Module6-target-list2-trad.csv 2.0 KB

  1. 1. Wèi,Mēidàsī. 喂, 美大司 Hello. Department of American and Oceanic Affairs.
  2. shi Jiānádà shiguǎnde Qiáozhì Dáfēi. Wǒ yǒu yíjiàn shì xiǎng gēn Wáng Kēzhǎng jiǎng-yijiǎng. 我是加拿大大使館的喬治達菲。我有一件事想跟王科長講一講。 I am George Duffy of the Canadian Embassy. I have something I would like to discuss with Section Chief Wáng.
  3. 2. Wáng Kēzhǎng xiànzài zài kāi huì. Děng tā kāiwán huì wǒ gàosong tā gěi ni huí diànhuà. 王科長現在在開會。等她開完會我告訴告誦她給你回電話。 Section Chief Wáng is at a meeting now. When she is finished with the meeting, I will tell her to return your call.
  4. 3. Hǎo, xièxie ni. 好,謝謝你。 Fine. Thank you.
  5. xiè. 不謝 Don’t mention it.
  6. 4. Nǐ dǎ diànhuà láide shíhou wǒ méi shíjiān gēn ni shuō huà. 你打電話來的時候我沒時間跟你説話。 When you called here, I didn’t have time to speak with you.
  7. Méi guānxi. 沒關係 It doesn’t matter.
  8. 5. Wǒ gěi ni dǎ diànhuàde di shi xiǎng gēn ni dāngmiàn tántan. 我給你打電話目的是想跟你當面談談。 The reason I called you is that I would like to talk with you in person.
  9. Nǐ míngtiān něng bu néng dào wǒ zhěr lái? 你明天能不能到我這兒來? Can you come over here tomorrow?
  10. Kéyi. Míngtiān shénme shíhou dōu kéyi. 你明天能不能到我這兒來? Yes. Any time tomorrow would be fine.
  11. 6. guānxi 關係 relation, relationship, connection
  12. 7. jiǎng huà 講話 to speak, to talk; a speech
  13. 8. lǐngshiguǎn 領事館 consulate
  14. 9. shìqing (yíjiàn) 事情 (一件) matter, business, affair
  15. 10. sīzhǎng 司長 department chief
  16. 11. yǒu guānxi 有關係 to relate to, to have a bearing on, to matter