FSI-20-Drill-I.csv 2.0 KB

  1. 1 Càishichǎngde xībianr yǒu diànyǐngyuàn. 菜市场的西边儿有电影院。 To the west of the market is a movie theater. Nèige diànyǐngyuàn jiù zài càishichǎngde xībianr. 那个电影院就在菜市场的西边儿。 That movie theater is to the west of the market. 4 2 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2 Diànyǐngyuànde wàibianr yǒu mài bàode. 电影院的外边儿有卖报的。 Outside the movie theater is a place which sells newspaper. Nèige mài bàode jiù zài diànyǐngyuànde wàibianr. 那个卖报的就在电影院的外边儿。 That place which sells newspaper is right outisde the movie theater. 4 2 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3 Gōngyuánde lǐbianr yǒu mài qìshuǐde. 公园的里边儿有卖汽水的。 Inside the park is a place which sells sodas. Nèige mài qìshuǐde jiù zài gōngyuánde lǐbianr. 那个卖汽水的就在公园的里边儿。 That place which sells sodas is right inside the park. 4 2 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4 Xuéxiàode dōngbianr yǒu yínháng. 学校的东边儿有银行。 To the North of the school is a bank. Nèige yínháng jiù zài xuéxiàode dōngbianr. 那个银行就在学校的东边儿。 That bank is right to the North of the school. 4 2 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5 Fànguǎnr nánbianr yǒu shāngdiàn. 饭馆儿南边儿有商店。 To the South of the restaurant is a store. Nèige shāngdiàn jiù zài fànguǎnr nánbianr. 那个商店就在饭馆儿南边儿。 That store is right to South of the restaurant. 4 2 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6 Yínhángde yòubianr yǒu fànguǎnr. 银行的右边儿有饭馆儿。 to the right of the bank is a restaurant. Nèige fànguǎnr jiù zài yínhángde yòubianr. 那个饭馆儿就在银行的右边儿。 That restaurant is right to the right of the bank . 4 2 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7 Fàndiànde běibianr yǒu diànyǐngyuàn. 饭店的北边儿电影院。 To the North of the restaurant is a movie theater. Nèige diànyǐngyuàn jiù zài fàndiànde běibianr. 那个电影院就在饭店的北边儿。 That movie theater is right to the North of the restaurant. 4 2 FSI-Chinese