words.csv 9.8 KB

  1. yígè 一个 One 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  2. gāozhōng 高中 high school 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  3. gāozhōngxuéshēng 高中学生 High school student 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  4. zhōngxué 中学 middle school 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  5. zhōngxuéshēng 中学生 Middle school students 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  6. xuéshēng 学生 student 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  7. kàn 看 Look 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  8. běijīng 北京 Beijing 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  9. de 的 of 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  10. diànshì 电视 television 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  11. diànshìjiàoxué 电视教学 TV teaching 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  12. jiàoxué 教学 teaching 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  13. jiémù 节目 programme 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  14. néng 能 can 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  15. bùnéng 不能 cannot 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  16. néngkàndǒng 能看懂 Can understand 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  17. dàduō 大多 most 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  18. dàduōshù 大多数 most 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  19. duōshù 多数 most 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  20. gāozhōng 高中 high school 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  21. gāozhōngxuéshēng 高中学生 High school student 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  22. zhōngxué 中学 middle school 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  23. zhōngxuéshēng 中学生 Middle school students 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  24. xuéshēng 学生 student 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  25. dōu 都 All 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  26. néngkàndǒng 能看懂 Can understand 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  27. tā 她 she 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  28. chànggē 唱歌 Sing 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  29. gēér 歌儿 song 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  30. zhēnhǎo 真好 very nice 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  31. hǎotīng 好听 nice 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  32. nǐ 你 you 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  33. zǒngshì 总是 always 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  34. gǎocuò 搞错 mistake 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  35. nà 那 That 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  36. búshì 不是 no 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  37. gēér 歌儿 song 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  38. nà 那 That 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  39. shì 是 Yes 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  40. dìfāng 地方 place 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  41. dìfāngxì 地方戏 local drama 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  42. jīntiān 今天 today 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  43. jīntiānxiàwǔ 今天下午 this afternoon 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  44. tiānxià 天下 world 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  45. xiàwǔ 下午 afternoon 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  46. wǒmen 我们 us 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  47. de 的 of 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  48. jiàoxué 教学 teaching 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  49. tǎolùn 讨论 discuss 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  50. tǎolùnhuì 讨论会 discussion 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  51. bùkāi 不开 not open 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  52. le 了 span 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  53. hǎojíle 好极了 great 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  54. jíle 极了 Extremely 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  55. wǒ 我 I 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  56. nénggòu 能够 were able 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  57. qù 去 go 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  58. cānjiā 参加 Participation 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  59. jiāpái 加排 add row 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  60. páiqiú 排球 volleyball 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  61. páiqiúbǐsài 排球比赛 volleyball game 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  62. bǐsài 比赛 Contest 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  63. le 了 span 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  64. tā 他 he 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  65. zuìjìn 最近 Recently 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  66. de 的 of 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  67. zuòpǐn 作品 work 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  68. shēnshòu 深受 deeply 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  69. guǎngdà 广大 vast 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  70. guǎngdàqúnzhòng 广大群众 the masses 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  71. dàqún 大群 large group 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  72. qúnzhòng 群众 the masses 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  73. huānyíng 欢迎 welcome 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  74. zuìjìn 最近 Recently 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  75. jìnliǎngnián 近两年 last two years 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  76. liǎngnián 两年 two years 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  77. tā 他 he 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  78. tígāo 提高 improve 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  79. de 的 of 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  80. hěnkuài 很快 soon 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  81. zhēnwèi 真为 really 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  82. tā 他 he 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  83. gāoxìng 高兴 Happy 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  84. chúle 除了 Apart from 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  85. gōngzuò 工作 Work 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  86. yǐwài 以外 apart from 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  87. nǐmen 你们 you 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  88. hái 还 return 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  89. jīngcháng 经常 often 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  90. chángyǒu 常有 often 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  91. xuéxí 学习 study 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  92. ma 吗 do you 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  93. guǎngdà 广大 vast 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  94. guǎngdàgànbù 广大干部 the majority of cadres 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  95. dàgàn 大干 big dry 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  96. gànbù 干部 cadre 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  97. juéde 觉得 feel 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  98. yào 要 want 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  99. tígāo 提高 improve 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  100. zìjǐ 自己 Own 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  101. de 的 of 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  102. sīxiǎng 思想 Thought 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  103. shuǐpíng 水平 Level 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  104. jiù 就 At once 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  105. bìxū 必须 must 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  106. píngcháng 平常 usually 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  107. xuéxí 学习 study 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  108. nǐ 你 you 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  109. míngtiān 明天 tomorrow 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  110. wǎnshàng 晚上 night 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  111. shǎngqù 上去 go up 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  112. dǎqiú 打球 play ball 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  113. qiúér 球儿 ball 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  114. ma 吗 do you 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  115. bù 不 Do not 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  116. wǒ 我 I 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  117. yào 要 want 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  118. péi 陪 accompany 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  119. wǒ 我 I 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  120. shīfù 师傅 master 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  121. qù 去 go 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  122. kàn 看 Look 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  123. bālěi 芭蕾 ballet 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  124. bālěiwǔ 芭蕾舞 ballet 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  125. wèile 为了 for 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  126. mǎnzú 满足 Satisfy 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  127. niánqīng 年轻 young 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  128. niánqīngrén 年轻人 young people 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  129. rénwén 人文 Humanities 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  130. wénhuà 文化 culture 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  131. huàshēng 化生 metaplasia 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  132. shēnghuó 生活 Life 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  133. de 的 of 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  134. xūyào 需要 need 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  135. zhègè 这个 this 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  136. zhōumò 周末 weekend 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  137. wǒmen 我们 us 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  138. yào 要 want 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  139. kāi 开 open 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  140. gè 个 indivual 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  141. yīnyuè 音乐 music 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  142. yīnyuèhuì 音乐会 concert 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  143. zhēnbù 真不 really not 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  144. bùhuài 不坏 not bad 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  145. wǒ 我 I 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  146. yě 也 also 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  147. cānjiā 参加 Participation 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  148. nǐ 你 you 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  149. chúle 除了 Apart from 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  150. ài 爱 Love 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  151. dǎ 打 beat 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  152. pīngpāng 乒乓 ping pong 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  153. qiú 求 beg 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  154. ér 儿 Son 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  155. yǐwài 以外 apart from 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  156. hái 还 return 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  157. xǐhuān 喜欢 like 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  158. shénme 什么 what 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  159. xǐhuān 喜欢 like 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  160. lánqiú 篮球 basketball 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  161. wǒ 我 I 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  162. hái 还 return 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  163. cānjiā 参加 Participation 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  164. le 了 span 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  165. xuéxiào 学校 School 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  166. de 的 of 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  167. lánqiú 篮球 basketball 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  168. lánqiúduì 篮球队 basketball team 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  169. qiúduì 球队 team 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  170. yípó 姨婆 Aunt 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  171. jīntiān 今天 today 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  172. yǒu 有 Have 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  173. shénme 什么 what 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  174. xīnwén 新闻 news 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  175. tīngshuō 听说 It is said that 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  176. yígè 一个 One 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  177. yǒumíng 有名 Famous 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  178. de 的 of 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  179. yuèduì 乐队 band 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  180. yàodào 要到 arriving 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  181. wǒmen 我们 us 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  182. zhèér 这儿 here 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  183. lái 来 Come 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  184. yǎnchū 演出 show 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  185. le 了 span 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  186. nǐlǎo 你老 you old 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  187. shì 是 Yes 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  188. dúshū 读书 read 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  189. kuàilái 快来 come soon 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  190. xiūxī 休息 rest 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  191. yīhuì 一会 a while 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  192. yīhuìer 一会儿 a while 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  193. huìer 会儿 a while 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  194. kànkàn 看看 have a look 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  195. kàndiànshì 看电视 watch TV 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  196. diànshì 电视 television 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  197. ba 吧 Bar 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  198. hǎo 好 it is good 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  199. wǒ 我 I 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  200. láikàn 来看 come to see 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  201. yīhuì 一会 a while 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  202. yīhuìer 一会儿 a while 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  203. huìer 会儿 a while 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  204. guójì 国际 internationality 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  205. xīnwén 新闻 news 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  206. xīnwénjiémù 新闻节目 news program 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  207. jiémù 节目 programme 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  208. zhègè 这个 this 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  209. xīngqī 星期 Week 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  210. de 的 of 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  211. měigè 每个 each 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  212. wǎnshàng 晚上 night 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  213. yòu 又 again 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  214. páidé 排得 lined up 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  215. mǎnmǎn 满满 full 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  216. ér 儿 Son 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  217. de 的 of 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  218. le 了 span 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  219. nǐ 你 you 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  220. yào 要 want 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  221. dúshū 读书 read 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  222. yòu 又 again 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  223. yào 要 want 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  224. kànxì 看戏 go to the theatre 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  225. hái 还 return 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  226. xiǎng 想 think 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  227. cānjiā 参加 Participation 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  228. tuántǐ 团体 group 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  229. de 的 of 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  230. huódòng 活动 Activity 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  231. shì 是 Yes 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  232. tài 太 too 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  233. máng 忙 busy 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  234. le 了 span 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  235. zhègè 这个 this 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  236. jīngxì 京戏 Peking opera 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  237. zhíde 值得 worth 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  238. kàn 看 Look 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  239. jīntiān 今天 today 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  240. nǐ 你 you 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  241. xiǎng 想 think 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  242. bùxiǎng 不想 In no mood 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  243. xiǎngqù 想去 want to go 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  244. ? ? ? 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  245. jīntiān 今天 today 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  246. wǎnshàng 晚上 night 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  247. diànshì 电视 television 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  248. diànshìjié 电视节 TV Festival 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  249. diànshìjiémù 电视节目 TV show 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  250. jiémù 节目 programme 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  251. zhuǎnbō 转播 broadcast 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  252. diànyǐng 电影 Movie 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  253. yǐngér 影儿 Shadow 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  254. zánmen 咱们 we 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  255. míngtiān 明天 tomorrow 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  256. kàn 看 Look 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  257. jīngxì 京戏 Peking opera 9 4 FSI-Chinese
  258. ba 吧 Bar 9 4 FSI-Chinese