FSI-28-Drill-J.csv 1.7 KB

  1. 1. Nǐ shuō lái liǎngtiān gòu bu gou? 你说来两天够不够? Would you say it would be enough to come for two days? Lái liǎngtiān gòu le. 来两天够了。 It would be enough to come for two days. 5 5 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2. Nǐ shuō qù liǎngtiān gòu bu gou? 你说去两天够不够? Would you say it would be enough to go for two days? Qù liǎngtiān gòu le. 说去两天够了。 It would be enough to go for two days. 5 5 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3. Nǐ shuō xué liǎngniánde Zhōngwén gòu bu gou? 你说学两年的中文够不够? Would you say it would be enough to study Chinese for 2 years? Xué liǎngniánde Zhōngwén gòu le. 学两年的中文够了。 It would be enough to study Chinese for 2 years. 5 5 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4. Nǐ shuō zhù sānge yuè gòu bu gou? 你说住三个月够不够? Would you say it would be enough to stay for 3 months? Zhù sānge yuè gòu le. 住三个月够了。 It would be enough to stay for 3 months. 5 5 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5. Nǐ shuō niàn jiǔge xīngqī gòu hu gou? 你说念九个星期够不够? Would you say it would be enough to study for 9 weeks? Niàn jiǔge xīngqī gòu le. 念九个星期够了。 It would be enough to study for 9 weeks. 5 5 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6. Nǐ shuō dào nèr qù wánr shítiān gòu bu gou? 你说到那儿去玩儿十天够不够? Would you say it would be enough to go there for 10 days? Wánr shítiān gòu le. 玩儿十天够了。 It would be enough to go there for 10 days? 5 5 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7. Nǐ shuō zǒu yíge zhōngtóuu bu gou? 你说走一个钟头够不够? Would you say it would be enough to walk for one hour? Zǒu yíge zhōngtóuu le. 走一个钟头够了。 It would be enough to walk for one hour. 5 5 FSI-Chinese