry>
  31181. <entry>
  31182. <para>
  31183. 6.1’
  31184. </para>
  31185. </entry>
  31186. </row>
  31187. <row>
  31188. <entry>
  31189. <para>
  31190. zuòyè
  31191. </para>
  31192. </entry>
  31193. <entry>
  31194. <para>
  31195. homework
  31196. </para>
  31197. </entry>
  31198. <entry>
  31199. <para>
  31200. 6.4’
  31201. </para>
  31202. </entry>
  31203. </row>
  31204. <row>
  31205. <entry>
  31206. <para>
  31207. zuoyòu
  31208. </para>
  31209. </entry>
  31210. <entry>
  31211. <para>
  31212. approximat ely, about
  31213. </para>
  31214. </entry>
  31215. <entry>
  31216. <para>
  31217. 6.7
  31218. </para>
  31219. </entry>
  31220. </row>
  31221. </tbody>
  31222. </tgroup>
  31223. </informaltable>
  31224. <para>
  31225. GPO <emphasis role="smallcaps">609-IOi/b722</emphasis>
  31226. </para>
  31227. <para>
  31228. 268
  31229. </para>
  31230. <para>
  31231. <superscript><link linkend="footnote1">1</link></superscript><anchor id="bookmark85" />
  31232. </para>
  31233. <para>
  31234. Wuhàn is a conglomerate of three cities: Hànkōu, Hànyáng,
  31235. and Wuchang.
  31236. </para>
  31237. <para>
  31238. <superscript><link linkend="footnote2">2</link></superscript><anchor id="bookmark99" />
  31239. </para>
  31240. <para>
  31241. formerly called Měiguo Xīnwěnchù, &quot;U.S. Information
  31242. Agency&quot;
  31243. </para>
  31244. <para>
  31245. <superscript><link linkend="footnote3">3</link></superscript><anchor id="bookmark121" />
  31246. </para>
  31247. <para>
  31248. NT$ stands for &quot;New Taiwan Dollar.&quot;
  31249. </para>
  31250. </section>
  31251. </section>
  31252. </section>
  31253. </section>
  31254. </section>
  31255. </article>