car7.csv 435 B

  1. 1. You yíge lúntāi bào le. A tire has blown out.
  2. 2. Bèitāi, gōng.iù dōu you. There's both a spare tire and tools.
  3. 3. Zāogáo!* Xǐnqíng fādòng-bùaǐlái le! Oh no.' The engine won't start up!
  4. 4. Women děi ba chē tuldao lùbiarshang qu. We'll have to push it over to the side of the road.
  5. 5. J-iòo yi lianq tuōchē lái_(}) bS chēzi tuōdao xiūlihánci qu. Have a tow truck aome and tow it to the garage.