car11.csv 640 B

  1. 1. Yinwei wǒ chāo sù le, wo nádàole yige fákuāndān. Because I was speeding I got a ticket.
  2. 2. W8 dài .liàshí zhízhào le. I brought my driver's license.
  3. 3. Yě dài dēngjìzhèng le. And I brought the car registration too.
  4. 1. Jftde chēzi yòngde shi wài.iiāo rènyuàn páizhao. Your oar has diplomatic plates.
  5. 5. Ni shi wài.iiāoquàn ma? Are you a diplomat?
  6. 6. Ni chāo sù le, dèi fakùan. You went over the speed limit, I'll have to fine you.
  7. 7. Dánzi houtou you shuòmíng. On the back of the ticket is an explanation.
  8. 8. Nt ànzhào shuōmlng qù ban ba. You go take care of it according to the explanation.