FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 09 LIC - Unit 05 - Tape 1.mp3.txt 14 KB

  1. And a Chinese, a modular approach.
  2. Life in China module, Unit 5, Tape 1.
  3. In this unit, you'll learn some words and phrases used to talk about the various modes of transportation used in China.
  4. Listen to the first exchange from the reference list.
  5. I've heard that you're going off on business to the border region.
  6. 聽說,你要到邊疆出差去了?
  7. Yes, the past couple of days have been awfully busy because of this long-distance trip.
  8. 对了,为了这次出远门,这两天忙得不得了.
  9. Repeat, frontier region, border region.
  10. 边疆,边疆.
  11. Repeat, I've heard that you're going off on business to the border region.
  12. 听说,你要到边疆出差去了?
  13. 听说,你要到边疆出差去了?
  14. Repeat to go on a long-distance trip.
  15. 出远门,出远门.
  16. Repeat to be awful, to be disastrous.
  17. 不得了,不得了.
  18. Repeat, yes, the past couple of days have been awfully busy because of this long-distance trip.
  19. 对了,为了这次出远门,这两天忙得不得了.
  20. 对了,为了这次出远门,这两天忙得不得了.
  21. Now listen to the first sentence and then give the reply.
  22. Yes, the past couple of days have been awfully busy because of this long-distance trip.
  23. 听说,你要到边疆出差去了?
  24. 对了,为了这次出远门,这两天忙得不得了.
  25. Now listen to the next exchange.
  26. How are you planning to travel when you go off on official business this time?
  27. 这次,你出门办公室,准备怎么走啊?
  28. By plane, this afternoon I'm going to CAAC to buy a ticket.
  29. 坐飞机,下午到中国铭行买机票.
  30. Repeat, official business.
  31. 公事,公事.
  32. Repeat, how are you planning to travel when you go off on official business this time?
  33. 这次,你出门办公室,准备怎么走啊?
  34. Repeat, CAAC, Civil Aviation Administration of China.
  35. 中国铭行,中国铭行.
  36. Repeat, plane ticket.
  37. 机票,机票.
  38. Repeat, by plane, this afternoon I'm going to CAAC to buy a ticket.
  39. 坐飞机,下午到中国铭行买机票.
  40. 坐飞机,下午到中国铭行买机票.
  41. Now try answering the question yourself.
  42. Say, by plane, this afternoon I'm going to CAAC to buy a ticket.
  43. 这次,你出门办公室,准备怎么走啊?
  44. 坐飞机,下午到中国铭行买机票.
  45. Here's the next exchange. Listen.
  46. You were traveling for over 20 days. How did you like it?
  47. 旅行了20多天,你觉得怎么样?
  48. This time when I went away, I crossed over both the Yangzi River and the Yellow River.
  49. It was extremely interesting.
  50. 这次出门,又过长江,又过黄河,有意思急了.
  51. Repeat Yangzi River.
  52. 长江,长江.Repeat Yellow River.
  53. 黄河,黄河.Repeat.
  54. This time when I went away, I crossed over both the Yangzi River and the Yellow River.
  55. It was extremely interesting.
  56. 这次出门,又过长江,又过黄河,有意思急了.
  57. Repeat Yangzi River.
  58. 这次出门,又过长江,又过黄河,有意思急了.
  59. Now try answering the question yourself.
  60. Say, this time when I went away, I crossed over both the Yangzi River and the Yellow River.
  61. It was extremely interesting.
  62. 旅行了20多天,你觉得怎么样?
  63. 这次出门,又过长江,又过黄河,有意思急了.
  64. Now here's a review of the vocabulary from this first part of the reference list.
  65. Test yourself.
  66. Frontier Region, Border Region.
  67. 边疆,to go on a long distance trip.
  68. 出远门,to be awful, to be disastrous.
  69. 得了official business.
  70. 公事,caac.
  71. 中国铭行,plane ticket.
  72. 机票,Yangzi River.
  73. 长江,Yellow River.
  74. 黄河.
  75. Now listen to the next exchange.
  76. Do I need to take a long distance bus from the Peking Hotel to the zoo?
  77. 从北京饭店到动物园,要不要坐长途汽车?
  78. No, you can go by trolley bus.
  79. 不用,坐五轨电车就行了.
  80. Repeat the zoo.
  81. 动物园.
  82. Repeat long distance.
  83. 长途.
  84. Repeat long distance bus.
  85. 长途汽车.
  86. Repeat,do I need to take a long distance bus from the Peking Hotel to the zoo?
  87. 从北京饭店到动物园,要不要坐长途汽车?
  88. 从北京饭店到动物园,要不要坐长途汽车?
  89. Repeat,track with trolley car, trolley bus.
  90. 五轨电车.
  91. Repeat,no, you can go by trolley bus.
  92. 不用,坐五轨电车就行了.
  93. 不用,坐五轨电车就行了.
  94. Now answer the question yourself.
  95. Say no, you can go by trolley bus.
  96. 从北京饭店到动物园,要不要坐长途汽车?
  97. 不用,坐五轨电车就行了.
  98. Here's the next exchange from the reference list.
  99. Listen,Premier Zhou was extremely concerned with the work of teaching in our university.
  100. 周董理十分关怀我们大学的教学工作.
  101. Repeat,Premier prime minister.
  102. 总理,总理.
  103. Repeat completely very quiet extremely.
  104. 十分,十分.
  105. Repeat to be concerned about, concerned.
  106. 关怀,关怀.
  107. Repeat,Premier Zhou was extremely concerned with the work of teaching in our university.
  108. 周董理十分关怀我们大学的教学工作.
  109. 周董理十分关怀我们大学的教学工作.
  110. Listen to the next exchange.
  111. Do you like to ride a bicycle?
  112. 你喜欢骑自行车吗?
  113. Yes, generally speaking, if you compare to riding the bus, I prefer to ride my bicycle.
  114. 喜欢?一般来说,如果和坐公共汽车比,我还是爱汽车.
  115. Repeat to ride a bicycle or a horse.
  116. 骑,骑.Repeat bicycle.
  117. 自行车,自行车.Repeat, do you like to ride a bicycle?
  118. 你喜欢骑自行车吗?
  119. 你喜欢骑自行车吗?
  120. Repeat, generally speaking,一般来说,一般来说,Repeat to compare,比,比.
  121. Repeat, yes, generally speaking, if you compare to riding the bus, I prefer to ride my bicycle.
  122. 喜欢?一般来说,如果和坐公共汽车比,我还是爱汽车.
  123. 喜欢?一般来说,如果和坐公共汽车比,我还是爱汽车.
  124. Now you answer the question, say, yes, generally speaking, if you compare to riding the bus, I prefer to ride my bicycle.
  125. 你喜欢骑自行车吗?
  126. 喜欢?一般来说,如果和坐公共汽车比,我还是爱汽车.
  127. Now here's a review of vocabulary you just learned.
  128. Test yourself, zoo,动物园,long distance,长途,
  129. long distance bus,长途汽车,trackless trolley car, trolley bus,
  130. 五轨电车,Premier Prime Minister,总理,completely, very quite extremely,
  131. 十分,to be concerned about, concern,关怀,to ride a bicycle or a horse,骑 bicycle,自行车,generally speaking,一般来说,to compare,比.
  132. Here's the next exchange from the reference list. Listen.
  133. In a few days, my daughter is going to go work on a steamship. I'm a little bit worried.
  134. 过些日子,我女儿就要到轮船上去工作了。我有点不放心。
  135. She's a girl with determination, don't worry.
  136. 她是个有志气的孩子,你就放心吧。
  137. She's a girl with determination, don't worry.
  138. 她是个有志气的孩子,就放心吧。
  139. She's a girl with determination, don't worry.
  140. 她是个有志气的孩子,就放心吧。
  141. 过些日子,我女儿就要到轮船上去工作了。我有点不放心。
  142. 过些日子,我女儿就要到轮船上去工作了。我有点不放心。
  143. He's a girl with determination, don't worry.
  144. 她是个有志气的孩子,你就放心吧。
  145. 她是个有志气的孩子,你就放心吧。
  146. Now listen to the first sentence and then give the report. She's a girl with determination, don't worry.
  147. 过些日子,我女儿就要到轮船上去工作了。我有点不放心。
  148. 她是个有志气的孩子,你就放心吧。
  149. Now listen to the next exchange.
  150. You bought a monthly ticket this month. Isn't riding a bicycle good?
  151. 这个月你怎么买月票了?汽车不是很好吗?
  152. Every day on my way to work, I have to cross over two bridges. It's really tiring.
  153. 每天上班得过两个桥,真累。
  154. And when the light turns red, I have to wait forever.
  155. So it's still more convenient to take a public bus.
  156. 红灯一亮,还要等半天,还是坐公共汽车方便。
  157. Repeat monthly ticket,月票,月票。
  158. Repeat, how come you bought a monthly ticket this month?
  159. Isn't riding a bicycle good?
  160. 这个月你怎么买月票了?汽车不是很好吗?
  161. Repeat bridge,桥,桥。
  162. Repeat, every day on my way to work, I have to cross over two bridges. It's really tiring.
  163. 每天上班得过两个桥,真累。
  164. Repeat, a red light, instead of a traffic light.
  165. 红灯,红灯。
  166. Repeat, and when the light turns red, I have to wait forever.
  167. So it's still more convenient to take a public bus.
  168. 红灯一亮,还要等半天,还是坐公共汽车方便。
  169. 红灯一亮,还要等半天,还是坐公共汽车方便。
  170. Here's the next exchange. Listen.
  171. Have you heard? In order to save energy, the number of public buses on this street has been reduced.
  172. 你听说了吗?为了节省能源,这条路上的公共汽车减少了。
  173. There aren't too many people on this street. It doesn't matter if public buses are reduced by a few.
  174. 这条路上人不多,减少几辆车也没有什么关系。
  175. Repeat to save to economize.
  176. 节省,节省。
  177. Repeat energy, energy resources.
  178. 能源,能源。
  179. Repeat to reduce.
  180. 减少,减少。
  181. Repeat. Have you heard? In order to save energy, the number of public buses on this street has been reduced.
  182. 你听说了吗?为了节省能源,这条路上的公共汽车减少了。
  183. 你听说了吗?为了节省能源,这条路上的公共汽车减少了。
  184. 这条路上人不多,减少几辆车也没有什么关系。
  185. Repeat. There aren't too many people on this street.
  186. 这条路上人不多,减少几辆车也没有什么关系。
  187. Repeat. There aren't too many public buses on this street.
  188. 这条路上人不多,减少几辆车也没有什么关系。
  189. Repeat. There aren't too many people on this street.
  190. It doesn't matter if public buses are reduced by a few.
  191. 这条路上人不多,减少几辆车也没有什么关系。
  192. 这条路上人不多,减少几辆车也没有什么关系。
  193. 这条路上人不多,减少几辆车也没有什么关系。
  194. Repeat. There aren't too many public buses on this street.
  195. 这条路上人不多,减少几辆车也没有什么关系。
  196. 月票,bridge, a red light set of a traffic light,
  197. 红灯 to save to economize,
  198. 协省 energy, energy resources,
  199. 能源 to reduce,
  200. 减少. Now listen to the next exchange.
  201. Does China have ocean-going steamships now?
  202. 中国现在有远洋轮船吗?
  203. Yes, China has had ocean-going freighters and ocean-going passenger steamships for a long time.
  204. 有,早就有了远洋货轮和远洋客轮.
  205. Repeat ocean-going远洋,远洋。
  206. Repeat. Does China have ocean-going steamships now?
  207. 中国现在有远洋轮船吗?
  208. 中国现在有远洋轮船吗?
  209. Repeat freighter货轮,货轮。
  210. Repeat passenger steamship.
  211. 客轮,客轮。
  212. Repeat. Yes, China has had ocean-going freighters and ocean-going passenger steamships for a long time.
  213. 有,早就有了远洋货轮和远洋客轮。
  214. 有,早就有了远洋货轮和远洋客轮。
  215. Now you answer the question, say yes, China has had ocean-going freighters and ocean-going passenger steamships for a long time.
  216. 中国现在有远洋轮船吗?
  217. 有,早就有了远洋货轮和远洋客轮。
  218. Listen to the next exchange.
  219. I hope our transportation operations will develop greatly and that the frontier regions will soon be open to trains.
  220. 我希望我们的交通事业大发展便将早一点通货车。
  221. Yes indeed, when that time comes, it will be so much more convenient for everyone to visit their families.
  222. 可不是吗?到那个时候,大家探亲可就方便多了。
  223. Repeat, undertaking enterprise task operations.
  224. 事业,事业。
  225. Repeat, to be open to traffic, to be passable by traffic.
  226. 通,通。
  227. Repeat, I hope our transportation operations will develop greatly and that the frontier regions will soon be open to trains.
  228. 我希望我们的交通事业大发展便将早一点通货车。
  229. 我希望我们的交通事业大发展便将早一点通货车。
  230. Repeat, to visit one's close relatives, spouse, parents or children.
  231. 探亲,探亲。
  232. Repeat, yes indeed, when that time comes, it will be so much more convenient for everyone to visit their families.
  233. 可不是吗?到那个时候,大家探亲可就方便多了。
  234. Repeat, yes indeed, when that time comes, it will be so much more convenient for everyone to visit their families.
  235. 我希望我们的交通事业大发展便将早一点通货车。
  236. Repeat, yes indeed, when that time comes, it will be so much more convenient for everyone to visit their families.
  237. 可不是吗?到那个时候,大家探亲可就方便多了。
  238. Now listen to the next exchange.
  239. Who did she go to the summer palace with yesterday?
  240. 昨天,她和谁到一和远去了?
  241. That's her private business. It would be best if we didn't inquire.
  242. 那是她私人的事,我们最好不打听。Repeat, summer palace.
  243. 一和远,一和远。Repeat, who did she go to the summer palace with yesterday?
  244. 昨天,她和谁到一和远去了?
  245. 昨天,她和谁到一和远去了?
  246. 私人,私人。Repeat, that's her private business. It would be best if we didn't inquire.
  247. 那是她私人的事,我们最好不打听。
  248. 那是她私人的事,我们最好不打听。
  249. Now you answer the question yourself.
  250. Say, that's her private business. It would be best if we didn't inquire.
  251. 昨天,她和谁到一和远去了?
  252. 那是她私人的事,我们最好不打听。
  253. 那是她私人的事,我们最好不打听。
  254. 那是她私人的事,我们最好不打听。
  255. 那是她私人的事,我们最好不打听。
  256. Repeat, cause reason, ground.
  257. 原因,原因。
  258. Repeat, is there some reason why you're so fond of exercising and why you're working out for your four hours a day?
  259. 你这么爱运动,每天锻炼三四个小时,有什么原因吗?
  260. Repeat, sports meet.
  261. 运动会。
  262. 运动会。
  263. Repeat, I want to enter the sports meet next spring.
  264. 我要参加明年春天的运动会。
  265. 我要参加明年春天的运动会。
  266. Here's a review of the vocabulary from the last part of the reference list.
  267. Test yourself.
  268. Ocean going.
  269. 悬阳.
  270. Fraitor.
  271. 化轮.
  272. Passenger's steamship.
  273. 客轮, undertaking enterprise task operations.
  274. 事业.
  275. To be open to traffic, to be passable by traffic.
  276. 通.
  277. To visit one's close relatives.
  278. 叛亲.
  279. Summer Palace.
  280. 一合圆.
  281. Private.
  282. 四人.
  283. Exercise.
  284. 运动.
  285. Sports meet.
  286. 运动会.
  287. Cause, reason, ground.
  288. 参与.
  289. A dialogue reviewing this material is at the beginning of the tape two for this unit.
  290. This is the end of the tape.
  291. end of life in china module unit five tape one.