FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 04 DIR - Review Units 1-3.mp3.txt 9.8 KB

  1. Standard Chinese, a modular approach, directions module units one through three, review tape one.
  2. This tape contains a review of units one through three in the directions module.
  3. All of the target sentences from each of the units will be reviewed, first for comprehension and then for production.
  4. To begin, the Chinese sentences will be given and you put them into English. Let's start.
  5. Number one.
  6. 老家,新华书店离点远吗?
  7. Excuse me. Is the new China bookstore far from here?
  8. 不远,很近.
  9. Not far, very close.
  10. 怎么去?走得去可以吗?
  11. How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking?
  12. 走得去可以。
  13. It's possible to get there by walking.
  14. 走多远?
  15. How far do I go?
  16. 走不远,路东的第一个大楼就是新华书店。
  17. Go a short distance and the first building on the east side of the road is the new China bookstore.
  18. Number two.
  19. 去看电影以前,我先去看一个朋友。
  20. Before I go to see the movie, I'm first going to visit a friend.
  21. Number three.
  22. 你知道不知道华美咖啡厅?
  23. Do you know of the huamei coffee house?
  24. 不知道.
  25. No, I don't.
  26. Number four.
  27. 从这里到银行去,我先往右走,对不对?
  28. To get from here to the bank, I first go to the right. Is that correct?
  29. 不是,从这里一直走。
  30. No, from here you go straight.
  31. 然后到了路口,再往左走,对不对?
  32. After that, when I reach the intersection, then I go to the left. Is that correct?
  33. 对了。
  34. That's correct.
  35. Number five.
  36. 你知道东丹定院是不是在这附近?
  37. Do you know whether the Dong Dan movie theater is in this area?
  38. 是。Yes.
  39. Number six.
  40. 到新华书店去,怎么走?
  41. How do I get to the new China bookstore?
  42. 从大门出去,朝北寡,就是王附近大街。
  43. You go out from the entrance, turn to the north, and that's Wang Fujin Boulevard.
  44. Number seven.
  45. 老家,那个大楼是新华书店吗?
  46. Excuse me, is that building the new China bookstore?
  47. 是。Yes.
  48. Number eight.
  49. 从这儿到东丹定院去,怎么走?
  50. How do I get from here to the Dong Dan movie theater?
  51. 出了这个饭店,往东走。
  52. When you've gone out of the hotel, walk to the east.
  53. 到了第二个路口,北边是东丹菜市场。
  54. When you've reached the second intersection, on the north side of the street is the Dong Dan market.
  55. 这是东丹公园。
  56. On the south side of the street is the Dong Dan park.
  57. 定院就在东丹菜市场的西边。
  58. The movie theater is just on the west side of the Dong Dan market.
  59. Number nine.
  60. 饭店里边有没有卖糖的?
  61. Is there a place to buy candy in the hotel?
  62. 有,有一个小卖部。
  63. Yes, there's a variety shop.
  64. 在那边。
  65. It's over there.
  66. Number ten.
  67. 你出去啊。
  68. Oh, you're going out.
  69. 我想出去买几本书。
  70. I thought I'd go out to buy a few books.
  71. Number eleven.
  72. 到新华书店去,怎么走?
  73. How do I get to the new China bookstore?
  74. 从大门出去,朝北拐,就是王附近大街。
  75. You go out from the entrance, turn to the north, and that's Wang Fujin Boulevard.
  76. Number twelve.
  77. 饭店里边有没有卖糖的?
  78. Is there a place to buy candy in the hotel?
  79. 有,有一个小卖部。
  80. Yes, there's a variety shop.
  81. 在那边。
  82. It's over there.
  83. Number thirteen.
  84. 你出去啊。
  85. Oh, you're going out.
  86. 我想出去买几本书。
  87. I thought I'd go out to buy a few books.
  88. Number fourteen.
  89. 从这儿,到东班町院去,怎么走?
  90. How do I get from here to the Dongdao movie theater?
  91. 出了这个饭店,往东走。
  92. When you've gone out of the hotel, walk to the east.
  93. 到了第二个路口,北边是东丹菜市场。
  94. When you've reached the second intersection, on the north side is the Dongdan market.
  95. 南边是东丹公园。
  96. The south side is the Dongdan park.
  97. 电影院就在东丹菜市场的西边。
  98. The movie theater is just on the west side of the Dongdan market.
  99. Number fifteen.
  100. 老家,那个大楼是新华书店吗?
  101. Excuse me.
  102. Are you visiting the new China bookstore?
  103. 是。Yes.
  104. Sixteen.
  105. 去看电影以前,我先去看一个朋友。
  106. Before I go to see the movie, I am first going to visit a friend.
  107. Number seventeen.
  108. 你知道东丹电影院是不是在这附近?
  109. Do you know whether the Dongdan movie theater is in this area?
  110. 是。Yes.
  111. Number eighteen.
  112. 你知道不知道华美咖啡厅?
  113. Do you know of the huamei coffee house?
  114. 不知道。
  115. No, I don't.
  116. Number nineteen.
  117. 到咖啡厅去怎么走?
  118. How do I get to the coffee house?
  119. 从这里往左走,到了路口再往右走,就到了。
  120. From here you go to the left.
  121. When you reach the intersection, then you go to the right, and then you are there.
  122. Number twenty.
  123. 从这里到银行去,我先往右走,对不对?
  124. To get from here to the bank, I first go to the right.
  125. Is that correct?
  126. 不是,从这里一直走。
  127. No, from here you go straight.
  128. 然后,到了路口,再往左走,对不对?
  129. After that, when I reach the intersection, then I go to the left, is that correct?
  130. 对了。
  131. That's correct.
  132. Number twenty-one.
  133. 老家,新华书店离点远吗?
  134. Excuse me, is the new china bookstore far from here?
  135. 不远,很近。
  136. Not far, very close.
  137. 怎么去,走着去可以吗?
  138. How do I go?
  139. Is it possible to get there by walking?
  140. 走多远?
  141. How far do I go?
  142. 走不远,路东的第一个大楼就是新华书店。
  143. Go a short distance, and the first building on the east side of the road is the new china bookstore.
  144. Number twenty-two.
  145. 到咖啡厅去,怎么走?
  146. How do I get to the coffee house?
  147. 从这里往左走,到了路口再往右走,就到了。
  148. From here you go to the left.
  149. When you reach the intersection, then you go to the right, and then you're there.
  150. Now let's review your production of the target list sentences.
  151. I'll give the English sentences, and you put them into Chinese.
  152. Let's start.
  153. Number one.
  154. Excuse me, is the new china bookstore far from here?
  155. 老家,新华书店离点远吗?
  156. Not far, very close.不远,很近。
  157. How do I go?
  158. Is it possible to get there by walking?怎么去?走得去可以吗?
  159. It's possible to get there by walking.走得去可以。
  160. Number two.
  161. Before I go to see the movie, I'm first going to visit a friend.去看电影以前,我先去看一个朋友。
  162. Number three.
  163. To get from here to the bank, I first go to the right, is that correct?
  164. 从这里到银行去,我先往右走,对不对?
  165. No, from here you go straight.不是,从这里一直走。
  166. After that, when I've reached the intersection, then I go to the right, is that correct?
  167. 然后到了路口,再往右走,对不对?
  168. That's correct.对了。
  169. Good, I got it now, thank you.好,我知道了,谢谢。
  170. Number four.
  171. How do I get to the coffee house?
  172. 到咖啡厅去怎么走?
  173. Number five.
  174. Do you know whether the Dong Dan movie theater is in this area?
  175. 你知道东丹电影院是不是在这附近?
  176. 是。
  177. Number six.
  178. Oh, you're going out.你出去啊。
  179. I thought I'd go out to buy a few books.我想出去买几本书。
  180. Number seven.
  181. How do I get to the new China bookstore?
  182. 到新华书店去怎么走?
  183. You go off from the entrance, turn to the north, and that's Wang Fujing Boulevard.
  184. 从大门出去,潮北寡,就是王附近大街。
  185. Number eight.
  186. How do I get from here to the Dong Dan movie theater?
  187. 从这儿到东丹电影院去怎么走?
  188. When you've gone out of the hotel, walk to the east.出了这个饭店,往东走。
  189. When you've reached the second intersection, on the north side is the Dong Dan market.到了第二个路口,北边是东丹菜市场。
  190. On the south side is the Dong Dan park.南边是东丹公园。
  191. The movie theater is just on the west side of the Dong Dan market.电影院就在东丹菜市场的西边。
  192. Number nine. Do you know of the Huamei coffee house?你知道不知道,华美咖啡厅?
  193. No, I don't.不知道.
  194. Number ten. Is there a place to buy candy in the hotel?
  195. 饭店里边有没有卖糖的?
  196. Yes, there's a variety shop.有,有一个小卖户。
  197. It's over there.在那边。
  198. Number eleven. Excuse me, is that building the new China bookstore?老家,那个大楼是新华书店吗?
  199. Yes,是。
  200. Number twelve. Excuse me, is the new China bookstore far from here?
  201. 老家,新华书店离这儿远吗?
  202. Not far, very close.不远,很近。
  203. How do I go? Is it possible to get there by walking?怎么去?
  204. 怎么去?走着去可以吗?
  205. It's possible to get there by walking.走着去可以。
  206. Number thirteen. Before I go to see the movie, I'm first going to visit a friend.
  207. Number fourteen. Excuse me, is that building the new China bookstore?老家,那个大楼是新华书店吗?
  208. Yes.是。
  209. Number fifteen. Do you know the huamei coffee house?你知道不知道华美咖啡厅?
  210. No, I don't.不知道。
  211. Number sixteen. How do I get to the new China bookstore?
  212. 到新华书店去,怎么走?
  213. You go up from the entrance, turn to the north, and that's Wang Fujin Boulevard.
  214. Number seventeen. Is there a place to buy candy in the hotel?
  215. Yes, there's a variety shop.有,有一个小卖部。It's over there.在那边。
  216. Number eighteen. How do I get from here to the Dongdan movie theater?
  217. 从这儿到东丹电影院去,怎么走?
  218. When you've gone out of the hotel, walk to the east.出了这个饭店,往东走。
  219. When you've reached the second intersection, on the north side is the Dongdan market.到了第二个路口,北边是东丹菜市场。
  220. On the south side is the Dongdan park.南边是东丹公园.
  221. The movie theater is just on the west side of the Dongdan market.电影院就在东丹菜市场的西边。
  222. Number nineteen. How do I get to the coffee house?
  223. 到咖啡厅去,怎么走?
  224. Number twenty. Do you know whether the Dongdan movie theater is in this area?你知道东丹电影院是不是在这儿附近?
  225. Yes.是。
  226. Number twenty-one. Oh, you're going out.你出去啊, I thought I'd go out to buy a few books.我想出去买几本书。
  227. Number twenty-two. To get from here to the bank, I first go to the right, is that correct?
  228. 从这里到银行去,我先往右走,对不对?
  229. No, from here you go straight.不是,从这里一直走。
  230. After that, when I've reached the intersection, then I go to the right, is that correct?然后到了路口,再往右走,对不对?
  231. That's correct.对了。
  232. Good, I've got it now, thank you.
  233. 好,我知道了,谢谢。