FSI-23-Drill-D.csv 2.0 KB

  1. 1 Nǐ wàng nàbian zǒu. 你往那边走。 Go that way. sān 三 3 Hǎo, wǒ wàng nàbian zǒu, guò sāntiáo jiē jiù shì, duì bu dui? 号,我往那边走,过三条街就是,对不对? Okay, I go that way, and after crossing three streets that’s it. Is that correct? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2 Nǐ wàng yòu zǒu. 你往右走。 Go to the right. liǎng 两 2 Hǎo, wǒ wàng yòu zǒu, guò liǎngtiáo jiē jiù shì, duì bu dui? 号,我往右走,过两条街就是,对不对? Okay, I go to the right, and after crossing 2 streets that’s it. Is that correct? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3 Nǐ wàng dōng zǒu. 你往东走。 Go to the East. sì 四 4 Hǎo, wǒ wàng dōng zǒu, guò sìtiáo jiē jiù shì, duì bu dui? 号,我往东走,过四条街就是,对不对? Okay, I go to the East, and after crossing 4 streets that’s it. Is that correct? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4 Nǐ wàng Xī zǒu. 你往西走。 Go to the West. yī 一 1 Hǎo, wǒ wàng Xī zǒu, guò yìtiáo jiē jiù shì, duì bu dui? 号,我往西走,过一条街就是,对不对? Okay, I go to the West, and after crossing 1 streets that’s it. Is that correct? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5 Nǐ wàng nán zǒu. 你往南走。 Go to the South. wǔ 五 5 Hǎo, wǒ wàng nán zǒu, guò wǔtiáo jiē jiù shì, duì bu dui? 号,我往南走,过五条街就是,对不对? ,Okay, I go to the South, and after crossing 5 streets that’s it. Is that correct? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6 Nǐ wàng běi zǒu. 你往北走。 Go to the North. liǎng 两 2 Hǎo, wǒ wàng běi zǒu, guò liǎngtiáo jiē jiù shì, duì bu dui? 号,我往北走,过两条街就是,对不对? Okay, I go to the North, and after crossing 2 streets that’s it. Is that correct? 4 5 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7 Nǐ wàng zuǒ zǒu. 你往左走。 Go to the left. sì 四 4 Hǎo, wǒ wàng zuǒ zǒu, guò sìtiáo jiē jiù shì, duì bu dui? 号,我往左走,过四条街就是,对不对? Okay, I go to the left, and after crossing 4 streets that’s it. Is that correct? 4 5 FSI-Chinese