FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 02 BIO - Review Units 5-8.mp3.txt 6.3 KB

  1. Standard Chinese is a modular approach
  2. biographic information module units 5 through 8
  3. review tape 1
  4. This tape contains a review of units 5 through 8
  5. of the biographic information module
  6. All the target sentences from each of the units will be reviewed
  7. first for comprehension and then for production
  8. To begin, the Chinese sentences will be given
  9. and you put them into English
  10. Let's start
  11. Number 1
  12. 去年我还不会写中国字
  13. Last year, I couldn't write Chinese characters
  14. 现在我会写一点了
  15. Now I can write a little bit
  16. Number 2
  17. 我今天不来了
  18. I'm not coming today
  19. 我病了
  20. I'm sick
  21. Number 3
  22. 你是哪年生的?
  23. What year were you born?
  24. 我是1939年生的
  25. I was born in 1939
  26. Number 4
  27. 你来了多久了?
  28. How long have you been here?
  29. 我来了两个星期了
  30. I've been here for two weeks
  31. Number 5
  32. 你们男孩子都几岁了?
  33. How old are your boys?
  34. 一个九岁了
  35. 一个六岁了
  36. One is nine and one is six
  37. Number 6
  38. 你们星期几走?
  39. What day of the week are you leaving?
  40. 我们星期天走
  41. We're leaving on Sunday
  42. Number 7
  43. 你是在哪生的?
  44. Where were you born?
  45. 我是在德州生的
  46. I was born in Texas
  47. Number 8
  48. 你在哪里工作?
  49. Where do you work?
  50. 我是学生
  51. I'm a student
  52. Number 9
  53. 你父亲是军人吗?
  54. Is your father a military man?
  55. 是,他是海军军官
  56. Yes, he's a naval officer
  57. Number 10
  58. 你在大学念过历史吗?
  59. Did you study history in college?
  60. 念过
  61. Yes
  62. Number 11
  63. 李太太没来
  64. Mrs. Lee didn't come
  65. Number 12
  66. 你从前天英文变了多久?
  67. How long did you study English?
  68. 我念英文念了六年
  69. I studied English for six years
  70. Thirteen
  71. 你多大了?
  72. How old are you?
  73. 我35了
  74. I'm 35
  75. Number 14
  76. 你从前来过吗?
  77. Have you ever been here before?
  78. 我从前没来过
  79. I haven't been here before
  80. 我太太来过
  81. My wife's been here
  82. Number 15
  83. 你的中国话很好
  84. Your Chinese is very good
  85. 哪里哪里?我就会说一点
  86. Not at all, not at all
  87. I can only speak it a little
  88. Number 16
  89. 你念什么?
  90. What are you studying?
  91. 我学中文
  92. I'm studying Chinese
  93. Number 17
  94. 你来做什么?
  95. What did you come to do?
  96. 我来演书
  97. I came to study
  98. Number 18
  99. 你们会说中文吗?
  100. Can you speak Chinese?
  101. 我太太不会说
  102. 我会说一点
  103. My wife can't speak it
  104. I can speak it a little
  105. Number 19
  106. 你念法文念了多久了?
  107. How long have you been studying French?
  108. 我念了一年了
  109. I've been studying it for one year
  110. Number 20
  111. 你太太在香港住了多久?
  112. How long did your wife stay in Hong Kong?
  113. 她住了两天
  114. She stayed two days
  115. 21
  116. 你住多久?
  117. How long are you staying?
  118. 我住一年
  119. I'm staying one year
  120. 22
  121. 你太太在香港住多久?
  122. How long is your wife staying in Hong Kong?
  123. 我想她住两天
  124. I think she's staying two days
  125. 23
  126. 你今天还有课吗?
  127. Do you have any more classes today?
  128. 没有课了
  129. I don't have any more classes
  130. 24
  131. 你是在哪里学的中文?
  132. Where did you study Chinese?
  133. 我是在华盛顿学的
  134. I studied it in Washington
  135. 25
  136. 你想在台湾住多久?
  137. How long are you thinking of staying in Taiwan?
  138. 我想住六个月
  139. I'm thinking of staying six months
  140. 26
  141. 今天好了没有?
  142. Are you better today?
  143. 今天好了
  144. I'm alright today
  145. 27
  146. 您在哪里工作?
  147. Where do you work?
  148. 我在美国国务院工作
  149. I work with the State Department
  150. 28
  151. 你是几月几号生的?
  152. What is your month and date of birth?
  153. 我是7月4号生的
  154. I was born on July 4th
  155. Now let's review your production of the target list sentences.
  156. I'll give the English sentences
  157. and you put them into Chinese.
  158. Let's start.
  159. 1.
  160. Last year I couldn't write Chinese characters.
  161. 去年我还不会写中国字
  162. Now I can write a little bit.
  163. 现在我会写一点了
  164. 2.
  165. I'm not coming today.
  166. 我今天不来了
  167. I'm sick.
  168. 我病了
  169. 3.
  170. What year were you born?
  171. 你是哪年生的?
  172. I was born in 1939.
  173. 我是1939年生的
  174. 4.
  175. How long have you been here?
  176. 你来了多久了?
  177. I've been here two weeks.
  178. 我来了两个星期了
  179. 5.
  180. How old are your boys?
  181. 你们男孩子都几岁了?
  182. One is nine and one is six.
  183. 一个九岁了一个六岁了
  184. 6.
  185. What day of the week are you leaving?
  186. 你们星期几早
  187. We're leaving on Sunday.
  188. 我们星期天走
  189. 7.
  190. Where were you born?
  191. 你是在哪儿生的?
  192. I was born in Texas.
  193. 我是在德州生的
  194. 8.
  195. Where do you work?
  196. 你在哪里工作?
  197. I'm a student.
  198. 我是学生
  199. 9.
  200. Is your father a military man?
  201. 你父亲是军人吗?
  202. Yes, he's a naval officer.
  203. 是,他是海军军官
  204. 10.
  205. Did you study history in college?
  206. 你在大学念过历史吗?
  207. Yes.
  208. 念过
  209. 11.
  210. How long did your wife stay in Hong Kong?
  211. 你太子在香港住了多久?
  212. She stayed two days.
  213. 她住了两天
  214. 12.
  215. How long are you staying?
  216. 你住多久?
  217. I'm staying one year.
  218. 我住一年
  219. 13.
  220. How long is your wife staying in Hong Kong?
  221. 你太子在香港住多久?
  222. I think she's staying two days.
  223. 我想她住两天
  224. 14.
  225. Do you have any more classes today?
  226. 你今天还有课吗?
  227. I don't have any more classes.
  228. 没有课了
  229. 15.
  230. Where did you study Chinese?
  231. 你是在哪里学的中文?
  232. I studied it in Washington.
  233. 我是在华盛顿学的
  234. 16.
  235. How long are you thinking of staying in Taiwan?
  236. 你想在台湾住多久?
  237. I'm thinking of staying six months.
  238. 我想住六个月
  239. 17.
  240. Are you all better today?
  241. 今天好了没有?
  242. I'm all right today.
  243. 今天好了
  244. 18.
  245. Where do you work?
  246. 您在哪里工作?
  247. I work with the State Department.
  248. 我在美国国务院工作
  249. 19.
  250. What is your month of date of birth?
  251. 你是几月几号生的?
  252. I was born on July 4th.
  253. 我是7月4号生的
  254. 20.
  255. Mrs. Lee didn't come.
  256. 李太太没来
  257. 21.
  258. How long did you study English?
  259. 你从前念英文念了多久?
  260. I studied English for six years.
  261. 我念英文念了六年
  262. 22.
  263. How old are you?
  264. 你多大了?
  265. I'm 35.
  266. 我35了?
  267. 23.
  268. Have you ever been here before?
  269. 你从前来过吗?
  270. I haven't been here before.
  271. 我从前没来过.
  272. My wife's been here.
  273. 我太太来过.
  274. 24.
  275. Your Chinese is very good.
  276. 你的中国话很好.
  277. Not at all.
  278. I can only speak it a little.
  279. 哪里哪里?
  280. 我就会说一点.
  281. 25.
  282. What are you studying?
  283. 你念什么?
  284. I'm studying Chinese.
  285. 我学中文.
  286. 26.
  287. What did you come to do?
  288. 你来做什么?
  289. I came to study.
  290. 我来念书.
  291. 27.
  292. Can you speak Chinese?
  293. 你们会说中文吗?
  294. My wife can't speak it.
  295. I can speak it a little.
  296. 我太太不会说.
  297. 我会说一点.
  298. 28.
  299. How long have you been studying French?
  300. 你念法文念了多久了?
  301. I've been studying it for one year.
  302. 我念了一年了.
  303. This is the end of the tape.
  304. And a biographic information module,
  305. units 5 through 8,
  306. I'll give you tape 1.