FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 05 TRN - Unit 02 - Tape 2C-1.mp3.tsv 13 KB

  1. start end text
  2. 0 3440 Standard Chinese, a modular approach.
  3. 3440 8800 Transportation Module, Unit 2, Comprehension Tape 1.
  4. 8800 11360 This unit is set in the PRC.
  5. 11360 14640 On this tape, you'll learn to understand more questions and answers
  6. 14640 17920 used in going somewhere by bus.
  7. 17920 21520 Jeffrey Wilson, a Canadian student studying in Peking,
  8. 21520 26000 is going with some fellow students to see an exhibition of foreign goods.
  9. 26000 28800 After doing some shopping on Wang Fujin Boulevard,
  10. 28800 32320 the students are now gathering to go on to the exhibition.
  11. 32320 37360 Listen as Jeffrey asks some questions about how they will be going.
  12. 37360 41600 Is there a direct bus to the exhibition hall?
  13. 50320 53040 Here's the word for exhibition hall.
  14. 53040 55280 展覽館.
  15. 55280 57680 展覽館.
  16. 57680 60560 And here's the word for direct bus.
  17. 60560 62640 直達車.
  18. 62640 65040 直達車.
  19. 65040 67840 Listen to the whole exchange live.
  20. 67840 70960 到展覽館,有沒有直達車?
  21. 70960 72720 沒有.
  22. 72720 74160 Again.
  23. 74160 77360 到展覽館,有沒有直達車?
  24. 77360 79200 沒有.
  25. 79200 81360 Check your comprehension.
  26. 81360 87520 到展覽館,有沒有直達車?
  27. 87520 91680 Is there a direct bus to the exhibition hall?
  28. 91680 94080 没有.
  29. 94080 96320 No.
  30. 96320 99040 The conversation continues.
  31. 99040 102480 What bus do you take to get there?
  32. 110480 115520 Notice that after the word 车,the marker is pronounced 呀.
  33. 115520 119920 The marker usually blends with the end of the word before it.
  34. 119920 125200 After word ending in the letter n,for instance,it sounds like 呢.
  35. 125200 128080 你是哪的人呢?
  36. 128080 138080 After words ending with the letters A or E,or with the combinations UO or WO,the semigal Y is added,and it's pronounced 呀.
  37. 138080 140400 Here are some examples.
  38. 140400 142720 你喜歡他呀?
  39. 142720 145920 你喜歡他呀?
  40. 145920 148720 你住在大理街呀?
  41. 148720 152160 你住在大理街呀?
  42. 152160 155040 他現在在德國呀?
  43. 155040 158640 他現在在德國呀?
  44. 158640 163760 You'll only be required to understand this variety of the marker,not to produce it.
  45. 163760 166880 Listen to the whole exchange live.
  46. 166880 169840 到那去坐幾路車呀?
  47. 169840 171760 坐一路車.
  48. 171760 174800 Check your comprehension.
  49. 174800 178800 到那去坐幾路車呀?
  50. 178800 181760 What bus do you take to get there?
  51. 181760 185760 坐一路車.
  52. 185760 189760 Take the number one bus.
  53. 189760 191760 Here's the rest of the answer.
  54. 191760 195760 Take it to Xidan and change buses.
  55. 195760 199760 坐大西车,take it to Xidan and change buses.
  56. 199760 203760 坐大西單,緩車.
  57. 203760 207760 坐大西單,緩車.
  58. 207760 211760 Notice that in this sentence,the dial phrase follows the main verb.
  59. 211760 215760 Here's the name of the neighborhood in the western part of Beijing.
  60. 215760 219760 西單,西單.
  61. 219760 225760 The verb is used for changing from one bus to another,as well as changing from one currency to another.
  62. 225760 227760 Here's the sentence live.
  63. 227760 231760 坐到西單,緩車.
  64. 231760 235760 Again,坐到西單,緩車.
  65. 235760 239760 Check your comprehension.
  66. 239760 243760 坐到西單,緩車.
  67. 243760 247760 Take it to Xidan and change buses.
  68. 247760 251760 The conversation continues live.
  69. 251760 255760 換幾路車.
  70. 255760 259760 換十五路車,一直坐到渣郎館.
  71. 259760 263760 Again,換幾路車.
  72. 263760 267760 換十五路車,一直坐到渣郎館.
  73. 267760 271760 Check your comprehension.
  74. 271760 275760 換幾路車.
  75. 275760 279760 What bus do you change to?
  76. 279760 285760 換十五路車,一直坐到渣郎館.
  77. 285760 291760 You change to the number fifteen bus and take it straight to the exhibition hall.
  78. 291760 295760 The conversation continues.
  79. 295760 299760 Where do we buy tickets?
  80. 299760 305760 咱們在哪兒買票?咱們在哪兒買票?
  81. 305760 307760 We buy tickets on the bus.
  82. 307760 311760 在車上買票.
  83. 311760 315760 Here's the pronoun used for we in the exchange.
  84. 315760 319760 咱們.咱們.
  85. 319760 327760 Many speaking speakers use the pronoun woman only when the person being spoken to is not included in the we.
  86. 327760 335760 To show specifically that the person being spoken to is included in the we, the pronoun 咱們 is used instead.
  87. 335760 337760 Here's the word for ticket.
  88. 337760 340760 票.票.
  89. 340760 343760 And here's the compound on the bus.
  90. 343760 347760 車上.車上.
  91. 347760 356760 The element in the word 車上 is a locational ending and makes the word into a place word expression.
  92. 356760 361760 In Chinese, only a place word expression can follow the verb 載.
  93. 361760 368760 Check your reference notes for a discussion of what words and phrases are considered place word expressions in Chinese.
  94. 368760 372760 This is the conversation concludes.
  95. 372760 374760 Ok, let's go now.
  96. 374760 380760 好,現在走吧.
  97. 380760 382760 Here's how you say let's go.
  98. 382760 385760 走吧.
  99. 385760 391760 You've seen the marker used to soften a command into a suggestion.
  100. 391760 394760 Here it's used to suggest a joint action.
  101. 394760 398760 In English, we express this meaning with the word let's.
  102. 398760 401760 Listen to the final remark, lie.
  103. 401760 403760 好,現在走吧.
  104. 403760 407760 Again.好,現在走吧.
  105. 407760 413760 Check your comprehension.好,現在走吧.
  106. 413760 416760 Ok, let's go now.
  107. 416760 419760 Here's a similar conversation for review.
  108. 419760 424760 A group of French and Chinese students is going on a joint sightseeing trip.
  109. 424760 427760 Listen to the conversation live.
  110. 427760 430760 咱們今天去展覽館,是不是?
  111. 430760 431760 是.
  112. 431760 434760 從這兒去有沒有直達車?
  113. 434760 442760 沒有,咱們先坐一路車,到了西單再換十五路車.
  114. 442760 446760 咱們現在走吧.
  115. 446760 450760 Again.咱們今天去展覽館,是不是?
  116. 450760 451760 是.
  117. 451760 454760 從這兒去有沒有直達車?
  118. 454760 461760 沒有,咱們先坐一路車,到了西單再換十五路車.
  119. 461760 465760 咱們現在走吧.
  120. 465760 471760 Check your comprehension.咱們今天去展覽館,是不是?
  121. 471760 473760 是.
  122. 473760 475760 Yes.
  123. 475760 481760 從這兒去有沒有直達車?
  124. 481760 484760 Is there a direct bus from here?
  125. 484760 491760 沒有,咱們先坐一路車.
  126. 491760 492760 No.
  127. 492760 498760 First we take the number one bus.
  128. 498760 512760 到了西單再換十五路車.
  129. 512760 521760 When we get to西單, then we change to the number fifteen bus.咱們什麼時候去?
  130. 521760 524760 When are we going?
  131. 524760 527760 咱們現在就走吧.
  132. 527760 531760 Let's leave right now.
  133. 531760 535760 Let's go back to the Canadian student.
  134. 535760 539760 The students have now been riding the number one bus for ten minutes.
  135. 539760 541760 And he's starting to get a little nervous.
  136. 541760 543760 Listen.
  137. 543760 546760 Hey, haven't we gone past our stop?
  138. 546760 553760 咱們不是坐過站了吧?
  139. 553760 555760 Not yet.
  140. 555760 559760 還沒呢?
  141. 559760 562760 We don't get off until the next stop.
  142. 562760 568760 下一站才下車.
  143. 568760 572760 Here's how you say road pass the stop.
  144. 572760 576760 坐過站了.
  145. 576760 582760 You'll remember that the verb means to cross or to pass.
  146. 582760 584760 The second sentence in the exchange.
  147. 584760 585760 還沒呢?
  148. 585760 587760 Is a shortened form of the sentence.
  149. 587760 590760 還沒坐過站了.
  150. 590760 595760 The marker in Chinese is used to emphasize that the current situation is still the same.
  151. 595760 598760 That it hasn't changed yet.
  152. 598760 601760 It may be used either together with the adverb
  153. 601760 606760 as in the sentence we're considering or alone.
  154. 606760 609760 Here's the word translated until in the exchange.
  155. 609760 613760
  156. 613760 621760 The word means then in the sense of then and only then or not until then.
  157. 621760 625760 It's used for something that happened or will happen later than expected.
  158. 625760 629760 Here's the whole exchange live.
  159. 629760 632760 咱們不是坐過站了吧?
  160. 632760 633760 還沒呢?
  161. 633760 635760 下一站才下車.
  162. 635760 637760 Again.
  163. 637760 640760 咱們不是坐過站了吧?
  164. 640760 643760 還沒呢?下一站才下車.
  165. 643760 646760 Check your comprehension.
  166. 646760 653760 咱們不是坐過站了吧?
  167. 653760 657760 Hey, haven't we gone past our stop?
  168. 657760 659760 還沒呢?
  169. 659760 661760 Not yet.
  170. 661760 667760 下一站才下車.
  171. 667760 671760 We don't get off until the next stop.
  172. 671760 676760 Now listen to two short conversations reviewing some of the items just introduced.
  173. 676760 680760 Notice that the marker may be used after a sentence with the word
  174. 680760 686760 in which the present situation is still the same but is expected to change soon.
  175. 686760 689760 Here's the first conversation live.
  176. 689760 692760 你說你要到上海去?你去了沒有?
  177. 692760 695760 還沒去呢?你什麼時候去啊?
  178. 695760 698760 我下個星期才去呢.
  179. 698760 700760 Again.
  180. 700760 703760 你說你要到上海去?你去了沒有?
  181. 703760 706760 還沒去呢?你什麼時候去啊?
  182. 706760 709760 我下個星期才去呢.
  183. 709760 712760 Check your comprehension.
  184. 712760 719760 你說你要到上海去?
  185. 719760 722760 You said you wanted to go to Shanghai.
  186. 722760 725760 你去了沒有?
  187. 725760 728760 Did you go?
  188. 728760 733760 還沒去呢?
  189. 733760 735760 I haven't gone yet.
  190. 735760 740760 你什麼時候去啊?
  191. 740760 743760 When are you going?
  192. 743760 750760 我下個星期才去呢.
  193. 750760 753760 I'm not going till next week.
  194. 753760 759760 Here's the second live conversation which takes place on a bus.
  195. 759760 763760 離站欄館還有幾站?
  196. 763760 769760 你坐過站了,你下一站下車吧.Again.
  197. 769760 773760 離站欄館還有幾站?
  198. 773760 779760 你坐過站了,你下一站下車吧.Check your comprehension.
  199. 779760 786760 離站欄館還有幾站?
  200. 786760 790760 How many stops are we from the exhibition hall?
  201. 790760 798760 你坐過站了, you went past your stop.
  202. 798760 805760 你下一站下車吧.
  203. 805760 809760 I suggest you get off at the next stop.
  204. 809760 813760 Let's go back to Mr. Wilson and his Chinese friends.
  205. 813760 818760 After getting off the number one bus, Mr. Wilson has one more question.
  206. 818760 829760 Where's the number 15 bus stop?
  207. 829760 832760 Here's the word for bus stop.
  208. 832760 837760 汽車站.
  209. 837760 840760 Here's the whole exchange live.
  210. 840760 843760 15路汽車站在哪?
  211. 843760 848760 就在那個路口上.Again.
  212. 848760 851760 15路汽車站在哪?
  213. 851760 857760 就在那個路口上.Check your comprehension.
  214. 857760 863760 汽車站在哪?
  215. 863760 867760 Where's the number 15 bus stop?
  216. 867760 877760 就在那個路口上.It's just on that corner.
  217. 877760 881760 Here's a live conversation reviewing the material introduced on this tape.
  218. 881760 886760 A group of Chinese and Canadian students are going to visit the Peking exhibition hall.
  219. 886760 891760 Listen as Mr. Green talks to one of the Chinese students.
  220. 891760 896760 到達蘭管去有沒有直達車?
  221. 896760 904760 咱們得坐幾路車呢?咱們先坐一路到西丹然後換15路.
  222. 904760 909760 咱們得換車才可以到達蘭管啊?對了.
  223. 909760 915760 一路汽車站在哪?就在對面路口上.
  224. 915760 920760 好咱們走吧.Again.
  225. 920760 933760 到達蘭管去有沒有直達車?沒有直達車.咱們得坐幾路車呢?咱們先坐一路到西丹然後換15路.
  226. 933760 938760 咱們得換車才可以到達蘭管啊?對了.
  227. 938760 944760 一路汽車站在哪?就在對面路口上.好咱們走吧.
  228. 944760 949760 咱們走吧.See if you understood what was said.
  229. 949760 957760 到達蘭管去有沒有直達車?
  230. 957760 960760 Is there a direct bus to the exhibition hall?
  231. 960760 965760 沒有直達車.
  232. 965760 973760 There isn't any direct bus.咱們得坐幾路車呢?
  233. 973760 984760 Well, what buses do we have to take?咱們先坐一路到西丹然後換15路.
  234. 984760 1002760 First we take the number one to西丹 and after that we change to the number 15.咱們得換車才可以到達蘭管啊?
  235. 1002760 1013760 Oh, we have to change buses to get to the exhibition hall.對了.
  236. 1013760 1022760 Right.一路汽車站在哪?
  237. 1022760 1028760 Where is the number one bus stop?就在對面路口上.
  238. 1028760 1038760 It's just on the corner across from us.好咱們走吧.
  239. 1038760 1044760 Okay, let's go.
  240. 1044760 1050760 As a final review, see if you can translate the following exchanges from the target list.
  241. 1050760 1060760 Number one.到達蘭管有沒有直達車?
  242. 1060760 1066760 Is there a direct bus to the exhibition hall?沒有.
  243. 1066760 1076760 No.坐一路車坐到西丹換車.
  244. 1076760 1081760 Take the number one bus, take it to西丹 and change buses.
  245. 1081760 1091760 Number two.老駕15路汽車站在哪?
  246. 1091760 1102760 Excuse me, where is the number 15 bus stop?就在那個路口上.
  247. 1102760 1105760 It's just on that corner.
  248. 1105760 1115760 Number three.咱們不是坐過站了吧?
  249. 1115760 1121760 Hey, haven't we gone past our stop?還沒呢.
  250. 1121760 1129760 Not yet.下一站才下車.
  251. 1129760 1133760 We don't get off until the next stop.
  252. 1133760 1143760 Number four.好,咱們現在走吧.
  253. 1143760 1147760 Okay, let's go now.
  254. 1147760 1156760 Number five.咱們在哪買票?
  255. 1156760 1162760 Where do we buy tickets?在車上買票?
  256. 1162760 1168760 We buy tickets on the bus.
  257. 1168760 1171760 If you think you're ready, go on to the P1 tape.
  258. 1171760 1176760 This is the end of the tape.
  259. 1176760 1192760 End of transportation module, unit two, comprehension tape one.