FSI - Standard Chinese - Optional Module HTL - Unit 01.mp3.tsv 9.9 KB

  1. start end text
  2. 0 5500 Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Hotel Module Unit 1.
  3. 5500 10000 On this tape, you'll learn questions and answers used while staying in a hotel.
  4. 10000 14000 Part 1 begins with the arrival at the hotel and checking into a room.
  5. 15000 17000 China Travel Service
  6. 19000 21000 中国旅行社
  7. 23000 26000 I'm from the China Travel Service.
  8. 26000 27000 Hotel
  9. 29000 30000 旅馆
  10. 33000 34000 Let's go to the hotel.
  11. 38000 39000 我们到旅馆去吧.
  12. 44000 45000 To reserve
  13. 47000 48000
  14. 51000 52000
  15. 53000 54000
  16. 54000 55000 room
  17. 57000 58000 房间
  18. 60000 62000 I've reserved a room for you.
  19. 70000 72000 我给您订了一个房间
  20. 77000 78000 To fill out
  21. 80000 81000
  22. 81000 82000
  23. 84000 85000 a form, a blank.
  24. 87000 88000
  25. 90000 92000 Please fill out this form.
  26. 96000 99000 请您填一填这张表.
  27. 103000 107000 Now here are some words and phrases you need to learn to understand.
  28. 107000 108000 Luggage
  29. 108000 109000 Luggage
  30. 111000 112000 行礼
  31. 114000 118000 To claim luggage, to pick something up, to get something.
  32. 121000 122000 取出来
  33. 125000 128000 Your luggage has all been picked up, I assume.
  34. 128000 132000 您的行礼都取出来了吧.
  35. 136000 138000 To rest, to relax.
  36. 140000 141000 休息
  37. 144000 145000 In a while
  38. 148000 149000 等一会儿
  39. 152000 154000 You can take a rest.
  40. 154000 156000 休息
  41. 158000 161000 You rest a bit first, and I'll come back after a little while.
  42. 167000 171000 你先休息休息,等一会儿我再来.
  43. 174000 175000 Key
  44. 177000 178000 钥匙
  45. 178000 180000 钥匙
  46. 193000 195000 中国旅行社
  47. 195000 202000 Hotel 旅馆
  48. 205000 206000 To reserve
  49. 208000 209000
  50. 212000 213000 A room
  51. 216000 217000 房间
  52. 220000 221000 To fill out
  53. 221000 222000 Count
  54. 224000 225000
  55. 226000 228000 A form, a blank
  56. 231000 232000
  57. 236000 239000 Now here's a review of the sentences you've learned.
  58. 240000 242000 I'm from the China Travel Service.
  59. 242000 245000 I'm from the China Travel Service.
  60. 249000 251000 I'm from the China Travel Service.
  61. 254000 256000 Let's go to the hotel.
  62. 262000 264000 我们到旅馆去吧.
  63. 264000 269000 I've reserved a room for you.
  64. 274000 277000 我给您订了一个房间.
  65. 282000 284000 Please fill out this form.
  66. 284000 289000 请您填一填这张表.
  67. 296000 299000 Now here's a conversation reviewing what you've just learned.
  68. 299000 303000 The conversation takes place between an American businessman Mr. White
  69. 303000 306000 and the guide meeting him at Peking's Capital Airport.
  70. 308000 310000 您是怀特先生吧?
  71. 310000 313000 是,您是...
  72. 313000 317000 我是中国旅行社的,我姓王.
  73. 318000 320000 你的行李都取出来了吧?
  74. 321000 324000 都取出来了,就在这儿.
  75. 328000 331000 好了,我们到旅馆去吧.
  76. 332000 335000 我给您在北京饭店订了一个房间.
  77. 335000 337000 请您填一填这张表.
  78. 337000 341000 您的房间在酒楼903号.
  79. 341000 344000 这是您房间的钥匙.
  80. 345000 346000 谢谢您.
  81. 350000 353000 您先休息休息,等一会儿我再来.
  82. 354000 356000 好,一会儿见.
  83. 356000 360000 您先休息休息,等一会儿我再来.
  84. 361000 363000 好,一会儿见.
  85. 371000 373000 Part 2 is about ordering meals.
  86. 374000 376000 Chinese food.
  87. 377000 379000 中餐.
  88. 380000 382000 Western food.
  89. 382000 385000 西餐.
  90. 386000 389000 The dining room has Chinese food and Western food.
  91. 390000 393000 餐厅有中餐,也有西餐.
  92. 397000 399000 Breakfast.
  93. 400000 402000 早点.
  94. 404000 407000 Breakfast is from 7 to 8.30.
  95. 407000 409000 Lunch.
  96. 410000 412000 中饭.
  97. 414000 416000 Dinner.
  98. 417000 419000 晚饭.
  99. 423000 425000 What time are lunch and dinner?
  100. 426000 428000 What time are lunch and dinner?
  101. 431000 433000 What time are lunch and dinner?
  102. 433000 436000 What time are lunch and dinner?
  103. 439000 443000 中饭,晚饭是从几点到几点.
  104. 448000 452000 Now here are some words and phrases you need to learn to understand.
  105. 455000 457000 To get hungry.
  106. 458000 459000 呃。
  107. 460000 461000 If.
  108. 461000 462000 要是.
  109. 464000 466000 To have business.
  110. 467000 468000 有事.
  111. 471000 472000 To press.
  112. 473000 474000 按.
  113. 477000 479000 I buzzer an electric bell.
  114. 481000 482000 电铃.
  115. 485000 486000 To call.
  116. 486000 490000 叫.
  117. 491000 495000 If you have anything to talk to me about, you can press the buzzer to call me.
  118. 500000 504000 您要是有事,可以按电铃叫我.
  119. 504000 509000 您要是有事,可以按电铃叫我.
  120. 512000 514000 The service desk for each floor.
  121. 517000 519000 楼层服务台.
  122. 524000 527000 Now here's a review of the vocabulary you've learned to produce so far.
  123. 528000 529000 Chinese food.
  124. 530000 531000 中餐.
  125. 531000 532000 Western food.
  126. 534000 535000 西餐.
  127. 537000 538000 Breakfast.
  128. 540000 541000 早点.
  129. 543000 544000 Lunch.
  130. 545000 546000 中饭.
  131. 548000 549000 Dinner.
  132. 551000 552000 晚饭.
  133. 555000 558000 Now here's a review of the sentences you've learned so far.
  134. 558000 561000 The dining room has Chinese food and Western food.
  135. 564000 567000 餐廳有中餐,也有西餐.
  136. 570000 572000 Breakfast is from seven to eight thirty.
  137. 575000 579000 早点是从七点到八点半.
  138. 582000 584000 What time are lunch and supper?
  139. 584000 591000 中饭,晚饭,是从几点到几点.
  140. 595000 598000 Now here's a conversation reviewing what you've just learned.
  141. 601000 605000 The conversation takes place between Ms. Smith, a Canadian scholar,
  142. 605000 609000 and the hotel attendant who is just taking her to her room in the Peking Hotel.
  143. 609000 612000 Ms. Smith.
  144. 612000 619000 现在已经七点钟了,您饿了吧,我们这儿有餐厅.
  145. 620000 621000 餐厅在几楼?
  146. 622000 626000 在一楼,有中餐,有西餐.
  147. 627000 629000 晚饭是从几点到几点?
  148. 629000 645000 晚饭是从下午六点到八点半,早饭是从七点到八点半,中饭是从十二点到下午两点.
  149. 646000 648000 好,我知道了,谢谢你.
  150. 648000 658000 电灵在这儿,要是您有事,可以按电灵叫我,我就在楼层服务台.
  151. 658000 660000 好,谢谢你.
  152. 665000 669000 Part three deals with the arrangements made for a side trip to Shanghai.
  153. 670000 671000 To plan to.
  154. 673000 674000 打算.
  155. 674000 679000 I'm planning to go to Shanghai.
  156. 683000 685000 我打算到上海去.
  157. 688000 689000 Four in place of.
  158. 691000 692000 Pee.
  159. 695000 696000 Air conditioning.
  160. 699000 700000 冷风.
  161. 700000 705000 Please reserve an air conditioned room for me.
  162. 712000 716000 请你替我订一个有冷风的房间.
  163. 721000 724000 Now here are some words and phrases you need to learn to understand.
  164. 725000 727000 Certainly, definitely.
  165. 727000 728000 一定.
  166. 730000 731000 To be hot.
  167. 732000 733000 热.
  168. 735000 737000 Shanghai is certain to be very hot by now.
  169. 744000 747000 上海现在一定很热了吧.
  170. 751000 752000 Airplane.
  171. 752000 753000 飞机.
  172. 759000 760000 Ticket.
  173. 762000 763000 票.
  174. 765000 766000 To arrange for.
  175. 768000 769000 安排.
  176. 771000 772000 A tourist guide.
  177. 774000 775000 导游.
  178. 778000 779000 To tell.
  179. 779000 780000 告诉.
  180. 786000 790000 Now here's a review of the vocabulary you've learned to say so far.
  181. 791000 792000 To plan to.
  182. 794000 795000 打算.
  183. 796000 798000 Four in place of.
  184. 801000 802000 Pee.
  185. 803000 804000 Air conditioning.
  186. 804000 805000 冷风.
  187. 812000 814000 I'm planning to go to Shanghai.
  188. 819000 821000 我打算到上海去.
  189. 821000 833000 Please reserve an air conditioned room for me.
  190. 834000 838000 请你替我订一个有冷风的房间.
  191. 842000 845000 Now here's a conversation reviewing what you've just learned.
  192. 845000 850000 The conversation takes place between an American woman and her guide in Peking.
  193. 851000 854000 我打算下个星期三到上海去.
  194. 855000 857000 请你替我订一个房间.
  195. 858000 859000 买一张飞机票.
  196. 861000 863000 你打算在上海住几天?
  197. 864000 865000 住五天.
  198. 866000 868000 上海现在一定很热了吧.
  199. 869000 872000 我想要一个有冷风的房间.
  200. 872000 874000 好.
  201. 875000 881000 你可以不可以替我在上海安排一位会说英文的导游?
  202. 882000 883000 可以.
  203. 884000 886000 我现在就去替你安排.
  204. 887000 888000 明天早上告诉你.
  205. 889000 890000 谢谢.
  206. 890000 891000 谢谢.
  207. 896000 898000 Part 4 talks about several types of room service.
  208. 898000 899000 Room service.
  209. 901000 902000 Clothes.
  210. 903000 904000 衣服.
  211. 906000 907000 To wash.
  212. 909000 910000 洗.
  213. 912000 914000 I have some clothes I'd like to get cleaned.
  214. 917000 919000 我有衣服要洗.
  215. 922000 923000 To be cool.
  216. 923000 926000 凉.
  217. 929000 931000 Boiled water for drinking.
  218. 934000 935000 开水.
  219. 939000 940000 Ice cubes.
  220. 942000 943000 冰块.
  221. 943000 950000 There's no more drinking water or ice cubes.
  222. 954000 957000 凉开水,跟冰块没有了.
  223. 962000 963000 To be tired.
  224. 964000 965000 累.
  225. 967000 968000 To eat.
  226. 968000 971000 吃.
  227. 973000 974000 I'm very tired.
  228. 974000 976000 I don't want to go to the cafeteria to eat.
  229. 979000 983000 我很累,不想到餐厅去吃饭了.
  230. 987000 991000 Now here are some words and phrases you need to learn to understand.
  231. 992000 994000 To bring to.
  232. 996000 997000 拿.
  233. 997000 998000 来.
  234. 1000000 1001000 Menu.
  235. 1003000 1004000 菜单子.
  236. 1008000 1009000 I'll go bring a menu.
  237. 1014000 1016000 我去拿一张菜单子来.
  238. 1020000 1021000 To wash.
  239. 1021000 1022000 To launder.
  240. 1022000 1023000 水洗.
  241. 1029000 1030000 To dry clean.
  242. 1033000 1034000 干洗.
  243. 1039000 1040000 To give to.
  244. 1043000 1044000 交给.
  245. 1047000 1048000 To send to.
  246. 1048000 1049000 送到.
  247. 1055000 1056000 送到.
  248. 1059000 1062000 Now here's a conversation reviewing what you've just learned.
  249. 1064000 1070000 This conversation takes place in Peking between Miss Smith and the hotel attendant she's just wronged for from her room.
  250. 1072000 1075000 史密森女士,你有事吗?
  251. 1075000 1078000 对了,我有衣服要洗.
  252. 1079000 1081000 是水洗还是干洗?
  253. 1082000 1083000 都是干洗的.
  254. 1084000 1085000 您交给我.
  255. 1086000 1091000 好,凉开水没有了,请你给我拿一点来.
  256. 1092000 1094000 也请给我拿一点冰块.
  257. 1095000 1096000 好.
  258. 1098000 1103000 今天晚上我很累,不想到餐厅去吃晚饭.
  259. 1103000 1107000 你可以不可以,送到我房间来?
  260. 1108000 1114000 可以,我就去拿菜单子来,看您要吃什么.
  261. 1115000 1116000 好,谢谢.
  262. 1116000 1129000 这就是住所, Here is the end of the tape.