FSI-52-vocab.csv 2.0 KB

  1. Bādálǐng (Bádàlǐng) 八达岭 mountain northwest of Běijīng, site of a famous section of the Great Wall 8 4 FSI Chinese
  2. -cháo -朝 dynasty (bound form) 8 4 FSI Chinese
  3. cháodài 朝代 dynasty 8 4 FSI Chinese
  4. chángxīn 长新 again, anew, afresh 8 4 FSI Chinese
  5. chuānguò 穿过 to pass, to cross 8 4 FSI Chinese
  6. dìxíng 地形 topography, terrain 8 4 FSI Chinese
  7. fángbèi 防备 to take precautions against 8 4 FSI Chinese
  8. gài 盖 to build (buildings); to cover 8 4 FSI Chinese
  9. gōngdiàn 宫殿 palace 8 4 FSI Chinese
  10. gōngzuòzhě 工作者 worker 8 4 FSI Chinese
  11. guǎngchǎng 广场 (public) square 8 4 FSI Chinese
  12. gǔdài 古代 ancient times, antiquity 8 4 FSI Chinese
  13. Gùgōng 故宫 Former Imperial Palace 8 4 FSI Chinese
  14. jǐ 挤 to be crowded 8 4 FSI Chinese
  15. jiànzhù (zhú, zhu) 建筑 to build, to construct; structure 8 4 FSI Chinese
  16. jiàotáng 教堂 church, cathedral 8 4 FSI Chinese
  17. juédìng 决定 to decide 8 4 FSI Chinese
  18. kě 可 indeed, certainly 8 4 FSI Chinese
  19. -lǐ -哩 li. a unit of length (1/2 km.) 8 4 FSI Chinese
  20. Míngcháo 明朝 name of a dynasty, 1368-1644 8 4 FSI Chinese
  21. Ōuzhōu 欧洲 Europe 8 4 FSI Chinese
  22. Qiánmén 前门 a gate in Běijīng 8 4 FSI Chinese
  23. Qíncháo 秦朝 name of a dynasty, 221-207 B.C. 8 4 FSI Chinese
  24. qīnlüè 侵略 to invade; aggression 8 4 FSI Chinese
  25. shěng 省 province 8 4 FSI Chinese
  26. Shísānlíng 十三陵 the Thirteen Tombs (Ming Tombs) 8 4 FSI Chinese
  27. shǒudū 首都 capital 8 4 FSI Chinese
  28. Tiān’ānmén 天门 the Gate of Heavenly Peace 8 4 FSI Chinese
  29. Tiān Tán 天坛 the Temple of Heaven 8 4 FSI Chinese
  30. Wànlǐ Chángchéng 万里长城 the Great Wall of Ten Thousand Li 8 4 FSI Chinese
  31. xīnshǎng 欣赏 to appreciate/enjoy/admire 8 4 FSI Chinese
  32. xiū 修 to build, to construct (roads, reservoirs, etc.); to repair; to trim, prune 8 4 FSI Chinese
  33. Yíhéyuán (Yì-) 颐和园 the Summer Palace (in Běijīng) 8 4 FSI Chinese
  34. yìshu 艺术 art 8 4 FSI Chinese
  35. yóulǎn 游览 to sightsee, to tour, to visit 8 4 FSI Chinese