vocab-MBD-tout.csv 17 KB

  1. ài 唉 (sound of sighing) MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  2. ānxīn 安心 to be without worry, to feel at ease to feel relieved MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  3. -bàng 镑 pound (unit of weight) MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  4. bǎobao (bǎobǎo) 宝宝 baby, darling (term of endearment for a young child) MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  5. běnlái 本来 originally MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  6. bǐcǐ 彼此 each other, mutually; you too, the same to you MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  7. bǐjiào (bījiǎo) 比较 relatively, comparatively; fairly, rather MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  8. bìngqiě 并且 moreover, and MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  9. bīngxiāng 冰箱 refrigerator, ice box MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  10. bìnyíguǎn 殡仪馆 funeral home MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  11. bìyùn 避孕 contraception MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  12. bú dàn 不但 not only MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  13. bù gǎn dāng 不敢当 I’m flattered, You shouldn't have, I don't deserve this MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  14. bù shǎo 不少 quite a lot, quite a few MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  15. bù tong 不同 to be different MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  16. càishichǎng 菜市场 market MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  17. cānjiā 参加 to take part in; to attend MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  18. cèsuǒ 厕所 toilet MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  19. chǎnfù 产妇 a woman who has given birth within the last month MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  20. chángshòu 长寿 long life, longevity; to live a long time MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  21. chǎnjià 产假 maternity leave MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  22. chénggōng 成功 to succeed, to be successful MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  23. chéngshì 城市 city MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  24. chéng 成 to become, to constitute, to make MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  25. chī nǎi 吃奶 to nurse, to suckle MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  26. chū bìn 出殡 to hold a funeral procession MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  27. chūchāi 出差 to be out of town on business MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  28. chuī fēng 吹风 to have air blow on oneself, to be in a draft MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  29. chūshēnglü 出生率 birth rate MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  30. cónglái bù 从来不 never MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  31. cónglái dōu 从来都 always (in the past) MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  32. cónglái méi 从来没 have never MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  33. dǎ chángtū diànhuà 大长途电话 to make a long-distance phone call MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  34. dàdōu 大都 for the most part MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  35. dàfàndiàn 大饭店 hotel MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  36. dàgē 大哥 oldest brother MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  37. dài xiào 带孝 to wear mourning MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  38. dàlou 大楼 building MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  39. dāngxīn 当心 to watch out MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  40. dànshi 但是 but MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  41. dānwèi 单位 unit MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  42. -dào 到 indicates successful accomplishment of something MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  43. dàshiguǎn 大使馆 embassy MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  44. dàxǐde rìzi 大喜的日子 wedding day MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  45. dàxǐ 大喜 great rejoicing MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  46. dāying 答应 to agree (to something), to consent, to promise MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  47. dā 打 travel by, take (a taxi, bus, train, airplane, etc.) MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  48. dédao 得到 to receive, to get MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  49. dé 得 to get MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  50. diàosāng 吊嗓 to present one’s condolences at a funeral, to attend a funeral MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  51. dìqū 地区 region MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  52. dù mìyuè 度蜜月 to go on a honeymoon, to spend one's honeymoon MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  53. duó kuài! 多快 how fast! MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  54. duōnián 多年 many years MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  55. dù 度 to pass MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  56. ěrduo 耳朵 ear MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  57. érnǚ 儿女 children MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  58. érqiě 而且 furthermore MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  59. fādá 发达 to be developed, to be prosperous MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  60. fàndiàn 饭店 restaurant MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  61. fàngjiān 房间 room MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  62. fànguǎnzi 饭馆子 restaurant MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  63. fàntīng 饭厅 dining room MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  64. fǎnzhèng 反正 anyway, in any case MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  65. fàn 犯 to have an attack (of an old disease) MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  66. fǎyuàn 法院 court of law MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  67. fēijichǎng 飞机场 airport MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  68. fēngqì 风气 common practice; general mood MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  69. fēngshī 风湿 rheumatism MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  70. fēngshuǐ 风水 the Chinese science of geomancy (that is, the influence of landscape on people and their fortunes) MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  71. fēngsū 风俗 custom MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  72. fēnpèi 分配 to assign, to apportion, to allot MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  73. Fó 佛 Buddha MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  74. fūfù 夫妇 married couple, husband and wife MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  75. fùjìn 附近 area MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  76. fúqi 福气 blessings, luck MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  77. fúwùtái 服务台 service desk MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  78. fúxiàng 福祥 lucky physiognomy MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  79. fùzá (fǔzá) 复杂 to be complicated MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  80. gǎibiàn 改变 to change MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  81. gāi 该 should, ought to MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  82. gǎndeshàng 干得上 to be able to catch up, to be able to make it in time MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  83. gǎnhuilai 赶回来 to rush back MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  84. gǎnjīn 赶紧 quickly MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  85. gèdì 各地 the various places, each place MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  86. gègè 各个 various MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  87. gēnjù (gēnju) 根据 according to, based on MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  88. gèzhǒng 各种 various kinds, types MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  89. Gōngānjú 公安局 Bureau of Public Security MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  90. gōngmù 公墓 public cemetery MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  91. gōngsī 公司 company MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  92. gōngyuǎn 公园 park MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  93. gōngyù 公寓 apartment MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  94. gōngzhèng jiēhūn 公证结婚 civil marriage MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  95. gōngzī 工资 wages, pay MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  96. guānniàn 观念 concept, notion, view MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  97. gǔhuī 骨灰 bone ashes MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  98. guīju 规矩 special customs, established rules MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  99. guòqu 过去 to pass away, to die MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  100. guòshì 过世 to pass away, to die MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  101. háishi 还是 after all MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  102. hái 还 even, (to go) so far as to MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  103. héqilai 合起来 to combine, to join together MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  104. hé 和 with; and MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  105. hóngbāo 红包 a red envelope with a gift or bribe of money in it MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  106. hóngdàn 红蛋 eggs dyed red MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  107. hóngtáng 红糖 brown sugar MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  108. hòudài 后代 descendants MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  109. hòulái 后来 later, afterwards MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  110. huāquān 花圈 flower wreath MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  111. huā 花 to be multicolored MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  112. huīfu 恢复 to recover MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  113. huìkèshì 会客室 reception room MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  114. húi mén 回门 the return of the bride to her parents' home (usually on the third day after the wedding) MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  115. huì 会 might, to be likely to, will MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  116. huī 灰 to be gray MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  117. hūnlǐ 婚礼 wedding MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  118. huǒchēzhàn 火车站 railroad station MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  119. huǒzàng 火葬 cremation MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  120. huǒzàng 火葬 to cremate; cremation MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  121. huò 或 or MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  122. hūrǎn 忽然 suddenly MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  123. jiǎngjiu 讲究 to be particular about; to be elegant, to be tasteful MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  124. jiānglái 将来 the future, someday MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  125. jiàotáng 教堂 church MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  126. jiāowǎng 交往 to associate with, to have dealings with MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  127. jiātíng 家庭 family MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  128. jià 假 vacation, leave MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  129. jīdūjiào 基督教 Christianity MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  130. jiēguǒ (jiēguǒ) 结果 as a result; result, results MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  131. jiēhūn lǐfú 结婚礼服 wedding gown (dress) MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  132. jiéhūn 结婚 (jiehūn) to get married MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  133. jiějué 解决 to solve MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  134. jièshaorén 介绍人 introducer MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  135. jìhua shēngyù 计划生育 planned parenthood, family planning MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  136. jíjiù 急救 first aid; to administer emergency treatment MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  137. Jílè Bìnyíguǎn 极乐殡仪馆 Paradise Funeral Home (in Tapei) MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  138. jǐngchájú 警察局 police station MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  139. jingguò 经过 to go through, to pass by or through MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  140. jìniàn 纪念 memento, memorial MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  141. jiùguolai 就过来 to save MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  142. jiù shì le 就是了 ..., that’s all MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  143. juédìng 决定 to decide MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  144. juéyù 绝育 sterilization MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  145. jūmín wěiyuánhuì 居民委员会 neighborhood committee MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  146. jǔxíng 举行 to hold (a meeting, ceremony, etc.) MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  147. júzhǎng 局长 head of an office or bureau (of which the last syllable is jú) MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  148. kāfēitīng 咖啡厅 coffeehouse MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  149. kǎolǜ 考虑 to consider; consideration MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  150. kě bū shi ma! 可不是吗 I’ll say, yes indeed, that’s for sure MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  151. kě 可 indeed, really MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  152. kòngzhi 控制 to control MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  153. ...-lái...-qù 。。。-来。。。-去 (indicates repeating the action over and over again) MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  154. lǎojiā 老家 hometown MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  155. lǎorénjiā 老人家 polite way of addressing or referring to an old person (nǐ lǎorénjiā, tā lǎorénjiā) MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  156. lǎoshi (lǎoshí) 老实 to be honest MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  157. liàn’ài 恋爱 to be romantically involved with; love MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  158. liǎojiě (liáojie) 了解 to understand; understanding MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  159. -liǎo 了 can, to be able to MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  160. líhūn 离婚 to get divorced MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  161. lǐwù (lǐwu) 礼物 gift, present MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  162. māma 妈妈 mother, mom MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  163. mǎnyì 满意 to be pleased MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  164. mǎnyuèjiǔ 满月酒 celebration meal one month after a baby is born MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  165. mǎnyuè 满月 a full month after the birth of a baby MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  166. -men -们 plural suffix MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  167. miǎnfèi 免费 to be free of charge MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  168. ming’é 名额 the number of people assigned or allowed, quota (of people) MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  169. míxin 迷信 to be superstitious; superstition MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  170. mìyuè 蜜月 honeymoon MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  171. nǎ (náli, nǎr) 那(那里,那儿) how (used in rhetorical questions to deny something) MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  172. nánfāng 男方 the groom's side, the groom's family MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  173. nánguò 难过 to be sad MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  174. nánjiā(r) 男家 the husband’s family MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  175. nánnǚ 男女 male and female MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  176. nēnggàn 能干 to be capable MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  177. nénggòu 能够 can, to be able to MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  178. niánji (niánjì) 年纪 age MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  179. niánqīng 年轻 to be young MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  180. nóngcūn 女家 rural area, countryside MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  181. nóngmín 农民 peasant MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  182. nǚjiā(r) 女家 the wife’s family MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  183. nǔlì 努力 to be hardworking, to be diligent; diligently, hard MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  184. nǚ 女 female MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  185. pàichūsuǒ(r) 派出所儿 the local police station MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  186. pàng 胖 to be fat MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  187. pèng 碰 to touch MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  188. píngjìng 平静 to be calm MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  189. pīzhǔn 批准 to give official permission MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  190. pòfei 颇费 to spend a lot of money (on someone), to go to some expense MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  191. qiānmíngbù 签名簿 guest book MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  192. qiān míng 签名 to sign one’s name MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  193. qiānwàn 千万 by all means, be sure to; (in com bination with a negative sentence) by no means, under no circumstances MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  194. qíngkuàng 情况 situation MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  195. qīngnián 青年 youth, young person MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  196. qīnjìn 亲近 to be close (to a person) MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  197. qīnqi 亲戚 relatives MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  198. qūbié 区别 difference, distinction MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  199. qubuliǎo 去不了 cannot go MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  200. qùshì 去世 to pass away, to die MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  201. réngōng liúchǎn 人工流产 abortion MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  202. rènwéi 认为 to think that, to believe that MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  203. rén 人 person, self, body MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  204. rúhé 如何 how, in what way; how (someone or something) is; how is it (literary form) MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  205. rù xí 入席 to take one’s seat (at a gathering, meeting, or banquet) MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  206. sānglǐ 丧礼 funeral MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  207. sān tōngguò 三通过 “the three approvals” MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  208. shāngdiàn 商店 store MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  209. shàngjìn 上进 to be ambitious MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  210. shāngxīn 伤心 to be grieved, to be sorrowful, to be heartbroken MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  211. shǎoshù mínzú 少数民族 minority nationality, national minority MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  212. shēnbiān 身边 one’s vicinity, one’s immediate surroundings MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  213. shēnglěng 生冷 raw or cold foods MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  214. shēngxialai 生下来 to be born MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  215. shēngyù 生育 to give birth to and raise MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  216. shībài 失败 to fail MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  217. shì fǒu 是否 literary form meaning shi bu shi MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  218. shìqū 市区 urban area or district MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  219. shíxíng 实行 to practice, to carry out (a method, policy, plan, ‘reform, etc.) MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  220. shǒubì 手臂 arm MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  221. shōushù 手术 operation, surgery MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  222. shōuxiān 首先 first MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  223. shuāngfāng 双方 both sides, both parties MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  224. shùmu 数目 number MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  225. shú 熟 to be familiar (with), to know well MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  226. sǐ 死 to die MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  227. sòng 送 to escort, to take (someone to a place) MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  228. sòng 送 to give (something as a gift) MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  229. sūnzi 孙子 grandson MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  230. -tāi 胎 birth MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  231. tándao 谈到 to talk about; speaking of ... MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  232. tǎng 躺 to lie,lie down, to recline MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  233. tánlai tánqù to talk back and forth MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  234. tànqīnjià 探亲家 leave for visiting family MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  235. tànqīn 探亲 to visit relatives (usually means immediate family) MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  236. tíchàng 提倡 to advocate, to promote, to initiate MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  237. tíqīn 提亲 to bring up a proposal of marriage MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  238. tongguò 通过 to pass, to approve MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  239. tòngkǔ 痛苦 to be painful MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  240. tóngyì 同意 to consent, to agree MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  241. tóuyige 头一个 the first MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  242. tóuyìtāi 头一台 the first pregnancy, the first baby MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  243. tuō nínde fú 托您的福 thanks to your lucky influence, many thanks MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  244. tǔzàng 土葬 burial (the word used in contrast to cremation or burial at sea) MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  245. Wángjiā 王家 the Wáng family MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  246. wánjù 玩具 toy MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  247. wǎnliàn wǎnhūn 晚恋晚婚 late involvement and late marriage MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  248. wǎnliàn 挽联 funeral scroll MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  249. wèi 喂 to feed MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  250. xiāngdāng 相当 quite, pretty, very MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  251. xiāngxìn 相信 to believe MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  252. xiānhuā 鲜花 fresh flowers MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  253. xiǎo bǎobao (xiǎo bǎobǎo) 小宝宝 baby, darling (term of endearment for a young child) MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  254. xiǎode 晓得 to know MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  255. xiǎoháir 小孩儿 child, children MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  256. xiǎojiě (xiáojie) 小姐 daughter (referring to someone else’s daughter) MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  257. xiǎoxīn 小心 to be careful MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  258. xiāoxi 消息 news MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  259. xífu 媳妇 daughter-in-law MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  260. xíguàn 习惯 habit, custom MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  261. xījiù 喜酒 wedding banquet; wedding wine MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  262. xìn Fó 信佛 to be a Buddhist MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  263. xīnláng 新郎 bridegroom MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  264. xīnniáng 新娘 bride MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  265. xīnzàngbìng 心脏病 heart disease MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  266. xīnzàng 心脏 heart MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  267. xìn 信 to believe (in) MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  268. xǔduō 许多 many; a great deal (of), a lot (of) MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  269. Yàngmíngshān 阳明山 a mountain in suburban Taipei MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  270. yě jiù shi shuō 也就是说 to mean; in other words MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  271. yě 也 indeed, in fact, admittedly MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  272. yìbānde shuō 一般地说 generally speaking MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  273. yìbān 一般 ordinary, general, common MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  274. yíbèizi 一辈子 all one’s life MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  275. yídào 一道 together MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  276. yídìng 一定 to be specific MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  277. yìjian 意见 opinion MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  278. yīngdāng 应当 should, ought to MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  279. yíngyǎngpǐn 营养品 food items of special nutritional value MBD 3 FSI-Chinese
  280. yíshì 仪式 ceremony MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  281. yíxiang 一向 (have) always, (had) always, consistently, all along MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  282. yíxiàzi 一下子 an instant, a moment, a while MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  283. yìzhí 一直 all along, all the time (up until a certain point) MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  284. yuèzi 月子 month of confinement after giving birth to a child MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  285. zài shuō 再说 furthermore, besides MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  286. zàng 葬 to bury MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  287. záo 早 long ago MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  288. zengjiā 增加 to increase 3 FSI-Chinese
  289. zhǎng 成 to grow; to be (pretty, etc.) MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  290. zhèngfǔ 政府 government MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  291. zhènghūnrén 征婚人 chief witness at a wedding ceremony MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  292. zhènghūn 征婚 to witness a marriage MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  293. zhǐ yào 只要 as long as, if only MBD 6 FSI-Chinese
  294. zhòng 重 to be heavy MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  295. zhùdao 住到 to move to, to go live at MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  296. zǐsūn 子孙 descendants
  297. zǒngshi 总是 always MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  298. zuìjìn 最近 recently; soon MBD 5 FSI-Chinese
  299. zǔmǔ 祖母 grandmother (on the father’s side)
  300. zuò méi 做媒 to act as go-between (for the families of a man and woman considering marriage) MBD 2 FSI-Chinese
  301. zuò yuèzi 坐月子 to go through the month of confinement and special care after childbirth MBD 4 FSI-Chinese
  302. zuò 作,做 to serve as, to act as; as MBD 1 FSI-Chinese
  303. zū 租 to rent MBD 2 FSI-Chinese