FSI - Standard Chinese - Optional Module RST - Unit 02.mp3.tsv 11 KB

  1. start end text
  2. 0 7000 Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Restaurant Module Unit 2
  3. 7000 12000 On this tape you'll learn some simple questions and answers used in ordering a modest meal.
  4. 12000 19000 Part 1 deals with ordering one of the fixed meals or blue plate specials found commonly in small restaurants.
  5. 19000 23000 Here's the vocabulary and sentences you'll need in Part 1.
  6. 23000 26000 The word for fixed dinner.
  7. 26000 29000 客饭
  8. 29000 33000 What is a fixed dinner?
  9. 33000 37000 什么是客饭?
  10. 37000 45000 A dish which is served at a meal and is not a soup, rice, or noodle dish, a main dish.
  11. 45000 49000 一个菜
  12. 49000 54000 A soup, a main dish, and rice.
  13. 54000 59000 一个汤,一个菜,还有饭.
  14. 59000 65000 A fixed dinner is a soup, a main dish, and rice.
  15. 65000 76000 客饭就是一个汤,一个菜,还有饭.
  16. 76000 83000 One type,一种.
  17. 83000 89000 Is there only one type of fixed dinner?
  18. 89000 94000 客饭就一种吗?
  19. 94000 100000 Tasty,好吃.
  20. 100000 105000 Which dish do you say is tasty?
  21. 105000 111000 你说哪个菜好吃?
  22. 111000 118000 Chopsticks,筷子.
  23. 118000 124000 Use,用.
  24. 124000 129000 I can use chopsticks.
  25. 129000 133000 我会用筷子.
  26. 133000 138000 The verb to use,用, is a prepositional verb as well as a full verb.
  27. 138000 142000 As a prepositional verb,用 means with.
  28. 142000 147000 I eat with chopsticks.
  29. 147000 152000 我用筷子吃饭.
  30. 152000 156000 Chicken,鸡.
  31. 156000 161000 Do you like to eat beef or chicken?
  32. 161000 170000 你喜欢吃牛肉还是吃鸡?
  33. 170000 174000 Now here are some of the words and phrases you need to learn to understand.
  34. 174000 178000 To be simple.
  35. 178000 182000 简单.
  36. 182000 186000 I want to eat something simple.
  37. 186000 191000 我要吃点简单的.
  38. 191000 194000 Next time.
  39. 194000 199000 下次.
  40. 199000 202000 Something else.
  41. 202000 206000 别的.
  42. 206000 211000 Next time eat something else.
  43. 211000 216000 下次再吃别的.
  44. 216000 221000 beef and green peppers.
  45. 221000 227000 青椒,牛肉.
  46. 227000 231000 Shreds of pork and cabbage.
  47. 231000 236000 白菜肉丝.
  48. 236000 241000 Slices of chicken and snow peas.
  49. 241000 247000 学斗鸡片.
  50. 247000 252000 Now here's a review of the vocabulary you've just learned to produce.
  51. 252000 254000 Use.
  52. 254000 256000 用.
  53. 256000 259000 Tasty.
  54. 259000 263000 好吃.
  55. 263000 267000 A main dish.
  56. 267000 271000 一个菜.
  57. 271000 274000 Chopsticks.
  58. 274000 278000 筷子.
  59. 278000 282000 A fixed meal.
  60. 282000 285000 客饭.
  61. 285000 289000 One type.
  62. 289000 292000 一种.
  63. 292000 295000 Now here's a review of the sentences you learned.
  64. 295000 301000 I can use chopsticks.
  65. 301000 306000 我会用筷子.
  66. 306000 318000 A fixed dinner is a bowl of soup, a main dish, and rice.
  67. 318000 327000 客饭就是一个汤,一个菜,还有饭.
  68. 327000 333000 I eat with chopsticks.
  69. 333000 339000 我用筷子吃饭.
  70. 339000 348000 Is there only one type of fixed meal?
  71. 348000 355000 客饭就是一种吗?
  72. 355000 362000 Which do you say is tasty?
  73. 362000 368000 你说哪个菜好吃?
  74. 368000 371000 Now here's a conversation using what you've just learned.
  75. 371000 378000 An American woman and a Chinese friend are out to eat on their lunch hour in Taipei.
  76. 378000 382000 你想吃什么?
  77. 382000 386000 我想吃点简单的.
  78. 386000 390000 那吃客饭怎么样?
  79. 390000 394000 什么是客饭?
  80. 394000 401000 客饭就是一个汤,一个菜,还有饭.
  81. 401000 406000 客饭就有一种吗?
  82. 406000 418000 不,有三四种,有四十块的,有五十块的,有六十块的.
  83. 418000 422000 都有什么菜?
  84. 422000 431000 今天有白菜肉丝,青椒牛肉,学斗鸡片.
  85. 431000 436000 你说哪个菜好吃?
  86. 436000 446000 都很好,今天你可以吃青椒牛肉,下次再吃别的.
  87. 446000 450000 好.
  88. 450000 458000 你要一个青椒牛肉,我来一个学斗鸡片.
  89. 458000 463000 你会用筷子吧?
  90. 463000 469000 我在美国已经学过.
  91. 469000 472000 Now here's another conversation reviewing what you've just learned.
  92. 472000 478000 It also takes place in a small restaurant in Taipei.
  93. 478000 481000 你想吃什么?
  94. 481000 485000 我想吃点简单的.
  95. 485000 490000 那我们吃客饭吧.
  96. 490000 496000 好啊,你吃过他们这里的客饭吗?
  97. 496000 498000 吃过.
  98. 498000 502000 好不好吃?
  99. 502000 505000 都很好吃.
  100. 505000 510000 客饭都有什么样的菜?
  101. 510000 524000 有三种,一种是青椒牛肉,一种是白菜肉丝,一种是学斗鸡片.
  102. 524000 528000 我要青椒牛肉.
  103. 528000 536000 我要学斗鸡片.
  104. 536000 541000 Part two of this tape deals with ordering a lunch for two in a restaurant in Taipei.
  105. 541000 544000 Here are the words and sentences you'll need to learn.
  106. 544000 547000 Shrimp
  107. 547000 550000 虾仁
  108. 550000 554000 Shrimp fried noodles
  109. 554000 559000 虾仁炒面
  110. 559000 563000 I want shrimp fried noodles.
  111. 563000 569000 我要虾仁炒面.
  112. 569000 572000 Soy bean curd
  113. 572000 576000 豆腐
  114. 576000 580000 Cabbage and bean curd soup
  115. 580000 585000 白菜豆腐汤
  116. 585000 590000 We also want a cabbage and bean curd soup.
  117. 590000 598000 我们还要一个白菜豆腐汤.
  118. 598000 605000 Not bad.不错.
  119. 605000 610000 The fried rice with ham is not bad.
  120. 610000 616000 火腿炒饭不错.
  121. 616000 619000 To be enough.
  122. 619000 622000 Go.
  123. 622000 628000 Two main dishes and one soup is enough.
  124. 628000 634000 两个菜,一个汤,够了.
  125. 634000 642000 Don't be formal.别客气.
  126. 642000 647000 To be satisfied.
  127. 647000 651000
  128. 651000 661000 I've already had my fill.我已经保了.
  129. 661000 664000 The check
  130. 664000 669000 账单子
  131. 669000 680000 Please give me the check.请你给我账单子.
  132. 680000 685000 Now here are the words and sentences you need to understand in part two.
  133. 685000 690000 That'll be it.就这样了.
  134. 690000 698000 Eat a little more.你多吃一点.
  135. 698000 706000 I am eating.我再吃.
  136. 706000 713000 Now here's a review of the words you need to learn to say.
  137. 713000 718000 Not bad.不错.
  138. 718000 724000 Shrimp
  139. 724000 727000 下人
  140. 727000 734000 To be satisfied.保
  141. 734000 740000 To be enough.够
  142. 740000 747000 Soybean curd.豆腐
  143. 747000 751000 The check
  144. 751000 757000 账单子
  145. 757000 762000 Cabbage and bean curd soup
  146. 762000 768000 白菜豆腐汤
  147. 768000 772000 Now here's a review of the sentences you need to learn.
  148. 772000 784000 The ham fried rice. Not bad.火腿炒饭不错.
  149. 784000 794000 I've already had my fill.我已经保了.
  150. 794000 801000 I'll have shrimp fried noodles.我要下人吃.
  151. 801000 807000 要下人炒面.
  152. 807000 819000 Two main dishes and one soup is enough.两个菜,一个汤够了.
  153. 819000 830000 Please give me the check.请你给我账单子.
  154. 830000 849000 We also want a cabbage and bean curd soup.我们还要一个白菜豆腐汤.
  155. 849000 853000 Now here's a conversation reviewing what you just learned.
  156. 853000 859000 Two friends are out to lunch in Taipei.这里的炒面.
  157. 859000 871000 炒饭跟汤面都不错.等我看看菜单子.
  158. 871000 880000 我们要一个虾仁炒面好不好.你再点一个吧.
  159. 880000 890000 我们要一个火腿炒饭好不好.再要一个菜跟一个白菜豆腐汤.
  160. 890000 905000 我想太多了,不要菜了.就要一个炒饭,一个面,一个汤就够了.
  161. 905000 918000 我们要一个虾仁炒面,一个火腿炒饭,还有一个白菜豆汤就这样了.
  162. 918000 934000 Later while they're eating.这个虾仁炒面很好吃.火腿炒饭也不错.你多吃一点别客气.
  163. 934000 942000 我再吃,你也别客气,多吃一点.
  164. 942000 956000 After they've finished eating.你要不要吃点甜点心.不要了,我已经饱了.
  165. 956000 963000 He speaks again with the waiter.请你给我帐单子.
  166. 963000 975000 Now here's another conversation reviewing what you've just learned. Again, two friends are out to lunch in Taipei.
  167. 975000 986000 你想吃什么.我们点一个炒面,一个炒饭,再来一个汤,怎么样.
  168. 986000 996000 好啊,你想吃什么炒面,炒饭呢?随便,你点吧.
  169. 996000 1011000 我们点一个虾仁炒面,一个火腿鸡蛋炒饭,还来一个白菜豆腐汤,好不好.
  170. 1011000 1040000 好.After they've finished eating.你想不想吃点甜的东西.不要了,我饱了.你别客气啊.我不是客气,我吃得很饱了.
  171. 1040000 1050000 Part 3 deals with ordering dinner. Here are the words and sentences you'll need to learn to say. To know.
  172. 1050000 1059000 知道. I know you like to eat hot peppery things.
  173. 1059000 1069000 我知道你喜欢吃辣的. Naturally or of course.
  174. 1069000 1075000 当然. Of course, we'll also want a soup.
  175. 1075000 1084000 当然,还要一个汤. To order.
  176. 1084000 1091000 叫. You've ordered too much.
  177. 1091000 1106000 你叫的太多了. Now here are some phrases you need to learn to understand in Part 3. A hot spicy dish made with bean curd.
  178. 1106000 1114000 麻婆豆腐. Eggplant.
  179. 1114000 1122000 茄子. Yu Xiang eggplant.
  180. 1122000 1130000 鱼香茄子. Diced chicken.
  181. 1130000 1143000 鸡丁. The name of a Sichuan dish made with cubes of chicken, bamboo shoots, onion, and red pepper.
  182. 1143000 1153000 公保鸡丁. Shrimp and sizzling rice soup.
  183. 1153000 1163000 虾仁锅巴汤. Spontafi apples.
  184. 1163000 1172000 巴士苹果. Now let's review those items you learned to say in Part 3.
  185. 1172000 1176000 To order.
  186. 1176000 1181000 叫. Of course.
  187. 1181000 1187000 当然. To know.
  188. 1187000 1195000 吃到. Now here are the sentences you learned in Part 3.
  189. 1195000 1214000 我知道你喜欢吃辣的. Of course, we'll also want a soup.
  190. 1214000 1224000 当然,还要一个汤. You've ordered too much.
  191. 1224000 1232000 你叫的太多了. Now here's a conversation reviewing what you've learned.
  192. 1232000 1238000 Two friends are out to dinner in a Sichuan restaurant in Peking.
  193. 1238000 1247000 你想吃什么菜?随便你点. I know you like spicy food.
  194. 1247000 1257000 我们点一个麻婆豆腐,一个鱼香茄子,一个公保鸡丁,怎么样?
  195. 1257000 1262000 当然,还要一个汤.
  196. 1262000 1270000 你叫的太多了.我们两个人叫两个菜,一个汤就够了.
  197. 1270000 1278000 好,那么你说我们叫哪两个菜?
  198. 1278000 1290000 一个麻婆豆腐,一个公保鸡丁,还有一个虾仁锅巴汤,好不好?
  199. 1290000 1298000 好,再要一个巴士苹果.好.
  200. 1298000 1302000 现在我们来评论这些评论。
  201. 1302000 1308000 这是什么菜式?
  202. 1308000 1312000 什么是客饭?
  203. 1312000 1327000 我们的客饭是一个汤,一个菜,还有饭。
  204. 1327000 1337000 客饭这一种吗?
  205. 1337000 1344000 客饭这一种吗?
  206. 1344000 1356000 你说哪个菜好吃?
  207. 1356000 1362000 I eat with chopsticks.
  208. 1362000 1368000 我用筷子吃饭。
  209. 1368000 1375000 Do you like to eat beef or chicken?
  210. 1375000 1381000 你喜欢吃牛肉还是吃鸡?
  211. 1381000 1390000 I want fried noodles with shrimp.
  212. 1390000 1396000 我要虾仁炒面。
  213. 1396000 1404000 We also want a cabbage and bean curd soup.
  214. 1404000 1410000 我们还要一个白菜豆腐汤。
  215. 1410000 1418000 The fried rice with ham is not bad.
  216. 1418000 1423000 火腿炒饭不错。
  217. 1423000 1426000 Don't be formal.
  218. 1426000 1430000 别客气。
  219. 1430000 1435000 Please give me the check.
  220. 1435000 1440000 请你给我账单子。
  221. 1440000 1445000 I've already had my fill.
  222. 1445000 1450000 我已经饱了。
  223. 1450000 1457000 I know you like to eat hot peppery things.
  224. 1457000 1463000 我知道你喜欢吃辣的。
  225. 1463000 1469000 We also want a soup.
  226. 1469000 1475000 当然还要一个汤。
  227. 1475000 1482000 You've ordered too much.
  228. 1482000 1488000 你叫的太多了。
  229. 1488000 1496000 And dishes and a soup are enough.
  230. 1496000 1500000 两个菜一个汤够了。
  231. 1500000 1502000 This is the end of the tape.
  232. 1502000 1518000 And of restaurant module unit 2.