FSI-7-Drill-L-trad.csv 1.6 KB

  1. 1. Tā yǒuge háizi. 他/她有一個孩子。 He/she has one child. tàitai 太太 wife Yǒu tā tàitai gēnge háizi. 有他/她太太跟一個孩子。 There are his wife and one child. 2 3 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2. Hú xiānsheng yǒuge mèimei. 胡先生有一個妹妹。 Mr. Hú has one younger sister. mǔqin 母亲 mother Yǒumǔqin gēnge mèimei. 有他母親跟一個妹妹。 There are his mother and one younger sister. 2 3 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3. Lǐ xiǎojiě yǒu liǎngge dìdi. 李小姐有兩個弟弟。 Miss Lǐ has 2 younger brothers. jiějie 姐姐 older sister Yǒu tā jiějie gēn liǎngge dìdi. 有她姐姐跟兩個弟弟。 There are her older sister and two younger brothers. 2 3 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4. Liú xiānsheng yǒuge nǚhaizi. 劉先生有一個女孩子。 Mr. Liú has one daughter. mǔqin 母亲 mother Yǒumǔqin gēnge nǚháizi. 有他母親跟一個女孩子。 There are his mother and one daughter. 2 3 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5. Lín tàitai yǒu sānge nánháizi. 林太太有三個男孩子。 Mrs. Lín has 2 boys. xiānsheng 先生 Mister Yǒuxiānsheng gēn sānge nánháizi. 有她先生跟三個男孩子。 There are her husband and 3 boys. 2 3 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6. Tā yǒuge jiějie. 他/她有一個姐姐。 He has one older sister. fùqin 父亲 father Yǒu tā fùqin gēnge jiějie. 有他/她父親跟一個姐姐。 There are his/her older sister and his/her father. 2 3 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7. Wáng xiānsheng yǒuge háizi. 王先生有四個孩子。 Mr. Wáng has 4 children. tàitai 太太 wife Yǒu tā tàitai gēnge háizi. 有他太太跟四個孩子。 There are his wife and 4 children. 2 3 FSI-Chinese