vocab-htl-2.csv 2.6 KB

  1. àn 按 according to HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  2. àn guījù 按规据 according to the regulations HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  3. bānlái bānqù 搬来搬去 to move back and forth HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  4. bǎoguǎn 保管 to safeguard, to put in safekeeping HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  5. bìchú 壁橱 closet, wall chect HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  6. bìchúli 壁橱里 in the closet HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  7. biéde 别的 other HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  8. cǎisè 彩色 color, colored HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  9. chōuti 抽屉 drawer HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  10. chōutīli 抽屉里 in the drawer HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  11. chuáng 床 bed HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  12. dà diànhuà 打电话 to make a phone call HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  13. dānrénfáng 单人房 single room HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  14. děng 等 to wait, to wait for HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  15. dēngjī 登记 to register (at a hotel, etc.) HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  16. -de shíhou 的时候 when HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  17. diànhuàbù 电话不 telephone directory HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  18. duō 多 more (to be much, to be many) HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  19. fángqián 房钱 room rental fee HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  20. fàngzai 放在 to put (at, in, on) HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  21. fúwùshēng 服务生 attendant HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  22. guīju 规矩 regulation HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  23. guīzhòng 贵重 to be valuable HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  24. guò 过 to pass HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  25. háishi 还是 still HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  26. jiào 叫 to have someone do something, to tell someone to do something HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  27. -jiān -间 (counter for rooms) HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  28. jiù shi 就是 (used for emphasis), this IS HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  29. kèren 客人 customer HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  30. kōng 空 to be empty, to be vacant HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  31. lěng 冷 to be cold HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  32. líkai 离开 to leave, to depart HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  33. méi wènti 没问题 there's no problem HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  34. nuǎnqì 暖气 central heating HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  35. shěngde 省得 lest, to avoid HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  36. shìqing 事情 business matter, thing HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  37. shuāngrénfáng 双人房 double room HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  38. sòngshangqu 送上去 to send up HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  39. suàn 算 to calculate, to figure HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  40. suàn zhàng 算帐 to settle an account HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  41. tǎnzi 毯子 blanket HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  42. wènti 问题 question, problem HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  43. yào 要 to want, to take HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  44. yào 要 to be necessary HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  45. yóulan shǒucè 游览手册 sightseeing handbook, tourist guide HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  46. zài 再 again (used for future actions) HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  47. zhàngfáng 账房 cashier (in a hotel) HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  48. zhǎo 赵 to find HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  49. zhào 照 according to HTL 2 FSI-Chinese
  50. zhěntou 枕头 pillow HTL 2 FSI-Chinese