FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 05 TRN - Unit 06 - Tape 6P-1.mp3.tsv 14 KB

  1. start end text
  2. 0 2500 Standard Chinese, a modular approach.
  3. 2500 6400 Transportation module unit 6, production tape 1.
  4. 6400 11500 On the comprehension tape in this unit, you learn to understand some more sentences about taking the train.
  5. 11500 17900 If you think that you might not remember the meaning of these sentences, go back and review the end of the C1 tape.
  6. 17900 23300 If you think that you know the meaning of all the sentences on the target list, you should begin learning how to say them.
  7. 23300 25300 Listen to this first exchange.
  8. 25300 28500 A professor from the United States is visiting P. King.
  9. 28500 33400 Here she is talking with the travel representative in her hotel about arranging a trip to Shanghai.
  10. 33400 35400 They are settling on the time of the train.
  11. 35400 37000 Listen.
  12. 37000 38900 幾點鐘開?
  13. 38900 41000 十八點五十五分發車.
  14. 41000 43500 那好.
  15. 43500 47500 You know that the verb開 means to open and to drive.
  16. 47500 49500 Here it has another meaning to leave.
  17. 49500 52300 Repeat, what time does it leave?
  18. 52300 56700 幾點鐘開?
  19. 56700 59100 幾點鐘開?
  20. 59100 62300 In the last unit, you learn the verb離開 to leave.
  21. 62300 65200 The verb離開 is usually used for people leaving.
  22. 65200 68500 The verb開 means to leave when used with vehicles.
  23. 68500 71000 Repeat, that's fine.
  24. 71000 73900 那好.
  25. 73900 77000 那好.
  26. 77000 79300 Now try asking, what time does it leave?
  27. 79300 84900 Respond to the answer by saying that's fine.
  28. 84900 86600 幾點鐘開?
  29. 86600 90100 十八點五十五分發車.
  30. 90100 92500 那好.
  31. 92500 95800 Again.
  32. 95800 97400 幾點鐘開?
  33. 97400 101100 十八點五十五分發車.
  34. 101100 103700 那好.
  35. 103700 107500 Later at the train station, the professor has asked this.
  36. 107500 110600 請你把你的護照和旅行證給我.
  37. 110600 112800 好,給你.
  38. 112800 115700 Repeat the equivalent of, okay, here it is.
  39. 115700 119000 More literally, okay, I give it to you.
  40. 119000 123400 好,給你.
  41. 123400 126900 好,給你.
  42. 126900 129900 Try responding to the request yourself now.
  43. 129900 134900 請你把你的護照和旅行證給我.
  44. 134900 137300 好,給你.
  45. 137300 138900 Again.
  46. 138900 143300 請你把你的護照和旅行證給我.
  47. 143300 145600 好,給你.
  48. 145600 149200 After showing her passport and travel permission, the professor is ready to go.
  49. 149200 151300 Listen.
  50. 151300 154500 到上海去的車,在第幾站台.
  51. 154500 156800 在第一站台.
  52. 156800 159000 Repeat the word for a platform.
  53. 159000 162100 站台.
  54. 162100 164200 站台.
  55. 164200 166700 Repeat which platform?
  56. 166700 170900 第幾站台.
  57. 170900 173900 第幾站台.
  58. 173900 177100 Now repeat the train to Shanghai.
  59. 177100 182300 到上海去的車.
  60. 182300 186300 到上海去的車.
  61. 186300 190300 Repeat on which platform is the train to Shanghai.
  62. 190300 198300 到上海去的車,在第幾站台.
  63. 198300 204200 到上海去的車,在第幾站台.
  64. 204200 211900 Try asking the question yourself to get a reply.
  65. 211900 215200 到上海去的車,在第幾站台.
  66. 215200 218000 在第一站台.
  67. 218000 224600 Again.
  68. 224600 227600 到上海去的車,在第幾站台.
  69. 227600 231100 在第一站台.
  70. 231100 235300 How do you say platform?
  71. 235300 237000 站台.
  72. 237000 241800 And how do you say which platform?
  73. 241800 245200 第幾站台.
  74. 245200 248300 The guard has some instructions for the professor.
  75. 248300 251000 不用急,還早呢?
  76. 251000 255200 以現在這個接待室休息休息.
  77. 255200 258000 Repeat the adjectival verb to be anxious.
  78. 258000 264300 急.
  79. 264300 267100 Repeat no need to be anxious.
  80. 267100 275100 不用急.
  81. 275100 278400 The phrase不用 is equivalent of don't.
  82. 278400 281300 This phrase for commands always occurs in the negative.
  83. 281300 285100 How do you say no need to be anxious?
  84. 285100 288500 不用急.
  85. 288500 291500 Now repeat the adjectival verb to be early.
  86. 291500 297400 早.
  87. 297400 299700 Repeat it's still early.
  88. 299700 306100 還早呢?
  89. 306100 310900 The marker is used to emphasize that a state or action is currently going on.
  90. 310900 314800 How do you say it's still early?
  91. 314800 318900 還早呢?
  92. 318900 324200 How do you say no need to be anxious?
  93. 324200 327900 不用急.
  94. 327900 330200 How do you say no need to be anxious?
  95. 330200 334300 It's still early.
  96. 334300 338200 不用急,還早呢?
  97. 338200 342800 Again.
  98. 342800 347400 不用急,還早呢?
  99. 347400 351200 Now repeat the word for waiting room or reception room.
  100. 351200 358500 接待室
  101. 358500 363200 This room is equivalent to our VIP lounges and airports or train stations.
  102. 363200 366500 Now repeat the verb to rest or relax.
  103. 366500 372500 休息.
  104. 372500 377500 The verb休息 is often reduplicated meaning to rest a little.
  105. 377500 380700 The stress is on the first syllable and reduplicated verbs.
  106. 380700 383400 Repeat rest a bit.
  107. 383400 389200 休息休息.
  108. 389200 394100 Repeat first you rest a bit in this waiting room.
  109. 394100 397800 你现在这个接待室休息休息.
  110. 397800 406400 你现在这个接待室休息休息.
  111. 406400 412700 The word order in this sentence is the usual time, place, action.
  112. 412700 414000 Repeat again.
  113. 414000 416300 First you rest a bit in this waiting room.
  114. 416300 420300 你现在这个接待室休息休息.
  115. 420300 428700 你现在这个接待室休息休息.
  116. 428700 432400 Try saying it ahead of the speaker.
  117. 432400 434800 First you rest a bit in this waiting room.
  118. 434800 444200 你现在这个接待室休息休息.
  119. 444200 450700 Now try saying the instructions from the beginning.
  120. 450700 452600 I'll give you your lines in English.
  121. 452600 454400 No need to be anxious.
  122. 454400 458200 不用急.
  123. 458200 460900 It's still early.
  124. 460900 464700 还早呢?
  125. 464700 468700 First you rest a bit in this waiting room.
  126. 468700 480200 你现在这个接待室休息休息.
  127. 480200 482000 The professor has another question.
  128. 482000 482800 Listen.
  129. 482800 485800 我这件行李怎么办?
  130. 485800 488000 是不是可以拿上车去?
  131. 488000 490400 可以把行李拿上车去.
  132. 490400 494400 Repeat the phrase for this suitcase.
  133. 494400 496200 这件行李.
  134. 496200 501200 这件行李.
  135. 501200 506700 Now repeat the phrase which means what's to be done.
  136. 506700 508700 怎么办?
  137. 508700 513200 怎么办?
  138. 513200 519200 Repeat what do I do about the suitcase of mine?
  139. 519200 522400 我这件行李怎么办?
  140. 522400 531400 我这件行李怎么办?
  141. 531400 538400 Notice that the phrase this suitcase of mine is the topic of the sentence, followed by that verb phrase怎么办?
  142. 538400 542400 How do you say, what do I do about this suitcase of mine?
  143. 542400 551400 我这件行李怎么办?
  144. 551400 554400 Now repeat the verb to carry or to take.
  145. 554400 558400 拿.
  146. 558400 563400 Repeat carry on to the train.
  147. 563400 570400 拿上车去.
  148. 570400 582400 Notice that this phrase has one verb stating the action拿 and two verbs stating the direction of the action上 and去 up and away.
  149. 582400 589400 Notice also that the place word object车 comes after the verb上 but before the verb去.
  150. 589400 590400 Repeat.
  151. 590400 592400 Can I take it on to the train?
  152. 592400 599400 是不是可以拿上车去?
  153. 599400 607400 是不是可以拿上车去?
  154. 607400 610400 Try asking both questions now, you'll get a reply.
  155. 610400 612400 What do I do about the suitcase of mine?
  156. 612400 623400 Can I take it on to the train?
  157. 623400 625400 我这件行李怎么办?
  158. 625400 627400 是不是可以拿上车去?
  159. 627400 631400 可以把行李拿上车去?
  160. 631400 638400 Again.
  161. 638400 640400 我这件行李怎么办?
  162. 640400 642400 是不是可以拿上车去?
  163. 642400 647400 可以把行李拿上车去。
  164. 647400 651400 Later on the train, the professor would like to find something out.
  165. 651400 653400 这班车有餐车吧?
  166. 653400 656400 有,有中餐也有西餐。
  167. 656400 658400 好极了。
  168. 658400 660400 Repeat the word for dining car.
  169. 660400 667400 餐车。
  170. 667400 672400 You've already seen the syllable in the word 餐廳 dining room.
  171. 672400 673400 Repeat.
  172. 673400 676400 There must be a dining car on this train.
  173. 676400 682400 这班车有餐车吧?
  174. 682400 686400 这班车有餐车吧?
  175. 686400 690400 Now repeat the phrase for extremely good or wonderful.
  176. 690400 698400 好极了。
  177. 698400 705400 The bound syllable and the marker can be added to an adjectival verb to express extremely something.
  178. 705400 707400 Repeat extremely expensive.
  179. 707400 713400 贵极了。
  180. 713400 717400 And how do you say extremely good or wonderful?
  181. 717400 721400 好极了。
  182. 721400 723400 Now you find out about the dining car.
  183. 723400 726400 Say that there must be a dining car on this train.
  184. 726400 731400 Then respond to the answer with great.
  185. 731400 733400 这班车有餐车吧?
  186. 733400 736400 有,有中餐也有西餐。
  187. 736400 741400 好极了。
  188. 741400 742400 Again.
  189. 742400 747400 这班车有餐车吧?
  190. 747400 751400 有,有中餐也有西餐。
  191. 751400 755400 好极了。
  192. 755400 758400 Repeat the word for Chinese style meal.
  193. 758400 762400 中餐。
  194. 762400 767400 中餐。
  195. 767400 769400 Repeat the word for Western style meal.
  196. 769400 772400 西餐。
  197. 772400 776400 西餐。
  198. 776400 781400 Repeat, yes, there's Chinese food and there's also Western food.
  199. 781400 789400 有,有中餐也有西餐。
  200. 789400 795400 有,有中餐也有西餐。
  201. 795400 797400 Try responding to the question yourself now.
  202. 797400 804400 Answer yes, there's Chinese food and there's also Western food.
  203. 804400 810400 这班车有餐车吧?
  204. 810400 815400 有,有中餐也有西餐。
  205. 815400 817400 Again.
  206. 817400 823400 这班车有餐车吧?
  207. 823400 829400 有,有中餐也有西餐。
  208. 829400 834400 What's the word for dining car?
  209. 834400 836400 餐车。
  210. 836400 840400 What's the word for dining room?
  211. 840400 843400 餐厅。
  212. 843400 848400 What's the word for Chinese style meal?
  213. 848400 850400 中餐。
  214. 850400 855400 And what's the word for Western style meal?
  215. 855400 858400 西餐。
  216. 858400 862400 Toward the end of your trip, the conductor might come to you and say,
  217. 862400 870400 下一站就是上海了,快要到站了,您准备下车吧。
  218. 870400 873400 The next station is Shanghai.
  219. 873400 879400 下一站就是上海了。
  220. 879400 886400 下一站就是上海了。
  221. 886400 889400 The marker is used to emphasize a new situation.
  222. 889400 893400 The train has passed through many stations and now finally the next one is Shanghai.
  223. 893400 897400 Therefore the new situation is emphasized with the marker 路.
  224. 897400 904400 How do you say the next station is Shanghai?
  225. 904400 908400 下一站就是上海了。
  226. 908400 911400 Now repeat the word for soon.
  227. 911400 914400 快。
  228. 914400 917400 快。
  229. 917400 921400 This is the word quiet, which also means fast.
  230. 921400 925400 Repeat the auxiliary verb will or be going to.
  231. 925400 930400 要。
  232. 930400 935400 This is the word 要, which also means to want or to need.
  233. 935400 938400 Now repeat, we're about to arrive at the station.
  234. 938400 943400 快要到站了。
  235. 943400 948400 快要到站了。
  236. 948400 952400 Notice the marker 路, again it indicates a new situation.
  237. 952400 955400 But in this case it's not a situation which has just changed,
  238. 955400 959400 but one that is going to change a future new situation.
  239. 959400 966400 How do you say we're about to arrive at the station?
  240. 966400 971400 快要到站了。
  241. 971400 976400 The auxiliary verb is another clear indication that you're talking about a future action.
  242. 976400 982400 How do you say we're about to arrive at the station?
  243. 982400 987400 快要到站了。
  244. 987400 991400 Now repeat the verb to prepare or to get ready to.
  245. 991400 994400 准备。
  246. 994400 998400 准备。
  247. 998400 1002400 Repeat, please get ready to get off the train.
  248. 1002400 1007400 准备下车吧。
  249. 1007400 1013400 准备下车吧。
  250. 1013400 1016400 Notice that the English translation says please.
  251. 1016400 1020400 This is because the marker make the sentence polite in attitude.
  252. 1020400 1026400 How do you say please get ready to get off the train?
  253. 1026400 1031400 准备下车吧。
  254. 1031400 1034400 Now try the whole thing.
  255. 1034400 1037400 I'll give you your lines in English one by one.
  256. 1037400 1043400 The next station is Shanghai.
  257. 1043400 1047400 下一站就是上海了。
  258. 1047400 1052400 We're about to arrive at the station.
  259. 1052400 1057400 快要到站了。
  260. 1057400 1062400 Please get ready to get off the train.
  261. 1062400 1066400 准备下车吧。
  262. 1066400 1068400 Now let's review what we've covered on this tape.
  263. 1068400 1072400 Put the following sentences from the target list into Chinese.
  264. 1072400 1074400 Number one.
  265. 1074400 1078400 What time does it leave?
  266. 1078400 1080400 几点钟开?
  267. 1080400 1083400 十八点五十五分发车。
  268. 1083400 1086400 That's fine.
  269. 1086400 1088400 Number two.
  270. 1088400 1095400 Which platform is the train to Shanghai on?
  271. 1095400 1099400 到上海去的车,在第几站台。
  272. 1099400 1102400 在第一站台。
  273. 1102400 1104400 Number three.
  274. 1104400 1110400 No need to be anxious, it's still early.
  275. 1110400 1113400 不用急,还早呢?
  276. 1113400 1121400 First rest a bit in this waiting room.
  277. 1121400 1126400 您现在这个接待室休息休息。
  278. 1126400 1127400 Number four.
  279. 1127400 1133400 What do I do about the suitcase of mine?
  280. 1133400 1137400 我这件行李怎么办?
  281. 1137400 1142400 Can I carry it onto the train?
  282. 1142400 1146400 是不是可以拿上车去?
  283. 1146400 1150400 把行李拿上车去。
  284. 1150400 1151400 Number five.
  285. 1151400 1157400 There must be a dining car on this train.
  286. 1157400 1161400 这班车有餐车吧?
  287. 1161400 1168400 Yes, there's Chinese food and there's also Western food.
  288. 1168400 1173400 有,有中餐也有西餐。
  289. 1173400 1175400 Great.
  290. 1175400 1178400 好极了。
  291. 1178400 1180400 Number six.
  292. 1180400 1186400 The next station is Shanghai.
  293. 1186400 1190400 下一站就是上海了。
  294. 1190400 1195400 We're about to arrive at the station.
  295. 1195400 1198400 快要到站了。
  296. 1198400 1204400 Please get ready to get off the train.
  297. 1204400 1209400 您准备下车吧。
  298. 1209400 1211400 This is the end of the tape.
  299. 1211400 1226400 Thank you for watching.