FSI-56-frames.csv 3.3 KB

  1. 1. A: Zài Guǎngzhōu Jiāoyìhuìshang jiù zuò chūkǒude mǎimai ma? Do they only do export business at the Guángzhōu Trade Fair?
  2. B: jiù shi chùkǒu, yě yǒu hěn duō rén zài nar tán jìnkǒu màoyi. Not just export business. Many people also do import trade there.
  3. 2. A: Zhèi jǐge jīngji tèqū yuè lái yuè fánróng le. These special economic zones are getting more and more prosperous.
  4. B: Shì a! Jìnchūkǒu màoyi, jiàgōng gōngyè yuè gǎo yuè duō le. Yes! Import-export trade and the processing industry are on the upswing.
  5. 3. A: Guǎngjiāohuìshangde dōngxi jiàqian zěnmeyàng? How are the prices at the Gu&ngzhōu Trade Fair?
  6. B: Jiàqian dōu hái cuò, wàiguó shāngren hěn shǎo yǒu kōngshǒu huíqude. The prices are pretty good. It’s very seldom that a foreign businessman goes home empty-handed.
  7. 4. A: Jīngji tèqūde Zhōngguó gōngren shōurù bǐjiào gāo, nà huì bu huì chūxiàn yíge xīnde jiējj ne? Since the income of Chinese workers in the special economic zones is higher, is it possible a new class will appear?
  8. B: Méiyou nàme yánzhòng! Gèzhèngfù huì àn zhèngcè bànde. It’s not that serious! Every level of the government will go according to policy.
  9. 5. A: Zhōngguó zhèngfǔ shì bu shi xiànzhi xiāofèipǐnde jìnkǒu? Does the Chinese government restrict consumer-good imports?
  10. B: Dāihuǐr wǒ gěi nín ná yífènr cáiliào, nín yí kàn jiù qīngchu le. I’ll bring you some materials in a while. As soon as you read them you’ll know the answer.
  11. 6. A: Zài yíge gōngchǎngli, gōngzuò xiàolü gāode gōngren cái néng tígāo gōngzī, duì ba? In a factory only workers with high efficiency can get a pay raise, right?
  12. B: Duì a! Duō láo duō dé ma! Right! More pay for more work, you know!
  13. 7. A: Lǎo Zhāng, jīntiān kāi shénme huānsònghuì? Lio Zhang, what’s the farewell meeting for today?
  14. B: Huānsòng Ōuzhōude lǜshī dàibiǎotuán. We’re sending off the European delegation of lawyers.
  15. 8. A: Yǒule Zhōng-Měi hǎiyùn tiáoyuē yǐhòu, yánhǎi yídài jiù gèng rènao le. Since the Sino-American sea transportation treaty, the coastal region has become even busier.
  16. B: Shì a, kànqilai yǐhòude shínián, zhèi jǐge dà hǎigǎng huì yǒu dà guìmóde fāzhǎn. Yes. It looks as if these large ports will experience tremendous growth in the next decade.
  17. 9. A: Nǐ tīngdao xiāoxi le meiyou? Jīntiān wǎnshang yǒu hěn zhòngyàode rén lái. Have you heard the news? Some very important people are coming tonight.
  18. B: Jīntiānde wǎnhuì yídìng hěn yǒu yìsi, qiānwàn bié wǎn le. Tonight’s party is sure to be interesting. You mustn't be late!
  19. 10. A: Wǒ yào cānguān jiàoxué shèbèi. I want to see the educational quipment.
  20. B: Jiàoxué shèbèi dōu jízhòng zài zhèige dàtīngli le, huānyíng cānguān. The educational equipment is. all together in this large hall. You're welcome to see it.
  21. 11. A: Zhōng-Měi liǎngguó wèile zài gèfāngmiàn jìnxíng hézuò dinghǎole shǎo jìhuà. China and America have made a lot of plans to cooperate in various fields.
  22. B: Ng. Gāng yùn dao Fújiànde zhèixiē shèbèi jiù shi nèixiē jìhuàde bùfen. Mm. The equipment which was just shipped to Fújiàn is a part of those plans.