Dialogue and translation for exercice 3.csv 5.3 KB

  1. Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 3
  2. Two classmates, an American (B) and a Chinese (A), share an apartment
  3. somewhere in America. The American is at home studying Sht Ji, Records of the
  4. Historian, a classical history. His Chinese classmate comes in the door.
  5. A: Wǒde tiān na! Nǐ hái zài niàn shū? Ài, hé bēi píjiǔ xiūxi xiuxi hǎo bu hǎo? 我的天呐,你还在念书?嘿,喝杯啤酒,休息休息,好不好? My God! Are you still studying? Hey, how about taking a break for a beer?
  6. B: Hǎo hǎo hǎo, ràng wo bǎ zhèiyidiǎnr kànwán xíng bu xíng? 好好好,让我把这一点看完行不行? Okay, okay, let me finish reading this little bit, okay?
  7. A: Hài, nǐ zǒngshi kàn gǔshu? Xiànzài shèhuìde qíngxing, nǐ jiu yìdiǎnr dōu bu kǎolǜ ma? 嗨,你总是看《古书》。现在社会的情形你就一点都不考虑吗? Come on, you're always reading classics! Don’t you ever think about the condition of today’s society?
  8. B: Shéi shuō wǒ bù kǎolǜ, xuéshēnghuìde shì wǒ yě zuòle bù shǎo ma! 谁说我不考虑?学生会的事我也做了不少嘛。 Who says I don’t think about it. I’ve done a lot with the Student Association,you know!
  9. A: Nǐ zhēnu y4si! Zuò yidiǎnr xuéshēnghuìde shì jiu shi guānxīn shèhuì le! 真有意思,做一点学生会的事就是关心社会了。 You’re something else! Just doing a little work with the Student Association means you're concerned about society!
  10. B: Nà nǐ shuō, wǒ yīnggāi zuò diǎn shénme ne? 那你说我应该做点什么呢? Well then, what do you think I should do?
  11. A: Dàlùshang yǒu nàme duō rén, nǐ zěnme bú wènwen tāmende qíngxing zěnmeyàng? 大陆上有那么多人,你怎么不问问他们的情形怎么样? There are so many people on the mainland, how come you don’t try to find out what their situation is like?
  12. B: Wǒ juéde zhèngzhi wèntí tài máfan, wǒ bù xiǎng tán zhèngzhi. 我觉得政治问题太麻烦,我不想谈政治。 I think that political problems are too much bother (tedious and involved). I don't like to talk about politics.
  13. A: Wǒ yě méiyou yào gēn nǐ tán zhèngzhide yìsi. Wǒde yìsi shi, nǐ yánjiū Zhōngguode shihou, yìfāngmiàn yào kànkan gǔshū, yánjiuyanjiu Zhōngguo chuántǒng wénhuà, yìfāngmiàn yě kéyi kànkan zhèi yìbǎiniánde Zhōngguo lìshǐ. 我也没有要跟你谈政治的意思。我的意思是,你研究中国的时候,一方面要看看《古书》,研究研究中国传统文化, 一方面也可以看看这一百年的中国历史。I didn't mean I wanted to talk politics with you. I mean that as you study China, on the one hand you should read the classics and study traditional Chinese culture, but on the other hand you can also read some Chinese history of the past hundred years.
  14. B: Zhèiyidiǎn shi duìde. Zhèi yìxuéqī wǒ bú shi yǒu Zhōngguo jìndàishǐ kè ma? 这一点是对的,这一学期我不是有中国近代时刻吗? You're right about that. I have modern Chinese history class this semester, don’t I?
  15. A: Wǒ xiǎng chūle shàng xué yǐwài, nǐ hái kéyi kàn yidiǎnr xiǎoshuōr. 我想除了上学以外,你还可以看一点小说儿。 But I think that besides taking classes, you could read some fiction, too.
  16. B: Kàn xiǎoshuōr?! Wǒ nǎr yǒu shíjiānn shenme xiǎoshuōr? 看小说?我哪有时间看什么小说儿? Read fiction?! When (lit. “where”) do I have time to read any fiction?
  17. A: Wǒ zuìjìn zài kàn jǐběnr Zhōngguo jìndài xiǎoshuōr, fēicháng yǒu yìsi. Nǐ rúguǒ xiǎng dǒngde Zhōngguo xiàndài shèhuì, zhēn děi duō kàn diǎnr zhěizhǒng xiǎoshuōr. 我最近在看几本中国近代小说,非常有意思。你如果想懂得中国近代社会,真得多看点这种小说儿。 Lately I've been reading a few modern Chinese novels which are very interesting. If you want to understand modern Chinese society, you really have to read more of this kind of fiction.
  18. B: Wǒ zěnme kéyi hē nǐ bǐ, nǐ kànde nàme kuài! É, zhèiyang hǎo bu hǎo, nǐ kànwánhòu gàosu wo něiyiběn hǎo yidiǎnr, wǒ zài kàn, xíng bu xíng? 我怎么可以和你一比?你看得那么快?嘿,这样好不好?你看完以后告诉我哪一本好一点,我再看,行不行? How can I compare with you; you read so fast! Hey, how about this: after you've finished reading them, tell me which book is best and then I'll read it, okay?
  19. A: Hǎo hǎo hǎo, jiù zhèiyang ba! Xiànzài wǒ bú zài máfan nǐ le. Éi, dùi le, jīntiān wǎnshang zánmen chī shénme? Wǒ lái zuò yidiǎnr, hǎo bu hǎo? 好好好,就这样吧。现在我不再麻烦你了。哎,对了,今天晚上咱们吃什么?我来做一点好不好? Okay, that's what we'll do. Now I'll leave you alone. Oh yeah what are we going to eat tonight? I'll make something, okay?
  20. B: Bú bì zuò le, suíbiàn chī diǎnr ba! Wǒ niànwán zhèiyidiǎnr, zánmen chūqu chī pǐchá bǐng, hǎo bu hao? 不必做了,随便吃点吧。我念完这一点,咱们出去吃披萨铃好不好? You don't have to make anything. Why don't we just have something easy, After I finish reading this, how about going out and having a pizza?
  21. A: Hǎo! Nǐ kuài diǎnr niàn, niànwán zánmen jiu zǒu. 好,你快点儿念,念完咱们就走。 Okay! Hurry up and read, we'll leave right after you finish.