FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 04 DIR - Unit 04 - Tape 4C-2.mp3.txt 6.5 KB

  1. standard Chinese, a modular approach, directions module, unit four, comprehension tape two.
  2. before starting exercise one, read the instructions in your workbook for this unit.
  3. you'll need six new expressions for this exercise.
  4. here's the word for toilet.
  5. 厕所啊,厕所啊.
  6. here's how you say beside or next to.
  7. 旁边,旁边.
  8. here's the word for opposite or across from.
  9. 对面,对面.
  10. here's the verb to forget.
  11. 忘,忘.
  12. here's how you say come downstairs.
  13. 下楼来,下楼来.
  14. and here's how you say go upstairs.
  15. 上楼去,上楼去.
  16. exercise one, this exercise is said in the ROC.
  17. 玛丽,你等一等我,我得到厕所去.
  18. 我在哪里等你?
  19. 在电梯旁边等我.
  20. 电梯在哪里?
  21. 在楼梯对面.
  22. 我现在上楼去买肥皂.
  23. 买了肥皂,就下楼来,在电梯旁边等你.
  24. they have now come back to the elevator.
  25. 哎呀,我忘了买饭碗,你看见二楼,有没有卖饭碗的?
  26. 有,我看见了,上楼往右一直走,就是卖饭碗的.
  27. 好,我们上楼去.
  28. again.
  29. 玛丽,你等一等我,我得到厕所去.
  30. 我在哪里等你?
  31. 在电梯旁边等我.
  32. 电梯在哪里?
  33. 在楼梯对面.
  34. 我现在上楼去买肥皂.
  35. 买了肥皂,就下楼来,在电梯旁边等你.
  36. they have now come back to the elevator.
  37. 哎呀,我忘了买饭碗,你看见二楼,有没有卖饭碗的?
  38. 有,我看见了,上楼往右一直走,就是卖饭碗的.
  39. 好,我们上楼去.
  40. see if you understood what was said.
  41. 玛丽,你等一等我,我得到厕所去.
  42. Mary,wait a moment for me, I have to go to the toilet.
  43. 我在哪里等你?
  44. where should I wait for you?
  45. 在电梯旁边等我.
  46. wait for me beside the elevator.
  47. 电梯在哪里?
  48. where is the elevator?
  49. 在楼梯对面.
  50. right across from the stairs.
  51. 我现在上楼去买肥皂.
  52. 买了肥皂,就下楼来,在电梯旁边等你.
  53. I'm going upstairs to buy some soap.
  54. After I've bought the soap, I'll come downstairs and wait for you by the elevator.
  55. They have now come back to the elevator.
  56. 哎呀,我忘了卖饭碗,你看见二楼,有没有卖饭碗的?
  57. Oh no, I forgot to buy rice bowls.
  58. Do you see whether they have them on the second floor?
  59. 有,我看见了,上楼往右一直走,就是卖饭碗的.
  60. Yes, I saw them.
  61. Go upstairs and go straight to the right, and that's where they sell the rice bowls.
  62. 好,我们上楼去.
  63. Good, let's go upstairs.
  64. Before starting exercise two, read the instructions in your workbook.
  65. You'll need four new words for this exercise.
  66. Listen to the word for staircase.
  67. 楼梯,楼梯.
  68. Here's the word for across from or opposite.
  69. 对面,对面.
  70. Here's the word for if.
  71. 要是,要是.
  72. And here's the word for then, or in that case.
  73. 那,那.
  74. Exercise two.
  75. This exercise is said in the ROC.
  76. 小姐请问,马铭山先生在几楼?
  77. 马铭山在二楼.
  78. 多少号?
  79. 29号.
  80. 走哪个楼梯近?
  81. 走这边的楼梯近.
  82. 楼梯对面就是电梯,你坐电梯也可以.
  83. 我到了二楼,往哪边走?
  84. 到了二楼,往右走.
  85. 要是我坐电梯呢?
  86. 那,你到了二楼,下电梯,往左走.
  87. 到了楼梯那,往右走.
  88. 谢谢.
  89. 不客气.
  90. Again.
  91. 小姐请问,马铭山先生在几楼?
  92. 马铭山在二楼.
  93. 多少号?
  94. 29号.
  95. 走哪个楼梯近?
  96. 走这边的楼梯近.
  97. 楼梯对面就是电梯,
  98. 你坐电梯也可以.
  99. 我到了二楼,往哪边走?
  100. 到了二楼,往右走.
  101. 要是我坐电梯呢?
  102. 那,你到了二楼,下电梯,往左走.
  103. 到了楼梯那,往右走.
  104. 谢谢.
  105. 不客气.
  106. listen once more and answer the questions.
  107. 小姐请问,马铭山先生在几楼?
  108. 马铭山在二楼.
  109. 多少号?
  110. 29号.
  111. 走哪个楼梯近?
  112. 走这边的楼梯近.
  113. 楼梯对面就是电梯,
  114. 你坐电梯也可以.
  115. 我到了二楼,往哪边走?
  116. 到了二楼,往右走.
  117. 要是我坐电梯呢?
  118. 那,你到了二楼,下电梯,往左走.
  119. 到了楼梯那,往右走.
  120. 谢谢.
  121. 不客气.
  122. Before going on to exercise three,
  123. read the instructions in your workbook.
  124. You'll hear one new expression in this exercise.
  125. Here's how you say, a cup of coffee.
  126. 一杯咖啡,一杯咖啡.
  127. Exercise three.
  128. This exercise is said in the ROC.
  129. 这个饭店的餐厅在几楼?
  130. 在一楼.
  131. 一楼什么地方?怎么走?
  132. 你坐电梯到一楼,下了电梯,往左走,就是餐厅.
  133. 这里有没有立法的地方?
  134. 有,也在一楼.
  135. 在一楼什么地方?
  136. 你下了电梯,往右走,就是立法的地方.
  137. The American is now in the dining room speaking to the waitress.
  138. 请你给我一块点心,给你一杯咖啡.
  139. 好.
  140. 哦,请问,洗手间在什么地方?
  141. 在那里,往里走,就在左边.
  142. 谢谢.
  143. 不客气.
  144. Again.
  145. 这个饭店的餐厅在几楼?
  146. 在一楼.
  147. 一楼什么地方?怎么走?
  148. 你坐电梯到一楼,下了电梯,往左走,就是餐厅.
  149. 这里有没有立法的地方?
  150. 有,也在一楼.
  151. 在一楼什么地方?
  152. 你下了电梯,往右走,就是立法的地方.
  153. The American is now in the dining room speaking to the waitress.
  154. 请你给我一块点心,给你一杯咖啡.
  155. 好.
  156. 哦,请问,洗手间在什么地方?
  157. 在那里,往里走,就在左边.
  158. 谢谢.
  159. 不客气.
  160. Listen once more and answer the questions.
  161. 这个饭店的餐厅在几楼?
  162. 在一楼.
  163. 一楼什么地方?怎么走?
  164. 你坐电梯到一楼,下了电梯,往左走,就是餐厅.
  165. 这里有没有立法的地方?
  166. 有,也在一楼.
  167. 在一楼什么地方?
  168. 你下了电梯,往右走,就是立法的地方.
  169. The American is now in the dining room speaking to the waitress.
  170. 请你给我一块点心,给你一杯咖啡.
  171. 好.
  172. 哦,请问,洗手间在什么地方?
  173. 在那里,往里走,就在左边.
  174. 谢谢.
  175. 不客气.
  176. Before going on to the dialect listening exercise,
  177. read the instructions in your workbook.
  178. Dialect listening exercise.
  179. This exercise is said in the ROC.
  180. The male speaker in this exercise is a speaker of Taiwanese
  181. who learns standard Chinese as a second language.
  182. Exercise 2.
  183. 小姐,请问马铭山先生在几楼?
  184. 马铭山在二楼.
  185. 请问多少号?
  186. 29号.
  187. 我走那边楼梯进.
  188. 走这边楼梯进,楼梯对面就是电梯.
  189. 你坐电梯也可以.
  190. 我到二楼,往那边走.
  191. 到了二楼,往右走.
  192. 要是我坐电梯呢?
  193. 那你到了二楼,下电梯往左走.
  194. 到了楼梯那,往右走.
  195. 谢谢小姐.
  196. 不客气.
  197. Again.
  198. 小姐,请问马铭山先生在几楼?
  199. 马铭山在二楼.
  200. 请问多少号?
  201. 29号.
  202. 我走那边楼梯进.
  203. 走这边楼梯进,楼梯对面就是电梯.
  204. 你坐电梯也可以.
  205. 我到二楼,往那边走.
  206. 到了二楼,往右走.
  207. 要是我坐电梯呢?
  208. 那你到了二楼,下电梯往左走.
  209. 到了楼梯那,往右走.
  210. 谢谢小姐.
  211. 不客气.
  212. 谢谢小姐.
  213. 小姐,请问马铭山先生在几楼?
  214. 马铭山在二楼.
  215. 请问多少号?
  216. 29号.
  217. 我走那边楼梯进.
  218. 走这边楼梯进,楼梯对面就是电梯.
  219. 你坐电梯也可以.
  220. 我到二楼,往那边走.
  221. 到了二楼,往右走.
  222. 要是我坐电梯呢?
  223. 那你到了二楼,下电梯往左走.
  224. 到了楼梯那,往右走.
  225. 谢谢小姐.
  226. 不客气.