FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 04 DIR - Unit 01 - Tape 1C-1.mp3.json 120 KB

  1. {"text": "Sandra Chinese, A Modular Approach, Directions Module Unit 1, Comprehension Tape 1.This unit is set in the ROC. On this tape, you'll learn to understand questions and answers used in giving or confirming step-by-step directions to or from places.For this tape, you'll need to consult the map sheet opposite the reference list in your workbook.Clara Matthews, an American student in Taipei, is out for a walk, and has just met Guo Xiaofeng, a friend of hers.Listen as Miss Guo starts the conversation.Where are you going?\u4f60\u5230\u54ea\u88e1\u53bb?I'm going to a coffee house.\u6211\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5ef3\u53bb.Here's the verb for to go when a destination is specified.\u53bb.\u53bb.When the destination isn't given, the English verb to go may also be translated by the verb \u8d70, literally to leave.And here's the word for a coffee house.\u5496\u5561\u5ef3.In the sentence \u6211\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5ef3\u53bb.I'm going to a coffee house.The destination is specified by a prepositional verb construction using the verb \u5230, as a full verb \u5230 means to arrive.As a prepositional verb, it corresponds to the English preposition too.Here's the exchange live.\u4f60\u5230\u54ea\u88e1\u53bb?\u6211\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5ef3\u53bb.Again.\u4f60\u5230\u54ea\u88e1\u53bb?\u6211\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5ef3\u53bb.Check your comprehension.\u4f60\u5230\u54ea\u88e1\u53bb?Where are you going?\u6211\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5ef3\u53bb.I'm going to a coffee house.The conversation continues live.\u4f60\u8981\u4e0d\u8981\u53bb?\u597d,\u6211\u4e5f\u53bb.Again.\u4f60\u8981\u4e0d\u8981\u53bb?\u597d,\u6211\u4e5f\u53bb.Check your comprehension.\u4f60\u8981\u4e0d\u8981\u53bb?Do you want to go?\u597d,\u6211\u4e5f\u53bb.Okay, I'll go too.Mr. Matthews knows which coffee house she wants to go to, but doesn't remember how to get there.Listen as the conversation continues.Do you know of the huamei coffee house?\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053 huamei cafe ting?No, I don't.\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053.\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053.Here's the verb to know or to know of.\u77e5\u9053.In the affirmative, this verb ends in a neutral tone, while in the negative, it ends in a falling tone.Here are the two forms compared.\u77e5\u9053.\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053.\u77e5\u9053.\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053.Here's the name of the coffee house Mrs. Matthews is looking for. huamei cafe ting. huamei cafe ting.The word hua is one of the abbreviations for china, and the syllable mei is of course short for mei guo america.Here's the exchange life.\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053 huamei cafe ting?\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053.Again.\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053 huamei cafe ting?\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053.Check your comprehension.\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053 huamei cafe ting?Do you know of the huamei coffee house?\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053.No, I don't.Now Mrs. Guo and Mrs. Matthews go into a shop to ask the clerk if he knows of the huamei coffee house.When he said he does, the conversation continues like this.How do I go there?\u5230\u90a3\u91cc\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?Here's the verb for to walk or to go.\u8d70.\u8d70.You had the word \u8d70 earlier with the meaning to leave.The sentence \u5230\u90a3\u91cc\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70 might be translated to get there.How do I go?The verb \u53bb to go focuses on where you end up.The verb \u8d70 which is translated to go focuses on the route you use to get there.Here's the question live.\u5230\u90a3\u91cc\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?Again.\u5230\u90a3\u91cc\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?Check your comprehension.\u5230\u90a3\u91cc\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?How do I go there?Look at display one on your map sheet and listen as the clerk answers.From here you go to the left.\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70.Here's the word for from \u4ece.\u4ece.Unlike the other prepositional verbs you've had, the word \u4ece has no full verb equivalent.Here's how you say to in the sense of toward or in the direction of.\u5f80.\u5f80.And here's how you say left.\u5de6.\u5de6.Here's the exchange live.\u5230\u90a3\u91cc\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70.Again.\u5230\u90a3\u91cc\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70.Check your comprehension.\u5230\u90a3\u91cc\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?How do I go there?\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70.From here you go to the left.Now listen as the clerk continues.When you've reached the intersection, then you go to the right.\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70.\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70.Here's the word for intersection.\u8def\u53e3.\u8def\u53e3.And here's the word for right.\u53f3.\u53f3.The adverb thigh is used for the English word then in commands and suggestions.It usually indicates the second step in a suggested sequence of actions,as in first you go to the left,and then when you've reached the intersection you go right.Here's the word for then in commands and suggestions. thigh. thigh.The marker \u8def in the clause.\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3 is a marker of completed actions.The arriving is described as completed as of the time you go to the right.Listen to the sentence live.\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70.Again.\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70.Check your comprehension.\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70.Reach the intersection then you go right.Now listen to the last sentence again with something new added to it.When you reach the intersection then you go to the right,and then you're there.\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u5c31\u5230\u4e86.\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u5c31\u5230\u4e86.Here's the word for then in this sentence.\u5c31.\u5c31.The adverb \u5c31 is used for the English word then in statements.It precedes the last of a list of events that follow each other immediately in time.In this sentence we've translated the phrase \u5c31\u5230\u4e86 rather loosely asand then you're there.A more exact translation would beand then you will have arrived.The completed action marker \u8def like the English words will haveindicates that the action of arriving is completed with respect to some future point in time.Here's the sentence live.\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u5c31\u5230\u4e86.Again.\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u5c31\u5230\u4e86.Check your comprehension.\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u5c31\u5230\u4e86.When you've reached the intersection, then you go to the right, and then you're there.Here's how Miss Matthews might ask for some further directions, live.\u4ece\u5496\u5561\u5385\u5230\u53f0\u6e7e\u94f6\u884c\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?\u4ece\u5496\u5561\u5385\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3\u5c31\u662f\u53f0\u6e7e\u94f6\u884c.Again.\u4ece\u5496\u5561\u5385\u5230\u53f0\u6e7e\u94f6\u884c\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?\u4ece\u5496\u5561\u5385\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3\u5c31\u662f\u53f0\u6e7e\u94f6\u884c.Check your comprehension.\u4ece\u5496\u5561\u5385\u5230\u53f0\u6e7e\u94f6\u884c\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?How do I go from the coffee house to the bank of Taiwan?\u4ece\u5496\u5561\u5385\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3\u5c31\u662f\u53f0\u6e7e\u94f6\u884c.From the coffee house, you go right.When you've reached the third intersection, then that's the bank of Taiwan.Now let's go back and listen as Miss Guo checks to make sure she remembers the directions to the coffee house.First I go to the left, is that correct?\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?That's correct.\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002Here's the word for first.\u5148\u3002\u5148\u3002And here's the word for right or correct.\u5bf9\u3002\u5bf9\u3002And here's the expression, that's correct.\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002The addition of the phrase \u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9 to the end of a statement turns it into a confirmation question.This kind of question is used when you expect your listener to agree with what you say,but you're checking with him to make sure he does.Listen to the exchange live.\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002Again.\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002Check your comprehension.\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?First I go to the left, is that correct?\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002That's correct.The conversation continues.And after that?\u7136\u540e\u5462?\u7136\u540e\u5462?After that, when you've reached the intersection, then you go to the right.\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002Good. I've got it now. Thank you.\u597d,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002\u8c22\u8c22\u3002I've got it now. Thank you.Here's how you say after that or afterwards.\u7136\u540e\u7136\u540e\u3002In this conversation, the sentence \u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86 means I know how to go now.Here's the exchange live.\u7136\u540e\u5462?\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002\u597d,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002\u8c22\u8c22\u3002Again.\u7136\u540e\u5462?\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002\u597d,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002\u8c22\u8c22\u3002Check your comprehension.\u7136\u540e\u5462?And after that?\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002After that, when you've reached the intersection, then you go to the right.\u597d,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002\u8c22\u8c22\u3002Good. I've got it now. Thank you.Now let's change the situation.Look at display two on your map sheet.Claire Matthews has just walked up to an intersection with her Chinese tutor Mr. Yangand is checking which way to go.May I ask, to get from here to the bank, you go right, is that correct?\u8bf7\u95ee\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5230\u94f6\u884c\u53bb,\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?No, from here you go straight.\u4e0d\u662f,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70\u3002Here's the word for straight.\u4e00\u76f4,\u4e00\u76f4\u3002Notice that the question was answered with the phrase \u4e0d\u662f,even though it was asked with the word \u5bf9\u3002The expression \u4e0d\u5bf9 is as rude in Chinese as saying you're wrong would be in English.Listen to the exchange live.\u8bf7\u95ee\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5230\u94f6\u884c\u53bb,\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u4e0d\u662f,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70\u3002Again.\u8bf7\u95ee\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5230\u94f6\u884c\u53bb,\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u4e0d\u662f,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70\u3002Check your comprehension.\u8bf7\u95ee\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5230\u94f6\u884c\u53bb,\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?May I ask, to get from here to the bank, you go right, is that correct?\u4e0d\u662f,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70\u3002No, from here you go straight.Now look at display 3 on your map sheet.This conversation will give you more practice in checking up on directions.This Mr. Cook talks to his tutor, Mrs. Mao, live.\u6211\u8981\u5230\u753b\u9762\u5496\u5561\u5385\u53bb,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u53f3\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u4e0d\u662f,\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002\u597d,\u8c22\u8c22,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002Again.Check your comprehension.\u6211\u8981\u5230\u753b\u9762\u5496\u5561\u5385\u53bb,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u53f3\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?\u4e0d\u662f,\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002\u597d,\u8c22\u8c22,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002Check your comprehension.\u6211\u8981\u5230\u753b\u9762\u5496\u5561\u5385\u53bb,I want to go to the \u753b\u9762\u5496\u5561\u5385\u3002\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u53f3\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?From here I go straight to the right, is that correct?\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002That's correct.\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?After that, when you've reached the third intersection, then you go to the left, is that correct?\u4e0d\u662f,\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002No, when you've reached the third intersection, then you go to the right.\u597d,\u8c22\u8c22,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002Alright, thank you, I've got it now.Now here's a conversation reviewing all the material introduced on this tape.The speakers in this conversation are talking about their little sister, Meilan,who is a student at Taiwan University.Look at the display floor on your map sheet and listen to the conversation live. Where did Meilan go?\u6211\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053\u3002\u59d0\u59d0,\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u5417?Meilan went to the \u753b\u9762\u5496\u5561\u5385\u53bb\u4e86,\u6211\u4e5f\u8981\u53bb\u3002How did she go there?\u6211\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053\u3002\u6211\u77e5\u9053,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5148\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70,\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u56db\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70\u3002\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70\u5c31\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5385\u4e86\u3002\u597d,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002Again.Where did Meilan go?\u6211\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053\u3002\u59d0\u59d0,\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u5417?Meilan went to \u753b\u9762\u5496\u5561\u5385\u53bb\u4e86,\u6211\u4e5f\u8981\u53bb\u3002How did she go there?\u6211\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053\u3002\u6211\u77e5\u9053,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5148\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70,\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u56db\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u56db\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70\u3002\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70\u5c31\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5385\u4e86\u3002\u597d,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002See if you understood what was said. Where did Meilan go?Where has Meilan gone?\u6211\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053\u3002I don't know.\u59d0\u59d0,\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u5417?Big sister, do you know?Meilan\u5230\u534e\u7f8e\u5496\u5561\u5385\u53bb\u4e86\u3002Meilan went to the \u534e\u7f8e\u5496\u5561\u5385\u3002\u6211\u4e5f\u8981\u53bb\u3002I want to go there too.\u5230\u90a3\u91cc\u53bb\u54b1\u4eec\u8d70\u3002How do I go there?\u6211\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053\u3002I don't know.\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u3002I know.\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5148\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002From here, you first go to the right.\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u56db\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70\u3002After that, when you've reached the fourth intersection, then you go to the left.\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70\u5c31\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5385\u4e86\u3002And then you're at the coffee house.\u597d,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002Okay, I've got it now.As a final review, see if you can translate the following exchanges from the target list.One.\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5230\u94f6\u884c\u53bb,\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?To get from here to the bank, I first go to the right, is that correct?\u4e0d\u662f,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70\u3002No, from here you go straight.\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?After that, when I've reached the intersection, then I go to the left.Is that correct?\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002That's correct.\u597d,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86,\u8c22\u8c22\u3002Good, I've got it now. Thank you.Number two.\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5385\u53bb,\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?How do I get to the coffee house?Number three.\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053\u534e\u7f8e\u5496\u5561\u5385?I don't know.\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053?No, I don't.If you think you're ready, go on to the P1 tape.This is the end of the tape.Directions Module Unit 1, Comprehension Tape 1.", "segments": [{"id": 0, "seek": 0, "start": 0.0, "end": 6.0, "text": "Sandra Chinese, A Modular Approach, Directions Module Unit 1, Comprehension Tape 1.", "tokens": [50, 18401, 4649, 11, 316, 6583, 1040, 29551, 608, 11, 5822, 3916, 48251, 27894, 502, 11, 2432, 40128, 3378, 6551, 494, 502, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2149141358166206, "compression_ratio": 1.5597269624573378, "no_speech_prob": 0.04703217372298241}, {"id": 1, "seek": 0, "start": 6.0, "end": 16.0, "text": "This unit is set in the ROC. On this tape, you'll learn to understand questions and answers used in giving or confirming step-by-step directions to or from places.", "tokens": [5723, 4985, 307, 992, 294, 264, 9025, 34, 13, 1282, 341, 7314, 11, 291, 603, 1466, 281, 1223, 1651, 293, 6338, 1143, 294, 2902, 420, 42861, 1823, 12, 2322, 12, 16792, 11095, 281, 420, 490, 3190, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2149141358166206, "compression_ratio": 1.5597269624573378, "no_speech_prob": 0.04703217372298241}, {"id": 2, "seek": 0, "start": 16.0, "end": 22.0, "text": "For this tape, you'll need to consult the map sheet opposite the reference list in your workbook.", "tokens": [12587, 341, 7314, 11, 291, 603, 643, 281, 7189, 264, 4471, 8193, 6182, 264, 6408, 1329, 294, 428, 589, 2939, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2149141358166206, "compression_ratio": 1.5597269624573378, "no_speech_prob": 0.04703217372298241}, {"id": 3, "seek": 0, "start": 22.0, "end": 29.0, "text": "Clara Matthews, an American student in Taipei, is out for a walk, and has just met Guo Xiaofeng, a friend of hers.", "tokens": [34, 17736, 12434, 82, 11, 364, 2665, 3107, 294, 9623, 46238, 11, 307, 484, 337, 257, 1792, 11, 293, 575, 445, 1131, 34175, 11956, 2670, 1501, 11, 257, 1277, 295, 6820, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2149141358166206, "compression_ratio": 1.5597269624573378, "no_speech_prob": 0.04703217372298241}, {"id": 4, "seek": 2900, "start": 29.0, "end": 33.0, "text": "Listen as Miss Guo starts the conversation.", "tokens": [35819, 382, 5275, 34175, 3719, 264, 3761, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14310947362927423, "compression_ratio": 1.1566265060240963, "no_speech_prob": 0.0007282168953679502}, {"id": 5, "seek": 2900, "start": 33.0, "end": 35.0, "text": "Where are you going?", "tokens": [14436, 366, 291, 516, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14310947362927423, "compression_ratio": 1.1566265060240963, "no_speech_prob": 0.0007282168953679502}, {"id": 6, "seek": 2900, "start": 35.0, "end": 39.0, "text": "\u4f60\u5230\u54ea\u88e1\u53bb?", "tokens": [2166, 4511, 37054, 6734, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14310947362927423, "compression_ratio": 1.1566265060240963, "no_speech_prob": 0.0007282168953679502}, {"id": 7, "seek": 2900, "start": 39.0, "end": 42.0, "text": "I'm going to a coffee house.", "tokens": [40, 478, 516, 281, 257, 4982, 1782, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14310947362927423, "compression_ratio": 1.1566265060240963, "no_speech_prob": 0.0007282168953679502}, {"id": 8, "seek": 2900, "start": 42.0, "end": 47.0, "text": "\u6211\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5ef3\u53bb.", "tokens": [1654, 4511, 8975, 244, 3284, 94, 17527, 111, 6734, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14310947362927423, "compression_ratio": 1.1566265060240963, "no_speech_prob": 0.0007282168953679502}, {"id": 9, "seek": 2900, "start": 47.0, "end": 51.0, "text": "Here's the verb for to go when a destination is specified.", "tokens": [17685, 311, 264, 9595, 337, 281, 352, 562, 257, 12236, 307, 22206, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14310947362927423, "compression_ratio": 1.1566265060240963, "no_speech_prob": 0.0007282168953679502}, {"id": 10, "seek": 2900, "start": 51.0, "end": 55.0, "text": "\u53bb.\u53bb.", "tokens": [6734, 13, 6734, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14310947362927423, "compression_ratio": 1.1566265060240963, "no_speech_prob": 0.0007282168953679502}, {"id": 11, "seek": 5500, "start": 55.0, "end": 63.0, "text": "When the destination isn't given, the English verb to go may also be translated by the verb \u8d70, literally to leave.", "tokens": [11645, 264, 12236, 1943, 380, 2212, 11, 264, 3669, 9595, 281, 352, 815, 611, 312, 16805, 538, 264, 9595, 220, 9575, 11, 3736, 281, 1856, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.097748411269415, "compression_ratio": 1.478813559322034, "no_speech_prob": 9.884832979878411e-05}, {"id": 12, "seek": 5500, "start": 63.0, "end": 65.0, "text": "And here's the word for a coffee house.", "tokens": [5289, 510, 311, 264, 1349, 337, 257, 4982, 1782, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.097748411269415, "compression_ratio": 1.478813559322034, "no_speech_prob": 9.884832979878411e-05}, {"id": 13, "seek": 5500, "start": 65.0, "end": 71.0, "text": "\u5496\u5561\u5ef3.", "tokens": [8975, 244, 3284, 94, 17527, 111, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.097748411269415, "compression_ratio": 1.478813559322034, "no_speech_prob": 9.884832979878411e-05}, {"id": 14, "seek": 5500, "start": 71.0, "end": 74.0, "text": "In the sentence \u6211\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5ef3\u53bb.", "tokens": [4575, 264, 8174, 8624, 4511, 8975, 244, 3284, 94, 17527, 111, 6734, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.097748411269415, "compression_ratio": 1.478813559322034, "no_speech_prob": 9.884832979878411e-05}, {"id": 15, "seek": 5500, "start": 74.0, "end": 76.0, "text": "I'm going to a coffee house.", "tokens": [40, 478, 516, 281, 257, 4982, 1782, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.097748411269415, "compression_ratio": 1.478813559322034, "no_speech_prob": 9.884832979878411e-05}, {"id": 16, "seek": 5500, "start": 76.0, "end": 83.0, "text": "The destination is specified by a prepositional verb construction using the verb \u5230, as a full verb \u5230 means to arrive.", "tokens": [2278, 12236, 307, 22206, 538, 257, 2666, 329, 2628, 9595, 6435, 1228, 264, 9595, 220, 4511, 11, 382, 257, 1577, 9595, 220, 4511, 1355, 281, 8881, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.097748411269415, "compression_ratio": 1.478813559322034, "no_speech_prob": 9.884832979878411e-05}, {"id": 17, "seek": 8300, "start": 83.0, "end": 87.0, "text": "As a prepositional verb, it corresponds to the English preposition too.", "tokens": [10884, 257, 2666, 329, 2628, 9595, 11, 309, 23249, 281, 264, 3669, 2666, 5830, 886, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0798192216892435, "compression_ratio": 1.4651162790697674, "no_speech_prob": 8.288418757729232e-05}, {"id": 18, "seek": 8300, "start": 87.0, "end": 89.0, "text": "Here's the exchange live.", "tokens": [17685, 311, 264, 7742, 1621, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0798192216892435, "compression_ratio": 1.4651162790697674, "no_speech_prob": 8.288418757729232e-05}, {"id": 19, "seek": 8300, "start": 89.0, "end": 94.0, "text": "\u4f60\u5230\u54ea\u88e1\u53bb?\u6211\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5ef3\u53bb.", "tokens": [2166, 4511, 37054, 6734, 30, 1654, 4511, 8975, 244, 3284, 94, 17527, 111, 6734, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0798192216892435, "compression_ratio": 1.4651162790697674, "no_speech_prob": 8.288418757729232e-05}, {"id": 20, "seek": 8300, "start": 94.0, "end": 95.0, "text": "Again.", "tokens": [37968, 491, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0798192216892435, "compression_ratio": 1.4651162790697674, "no_speech_prob": 8.288418757729232e-05}, {"id": 21, "seek": 8300, "start": 95.0, "end": 99.0, "text": "\u4f60\u5230\u54ea\u88e1\u53bb?\u6211\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5ef3\u53bb.", "tokens": [2166, 4511, 37054, 6734, 30, 1654, 4511, 8975, 244, 3284, 94, 17527, 111, 6734, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0798192216892435, "compression_ratio": 1.4651162790697674, "no_speech_prob": 8.288418757729232e-05}, {"id": 22, "seek": 8300, "start": 99.0, "end": 101.0, "text": "Check your comprehension.", "tokens": [47769, 428, 44991, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0798192216892435, "compression_ratio": 1.4651162790697674, "no_speech_prob": 8.288418757729232e-05}, {"id": 23, "seek": 8300, "start": 101.0, "end": 105.0, "text": "\u4f60\u5230\u54ea\u88e1\u53bb?", "tokens": [2166, 4511, 37054, 6734, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0798192216892435, "compression_ratio": 1.4651162790697674, "no_speech_prob": 8.288418757729232e-05}, {"id": 24, "seek": 8300, "start": 105.0, "end": 107.0, "text": "Where are you going?", "tokens": [14436, 366, 291, 516, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0798192216892435, "compression_ratio": 1.4651162790697674, "no_speech_prob": 8.288418757729232e-05}, {"id": 25, "seek": 8300, "start": 107.0, "end": 112.0, "text": "\u6211\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5ef3\u53bb.", "tokens": [1654, 4511, 8975, 244, 3284, 94, 17527, 111, 6734, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.0798192216892435, "compression_ratio": 1.4651162790697674, "no_speech_prob": 8.288418757729232e-05}, {"id": 26, "seek": 11200, "start": 112.0, "end": 115.0, "text": "I'm going to a coffee house.", "tokens": [40, 478, 516, 281, 257, 4982, 1782, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08488476276397705, "compression_ratio": 1.3821656050955413, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010986762936227024}, {"id": 27, "seek": 11200, "start": 115.0, "end": 118.0, "text": "The conversation continues live.", "tokens": [2278, 3761, 6515, 1621, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08488476276397705, "compression_ratio": 1.3821656050955413, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010986762936227024}, {"id": 28, "seek": 11200, "start": 118.0, "end": 121.0, "text": "\u4f60\u8981\u4e0d\u8981\u53bb?\u597d,\u6211\u4e5f\u53bb.", "tokens": [32085, 11962, 6734, 30, 2131, 11, 27761, 6734, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08488476276397705, "compression_ratio": 1.3821656050955413, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010986762936227024}, {"id": 29, "seek": 11200, "start": 121.0, "end": 122.0, "text": "Again.", "tokens": [37968, 491, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08488476276397705, "compression_ratio": 1.3821656050955413, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010986762936227024}, {"id": 30, "seek": 11200, "start": 122.0, "end": 126.0, "text": "\u4f60\u8981\u4e0d\u8981\u53bb?\u597d,\u6211\u4e5f\u53bb.", "tokens": [32085, 11962, 6734, 30, 2131, 11, 27761, 6734, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08488476276397705, "compression_ratio": 1.3821656050955413, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010986762936227024}, {"id": 31, "seek": 11200, "start": 126.0, "end": 129.0, "text": "Check your comprehension.", "tokens": [47769, 428, 44991, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08488476276397705, "compression_ratio": 1.3821656050955413, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010986762936227024}, {"id": 32, "seek": 11200, "start": 129.0, "end": 133.0, "text": "\u4f60\u8981\u4e0d\u8981\u53bb?", "tokens": [32085, 11962, 6734, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08488476276397705, "compression_ratio": 1.3821656050955413, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010986762936227024}, {"id": 33, "seek": 11200, "start": 133.0, "end": 138.0, "text": "Do you want to go?\u597d,\u6211\u4e5f\u53bb.", "tokens": [7653, 291, 528, 281, 352, 30, 2131, 11, 27761, 6734, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08488476276397705, "compression_ratio": 1.3821656050955413, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010986762936227024}, {"id": 34, "seek": 11200, "start": 138.0, "end": 141.0, "text": "Okay, I'll go too.", "tokens": [8297, 11, 286, 603, 352, 886, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08488476276397705, "compression_ratio": 1.3821656050955413, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010986762936227024}, {"id": 35, "seek": 14100, "start": 141.0, "end": 146.0, "text": "Mr. Matthews knows which coffee house she wants to go to, but doesn't remember how to get there.", "tokens": [10554, 13, 12434, 82, 3255, 597, 4982, 1782, 750, 2738, 281, 352, 281, 11, 457, 1177, 380, 1604, 577, 281, 483, 456, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.19037576563218062, "compression_ratio": 1.4631578947368422, "no_speech_prob": 0.00022624472330790013}, {"id": 36, "seek": 14100, "start": 146.0, "end": 149.0, "text": "Listen as the conversation continues.", "tokens": [35819, 382, 264, 3761, 6515, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.19037576563218062, "compression_ratio": 1.4631578947368422, "no_speech_prob": 0.00022624472330790013}, {"id": 37, "seek": 14100, "start": 149.0, "end": 152.0, "text": "Do you know of the huamei coffee house?", "tokens": [7653, 291, 458, 295, 264, 2137, 529, 72, 4982, 1782, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.19037576563218062, "compression_ratio": 1.4631578947368422, "no_speech_prob": 0.00022624472330790013}, {"id": 38, "seek": 14100, "start": 152.0, "end": 161.0, "text": "\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053 huamei cafe ting?", "tokens": [28945, 17572, 2137, 529, 72, 17773, 17922, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.19037576563218062, "compression_ratio": 1.4631578947368422, "no_speech_prob": 0.00022624472330790013}, {"id": 39, "seek": 14100, "start": 161.0, "end": 163.0, "text": "No, I don't.", "tokens": [4540, 11, 286, 500, 380, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.19037576563218062, "compression_ratio": 1.4631578947368422, "no_speech_prob": 0.00022624472330790013}, {"id": 40, "seek": 14100, "start": 163.0, "end": 167.0, "text": "\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053.\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053.", "tokens": [17572, 13, 17572, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.19037576563218062, "compression_ratio": 1.4631578947368422, "no_speech_prob": 0.00022624472330790013}, {"id": 41, "seek": 14100, "start": 167.0, "end": 170.0, "text": "Here's the verb to know or to know of.", "tokens": [17685, 311, 264, 9595, 281, 458, 420, 281, 458, 295, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.19037576563218062, "compression_ratio": 1.4631578947368422, "no_speech_prob": 0.00022624472330790013}, {"id": 42, "seek": 17000, "start": 170.0, "end": 173.0, "text": "\u77e5\u9053.", "tokens": [7758, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.092083258801196, "compression_ratio": 1.5303867403314917, "no_speech_prob": 0.00013144282274879515}, {"id": 43, "seek": 17000, "start": 173.0, "end": 179.0, "text": "In the affirmative, this verb ends in a neutral tone, while in the negative, it ends in a falling tone.", "tokens": [4575, 264, 45270, 11, 341, 9595, 5314, 294, 257, 10598, 8027, 11, 1339, 294, 264, 3671, 11, 309, 5314, 294, 257, 7440, 8027, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.092083258801196, "compression_ratio": 1.5303867403314917, "no_speech_prob": 0.00013144282274879515}, {"id": 44, "seek": 17000, "start": 179.0, "end": 182.0, "text": "Here are the two forms compared.", "tokens": [17685, 366, 264, 732, 6422, 5347, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.092083258801196, "compression_ratio": 1.5303867403314917, "no_speech_prob": 0.00013144282274879515}, {"id": 45, "seek": 17000, "start": 182.0, "end": 189.0, "text": "\u77e5\u9053.\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053.\u77e5\u9053.\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053.", "tokens": [7758, 13, 17572, 13, 7758, 13, 17572, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.092083258801196, "compression_ratio": 1.5303867403314917, "no_speech_prob": 0.00013144282274879515}, {"id": 46, "seek": 17000, "start": 189.0, "end": 193.0, "text": "Here's the name of the coffee house Mrs. Matthews is looking for.", "tokens": [17685, 311, 264, 1315, 295, 264, 4982, 1782, 9814, 13, 12434, 82, 307, 1237, 337, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.092083258801196, "compression_ratio": 1.5303867403314917, "no_speech_prob": 0.00013144282274879515}, {"id": 47, "seek": 17000, "start": 193.0, "end": 199.0, "text": " huamei cafe ting. huamei cafe ting.", "tokens": [2137, 529, 72, 17773, 17922, 13, 2137, 529, 72, 17773, 17922, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.092083258801196, "compression_ratio": 1.5303867403314917, "no_speech_prob": 0.00013144282274879515}, {"id": 48, "seek": 19900, "start": 199.0, "end": 208.0, "text": "The word hua is one of the abbreviations for china, and the syllable mei is of course short for mei guo america.", "tokens": [2278, 1349, 2137, 64, 307, 472, 295, 264, 35839, 763, 337, 43668, 11, 293, 264, 40151, 385, 72, 307, 295, 1164, 2099, 337, 385, 72, 695, 78, 16116, 2262, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1366395578755961, "compression_ratio": 1.4772727272727273, "no_speech_prob": 9.458384738536552e-05}, {"id": 49, "seek": 19900, "start": 208.0, "end": 210.0, "text": "Here's the exchange life.", "tokens": [17685, 311, 264, 7742, 993, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1366395578755961, 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9.458384738536552e-05}, {"id": 53, "seek": 19900, "start": 222.0, "end": 225.0, "text": "Check your comprehension.", "tokens": [47769, 428, 44991, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1366395578755961, "compression_ratio": 1.4772727272727273, "no_speech_prob": 9.458384738536552e-05}, {"id": 54, "seek": 22500, "start": 225.0, "end": 231.0, "text": "\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053 huamei cafe ting?", "tokens": [28945, 17572, 2137, 529, 72, 17773, 17922, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.070870340540168, "compression_ratio": 1.4450261780104712, "no_speech_prob": 6.328438757918775e-05}, {"id": 55, "seek": 22500, "start": 231.0, "end": 234.0, "text": "Do you know of the huamei coffee house?", "tokens": [7653, 291, 458, 295, 264, 2137, 529, 72, 4982, 1782, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.070870340540168, "compression_ratio": 1.4450261780104712, "no_speech_prob": 6.328438757918775e-05}, {"id": 56, "seek": 22500, "start": 234.0, "end": 236.0, "text": "\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053.", "tokens": [17572, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.070870340540168, "compression_ratio": 1.4450261780104712, "no_speech_prob": 6.328438757918775e-05}, {"id": 57, "seek": 22500, "start": 236.0, "end": 239.0, "text": "No, I don't.", "tokens": [4540, 11, 286, 500, 380, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.070870340540168, "compression_ratio": 1.4450261780104712, "no_speech_prob": 6.328438757918775e-05}, {"id": 58, "seek": 22500, "start": 239.0, "end": 245.0, "text": "Now Mrs. Guo and Mrs. Matthews go into a shop to ask the clerk if he knows of the huamei coffee house.", "tokens": [13267, 9814, 13, 34175, 293, 9814, 13, 12434, 82, 352, 666, 257, 3945, 281, 1029, 264, 31402, 498, 415, 3255, 295, 264, 2137, 529, 72, 4982, 1782, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.070870340540168, "compression_ratio": 1.4450261780104712, "no_speech_prob": 6.328438757918775e-05}, {"id": 59, "seek": 22500, "start": 245.0, "end": 250.0, "text": "When he said he does, the conversation continues like this.", "tokens": [11645, 415, 848, 415, 775, 11, 264, 3761, 6515, 411, 341, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.070870340540168, "compression_ratio": 1.4450261780104712, "no_speech_prob": 6.328438757918775e-05}, {"id": 60, "seek": 22500, "start": 250.0, "end": 252.0, "text": "How do I go there?", "tokens": [6462, 360, 286, 352, 456, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.070870340540168, "compression_ratio": 1.4450261780104712, "no_speech_prob": 6.328438757918775e-05}, {"id": 61, "seek": 25200, "start": 252.0, "end": 259.0, "text": "\u5230\u90a3\u91cc\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?", "tokens": [4511, 4184, 15759, 6734, 15282, 9575, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12999072756086077, "compression_ratio": 1.2392638036809815, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001431006530765444}, {"id": 62, "seek": 25200, "start": 259.0, "end": 263.0, "text": "Here's the verb for to walk or to go.", "tokens": [17685, 311, 264, 9595, 337, 281, 1792, 420, 281, 352, 13], 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"avg_logprob": -0.05714079089786695, "compression_ratio": 1.488888888888889, "no_speech_prob": 0.00011934786743950099}, {"id": 76, "seek": 30700, "start": 307.0, "end": 312.0, "text": "Look at display one on your map sheet and listen as the clerk answers.", "tokens": [12863, 412, 4674, 472, 322, 428, 4471, 8193, 293, 2140, 382, 264, 31402, 6338, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11601699365151895, "compression_ratio": 1.2751322751322751, "no_speech_prob": 5.100087946630083e-05}, {"id": 77, "seek": 30700, "start": 312.0, "end": 315.0, "text": "From here you go to the left.", "tokens": [26219, 510, 291, 352, 281, 264, 1411, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11601699365151895, "compression_ratio": 1.2751322751322751, "no_speech_prob": 5.100087946630083e-05}, {"id": 78, "seek": 30700, "start": 315.0, "end": 322.0, "text": "\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70.", "tokens": [35630, 35102, 29510, 21975, 9575, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11601699365151895, 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2.6950174287776463e-05}, {"id": 85, "seek": 33600, "start": 351.0, "end": 354.0, "text": "Here's the exchange live.", "tokens": [17685, 311, 264, 7742, 1621, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10723861833898032, "compression_ratio": 1.3290322580645162, "no_speech_prob": 2.6950174287776463e-05}, {"id": 86, "seek": 33600, "start": 354.0, "end": 356.0, "text": "\u5230\u90a3\u91cc\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?", "tokens": [4511, 4184, 15759, 6734, 15282, 9575, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10723861833898032, "compression_ratio": 1.3290322580645162, "no_speech_prob": 2.6950174287776463e-05}, {"id": 87, "seek": 33600, "start": 356.0, "end": 359.0, "text": "\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70.", "tokens": [35630, 35102, 29510, 21975, 9575, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10723861833898032, "compression_ratio": 1.3290322580645162, "no_speech_prob": 2.6950174287776463e-05}, {"id": 88, "seek": 33600, "start": 359.0, "end": 361.0, "text": "Again.", "tokens": [37968, 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"compression_ratio": 1.6160337552742616, "no_speech_prob": 0.000222340488107875}, {"id": 112, "seek": 41500, "start": 440.0, "end": 444.0, "text": "\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3 is a marker of completed actions.", "tokens": [21381, 24658, 18144, 307, 257, 15247, 295, 7365, 5909, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.18379647660963605, "compression_ratio": 1.6160337552742616, "no_speech_prob": 0.000222340488107875}, {"id": 113, "seek": 44400, "start": 444.0, "end": 448.0, "text": "The arriving is described as completed as of the time you go to the right.", "tokens": [2278, 22436, 307, 7619, 382, 7365, 382, 295, 264, 565, 291, 352, 281, 264, 558, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08891428380772687, "compression_ratio": 1.395973154362416, "no_speech_prob": 7.324858597712591e-05}, {"id": 114, "seek": 44400, "start": 448.0, "end": 451.0, "text": "Listen to the sentence live.", "tokens": [35819, 281, 264, 8174, 1621, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08891428380772687, 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"avg_logprob": -0.15151414092706175, "compression_ratio": 1.5387755102040817, "no_speech_prob": 0.00023179374693427235}, {"id": 128, "seek": 49700, "start": 502.0, "end": 506.0, "text": "The adverb \u5c31 is used for the English word then in statements.", "tokens": [2278, 614, 25809, 32609, 307, 1143, 337, 264, 3669, 1349, 550, 294, 12363, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15151414092706175, "compression_ratio": 1.5387755102040817, "no_speech_prob": 0.00023179374693427235}, {"id": 129, "seek": 49700, "start": 506.0, "end": 511.0, "text": "It precedes the last of a list of events that follow each other immediately in time.", "tokens": [3522, 16969, 279, 264, 1036, 295, 257, 1329, 295, 3931, 300, 1524, 1184, 661, 4258, 294, 565, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15151414092706175, "compression_ratio": 1.5387755102040817, "no_speech_prob": 0.00023179374693427235}, {"id": 130, "seek": 49700, "start": 511.0, "end": 516.0, "text": "In this sentence we've translated the 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"\u4ece\u5496\u5561\u5385\u5230\u53f0\u6e7e\u94f6\u884c\u53bb\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?", "tokens": [35630, 8975, 244, 3284, 94, 5014, 227, 4511, 15433, 33744, 122, 165, 241, 114, 8082, 6734, 15282, 9575, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.05023182277948084, "compression_ratio": 1.064327485380117, "no_speech_prob": 7.152185844461201e-06}, {"id": 151, "seek": 58100, "start": 600.0, "end": 605.0, "text": "How do I go from the coffee house to the bank of Taiwan?", "tokens": [6462, 360, 286, 352, 490, 264, 4982, 1782, 281, 264, 3765, 295, 12296, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.05023182277948084, "compression_ratio": 1.064327485380117, "no_speech_prob": 7.152185844461201e-06}, {"id": 152, "seek": 60500, "start": 605.0, "end": 618.0, "text": "\u4ece\u5496\u5561\u5385\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3\u5c31\u662f\u53f0\u6e7e\u94f6\u884c.", "tokens": [35630, 8975, 244, 3284, 94, 5014, 227, 29510, 22060, 9575, 21381, 35878, 7549, 24658, 18144, 5620, 15433, 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"start": 640.0, "end": 643.0, "text": "\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", "tokens": [1654, 10108, 29510, 21975, 9575, 11, 8713, 41639, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11273874380649665, "compression_ratio": 1.5223880597014925, "no_speech_prob": 0.0003681534144561738}, {"id": 159, "seek": 63200, "start": 643.0, "end": 645.0, "text": "That's correct.", "tokens": [6390, 311, 3006, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11273874380649665, "compression_ratio": 1.5223880597014925, "no_speech_prob": 0.0003681534144561738}, {"id": 160, "seek": 63200, "start": 645.0, "end": 650.0, "text": "\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [8713, 2289, 1543, 8713, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11273874380649665, "compression_ratio": 1.5223880597014925, "no_speech_prob": 0.0003681534144561738}, {"id": 161, "seek": 63200, "start": 650.0, "end": 652.0, "text": "Here's the word for first.", "tokens": [17685, 311, 264, 1349, 337, 700, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11273874380649665, "compression_ratio": 1.5223880597014925, "no_speech_prob": 0.0003681534144561738}, {"id": 162, "seek": 63200, "start": 652.0, "end": 656.0, "text": "\u5148\u3002\u5148\u3002", "tokens": [10108, 1543, 10108, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11273874380649665, "compression_ratio": 1.5223880597014925, "no_speech_prob": 0.0003681534144561738}, {"id": 163, "seek": 63200, "start": 656.0, "end": 659.0, "text": "And here's the word for right or correct.", "tokens": [5289, 510, 311, 264, 1349, 337, 558, 420, 3006, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11273874380649665, "compression_ratio": 1.5223880597014925, "no_speech_prob": 0.0003681534144561738}, {"id": 164, "seek": 65900, "start": 659.0, "end": 663.0, "text": "\u5bf9\u3002\u5bf9\u3002", "tokens": [8713, 1543, 8713, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07310359195996356, "compression_ratio": 1.5089285714285714, "no_speech_prob": 0.00011306095984764397}, {"id": 165, "seek": 65900, "start": 663.0, "end": 666.0, "text": "And here's the expression, that's correct.", "tokens": [5289, 510, 311, 264, 6114, 11, 300, 311, 3006, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07310359195996356, "compression_ratio": 1.5089285714285714, "no_speech_prob": 0.00011306095984764397}, {"id": 166, "seek": 65900, "start": 666.0, "end": 671.0, "text": "\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [8713, 2289, 1543, 8713, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07310359195996356, "compression_ratio": 1.5089285714285714, "no_speech_prob": 0.00011306095984764397}, {"id": 167, "seek": 65900, "start": 671.0, "end": 677.0, "text": "The addition of the phrase \u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9 to the end of a statement turns it into a confirmation question.", "tokens": [2278, 4500, 295, 264, 9535, 220, 8713, 41639, 281, 264, 917, 295, 257, 5629, 4523, 309, 666, 257, 21871, 1168, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07310359195996356, "compression_ratio": 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"compression_ratio": 1.5089285714285714, "no_speech_prob": 0.00011306095984764397}, {"id": 171, "seek": 68700, "start": 687.0, "end": 689.0, "text": "\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", "tokens": [1654, 10108, 29510, 21975, 9575, 11, 8713, 41639, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07681569387746412, "compression_ratio": 1.5138888888888888, "no_speech_prob": 6.534490967169404e-05}, {"id": 172, "seek": 68700, "start": 689.0, "end": 691.0, "text": "\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [8713, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07681569387746412, "compression_ratio": 1.5138888888888888, "no_speech_prob": 6.534490967169404e-05}, {"id": 173, "seek": 68700, "start": 691.0, "end": 692.0, "text": "Again.", "tokens": [37968, 491, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07681569387746412, "compression_ratio": 1.5138888888888888, "no_speech_prob": 6.534490967169404e-05}, {"id": 174, "seek": 68700, "start": 692.0, "end": 694.0, "text": "\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", "tokens": [1654, 10108, 29510, 21975, 9575, 11, 8713, 41639, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07681569387746412, "compression_ratio": 1.5138888888888888, "no_speech_prob": 6.534490967169404e-05}, {"id": 175, "seek": 68700, "start": 694.0, "end": 696.0, "text": "\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [8713, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07681569387746412, "compression_ratio": 1.5138888888888888, "no_speech_prob": 6.534490967169404e-05}, {"id": 176, "seek": 68700, "start": 696.0, "end": 698.0, "text": "Check your comprehension.", "tokens": [47769, 428, 44991, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07681569387746412, "compression_ratio": 1.5138888888888888, "no_speech_prob": 6.534490967169404e-05}, {"id": 177, "seek": 68700, "start": 698.0, "end": 703.0, "text": "\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", "tokens": [1654, 10108, 29510, 21975, 9575, 11, 8713, 41639, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07681569387746412, "compression_ratio": 1.5138888888888888, "no_speech_prob": 6.534490967169404e-05}, {"id": 178, "seek": 68700, "start": 703.0, "end": 706.0, "text": "First I go to the left, is that correct?", "tokens": [27454, 286, 352, 281, 264, 1411, 11, 307, 300, 3006, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07681569387746412, "compression_ratio": 1.5138888888888888, "no_speech_prob": 6.534490967169404e-05}, {"id": 179, "seek": 68700, "start": 706.0, "end": 708.0, "text": "\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [8713, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07681569387746412, "compression_ratio": 1.5138888888888888, "no_speech_prob": 6.534490967169404e-05}, {"id": 180, "seek": 68700, "start": 708.0, "end": 712.0, "text": "That's correct.", "tokens": [6390, 311, 3006, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07681569387746412, "compression_ratio": 1.5138888888888888, "no_speech_prob": 6.534490967169404e-05}, {"id": 181, "seek": 68700, "start": 712.0, "end": 715.0, "text": "The conversation continues.", "tokens": [2278, 3761, 6515, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07681569387746412, "compression_ratio": 1.5138888888888888, "no_speech_prob": 6.534490967169404e-05}, {"id": 182, "seek": 71500, "start": 715.0, "end": 717.0, "text": "And after that?", "tokens": [5289, 934, 300, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1688627549159674, "compression_ratio": 1.3277777777777777, "no_speech_prob": 8.276406879303977e-05}, {"id": 183, "seek": 71500, "start": 717.0, "end": 722.0, "text": "\u7136\u540e\u5462?\u7136\u540e\u5462?", "tokens": [26636, 6240, 30, 26636, 6240, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1688627549159674, "compression_ratio": 1.3277777777777777, "no_speech_prob": 8.276406879303977e-05}, {"id": 184, "seek": 71500, "start": 722.0, "end": 727.0, "text": "After that, when you've reached the intersection, then you go to the right.", "tokens": [24288, 300, 11, 562, 291, 600, 6488, 264, 15236, 11, 550, 291, 352, 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I've got it now. Thank you.", "tokens": [14649, 13, 286, 600, 658, 309, 586, 13, 1044, 291, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1688627549159674, "compression_ratio": 1.3277777777777777, "no_speech_prob": 8.276406879303977e-05}, {"id": 188, "seek": 71500, "start": 741.0, "end": 744.0, "text": "\u597d,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002\u8c22\u8c22\u3002", "tokens": [2131, 11, 33838, 2289, 1543, 19879, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1688627549159674, "compression_ratio": 1.3277777777777777, "no_speech_prob": 8.276406879303977e-05}, {"id": 189, "seek": 74400, "start": 744.0, "end": 747.0, "text": "I've got it now. Thank you.", "tokens": [40, 600, 658, 309, 586, 13, 1044, 291, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16886250178019205, "compression_ratio": 1.1794871794871795, "no_speech_prob": 3.4046239306917414e-05}, {"id": 190, "seek": 74400, "start": 747.0, "end": 750.0, "text": "Here's how you say after that or afterwards.", "tokens": [17685, 311, 577, 291, 584, 934, 300, 420, 10543, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16886250178019205, "compression_ratio": 1.1794871794871795, "no_speech_prob": 3.4046239306917414e-05}, {"id": 191, "seek": 74400, "start": 750.0, "end": 757.0, "text": "\u7136\u540e\u7136\u540e\u3002", "tokens": [26636, 26636, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16886250178019205, "compression_ratio": 1.1794871794871795, "no_speech_prob": 3.4046239306917414e-05}, {"id": 192, "seek": 74400, "start": 757.0, "end": 763.0, "text": "In this conversation, the sentence \u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86 means I know how to go now.", "tokens": [4575, 341, 3761, 11, 264, 8174, 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"tokens": [2131, 11, 33838, 2289, 1543, 19879, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07179674203845038, "compression_ratio": 1.507936507936508, "no_speech_prob": 9.888213753583841e-06}, {"id": 196, "seek": 77100, "start": 774.0, "end": 776.0, "text": "Again.", "tokens": [37968, 491, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07179674203845038, "compression_ratio": 1.507936507936508, "no_speech_prob": 9.888213753583841e-06}, {"id": 197, "seek": 77100, "start": 776.0, "end": 782.0, "text": "\u7136\u540e\u5462?\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002", "tokens": [26636, 6240, 30, 26636, 21381, 24658, 18144, 11, 8623, 29510, 22060, 9575, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07179674203845038, "compression_ratio": 1.507936507936508, "no_speech_prob": 9.888213753583841e-06}, {"id": 198, "seek": 77100, "start": 782.0, "end": 785.0, "text": "\u597d,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002\u8c22\u8c22\u3002", "tokens": [2131, 11, 33838, 2289, 1543, 19879, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07179674203845038, "compression_ratio": 1.507936507936508, "no_speech_prob": 9.888213753583841e-06}, {"id": 199, "seek": 77100, "start": 785.0, "end": 787.0, "text": "Check your comprehension.", "tokens": [47769, 428, 44991, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07179674203845038, "compression_ratio": 1.507936507936508, "no_speech_prob": 9.888213753583841e-06}, {"id": 200, "seek": 77100, "start": 787.0, "end": 790.0, "text": "\u7136\u540e\u5462?", "tokens": [26636, 6240, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07179674203845038, "compression_ratio": 1.507936507936508, "no_speech_prob": 9.888213753583841e-06}, {"id": 201, "seek": 77100, "start": 790.0, "end": 792.0, "text": "And after that?", "tokens": [5289, 934, 300, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07179674203845038, "compression_ratio": 1.507936507936508, "no_speech_prob": 9.888213753583841e-06}, {"id": 202, "seek": 77100, "start": 792.0, "end": 800.0, "text": "\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002", "tokens": [26636, 21381, 24658, 18144, 11, 8623, 29510, 22060, 9575, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07179674203845038, "compression_ratio": 1.507936507936508, "no_speech_prob": 9.888213753583841e-06}, {"id": 203, "seek": 80000, "start": 800.0, "end": 806.0, "text": "After that, when you've reached the intersection, then you go to the right.", "tokens": [24288, 300, 11, 562, 291, 600, 6488, 264, 15236, 11, 550, 291, 352, 281, 264, 558, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10308949152628581, "compression_ratio": 1.2719298245614035, "no_speech_prob": 0.00020869442960247397}, {"id": 204, "seek": 80000, "start": 806.0, "end": 813.0, "text": "\u597d,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002\u8c22\u8c22\u3002", "tokens": [2131, 11, 33838, 2289, 1543, 19879, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10308949152628581, "compression_ratio": 1.2719298245614035, "no_speech_prob": 0.00020869442960247397}, {"id": 205, "seek": 80000, "start": 813.0, "end": 819.0, "text": "Good. I've got it now. Thank you.", "tokens": [14649, 13, 286, 600, 658, 309, 586, 13, 1044, 291, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10308949152628581, "compression_ratio": 1.2719298245614035, "no_speech_prob": 0.00020869442960247397}, {"id": 206, "seek": 80000, "start": 819.0, "end": 821.0, "text": "Now let's change the situation.", "tokens": [13267, 718, 311, 1319, 264, 2590, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10308949152628581, "compression_ratio": 1.2719298245614035, "no_speech_prob": 0.00020869442960247397}, {"id": 207, "seek": 80000, "start": 821.0, "end": 825.0, "text": "Look at display two on your map sheet.", "tokens": [12863, 412, 4674, 732, 322, 428, 4471, 8193, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.10308949152628581, "compression_ratio": 1.2719298245614035, "no_speech_prob": 0.00020869442960247397}, {"id": 208, "seek": 80000, "start": 825.0, "end": 829.0, "text": "Claire Matthews has just walked up to an intersection with her Chinese tutor Mr. Yang", "tokens": [34, 875, 621, 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"\u8bf7\u95ee\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5230\u94f6\u884c\u53bb,\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", "tokens": [27908, 22064, 35630, 35102, 4511, 165, 241, 114, 8082, 6734, 11, 29510, 22060, 9575, 11, 8713, 41639, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1287112534046173, "compression_ratio": 1.096969696969697, "no_speech_prob": 5.6830147514119744e-05}, {"id": 212, "seek": 82900, "start": 849.0, "end": 852.0, "text": "No, from here you go straight.", "tokens": [4540, 11, 490, 510, 291, 352, 2997, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1287112534046173, "compression_ratio": 1.096969696969697, "no_speech_prob": 5.6830147514119744e-05}, {"id": 213, "seek": 85200, "start": 852.0, "end": 861.0, "text": "\u4e0d\u662f,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70\u3002", "tokens": [7296, 11, 35630, 35102, 34448, 9575, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1870526389071816, "compression_ratio": 1.2727272727272727, "no_speech_prob": 6.986051448620856e-05}, {"id": 214, "seek": 85200, "start": 861.0, "end": 864.0, "text": "Here's the word for straight.", "tokens": [17685, 311, 264, 1349, 337, 2997, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1870526389071816, "compression_ratio": 1.2727272727272727, "no_speech_prob": 6.986051448620856e-05}, {"id": 215, "seek": 85200, "start": 864.0, "end": 868.0, "text": "\u4e00\u76f4,\u4e00\u76f4\u3002", "tokens": [2257, 16186, 11, 2257, 16186, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1870526389071816, "compression_ratio": 1.2727272727272727, "no_speech_prob": 6.986051448620856e-05}, {"id": 216, "seek": 85200, "start": 868.0, "end": 871.0, "text": "Notice that the question was answered with the phrase \u4e0d\u662f,", "tokens": [15208, 573, 300, 264, 1168, 390, 10103, 365, 264, 9535, 19021, 1541, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1870526389071816, "compression_ratio": 1.2727272727272727, "no_speech_prob": 6.986051448620856e-05}, {"id": 217, "seek": 85200, "start": 871.0, "end": 874.0, "text": "even though it was asked with the 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"\u8bf7\u95ee\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5230\u94f6\u884c\u53bb,\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", "tokens": [27908, 22064, 35630, 35102, 4511, 165, 241, 114, 8082, 6734, 11, 29510, 22060, 9575, 11, 8713, 41639, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.06215400937237317, "compression_ratio": 1.5179856115107915, "no_speech_prob": 2.0302921257098205e-05}, {"id": 221, "seek": 88000, "start": 887.0, "end": 892.0, "text": "\u4e0d\u662f,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70\u3002", "tokens": [7296, 11, 35630, 35102, 34448, 9575, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.06215400937237317, "compression_ratio": 1.5179856115107915, "no_speech_prob": 2.0302921257098205e-05}, {"id": 222, "seek": 88000, "start": 892.0, "end": 894.0, "text": "Again.", "tokens": [37968, 491, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.06215400937237317, "compression_ratio": 1.5179856115107915, "no_speech_prob": 2.0302921257098205e-05}, {"id": 223, "seek": 88000, "start": 894.0, "end": 898.0, "text": 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912.0, "text": "\u8bf7\u95ee\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5230\u94f6\u884c\u53bb,\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", "tokens": [27908, 22064, 35630, 35102, 4511, 165, 241, 114, 8082, 6734, 11, 29510, 22060, 9575, 11, 8713, 41639, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11305110719468858, "compression_ratio": 1.1967213114754098, "no_speech_prob": 5.257127486402169e-05}, {"id": 227, "seek": 90500, "start": 912.0, "end": 916.0, "text": "May I ask, to get from here to the bank, you go right, is that correct?", "tokens": [19533, 286, 1029, 11, 281, 483, 490, 510, 281, 264, 3765, 11, 291, 352, 558, 11, 307, 300, 3006, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11305110719468858, "compression_ratio": 1.1967213114754098, "no_speech_prob": 5.257127486402169e-05}, {"id": 228, "seek": 90500, "start": 916.0, "end": 922.0, "text": "\u4e0d\u662f,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70\u3002", "tokens": [7296, 11, 35630, 35102, 34448, 9575, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11305110719468858, "compression_ratio": 1.1967213114754098, "no_speech_prob": 5.257127486402169e-05}, {"id": 229, "seek": 90500, "start": 922.0, "end": 926.0, "text": "No, from here you go straight.", "tokens": [4540, 11, 490, 510, 291, 352, 2997, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11305110719468858, "compression_ratio": 1.1967213114754098, "no_speech_prob": 5.257127486402169e-05}, {"id": 230, "seek": 90500, "start": 926.0, "end": 929.0, "text": "Now look at display 3 on your map sheet.", "tokens": [13267, 574, 412, 4674, 805, 322, 428, 4471, 8193, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11305110719468858, "compression_ratio": 1.1967213114754098, "no_speech_prob": 5.257127486402169e-05}, {"id": 231, "seek": 90500, "start": 929.0, "end": 933.0, "text": "This conversation will give you more practice in checking up on directions.", "tokens": [5723, 3761, 486, 976, 291, 544, 3124, 294, 8568, 493, 322, 11095, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11305110719468858, "compression_ratio": 1.1967213114754098, "no_speech_prob": 5.257127486402169e-05}, {"id": 232, "seek": 93300, "start": 933.0, "end": 939.0, "text": "This Mr. Cook talks to his tutor, Mrs. Mao, live.", "tokens": [5723, 2221, 13, 12259, 6686, 281, 702, 35613, 11, 9814, 13, 38030, 11, 1621, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11657037337621053, "compression_ratio": 1.2037914691943128, "no_speech_prob": 7.27563165128231e-05}, {"id": 233, "seek": 93300, "start": 939.0, "end": 946.0, "text": "\u6211\u8981\u5230\u753b\u9762\u5496\u5561\u5385\u53bb,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u53f3\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", "tokens": [32186, 4511, 27126, 8833, 8975, 244, 3284, 94, 5014, 227, 6734, 11, 35630, 35102, 1654, 10108, 29510, 22060, 34448, 9575, 11, 8713, 41639, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11657037337621053, "compression_ratio": 1.2037914691943128, "no_speech_prob": 7.27563165128231e-05}, {"id": 234, "seek": 93300, "start": 946.0, "end": 947.0, "text": "\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [8713, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11657037337621053, "compression_ratio": 1.2037914691943128, "no_speech_prob": 7.27563165128231e-05}, {"id": 235, "seek": 93300, "start": 947.0, "end": 952.0, "text": "\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", "tokens": [26636, 21381, 35878, 7549, 24658, 18144, 11, 8623, 29510, 21975, 9575, 11, 8713, 41639, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11657037337621053, "compression_ratio": 1.2037914691943128, "no_speech_prob": 7.27563165128231e-05}, {"id": 236, "seek": 93300, "start": 952.0, "end": 957.0, "text": "\u4e0d\u662f,\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002", "tokens": [7296, 11, 21381, 35878, 7549, 24658, 18144, 11, 8623, 29510, 22060, 9575, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11657037337621053, "compression_ratio": 1.2037914691943128, "no_speech_prob": 7.27563165128231e-05}, {"id": 237, "seek": 93300, "start": 957.0, "end": 961.0, "text": "\u597d,\u8c22\u8c22,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [2131, 11, 19879, 11, 33838, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11657037337621053, "compression_ratio": 1.2037914691943128, "no_speech_prob": 7.27563165128231e-05}, {"id": 238, "seek": 93300, "start": 961.0, "end": 962.0, "text": "Again.", "tokens": [37968, 491, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.11657037337621053, "compression_ratio": 1.2037914691943128, "no_speech_prob": 7.27563165128231e-05}, {"id": 239, "seek": 96200, "start": 962.0, "end": 965.0, "text": "Check your comprehension.", "tokens": [47769, 428, 44991, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07489793245182481, "compression_ratio": 1.3174603174603174, "no_speech_prob": 4.4440723286243156e-05}, {"id": 240, "seek": 96200, "start": 965.0, "end": 970.0, "text": "\u6211\u8981\u5230\u753b\u9762\u5496\u5561\u5385\u53bb,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u53f3\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", 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"start": 976.0, "end": 981.0, "text": "\u4e0d\u662f,\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002", "tokens": [7296, 11, 21381, 35878, 7549, 24658, 18144, 11, 8623, 29510, 22060, 9575, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07489793245182481, "compression_ratio": 1.3174603174603174, "no_speech_prob": 4.4440723286243156e-05}, {"id": 244, "seek": 96200, "start": 981.0, "end": 985.0, "text": "\u597d,\u8c22\u8c22,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [2131, 11, 19879, 11, 33838, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07489793245182481, "compression_ratio": 1.3174603174603174, "no_speech_prob": 4.4440723286243156e-05}, {"id": 245, "seek": 96200, "start": 985.0, "end": 988.0, "text": "Check your comprehension.", "tokens": [47769, 428, 44991, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07489793245182481, "compression_ratio": 1.3174603174603174, "no_speech_prob": 4.4440723286243156e-05}, {"id": 246, "seek": 98800, "start": 988.0, "end": 994.0, "text": "\u6211\u8981\u5230\u753b\u9762\u5496\u5561\u5385\u53bb,", "tokens": [32186, 4511, 27126, 8833, 8975, 244, 3284, 94, 5014, 227, 6734, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12144881325799066, "compression_ratio": 1.1490683229813665, "no_speech_prob": 2.5969826310756616e-05}, {"id": 247, "seek": 98800, "start": 994.0, "end": 998.0, "text": "I want to go to the \u753b\u9762\u5496\u5561\u5385\u3002", "tokens": [40, 528, 281, 352, 281, 264, 220, 27126, 8833, 8975, 244, 3284, 94, 5014, 227, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12144881325799066, "compression_ratio": 1.1490683229813665, "no_speech_prob": 2.5969826310756616e-05}, {"id": 248, "seek": 98800, "start": 998.0, "end": 1006.0, "text": "\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u53f3\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", "tokens": [35630, 35102, 1654, 10108, 29510, 22060, 34448, 9575, 11, 8713, 41639, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12144881325799066, "compression_ratio": 1.1490683229813665, "no_speech_prob": 2.5969826310756616e-05}, {"id": 249, "seek": 98800, "start": 1006.0, "end": 1010.0, "text": "From here I go straight to the right, is that correct?", "tokens": [26219, 510, 286, 352, 2997, 281, 264, 558, 11, 307, 300, 3006, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12144881325799066, "compression_ratio": 1.1490683229813665, "no_speech_prob": 2.5969826310756616e-05}, {"id": 250, "seek": 98800, "start": 1010.0, "end": 1012.0, "text": "\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [8713, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12144881325799066, "compression_ratio": 1.1490683229813665, "no_speech_prob": 2.5969826310756616e-05}, {"id": 251, "seek": 98800, "start": 1012.0, "end": 1015.0, "text": "That's correct.", "tokens": [6390, 311, 3006, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12144881325799066, "compression_ratio": 1.1490683229813665, "no_speech_prob": 2.5969826310756616e-05}, {"id": 252, "seek": 101500, "start": 1015.0, "end": 1024.0, "text": "\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", "tokens": [26636, 21381, 35878, 7549, 24658, 18144, 11, 8623, 29510, 21975, 9575, 11, 8713, 41639, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08960491213305243, "compression_ratio": 1.2075471698113207, "no_speech_prob": 5.172411329112947e-05}, {"id": 253, "seek": 101500, "start": 1024.0, "end": 1032.0, "text": "After that, when you've reached the third intersection, then you go to the left, is that correct?", "tokens": [24288, 300, 11, 562, 291, 600, 6488, 264, 2636, 15236, 11, 550, 291, 352, 281, 264, 1411, 11, 307, 300, 3006, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08960491213305243, "compression_ratio": 1.2075471698113207, "no_speech_prob": 5.172411329112947e-05}, {"id": 254, "seek": 101500, "start": 1032.0, "end": 1042.0, "text": "\u4e0d\u662f,\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u4e09\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002", "tokens": [7296, 11, 21381, 35878, 7549, 24658, 18144, 11, 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11, 1309, 291, 11, 286, 600, 658, 309, 586, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15221896282462186, "compression_ratio": 1.3636363636363635, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010783234029076993}, {"id": 258, "seek": 104200, "start": 1058.0, "end": 1062.0, "text": "Now here's a conversation reviewing all the material introduced on this tape.", "tokens": [13267, 510, 311, 257, 3761, 19576, 439, 264, 2527, 7268, 322, 341, 7314, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15221896282462186, "compression_ratio": 1.3636363636363635, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010783234029076993}, {"id": 259, "seek": 104200, "start": 1062.0, "end": 1066.0, "text": "The speakers in this conversation are talking about their little sister, Meilan,", "tokens": [2278, 9518, 294, 341, 3761, 366, 1417, 466, 641, 707, 4892, 11, 1923, 21752, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15221896282462186, "compression_ratio": 1.3636363636363635, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010783234029076993}, {"id": 260, "seek": 104200, "start": 1066.0, "end": 1068.0, "text": "who is a student at Taiwan University.", "tokens": [13506, 307, 257, 3107, 412, 12296, 3535, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15221896282462186, "compression_ratio": 1.3636363636363635, "no_speech_prob": 0.00010783234029076993}, {"id": 261, "seek": 106800, "start": 1068.0, "end": 1073.0, "text": "Look at the display floor on your map sheet and listen to the conversation live.", "tokens": [12863, 412, 264, 4674, 4123, 322, 428, 4471, 8193, 293, 2140, 281, 264, 3761, 1621, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1988186349674147, "compression_ratio": 1.1744186046511629, "no_speech_prob": 3.8467711419798434e-05}, {"id": 262, "seek": 106800, "start": 1073.0, "end": 1075.0, "text": " Where did Meilan go?", "tokens": [2305, 630, 1923, 21752, 352, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1988186349674147, "compression_ratio": 1.1744186046511629, "no_speech_prob": 3.8467711419798434e-05}, {"id": 263, "seek": 106800, "start": 1075.0, "end": 1077.0, "text": 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"seek": 109700, "start": 1097.0, "end": 1100.0, "text": "\u4e00\u76f4\u8d70\u5c31\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5385\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [34448, 9575, 45918, 8975, 244, 3284, 94, 5014, 227, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17448108012859637, "compression_ratio": 1.2297297297297298, "no_speech_prob": 3.193210795870982e-05}, {"id": 270, "seek": 109700, "start": 1100.0, "end": 1103.0, "text": "\u597d,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [2131, 11, 33838, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17448108012859637, "compression_ratio": 1.2297297297297298, "no_speech_prob": 3.193210795870982e-05}, {"id": 271, "seek": 109700, "start": 1103.0, "end": 1105.0, "text": "Again.", "tokens": [37968, 491, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17448108012859637, "compression_ratio": 1.2297297297297298, "no_speech_prob": 3.193210795870982e-05}, {"id": 272, "seek": 109700, "start": 1105.0, "end": 1107.0, "text": "Where did Meilan go?", "tokens": [14436, 630, 1923, 21752, 352, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17448108012859637, "compression_ratio": 1.2297297297297298, "no_speech_prob": 3.193210795870982e-05}, {"id": 273, "seek": 109700, "start": 1107.0, "end": 1110.0, "text": "\u6211\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053\u3002", "tokens": [47826, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17448108012859637, "compression_ratio": 1.2297297297297298, "no_speech_prob": 3.193210795870982e-05}, {"id": 274, "seek": 109700, "start": 1110.0, "end": 1113.0, "text": "\u59d0\u59d0,\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u5417?", "tokens": [18102, 18102, 11, 28945, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17448108012859637, "compression_ratio": 1.2297297297297298, "no_speech_prob": 3.193210795870982e-05}, {"id": 275, "seek": 109700, "start": 1113.0, "end": 1117.0, "text": "Meilan went to \u753b\u9762\u5496\u5561\u5385\u53bb\u4e86,\u6211\u4e5f\u8981\u53bb\u3002", "tokens": [12671, 21752, 1437, 281, 220, 27126, 8833, 8975, 244, 3284, 94, 5014, 227, 45190, 11, 27761, 4275, 6734, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17448108012859637, "compression_ratio": 1.2297297297297298, "no_speech_prob": 3.193210795870982e-05}, {"id": 276, "seek": 109700, "start": 1117.0, "end": 1119.0, "text": "How did she go there?", "tokens": [6462, 630, 750, 352, 456, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17448108012859637, "compression_ratio": 1.2297297297297298, "no_speech_prob": 3.193210795870982e-05}, {"id": 277, "seek": 109700, "start": 1119.0, "end": 1121.0, "text": "\u6211\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053\u3002", "tokens": [47826, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.17448108012859637, "compression_ratio": 1.2297297297297298, "no_speech_prob": 3.193210795870982e-05}, {"id": 278, "seek": 109700, "start": 1121.0, "end": 1126.0, "text": "\u6211\u77e5\u9053,\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5148\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70,\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u7b2c\u56db\u4e2a\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70\u3002", "tokens": [33838, 11, 35630, 35102, 10108, 29510, 22060, 9575, 11, 26636, 21381, 7536, 19425, 7549, 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"compression_ratio": 1.0788177339901477, "no_speech_prob": 1.7168360500363633e-05}, {"id": 285, "seek": 112600, "start": 1146.0, "end": 1148.0, "text": "\u6211\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053\u3002", "tokens": [47826, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1258906504003013, "compression_ratio": 1.0788177339901477, "no_speech_prob": 1.7168360500363633e-05}, {"id": 286, "seek": 112600, "start": 1148.0, "end": 1150.0, "text": "I don't know.", "tokens": [40, 500, 380, 458, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1258906504003013, "compression_ratio": 1.0788177339901477, "no_speech_prob": 1.7168360500363633e-05}, {"id": 287, "seek": 112600, "start": 1150.0, "end": 1154.0, "text": "\u59d0\u59d0,\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u5417?", "tokens": [18102, 18102, 11, 28945, 14769, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1258906504003013, "compression_ratio": 1.0788177339901477, "no_speech_prob": 1.7168360500363633e-05}, {"id": 288, "seek": 115400, "start": 1154.0, "end": 1157.0, "text": "Big sister, do you 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3131, 11, 536, 498, 291, 393, 13799, 264, 3480, 27374, 490, 264, 3779, 1329, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13147825943796257, "compression_ratio": 1.1606425702811245, "no_speech_prob": 2.6653620807337575e-05}, {"id": 308, "seek": 121200, "start": 1227.0, "end": 1229.0, "text": "One.", "tokens": [15426, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13147825943796257, "compression_ratio": 1.1606425702811245, "no_speech_prob": 2.6653620807337575e-05}, {"id": 309, "seek": 121200, "start": 1229.0, "end": 1236.0, "text": "\u4ece\u8fd9\u91cc\u5230\u94f6\u884c\u53bb,\u6211\u5148\u5f80\u53f3\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", "tokens": [35630, 35102, 4511, 165, 241, 114, 8082, 6734, 11, 1654, 10108, 29510, 22060, 9575, 11, 8713, 41639, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.13147825943796257, "compression_ratio": 1.1606425702811245, "no_speech_prob": 2.6653620807337575e-05}, {"id": 310, "seek": 121200, "start": 1236.0, "end": 1241.0, "text": "To get from here to the bank, I first go to 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"\u7136\u540e\u5230\u4e86\u8def\u53e3,\u518d\u5f80\u5de6\u8d70,\u5bf9\u4e0d\u5bf9?", "tokens": [26636, 21381, 24658, 18144, 11, 8623, 29510, 21975, 9575, 11, 8713, 41639, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08047001229392158, "compression_ratio": 1.0769230769230769, "no_speech_prob": 2.478710848663468e-05}, {"id": 314, "seek": 124100, "start": 1260.0, "end": 1264.0, "text": "After that, when I've reached the intersection, then I go to the left.", "tokens": [24288, 300, 11, 562, 286, 600, 6488, 264, 15236, 11, 550, 286, 352, 281, 264, 1411, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08047001229392158, "compression_ratio": 1.0769230769230769, "no_speech_prob": 2.478710848663468e-05}, {"id": 315, "seek": 124100, "start": 1264.0, "end": 1266.0, "text": "Is that correct?", "tokens": [6802, 300, 3006, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08047001229392158, "compression_ratio": 1.0769230769230769, "no_speech_prob": 2.478710848663468e-05}, {"id": 316, "seek": 124100, "start": 1266.0, "end": 1268.0, "text": "\u5bf9\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [8713, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08047001229392158, "compression_ratio": 1.0769230769230769, "no_speech_prob": 2.478710848663468e-05}, {"id": 317, "seek": 124100, "start": 1268.0, "end": 1270.0, "text": "That's correct.", "tokens": [6390, 311, 3006, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.08047001229392158, "compression_ratio": 1.0769230769230769, "no_speech_prob": 2.478710848663468e-05}, {"id": 318, "seek": 127000, "start": 1270.0, "end": 1276.0, "text": "\u597d,\u6211\u77e5\u9053\u4e86,\u8c22\u8c22\u3002", "tokens": [2131, 11, 33838, 2289, 11, 19879, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09722577412923177, "compression_ratio": 1.0666666666666667, "no_speech_prob": 8.477113624394406e-06}, {"id": 319, "seek": 127000, "start": 1276.0, "end": 1279.0, "text": "Good, I've got it now. Thank you.", "tokens": [14649, 11, 286, 600, 658, 309, 586, 13, 1044, 291, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09722577412923177, "compression_ratio": 1.0666666666666667, "no_speech_prob": 8.477113624394406e-06}, {"id": 320, "seek": 127000, "start": 1279.0, "end": 1281.0, "text": "Number two.", "tokens": [45, 4182, 732, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09722577412923177, "compression_ratio": 1.0666666666666667, "no_speech_prob": 8.477113624394406e-06}, {"id": 321, "seek": 127000, "start": 1281.0, "end": 1286.0, "text": "\u5230\u5496\u5561\u5385\u53bb,\u600e\u4e48\u8d70?", "tokens": [4511, 8975, 244, 3284, 94, 5014, 227, 6734, 11, 15282, 9575, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09722577412923177, "compression_ratio": 1.0666666666666667, "no_speech_prob": 8.477113624394406e-06}, {"id": 322, "seek": 127000, "start": 1286.0, "end": 1290.0, "text": "How do I get to the coffee house?", "tokens": [6462, 360, 286, 483, 281, 264, 4982, 1782, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09722577412923177, "compression_ratio": 1.0666666666666667, "no_speech_prob": 8.477113624394406e-06}, {"id": 323, "seek": 127000, "start": 1290.0, "end": 1292.0, "text": "Number three.", "tokens": [45, 4182, 1045, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09722577412923177, "compression_ratio": 1.0666666666666667, "no_speech_prob": 8.477113624394406e-06}, {"id": 324, "seek": 127000, "start": 1292.0, "end": 1299.0, "text": "\u4f60\u77e5\u9053\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053\u534e\u7f8e\u5496\u5561\u5385?", "tokens": [28945, 17572, 5322, 236, 9175, 8975, 244, 3284, 94, 5014, 227, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.09722577412923177, "compression_ratio": 1.0666666666666667, "no_speech_prob": 8.477113624394406e-06}, {"id": 325, "seek": 129900, "start": 1299.0, "end": 1302.0, "text": "I don't know.", "tokens": [40, 500, 380, 458, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.24390707015991211, "compression_ratio": 1.1496598639455782, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001548270956845954}, {"id": 326, "seek": 129900, "start": 1302.0, "end": 1305.0, "text": "\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053?", "tokens": [17572, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.24390707015991211, "compression_ratio": 1.1496598639455782, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001548270956845954}, {"id": 327, "seek": 129900, "start": 1305.0, "end": 1308.0, "text": "No, I don't.", "tokens": [4540, 11, 286, 500, 380, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.24390707015991211, "compression_ratio": 1.1496598639455782, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001548270956845954}, {"id": 328, "seek": 129900, "start": 1308.0, "end": 1312.0, "text": "If you think you're ready, go on to the P1 tape.", "tokens": [8031, 291, 519, 291, 434, 1919, 11, 352, 322, 281, 264, 430, 16, 7314, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.24390707015991211, "compression_ratio": 1.1496598639455782, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001548270956845954}, {"id": 329, "seek": 129900, "start": 1312.0, "end": 1314.0, "text": "This is the end of the tape.", "tokens": [5723, 307, 264, 917, 295, 264, 7314, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.24390707015991211, "compression_ratio": 1.1496598639455782, "no_speech_prob": 0.0001548270956845954}, {"id": 330, "seek": 131400, "start": 1314.0, "end": 1331.0, "text": "Directions Module Unit 1, Comprehension Tape 1.", "tokens": [50364, 35, 621, 3916, 48251, 27894, 502, 11, 2432, 40128, 3378, 6551, 494, 502, 13, 51214], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.43885211383595185, "compression_ratio": 0.8703703703703703, "no_speech_prob": 0.001383970258757472}], "language": "zh"}