FSI-21-Drill-J.csv 1.6 KB

  1. 1 Tā jīntiān chūlai mǎi shū le ma? 他/她今天出来买书吗? Did he/she come out to buy books today? bù 不 no Tā jīntiān méi chūlai mǎi shū. 他/她今天没出来买书。 He didn’t come out to buy books today. 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2 Nǐ jīntiān shàngwǔ chūqu le ma? 你今天上午出去吗? Did you go out this evening? shì 是 yes Wǒ jīntiān shàngwǔ chūqu le. 我今天上午出去了。 I went out this morning. 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3 Nǐ kànguo nèige diànyǐng ma? 你看过那个电影吗? Have you ever seen that movie? bù 不 noméi kànguo nèige diànyǐng. 我没看过那个电影。 I haven't seen that movie. 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4 Tā kàn nèige diànyǐng le ma? 他/她看那个电影了吗? Has he seen that movie? bù 不 noméi kàn nèige diànyǐng. 他没看那个电影。 He didn't watch that movie. 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5 Wáng Xiānsheng xiàwǔ chūqu le ma? 王先生下午出去了吗? Did Mr. Wang go out this afternoon? shì 是 yes Wáng Xiānsheng xiàwǔ chūqu le. 王先生下午出去了。 Mr. Wang went out in the afternoon. 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6 Tā nèige càishichǎng qùguo ma? 他/她那个菜市场去过吗? Has he/she ever been to that vegetable market? bù 不 noméi dào nèige càishichǎng qùguo. 他/她没到那个菜市场去过。 He/she has never been to that vegetable market. 4 3 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7 Tā yǐjīng chūlai le ma? 他/她已经出来了吗? Did he/she already come out? hái méi 还没 not yet Tā hái méi chūlai ne. 他/她还没出来呢。 He/she hasn't come out yet. 4 3 FSI-Chinese