FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 02 BIO - Unit 04 - Tape 4C-1.mp3.txt 16 KB

  1. 下载中国文化计划
  2. 文化计划 第四个计划
  3. 解释 第1个
  4. 这个计划是计划
  5. 在这个计划
  6. 你会懂得解释问题和答案
  7. 和解释
  8. 你会记得
  9. Mr. Martin的妻子
  10. 在计划中
  11. 有几个月后
  12. 这就是他曾经的谈谈
  13. 前面
  14. 听说
  15. Is your wife coming?
  16. 你爱人来吗?
  17. 你爱人来吗?
  18. She's coming.
  19. 哈莱
  20. 哈莱
  21. Here's the verb to come.
  22. Listen for the verb to come.
  23. And a live exchange.
  24. 你爱人来吗?
  25. 哈莱
  26. Again
  27. 你爱人来吗?
  28. 哈莱
  29. Check your comprehension.
  30. 你爱人来吗?
  31. Is your wife coming?
  32. 哈莱
  33. She's coming.
  34. In English, we may sometimes use a present tense to refer to a future happening.
  35. In the last exchange, for example,
  36. She's coming probably doesn't mean that Mrs. Martin is on her way right now.
  37. Mr. Martin might amplify by saying
  38. She's coming next month
  39. using a present tense verb form
  40. but specifying a future time.
  41. This is how Chinese always works.
  42. There are ways of specifying future time
  43. but there is nothing like a future tense.
  44. It's the same for specifying past time.
  45. In English, anything before the time of speaking must have a past tense verb.
  46. In Chinese, there is no such uniform rule.
  47. There are, however, several ways of indicating that an event took place before a certain time.
  48. Unless some other time is specifically mentioned,
  49. This time is assumed to be the time of speaking.
  50. For instance,
  51. Listen to the following exchange.
  52. Has your wife come?
  53. 你爱人来吗?
  54. 你爱人来吗?
  55. Yes, she's come.
  56. 她来了.
  57. 来了.她来了.
  58. Both of these sentences contain the expression Lila.
  59. The verb lie plus the neutral tone syllable l.
  60. We translate the expression Lila as has come.
  61. This translation suggests the two different things indicated by the added syllable l.
  62. First,
  63. The fact that the action has been completed.
  64. In other words,
  65. That Mrs. Martin came to Peking.
  66. And second,
  67. The fact that a new situation has come about.
  68. In other words,
  69. That she is in Peking now.
  70. Because there's the meaning that a new situation has come about,
  71. The sentence
  72. Lila
  73. Could also be translated.
  74. She's here.
  75. Later you will find that Chinese can indicate either of the two meanings separately.
  76. Either the completion of an action alone,
  77. Or the coming about of a new situation alone.
  78. Here's the exchange live.
  79. 你爱人来了吗?
  80. 来了,她来了.
  81. Again,
  82. 你爱人来了吗?
  83. 来了,她来了.
  84. Check your comprehension.
  85. 你爱人来了吗?
  86. As your wife come?
  87. 来了,她来了.
  88. Yes, she's come.
  89. Here's another live exchange.
  90. Listen.
  91. 你朋友也都来了吗?
  92. 他们也都来了.
  93. Notice the position of the adverbs 也 and 都 before the verb.
  94. Again.
  95. 你朋友也都来了吗?
  96. 他们也都来了.
  97. Check your comprehension.
  98. 你朋友也都来了吗?
  99. Have your friends all come too?
  100. 他们也都来了.
  101. They've all come too.
  102. Let's go back to the situation where Mr. Martin is alone in Peking and listen to him say that his wife has not come to China.
  103. Has your wife come too?
  104. 你爱人也来了吗?
  105. 你爱人也来了吗?
  106. She hasn't come yet.
  107. 她还没来.
  108. 她还没来.
  109. Compare this negative answer with the affirmative answer you heard earlier to the same question.
  110. There's more difference than you would expect.
  111. She has come.
  112. 她来了.
  113. She hasn't come yet.
  114. 她还没来.
  115. 她还没来.
  116. First, the negative of a completed action expression is indicated by putting the syllable may in front of the verb.
  117. May lie.
  118. Second, the fact that we are talking about the situation as of now is indicated by adding the adverb high.
  119. 她还没来.She hasn't come yet. You've had the adverb high translated as still. Here we translate it as yet.
  120. Both the English sentence, she hasn't come yet, and the Chinese sentence,她还没来.
  121. Suggest, of course, that she is coming sometime.
  122. If you knew she wasn't planning to come, you'd simply say,她还没来,她还没来,她还没来,她还没来.
  123. If you knew she wasn't planning to come, you'd simply say,她不来, she's not coming.
  124. Here's the exchange again, live.
  125. 你爱人也来了吗?
  126. 她还没来.
  127. Again.
  128. 你爱人也来了吗?
  129. 她还没来.
  130. Check your comprehension.
  131. 你爱人也来了吗?
  132. Has your wife come too?
  133. 她还没来.
  134. She hasn't come yet.
  135. You'll recognize the 没 in this exchange as the special negative that occurred in 没有 as in the sentence.
  136. We don't have any children.
  137. The syllable 没 in 没来 is actually an abbreviation of 没.
  138. Either 没 or 没 can be used for the negation of a completed action sentence.
  139. Listen for 没 in this live exchange.
  140. 她来了吗?
  141. 她还没来.
  142. Again.
  143. 她来了吗?
  144. 她还没来.
  145. As a review of verbs with and without the markers 没有 and 还没.
  146. See if you understand the following random sentences.
  147. 她来.
  148. He's coming.
  149. 她不来.
  150. He's not coming.
  151. 她来了.
  152. He's come.
  153. 她还没来.
  154. She hasn't come yet.
  155. 她不来.
  156. He isn't coming.
  157. 她还没有来.
  158. She hasn't come yet.
  159. 她来了.
  160. She's come.
  161. 她还没来.
  162. He hasn't come yet.
  163. The Chinese expression for when is 什么时候?
  164. Literally, what time?
  165. You already know the word for what? 什么?
  166. Listen to the word for time.
  167. 时候.
  168. Now listen to the expression, what time? That is, when? 什么时候?
  169. Here's the word for tomorrow. 明天.
  170. Listen for when? 什么时候?
  171. And tomorrow, 明天, in this exchange about Mrs. Martin.
  172. When is she coming? 她什么时候来?
  173. She's coming tomorrow. 她明天来.
  174. Here it is live. 她什么时候来?
  175. Again, 她什么时候来? 她明天来.
  176. Check your comprehension. 她什么时候来?
  177. When is she coming? 她明天来.
  178. She's coming tomorrow. Now listen as Mr. Martin is asked about a friend.
  179. When is your friend arriving? 女朋友什么时候到?
  180. He's already arrived. 他已经到了.
  181. Here's the verb for to arrive. 到.
  182. And here's the word for already. 已经.
  183. Here's the exchange live. 已经.
  184. 女朋友什么时候到? 她已经到了.
  185. Again, 女朋友什么时候到? 她已经到了.
  186. Check your comprehension. 女朋友什么时候到?
  187. When is your friend arriving? 她已经到了.
  188. He's already arrived. Now see if you can understand the following live exchange.
  189. 你爱人孩子已经来了吗? 我爱人已经来了。我孩子还没来。
  190. Again, 你爱人孩子已经来了吗? 我爱人已经来了。
  191. 我孩子还没来。Check your comprehension. 你爱人孩子已经来了吗?
  192. Have your wife and children come already? 我爱人已经来了。
  193. My wife has come already. 我孩子还没来。
  194. My children haven't come yet. 我孩子还没来。
  195. As a review of what we've covered so far, make sure you understand the following sentences. 一切是一切是一切。
  196. 她什么时候来? 她什么时候来?
  197. When is she coming? 她已经到了。
  198. He has arrived already. 他什么时候到?
  199. When is she arriving? 她还没到。
  200. He hasn't arrived yet. 他明天来吗?
  201. Is she coming tomorrow? 他已经来了吗?
  202. Has she come already? 他不来。她不来。
  203. She isn't coming. 她不来。
  204. You may want to rewind the tape and go over this last exercise again. 你 may want to rewind the tape and go over this last exercise again.
  205. So far,you haven't had any sentences concerned with when completed actions took place. These sentences don't use the markers啦 and may. The markers啦 and may are used to specify whether or not an action was completed.
  206. 就是,他們是用的 when the center of interest of a sentence is the verb
  207. but when the action is in the past
  208. and the center of interest is on something other than the verb
  209. on the time the action took place for example
  210. a completely different construction is used
  211. Let's say that Mrs. Martin arrived yesterday
  212. Here's the word supre yesterday
  213. 做的天
  214. Listen to this exchange about when Mrs. Martin arrived
  215. When did she arrive?
  216. 她是什么时候到的?
  217. 她是什么时候到的?
  218. She arrived yesterday
  219. 她是昨天到的
  220. There are two unexpected elements in these sentences
  221. The first unexpected element is the verb sure
  222. which appears before the time expressions
  223. 什么时候,when,and昨天
  224. Yesterday,notice that the verb sure is in the neutral tone
  225. Listen,when did she arrive?
  226. 她是什么时候到的?
  227. She arrived yesterday
  228. 她是昨天到的
  229. Here,the word sure is really a marker
  230. which identifies the phrase that follows it as the center of interest
  231. The second unexpected element is the final syllable the
  232. added to the verb到 to arrive
  233. Listen for 到的 in the exchange
  234. When did she arrive?
  235. 她是什么时候到的?
  236. She arrived yesterday
  237. 她是昨天到的
  238. You can think of the marker 到的 as substituting for the marker 到的
  239. when the action is in the past and the center of interest is shifted away from the verb
  240. Now here's the exchange live
  241. 她是什么时候到的?
  242. 她是昨天到的
  243. Again
  244. 她是什么时候到的?
  245. 她是昨天到的
  246. Check your comprehension
  247. 她是什么时候到的?
  248. When did she arrive?
  249. 她是昨天到的
  250. She arrived yesterday
  251. Let's compare a sentence about when an action is going to take place
  252. with a sentence about when a completed action took place
  253. Notice the addition of the markers 时 and 得 in the past time sentence
  254. She's coming tomorrow
  255. 她明天来
  256. She came yesterday
  257. 她是昨天来的
  258. Now let's compare a sentence centering on the completion of the past action
  259. with a sentence centering on when a past action was completed
  260. Notice the use of 得 when the verb is the center of interest
  261. and the use of 时 and 得 when the time expression is the center of interest
  262. She has come
  263. 她来了
  264. She came yesterday
  265. 她是昨天来的
  266. Listen to the following live conversation
  267. 你是什么时候到的?
  268. 我是昨天到的
  269. 你爱人也来了吗?
  270. 她还没来
  271. 她什么时候来?
  272. 她明天来
  273. Again
  274. 你是什么时候到的?
  275. 我是昨天到的
  276. 你爱人也来了吗?
  277. 她还没来
  278. 她什么时候来?
  279. 她明天来
  280. Check your comprehension
  281. 你是什么时候到的?
  282. When did you arrive?
  283. 我是昨天到的
  284. I arrived yesterday
  285. 你爱人也来了吗?
  286. As your wife come too?
  287. 她还没来
  288. She hasn't come yet
  289. 她什么时候来?
  290. When is she coming?
  291. 她明天来
  292. She's coming tomorrow
  293. So far all of our examples of the construction with 时 and 得
  294. have involved time expressions
  295. But this device may be used to shift the center of interest from the verb
  296. to another part of the sentence
  297. Take the following exchange
  298. Did you come alone?
  299. 你是一个人来的吗?
  300. No, I didn't come alone
  301. 不是
  302. 我不是一个人来的
  303. 不是
  304. 我不是一个人来的
  305. You probably recognized 一个人
  306. as the expression one person
  307. Here it's being used to describe how Mr. Martin came to China
  308. that is alone or not alone
  309. The fact that he did come is assumed
  310. Notice that in a 时 得 sentence
  311. the negative goes with the marker 时
  312. not with the main verb
  313. The short answer to a question with 时 得
  314. is also formed with the marker 时
  315. rather than with the main verb
  316. Listen to the exchange lie
  317. 你是一个人来的吗?
  318. 不是
  319. 我不是一个人来的
  320. Again
  321. 你是一个人来的吗?
  322. 不是
  323. 我不是一个人来的
  324. Check your comprehension
  325. 你是一个人来的吗?
  326. Did you come alone?
  327. 不是
  328. 我不是一个人来的
  329. No, I didn't come alone
  330. The conversation might continue as follows
  331. Live
  332. 你爱人孩子也都来了吗?
  333. 他们也都来了
  334. Again
  335. 你爱人孩子也都来了吗?
  336. 他们也都来了
  337. Mr. Martin
  338. talking to a certain comment Lin
  339. finds out that she's just been transferred to Chengdu
  340. here's the verb to leave 走
  341. and here's the word for today 走
  342. and here's the word for today 走
  343. 今天
  344. 今天
  345. 今天
  346. Listen to the exchange 今天
  347. Listen to the exchange
  348. when are you leaving 你什么时候走
  349. 你什么时候走
  350. 你什么时候走
  351. I'm leaving today 我今天走
  352. 我今天走
  353. Here it is live 你什么时候走
  354. 我今天走
  355. Again
  356. 你什么时候走
  357. 我今天走
  358. Check your comprehension
  359. 你什么时候走
  360. When are you leaving?
  361. 我今天走
  362. I'm leaving today
  363. Now listen as Mr. Martin asks his question a little differently
  364. What day are you leaving? 你哪天走
  365. I'm leaving today 我今天走
  366. Here's the word for what day?
  367. Literally which day? 哪天
  368. 哪天
  369. The word for day is 天
  370. The bound word 哪
  371. which combines with the word 天
  372. to form a compound question word 哪天
  373. Just like the compound question word 哪国
  374. which country?
  375. In this compound and in the words 今天
  376. 明天
  377. and 昨天
  378. the bound word 天 day loses its tone
  379. Notice that the word 哪天
  380. like the other time expressions you've had
  381. goes before the verb
  382. Here's the exchange live 你哪天走
  383. 我今天走
  384. Again 你哪天走
  385. 我今天走
  386. Now listen to the following live exchange 你们走吗?
  387. 走 我们走
  388. 你们哪天走? 我明天走
  389. 我爱人已经走了
  390. 她是什么时候走的? 她是昨天走的
  391. Again 你们走吗? 走 我们走
  392. 你们哪天走? 我明天走
  393. 我爱人已经走了
  394. 她是什么时候走的? 她是昨天走的
  395. Check your comprehension 你们走吗?
  396. Are you leaving? 走 我们走
  397. Yes, we're leaving 你们哪天走?
  398. What day are you leaving? 我明天走
  399. I'm leaving tomorrow 我爱人已经走了
  400. My wife has left already 她是什么时候走的?
  401. When did she leave? 她是昨天走的
  402. She left yesterday 她昨天走的
  403. Now here's a live conversation, revealing what you've covered on this tape
  404. Mr. Bauer has just arrived in Peking, and his predecessor Mr. Flynn is about to leave
  405. Listen, Bauer 先生来了吗?
  406. He's already here 他已经来了
  407. When did he arrive? 他是哪天到的?
  408. He arrived yesterday 他是昨天到的
  409. Is Mrs. Bauer here, too? 他还没来
  410. Mr. Bauer came alone 鲍尔先生是一个人来的
  411. Mr. Bauer and the kids are still in the U.S. 鲍尔夫人跟孩子都还在美国
  412. Are they coming? 他们来吗?
  413. Come, they're coming 来,他们来
  414. Where is Mr. Bauer now? 鲍尔先生现在住在哪儿?
  415. He lives in Mr. Flynn's house 他住在菲林先生家
  416. Mr. Flynn hasn't left yet? 他还没走
  417. Mr. Flynn, Mr. Flynn 我们到交资区,唯一的工作人员
  418. Mr. Flynn, Mr. Flynn 我们到交资区,征 종程
  419. Mr. Bauer, Mr. President How do you like Mr. Flynn paid 这个人还 магаз
  420. Mr. Flynn 你 bias行了吗?
  421. Mr. Flynn 你憂恨结果对你压 пih
  422. Mr. Flynn 我给予你 iterations 他颅度不高
  423. Mr. Finn 他就已经在家里 我给予你
  424. Mr. Flynn 我给予你
  425. Mr. Flynn 和他踏上的话
  426. Mr. Flynn 对我认识的
  427. Mr. Flynn 你别想。
  428. Mr. Flynn 好 hurt
  429. Mr. Flynn... 别 anger
  430. Mr. Flynn 我更加害怕
  431. Mr. Flynn
  432. Mr. Flynn stages an absoluteimission for Mr. Flynn
  433. 他住在菲林先生家
  434. 菲林先生还没走吗?
  435. 还没走
  436. 他什么时候走?
  437. 他明天走
  438. check your comprehension
  439. 鲍尔先生来了吗?
  440. has Mr. Bauer come yet?
  441. 他已经来了
  442. he's already come
  443. 他是哪天到的?
  444. what day did he arrive?
  445. 他是昨天到的
  446. you arrived yesterday
  447. 鲍尔夫人也来了吗?
  448. has Mrs. Bauer come too?
  449. 他还没来
  450. 鲍尔先生是一个人来的
  451. she hasn't come yet
  452. Mr. Bauer came alone
  453. 鲍尔夫人跟孩子都还在美国
  454. she hasn't come
  455. Mr. Bauer and the children are still in the United States
  456. 他们来吗?
  457. are they coming?
  458. 来他们来
  459. yes they're coming
  460. 鲍尔先生现在住在哪?
  461. where is Mr. Bauer staying now?
  462. 他住在菲林先生家
  463. he's staying at Mr. Flynn's house
  464. 菲林先生还没走吗?
  465. hasn't Mr. Flynn left yet?
  466. 他还没走
  467. he hasn't left yet
  468. 他什么时候走?
  469. when is he leaving?
  470. 他明天走
  471. he's leaving tomorrow
  472. as a final review
  473. see if you can translate the following random sentences from the target list
  474. let's start
  475. number one
  476. 他明天来吗?
  477. is he coming tomorrow?
  478. number two
  479. 我今天走
  480. I'm leaving today
  481. number three
  482. 你朋友来了吗?
  483. has your friend come?
  484. number four
  485. 他是什么时候到的?
  486. when did he arrive?
  487. number five
  488. 他已经来了
  489. he's already come
  490. number six
  491. 他是昨天到的
  492. she arrived yesterday
  493. number seven
  494. 你哪天走?
  495. 你哪天走?
  496. what day are you leaving?
  497. number eight
  498. 他还没到
  499. he hasn't arrived yet
  500. number nine
  501. 你是一个人来的吗?
  502. did you come alone?
  503. 不是
  504. 我不是一个人来的
  505. no, I didn't come alone
  506. no, I didn't come alone
  507. if you think you're ready
  508. go on to the P1 tape
  509. this is the end of the tape
  510. and a biographic information module unit four
  511. comprehension tape one