FSI-23-frames-trad.csv 2.7 KB

  1. 1. A: Duìbuqǐ. 對不起 Excuse me. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  2. B: yǒu shénme shì a? 你有什麼事啊? What can I do for you? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  3. 2. A: Qǐngwèn, zhè tiáolù shì shénme lù? 請問,這條路是什麼路? May I ask, what road is this? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  4. B: Zhè shi Nánjīng Xīlù, 這是南京西路。 This is Nánjīng West Road. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  5. 3. B: zhǎo shénme dìfang? 你找什麼地方? What place are you looking for? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  6. A: zhǎo Nánjīng Dōnglù Yíduàn, wǔshisì xiàng. 我找南京東路一段,五十四巷。 I am looking for Lane 54 of Nánjīng East Road, Section 1. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  7. 4. C: zhǎo Zhongshān Běilù. 我找中山北路。 I am looking for Zhōngshān North Road. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  8. 5. B: zǒucuò le. Zhè shi Nánjīng Xīlù. 你走錯了。這是南京西路。 You went the wrong way. This is Nánjīng West Road. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  9. B: wǎng nàbian zǒu. 你往那邊走。 You go that way. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  10. B: Guò sāntiáo jiē, jiù shi Nànjīng Dōnglù Yíduàn. Cross three streets, and that’a Nánjīng East Road, Section 1. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  11. 6 A: Òu, zǒucuò le. Oh, I went the wrong way. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  12. A: shuō wàng nàbian zǒu. You say I should go that way. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  13. A: Guò sāntiáo jiē, jiù shi Nánjīng Dǒnglù Yíduàn, shì bu shi? Cross three streets, and that’s Nǎnjīng East Road, Section 1. Xs that ít? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  14. B: Shì. 是。 Yes. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  15. 7. B: Dàole Yíduàn yīhòu, qǐng zài wèn biéren ba. After you have gotten to Section 1, please ask someone else. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  16. A: Hào. Xièxie. 好。謝謝。 All right. Thanks. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  17. 8. A: Qǐngwèn, Wǔnòng zài náli? 請問,武隆在哪裏? May I ask, where is Alley 5? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  18. D: zài wàng qián zǒu yìdiān. You walk (straight) ahead a little farther. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  19. D: Yòubian dìyīge lùkǒu jiù shi Wǔnòng. The first intersection on the right is Alley 5. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  20. 9. A: zài wàng qián zǒu yìdiàn. Wǔnòng zài yòubian, shì bu shi? I go ahead a little bit farther; Alley 5 is on the right side. Is that it? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  21. D: Shì. Yòubian dìyīge lùkǒu jiù shì. Yes, It’a the first intersection on the right. 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  22. 10. hútong (hútòngr) 衚衕(衚衕兒) a narrow street, a lone (Beijing) 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  23. 11. mén (ménr) 門(門兒) gate, door 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  24. 12. ménkǒu (ménkǒur) 門口(兒) doorway, gateway, entrance 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  25. 13. qiáo bridge 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  26. 14. tiānqiáo 天橋 pedestrian overpass 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  27. 15. dìxíà xíngrén dào 地下行人道 pedestrian underground walkway 4 5 FSI-Chinese