FSI - Standard Chinese - Optional Module CAR - Unit 01.mp3.tsv 13 KB

  1. start end text
  2. 0 6000 Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Car Module Unit 1.
  3. 6000 11000 On this tape, you'll learn some questions and phrases that apply to the operation and maintenance of a car.
  4. 11000 14000 Part 1 begins at the service station.
  5. 14000 18000 Oil, Gasoline, Fuel.
  6. 18000 20000 油.
  7. 20000 27000 There's not enough gas. Please add some.
  8. 27000 32000 油不夠了,請你加點油.
  9. 32000 35000 Liter.
  10. 35000 38000 工商.
  11. 38000 43000 Add 50 liters.
  12. 43000 4700050工商吧.
  13. 47000 50000 Gasoline.
  14. 50000 54000 汽油.
  15. 54000 56000 Ticket or Coupon.
  16. 56000 59000 票.
  17. 59000 64000 Here are three 20 liter gasoline coupons.
  18. 64000 72000 這是三張二十工商的汽油票.
  19. 72000 75000 Tire.
  20. 75000 79000 輪胎.
  21. 79000 81000 Air.
  22. 81000 83000 氣.
  23. 83000 87000 To be enough. To be sufficient.
  24. 87000 90000 足.
  25. 90000 94000 The verb to hit. Used here to mean add some air.
  26. 94000 98000 打.
  27. 98000 108000 The air in the tires isn't enough. Please put some air in, alright?
  28. 108000 112000 輪胎的氣不足了,請你打一下氣.
  29. 112000 119000 好不好?
  30. 119000 122000 Glass.
  31. 122000 124000 玻璃.
  32. 124000 127000 To be dirty.
  33. 127000 130000 髒.
  34. 130000 133000 To wipe.
  35. 133000 136000 擦.
  36. 136000 142000 The glass on the car is a little dirty.
  37. 142000 150000 汽車的玻璃有點髒.
  38. 150000 156000 I think I'll wipe it a bit. Do you have some water?
  39. 156000 165000 我想擦一擦,你們有水嗎?
  40. 165000 168000 There are some words and phrases you need to learn to understand.
  41. 168000 171000 Air pump.
  42. 171000 176000 打氣桶.
  43. 176000 182000 The air pump is there.
  44. 182000 188000 打氣桶在那邊.
  45. 188000 195000 You drive your car over and I'll give you some air.
  46. 195000 204000 你把車開過去,我來給你打.
  47. 204000 207000 High grade.
  48. 207000 212000 高級.
  49. 212000 215000 Regular.
  50. 215000 218000 普通.
  51. 218000 221000 What kind of gas do you want to add?
  52. 221000 229000 High grade gas or regular?
  53. 229000 240000 你要加什麼油?高級汽油還是普通汽油?
  54. 240000 243000 To be full.
  55. 243000 246000 滿.
  56. 246000 254000 No need to fill it up. 40 liters will be enough.
  57. 254000 263000 不必加滿,40公升就夠了.
  58. 263000 266000 Oil.
  59. 266000 271000 汽油.
  60. 271000 277000 Do you want me to see if there's enough oil?
  61. 277000 286000 要不要看看,汽油夠不夠?
  62. 286000 291000 Here's a review of the vocabulary you've learned to produce so far.
  63. 291000 294000 Oil, gasoline, fuel.
  64. 294000 296000 油.
  65. 296000 299000 Liter.
  66. 299000 301000 工商.
  67. 301000 304000 Gasoline.
  68. 304000 307000 汽油.
  69. 307000 311000 Ticket, coupon.
  70. 311000 314000 票.
  71. 314000 317000 Tire.
  72. 317000 320000 輪胎.
  73. 320000 322000 Air.
  74. 322000 324000 氣.
  75. 324000 328000 To be enough, to be sufficient.
  76. 328000 331000 不.
  77. 331000 336000 The verb to hit used here to mean add air.
  78. 336000 338000 打.
  79. 338000 341000 glass.
  80. 341000 343000 玻璃.
  81. 343000 346000 To be dirty.
  82. 346000 348000 脏.
  83. 348000 350000 To wipe.
  84. 350000 354000 擦.
  85. 354000 357000 Now here's a review of the sentences you've learned.
  86. 357000 363000 It's not enough gas, please add some.
  87. 363000 371000 油不夠了,請你加點油.
  88. 371000 376000 Add 50 liters.
  89. 376000 38100050公升吧.
  90. 381000 388000 50-20 liter gasoline, coupon.
  91. 388000 395000 這是三張20公升的汽油票.
  92. 395000 397000 The air and the tires isn't enough.
  93. 397000 404000 Please put some air in, alright?
  94. 404000 410000 輪胎的氣不足了,請你打一下氣,好不好?
  95. 410000 419000 The glass on the car is a little dirty.
  96. 419000 427000 汽車的玻璃有點髒.
  97. 427000 428000 I think I'll wipe it a bit.
  98. 428000 433000 Do you have some water?
  99. 433000 439000 我想擦一擦,你們有水嗎?
  100. 439000 442000 Here's a conversation reviewing what you just learned.
  101. 442000 446000 It takes place at a gasoline stand in Peking.
  102. 446000 450000 油不夠了,請你加點油.
  103. 450000 452000 你要加多少?
  104. 452000 45400050公升吧.
  105. 454000 456000 好.
  106. 456000 461000 這是三張20公升的汽油票.
  107. 461000 468000 我給你寫下來了,60公升的油票,用了50公升,還有10公升.
  108. 468000 474000 輪胎的氣不足了,請你打一下氣,好不好?
  109. 474000 481000 好,打氣桶在那邊,你把車開過去,我來給你打.
  110. 481000 489000 謝謝你,汽車的玻璃有點髒,我想擦一擦,你們有水嗎?
  111. 489000 496000 那兒有水,請你自己來吧.
  112. 496000 499000 Now here's another conversation reviewing what you've just learned.
  113. 499000 502000 It takes place in Taipei.
  114. 502000 505000 請你給我加點油.
  115. 505000 511000 你要加什麼油?高級汽油還是普通汽油?
  116. 511000 516000 普通的,不必加滿,40公升就夠了.
  117. 516000 520000 要不要看看機油夠不夠?
  118. 520000 525000 對,機油也不夠了,請你加點吧.
  119. 525000 530000 機油加好了.
  120. 530000 537000 哦,車子的玻璃太髒了,請你幫我擦一擦,好不好?
  121. 537000 540000 好,我來給你擦.
  122. 540000 543000 謝謝你,多少錢?
  123. 543000 552000 汽油500塊錢,機油90塊,一共590塊錢.
  124. 552000 555000 這是600塊錢,不用找了.
  125. 555000 561000 多謝,多謝,再見.
  126. 561000 564000 Part two talks about having a car repaired.
  127. 564000 568000 Trouble, flaw, defect.
  128. 568000 571000 毛病.
  129. 571000 576000 There's something wrong with my car.
  130. 576000 582000 我的車有點毛病了.
  131. 582000 585000 Often.
  132. 585000 588000 常常.
  133. 588000 591000 To stall.
  134. 591000 595000 熄火.
  135. 595000 602000 It often stalls, truly troublesome.
  136. 602000 607000 常常熄火,真麻煩.
  137. 607000 610000 The brakes.
  138. 610000 613000 煞車.
  139. 613000 617000 To be sharp, to be keen.
  140. 617000 621000 靈.
  141. 621000 626000 The brakes are not too good.
  142. 626000 631000 煞車不太靈.
  143. 631000 634000 Light, lamp.
  144. 634000 638000 燈.
  145. 638000 644000 To light up.
  146. 644000 647000 亮.
  147. 647000 656000 In front, one of the lights doesn't light up anymore.
  148. 656000 663000 圓頭,有一個燈不亮了.
  149. 663000 667000 To have a maintenance checkup.
  150. 667000 671000 保養.
  151. 671000 674000 My car has already been driven 3000 miles.
  152. 674000 685000 I have to have a maintenance checkup.
  153. 685000 688000 煞車已經開了3000公里了.
  154. 688000 698000 得保養啊.
  155. 698000 702000 Now here are some words and phrases you need to learn to understand.
  156. 702000 708000 Mechanic.
  157. 708000 713000 技術工人.
  158. 713000 722000 To inspect, to examine, to check.
  159. 722000 727000 檢查.
  160. 727000 738000 I'll ask our comrade mechanic to check it well for you.
  161. 738000 752000 我請我們技術工人同志好好地給你檢查.
  162. 752000 755000 To fix, to repair.
  163. 755000 760000 修理.
  164. 760000 767000 If there's something wrong with your car, we'll fix it for you.
  165. 767000 779000 如果你的車有毛病,我們給你修理.
  166. 779000 783000 To be simple.
  167. 783000 786000 簡單.
  168. 786000 789000 Parts.
  169. 789000 792000 零件.
  170. 792000 795000 To order.
  171. 795000 798000 定.
  172. 798000 800000 Simple parts we have.
  173. 800000 809000 If we don't have them, we can order them.
  174. 809000 812000 簡單的零件,我們有.
  175. 812000 822000 如果我們沒有,可以定.
  176. 822000 825000 Here's a review of the vocabulary you've learned to say so far.
  177. 825000 830000 Trouble, flaw, defect.
  178. 830000 833000 毛病.
  179. 833000 838000 Often.
  180. 838000 841000 常常.
  181. 841000 846000 To stall.
  182. 846000 851000 熄火.
  183. 851000 855000 Drakes.
  184. 855000 859000 煞車.
  185. 859000 860000 To be sharp.
  186. 860000 863000 To be keen.
  187. 863000 866000 零.
  188. 866000 870000 Light or lamp.
  189. 870000 873000 燈.
  190. 873000 877000 To light up.
  191. 877000 880000 亮.
  192. 880000 884000 To have a maintenance checkup.
  193. 884000 890000 保養.
  194. 890000 893000 Here's a review of the sentences you've learned.
  195. 893000 901000 There's something wrong with my car.
  196. 901000 907000 我的車有點毛病了.
  197. 907000 915000 It often stalls, truly troublesome.
  198. 915000 921000 常常熄火,真麻煩.
  199. 921000 928000 The brakes are not too good.
  200. 928000 934000 煞車不太靈.
  201. 934000 944000 And one of the lights doesn't light up anymore.
  202. 944000 953000 前頭有一個燈不亮了.
  203. 953000 955000 My car has already been driven 3000 miles.
  204. 955000 967000 I have to have a maintenance checkup.
  205. 967000 971000 我的汽車已經開了3000公里了.
  206. 971000 980000 得保養了.
  207. 980000 983000 Now here's a conversation reviewing what you've just learned.
  208. 983000 987000 It takes place at a service garage in Peking.
  209. 987000 990000 我的車有點毛病了.
  210. 990000 993000 請你們檢查檢查.
  211. 993000 995000 有什麼毛病?
  212. 995000 998000 常常熄火,真麻煩.
  213. 998000 1000000 常常熄火?
  214. 1000000 1003000 還有煞車不太靈.
  215. 1003000 1008000 前頭有一個燈不亮了.
  216. 1008000 1011000 你的車開了多少公里了?
  217. 1011000 1013000 我看看.
  218. 1013000 1019000 已經開了25100多公里了.
  219. 1019000 1026000 好,我請我們技術工人同志好好地給你檢查.
  220. 1026000 1030000 有毛病的地方,給你修好.
  221. 1030000 1035000 如果需要換零件,你們有吧?
  222. 1035000 1040000 看是什麼零件,有的我們有,有的可以想辦法.
  223. 1040000 1044000 檢查了以後再說吧.
  224. 1044000 1048000 我的車什麼時候可以修好?
  225. 1048000 1055000 如果沒有大毛病,大概兩天就修好了.
  226. 1055000 1057000 Now here's another conversation.
  227. 1057000 1059000 It takes place in Taipei.
  228. 1059000 1063000 我的汽車已經開了3000公里了.
  229. 1063000 1066000 得保養了.
  230. 1066000 1068000 有沒有什麼問題?
  231. 1068000 1071000 煞車有點不太靈.
  232. 1071000 1073000 還有別的問題嗎?
  233. 1073000 1076000 有時候還會熄火.
  234. 1076000 1081000 右邊後面的燈也不亮了.
  235. 1081000 1085000 好,我們先給你檢查.
  236. 1085000 1088000 如果有毛病,給你修理.
  237. 1088000 1093000 如果沒有毛病,我們給你保養保養.
  238. 1093000 1096000 零件你們有沒有?
  239. 1096000 1099000 簡單的零件,我們有.
  240. 1099000 1102000 如果我們沒有,可以定.
  241. 1102000 1106000 好,就請你們檢查吧.
  242. 1106000 1111000 我們這裡的技術工人很好.
  243. 1111000 1118000 我們要他們好好地給你檢查保養.
  244. 1118000 1125000 In part three, a flat tire must be fixed to explode.
  245. 1125000 1128000 爆.
  246. 1128000 1132000 A tire is blown out.
  247. 1132000 1137000 有一個輪胎爆了.
  248. 1137000 1140000 Spare tire.
  249. 1140000 1144000 背胎.
  250. 1144000 1147000 Tools.
  251. 1147000 1152000 工具.
  252. 1152000 1158000 There's both a spare tire and tools.
  253. 1158000 1166000 背胎,工具,都有.
  254. 1166000 1171000 Too bad, oh no, what a mess.
  255. 1171000 1175000 糟糕.
  256. 1175000 1181000 Engine.
  257. 1181000 1185000 引進.
  258. 1185000 1189000 Want start up.
  259. 1189000 1194000 發動不起來.
  260. 1194000 1199000 Oh no, the engine won't start.
  261. 1199000 1206000 糟糕,引進發動不起來了.
  262. 1206000 1209000 To push.
  263. 1209000 1217000 We'll have to push it over to the side of the road.
  264. 1217000 1225000 我們得把車推到路邊上去.
  265. 1225000 1229000 Now here are some words and phrases you need to learn to understand.
  266. 1229000 1233000 Tow truck.
  267. 1233000 1239000 拖車.
  268. 1239000 1241000 拖.
  269. 1241000 1245000 Garage.
  270. 1245000 1249000 修理行.
  271. 1249000 1258000 Have a tow truck come and tow it to the garage.
  272. 1258000 1270000 叫一輛拖車來,把車子拖到修理行去.
  273. 1270000 1273000 Now here's a review of the vocabulary you've learned to say so far.
  274. 1273000 1276000 To explode.
  275. 1276000 1278000 爆.
  276. 1278000 1280000 Spare tire.
  277. 1280000 1283000 背胎.
  278. 1283000 1285000 Tools.
  279. 1285000 1287000 工具.
  280. 1287000 1288000 Too bad.
  281. 1288000 1292000 Oh no, what a mess.
  282. 1292000 1294000 糟糕.
  283. 1294000 1297000 Engine.
  284. 1297000 1299000 引進.
  285. 1299000 1304000 Want start up.
  286. 1304000 1307000 發動不起來.
  287. 1307000 1309000 To push.
  288. 1309000 1312000 推.
  289. 1312000 1316000 Now here's a review of the sentences you've learned so far.
  290. 1316000 1320000 Spare tire is blown out.
  291. 1320000 1324000 有一個輪胎爆了.
  292. 1324000 1330000 There's both a spare tire and tools.
  293. 1330000 1336000 背胎,工具都有.
  294. 1336000 1344000 Oh no, the engine won't start up.
  295. 1344000 1351000 引進發動不起來了.
  296. 1351000 1360000 We'll have to push it over to the side of the road.
  297. 1360000 1367000 我們得把車推到路邊上去.
  298. 1367000 1370000 Now here's a conversation reviewing what you've just learned.
  299. 1370000 1373000 It takes place in Peking.
  300. 1373000 1377000 怎麼了?汽車不走了?
  301. 1377000 1380000 有一個輪胎爆了.
  302. 1380000 1383000 輪胎爆了.
  303. 1383000 1387000 車上有沒有背胎跟工具?
  304. 1387000 1391000 背胎,工具都有.
  305. 1391000 1395000 那好,你把車開到路邊去.
  306. 1395000 1397000 我們來換輪胎.
  307. 1397000 1402000 糟糕,引進發動不起來了.
  308. 1402000 1405000 引進也有問題了.
  309. 1405000 1408000 車停在大陸上不行.
  310. 1408000 1413000 我們得把車推到路邊上去.
  311. 1413000 1415000 推到路邊以後,
  312. 1415000 1419000 我們去找找這附近有沒有電話,
  313. 1419000 1423000 打電話到辦公室去,
  314. 1423000 1428000 要他們開車來把我們的車拖回去.
  315. 1428000 1430000 好,就這麼辦.
  316. 1430000 1435000 我們先來推車吧.
  317. 1435000 1438000 Now here's another conversation reviewing what you've just learned.
  318. 1438000 1443000 It takes place in Taipei.
  319. 1443000 1447000 不好了,有一個輪胎爆了.
  320. 1447000 1450000 輪胎爆了,那怎麼辦?
  321. 1450000 1455000 叫一輛拖車來,把車子拖到修理行去.
  322. 1455000 1459000 不必,我們車上有工具,也有背胎.
  323. 1459000 1461000 你自己會換嗎?
  324. 1461000 1463000 我自己可以換.
  325. 1463000 1469000 你還是先看看,引進能不能發動.
  326. 1469000 1474000 看,引進發動起來了,沒問題.
  327. 1474000 1479000 那好,你把車子開到路邊上去,換車胎.
  328. 1479000 1485000 好,我來慢慢的把車開到路邊上去.
  329. 1485000 1491000 停在這裡行了,我們下去換車胎吧.