FSI-StandardChinese-OptionalModuleWLF-StudentText.xml 402 KB

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  7. <title>FSI - Standard Chinese - Optional Module WLF - Student
  8. Text</title>
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  11. <firstname>Foreign Service</firstname>
  12. <surname>Institute</surname>
  13. </author>
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  25. </para>
  26. <para>
  27. A Modular Approach
  28. </para>
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  35. </para>
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  38. </para>
  39. <para>
  40. Personal Welfare
  41. </para>
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  48. </para>
  49. <para>
  50. This publication is to be used primarily in support of training
  51. military personnel as part of the Defense Language Program (resident
  52. and nonresident). Inquiries concerning the use of materials,
  53. including requests for copies, should be addressed to:
  54. </para>
  55. <para>
  56. Defense Language Institute
  57. </para>
  58. <para>
  59. Foreign Language Center
  60. </para>
  61. <para>
  62. Nonresident Training Division
  63. </para>
  64. <para>
  65. Presidio of Monterey, CA 93944-5006
  66. </para>
  67. <para>
  68. Topics in the areas of politics, international relations, mores,
  69. etc., which may be considered as controversial from some points of
  70. view are sometimes included in language training for DLIFLC
  71. students, since military personnel may find themselves in positions
  72. where clear understanding of conversations or written material of
  73. this nature will be essential to their mission. The presence of
  74. controversial statements—whether real or apparent—in DLIFLC
  75. materials should not be construed as representing the opinions of
  76. the writers, the Defense Language Institute, or the Department of
  77. Defense.
  78. </para>
  79. <para>
  80. Actual brand names and businesses are sometimes cited in DLIFLC
  81. instructional materials to provide instruction in their
  82. pronunciation and meanings. The selection of such proprietary terms
  83. and names is based solely on their value for instruction in the
  84. language and does not constitute endorsement of any product or
  85. commercial enterprise nor is it intended to invite a comparison with
  86. other brand names and businesses not mentioned.
  87. </para>
  88. <para>
  89. In DLIFLC publications, the words '‘he,&quot; &quot;him&quot; and
  90. &quot;his&quot; denote both masculine and feminine genders. This
  91. statement does not apply to translations of foreign language texts.
  92. </para>
  93. <para>
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  108. </para>
  109. <literallayout>
  110. </literallayout>
  111. <para>
  112. PREFACE
  113. </para>
  114. <para>
  115. Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach originated in an interagency
  116. conference held at the Foreign Service Institute in August 1973 to
  117. address the need generally felt in the U.S. Government language
  118. training community for improving and updating Chinese materials to
  119. reflect current usage in Taipei and in Peking.
  120. </para>
  121. <para>
  122. The conference resolved to develop materials which were flexible
  123. enough in form and content to meet the requirements of a wide range
  124. of government agencies and academic institutions.
  125. </para>
  126. <para>
  127. A Project Board was established consisting of representatives of the
  128. Central Intelligence Agency Language Learning Center, the Defense
  129. Language Institute, the State Department’s Foreign Service
  130. Institute, the Cryptologic School of the National Security Agency,
  131. and the U.S. Office of Education, later joined by the Canadian
  132. Forces Foreign Language School. The representatives have included
  133. Arthur T. McNeill, John Hopkins, and John Boag (CIA); Colonel John
  134. F. Elder, III, Joseph C. Hutchinson, Ivy Gibian, and Major Bernard
  135. Muller-Thym (DLl); James R. Frith and John B. Ratliff, III (FSl);
  136. Kazuo Shitama (NSA); Richard T. Thompson and Julia Petrov (OE); and
  137. Lieutenant Colonel George Kozoriz (CFFLS).
  138. </para>
  139. <para>
  140. The Project Board set up the Chinese Core Curriculum Project in 197^
  141. in space provided at the Foreign Service Institute. Each of the six
  142. U.S. and Canadian government agencies provided funds and other
  143. assistance.
  144. </para>
  145. <para>
  146. Gerard P. Kok was appointed project coordinator, and a planning
  147. council was formed consisting of Mr. Kok, Frances Li of the Defense
  148. Language Institute, Patricia O’Connor of the University of Texas,
  149. Earl M. Rickerson of the Language Learning Center, and James Wrenn
  150. of Brown University. In the Fall of 1977» Lucille A. Barale was
  151. appointed deputy project coordinator. David W. Dellinger of the
  152. Language Learning Center and Charles R. Sheehan of the Foreign
  153. Service Institute also served on the planning council and
  154. contributed material to the project. The planning council drew up
  155. the original overall design for the materials and met regularly to
  156. review their development.
  157. </para>
  158. <para>
  159. Writers for the first half of the materials were John H. T. Harvey,
  160. Lucille A. Barale and Roberta S. Barry, who worked in close
  161. cooperation with the planning council and with the Chinese staff of
  162. the Foreign Service Institute. Mr. Harvey developed the
  163. instructional formats of the comprehension and production self-study
  164. materials, and also designed the communication-based classroom
  165. activities and wrote the teacher’s guides. Lucille A. Barale and
  166. Roberta S. Barry wrote the tape scripts and the student text. By
  167. 1978 Thomas E. Madden and Susan C. Pola had joined the staff. Led by
  168. Ms. Barale they have worked as a team to produce the materials
  169. subsequent to Module 6.
  170. </para>
  171. <para>
  172. All Chinese language material was prepared or selected by Chuan 0.
  173. Chao, Ying-chi Chen, Hsiuo-jung Chi, Eva Diao, Jan Hu, Tsung-mi Li,
  174. and Yunhui C. Yang, assisted for part of the time by Chieh-fang Ou
  175. Lee, Ying-ming Chen, and Joseph Yu Hsu Wang. Anna Affholder, Mei-li
  176. Chen, and Henry Khuo helped in the preparation of a preliminary
  177. corpus of dialogues.
  178. </para>
  179. <para>
  180. Administrative assistance was provided at various times by Vincent
  181. Basciano, Lisa A. Bowden, Beth Broomell, Jill W. Ellis, Donna Fong,
  182. Judith J. Kieda, Renee T. C. Liang, Thomas Madden, Susan C. Pola,
  183. and Kathleen Strype.
  184. </para>
  185. <para>
  186. The production of tape recordings was directed by Jose M. Ramirez of
  187. the Foreign Service Institute Recording Studio. The Chinese script
  188. was voiced by Ms. Chao, Ms. Chen, Mr. Chen, Ms. Diao, Ms. Hu, Mr.
  189. Khuo, Mr. Li, and Ms. Yang. The English script was read by Ms.
  190. Barale, Ms. Barry, Mr. Basciano, Ms. Ellis, Ms. Pola, and Ms.
  191. Strype.
  192. </para>
  193. <para>
  194. The graphics were produced by John McClelland of the Foreign Service
  195. Institute Audio-Visual staff, under the general supervision of
  196. Joseph A. Sadote, Chief of Audio-Visual.
  197. </para>
  198. <para>
  199. Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach was field-tested with the
  200. cooperation of Brown University, the Defense Language Institute, the
  201. Foreign Service Institute, the Language Learning Center, the United
  202. States Air Force Academy, the University of Illinois, and the
  203. University of Virginia.
  204. </para>
  205. <para>
  206. The Defense Language Institute printed the preliminary materials
  207. used for field testing and has likewise printed this edition.
  208. </para>
  209. <para>
  210. Dames R. Frith, Chairman
  211. </para>
  212. <para>
  213. Chinese Core Curriculum Project Board
  214. </para>
  215. <para>
  217. </para>
  218. <para>
  219. <link linkend="bookmark0">Preface</link>
  220. </para>
  221. <para>
  222. <link linkend="bookmark1">Optional Modules </link>
  223. </para>
  224. <para>
  225. <link linkend="bookmark2">Objectives for the Personal Welfare Module
  226. </link>
  227. </para>
  228. <para>
  229. <link linkend="bookmark3">Unit 1: Weather and Terrain Part 1
  230.    Winter and Summer</link>
  231. </para>
  232. <para>
  233. <link linkend="bookmark4">Part II   Spring and Fall</link>
  234. </para>
  235. <para>
  236. <link linkend="bookmark5">Part III Terrain</link>
  237. </para>
  238. <para>
  239. <link linkend="bookmark6">Unit Vocabulary List</link>
  240. </para>
  241. <para>
  242. <link linkend="bookmark7">Unit 2: Clothing Part I Buying
  243. Clothes</link>
  244. </para>
  245. <para>
  246. <link linkend="bookmark8">Part II Buying Clothes</link>
  247. </para>
  248. <para>
  249. <link linkend="bookmark9">Part III Having Clothes Made</link>
  250. </para>
  251. <para>
  252. <link linkend="bookmark10">Unit Vocabulary List</link>
  253. </para>
  254. <para>
  255. <link linkend="bookmark11">Unit 3: Hair Care Part I At the
  256. Barber</link>
  257. </para>
  258. <para>
  259. <link linkend="bookmark12">Part II At the Hairdresser</link>
  260. </para>
  261. <para>
  262. <link linkend="bookmark13">Unit Vocabulary List</link>
  263. </para>
  264. <para>
  265. Unit U: In the Home Part I Personal Belongings..............
  266. </para>
  267. <para>
  268. <link linkend="bookmark14">Part II   Parts of the Home</link>
  269. </para>
  270. <para>
  271. <link linkend="bookmark15">Part II   Taking Care of Children</link>
  272. </para>
  273. <para>
  274. <link linkend="bookmark16">Unit Vocabulary List</link>
  275. </para>
  276. <para>
  277. <link linkend="bookmark17">Unit 5: Minor Physical Complaints Part I
  278.    Colds and Fevers</link>
  279. </para>
  280. <itemizedlist>
  281. <listitem>
  282. <para>
  283. <link linkend="bookmark18">Part II Stomach Ailments</link>
  284. </para>
  285. </listitem>
  286. </itemizedlist>
  287. <itemizedlist>
  288. <listitem>
  289. <para>
  290. <link linkend="bookmark19">Part III Taking Temperatures and
  291. Blood Pressure ....</link>
  292. </para>
  293. </listitem>
  294. </itemizedlist>
  295. <para>
  296. <link linkend="bookmark20">Unit Vocabulary List</link>
  297. </para>
  298. <para>
  299. <link linkend="bookmark21">Unit 6: Accidents and Difficulties Part I
  300.    Losing a Driver's License</link>
  301. </para>
  302. <itemizedlist>
  303. <listitem>
  304. <para>
  305. <link linkend="bookmark22">Part II A Motorcycle Accident</link>
  306. </para>
  307. </listitem>
  308. </itemizedlist>
  309. <itemizedlist>
  310. <listitem>
  311. <para>
  312. <link linkend="bookmark23">Part II I  Crossing into a Restricted
  313. Area</link>
  314. </para>
  315. </listitem>
  316. </itemizedlist>
  317. <para>
  318. <link linkend="bookmark24">Unit Vocabulary List</link>
  319. </para>
  320. <para>
  321. <link linkend="bookmark25">Appendices: 1. Parts of the Body</link>
  322. </para>
  323. <para>
  324. <link linkend="bookmark26">2. Medical Conditions and Illnesses
  325. </link>
  326. </para>
  327. <para>
  328. <link linkend="bookmark27">3. Furniture and Household Items </link>
  329. </para>
  330. <para>
  331. <link linkend="bookmark28">U. Parts of a House</link>
  332. </para>
  333. <para>
  334. <link linkend="bookmark29">Module Vocabulary List</link>
  335. </para>
  336. <para>
  338. </para>
  339. <para>
  340. Why some modules are optional
  341. </para>
  342. <para>
  343. Optional modules present situations which some of our users will
  344. find necessary and others dispensable. For instance, college
  345. students rarely take cars with them to China. People serving in the
  346. military may have no need of finding hotel accomodations or housing.
  347. People working for the government may rarely use the local postal
  348. system. You may choose to study one, some, all or none of the
  349. optional modules, basing your decision on factors such as the amount
  350. of time available in your curriculum and the relevance of these
  351. topics to your goals. We hope you will find that these optional
  352. modules add flexibility to your use of the course.
  353. </para>
  354. <para>
  355. Format of optional modules
  356. </para>
  357. <para>
  358. Optional modules &quot;look&quot; different from core modules. A
  359. unit is divided into two or three parts, each with its own reference
  360. list, reference notes, and dialogues. There is only one tape, not
  361. five, per unit. The unit tape combines the C-l and P-1 formats you
  362. have used in the core modules. Most of the explanation for the new
  363. material is not found on the tape, however, but in the reference
  364. notes in the text.
  365. </para>
  366. <para>
  367. When to use an optional module
  368. </para>
  369. <para>
  370. Since each unit introduces more vocabulary but less new grammar than
  371. «a core module, you can use an optional module when you see the need
  372. to enrich your vocabulary.
  373. </para>
  374. <para>
  375. You don’t have to go all the way through an optional module at once.
  376. </para>
  377. <para>
  378. You may use a unit at a time for variety while working on a core
  379. module, or several units as a break between core modules.
  380. </para>
  381. <para>
  382. How to work through an optional module tape
  383. </para>
  384. <para>
  385. You may have found that you could work through the C-l and P-1 tapes
  386. of a core module unit just once, perhaps going back over a few
  387. sections twice. With optional module tapes, however, you will
  388. probably want to work through more than once, frequently stopping to
  389. read the notes and rewinding to listen
  390. </para>
  391. <para>
  392. Optional Module: Personal Welfare
  393. </para>
  394. <para>
  395. The Personal Welfare Module (WLF) will provide you with the skills
  396. needed to take care of a variety of personal needs and handle
  397. yourself in a number of possibly difficult situations.
  398. </para>
  399. <para>
  400. Before starting Unit 1 of this module, you should have at least
  401. completed the Money Module (MON); and before starting Unit 3, you
  402. should have at least completed the Transportation Module (TRN).
  403. </para>
  404. <para>
  406. </para>
  407. <para>
  408. When you have finished this module, you will be able to:
  409. </para>
  410. <itemizedlist>
  411. <listitem>
  412. <para>
  413. 1. Describe the weather in all four seasons for your present
  414. locale, a Chinese city, and your hometown.
  415. </para>
  416. </listitem>
  417. <listitem>
  418. <para>
  419. 2. Describe the location, geographical setting, population, and
  420. air quality of the three areas in No. 1.
  421. </para>
  422. </listitem>
  423. <listitem>
  424. <para>
  425. 3. Give the names of five or more items of clothing.
  426. </para>
  427. </listitem>
  428. </itemizedlist>
  429. <para>
  430. 1+. Get your hair cut or styled.
  431. </para>
  432. <itemizedlist>
  433. <listitem>
  434. <para>
  435. 5. Describe several items you ordinarily carry with you when
  436. traveling.
  437. </para>
  438. </listitem>
  439. <listitem>
  440. <para>
  441. 6. Give the names of and describe the different rooms in a
  442. house.
  443. </para>
  444. </listitem>
  445. <listitem>
  446. <para>
  447. 7. Give simple directions to a babysitter.
  448. </para>
  449. </listitem>
  450. <listitem>
  451. <para>
  452. 8. Ask and answer questions about the common cold and its
  453. symptoms.
  454. </para>
  455. </listitem>
  456. </itemizedlist>
  457. <para>
  458. .Offer advice on what to do for a simple ailment. Understand the use
  459. of kāishuǐ, ’’boiled water.”
  460. </para>
  461. <itemizedlist>
  462. <listitem>
  463. <para>
  464. 9. Describe what takes place during a visit to the doctor. Know
  465. how to give normal body temperature in Celsius and in
  466. Fahrenheit. Tell ’’where it hurts” (using a list of the parts of
  467. the body, if necessary. )
  468. </para>
  469. </listitem>
  470. <listitem>
  471. <para>
  472. 10. Describe accidents where injuries occur, and tell someone to
  473. call an ambulance.
  474. </para>
  475. </listitem>
  476. <listitem>
  477. <para>
  478. 11. Report the loss of a passport to the appropriate officials.
  479. Find out where to go to report the loss and be able to determine
  480. whether adequate translation facilities will be available.
  481. </para>
  482. </listitem>
  483. <listitem>
  484. <para>
  485. 12. Use the words for &quot;danger&quot; and &quot;caution&quot;
  486. in grammatical, situationally appropriate sentences. Describe
  487. how someone entered a restricted area and how and for what
  488. reasons he was escorted out.
  489. </para>
  490. </listitem>
  491. </itemizedlist>
  492. <para>
  493. Personal Welfare Module, Unit 1
  494. </para>
  495. <para>
  496. Weather and Terrain
  497. </para>
  498. <literallayout>
  499. </literallayout>
  500. <para>
  502. </para>
  503. <itemizedlist>
  504. <listitem>
  505. <para>
  506. 1. Jìntiān tiānqi hěn hǎo.
  507. </para>
  508. </listitem>
  509. <listitem>
  510. <para>
  511. 2. Nǐ lǎojiāde qìhòu zěnmeyàng?
  512. </para>
  513. </listitem>
  514. <listitem>
  515. <para>
  516. 3. Dōngtiān hěn lěng.
  517. </para>
  518. </listitem>
  519. </itemizedlist>
  520. <para>
  521. U. Chángcháng xià xuě.
  522. </para>
  523. <itemizedlist>
  524. <listitem>
  525. <para>
  526. 5. Xiàtiān hěn rè.
  527. </para>
  528. </listitem>
  529. <listitem>
  530. <para>
  531. 6. Jìntiān tian qíng le.
  532. </para>
  533. </listitem>
  534. <listitem>
  535. <para>
  536. 7. Wo juéde Táizhōngde qìhòu hěn hǎo.
  537. </para>
  538. </listitem>
  539. <listitem>
  540. <para>
  541. 8. Shànghǎide dōngtiān hěn shǎo xià xuě.
  542. </para>
  543. </listitem>
  544. <listitem>
  545. <para>
  546. 9. Jìntiān zherde tiānqi hěn liāngkuai.
  547. </para>
  548. </listitem>
  549. <listitem>
  550. <para>
  551. 10. chāng
  552. </para>
  553. </listitem>
  554. </itemizedlist>
  555. <literallayout>
  556. </literallayout>
  557. <para>
  558. The weather is very nice today.
  559. </para>
  560. <para>
  561. How is the climate in your hometown?
  562. </para>
  563. <para>
  564. It’s cold in the winter.
  565. </para>
  566. <para>
  567. It often snows.
  568. </para>
  569. <para>
  570. In the summer it’s hot.
  571. </para>
  572. <para>
  573. It cleared up today.
  574. </para>
  575. <para>
  576. I feel that Taichung’s climate is very nice.
  577. </para>
  578. <para>
  579. It seldom snows in the winter in Shanghai.
  580. </para>
  581. <para>
  582. The weather here is very cool today.
  583. </para>
  584. <para>
  585. often (alternate word for changcháng.)
  586. </para>
  587. <literallayout>
  588. </literallayout>
  589. <para>
  591. </para>
  592. <para>
  593. Jìntiān tiānqi hěn hǎo: Notice that the time word Jìntiān
  594. &quot;today&quot; is placed before the subject, not directly before
  595. the verb here. Most time words of more than one syllable may come
  596. either before or after the subject, but in either case before the
  597. verb. Examples:
  598. </para>
  599. <para>
  600. Qùnián wo hái bú huì xiě zì.       Last year I still couldn’t write
  601. </para>
  602. <para>
  603. characters.
  604. </para>
  605. <para>
  606. Wǒ xiànzài hui xiě yìdiǎn le.      Now I can write a little.
  607. </para>
  608. <para>
  609. qìhòu: &quot;climate&quot; Also pronounced qìhòu (with hou in the
  610. neutral tone).
  611. </para>
  612. <para>
  613. Dōngtiān hěn lěng.: &quot;it's cold in winter&quot; The adverb hěn
  614. is not translated here. Often hěn adds little or nothing to the
  615. intensity of the adjectival verb, and doesn’t need to be translated
  616. by &quot;very.&quot; Later, you may notice that sometimes we
  617. translate the hěn literally and sometimes we choose to omit it from
  618. the translation. It is not a matter of right and wrong; it is more a
  619. matter of feeling, and may be, we admit, a somewhat arbitrary
  620. decision.
  621. </para>
  622. <para>
  623. chángcháng: &quot;often, frequently, usually&quot; An alternate form
  624. of this word is cháng.
  625. </para>
  626. <para>
  627. Tā chángcháng qù Xianggang.        She often goes to Hong Kong.
  628. </para>
  629. <para>
  630. Tā cháng kàn bàozhì.               He often reads the newspaper.
  631. </para>
  632. <para>
  633. The phrase &quot;very often&quot; is NOT formed by using hen with
  634. cháng; instead, Just use cháng or chángcháng. If you must stress
  635. that something happens very often, use a phrase like &quot;every few
  636. days.&quot;
  637. </para>
  638. <para>
  639. xià xuě: &quot;to snow&quot; or more literally &quot;(there) falls
  640. snow.&quot; The subject xuě &quot;snow&quot; normally follows the
  641. verb xià &quot;to descend.&quot; This reversal of subject and verb
  642. is the rule, not the exception, in weather expressions.
  643. </para>
  644. <para>
  645. Ou, xià xuě le.
  646. </para>
  647. <para>
  648. Oh, it’s snowing.
  649. </para>
  650. <literallayout>
  651. </literallayout>
  652. <para>
  653. Is it snowing? No.
  654. </para>
  655. <literallayout>
  656. </literallayout>
  657. <para>
  658. Xià xuě ma? Bu xià.
  659. </para>
  660. <para>
  661. You méiyou xià xue? Méiyou.
  662. </para>
  663. <para>
  664. Xià xuě le meiyou?
  665. </para>
  666. <para>
  667. Méiyou.
  668. </para>
  669. <para>
  670. Jīntiān xià xuě bu xià xuě?        Is it going to snow today?
  671. </para>
  672. <para>
  673. Xiànzài bu xià xuě le.             It's not snowing anymore.
  674. </para>
  675. <para>
  676. tiān: &quot;heaven, sky, day.&quot;
  677. </para>
  678. <para>
  679. Aiya, wǒde tiān na!                Oh my heavens!
  680. </para>
  681. <para>
  682. Tiān zhǐdao!                        Heaven only knows!
  683. </para>
  684. <para>
  685. qíng: &quot;to be clear, to clear up&quot; In the sentence Tiān qíng
  686. le, the marker le tells us that a change has taken place. The
  687. meaning is not simply that the sky is clear, but that the sky is
  688. clear NOW, or rather, the sky has cleared up.
  689. </para>
  690. <para>
  691. Juéde &quot;to feel&quot; Here Juéde is used to mean &quot;to feel,
  692. to think, to have an opinion about something.&quot; It can also mean
  693. &quot;to feel&quot; in a physical way, as in &quot;to feel
  694. sick.&quot; Nǐ Juéde . . . zěnmeyàng? can be well translated as
  695. &quot;How do you like . . . ?
  696. </para>
  697. <para>
  698. hěn shǎo: &quot;it seldom snows in Shanghai in the winter.&quot; The
  699. adjectival verb shǎo &quot;to be few&quot; is used here as an adverb
  700. &quot;seldom,&quot; and as such comes before the verb. Notice that
  701. hěn shǎo, &quot;seldom,&quot; and chángcháng, &quot;often,&quot; are
  702. used as opposites.
  703. </para>
  704. <para>
  705. English is no more logical when it comes to weather expressions: it
  706. uses the meaningless subject &quot;it,&quot; as in &quot;it
  707. snows.&quot;
  708. </para>
  709. <para>
  710. Jīntiān zhèrde tiānqi hen liángkuai: ’’Today the weather here is
  711. very cool.<superscript>1</superscript>’ Again, it is not necessary
  712. to translate hěn as ’’very’’ in this sentence; the meaning depends
  713. on the speaker’s intonation and emphasis.
  714. </para>
  715. <para>
  717. </para>
  718. <para>
  719. An American woman is talking with a
  720. </para>
  721. <para>
  722. M:   Jintiān tiānqi hěn hao,
  723. </para>
  724. <para>
  725. shì bu shi?
  726. </para>
  727. <para>
  728. F:   Shì a! Jīntiān tiān qíng le.
  729. </para>
  730. <para>
  731. M:   Nī lǎojiāde qìhou zěnmeyang?
  732. </para>
  733. <para>
  734. F:   Wǒ lǎojiā zài Jiùjīnshān. Nàrde
  735. </para>
  736. <para>
  737. qihou hěn hǎo. Dōngtiān bù lěng, xiātiān yě bu tài rè.
  738. </para>
  739. <para>
  740. M:   Nǐ juéde Běijīng zěnmeyang?
  741. </para>
  742. <para>
  743. F:   Zhèi jītiān Běijīng tiāntiān xià
  744. </para>
  745. <para>
  746. xuě, tài lěng le.
  747. </para>
  748. <literallayout>
  749. </literallayout>
  750. <para>
  751. Chinese man in Beijing.
  752. </para>
  753. <literallayout>
  754. </literallayout>
  755. <para>
  756. The weather is very good today, isn't it?
  757. </para>
  758. <para>
  759. It is.' Today it has cleared up.
  760. </para>
  761. <para>
  762. What's the climate like where you're from?
  763. </para>
  764. <para>
  765. My hometown is San Francisco. The climate there is very good. It
  766. isn't cold in the winter, and it isn't too hot in the summer,
  767. either.
  768. </para>
  769. <para>
  770. How do you like Běijīng? LLiterally, &quot;How do you feel Běijīng
  771. is?&quot;l
  772. </para>
  773. <para>
  774. It's been snowing these last few days in Běijīng and it's been too
  775. cold.
  776. </para>
  777. <literallayout>
  778. </literallayout>
  779. <para>
  781. </para>
  782. <para>
  783. Juéde: &quot;to feel&quot; This may mean &quot;to feel
  784. (physically)&quot; or &quot;to feel (emotionally), to think.&quot;
  785. It is often used, as in the Reference List sentence, to preface a
  786. statement of opinion. Wǒ Juéde ... may sometimes be translated as
  787. &quot;l think that ...&quot;
  788. </para>
  789. <para>
  790. Wǒ juéde tā kéyi zuò.               I think he can do it.
  791. </para>
  792. <para>
  793. And here are some examples using juéde to mean &quot;feel
  794. (physically )&quot;:
  795. </para>
  796. <para>
  797. Wǒ juéde hěn rè.                    I feel hot.
  798. </para>
  799. <para>
  800. Wǒ juéde bù shūfu.                  I don't feel well. (Literally,
  801. &quot;l
  802. </para>
  803. <para>
  804. feel not-well.&quot;)
  805. </para>
  806. <para>
  807. Nī Juéde Běijīng zěnmeyang?: &quot;How do you like Běijīng?&quot; or
  808. &quot;What do you think of Běijīng?&quot; More literally, &quot;You
  809. feel Běijīng is how?&quot;
  810. </para>
  811. <para>
  812. tài lěng le: &quot;it’s been too cold&quot; The marker le is the
  813. marker for new situations. It is often used to reinforce the idea of
  814. &quot;excessive.&quot; Another example is Tài guì le! &quot;it’s too
  815. expensive!&quot;
  816. </para>
  817. <para>
  819. </para>
  820. <para>
  821. An American woman is talking with a Chinese man in Taipei.
  822. </para>
  823. <informaltable>
  824. <tgroup cols="3">
  825. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  826. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  827. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  828. <tbody>
  829. <row>
  830. <entry>
  831. <para>
  832. M:
  833. </para>
  834. </entry>
  835. <entry>
  836. <para>
  837. Nǐ lǎojiā zài náli?
  838. </para>
  839. </entry>
  840. <entry>
  841. <para>
  842. Where’s your hometown?
  843. </para>
  844. </entry>
  845. </row>
  846. <row>
  847. <entry>
  848. <para>
  849. F:
  850. </para>
  851. </entry>
  852. <entry>
  853. <para>
  854. Zài Niu Yuē.
  855. </para>
  856. </entry>
  857. <entry>
  858. <para>
  859. It’s New York.
  860. </para>
  861. </entry>
  862. </row>
  863. <row>
  864. <entry>
  865. <para>
  866. M:
  867. </para>
  868. </entry>
  869. <entry>
  870. <para>
  871. Niǔ Yuēde qìhòu zěnmeyàng?
  872. </para>
  873. </entry>
  874. <entry>
  875. <para>
  876. What is New York’s climate like?
  877. </para>
  878. </entry>
  879. </row>
  880. <row>
  881. <entry>
  882. <para>
  883. F:
  884. </para>
  885. </entry>
  886. <entry>
  887. <para>
  888. Niǔ Yuēde qìhòu bú tài hǎo.
  889. </para>
  890. <para>
  891. Dōngtiān lěng, xiàtiān rè. Nì lǎojiā zài nali?
  892. </para>
  893. </entry>
  894. <entry>
  895. <para>
  896. New York’s climate isn’t too good. It's cold in the winter
  897. and hot in the summer. Where’s your hometown.
  898. </para>
  899. </entry>
  900. </row>
  901. <row>
  902. <entry>
  903. <para>
  904. M:
  905. </para>
  906. </entry>
  907. <entry>
  908. <para>
  909. Zài Shànghǎi. Shànghǎide dōngtiān hěn shǎo xià xuě, kěshi
  910. yě hěn lěng.
  911. </para>
  912. </entry>
  913. <entry>
  914. <para>
  915. It’s Shanghai. It seldom snows in Shanghai in the winter,
  916. but it's cold there, too.
  917. </para>
  918. </entry>
  919. </row>
  920. <row>
  921. <entry>
  922. <para>
  923. F:
  924. </para>
  925. </entry>
  926. <entry>
  927. <para>
  928. Xiàtiān zěnmeyàng?
  929. </para>
  930. </entry>
  931. <entry>
  932. <para>
  933. What’s it like in the summer?
  934. </para>
  935. </entry>
  936. </row>
  937. <row>
  938. <entry>
  939. <para>
  940. M:
  941. </para>
  942. </entry>
  943. <entry>
  944. <para>
  945. Ou, xiàtiān hěn rè.
  946. </para>
  947. </entry>
  948. <entry>
  949. <para>
  950. Oh, it's hot in the summer.
  951. </para>
  952. </entry>
  953. </row>
  954. <row>
  955. <entry>
  956. <para>
  957. F:
  958. </para>
  959. </entry>
  960. <entry>
  961. <para>
  962. Jìntiān zhèrde tiānqi hěn liǎng-kuai. Women chūqu
  963. zōuzou<anchor id="footnote1" /><superscript><link linkend="bookmark30">1</link></superscript>
  964. <anchor id="footnote2" /><superscript><link linkend="bookmark31">2</link></superscript> hǎo
  965. bu hǎo?
  966. </para>
  967. </entry>
  968. <entry>
  969. <para>
  970. The weather today is cool. Let's , out and walk around,
  971. okay?
  972. </para>
  973. </entry>
  974. </row>
  975. <row>
  976. <entry>
  977. <para>
  978. M:
  979. </para>
  980. </entry>
  981. <entry>
  982. <para>
  983. Hǎo.
  984. </para>
  985. </entry>
  986. <entry>
  987. <para>
  988. Okay.
  989. </para>
  990. </entry>
  991. </row>
  992. </tbody>
  993. </tgroup>
  994. </informaltable>
  995. <itemizedlist>
  996. <listitem>
  997. <para>
  998. 11. Dōngtiān chángcháng guā fēng.
  999. </para>
  1000. </listitem>
  1001. <listitem>
  1002. <para>
  1003. 12. Sānyuè jiù kāishì nuǎnhuo le.
  1004. </para>
  1005. </listitem>
  1006. <listitem>
  1007. <para>
  1008. 13. Chūntiān hěn duǎn.
  1009. </para>
  1010. </listitem>
  1011. </itemizedlist>
  1012. <para>
  1013. 1U. Xiatian yǒude shíhou xià yǔ.
  1014. </para>
  1015. <itemizedlist>
  1016. <listitem>
  1017. <para>
  1018. 15. Qiūtiān zuì hǎo.
  1019. </para>
  1020. </listitem>
  1021. <listitem>
  1022. <para>
  1023. 16. Nǐ shi shénme shíhou líkāi Běijīngde?
  1024. </para>
  1025. </listitem>
  1026. <listitem>
  1027. <para>
  1028. 17. Wō zhēn xiǎng Jiāzhōu.
  1029. </para>
  1030. </listitem>
  1031. <listitem>
  1032. <para>
  1033. 18. Xiàtiān bú shi hěn cháoshí.
  1034. </para>
  1035. </listitem>
  1036. <listitem>
  1037. <para>
  1038. 19. Tīngshuō Táiwān chángcháng guā taifēng.
  1039. </para>
  1040. </listitem>
  1041. <listitem>
  1042. <para>
  1043. 20. cháng
  1044. </para>
  1045. </listitem>
  1046. </itemizedlist>
  1047. <para>
  1048. It’s often windy in the winter.
  1049. </para>
  1050. <para>
  1051. By March it is already starting to get warm.
  1052. </para>
  1053. <para>
  1054. Spring is very short.
  1055. </para>
  1056. <para>
  1057. It sometimes rains in the summer.
  1058. </para>
  1059. <para>
  1060. Fall is the best (season).
  1061. </para>
  1062. <para>
  1063. When did you leave Běijíng?
  1064. </para>
  1065. <para>
  1066. I really miss California.
  1067. </para>
  1068. <para>
  1069. It's not very humid in the summer.
  1070. </para>
  1071. <para>
  1072. I hear that Taiwan often has typhoons.
  1073. </para>
  1074. <para>
  1075. to be long
  1076. </para>
  1077. <para>
  1078. WS zhēn xiǎng Jiāzhōu: &quot;I really miss California” The verb
  1079. xiǎng, translated here as ”to miss,&quot; is the same verb as
  1080. &quot;to think&quot; (&quot;I really think of California Cwith
  1081. ncstalgial&quot;).
  1082. </para>
  1083. <para>
  1084. xiàtiān bú shi hěn cháoshí: &quot;it’s not very humid in the
  1085. summer.&quot; The shi is not obligatory in the sentence. It would
  1086. also be correct to say bù hěn cháoshí.
  1087. </para>
  1088. <para>
  1089. táifěng: &quot;typhoon&quot; The Chinese word táifēng was borrowed
  1090. into the English language as &quot;typhoon.&quot;
  1091. </para>
  1092. <para>
  1094. </para>
  1095. <para>
  1096. An American woman is talking with a Chinese man in Hong Kong:
  1097. </para>
  1098. <para>
  1099. F: Ni líkāi Běijīng duōshǎo nián le?
  1100. </para>
  1101. <para>
  1102. M: Yījīng you èrshibānián le.
  1103. </para>
  1104. <para>
  1105. F: Nī líkāi zhème Jiǔ, xiang bu xiǎng Běijīng?
  1106. </para>
  1107. <para>
  1108. M: Yōu'shihou xiǎng.
  1109. </para>
  1110. <para>
  1111. F: Tīngshuō Běijīng qiūtiande tiānqi zuì hǎo, shì bu shi?
  1112. </para>
  1113. <para>
  1114. M: Duì le, qiūtiānde tiānqi zuì hǎo, bù lěng yě bú rè.
  1115. </para>
  1116. <para>
  1117. F: Dongtian xià xuě ma?
  1118. </para>
  1119. <para>
  1120. M: Dōngtiān you shihou xià xuě, yě chángcháng guā fēng.
  1121. </para>
  1122. <para>
  1123. F: Shénme shihou kāishī nuǎnhuo?
  1124. </para>
  1125. <para>
  1126. M: Sānyuè Jiu kāidhī nuǎnhuo le. Kěshi chūntiān hěn duǎn, Wuyuè jiu
  1127. rè le.
  1128. </para>
  1129. <para>
  1130. F: Xiàtiān cháoshí ma?
  1131. </para>
  1132. <para>
  1133. M: Xiàtiān yěude shihou xià yǔ, kěshi bú shi hěn cháoshí.
  1134. </para>
  1135. <literallayout>
  1136. </literallayout>
  1137. <para>
  1138. How many years has it been since you left Běijīng?
  1139. </para>
  1140. <para>
  1141. It’s already been twenty-eight years.
  1142. </para>
  1143. <para>
  1144. It’s been so long since you left, do you miss Běijīng?
  1145. </para>
  1146. <para>
  1147. Sometimes I miss it.
  1148. </para>
  1149. <para>
  1150. I hear that the autumn weather in Běijīng is the best, isn’t it?
  1151. </para>
  1152. <para>
  1153. Right, the autumn weather is the best; it’s neither cold nor hot
  1154. </para>
  1155. <para>
  1156. Does it snow in the winter?
  1157. </para>
  1158. <para>
  1159. It sometimes snows in the winter, and it’s often windy, too.
  1160. </para>
  1161. <para>
  1162. When does it start to get warm?
  1163. </para>
  1164. <para>
  1165. It starts to get warm by March, But the spring is very short, In May
  1166. it starts to get hot.
  1167. </para>
  1168. <para>
  1169. Is it humid in the summer?
  1170. </para>
  1171. <para>
  1172. It sometimes rains in the summer, but it’s not very humid.
  1173. </para>
  1174. <literallayout>
  1175. </literallayout>
  1176. <para>
  1178. </para>
  1179. <para>
  1180. Nǐ líkāi zhème Jiu: &quot;it’s been so long since you left&quot; You
  1181. have seen jiǔ, which means &quot;to be long in time,&quot; in the
  1182. phrase duo Jiǔ, &quot;how long (a time)&quot;
  1183. </para>
  1184. <para>
  1186. </para>
  1187. <para>
  1188. An American woman is talking with a Chinese man in Taipei:
  1189. </para>
  1190. <informaltable>
  1191. <tgroup cols="3">
  1192. <colspec align="left" />
  1193. <colspec align="left" />
  1194. <colspec align="left" />
  1195. <tbody>
  1196. <row>
  1197. <entry>
  1198. <para>
  1199. M:
  1200. </para>
  1201. </entry>
  1202. <entry>
  1203. <para>
  1204. Nǐ Juéde Taiběi chūntiande tiānqi hǎo bu hǎo?
  1205. </para>
  1206. </entry>
  1207. <entry>
  1208. <para>
  1209. Do you feel that the spring weather in Taipei is good?
  1210. </para>
  1211. </entry>
  1212. </row>
  1213. <row>
  1214. <entry>
  1215. <para>
  1216. F:
  1217. </para>
  1218. </entry>
  1219. <entry>
  1220. <para>
  1221. Wo Juéde zhèlide chūntiān hěn hǎo, Sānyuè jiù nuǎnhuo le.
  1222. Kěshi wǒ tīngshuō xiàtiān hěn rè, duì bu dui?
  1223. </para>
  1224. </entry>
  1225. <entry>
  1226. <para>
  1227. I feel the spring here is very good. It gets warm in
  1228. March. But I hear the summer is hot, right?
  1229. </para>
  1230. </entry>
  1231. </row>
  1232. <row>
  1233. <entry>
  1234. <para>
  1235. M:
  1236. </para>
  1237. </entry>
  1238. <entry>
  1239. <para>
  1240. Duì le. Zhèlide xiàtiān hěn rè, chángcháng xià yu, hěn
  1241. chāoshī.
  1242. </para>
  1243. </entry>
  1244. <entry>
  1245. <para>
  1246. Right. The summer here is very hot, and it often rains;
  1247. it’s very humid.
  1248. </para>
  1249. </entry>
  1250. </row>
  1251. <row>
  1252. <entry>
  1253. <para>
  1254. F:
  1255. </para>
  1256. </entry>
  1257. <entry>
  1258. <para>
  1259. Tingshuō yě changcháng guā táifēng.
  1260. </para>
  1261. </entry>
  1262. <entry>
  1263. <para>
  1264. I’ve also heard that there are often typhoons.
  1265. </para>
  1266. </entry>
  1267. </row>
  1268. <row>
  1269. <entry>
  1270. <para>
  1271. M:
  1272. </para>
  1273. </entry>
  1274. <entry>
  1275. <para>
  1276. Duì le.
  1277. </para>
  1278. </entry>
  1279. <entry>
  1280. <para>
  1281. Yes.
  1282. </para>
  1283. </entry>
  1284. </row>
  1285. <row>
  1286. <entry>
  1287. <para>
  1288. F:
  1289. </para>
  1290. </entry>
  1291. <entry>
  1292. <para>
  1293. Táiběide qiūtiān ne?
  1294. </para>
  1295. </entry>
  1296. <entry>
  1297. <para>
  1298. How about the fall in Taipei?
  1299. </para>
  1300. </entry>
  1301. </row>
  1302. <row>
  1303. <entry>
  1304. <para>
  1305. M:
  1306. </para>
  1307. </entry>
  1308. <entry>
  1309. <para>
  1310. ōu, Jiǔ-Shíyuè hái hěn rè, Shíyíyuè jiù liángkuai le.
  1311. </para>
  1312. </entry>
  1313. <entry>
  1314. <para>
  1315. Oh, in September and October it’s still hot. By November
  1316. it gets cool.
  1317. </para>
  1318. </entry>
  1319. </row>
  1320. </tbody>
  1321. </tgroup>
  1322. </informaltable>
  1323. <itemizedlist>
  1324. <listitem>
  1325. <para>
  1326. 21. Nǐ lǎojiā zài chéngli hāishi zài xiāngxià?
  1327. </para>
  1328. </listitem>
  1329. <listitem>
  1330. <para>
  1331. 22. Nàli you shān, you sēnlín, hái you hú.
  1332. </para>
  1333. </listitem>
  1334. <listitem>
  1335. <para>
  1336. 23. Fěngjǐng hěn hǎo, kōngqì hěn xlnxian.
  1337. </para>
  1338. </listitem>
  1339. </itemizedlist>
  1340. <para>
  1341. 2U. Nǐ lǎojiā f ùjìnde huānjìng zěnmeyàng?
  1342. </para>
  1343. <para>
  1344. 25. Nǐ lǎojiā nèige dìfang ySu duoshǎo rénkǒu?
  1345. </para>
  1346. <para>
  1347. 26. You wǔqiān rěn zuoyòu.
  1348. </para>
  1349. <para>
  1350. 2?. Nàr meiyou kōngqì wūrǎn.
  1351. </para>
  1352. <itemizedlist>
  1353. <listitem>
  1354. <para>
  1355. 28. Haitian hěn qǐngjìng.
  1356. </para>
  1357. </listitem>
  1358. <listitem>
  1359. <para>
  1360. 29. Zhèr fùjìn you he ma?
  1361. </para>
  1362. </listitem>
  1363. <listitem>
  1364. <para>
  1365. 30. chěng
  1366. </para>
  1367. </listitem>
  1368. </itemizedlist>
  1369. <literallayout>
  1370. </literallayout>
  1371. <para>
  1372. Is your home in the city or in the country?
  1373. </para>
  1374. <para>
  1375. There are mountains and forests there and lakes, too.
  1376. </para>
  1377. <para>
  1378. The scenery is very nice and the air is fresh.
  1379. </para>
  1380. <para>
  1381. What’s the country like where you're from?
  1382. </para>
  1383. <para>
  1384. What's the population of your hometown?
  1385. </para>
  1386. <para>
  1387. There are about five thousand people.
  1388. </para>
  1389. <para>
  1390. There's no air pollution there.
  1391. </para>
  1392. <para>
  1393. The seashore is very quiet.
  1394. </para>
  1395. <para>
  1396. Are there any rivers in this area?
  1397. </para>
  1398. <para>
  1399. city
  1400. </para>
  1401. <para>
  1403. </para>
  1404. <para>
  1405. chengli: &quot;in the city,&quot; literally &quot;inside the city
  1406. wall.&quot;
  1407. </para>
  1408. <para>
  1409. xiāngxià: &quot;country&quot; Also pronounced xiāngxià (with neutral
  1410. tone xià).
  1411. </para>
  1412. <para>
  1413. fùjin: &quot;vicinity&quot; Also pronounced fǔjìn.
  1414. </para>
  1415. <para>
  1416. huānjìng: &quot;environment, surroundings,&quot; In No. 2U the
  1417. phrase&quot;nǐ lǎojiā fùjìnde huānjìng is literally &quot;the
  1418. environment of the vicinity of your original home.&quot;
  1419. </para>
  1420. <para>
  1421. nǐ lǎojiā nèige dìfang: &quot;your hometown&quot; Lǎojiā by itself
  1422. only means &quot;original home.&quot;To get the meaning
  1423. &quot;hometown,&quot; you must refer to the place (nèige dìfang)
  1424. where yoúr &quot;original home&quot; (lǎojiā) is. Notice the
  1425. different phrasing in the following sentences:
  1426. </para>
  1427. <para>
  1428. Nǐ lǎojiā nèige dìfang you         What's the population of your
  1429. </para>
  1430. <para>
  1431. duōshǎo renkǒu?                    hometown?
  1432. </para>
  1433. <para>
  1434. Nǐ lǎojiā nàr you meiyou shān? Are there mountains where your
  1435. original home is?
  1436. </para>
  1437. <para>
  1438. Nǐ lǎojiā zài xiāngxià ma?         Is your original home in the
  1439. country?
  1440. </para>
  1441. <para>
  1442. shān, hū, he: ’’mountain, lake, river” These three words are used
  1443. with
  1444. </para>
  1445. <para>
  1446. the four points of the compass to make several province names.
  1447. </para>
  1448. <literallayout>
  1449. </literallayout>
  1450. <para>
  1451. Shandong       east of the (Tàiháng) mountains
  1452. </para>
  1453. <para>
  1454. Shānxǐ         west of the (Tàiháng) mountains
  1455. </para>
  1456. <para>
  1457. Hebei          north of the (Yellow) river
  1458. </para>
  1459. <para>
  1460. Henan          south of the (Yellow) river
  1461. </para>
  1462. <para>
  1463. Húběi          north of the (Dòngtíng) lake
  1464. </para>
  1465. <para>
  1466. Hunan          south of the (Dòngtíng) lake
  1467. </para>
  1468. <para>
  1470. </para>
  1471. <para>
  1472. An American woman is talking with a
  1473. </para>
  1474. <para>
  1475. M: Nǐ lǎojiā fǔjìnde huánjìng zěnmeyàng?
  1476. </para>
  1477. <para>
  1478. F: Wo lǎojiāde fùjìn you hěn duō shān.
  1479. </para>
  1480. <para>
  1481. M: Nèige xiǎo chéngde fēngjǐng hěn hǎo ba!
  1482. </para>
  1483. <para>
  1484. F: Duì le. Nàrde fēngjǐng hěn hǎo. You sēnlín, hái you he.
  1485. </para>
  1486. <para>
  1487. M: Nàrde kōngqi hěn xīnxian ba.
  1488. </para>
  1489. <para>
  1490. F: Shi a! Nàr méiyou kōngqi wǔrǎn.
  1491. </para>
  1492. <para>
  1493. M: Nèige xiǎo chěng you duōshǎo rěnkou?
  1494. </para>
  1495. <para>
  1496. F: You sìqiān rén zuǒyòu.
  1497. </para>
  1498. <literallayout>
  1499. </literallayout>
  1500. <para>
  1501. Chinese man in Beijing:
  1502. </para>
  1503. <para>
  1504. What’s the country like where you’re from?
  1505. </para>
  1506. <literallayout>
  1507. </literallayout>
  1508. <para>
  1509. There are a lot of mountains near where I’m from.
  1510. </para>
  1511. <para>
  1512. That little town must have very good scenery!
  1513. </para>
  1514. <para>
  1515. Right. The scenery there is very good. There are forests and also
  1516. rivers.
  1517. </para>
  1518. <para>
  1519. I suppose the air there is very fresh.
  1520. </para>
  1521. <para>
  1522. Yes! There is no air pollution there.
  1523. </para>
  1524. <para>
  1525. What’s the population of that little town?
  1526. </para>
  1527. <para>
  1528. There are about four thousand people.
  1529. </para>
  1530. <literallayout>
  1531. </literallayout>
  1532. <para>
  1534. </para>
  1535. <para>
  1536. nèige xiǎo chěng: ’’that little town” You’ve learned that chěngli
  1537. means ”in the city.’* One word for ’’city” by itself is cheng
  1538. Eanother is chěngshì3.
  1539. </para>
  1540. <para>
  1541. Nǐ shuōde shi něige Huáshèngdùn? Which Washington are you talking
  1542. Shi zhóu háishi chěng?             about? The statè or the city?
  1543. </para>
  1544. <para>
  1546. </para>
  1547. <para>
  1548. An American woman is talking with a Chinese man in Taipei:
  1549. </para>
  1550. <para>
  1551. M:   Nī lǎojiā zai chengli haishi
  1552. </para>
  1553. <para>
  1554. zài xiāngxià?
  1555. </para>
  1556. <para>
  1557. F:   Zài xiāngxià. Nàli you shān,
  1558. </para>
  1559. <para>
  1560. you sēnlín, hái you hú. Fēngjīng hěn hǎo. Wo líkāi nàli yījīng you
  1561. wǔnián le. Wǒ hěn xiǎng wode lǎojiā.
  1562. </para>
  1563. <para>
  1564. M:   Nī lǎojiā nèige dìfāng you
  1565. </para>
  1566. <para>
  1567. duōshǎo renkǒu?
  1568. </para>
  1569. <para>
  1570. F:   Sānqiān rén zuǒyòu.
  1571. </para>
  1572. <para>
  1573. M:   Nà hěn qīngjìng ba?
  1574. </para>
  1575. <para>
  1576. F:   Duì le, hěn qīngjìng. Kōngqì
  1577. </para>
  1578. <para>
  1579. yě xīnxian. NĪde jiā zài Zhānghuà shénme dìfang?
  1580. </para>
  1581. <para>
  1582. M:   Zài Tiánzhōng fùjìn. Nàli
  1583. </para>
  1584. <para>
  1585. fēngjīng yě hěn hǎo, méiyou kōngqì wūrǎn.
  1586. </para>
  1587. <literallayout>
  1588. </literallayout>
  1589. <para>
  1590. Is your home in the city or in the country?
  1591. </para>
  1592. <para>
  1593. It’s in the country. There are mountains there, and forests, and
  1594. lakes, too. The scenery is very good. It’s already been five years
  1595. since I left there. I miss my original home very much.
  1596. </para>
  1597. <para>
  1598. What’s the population of your hometown?
  1599. </para>
  1600. <para>
  1601. About three thousand.
  1602. </para>
  1603. <para>
  1604. Then it must be very quiet, I suppose?
  1605. </para>
  1606. <para>
  1607. Right, it’s very quiet. The air is fresh, too. What part of
  1608. Chang-hua is your home in?
  1609. </para>
  1610. <para>
  1611. Near T’ienchung. The scenery there is also very nice, and there’s no
  1612. air pollution.
  1613. </para>
  1614. <literallayout>
  1615. </literallayout>
  1616. <para>
  1618. </para>
  1619. <para>
  1620. Wǒ líkāi nàli yījīng you wǔnián le: &quot;(Since) I left there it
  1621. has been five years.’’ The marker le at the end of the sentence is
  1622. new-situation le, and is necessary here. It shows that the duration
  1623. stated (five years) is as of the present moment (&quot;so
  1624. far&quot;). Another point to bear in mind is that Le is used at the
  1625. end of most sentences containing yījīng.
  1626. </para>
  1627. <para>
  1628. Zhānghuà, &quot;Changhua,&quot; is the name of a city and a county
  1629. on the west coast of central Taiwan. T’ienchung (Tiánzhōng) is a
  1630. village in southeastern Changhua county.
  1631. </para>
  1632. <informaltable>
  1633. <tgroup cols="2">
  1634. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  1635. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  1636. <tbody>
  1637. <row>
  1638. <entry>
  1639. <para>
  1640. cháng chángcháng cháoshǐ chéng chèngli
  1641. </para>
  1642. <para>
  1643. chūntiān (chūntian)
  1644. </para>
  1645. </entry>
  1646. <entry>
  1647. <para>
  1648. often often to be humid city, town in the city spring
  1649. </para>
  1650. </entry>
  1651. </row>
  1652. <row>
  1653. <entry>
  1654. <para>
  1655. dōngtiān (dōngtian)
  1656. </para>
  1657. </entry>
  1658. <entry>
  1659. <para>
  1660. winter
  1661. </para>
  1662. </entry>
  1663. </row>
  1664. <row>
  1665. <entry>
  1666. <para>
  1667. duán
  1668. </para>
  1669. </entry>
  1670. <entry>
  1671. <para>
  1672. to be short
  1673. </para>
  1674. </entry>
  1675. </row>
  1676. <row>
  1677. <entry>
  1678. <para>
  1679. fēng
  1680. </para>
  1681. </entry>
  1682. <entry>
  1683. <para>
  1684. wind
  1685. </para>
  1686. </entry>
  1687. </row>
  1688. <row>
  1689. <entry>
  1690. <para>
  1691. fěngjǐng
  1692. </para>
  1693. </entry>
  1694. <entry>
  1695. <para>
  1696. scenery
  1697. </para>
  1698. </entry>
  1699. </row>
  1700. <row>
  1701. <entry>
  1702. <para>
  1703. fùjìn (fùjìn)
  1704. </para>
  1705. </entry>
  1706. <entry>
  1707. <para>
  1708. area, neighborhood
  1709. </para>
  1710. </entry>
  1711. </row>
  1712. <row>
  1713. <entry>
  1714. <para>
  1715. guā
  1716. </para>
  1717. </entry>
  1718. <entry>
  1719. <para>
  1720. to blow (of wind, typhoons, etc.
  1721. </para>
  1722. </entry>
  1723. </row>
  1724. <row>
  1725. <entry>
  1726. <para>
  1727. hǎibiān(r)
  1728. </para>
  1729. </entry>
  1730. <entry>
  1731. <para>
  1732. seashore
  1733. </para>
  1734. </entry>
  1735. </row>
  1736. <row>
  1737. <entry>
  1738. <para>
  1739. he
  1740. </para>
  1741. </entry>
  1742. <entry>
  1743. <para>
  1744. river
  1745. </para>
  1746. </entry>
  1747. </row>
  1748. <row>
  1749. <entry>
  1750. <para>
  1751. </para>
  1752. </entry>
  1753. <entry>
  1754. <para>
  1755. lake
  1756. </para>
  1757. </entry>
  1758. </row>
  1759. <row>
  1760. <entry>
  1761. <para>
  1762. huánjìng
  1763. </para>
  1764. </entry>
  1765. <entry>
  1766. <para>
  1767. environment
  1768. </para>
  1769. </entry>
  1770. </row>
  1771. <row>
  1772. <entry>
  1773. <para>
  1774. Juede
  1775. </para>
  1776. </entry>
  1777. <entry>
  1778. <para>
  1779. to feel
  1780. </para>
  1781. </entry>
  1782. </row>
  1783. <row>
  1784. <entry>
  1785. <para>
  1786. kāishǐ
  1787. </para>
  1788. </entry>
  1789. <entry>
  1790. <para>
  1791. to begin, to start
  1792. </para>
  1793. </entry>
  1794. </row>
  1795. <row>
  1796. <entry>
  1797. <para>
  1798. kōngqì (kōngqi)
  1799. </para>
  1800. </entry>
  1801. <entry>
  1802. <para>
  1803. air
  1804. </para>
  1805. </entry>
  1806. </row>
  1807. <row>
  1808. <entry>
  1809. <para>
  1810. kōngqì wūrǎn
  1811. </para>
  1812. </entry>
  1813. <entry>
  1814. <para>
  1815. air pollution
  1816. </para>
  1817. </entry>
  1818. </row>
  1819. <row>
  1820. <entry>
  1821. <para>
  1822. lěng
  1823. </para>
  1824. </entry>
  1825. <entry>
  1826. <para>
  1827. to be cold
  1828. </para>
  1829. </entry>
  1830. </row>
  1831. <row>
  1832. <entry>
  1833. <para>
  1834. liángkuai
  1835. </para>
  1836. </entry>
  1837. <entry>
  1838. <para>
  1839. to be cool
  1840. </para>
  1841. </entry>
  1842. </row>
  1843. <row>
  1844. <entry>
  1845. <para>
  1846. líkāi
  1847. </para>
  1848. </entry>
  1849. <entry>
  1850. <para>
  1851. to leave
  1852. </para>
  1853. </entry>
  1854. </row>
  1855. <row>
  1856. <entry>
  1857. <para>
  1858. nuǎnhuo
  1859. </para>
  1860. </entry>
  1861. <entry>
  1862. <para>
  1863. to be warm
  1864. </para>
  1865. </entry>
  1866. </row>
  1867. <row>
  1868. <entry>
  1869. <para>
  1870. qìhòu (qìhou)
  1871. </para>
  1872. </entry>
  1873. <entry>
  1874. <para>
  1875. climate
  1876. </para>
  1877. </entry>
  1878. </row>
  1879. <row>
  1880. <entry>
  1881. <para>
  1882. qíng
  1883. </para>
  1884. </entry>
  1885. <entry>
  1886. <para>
  1887. to be clear
  1888. </para>
  1889. </entry>
  1890. </row>
  1891. <row>
  1892. <entry>
  1893. <para>
  1894. qǐngjìng
  1895. </para>
  1896. </entry>
  1897. <entry>
  1898. <para>
  1899. to be quiet
  1900. </para>
  1901. </entry>
  1902. </row>
  1903. <row>
  1904. <entry>
  1905. <para>
  1906. qiūtiān (qiūtian)
  1907. </para>
  1908. </entry>
  1909. <entry>
  1910. <para>
  1911. fall, autumn
  1912. </para>
  1913. </entry>
  1914. </row>
  1915. <row>
  1916. <entry>
  1917. <para>
  1918. S. re
  1919. </para>
  1920. </entry>
  1921. <entry>
  1922. <para>
  1923. to be hot
  1924. </para>
  1925. </entry>
  1926. </row>
  1927. <row>
  1928. <entry>
  1929. <para>
  1930. renkou
  1931. </para>
  1932. </entry>
  1933. <entry>
  1934. <para>
  1935. population
  1936. </para>
  1937. </entry>
  1938. </row>
  1939. <row>
  1940. <entry>
  1941. <para>
  1942. sēnlín
  1943. </para>
  1944. </entry>
  1945. <entry>
  1946. <para>
  1947. forest
  1948. </para>
  1949. </entry>
  1950. </row>
  1951. <row>
  1952. <entry>
  1953. <para>
  1954. shān
  1955. </para>
  1956. </entry>
  1957. <entry>
  1958. <para>
  1959. mountain
  1960. </para>
  1961. </entry>
  1962. </row>
  1963. <row>
  1964. <entry>
  1965. <para>
  1966. shǎo
  1967. </para>
  1968. </entry>
  1969. <entry>
  1970. <para>
  1971. to be few; seldom
  1972. </para>
  1973. </entry>
  1974. </row>
  1975. <row>
  1976. <entry>
  1977. <para>
  1978. táifēng
  1979. </para>
  1980. </entry>
  1981. <entry>
  1982. <para>
  1983. typhoon
  1984. </para>
  1985. </entry>
  1986. </row>
  1987. <row>
  1988. <entry>
  1989. <para>
  1990. tiān
  1991. </para>
  1992. </entry>
  1993. <entry>
  1994. <para>
  1995. sky, heaven
  1996. </para>
  1997. </entry>
  1998. </row>
  1999. <row>
  2000. <entry>
  2001. <para>
  2002. tiānqì (tiānqi)
  2003. </para>
  2004. </entry>
  2005. <entry>
  2006. <para>
  2007. weather
  2008. </para>
  2009. </entry>
  2010. </row>
  2011. <row>
  2012. <entry>
  2013. <para>
  2014. tǐngshuō
  2015. </para>
  2016. </entry>
  2017. <entry>
  2018. <para>
  2019. to hear that, to hear it said
  2020. </para>
  2021. </entry>
  2022. </row>
  2023. <row>
  2024. <entry>
  2025. <para>
  2026. wūrǎn
  2027. </para>
  2028. </entry>
  2029. <entry>
  2030. <para>
  2031. pollution
  2032. </para>
  2033. </entry>
  2034. </row>
  2035. </tbody>
  2036. </tgroup>
  2037. </informaltable>
  2038. <informaltable>
  2039. <tgroup cols="2">
  2040. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  2041. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  2042. <tbody>
  2043. <row>
  2044. <entry>
  2045. <para>
  2046. xiǎng
  2047. </para>
  2048. <para>
  2049. xiāngxià (xiāngxià) xiàtiān (xiàtiān) xià xuě
  2050. </para>
  2051. <para>
  2052. xià yǔ
  2053. </para>
  2054. <para>
  2055. xīnxiān (xīnxian)
  2056. </para>
  2057. </entry>
  2058. <entry>
  2059. <para>
  2060. to miss, to think of
  2061. </para>
  2062. <para>
  2063. in the country, the countryside summer to snow to rain to
  2064. he fresh
  2065. </para>
  2066. </entry>
  2067. </row>
  2068. <row>
  2069. <entry>
  2070. <para>
  2071. you(de) shihou
  2072. </para>
  2073. </entry>
  2074. <entry>
  2075. <para>
  2076. sometimes
  2077. </para>
  2078. </entry>
  2079. </row>
  2080. <row>
  2081. <entry>
  2082. <para>
  2083. zuì zuěyòu
  2084. </para>
  2085. </entry>
  2086. <entry>
  2087. <para>
  2088. most, -est
  2089. </para>
  2090. <para>
  2091. approximately, about
  2092. </para>
  2093. </entry>
  2094. </row>
  2095. </tbody>
  2096. </tgroup>
  2097. </informaltable>
  2098. <para>
  2099. PART I
  2100. </para>
  2101. <literallayout>
  2102. </literallayout>
  2103. <para>
  2105. </para>
  2106. <literallayout>
  2107. </literallayout>
  2108. <para>
  2109. Personal Welfare Module, Unit 2
  2110. </para>
  2111. <para>
  2112. Clothing
  2113. </para>
  2114. <literallayout>
  2115. </literallayout>
  2116. <para>
  2117. 1. Tā Jint iān chuānde yífu zhēn hǎo kàn.
  2118. </para>
  2119. <para>
  2120. Wo xūyào jǐ jiàn xin yīfu.
  2121. </para>
  2122. <para>
  2123. 1. Wode dayI tai Jiù le, wǒ xiǎng mǎi (yí)jiàn xīnde.
  2124. </para>
  2125. <para>
  2126. 1». Beijīngde dōngtiān hěn lěng, ni yào mǎi hòu yidiǎnrde.
  2127. </para>
  2128. <para>
  2129. Ni shénme shíhou qù tuzhuāngdiàn?
  2130. </para>
  2131. <literallayout>
  2132. </literallayout>
  2133. <para>
  2134. 6. Gěi wo mǎi yìshuāng tuóxié, hǎo bu hǎo?
  2135. </para>
  2136. <para>
  2137. '!. Taiběi cháng xia yǔ, ni xūyào yǔyǐ, yǔxié.
  2138. </para>
  2139. <itemizedlist>
  2140. <listitem>
  2141. <para>
  2142. 8. Wode yǔsǎn huài le.
  2143. </para>
  2144. </listitem>
  2145. <listitem>
  2146. <para>
  2147. 9. WǑ hái xūyào yìtiǎo kūzi.
  2148. </para>
  2149. </listitem>
  2150. <listitem>
  2151. <para>
  2152. 10. Chūntiān lái le, wo xiǎng mǎi bǎo yidiǎnde qunzi.
  2153. </para>
  2154. </listitem>
  2155. <listitem>
  2156. <para>
  2157. 11. Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yítào gànbufú.
  2158. </para>
  2159. </listitem>
  2160. <listitem>
  2161. <para>
  2162. 12. Wǒ shàngwu qù mǎile yìtiǎo kùzi he JiJiàn chènshān.
  2163. </para>
  2164. </listitem>
  2165. <listitem>
  2166. <para>
  2167. 13. xin
  2168. </para>
  2169. </listitem>
  2170. </itemizedlist>
  2171. <literallayout>
  2172. </literallayout>
  2173. <para>
  2174. The clothes she is wearing today are really pretty.
  2175. </para>
  2176. <para>
  2177. I need some new clothes.
  2178. </para>
  2179. <para>
  2180. My coat is too worn, I want to get a new one.
  2181. </para>
  2182. <para>
  2183. Winter in Beijing is very cold; you need to buy a heavier one.
  2184. </para>
  2185. <para>
  2186. When are you going to the clothing store?
  2187. </para>
  2188. <para>
  2189. Buy me a pair of slippers, would you?
  2190. </para>
  2191. <para>
  2192. It often rains in Taipei; you need a raincoat and rainshoes.
  2193. </para>
  2194. <para>
  2195. My umbrella has broken.
  2196. </para>
  2197. <para>
  2198. I also need a pair of pants.
  2199. </para>
  2200. <para>
  2201. Spring is coming; I’d like to buy a lighter skirt.
  2202. </para>
  2203. <para>
  2204. I’d like to buy a cadre suit.
  2205. </para>
  2206. <para>
  2207. This morning I went and bought a pair of pants and a few shirts.
  2208. </para>
  2209. <para>
  2210. to be new
  2211. </para>
  2212. <literallayout>
  2213. </literallayout>
  2214. <para>
  2216. </para>
  2217. <para>
  2218. chuān: &quot;to put on, to don&quot; (clothes, shoes) Notice that
  2219. Chinese uses an action verb, &quot;to put on,&quot; where English
  2220. uses a state verb, &quot;to wear.&quot; You have to adjust your
  2221. thinking a bit in order to use this verb correctly. When you want to
  2222. say &quot;She's NOT WEARING her coat,&quot; you actually say
  2223. &quot;She PIDN’T PUT ON her coat,&quot; Ta měi chuān dàyT.
  2224. </para>
  2225. <para>
  2226. Here are some example sentences using chuān ”to put on.&quot;
  2227. </para>
  2228. <para>
  2229. Wǒ chuānle yìshuāng hong xié.
  2230. </para>
  2231. <para>
  2232. I’m wearing a pair of red shoes.
  2233. </para>
  2234. <para>
  2235. (I’ve put on a pair of red shoes.)
  2236. </para>
  2237. <para>
  2238. I’m not wearing shoes. (I didn’t put on shoes. )
  2239. </para>
  2240. <para>
  2241. Do you wear white shoes? (HABIT) OR Will you wear white shoes?
  2242. (INTENTION)
  2243. </para>
  2244. <para>
  2245. I don’t wear white shoes (HABIT) OR
  2246. </para>
  2247. <para>
  2248. I won’t wear white shoes. (INTENTION)
  2249. </para>
  2250. <literallayout>
  2251. </literallayout>
  2252. <para>
  2253. Wǒ méi chuān xié.
  2254. </para>
  2255. <para>
  2256. Ní chuān bái xié ma?
  2257. </para>
  2258. <para>
  2259. Wǒ bù chuān bái xié.
  2260. </para>
  2261. <para>
  2262. Chuān is not the only verb verb dài which is used for ments,
  2263. Jewelry, and gloves.
  2264. </para>
  2265. <para>
  2266. meaning to put on in Chinese. There is another wearing or putting on
  2267. hats, wristwatches, orna-
  2268. </para>
  2269. <para>
  2270. Dāi is taught in Part II of this unit.
  2271. </para>
  2272. <literallayout>
  2273. </literallayout>
  2274. <para>
  2275. xūyào: &quot;to need &quot; This word may be used as a main verb or
  2276. as an auxiliary verb. In either usage, it is always a state verb. It
  2277. is, therefore, negated with bù.
  2278. </para>
  2279. <informaltable>
  2280. <tgroup cols="3">
  2281. <colspec align="left" />
  2282. <colspec align="left" />
  2283. <colspec align="left" />
  2284. <tbody>
  2285. <row>
  2286. <entry>
  2287. <para>
  2288. </para>
  2289. </entry>
  2290. <entry>
  2291. <para>
  2292. xūyào qián.
  2293. </para>
  2294. </entry>
  2295. <entry>
  2296. <para>
  2297. I need money.
  2298. </para>
  2299. </entry>
  2300. </row>
  2301. <row>
  2302. <entry>
  2303. <para>
  2304. </para>
  2305. </entry>
  2306. <entry>
  2307. <para>
  2308. xūyào shíjiān.
  2309. </para>
  2310. </entry>
  2311. <entry>
  2312. <para>
  2313. I need time.
  2314. </para>
  2315. </entry>
  2316. </row>
  2317. <row>
  2318. <entry>
  2319. <para>
  2320. </para>
  2321. </entry>
  2322. <entry>
  2323. <para>
  2324. xūyào ta.
  2325. </para>
  2326. </entry>
  2327. <entry>
  2328. <para>
  2329. I need her.
  2330. </para>
  2331. </entry>
  2332. </row>
  2333. <row>
  2334. <entry>
  2335. <para>
  2336. </para>
  2337. </entry>
  2338. <entry>
  2339. <para>
  2340. xūyào huàn qián.
  2341. </para>
  2342. </entry>
  2343. <entry>
  2344. <para>
  2345. I need to change money.
  2346. </para>
  2347. </entry>
  2348. </row>
  2349. <row>
  2350. <entry>
  2351. <para>
  2352. </para>
  2353. </entry>
  2354. <entry>
  2355. <para>
  2356. xūyào zhīdao.
  2357. </para>
  2358. </entry>
  2359. <entry>
  2360. <para>
  2361. He needs to know.
  2362. </para>
  2363. </entry>
  2364. </row>
  2365. </tbody>
  2366. </tgroup>
  2367. </informaltable>
  2368. <para>
  2369. -Jiàn: This is the counter for articles of clothing, as well as for
  2370. things (dǒngxi, shìqing), and suitcases.
  2371. </para>
  2372. <para>
  2373. dayI: &quot;overcoat&quot; literally &quot;big clothes&quot;
  2374. </para>
  2375. <para>
  2376. Jiù; &quot;to be old, to be worn&quot; This is the word to use when
  2377. describing things, whether concrete or abstract, but never people.
  2378. CFor people, use lāo: Tā lāo le. &quot;She’s gotten old.&quot;l
  2379. </para>
  2380. <para>
  2381. Na shi wǒde Jiù dìzhl.             That’s my old address.
  2382. </para>
  2383. <para>
  2384. Tā háishi chuān Jiù ylfu.          She’s still wearing old clothes.
  2385. </para>
  2386. <para>
  2387. māi (yí)jiān xínde: The number yí- before a counter may be omitted
  2388. when it directly follows a verb.
  2389. </para>
  2390. <para>
  2391. yào: &quot;to need&quot; In sentence No. h, you see a new usage of
  2392. yào (nǐ yào mǎi hòu yidiǎnrde &quot;you need to buy a heavier
  2393. one&quot;). In addition to meaning &quot;to want&quot;, yào has many
  2394. uses as an auxiliary verb. The meaning &quot;to need&quot; is one of
  2395. the more common ones.
  2396. </para>
  2397. <para>
  2398. hòu: &quot;to be thick&quot; In sentence No. U (...nǐ yào mǎi hòu
  2399. yidianrde...), hòu is translated as &quot;heavier.&quot; The basic
  2400. meaning of hòu is &quot;to be thick.&quot;
  2401. </para>
  2402. <para>
  2403. Zhèiběn shū hěn hòu.               This book is very thick.
  2404. </para>
  2405. <para>
  2406. Yeli xiàde xuě hěn hòu.             The snow that fell last night is
  2407. </para>
  2408. <para>
  2409. very deep.
  2410. </para>
  2411. <para>
  2412. Báo &quot;to be thin, to be flimsy (of cloth, paper, etc.),&quot; is
  2413. often the opposite of hòu.
  2414. </para>
  2415. <para>
  2416. tuōxié: &quot;slipper,&quot; literally &quot;drag-shoes.&quot; In
  2417. most households in Taiwan shoes are not worn into the house, so
  2418. plenty of pairs of slippers are kept at the front door. This custom,
  2419. established by Japanese influence, has the practical value of
  2420. keeping the floors dry, which would otherwise be difficult given
  2421. Taiwan's rainy climate. (in mainland China, shoes are worn into the
  2422. house.)
  2423. </para>
  2424. <para>
  2425. huai: This verb has a different meaning depending on whether it is a
  2426. state verb or a process verb. As a state verb, huài means &quot;to
  2427. be bad,&quot; as a process verb, &quot;to go bad, to break.&quot;
  2428. </para>
  2429. <para>
  2430. As a state verb:
  2431. </para>
  2432. <para>
  2433. Zuotiān tiānqi zhēn huài, Jīntiān hǎo le.
  2434. </para>
  2435. <para>
  2436. He! Tāde Zhōngguo huà zhēn bú huài, a?
  2437. </para>
  2438. <para>
  2439. As a process verb:
  2440. </para>
  2441. <para>
  2442. Wǒ zhèizhl bǐ huài le.
  2443. </para>
  2444. <para>
  2445. Zhèixiē júzi huài le, bú yào le.
  2446. </para>
  2447. <literallayout>
  2448. </literallayout>
  2449. <para>
  2450. Yesterday the weather was really bad, but today it's gotten better.
  2451. </para>
  2452. <para>
  2453. Well! His Chinese is really not bad, huh?
  2454. </para>
  2455. <literallayout>
  2456. </literallayout>
  2457. <para>
  2458. This pen of mine is broken.
  2459. </para>
  2460. <para>
  2461. These tangerines have gone bad; we don't want them (throw them out).
  2462. </para>
  2463. <literallayout>
  2464. </literallayout>
  2465. <para>
  2467. </para>
  2468. <para>
  2469. The couple in this dialogue have recently moved to Taipei from
  2470. Kaohsiung (Gāoxióng) in southern Taiwan. Here they are taking a walk
  2471. in downtown Taipei. (Xiao Hua is their daughter.)
  2472. </para>
  2473. <para>
  2474. F: Zhèli fǔjìn you hěn duō fūzhuāng-diàn, women qù mǎi yīfu, hao bu
  2475. hǎo?
  2476. </para>
  2477. <para>
  2478. M: Hǎo. Nī xiǎng mǎi shénme?
  2479. </para>
  2480. <para>
  2481. F: Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yìtiáo kùzi he Jījiàn chènshān. Wǒ hái xiǎng mǎi
  2482. yíjiàn dàyī.
  2483. </para>
  2484. <para>
  2485. M: Duì, nī chuānde zhèijiàn dàyī tài jiù le, wǒmen qù gěi ni mǎi
  2486. jiàn xīnde.
  2487. </para>
  2488. <para>
  2489. F: Nī yě xuyào mǎi yíjiàn xīn dàyī, shì bu shi?
  2490. </para>
  2491. <para>
  2492. M: Duì le. Táiběide dōngtiān you shíhòu hěn lěng, women yào mǎi hòu
  2493. yidiǎnde dàyī. Wǒ hái xūyào mǎi Jiàn yūyī, yě yào gěi Xiǎo Hua mǎi
  2494. yìshuāng yǔxié.
  2495. </para>
  2496. <para>
  2497. F: Ou,, hai yào mǎi jīshuāng tuōxié.
  2498. </para>
  2499. <para>
  2500. M: Hǎo, wǒmen xiànzài jiù qù.
  2501. </para>
  2502. <literallayout>
  2503. </literallayout>
  2504. <para>
  2505. There are a lot of clothing stores in this area; why don’t we go buy
  2506. some clothes?
  2507. </para>
  2508. <para>
  2509. All right. What would you like to buy?
  2510. </para>
  2511. <para>
  2512. I’d like to buy a pair of slacks and a few shirts. I’d also like to
  2513. buy an overcoat.
  2514. </para>
  2515. <para>
  2516. Right, this overcoat you’re wearing is too old. Let’s go buy you a
  2517. new one.
  2518. </para>
  2519. <para>
  2520. You need to buy a new overcoat too, don’t you?
  2521. </para>
  2522. <para>
  2523. Right. Winters in Taipei sometimes get very cold; we should buy
  2524. heavier coats. I also need to buy a raincoat, and I want to buy a
  2525. pair of rainboots for Xiǎo Hua, too.
  2526. </para>
  2527. <para>
  2528. Oh, we should buy a few pairs of slippers, too.
  2529. </para>
  2530. <para>
  2531. Okay, let’s go right now.
  2532. </para>
  2533. <literallayout>
  2534. </literallayout>
  2535. <para>
  2537. </para>
  2538. <para>
  2539. An American of Chinese descent (M) has Here he talks with his cousin
  2540. (F).
  2541. </para>
  2542. <para>
  2543. F: Jīntiān xiàwǔ wǒmen qù mǎi dōngxi zěnmeyàng?
  2544. </para>
  2545. <para>
  2546. M: Hǎo. Nī yào mǎi shénme?
  2547. </para>
  2548. <para>
  2549. F: Wǒ xiǎng mǎi jījiàn yīfu, tiānqi nuǎnhuo le, xūyào mǎi bǎode
  2550. chènshān he qūnzi.
  2551. </para>
  2552. <literallayout>
  2553. </literallayout>
  2554. <para>
  2555. gone back to visit relatives in Běijīng
  2556. </para>
  2557. <para>
  2558. How about going shopping this afternoon?
  2559. </para>
  2560. <para>
  2561. Okay. What do you want to buy?
  2562. </para>
  2563. <para>
  2564. I’d like to get a few clothes;
  2565. </para>
  2566. <para>
  2567. the weather is warmer now, and I need to buy a lighter weight blouse
  2568. and skirt.
  2569. </para>
  2570. <literallayout>
  2571. </literallayout>
  2572. <para>
  2573. M: Wǒ yě xūyào mǎi yíjiàn                I also need to buy a shirt,
  2574. and
  2575. </para>
  2576. <para>
  2577. chènshān, wǒ hái xiǎng mǎi            I’d like to buy a cadre suit,
  2578. </para>
  2579. <para>
  2580. yítào gànbufū.                          too.
  2581. </para>
  2582. <para>
  2583. F: Nǐ yào mai gànbufú? Nà, women yìqǐ qù fúzhuāngdiàn. ōu, duì le,
  2584. Běijīng Qī-Bāyuè cháng xià yǔ, nǐ you méiyou yǔxié, yǔsǎn?
  2585. </para>
  2586. <para>
  2587. M: Wode yǔxié tài jiù le, yǔsǎn yě huài le, dōu děi mǎi xīnde le.
  2588. </para>
  2589. <para>
  2590. F: Hǎo.
  2591. </para>
  2592. <literallayout>
  2593. </literallayout>
  2594. <para>
  2595. You want to buy a cadre suit?
  2596. </para>
  2597. <para>
  2598. Then we’ll go to the clothing store together. Oh, right, it often
  2599. rains in Beijīng in July and August, do you have rain shoes and an
  2600. umbrella?
  2601. </para>
  2602. <para>
  2603. My rain shoes are too worn, and my umbrella is broken. I have to buy
  2604. new ones of both.
  2605. </para>
  2606. <para>
  2607. All right.
  2608. </para>
  2609. <literallayout>
  2610. </literallayout>
  2611. <para>
  2612. PART II
  2613. </para>
  2614. <para>
  2616. </para>
  2617. <para>
  2618. 1U. Qǐngwèn, náli yǒu mài nèiyī nèikùde?
  2619. </para>
  2620. <itemizedlist>
  2621. <listitem>
  2622. <para>
  2623. 15. Zhèjiàn ji'ákè shi nílóngde, shi ba?
  2624. </para>
  2625. </listitem>
  2626. <listitem>
  2627. <para>
  2628. 16. Jìntiān hěn lěng, nǐ bu dài màozi ma?
  2629. </para>
  2630. </listitem>
  2631. <listitem>
  2632. <para>
  2633. 17. Wǒ nèidǐng pò màozi tài nánkàn le, wǒ bù xiǎng dài.
  2634. </para>
  2635. </listitem>
  2636. <listitem>
  2637. <para>
  2638. 18. Nǐde wàzi gòu bu gòu? Wǒ gěi ni mǎi jǐshuāng.
  2639. </para>
  2640. </listitem>
  2641. <listitem>
  2642. <para>
  2643. 19. A: Nǐ yào mǎi Jiákè háishi wàitào?
  2644. </para>
  2645. </listitem>
  2646. </itemizedlist>
  2647. <itemizedlist>
  2648. <listitem>
  2649. <para>
  2650. B: Wǒ gěi wo xiānsheng mǎi jiákè, gěi wǒ zìjǐ mǎi wàitào.
  2651. </para>
  2652. </listitem>
  2653. </itemizedlist>
  2654. <itemizedlist>
  2655. <listitem>
  2656. <para>
  2657. 20. Wǒ mǎile yìshuāng hēi yánsède píxié hé yitào shuìyī.
  2658. </para>
  2659. </listitem>
  2660. </itemizedlist>
  2661. <literallayout>
  2662. </literallayout>
  2663. <para>
  2664. Excuse me, where do they sell undershirts and underpants?
  2665. </para>
  2666. <para>
  2667. This jacket is made of nylon, isn’t it?
  2668. </para>
  2669. <para>
  2670. It’s cold today, aren’t you going to wear your hat?
  2671. </para>
  2672. <para>
  2673. That old hat of mine looks awful, I don’t want to wear it.
  2674. </para>
  2675. <para>
  2676. Do you have enough socks? I’ll buy you a few pairs.
  2677. </para>
  2678. <para>
  2679. Do you want to buy a jacket or a coat?
  2680. </para>
  2681. <para>
  2682. I want to buy a jacket for my husband and a coat for myself.
  2683. </para>
  2684. <para>
  2685. I bought a pair of black shoes and a pair of pajamas.
  2686. </para>
  2687. <literallayout>
  2688. </literallayout>
  2689. <para>
  2690. 21. A: Zhèli you ge shubāo, shi shéide?
  2691. </para>
  2692. <para>
  2693. B: À, shi wǒde, w3 wàng le.
  2694. </para>
  2695. <para>
  2696. 22. A: W3de máoyī pò le.
  2697. </para>
  2698. <para>
  2699. B: Nà nī dǎi qù mǎi xīnde le.
  2700. </para>
  2701. <literallayout>
  2702. </literallayout>
  2703. <para>
  2704. There’s a tote bag here; whose is it?
  2705. </para>
  2706. <para>
  2707. Oh, it’s mine, I forgot it.
  2708. </para>
  2709. <para>
  2710. My sweater is worn through/torn/ damaged.
  2711. </para>
  2712. <para>
  2713. Then you have to go buy a new one
  2714. </para>
  2715. <literallayout>
  2716. </literallayout>
  2717. <para>
  2719. </para>
  2720. <para>
  2721. nèiyī, nèikù: Nèi means ’’inner.&quot; Nèikù means
  2722. ’’underpants&quot; (kù as in kùzi)~ Nèiyī means
  2723. &quot;underclothes&quot; in general, but when contrasted with nèikù
  2724. takes on the specific meaning &quot;undershirt.&quot; The yī means
  2725. &quot;clothing, garment,&quot; as in yīfu.
  2726. </para>
  2727. <para>
  2728. Jiākè: &quot;jacket,&quot; a word borrowed from English. Jiākè
  2729. refers only to Jackets cut above the waist; a suit Jacket would be
  2730. wàitào (see note below). Also pronounced Jiakè. In Beijing, this
  2731. word has an -r~ ending.
  2732. </para>
  2733. <para>
  2734. nílong: &quot;nylon,&quot; another borrowing from English.
  2735. </para>
  2736. <para>
  2737. dài: &quot;to put on, to don&quot; a hat, wristwatch, gloves,
  2738. glasses, Jewelry or other things which are not necessary to one’s
  2739. apparel. As with the verb chuān which you learned in Part I, when
  2740. you use dài you have to adjust your thinking from the idea of
  2741. &quot;to wear&quot; to the idea of &quot;put on.&quot; For &quot;Do
  2742. you wear glasses?&quot; you would say &quot;Do you put on
  2743. glasses?’’: Nī dài bu dài yǎnjìng?* For &quot;She’s not wearing
  2744. glasses&quot; you would say &quot;She didn’t put on glasses&quot;:
  2745. Tā méi dài yǎnjìng. Contrast
  2746. </para>
  2747. <para>
  2748. Tā bú dài màozi.
  2749. </para>
  2750. <para>
  2751. OR
  2752. </para>
  2753. <para>
  2754. She doesn’t wear hats.
  2755. </para>
  2756. <para>
  2757. She won’t wear a hat.
  2758. </para>
  2759. <para>
  2761. </para>
  2762. <para>
  2763. Tā méi dài màozi.
  2764. </para>
  2765. <para>
  2766. (The translations
  2767. </para>
  2768. <para>
  2769. OR OR
  2770. </para>
  2771. <para>
  2772. given only cover
  2773. </para>
  2774. <para>
  2775. She didn’t put on a hat.
  2776. </para>
  2777. <para>
  2778. She didn’t wear a hat.
  2779. </para>
  2780. <para>
  2781. She doesn’t have a hat on.
  2782. </para>
  2783. <para>
  2784. some of the possible ones. Other
  2785. </para>
  2786. <literallayout>
  2787. </literallayout>
  2788. <para>
  2789. aspect markers which you have not learned yet, such as the marker
  2790. for action in progress Czài1, the marker for duration C-zhel, the
  2791. marker for lack of change Cnel, etc., can be used to make more
  2792. precise the meaning of a sentence.)
  2793. </para>
  2794. <literallayout>
  2795. </literallayout>
  2796. <para>
  2797. -ding: The counter for màozi, &quot;hat. ’’ Literally, -ding means
  2798. &quot;top.&quot;
  2799. </para>
  2800. <para>
  2801. &quot;yǎnjìng: &quot;glasses&quot; (counter: -fù)
  2802. </para>
  2803. <para>
  2804. pò: &quot;to be broken/damaged/torn/worn out” In pò màozi, ’’old/
  2805. worn/ tattered hat,” pò stands before a noun to modify it. Pò is
  2806. also frequently used as a process verb, ”to break, to become
  2807. damaged/torn/worn out.”
  2808. </para>
  2809. <para>
  2810. Wǒ kànkan, nǐde jiākè shì bu Let me have a look,-has your shi pò le?
  2811.                          jacket been torn/worn through?
  2812. </para>
  2813. <para>
  2814. In Part I you learned huài, ”to go bad, to break.” Huài means that
  2815. something becomes unusable or stops working, while pò means that
  2816. something develops a tear, cut, split, hole, break, etc. Jiù in Part
  2817. I had for one possible translation ”to be worn,” but jiù and pō are
  2818. quite different: jiù le means to have changed color or shape after a
  2819. long period of time or use, whereas pò le means that the thing is no
  2820. longer intact, whether the damage is caused by time, use, or
  2821. accident.
  2822. </para>
  2823. <para>
  2824. gòu: &quot;to be enough&quot; This adjectival verb is only used as
  2825. the main verb of a sentence, never (like English &quot;enough&quot;)
  2826. before a noun. You must therefore recast English sentences with
  2827. &quot;enough&quot; into the Chinese pattern when you translate, e.g.
  2828. </para>
  2829. <para>
  2830. Do you have ---
  2831. </para>
  2832. <para>
  2833. enough socks?
  2834. </para>
  2835. <para>
  2836. I don’t have ---
  2837. </para>
  2838. <para>
  2839. enough shirts
  2840. </para>
  2841. <para>
  2842. There aren't ---
  2843. </para>
  2844. <para>
  2845. enough rice bowls.
  2846. </para>
  2847. <literallayout>
  2848. </literallayout>
  2849. <para>
  2850. ■» Are your socks enough?
  2851. </para>
  2852. <literallayout>
  2853. </literallayout>
  2854. <para>
  2855. &gt; Uy shirts aren't enough.
  2856. </para>
  2857. <literallayout>
  2858. </literallayout>
  2859. <para>
  2860. &gt; The rice bowls aren't enough.
  2861. </para>
  2862. <literallayout>
  2863. </literallayout>
  2864. <para>
  2865. Nīde wàzi gòu bu gòu?
  2866. </para>
  2867. <para>
  2868. Wǒde chènshān bú gòu.
  2869. </para>
  2870. <para>
  2871. Fànwǎn bú gòu.
  2872. </para>
  2873. <literallayout>
  2874. </literallayout>
  2875. <para>
  2876. wàitào: This word has two meanings: (1) &quot;coat, overcoat,&quot;
  2877. and
  2878. </para>
  2879. <para>
  2880. (2) a &quot;jacket&quot; which extends below the waist, like a suit
  2881. jacket. (A Jacket cut above the waist is jiākè.)
  2882. </para>
  2883. <para>
  2884. zìjī: &quot;oneself; myself, yourself, himself, etc.&quot; This is a
  2885. special pronoun. It can be used by itself, or it can follow another
  2886. pronoun like nī, wǒ, tā, etc. Here are some examples. (For the
  2887. first, you need to know -zhǒng, &quot;kind,&quot; and for the last,
  2888. you need to know zuò, &quot;to make.&quot;)
  2889. </para>
  2890. <para>
  2891. Mǎi yīfu, zuì hǎo mǎi zìjī xīhuande nèizhǒng.
  2892. </para>
  2893. <para>
  2894. Nà shi wǒ zìjīde shi.
  2895. </para>
  2896. <para>
  2897. Zhèi shi tā zìjī zuòde, bú shi mǎide.
  2898. </para>
  2899. <literallayout>
  2900. </literallayout>
  2901. <para>
  2902. When buying clothes, it is best to buy the kind one likes oneself.
  2903. </para>
  2904. <para>
  2905. That's my own business.
  2906. </para>
  2907. <para>
  2908. She made this herself, it isn't
  2909. </para>
  2910. <para>
  2911. (store-)bought.
  2912. </para>
  2913. <literallayout>
  2914. </literallayout>
  2915. <para>
  2916. pixie: Western-style &quot;leather shoes,&quot; a word commonly used
  2917. where we would just say &quot;shoes,&quot; since traditional Chinese
  2918. shoes (bùxié) are made of cloth.
  2919. </para>
  2920. <para>
  2921. shuìyi: &quot;pajamas,” literally, &quot;sleep-garment” This word
  2922. can use two different counters, depending on the type of pajamas
  2923. referred to. 1) For two-piece pajamas, that is, a shirt and pants,
  2924. the counter is -tào, &quot;set.&quot; (Although we say &quot;a pair
  2925. of pajamas&quot; in English, you cannot use the counter -shuāng in
  2926. Chinese. -Shuāng is only for things that match, like shoes.) 2)
  2927. Old-style one-piece pajamas take the counter -Jiàn.
  2928. </para>
  2929. <para>
  2930. shūbāo: &quot;tote bag, carryall,&quot; literally,
  2931. &quot;book-sack.&quot; Although still used with the original meaning
  2932. of a student’s &quot;bookbag,&quot; shūbāo has now come to have a
  2933. more general meaning, since bookbags are often used to carry things
  2934. other than books. EThere are other words for &quot;tote bag,&quot;
  2935. but shūbāo is so useful that you should learn it first. 3
  2936. </para>
  2937. <para>
  2938. wàng: &quot;to forget; to forget to;
  2939. </para>
  2940. <para>
  2941. Nǐ wàng le ba?
  2942. </para>
  2943. <para>
  2944. Wǒ méi wàng.
  2945. </para>
  2946. <para>
  2947. Wo wàng(le) qù le.
  2948. </para>
  2949. <para>
  2950. Wǒ wàng(le) dài màozi le.
  2951. </para>
  2952. <para>
  2953. Wǒ wàngle tā Jidiǎn zhōng lai.
  2954. </para>
  2955. <para>
  2956. Wǒ wàngle tā j iào shénme mingzi.
  2957. </para>
  2958. <para>
  2959. Wǒ wàngle wǒ Jintiān méi kè.
  2960. </para>
  2961. <literallayout>
  2962. </literallayout>
  2963. <para>
  2964. to forget that&quot;
  2965. </para>
  2966. <para>
  2967. You've forgotten, haven’t you? No, I haven't forgotten.
  2968. </para>
  2969. <para>
  2970. I forgot to go.
  2971. </para>
  2972. <para>
  2973. I forgot to put on my hat.
  2974. </para>
  2975. <para>
  2976. I forgot what time he is coming.
  2977. </para>
  2978. <para>
  2979. I forgot what his name is.
  2980. </para>
  2981. <para>
  2982. I forgot that I don’t have any classes today.
  2983. </para>
  2984. <literallayout>
  2985. </literallayout>
  2986. <para>
  2987. máoyí: &quot;sweater,&quot; literally, &quot;woolen-garment.&quot;
  2988. </para>
  2989. <para>
  2990. Nà, &quot;in that case, then,&quot; is always used at the very
  2991. beginning of a sentence, for example,
  2992. </para>
  2993. <para>
  2994. Nà, wǒmen shénme shíhou qù?        Then, when shall we go?
  2995. </para>
  2996. <para>
  2997. Nà ni děi qù mǎi xīnde le: The Inhere is optional. It stresses that
  2998. having to go buy a new sweater is a new situation.
  2999. </para>
  3000. <para>
  3002. </para>
  3003. <para>
  3004. Tianjin. In the home of two senior cadres, a husband (M) and wife
  3005. (F) discuss shopping plans. (They live together with the wife's
  3006. older sister.)
  3007. </para>
  3008. <para>
  3009. F: Ni zuétiān bú shi shuō xiǎng        Didn't you say yesterday that
  3010. </para>
  3011. <para>
  3012. qù mǎi nèiyi, nèikù ma?             you wanted to go buy undershirts
  3013. </para>
  3014. <para>
  3015. and underpants?
  3016. </para>
  3017. <para>
  3018. M: Shi a! Wǒ hái xiǎng mǎi Jiàn Yes! I also want to buy an wàitào.
  3019.                                overcoat.
  3020. </para>
  3021. <para>
  3022. F: Mǎi wàitàor a?! Nǐ nèijiàn xīn jiākè bù hǎo ma?
  3023. </para>
  3024. <para>
  3025. M: Hěn hǎo, kěshi tiānqi yǐjīng kāishǐ liáng le, nèijiàn jiákè tài
  3026. bǎo, wǒ xiǎng mǎi jiàn xīn wàitào.
  3027. </para>
  3028. <para>
  3029. F: Nà women shénme shíhou qù?
  3030. </para>
  3031. <para>
  3032. M: Ou, nǐ yě xiǎng qù a?
  3033. </para>
  3034. <para>
  3035. F: Wǒ xiǎng qù mǎi yítào shuìyǐ, mǎi liǎngshuāng nílóng wàzi.
  3036. </para>
  3037. <para>
  3038. M: Ou, hǎo, nà women xiànzài jiù qù, hǎo bu hǎo?
  3039. </para>
  3040. <para>
  3041. F: Hǎo, nǐ chuān nèijiàn jiākè gòu bu gòu? Tiānqi hěn lěng a!
  3042. </para>
  3043. <para>
  3044. M: Gòu le, wǒ hǎi chuānle mǎoyī ne.
  3045. </para>
  3046. <para>
  3047. F: Ug, wǒde shūbāo ne?
  3048. </para>
  3049. <para>
  3050. M: Nèige shūbāo shi bu shi?
  3051. </para>
  3052. <para>
  3053. F: Bu shi, nà shi wǒ jiějiede. A! Zài zhèr!
  3054. </para>
  3055. <para>
  3056. M: Hǎo le ba?
  3057. </para>
  3058. <para>
  3059. F: Hǎo le, zǒu ba!
  3060. </para>
  3061. <literallayout>
  3062. </literallayout>
  3063. <para>
  3064. Buy an overcoat?! Isn’t that new Jacket of yours good?
  3065. </para>
  3066. <para>
  3067. It's very good, but the weather has already started to get cold, and
  3068. that jacket is too light, so I'd like to get a new overcoat.
  3069. </para>
  3070. <para>
  3071. Then when shall we go?
  3072. </para>
  3073. <para>
  3074. Oh, you want to go too?
  3075. </para>
  3076. <para>
  3077. I'd like to go buy a pair of pajamas and a couple of pairs nylon
  3078. socks.
  3079. </para>
  3080. <para>
  3081. Oh, all right, then let's go right now, okay?
  3082. </para>
  3083. <para>
  3084. Okay. Will it be enough for you to wear that jacket? The weather is
  3085. very cold!
  3086. </para>
  3087. <para>
  3088. It's enough. I have a sweater on too.
  3089. </para>
  3090. <para>
  3091. Huh, where's my tote bag?
  3092. </para>
  3093. <para>
  3094. Is that tote bag it?
  3095. </para>
  3096. <para>
  3097. No, that's my older sister's. Ah! Here it is!
  3098. </para>
  3099. <para>
  3100. All set?
  3101. </para>
  3102. <para>
  3103. All set. Let's go!
  3104. </para>
  3105. <literallayout>
  3106. </literallayout>
  3107. <para>
  3109. </para>
  3110. <para>
  3111. wǒde shūbāo ne?: Questions with ne frequently ask for the
  3112. whereabouts of something or someone; thus the sentence may be
  3113. translated, &quot;Where is my tote bag?&quot;
  3114. </para>
  3115. <para>
  3117. </para>
  3118. <para>
  3119. Taipei. Conversation between a husband
  3120. </para>
  3121. <para>
  3122. F: Yīngmíng, xǐhuan wǒ jintiān gěi nǐ maide zhèdīng màozi ma?
  3123. </para>
  3124. <para>
  3125. M: Duōshǎo qián maide?
  3126. </para>
  3127. <para>
  3128. F: Bu guì a! Nǐ bù xǐhuan?
  3129. </para>
  3130. <para>
  3131. M: Ou, hěn hǎo kàn. Nǐ shàngwǔ qù mai dōngxi la?
  3132. </para>
  3133. <para>
  3134. F: Duì le.
  3135. </para>
  3136. <para>
  3137. M: Ní hái mǎile shénme le?
  3138. </para>
  3139. <para>
  3140. F: Wǒ gěi nǐ mǎile liǎngjiàn chènshān. Wǒ kàn nǐ nàjiàn lán yánsède
  3141. máoyī pole, hái gěi ni mǎile liǎngjiàn máoyī.
  3142. </para>
  3143. <para>
  3144. Yíjiàn shi huángde, yíjiàn shi lude. NǏ kàn. Xǐhuan ma?
  3145. </para>
  3146. <para>
  3147. M: í5g, hěn hǎo kàn. Xièxie ni.
  3148. </para>
  3149. <para>
  3150. F: Wǒ hái gěi Xiǎo Ming mǎile nèiyī, nèikù, he Jǐshuāng wàzi.
  3151. </para>
  3152. <para>
  3153. M: Nǐ gěi zìjī mǎi shénme le?
  3154. </para>
  3155. <para>
  3156. F: Wǒ zìjī mǎile yíjiàn Jiākè, yíjiàn wàitào, hái mǎile yìshuāng
  3157. xié, yìshuāng hong yánsède píxié.
  3158. </para>
  3159. <para>
  3160. M: Hái yǒu méiyou?
  3161. </para>
  3162. <para>
  3163. F: Mm . . . méiyou le.
  3164. </para>
  3165. <para>
  3166. M: Nà nǐ wàngle gěi wo mǎi shuìyī le ba?
  3167. </para>
  3168. <para>
  3169. F: Ou! Wǒ wàng le! Wǒ míngtiān qù mǎi, hǎo bu hao?
  3170. </para>
  3171. <para>
  3172. M: Hǎo.
  3173. </para>
  3174. <para>
  3175. and wife. (Xiǎo Ming is their son.)
  3176. </para>
  3177. <para>
  3178. Yīngmíng, do you like the new hat
  3179. </para>
  3180. <para>
  3181. I bought for you today?
  3182. </para>
  3183. <para>
  3184. How much did you pay for it?
  3185. </para>
  3186. <para>
  3187. It wasn't expensive! You don't like it?
  3188. </para>
  3189. <para>
  3190. Oh, it's nice. You went shopping this morning?
  3191. </para>
  3192. <para>
  3193. Right.
  3194. </para>
  3195. <para>
  3196. What else did you buy?
  3197. </para>
  3198. <para>
  3199. I bought you two shirts. And since I saw that that blue sweater of
  3200. yours is worn through, I also bought two sweaters for you. One is
  3201. yellow and one is green. Look. Do you like them?
  3202. </para>
  3203. <para>
  3204. They're very nice, Thank you.
  3205. </para>
  3206. <para>
  3207. I also bought a few undershirts and underpants and a few pairs of
  3208. socks for Xiǎo Ming.
  3209. </para>
  3210. <para>
  3211. What did you buy for yourself?
  3212. </para>
  3213. <para>
  3214. I bought myself a jacket and an overcoat, and I also bought a pair
  3215. of shoes, a pair of red leather shoes.
  3216. </para>
  3217. <para>
  3218. Anything else?
  3219. </para>
  3220. <para>
  3221. Um . . . no.
  3222. </para>
  3223. <para>
  3224. Then you forgot to buy pajamas for me, didn't you?
  3225. </para>
  3226. <para>
  3227. Oh! I forgot! I'll go buy them tomorrow, all right?
  3228. </para>
  3229. <para>
  3230. All right.
  3231. </para>
  3232. <para>
  3234. </para>
  3235. <para>
  3236. 22. Nǐ yào zuò shénmeyàngde yǐfu?
  3237. </para>
  3238. <para>
  3239. 23. A: Wǒ yào zuò yíjiàn qipao.
  3240. </para>
  3241. <para>
  3242. B: Nǐ yào zuò shénme liàozide?
  3243. </para>
  3244. <itemizedlist>
  3245. <listitem>
  3246. <para>
  3247. A: Nǐ shuō yòng shénme liàozi hǎo?
  3248. </para>
  3249. </listitem>
  3250. <listitem>
  3251. <para>
  3252. B: Women zhèli you hěn duō zhǒng liàozi, nín xǐhuan nǎyizhǒng?
  3253. </para>
  3254. </listitem>
  3255. </itemizedlist>
  3256. <para>
  3257. 2k. A: Nǐ yào zuò shénme yàngzide?
  3258. </para>
  3259. <itemizedlist>
  3260. <listitem>
  3261. <para>
  3262. B: Wǒ xǐhuan wo shēnshang chuānde zhèijiàn.
  3263. </para>
  3264. </listitem>
  3265. <listitem>
  3266. <para>
  3267. B: Nǐ kě bu kéyi zhào zhèige yàngzi zuò?
  3268. </para>
  3269. </listitem>
  3270. </itemizedlist>
  3271. <itemizedlist>
  3272. <listitem>
  3273. <para>
  3274. 25. Wǒ gěi nín liáng chǐcùn, hǎo bu hǎo?
  3275. </para>
  3276. </listitem>
  3277. <listitem>
  3278. <para>
  3279. 26. Nǐ kànkan zhèijiàn miǎn *ǎo héshì bu héshì.
  3280. </para>
  3281. </listitem>
  3282. <listitem>
  3283. <para>
  3284. 27. xīzhuāng
  3285. </para>
  3286. </listitem>
  3287. </itemizedlist>
  3288. <para>
  3289. What kind of clothing do you want made?
  3290. </para>
  3291. <para>
  3292. I want to have a cheongsam made.
  3293. </para>
  3294. <para>
  3295. What material do you want it made from?
  3296. </para>
  3297. <para>
  3298. What material do you think would be best to use?
  3299. </para>
  3300. <para>
  3301. We have many different kinds of material here; which kind do you
  3302. prefer?
  3303. </para>
  3304. <para>
  3305. What style do you want it?
  3306. </para>
  3307. <para>
  3308. I like the one I have on.
  3309. </para>
  3310. <para>
  3311. Could you make it in this style?
  3312. </para>
  3313. <para>
  3314. I’ll take your measurements, all right?
  3315. </para>
  3316. <para>
  3317. See if this cotton-padded jacket fits you.
  3318. </para>
  3319. <para>
  3320. Western-style clothes; Western-style suit
  3321. </para>
  3322. <para>
  3324. </para>
  3325. <para>
  3326. zuò: &quot;to make,&quot; but in the Reference List sentence it is
  3327. used for &quot;to have made.&quot; Zuò yǐfu has two possible
  3328. meanings: &quot;to make clothes&quot; or &quot;to have clothes
  3329. made.&quot; The context will usually make clear which is meant.
  3330. </para>
  3331. <para>
  3332. Zài Taiwan zuò yǐfu bù piǎnyi le.
  3333. </para>
  3334. <literallayout>
  3335. </literallayout>
  3336. <para>
  3337. Having clothes made isn’t cheap in Taiwan any more.
  3338. </para>
  3339. <literallayout>
  3340. </literallayout>
  3341. <para>
  3342. shénmeyàng: ’’what kind, like what”
  3343. </para>
  3344. <para>
  3345. Nǐde dìtān shénmeyàngr?            What is your carpet like?
  3346. </para>
  3347. <para>
  3348. Laide rén shénmeyàngr?             What did the person who came look
  3349. </para>
  3350. <para>
  3351. like?
  3352. </para>
  3353. <para>
  3354. Nǐ yàode dìtān shi shénmeyàngde? What kind of carpet is it that you
  3355. want?
  3356. </para>
  3357. <para>
  3358. Nǐde péngyou shi shénmeyàngde What kind of person is your friend?
  3359. rén?
  3360. </para>
  3361. <para>
  3362. qipao: A close-fitting woman’s dress with high Chinese collar and
  3363. slit side, now called in English a ’’cheongsam,” from the Guangdong
  3364. dialect name. Qí refers to the Manchurian nationality; páo means a
  3365. Chinese-style long gown. Thus the name qipao comes from the fact
  3366. that the ancestor of the modern cheongsam was originally worn hy
  3367. Manchurian women.
  3368. </para>
  3369. <para>
  3370. liàozi; ’’cloth, fabric, material”
  3371. </para>
  3372. <para>
  3373. Nǐ shu5...: Literally, ’’You say...,” but often used as in this
  3374. question to mean, &quot;In your opinion&quot; or &quot;Do you
  3375. think...&quot;
  3376. </para>
  3377. <para>
  3378. -zhSng: &quot;kind, sort&quot;
  3379. </para>
  3380. <informaltable>
  3381. <tgroup cols="2">
  3382. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  3383. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  3384. <tbody>
  3385. <row>
  3386. <entry>
  3387. <para>
  3388. Nǐde luxíng zhípiào shi na yizhǒngde?
  3389. </para>
  3390. <para>
  3391. Nǐ qù nèizhěng dìfang zuò shénme?
  3392. </para>
  3393. <para>
  3394. Zhèizhǒng júzi hěn guì.
  3395. </para>
  3396. <para>
  3397. yàngzi: (1) &quot;appearance,&quot; (2)
  3398. </para>
  3399. <para>
  3400. Tāde yàngzi hěn hāo kàn.
  3401. </para>
  3402. <para>
  3403. Kàn tā nèi yàngzi!
  3404. </para>
  3405. <para>
  3406. Nǐ shuōde nèige dōngxi shi shénme yàngzide?
  3407. </para>
  3408. <para>
  3409. Tāde qipāode yàngzi hěn bú cuò.
  3410. </para>
  3411. <para>
  3412. Nǐde xīn yīfu shi shénme yàngzide?
  3413. </para>
  3414. </entry>
  3415. <entry>
  3416. <para>
  3417. What kind are your traveler’s checks?
  3418. </para>
  3419. <para>
  3420. »
  3421. </para>
  3422. <para>
  3423. What did you go to that kind of place to do?
  3424. </para>
  3425. <para>
  3426. This kind of tangerine is very expensive.
  3427. </para>
  3428. <para>
  3429. &quot;shape, form,&quot; (3) &quot;style, design.&quot;
  3430. </para>
  3431. <para>
  3432. Her appearance is very attractive.
  3433. </para>
  3434. <para>
  3435. Look at his appearance! (i.e., &quot;Get a load of
  3436. him.&quot;)
  3437. </para>
  3438. <para>
  3439. What does the thing you are talking about look like?
  3440. </para>
  3441. <para>
  3442. The style of her cheongsam is quite nice.
  3443. </para>
  3444. <para>
  3445. What’s the style of your new dress?
  3446. </para>
  3447. </entry>
  3448. </row>
  3449. </tbody>
  3450. </tgroup>
  3451. </informaltable>
  3452. <para>
  3453. shēnshang: ”on one’s body, on
  3454. </para>
  3455. <para>
  3456. Tā shēnshang you yíjiàn lán dàyī.
  3457. </para>
  3458. <para>
  3459. Wǒ shēnshang méiyou qián.
  3460. </para>
  3461. <para>
  3462. Wode qián xiànzài dōu zài tā shēnshang.
  3463. </para>
  3464. <para>
  3465. kě bu kéyi: another way to say zhào: ’’according to” Jiù zhào zhèige
  3466. niàn.
  3467. </para>
  3468. <para>
  3469. Jiù zhào zhèige páijià huàn ba!
  3470. </para>
  3471. <para>
  3472. Wǒ Jiù zhào nǐde yìsi xie, hāo bu hǎo?
  3473. </para>
  3474. <para>
  3475. liáng: &quot;to measure&quot;
  3476. </para>
  3477. <para>
  3478. Nǐ gěi wo liángliang zhèikuài liàozi gòu bu gòu.
  3479. </para>
  3480. <literallayout>
  3481. </literallayout>
  3482. <para>
  3483. one’s person&quot;
  3484. </para>
  3485. <para>
  3486. He has a blue overcoat on.
  3487. </para>
  3488. <para>
  3489. I don’t have any money on me.
  3490. </para>
  3491. <para>
  3492. He has all my money with him right now.
  3493. </para>
  3494. <para>
  3495. kéyi bu kéyi.
  3496. </para>
  3497. <literallayout>
  3498. </literallayout>
  3499. <para>
  3500. Just read it the way it is here (according to this).
  3501. </para>
  3502. <para>
  3503. Just exchange it according to this exchange rate.
  3504. </para>
  3505. <para>
  3506. I’ll just write it the way you want it written, all right?
  3507. </para>
  3508. <literallayout>
  3509. </literallayout>
  3510. <para>
  3511. Measure this piece of cloth for me to see if there's enough.
  3512. </para>
  3513. <literallayout>
  3514. </literallayout>
  3515. <para>
  3516. chǐcùn: &quot;measurements,&quot; literally,
  3517. &quot;feet-inches.&quot; Also pronounced chǐcun (with cun in the
  3518. neutral tone).
  3519. </para>
  3520. <para>
  3521. mián'ǎo: &quot;Chinese-style cotton-padded Jacket&quot;
  3522. </para>
  3523. <para>
  3524. héshì: &quot;to fit; to be suitable,
  3525. </para>
  3526. <para>
  3527. Zhèijiàn yifu hěn héshì, bú dà yě bù xiǎo.
  3528. </para>
  3529. <para>
  3530. Nǐ chuān zhèige yánsè bú tài héshì, huàn (yi)jiàn biéde ba.
  3531. </para>
  3532. <literallayout>
  3533. </literallayout>
  3534. <para>
  3535. to be appropriate
  3536. </para>
  3537. <para>
  3538. This garment fits well, it’s neither too large nor too small.
  3539. </para>
  3540. <para>
  3541. That color doesn't look right on you, try a different one
  3542. </para>
  3543. <literallayout>
  3544. </literallayout>
  3545. <para>
  3547. </para>
  3548. <para>
  3549. Běijǐng. A man (A) goes to a tailor shop to have some clothes made.
  3550. </para>
  3551. <itemizedlist>
  3552. <listitem>
  3553. <para>
  3554. (B) is the tailor.
  3555. </para>
  3556. </listitem>
  3557. </itemizedlist>
  3558. <itemizedlist>
  3559. <listitem>
  3560. <para>
  3561. A: Wǒ yào zuò Jǐjiàn yīfu.              I'd like to have some
  3562. clothes made.
  3563. </para>
  3564. <para>
  3565. B: Xing a. Nín yào zuò shénme-yàngrde yǐfu?
  3566. </para>
  3567. <itemizedlist>
  3568. <listitem>
  3569. <para>
  3570. A: Eng, wǒ yào zuò liǎngtào xīzhuāng, yítào chūntian
  3571. chuānde, yítào dongtian chuānde.
  3572. </para>
  3573. </listitem>
  3574. <listitem>
  3575. <para>
  3576. B: Hǎo. Women zhèr you hěn duō zhǒng liàozi. Nín xǐhuan zuò
  3577. něizhǒng liàozide? Zhèizhǒng liàozi zuò chūntian chuānde
  3578. xīzhuāng hěn hǎo kàn. Nín kànkan nín xǐhuan hu xǐhuan.
  3579. </para>
  3580. </listitem>
  3581. </itemizedlist>
  3582. <itemizedlist>
  3583. <listitem>
  3584. <para>
  3585. A: 0, hěn hǎo kàn. Jiù zuò yítào zhèizhǒng liàozide ba.
  3586. </para>
  3587. </listitem>
  3588. <listitem>
  3589. <para>
  3590. B: Nín kàn, zhèizhǒng liàozi zuò dōngtiān chuānde xīzhuāng
  3591. zěnmeyàng? Bú cuò ba? Hěn nuǎnhuo.
  3592. </para>
  3593. </listitem>
  3594. </itemizedlist>
  3595. <itemizedlist>
  3596. <listitem>
  3597. <para>
  3598. A: Liàozi hěn hǎo, kěshi wǒ bu tài xǐhuan zhèizhǒng yānsè.
  3599. Nín you lǎn yánsède ma?
  3600. </para>
  3601. </listitem>
  3602. <listitem>
  3603. <para>
  3604. B: You lǎn yánsède. Zhèige zěnmeyàng?
  3605. </para>
  3606. </listitem>
  3607. </itemizedlist>
  3608. <para>
  3609. A: Hǎo. Zhèige wǒ hěn xǐhuan. Xièxie ni.
  3610. </para>
  3611. <literallayout>
  3612. </literallayout>
  3613. <para>
  3614. Okay, what kind of clothes do you want to have made?
  3615. </para>
  3616. <para>
  3617. I’d like to have two Westernstyle suits made, one to wear in the
  3618. spring and one to wear in the winter.
  3619. </para>
  3620. <para>
  3621. All right. We have many kinds of cloth here. What kind of cloth
  3622. do you like to wear? This kind of cloth would look very good as
  3623. a spring suit. Take a look and see if you like it.
  3624. </para>
  3625. <para>
  3626. Oh, it's very attractive. Make one suit of this cloth.
  3627. </para>
  3628. <para>
  3629. What do you think of this cloth for the winter suit? Nice, isn’t
  3630. it? It's very warm.
  3631. </para>
  3632. <literallayout>
  3633. </literallayout>
  3634. <para>
  3635. The cloth is very good, but I don't like this color very much.
  3636. Do you have this in blue?
  3637. </para>
  3638. <literallayout>
  3639. </literallayout>
  3640. <para>
  3641. Yes, I do. How is this?
  3642. </para>
  3643. <literallayout>
  3644. </literallayout>
  3645. <para>
  3646. Good. I like this very much.
  3647. </para>
  3648. <literallayout>
  3649. </literallayout>
  3650. <para>
  3651. Thank you.
  3652. </para>
  3653. <literallayout>
  3654. </literallayout>
  3655. </listitem>
  3656. </itemizedlist>
  3657. <para>
  3659. </para>
  3660. <para>
  3661. Taipei. A woman goes to a tailor shop
  3662. </para>
  3663. <itemizedlist>
  3664. <listitem>
  3665. <para>
  3666. A: Qǐngwèn, nīmen zhèli zuò bu zuo qípáo he mián'ǎo?
  3667. </para>
  3668. </listitem>
  3669. <listitem>
  3670. <para>
  3671. B: Women zuò, zuò.
  3672. </para>
  3673. </listitem>
  3674. </itemizedlist>
  3675. <para>
  3676. A: Wǒ xiǎng yòng zhè liǎngkuài liàozi zuò yíjiàn qípáo hàn yíjiàn
  3677. mián'ǎo.
  3678. </para>
  3679. <literallayout>
  3680. </literallayout>
  3681. <para>
  3682. to have some clothes made.
  3683. </para>
  3684. <para>
  3685. Do you make cheongsams and cotton, padded coats here?
  3686. </para>
  3687. <para>
  3688. Yes, we do, we do.
  3689. </para>
  3690. <para>
  3691. I'd like to use these two pieces of material to make a cheongsam and
  3692. a cotton-padded coat.
  3693. </para>
  3694. <literallayout>
  3695. </literallayout>
  3696. <para>
  3697. 'hàn; A common pronunciation in Taiwan for the character he,
  3698. &quot;and&quot; or &quot;with.&quot;
  3699. </para>
  3700. <itemizedlist>
  3701. <listitem>
  3702. <para>
  3703. B: Qípáo yào zuò chángde háishi duǎnde?
  3704. </para>
  3705. </listitem>
  3706. </itemizedlist>
  3707. <itemizedlist>
  3708. <listitem>
  3709. <para>
  3710. A: Yào zuò chángde.
  3711. </para>
  3712. </listitem>
  3713. <listitem>
  3714. <para>
  3715. B: Wo kànkan nǐde liàozi you duōshǎo ba. Zhèikuài kéyi zuò
  3716. chángde. Nèikuài zhǐ kéyi zuò duande.
  3717. </para>
  3718. </listitem>
  3719. </itemizedlist>
  3720. <para>
  3721. A: Nà Jiù yòng nèikuài zuò mián’ǎo, yòng zhèikuài zuò qípáo. Kéyi
  3722. ba?
  3723. </para>
  3724. <para>
  3725. B: Kéyi, kéyi. Nèikuài liàozi zuò mián’ǎo hěn héshì. Qípáo yào zuò
  3726. shénme yàngzide?
  3727. </para>
  3728. <para>
  3729. A: Wo xǐhuan wǒ shēnshang chuānde zhèijiàn. Ní kě bu kéyi zhào
  3730. zhèijiànde yàngzi zuò?
  3731. </para>
  3732. <para>
  3733. M: Kéyi. Xiànzài wǒ gěi ni liáng chlcùn, hǎo bu hǎo?
  3734. </para>
  3735. <para>
  3736. Do you want the cheongsam long or short?
  3737. </para>
  3738. <para>
  3739. Long.
  3740. </para>
  3741. <para>
  3742. Let me have a look at how much material you have. With this piece
  3743. you can make a long one. With that piece you can only make a short
  3744. one.
  3745. </para>
  3746. <para>
  3747. Then use that piece to make the cotton-padded coat and use that
  3748. piece to make the cheongsam. Will that be all right?
  3749. </para>
  3750. <para>
  3751. Sure. That piece of material is very suitable for making a
  3752. cotton-padded coat. What style do you want the cheongsam?
  3753. </para>
  3754. <para>
  3755. I like the one I have on. Can you make it according to the style of
  3756. this one?
  3757. </para>
  3758. <para>
  3759. Yes. Now I’ll take, your measurements, okay?
  3760. </para>
  3761. <informaltable>
  3762. <tgroup cols="2">
  3763. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  3764. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  3765. <tbody>
  3766. <row>
  3767. <entry>
  3768. <para>
  3769. báo
  3770. </para>
  3771. </entry>
  3772. <entry>
  3773. <para>
  3774. to be thin; to be light (of clothing)
  3775. </para>
  3776. </entry>
  3777. </row>
  3778. <row>
  3779. <entry>
  3780. <para>
  3781. cháng
  3782. </para>
  3783. <para>
  3784. chènshān
  3785. </para>
  3786. <para>
  3787. chǐcùn (chǐcùn)
  3788. </para>
  3789. <para>
  3790. chuān
  3791. </para>
  3792. </entry>
  3793. <entry>
  3794. <para>
  3795. to be long shirt, blouse measurement; size to put on, to
  3796. wear
  3797. </para>
  3798. </entry>
  3799. </row>
  3800. <row>
  3801. <entry>
  3802. <para>
  3803. dài
  3804. </para>
  3805. </entry>
  3806. <entry>
  3807. <para>
  3808. to put on, to wear (glasses, gloves, a hat, a watch,
  3809. jewelry, etc.)
  3810. </para>
  3811. </entry>
  3812. </row>
  3813. <row>
  3814. <entry>
  3815. <para>
  3816. dàyī
  3817. </para>
  3818. <para>
  3819. -dǐng
  3820. </para>
  3821. </entry>
  3822. <entry>
  3823. <para>
  3824. overcoat
  3825. </para>
  3826. <para>
  3827. (counter for hats)
  3828. </para>
  3829. </entry>
  3830. </row>
  3831. <row>
  3832. <entry>
  3833. <para>
  3834. fúzhuāngdiàn
  3835. </para>
  3836. </entry>
  3837. <entry>
  3838. <para>
  3839. clothing store
  3840. </para>
  3841. </entry>
  3842. </row>
  3843. <row>
  3844. <entry>
  3845. <para>
  3846. gànbufú gòu
  3847. </para>
  3848. </entry>
  3849. <entry>
  3850. <para>
  3851. cadre suit to be enough
  3852. </para>
  3853. </entry>
  3854. </row>
  3855. <row>
  3856. <entry>
  3857. <para>
  3858. hàn he héshì hòu
  3859. </para>
  3860. </entry>
  3861. <entry>
  3862. <para>
  3863. and (Taiwan pronunciation) and
  3864. </para>
  3865. <para>
  3866. to fit; to be suitable
  3867. </para>
  3868. <para>
  3869. to be thick; to be heavy (of clothing)
  3870. </para>
  3871. </entry>
  3872. </row>
  3873. <row>
  3874. <entry>
  3875. <para>
  3876. huài
  3877. </para>
  3878. </entry>
  3879. <entry>
  3880. <para>
  3881. to be bad; to go bad, to break
  3882. </para>
  3883. </entry>
  3884. </row>
  3885. <row>
  3886. <entry>
  3887. <para>
  3888. Jiákè(r) OR jiākè(r)
  3889. </para>
  3890. <para>
  3891. -jiàn
  3892. </para>
  3893. </entry>
  3894. <entry>
  3895. <para>
  3896. jacket
  3897. </para>
  3898. <para>
  3899. (counter for clothing)
  3900. </para>
  3901. </entry>
  3902. </row>
  3903. <row>
  3904. <entry>
  3905. <para>
  3906. kùzi (yìtiāo)
  3907. </para>
  3908. </entry>
  3909. <entry>
  3910. <para>
  3911. pants
  3912. </para>
  3913. </entry>
  3914. </row>
  3915. <row>
  3916. <entry>
  3917. <para>
  3918. liáng liàozi
  3919. </para>
  3920. </entry>
  3921. <entry>
  3922. <para>
  3923. to measure material, fabric
  3924. </para>
  3925. </entry>
  3926. </row>
  3927. <row>
  3928. <entry>
  3929. <para>
  3930. maoyī
  3931. </para>
  3932. <para>
  3933. màozi (yìdīng) mián’āo
  3934. </para>
  3935. </entry>
  3936. <entry>
  3937. <para>
  3938. sweater
  3939. </para>
  3940. <para>
  3941. hat
  3942. </para>
  3943. <para>
  3944. cotton-padded jacket
  3945. </para>
  3946. </entry>
  3947. </row>
  3948. <row>
  3949. <entry>
  3950. <para>
  3951. nà nèikù nèiyī
  3952. </para>
  3953. </entry>
  3954. <entry>
  3955. <para>
  3956. then, in that case
  3957. </para>
  3958. <para>
  3959. underpants
  3960. </para>
  3961. <para>
  3962. underwear (undershirts, undershorts, briefs, slips, bras,
  3963. etc.); just undershirt (when used in contrast to nèikù,
  3964. underpants)
  3965. </para>
  3966. </entry>
  3967. </row>
  3968. <row>
  3969. <entry>
  3970. <para>
  3971. nílóng
  3972. </para>
  3973. </entry>
  3974. <entry>
  3975. <para>
  3976. nylon
  3977. </para>
  3978. </entry>
  3979. </row>
  3980. <row>
  3981. <entry>
  3982. <para>
  3983. pixie PÒ
  3984. </para>
  3985. </entry>
  3986. <entry>
  3987. <para>
  3988. leather shoes
  3989. </para>
  3990. <para>
  3991. to be worn out; to break, to tear
  3992. </para>
  3993. </entry>
  3994. </row>
  3995. </tbody>
  3996. </tgroup>
  3997. </informaltable>
  3998. <informaltable>
  3999. <tgroup cols="2">
  4000. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  4001. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  4002. <tbody>
  4003. <row>
  4004. <entry>
  4005. <para>
  4006. qípáo
  4007. </para>
  4008. </entry>
  4009. <entry>
  4010. <para>
  4011. close-fitting woman’s dress with high neck and slit skirt;
  4012. cheongsam
  4013. </para>
  4014. </entry>
  4015. </row>
  4016. <row>
  4017. <entry>
  4018. <para>
  4019. qù qúnzi
  4020. </para>
  4021. </entry>
  4022. <entry>
  4023. <para>
  4024. to go skirt
  4025. </para>
  4026. </entry>
  4027. </row>
  4028. <row>
  4029. <entry>
  4030. <para>
  4031. shénmeyàng shēnshang -shuāng shūbāo
  4032. </para>
  4033. <para>
  4034. shuìyī (yítào)
  4035. </para>
  4036. </entry>
  4037. <entry>
  4038. <para>
  4039. like what, what kind
  4040. </para>
  4041. <para>
  4042. on one’s body
  4043. </para>
  4044. <para>
  4045. pair
  4046. </para>
  4047. <para>
  4048. book bag, tote bag, carryall pajamas; nightgown
  4049. </para>
  4050. </entry>
  4051. </row>
  4052. <row>
  4053. <entry>
  4054. <para>
  4055. -tào
  4056. </para>
  4057. <para>
  4058. -tiāo
  4059. </para>
  4060. </entry>
  4061. <entry>
  4062. <para>
  4063. (counter for suits, sets of things)
  4064. </para>
  4065. <para>
  4066. (counter for long, winding things;
  4067. </para>
  4068. <para>
  4069. counter for pants, translated ’’pair”)
  4070. </para>
  4071. </entry>
  4072. </row>
  4073. <row>
  4074. <entry>
  4075. <para>
  4076. tuōxié
  4077. </para>
  4078. </entry>
  4079. <entry>
  4080. <para>
  4081. slippers
  4082. </para>
  4083. </entry>
  4084. </row>
  4085. <row>
  4086. <entry>
  4087. <para>
  4088. wàitào(r)
  4089. </para>
  4090. </entry>
  4091. <entry>
  4092. <para>
  4093. coat, jacket (that extends below the waist)
  4094. </para>
  4095. </entry>
  4096. </row>
  4097. <row>
  4098. <entry>
  4099. <para>
  4100. wàng wàzi
  4101. </para>
  4102. </entry>
  4103. <entry>
  4104. <para>
  4105. to forget socks
  4106. </para>
  4107. </entry>
  4108. </row>
  4109. <row>
  4110. <entry>
  4111. <para>
  4112. xie xīzhuāng
  4113. </para>
  4114. </entry>
  4115. <entry>
  4116. <para>
  4117. shoe
  4118. </para>
  4119. <para>
  4120. Western-style clothes; Western-style suit
  4121. </para>
  4122. </entry>
  4123. </row>
  4124. <row>
  4125. <entry>
  4126. <para>
  4127. xūyào
  4128. </para>
  4129. </entry>
  4130. <entry>
  4131. <para>
  4132. to need, to require
  4133. </para>
  4134. </entry>
  4135. </row>
  4136. <row>
  4137. <entry>
  4138. <para>
  4139. yàngzi
  4140. </para>
  4141. </entry>
  4142. <entry>
  4143. <para>
  4144. appearance; shape, form; style,
  4145. </para>
  4146. </entry>
  4147. </row>
  4148. <row>
  4149. <entry>
  4150. <para>
  4151. yào
  4152. </para>
  4153. </entry>
  4154. <entry>
  4155. <para>
  4156. design; pattern
  4157. </para>
  4158. <para>
  4159. should; must; it is necessary, to need to
  4160. </para>
  4161. </entry>
  4162. </row>
  4163. <row>
  4164. <entry>
  4165. <para>
  4166. yifu yòng yǔxié yǔyí
  4167. </para>
  4168. </entry>
  4169. <entry>
  4170. <para>
  4171. clothes to use rainshoes; rubbers, galoshes raincoat
  4172. </para>
  4173. </entry>
  4174. </row>
  4175. <row>
  4176. <entry>
  4177. <para>
  4178. zhào -zhǒng zìjī zuò
  4179. </para>
  4180. </entry>
  4181. <entry>
  4182. <para>
  4183. according to
  4184. </para>
  4185. <para>
  4186. kind, sort
  4187. </para>
  4188. <para>
  4189. self, oneself (myself, yourself, etc.) to make; to have
  4190. made
  4191. </para>
  4192. </entry>
  4193. </row>
  4194. </tbody>
  4195. </tgroup>
  4196. </informaltable>
  4197. <para>
  4198. PART I
  4199. </para>
  4200. <literallayout>
  4201. </literallayout>
  4202. <para>
  4204. </para>
  4205. <literallayout>
  4206. </literallayout>
  4207. <para>
  4208. Personal Welfare Module, Unit 3 Hair Care
  4209. </para>
  4210. <literallayout>
  4211. </literallayout>
  4212. <itemizedlist>
  4213. <listitem>
  4214. <para>
  4215. 1. Jīntiān wo you shi, qing ni kuài yidiǎn jiǎn.
  4216. </para>
  4217. </listitem>
  4218. <listitem>
  4219. <para>
  4220. 2. A: Jiǎn duǎn yidiǎn ma?
  4221. </para>
  4222. </listitem>
  4223. </itemizedlist>
  4224. <para>
  4225. B: Bú yào jiǎn tài duǎn, liú cháng yidiǎn.
  4226. </para>
  4227. <literallayout>
  4228. </literallayout>
  4229. <itemizedlist>
  4230. <listitem>
  4231. <para>
  4232. 3. Liǎngbiān jiǎn duǎn yidiǎn.
  4233. </para>
  4234. </listitem>
  4235. <listitem>
  4236. <para>
  4237. 4. Gòu duǎn le.
  4238. </para>
  4239. </listitem>
  4240. <listitem>
  4241. <para>
  4242. 5. Wǒ yào xi tǒu.
  4243. </para>
  4244. </listitem>
  4245. <listitem>
  4246. <para>
  4247. 6. Wǒ bú yào you.
  4248. </para>
  4249. </listitem>
  4250. <listitem>
  4251. <para>
  4252. 7. Hái you tǒufa, bù shūfu, qíng ni nòng gānj ing yidiǎn.
  4253. </para>
  4254. </listitem>
  4255. </itemizedlist>
  4256. <literallayout>
  4257. </literallayout>
  4258. <itemizedlist>
  4259. <listitem>
  4260. <para>
  4261. 8. Qing gei wǒ guā yíxià húzi.
  4262. </para>
  4263. </listitem>
  4264. </itemizedlist>
  4265. <literallayout>
  4266. </literallayout>
  4267. <itemizedlist>
  4268. <listitem>
  4269. <para>
  4270. 9. Ni yào chuí bèi ma?
  4271. </para>
  4272. </listitem>
  4273. <listitem>
  4274. <para>
  4275. 10. Ni yào ànmǒ ma?
  4276. </para>
  4277. </listitem>
  4278. <listitem>
  4279. <para>
  4280. 11. Nimen zhèli you cā píxiéde ma?
  4281. </para>
  4282. </listitem>
  4283. <listitem>
  4284. <para>
  4285. 12. liú húzi
  4286. </para>
  4287. </listitem>
  4288. <listitem>
  4289. <para>
  4290. 13. li fà
  4291. </para>
  4292. </listitem>
  4293. <listitem>
  4294. <para>
  4295. 14. lifàdiàn/lifàguǎn
  4296. </para>
  4297. </listitem>
  4298. </itemizedlist>
  4299. <literallayout>
  4300. </literallayout>
  4301. <para>
  4302. I have things to do today, please cut Cmy hair! faster.
  4303. </para>
  4304. <para>
  4305. Do you want it cut short?
  4306. </para>
  4307. <para>
  4308. Don’t cut it too short, leave it a little long.
  4309. </para>
  4310. <para>
  4311. Cut the sides a little shorter.
  4312. </para>
  4313. <para>
  4314. It's short enough now.
  4315. </para>
  4316. <para>
  4317. I want a shampoo.
  4318. </para>
  4319. <para>
  4320. I don’t want any (hair) oil.
  4321. </para>
  4322. <para>
  4323. There's still some hair Ce.g., on my neck! and it’s uncomfortable;
  4324. please clean it up a little.
  4325. </para>
  4326. <para>
  4327. Give me a shave, please. (Literally, &quot;Please shave the beard
  4328. for me.&quot;)
  4329. </para>
  4330. <para>
  4331. Do you want your back pounded?
  4332. </para>
  4333. <para>
  4334. Do you want a massage?
  4335. </para>
  4336. <para>
  4337. Can I get a shoeshine here?
  4338. </para>
  4339. <para>
  4340. to grow a beard
  4341. </para>
  4342. <para>
  4343. to have a haircut
  4344. </para>
  4345. <para>
  4346. barbershop
  4347. </para>
  4348. <literallayout>
  4349. </literallayout>
  4350. <para>
  4352. </para>
  4353. <para>
  4354. you shi: &quot;to be occupied, to have something to do,&quot;
  4355. literally, &quot;to have business.&quot;
  4356. </para>
  4357. <para>
  4358. Nǐ xiànzài you shì ma? Mei shì.
  4359. </para>
  4360. <para>
  4361. Are you busy now? No, I’m not busy.
  4362. </para>
  4363. <literallayout>
  4364. </literallayout>
  4365. <para>
  4366. jian: &quot;to cut (with a scissors), to clip, to trim&quot; Chinese
  4367. has several different words for English &quot;to cut&quot; depending
  4368. on the method of cutting. Jian only refers to cutting with a
  4369. scissors or clipper.
  4370. </para>
  4371. <para>
  4372. bú yào: &quot;don’t&quot; In Transportation Module, Un t 3, you
  4373. learned bié for &quot;don’t&quot; in negative commands. Bu yào means
  4374. the same thing.
  4375. </para>
  4376. <para>
  4377. liǎngbiān: &quot;two sides, both sides&quot; In English it is enough
  4378. to say just &quot;the sides&quot; and to add &quot;two&quot; or
  4379. &quot;both&quot; seems superfluous, but liǎng is necessary in
  4380. Chinese. Perhaps this is because Chinese has no way of indicating
  4381. plural, as does the £ in English, &quot;the sides_.&quot;
  4382. </para>
  4383. <para>
  4384. Gou duǎn le: &quot;it’s short enough now&quot; There are two things
  4385. to notice in this short sentence: (1) In English we say &quot;short
  4386. enough,&quot; but in Chinese you say literally &quot;enough
  4387. short&quot;; in other words, gòu is used as an adverb to modify the
  4388. adjectival verb duǎn. (2) le here indicates a new state of affairs:
  4389. before, the hair wasn’t short enough, but now it is. Thus le can be
  4390. rendered into English by the word &quot;now.&quot;
  4391. </para>
  4392. <para>
  4393. xǐ tóu: &quot;to wash the hair&quot; Tóu is literally
  4394. &quot;head,&quot; but in many cases actually refers to the hair. In
  4395. most Chinese barbershops a shampoo after the haircut is standard
  4396. procedure, and you would not have to specify that you want one. (Xǐ
  4397. tou is translated as &quot;to shampoo.&quot; Liquid shampoo is
  4398. called xǐfàjǐng, &quot;wash-hair-essence.&quot;)
  4399. </para>
  4400. <para>
  4401. Notice that Wǒ yào xǐ tóu has been translated idiomatically as
  4402. &quot;I want a shampoo,&quot; although literally xǐ tóu is a
  4403. verb-object &quot;to wash the head.&quot; Many Chinese phrases made
  4404. up of a verb plus object are ambiguous as to who performs the
  4405. action. You might have been tempted to translate Wǒ yào xǐ tóu as
  4406. &quot;I want to wash the hair,&quot; but in this context the
  4407. sentence actually means &quot;I want to have (my) hair washed,&quot;
  4408. that is, by someone else (the barber). The context should tell you
  4409. which meaning is intended. Another example:
  4410. </para>
  4411. <para>
  4412. Wǒ qù xǐ yifu.
  4413. </para>
  4414. <literallayout>
  4415. </literallayout>
  4416. <para>
  4417. I am going to wash clothes.
  4418. </para>
  4419. <para>
  4420. OR
  4421. </para>
  4422. <literallayout>
  4423. </literallayout>
  4424. <para>
  4425. I am going to have clothes washed.
  4426. </para>
  4427. <literallayout>
  4428. </literallayout>
  4429. <para>
  4430. Usually you won’t have any trouble deciding which the speaker means;
  4431. the situaticr. or other things the speaker says will make it clear.
  4432. </para>
  4433. <para>
  4434. you: Literally, &quot;oil,&quot; this word may be used in a looser
  4435. sense to refer to all sorts of liquid preparations applied to the
  4436. hair by hand (e.g., Vitalis). The specific word for &quot;hair
  4437. oil&quot; is fàyóu or tóuyóu.
  4438. </para>
  4439. <para>
  4440. Hai you tóufa...: This is the sentence to say when the barber leaves
  4441. bits of hair on your neck. The average person would gesture to his
  4442. neck and say this sentence.
  4443. </para>
  4444. <para>
  4445. shūfu: ”to be comfortable; to feel good&quot;
  4446. </para>
  4447. <para>
  4448. Zhèige yìzi zhēn shūfu.            This chair is really comfortable.
  4449. </para>
  4450. <para>
  4451. Zhèige xiǎo fēng hǎo shūfu a! This breeze (&quot;little wind&quot;)
  4452. feels so good
  4453. </para>
  4454. <para>
  4455. Bù shūfu can either mean &quot;to be uncomfortable&quot; or
  4456. &quot;not to be well,&quot; that is, to feel ill.
  4457. </para>
  4458. <itemizedlist>
  4459. <listitem>
  4460. <para>
  4461. A: Wáng Xiáojie wèishenme Jintiān méi lái?
  4462. </para>
  4463. </listitem>
  4464. <listitem>
  4465. <para>
  4466. B: Tā Jintiān bù shūfu.
  4467. </para>
  4468. </listitem>
  4469. </itemizedlist>
  4470. <literallayout>
  4471. </literallayout>
  4472. <para>
  4473. Why didn’t Miss Wáng come today?
  4474. </para>
  4475. <literallayout>
  4476. </literallayout>
  4477. <para>
  4478. She doesn’t feel well today.
  4479. </para>
  4480. <literallayout>
  4481. </literallayout>
  4482. <para>
  4483. nòng: An extremely versatile verb because it has such a general
  4484. meaning: &quot;to do/manage/handle/make.&quot; Nòng often
  4485. substitutes for a more specific verb. Also pronounced long or nèng.
  4486. </para>
  4487. <para>
  4488. WS qù nòng fan.
  4489. </para>
  4490. <para>
  4491. Wo qù nòng nèige.
  4492. </para>
  4493. <para>
  4494. W8 zìjī nòng ba.
  4495. </para>
  4496. <para>
  4497. Bié nòng nèixie shìqing.
  4498. </para>
  4499. <para>
  4500. Tā nòngle hen duō qián.
  4501. </para>
  4502. <literallayout>
  4503. </literallayout>
  4504. <para>
  4505. I’ll go get the meal ready.
  4506. </para>
  4507. <para>
  4508. I’ll go take care of that.
  4509. </para>
  4510. <para>
  4511. Let me de it myself.
  4512. </para>
  4513. <para>
  4514. Don’t mess around with that sort of thing.
  4515. </para>
  4516. <para>
  4517. He came up with a lot of money.
  4518. </para>
  4519. <literallayout>
  4520. </literallayout>
  4521. <para>
  4522. But in the Reference List sentence, nòng is used in an even more
  4523. common way, meaning &quot;to make (someone/someth!ng a certain
  4524. way)&quot; or &quot;to get (someone/ something into a certain
  4525. condition).&quot; Other examples:
  4526. </para>
  4527. <para>
  4528. nònggānjing: &quot;to make/get something clean&quot;
  4529. </para>
  4530. <para>
  4531. nònghuài: &quot;to break, to put out of order, to ruin&quot;
  4532. </para>
  4533. <para>
  4534. nòngpò: &quot;to tear, to break&quot;
  4535. </para>
  4536. <para>
  4537. guā húzi: &quot;to shave&quot;, literally, &quot;to scrape the
  4538. beard.&quot; The verbobject phrase guā húzi, like xl tóu in
  4539. Reference List Sentence No. 5, may be translated in either of two
  4540. ways depending on the context: either &quot;to shave (someone)&quot;
  4541. or &quot;to have someone shave oneself.&quot;
  4542. </para>
  4543. <para>
  4544. gěi wS guā húzi: &quot;shave me&quot; Gěi is the prepositional verb
  4545. meaning &quot;for.&quot;When you have a verb-object phrase like guā
  4546. húzi you indicate the person upon whom the action is performed by
  4547. using a gěi phrase.
  4548. </para>
  4549. <para>
  4550. Qīng ni gěi wo xl tóu.
  4551. </para>
  4552. <literallayout>
  4553. </literallayout>
  4554. <para>
  4555. Please wash my hair for me (i.e., give me a shampoo).
  4556. </para>
  4557. <literallayout>
  4558. </literallayout>
  4559. <para>
  4560. chuí bèi: &quot;to pound (someone’s) back&quot; as in massage.
  4561. Farbers in China often provide this service after the haircut. Here
  4562. once again, chuí bèi is a verb-object phrase with the same ambiguity
  4563. as xǐ tou and guā húzi: it may mean &quot;to pound someone’s
  4564. back&quot; or &quot;to have one’s back pounded. Again, the context
  4565. determines the interpretation. When the barber asks you Nǐ yào chuí
  4566. bèi ma?, you can safely assume that he is offering to pound your
  4567. back rather than asking you to pound his.
  4568. </para>
  4569. <para>
  4570. ànmó: This is the noun &quot;massage.&quot; In recent years, an
  4571. increasing number of barbershops in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and a few in
  4572. the TRC have added massage to their list of services. Chinese
  4573. medical clinics and hospitals also give therapeutic massage.
  4574. </para>
  4575. <para>
  4576. cā pixie: &quot;to shine shoes/to have one’s shoes shined&quot; (Cā
  4577. is literally, &quot;to wipe, to rub.&quot;) Once again, there is
  4578. potential ambiguity as to who is the performer of the action. Also
  4579. note that Chinese must use the verb-object; there is no noun
  4580. corresponding to English &quot;a shoeshine.&quot; The translation of
  4581. the Reference List sentence using &quot;a shoeshine&quot; is
  4582. idiomatic. Literally the sentence means, &quot;is there someone who
  4583. shines shoes here?&quot; Cā píxiéde is a noun phrase meaning
  4584. &quot;someone who shines shoes, a shoeshiner.&quot;
  4585. </para>
  4586. <para>
  4587. liú húzi: &quot;to grow a beard,&quot; literally liú, &quot;to
  4588. leave, to let be,&quot; and húzi &quot;beard, mustache.&quot;
  4589. </para>
  4590. <para>
  4592. </para>
  4593. <para>
  4594. Taipei. A Chinese man (A) walks into a barbershop and sits down in a
  4595. </para>
  4596. <para>
  4597. barber’s chair. The barber is B and the shoeshine boy is C.
  4598. </para>
  4599. <literallayout>
  4600. </literallayout>
  4601. <para>
  4602. B: Jiǎnduǎn yidiǎn ma?
  4603. </para>
  4604. <itemizedlist>
  4605. <listitem>
  4606. <para>
  4607. A: Bù, wǒ yào liú cháng yidiǎn.
  4608. </para>
  4609. </listitem>
  4610. <listitem>
  4611. <para>
  4612. B: Hǎo.
  4613. </para>
  4614. </listitem>
  4615. </itemizedlist>
  4616. <itemizedlist>
  4617. <listitem>
  4618. <para>
  4619. A: Nǐmen zhèli you méiyou cā píxiéde?
  4620. </para>
  4621. </listitem>
  4622. <listitem>
  4623. <para>
  4624. B: You, you. È, zhèwèi xiānshēng yào cā píxié, kuài lai.’
  4625. </para>
  4626. </listitem>
  4627. <listitem>
  4628. <para>
  4629. C: Hǎo.’
  4630. </para>
  4631. </listitem>
  4632. </itemizedlist>
  4633. <literallayout>
  4634. </literallayout>
  4635. <para>
  4636. Do you want it a little shorter?
  4637. </para>
  4638. <para>
  4639. I want to leave it a little long.
  4640. </para>
  4641. <para>
  4642. All right.
  4643. </para>
  4644. <para>
  4645. Do you have someone who shines shoes here?
  4646. </para>
  4647. <para>
  4648. Yes, we do. (to the shoeshine boy) Hey, this gentlemen wants to have
  4649. his shoes shined, come quickly!
  4650. </para>
  4651. <para>
  4652. Okay!
  4653. </para>
  4654. <literallayout>
  4655. </literallayout>
  4656. <para>
  4657. (Ten minutes later)
  4658. </para>
  4659. <para>
  4660. B: Xiānshēng, nī kànkan hòubian zěnmeyang, hái yào bu yào zài jian
  4661. yìdiǎn?
  4662. </para>
  4663. <itemizedlist>
  4664. <listitem>
  4665. <para>
  4666. A: Bu yào le, hòubian hěn hǎo. Liǎngbiān me...
  4667. </para>
  4668. </listitem>
  4669. <listitem>
  4670. <para>
  4671. B: Liǎngbiān chángle yidiǎn?
  4672. </para>
  4673. </listitem>
  4674. </itemizedlist>
  4675. <itemizedlist>
  4676. <listitem>
  4677. <para>
  4678. A: Liǎngbiān yě hěn hǎo. Jiù zhèyangzi ba!
  4679. </para>
  4680. </listitem>
  4681. <listitem>
  4682. <para>
  4683. B: Hǎo.
  4684. </para>
  4685. </listitem>
  4686. </itemizedlist>
  4687. <para>
  4688. (A few minutes later)
  4689. </para>
  4690. <para>
  4691. B: Gěi nī chuí yíxià bèi zěnmeyàng?
  4692. </para>
  4693. <para>
  4694. A: Bú bì le.
  4695. </para>
  4696. <literallayout>
  4697. </literallayout>
  4698. <para>
  4699. Sir, take a look at how the back is, do you want more off?
  4700. </para>
  4701. <para>
  4702. No, the back is fine. As for the sides...
  4703. </para>
  4704. <para>
  4705. The sides are a little long?
  4706. </para>
  4707. <para>
  4708. The sides are okay, too. Just leave it this way.
  4709. </para>
  4710. <para>
  4711. Pound your back for you?
  4712. </para>
  4713. <para>
  4714. That’s not necessary.
  4715. </para>
  4716. <literallayout>
  4717. </literallayout>
  4718. <para>
  4720. </para>
  4721. <para>
  4722. Liangbiān me.■.: me indicates hesitation, indecision or
  4723. consideration. It is translated here by the words &quot;as
  4724. for.&quot;
  4725. </para>
  4726. <para>
  4728. </para>
  4729. <para>
  4730. A barbershop in Běijīng. An American goes into a medium-sized
  4731. barbershop. After sitting for a while in the waiting area, his
  4732. number is called, he pays his fee to the cashier, and then sits down
  4733. in a barber's chair. Since the American has been here three times
  4734. before, the barber and he are already acquainted.
  4735. </para>
  4736. <para>
  4737. B: Hèi! Nín zhè
  4738. tóu<anchor id="footnote3" /><superscript><link linkend="bookmark32">3</link></superscript>
  4739. gòu chángde le!
  4740. </para>
  4741. <para>
  4742. A: Zhèiliǎngge yuè tài máng, méi shíjiān na! Duǎn yidiǎnr ba!
  4743. </para>
  4744. <para>
  4745. B: Xing a!
  4746. </para>
  4747. <para>
  4748. Hey, this hair of yours is getting awfully long!
  4749. </para>
  4750. <para>
  4751. I've been two busy the past couple of months, I haven't had any
  4752. time! Cut it short for me, okay?
  4753. </para>
  4754. <para>
  4755. Sure!
  4756. </para>
  4757. <para>
  4758. B: Zhèi hòubianr gòu duǎn le, liǎngbiānr zěnmeyàng? Duo liú yidiǎnr
  4759. hao bu hǎo?
  4760. </para>
  4761. <itemizedlist>
  4762. <listitem>
  4763. <para>
  4764. A: Bu yào liú le, nín jiù jian ba.
  4765. </para>
  4766. </listitem>
  4767. <listitem>
  4768. <para>
  4769. B: Xiàr.zài zěnmeyàng?
  4770. </para>
  4771. </listitem>
  4772. </itemizedlist>
  4773. <itemizedlist>
  4774. <listitem>
  4775. <para>
  4776. A: Bu
  4777. cuò.'<anchor id="footnote4" /><superscript><link linkend="bookmark33">4</link></superscript>
  4778. </para>
  4779. </listitem>
  4780. <listitem>
  4781. <para>
  4782. B: Nà, dào nèibianr zuò, wǒ gěi nín xī tóu.
  4783. </para>
  4784. </listitem>
  4785. </itemizedlist>
  4786. <itemizedlist>
  4787. <listitem>
  4788. <para>
  4789. A: Hǎo.
  4790. </para>
  4791. </listitem>
  4792. <listitem>
  4793. <para>
  4794. B: Yào diǎnr you ma?
  4795. </para>
  4796. </listitem>
  4797. </itemizedlist>
  4798. <itemizedlist>
  4799. <listitem>
  4800. <para>
  4801. A: Bu yào, bú yào.
  4802. </para>
  4803. </listitem>
  4804. <listitem>
  4805. <para>
  4806. B: Guāgua húzi ba?
  4807. </para>
  4808. </listitem>
  4809. </itemizedlist>
  4810. <itemizedlist>
  4811. <listitem>
  4812. <para>
  4813. A: Bú yòng le, duo xiè nín, húzi wo zìjī guā ba! Nín gěi wo bǎ
  4814. tóufa nònggānjingle jiu xíng le.
  4815. </para>
  4816. </listitem>
  4817. <listitem>
  4818. <para>
  4819. B: Hao. Xiànzài shūfu le ba?
  4820. </para>
  4821. </listitem>
  4822. </itemizedlist>
  4823. <itemizedlist>
  4824. <listitem>
  4825. <para>
  4826. A: Shūfu duo le. Xièxie nín!
  4827. </para>
  4828. </listitem>
  4829. <listitem>
  4830. <para>
  4831. B: Bú kèqi.
  4832. </para>
  4833. </listitem>
  4834. </itemizedlist>
  4835. <para>
  4836. It's short enough in back. How about the sides? How about leaving
  4837. them a little long?
  4838. </para>
  4839. <para>
  4840. Don't leave them long, just cut them.
  4841. </para>
  4842. <para>
  4843. How is it now?
  4844. </para>
  4845. <para>
  4846. Pretty good!
  4847. </para>
  4848. <para>
  4849. Then, have a seat over there and I'll give you a shampoo.
  4850. </para>
  4851. <para>
  4852. All right.
  4853. </para>
  4854. <para>
  4855. Want some oil?
  4856. </para>
  4857. <para>
  4858. No, I don't.
  4859. </para>
  4860. <para>
  4861. How about a shave?
  4862. </para>
  4863. <para>
  4864. That's not necessary, thank you.
  4865. </para>
  4866. <para>
  4867. I'll shave myself! Just clean up the hairs for me and that will be
  4868. all right.
  4869. </para>
  4870. <para>
  4871. Okay, does that feel better?
  4872. </para>
  4873. <para>
  4874. Much better. Thank you!
  4875. </para>
  4876. <para>
  4877. You're welcome.
  4878. </para>
  4879. <itemizedlist>
  4880. <listitem>
  4881. <para>
  4882. PART II
  4883. </para>
  4884. </listitem>
  4885. </itemizedlist>
  4886. <para>
  4888. </para>
  4889. <itemizedlist>
  4890. <listitem>
  4891. <para>
  4892. 15. A: Míngtiān w3 yào zuò toufa, wǒ xūyào yùyuē ma?
  4893. </para>
  4894. </listitem>
  4895. </itemizedlist>
  4896. <para>
  4897. B: Bù xūyào, wǎnshàng bādiǎn zhōng yīqián lái jiù méi wèntí.
  4898. </para>
  4899. <itemizedlist>
  4900. <listitem>
  4901. <para>
  4902. 16. A: NǏ yào jiǎn duōshǎo?
  4903. </para>
  4904. </listitem>
  4905. </itemizedlist>
  4906. <itemizedlist>
  4907. <listitem>
  4908. <para>
  4909. B: Wǒ yào jiǎn wufēn.
  4910. </para>
  4911. </listitem>
  4912. </itemizedlist>
  4913. <itemizedlist>
  4914. <listitem>
  4915. <para>
  4916. 17. Hǎishi you diǎn chang.
  4917. </para>
  4918. </listitem>
  4919. <listitem>
  4920. <para>
  4921. 18. Yào bu yao shìyishi liu cháng yidiǎn? Wǒ xiǎng yídìng hǎo
  4922. kàn.
  4923. </para>
  4924. </listitem>
  4925. <listitem>
  4926. <para>
  4927. 19. Wǒ xiǎng tàng toufa.
  4928. </para>
  4929. </listitem>
  4930. <listitem>
  4931. <para>
  4932. 20. A: Nī yào juǎn toufa ma?
  4933. </para>
  4934. </listitem>
  4935. </itemizedlist>
  4936. <itemizedlist>
  4937. <listitem>
  4938. <para>
  4939. B: Bu yào, chuīgǎn Jiù kéyi le.
  4940. </para>
  4941. </listitem>
  4942. </itemizedlist>
  4943. <itemizedlist>
  4944. <listitem>
  4945. <para>
  4946. 21. shū tóu
  4947. </para>
  4948. </listitem>
  4949. </itemizedlist>
  4950. <para>
  4951. I want to have my hair done tomorrow; do I need to make an
  4952. appointment?
  4953. </para>
  4954. <para>
  4955. No. If you come before eight in the evening there won’t be any
  4956. problem.
  4957. </para>
  4958. <para>
  4959. How much do you want cut off?
  4960. </para>
  4961. <para>
  4962. I want five fēn cut off.
  4963. </para>
  4964. <para>
  4965. It’s still a little long.
  4966. </para>
  4967. <para>
  4968. Do you want to try leaving it a little longer? I’m sure it will look
  4969. good.
  4970. </para>
  4971. <para>
  4972. I’d like to get a permanent.
  4973. </para>
  4974. <para>
  4975. Do you want to have your hair curled?
  4976. </para>
  4977. <para>
  4978. No, Just blow-dry it and that will be fine.
  4979. </para>
  4980. <para>
  4981. to comb/brush one’s hair
  4982. </para>
  4983. <para>
  4984. problem,” méi wèntí can also &quot;be used to assure someone that
  4985. you are extending a favor gladly.
  4986. </para>
  4987. <para>
  4988. Ke bu kéyi qǐng ni gěi wo wen zhèijiàn shì?
  4989. </para>
  4990. <para>
  4991. Mei wèntí.
  4992. </para>
  4993. <literallayout>
  4994. </literallayout>
  4995. <para>
  4996. Could you please ask about this matter for me?
  4997. </para>
  4998. <para>
  4999. No problem.
  5000. </para>
  5001. <literallayout>
  5002. </literallayout>
  5003. <para>
  5004. fēn: A Chinese unit of length equal to 1/3 of a centimeter, or
  5005. slightly more than 1/8 of an inch. Fēn originally meant ’’one
  5006. tenth.” You have also seen it meaning &quot;one cent&quot; (1/10 of
  5007. a dime, mao). As a unit of length, fēn is one tenth of a Chinese
  5008. inch (cùn). We have drawn a ruler marking off cùn (&quot;inches”)
  5009. and fēn so that you can contrast it with our American (British)
  5010. inch.
  5011. </para>
  5012. <para>
  5013. cùn
  5014. </para>
  5015. <para>
  5016. fēn
  5017. </para>
  5018. <para>
  5019. 2                    3
  5020. </para>
  5021. <para>
  5022. ■J------------- English inches
  5023. </para>
  5024. <para>
  5025. you diǎn: Used before a state verb, you (yì)diǎn means &quot;a
  5026. little, slightly,&quot; as in:
  5027. </para>
  5028. <para>
  5029. you yìdiǎn rè                 a little hot
  5030. </para>
  5031. <para>
  5032. you yìdiǎn nan                a little difficult
  5033. </para>
  5034. <para>
  5035. The use of you yìdiǎn deserves your special attention, since English
  5036. speakers learning Chinese tend to make the mistake of saying yìdiǎn
  5037. nan (which is incorrect) for &quot;a little difficult&quot; instead
  5038. of the correct form ySu yìdiǎn nan. Remember to put in that you.*
  5039. </para>
  5040. <para>
  5041. shìyishi: &quot;to try, to give it a try&quot; Shì is &quot;to try”
  5042. in the sense of &quot;to experiment.&quot; It does not mean
  5043. &quot;try&quot; in the sense of &quot;to make an effort&quot; to do
  5044. something.
  5045. </para>
  5046. <para>
  5047. yídìng: &quot;certainly, surely, for sure, definite(ly)” Literally,
  5048. sentence 18 means ”ī think it will surely be good-looking,&quot;
  5049. which can be translated more smoothly as &quot;I’m sure it will look
  5050. good.&quot; The phrase &quot;I’m sure ...&quot; will often translate
  5051. into Chinese as Wǒ xiǎng . . . yídìng . . . , for example:
  5052. </para>
  5053. <para>
  5054. Wǒ xiǎng nǐ yídìng xǐhuan.         I’m sure you’ll like it.
  5055. </para>
  5056. <para>
  5057. Wǒ xiǎng tā yídìng lai.            I’m sure he’ll come.
  5058. </para>
  5059. <para>
  5060. tàng toufa; &quot;to get a permanent” The use of the verb tàng for
  5061. ”to get a permanent” has an interesting background and shows how
  5062. Chinese adapts words already in the language rather than borrow from
  5063. other languages. Tàng originally meant (and still does) ”to scald”
  5064. or ”to apply heat to&quot; something. For example, tàng yǐfu means
  5065. &quot;to iron clothes.&quot; The earliest methods for giving a
  5066. permanent wave used heated curlers; in fact, today in Beijing (as in
  5067. other parts of the world) electrically heated curlers are still used
  5068. in one type of permanent called diàn tàng, &quot;electric
  5069. permanent.&quot; After the introduction of chemical permanents, the
  5070. verb tàng continued to be used, even though no heat is applied in
  5071. the new process. Chemical permanents are called lěng tàng,
  5072. &quot;cold permanent.&quot;
  5073. </para>
  5074. <para>
  5075. juǎn: &quot;to curl, to roll up&quot; You will find this verb used
  5076. in many contexts, not Just in the area of hair styling. It is the
  5077. all-purpose word for rolling or curling ribbons, paper, pastry, and
  5078. building materials. CCurly hair is Juǎnfà, straight hair is zhífà.1
  5079. </para>
  5080. <para>
  5081. chuǐgān: &quot;to blow-dry&quot; Chui is &quot;to blow, to
  5082. puff&quot; and gān is the adjec-tival verb &quot;to be dry.&quot;
  5083. These two verbs used together to form a compound which indicates
  5084. both the action and the result: &quot;to blow until dry&quot; or
  5085. &quot;to blow with the result that (something) becomes dry.&quot;
  5086. </para>
  5087. <para>
  5088. Chuǐgān and the English word &quot;blow-dry,&quot; look as if they
  5089. are exactly parallel, but they are not. In English you can leave off
  5090. the word &quot;blow&quot; and Just say &quot;to dry someone's
  5091. hair,&quot; whereas in Chinese you cannot use gān to mean the action
  5092. of drying something, only the state of being dry. You always need to
  5093. use another verb with gān in order to tell the action which caused
  5094. the drying. For example, cāgān means &quot;to wipe (something)
  5095. dry.&quot;
  5096. </para>
  5097. <para>
  5099. </para>
  5100. <para>
  5101. A Canadian woman (C) walks into the Beijing Hotel hairdresser's.
  5102. First she talks with the cashier in front (A). Later the hairdresser
  5103. (B) calls her.
  5104. </para>
  5105. <para>
  5106. C: Jintiān rén zhème duo, wǒ míngtiān zài lai ba. Qǐng wen, wǒ kě bu
  5107. kéyi yùyuē?
  5108. </para>
  5109. <para>
  5110. A: Bu bì yùyuē, nín děng shífēn zhōng Jiù you dìfang le.
  5111. </para>
  5112. <para>
  5113. There are so many people today. I'll just come back tomorrow. May I
  5114. ask, can I make an appointment?
  5115. </para>
  5116. <para>
  5117. No need to, there will be a seat if you Just wait ten minutes.
  5118. </para>
  5119. <para>
  5120. B: Qǐng zuò. Nín xiang zěnme zuò? Yào bu yao Jian duan yidiǎnr?
  5121. </para>
  5122. <para>
  5123. Have a seat, please. How would you like it done? Do you want it cut
  5124. a little shorter?
  5125. </para>
  5126. <para>
  5127. C: Wǒ xiǎng wǒde toufa you yidiǎnr cháng le, zuì hǎo JiǎnyiJiǎn.
  5128. </para>
  5129. <para>
  5130. B: Jiǎn duōshao? Wǔfēnr gòu bu gou?
  5131. </para>
  5132. <para>
  5133. C: Wǔfēnr? ’’Wǔfēnr&quot; shi shénme yìsi?
  5134. </para>
  5135. <para>
  5136. B: 0, wǔfēnr jiù shi zhème yidiǎnr.
  5137. </para>
  5138. <para>
  5139. C: Ou, jiǎn wǔfēnr hǎo.
  5140. </para>
  5141. <para>
  5142. B: Hǎo, women xiān gěi nín xǐ tǒu, Jiǎnduǎn, ránhòu zài zuò.
  5143. </para>
  5144. <para>
  5145. C: Hǎode.
  5146. </para>
  5147. <para>
  5148. B: Nín yào tàng háishi yào Juǎn?
  5149. </para>
  5150. <para>
  5151. B: Wǒ bù xǐhuan tàng, jiù juǎn-yijuǎn hǎo le.
  5152. </para>
  5153. <para>
  5154. B: Hǎo, jiù juǎnyijuǎn, chuīgǎn. You shihour tàng toufa ye hěn hǎo
  5155. kàn. Xiàyicì nín kéyi shìyishi.
  5156. </para>
  5157. <para>
  5158. C: Hǎo, xiàcì wǒ shìyishi.
  5159. </para>
  5160. <para>
  5161. I think my hair is a little long, I’d better have it cut a little.
  5162. </para>
  5163. <para>
  5164. How much? Is five fen enough?
  5165. </para>
  5166. <para>
  5167. Five fen? What does ’’five fen” mean?
  5168. </para>
  5169. <para>
  5170. Oh, five fen is this much. (Holds her thumb and index finger five
  5171. fen apart.)
  5172. </para>
  5173. <para>
  5174. Oh, (it would be good to) cut off five fen.
  5175. </para>
  5176. <para>
  5177. All right, first we’ll give you a shampoo and cut, and then set it.
  5178. </para>
  5179. <para>
  5180. Fine.
  5181. </para>
  5182. <para>
  5183. Do you want to have a permanent or do you want to have it curled?
  5184. </para>
  5185. <para>
  5186. I don’t like permanents. Just curl it a little.
  5187. </para>
  5188. <para>
  5189. Okay, I’ll just curl it and blow-dry. Sometimes a permanent looks
  5190. very good, too. Next time you can try . one.
  5191. </para>
  5192. <para>
  5193. Okay, next time I’ll give it a try.
  5194. </para>
  5195. <para>
  5196. (Afterwards, the woman gets up and the the front of the shop.)
  5197. </para>
  5198. <para>
  5199. B: Xǐ tóu yíkuài qián, jiǎn tǒu yíkuài wǔ, Juǎn fà wǔ kuài wǔ,
  5200. chuīgǎn yíkuài wǔ, o, yígòng shi jiǔkuài wǔmáo qián.
  5201. </para>
  5202. <para>
  5203. C: Zhèr shi shíkuài, bú yòng zhǎo le.
  5204. </para>
  5205. <para>
  5206. B: Bù, zhǎo nín wǔmáo qián.
  5207. </para>
  5208. <para>
  5209. C: Zàijiàn.
  5210. </para>
  5211. <para>
  5212. B: Zàijiàn.
  5213. </para>
  5214. <para>
  5215. barber takes her to the cashier at
  5216. </para>
  5217. <para>
  5218. A dollar for a shampoo, a dollar and a half for a cut, five fifty
  5219. for the set, a dollar and a half for blow drying, urn, altogether
  5220. that’s nine fifty.
  5221. </para>
  5222. <para>
  5223. Here’s ten dollars, keep the change.
  5224. </para>
  5225. <para>
  5226. No, here’s fifty cents change.
  5227. </para>
  5228. <para>
  5229. Good-bye.
  5230. </para>
  5231. <para>
  5232. Good-bye.
  5233. </para>
  5234. <para>
  5236. </para>
  5237. <para>
  5238. Tipping is not permitted in the PRC. This is why the barber insists
  5239. on giving the woman her change.
  5240. </para>
  5241. <para>
  5243. </para>
  5244. <para>
  5245. Taipei. A woman student about to have hairdresser.
  5246. </para>
  5247. <itemizedlist>
  5248. <listitem>
  5249. <para>
  5250. A: Xiǎojiě, nǐ yào zuò shénme yàng-zide tou?
  5251. </para>
  5252. </listitem>
  5253. <listitem>
  5254. <para>
  5255. B: Wǒ méiyou zuòguo tóufa, měicì dōu shi xǐyixǐ, JiǎnyiJiǎn,
  5256. chuīgān Jiu hǎo le.
  5257. </para>
  5258. </listitem>
  5259. </itemizedlist>
  5260. <itemizedlist>
  5261. <listitem>
  5262. <para>
  5263. A: Zhèicì yào bu yào shìyishi ne?
  5264. </para>
  5265. </listitem>
  5266. <listitem>
  5267. <para>
  5268. B: Wǒ xiǎng wǒ juǎn tóufa dàgài bù hǎo kàn.
  5269. </para>
  5270. </listitem>
  5271. </itemizedlist>
  5272. <para>
  5273. (A shows B a photograph.)
  5274. </para>
  5275. <itemizedlist>
  5276. <listitem>
  5277. <para>
  5278. A: Xiǎojiě, nǐ kàn, zhège yàngzi hěn hǎo kànde, zhǐ juǎn
  5279. yìdiǎndiǎn, nǐ yào bu yào shì yíxià?
  5280. </para>
  5281. </listitem>
  5282. <listitem>
  5283. <para>
  5284. B: Hǎo, wǒ shì yíxià.
  5285. </para>
  5286. </listitem>
  5287. </itemizedlist>
  5288. <itemizedlist>
  5289. <listitem>
  5290. <para>
  5291. A: Wǒ xiǎng nǐ yídìng xǐhuan. . . .
  5292. </para>
  5293. </listitem>
  5294. </itemizedlist>
  5295. <para>
  5296. . Nà wǒ jiù bù jian le, tóufa chǎng yidiǎn zuòde hǎo kàn.
  5297. </para>
  5298. <itemizedlist>
  5299. <listitem>
  5300. <para>
  5301. B: Hǎo, xièxie ni.
  5302. </para>
  5303. </listitem>
  5304. </itemizedlist>
  5305. <literallayout>
  5306. </literallayout>
  5307. <para>
  5308. her hair done is talking with the
  5309. </para>
  5310. <para>
  5311. What style do you want it, Miss?
  5312. </para>
  5313. <para>
  5314. I’ve never had my hair done before, every time I’ve Just had it
  5315. washed, cut and blow-dried, and that’s it.
  5316. </para>
  5317. <para>
  5318. Would you like to try this time?
  5319. </para>
  5320. <para>
  5321. I think I probably wouldn't look good with my hair curled.
  5322. </para>
  5323. <literallayout>
  5324. </literallayout>
  5325. <para>
  5326. Miss, look, this sample is very pretty. It’s only a little curled.
  5327. Would you like to give it a try?
  5328. </para>
  5329. <para>
  5330. Okay, I’ll give it a try.
  5331. </para>
  5332. <para>
  5333. I’m sure you’ll like it. . . . Well, then, I won’t cut it. The set
  5334. will look better if the hair is a little long.
  5335. </para>
  5336. <para>
  5337. Thank you.
  5338. </para>
  5339. <literallayout>
  5340. </literallayout>
  5341. <para>
  5342. A: Bu kèqi.                              You’re welcome.
  5343. </para>
  5344. <para>
  5346. </para>
  5347. <para>
  5348. hěn hǎo kànde: The -de here means &quot;that's how it is.&quot; This
  5349. usage is typical of southern dialects.
  5350. </para>
  5351. <para>
  5352. yìdiǎndiǎn: &quot;a very little bit&quot;, less than yìdiǎn.
  5353. </para>
  5354. <informaltable>
  5355. <tgroup cols="2">
  5356. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  5357. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  5358. <tbody>
  5359. <row>
  5360. <entry>
  5361. </entry>
  5362. <entry>
  5363. <para>
  5364. Unit 3, Vocabulary
  5365. </para>
  5366. </entry>
  5367. </row>
  5368. <row>
  5369. <entry>
  5370. <para>
  5371. ànmó
  5372. </para>
  5373. </entry>
  5374. <entry>
  5375. <para>
  5376. massage
  5377. </para>
  5378. </entry>
  5379. </row>
  5380. <row>
  5381. <entry>
  5382. <para>
  5383. bú yào
  5384. </para>
  5385. </entry>
  5386. <entry>
  5387. <para>
  5388. don’t
  5389. </para>
  5390. </entry>
  5391. </row>
  5392. <row>
  5393. <entry>
  5394. <para>
  5395. cā chuí bèi chuigān
  5396. </para>
  5397. </entry>
  5398. <entry>
  5399. <para>
  5400. to rub, to wipe
  5401. </para>
  5402. <para>
  5403. to pound (someone’s) back
  5404. </para>
  5405. <para>
  5406. to blow-dry (with a dryer)
  5407. </para>
  5408. </entry>
  5409. </row>
  5410. <row>
  5411. <entry>
  5412. <para>
  5413. fēn
  5414. </para>
  5415. </entry>
  5416. <entry>
  5417. <para>
  5418. one tenth of a Chinese inch (cùn)
  5419. </para>
  5420. </entry>
  5421. </row>
  5422. <row>
  5423. <entry>
  5424. <para>
  5425. gānjing guā guā húzi
  5426. </para>
  5427. </entry>
  5428. <entry>
  5429. <para>
  5430. to be clean
  5431. </para>
  5432. <para>
  5433. to scrape
  5434. </para>
  5435. <para>
  5436. to shave (the beard)
  5437. </para>
  5438. </entry>
  5439. </row>
  5440. <row>
  5441. <entry>
  5442. <para>
  5443. húzi
  5444. </para>
  5445. </entry>
  5446. <entry>
  5447. <para>
  5448. beard OR mustache
  5449. </para>
  5450. </entry>
  5451. </row>
  5452. <row>
  5453. <entry>
  5454. <para>
  5455. Jiān
  5456. </para>
  5457. <para>
  5458. JuSn
  5459. </para>
  5460. </entry>
  5461. <entry>
  5462. <para>
  5463. to cut (with scissors) to curl, to roll up
  5464. </para>
  5465. </entry>
  5466. </row>
  5467. <row>
  5468. <entry>
  5469. <para>
  5470. liǎngbiān liú
  5471. </para>
  5472. </entry>
  5473. <entry>
  5474. <para>
  5475. both sides, two sides
  5476. </para>
  5477. <para>
  5478. to remain, to stay; to keep, to save;
  5479. </para>
  5480. </entry>
  5481. </row>
  5482. <row>
  5483. <entry>
  5484. <para>
  5485. liú húzi
  5486. </para>
  5487. </entry>
  5488. <entry>
  5489. <para>
  5490. to grow, to let grow; to leave to grow a beard or mustache
  5491. </para>
  5492. </entry>
  5493. </row>
  5494. <row>
  5495. <entry>
  5496. <para>
  5497. mei wèntí
  5498. </para>
  5499. </entry>
  5500. <entry>
  5501. <para>
  5502. no problem
  5503. </para>
  5504. </entry>
  5505. </row>
  5506. <row>
  5507. <entry>
  5508. <para>
  5509. nòng
  5510. </para>
  5511. <para>
  5512. nòng gānjing
  5513. </para>
  5514. </entry>
  5515. <entry>
  5516. <para>
  5517. to do, to handle, to manage, to make to clean up
  5518. </para>
  5519. </entry>
  5520. </row>
  5521. <row>
  5522. <entry>
  5523. <para>
  5524. shi shì(yi)shi shūfu shū tou
  5525. </para>
  5526. </entry>
  5527. <entry>
  5528. <para>
  5529. to try
  5530. </para>
  5531. <para>
  5532. to give it a try
  5533. </para>
  5534. <para>
  5535. to be comfortable to brush or comb hair
  5536. </para>
  5537. </entry>
  5538. </row>
  5539. <row>
  5540. <entry>
  5541. <para>
  5542. tàng toufa
  5543. </para>
  5544. </entry>
  5545. <entry>
  5546. <para>
  5547. to get a permanent hair (on the head)
  5548. </para>
  5549. </entry>
  5550. </row>
  5551. <row>
  5552. <entry>
  5553. <para>
  5554. wèntí
  5555. </para>
  5556. </entry>
  5557. <entry>
  5558. <para>
  5559. question, problem
  5560. </para>
  5561. </entry>
  5562. </row>
  5563. <row>
  5564. <entry>
  5565. <para>
  5566. xl xl tou
  5567. </para>
  5568. </entry>
  5569. <entry>
  5570. <para>
  5571. to wash
  5572. </para>
  5573. <para>
  5574. to shampoo, to get a shampoo
  5575. </para>
  5576. </entry>
  5577. </row>
  5578. <row>
  5579. <entry>
  5580. <para>
  5581. yídìng you you shi
  5582. </para>
  5583. </entry>
  5584. <entry>
  5585. <para>
  5586. certainly, surely, for sure oil, grease
  5587. </para>
  5588. <para>
  5589. to be occupied, to be busy, to have things to do
  5590. </para>
  5591. </entry>
  5592. </row>
  5593. <row>
  5594. <entry>
  5595. <para>
  5596. you (yì)diǎn yùyuē
  5597. </para>
  5598. </entry>
  5599. <entry>
  5600. <para>
  5601. a little bit, somewhat to make an appointment (PRC)
  5602. </para>
  5603. </entry>
  5604. </row>
  5605. <row>
  5606. <entry>
  5607. <para>
  5608. zuò toufa
  5609. </para>
  5610. </entry>
  5611. <entry>
  5612. <para>
  5613. to do one’s hair, to have one’s hair done
  5614. </para>
  5615. <para>
  5616. H3
  5617. </para>
  5618. </entry>
  5619. </row>
  5620. </tbody>
  5621. </tgroup>
  5622. </informaltable>
  5623. <para>
  5624. Personal Welfare Module, Unit U In the Home
  5625. </para>
  5626. <para>
  5627. PART I
  5628. </para>
  5629. <para>
  5631. </para>
  5632. <informaltable>
  5633. <tgroup cols="3">
  5634. <colspec align="left" />
  5635. <colspec align="left" />
  5636. <colspec align="left" />
  5637. <tbody>
  5638. <row>
  5639. <entry>
  5640. <para>
  5641. 1.
  5642. </para>
  5643. </entry>
  5644. <entry>
  5645. <para>
  5646. Yǎnjìng gēn zhǐpiàoběn dōu dài le.
  5647. </para>
  5648. </entry>
  5649. <entry>
  5650. <para>
  5651. I have both my glasses and checkbook with me (on me).
  5652. </para>
  5653. </entry>
  5654. </row>
  5655. <row>
  5656. <entry>
  5657. <para>
  5658. 2
  5659. </para>
  5660. </entry>
  5661. <entry>
  5662. <para>
  5663. Xiǎoběnzi zài wo xīzhuāng kǒudàili.
  5664. </para>
  5665. </entry>
  5666. <entry>
  5667. <para>
  5668. My notebook is in my suit pocket.
  5669. </para>
  5670. </entry>
  5671. </row>
  5672. <row>
  5673. <entry>
  5674. <para>
  5675. 3.
  5676. </para>
  5677. </entry>
  5678. <entry>
  5679. <para>
  5680. Zhàoxiàngjí zài xiāngzili.
  5681. </para>
  5682. </entry>
  5683. <entry>
  5684. <para>
  5685. My camera is in the suitcase.
  5686. </para>
  5687. </entry>
  5688. </row>
  5689. <row>
  5690. <entry>
  5691. <para>
  5692. 1*.
  5693. </para>
  5694. </entry>
  5695. <entry>
  5696. <para>
  5697. Nǐ dàile yíge lùyǐnjǐ, duì bu duì?
  5698. </para>
  5699. </entry>
  5700. <entry>
  5701. <para>
  5702. You have a tape recorder with you, don’t you?
  5703. </para>
  5704. </entry>
  5705. </row>
  5706. <row>
  5707. <entry>
  5708. <para>
  5709. 5.
  5710. </para>
  5711. </entry>
  5712. <entry>
  5713. <para>
  5714. Wǒ méi dài shǒushi lai.
  5715. </para>
  5716. </entry>
  5717. <entry>
  5718. <para>
  5719. I didn’t bring any Jewelry with me.
  5720. </para>
  5721. </entry>
  5722. </row>
  5723. <row>
  5724. <entry>
  5725. <para>
  5726. 6.
  5727. </para>
  5728. </entry>
  5729. <entry>
  5730. <para>
  5731. Nǐ bǎ nǐ dàide dōngxi dōu xiě zai shēnbàodānshang le ma?
  5732. </para>
  5733. </entry>
  5734. <entry>
  5735. <para>
  5736. Did you write everything you have with you on your
  5737. declaration?
  5738. </para>
  5739. </entry>
  5740. </row>
  5741. <row>
  5742. <entry>
  5743. <para>
  5744. 7. ;
  5745. </para>
  5746. </entry>
  5747. <entry>
  5748. <para>
  5749. Wǒ dàile èrshijuǎn lùyǐndài.
  5750. </para>
  5751. </entry>
  5752. <entry>
  5753. <para>
  5754. I have twenty reels of recording tape with me.
  5755. </para>
  5756. </entry>
  5757. </row>
  5758. <row>
  5759. <entry>
  5760. <para>
  5761. 8.
  5762. </para>
  5763. </entry>
  5764. <entry>
  5765. <para>
  5766. Wǒ zhīdao hěn dūo Zhōngguo fùnu bú dài shǒushi, suoyi wǒ
  5767. yě méi dài shǒushi lai.
  5768. </para>
  5769. </entry>
  5770. <entry>
  5771. <para>
  5772. I knew that a lot of Chinese women don’t wear jewelry, so
  5773. I didn’t bring any either.
  5774. </para>
  5775. </entry>
  5776. </row>
  5777. <row>
  5778. <entry>
  5779. <para>
  5780. 9.
  5781. </para>
  5782. </entry>
  5783. <entry>
  5784. <para>
  5785. Qing nǐ bǎ xiāngzi dǎkai gěi wo kànkan.
  5786. </para>
  5787. </entry>
  5788. <entry>
  5789. <para>
  5790. Please open your suitcase and let me take a look.
  5791. </para>
  5792. </entry>
  5793. </row>
  5794. <row>
  5795. <entry>
  5796. <para>
  5797. 10.
  5798. </para>
  5799. </entry>
  5800. <entry>
  5801. <para>
  5802. Méi shi le.
  5803. </para>
  5804. </entry>
  5805. <entry>
  5806. <para>
  5807. Everything is all right OR There's no further business.
  5808. </para>
  5809. </entry>
  5810. </row>
  5811. <row>
  5812. <entry>
  5813. <para>
  5814. 11.
  5815. </para>
  5816. </entry>
  5817. <entry>
  5818. <para>
  5819. Nǐ yào dàide dōngxi dōu yùbei-hǎo le ma?
  5820. </para>
  5821. </entry>
  5822. <entry>
  5823. <para>
  5824. Have you got all the things you want to take with you
  5825. ready?
  5826. </para>
  5827. </entry>
  5828. </row>
  5829. <row>
  5830. <entry>
  5831. <para>
  5832. 12.
  5833. </para>
  5834. </entry>
  5835. <entry>
  5836. <para>
  5837. zhīpiào
  5838. </para>
  5839. </entry>
  5840. <entry>
  5841. <para>
  5842. check (as in personal check)
  5843. </para>
  5844. </entry>
  5845. </row>
  5846. </tbody>
  5847. </tgroup>
  5848. </informaltable>
  5849. <para>
  5851. </para>
  5852. <para>
  5853. yanjìng; ’’eyeglasses&quot; Don’t mix this up with yǎnjìng,
  5854. &quot;eye.&quot; In Běijīng speech these words are pronounced
  5855. yǎnjìngr (&quot;eyeglasses&quot;) and yǎnjing (&quot;eye&quot;),
  5856. keeping them even more distinct from each other.
  5857. </para>
  5858. <para>
  5859. zhipiàoběn: ’’checkbook&quot; Zhípiào is a &quot;check,&quot;
  5860. literally &quot;pay-ticket.&quot; Běn(r) is a booklet.
  5861. </para>
  5862. <para>
  5863. dài: &quot;to bring&quot; This word sounds exactly like another you
  5864. learned in Unit 2, dài, &quot;to wear, to put on (glasses, gloves, a
  5865. hat, a wristwatch, jewelry, etc.).&quot; They are different words,
  5866. however, written With different characters ( for &quot;to
  5867. bring&quot; and for &quot;to wear&quot;). The translation of the
  5868. first Reference List sentence is idiomatic; we would say &quot;l
  5869. have . . . with me&quot; or &quot;ī have ... on me&quot; when
  5870. Chinese says literally, &quot;l have brought w
  5871. </para>
  5872. <para>
  5873. xiǎoběnzi: &quot;notebook,&quot; literally &quot;small book.&quot;
  5874. In Reference List sentence No. 2, xiǎoběnzi is translated
  5875. specifically as &quot;address book.&quot; Actually the word is more
  5876. neutral in meaning (&quot;notebook, booklet&quot;), but picks up the
  5877. specific translation from the context.
  5878. </para>
  5879. <para>
  5880. xiāngzi: &quot;box, trunk, case&quot; Xiāngzi corresponds to the
  5881. English &quot;suitcase, &quot; while xíngli is the equivalent of
  5882. &quot;luggage.&quot;
  5883. </para>
  5884. <para>
  5885. shēnbàodān: &quot;declaration form&quot; Shēnbào is the verb
  5886. &quot;to report to a higher body, to declare something at customs.
  5887. ’’ Dan is the noun meaning &quot;bill, list, note.&quot;
  5888. </para>
  5889. <para>
  5890. xiě zai shēnbàodānshang: &quot;write it on the deci'- .icn
  5891. form&quot; Notice that the place phrase (zài . . . shang) is placed
  5892. alter the verb here, rather than in its usual place before the verb.
  5893. When the location tells where the result of the activity is supposed
  5894. to end up, that location phrase may appear after the verb (a
  5895. position where other &quot;results&quot; also show up). Compare
  5896. these two sentences:
  5897. </para>
  5898. <para>
  5899. Zài zhuōzishang xiě zì.             Write (with paper) on the desk.
  5900. </para>
  5901. <para>
  5902. Bu yào xiě zai zhuōzishang!        Don’t write on the desk! (Said to
  5903. a
  5904. </para>
  5905. <para>
  5906. child making marks on the table.)
  5907. </para>
  5908. <para>
  5909. fùnu: &quot;women&amp; womankind&quot; This the term for
  5910. &quot;women&quot; in the general sense. The term nurén is less
  5911. polite and more biological: &quot;female.&quot; (in Taiwan, fùnú
  5912. refers only to married women. Nude may be used for &quot;women,
  5913. woman. ’’)
  5914. </para>
  5915. <para>
  5916. Wo zhidao hen duo Zhongguo funu bu dai shoushi, suoyi wo ye mei dai
  5917. shǒushi lai: The first verb dài means &quot;to wear,&quot; and the
  5918. second verb dai is &quot;to bring with one.&quot;
  5919. </para>
  5920. <para>
  5921. bǎ xiāngzi dǎkai gěi wo kànkan: &quot;open the suitcase for me to
  5922. take a look&quot; or &quot;open the suitcase and let me take a
  5923. look.&quot; You have learned gěi as a main verb &quot;to give&quot;
  5924. and as a prepositional verb meaning &quot;for&quot; (Qìng ni gěi wo
  5925. huànhuan, &quot;Please change it for me&quot;). In Reference List
  5926. sentence No. 9 you see gěi used in a longer type of sentence.
  5927. Compare the following
  5928. </para>
  5929. <para>
  5930. examples:
  5931. </para>
  5932. <para>
  5933. bǎ xiāngzi dǎkai gěi wǒ kànkan open the suitcase for me to take a
  5934. look
  5935. </para>
  5936. <para>
  5937. niàn gěi women tīngting            read it aloud for us to listen
  5938. </para>
  5939. <para>
  5940. mai nèidíng màozi gěi tā dài       buy that hat to give to her to
  5941. wear
  5942. </para>
  5943. <para>
  5944. zuò nèige diǎnxīn gěi háizi chī    make that pastry for the child to
  5945. eat
  5946. </para>
  5947. <para>
  5948. When gěi comes after the verb, it can mean either &quot;to
  5949. give&quot; or &quot;for, let.&quot; For example, Bǎ nèiběn shǔ
  5950. náchulai gěi wo kànkan could mean either &quot;Take out the book and
  5951. (actually) give it to me to look at,&quot;  OR &quot;Take out the
  5952. </para>
  5953. <para>
  5954. book for me to see (show it to me, not necessarily hand it to
  5955. me).&quot;  The
  5956. </para>
  5957. <para>
  5958. context will help you decide which is meant; often, only one will
  5959. make sense.
  5960. </para>
  5961. <para>
  5962. CAUTION: Although gěi is sometimes idiomatically translated as
  5963. &quot;to let,&quot;
  5964. </para>
  5965. <para>
  5966. you should not take this to mean that English &quot;to let&quot; may
  5967. always be trans
  5968. </para>
  5969. <para>
  5970. lated into Chinese with gěi. There is a very limited correspondence
  5971. between &quot;let&quot; and gěi. Usually you will translate &quot;to
  5972. let&quot; as rang, which is introduced in Unit 6, Part III, of this
  5973. module.
  5974. </para>
  5975. <para>
  5976. Méi shi le: &quot;Everything is all right now&quot; OR &quot;There's
  5977. no further business.&quot; Here, this means &quot;Now that I’ve
  5978. looked over your suitcase I find that there isn't anything further
  5979. we need to take up.&quot;
  5980. </para>
  5981. <para>
  5982. yùbeihǎo le: &quot;prepared&quot; You have already learned the word
  5983. zhǔnbèi, &quot;to prepare, to get ready&quot; or &quot;to plan
  5984. to.&quot; Yùbei is a close synonym.
  5985. </para>
  5986. <para>
  5987. Yùbeihǎo or zhùnbèihǎo both mean &quot;to get all ready.&quot; The
  5988. ending -hǎo on certain verbs indicates bringing something to a
  5989. satisfactory conclusion.
  5990. </para>
  5991. <para>
  5993. </para>
  5994. <para>
  5995. An American woman is going
  5996. </para>
  5997. <para>
  5998. M: NĪ bǎ ni dàide dōngxi dōu xiě zai shēnbàodānshang le ma?
  5999. </para>
  6000. <para>
  6001. F:   Dou xiě le.
  6002. </para>
  6003. <para>
  6004. M: Nī dàile yíge zhàoxiàngjī, yíge lùyīnjī, yíge shōuyīnjī, duì bu
  6005. dui?
  6006. </para>
  6007. <para>
  6008. F: Duì le.
  6009. </para>
  6010. <literallayout>
  6011. </literallayout>
  6012. <para>
  6013. through customs in Guǎngzhōu (Canton).
  6014. </para>
  6015. <literallayout>
  6016. </literallayout>
  6017. <para>
  6018. Did you write everything you have with you on your declaration?
  6019. </para>
  6020. <para>
  6021. Yes, I wrote everything.
  6022. </para>
  6023. <para>
  6024. You have a camera, a tape recorder and a radio with you, don't you?
  6025. </para>
  6026. <para>
  6027. Right.
  6028. </para>
  6029. <literallayout>
  6030. </literallayout>
  6031. <para>
  6032. M:   Nǐ dàile duōshao lùyǐndài?
  6033. </para>
  6034. <para>
  6035. F:   Wǒ dàile èrshijuǎn.
  6036. </para>
  6037. <para>
  6038. M:   Nǐ dàile shǒushi méiyou?
  6039. </para>
  6040. <para>
  6041. F:   Wǒ zhīdao hěn duō Zhōngguo fùnu
  6042. </para>
  6043. <para>
  6044. bú dài shǒushi, suóyi wǒ yě méi dài shǒushi lai.
  6045. </para>
  6046. <para>
  6047. M:   Nǐ dàile duōshao Měijǐn?
  6048. </para>
  6049. <para>
  6050. F:   Wǒ dàile sānqiān wùbǎikuài.
  6051. </para>
  6052. <para>
  6053. M:   Qǐng ni bǎ xiāngzi dǎkai gěi
  6054. </para>
  6055. <para>
  6056. women kànkan.
  6057. </para>
  6058. <para>
  6059. F:   Hǎo.
  6060. </para>
  6061. <para>
  6062. M:   Hǎo. Xièxie ni. Méi shi le.
  6063. </para>
  6064. <para>
  6065. Nǐ kéyi zǒu le.
  6066. </para>
  6067. <literallayout>
  6068. </literallayout>
  6069. <para>
  6070. How much tape do you have with you?
  6071. </para>
  6072. <para>
  6073. I have twenty reels with me.
  6074. </para>
  6075. <para>
  6076. Do you have any jewelry with you?
  6077. </para>
  6078. <para>
  6079. I knew that many Chinese women don’t wear jewelry, so I didn’t bring
  6080. any jewelry either.
  6081. </para>
  6082. <para>
  6083. How much American money do you have with you?
  6084. </para>
  6085. <para>
  6086. I have three thousand five hundred dollars.
  6087. </para>
  6088. <para>
  6089. Please open your suitcase and let us take a look.
  6090. </para>
  6091. <para>
  6092. Certainly.
  6093. </para>
  6094. <para>
  6095. Okay, thank you. Everything is all right. You may go now.
  6096. </para>
  6097. <literallayout>
  6098. </literallayout>
  6099. <para>
  6101. </para>
  6102. <para>
  6103. A Chinese couple in Taipei are talking on a trip.
  6104. </para>
  6105. <para>
  6106. F:   Nǐ yào dàide dōngxi dōu yùbeihǎo
  6107. </para>
  6108. <para>
  6109. le meiyou?
  6110. </para>
  6111. <para>
  6112. M:   Wǒ xiǎng wǒ dōu yùbeihǎo le.
  6113. </para>
  6114. <para>
  6115. Yǎnjìng gēn zhǐpiàoběn dōu dài le. Xiǎoběnzi zài wo xīzhuǎng kǒudài
  6116. lǐmiàn.
  6117. </para>
  6118. <para>
  6119. F:   Nǐ shuō nǐ yào zhào xiàng. Nǐ
  6120. </para>
  6121. <para>
  6122. dài zhàoxiàngjī le meiyou?
  6123. </para>
  6124. <para>
  6125. M:   Wǒ dài le. Zài xiāngzili.
  6126. </para>
  6127. <literallayout>
  6128. </literallayout>
  6129. <para>
  6130. just before the husband is to leave
  6131. </para>
  6132. <literallayout>
  6133. </literallayout>
  6134. <para>
  6135. Have you got all the things you want to take with you ready?
  6136. </para>
  6137. <para>
  6138. I think I have them all ready. I have my glasses and my checkbook
  6139. with me. My address book is in my suit pocket.
  6140. </para>
  6141. <para>
  6142. You said you wanted to take pictures. Do you have your camera with
  6143. you?
  6144. </para>
  6145. <para>
  6146. Yes. It’s in my suitcase.
  6147. </para>
  6148. <literallayout>
  6149. </literallayout>
  6150. <para>
  6152. </para>
  6153. <para>
  6154. *zhào xiàng: ’’to take photographs’’ (WLF 6)
  6155. </para>
  6156. <para>
  6157. PART II
  6158. </para>
  6159. <para>
  6161. </para>
  6162. <para>
  6163. 1U. Nǐ zhù fángzi háishi gōngyù?
  6164. </para>
  6165. <itemizedlist>
  6166. <listitem>
  6167. <para>
  6168. 15. Zhèige fángzi yígòng you jlge fángjiān?
  6169. </para>
  6170. </listitem>
  6171. <listitem>
  6172. <para>
  6173. 16. Zhèige fángzi you sānjiān wòshì.
  6174. </para>
  6175. </listitem>
  6176. <listitem>
  6177. <para>
  6178. 17. W3 dài ni kànkan.
  6179. </para>
  6180. </listitem>
  6181. <listitem>
  6182. <para>
  6183. 18. Women ba fángzi zūchuqu le.
  6184. </para>
  6185. </listitem>
  6186. <listitem>
  6187. <para>
  6188. 19. Wǒmen xiān dào kètǐng zuò yíxià, he diǎn chá.
  6189. </para>
  6190. </listitem>
  6191. <listitem>
  6192. <para>
  6193. 20. Zhèige fángzi hǎoxiàng hěn dà.
  6194. </para>
  6195. </listitem>
  6196. <listitem>
  6197. <para>
  6198. 21. Zènme dàde fángzi, gǎo wèishēng hěn máfan ba?
  6199. </para>
  6200. </listitem>
  6201. <listitem>
  6202. <para>
  6203. 22. Píngcháng Xiao Lan gēn wo yìqǐ shōushi wūzi.
  6204. </para>
  6205. </listitem>
  6206. <listitem>
  6207. <para>
  6208. 23. Women dào fàntíng chī fàn qu ba.
  6209. </para>
  6210. </listitem>
  6211. </itemizedlist>
  6212. <para>
  6213. 2U. Wo shi zìjǐ zuò fàn.
  6214. </para>
  6215. <para>
  6216. 25. chúfáng
  6217. </para>
  6218. <para>
  6219. 26. xǐzaofáng
  6220. </para>
  6221. <para>
  6222. 27• shūfáng
  6223. </para>
  6224. <para>
  6225. 28. wòfáng
  6226. </para>
  6227. <literallayout>
  6228. </literallayout>
  6229. <para>
  6230. Do you live in a house or an apartment building?
  6231. </para>
  6232. <para>
  6233. How many rooms does this house/ apartment have?
  6234. </para>
  6235. <para>
  6236. This house/apartment has three bedrooms.
  6237. </para>
  6238. <para>
  6239. I’ll take you and show you.
  6240. </para>
  6241. <para>
  6242. We rented out the house/apartment.
  6243. </para>
  6244. <para>
  6245. Let’s first go and sit in the living room and drink some tea.
  6246. </para>
  6247. <para>
  6248. This house/apartment seems very large
  6249. </para>
  6250. <para>
  6251. It must be a bother to do the cleaning with such a large house.
  6252. </para>
  6253. <para>
  6254. Usually Xiao Lán straightens up the place (rooms) with me.
  6255. </para>
  6256. <para>
  6257. Let’s go to the dining room and eat.
  6258. </para>
  6259. <para>
  6260. I do my own cooking.
  6261. </para>
  6262. <para>
  6263. kitchen
  6264. </para>
  6265. <para>
  6266. bathroom
  6267. </para>
  6268. <para>
  6269. study, library (of a house)
  6270. </para>
  6271. <para>
  6272. bedroom (alternate word for wòshì)
  6273. </para>
  6274. <literallayout>
  6275. </literallayout>
  6276. <para>
  6278. </para>
  6279. <para>
  6280. gōngyù: &quot;apartment building,&quot; literally &quot;public
  6281. residence&quot; In the PRC, the word gōngyù is seldom used (only in
  6282. the names of some buildings, and in technical contexts), but in
  6283. Taiwan it is widely used. &quot;Apartment building&quot; may be
  6284. translated as either gōngyù or gōngyùlōu. Gōngyù is sometimes used
  6285. for an &quot;apartment.&quot;
  6286. </para>
  6287. <para>
  6288. Nǐmende gōngyù you jíjiān          How many rooms does your
  6289. apartment
  6290. </para>
  6291. <para>
  6292. fángjiān?                          have?
  6293. </para>
  6294. <para>
  6295. But you would use dānyuán, &quot;unit,” not gōngyù, for ’’apartment”
  6296. in
  6297. </para>
  6298. <para>
  6299. Zhèige gōngyùlóu you duō-          How many apartments are there
  6300. </para>
  6301. <para>
  6302. shao dānyuán?                      in this apartment building?
  6303. </para>
  6304. <para>
  6305. Although an apartment-dweller will usually refer in English to his
  6306. ’’apartment,” in everyday conversation, Chinese usually just speak
  6307. of their fángzi. In other words, any type of residence—house or
  6308. apartment—can be called a fángzi. Use the word gōngyù when you need
  6309. to distinguish clearly between ’’apartment&quot; and &quot;house.
  6310. </para>
  6311. <para>
  6312. -Jiǎn: This is the counter for rooms. Don’t confuse it with the
  6313. falling tone -jian, the counter for articles of clothing, which you
  6314. learned in WLF 2.
  6315. </para>
  6316. <para>
  6317. dài: This is the verb you learned meaning &quot;to bring (along), to
  6318. take (along).’’ Here it is used with the extended meaning of
  6319. &quot;to take&quot; or &quot;lead&quot; someone to a place.
  6320. </para>
  6321. <para>
  6322. Wǒ dài ni qù.
  6323. </para>
  6324. <literallayout>
  6325. </literallayout>
  6326. <para>
  6327. I’ll take you there.
  6328. </para>
  6329. <para>
  6330. Xiàwu qing ni dài háizi dào gōngyuán qu wánr.
  6331. </para>
  6332. <literallayout>
  6333. </literallayout>
  6334. <para>
  6335. In the afternoon, please take the children to the park to play.
  6336. </para>
  6337. <literallayout>
  6338. </literallayout>
  6339. <para>
  6340. zūchuqu: &quot;to rent out&quot; The verb zū by itself means
  6341. &quot;to rent&quot; in the opposite direction, that is, to rent
  6342. something from the owner. Contrast:
  6343. </para>
  6344. <para>
  6345. Wǒ bǎ fángzi zūchuqu le.
  6346. </para>
  6347. <literallayout>
  6348. </literallayout>
  6349. <para>
  6350. I rented out the house.
  6351. </para>
  6352. <literallayout>
  6353. </literallayout>
  6354. <para>
  6355. Wǒ zūle yige fángzi.
  6356. </para>
  6357. <literallayout>
  6358. </literallayout>
  6359. <para>
  6360. I rented a house (to live in).
  6361. </para>
  6362. <literallayout>
  6363. </literallayout>
  6364. <para>
  6365. kètīng: &quot;living room,&quot; literally, &quot;guest-hall.&quot;
  6366. </para>
  6367. <para>
  6368. dào kètīng zuò yíxià: &quot;go to the living room and sit a
  6369. while&quot; This is roughly the equivalent of dào kètīng qù zuò
  6370. yíxià. The verb qù is sometimes omitted after a dào phrase when the
  6371. meaning of &quot;go&quot; does not need to be emphasized.
  6372. </para>
  6373. <para>
  6374. hē chá: &quot;to drink tea&quot; This is not an involved ritual as
  6375. the Japanese have, but it is not simply the taking of a beverage,
  6376. either. Hē chá, in a social setting means talking and relaxing while
  6377. sipping tea. Books have been written on tea in China, its social
  6378. significance, and the art of serving it. We cannot do justice to the
  6379. topic in this small note. Let us Just leave you with two tips:
  6380. </para>
  6381. <para>
  6382. 1. Except with close friends, don’t turn down
  6383. </para>
  6384. <para>
  6385. a cup of tea when offered. It is as much a gesture of friendship and
  6386. a means of communication as it is a beverage.
  6387. </para>
  6388. <para>
  6389. 2. Don’t ask for sugar, lemon or milk. Unless you are in a
  6390. restaurant ordering it, lemon and milk will most likely be
  6391. unavailable. It is a double embarrassment to your host, who may not
  6392. keep lemon and milk on hand, and who hates to see someone defile the
  6393. good taste of pure tea.
  6394. </para>
  6395. <para>
  6396. hǎoxiàng; ”to seem, it seems as if” Use this word as an adverb,
  6397. placing it before the verb phrase.
  6398. </para>
  6399. <para>
  6400. Tā haoxiàng bù dong.
  6401. </para>
  6402. <literallayout>
  6403. </literallayout>
  6404. <para>
  6405. He seemed not to understand. OR He didn’t seem to understand.
  6406. </para>
  6407. <para>
  6408. Nǐ hǎoxiàng bú tài xǐhuan zhèige fāngzi.
  6409. </para>
  6410. <literallayout>
  6411. </literallayout>
  6412. <para>
  6413. You don’t seem to like this house too much.
  6414. </para>
  6415. <literallayout>
  6416. </literallayout>
  6417. <para>
  6418. Nǐ hǎoxiàng zài xiǎng shénme shi.
  6419. </para>
  6420. <literallayout>
  6421. </literallayout>
  6422. <para>
  6423. You seem to be thinking about something.
  6424. </para>
  6425. <literallayout>
  6426. </literallayout>
  6427. <para>
  6428. Tā gēge hǎoxiàng chǎngchāng shēng bìng.
  6429. </para>
  6430. <literallayout>
  6431. </literallayout>
  6432. <para>
  6433. His older brother seems to get sick very often.
  6434. </para>
  6435. <literallayout>
  6436. </literallayout>
  6437. <para>
  6438. Hǎoxiàng is sometimes used merely to express that the speaker thinks
  6439. a situation is so, but cannot confirm his suspicion. In such
  6440. sentences, hǎoxiàng is best translated as &quot;it seems to me that
  6441. . . .&quot;or &quot;l think . . .&quot;or &quot;l seem to remember .
  6442. . . .&quot; Notice that the word order in Chinese stays the same.
  6443. </para>
  6444. <para>
  6445. Wǒ hǎoxiàng zài nǎr kànjianguo zhèige zì.
  6446. </para>
  6447. <literallayout>
  6448. </literallayout>
  6449. <para>
  6450. It seems to me I’ve seen this character somewhere before.
  6451. </para>
  6452. <literallayout>
  6453. </literallayout>
  6454. <para>
  6455. Nǐ hǎoxiàng gàosuguo wo zhèijiàn shìqing.
  6456. </para>
  6457. <literallayout>
  6458. </literallayout>
  6459. <para>
  6460. I seem to remember your telling me about this before.
  6461. </para>
  6462. <literallayout>
  6463. </literallayout>
  6464. <para>
  6465. Zài nèige shíhou, tā hǎoxiàng hái zhù zài Jiāzhōu.
  6466. </para>
  6467. <literallayout>
  6468. </literallayout>
  6469. <para>
  6470. At that time, he was still living in California, I think.
  6471. </para>
  6472. <literallayout>
  6473. </literallayout>
  6474. <para>
  6475. Mǎiguo hǎoxiàng méiyou zhèige duì bu dui?
  6476. </para>
  6477. <literallayout>
  6478. </literallayout>
  6479. <para>
  6480. It seems to me you don’t have this in America, do you?
  6481. </para>
  6482. <literallayout>
  6483. </literallayout>
  6484. <para>
  6485. gǎo wèishēng: &quot;to. clean,&quot; literally &quot;to do
  6486. sanitation&quot; This is an expression used in the PRC. The verb
  6487. gǎo, &quot;to do,&quot; originally a word found in southern dialects
  6488. of Mandarin Chinese, is now widely used in Standard Chinese, even in
  6489. Běijǐng. In Taiwan, gǎo does not have as wide a usage as in the PRC,
  6490. where many new expressions have been created since 19^9 using this
  6491. ve<superscript>1</superscript> b.
  6492. </para>
  6493. <para>
  6494. máfan: &quot;to be troublesome, to be a nuisance, to be
  6495. inconvenient&quot; In the Money module, you learned the verb máfan
  6496. for &quot;to bother, to incon-venience (someone),&quot; as in Mafan
  6497. nǐ le, &quot;Sorry to trouble you.&quot; Here you learn máfan as an
  6498. adjectival verb.
  6499. </para>
  6500. <para>
  6501. Nà tài máfan le.
  6502. </para>
  6503. <literallayout>
  6504. </literallayout>
  6505. <para>
  6506. That’s too much trouble
  6507. </para>
  6508. <literallayout>
  6509. </literallayout>
  6510. <para>
  6511. Zhen máfan.
  6512. </para>
  6513. <literallayout>
  6514. </literallayout>
  6515. <para>
  6516. What a bother.
  6517. </para>
  6518. <para>
  6519. pingcháng: &quot;usually, generally, ordinarily&quot; Like other
  6520. two-syllable time words, pingcháng may come before or after the
  6521. subject, but always before the verb.
  6522. </para>
  6523. <para>
  6524. Pingcháng women dōu zài kètīng
  6525. </para>
  6526. <para>
  6527. kàn diànshì.                      We usually watch television in
  6528. </para>
  6529. <para>
  6530. Women pingcháng dōu zài kètíng       the living room,
  6531. </para>
  6532. <para>
  6533. kàn diànshì.
  6534. </para>
  6535. <para>
  6536. Wǒ pingcháng Jiǔdiǎn zhong cái I don’t usually get off work xià ban.
  6537.                             until nine o’clock.
  6538. </para>
  6539. <para>
  6540. shōushi: &quot;to straighten up, to tidy up (a place)&quot; or
  6541. &quot;to put away, to put in order, to clear away (things).&quot;
  6542. Use shōushi when you’re talking about neatening up a place, use gǎo
  6543. wèishēng when you’re talking about soap and water cleaning in the
  6544. PRC land gǎo qingjié &quot;to (soap and water) clean&quot; in
  6545. Taiwan!.
  6546. </para>
  6547. <para>
  6548. Tā hǎoxiàng you bànnián méi shōushi wūzi le.
  6549. </para>
  6550. <literallayout>
  6551. </literallayout>
  6552. <para>
  6553. It looks as if he hasn't picked up his place in half a year.
  6554. </para>
  6555. <literallayout>
  6556. </literallayout>
  6557. <para>
  6558. NÍ kuài yìdiǎnr shōushi xíngli, women yào zǒu le.
  6559. </para>
  6560. <literallayout>
  6561. </literallayout>
  6562. <para>
  6563. Pack your things quickly, we want
  6564. </para>
  6565. <literallayout>
  6566. </literallayout>
  6567. <para>
  6568. to leave.
  6569. </para>
  6570. <literallayout>
  6571. </literallayout>
  6572. <para>
  6573. wūzi and fángjiān: Both of these words means &quot;room,
  6574. chamber.&quot; Wūzi is seldom used in Taiwan, however. For rooms in
  6575. public places, like hotels, use fángj iān rather than wūzi.
  6576. </para>
  6577. <para>
  6578. fànting: &quot;dining room,&quot; literally &quot;meal-hall.&quot;
  6579. </para>
  6580. <para>
  6581. chi fàn: &quot;to eat,&quot; literally &quot;eat food.&quot; Fan is
  6582. literally, &quot;cooked rice,&quot; but in the expression chi fàn it
  6583. refers to food in general or a meal. This is another example of a
  6584. verb plus general object, like niàn shū, &quot;to study&quot; or
  6585. shuō huà &quot;to speak.&quot; (See BIO, Unit 7.) This verb chí may,
  6586. of course, be followed by a specific object such as pingguǒ,
  6587. &quot;apples,&quot; as in:
  6588. </para>
  6589. <para>
  6590. Wǒ chile yíge píngguǒ.              I ate an apple.
  6591. </para>
  6592. <para>
  6593. But if you mean &quot;eat&quot; in the sense of &quot;to eat
  6594. food&quot; or &quot;to have a meal,&quot; then you should use the
  6595. general object fan:
  6596. </para>
  6597. <para>
  6598. Nǐ chi fan le meiyou?              Have you eaten? (Have you eaten
  6599. </para>
  6600. <para>
  6601. a meal?)
  6602. </para>
  6603. <para>
  6604. Tā zuì ài chi fan.                  He loves to eat most of all.
  6605. </para>
  6606. <para>
  6607. zuò fan: &quot;to cook,&quot; literally &quot;to make food.&quot;
  6608. This is another verbgeneral object combination. As with chi fan, the
  6609. verb alone may be used with more specific objects.
  6610. </para>
  6611. <para>
  6612. chúfáng: &quot;kitchen,&quot; literally &quot;kitchen-room.&quot;
  6613. </para>
  6614. <para>
  6615. xǐzǎofáng: &quot;bathroom&quot; This is a room for taking a bath,
  6616. and not necessarily a room with a toilet. Xǐzǎo, which is introduced
  6617. in Part III of this unit, means &quot;to take a bathT” Remember, if
  6618. you want to ask where there is a toilet, ask for the cèsuǒ,
  6619. &quot;toilet;&quot; or use the polite Westernized term, xǐshǒujiān,
  6620. &quot;washroom.&quot; In rural areas, you would ask where the cèsuǒ
  6621. is.
  6622. </para>
  6623. <para>
  6624. In Taiwan, modern houses and apartments usually have the toilet in
  6625. the same room as the bathtub. In the PRC, apartment buildings built
  6626. during the 1950’s may have a room with a bathtub in the apartment.
  6627. Apartment buildings built since then usually only include a toilet
  6628. and sink in each apartment, and no bathtub.
  6629. </para>
  6630. <para>
  6631. You should usually lower your voice to ask where the bathroom is.
  6632. Many people even consider it polite to put one’s hand in front of
  6633. the mouth when asking Cèsuǒ zài náli? Another polite way to ask is
  6634. Wǒ keyi yòng yixià nǐmende cèsuǒ ma? &quot;May I use your
  6635. toilet?&quot;
  6636. </para>
  6637. <para>
  6638. shūfáng: &quot;study,&quot; literally &quot;book-room.&quot;
  6639. </para>
  6640. <para>
  6641. wòfáng: &quot;bedroom,&quot; literally &quot;sleeping-room.&quot;
  6642. Wòfáng and wòshì are both used for &quot;bedroom.&quot;
  6643. </para>
  6644. <para>
  6646. </para>
  6647. <para>
  6648. A Chinese woman (Fl) has been invited to dinner at the home of an
  6649. American couple in Taipei.
  6650. </para>
  6651. <para>
  6652. Fl: You! Nǐmen Jiā hěn piàoliang, Oh, your house is lovely, so neat
  6653. shǒushide zhēn gānjìng!            and clean!
  6654. </para>
  6655. <para>
  6656. F2: Xièxie ni. Wǒmen xiān dào         Thank you. Let’s first go and
  6657. sit
  6658. </para>
  6659. <para>
  6660. kètīng zuò yíxià hē diǎn chá. in the living room a while and and
  6661. drink some tea.
  6662. </para>
  6663. <para>
  6664. Fl: Hǎo.
  6665. </para>
  6666. <para>
  6667. F2: Wo xiānshēng you shi dào Táizhōng qù le. Jintiān wǎnshàng jiù
  6668. shi women liǎngge rén chi fan.
  6669. </para>
  6670. <para>
  6671. Fl: Nà women yìqǐ zuò fàn, hǎo bu hǎo?
  6672. </para>
  6673. <para>
  6674. F2: Bu yòng le. Chúfāng hen xiǎo. Wǒ yíjīng bǎ wǎnfàn dōu yùbeihǎo
  6675. le.
  6676. </para>
  6677. <para>
  6678. Fl: 0, zhèige fángzi hǎoxiàng hen dà. Nǐmen you jíjiān wòshì?
  6679. </para>
  6680. <para>
  6681. F2: Zhèige fángzi bú tài dà. Women you liǎngjiān wòshì. Zài kè-tíng
  6682. yòubiān. Kèting zuǒbiān you yíge shūfáng. Píngcháng women dōu zài
  6683. shūfáng kàn diànshì. Wǒ dài ni kànkan, zěnmeyàng?
  6684. </para>
  6685. <para>
  6686. Fl: Hěn hǎo.
  6687. </para>
  6688. <literallayout>
  6689. </literallayout>
  6690. <para>
  6691. Fine.
  6692. </para>
  6693. <para>
  6694. My husband has gone to T'aichung on business. This evening it will
  6695. be Just the two of us eating.
  6696. </para>
  6697. <para>
  6698. Well then, let’s cook together, all right?
  6699. </para>
  6700. <para>
  6701. There’s no need to. The kitchen is small. I’ve already prepared
  6702. dinner.
  6703. </para>
  6704. <para>
  6705. Oh, this house seems to be quite large. How many bedrooms do you
  6706. have?
  6707. </para>
  6708. <para>
  6709. This house isn't very large. We have two bedrooms. They are to the
  6710. right of the living room. To the left of the living room there’s a
  6711. study. We usually watch television in the study. Would you like me
  6712. to show you?
  6713. </para>
  6714. <para>
  6715. Sure.
  6716. </para>
  6717. <literallayout>
  6718. </literallayout>
  6719. <para>
  6720. F2: Hǎo, women dào fàntīng qu chi fàn ba.
  6721. </para>
  6722. <para>
  6723. Fl: Hǎojíle.
  6724. </para>
  6725. <literallayout>
  6726. </literallayout>
  6727. <para>
  6728. Okay, let’s go to the dining room and eat.
  6729. </para>
  6730. <para>
  6731. Great.
  6732. </para>
  6733. <literallayout>
  6734. </literallayout>
  6735. <para>
  6737. </para>
  6738. <para>
  6739. Wǒ xiānshēng you shi dào Táizhōng qu le: &quot;My husband has gone
  6740. to T’aichung on business.&quot; More literally, &quot;My husband had
  6741. some business and went to T’aichung.&quot;
  6742. </para>
  6743. <para>
  6745. </para>
  6746. <para>
  6747. An American man (M) is talking with a Chinese women (F) in Běijīng.
  6748. </para>
  6749. <para>
  6750. F: Nǐde jiā zài Měiguo shénme          Where is your home in
  6751. America?
  6752. </para>
  6753. <para>
  6754. dìfangr?
  6755. </para>
  6756. <para>
  6757. M: Zài Huáshèngdùn.
  6758. </para>
  6759. <para>
  6760. F: N? you fángzi ma?
  6761. </para>
  6762. <para>
  6763. M: Women yěu yige fángzi.
  6764. </para>
  6765. <para>
  6766. F: Nǐ lái Běijīng, fángzi zěnme ban?
  6767. </para>
  6768. <para>
  6769. M: Wěmen bǎ fángzi zūchuqu le.
  6770. </para>
  6771. <para>
  6772. F:   Nǐmende fángzi dà bu da?
  6773. </para>
  6774. <para>
  6775. M: Bu hěn dà, yě bù hěn xiǎo. Louxià you kètīng, fàntīng, shūfáng,
  6776. gēn chúfáng. Lou-shàng you sānjiān wòshì gēn liǎngjiàn xǐzǎofáng.
  6777. </para>
  6778. <para>
  6779. F:   Ou, you zhème duo fángjiān.
  6780. </para>
  6781. <para>
  6782. Gǎo wèishēngde shíhour hěn máfan ba.
  6783. </para>
  6784. <para>
  6785. M:   Bú tài máfan. Háizimen dou
  6786. </para>
  6787. <para>
  6788. dà le. Tāmen yě gǎo wèishēng.
  6789. </para>
  6790. <para>
  6791. F:   Nǐ xǐhuan bu xǐhuan nǐ xiànzai
  6792. </para>
  6793. <para>
  6794. zhùde gōngyù?
  6795. </para>
  6796. <para>
  6797. M: Mámahūhū. Zhèrde gōngyù hái kéyi.
  6798. </para>
  6799. <literallayout>
  6800. </literallayout>
  6801. <para>
  6802. In Washington.
  6803. </para>
  6804. <para>
  6805. Do you have a house?
  6806. </para>
  6807. <para>
  6808. Yes, we do.
  6809. </para>
  6810. <para>
  6811. When you came to Běijīng, what did you do with the house?
  6812. </para>
  6813. <para>
  6814. We rented it out.
  6815. </para>
  6816. <para>
  6817. Is your house large?
  6818. </para>
  6819. <para>
  6820. It’s not very large and it’s not very small. Downstairs there’s the
  6821. living room, the dining room, the study, and the kitchen. Upstairs
  6822. there are three bedrooms and two bathrooms.
  6823. </para>
  6824. <para>
  6825. Oh, there are so many rooms. It must be troublesome when you do the
  6826. cleaning.
  6827. </para>
  6828. <para>
  6829. It’s not too troublesome. The children are all grown up. They do the
  6830. cleaning, too.
  6831. </para>
  6832. <para>
  6833. Do you like the apartment building where you’re living now?
  6834. </para>
  6835. <para>
  6836. So-so. The apartment buildings here aren’t too bad.
  6837. </para>
  6838. <literallayout>
  6839. </literallayout>
  6840. <para>
  6842. </para>
  6843. <para>
  6844. hái kéyi: Literally &quot;still okay,&quot; this phrase actually
  6845. means &quot;isn’t too bad.&quot;
  6846. </para>
  6847. <para>
  6848. FART III
  6849. </para>
  6850. <para>
  6852. </para>
  6853. <itemizedlist>
  6854. <listitem>
  6855. <para>
  6856. 29. Háizi xǐngle yǐhòu Jiào tāmen xǐ liǎn.
  6857. </para>
  6858. </listitem>
  6859. </itemizedlist>
  6860. <literallayout>
  6861. </literallayout>
  6862. <itemizedlist>
  6863. <listitem>
  6864. <para>
  6865. 30. Wǎnshàng shuì Jiao yǐqián Jiao tāmen shuā yá, xǐzǎo.
  6866. </para>
  6867. </listitem>
  6868. </itemizedlist>
  6869. <literallayout>
  6870. </literallayout>
  6871. <itemizedlist>
  6872. <listitem>
  6873. <para>
  6874. 31. Xǐle liǎn gěi tāmen he niúnǎi.
  6875. </para>
  6876. </listitem>
  6877. </itemizedlist>
  6878. <literallayout>
  6879. </literallayout>
  6880. <itemizedlist>
  6881. <listitem>
  6882. <para>
  6883. 32. Bǎ háizi gěi wo, wě bàoyibào.
  6884. </para>
  6885. </listitem>
  6886. </itemizedlist>
  6887. <literallayout>
  6888. </literallayout>
  6889. <itemizedlist>
  6890. <listitem>
  6891. <para>
  6892. 33. Wáng Ayí, háizimen chi fàn yǐhòu děi shuì wǔjiào.
  6893. </para>
  6894. </listitem>
  6895. </itemizedlist>
  6896. <literallayout>
  6897. </literallayout>
  6898. <para>
  6899. 3U. Rè shuǐ shāohǎo le meiyou?
  6900. </para>
  6901. <itemizedlist>
  6902. <listitem>
  6903. <para>
  6904. 35. Guò mǎlùde shíhou yào xiǎoxǐn.
  6905. </para>
  6906. </listitem>
  6907. <listitem>
  6908. <para>
  6909. 36. yágāo
  6910. </para>
  6911. </listitem>
  6912. <listitem>
  6913. <para>
  6914. 37. shūshu
  6915. </para>
  6916. </listitem>
  6917. </itemizedlist>
  6918. <literallayout>
  6919. </literallayout>
  6920. <para>
  6921. After the children wake up, have them wash their faces.
  6922. </para>
  6923. <para>
  6924. Before they go to sleep at night, have them brush their teeth and
  6925. take a bath.
  6926. </para>
  6927. <para>
  6928. When they’ve washed their faces, give them some milk to drink.
  6929. </para>
  6930. <para>
  6931. Give the baby to me, I’ll hold him.
  6932. </para>
  6933. <para>
  6934. Auntie Wáng, after they’ve eaten, the children have to take a
  6935. noontime nap.
  6936. </para>
  6937. <para>
  6938. Have you heated up the hot water?
  6939. </para>
  6940. <para>
  6941. Be careful when crossing the street.
  6942. </para>
  6943. <para>
  6944. toothpaste
  6945. </para>
  6946. <para>
  6947. uncle
  6948. </para>
  6949. <literallayout>
  6950. </literallayout>
  6951. <para>
  6953. </para>
  6954. <para>
  6955. xǐng: &quot;to wake up&quot; This is a process verb. It describes
  6956. the change from sleep or unconsciousness to waking or consciousness:
  6957. &quot;to become awake, to become conscious, to become sober.&quot;
  6958. In completed affirmative sentences, you will see the marker le; in
  6959. negative sentences you will see mei (not bù— this is not a state
  6960. verbTT Some of the quirks you faced with a verb like bìng (&quot;to
  6961. get sick,&quot; not &quot;to be sick&quot;), you also face here.
  6962. When you are thinking in English of &quot;He IS NOT awake,&quot; you
  6963. should think &quot;He HAS NOT awakened&quot; in Chinese.
  6964. </para>
  6965. <para>
  6966. Tā xǐngle meiyou?
  6967. </para>
  6968. <literallayout>
  6969. </literallayout>
  6970. <para>
  6971. Did he wake up? OR Is he awake yet?
  6972. </para>
  6973. <literallayout>
  6974. </literallayout>
  6975. <para>
  6976. Tā hái méi xǐng.
  6977. </para>
  6978. <literallayout>
  6979. </literallayout>
  6980. <para>
  6981. He is not awake yet.
  6982. </para>
  6983. <literallayout>
  6984. </literallayout>
  6985. <para>
  6986. Jiào: &quot;to ask, to order, to tell (someone to do
  6987. something)&quot; This is a prepositional verb, which means that it
  6988. and its object precede the verb.
  6989. </para>
  6990. <para>
  6991. Fùqin Jiao hàizimen huílai.        The father told the children to
  6992. </para>
  6993. <para>
  6994. come back.
  6995. </para>
  6996. <para>
  6997. Nǐ Jiao ta guòlai.                  Ask him to come over.
  6998. </para>
  6999. <para>
  7000. shuì Jiào: &quot;to sleep, to go to bed&quot;
  7001. </para>
  7002. <para>
  7003. Tā bādiǎn zhōng Jiù shuì Jiao le. He went to bed at eight o’clock
  7004. (already).
  7005. </para>
  7006. <para>
  7007. Nǐ Jǐdiǎn zhōng shuì Jiào?         What time do you go to bed?
  7008. </para>
  7009. <para>
  7010. Tā měitiān shuì bāge zhōngtóu.     He sleeps eight hours a night.
  7011. </para>
  7012. <para>
  7013. Nǐ shuìde hao bu hǎo?              Did you sleep well?
  7014. </para>
  7015. <para>
  7016. N? shuìhǎole ma?                   Did you sleep well?  OR  Have you
  7017. </para>
  7018. <para>
  7019. finished sleeping?
  7020. </para>
  7021. <para>
  7022. shuā yá: &quot;to brush teeth&quot; Besides brushing teeth, you can
  7023. shuā yǐfu, &quot;brush clothes,&quot; and shuā xie, &quot;brush
  7024. (off) shoes.&quot; Do not use shuā for use for brushing hair,
  7025. however Lsee shū tou &quot;to comb or brush one’s hair, WLF, Unit
  7026. 3). CThe noun for a &quot;brush&quot; is shuāzi.J
  7027. </para>
  7028. <para>
  7029. niúnǎi: Literally, &quot;cow-milk,&quot; and used only to refer to
  7030. cow's milk. The word nǎi by itself does not specify the kind of
  7031. milk.
  7032. </para>
  7033. <para>
  7034. bào: &quot;to embrace, to hug&quot; people, or &quot;to hold in
  7035. one's arms&quot; a child, package, etc.
  7036. </para>
  7037. <para>
  7038. Lái, baba gěi ni bàobao.            Come, papa will hold you. (said
  7039. to
  7040. </para>
  7041. <para>
  7042. child as he is handed from mother to father)
  7043. </para>
  7044. <para>
  7045. Ayí: &quot;auntie&quot; This is a term of address used by children
  7046. for friends of the family, not blood relatives.
  7047. </para>
  7048. <para>
  7049. shuì wǔjiào: &quot;to take an afternoon nap,&quot; literally,
  7050. &quot;sleep noon-nap.&quot; The wǔjiào, a nap after lunch, is very
  7051. popular in China. Many institutions, factories, and schools give
  7052. time off every day for this purpose.
  7053. </para>
  7054. <para>
  7055. shǎo: &quot;to heat, to cook&quot; (Another meaning is &quot;to
  7056. burn.&quot;) Since the verb shǎo by itself means to put heat to
  7057. something, a resultative ending is needed when you want to indicate
  7058. &quot;boiling&quot; or &quot;heated up.&quot;
  7059. </para>
  7060. <para>
  7061. Wo qù shāo diǎnr shuī.              I'll go put some water on (the
  7062. </para>
  7063. <para>
  7064. stove).
  7065. </para>
  7066. <para>
  7067. Re shuǐ shāohǎo le.                The hot water has been heated up.
  7068. </para>
  7069. <para>
  7070. Shuǐ yījīng shāokāi le.            The water is already boiling.
  7071. </para>
  7072. <para>
  7073. mǎlù: ’’paved road.” This is the word usually used for paved city
  7074. streets. Mǎlù is literally &quot;horse-road,” that is, a road on
  7075. which horses and people can go. A theory has also been advanced that
  7076. the mǎ is a transliteration of the first syllable of
  7077. &quot;macadam&quot; (a road made with layers of rolled broken
  7078. stones, with a tar or asphalt base).
  7079. </para>
  7080. <para>
  7081. xiǎoxln: &quot;to be careful,&quot; literally
  7082. &quot;small-heart.&quot;
  7083. </para>
  7084. <para>
  7085. É, xiǎoxln diǎnr!                  Hey, be a little more careful!
  7086. </para>
  7087. <para>
  7088. shūshu: &quot;uncle&quot; This is a term of affection used by
  7089. children for older male friends of the family.
  7090. </para>
  7091. <para>
  7093. </para>
  7094. <para>
  7095. A Canadian woman (A) is talking to her
  7096. </para>
  7097. <para>
  7098. A: Wang Ayí, háizimen chī fàn yǐhòu děi shuā yā, rànhòu zài shuì
  7099. wǔjiào. Pingchang tāmen shuì yìliǎngge zhōngtóu. Xǐngle yǐhòu gěi
  7100. tāmen xǐ liǎn, zài dài tāmen chūqu wānrwanr.
  7101. </para>
  7102. <para>
  7103. C:   Hǎo.
  7104. </para>
  7105. <para>
  7106. A:   Xiàwu sìwǔdiǎn zhǒng gěi tāmen
  7107. </para>
  7108. <para>
  7109. hē niunǎi.
  7110. </para>
  7111. <para>
  7112. C:   Tāmen wǎnshàng yào chi shénme?
  7113. </para>
  7114. <para>
  7115. A:   Wǒ yijīng zuòhǎo le. Dōu zài
  7116. </para>
  7117. <para>
  7118. zhèr. Wǎnshàng shuì jiào yǐqiān jiào tāmen shuā yā, xǐzǎo. Haizimen
  7119. yìtiān yào shuā sāncì yā.
  7120. </para>
  7121. <literallayout>
  7122. </literallayout>
  7123. <para>
  7124. new maid (C) in Běijīng.
  7125. </para>
  7126. <para>
  7127. Auntie Wang, after lunch the children have to brush their teeth and
  7128. then take their naps. Usually they sleep an hour or two. After they
  7129. wake up, wash their faces for them, and then take them out to play.
  7130. </para>
  7131. <para>
  7132. Okay.
  7133. </para>
  7134. <para>
  7135. At four or five in the afternoon, give them some milk to drink.
  7136. </para>
  7137. <para>
  7138. What will they eat in the evening?
  7139. </para>
  7140. <para>
  7141. I’ve prepared it already. It’s all here. At night before they go to
  7142. bed, have them brush their teeth and take a bath. The children are
  7143. supposed to brush their teeth three times a day. C: Hǎo.
  7144. </para>
  7145. <literallayout>
  7146. </literallayout>
  7147. <para>
  7149. </para>
  7150. <para>
  7151. In Taipei on a Sunday afternoon, a young mother (Huìmīn) and father
  7152. (Tíngsōng) are at home:
  7153. </para>
  7154. <para>
  7155. M:   Huìmǐn, wo xiǎng hē diǎn chā, Huìmǐn, I want some tea, do you?
  7156. </para>
  7157. <para>
  7158. nǐ yào bu yào?
  7159. </para>
  7160. <para>
  7161. F: Yào, dànshi rè shui meiyou le. Yes, but there’s no more hot
  7162. water. Wǒ qù shāo.                          I’ll go put some on.
  7163. </para>
  7164. <para>
  7165. M:   Bú yào, bú yào, wǒ zìjī qù.        No, no, I’ll go myself.
  7166. </para>
  7167. <para>
  7168. F:   Hǎo, wǒ qù kànkan Xiǎo Bǎo         Okay, I’ll go check if Xiǎo
  7169. Bǎo (the
  7170. </para>
  7171. <para>
  7172. xǐng le meiyou.                     baby) is up yet.
  7173. </para>
  7174. <para>
  7175. (They both leave the room. Later when Huìmǐn (the wife) returns,
  7176. TÍngsōng is sitting on the sofa.)
  7177. </para>
  7178. <para>
  7179. F: Ting,* Xiǎo Bǎo xingle. Nǐ bào Ting, Xiǎo Bǎo is up. You hold him
  7180. yíxià. Wǒ qù bǎ niúnǎi             for a minute. I’m going to go
  7181. </para>
  7182. <para>
  7183. nònghǎo.                             get his (cow’s) milk ready.
  7184. </para>
  7185. <para>
  7186. M:   (To the baby) Lai, ràng bàba Here, let daddy hold you.
  7187. </para>
  7188. <para>
  7189. bàobao.
  7190. </para>
  7191. <para>
  7192. (Huìmǐn comes in with a bottle and hands it to TÍngsōng.)
  7193. </para>
  7194. <para>
  7195. M: Nǐ kàn, shuì wǔjiào yǐhòu, tā Look, he’s so hungry after his nap.
  7196. zhēn è.
  7197. </para>
  7198. <para>
  7199. F:   Shi, tā měicì dōu shi zhèiyang. Yes, he’s like this every time.
  7200. <anchor id="footnote5" /><superscript><link linkend="bookmark34">5</link> <anchor id="footnote6" /><link linkend="bookmark35">6</link></superscript>
  7201. </para>
  7202. <informaltable>
  7203. <tgroup cols="2">
  7204. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  7205. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  7206. <tbody>
  7207. <row>
  7208. <entry>
  7209. </entry>
  7210. <entry>
  7211. <para>
  7212. Unit U, Vocabulary
  7213. </para>
  7214. </entry>
  7215. </row>
  7216. <row>
  7217. <entry>
  7218. <para>
  7219. Syí
  7220. </para>
  7221. </entry>
  7222. <entry>
  7223. <para>
  7224. auntie
  7225. </para>
  7226. </entry>
  7227. </row>
  7228. <row>
  7229. <entry>
  7230. <para>
  7231. bào
  7232. </para>
  7233. </entry>
  7234. <entry>
  7235. <para>
  7236. to hold, to embrace
  7237. </para>
  7238. </entry>
  7239. </row>
  7240. <row>
  7241. <entry>
  7242. <para>
  7243. chá chi fan chúfáng
  7244. </para>
  7245. </entry>
  7246. <entry>
  7247. <para>
  7248. tea to eat kitchen
  7249. </para>
  7250. </entry>
  7251. </row>
  7252. <row>
  7253. <entry>
  7254. <para>
  7255. dài dài dǎkai
  7256. </para>
  7257. </entry>
  7258. <entry>
  7259. <para>
  7260. to bring, to take with one to lead, to take to open
  7261. </para>
  7262. </entry>
  7263. </row>
  7264. <row>
  7265. <entry>
  7266. <para>
  7267. f ángj iān fàntlng fùnu
  7268. </para>
  7269. </entry>
  7270. <entry>
  7271. <para>
  7272. room dining room women
  7273. </para>
  7274. </entry>
  7275. </row>
  7276. <row>
  7277. <entry>
  7278. <para>
  7279. gǎo
  7280. </para>
  7281. <para>
  7282. gǎo wèishēng gōngyù gōngyùlōu
  7283. </para>
  7284. </entry>
  7285. <entry>
  7286. <para>
  7287. to do, to engage in
  7288. </para>
  7289. <para>
  7290. to do cleaning
  7291. </para>
  7292. <para>
  7293. apartment building; apartment
  7294. </para>
  7295. <para>
  7296. apartment building
  7297. </para>
  7298. </entry>
  7299. </row>
  7300. <row>
  7301. <entry>
  7302. <para>
  7303. hǎoxiàng hē
  7304. </para>
  7305. </entry>
  7306. <entry>
  7307. <para>
  7308. to seem (to be), to appear that to drink
  7309. </para>
  7310. </entry>
  7311. </row>
  7312. <row>
  7313. <entry>
  7314. <para>
  7315. -Jian Jiao -Juǎn
  7316. </para>
  7317. </entry>
  7318. <entry>
  7319. <para>
  7320. (counter for rooms)
  7321. </para>
  7322. <para>
  7323. to tell/ask (someone to do something) reel (of recording
  7324. tape); to curl,
  7325. </para>
  7326. <para>
  7327. to roll up
  7328. </para>
  7329. </entry>
  7330. </row>
  7331. <row>
  7332. <entry>
  7333. <para>
  7334. kètīng kǒudài
  7335. </para>
  7336. </entry>
  7337. <entry>
  7338. <para>
  7339. living room pocket
  7340. </para>
  7341. </entry>
  7342. </row>
  7343. <row>
  7344. <entry>
  7345. <para>
  7346. liǎn lùyīndài lùyīnjī
  7347. </para>
  7348. </entry>
  7349. <entry>
  7350. <para>
  7351. face (of a person) recording tape tape recorder
  7352. </para>
  7353. </entry>
  7354. </row>
  7355. <row>
  7356. <entry>
  7357. <para>
  7358. máfan
  7359. </para>
  7360. </entry>
  7361. <entry>
  7362. <para>
  7363. to be troublesome, to be a bother; bother, trouble
  7364. </para>
  7365. </entry>
  7366. </row>
  7367. <row>
  7368. <entry>
  7369. <para>
  7370. mǎlù
  7371. </para>
  7372. <para>
  7373. méi shi (le)
  7374. </para>
  7375. </entry>
  7376. <entry>
  7377. <para>
  7378. street, avenue (paved)
  7379. </para>
  7380. <para>
  7381. everything is all right (now); there is no (further)
  7382. business
  7383. </para>
  7384. </entry>
  7385. </row>
  7386. <row>
  7387. <entry>
  7388. <para>
  7389. niúnǎi
  7390. </para>
  7391. </entry>
  7392. <entry>
  7393. <para>
  7394. (cow’s) milk
  7395. </para>
  7396. </entry>
  7397. </row>
  7398. <row>
  7399. <entry>
  7400. <para>
  7401. píngcháng
  7402. </para>
  7403. </entry>
  7404. <entry>
  7405. <para>
  7406. usually, generally, ordinarily
  7407. </para>
  7408. </entry>
  7409. </row>
  7410. </tbody>
  7411. </tgroup>
  7412. </informaltable>
  7413. <informaltable>
  7414. <tgroup cols="2">
  7415. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  7416. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  7417. <tbody>
  7418. <row>
  7419. <entry>
  7420. <para>
  7421. shāo shāohǎole
  7422. </para>
  7423. </entry>
  7424. <entry>
  7425. <para>
  7426. to heat; to cook
  7427. </para>
  7428. <para>
  7429. to have heated up; to have finished cooking
  7430. </para>
  7431. </entry>
  7432. </row>
  7433. <row>
  7434. <entry>
  7435. <para>
  7436. shēribào shēribàodān shōushi
  7437. </para>
  7438. <para>
  7439. shoushi (shoushi) shuā shuā yà shūfáng shuì shuì Jiào shuì
  7440. wǔjiào shūshu
  7441. </para>
  7442. </entry>
  7443. <entry>
  7444. <para>
  7445. to declare, to report customs declaration (form) to tidy
  7446. up Jewelry to brush to brush one’s teeth study (room)
  7447. water to sleep to take a noontime nap uncle
  7448. </para>
  7449. </entry>
  7450. </row>
  7451. <row>
  7452. <entry>
  7453. <para>
  7454. wòfáng wòshì wūzi
  7455. </para>
  7456. </entry>
  7457. <entry>
  7458. <para>
  7459. bedroom bedroom room
  7460. </para>
  7461. </entry>
  7462. </row>
  7463. <row>
  7464. <entry>
  7465. <para>
  7466. xiāngzi xiaoběnzi xiāoxín xǐng
  7467. </para>
  7468. <para>
  7469. w w
  7470. </para>
  7471. <para>
  7472. xizao xīzāofáng
  7473. </para>
  7474. </entry>
  7475. <entry>
  7476. <para>
  7477. suitcase, box small notebook to be careful, to take care
  7478. to wake up to take a bath bathroom
  7479. </para>
  7480. </entry>
  7481. </row>
  7482. <row>
  7483. <entry>
  7484. <para>
  7485. ya
  7486. </para>
  7487. <para>
  7488. yágāo yǎnj*ng(r) yùbei yubeihǎo le
  7489. </para>
  7490. </entry>
  7491. <entry>
  7492. <para>
  7493. tooth, teeth toothpaste glasses (spectacles) to prepare
  7494. </para>
  7495. <para>
  7496. to have prepared
  7497. </para>
  7498. </entry>
  7499. </row>
  7500. <row>
  7501. <entry>
  7502. <para>
  7503. zhàoxiàngjǐ zhīpiào zhìpiàoběn zūchūqu zuò fàn
  7504. </para>
  7505. </entry>
  7506. <entry>
  7507. <para>
  7508. camera
  7509. </para>
  7510. <para>
  7511. check (as in personal check) checkbook
  7512. </para>
  7513. <para>
  7514. to rent out
  7515. </para>
  7516. <para>
  7517. to cook
  7518. </para>
  7519. </entry>
  7520. </row>
  7521. </tbody>
  7522. </tgroup>
  7523. </informaltable>
  7524. <para>
  7525. Personal Welfare Module, Unit 5 Minor Physical Complaints
  7526. </para>
  7527. <para>
  7528. PART I
  7529. </para>
  7530. <para>
  7532. </para>
  7533. <para>
  7534. 1.
  7535. </para>
  7536. <para>
  7537. A: Nǐ nǎr bù shūfu a?
  7538. </para>
  7539. <para>
  7540. Where do you feel bad?
  7541. </para>
  7542. <para>
  7543. B: Wǒ tóu téng, hóulong yē diǎnr téng.
  7544. </para>
  7545. <para>
  7546. you
  7547. </para>
  7548. <para>
  7549. I have a headache and my throat is a little sore.
  7550. </para>
  7551. <para>
  7552. 2.
  7553. </para>
  7554. <para>
  7555. Wǒ xiǎng nǐ gǎnmào le.
  7556. </para>
  7557. <para>
  7558. I think you’ve caught a cold.
  7559. </para>
  7560. <para>
  7561. 3.
  7562. </para>
  7563. <para>
  7564. Wǒ xiǎng wǒ bù fāshāo.
  7565. </para>
  7566. <para>
  7567. I don’t think I have a fever.
  7568. </para>
  7569. <para>
  7570. U.
  7571. </para>
  7572. <para>
  7573. Nǐ zuì hǎo chǐ diǎnr zhèige ba.
  7574. </para>
  7575. <para>
  7576. yào
  7577. </para>
  7578. <para>
  7579. You’d better take some of this medicine.
  7580. </para>
  7581. <para>
  7582. 5-
  7583. </para>
  7584. <para>
  7585. A: Zuótiān wo qù kàn dàifu
  7586. </para>
  7587. <para>
  7588. le.
  7589. </para>
  7590. <para>
  7591. Yesterday I went to see a doctor.
  7592. </para>
  7593. <para>
  7594. B: Nǐ kàn shénme?
  7595. </para>
  7596. <para>
  7597. What did you want treated?
  7598. </para>
  7599. <para>
  7600. A: Wǒ késou.
  7601. </para>
  7602. <para>
  7603. I have a cough.
  7604. </para>
  7605. <para>
  7606. 6.
  7607. </para>
  7608. <para>
  7609. Nǐ dào neige yǐyuàn qù kàn bìng?
  7610. </para>
  7611. <para>
  7612. Which hospital are you going to to see a doctor?
  7613. </para>
  7614. <para>
  7615. 7.
  7616. </para>
  7617. <para>
  7618. Liú Dàifu shi nèikē yǐshēng haishi wàikē yǐshēng?
  7619. </para>
  7620. <para>
  7621. Is Dr. Liú a physician or a surgeon?
  7622. </para>
  7623. <para>
  7624. 8.
  7625. </para>
  7626. <para>
  7627. tong
  7628. </para>
  7629. <para>
  7630. to hurt (another pronunciation for téng)
  7631. </para>
  7632. <para>
  7633. 9.
  7634. </para>
  7635. <para>
  7636. āsīpīlín
  7637. </para>
  7638. <para>
  7639. aspirin
  7640. </para>
  7641. <para>
  7643. </para>
  7644. <para>
  7645. téng: &quot;to hurt, to ache&quot; When talking about body aches and
  7646. pains, you use a topic-comment pattern. For example &quot;I have a
  7647. headache,&quot; in Chinese is literally &quot;As for me, the head
  7648. hurts&quot;:
  7649. </para>
  7650. <informaltable>
  7651. <tgroup cols="3">
  7652. <colspec align="left" />
  7653. <colspec align="left" />
  7654. <colspec align="left" />
  7655. <tbody>
  7656. <row>
  7657. <entry>
  7658. <para>
  7659. </para>
  7660. </entry>
  7661. <entry>
  7662. <para>
  7663. tǒu
  7664. </para>
  7665. </entry>
  7666. <entry>
  7667. <para>
  7668. téng.
  7669. </para>
  7670. </entry>
  7671. </row>
  7672. <row>
  7673. <entry>
  7674. <para>
  7675. As for me,
  7676. </para>
  7677. </entry>
  7678. <entry>
  7679. <para>
  7680. head
  7681. </para>
  7682. </entry>
  7683. <entry>
  7684. <para>
  7685. hurts.
  7686. </para>
  7687. </entry>
  7688. </row>
  7689. </tbody>
  7690. </tgroup>
  7691. </informaltable>
  7692. <para>
  7693. gǎnmào: &quot;to catch a cold; a cold&quot; This may be used either
  7694. as a verb or as a noun. CTo say &quot;to have a bad cold,&quot; use
  7695. gǎnmào hěn lìhai, lìhai meaning &quot;severe.&quot;]
  7696. </para>
  7697. <para>
  7698. Wǒ gǎnmào le.
  7699. </para>
  7700. <literallayout>
  7701. </literallayout>
  7702. <para>
  7703. I’ve caught a cold.
  7704. </para>
  7705. <para>
  7706. Nǐde gǎnmào hǎo yidiǎn le ma? Is your cold a little better now?
  7707. </para>
  7708. <para>
  7709. fāshāo: &quot;to have a fever,&quot; literally,
  7710. &quot;develop-fever&quot; This may be used as a state or a process:
  7711. </para>
  7712. <para>
  7713. STATE
  7714. </para>
  7715. <para>
  7716. Wǒ fāshāo.
  7717. </para>
  7718. <para>
  7719. I have a fever.
  7720. </para>
  7721. <para>
  7722. I don’t have a fever.
  7723. </para>
  7724. <para>
  7725. I’m a little feverish.
  7726. </para>
  7727. <literallayout>
  7728. </literallayout>
  7729. <para>
  7730. I have a fever (more literally, &quot;I have developed a
  7731. fever&quot;).
  7732. </para>
  7733. <para>
  7734. I don’t have a fever (more literally &quot;I haven’t developed a
  7735. fever&quot;).
  7736. </para>
  7737. <para>
  7738. After the fever came on, I didn’t feel like eating anything.
  7739. </para>
  7740. <literallayout>
  7741. </literallayout>
  7742. <para>
  7743. Wǒ bù fāshāo.
  7744. </para>
  7745. <para>
  7746. Wo you diǎn fāshāo.
  7747. </para>
  7748. <para>
  7749. PROCESS
  7750. </para>
  7751. <para>
  7752. Wǒ fāshāo le.
  7753. </para>
  7754. <para>
  7755. Wo méi fāshāo.
  7756. </para>
  7757. <para>
  7758. Wǒ fāshāo yǐhòu jiu bù xiǎng chi dōngxi le.
  7759. </para>
  7760. <para>
  7761. chī diǎn zhèige yào: &quot;take some of this medecine,&quot;
  7762. literally, &quot;eat medicine,&quot; is the way to say, &quot;to
  7763. take medicine.&quot; Of course, for liquid medicines you could also
  7764. say hē, &quot;to drink,&quot; but one still usually says chǐ.
  7765. </para>
  7766. <para>
  7767. kàn dàifu: &quot;to see a doctor&quot; Also kàn yǐshēng.
  7768. </para>
  7769. <para>
  7770. Wǒ děi qù kàn dàifu.
  7771. </para>
  7772. <literallayout>
  7773. </literallayout>
  7774. <para>
  7775. I have to go see a doctor.
  7776. </para>
  7777. <para>
  7778. Nǐ kàn shénme?: In another context, this could mean &quot;What are
  7779. you looking at?&quot;Here, however, kàn is used in the sense of
  7780. &quot;to have (a medical complaint) treated&quot; or
  7781. &quot;diagnosed&quot; by a doctor.
  7782. </para>
  7783. <para>
  7784. Nǐ qù kàn gǎnmào le ma?
  7785. </para>
  7786. <para>
  7787. Wǒde hóulong bú tài shūfu, děi qù kànkan.
  7788. </para>
  7789. <para>
  7790. Zhèige bìng děi dào dà yīyuàn qù kàn.
  7791. </para>
  7792. <literallayout>
  7793. </literallayout>
  7794. <para>
  7795. Did you go have that cold of yours treated?
  7796. </para>
  7797. <para>
  7798. My throat doesn’t feel too well; I'll have to go get it treated.
  7799. </para>
  7800. <para>
  7801. For this illness you have to go to a large hospital to get it
  7802. treated.
  7803. </para>
  7804. <literallayout>
  7805. </literallayout>
  7806. <para>
  7807. késou: &quot;to cough&quot;
  7808. </para>
  7809. <para>
  7810. nèikē: (1) &quot;department of internal medicine&quot; (of a
  7811. hospital), or (2) &quot;internal medicine&quot; (as a field). Nèi
  7812. means &quot;internal&quot; and kē means either (1) &quot;department,
  7813. section&quot; or (2) &quot;branch (of a study).&quot;
  7814. </para>
  7815. <para>
  7816. yishēng: &quot;doctor,&quot; literally, &quot;heal-er.&quot; In
  7817. Beijing, dàifu is the more conversational word and yishēng the more
  7818. formal. In Taiwan, however, dàifu is not used much.
  7819. </para>
  7820. <para>
  7821. nèikē yishēng: &quot;physician&quot;
  7822. </para>
  7823. <para>
  7824. wàikē: (1) &quot;department of surgery&quot; (of a hospital), or (2)
  7825. &quot;surgery,&quot; (the branch of medicine).
  7826. </para>
  7827. <para>
  7828. wàikē yishēng: &quot;surgeon&quot;
  7829. </para>
  7830. <para>
  7831. tong: &quot;to hurt, to ache,&quot; another pronunciation for těng.
  7832. </para>
  7833. <para>
  7834. āsipilín: &quot;aspirin&quot; Also pronounced āsipilín, àsipilíng,
  7835. àsipǐlíng.
  7836. </para>
  7837. <para>
  7839. </para>
  7840. <para>
  7841. A man from Shànghài (A) is visiting his classmate (B) in Beijing.
  7842. </para>
  7843. <itemizedlist>
  7844. <listitem>
  7845. <para>
  7846. A: Nǐ shuō &quot;tou tong&quot; háishi &quot;tóu těng&quot;?
  7847. </para>
  7848. </listitem>
  7849. <listitem>
  7850. <para>
  7851. B: Beijing rěn dóu shuō &quot;tóu těng,&quot; wo xiǎng
  7852. &quot;tong&quot; shi nǐmen Shànghǎi ren shuōde. Zěnme? Nǐ
  7853. xiànzài tóu teng a?
  7854. </para>
  7855. </listitem>
  7856. </itemizedlist>
  7857. <itemizedlist>
  7858. <listitem>
  7859. <para>
  7860. A: Ng, wo you dianr tóu teng.
  7861. </para>
  7862. </listitem>
  7863. <listitem>
  7864. <para>
  7865. B: Shì ma? Nǐ hái you nǎr bù shūfu?
  7866. </para>
  7867. </listitem>
  7868. </itemizedlist>
  7869. <itemizedlist>
  7870. <listitem>
  7871. <para>
  7872. A: Hóulong yě you diǎnr teng, hěn xiǎng chi diǎnr lěngde
  7873. dōng-xi. Wǒ yídìng shi gǎnmào le.
  7874. </para>
  7875. </listitem>
  7876. <listitem>
  7877. <para>
  7878. B: Fā shāo ma?
  7879. </para>
  7880. </listitem>
  7881. </itemizedlist>
  7882. <para>
  7883. A: Dàgài bù fā shāo, wǒ méi juéde rè.
  7884. </para>
  7885. <literallayout>
  7886. </literallayout>
  7887. <para>
  7888. Do you say tóu tong (&quot;to have a headache&quot;) or tóu teng?
  7889. </para>
  7890. <para>
  7891. People from Běijīng all say tóu teng. I think tong is what is said
  7892. by you people from Shànghǎi. Why? Do you have a headache now?
  7893. </para>
  7894. <para>
  7895. A little.
  7896. </para>
  7897. <para>
  7898. Do you? Where else do you feel bad?
  7899. </para>
  7900. <para>
  7901. My throat hurts a little, too. I really feel like having something
  7902. cold to eat. I must have caught a cold.
  7903. </para>
  7904. <para>
  7905. Do you have a fever?
  7906. </para>
  7907. <para>
  7908. Probably not, I don’t feel hot (OR haven’t felt hot).
  7909. </para>
  7910. <literallayout>
  7911. </literallayout>
  7912. <para>
  7913. B: Jìntiān xiàwu women bú qù gōngyuánr le, nǐ zài jiā xiūxi xiuxi
  7914. ba. Wǒ xiànzài qù gěi ni mǎi diǎnr yào, míngtiān zài dài ni qù kàn
  7915. dàifu.
  7916. </para>
  7917. <literallayout>
  7918. </literallayout>
  7919. <para>
  7920. A: Hǎo ba!
  7921. </para>
  7922. <literallayout>
  7923. </literallayout>
  7924. <para>
  7925. This afternoon let’s not go to the park. You rest a little at home.
  7926. Right now I’ll go buy you some medicine, and tomorrow I’ll take you
  7927. to see the doctor.
  7928. </para>
  7929. <para>
  7930. Okay!
  7931. </para>
  7932. <literallayout>
  7933. </literallayout>
  7934. <para>
  7936. </para>
  7937. <para>
  7938. In Beijing, a parent drops in on a neighbor to talk about his
  7939. daughter’s illness:
  7940. </para>
  7941. <itemizedlist>
  7942. <listitem>
  7943. <para>
  7944. A: Nǐ zhǎo wo you shénme shir a?       Are you looking for me
  7945. for something
  7946. </para>
  7947. </listitem>
  7948. </itemizedlist>
  7949. <para>
  7950. in particular?
  7951. </para>
  7952. <itemizedlist>
  7953. <listitem>
  7954. <para>
  7955. B: Xiǎo Huá gǎnmàole, késoule yíge Xiǎo Hua caught a cold and
  7956. has been xīngqī le, jìntiān fāshāo fāde coughing for a week.
  7957. Today she hěn gāo, houlong yě hěn téng.       has a very high
  7958. temperature and
  7959. </para>
  7960. </listitem>
  7961. </itemizedlist>
  7962. <para>
  7963. her throat hurts a lot.
  7964. </para>
  7965. <itemizedlist>
  7966. <listitem>
  7967. <para>
  7968. A: Nǐ dài ta qù kànguo le ma?
  7969. </para>
  7970. </listitem>
  7971. <listitem>
  7972. <para>
  7973. B: Kànguo le. Tā chile hěn duo yào, kěshi hái méiyou hǎo.
  7974. </para>
  7975. </listitem>
  7976. </itemizedlist>
  7977. <itemizedlist>
  7978. <listitem>
  7979. <para>
  7980. A: Nà wǒ qù zhǎo wo yíge zài Běijīng Yiyuàn gōngzuode péngyou,
  7981. tā shi wàikē yīshēng.
  7982. </para>
  7983. </listitem>
  7984. <listitem>
  7985. <para>
  7986. B: Wàikē yīshēng! Xiǎo Huá késou, fāshāo, zěnme qù kàn wàikē?
  7987. </para>
  7988. </listitem>
  7989. </itemizedlist>
  7990. <itemizedlist>
  7991. <listitem>
  7992. <para>
  7993. A: Ou, wode yìsi shi qǐng wode nèige péngyou gěi Xiǎo Huá zài
  7994. nèikē yùyuē yige shíjiān. Tā you hěn duo nèikēde péngyou.
  7995. </para>
  7996. </listitem>
  7997. <listitem>
  7998. <para>
  7999. B: Hǎo, nà jiu tài máfan nín le.
  8000. </para>
  8001. </listitem>
  8002. </itemizedlist>
  8003. <literallayout>
  8004. </literallayout>
  8005. <para>
  8006. Have you taken her to have it treated?
  8007. </para>
  8008. <para>
  8009. Yes. She’s taken a lot of medicine, but she still hasn’t gotten
  8010. better.
  8011. </para>
  8012. <para>
  8013. Then I’ll go look up a friend of mine who works at the Běijīng
  8014. Hospital. He’s a surgeon.
  8015. </para>
  8016. <para>
  8017. A surgeon! Xiǎo Huá is (just) coughing and has a fever. Why go to
  8018. see the surgery department?
  8019. </para>
  8020. <para>
  8021. Oh, I mean I’ll ask that friend to make Xiǎo Huá an appointment in
  8022. the department of internal medicine. He has a lot of friends in the
  8023. department of internal medecine.
  8024. </para>
  8025. <para>
  8026. All right, then I’ll trouble you to do that. (OR I’m putting you to
  8027. too much trouble.)
  8028. </para>
  8029. <literallayout>
  8030. </literallayout>
  8031. <itemizedlist>
  8032. <listitem>
  8033. <para>
  8034. A: Zhèi méiyou shénme. Jìntiān        This is nothing. Today
  8035. have Xiǎo Huá
  8036. </para>
  8037. </listitem>
  8038. </itemizedlist>
  8039. <para>
  8040. ràng Xiǎo Huá duō xiūxi xiuxi.      get a lot of rest. Tomorrow I
  8041. can
  8042. </para>
  8043. <para>
  8044. Dàgài míngtiān jiu kéyi qǐng        probably ask a doctor to treat
  8045. it
  8046. </para>
  8047. <para>
  8048. dàifu gěi ta kàn le.                 for her.
  8049. </para>
  8050. <para>
  8052. </para>
  8053. <para>
  8054. rang: ”to let, to allow, to have (someone do something)’’ This is a
  8055. prepositional verb which you will see more of in Unit 6.
  8056. </para>
  8057. <para>
  8058. ...duō xiūxi xiuxi: ’’rest a lot” The adjectival verb ”to be many,
  8059. to be much, to be a lot&quot; is used here as an adverb modifying
  8060. the verb &quot;to rest&quot;, xiūxi. As an adverb, duō may mean
  8061. &quot;a lot,&quot; &quot;more,&quot; or &quot;too much,&quot;
  8062. depending on the context. In duō xiūxi xiuxi it obviously means
  8063. &quot;a lot&quot; or &quot;more.&quot;
  8064. </para>
  8065. <para>
  8066. Yǐhòu, wǒ yào duō xiàng nín xuéxí.
  8067. </para>
  8068. <para>
  8069. Duō shuō yě bù hǎo, shǎo shuō ye bù hǎo.
  8070. </para>
  8071. <para>
  8072. Lǐfà yǐhòu xiǎng chuí yixià bèi shi bu shi yào duō gěi qián?
  8073. </para>
  8074. <literallayout>
  8075. </literallayout>
  8076. <para>
  8077. From now on, I shall learn from you more.
  8078. </para>
  8079. <para>
  8080. It isn’t good to say too much, nor is it good to say too little.
  8081. </para>
  8082. <para>
  8083. If you want to have your back pounded after a haircut, do you have
  8084. to pay extra?
  8085. </para>
  8086. <literallayout>
  8087. </literallayout>
  8088. <para>
  8089. Some students get into the bad habit of always translating duō as
  8090. &quot;more.&quot; Remember that the adverb duō can also mean either
  8091. &quot;a lot&quot; or &quot;too much.&quot; Thus, if someone invites
  8092. you to dinner, even before you have started to eat, the host may say
  8093. to you Duō chǐ yidiǎnr! Since you haven’t yet touched the food this
  8094. sentence cannot mean, &quot;Have some more&quot;; it simply means
  8095. &quot;Eat amply.&quot; We might say in English, &quot;Have as much
  8096. as you like,&quot; or &quot;Help yourself.&quot; Here are some more
  8097. examples showing duō does not always mean &quot;more.&quot;
  8098. </para>
  8099. <para>
  8100. Zhèizhǒng píngguǒ zènme piányi a? Nà women Jiu duō mǎi diǎnr ba!
  8101. </para>
  8102. <para>
  8103. Duō láile yíge rén.
  8104. </para>
  8105. <para>
  8106. Tā duō gěile shíkuài qián.
  8107. </para>
  8108. <para>
  8109. Duō mǎi Jǐbenr.
  8110. </para>
  8111. <literallayout>
  8112. </literallayout>
  8113. <para>
  8114. These apples are this inexpensive? In that case, let’s get a whole
  8115. bunch of them!
  8116. </para>
  8117. <para>
  8118. One person too many came.
  8119. </para>
  8120. <para>
  8121. He gave ten dollars too much.
  8122. </para>
  8123. <para>
  8124. Buy a few extra volumes.
  8125. </para>
  8126. <literallayout>
  8127. </literallayout>
  8128. <para>
  8129. Contrast Duō láile yíge rén, &quot;One person too many came,&quot;
  8130. with You láile yíge rén, &quot;One more person came.&quot;
  8131. </para>
  8132. <para>
  8133. PART II
  8134. </para>
  8135. <para>
  8137. </para>
  8138. <itemizedlist>
  8139. <listitem>
  8140. <para>
  8141. 10. A: Wo dùzi hěn bù shūfu.
  8142. </para>
  8143. </listitem>
  8144. </itemizedlist>
  8145. <itemizedlist>
  8146. <listitem>
  8147. <para>
  8148. B: Ni xiě dù ma?
  8149. </para>
  8150. </listitem>
  8151. </itemizedlist>
  8152. <itemizedlist>
  8153. <listitem>
  8154. <para>
  8155. 11. Wǒ tóu yūn, xiang tù.
  8156. </para>
  8157. </listitem>
  8158. <listitem>
  8159. <para>
  8160. 12. A: Ni tíwēn shi duōshǎo?
  8161. </para>
  8162. </listitem>
  8163. </itemizedlist>
  8164. <para>
  8165. B: Sānshibādù.
  8166. </para>
  8167. <itemizedlist>
  8168. <listitem>
  8169. <para>
  8170. 13. WS you wèibìng.
  8171. </para>
  8172. </listitem>
  8173. <listitem>
  8174. <para>
  8175. 14. Wō yōu diǎnr dàbiàn bù tong.
  8176. </para>
  8177. </listitem>
  8178. <listitem>
  8179. <para>
  8180. 15. Qǐng ni tǎng zài zhèr.
  8181. </para>
  8182. </listitem>
  8183. <listitem>
  8184. <para>
  8185. 16. Qìng ni bǎ shàngyí tuō le.
  8186. </para>
  8187. </listitem>
  8188. </itemizedlist>
  8189. <literallayout>
  8190. </literallayout>
  8191. <para>
  8192. IT• Āiyòu!
  8193. </para>
  8194. <itemizedlist>
  8195. <listitem>
  8196. <para>
  8197. 18. Qíng ni gěi wo kāi ge yàofāng.
  8198. </para>
  8199. </listitem>
  8200. <listitem>
  8201. <para>
  8202. 19. Wǒ tàitai shēng bìng shēngde hěn lìhai.
  8203. </para>
  8204. </listitem>
  8205. <listitem>
  8206. <para>
  8207. 20. lā dùzi
  8208. </para>
  8209. </listitem>
  8210. <listitem>
  8211. <para>
  8212. 21. xiǎobiàn
  8213. </para>
  8214. </listitem>
  8215. </itemizedlist>
  8216. <literallayout>
  8217. </literallayout>
  8218. <para>
  8219. My belly Clower abdomenl feels bad.
  8220. </para>
  8221. <para>
  8222. Do you have diarrhea?
  8223. </para>
  8224. <para>
  8225. I’m dizzy and nauseous.
  8226. </para>
  8227. <para>
  8228. What’s your temperature?
  8229. </para>
  8230. <para>
  8231. Thirty-eight degrees.
  8232. </para>
  8233. <para>
  8234. I have stomach trouble.
  8235. </para>
  8236. <para>
  8237. I'm a little constipated.
  8238. </para>
  8239. <para>
  8240. Please lie down here.
  8241. </para>
  8242. <para>
  8243. Please undress down to the waist.
  8244. </para>
  8245. <para>
  8246. (Please take off your upper clothing.)
  8247. </para>
  8248. <para>
  8249. Ouch.'
  8250. </para>
  8251. <para>
  8252. Please write a prescription for me.
  8253. </para>
  8254. <para>
  8255. My wife is seriously ill.
  8256. </para>
  8257. <para>
  8258. to have diarrhea
  8259. </para>
  8260. <para>
  8261. to urinate; urination
  8262. </para>
  8263. <literallayout>
  8264. </literallayout>
  8265. <para>
  8267. </para>
  8268. <para>
  8269. dùzi: &quot;belly, lower abdomen&quot; This has often been
  8270. translated as &quot;stomach,&quot; but actually when sonieone Bays
  8271. Wǒ dùzi těng or Wǒ dùzi bu shūfu, they are most often referring to
  8272. lower abdominal or intestinal pains. Nevertheless, you may sometimes
  8273. want to translate it as &quot;stomach,&quot; in the looser sense of
  8274. &quot;belly,&quot; for example:
  8275. </para>
  8276. <para>
  8277. Nèige rénde dùzi hěn dà.            That man has a big
  8278. stomach/belly.
  8279. </para>
  8280. <para>
  8281. Wǒ dùzi è le.                       I'm hungry. (Literally, &quot;My
  8282. </para>
  8283. <para>
  8284. stomach is hungry.&quot;)
  8285. </para>
  8286. <para>
  8287. A colloquial expression for &quot;to be pregnant&quot; is dùzi dà
  8288. le, literally, the abdomen has become big,&quot; or dà dùzi le.
  8289. </para>
  8290. <para>
  8291. xiè dù: &quot;to have diarrhea&quot; There are several expressions
  8292. for &quot;diarrhea&quot; in Chinese; xiè dù is a good choice to use
  8293. when talking to your doctor, since it is neither too informal not
  8294. too technical. (See also lā dùzi, below.)
  8295. </para>
  8296. <para>
  8297. yūn: &quot;to be dizzy&quot; Often used after tóu, &quot;head&quot;:
  8298. tóu yūn. Pronounced with the Falling tone, yùn, this word is used in
  8299. the expressions yùn chē, &quot;to be carsick/trainsick,&quot; yùn
  8300. chuan, &quot;to be seasick,&quot; and yùn fēijǐ, &quot;to be
  8301. airsick.&quot;
  8302. </para>
  8303. <para>
  8304. Wǒ kàn shū kànde tóu dōu yūn le!
  8305. </para>
  8306. <literallayout>
  8307. </literallayout>
  8308. <para>
  8309. I've been reading so much that I'm dizzy!
  8310. </para>
  8311. <literallayout>
  8312. </literallayout>
  8313. <para>
  8314. (In this sentence, dōu doesn't mean &quot;all,&quot; but &quot;even,
  8315. to such an extent that.&quot; This type of dōu is always used with
  8316. le at the end of the sentence.)
  8317. </para>
  8318. <para>
  8319. tù: &quot;to vomit&quot; Xiang tù, literally &quot;to feel like
  8320. vomiting,&quot; means &quot;to feel nauseous.&quot;
  8321. </para>
  8322. <para>
  8323. tíwēn: &quot;body temperature&quot; Only used for the temperature of
  8324. a body. CThe general word for &quot;temperature&quot; is wēndù,
  8325. which is presented in Part 3 of this unit.3 CTǐwēnbiāo is a medical
  8326. thermometer.3
  8327. </para>
  8328. <para>
  8329. -dù: &quot;degree&quot; This noun does not take a counter.
  8330. </para>
  8331. <para>
  8332. wèibìng: &quot;stomach trouble; gastric disease,&quot; literally,
  8333. &quot;stomach illness.&quot;
  8334. </para>
  8335. <para>
  8336. dàbiàn bù tōng: &quot;to be constipated&quot; Dàbiàn (literally
  8337. &quot;major-convenience) means &quot;to have a bowel movement&quot;
  8338. or &quot;feces.” (Xiǎobiàn, &quot;minor-convenience,&quot; means
  8339. &quot;to urinate&quot; or &quot;urine.&quot;) Bù tōng means
  8340. &quot;doesn’t go through, is blocked up.&quot;
  8341. </para>
  8342. <para>
  8343. tang: &quot;to lie, to recline&quot; Notice that the zài phrase goes
  8344. after the verb tang in the sentence Qǐng ni tang zài zhèr. This is
  8345. because the zài phrase shows the result of the verb tang: you end up
  8346. being here (zài zhèr) as a result of the action of lying (tang) ■
  8347. Tāngxià or tSng xiàlái means <superscript>H</superscript>to lie
  8348. down.&quot; In some of the following sentences, notice that tang
  8349. corresponds to &quot;be in bed.&quot;
  8350. </para>
  8351. <para>
  8352. Tā gānmào le, tangle yìtiān.
  8353. </para>
  8354. <para>
  8355. Tā xǐhuan tangzhe kàn shū.
  8356. </para>
  8357. <para>
  8358. Yǐjīng bādiǎn zhōngle, nǐ hái tangzhe ne!
  8359. </para>
  8360. <para>
  8361. Tǎngxialai xiūxi yihuǐr ba.
  8362. </para>
  8363. <literallayout>
  8364. </literallayout>
  8365. <para>
  8366. He got a cold and stayed in bed for a day (OR and has been in bed
  8367. all day today).
  8368. </para>
  8369. <para>
  8370. He likes to read lying down.
  8371. </para>
  8372. <para>
  8373. It's eight o'clock already, and you're still in bed!
  8374. </para>
  8375. <para>
  8376. Lie down and rest for a while.
  8377. </para>
  8378. <literallayout>
  8379. </literallayout>
  8380. <para>
  8381. shàngyǐ: &quot;upper garments&quot; CAlso sometimes means
  8382. &quot;coat.&quot;3
  8383. </para>
  8384. <para>
  8385. tu5: &quot;to take off&quot; (clothes, shoes) This is the opposite
  8386. of chuān, &quot;to put on.&quot;
  8387. </para>
  8388. <para>
  8389. Kuài bǎ dàyī tuōxialai.            Come on and take off your coat.
  8390. </para>
  8391. <para>
  8392. Tā zhèng tuózhe yīfu, jìnlai Right when he was taking off yige ren.
  8393.                            his clothes, someone came in.
  8394. </para>
  8395. <para>
  8396. Qǐng ni tuōle xié zài jìnqu.       Please remove your shoes before
  8397. </para>
  8398. <para>
  8399. going in.”
  8400. </para>
  8401. <para>
  8402. *This is said by the host to a guest when he arrives. You might have
  8403. thought that the use of the word kuài, usually translated as
  8404. &quot;hurry up and ...&quot; sounds impatient and impolite.
  8405. Actually, it is the exact opposite. Here, kuài indicates the host’s
  8406. concern that the guest, although wanting to take his coat off, would
  8407. be too polite to do so immediately.
  8408. </para>
  8409. <para>
  8410. ”ln Taiwan, most households have kept the Japanese custom of
  8411. removing shoes before entering the living areas. (Guests, though,
  8412. are not in every case expected to take off their shoes, especially
  8413. for short visits during dry weather.)
  8414. </para>
  8415. <para>
  8416. kāi: You have seen kāi meaning &quot;to open.&quot; Here it means
  8417. &quot;to write out&quot; a prescription, list, receipt, check, etc.
  8418. </para>
  8419. <para>
  8420. shēng bìng: &quot;to get sick&quot; Sheng means literally, &quot;to
  8421. develop, to ”Tā shēng bìng le means virtually the same thing as Tā
  8422. bìng le.
  8423. </para>
  8424. <literallayout>
  8425. </literallayout>
  8426. <para>
  8427. happen.
  8428. </para>
  8429. <para>
  8430. Jīnnián chūntiān shēng bìngde rén hěn duō.
  8431. </para>
  8432. <para>
  8433. Tā shēng bìng shēngle liǎngge xǐngqī le, hāi méi hǎo.
  8434. </para>
  8435. <para>
  8436. Nǐ hāi shēngzhe bìng ne, zěnme kéyi chūqu?.'
  8437. </para>
  8438. <para>
  8439. Tā shēngde shi shénme bìng?
  8440. </para>
  8441. <para>
  8442. Lots of people are getting sick this spring.
  8443. </para>
  8444. <para>
  8445. He has been sick for two weeks now and hasn’t recovered yet.
  8446. </para>
  8447. <para>
  8448. You’re still sick; how can you go out ?.'
  8449. </para>
  8450. <para>
  8451. What illness is it that he has?
  8452. </para>
  8453. <para>
  8454. lā dùzi: &quot;to have diarrhea,&quot; improper, word for xiè dù.
  8455. </para>
  8456. <para>
  8457. a more colloquial, but not at all
  8458. </para>
  8459. <para>
  8460. Tā lā dùzi lāde hěn lìhai.
  8461. </para>
  8462. <para>
  8463. He has a bad case of diarrhea.
  8464. </para>
  8465. <para>
  8467. </para>
  8468. <para>
  8469. A man in Taipei calls a doctor’s office his wife’s illness.
  8470. </para>
  8471. <para>
  8472. A: Wéi.
  8473. </para>
  8474. <itemizedlist>
  8475. <listitem>
  8476. <para>
  8477. B: Wéi, qīngwèn Zhang Yishēng zài bu zài?
  8478. </para>
  8479. </listitem>
  8480. </itemizedlist>
  8481. <itemizedlist>
  8482. <listitem>
  8483. <para>
  8484. A: Zhang Yishēng xiànzài zài kàn bìng. Qīngwèn ni y3u shì ma?
  8485. </para>
  8486. </listitem>
  8487. <listitem>
  8488. <para>
  8489. B: W3 tàitai shēng bìng le, bìngde hěn lìhai. Tā cóng zuótiān
  8490. kāishí tóu yūn, fāshāo. Zuótiān tāngle yìtiān, jīntiān zāoshàng
  8491. hái fāshāo, dùzi yě hěn bù shūfu, hái tù.
  8492. </para>
  8493. </listitem>
  8494. </itemizedlist>
  8495. <itemizedlist>
  8496. <listitem>
  8497. <para>
  8498. A: Tā xiè dù ma?
  8499. </para>
  8500. </listitem>
  8501. <listitem>
  8502. <para>
  8503. B: Xièle jīcì.
  8504. </para>
  8505. </listitem>
  8506. </itemizedlist>
  8507. <itemizedlist>
  8508. <listitem>
  8509. <para>
  8510. A: Tāde tīwēn shi duōshǎo?
  8511. </para>
  8512. </listitem>
  8513. <listitem>
  8514. <para>
  8515. B: N, sānshibādù wǔ.
  8516. </para>
  8517. </listitem>
  8518. </itemizedlist>
  8519. <itemizedlist>
  8520. <listitem>
  8521. <para>
  8522. A: Nī gěi tā chī shénme yào le ma?
  8523. </para>
  8524. </listitem>
  8525. <listitem>
  8526. <para>
  8527. B: Tā bù néng chī yào, měicì chile dōngxi jiù tù.
  8528. </para>
  8529. </listitem>
  8530. </itemizedlist>
  8531. <itemizedlist>
  8532. <listitem>
  8533. <para>
  8534. A: Nà nī mashang bǎ ta song dao zhèli lái.
  8535. </para>
  8536. </listitem>
  8537. <listitem>
  8538. <para>
  8539. B: Hǎo. Wǒmen mǎshàng jiù lái.
  8540. </para>
  8541. </listitem>
  8542. </itemizedlist>
  8543. <para>
  8544. to ask what he should do for
  8545. </para>
  8546. <para>
  8547. Hello.
  8548. </para>
  8549. <para>
  8550. Hello, is Dr. Zhāng there, please?
  8551. </para>
  8552. <para>
  8553. Dr. Zhāng is seeing patients now.
  8554. </para>
  8555. <para>
  8556. What can I do for you?
  8557. </para>
  8558. <para>
  8559. My wife is very sick. Yesterday she began to be dizzy and to run a
  8560. fever. Yesterday she stayed in bed all day, but this morning she
  8561. still had a fever, and she has abdominal pains, and she’s even
  8562. vomiting.
  8563. </para>
  8564. <para>
  8565. Does she have diarrhea?
  8566. </para>
  8567. <para>
  8568. She’s had it a few times.
  8569. </para>
  8570. <para>
  8571. What’s her temperature?
  8572. </para>
  8573. <para>
  8574. Uh, 38.5 degrees.
  8575. </para>
  8576. <para>
  8577. Have you given her any medicines?
  8578. </para>
  8579. <para>
  8580. She can’t take medicines, every time she takes any food or drink she
  8581. vomits.
  8582. </para>
  8583. <para>
  8584. In that case bring her here right away.
  8585. </para>
  8586. <para>
  8587. All right. We’ll be there right away.
  8588. </para>
  8589. <para>
  8591. </para>
  8592. <para>
  8593. In Běijīng, a young man (A) visits a
  8594. </para>
  8595. <para>
  8596. N: Èrbǎiwǔshíhào!
  8597. </para>
  8598. <para>
  8599. A: Shì w5•
  8600. </para>
  8601. <para>
  8602. N: Qing j in.
  8603. </para>
  8604. <para>
  8605. D: Nī zěnme bù shūfu a?
  8606. </para>
  8607. <para>
  8608. A: W8 tou yūn, xiǎng tù, zǎoshang wě kāishī dùzi teng.
  8609. </para>
  8610. <para>
  8611. D: Ou. Xiè dùzi ma?
  8612. </para>
  8613. <para>
  8614. A: Bú xiè, hái yěu diǎnr dàbiàn bù tong.
  8615. </para>
  8616. <para>
  8617. D: Ng? Qīng nín bǎ shàngyī tuōle, tǎng zài zhèr, w3 tīngting. Zhèr
  8618. teng ma?
  8619. </para>
  8620. <para>
  8621. A: Bù teng.
  8622. </para>
  8623. <para>
  8624. D: Zhèr ne?
  8625. </para>
  8626. <para>
  8627. A: Aiyòu! Zhèr hen teng.
  8628. </para>
  8629. <para>
  8630. D: Nī congqiǎn y3u wèibìng ba?
  8631. </para>
  8632. <para>
  8633. A: Xiǎode shihou you, kěshi hěn duo niǎn méiyou téngguo le. Zu6-tiān
  8634. wǎnshàng yèu kǎishī bù shūfu le. Yèli shuì jiào yě shuìde bù hǎo,
  8635. xīngle hǎo jīcì.
  8636. </para>
  8637. <para>
  8638. D: Hǎo, w3 gěi ni kǎi ge yàofāng. Chile yào, xiūxi xiuxi, yàoshi bù
  8639. hǎo, xiàge xfngql zài lái kànkan.
  8640. </para>
  8641. <para>
  8642. A: Hǎo, xièxié ni!
  8643. </para>
  8644. <para>
  8645. clinic.
  8646. </para>
  8647. <para>
  8648. Two hundred fifty!
  8649. </para>
  8650. <para>
  8651. That’s me.
  8652. </para>
  8653. <para>
  8654. Please come in.
  8655. </para>
  8656. <literallayout>
  8657. </literallayout>
  8658. <para>
  8659. What’s the matter with you?
  8660. </para>
  8661. <para>
  8662. I’m dizzy, nauseaous, and since this morning my ’’stomach&quot; has
  8663. been upset.
  8664. </para>
  8665. <para>
  8666. Oh. Any diarrhea?
  8667. </para>
  8668. <para>
  8669. No, I'm even a bit constipated.
  8670. </para>
  8671. <para>
  8672. Oh? Undress down to the waist, please, lie down here, and I'll have
  8673. a listen. Does it hurt here?
  8674. </para>
  8675. <para>
  8676. No.
  8677. </para>
  8678. <para>
  8679. How about here?
  8680. </para>
  8681. <para>
  8682. Ouch! It hurts there!
  8683. </para>
  8684. <para>
  8685. Have you ever had stomach trouble before?
  8686. </para>
  8687. <para>
  8688. When I was a child I did, but I haven't had any pain for many years.
  8689. Last night it began to feel bad again. During the night I slept very
  8690. poorly, too. I woke up several times.
  8691. </para>
  8692. <para>
  8693. All right. I’ll write you a prescription. After you take the
  8694. medicine, get some rest, and if it doesn't get better, come and see
  8695. me again next week.
  8696. </para>
  8697. <para>
  8698. Okay, thank you.
  8699. </para>
  8700. <para>
  8701. PART III
  8702. </para>
  8703. <para>
  8705. </para>
  8706. <para>
  8707. 22. A: Nǐ liángguo tǐwēn le meiyou?
  8708. </para>
  8709. <para>
  8710. B: Liángguo le, wēndù bù gǎo, sānshiqǐdù duo yìdiǎn.
  8711. </para>
  8712. <para>
  8713. 23. Nǐ yào duō xiūxi xiūxi, duo he kāishuǐ.
  8714. </para>
  8715. <para>
  8716. 2k. W3 gěi ni liáng yíxià xuěyā.
  8717. </para>
  8718. <para>
  8719. 25. WS xuěyā gǎo.
  8720. </para>
  8721. <para>
  8722. 26. Nǐ xiǎng bu xiǎng zhǎo zhēn j iū dàifu gěi ni kànkan?
  8723. </para>
  8724. <para>
  8725. 2?. liúxíngxìng gǎnmào
  8726. </para>
  8727. <para>
  8728. 28. kāi dāo
  8729. </para>
  8730. <para>
  8731. 29. dǐ
  8732. </para>
  8733. <literallayout>
  8734. </literallayout>
  8735. <para>
  8736. Have you taken your temperature?
  8737. </para>
  8738. <para>
  8739. Yes. My temperature isn’t high, a little over 37 degrees.
  8740. </para>
  8741. <para>
  8742. You need to rest a lot and drink a lot of (boiled) water.
  8743. </para>
  8744. <para>
  8745. I’m going to take your blood pressure.
  8746. </para>
  8747. <para>
  8748. I have high blood pressure.
  8749. </para>
  8750. <para>
  8751. Do you want to see an acupuncturist?
  8752. </para>
  8753. <para>
  8754. influenza, flu
  8755. </para>
  8756. <para>
  8757. to operate; to be operated on
  8758. </para>
  8759. <para>
  8760. to be low
  8761. </para>
  8762. <literallayout>
  8763. </literallayout>
  8764. <para>
  8766. </para>
  8767. <para>
  8768. liáng: &quot;to measure” You first saw this verb in the context of
  8769. taking measurements for clothing. Here you see it used for taking
  8770. temperatures. It can also be used for measuring a piece of land or
  8771. the dimensions of a room.
  8772. </para>
  8773. <para>
  8774. tǐwēn and wēndù: Both of these are translated as ’’temperature” in
  8775. the sentences above, but they should be distinguished. Tǐwēn is
  8776. literally ’’body temperature” and thus is used when talking about
  8777. taking human temperatures. Wēndù is literally &quot;temperature
  8778. degree” and is generally used in measuring heat or cold.
  8779. </para>
  8780. <para>
  8781. Nǐ wūzilide wēndù shi duōshǎo? What’s the temperature in your room?
  8782. </para>
  8783. <para>
  8784. EThere is another word qìwén, literally &quot;air temperature,&quot;
  8785. used, for example, used in weather reports.!
  8786. </para>
  8787. <para>
  8788. wēndù bù gǎo: &quot;the temperature is not high&quot; Normal body
  8789. temperature (98.6’ F) is 37Celsius. Each additional degree Celsius
  8790. is 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
  8791. </para>
  8792. <para>
  8793. kāishuǐ: ’’boiled water&quot; This is water that has been boiled,
  8794. but is not necessarily hot. Often kāishuǐ is served as a hot
  8795. beverage, however. The Chinese commonly believe that ice cold
  8796. beverages are not good.
  8797. </para>
  8798. <para>
  8799. xuěyā: &quot;blood pressure,&quot; literally &quot;blood
  8800. pressure.&quot; Xuěyā gāo is &quot;high blood pressure,&quot; and
  8801. xuěyā dǐ is &quot;low blood pressure.&quot;
  8802. </para>
  8803. <para>
  8804. zhēnjiū: &quot;acupuncture and moxibustion&quot; Also pronounced
  8805. zhēn.1 iǔ. Acupuncture is a practice of traditional (but not
  8806. necessarily orthodox) Chinese medicine where parts of the body are
  8807. pierced with needles to treat disease or relieve pain. This is based
  8808. on the idea that the body’s energy (qì) forms an integral system
  8809. which must be maintained for good health. This is done by applying
  8810. pressure or releasing pressure to restore the balance of qì.
  8811. Moxibustion (traditionally more important than acupuncture) involves
  8812. the smoldering of herbs on certain body points. In some cases the
  8813. herbs are placed directly on the skin and lit with a stick of
  8814. incense; at other times, a slice of ginger is first placed on the
  8815. skin and the herbs burned on top.
  8816. </para>
  8817. <para>
  8818. Nǐ xiǎng bu xiang zhSo zhēnjiū dàifu gěi ni kànkan?: This has been
  8819. translated on the Reference List as &quot;Do you want to seean
  8820. acupuncturist?&quot; which is the conversational English equivalent.
  8821. A translation more revealing of the structure of the question might
  8822. be: &quot;Do you want to look for an acupuncture doctor to give you
  8823. treatment?&quot;
  8824. </para>
  8825. <para>
  8826. liúxíngxìng gǎnmào: &quot;influenza, flu,&quot; literally
  8827. &quot;epidemic cold.&quot; Liúxíng: the verb &quot;to be prevalent,
  8828. to be popular, to be common.&quot; -Xing means &quot;quality,
  8829. characteristic,&quot; and when used as a suffix corresponds to
  8830. &quot;-esque&quot; in &quot;picturesque,&quot; or &quot;-like&quot;
  8831. in &quot;childlike.&quot; Liúxíngxìng is then &quot;having the
  8832. characteristic of being prevalent,&quot; specifically
  8833. &quot;epidemic.&quot;
  8834. </para>
  8835. <para>
  8836. kāi dāo: &quot;to operate; to be operated on,&quot; literally
  8837. &quot;to open or operate the knife.&quot;
  8838. </para>
  8839. <para>
  8841. </para>
  8842. <para>
  8843. In Beijing a worker pays a return visit to a health clinic.
  8844. </para>
  8845. <para>
  8846. D: Chile w3 gěi nide yào, hǎo yidiǎnr le ma?
  8847. </para>
  8848. <para>
  8849. A: Haishi tou téng, houlong téng, shuì Jiào shuìde hěn bù hǎo, yèli
  8850. chángcháng xǐng.
  8851. </para>
  8852. <para>
  8853. D: W3 kànkan nide houlong.
  8854. </para>
  8855. <para>
  8856. A: A.
  8857. </para>
  8858. <literallayout>
  8859. </literallayout>
  8860. <para>
  8861. Are you a little better after having taken the medicine I gave you?
  8862. </para>
  8863. <para>
  8864. I still have a headache, and I’m not sleeping well at all. I often
  8865. wake up at night.
  8866. </para>
  8867. <para>
  8868. Let me have a look at your throat.
  8869. </para>
  8870. <para>
  8871. Ahhh.
  8872. </para>
  8873. <literallayout>
  8874. </literallayout>
  8875. <para>
  8876. D: Nide hóulong hěn hong. Qǐng ba shàngyī tuōle. Kesou yishēng. Hǎo.
  8877. Nǐ xiān liángliang tǐwēn, ránhòu wǒ zài gěi nǐ liáng xuěyā. . . .
  8878. Wēndù bù gāo, sānshiqī dù. Nǐ congqian you xuěyā gāo ma?
  8879. </para>
  8880. <para>
  8881. A: Méiyou.
  8882. </para>
  8883. <para>
  8884. D: Jintiān nǐde xuěyā you diǎnr gāo, dàgài shi zuótiān yèli shuìde
  8885. bù hǎo.
  8886. </para>
  8887. <para>
  8888. A: Yishēng, yíge lǐbài le, zěnme hái méi hǎo?
  8889. </para>
  8890. <para>
  8891. D: Liúxíngxìng gǎnmào hěn bù róngyi hǎo. Wǒ gěi nǐ kāi ge yàofāng,
  8892. zài chī diǎnr āsipilín. Nǐ hái yào duo hē diǎnr kāishuǐ, duo xiūxi
  8893. xiuxi.
  8894. </para>
  8895. <para>
  8896. A: Hǎo, xièxie nǐ.
  8897. </para>
  8898. <literallayout>
  8899. </literallayout>
  8900. <para>
  8901. Your throat is very red. Please take off your upper clothes. Cough.
  8902. Okay. First I’ll take your temperature, and then I'll take your
  8903. blood pressure. . . . Your temperature isn't high, 37 degrees. Have
  8904. you had high blood pressure before?
  8905. </para>
  8906. <para>
  8907. No.
  8908. </para>
  8909. <para>
  8910. Your blood pressure is a little high today. It's probably that you
  8911. didn't sleep well last night.
  8912. </para>
  8913. <para>
  8914. Doctor, it's been a week. How come I’m still not better?
  8915. </para>
  8916. <para>
  8917. Influenza is really not easy to get rid of. I'll write you a
  8918. prescription, and you take some more aspirin. Also, drink a lot of
  8919. (boiled) water, and get a lot of rest.
  8920. </para>
  8921. <para>
  8922. Okay, thank you.
  8923. </para>
  8924. <literallayout>
  8925. </literallayout>
  8926. <para>
  8928. </para>
  8929. <para>
  8930. *kesou yishēng: Literally, &quot;cough one sound.&quot; -Sheng is
  8931. the counter for utterances.
  8932. </para>
  8933. <informaltable>
  8934. <tgroup cols="2">
  8935. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  8936. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  8937. <tbody>
  8938. <row>
  8939. <entry>
  8940. <para>
  8941. āiyòu āsǐpīlín
  8942. </para>
  8943. </entry>
  8944. <entry>
  8945. <para>
  8946. ouch; oh dear aspirin
  8947. </para>
  8948. </entry>
  8949. </row>
  8950. <row>
  8951. <entry>
  8952. <para>
  8953. chi
  8954. </para>
  8955. </entry>
  8956. <entry>
  8957. <para>
  8958. to take (medicine)
  8959. </para>
  8960. </entry>
  8961. </row>
  8962. <row>
  8963. <entry>
  8964. <para>
  8965. dàbiàn
  8966. </para>
  8967. </entry>
  8968. <entry>
  8969. <para>
  8970. bowel movement
  8971. </para>
  8972. </entry>
  8973. </row>
  8974. <row>
  8975. <entry>
  8976. <para>
  8977. dàbiàn bù tōng dàifu di
  8978. </para>
  8979. <para>
  8980. -dù
  8981. </para>
  8982. <para>
  8983. dùzi
  8984. </para>
  8985. </entry>
  8986. <entry>
  8987. <para>
  8988. to be constipated
  8989. </para>
  8990. <para>
  8991. doctor to be low degree (e.g., on a thermometer) belly,
  8992. abdomen, stomach
  8993. </para>
  8994. </entry>
  8995. </row>
  8996. <row>
  8997. <entry>
  8998. <para>
  8999. fāshāo
  9000. </para>
  9001. </entry>
  9002. <entry>
  9003. <para>
  9004. to have a fever
  9005. </para>
  9006. </entry>
  9007. </row>
  9008. <row>
  9009. <entry>
  9010. <para>
  9011. gǎnmào
  9012. </para>
  9013. </entry>
  9014. <entry>
  9015. <para>
  9016. to catch cold; a cold
  9017. </para>
  9018. </entry>
  9019. </row>
  9020. <row>
  9021. <entry>
  9022. <para>
  9023. hōulóng (hóulong)
  9024. </para>
  9025. </entry>
  9026. <entry>
  9027. <para>
  9028. throat
  9029. </para>
  9030. </entry>
  9031. </row>
  9032. <row>
  9033. <entry>
  9034. <para>
  9035. kāi dāo kāi yàofāng kāishuǐ kàn bìng kàn dàifu késou
  9036. </para>
  9037. </entry>
  9038. <entry>
  9039. <para>
  9040. to operate; to be operated on
  9041. </para>
  9042. <para>
  9043. to write a prescription
  9044. </para>
  9045. <para>
  9046. boiled water
  9047. </para>
  9048. <para>
  9049. to have an illness treated/diagnosed to see a doctor
  9050. </para>
  9051. <para>
  9052. to cough
  9053. </para>
  9054. </entry>
  9055. </row>
  9056. <row>
  9057. <entry>
  9058. <para>
  9059. lā dùzi
  9060. </para>
  9061. <para>
  9062. liáng
  9063. </para>
  9064. <para>
  9065. liáng tǐwēn
  9066. </para>
  9067. <para>
  9068. lìhai
  9069. </para>
  9070. <para>
  9071. liúxíngxìng gǎnmào
  9072. </para>
  9073. </entry>
  9074. <entry>
  9075. <para>
  9076. to have diarrhea
  9077. </para>
  9078. <para>
  9079. to measure
  9080. </para>
  9081. <para>
  9082. to take a person’s temperature to be severe, to be fierce
  9083. influenza, flu
  9084. </para>
  9085. </entry>
  9086. </row>
  9087. <row>
  9088. <entry>
  9089. <para>
  9090. nèikē
  9091. </para>
  9092. </entry>
  9093. <entry>
  9094. <para>
  9095. internal medicine, general medicine; department of
  9096. internal medicine
  9097. </para>
  9098. </entry>
  9099. </row>
  9100. <row>
  9101. <entry>
  9102. <para>
  9103. nèikē yǐshēng
  9104. </para>
  9105. </entry>
  9106. <entry>
  9107. <para>
  9108. internist, physician
  9109. </para>
  9110. </entry>
  9111. </row>
  9112. <row>
  9113. <entry>
  9114. <para>
  9115. shàngyǐ shēng shēng bìng
  9116. </para>
  9117. </entry>
  9118. <entry>
  9119. <para>
  9120. upper garment
  9121. </para>
  9122. <para>
  9123. to develop (as in shēng bìng) to get sick, to become ill
  9124. </para>
  9125. </entry>
  9126. </row>
  9127. <row>
  9128. <entry>
  9129. <para>
  9130. tǎng
  9131. </para>
  9132. <para>
  9133. téng (tong) tǐwēn tóu tóu téng tù
  9134. </para>
  9135. <para>
  9136. tuō
  9137. </para>
  9138. </entry>
  9139. <entry>
  9140. <para>
  9141. to lie, to recline to hurt, to ache (body) temperature
  9142. head
  9143. </para>
  9144. <para>
  9145. to have a headache; headache to vomit
  9146. </para>
  9147. <para>
  9148. to take off (clothing)
  9149. </para>
  9150. </entry>
  9151. </row>
  9152. </tbody>
  9153. </tgroup>
  9154. </informaltable>
  9155. <informaltable>
  9156. <tgroup cols="2">
  9157. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  9158. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  9159. <tbody>
  9160. <row>
  9161. <entry>
  9162. <para>
  9163. wàikē
  9164. </para>
  9165. <para>
  9166. wàikē yishēng wèi
  9167. </para>
  9168. <para>
  9169. wèibìng
  9170. </para>
  9171. <para>
  9172. wēndù
  9173. </para>
  9174. </entry>
  9175. <entry>
  9176. <para>
  9177. surgical department
  9178. </para>
  9179. <para>
  9180. surgeon
  9181. </para>
  9182. <para>
  9183. stomach
  9184. </para>
  9185. <para>
  9186. stomach trouble, gastric disease temperature
  9187. </para>
  9188. </entry>
  9189. </row>
  9190. <row>
  9191. <entry>
  9192. <para>
  9193. xiang tù xiǎobiàn xiè dù(zi) xuěyā xuěyā di xuěyā gāo
  9194. </para>
  9195. </entry>
  9196. <entry>
  9197. <para>
  9198. to feel nauseous
  9199. </para>
  9200. <para>
  9201. to urinate; urination to have diarrhea
  9202. </para>
  9203. <para>
  9204. blood pressure low blood pressure
  9205. </para>
  9206. <para>
  9207. high blood pressure, hypertension
  9208. </para>
  9209. </entry>
  9210. </row>
  9211. <row>
  9212. <entry>
  9213. <para>
  9214. yào yàofāng(r) yishēng yiyuàn yūn
  9215. </para>
  9216. </entry>
  9217. <entry>
  9218. <para>
  9219. medicine prescription doctor hospital to be dizzy
  9220. </para>
  9221. </entry>
  9222. </row>
  9223. <row>
  9224. <entry>
  9225. <para>
  9226. zhēnjiū (zhēnjiu)
  9227. </para>
  9228. </entry>
  9229. <entry>
  9230. <para>
  9231. acupuncture and moxibustion
  9232. </para>
  9233. </entry>
  9234. </row>
  9235. </tbody>
  9236. </tgroup>
  9237. </informaltable>
  9238. <para>
  9239. PART I
  9240. </para>
  9241. <literallayout>
  9242. </literallayout>
  9243. <para>
  9245. </para>
  9246. <literallayout>
  9247. </literallayout>
  9248. <para>
  9249. Personal Welfare Module, Unit 6 Accidents and Difficulties
  9250. </para>
  9251. <literallayout>
  9252. </literallayout>
  9253. <itemizedlist>
  9254. <listitem>
  9255. <para>
  9256. 1. Zāogāo! Zěnme ban? Wǒde hùzhào diū le.
  9257. </para>
  9258. </listitem>
  9259. <listitem>
  9260. <para>
  9261. 2. Wǒ xiǎng nǐ děi dào Jǐngchájú qù zhǎo jǐngchá tányitan.
  9262. </para>
  9263. </listitem>
  9264. <listitem>
  9265. <para>
  9266. 3. Jǐngchájú yǒu fānyì ma?
  9267. </para>
  9268. </listitem>
  9269. </itemizedlist>
  9270. <para>
  9271. U.   &quot;Wàishì&quot; jiù shi wàiguo rénde
  9272. </para>
  9273. <para>
  9274. shìqing.
  9275. </para>
  9276. <itemizedlist>
  9277. <listitem>
  9278. <para>
  9279. 5. Wǒ bǎ jiàshǐ zhízhào diū le.
  9280. </para>
  9281. </listitem>
  9282. <listitem>
  9283. <para>
  9284. 6. Jintiān zǎoshang wǒ cái fāxiàn diū le.
  9285. </para>
  9286. </listitem>
  9287. <listitem>
  9288. <para>
  9289. 7. Wǒ xǐwàng néng kuài yIdiǎnr ling yíge xlnde.
  9290. </para>
  9291. </listitem>
  9292. <listitem>
  9293. <para>
  9294. 8. Yàoburān bù néng kāi chē, bù fāngbian.
  9295. </para>
  9296. </listitem>
  9297. <listitem>
  9298. <para>
  9299. 9. Nǐ qù zhào xiàng.
  9300. </para>
  9301. </listitem>
  9302. <listitem>
  9303. <para>
  9304. 10. Gōng'ānjú
  9305. </para>
  9306. </listitem>
  9307. <listitem>
  9308. <para>
  9309. 11. wàishì jǐngchá
  9310. </para>
  9311. </listitem>
  9312. </itemizedlist>
  9313. <literallayout>
  9314. </literallayout>
  9315. <para>
  9316. Oh, no! What am I going to do? I've lost my passport.
  9317. </para>
  9318. <para>
  9319. I think you should go to the police station and find a policeman to
  9320. talk it over with.
  9321. </para>
  9322. <para>
  9323. Are there interpreters at the police station?
  9324. </para>
  9325. <para>
  9326. &quot;Wàishì&quot; means matters having to do with foreigners.
  9327. </para>
  9328. <para>
  9329. I've lost my driver's license.
  9330. </para>
  9331. <para>
  9332. I didn't discover I'd lost it until this morning.
  9333. </para>
  9334. <para>
  9335. I hope I can get a new one quickly.
  9336. </para>
  9337. <para>
  9338. Otherwise it will be inconvenient not being able to drive.
  9339. </para>
  9340. <para>
  9341. Go and have your picture taken.
  9342. </para>
  9343. <para>
  9344. Bureau of Public Security
  9345. </para>
  9346. <para>
  9347. foreign affairs policeman
  9348. </para>
  9349. <literallayout>
  9350. </literallayout>
  9351. <para>
  9353. </para>
  9354. <para>
  9355. zāogāo: &quot;too bad, oh darn, how terrible, what a mess,&quot;
  9356. literally, &quot;rotten-cake.&quot; This is used as an exclamation
  9357. of dismay. It is often equivalent to &quot;Oh no!&quot;:
  9358. </para>
  9359. <para>
  9360. Zāogāo! Wǒ wàngle dài fēijǐ- Oh, no! I forgot to bring the piào le!
  9361.                            plane tickets!
  9362. </para>
  9363. <para>
  9364. As an adjectival verb, zāogāo means &quot;to be in a mess, to be in
  9365. a bad state,&quot; as in:
  9366. </para>
  9367. <para>
  9368. Nàrde qíngxing hěn zāogāo.         The situation there is a mess.
  9369. </para>
  9370. <para>
  9371. Zhèiběn shū xiěde zhēn zāogāo. This book is terribly written.
  9372. </para>
  9373. <para>
  9374. Tā hěn zāogāo.                       He's in a very bad way.
  9375. </para>
  9376. <para>
  9377. Yàoshi zhèige bìngrén láide zài If this patient had come any later
  9378. wān yidiǎnr jiù zāogāo le.         than he did, he would have been
  9379. </para>
  9380. <para>
  9381. in a real mess (in big trouble).
  9382. </para>
  9383. <para>
  9384. diū: &quot;to lose&quot; You can analyze the sentence Wode hùzhào
  9385. diū le this way:
  9386. </para>
  9387. <informaltable>
  9388. <tgroup cols="2">
  9389. <colspec align="left" />
  9390. <colspec align="left" />
  9391. <tbody>
  9392. <row>
  9393. <entry>
  9394. <para>
  9395. Wode hùzhào
  9396. </para>
  9397. </entry>
  9398. <entry>
  9399. <para>
  9400. diū le.
  9401. </para>
  9402. </entry>
  9403. </row>
  9404. <row>
  9405. <entry>
  9406. <para>
  9407. As for my passport, .
  9408. </para>
  9409. </entry>
  9410. <entry>
  9411. <para>
  9412. (it has been) lost.
  9413. </para>
  9414. </entry>
  9415. </row>
  9416. </tbody>
  9417. </tgroup>
  9418. </informaltable>
  9419. <para>
  9420. In some areas of China (including Taiwan) you would hear the word
  9421. diào instead of diū: Wode hùzhào diào le.
  9422. </para>
  9423. <para>
  9424. fānyì: &quot;to translate, to interpret; translator,
  9425. interpreter&quot; Also pronounced fānyi (with a neutral-tone yi).
  9426. </para>
  9427. <para>
  9428. shìqing: &quot;matter, affair, business, thing.&quot; Shìqing refers
  9429. to abstract things, while dōngxi refers to concrete things.
  9430. </para>
  9431. <para>
  9432. jiàshǐ zhízhào: &quot;driver's license&quot; Jiàshǐ is &quot;to
  9433. drive (a vehicle).&quot;
  9434. </para>
  9435. <para>
  9436. Zhízhào is a &quot;license, permit.&quot;
  9437. </para>
  9438. <para>
  9439. fāxiàn: &quot;to discover, to find, to find out&quot;
  9440. </para>
  9441. <para>
  9442. Wǒ zài zhèr fāxiànle yige          I've discovered a problem here,
  9443. </para>
  9444. <para>
  9445. wèntí.
  9446. </para>
  9447. <para>
  9448. Zhèi shi gāng fāxiànde yìzhǒng This is a new kind of medicine xǐnde
  9449. yào.                          which has Just been discovered.
  9450. </para>
  9451. <para>
  9452. The object of fāxiàn may also be a clause:
  9453. </para>
  9454. <para>
  9455. Wo huílaile yǐhòu Jiu fāxiàn When I came back I discovered that tā
  9456. yǐjīng zǒu le.                  he had already left.
  9457. </para>
  9458. <para>
  9459. The expression Wǒ fāxiàn . . . can often be translated as &quot;I
  9460. notice that . . .&quot;or &quot;I find that . ì It often prefaces a
  9461. personal observation, as in:
  9462. </para>
  9463. <para>
  9464. Wǒ fāxiàn hěn duō Měiguo rén juéde you háizi hěn máfan.
  9465. </para>
  9466. <para>
  9467. Wǒ fāxiàn nǐ hěn xǐhuan xīnde dōngxi.
  9468. </para>
  9469. <para>
  9470. As a noun, fāxiàn means &quot;discovery&quot;:
  9471. </para>
  9472. <para>
  9473. Zhèi shi yíge hěn zhòngyàode fāxiàn.
  9474. </para>
  9475. <literallayout>
  9476. </literallayout>
  9477. <para>
  9478. I find that many Americans feel that it’s a lot of trouble to have
  9479. children.
  9480. </para>
  9481. <para>
  9482. I notice (or, &quot;l get the impression&quot;) that you like new
  9483. things very much.
  9484. </para>
  9485. <literallayout>
  9486. </literallayout>
  9487. <para>
  9488. This is a very important discovery.
  9489. </para>
  9490. <literallayout>
  9491. </literallayout>
  9492. <para>
  9493. cái: &quot;then and only then, not until&quot; This adverb should be
  9494. used when an event happens relatively late: &quot;not until this
  9495. morning.&quot; Cái is the opposite of jiù, the word for
  9496. &quot;then&quot; when something happens sooner or earlier. When a
  9497. sentence using cái describes a completed action, the verb will
  9498. hardly ever take the ending -le; notice that fāxiàn in sentence 6
  9499. cannot have -le. Here is another example:
  9500. </para>
  9501. <para>
  9502. Tā zuótiān cái gàosu wo.
  9503. </para>
  9504. <literallayout>
  9505. </literallayout>
  9506. <para>
  9507. He didn’t tell me until yesterday.
  9508. </para>
  9509. <literallayout>
  9510. </literallayout>
  9511. <para>
  9512. kuài yidiǎnr: &quot;a little more quickly,&quot; or as in No. 7,
  9513. &quot;soon.&quot; Kuài yidiǎnr gives the impression of being even
  9514. sooner than zǎo yidiǎnr. Both mean &quot;soon.&quot;
  9515. </para>
  9516. <para>
  9517. lǐng: &quot;to receive, to get, to pick up, to collect&quot;
  9518. something that is issued or given (a prize, salary, materials,
  9519. passport, etc.)
  9520. </para>
  9521. <para>
  9522. yàoburán: &quot;otherwise,&quot; literally &quot;if-not-thus.&quot;
  9523. Like kěshi &quot;but&quot; and dànshi &quot;but, however,&quot;
  9524. yàoburán always comes at the front of the clause in which it occurs.
  9525. </para>
  9526. <para>
  9527. Wǒ děi mǎshàng zǒu, yàoburán wǒ jiù wǎn le.
  9528. </para>
  9529. <para>
  9530. Wǒ děi zuò fēijī qù, yàoburán jiù tài màn le.
  9531. </para>
  9532. <literallayout>
  9533. </literallayout>
  9534. <para>
  9535. I have to go right away, otherwise I'll be late.
  9536. </para>
  9537. <para>
  9538. I have to take a plane, otherwise it’ll be too slow.
  9539. </para>
  9540. <literallayout>
  9541. </literallayout>
  9542. <para>
  9543. zhào xiàng: &quot;to take a picture,&quot; literally,
  9544. &quot;illuminate-image.&quot; You already learned zhàoxiàngjǐ,
  9545. &quot;camera,&quot; in WLF Unit h, Part I. The counter for xiàng
  9546. &quot;-pictures&quot; is -zhāng (the same one as for tables, sheets
  9547. of paper and other flat things). Zhào jǐzhāng xiàng thus means
  9548. &quot;to take a few pictures.&quot; (When NOT using the word xiàng
  9549. as the object of zhào, however, you should use zhàopiàn or xiàngpiàn
  9550. for &quot;photograph.&quot;)
  9551. </para>
  9552. <para>
  9553. Like many verb-object expressions, zhào xiang has the potential
  9554. ambiguity of meaning either &quot;to (verb) an (object )’* or
  9555. &quot;to have an (object) (verb)-ed&quot;: &quot;to take a
  9556. picture&quot; or &quot;to have one's picture taken.&quot; You saw
  9557. this with several verb-object expressions in Unit 3‘-
  9558. </para>
  9559. <informaltable>
  9560. <tgroup cols="4">
  9561. <colspec align="left" />
  9562. <colspec align="left" />
  9563. <colspec align="left" />
  9564. <colspec align="left" />
  9565. <tbody>
  9566. <row>
  9567. <entry>
  9568. <para>
  9569. jiǎn tóufa
  9570. </para>
  9571. </entry>
  9572. <entry>
  9573. <para>
  9574. to cut hair
  9575. </para>
  9576. </entry>
  9577. <entry>
  9578. <para>
  9579. to
  9580. </para>
  9581. </entry>
  9582. <entry>
  9583. <para>
  9584. have one’s hair cut
  9585. </para>
  9586. </entry>
  9587. </row>
  9588. <row>
  9589. <entry>
  9590. <para>
  9591. xǐ tóu
  9592. </para>
  9593. </entry>
  9594. <entry>
  9595. <para>
  9596. to give a shampoo
  9597. </para>
  9598. </entry>
  9599. <entry>
  9600. <para>
  9601. to
  9602. </para>
  9603. </entry>
  9604. <entry>
  9605. <para>
  9606. get a shampoo
  9607. </para>
  9608. </entry>
  9609. </row>
  9610. <row>
  9611. <entry>
  9612. <para>
  9613. guā húzi
  9614. </para>
  9615. </entry>
  9616. <entry>
  9617. <para>
  9618. to shave
  9619. </para>
  9620. </entry>
  9621. <entry>
  9622. <para>
  9623. to
  9624. </para>
  9625. </entry>
  9626. <entry>
  9627. <para>
  9628. have a shave
  9629. </para>
  9630. </entry>
  9631. </row>
  9632. <row>
  9633. <entry>
  9634. <para>
  9635. cā pixie
  9636. </para>
  9637. </entry>
  9638. <entry>
  9639. <para>
  9640. to shine shoes
  9641. </para>
  9642. </entry>
  9643. <entry>
  9644. <para>
  9645. to
  9646. </para>
  9647. </entry>
  9648. <entry>
  9649. <para>
  9650. have one’s shoes shined
  9651. </para>
  9652. </entry>
  9653. </row>
  9654. <row>
  9655. <entry>
  9656. <para>
  9657. tàng tóufa
  9658. </para>
  9659. </entry>
  9660. <entry>
  9661. <para>
  9662. to give a permanent
  9663. </para>
  9664. </entry>
  9665. <entry>
  9666. <para>
  9667. to
  9668. </para>
  9669. </entry>
  9670. <entry>
  9671. <para>
  9672. get a permanent
  9673. </para>
  9674. </entry>
  9675. </row>
  9676. <row>
  9677. <entry>
  9678. <para>
  9679. Juǎn tóufa
  9680. </para>
  9681. </entry>
  9682. <entry>
  9683. <para>
  9684. to curl hair
  9685. </para>
  9686. </entry>
  9687. <entry>
  9688. <para>
  9689. to
  9690. </para>
  9691. </entry>
  9692. <entry>
  9693. <para>
  9694. have one's hair curled
  9695. </para>
  9696. </entry>
  9697. </row>
  9698. <row>
  9699. <entry>
  9700. <para>
  9701. zhào xiàng
  9702. </para>
  9703. </entry>
  9704. <entry>
  9705. <para>
  9706. to take a picture
  9707. </para>
  9708. </entry>
  9709. <entry>
  9710. <para>
  9711. to
  9712. </para>
  9713. </entry>
  9714. <entry>
  9715. <para>
  9716. have one’s picture taken
  9717. </para>
  9718. </entry>
  9719. </row>
  9720. </tbody>
  9721. </tgroup>
  9722. </informaltable>
  9723. <para>
  9724. For example, in the case of zhào xiang, a photographer might say Wo
  9725. qù zhào xiàng, &quot;I am going to take pictures&quot;; but a person
  9726. going to a photographer’s studio might say the same sentence, Wǒ qù
  9727. zhào xiàng, meaning &quot;I am going to have my picture taken.&quot;
  9728. </para>
  9729. <para>
  9730. The fact that such sentences may mean either of two things rarely
  9731. causes any misunderstandings in practice. The context almost always
  9732. makes it perfectly clear which meaning is intended.
  9733. </para>
  9734. <para>
  9735. With these verb-object expressions, if you want to specify the
  9736. person on whom the action is performed, you have to use a gěi phrase
  9737. (you can’t make the person the direct object because the verb
  9738. already has a direct object). For example, to say &quot;I’m going to
  9739. take a picture of you,&quot; say:.
  9740. </para>
  9741. <para>
  9742. Likewise:
  9743. </para>
  9744. <literallayout>
  9745. </literallayout>
  9746. <para>
  9747. Wǒ gěi nǐ zhào xiàng.
  9748. </para>
  9749. <literallayout>
  9750. </literallayout>
  9751. <para>
  9752. Tā tàitai gěi ta jian tóufa.       His wife cuts his hair.
  9753. </para>
  9754. <para>
  9755. ’Although misunderstandings are rare, they are not impossible. Here
  9756. is a short exchange illustrating how zhào xiàng might be
  9757. misunderstood and how the misunderstanding might be cleared up. (For
  9758. this example you need to know zhàopiàn, &quot;photograph,&quot; and
  9759. zhàoxiàngguǎn, &quot;photography studio.&quot;)
  9760. </para>
  9761. <itemizedlist>
  9762. <listitem>
  9763. <para>
  9764. A: Wǒ jīntiān zhào xiàng qu le.
  9765. </para>
  9766. </listitem>
  9767. <listitem>
  9768. <para>
  9769. B: Zhào shénme? Zhào fēngjǐng ma?
  9770. </para>
  9771. </listitem>
  9772. </itemizedlist>
  9773. <para>
  9774. A: Bú shì a. Yīnwèi wǒ yào lǐng hùzhào, děi yǒu zhàopiàn, suóyi wǒ
  9775. qù zhàoxiàngguǎn qǐng tamen gěi wo zhào xiàng.
  9776. </para>
  9777. <literallayout>
  9778. </literallayout>
  9779. <para>
  9780. Today I went to take pictures/ to have my picture taken.
  9781. </para>
  9782. <para>
  9783. What did you take pictures of?
  9784. </para>
  9785. <para>
  9786. Did you take pictures of scenery?
  9787. </para>
  9788. <para>
  9789. No. I’m going to get a passport and need photographs, so I went to a
  9790. photo studio and had them take my picture.
  9791. </para>
  9792. <literallayout>
  9793. </literallayout>
  9794. <para>
  9795. Here &quot;A&quot; meant by his first sentence &quot;Today I went to
  9796. have my picture taken.&quot; but &quot;B&quot; understood him to
  9797. mean &quot;Today I went to take pictures.&quot;
  9798. </para>
  9799. <para>
  9800. wàishì Jǐngchá: &quot;foreign affairs policemen,&quot; those who
  9801. Heal with foreign national:’..
  9802. </para>
  9803. <para>
  9805. </para>
  9806. <para>
  9807. A foreign official in Běijǐng talks with a Chinese colleague.
  9808. </para>
  9809. <informaltable>
  9810. <tgroup cols="3">
  9811. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  9812. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  9813. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  9814. <tbody>
  9815. <row>
  9816. <entry>
  9817. <para>
  9818. M:
  9819. </para>
  9820. </entry>
  9821. <entry>
  9822. <para>
  9823. Nǐ Jǐntiān zěnme lai zenme wan?
  9824. </para>
  9825. </entry>
  9826. <entry>
  9827. <para>
  9828. How come you are so late today?
  9829. </para>
  9830. </entry>
  9831. </row>
  9832. <row>
  9833. <entry>
  9834. <para>
  9835. F:
  9836. </para>
  9837. </entry>
  9838. <entry>
  9839. <para>
  9840. Zhēn zāogāo!
  9841. </para>
  9842. </entry>
  9843. <entry>
  9844. <para>
  9845. It's Just awful!
  9846. </para>
  9847. </entry>
  9848. </row>
  9849. <row>
  9850. <entry>
  9851. <para>
  9852. M:
  9853. </para>
  9854. </entry>
  9855. <entry>
  9856. <para>
  9857. Zěnme le?
  9858. </para>
  9859. </entry>
  9860. <entry>
  9861. <para>
  9862. What happened?
  9863. </para>
  9864. </entry>
  9865. </row>
  9866. <row>
  9867. <entry>
  9868. <para>
  9869. F:
  9870. </para>
  9871. </entry>
  9872. <entry>
  9873. <para>
  9874. Wǒ bǎ Jiàshǐ zhízhào diū le.
  9875. </para>
  9876. <para>
  9877. Wǒ shi zuò chūzū qìchē láide.
  9878. </para>
  9879. </entry>
  9880. <entry>
  9881. <para>
  9882. I’ve lost my driver's license. I had to come by taxi.
  9883. </para>
  9884. </entry>
  9885. </row>
  9886. <row>
  9887. <entry>
  9888. <para>
  9889. M:
  9890. </para>
  9891. </entry>
  9892. <entry>
  9893. <para>
  9894. Zài nǎr diūd'a?
  9895. </para>
  9896. </entry>
  9897. <entry>
  9898. <para>
  9899. Where did you lose it?
  9900. </para>
  9901. </entry>
  9902. </row>
  9903. <row>
  9904. <entry>
  9905. <para>
  9906. F:
  9907. </para>
  9908. </entry>
  9909. <entry>
  9910. <para>
  9911. Wǒ bù zhīdào. Jǐntiān zǎoshang wǒ cái fāxiàn diū le. Wǒ
  9912. zěnme bàn? Yào dào jǐngchájú qù ma?
  9913. </para>
  9914. </entry>
  9915. <entry>
  9916. <para>
  9917. I don't know. I didn't discover I'd lost it until this
  9918. morning. What am I to do? Should I go to the police
  9919. station?
  9920. </para>
  9921. </entry>
  9922. </row>
  9923. <row>
  9924. <entry>
  9925. <para>
  9926. M:
  9927. </para>
  9928. </entry>
  9929. <entry>
  9930. <para>
  9931. Wǒ wènyiwèn Gǒng'ánjú zěnme gěi ni lǐng yíge xǐnde.
  9932. </para>
  9933. </entry>
  9934. <entry>
  9935. <para>
  9936. I'll ask the Bureau of Public Security how to get you a
  9937. new one.
  9938. </para>
  9939. </entry>
  9940. </row>
  9941. <row>
  9942. <entry>
  9943. <para>
  9944. F:
  9945. </para>
  9946. </entry>
  9947. <entry>
  9948. <para>
  9949. Wǒ xǐwàng néng kuài yidiǎnr. Yàoburán bù néng kāi che bù
  9950. fāngbiàn.
  9951. </para>
  9952. </entry>
  9953. <entry>
  9954. <para>
  9955. I hope it will be soon. Otherwise it will be' inconvenient
  9956. not being able to drive.
  9957. </para>
  9958. </entry>
  9959. </row>
  9960. <row>
  9961. <entry>
  9962. <para>
  9963. M:
  9964. </para>
  9965. </entry>
  9966. <entry>
  9967. <para>
  9968. Nà nǐ xiān qù zhào xiàng. Wǒ gěi ni wènwen zěnme bàn.
  9969. </para>
  9970. </entry>
  9971. <entry>
  9972. <para>
  9973. Well, then, you go and get your picture taken. I'll ask
  9974. for you what you should do.
  9975. </para>
  9976. </entry>
  9977. </row>
  9978. </tbody>
  9979. </tgroup>
  9980. </informaltable>
  9981. <para>
  9983. </para>
  9984. <para>
  9985. Zài nǎr diūd'a?: &quot;Where did you lose it?&quot; d'a is a
  9986. contraction of de and a. The whole sentence would be Nǐ shi zài nǎr
  9987. diūde a?
  9988. </para>
  9989. <para>
  9991. </para>
  9992. <para>
  9993. 12. Ai! Shéi lai bangbang máng!
  9994. </para>
  9995. <para>
  9996. 13. Tā bèi qìchē zhuàng le.
  9997. </para>
  9998. <para>
  9999. 1U. Tā qí mōtuǒchē qíde tài kuài le.
  10000. </para>
  10001. <itemizedlist>
  10002. <listitem>
  10003. <para>
  10004. 15. Wǒde tuǐ téngsǐ le!
  10005. </para>
  10006. </listitem>
  10007. <listitem>
  10008. <para>
  10009. 16. Nǐ liú xue le ma?
  10010. </para>
  10011. </listitem>
  10012. <listitem>
  10013. <para>
  10014. 17. Women xiān bǎ tā tái dao lù-biānrshang qu ba.
  10015. </para>
  10016. </listitem>
  10017. <listitem>
  10018. <para>
  10019. 18. Wode tuǐ dòngbuliǎo, dàgài gútou duàn le.
  10020. </para>
  10021. </listitem>
  10022. <listitem>
  10023. <para>
  10024. 19- Qǐng ni māshàng gěi yǐyuàn dǎ diànhuà.
  10025. </para>
  10026. </listitem>
  10027. <listitem>
  10028. <para>
  10029. 20. Bié zhāo j í.
  10030. </para>
  10031. </listitem>
  10032. <listitem>
  10033. <para>
  10034. 21. Wǒ zài zhèr kānzhe ta.
  10035. </para>
  10036. </listitem>
  10037. <listitem>
  10038. <para>
  10039. 22. -liáng
  10040. </para>
  10041. </listitem>
  10042. <listitem>
  10043. <para>
  10044. 23. jiùhùchē
  10045. </para>
  10046. </listitem>
  10047. </itemizedlist>
  10048. <literallayout>
  10049. </literallayout>
  10050. <para>
  10051. Hey! Will someone please come help!
  10052. </para>
  10053. <para>
  10054. He was hit by a car.
  10055. </para>
  10056. <para>
  10057. He was driving his motorcycle too fast.
  10058. </para>
  10059. <para>
  10060. My leg is hurting me to death!
  10061. </para>
  10062. <para>
  10063. Are you bleeding?
  10064. </para>
  10065. <para>
  10066. Let’s first carry him to the side of the road.
  10067. </para>
  10068. <para>
  10069. I can’t move my leg, the bone is probably broken.
  10070. </para>
  10071. <para>
  10072. Please call the hospital immediately.
  10073. </para>
  10074. <para>
  10075. Don’t get upset.
  10076. </para>
  10077. <para>
  10078. I’ll stay here and look after him
  10079. </para>
  10080. <para>
  10081. (counter for vehicles)
  10082. </para>
  10083. <para>
  10084. ambulance
  10085. </para>
  10086. <literallayout>
  10087. </literallayout>
  10088. <para>
  10090. </para>
  10091. <para>
  10092. shéi: &quot;someone” The question word shéi &quot;who&quot; can also
  10093. be used to mean &quot;someone.&quot;
  10094. </para>
  10095. <para>
  10096. bèi: This is the prepositional verb which indicates the doer of the
  10097. action, similar to the English &quot;by&quot; in passive sentences.
  10098. In sentences with bèi it is the subject (tā in sentence 12) which
  10099. received the action and the object of bèi (qǐchē in sentence 12)
  10100. which did the action.
  10101. </para>
  10102. <para>
  10103. Wode zìdiǎn bèi xuésheng           My dictionary was taken by a
  10104. </para>
  10105. <para>
  10106. názǒu le.                            student.
  10107. </para>
  10108. <para>
  10109. Tā bèi rén dǎsǐ le.                 He was beaten to death by
  10110. someone.
  10111. </para>
  10112. <para>
  10113. (dǎsǐ is literally &quot;hit to death)
  10114. </para>
  10115. <para>
  10116. Bèi has a special characteristic other prepositional verbs do not
  10117. share: it can occur WITHOUT AN OBJECT. Its passive meaning is still
  10118. evident in the rest of the sentence:
  10119. </para>
  10120. <para>
  10121. Wěde xǐn qìchē bèi zhuàng le.
  10122. </para>
  10123. <para>
  10124. Wǒde yǔsān bèi názǒu le.
  10125. </para>
  10126. <para>
  10127. £1: ”to ride/drive by straddling&quot; generally - and specifically
  10128. when sitting with horses, motorcycles and bicycles.
  10129. </para>
  10130. <para>
  10131. téngsǐ le: &quot;to hurt a lot,&quot; speaking)”
  10132. </para>
  10133. <para>
  10134. liú xuě: &quot;to bleed,&quot; literally &quot;to xiě and xuè.
  10135. </para>
  10136. <para>
  10137. tai: &quot;to lift or carry (by two or
  10138. </para>
  10139. <para>
  10140. Qǐng bS zhèige zhuōzi tái-jìnlái.
  10141. </para>
  10142. <para>
  10143. Qǐng ba zhèi liǎngjiàn dà xíngli táishang chē qu.
  10144. </para>
  10145. <para>
  10146. Bǎ diànshì táixià 16u lai.
  10147. </para>
  10148. <para>
  10149. dong: &quot;to move (either oneself or
  10150. </para>
  10151. <para>
  10152. Bié dong!
  10153. </para>
  10154. <para>
  10155. Xian bú yào dong ta.
  10156. </para>
  10157. <literallayout>
  10158. </literallayout>
  10159. <para>
  10160. My new car was hit.
  10161. </para>
  10162. <para>
  10163. My umbrella was taken.
  10164. </para>
  10165. <para>
  10166. While zuò is the verb &quot;to ride&quot; down, qí is the verb
  10167. &quot;to ride&quot; used
  10168. </para>
  10169. <literallayout>
  10170. </literallayout>
  10171. <para>
  10172. literally &quot;to hurt to death (figuratively
  10173. </para>
  10174. <literallayout>
  10175. </literallayout>
  10176. <para>
  10177. (Dong can also mean &quot;to touch&quot; something, touch it.&quot;)
  10178. </para>
  10179. <para>
  10180. dòngbuliǎo: &quot;unable to move&quot; &quot;unable&quot; are used
  10181. with action verbs
  10182. </para>
  10183. <para>
  10184. Zènme duō xíngli, w5 yíge rén nábuliSo.
  10185. </para>
  10186. <para>
  10187. Tā kāi dāo bù jiǔ, hái zěu-buliāo lù.
  10188. </para>
  10189. <para>
  10190. Xià zhème dà yǔ. Xiànzài zěubuliSo.
  10191. </para>
  10192. <literallayout>
  10193. </literallayout>
  10194. <para>
  10195. flow blood&quot; Xuě is also pronounced
  10196. </para>
  10197. <para>
  10198. more persons)&quot;
  10199. </para>
  10200. <para>
  10201. Please carry this table in (with me or someone else).
  10202. </para>
  10203. <para>
  10204. Please carry (with me or someone else these two large suitcases onto
  10205. the train.
  10206. </para>
  10207. <para>
  10208. Bring the television downstairs with me.
  10209. </para>
  10210. <para>
  10211. something else)&quot;
  10212. </para>
  10213. <para>
  10214. Don’t move.
  10215. </para>
  10216. <para>
  10217. Let’s not move him just yet.
  10218. </para>
  10219. <para>
  10220. so Bié dong can also mean &quot;Don’t
  10221. </para>
  10222. <para>
  10223. The endings -deliǎo &quot;able&quot; and -buliǎo to show the result
  10224. of the action.
  10225. </para>
  10226. <para>
  10227. I can’t carry all this luggage by myself.
  10228. </para>
  10229. <para>
  10230. It hasn’t been long since the operation. She’s not yet able to walk.
  10231. </para>
  10232. <para>
  10233. It’s raining so hard. We can’t leave now.
  10234. </para>
  10235. <literallayout>
  10236. </literallayout>
  10237. <para>
  10238. mashàng: ’’immediately, right away,” literally ”on a horse”
  10239. </para>
  10240. <para>
  10241. dǎ diànhuà: ”to make a phone call,” literally ”to hit
  10242. electric-speech.” To indicate who you are calling, use the
  10243. prepositional verb gěi ’’for, to.”
  10244. </para>
  10245. <para>
  10246. Nǐ gěi shéi dS diànhuà?            Who are you calling?
  10247. </para>
  10248. <para>
  10249. Lao Wáng you gěi ni da diàn- Lao Wáng called you again, huà le.
  10250. </para>
  10251. <para>
  10252. The noun diànhuà by itself can mean either ’’telephone” or
  10253. ’’telephone call.”
  10254. </para>
  10255. <para>
  10256. Nǐ hái méiyou diànhuà ma?          Are you still without a phone?
  10257. </para>
  10258. <para>
  10259. You nǐde diànhuà.                  There’s a call for you.
  10260. </para>
  10261. <para>
  10262. Sometimes you can use diànhuà where English would have ’’telephone
  10263. number”: Nǐde diànhuà shi duōshao?
  10264. </para>
  10265. <para>
  10266. zhǎo Jí: ”to get upset, to get excited with worry, to feel anxious”
  10267. </para>
  10268. <para>
  10269. Nǐ tài zhāojí. Women zhèr         You’re too anxious/worried. We
  10270. </para>
  10271. <para>
  10272. méiyou shénme wèntí.               don’t have any problems here.
  10273. </para>
  10274. <para>
  10275. kān: ”to look after (something)” The verb kàn ”to look, to see”
  10276. changes tones when it means ”to look after something.”
  10277. </para>
  10278. <para>
  10279. Nǐ qù Xiānggāngde shíhou, shéi Who’ll be looking after your house
  10280. gěi ni kān fángzi?                 when you go to Hong Kong?
  10281. </para>
  10282. <para>
  10283. Shéi gěi ni kān háizi?             Who looks after the children (OR
  10284. </para>
  10285. <para>
  10286. babysits) for you?
  10287. </para>
  10288. <para>
  10289. -zhe: This is the marker of DURATION. It may be added to an action
  10290. or process verb to indicate that the action lasts for some amount of
  10291. time. In the sentence Wo zài zhèr kānzhe ta ”1’11 stay here and look
  10292. after him,” the speaker is saying that he will do this and CONTINUE
  10293. it for some time. -Zhe can be used whether the time is past, present
  10294. or future.
  10295. </para>
  10296. <para>
  10297. Tā zài nèibiān zuòzhe, Xiao Lán pāojinlai gàosu ta bàba huílai le.
  10298. </para>
  10299. <literallayout>
  10300. </literallayout>
  10301. <para>
  10302. She was sitting there when Xiāo Lán ran in and told her papa had
  10303. returned.
  10304. </para>
  10305. <literallayout>
  10306. </literallayout>
  10307. <para>
  10308. Tā hāi bìngzhe ne.
  10309. </para>
  10310. <literallayout>
  10311. </literallayout>
  10312. <para>
  10313. He’s still sick. (The -zhe tells you that the illness is lasting for
  10314. some time. Without -zhe, bin, means ’’get sick,” not ”be sick. Ne
  10315. tells you this is not a new situation [absence of change!.)
  10316. </para>
  10317. <literallayout>
  10318. </literallayout>
  10319. <para>
  10320. Zudzhe ba.
  10321. </para>
  10322. <literallayout>
  10323. </literallayout>
  10324. <para>
  10325. Sit for a while.
  10326. </para>
  10327. <literallayout>
  10328. </literallayout>
  10329. <para>
  10331. </para>
  10332. <para>
  10333. A passerby (B) on a street in Beijing is called by the driver of a
  10334. motor
  10335. </para>
  10336. <literallayout>
  10337. </literallayout>
  10338. <para>
  10339. cycle (A) who has Just had an accident
  10340. </para>
  10341. <itemizedlist>
  10342. <listitem>
  10343. <para>
  10344. A: Wèi, lai bangbang mang!
  10345. </para>
  10346. </listitem>
  10347. <listitem>
  10348. <para>
  10349. B: Zěnme le?
  10350. </para>
  10351. </listitem>
  10352. </itemizedlist>
  10353. <itemizedlist>
  10354. <listitem>
  10355. <para>
  10356. A: Zhèiwèi tóngzhì bèi wǒ zhuàng le.
  10357. </para>
  10358. </listitem>
  10359. <listitem>
  10360. <para>
  10361. B: Bèi nī zhuàng le? Zhèiliàng mótuōchē shi nǐde?
  10362. </para>
  10363. </listitem>
  10364. </itemizedlist>
  10365. <para>
  10366. A: Hài, bié shuō le. Wo qíde tai kuài, méi kànjian ta.
  10367. </para>
  10368. <itemizedlist>
  10369. <listitem>
  10370. <para>
  10371. C: Aiyo, wode mā yo . . . Aiyo!
  10372. </para>
  10373. </listitem>
  10374. </itemizedlist>
  10375. <para>
  10376. Téngsī wo le. . . . Wǒde tuī
  10377. </para>
  10378. <literallayout>
  10379. </literallayout>
  10380. <para>
  10381. with a pedestrian (C).
  10382. </para>
  10383. <para>
  10384. Hey, someone quick come help us!
  10385. </para>
  10386. <para>
  10387. What happened?
  10388. </para>
  10389. <para>
  10390. This comrade was hit by me.
  10391. </para>
  10392. <para>
  10393. Hit by you? Is this your motorcycle?
  10394. </para>
  10395. <para>
  10396. (Sigh) Don’t even talk about it. I was riding too fast, I didn’t see
  10397. him.
  10398. </para>
  10399. <para>
  10400. Ow, my mother’ . . . Ow! It hurts like crazy. ... my leg . . .
  10401. </para>
  10402. <literallayout>
  10403. </literallayout>
  10404. <para>
  10405. B: Liúle zhème duō xuě, zhēn zāogāo! Xiànzài zěnme bàn ne? Women
  10406. xiān bǎ ta tai dao lù-biānrshang qu ba!
  10407. </para>
  10408. <para>
  10409. C:   Ao, wǒde tuī dòngbuliǎo, dàgài
  10410. </para>
  10411. <para>
  10412. gútou duàn le.
  10413. </para>
  10414. <para>
  10415. A:   Wǒ xiǎng zuìhǎo xiān bú yào
  10416. </para>
  10417. <para>
  10418. dong ta, wǑ zài zhèr, nī qù dǎ diànhuà Jiào liàng Jiùhùchē lai, zài
  10419. dǎ ge diànhuà Jiào Jingchá lái.
  10420. </para>
  10421. <literallayout>
  10422. </literallayout>
  10423. <para>
  10424. He’s lost so much blood. This is terrible. What should we do now?
  10425. First, let's carry him to the side of the road.
  10426. </para>
  10427. <para>
  10428. Oh, I can't move my leg. It's probably broken.
  10429. </para>
  10430. <para>
  10431. I think it would be best not to move him for the time being. I'll
  10432. stay here. You call for an ambulance, and then call for the police
  10433. to come.
  10434. </para>
  10435. <literallayout>
  10436. </literallayout>
  10437. <para>
  10438. He’s not calling for his mother; this is a moan.
  10439. </para>
  10440. <para>
  10441. B:   Hao, nǐ zài zhèr kānzhe ta. Wo
  10442. </para>
  10443. <para>
  10444. mashàng jiù qù. (to C): Nèiwei tongzhì nǐ bié zhāojí. Dale diànhuà
  10445. jiùhùchē mashàng jiù dào.
  10446. </para>
  10447. <literallayout>
  10448. </literallayout>
  10449. <para>
  10450. Okay, you stay here and watch him.
  10451. </para>
  10452. <para>
  10453. I’ll go right away, (to C): Don’t get upset, comrade. The ambulance
  10454. will be here right after I call.
  10455. </para>
  10456. <literallayout>
  10457. </literallayout>
  10458. <para>
  10459. A: Nín . . . nín kuài qù ba! Xièxie You . . . you go quickly! Thank
  10460. you. nín le!
  10461. </para>
  10462. <para>
  10464. </para>
  10465. <informaltable>
  10466. <tgroup cols="3">
  10467. <colspec align="left" />
  10468. <colspec align="left" />
  10469. <colspec align="left" />
  10470. <tbody>
  10471. <row>
  10472. <entry>
  10473. <para>
  10474. 21*.
  10475. </para>
  10476. </entry>
  10477. <entry>
  10478. <para>
  10479. Nǐ méi kànjian zhèige páizi ma?
  10480. </para>
  10481. </entry>
  10482. <entry>
  10483. <para>
  10484. Didn't you see this sign?
  10485. </para>
  10486. </entry>
  10487. </row>
  10488. <row>
  10489. <entry>
  10490. <para>
  10491. 25.
  10492. </para>
  10493. </entry>
  10494. <entry>
  10495. <para>
  10496. Wǒ méi zhùyì■
  10497. </para>
  10498. </entry>
  10499. <entry>
  10500. <para>
  10501. I wasn't paying attention.
  10502. </para>
  10503. </entry>
  10504. </row>
  10505. <row>
  10506. <entry>
  10507. <para>
  10508. 26.
  10509. </para>
  10510. </entry>
  10511. <entry>
  10512. <para>
  10513. Yǐhòu nǐ yào xiaoxln.
  10514. </para>
  10515. </entry>
  10516. <entry>
  10517. <para>
  10518. From now on you must be careful.
  10519. </para>
  10520. </entry>
  10521. </row>
  10522. <row>
  10523. <entry>
  10524. <para>
  10525. 27.
  10526. </para>
  10527. </entry>
  10528. <entry>
  10529. <para>
  10530. Nǐmen bù kéyi zài zhèli yóuyong.
  10531. </para>
  10532. </entry>
  10533. <entry>
  10534. <para>
  10535. You can't swim here.
  10536. </para>
  10537. </entry>
  10538. </row>
  10539. <row>
  10540. <entry>
  10541. <para>
  10542. 28.
  10543. </para>
  10544. </entry>
  10545. <entry>
  10546. <para>
  10547. Nǐmen zài zhèli yóuyong yǒu wéixiǎn.
  10548. </para>
  10549. </entry>
  10550. <entry>
  10551. <para>
  10552. It's dangerous for you to swim here.
  10553. </para>
  10554. </entry>
  10555. </row>
  10556. <row>
  10557. <entry>
  10558. <para>
  10559. 29.
  10560. </para>
  10561. </entry>
  10562. <entry>
  10563. <para>
  10564. Wǒ bú shi gùyì jìnlaide.
  10565. </para>
  10566. </entry>
  10567. <entry>
  10568. <para>
  10569. I didn't enter here !the restricted areai on purpose.
  10570. </para>
  10571. </entry>
  10572. </row>
  10573. <row>
  10574. <entry>
  10575. <para>
  10576. 30.
  10577. </para>
  10578. </entry>
  10579. <entry>
  10580. <para>
  10581. Ràng wo kànkan nǐde hùzhào.
  10582. </para>
  10583. </entry>
  10584. <entry>
  10585. <para>
  10586. Let me see your passport.
  10587. </para>
  10588. </entry>
  10589. </row>
  10590. <row>
  10591. <entry>
  10592. <para>
  10593. 31.
  10594. </para>
  10595. </entry>
  10596. <entry>
  10597. <para>
  10598. Zhèli shi jūnshì dìqū.
  10599. </para>
  10600. </entry>
  10601. <entry>
  10602. <para>
  10603. This is a military area here.
  10604. </para>
  10605. </entry>
  10606. </row>
  10607. <row>
  10608. <entry>
  10609. <para>
  10610. 32.
  10611. </para>
  10612. </entry>
  10613. <entry>
  10614. <para>
  10615. Zhànzhu!
  10616. </para>
  10617. </entry>
  10618. <entry>
  10619. <para>
  10620. Halt!
  10621. </para>
  10622. </entry>
  10623. </row>
  10624. <row>
  10625. <entry>
  10626. </entry>
  10627. <entry>
  10628. <para>
  10630. </para>
  10631. </entry>
  10632. <entry>
  10633. </entry>
  10634. </row>
  10635. <row>
  10636. <entry>
  10637. </entry>
  10638. <entry>
  10639. <para>
  10640. páizi: &quot;sign, poster, plate,&quot; al
  10641. </para>
  10642. </entry>
  10643. <entry>
  10644. <para>
  10645. so a &quot;brand name, trademark&quot;
  10646. </para>
  10647. </entry>
  10648. </row>
  10649. <row>
  10650. <entry>
  10651. </entry>
  10652. <entry>
  10653. <para>
  10654. Nǐ mǎide shi shénme páizide zhàoxiàngjǐ?
  10655. </para>
  10656. </entry>
  10657. <entry>
  10658. <para>
  10659. What brand of camera did you buy?
  10660. </para>
  10661. </entry>
  10662. </row>
  10663. <row>
  10664. <entry>
  10665. </entry>
  10666. <entry>
  10667. <para>
  10668. Nèige hong páizishang xiède shi shénme?
  10669. </para>
  10670. </entry>
  10671. <entry>
  10672. <para>
  10673. What is written on that red s i gn ?
  10674. </para>
  10675. </entry>
  10676. </row>
  10677. <row>
  10678. <entry>
  10679. </entry>
  10680. <entry>
  10681. <para>
  10682. zhùyì: &quot;to pay attention to, to
  10683. </para>
  10684. </entry>
  10685. <entry>
  10686. <para>
  10687. take notice of&quot;
  10688. </para>
  10689. </entry>
  10690. </row>
  10691. <row>
  10692. <entry>
  10693. </entry>
  10694. <entry>
  10695. <para>
  10696. Wǒ méi zhùyì tā shi gēn shéi zǒude.
  10697. </para>
  10698. </entry>
  10699. <entry>
  10700. <para>
  10701. I didn't notice who he left with.
  10702. </para>
  10703. </entry>
  10704. </row>
  10705. <row>
  10706. <entry>
  10707. </entry>
  10708. <entry>
  10709. <para>
  10710. Zhùyì diǎnr!
  10711. </para>
  10712. </entry>
  10713. <entry>
  10714. <para>
  10715. Please pay a little more attention!
  10716. </para>
  10717. </entry>
  10718. </row>
  10719. <row>
  10720. <entry>
  10721. <para>
  10722. kéyi
  10723. </para>
  10724. </entry>
  10725. <entry>
  10726. <para>
  10727. bù kéyi: &quot;cannot&quot; Of the three is the one to use
  10728. when the &quot;can&quot;
  10729. </para>
  10730. </entry>
  10731. <entry>
  10732. <para>
  10733. auxiliary verbs néng, huì and kéyi. or &quot;cannot&quot;
  10734. is due to someone
  10735. </para>
  10736. </entry>
  10737. </row>
  10738. </tbody>
  10739. </tgroup>
  10740. </informaltable>
  10741. <para>
  10742. granting or withholding permission.
  10743. </para>
  10744. <para>
  10745. yóuyǒng: ”to swim”
  10746. </para>
  10747. <para>
  10748. Nǐ huì bu huì yóuyǒng?             Can you swim?
  10749. </para>
  10750. <para>
  10751. Wǒ youyǒng youde bú tài hǎo. I don't swim too well.
  10752. </para>
  10753. <para>
  10754. wéixiǎn: &quot;to be dangerous, to be perilous&quot; Also pronounced
  10755. wéixiǎn.
  10756. </para>
  10757. <para>
  10758. Zài Táiběi qí mōtuōchē tài        It's too dangerous to ride a
  10759. motorcyle
  10760. </para>
  10761. <para>
  10762. wéixiǎn le.                         in Taipei.
  10763. </para>
  10764. <para>
  10765. Tā bú pà wéixiǎn, tā shénme dōu He's not afraid of danger. He'll yào
  10766. zuò.                             do anything.
  10767. </para>
  10768. <para>
  10769. gùyì: &quot;intentionally, willfully, on purpose&quot;
  10770. </para>
  10771. <para>
  10772. Tā gùyì bǎ nèixie shū diū le. She lost those books on purpose.
  10773. </para>
  10774. <para>
  10775. Duìbuqǐ, wǒ bú shi gùyì (zuò)de. I'm sorry, I didn't do it on
  10776. purpose.
  10777. </para>
  10778. <para>
  10779. ràng: &quot;to let, to allow, to cause (someone to do
  10780. something).&quot; This is a prepositional verb, i.e. ràng and its
  10781. object both precede the main verb.
  10782. </para>
  10783. <para>
  10784. Tā bú ràng wo zǒu.                 She won't let me leave.
  10785. </para>
  10786. <para>
  10787. Nǐ zěnme kéyi ràng tā zenme        How could you make her so
  10788. unhappyI
  10789. </para>
  10790. <para>
  10791. bù gāoxìng?
  10792. </para>
  10793. <para>
  10795. </para>
  10796. <para>
  10797. A Canadian man (M) has Just entered an area in Běijīng prohibited to
  10798. foreigners, having failed to notice a sign in English to that
  10799. effect. A policewoman (F) calls out to him.
  10800. </para>
  10801. <para>
  10802. F:   Hài! Zhànzhu!
  10803. </para>
  10804. <literallayout>
  10805. </literallayout>
  10806. <para>
  10807. M:   Shénme shir?
  10808. </para>
  10809. <para>
  10810. F:   Nǐ méi kànjian zhèige páizi ma?
  10811. </para>
  10812. <para>
  10813. M:   Ou, duìbuqǐ. Wǒ méi zhùyì.
  10814. </para>
  10815. <para>
  10816. Wǒ bú shi gùyì jìnlaide.
  10817. </para>
  10818. <para>
  10819. F:   Nǐ shi nǎiguo rén na?
  10820. </para>
  10821. <para>
  10822. M:   Wo shi Jiānádà rén.
  10823. </para>
  10824. <literallayout>
  10825. </literallayout>
  10826. <para>
  10827. Hey! Halt!
  10828. </para>
  10829. <para>
  10830. What's the matter?
  10831. </para>
  10832. <para>
  10833. Didn't you see this sign?
  10834. </para>
  10835. <para>
  10836. Oh, excuse me. I wasn’t paying attention. I didn't enter here
  10837. intentionally.
  10838. </para>
  10839. <para>
  10840. What's your nationality?
  10841. </para>
  10842. <para>
  10843. I'm Canadian.
  10844. </para>
  10845. <literallayout>
  10846. </literallayout>
  10847. <para>
  10848. F:   Rang wo kànkan nǐde huzhào.
  10849. </para>
  10850. <para>
  10851. M: Mm.
  10852. </para>
  10853. <para>
  10854. (The policewoman writes down his name
  10855. </para>
  10856. <para>
  10857. F:   Yǐhòu zhùyì diǎnr. Bié zài
  10858. </para>
  10859. <para>
  10860. zǒucuò le.
  10861. </para>
  10862. <para>
  10863. M:   Wǒ zhǐdao le.
  10864. </para>
  10865. <literallayout>
  10866. </literallayout>
  10867. <para>
  10868. Let me see your passport.
  10869. </para>
  10870. <para>
  10871. Mm.
  10872. </para>
  10873. <para>
  10874. and passport number.)
  10875. </para>
  10876. <para>
  10877. From now on pay more attention.
  10878. </para>
  10879. <para>
  10880. Don’t walk into the wrong place again.
  10881. </para>
  10882. <para>
  10883. Now I know.
  10884. </para>
  10885. <literallayout>
  10886. </literallayout>
  10887. <para>
  10889. </para>
  10890. <para>
  10891. zhǐdao le: &quot;now I know,&quot; or &quot;I understand&quot; This
  10892. is the marker le for new situations.
  10893. </para>
  10894. <para>
  10896. </para>
  10897. <para>
  10898. An American woman and her two children Taiwan. A soldier calls to
  10899. them.
  10900. </para>
  10901. <para>
  10902. M:   Èi! Shànglai! Nǐmen shànglai.
  10903. </para>
  10904. <para>
  10905. F:   You shénme shi a?
  10906. </para>
  10907. <para>
  10908. M:   Nǐmen bù kéyi zài zhèli
  10909. </para>
  10910. <para>
  10911. yóuyǒng.
  10912. </para>
  10913. <para>
  10914. F:   Wèishénme?
  10915. </para>
  10916. <para>
  10917. M:   Nǐ méi kàndao nèige páizi ma?
  10918. </para>
  10919. <para>
  10920. F:   Kàndao le, búguò . . .
  10921. </para>
  10922. <para>
  10923. M:   Paizishang shuō shénme?
  10924. </para>
  10925. <para>
  10926. F:   Duìbuqǐ, wǒ bú huì kàn
  10927. </para>
  10928. <para>
  10929. Zhōngwén.
  10930. </para>
  10931. <para>
  10932. M:   Zhèli shi jūnshǐ dìqū. BÙ kéyi
  10933. </para>
  10934. <para>
  10935. yóuyǒng. Nǐmen zài zhèli yóuyǒng you wéixiǎn. Xiàcì bú yào zài lai
  10936. le.
  10937. </para>
  10938. <para>
  10939. F:   Hǎo. Xièxie ni.
  10940. </para>
  10941. <literallayout>
  10942. </literallayout>
  10943. <para>
  10944. are swimming along the beach in
  10945. </para>
  10946. <para>
  10947. Hey! Come up! Come up here.
  10948. </para>
  10949. <para>
  10950. What's the matter?
  10951. </para>
  10952. <para>
  10953. You can't swim here.
  10954. </para>
  10955. <para>
  10956. Why?
  10957. </para>
  10958. <para>
  10959. Didn't you see that sign?
  10960. </para>
  10961. <para>
  10962. Yes, but . . .
  10963. </para>
  10964. <para>
  10965. What does it say on the sign?
  10966. </para>
  10967. <para>
  10968. I'm sorry, I can't read Chinese.
  10969. </para>
  10970. <para>
  10971. This is a military area here. You can't swim. It's dangerous for you
  10972. to swim here. In the future you shouldn't come here any more
  10973. </para>
  10974. <para>
  10975. Very well. Thank you.
  10976. </para>
  10977. <literallayout>
  10978. </literallayout>
  10979. <para>
  10981. </para>
  10982. <para>
  10983. xiàcì bú yào zài lai le: ”in the future don’t come here again (any
  10984. more” In addition to meaning ’’next time,” xiàcì can mean generally
  10985. ”in the future.”
  10986. </para>
  10987. <informaltable>
  10988. <tgroup cols="2">
  10989. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  10990. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  10991. <tbody>
  10992. <row>
  10993. <entry>
  10994. </entry>
  10995. <entry>
  10996. <para>
  10997. Unit 6, Vocabulary
  10998. </para>
  10999. </entry>
  11000. </row>
  11001. <row>
  11002. <entry>
  11003. <para>
  11004. bang máng bèi
  11005. </para>
  11006. </entry>
  11007. <entry>
  11008. <para>
  11009. to help, to aid, to assist
  11010. </para>
  11011. <para>
  11012. by (indicates the one who carries out the action in a
  11013. passive sentence)
  11014. </para>
  11015. </entry>
  11016. </row>
  11017. <row>
  11018. <entry>
  11019. <para>
  11020. -buliao
  11021. </para>
  11022. </entry>
  11023. <entry>
  11024. <para>
  11025. unable to ... (verb ending)
  11026. </para>
  11027. </entry>
  11028. </row>
  11029. <row>
  11030. <entry>
  11031. <para>
  11032. dS diànhuà diànhuà dìqū diū dong dòngbuliǎo duàn
  11033. </para>
  11034. </entry>
  11035. <entry>
  11036. <para>
  11037. to make a phone call, to telephone telephone, telephone
  11038. call area, region to lose to move unable to move to sever,
  11039. to break
  11040. </para>
  11041. </entry>
  11042. </row>
  11043. <row>
  11044. <entry>
  11045. <para>
  11046. fānyì faxiàn
  11047. </para>
  11048. </entry>
  11049. <entry>
  11050. <para>
  11051. to interpret, to translate to discover
  11052. </para>
  11053. </entry>
  11054. </row>
  11055. <row>
  11056. <entry>
  11057. <para>
  11058. Góng’ānjú gútou gùyì
  11059. </para>
  11060. </entry>
  11061. <entry>
  11062. <para>
  11063. Bureau of Public Security (PRC) bone intentionally,
  11064. willfully, on purpose
  11065. </para>
  11066. </entry>
  11067. </row>
  11068. <row>
  11069. <entry>
  11070. <para>
  11071. jiàshǐ
  11072. </para>
  11073. <para>
  11074. jiàshǐ zhízhào jǐngchá jǐngchájú j iùhùchē jūnshì
  11075. </para>
  11076. </entry>
  11077. <entry>
  11078. <para>
  11079. driver, pilot; to drive, to pilot driver’s license
  11080. </para>
  11081. <para>
  11082. policeman
  11083. </para>
  11084. <para>
  11085. police station
  11086. </para>
  11087. <para>
  11088. ambulance
  11089. </para>
  11090. <para>
  11091. military
  11092. </para>
  11093. </entry>
  11094. </row>
  11095. <row>
  11096. <entry>
  11097. <para>
  11098. kan
  11099. </para>
  11100. </entry>
  11101. <entry>
  11102. <para>
  11103. to look after, to watch over
  11104. </para>
  11105. </entry>
  11106. </row>
  11107. <row>
  11108. <entry>
  11109. <para>
  11110. -liàng ling
  11111. </para>
  11112. </entry>
  11113. <entry>
  11114. <para>
  11115. (counter for vehicles)
  11116. </para>
  11117. <para>
  11118. to collect, to pick up (something which is issued)
  11119. </para>
  11120. </entry>
  11121. </row>
  11122. <row>
  11123. <entry>
  11124. <para>
  11125. liú xuě (xiě, xuè) lūbiān(r)
  11126. </para>
  11127. </entry>
  11128. <entry>
  11129. <para>
  11130. to bleed side of the road
  11131. </para>
  11132. </entry>
  11133. </row>
  11134. <row>
  11135. <entry>
  11136. <para>
  11137. mǎshàng
  11138. </para>
  11139. <para>
  11140. motuōchē (mōtuōchē)
  11141. </para>
  11142. </entry>
  11143. <entry>
  11144. <para>
  11145. immediately motorcycle
  11146. </para>
  11147. </entry>
  11148. </row>
  11149. <row>
  11150. <entry>
  11151. <para>
  11152. páizi
  11153. </para>
  11154. </entry>
  11155. <entry>
  11156. <para>
  11157. sign, poster, plate; brand name, trade mark
  11158. </para>
  11159. </entry>
  11160. </row>
  11161. <row>
  11162. <entry>
  11163. <para>
  11164. </para>
  11165. </entry>
  11166. <entry>
  11167. <para>
  11168. to ride by straddling
  11169. </para>
  11170. </entry>
  11171. </row>
  11172. <row>
  11173. <entry>
  11174. <para>
  11175. ràng
  11176. </para>
  11177. </entry>
  11178. <entry>
  11179. <para>
  11180. to let, to allow, to cause someone to do something
  11181. </para>
  11182. </entry>
  11183. </row>
  11184. </tbody>
  11185. </tgroup>
  11186. </informaltable>
  11187. <informaltable>
  11188. <tgroup cols="2">
  11189. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  11190. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  11191. <tbody>
  11192. <row>
  11193. <entry>
  11194. <para>
  11195. shéi shìqing -sǐle
  11196. </para>
  11197. </entry>
  11198. <entry>
  11199. <para>
  11200. someone
  11201. </para>
  11202. <para>
  11203. matter, affair, business, thing like crazy, to death
  11204. (state verb
  11205. </para>
  11206. <para>
  11207. ending)
  11208. </para>
  11209. </entry>
  11210. </row>
  11211. <row>
  11212. <entry>
  11213. <para>
  11214. tai
  11215. </para>
  11216. <para>
  11217. téngsí le
  11218. </para>
  11219. </entry>
  11220. <entry>
  11221. <para>
  11222. to carry (by two or more people) to hurt like crazy, to
  11223. hurt to
  11224. </para>
  11225. <para>
  11226. death (figuratively)
  11227. </para>
  11228. </entry>
  11229. </row>
  11230. <row>
  11231. <entry>
  11232. <para>
  11233. tuǐ
  11234. </para>
  11235. </entry>
  11236. <entry>
  11237. <para>
  11238. leg
  11239. </para>
  11240. </entry>
  11241. </row>
  11242. <row>
  11243. <entry>
  11244. <para>
  11245. wàishì
  11246. </para>
  11247. <para>
  11248. wàiguó
  11249. </para>
  11250. <para>
  11251. wéixiǎn (wéixiǎn)
  11252. </para>
  11253. </entry>
  11254. <entry>
  11255. <para>
  11256. foreign affairs
  11257. </para>
  11258. <para>
  11259. foreign country
  11260. </para>
  11261. <para>
  11262. to be dangerous, to be perilous, danger
  11263. </para>
  11264. </entry>
  11265. </row>
  11266. <row>
  11267. <entry>
  11268. <para>
  11269. yàoburǎn yóuyong
  11270. </para>
  11271. </entry>
  11272. <entry>
  11273. <para>
  11274. otherwise, or else to swim
  11275. </para>
  11276. </entry>
  11277. </row>
  11278. <row>
  11279. <entry>
  11280. <para>
  11281. zāogāo
  11282. </para>
  11283. </entry>
  11284. <entry>
  11285. <para>
  11286. oh no! how awful! how terrible! what a mess!; to be awful
  11287. </para>
  11288. </entry>
  11289. </row>
  11290. <row>
  11291. <entry>
  11292. <para>
  11293. zhāoJí
  11294. </para>
  11295. </entry>
  11296. <entry>
  11297. <para>
  11298. to get upset, to be anxious, to be worried
  11299. </para>
  11300. </entry>
  11301. </row>
  11302. <row>
  11303. <entry>
  11304. <para>
  11305. zhào xiàng
  11306. </para>
  11307. <para>
  11308. -zhe
  11309. </para>
  11310. </entry>
  11311. <entry>
  11312. <para>
  11313. to take a picture
  11314. </para>
  11315. <para>
  11316. marker of duration for actions and states
  11317. </para>
  11318. </entry>
  11319. </row>
  11320. <row>
  11321. <entry>
  11322. <para>
  11323. zhuàng
  11324. </para>
  11325. </entry>
  11326. <entry>
  11327. <para>
  11328. to bump into, to run into, to collide with
  11329. </para>
  11330. </entry>
  11331. </row>
  11332. <row>
  11333. <entry>
  11334. <para>
  11335. zhùyì (zhùyi)
  11336. </para>
  11337. </entry>
  11338. <entry>
  11339. <para>
  11340. to pay attention, to take notice
  11341. </para>
  11342. </entry>
  11343. </row>
  11344. </tbody>
  11345. </tgroup>
  11346. </informaltable>
  11347. <informaltable>
  11348. <tgroup cols="2">
  11349. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  11350. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  11351. <tbody>
  11352. <row>
  11353. <entry>
  11354. <para>
  11355. abdomen ankle appendix arm
  11356. </para>
  11357. </entry>
  11358. <entry>
  11359. <para>
  11360. fù(bù)
  11361. </para>
  11362. <para>
  11363. jiǎowànzi lánwěi
  11364. </para>
  11365. <para>
  11366. gēbei, gēbo, shSubì
  11367. </para>
  11368. </entry>
  11369. </row>
  11370. <row>
  11371. <entry>
  11372. <para>
  11373. back
  11374. </para>
  11375. </entry>
  11376. <entry>
  11377. <para>
  11378. bèi
  11379. </para>
  11380. </entry>
  11381. </row>
  11382. <row>
  11383. <entry>
  11384. <para>
  11385. blood
  11386. </para>
  11387. </entry>
  11388. <entry>
  11389. <para>
  11390. xiě, xuě, xuè
  11391. </para>
  11392. </entry>
  11393. </row>
  11394. <row>
  11395. <entry>
  11396. <para>
  11397. blood vessel
  11398. </para>
  11399. </entry>
  11400. <entry>
  11401. <para>
  11402. xuěguǎn(r)
  11403. </para>
  11404. </entry>
  11405. </row>
  11406. <row>
  11407. <entry>
  11408. <para>
  11409. bone
  11410. </para>
  11411. </entry>
  11412. <entry>
  11413. <para>
  11414. gutou, gǔtou
  11415. </para>
  11416. </entry>
  11417. </row>
  11418. <row>
  11419. <entry>
  11420. <para>
  11421. brain
  11422. </para>
  11423. </entry>
  11424. <entry>
  11425. <para>
  11426. nSo(zi)
  11427. </para>
  11428. </entry>
  11429. </row>
  11430. <row>
  11431. <entry>
  11432. <para>
  11433. breast
  11434. </para>
  11435. </entry>
  11436. <entry>
  11437. <para>
  11438. rǔfáng, nai, rǔ
  11439. </para>
  11440. </entry>
  11441. </row>
  11442. <row>
  11443. <entry>
  11444. <para>
  11445. buttocks
  11446. </para>
  11447. </entry>
  11448. <entry>
  11449. <para>
  11450. pìgǔ
  11451. </para>
  11452. </entry>
  11453. </row>
  11454. <row>
  11455. <entry>
  11456. <para>
  11457. cheek
  11458. </para>
  11459. </entry>
  11460. <entry>
  11461. <para>
  11462. miànjiá, sai
  11463. </para>
  11464. </entry>
  11465. </row>
  11466. <row>
  11467. <entry>
  11468. <para>
  11469. chest
  11470. </para>
  11471. </entry>
  11472. <entry>
  11473. <para>
  11474. xiōngbù, xiōngtáng
  11475. </para>
  11476. </entry>
  11477. </row>
  11478. <row>
  11479. <entry>
  11480. <para>
  11481. chin
  11482. </para>
  11483. </entry>
  11484. <entry>
  11485. <para>
  11486. xiàba
  11487. </para>
  11488. </entry>
  11489. </row>
  11490. <row>
  11491. <entry>
  11492. <para>
  11493. ear
  11494. </para>
  11495. </entry>
  11496. <entry>
  11497. <para>
  11498. ěrduo
  11499. </para>
  11500. </entry>
  11501. </row>
  11502. <row>
  11503. <entry>
  11504. <para>
  11505. elbow
  11506. </para>
  11507. </entry>
  11508. <entry>
  11509. <para>
  11510. gēbeizh3u(r)
  11511. </para>
  11512. </entry>
  11513. </row>
  11514. <row>
  11515. <entry>
  11516. <para>
  11517. eye
  11518. </para>
  11519. </entry>
  11520. <entry>
  11521. <para>
  11522. yǎnjing
  11523. </para>
  11524. </entry>
  11525. </row>
  11526. <row>
  11527. <entry>
  11528. <para>
  11529. eyeball
  11530. </para>
  11531. </entry>
  11532. <entry>
  11533. <para>
  11534. yǎnzhūzi (colloquial), yǎnqiu
  11535. </para>
  11536. </entry>
  11537. </row>
  11538. <row>
  11539. <entry>
  11540. <para>
  11541. eyebrow
  11542. </para>
  11543. </entry>
  11544. <entry>
  11545. <para>
  11546. méimao
  11547. </para>
  11548. </entry>
  11549. </row>
  11550. <row>
  11551. <entry>
  11552. <para>
  11553. face
  11554. </para>
  11555. </entry>
  11556. <entry>
  11557. <para>
  11558. lian
  11559. </para>
  11560. </entry>
  11561. </row>
  11562. <row>
  11563. <entry>
  11564. <para>
  11565. finger
  11566. </para>
  11567. </entry>
  11568. <entry>
  11569. <para>
  11570. shǒuzhítou, shǒuzhǐtou
  11571. </para>
  11572. </entry>
  11573. </row>
  11574. <row>
  11575. <entry>
  11576. <para>
  11577. fingernail
  11578. </para>
  11579. </entry>
  11580. <entry>
  11581. <para>
  11582. zhǐjia, zhǐjiǎ
  11583. </para>
  11584. </entry>
  11585. </row>
  11586. <row>
  11587. <entry>
  11588. <para>
  11589. foot
  11590. </para>
  11591. </entry>
  11592. <entry>
  11593. <para>
  11594. Jiao
  11595. </para>
  11596. </entry>
  11597. </row>
  11598. <row>
  11599. <entry>
  11600. <para>
  11601. gums
  11602. </para>
  11603. </entry>
  11604. <entry>
  11605. <para>
  11606. yáchuáng
  11607. </para>
  11608. </entry>
  11609. </row>
  11610. <row>
  11611. <entry>
  11612. <para>
  11613. hand
  11614. </para>
  11615. </entry>
  11616. <entry>
  11617. <para>
  11618. sh3u
  11619. </para>
  11620. </entry>
  11621. </row>
  11622. <row>
  11623. <entry>
  11624. <para>
  11625. head
  11626. </para>
  11627. </entry>
  11628. <entry>
  11629. <para>
  11630. tou
  11631. </para>
  11632. </entry>
  11633. </row>
  11634. <row>
  11635. <entry>
  11636. <para>
  11637. heart
  11638. </para>
  11639. </entry>
  11640. <entry>
  11641. <para>
  11642. xīnzàng
  11643. </para>
  11644. </entry>
  11645. </row>
  11646. <row>
  11647. <entry>
  11648. <para>
  11649. heel
  11650. </para>
  11651. </entry>
  11652. <entry>
  11653. <para>
  11654. Jiaogēn
  11655. </para>
  11656. </entry>
  11657. </row>
  11658. <row>
  11659. <entry>
  11660. <para>
  11661. intestines
  11662. </para>
  11663. </entry>
  11664. <entry>
  11665. <para>
  11666. chángzi
  11667. </para>
  11668. </entry>
  11669. </row>
  11670. <row>
  11671. <entry>
  11672. <para>
  11673. joint
  11674. </para>
  11675. </entry>
  11676. <entry>
  11677. <para>
  11678. guānjié
  11679. </para>
  11680. </entry>
  11681. </row>
  11682. <row>
  11683. <entry>
  11684. <para>
  11685. kidney
  11686. </para>
  11687. </entry>
  11688. <entry>
  11689. <para>
  11690. shèn(zàng)
  11691. </para>
  11692. </entry>
  11693. </row>
  11694. <row>
  11695. <entry>
  11696. <para>
  11697. knee
  11698. </para>
  11699. </entry>
  11700. <entry>
  11701. <para>
  11702. qǐgài, xígài
  11703. </para>
  11704. </entry>
  11705. </row>
  11706. <row>
  11707. <entry>
  11708. <para>
  11709. leg
  11710. </para>
  11711. </entry>
  11712. <entry>
  11713. <para>
  11714. tuí
  11715. </para>
  11716. </entry>
  11717. </row>
  11718. <row>
  11719. <entry>
  11720. <para>
  11721. lip
  11722. </para>
  11723. </entry>
  11724. <entry>
  11725. <para>
  11726. zuíchún
  11727. </para>
  11728. </entry>
  11729. </row>
  11730. <row>
  11731. <entry>
  11732. <para>
  11733. liver
  11734. </para>
  11735. </entry>
  11736. <entry>
  11737. <para>
  11738. ganzàng
  11739. </para>
  11740. </entry>
  11741. </row>
  11742. <row>
  11743. <entry>
  11744. <para>
  11745. lung
  11746. </para>
  11747. </entry>
  11748. <entry>
  11749. <para>
  11750. fèi
  11751. </para>
  11752. </entry>
  11753. </row>
  11754. </tbody>
  11755. </tgroup>
  11756. </informaltable>
  11757. <informaltable>
  11758. <tgroup cols="2">
  11759. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  11760. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  11761. <tbody>
  11762. <row>
  11763. <entry>
  11764. <para>
  11765. mouth muscle
  11766. </para>
  11767. </entry>
  11768. <entry>
  11769. <para>
  11770. zuī, k3u jīròu
  11771. </para>
  11772. </entry>
  11773. </row>
  11774. <row>
  11775. <entry>
  11776. <para>
  11777. neck nerve nose
  11778. </para>
  11779. </entry>
  11780. <entry>
  11781. <para>
  11782. bózi shénjīng bí zi
  11783. </para>
  11784. </entry>
  11785. </row>
  11786. <row>
  11787. <entry>
  11788. <para>
  11789. rib
  11790. </para>
  11791. </entry>
  11792. <entry>
  11793. <para>
  11794. lèigǔ, lègǔ
  11795. </para>
  11796. </entry>
  11797. </row>
  11798. <row>
  11799. <entry>
  11800. <para>
  11801. shoulder skin spine stomach
  11802. </para>
  11803. </entry>
  11804. <entry>
  11805. <para>
  11806. j T ānbǎng pífu Jílianggǔ wèi; dùzi (belly)
  11807. </para>
  11808. </entry>
  11809. </row>
  11810. <row>
  11811. <entry>
  11812. <para>
  11813. tendon thigh throat thumb toe tongue tonsils tooth
  11814. </para>
  11815. </entry>
  11816. <entry>
  11817. <para>
  11818. Jiàn, Jīn (colloquial) dàtuī hóulong mǔzhī
  11819. </para>
  11820. <para>
  11821. JiSozhítou, JiSozhī shétou biantáoxiàn ya, yáchī
  11822. </para>
  11823. </entry>
  11824. </row>
  11825. <row>
  11826. <entry>
  11827. <para>
  11828. wrist
  11829. </para>
  11830. </entry>
  11831. <entry>
  11832. <para>
  11833. wànzi
  11834. </para>
  11835. </entry>
  11836. </row>
  11837. </tbody>
  11838. </tgroup>
  11839. </informaltable>
  11840. <para>
  11841. Parts of the body may have several terras which differ as to (1)
  11842. what areas of China they are used in, (2) the degree of formality,
  11843. and (3) the contexts in which they are used. Here are examples of
  11844. each kind of difference: (1) &quot;arm&quot; is gēbei in the speech
  11845. of Běijīng, but shěubì in some other parts of the country; (2)
  11846. &quot;armpit&quot; is gēzhiwō in colloquial Běijīng speech but yèwō
  11847. in formal speech; (3) for &quot;stomach,&quot; the medical term is
  11848. wèi; colloquially, it may be called wèi or dùzi; and as a food (e.g.
  11849. pig's stomach) it is called dǔzi.
  11850. </para>
  11851. <para>
  11852. For this list, words were chosen which you could, for example, use
  11853. to tell a physician where you have a medical problem. Words which
  11854. are either very informal or technical have been omitted.
  11855. </para>
  11856. <para>
  11857. It is interesting and important to realize that the Chinese and
  11858. English languages sometimes differ on how they divide the human body
  11859. into parts. The hip, for example, is a well-known &quot;part of the
  11860. body&quot; in English, but the Chinese language has no commonly used
  11861. word which includes all and only what we call the &quot;hip.&quot;
  11862. Rather, Chinese has a word for &quot;buttocks&quot; (formally,
  11863. túnbù, or in spoken style, pìgu) which includes the buttocks and
  11864. hips below the hipbone.
  11865. </para>
  11866. <para>
  11867. Another example are the Chinese words xiōngkǒu and xīnkǒu, which
  11868. refer to the center of the chest just below the breastbone, between
  11869. the lower ribs. (One often feels indigestion there, for instance.)
  11870. If English has a word for this part of the body, it is not nearly as
  11871. common as these Chinese words.
  11872. </para>
  11873. <para>
  11874. Appendix 2: Medical Conditions, Problems, and Illnesses
  11875. </para>
  11876. <informaltable>
  11877. <tgroup cols="2">
  11878. <colspec align="left" />
  11879. <colspec align="left" />
  11880. <tbody>
  11881. <row>
  11882. <entry>
  11883. <para>
  11884. abcess
  11885. </para>
  11886. </entry>
  11887. <entry>
  11888. <para>
  11889. nóngzhǒng
  11890. </para>
  11891. </entry>
  11892. </row>
  11893. <row>
  11894. <entry>
  11895. <para>
  11896. allergic to...
  11897. </para>
  11898. </entry>
  11899. <entry>
  11900. <para>
  11901. duì...guòmǐn
  11902. </para>
  11903. </entry>
  11904. </row>
  11905. <row>
  11906. <entry>
  11907. <para>
  11908. allergy-
  11909. </para>
  11910. </entry>
  11911. <entry>
  11912. <para>
  11913. guòmǐnzhèng
  11914. </para>
  11915. </entry>
  11916. </row>
  11917. <row>
  11918. <entry>
  11919. <para>
  11920. appendicitis
  11921. </para>
  11922. </entry>
  11923. <entry>
  11924. <para>
  11925. lánwěiyán
  11926. </para>
  11927. </entry>
  11928. </row>
  11929. <row>
  11930. <entry>
  11931. <para>
  11932. arthritis
  11933. </para>
  11934. </entry>
  11935. <entry>
  11936. <para>
  11937. guǎnjiéyán
  11938. </para>
  11939. </entry>
  11940. </row>
  11941. <row>
  11942. <entry>
  11943. <para>
  11944. asthma
  11945. </para>
  11946. </entry>
  11947. <entry>
  11948. <para>
  11949. qìchuanbìng
  11950. </para>
  11951. </entry>
  11952. </row>
  11953. <row>
  11954. <entry>
  11955. <para>
  11956. cholera
  11957. </para>
  11958. </entry>
  11959. <entry>
  11960. <para>
  11961. huòluàn
  11962. </para>
  11963. </entry>
  11964. </row>
  11965. <row>
  11966. <entry>
  11967. <para>
  11968. cold
  11969. </para>
  11970. </entry>
  11971. <entry>
  11972. <para>
  11973. gǎnmào, shāngfēng, zhāoliáng
  11974. </para>
  11975. </entry>
  11976. </row>
  11977. <row>
  11978. <entry>
  11979. <para>
  11980. cramp
  11981. </para>
  11982. </entry>
  11983. <entry>
  11984. <para>
  11985. chōuj in
  11986. </para>
  11987. </entry>
  11988. </row>
  11989. <row>
  11990. <entry>
  11991. <para>
  11992. diabetes
  11993. </para>
  11994. </entry>
  11995. <entry>
  11996. <para>
  11997. tángniàobìng
  11998. </para>
  11999. </entry>
  12000. </row>
  12001. <row>
  12002. <entry>
  12003. <para>
  12004. flu
  12005. </para>
  12006. </entry>
  12007. <entry>
  12008. <para>
  12009. liúxíngxìng gǎnmào, liúgǎn
  12010. </para>
  12011. </entry>
  12012. </row>
  12013. <row>
  12014. <entry>
  12015. <para>
  12016. food poisoning
  12017. </para>
  12018. </entry>
  12019. <entry>
  12020. <para>
  12021. shívù zhòngdú
  12022. </para>
  12023. </entry>
  12024. </row>
  12025. <row>
  12026. <entry>
  12027. <para>
  12028. fungus
  12029. </para>
  12030. </entry>
  12031. <entry>
  12032. <para>
  12033. méi
  12034. </para>
  12035. </entry>
  12036. </row>
  12037. <row>
  12038. <entry>
  12039. <para>
  12040. hemorrhoids
  12041. </para>
  12042. </entry>
  12043. <entry>
  12044. <para>
  12045. zhìchuāng
  12046. </para>
  12047. </entry>
  12048. </row>
  12049. <row>
  12050. <entry>
  12051. <para>
  12052. hepatitis
  12053. </para>
  12054. </entry>
  12055. <entry>
  12056. <para>
  12057. gǎnyán
  12058. </para>
  12059. </entry>
  12060. </row>
  12061. <row>
  12062. <entry>
  12063. <para>
  12064. hernia
  12065. </para>
  12066. </entry>
  12067. <entry>
  12068. <para>
  12069. shàn
  12070. </para>
  12071. </entry>
  12072. </row>
  12073. <row>
  12074. <entry>
  12075. <para>
  12076. indigestion
  12077. </para>
  12078. </entry>
  12079. <entry>
  12080. <para>
  12081. xiāohuà bù liáng
  12082. </para>
  12083. </entry>
  12084. </row>
  12085. <row>
  12086. <entry>
  12087. <para>
  12088. inflamed
  12089. </para>
  12090. </entry>
  12091. <entry>
  12092. <para>
  12093. fāyán
  12094. </para>
  12095. </entry>
  12096. </row>
  12097. <row>
  12098. <entry>
  12099. <para>
  12100. inflammation
  12101. </para>
  12102. </entry>
  12103. <entry>
  12104. <para>
  12105. yánzhèng
  12106. </para>
  12107. </entry>
  12108. </row>
  12109. <row>
  12110. <entry>
  12111. <para>
  12112. measles
  12113. </para>
  12114. </entry>
  12115. <entry>
  12116. <para>
  12117. mázhěn
  12118. </para>
  12119. </entry>
  12120. </row>
  12121. <row>
  12122. <entry>
  12123. <para>
  12124. nervous tension
  12125. </para>
  12126. </entry>
  12127. <entry>
  12128. <para>
  12129. shénjíng jǐnzhāng
  12130. </para>
  12131. </entry>
  12132. </row>
  12133. <row>
  12134. <entry>
  12135. <para>
  12136. pneumonia
  12137. </para>
  12138. </entry>
  12139. <entry>
  12140. <para>
  12141. fèiyán
  12142. </para>
  12143. </entry>
  12144. </row>
  12145. <row>
  12146. <entry>
  12147. <para>
  12148. rheumatism
  12149. </para>
  12150. </entry>
  12151. <entry>
  12152. <para>
  12153. fēngshǐ
  12154. </para>
  12155. </entry>
  12156. </row>
  12157. <row>
  12158. <entry>
  12159. <para>
  12160. stroke
  12161. </para>
  12162. </entry>
  12163. <entry>
  12164. <para>
  12165. zhòngfēng
  12166. </para>
  12167. </entry>
  12168. </row>
  12169. <row>
  12170. <entry>
  12171. <para>
  12172. sunburn
  12173. </para>
  12174. </entry>
  12175. <entry>
  12176. <para>
  12177. shài tuō pi le (skin peeling)
  12178. </para>
  12179. </entry>
  12180. </row>
  12181. <row>
  12182. <entry>
  12183. </entry>
  12184. <entry>
  12185. <para>
  12186. shàihóng le (red)
  12187. </para>
  12188. </entry>
  12189. </row>
  12190. <row>
  12191. <entry>
  12192. </entry>
  12193. <entry>
  12194. <para>
  12195. jiào tàiyang shàide
  12196. </para>
  12197. </entry>
  12198. </row>
  12199. <row>
  12200. <entry>
  12201. <para>
  12202. sunstroke
  12203. </para>
  12204. </entry>
  12205. <entry>
  12206. <para>
  12207. zhòngshǔ
  12208. </para>
  12209. </entry>
  12210. </row>
  12211. <row>
  12212. <entry>
  12213. <para>
  12214. tonsillitis
  12215. </para>
  12216. </entry>
  12217. <entry>
  12218. <para>
  12219. biǎntáoxiànyán
  12220. </para>
  12221. </entry>
  12222. </row>
  12223. <row>
  12224. <entry>
  12225. <para>
  12226. ulcer (gastric)
  12227. </para>
  12228. </entry>
  12229. <entry>
  12230. <para>
  12231. ■wèikuìyáng
  12232. </para>
  12233. </entry>
  12234. </row>
  12235. </tbody>
  12236. </tgroup>
  12237. </informaltable>
  12238. <informaltable>
  12239. <tgroup cols="2">
  12240. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  12241. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  12242. <tbody>
  12243. <row>
  12244. <entry>
  12245. <para>
  12246. Appendix 3:
  12247. </para>
  12248. </entry>
  12249. <entry>
  12250. <para>
  12251. Furniture and Household Items
  12252. </para>
  12253. </entry>
  12254. </row>
  12255. <row>
  12256. <entry>
  12257. <para>
  12258. bǐngxiāng
  12259. </para>
  12260. </entry>
  12261. <entry>
  12262. <para>
  12263. refrigerator
  12264. </para>
  12265. </entry>
  12266. </row>
  12267. <row>
  12268. <entry>
  12269. <para>
  12270. chāzuò
  12271. </para>
  12272. <para>
  12273. chōushuǐ mātǒng
  12274. </para>
  12275. <para>
  12276. chōutì
  12277. </para>
  12278. <para>
  12279. chuáng chuānglián
  12280. </para>
  12281. </entry>
  12282. <entry>
  12283. <para>
  12284. (electrical) outlet flush toilet
  12285. </para>
  12286. <para>
  12287. drawer
  12288. </para>
  12289. <para>
  12290. bed
  12291. </para>
  12292. <para>
  12293. curtain
  12294. </para>
  12295. </entry>
  12296. </row>
  12297. <row>
  12298. <entry>
  12299. <para>
  12300. dēng
  12301. </para>
  12302. <para>
  12303. dèngzi
  12304. </para>
  12305. <para>
  12306. diàndēng kāiguan diànhuà diànlúzi
  12307. </para>
  12308. <para>
  12309. diànshàn dìtān
  12310. </para>
  12311. </entry>
  12312. <entry>
  12313. <para>
  12314. .light, lamp
  12315. </para>
  12316. <para>
  12317. stool
  12318. </para>
  12319. <para>
  12320. light switch
  12321. </para>
  12322. <para>
  12323. telephone
  12324. </para>
  12325. <para>
  12326. electric stove; electric heater
  12327. </para>
  12328. <para>
  12329. electric fan
  12330. </para>
  12331. <para>
  12332. carpet, rug
  12333. </para>
  12334. </entry>
  12335. </row>
  12336. <row>
  12337. <entry>
  12338. <para>
  12339. guìzi
  12340. </para>
  12341. </entry>
  12342. <entry>
  12343. <para>
  12344. cabinet
  12345. </para>
  12346. </entry>
  12347. </row>
  12348. <row>
  12349. <entry>
  12350. <para>
  12351. hōnggānj ī
  12352. </para>
  12353. </entry>
  12354. <entry>
  12355. <para>
  12356. dryer
  12357. </para>
  12358. </entry>
  12359. </row>
  12360. <row>
  12361. <entry>
  12362. <para>
  12363. jìngzi
  12364. </para>
  12365. </entry>
  12366. <entry>
  12367. <para>
  12368. mirror
  12369. </para>
  12370. </entry>
  12371. </row>
  12372. <row>
  12373. <entry>
  12374. <para>
  12375. lājl; lèsè (Taiwan)
  12376. </para>
  12377. <para>
  12378. lājītǒng; lèsètǒng (Taiwan)
  12379. </para>
  12380. <para>
  12381. lājíxiāng; lèsèxiāng (Taiwan) lěngqìjǐ
  12382. </para>
  12383. <para>
  12384. lúzi
  12385. </para>
  12386. </entry>
  12387. <entry>
  12388. <para>
  12389. garbage garbage pail garbage can air conditioner stove
  12390. </para>
  12391. </entry>
  12392. </row>
  12393. <row>
  12394. <entry>
  12395. <para>
  12396. sàozhou, sàobǎ shāfā shuǐchízi shuǐlóngtóu shūjiàzi
  12397. </para>
  12398. </entry>
  12399. <entry>
  12400. <para>
  12401. broom sofa kitchen sink faucet, tap bookshelf
  12402. </para>
  12403. </entry>
  12404. </row>
  12405. <row>
  12406. <entry>
  12407. <para>
  12408. tuōbā
  12409. </para>
  12410. </entry>
  12411. <entry>
  12412. <para>
  12413. mop
  12414. </para>
  12415. </entry>
  12416. </row>
  12417. <row>
  12418. <entry>
  12419. <para>
  12420. xǐchénqì xiězìtái xǐliǎnpén xǐyǐjī xǐ zāopén
  12421. </para>
  12422. </entry>
  12423. <entry>
  12424. <para>
  12425. vacuum cleaner desk
  12426. </para>
  12427. <para>
  12428. (bathroom) sink, washstand washing machine bathtub
  12429. </para>
  12430. </entry>
  12431. </row>
  12432. <row>
  12433. <entry>
  12434. <para>
  12435. yǐzi yùndǒu
  12436. </para>
  12437. </entry>
  12438. <entry>
  12439. <para>
  12440. chair iron
  12441. </para>
  12442. </entry>
  12443. </row>
  12444. <row>
  12445. <entry>
  12446. <para>
  12447. zhuozi
  12448. </para>
  12449. <para>
  12450. zìzhǐlǒu
  12451. </para>
  12452. </entry>
  12453. <entry>
  12454. <para>
  12455. table wastepaner basket
  12456. </para>
  12457. </entry>
  12458. </row>
  12459. </tbody>
  12460. </tgroup>
  12461. </informaltable>
  12462. <para>
  12463. bìchú
  12464. </para>
  12465. <para>
  12466. cèsuo céng chuānghu chúfáng
  12467. </para>
  12468. <para>
  12469. </para>
  12470. <para>
  12471. dìbǎn dìxiàshì
  12472. </para>
  12473. <para>
  12474. fángdǐng fángjiān
  12475. </para>
  12476. <para>
  12477. fàntīng
  12478. </para>
  12479. <para>
  12480. kètlng
  12481. </para>
  12482. <para>
  12483. lout I
  12484. </para>
  12485. <para>
  12486. men
  12487. </para>
  12488. <para>
  12489. qiáng
  12490. </para>
  12491. <para>
  12492. shūfáng
  12493. </para>
  12494. <para>
  12495. tiānhuābǎn
  12496. </para>
  12497. <para>
  12498. wèishēngjiān wòfáng wòshì
  12499. </para>
  12500. <para>
  12501. wūzi
  12502. </para>
  12503. <para>
  12504. xǐzǎofáng
  12505. </para>
  12506. <para>
  12507. zǒuláng
  12508. </para>
  12509. <literallayout>
  12510. </literallayout>
  12511. <para>
  12512. closet
  12513. </para>
  12514. <para>
  12515. toilet floor, story-window kitchen
  12516. </para>
  12517. <para>
  12518. floor
  12519. </para>
  12520. <para>
  12521. wooden floor basement
  12522. </para>
  12523. <para>
  12524. room room dining room
  12525. </para>
  12526. <para>
  12527. living room
  12528. </para>
  12529. <para>
  12530. stairs
  12531. </para>
  12532. <para>
  12533. door
  12534. </para>
  12535. <para>
  12536. wall
  12537. </para>
  12538. <para>
  12539. study, library-
  12540. </para>
  12541. <para>
  12542. ceiling
  12543. </para>
  12544. <para>
  12545. toilet, bathroom bedroom bedroom
  12546. </para>
  12547. <para>
  12548. room
  12549. </para>
  12550. <para>
  12551. bathroom
  12552. </para>
  12553. <para>
  12554. corridor, hall
  12555. </para>
  12556. <para>
  12557. Module Vocabulary
  12558. </para>
  12559. <informaltable>
  12560. <tgroup cols="3">
  12561. <colspec align="left" />
  12562. <colspec align="left" />
  12563. <colspec align="left" />
  12564. <tbody>
  12565. <row>
  12566. <entry>
  12567. <para>
  12568. Ayí
  12569. </para>
  12570. </entry>
  12571. <entry>
  12572. <para>
  12573. auntie
  12574. </para>
  12575. </entry>
  12576. <entry>
  12577. <para>
  12578. WLF 1+
  12579. </para>
  12580. </entry>
  12581. </row>
  12582. <row>
  12583. <entry>
  12584. <para>
  12585. āiyo
  12586. </para>
  12587. </entry>
  12588. <entry>
  12589. <para>
  12590. ouch
  12591. </para>
  12592. </entry>
  12593. <entry>
  12594. <para>
  12595. WLF 5
  12596. </para>
  12597. </entry>
  12598. </row>
  12599. <row>
  12600. <entry>
  12601. <para>
  12602. ànmó
  12603. </para>
  12604. </entry>
  12605. <entry>
  12606. <para>
  12607. massage
  12608. </para>
  12609. </entry>
  12610. <entry>
  12611. <para>
  12612. WLF 3
  12613. </para>
  12614. </entry>
  12615. </row>
  12616. <row>
  12617. <entry>
  12618. <para>
  12619. āsīpǐlín
  12620. </para>
  12621. </entry>
  12622. <entry>
  12623. <para>
  12624. aspirin
  12625. </para>
  12626. </entry>
  12627. <entry>
  12628. <para>
  12629. WLF 5
  12630. </para>
  12631. </entry>
  12632. </row>
  12633. <row>
  12634. <entry>
  12635. <para>
  12636. bang máng
  12637. </para>
  12638. </entry>
  12639. <entry>
  12640. <para>
  12641. to help, to aid, to assist
  12642. </para>
  12643. </entry>
  12644. <entry>
  12645. <para>
  12646. WLF 6
  12647. </para>
  12648. </entry>
  12649. </row>
  12650. <row>
  12651. <entry>
  12652. <para>
  12653. báo
  12654. </para>
  12655. </entry>
  12656. <entry>
  12657. <para>
  12658. to be thin; to be light (of clothing)
  12659. </para>
  12660. </entry>
  12661. <entry>
  12662. <para>
  12663. WLF 2
  12664. </para>
  12665. </entry>
  12666. </row>
  12667. <row>
  12668. <entry>
  12669. <para>
  12670. bào
  12671. </para>
  12672. </entry>
  12673. <entry>
  12674. <para>
  12675. to hold, to embrace
  12676. </para>
  12677. </entry>
  12678. <entry>
  12679. <para>
  12680. WLF U
  12681. </para>
  12682. </entry>
  12683. </row>
  12684. <row>
  12685. <entry>
  12686. <para>
  12687. bèi
  12688. </para>
  12689. </entry>
  12690. <entry>
  12691. <para>
  12692. by (indicates the one who carries
  12693. </para>
  12694. </entry>
  12695. <entry>
  12696. </entry>
  12697. </row>
  12698. <row>
  12699. <entry>
  12700. </entry>
  12701. <entry>
  12702. <para>
  12703. out the action in a passive
  12704. </para>
  12705. </entry>
  12706. <entry>
  12707. </entry>
  12708. </row>
  12709. <row>
  12710. <entry>
  12711. </entry>
  12712. <entry>
  12713. <para>
  12714. sentence)
  12715. </para>
  12716. </entry>
  12717. <entry>
  12718. <para>
  12719. WLF 6
  12720. </para>
  12721. </entry>
  12722. </row>
  12723. <row>
  12724. <entry>
  12725. <para>
  12726. -buliǎo
  12727. </para>
  12728. </entry>
  12729. <entry>
  12730. <para>
  12731. (verb ending) unable to...
  12732. </para>
  12733. </entry>
  12734. <entry>
  12735. <para>
  12736. WLF 6
  12737. </para>
  12738. </entry>
  12739. </row>
  12740. <row>
  12741. <entry>
  12742. <para>
  12743. bú yào
  12744. </para>
  12745. </entry>
  12746. <entry>
  12747. <para>
  12748. don't
  12749. </para>
  12750. </entry>
  12751. <entry>
  12752. <para>
  12753. WLF 3
  12754. </para>
  12755. </entry>
  12756. </row>
  12757. <row>
  12758. <entry>
  12759. <para>
  12760. </para>
  12761. </entry>
  12762. <entry>
  12763. <para>
  12764. to rub, to wipe
  12765. </para>
  12766. </entry>
  12767. <entry>
  12768. <para>
  12769. WLF 3
  12770. </para>
  12771. </entry>
  12772. </row>
  12773. <row>
  12774. <entry>
  12775. <para>
  12776. chá
  12777. </para>
  12778. </entry>
  12779. <entry>
  12780. <para>
  12781. tea
  12782. </para>
  12783. </entry>
  12784. <entry>
  12785. <para>
  12786. WLF 1|
  12787. </para>
  12788. </entry>
  12789. </row>
  12790. <row>
  12791. <entry>
  12792. <para>
  12793. cháng
  12794. </para>
  12795. </entry>
  12796. <entry>
  12797. <para>
  12798. to be long
  12799. </para>
  12800. </entry>
  12801. <entry>
  12802. <para>
  12803. WLF 2
  12804. </para>
  12805. </entry>
  12806. </row>
  12807. <row>
  12808. <entry>
  12809. <para>
  12810. cháng
  12811. </para>
  12812. </entry>
  12813. <entry>
  12814. <para>
  12815. often
  12816. </para>
  12817. </entry>
  12818. <entry>
  12819. <para>
  12820. WLF 1
  12821. </para>
  12822. </entry>
  12823. </row>
  12824. <row>
  12825. <entry>
  12826. <para>
  12827. chángcháng
  12828. </para>
  12829. </entry>
  12830. <entry>
  12831. <para>
  12832. often
  12833. </para>
  12834. </entry>
  12835. <entry>
  12836. <para>
  12837. WLF 1
  12838. </para>
  12839. </entry>
  12840. </row>
  12841. <row>
  12842. <entry>
  12843. <para>
  12844. cháoshǐ
  12845. </para>
  12846. </entry>
  12847. <entry>
  12848. <para>
  12849. to be humid
  12850. </para>
  12851. </entry>
  12852. <entry>
  12853. <para>
  12854. WLF 1
  12855. </para>
  12856. </entry>
  12857. </row>
  12858. <row>
  12859. <entry>
  12860. <para>
  12861. cháng
  12862. </para>
  12863. </entry>
  12864. <entry>
  12865. <para>
  12866. city, town
  12867. </para>
  12868. </entry>
  12869. <entry>
  12870. <para>
  12871. WLF 1
  12872. </para>
  12873. </entry>
  12874. </row>
  12875. <row>
  12876. <entry>
  12877. <para>
  12878. chènshān
  12879. </para>
  12880. </entry>
  12881. <entry>
  12882. <para>
  12883. shirt, blouse
  12884. </para>
  12885. </entry>
  12886. <entry>
  12887. <para>
  12888. WLF 2
  12889. </para>
  12890. </entry>
  12891. </row>
  12892. <row>
  12893. <entry>
  12894. <para>
  12895. chǐ
  12896. </para>
  12897. </entry>
  12898. <entry>
  12899. <para>
  12900. to take (medicine)
  12901. </para>
  12902. </entry>
  12903. <entry>
  12904. <para>
  12905. WLF 5
  12906. </para>
  12907. </entry>
  12908. </row>
  12909. <row>
  12910. <entry>
  12911. <para>
  12912. chǐ fàn
  12913. </para>
  12914. </entry>
  12915. <entry>
  12916. <para>
  12917. to eat
  12918. </para>
  12919. </entry>
  12920. <entry>
  12921. <para>
  12922. WLF h
  12923. </para>
  12924. </entry>
  12925. </row>
  12926. <row>
  12927. <entry>
  12928. <para>
  12929. chǐcun (chǐcùn)
  12930. </para>
  12931. </entry>
  12932. <entry>
  12933. <para>
  12934. measurement; size
  12935. </para>
  12936. </entry>
  12937. <entry>
  12938. <para>
  12939. WLF 2
  12940. </para>
  12941. </entry>
  12942. </row>
  12943. <row>
  12944. <entry>
  12945. <para>
  12946. chuān
  12947. </para>
  12948. </entry>
  12949. <entry>
  12950. <para>
  12951. to put on (clothing)
  12952. </para>
  12953. </entry>
  12954. <entry>
  12955. <para>
  12956. WLF 2
  12957. </para>
  12958. </entry>
  12959. </row>
  12960. <row>
  12961. <entry>
  12962. <para>
  12963. chúfáng
  12964. </para>
  12965. </entry>
  12966. <entry>
  12967. <para>
  12968. kitchen
  12969. </para>
  12970. </entry>
  12971. <entry>
  12972. <para>
  12973. WLF H
  12974. </para>
  12975. </entry>
  12976. </row>
  12977. <row>
  12978. <entry>
  12979. <para>
  12980. chuí bèi
  12981. </para>
  12982. </entry>
  12983. <entry>
  12984. <para>
  12985. to pound (someone's) back
  12986. </para>
  12987. </entry>
  12988. <entry>
  12989. <para>
  12990. WLF 3
  12991. </para>
  12992. </entry>
  12993. </row>
  12994. <row>
  12995. <entry>
  12996. <para>
  12997. chuīgān
  12998. </para>
  12999. </entry>
  13000. <entry>
  13001. <para>
  13002. to blow-dry
  13003. </para>
  13004. </entry>
  13005. <entry>
  13006. <para>
  13007. WLF 3
  13008. </para>
  13009. </entry>
  13010. </row>
  13011. <row>
  13012. <entry>
  13013. <para>
  13014. chūntiān (chūntian)
  13015. </para>
  13016. </entry>
  13017. <entry>
  13018. <para>
  13019. spring
  13020. </para>
  13021. </entry>
  13022. <entry>
  13023. <para>
  13024. WLF 1
  13025. </para>
  13026. </entry>
  13027. </row>
  13028. <row>
  13029. <entry>
  13030. <para>
  13031. dàbiàn
  13032. </para>
  13033. </entry>
  13034. <entry>
  13035. <para>
  13036. bowel movement
  13037. </para>
  13038. </entry>
  13039. <entry>
  13040. <para>
  13041. WLF 5
  13042. </para>
  13043. </entry>
  13044. </row>
  13045. <row>
  13046. <entry>
  13047. <para>
  13048. dàbiàn bù tōng
  13049. </para>
  13050. </entry>
  13051. <entry>
  13052. <para>
  13053. to be constipated
  13054. </para>
  13055. </entry>
  13056. <entry>
  13057. <para>
  13058. WLF 5
  13059. </para>
  13060. </entry>
  13061. </row>
  13062. <row>
  13063. <entry>
  13064. <para>
  13065. dǎ diànhuà
  13066. </para>
  13067. </entry>
  13068. <entry>
  13069. <para>
  13070. to make a phone call, to telephone
  13071. </para>
  13072. </entry>
  13073. <entry>
  13074. <para>
  13075. WLF 6
  13076. </para>
  13077. </entry>
  13078. </row>
  13079. <row>
  13080. <entry>
  13081. <para>
  13082. dài
  13083. </para>
  13084. </entry>
  13085. <entry>
  13086. <para>
  13087. to put on, to wear (glasses, gloves,
  13088. </para>
  13089. </entry>
  13090. <entry>
  13091. </entry>
  13092. </row>
  13093. <row>
  13094. <entry>
  13095. </entry>
  13096. <entry>
  13097. <para>
  13098. a hat, a watch, jewelry, etc)
  13099. </para>
  13100. </entry>
  13101. <entry>
  13102. <para>
  13103. WLF 2
  13104. </para>
  13105. </entry>
  13106. </row>
  13107. <row>
  13108. <entry>
  13109. <para>
  13110. dài
  13111. </para>
  13112. </entry>
  13113. <entry>
  13114. <para>
  13115. to bring, to take with one
  13116. </para>
  13117. </entry>
  13118. <entry>
  13119. <para>
  13120. WLF U
  13121. </para>
  13122. </entry>
  13123. </row>
  13124. <row>
  13125. <entry>
  13126. <para>
  13127. dài
  13128. </para>
  13129. </entry>
  13130. <entry>
  13131. <para>
  13132. to lead, to take
  13133. </para>
  13134. </entry>
  13135. <entry>
  13136. <para>
  13137. WLF h
  13138. </para>
  13139. </entry>
  13140. </row>
  13141. <row>
  13142. <entry>
  13143. <para>
  13144. dàifu
  13145. </para>
  13146. </entry>
  13147. <entry>
  13148. <para>
  13149. doctor
  13150. </para>
  13151. </entry>
  13152. <entry>
  13153. <para>
  13154. WLF 5
  13155. </para>
  13156. </entry>
  13157. </row>
  13158. <row>
  13159. <entry>
  13160. <para>
  13161. dǎkāi
  13162. </para>
  13163. </entry>
  13164. <entry>
  13165. <para>
  13166. to open
  13167. </para>
  13168. </entry>
  13169. <entry>
  13170. <para>
  13171. WLF 1+
  13172. </para>
  13173. </entry>
  13174. </row>
  13175. <row>
  13176. <entry>
  13177. <para>
  13178. dàyī
  13179. </para>
  13180. </entry>
  13181. <entry>
  13182. <para>
  13183. overcoat
  13184. </para>
  13185. </entry>
  13186. <entry>
  13187. <para>
  13188. WLF 2
  13189. </para>
  13190. </entry>
  13191. </row>
  13192. <row>
  13193. <entry>
  13194. <para>
  13195. di
  13196. </para>
  13197. </entry>
  13198. <entry>
  13199. <para>
  13200. to be low
  13201. </para>
  13202. </entry>
  13203. <entry>
  13204. <para>
  13205. WLF 5
  13206. </para>
  13207. </entry>
  13208. </row>
  13209. <row>
  13210. <entry>
  13211. <para>
  13212. diànhuà
  13213. </para>
  13214. </entry>
  13215. <entry>
  13216. <para>
  13217. telephone, telephone call
  13218. </para>
  13219. </entry>
  13220. <entry>
  13221. <para>
  13222. WLF 6
  13223. </para>
  13224. </entry>
  13225. </row>
  13226. <row>
  13227. <entry>
  13228. <para>
  13229. -ding
  13230. </para>
  13231. </entry>
  13232. <entry>
  13233. <para>
  13234. (counter for hats)
  13235. </para>
  13236. </entry>
  13237. <entry>
  13238. <para>
  13239. WLF 2
  13240. </para>
  13241. </entry>
  13242. </row>
  13243. <row>
  13244. <entry>
  13245. <para>
  13246. dìqū
  13247. </para>
  13248. </entry>
  13249. <entry>
  13250. <para>
  13251. area, region
  13252. </para>
  13253. </entry>
  13254. <entry>
  13255. <para>
  13256. WLF 6
  13257. </para>
  13258. </entry>
  13259. </row>
  13260. <row>
  13261. <entry>
  13262. <para>
  13263. diū
  13264. </para>
  13265. </entry>
  13266. <entry>
  13267. <para>
  13268. to lose
  13269. </para>
  13270. </entry>
  13271. <entry>
  13272. <para>
  13273. WLF 6
  13274. </para>
  13275. </entry>
  13276. </row>
  13277. </tbody>
  13278. </tgroup>
  13279. </informaltable>
  13280. <informaltable>
  13281. <tgroup cols="3">
  13282. <colspec align="left" />
  13283. <colspec align="left" />
  13284. <colspec align="left" />
  13285. <tbody>
  13286. <row>
  13287. <entry>
  13288. <para>
  13289. dong
  13290. </para>
  13291. </entry>
  13292. <entry>
  13293. <para>
  13294. to move
  13295. </para>
  13296. </entry>
  13297. <entry>
  13298. <para>
  13299. WLF
  13300. </para>
  13301. </entry>
  13302. </row>
  13303. <row>
  13304. <entry>
  13305. <para>
  13306. dòngbuliao
  13307. </para>
  13308. </entry>
  13309. <entry>
  13310. <para>
  13311. unable to move
  13312. </para>
  13313. </entry>
  13314. <entry>
  13315. <para>
  13316. WLF
  13317. </para>
  13318. </entry>
  13319. </row>
  13320. <row>
  13321. <entry>
  13322. <para>
  13323. dōngtiān (dongtian)
  13324. </para>
  13325. </entry>
  13326. <entry>
  13327. <para>
  13328. winter
  13329. </para>
  13330. </entry>
  13331. <entry>
  13332. <para>
  13333. WFL
  13334. </para>
  13335. </entry>
  13336. </row>
  13337. <row>
  13338. <entry>
  13339. <para>
  13340. -dù
  13341. </para>
  13342. </entry>
  13343. <entry>
  13344. <para>
  13345. degree
  13346. </para>
  13347. </entry>
  13348. <entry>
  13349. <para>
  13350. WLF
  13351. </para>
  13352. </entry>
  13353. </row>
  13354. <row>
  13355. <entry>
  13356. <para>
  13357. duǎn
  13358. </para>
  13359. </entry>
  13360. <entry>
  13361. <para>
  13362. to be short
  13363. </para>
  13364. </entry>
  13365. <entry>
  13366. <para>
  13367. WLF
  13368. </para>
  13369. </entry>
  13370. </row>
  13371. <row>
  13372. <entry>
  13373. <para>
  13374. duan
  13375. </para>
  13376. </entry>
  13377. <entry>
  13378. <para>
  13379. to sever, to break
  13380. </para>
  13381. </entry>
  13382. <entry>
  13383. <para>
  13384. WLF
  13385. </para>
  13386. </entry>
  13387. </row>
  13388. <row>
  13389. <entry>
  13390. <para>
  13391. dùzi
  13392. </para>
  13393. </entry>
  13394. <entry>
  13395. <para>
  13396. belly, abdomen
  13397. </para>
  13398. </entry>
  13399. <entry>
  13400. <para>
  13401. WLF
  13402. </para>
  13403. </entry>
  13404. </row>
  13405. <row>
  13406. <entry>
  13407. <para>
  13408. f ángj iān
  13409. </para>
  13410. </entry>
  13411. <entry>
  13412. <para>
  13413. room
  13414. </para>
  13415. </entry>
  13416. <entry>
  13417. <para>
  13418. WLF
  13419. </para>
  13420. </entry>
  13421. </row>
  13422. <row>
  13423. <entry>
  13424. <para>
  13425. fanting
  13426. </para>
  13427. </entry>
  13428. <entry>
  13429. <para>
  13430. dining room
  13431. </para>
  13432. </entry>
  13433. <entry>
  13434. <para>
  13435. WLF
  13436. </para>
  13437. </entry>
  13438. </row>
  13439. <row>
  13440. <entry>
  13441. <para>
  13442. fānyì
  13443. </para>
  13444. </entry>
  13445. <entry>
  13446. <para>
  13447. to interpret, to translate
  13448. </para>
  13449. </entry>
  13450. <entry>
  13451. <para>
  13452. WLF
  13453. </para>
  13454. </entry>
  13455. </row>
  13456. <row>
  13457. <entry>
  13458. <para>
  13459. fāshāo
  13460. </para>
  13461. </entry>
  13462. <entry>
  13463. <para>
  13464. to have a fever
  13465. </para>
  13466. </entry>
  13467. <entry>
  13468. <para>
  13469. WLF
  13470. </para>
  13471. </entry>
  13472. </row>
  13473. <row>
  13474. <entry>
  13475. <para>
  13476. fāxiàn
  13477. </para>
  13478. </entry>
  13479. <entry>
  13480. <para>
  13481. to discover
  13482. </para>
  13483. </entry>
  13484. <entry>
  13485. <para>
  13486. WLF
  13487. </para>
  13488. </entry>
  13489. </row>
  13490. <row>
  13491. <entry>
  13492. <para>
  13493. fēn
  13494. </para>
  13495. </entry>
  13496. <entry>
  13497. <para>
  13498. one tenth of a Chinese inch (cùn)
  13499. </para>
  13500. </entry>
  13501. <entry>
  13502. <para>
  13503. WLF
  13504. </para>
  13505. </entry>
  13506. </row>
  13507. <row>
  13508. <entry>
  13509. <para>
  13510. fēng
  13511. </para>
  13512. </entry>
  13513. <entry>
  13514. <para>
  13515. wind
  13516. </para>
  13517. </entry>
  13518. <entry>
  13519. <para>
  13520. WLF
  13521. </para>
  13522. </entry>
  13523. </row>
  13524. <row>
  13525. <entry>
  13526. <para>
  13527. fēngjlng
  13528. </para>
  13529. </entry>
  13530. <entry>
  13531. <para>
  13532. scenery
  13533. </para>
  13534. </entry>
  13535. <entry>
  13536. <para>
  13537. WLF
  13538. </para>
  13539. </entry>
  13540. </row>
  13541. <row>
  13542. <entry>
  13543. <para>
  13544. fùjìn (fùjìn)
  13545. </para>
  13546. </entry>
  13547. <entry>
  13548. <para>
  13549. area, neighborhood
  13550. </para>
  13551. </entry>
  13552. <entry>
  13553. <para>
  13554. WLF
  13555. </para>
  13556. </entry>
  13557. </row>
  13558. <row>
  13559. <entry>
  13560. <para>
  13561. fùnu
  13562. </para>
  13563. </entry>
  13564. <entry>
  13565. <para>
  13566. women
  13567. </para>
  13568. </entry>
  13569. <entry>
  13570. <para>
  13571. WLF
  13572. </para>
  13573. </entry>
  13574. </row>
  13575. <row>
  13576. <entry>
  13577. <para>
  13578. fúzhuāngdiàn
  13579. </para>
  13580. </entry>
  13581. <entry>
  13582. <para>
  13583. clothing store
  13584. </para>
  13585. </entry>
  13586. <entry>
  13587. <para>
  13588. WLF
  13589. </para>
  13590. </entry>
  13591. </row>
  13592. <row>
  13593. <entry>
  13594. <para>
  13595. gànbufú
  13596. </para>
  13597. </entry>
  13598. <entry>
  13599. <para>
  13600. cadre suit
  13601. </para>
  13602. </entry>
  13603. <entry>
  13604. <para>
  13605. WLF
  13606. </para>
  13607. </entry>
  13608. </row>
  13609. <row>
  13610. <entry>
  13611. <para>
  13612. gānj ing
  13613. </para>
  13614. </entry>
  13615. <entry>
  13616. <para>
  13617. to be clean
  13618. </para>
  13619. </entry>
  13620. <entry>
  13621. <para>
  13622. WLF
  13623. </para>
  13624. </entry>
  13625. </row>
  13626. <row>
  13627. <entry>
  13628. <para>
  13629. gǎnmào
  13630. </para>
  13631. </entry>
  13632. <entry>
  13633. <para>
  13634. to catch cold; a cold
  13635. </para>
  13636. </entry>
  13637. <entry>
  13638. <para>
  13639. WLF
  13640. </para>
  13641. </entry>
  13642. </row>
  13643. <row>
  13644. <entry>
  13645. <para>
  13646. gǎo
  13647. </para>
  13648. </entry>
  13649. <entry>
  13650. <para>
  13651. to do, to engage in
  13652. </para>
  13653. </entry>
  13654. <entry>
  13655. <para>
  13656. WLF
  13657. </para>
  13658. </entry>
  13659. </row>
  13660. <row>
  13661. <entry>
  13662. <para>
  13663. gāo weishēng
  13664. </para>
  13665. </entry>
  13666. <entry>
  13667. <para>
  13668. to do cleaning
  13669. </para>
  13670. </entry>
  13671. <entry>
  13672. <para>
  13673. WLF
  13674. </para>
  13675. </entry>
  13676. </row>
  13677. <row>
  13678. <entry>
  13679. <para>
  13680. Gōng’ānjú
  13681. </para>
  13682. </entry>
  13683. <entry>
  13684. <para>
  13685. Bureau of Public Security (PRC)
  13686. </para>
  13687. </entry>
  13688. <entry>
  13689. <para>
  13690. WLF
  13691. </para>
  13692. </entry>
  13693. </row>
  13694. <row>
  13695. <entry>
  13696. <para>
  13697. gōngyù
  13698. </para>
  13699. </entry>
  13700. <entry>
  13701. <para>
  13702. apartment building; apartment
  13703. </para>
  13704. </entry>
  13705. <entry>
  13706. <para>
  13707. WLF
  13708. </para>
  13709. </entry>
  13710. </row>
  13711. <row>
  13712. <entry>
  13713. <para>
  13714. gōngyùlou
  13715. </para>
  13716. </entry>
  13717. <entry>
  13718. <para>
  13719. apartment building
  13720. </para>
  13721. </entry>
  13722. <entry>
  13723. <para>
  13724. WLF
  13725. </para>
  13726. </entry>
  13727. </row>
  13728. <row>
  13729. <entry>
  13730. <para>
  13731. gòu
  13732. </para>
  13733. </entry>
  13734. <entry>
  13735. <para>
  13736. to be enough
  13737. </para>
  13738. </entry>
  13739. <entry>
  13740. <para>
  13741. WLF
  13742. </para>
  13743. </entry>
  13744. </row>
  13745. <row>
  13746. <entry>
  13747. <para>
  13748. guā
  13749. </para>
  13750. </entry>
  13751. <entry>
  13752. <para>
  13753. to blow (of wind, typhoons, etc.)
  13754. </para>
  13755. </entry>
  13756. <entry>
  13757. <para>
  13758. WLF
  13759. </para>
  13760. </entry>
  13761. </row>
  13762. <row>
  13763. <entry>
  13764. <para>
  13765. guā
  13766. </para>
  13767. </entry>
  13768. <entry>
  13769. <para>
  13770. to scrape
  13771. </para>
  13772. </entry>
  13773. <entry>
  13774. <para>
  13775. WLF
  13776. </para>
  13777. </entry>
  13778. </row>
  13779. <row>
  13780. <entry>
  13781. <para>
  13782. guā húzi
  13783. </para>
  13784. </entry>
  13785. <entry>
  13786. <para>
  13787. to shave (the face)
  13788. </para>
  13789. </entry>
  13790. <entry>
  13791. <para>
  13792. WLF
  13793. </para>
  13794. </entry>
  13795. </row>
  13796. <row>
  13797. <entry>
  13798. <para>
  13799. gútou (gùtou)
  13800. </para>
  13801. </entry>
  13802. <entry>
  13803. <para>
  13804. bone
  13805. </para>
  13806. </entry>
  13807. <entry>
  13808. <para>
  13809. WLF
  13810. </para>
  13811. </entry>
  13812. </row>
  13813. <row>
  13814. <entry>
  13815. <para>
  13816. gùyì
  13817. </para>
  13818. </entry>
  13819. <entry>
  13820. <para>
  13821. intentionally, willfully, on purpose
  13822. </para>
  13823. </entry>
  13824. <entry>
  13825. <para>
  13826. WLF
  13827. </para>
  13828. </entry>
  13829. </row>
  13830. <row>
  13831. <entry>
  13832. <para>
  13833. hāibiān(r)
  13834. </para>
  13835. </entry>
  13836. <entry>
  13837. <para>
  13838. seashore
  13839. </para>
  13840. </entry>
  13841. <entry>
  13842. <para>
  13843. WLF
  13844. </para>
  13845. </entry>
  13846. </row>
  13847. <row>
  13848. <entry>
  13849. <para>
  13850. hàn
  13851. </para>
  13852. </entry>
  13853. <entry>
  13854. <para>
  13855. and (Taiwan pronunciation)
  13856. </para>
  13857. </entry>
  13858. <entry>
  13859. <para>
  13860. WLF
  13861. </para>
  13862. </entry>
  13863. </row>
  13864. <row>
  13865. <entry>
  13866. <para>
  13867. haoxiàng
  13868. </para>
  13869. </entry>
  13870. <entry>
  13871. <para>
  13872. to seem (to be), to appear that
  13873. </para>
  13874. </entry>
  13875. <entry>
  13876. <para>
  13877. WLF
  13878. </para>
  13879. </entry>
  13880. </row>
  13881. <row>
  13882. <entry>
  13883. <para>
  13884. </para>
  13885. </entry>
  13886. <entry>
  13887. <para>
  13888. to drink
  13889. </para>
  13890. </entry>
  13891. <entry>
  13892. <para>
  13893. WLF
  13894. </para>
  13895. </entry>
  13896. </row>
  13897. <row>
  13898. <entry>
  13899. <para>
  13900. he
  13901. </para>
  13902. </entry>
  13903. <entry>
  13904. <para>
  13905. river
  13906. </para>
  13907. </entry>
  13908. <entry>
  13909. <para>
  13910. WLF
  13911. </para>
  13912. </entry>
  13913. </row>
  13914. <row>
  13915. <entry>
  13916. <para>
  13917. he
  13918. </para>
  13919. </entry>
  13920. <entry>
  13921. <para>
  13922. and
  13923. </para>
  13924. </entry>
  13925. <entry>
  13926. <para>
  13927. WLF
  13928. </para>
  13929. </entry>
  13930. </row>
  13931. <row>
  13932. <entry>
  13933. <para>
  13934. héshì
  13935. </para>
  13936. </entry>
  13937. <entry>
  13938. <para>
  13939. to fit; to be suitable
  13940. </para>
  13941. </entry>
  13942. <entry>
  13943. <para>
  13944. WLF
  13945. </para>
  13946. </entry>
  13947. </row>
  13948. <row>
  13949. <entry>
  13950. <para>
  13951. hòu
  13952. </para>
  13953. </entry>
  13954. <entry>
  13955. <para>
  13956. to be think; to be heavy (of clothing)
  13957. </para>
  13958. </entry>
  13959. <entry>
  13960. <para>
  13961. WLF
  13962. </para>
  13963. </entry>
  13964. </row>
  13965. <row>
  13966. <entry>
  13967. <para>
  13968. houlong (houlong)
  13969. </para>
  13970. </entry>
  13971. <entry>
  13972. <para>
  13973. throat
  13974. </para>
  13975. </entry>
  13976. <entry>
  13977. <para>
  13978. WLF
  13979. </para>
  13980. </entry>
  13981. </row>
  13982. <row>
  13983. <entry>
  13984. <para>
  13985. </para>
  13986. </entry>
  13987. <entry>
  13988. <para>
  13989. lake
  13990. </para>
  13991. </entry>
  13992. <entry>
  13993. <para>
  13994. WLF
  13995. </para>
  13996. </entry>
  13997. </row>
  13998. <row>
  13999. <entry>
  14000. <para>
  14001. huài
  14002. </para>
  14003. </entry>
  14004. <entry>
  14005. <para>
  14006. to be bad; to go bad, to break
  14007. </para>
  14008. </entry>
  14009. <entry>
  14010. <para>
  14011. WLF
  14012. </para>
  14013. </entry>
  14014. </row>
  14015. <row>
  14016. <entry>
  14017. <para>
  14018. huānjìng
  14019. </para>
  14020. </entry>
  14021. <entry>
  14022. <para>
  14023. environment
  14024. </para>
  14025. </entry>
  14026. <entry>
  14027. <para>
  14028. WLF
  14029. </para>
  14030. </entry>
  14031. </row>
  14032. <row>
  14033. <entry>
  14034. <para>
  14035. húzi
  14036. </para>
  14037. </entry>
  14038. <entry>
  14039. <para>
  14040. beard OR mustache
  14041. </para>
  14042. </entry>
  14043. <entry>
  14044. <para>
  14045. WLF
  14046. </para>
  14047. </entry>
  14048. </row>
  14049. <row>
  14050. <entry>
  14051. <para>
  14052. Jiākè(r)/jiákè(r)
  14053. </para>
  14054. </entry>
  14055. <entry>
  14056. <para>
  14057. jacket (cut above waist)
  14058. </para>
  14059. </entry>
  14060. <entry>
  14061. <para>
  14062. WLF
  14063. </para>
  14064. </entry>
  14065. </row>
  14066. <row>
  14067. <entry>
  14068. <para>
  14069. jiǎn
  14070. </para>
  14071. </entry>
  14072. <entry>
  14073. <para>
  14074. to cut (with scissors)
  14075. </para>
  14076. </entry>
  14077. <entry>
  14078. <para>
  14079. WLF
  14080. </para>
  14081. </entry>
  14082. </row>
  14083. <row>
  14084. <entry>
  14085. <para>
  14086. -Jiàn
  14087. </para>
  14088. </entry>
  14089. <entry>
  14090. <para>
  14091. (counter for articles of clothing)
  14092. </para>
  14093. </entry>
  14094. <entry>
  14095. <para>
  14096. WLF
  14097. </para>
  14098. </entry>
  14099. </row>
  14100. <row>
  14101. <entry>
  14102. <para>
  14103. J iào
  14104. </para>
  14105. </entry>
  14106. <entry>
  14107. <para>
  14108. to ask/tell (someone to do something)
  14109. </para>
  14110. </entry>
  14111. <entry>
  14112. <para>
  14113. WLF
  14114. </para>
  14115. </entry>
  14116. </row>
  14117. </tbody>
  14118. </tgroup>
  14119. </informaltable>
  14120. <informaltable>
  14121. <tgroup cols="3">
  14122. <colspec align="left" />
  14123. <colspec align="left" />
  14124. <colspec align="left" />
  14125. <tbody>
  14126. <row>
  14127. <entry>
  14128. <para>
  14129. Jiàshǐ
  14130. </para>
  14131. </entry>
  14132. <entry>
  14133. <para>
  14134. driver, pilot; to drive, to pilot
  14135. </para>
  14136. </entry>
  14137. <entry>
  14138. <para>
  14139. WLF
  14140. </para>
  14141. </entry>
  14142. </row>
  14143. <row>
  14144. <entry>
  14145. <para>
  14146. Jiàshǐ zhízhào
  14147. </para>
  14148. </entry>
  14149. <entry>
  14150. <para>
  14151. driver's license
  14152. </para>
  14153. </entry>
  14154. <entry>
  14155. <para>
  14156. W<superscript>T</superscript> F
  14157. </para>
  14158. </entry>
  14159. </row>
  14160. <row>
  14161. <entry>
  14162. <para>
  14163. jǐngchá
  14164. </para>
  14165. </entry>
  14166. <entry>
  14167. <para>
  14168. policeman
  14169. </para>
  14170. </entry>
  14171. <entry>
  14172. <para>
  14173. WLF
  14174. </para>
  14175. </entry>
  14176. </row>
  14177. <row>
  14178. <entry>
  14179. <para>
  14180. jǐngchájú
  14181. </para>
  14182. </entry>
  14183. <entry>
  14184. <para>
  14185. police station
  14186. </para>
  14187. </entry>
  14188. <entry>
  14189. <para>
  14190. WLF
  14191. </para>
  14192. </entry>
  14193. </row>
  14194. <row>
  14195. <entry>
  14196. <para>
  14197. J iùhùchē
  14198. </para>
  14199. </entry>
  14200. <entry>
  14201. <para>
  14202. ambulance
  14203. </para>
  14204. </entry>
  14205. <entry>
  14206. <para>
  14207. WLF
  14208. </para>
  14209. </entry>
  14210. </row>
  14211. <row>
  14212. <entry>
  14213. <para>
  14214. J uǎn
  14215. </para>
  14216. </entry>
  14217. <entry>
  14218. <para>
  14219. to curl, to roll up; a roll (of something'
  14220. </para>
  14221. </entry>
  14222. <entry>
  14223. <para>
  14224. 1 , WLF
  14225. </para>
  14226. </entry>
  14227. </row>
  14228. <row>
  14229. <entry>
  14230. </entry>
  14231. <entry>
  14232. <para>
  14233. a reel (of tape)
  14234. </para>
  14235. </entry>
  14236. <entry>
  14237. </entry>
  14238. </row>
  14239. <row>
  14240. <entry>
  14241. <para>
  14242. Juéde
  14243. </para>
  14244. </entry>
  14245. <entry>
  14246. <para>
  14247. to feel
  14248. </para>
  14249. </entry>
  14250. <entry>
  14251. <para>
  14252. WLF
  14253. </para>
  14254. </entry>
  14255. </row>
  14256. <row>
  14257. <entry>
  14258. <para>
  14259. Jūnshì
  14260. </para>
  14261. </entry>
  14262. <entry>
  14263. <para>
  14264. military
  14265. </para>
  14266. </entry>
  14267. <entry>
  14268. <para>
  14269. WLF
  14270. </para>
  14271. </entry>
  14272. </row>
  14273. <row>
  14274. <entry>
  14275. <para>
  14276. kái dāo
  14277. </para>
  14278. </entry>
  14279. <entry>
  14280. <para>
  14281. to operate; to be operated on
  14282. </para>
  14283. </entry>
  14284. <entry>
  14285. <para>
  14286. WLF
  14287. </para>
  14288. </entry>
  14289. </row>
  14290. <row>
  14291. <entry>
  14292. <para>
  14293. kūishǐ
  14294. </para>
  14295. </entry>
  14296. <entry>
  14297. <para>
  14298. to begin, to start
  14299. </para>
  14300. </entry>
  14301. <entry>
  14302. <para>
  14303. WLF
  14304. </para>
  14305. </entry>
  14306. </row>
  14307. <row>
  14308. <entry>
  14309. <para>
  14310. kái yàofāng
  14311. </para>
  14312. </entry>
  14313. <entry>
  14314. <para>
  14315. to write a prescription
  14316. </para>
  14317. </entry>
  14318. <entry>
  14319. <para>
  14320. WLF
  14321. </para>
  14322. </entry>
  14323. </row>
  14324. <row>
  14325. <entry>
  14326. <para>
  14327. kāishuǐ
  14328. </para>
  14329. </entry>
  14330. <entry>
  14331. <para>
  14332. boiled water
  14333. </para>
  14334. </entry>
  14335. <entry>
  14336. <para>
  14337. WLF
  14338. </para>
  14339. </entry>
  14340. </row>
  14341. <row>
  14342. <entry>
  14343. <para>
  14344. kān
  14345. </para>
  14346. </entry>
  14347. <entry>
  14348. <para>
  14349. to look after, to watch over
  14350. </para>
  14351. </entry>
  14352. <entry>
  14353. <para>
  14354. WLF
  14355. </para>
  14356. </entry>
  14357. </row>
  14358. <row>
  14359. <entry>
  14360. <para>
  14361. kàn
  14362. </para>
  14363. </entry>
  14364. <entry>
  14365. <para>
  14366. to have (a medical problem) treated
  14367. </para>
  14368. </entry>
  14369. <entry>
  14370. <para>
  14371. WLF
  14372. </para>
  14373. </entry>
  14374. </row>
  14375. <row>
  14376. <entry>
  14377. <para>
  14378. kàn bint;
  14379. </para>
  14380. </entry>
  14381. <entry>
  14382. <para>
  14383. to see a doctor; to see a patient
  14384. </para>
  14385. </entry>
  14386. <entry>
  14387. <para>
  14388. WLF
  14389. </para>
  14390. </entry>
  14391. </row>
  14392. <row>
  14393. <entry>
  14394. <para>
  14395. kesou
  14396. </para>
  14397. </entry>
  14398. <entry>
  14399. <para>
  14400. to cough
  14401. </para>
  14402. </entry>
  14403. <entry>
  14404. <para>
  14405. WLF
  14406. </para>
  14407. </entry>
  14408. </row>
  14409. <row>
  14410. <entry>
  14411. <para>
  14412. kètīng
  14413. </para>
  14414. </entry>
  14415. <entry>
  14416. <para>
  14417. living room
  14418. </para>
  14419. </entry>
  14420. <entry>
  14421. <para>
  14422. WLF
  14423. </para>
  14424. </entry>
  14425. </row>
  14426. <row>
  14427. <entry>
  14428. <para>
  14429. kongqì (kōngqi)
  14430. </para>
  14431. </entry>
  14432. <entry>
  14433. <para>
  14434. air
  14435. </para>
  14436. </entry>
  14437. <entry>
  14438. <para>
  14439. WLF
  14440. </para>
  14441. </entry>
  14442. </row>
  14443. <row>
  14444. <entry>
  14445. <para>
  14446. kōngqì wūrān
  14447. </para>
  14448. </entry>
  14449. <entry>
  14450. <para>
  14451. air pollution
  14452. </para>
  14453. </entry>
  14454. <entry>
  14455. <para>
  14456. WLF
  14457. </para>
  14458. </entry>
  14459. </row>
  14460. <row>
  14461. <entry>
  14462. <para>
  14463. kǒudài
  14464. </para>
  14465. </entry>
  14466. <entry>
  14467. <para>
  14468. pocket
  14469. </para>
  14470. </entry>
  14471. <entry>
  14472. <para>
  14473. WLF
  14474. </para>
  14475. </entry>
  14476. </row>
  14477. <row>
  14478. <entry>
  14479. <para>
  14480. kùzi (yìtiáo)
  14481. </para>
  14482. </entry>
  14483. <entry>
  14484. <para>
  14485. pant s
  14486. </para>
  14487. </entry>
  14488. <entry>
  14489. <para>
  14490. WLF
  14491. </para>
  14492. </entry>
  14493. </row>
  14494. <row>
  14495. <entry>
  14496. <para>
  14497. lā dùzi
  14498. </para>
  14499. </entry>
  14500. <entry>
  14501. <para>
  14502. to have diarrhea
  14503. </para>
  14504. </entry>
  14505. <entry>
  14506. <para>
  14507. WLF
  14508. </para>
  14509. </entry>
  14510. </row>
  14511. <row>
  14512. <entry>
  14513. <para>
  14514. lěng
  14515. </para>
  14516. </entry>
  14517. <entry>
  14518. <para>
  14519. to be cold
  14520. </para>
  14521. </entry>
  14522. <entry>
  14523. <para>
  14524. WLF
  14525. </para>
  14526. </entry>
  14527. </row>
  14528. <row>
  14529. <entry>
  14530. <para>
  14531. liǎn
  14532. </para>
  14533. </entry>
  14534. <entry>
  14535. <para>
  14536. face
  14537. </para>
  14538. </entry>
  14539. <entry>
  14540. <para>
  14541. WLF
  14542. </para>
  14543. </entry>
  14544. </row>
  14545. <row>
  14546. <entry>
  14547. <para>
  14548. liáng
  14549. </para>
  14550. </entry>
  14551. <entry>
  14552. <para>
  14553. to measure                            WLF
  14554. </para>
  14555. </entry>
  14556. <entry>
  14557. <para>
  14558. 2, WLF
  14559. </para>
  14560. </entry>
  14561. </row>
  14562. <row>
  14563. <entry>
  14564. <para>
  14565. -liàng
  14566. </para>
  14567. </entry>
  14568. <entry>
  14569. <para>
  14570. (counter for vehicles)
  14571. </para>
  14572. </entry>
  14573. <entry>
  14574. <para>
  14575. WLF
  14576. </para>
  14577. </entry>
  14578. </row>
  14579. <row>
  14580. <entry>
  14581. <para>
  14582. liǎngbiān
  14583. </para>
  14584. </entry>
  14585. <entry>
  14586. <para>
  14587. both sides, two sides
  14588. </para>
  14589. </entry>
  14590. <entry>
  14591. <para>
  14592. WLF
  14593. </para>
  14594. </entry>
  14595. </row>
  14596. <row>
  14597. <entry>
  14598. <para>
  14599. liāngkuai
  14600. </para>
  14601. </entry>
  14602. <entry>
  14603. <para>
  14604. to be cool
  14605. </para>
  14606. </entry>
  14607. <entry>
  14608. <para>
  14609. WLF
  14610. </para>
  14611. </entry>
  14612. </row>
  14613. <row>
  14614. <entry>
  14615. <para>
  14616. liáng tǐwēn
  14617. </para>
  14618. </entry>
  14619. <entry>
  14620. <para>
  14621. to take a person's temperature
  14622. </para>
  14623. </entry>
  14624. <entry>
  14625. <para>
  14626. WLF
  14627. </para>
  14628. </entry>
  14629. </row>
  14630. <row>
  14631. <entry>
  14632. <para>
  14633. liàozi
  14634. </para>
  14635. </entry>
  14636. <entry>
  14637. <para>
  14638. material, fabric
  14639. </para>
  14640. </entry>
  14641. <entry>
  14642. <para>
  14643. WLF
  14644. </para>
  14645. </entry>
  14646. </row>
  14647. <row>
  14648. <entry>
  14649. <para>
  14650. lìhai
  14651. </para>
  14652. </entry>
  14653. <entry>
  14654. <para>
  14655. to severe, to be fierce
  14656. </para>
  14657. </entry>
  14658. <entry>
  14659. <para>
  14660. WLF
  14661. </para>
  14662. </entry>
  14663. </row>
  14664. <row>
  14665. <entry>
  14666. <para>
  14667. líkāi
  14668. </para>
  14669. </entry>
  14670. <entry>
  14671. <para>
  14672. to leave
  14673. </para>
  14674. </entry>
  14675. <entry>
  14676. <para>
  14677. WLF
  14678. </para>
  14679. </entry>
  14680. </row>
  14681. <row>
  14682. <entry>
  14683. <para>
  14684. lǐng
  14685. </para>
  14686. </entry>
  14687. <entry>
  14688. <para>
  14689. to collect, to pick up (something
  14690. </para>
  14691. </entry>
  14692. <entry>
  14693. </entry>
  14694. </row>
  14695. <row>
  14696. <entry>
  14697. </entry>
  14698. <entry>
  14699. <para>
  14700. which is issued)
  14701. </para>
  14702. </entry>
  14703. <entry>
  14704. <para>
  14705. WLF
  14706. </para>
  14707. </entry>
  14708. </row>
  14709. <row>
  14710. <entry>
  14711. <para>
  14712. liú
  14713. </para>
  14714. </entry>
  14715. <entry>
  14716. <para>
  14717. to remain, to stay; to keep, to save;
  14718. </para>
  14719. </entry>
  14720. <entry>
  14721. </entry>
  14722. </row>
  14723. <row>
  14724. <entry>
  14725. </entry>
  14726. <entry>
  14727. <para>
  14728. to grow, to let grow; to leave
  14729. </para>
  14730. </entry>
  14731. <entry>
  14732. <para>
  14733. WLF
  14734. </para>
  14735. </entry>
  14736. </row>
  14737. <row>
  14738. <entry>
  14739. <para>
  14740. liú húzi
  14741. </para>
  14742. </entry>
  14743. <entry>
  14744. <para>
  14745. to grow a beard or mustache
  14746. </para>
  14747. </entry>
  14748. <entry>
  14749. <para>
  14750. WLF
  14751. </para>
  14752. </entry>
  14753. </row>
  14754. <row>
  14755. <entry>
  14756. <para>
  14757. liúxíngxìng gǎnmào
  14758. </para>
  14759. </entry>
  14760. <entry>
  14761. <para>
  14762. influenza, flu
  14763. </para>
  14764. </entry>
  14765. <entry>
  14766. <para>
  14767. WLF
  14768. </para>
  14769. </entry>
  14770. </row>
  14771. <row>
  14772. <entry>
  14773. <para>
  14774. liú xuě (xiě, xuè)
  14775. </para>
  14776. </entry>
  14777. <entry>
  14778. <para>
  14779. to bleed
  14780. </para>
  14781. </entry>
  14782. <entry>
  14783. <para>
  14784. WLF
  14785. </para>
  14786. </entry>
  14787. </row>
  14788. <row>
  14789. <entry>
  14790. <para>
  14791. lùbiān(r)
  14792. </para>
  14793. </entry>
  14794. <entry>
  14795. <para>
  14796. side of the road
  14797. </para>
  14798. </entry>
  14799. <entry>
  14800. <para>
  14801. WLF
  14802. </para>
  14803. </entry>
  14804. </row>
  14805. <row>
  14806. <entry>
  14807. <para>
  14808. lùyǐndài
  14809. </para>
  14810. </entry>
  14811. <entry>
  14812. <para>
  14813. recording tape
  14814. </para>
  14815. </entry>
  14816. <entry>
  14817. <para>
  14818. WLF
  14819. </para>
  14820. </entry>
  14821. </row>
  14822. <row>
  14823. <entry>
  14824. <para>
  14825. lùyìnjī
  14826. </para>
  14827. </entry>
  14828. <entry>
  14829. <para>
  14830. tape recorder
  14831. </para>
  14832. </entry>
  14833. <entry>
  14834. <para>
  14835. WLF
  14836. </para>
  14837. </entry>
  14838. </row>
  14839. <row>
  14840. <entry>
  14841. <para>
  14842. máfan
  14843. </para>
  14844. </entry>
  14845. <entry>
  14846. <para>
  14847. trouble, bother
  14848. </para>
  14849. </entry>
  14850. <entry>
  14851. <para>
  14852. WLF
  14853. </para>
  14854. </entry>
  14855. </row>
  14856. <row>
  14857. <entry>
  14858. <para>
  14859. mǎlù
  14860. </para>
  14861. </entry>
  14862. <entry>
  14863. <para>
  14864. street, avenue
  14865. </para>
  14866. </entry>
  14867. <entry>
  14868. <para>
  14869. WLF
  14870. </para>
  14871. </entry>
  14872. </row>
  14873. <row>
  14874. <entry>
  14875. <para>
  14876. máoyī
  14877. </para>
  14878. </entry>
  14879. <entry>
  14880. <para>
  14881. sweater
  14882. </para>
  14883. </entry>
  14884. <entry>
  14885. <para>
  14886. WLF
  14887. </para>
  14888. </entry>
  14889. </row>
  14890. <row>
  14891. <entry>
  14892. <para>
  14893. màozi (yìdǐng)
  14894. </para>
  14895. </entry>
  14896. <entry>
  14897. <para>
  14898. hat
  14899. </para>
  14900. </entry>
  14901. <entry>
  14902. <para>
  14903. WLF
  14904. </para>
  14905. </entry>
  14906. </row>
  14907. <row>
  14908. <entry>
  14909. <para>
  14910. mǎshàng
  14911. </para>
  14912. </entry>
  14913. <entry>
  14914. <para>
  14915. immediately
  14916. </para>
  14917. </entry>
  14918. <entry>
  14919. <para>
  14920. WLF
  14921. </para>
  14922. </entry>
  14923. </row>
  14924. <row>
  14925. <entry>
  14926. <para>
  14927. méi shì (le)
  14928. </para>
  14929. </entry>
  14930. <entry>
  14931. <para>
  14932. everything is all right (now); there's
  14933. </para>
  14934. </entry>
  14935. <entry>
  14936. </entry>
  14937. </row>
  14938. <row>
  14939. <entry>
  14940. </entry>
  14941. <entry>
  14942. <para>
  14943. no (further) business
  14944. </para>
  14945. </entry>
  14946. <entry>
  14947. <para>
  14948. WLF
  14949. </para>
  14950. </entry>
  14951. </row>
  14952. </tbody>
  14953. </tgroup>
  14954. </informaltable>
  14955. <informaltable>
  14956. <tgroup cols="3">
  14957. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  14958. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  14959. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  14960. <tbody>
  14961. <row>
  14962. <entry>
  14963. <para>
  14964. méi wèntí mián'ǎo mótuōchē (mōtuōchē)
  14965. </para>
  14966. </entry>
  14967. <entry>
  14968. <para>
  14969. there's no problem
  14970. </para>
  14971. <para>
  14972. (Chinese-style) cotton-padded Jacket motorcycle
  14973. </para>
  14974. </entry>
  14975. <entry>
  14976. <para>
  14977. WLF 3
  14978. </para>
  14979. <para>
  14980. WLF 2
  14981. </para>
  14982. <para>
  14983. WLF 6
  14984. </para>
  14985. </entry>
  14986. </row>
  14987. <row>
  14988. <entry>
  14989. <para>
  14990. </para>
  14991. </entry>
  14992. <entry>
  14993. <para>
  14994. then, in that case
  14995. </para>
  14996. </entry>
  14997. <entry>
  14998. <para>
  14999. WLF 2
  15000. </para>
  15001. </entry>
  15002. </row>
  15003. <row>
  15004. <entry>
  15005. <para>
  15006. nèikē
  15007. </para>
  15008. </entry>
  15009. <entry>
  15010. <para>
  15011. internal medicine, general medicine;
  15012. </para>
  15013. </entry>
  15014. <entry>
  15015. </entry>
  15016. </row>
  15017. <row>
  15018. <entry>
  15019. </entry>
  15020. <entry>
  15021. <para>
  15022. department of internal medicine
  15023. </para>
  15024. </entry>
  15025. <entry>
  15026. <para>
  15027. WLF 5
  15028. </para>
  15029. </entry>
  15030. </row>
  15031. <row>
  15032. <entry>
  15033. <para>
  15034. nèikē yishēng
  15035. </para>
  15036. </entry>
  15037. <entry>
  15038. <para>
  15039. internist, physician
  15040. </para>
  15041. </entry>
  15042. <entry>
  15043. <para>
  15044. WLF 5
  15045. </para>
  15046. </entry>
  15047. </row>
  15048. <row>
  15049. <entry>
  15050. <para>
  15051. nèikù
  15052. </para>
  15053. </entry>
  15054. <entry>
  15055. <para>
  15056. underpants
  15057. </para>
  15058. </entry>
  15059. <entry>
  15060. <para>
  15061. WLF 2
  15062. </para>
  15063. </entry>
  15064. </row>
  15065. <row>
  15066. <entry>
  15067. <para>
  15068. nèiyī
  15069. </para>
  15070. </entry>
  15071. <entry>
  15072. <para>
  15073. underwear (undershirts, undershorts, briefs,
  15074. </para>
  15075. </entry>
  15076. <entry>
  15077. </entry>
  15078. </row>
  15079. <row>
  15080. <entry>
  15081. </entry>
  15082. <entry>
  15083. <para>
  15084. slips, bras, etc.); Just undershirt (when
  15085. </para>
  15086. </entry>
  15087. <entry>
  15088. </entry>
  15089. </row>
  15090. <row>
  15091. <entry>
  15092. </entry>
  15093. <entry>
  15094. <para>
  15095. used in contrast to nèikù, underpants)
  15096. </para>
  15097. </entry>
  15098. <entry>
  15099. <para>
  15100. WLF 2
  15101. </para>
  15102. </entry>
  15103. </row>
  15104. <row>
  15105. <entry>
  15106. <para>
  15107. nílóng
  15108. </para>
  15109. </entry>
  15110. <entry>
  15111. <para>
  15112. nylon
  15113. </para>
  15114. </entry>
  15115. <entry>
  15116. <para>
  15117. WLF 2
  15118. </para>
  15119. </entry>
  15120. </row>
  15121. <row>
  15122. <entry>
  15123. <para>
  15124. niúnǎi
  15125. </para>
  15126. </entry>
  15127. <entry>
  15128. <para>
  15129. (cow's) milk
  15130. </para>
  15131. </entry>
  15132. <entry>
  15133. <para>
  15134. WLF U
  15135. </para>
  15136. </entry>
  15137. </row>
  15138. <row>
  15139. <entry>
  15140. <para>
  15141. nòng (long, nèng)
  15142. </para>
  15143. </entry>
  15144. <entry>
  15145. <para>
  15146. to do, to handle, to manage, to make
  15147. </para>
  15148. </entry>
  15149. <entry>
  15150. <para>
  15151. WLF 3
  15152. </para>
  15153. </entry>
  15154. </row>
  15155. <row>
  15156. <entry>
  15157. <para>
  15158. nòng gānJing
  15159. </para>
  15160. </entry>
  15161. <entry>
  15162. <para>
  15163. to clean something up
  15164. </para>
  15165. </entry>
  15166. <entry>
  15167. <para>
  15168. WLF 3
  15169. </para>
  15170. </entry>
  15171. </row>
  15172. <row>
  15173. <entry>
  15174. <para>
  15175. nuǎnhuo
  15176. </para>
  15177. </entry>
  15178. <entry>
  15179. <para>
  15180. to be warm
  15181. </para>
  15182. </entry>
  15183. <entry>
  15184. <para>
  15185. WLF 1
  15186. </para>
  15187. </entry>
  15188. </row>
  15189. <row>
  15190. <entry>
  15191. <para>
  15192. páizi
  15193. </para>
  15194. </entry>
  15195. <entry>
  15196. <para>
  15197. sign, poster, plate; brand name,
  15198. </para>
  15199. </entry>
  15200. <entry>
  15201. </entry>
  15202. </row>
  15203. <row>
  15204. <entry>
  15205. </entry>
  15206. <entry>
  15207. <para>
  15208. trade mark
  15209. </para>
  15210. </entry>
  15211. <entry>
  15212. <para>
  15213. WLF 6
  15214. </para>
  15215. </entry>
  15216. </row>
  15217. <row>
  15218. <entry>
  15219. <para>
  15220. píngcháng
  15221. </para>
  15222. </entry>
  15223. <entry>
  15224. <para>
  15225. usually, generally, ordinarily
  15226. </para>
  15227. </entry>
  15228. <entry>
  15229. <para>
  15230. WLF 14
  15231. </para>
  15232. </entry>
  15233. </row>
  15234. <row>
  15235. <entry>
  15236. <para>
  15237. pixie
  15238. </para>
  15239. </entry>
  15240. <entry>
  15241. <para>
  15242. leather shoes
  15243. </para>
  15244. </entry>
  15245. <entry>
  15246. <para>
  15247. WLF 2
  15248. </para>
  15249. </entry>
  15250. </row>
  15251. <row>
  15252. <entry>
  15253. <para>
  15254. </para>
  15255. </entry>
  15256. <entry>
  15257. <para>
  15258. to be worn out; to break, to tear
  15259. </para>
  15260. </entry>
  15261. <entry>
  15262. <para>
  15263. WLF 2
  15264. </para>
  15265. </entry>
  15266. </row>
  15267. <row>
  15268. <entry>
  15269. <para>
  15270. </para>
  15271. </entry>
  15272. <entry>
  15273. <para>
  15274. to ride by straddling
  15275. </para>
  15276. </entry>
  15277. <entry>
  15278. <para>
  15279. WLF 6
  15280. </para>
  15281. </entry>
  15282. </row>
  15283. <row>
  15284. <entry>
  15285. <para>
  15286. qìhòu (qìhòu)
  15287. </para>
  15288. </entry>
  15289. <entry>
  15290. <para>
  15291. climate
  15292. </para>
  15293. </entry>
  15294. <entry>
  15295. <para>
  15296. WLF 1
  15297. </para>
  15298. </entry>
  15299. </row>
  15300. <row>
  15301. <entry>
  15302. <para>
  15303. qín
  15304. </para>
  15305. </entry>
  15306. <entry>
  15307. <para>
  15308. to be clear
  15309. </para>
  15310. </entry>
  15311. <entry>
  15312. <para>
  15313. WLF 1
  15314. </para>
  15315. </entry>
  15316. </row>
  15317. <row>
  15318. <entry>
  15319. <para>
  15320. qingj ìng
  15321. </para>
  15322. </entry>
  15323. <entry>
  15324. <para>
  15325. to be quiet
  15326. </para>
  15327. </entry>
  15328. <entry>
  15329. <para>
  15330. WLF 1
  15331. </para>
  15332. </entry>
  15333. </row>
  15334. <row>
  15335. <entry>
  15336. <para>
  15337. qípáo
  15338. </para>
  15339. </entry>
  15340. <entry>
  15341. <para>
  15342. close-fitting woman’s dress with high
  15343. </para>
  15344. </entry>
  15345. <entry>
  15346. </entry>
  15347. </row>
  15348. <row>
  15349. <entry>
  15350. </entry>
  15351. <entry>
  15352. <para>
  15353. neck and slit skirt; cheongsam
  15354. </para>
  15355. </entry>
  15356. <entry>
  15357. <para>
  15358. WLF 2
  15359. </para>
  15360. </entry>
  15361. </row>
  15362. <row>
  15363. <entry>
  15364. <para>
  15365. qiūtiān (qi&quot;tian)
  15366. </para>
  15367. </entry>
  15368. <entry>
  15369. <para>
  15370. fall, autumn
  15371. </para>
  15372. </entry>
  15373. <entry>
  15374. <para>
  15375. WLF 1
  15376. </para>
  15377. </entry>
  15378. </row>
  15379. <row>
  15380. <entry>
  15381. <para>
  15382. </para>
  15383. </entry>
  15384. <entry>
  15385. <para>
  15386. to go
  15387. </para>
  15388. </entry>
  15389. <entry>
  15390. <para>
  15391. WLF 2
  15392. </para>
  15393. </entry>
  15394. </row>
  15395. <row>
  15396. <entry>
  15397. <para>
  15398. qúnzi
  15399. </para>
  15400. </entry>
  15401. <entry>
  15402. <para>
  15403. skirt
  15404. </para>
  15405. </entry>
  15406. <entry>
  15407. <para>
  15408. WLF 2
  15409. </para>
  15410. </entry>
  15411. </row>
  15412. <row>
  15413. <entry>
  15414. <para>
  15415. rang
  15416. </para>
  15417. </entry>
  15418. <entry>
  15419. <para>
  15420. to let, to allow, to cause something
  15421. </para>
  15422. </entry>
  15423. <entry>
  15424. </entry>
  15425. </row>
  15426. <row>
  15427. <entry>
  15428. </entry>
  15429. <entry>
  15430. <para>
  15431. to do something
  15432. </para>
  15433. </entry>
  15434. <entry>
  15435. <para>
  15436. WLF 6
  15437. </para>
  15438. </entry>
  15439. </row>
  15440. <row>
  15441. <entry>
  15442. <para>
  15443. </para>
  15444. </entry>
  15445. <entry>
  15446. <para>
  15447. to be hot
  15448. </para>
  15449. </entry>
  15450. <entry>
  15451. <para>
  15452. WLF 1
  15453. </para>
  15454. </entry>
  15455. </row>
  15456. <row>
  15457. <entry>
  15458. <para>
  15459. rénkòu
  15460. </para>
  15461. </entry>
  15462. <entry>
  15463. <para>
  15464. population
  15465. </para>
  15466. </entry>
  15467. <entry>
  15468. <para>
  15469. WLF 1
  15470. </para>
  15471. </entry>
  15472. </row>
  15473. <row>
  15474. <entry>
  15475. <para>
  15476. sēnlín
  15477. </para>
  15478. </entry>
  15479. <entry>
  15480. <para>
  15481. forest
  15482. </para>
  15483. </entry>
  15484. <entry>
  15485. <para>
  15486. WLF 1
  15487. </para>
  15488. </entry>
  15489. </row>
  15490. <row>
  15491. <entry>
  15492. <para>
  15493. shān
  15494. </para>
  15495. </entry>
  15496. <entry>
  15497. <para>
  15498. mountain
  15499. </para>
  15500. </entry>
  15501. <entry>
  15502. <para>
  15503. WLF 1
  15504. </para>
  15505. </entry>
  15506. </row>
  15507. <row>
  15508. <entry>
  15509. <para>
  15510. shàngyī
  15511. </para>
  15512. </entry>
  15513. <entry>
  15514. <para>
  15515. upper outer garment
  15516. </para>
  15517. </entry>
  15518. <entry>
  15519. <para>
  15520. WLF 5
  15521. </para>
  15522. </entry>
  15523. </row>
  15524. <row>
  15525. <entry>
  15526. <para>
  15527. shāo
  15528. </para>
  15529. </entry>
  15530. <entry>
  15531. <para>
  15532. to heat, to cook; to burn
  15533. </para>
  15534. </entry>
  15535. <entry>
  15536. <para>
  15537. WLF 14
  15538. </para>
  15539. </entry>
  15540. </row>
  15541. <row>
  15542. <entry>
  15543. <para>
  15544. shǎo
  15545. </para>
  15546. </entry>
  15547. <entry>
  15548. <para>
  15549. to be few; seldom
  15550. </para>
  15551. </entry>
  15552. <entry>
  15553. <para>
  15554. WLF 1
  15555. </para>
  15556. </entry>
  15557. </row>
  15558. <row>
  15559. <entry>
  15560. <para>
  15561. shāohāo le
  15562. </para>
  15563. </entry>
  15564. <entry>
  15565. <para>
  15566. to have heated up; to have finished
  15567. </para>
  15568. </entry>
  15569. <entry>
  15570. <para>
  15571. WLF
  15572. </para>
  15573. </entry>
  15574. </row>
  15575. <row>
  15576. <entry>
  15577. </entry>
  15578. <entry>
  15579. <para>
  15580. cooking
  15581. </para>
  15582. </entry>
  15583. <entry>
  15584. </entry>
  15585. </row>
  15586. <row>
  15587. <entry>
  15588. <para>
  15589. shéi
  15590. </para>
  15591. </entry>
  15592. <entry>
  15593. <para>
  15594. someone
  15595. </para>
  15596. </entry>
  15597. <entry>
  15598. <para>
  15599. WLF 6
  15600. </para>
  15601. </entry>
  15602. </row>
  15603. <row>
  15604. <entry>
  15605. <para>
  15606. shēng bìng
  15607. </para>
  15608. </entry>
  15609. <entry>
  15610. <para>
  15611. to get sick, to become ill
  15612. </para>
  15613. </entry>
  15614. <entry>
  15615. <para>
  15616. WLF 5
  15617. </para>
  15618. </entry>
  15619. </row>
  15620. <row>
  15621. <entry>
  15622. <para>
  15623. shēnbào
  15624. </para>
  15625. </entry>
  15626. <entry>
  15627. <para>
  15628. to declare, to report
  15629. </para>
  15630. </entry>
  15631. <entry>
  15632. <para>
  15633. WLF 14
  15634. </para>
  15635. </entry>
  15636. </row>
  15637. <row>
  15638. <entry>
  15639. <para>
  15640. shēnbàodān
  15641. </para>
  15642. </entry>
  15643. <entry>
  15644. <para>
  15645. customs declaration
  15646. </para>
  15647. </entry>
  15648. <entry>
  15649. <para>
  15650. WLF U
  15651. </para>
  15652. </entry>
  15653. </row>
  15654. <row>
  15655. <entry>
  15656. <para>
  15657. shénmeyàng
  15658. </para>
  15659. </entry>
  15660. <entry>
  15661. <para>
  15662. like what; what kind
  15663. </para>
  15664. </entry>
  15665. <entry>
  15666. <para>
  15667. WLF 2
  15668. </para>
  15669. </entry>
  15670. </row>
  15671. <row>
  15672. <entry>
  15673. <para>
  15674. shēnshang
  15675. </para>
  15676. </entry>
  15677. <entry>
  15678. <para>
  15679. on one's body
  15680. </para>
  15681. </entry>
  15682. <entry>
  15683. <para>
  15684. WLF 2
  15685. </para>
  15686. </entry>
  15687. </row>
  15688. <row>
  15689. <entry>
  15690. <para>
  15691. shi
  15692. </para>
  15693. </entry>
  15694. <entry>
  15695. <para>
  15696. to try
  15697. </para>
  15698. </entry>
  15699. <entry>
  15700. <para>
  15701. WLF 3
  15702. </para>
  15703. </entry>
  15704. </row>
  15705. </tbody>
  15706. </tgroup>
  15707. </informaltable>
  15708. <informaltable>
  15709. <tgroup cols="3">
  15710. <colspec align="left" />
  15711. <colspec align="left" />
  15712. <colspec align="left" />
  15713. <tbody>
  15714. <row>
  15715. <entry>
  15716. <para>
  15717. shì(yi)shi
  15718. </para>
  15719. </entry>
  15720. <entry>
  15721. <para>
  15722. to give (something) a try
  15723. </para>
  15724. </entry>
  15725. <entry>
  15726. <para>
  15727. WLF 3
  15728. </para>
  15729. </entry>
  15730. </row>
  15731. <row>
  15732. <entry>
  15733. <para>
  15734. shìqing
  15735. </para>
  15736. </entry>
  15737. <entry>
  15738. <para>
  15739. matter, affair, business, thing
  15740. </para>
  15741. </entry>
  15742. <entry>
  15743. <para>
  15744. WLF 6
  15745. </para>
  15746. </entry>
  15747. </row>
  15748. <row>
  15749. <entry>
  15750. <para>
  15751. shǒushi
  15752. </para>
  15753. </entry>
  15754. <entry>
  15755. <para>
  15756. to tidy up
  15757. </para>
  15758. </entry>
  15759. <entry>
  15760. <para>
  15761. WLF 4
  15762. </para>
  15763. </entry>
  15764. </row>
  15765. <row>
  15766. <entry>
  15767. <para>
  15768. shǒushi
  15769. </para>
  15770. </entry>
  15771. <entry>
  15772. <para>
  15773. Jewelry
  15774. </para>
  15775. </entry>
  15776. <entry>
  15777. <para>
  15778. WLF 4
  15779. </para>
  15780. </entry>
  15781. </row>
  15782. <row>
  15783. <entry>
  15784. <para>
  15785. shuā
  15786. </para>
  15787. </entry>
  15788. <entry>
  15789. <para>
  15790. to brush
  15791. </para>
  15792. </entry>
  15793. <entry>
  15794. <para>
  15795. WLF 1
  15796. </para>
  15797. </entry>
  15798. </row>
  15799. <row>
  15800. <entry>
  15801. <para>
  15802. -shuāng
  15803. </para>
  15804. </entry>
  15805. <entry>
  15806. <para>
  15807. pair
  15808. </para>
  15809. </entry>
  15810. <entry>
  15811. <para>
  15812. WLF 2
  15813. </para>
  15814. </entry>
  15815. </row>
  15816. <row>
  15817. <entry>
  15818. <para>
  15819. shuā yá
  15820. </para>
  15821. </entry>
  15822. <entry>
  15823. <para>
  15824. to brush one’s teeth
  15825. </para>
  15826. </entry>
  15827. <entry>
  15828. <para>
  15829. WLF 1
  15830. </para>
  15831. </entry>
  15832. </row>
  15833. <row>
  15834. <entry>
  15835. <para>
  15836. shūbāo
  15837. </para>
  15838. </entry>
  15839. <entry>
  15840. <para>
  15841. book bag, tote bag, carryall
  15842. </para>
  15843. </entry>
  15844. <entry>
  15845. <para>
  15846. WLF 2
  15847. </para>
  15848. </entry>
  15849. </row>
  15850. <row>
  15851. <entry>
  15852. <para>
  15853. shūfáng
  15854. </para>
  15855. </entry>
  15856. <entry>
  15857. <para>
  15858. library
  15859. </para>
  15860. </entry>
  15861. <entry>
  15862. <para>
  15863. WLF 4
  15864. </para>
  15865. </entry>
  15866. </row>
  15867. <row>
  15868. <entry>
  15869. <para>
  15870. shūfu
  15871. </para>
  15872. </entry>
  15873. <entry>
  15874. <para>
  15875. to be comfortable
  15876. </para>
  15877. </entry>
  15878. <entry>
  15879. <para>
  15880. WLF 3
  15881. </para>
  15882. </entry>
  15883. </row>
  15884. <row>
  15885. <entry>
  15886. <para>
  15887. shuì
  15888. </para>
  15889. </entry>
  15890. <entry>
  15891. <para>
  15892. water
  15893. </para>
  15894. </entry>
  15895. <entry>
  15896. <para>
  15897. WLF 1
  15898. </para>
  15899. </entry>
  15900. </row>
  15901. <row>
  15902. <entry>
  15903. <para>
  15904. shuì jiao
  15905. </para>
  15906. </entry>
  15907. <entry>
  15908. <para>
  15909. to sleep
  15910. </para>
  15911. </entry>
  15912. <entry>
  15913. <para>
  15914. WLF 1
  15915. </para>
  15916. </entry>
  15917. </row>
  15918. <row>
  15919. <entry>
  15920. <para>
  15921. shuì wǔjiào
  15922. </para>
  15923. </entry>
  15924. <entry>
  15925. <para>
  15926. to take a noontime nap
  15927. </para>
  15928. </entry>
  15929. <entry>
  15930. <para>
  15931. WLF 1
  15932. </para>
  15933. </entry>
  15934. </row>
  15935. <row>
  15936. <entry>
  15937. <para>
  15938. shuìyī (yítào)
  15939. </para>
  15940. </entry>
  15941. <entry>
  15942. <para>
  15943. pajamas; nightgown
  15944. </para>
  15945. </entry>
  15946. <entry>
  15947. <para>
  15948. WLF 2
  15949. </para>
  15950. </entry>
  15951. </row>
  15952. <row>
  15953. <entry>
  15954. <para>
  15955. shūshu
  15956. </para>
  15957. </entry>
  15958. <entry>
  15959. <para>
  15960. uncle
  15961. </para>
  15962. </entry>
  15963. <entry>
  15964. <para>
  15965. WLF 1
  15966. </para>
  15967. </entry>
  15968. </row>
  15969. <row>
  15970. <entry>
  15971. <para>
  15972. shū tou
  15973. </para>
  15974. </entry>
  15975. <entry>
  15976. <para>
  15977. to brush or comb hair
  15978. </para>
  15979. </entry>
  15980. <entry>
  15981. <para>
  15982. WLF 3
  15983. </para>
  15984. </entry>
  15985. </row>
  15986. <row>
  15987. <entry>
  15988. <para>
  15989. tai
  15990. </para>
  15991. </entry>
  15992. <entry>
  15993. <para>
  15994. to carry (by two or more people)
  15995. </para>
  15996. </entry>
  15997. <entry>
  15998. <para>
  15999. WLF 6
  16000. </para>
  16001. </entry>
  16002. </row>
  16003. <row>
  16004. <entry>
  16005. <para>
  16006. táifēng
  16007. </para>
  16008. </entry>
  16009. <entry>
  16010. <para>
  16011. typhoon
  16012. </para>
  16013. </entry>
  16014. <entry>
  16015. <para>
  16016. WLF 1
  16017. </para>
  16018. </entry>
  16019. </row>
  16020. <row>
  16021. <entry>
  16022. <para>
  16023. tang
  16024. </para>
  16025. </entry>
  16026. <entry>
  16027. <para>
  16028. to lie, to recline
  16029. </para>
  16030. </entry>
  16031. <entry>
  16032. <para>
  16033. ' WLF 5
  16034. </para>
  16035. </entry>
  16036. </row>
  16037. <row>
  16038. <entry>
  16039. <para>
  16040. tàng
  16041. </para>
  16042. </entry>
  16043. <entry>
  16044. <para>
  16045. to get a permanent
  16046. </para>
  16047. </entry>
  16048. <entry>
  16049. <para>
  16050. WLF 3
  16051. </para>
  16052. </entry>
  16053. </row>
  16054. <row>
  16055. <entry>
  16056. <para>
  16057. -tào
  16058. </para>
  16059. </entry>
  16060. <entry>
  16061. <para>
  16062. (counter for suits, sets of things)
  16063. </para>
  16064. </entry>
  16065. <entry>
  16066. <para>
  16067. WLF 2
  16068. </para>
  16069. </entry>
  16070. </row>
  16071. <row>
  16072. <entry>
  16073. <para>
  16074. téng (tong)
  16075. </para>
  16076. </entry>
  16077. <entry>
  16078. <para>
  16079. to hurt, to ache
  16080. </para>
  16081. </entry>
  16082. <entry>
  16083. <para>
  16084. WLF 5
  16085. </para>
  16086. </entry>
  16087. </row>
  16088. <row>
  16089. <entry>
  16090. <para>
  16091. téngsí le
  16092. </para>
  16093. </entry>
  16094. <entry>
  16095. <para>
  16096. to hurt like crazy, to hurt to
  16097. </para>
  16098. </entry>
  16099. <entry>
  16100. </entry>
  16101. </row>
  16102. <row>
  16103. <entry>
  16104. </entry>
  16105. <entry>
  16106. <para>
  16107. death (figuratively)
  16108. </para>
  16109. </entry>
  16110. <entry>
  16111. <para>
  16112. WLF 6
  16113. </para>
  16114. </entry>
  16115. </row>
  16116. <row>
  16117. <entry>
  16118. <para>
  16119. tiān
  16120. </para>
  16121. </entry>
  16122. <entry>
  16123. <para>
  16124. sky; heaven; day
  16125. </para>
  16126. </entry>
  16127. <entry>
  16128. <para>
  16129. WLF 1
  16130. </para>
  16131. </entry>
  16132. </row>
  16133. <row>
  16134. <entry>
  16135. <para>
  16136. tiānqi (tiānqi)
  16137. </para>
  16138. </entry>
  16139. <entry>
  16140. <para>
  16141. weather
  16142. </para>
  16143. </entry>
  16144. <entry>
  16145. <para>
  16146. WLF 1
  16147. </para>
  16148. </entry>
  16149. </row>
  16150. <row>
  16151. <entry>
  16152. <para>
  16153. -tiào
  16154. </para>
  16155. </entry>
  16156. <entry>
  16157. <para>
  16158. (counter for pairs of pants)
  16159. </para>
  16160. </entry>
  16161. <entry>
  16162. <para>
  16163. WLF 2
  16164. </para>
  16165. </entry>
  16166. </row>
  16167. <row>
  16168. <entry>
  16169. <para>
  16170. tlngshuō
  16171. </para>
  16172. </entry>
  16173. <entry>
  16174. <para>
  16175. to hear that, to hear it said;
  16176. </para>
  16177. </entry>
  16178. <entry>
  16179. </entry>
  16180. </row>
  16181. <row>
  16182. <entry>
  16183. </entry>
  16184. <entry>
  16185. <para>
  16186. I hear that, I understand that
  16187. </para>
  16188. </entry>
  16189. <entry>
  16190. <para>
  16191. WLF 1
  16192. </para>
  16193. </entry>
  16194. </row>
  16195. <row>
  16196. <entry>
  16197. <para>
  16198. tīwēn
  16199. </para>
  16200. </entry>
  16201. <entry>
  16202. <para>
  16203. (body) temperature
  16204. </para>
  16205. </entry>
  16206. <entry>
  16207. <para>
  16208. WLF 5
  16209. </para>
  16210. </entry>
  16211. </row>
  16212. <row>
  16213. <entry>
  16214. <para>
  16215. tou
  16216. </para>
  16217. </entry>
  16218. <entry>
  16219. <para>
  16220. head; head of hair
  16221. </para>
  16222. </entry>
  16223. <entry>
  16224. <para>
  16225. WLF 2, WLF 5
  16226. </para>
  16227. </entry>
  16228. </row>
  16229. <row>
  16230. <entry>
  16231. <para>
  16232. toufa
  16233. </para>
  16234. </entry>
  16235. <entry>
  16236. <para>
  16237. hair
  16238. </para>
  16239. </entry>
  16240. <entry>
  16241. <para>
  16242. WLF 3
  16243. </para>
  16244. </entry>
  16245. </row>
  16246. <row>
  16247. <entry>
  16248. <para>
  16249. tou téng
  16250. </para>
  16251. </entry>
  16252. <entry>
  16253. <para>
  16254. to have a headache; headache
  16255. </para>
  16256. </entry>
  16257. <entry>
  16258. <para>
  16259. WLF 5
  16260. </para>
  16261. </entry>
  16262. </row>
  16263. <row>
  16264. <entry>
  16265. <para>
  16266. </para>
  16267. </entry>
  16268. <entry>
  16269. <para>
  16270. to vomit, to spit up
  16271. </para>
  16272. </entry>
  16273. <entry>
  16274. <para>
  16275. WLF 5
  16276. </para>
  16277. </entry>
  16278. </row>
  16279. <row>
  16280. <entry>
  16281. <para>
  16282. tuǐ
  16283. </para>
  16284. </entry>
  16285. <entry>
  16286. <para>
  16287. leg
  16288. </para>
  16289. </entry>
  16290. <entry>
  16291. <para>
  16292. WLF 6
  16293. </para>
  16294. </entry>
  16295. </row>
  16296. <row>
  16297. <entry>
  16298. <para>
  16299. tuōxié
  16300. </para>
  16301. </entry>
  16302. <entry>
  16303. <para>
  16304. slippers
  16305. </para>
  16306. </entry>
  16307. <entry>
  16308. <para>
  16309. WLF 2
  16310. </para>
  16311. </entry>
  16312. </row>
  16313. <row>
  16314. <entry>
  16315. <para>
  16316. wàiguo
  16317. </para>
  16318. </entry>
  16319. <entry>
  16320. <para>
  16321. foreign country
  16322. </para>
  16323. </entry>
  16324. <entry>
  16325. <para>
  16326. WLF 6
  16327. </para>
  16328. </entry>
  16329. </row>
  16330. <row>
  16331. <entry>
  16332. <para>
  16333. wàikē
  16334. </para>
  16335. </entry>
  16336. <entry>
  16337. <para>
  16338. surgical department
  16339. </para>
  16340. </entry>
  16341. <entry>
  16342. <para>
  16343. WLF 5
  16344. </para>
  16345. </entry>
  16346. </row>
  16347. <row>
  16348. <entry>
  16349. <para>
  16350. wàikē yIshēng
  16351. </para>
  16352. </entry>
  16353. <entry>
  16354. <para>
  16355. surgeon
  16356. </para>
  16357. </entry>
  16358. <entry>
  16359. <para>
  16360. WLF 5
  16361. </para>
  16362. </entry>
  16363. </row>
  16364. <row>
  16365. <entry>
  16366. <para>
  16367. wàishì
  16368. </para>
  16369. </entry>
  16370. <entry>
  16371. <para>
  16372. foreign affairs
  16373. </para>
  16374. </entry>
  16375. <entry>
  16376. <para>
  16377. WLF 6
  16378. </para>
  16379. </entry>
  16380. </row>
  16381. <row>
  16382. <entry>
  16383. <para>
  16384. wàishì Jǐngchá
  16385. </para>
  16386. </entry>
  16387. <entry>
  16388. <para>
  16389. foreign affairs policeman
  16390. </para>
  16391. </entry>
  16392. <entry>
  16393. <para>
  16394. WLF 6
  16395. </para>
  16396. </entry>
  16397. </row>
  16398. <row>
  16399. <entry>
  16400. <para>
  16401. wàitào
  16402. </para>
  16403. </entry>
  16404. <entry>
  16405. <para>
  16406. coat, jacket (that extends below the
  16407. </para>
  16408. </entry>
  16409. <entry>
  16410. <para>
  16411. waist) WLF 2
  16412. </para>
  16413. </entry>
  16414. </row>
  16415. <row>
  16416. <entry>
  16417. <para>
  16418. wàng
  16419. </para>
  16420. </entry>
  16421. <entry>
  16422. <para>
  16423. to forget
  16424. </para>
  16425. </entry>
  16426. <entry>
  16427. <para>
  16428. WLF 2
  16429. </para>
  16430. </entry>
  16431. </row>
  16432. <row>
  16433. <entry>
  16434. <para>
  16435. wàzi
  16436. </para>
  16437. </entry>
  16438. <entry>
  16439. <para>
  16440. socks
  16441. </para>
  16442. </entry>
  16443. <entry>
  16444. <para>
  16445. WLF 2
  16446. </para>
  16447. </entry>
  16448. </row>
  16449. <row>
  16450. <entry>
  16451. <para>
  16452. wèi
  16453. </para>
  16454. </entry>
  16455. <entry>
  16456. <para>
  16457. stomach
  16458. </para>
  16459. </entry>
  16460. <entry>
  16461. <para>
  16462. WLF 5
  16463. </para>
  16464. </entry>
  16465. </row>
  16466. <row>
  16467. <entry>
  16468. <para>
  16469. wèibìng
  16470. </para>
  16471. </entry>
  16472. <entry>
  16473. <para>
  16474. stomach trouble, gastric disease
  16475. </para>
  16476. </entry>
  16477. <entry>
  16478. <para>
  16479. WLF 5
  16480. </para>
  16481. </entry>
  16482. </row>
  16483. <row>
  16484. <entry>
  16485. <para>
  16486. wéixiǎn (wēixiān)
  16487. </para>
  16488. </entry>
  16489. <entry>
  16490. <para>
  16491. to be dangerous, to be perilous;
  16492. </para>
  16493. </entry>
  16494. <entry>
  16495. </entry>
  16496. </row>
  16497. <row>
  16498. <entry>
  16499. </entry>
  16500. <entry>
  16501. <para>
  16502. danger
  16503. </para>
  16504. </entry>
  16505. <entry>
  16506. <para>
  16507. WLF 6
  16508. </para>
  16509. </entry>
  16510. </row>
  16511. <row>
  16512. <entry>
  16513. <para>
  16514. wēndù
  16515. </para>
  16516. </entry>
  16517. <entry>
  16518. <para>
  16519. temperature
  16520. </para>
  16521. </entry>
  16522. <entry>
  16523. <para>
  16524. WLF 5
  16525. </para>
  16526. </entry>
  16527. </row>
  16528. <row>
  16529. <entry>
  16530. <para>
  16531. wèntí
  16532. </para>
  16533. </entry>
  16534. <entry>
  16535. <para>
  16536. question, problem
  16537. </para>
  16538. </entry>
  16539. <entry>
  16540. <para>
  16541. WLF 3
  16542. </para>
  16543. </entry>
  16544. </row>
  16545. <row>
  16546. <entry>
  16547. <para>
  16548. wòfáng
  16549. </para>
  16550. </entry>
  16551. <entry>
  16552. <para>
  16553. bedroom
  16554. </para>
  16555. </entry>
  16556. <entry>
  16557. <para>
  16558. WLF 1
  16559. </para>
  16560. </entry>
  16561. </row>
  16562. </tbody>
  16563. </tgroup>
  16564. </informaltable>
  16565. <informaltable>
  16566. <tgroup cols="3">
  16567. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  16568. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  16569. <colspec colwidth="33*" align="left" />
  16570. <tbody>
  16571. <row>
  16572. <entry>
  16573. <para>
  16574. wòshì wūrǎn wūzi
  16575. </para>
  16576. </entry>
  16577. <entry>
  16578. <para>
  16579. bedroom pollution room
  16580. </para>
  16581. </entry>
  16582. <entry>
  16583. <para>
  16584. WLF li
  16585. </para>
  16586. <para>
  16587. WLF 1 WLF b
  16588. </para>
  16589. </entry>
  16590. </row>
  16591. <row>
  16592. <entry>
  16593. <para>
  16594. </para>
  16595. </entry>
  16596. <entry>
  16597. <para>
  16598. to wash
  16599. </para>
  16600. </entry>
  16601. <entry>
  16602. <para>
  16603. WLF 3
  16604. </para>
  16605. </entry>
  16606. </row>
  16607. <row>
  16608. <entry>
  16609. <para>
  16610. xiǎng
  16611. </para>
  16612. </entry>
  16613. <entry>
  16614. <para>
  16615. to miss, to think of
  16616. </para>
  16617. </entry>
  16618. <entry>
  16619. <para>
  16620. WLF 1
  16621. </para>
  16622. </entry>
  16623. </row>
  16624. <row>
  16625. <entry>
  16626. <para>
  16627. xiāngxià (xiāngxià)
  16628. </para>
  16629. </entry>
  16630. <entry>
  16631. <para>
  16632. in the country, the countryside
  16633. </para>
  16634. </entry>
  16635. <entry>
  16636. <para>
  16637. WLF 1
  16638. </para>
  16639. </entry>
  16640. </row>
  16641. <row>
  16642. <entry>
  16643. <para>
  16644. xiāngzi
  16645. </para>
  16646. </entry>
  16647. <entry>
  16648. <para>
  16649. suitcase
  16650. </para>
  16651. </entry>
  16652. <entry>
  16653. <para>
  16654. WLF h
  16655. </para>
  16656. </entry>
  16657. </row>
  16658. <row>
  16659. <entry>
  16660. <para>
  16661. xiǎoběnzi
  16662. </para>
  16663. </entry>
  16664. <entry>
  16665. <para>
  16666. notebook
  16667. </para>
  16668. </entry>
  16669. <entry>
  16670. <para>
  16671. WLF h
  16672. </para>
  16673. </entry>
  16674. </row>
  16675. <row>
  16676. <entry>
  16677. <para>
  16678. xiǎobiàn
  16679. </para>
  16680. </entry>
  16681. <entry>
  16682. <para>
  16683. to urinate; urination
  16684. </para>
  16685. </entry>
  16686. <entry>
  16687. <para>
  16688. WLF 5
  16689. </para>
  16690. </entry>
  16691. </row>
  16692. <row>
  16693. <entry>
  16694. <para>
  16695. xiaoxīn
  16696. </para>
  16697. </entry>
  16698. <entry>
  16699. <para>
  16700. to be careful
  16701. </para>
  16702. </entry>
  16703. <entry>
  16704. <para>
  16705. WLF h
  16706. </para>
  16707. </entry>
  16708. </row>
  16709. <row>
  16710. <entry>
  16711. <para>
  16712. xiàtiān (xiàtiān)
  16713. </para>
  16714. </entry>
  16715. <entry>
  16716. <para>
  16717. summer
  16718. </para>
  16719. </entry>
  16720. <entry>
  16721. <para>
  16722. WLF 1
  16723. </para>
  16724. </entry>
  16725. </row>
  16726. <row>
  16727. <entry>
  16728. <para>
  16729. xià xuě
  16730. </para>
  16731. </entry>
  16732. <entry>
  16733. <para>
  16734. to snow
  16735. </para>
  16736. </entry>
  16737. <entry>
  16738. <para>
  16739. WLF 1
  16740. </para>
  16741. </entry>
  16742. </row>
  16743. <row>
  16744. <entry>
  16745. <para>
  16746. xià yu
  16747. </para>
  16748. </entry>
  16749. <entry>
  16750. <para>
  16751. to rain
  16752. </para>
  16753. </entry>
  16754. <entry>
  16755. <para>
  16756. WLF 1
  16757. </para>
  16758. </entry>
  16759. </row>
  16760. <row>
  16761. <entry>
  16762. <para>
  16763. xié
  16764. </para>
  16765. </entry>
  16766. <entry>
  16767. <para>
  16768. shoe
  16769. </para>
  16770. </entry>
  16771. <entry>
  16772. <para>
  16773. WLF 2
  16774. </para>
  16775. </entry>
  16776. </row>
  16777. <row>
  16778. <entry>
  16779. <para>
  16780. xiè dùzi
  16781. </para>
  16782. </entry>
  16783. <entry>
  16784. <para>
  16785. to have diarrhea
  16786. </para>
  16787. </entry>
  16788. <entry>
  16789. <para>
  16790. WLF 5
  16791. </para>
  16792. </entry>
  16793. </row>
  16794. <row>
  16795. <entry>
  16796. <para>
  16797. xǐng
  16798. </para>
  16799. </entry>
  16800. <entry>
  16801. <para>
  16802. to wake up
  16803. </para>
  16804. </entry>
  16805. <entry>
  16806. <para>
  16807. WLF h
  16808. </para>
  16809. </entry>
  16810. </row>
  16811. <row>
  16812. <entry>
  16813. <para>
  16814. xīnxiān (xīnxian)
  16815. </para>
  16816. </entry>
  16817. <entry>
  16818. <para>
  16819. to be fresh
  16820. </para>
  16821. </entry>
  16822. <entry>
  16823. <para>
  16824. WLF 1
  16825. </para>
  16826. </entry>
  16827. </row>
  16828. <row>
  16829. <entry>
  16830. <para>
  16831. xǐ tou
  16832. </para>
  16833. </entry>
  16834. <entry>
  16835. <para>
  16836. to shampoo, to get a shampoo
  16837. </para>
  16838. </entry>
  16839. <entry>
  16840. <para>
  16841. WLF 3
  16842. </para>
  16843. </entry>
  16844. </row>
  16845. <row>
  16846. <entry>
  16847. <para>
  16848. xǐzǎo
  16849. </para>
  16850. </entry>
  16851. <entry>
  16852. <para>
  16853. to take a bath
  16854. </para>
  16855. </entry>
  16856. <entry>
  16857. <para>
  16858. WLF 4
  16859. </para>
  16860. </entry>
  16861. </row>
  16862. <row>
  16863. <entry>
  16864. <para>
  16865. xǐzǎofáng
  16866. </para>
  16867. </entry>
  16868. <entry>
  16869. <para>
  16870. bathroom
  16871. </para>
  16872. </entry>
  16873. <entry>
  16874. <para>
  16875. WLF U
  16876. </para>
  16877. </entry>
  16878. </row>
  16879. <row>
  16880. <entry>
  16881. <para>
  16882. xǐ zhuāng
  16883. </para>
  16884. </entry>
  16885. <entry>
  16886. <para>
  16887. Western-style clothes; Western-style suit
  16888. </para>
  16889. </entry>
  16890. <entry>
  16891. <para>
  16892. WLF 2
  16893. </para>
  16894. </entry>
  16895. </row>
  16896. <row>
  16897. <entry>
  16898. <para>
  16899. xuěyā
  16900. </para>
  16901. </entry>
  16902. <entry>
  16903. <para>
  16904. blood pressure
  16905. </para>
  16906. </entry>
  16907. <entry>
  16908. <para>
  16909. WLF <superscript>r</superscript>j
  16910. </para>
  16911. </entry>
  16912. </row>
  16913. <row>
  16914. <entry>
  16915. <para>
  16916. xuěyā dǐ
  16917. </para>
  16918. </entry>
  16919. <entry>
  16920. <para>
  16921. low blood pressure
  16922. </para>
  16923. </entry>
  16924. <entry>
  16925. <para>
  16926. WLF 5
  16927. </para>
  16928. </entry>
  16929. </row>
  16930. <row>
  16931. <entry>
  16932. <para>
  16933. xuěyā gāo
  16934. </para>
  16935. </entry>
  16936. <entry>
  16937. <para>
  16938. high blood pressure
  16939. </para>
  16940. </entry>
  16941. <entry>
  16942. <para>
  16943. WLF 5
  16944. </para>
  16945. </entry>
  16946. </row>
  16947. <row>
  16948. <entry>
  16949. <para>
  16950. xūyào
  16951. </para>
  16952. </entry>
  16953. <entry>
  16954. <para>
  16955. to need, to require
  16956. </para>
  16957. </entry>
  16958. <entry>
  16959. <para>
  16960. WLF 2
  16961. </para>
  16962. </entry>
  16963. </row>
  16964. <row>
  16965. <entry>
  16966. <para>
  16967. <superscript>y</superscript>á
  16968. </para>
  16969. </entry>
  16970. <entry>
  16971. <para>
  16972. tooth, teeth
  16973. </para>
  16974. </entry>
  16975. <entry>
  16976. <para>
  16977. WLF
  16978. </para>
  16979. </entry>
  16980. </row>
  16981. <row>
  16982. <entry>
  16983. <para>
  16984. yágāo
  16985. </para>
  16986. </entry>
  16987. <entry>
  16988. <para>
  16989. toothpaste
  16990. </para>
  16991. </entry>
  16992. <entry>
  16993. <para>
  16994. WLF h
  16995. </para>
  16996. </entry>
  16997. </row>
  16998. <row>
  16999. <entry>
  17000. <para>
  17001. yàngzi
  17002. </para>
  17003. </entry>
  17004. <entry>
  17005. <para>
  17006. appearance; shape, form; style, design;
  17007. </para>
  17008. </entry>
  17009. <entry>
  17010. </entry>
  17011. </row>
  17012. <row>
  17013. <entry>
  17014. </entry>
  17015. <entry>
  17016. <para>
  17017. pattern
  17018. </para>
  17019. </entry>
  17020. <entry>
  17021. <para>
  17022. WLF 2
  17023. </para>
  17024. </entry>
  17025. </row>
  17026. <row>
  17027. <entry>
  17028. <para>
  17029. yǎnjìng(r)
  17030. </para>
  17031. </entry>
  17032. <entry>
  17033. <para>
  17034. glasses (spectacles)
  17035. </para>
  17036. </entry>
  17037. <entry>
  17038. <para>
  17039. WLF h
  17040. </para>
  17041. </entry>
  17042. </row>
  17043. <row>
  17044. <entry>
  17045. <para>
  17046. yào
  17047. </para>
  17048. </entry>
  17049. <entry>
  17050. <para>
  17051. should; must; it is necessary, to need to
  17052. </para>
  17053. </entry>
  17054. <entry>
  17055. <para>
  17056. WLF 2
  17057. </para>
  17058. </entry>
  17059. </row>
  17060. <row>
  17061. <entry>
  17062. <para>
  17063. yào
  17064. </para>
  17065. </entry>
  17066. <entry>
  17067. <para>
  17068. medicine
  17069. </para>
  17070. </entry>
  17071. <entry>
  17072. <para>
  17073. WLF 5
  17074. </para>
  17075. </entry>
  17076. </row>
  17077. <row>
  17078. <entry>
  17079. <para>
  17080. yàoburán
  17081. </para>
  17082. </entry>
  17083. <entry>
  17084. <para>
  17085. otherwise, or else
  17086. </para>
  17087. </entry>
  17088. <entry>
  17089. <para>
  17090. WLF 6
  17091. </para>
  17092. </entry>
  17093. </row>
  17094. <row>
  17095. <entry>
  17096. <para>
  17097. yàofāng
  17098. </para>
  17099. </entry>
  17100. <entry>
  17101. <para>
  17102. prescription
  17103. </para>
  17104. </entry>
  17105. <entry>
  17106. <para>
  17107. WLF 5
  17108. </para>
  17109. </entry>
  17110. </row>
  17111. <row>
  17112. <entry>
  17113. <para>
  17114. yídìng
  17115. </para>
  17116. </entry>
  17117. <entry>
  17118. <para>
  17119. certainly, surely, for sure, definitely
  17120. </para>
  17121. </entry>
  17122. <entry>
  17123. <para>
  17124. WLF 3
  17125. </para>
  17126. </entry>
  17127. </row>
  17128. <row>
  17129. <entry>
  17130. <para>
  17131. yifu
  17132. </para>
  17133. </entry>
  17134. <entry>
  17135. <para>
  17136. clothes
  17137. </para>
  17138. </entry>
  17139. <entry>
  17140. <para>
  17141. WLF 2
  17142. </para>
  17143. </entry>
  17144. </row>
  17145. <row>
  17146. <entry>
  17147. <para>
  17148. yishēng
  17149. </para>
  17150. </entry>
  17151. <entry>
  17152. <para>
  17153. doctor
  17154. </para>
  17155. </entry>
  17156. <entry>
  17157. <para>
  17158. WLF 5
  17159. </para>
  17160. </entry>
  17161. </row>
  17162. <row>
  17163. <entry>
  17164. <para>
  17165. yīyuàn
  17166. </para>
  17167. </entry>
  17168. <entry>
  17169. <para>
  17170. hospital
  17171. </para>
  17172. </entry>
  17173. <entry>
  17174. <para>
  17175. WLF 5
  17176. </para>
  17177. </entry>
  17178. </row>
  17179. <row>
  17180. <entry>
  17181. <para>
  17182. yòng
  17183. </para>
  17184. </entry>
  17185. <entry>
  17186. <para>
  17187. to use
  17188. </para>
  17189. </entry>
  17190. <entry>
  17191. <para>
  17192. WLF 2
  17193. </para>
  17194. </entry>
  17195. </row>
  17196. <row>
  17197. <entry>
  17198. <para>
  17199. you
  17200. </para>
  17201. </entry>
  17202. <entry>
  17203. <para>
  17204. oil, grease
  17205. </para>
  17206. </entry>
  17207. <entry>
  17208. <para>
  17209. WLF 3
  17210. </para>
  17211. </entry>
  17212. </row>
  17213. <row>
  17214. <entry>
  17215. <para>
  17216. yǒu(de) shihou
  17217. </para>
  17218. </entry>
  17219. <entry>
  17220. <para>
  17221. sometimes
  17222. </para>
  17223. </entry>
  17224. <entry>
  17225. <para>
  17226. WLF 1
  17227. </para>
  17228. </entry>
  17229. </row>
  17230. <row>
  17231. <entry>
  17232. <para>
  17233. you shì
  17234. </para>
  17235. </entry>
  17236. <entry>
  17237. <para>
  17238. to be occupied, to be busy
  17239. </para>
  17240. </entry>
  17241. <entry>
  17242. <para>
  17243. WLF 3
  17244. </para>
  17245. </entry>
  17246. </row>
  17247. <row>
  17248. <entry>
  17249. <para>
  17250. you (yi)diǎn
  17251. </para>
  17252. </entry>
  17253. <entry>
  17254. <para>
  17255. a little bit, somewhat
  17256. </para>
  17257. </entry>
  17258. <entry>
  17259. <para>
  17260. WLF 3
  17261. </para>
  17262. </entry>
  17263. </row>
  17264. <row>
  17265. <entry>
  17266. <para>
  17267. yóuyong
  17268. </para>
  17269. </entry>
  17270. <entry>
  17271. <para>
  17272. to swim
  17273. </para>
  17274. </entry>
  17275. <entry>
  17276. <para>
  17277. WLF 6
  17278. </para>
  17279. </entry>
  17280. </row>
  17281. <row>
  17282. <entry>
  17283. <para>
  17284. yubei
  17285. </para>
  17286. </entry>
  17287. <entry>
  17288. <para>
  17289. to prepare, to get ready
  17290. </para>
  17291. </entry>
  17292. <entry>
  17293. <para>
  17294. WLF h
  17295. </para>
  17296. </entry>
  17297. </row>
  17298. <row>
  17299. <entry>
  17300. <para>
  17301. yùbeihǎo le
  17302. </para>
  17303. </entry>
  17304. <entry>
  17305. <para>
  17306. to have prepared
  17307. </para>
  17308. </entry>
  17309. <entry>
  17310. <para>
  17311. WLF 1
  17312. </para>
  17313. </entry>
  17314. </row>
  17315. <row>
  17316. <entry>
  17317. <para>
  17318. yūn
  17319. </para>
  17320. </entry>
  17321. <entry>
  17322. <para>
  17323. to be dizzy
  17324. </para>
  17325. </entry>
  17326. <entry>
  17327. <para>
  17328. WLF 5
  17329. </para>
  17330. </entry>
  17331. </row>
  17332. <row>
  17333. <entry>
  17334. <para>
  17335. yuxié
  17336. </para>
  17337. </entry>
  17338. <entry>
  17339. <para>
  17340. rainshoes; rubbers, galoshes
  17341. </para>
  17342. </entry>
  17343. <entry>
  17344. <para>
  17345. WLF 2
  17346. </para>
  17347. </entry>
  17348. </row>
  17349. <row>
  17350. <entry>
  17351. <para>
  17352. yǔyī
  17353. </para>
  17354. </entry>
  17355. <entry>
  17356. <para>
  17357. raincoat
  17358. </para>
  17359. </entry>
  17360. <entry>
  17361. <para>
  17362. WLF 2
  17363. </para>
  17364. </entry>
  17365. </row>
  17366. <row>
  17367. <entry>
  17368. <para>
  17369. yùyuē
  17370. </para>
  17371. </entry>
  17372. <entry>
  17373. <para>
  17374. to make an appointment (PRC)
  17375. </para>
  17376. </entry>
  17377. <entry>
  17378. <para>
  17379. WLF 3
  17380. </para>
  17381. </entry>
  17382. </row>
  17383. </tbody>
  17384. </tgroup>
  17385. </informaltable>
  17386. <informaltable>
  17387. <tgroup cols="2">
  17388. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  17389. <colspec colwidth="50*" align="left" />
  17390. <tbody>
  17391. <row>
  17392. <entry>
  17393. <para>
  17394. zāogāo
  17395. </para>
  17396. </entry>
  17397. <entry>
  17398. <para>
  17399. oh no! how awful! how terrible! what a mess! •» to be
  17400. awful
  17401. </para>
  17402. </entry>
  17403. </row>
  17404. <row>
  17405. <entry>
  17406. <para>
  17407. zhao zhāoJí
  17408. </para>
  17409. </entry>
  17410. <entry>
  17411. <para>
  17412. according to
  17413. </para>
  17414. <para>
  17415. to get upset, to be anxkous, to be worried
  17416. </para>
  17417. </entry>
  17418. </row>
  17419. <row>
  17420. <entry>
  17421. <para>
  17422. zhao xiang zhàoxiàngj ī
  17423. </para>
  17424. <para>
  17425. -zhe
  17426. </para>
  17427. </entry>
  17428. <entry>
  17429. <para>
  17430. to take a photograph camera
  17431. </para>
  17432. <para>
  17433. (marker of duration for actions and states)
  17434. </para>
  17435. </entry>
  17436. </row>
  17437. <row>
  17438. <entry>
  17439. <para>
  17440. zhēnjiū (zhēnjiǔ) zhlpiào zhīpiàoběn
  17441. </para>
  17442. <para>
  17443. -zhǒng zhuàng
  17444. </para>
  17445. </entry>
  17446. <entry>
  17447. <para>
  17448. acupuncture and moxibustion check (as in personal check)
  17449. checkbook
  17450. </para>
  17451. <para>
  17452. kind, sort
  17453. </para>
  17454. <para>
  17455. to bump into, to run into, to collide with
  17456. </para>
  17457. </entry>
  17458. </row>
  17459. <row>
  17460. <entry>
  17461. <para>
  17462. zhùyì (zhùyi) zìjǐ zūchuqu zuì zuò zuò fàn zuò toufa
  17463. zuǒyòu
  17464. </para>
  17465. </entry>
  17466. <entry>
  17467. <para>
  17468. to pay attention to
  17469. </para>
  17470. <para>
  17471. self, oneself (myself, yourself, etc.)
  17472. </para>
  17473. <para>
  17474. to rent out
  17475. </para>
  17476. <para>
  17477. most, -est
  17478. </para>
  17479. <para>
  17480. to make; to have made
  17481. </para>
  17482. <para>
  17483. to cook
  17484. </para>
  17485. <para>
  17486. to do one’s hair, to have one’s hair done approximately,
  17487. about
  17488. </para>
  17489. </entry>
  17490. </row>
  17491. </tbody>
  17492. </tgroup>
  17493. </informaltable>
  17494. <literallayout>
  17495. </literallayout>
  17496. <literallayout>
  17497. </literallayout>
  17498. <para>
  17499. 687-001743069
  17500. </para>
  17501. <para>
  17502. 103
  17503. </para>
  17504. <para>
  17505. <superscript><link linkend="footnote1">1</link></superscript><anchor id="bookmark30" />
  17506. </para>
  17507. <para>
  17509. </para>
  17510. <para>
  17511. <superscript><link linkend="footnote2">2</link></superscript><anchor id="bookmark31" />
  17512. </para>
  17513. <para>
  17515. </para>
  17516. <para>
  17517. guā fēng: &quot;(there) blows wind&quot; Guā literally means
  17518. &quot;to scrape,&quot; but when used in connection with fēng,
  17519. &quot;wind,&quot; it means &quot;to blow.&quot; Like other weather
  17520. expressions, such as xià xuě &quot;to snow,&quot; the subject fēng
  17521. usually follows the verb guā. To say &quot;very windy,&quot; you say
  17522. that the wind is big, either Fēng hěn dà or Guā dà fēng.
  17523. </para>
  17524. <para>
  17525. Sānyuè: &quot;by March&quot; A time word before the verb may mean
  17526. &quot;by&quot; a certain time as well as &quot;at&quot; a certain
  17527. time.
  17528. </para>
  17529. <para>
  17530. Sānyuè jiù kāishǐ nuǎnhuo le: &quot;By March it is already starting
  17531. to get warm.<superscript>71</superscript> When the time word before
  17532. it is given extra stress, the adverb jiù indicates that the event in
  17533. question happens earlier than might be expected. The marker le after
  17534. the state verb nuǎnhuo, &quot;to be warm,&quot; tells us that it is
  17535. being used here as a process verb, &quot;to get warm.&quot;
  17536. </para>
  17537. <para>
  17538. yǒude shíhou: &quot;sometimes&quot; This is also said as you shíhou.
  17539. </para>
  17540. <para>
  17541. xià yù: &quot;to rain&quot; Literally, &quot;(there) falls
  17542. rain.&quot; Now you have seen three weather expressions where the
  17543. subject normally follows the verb: xià xuě, guā fēng and xià yǔ.
  17544. </para>
  17545. <para>
  17546. <superscript><link linkend="footnote3">3</link></superscript><anchor id="bookmark32" />
  17547. </para>
  17548. <para>
  17549. TÓu, literally &quot;head,&quot; is used here for &quot;head of
  17550. hair.&quot;
  17551. </para>
  17552. <para>
  17553. <superscript><link linkend="footnote4">4</link></superscript><anchor id="bookmark33" />
  17554. </para>
  17555. <para>
  17557. </para>
  17558. <para>
  17559. zuò toufa: ”to do hair” or ”to have one’s hair done&quot; (See the
  17560. Reference Notes for Part I on xǐ tou, guā húzi, chuí bèi, cā píxié.)
  17561. </para>
  17562. <para>
  17563. yùyuē: &quot;to make an appointment&quot; literally &quot;beforehand
  17564. make-an-appointment.&quot; This is relatively new PRC usage; this
  17565. word used to have only the meanings &quot;a preliminary
  17566. agreement&quot; or &quot;to pre-order a book which has not yet been
  17567. published.&quot; In Taiwan (or the PRC for that matter), you may use
  17568. instead the phrase xiān yuē yige shíjiān, &quot;to arrange a time
  17569. beforehand.&quot; Appointments are not generally required or
  17570. accepted in barbershops and beauty parlors in the PRC or Taiwan.
  17571. </para>
  17572. <para>
  17573. wèntí: &quot;problem&quot; or &quot;question.&quot; Méi(you) wèntí
  17574. is just like the English &quot;no problem.&quot; In addition to its
  17575. literal meaning of &quot;There is no
  17576. </para>
  17577. <para>
  17578. <superscript><link linkend="footnote5">5</link></superscript><anchor id="bookmark34" />
  17579. </para>
  17580. <para>
  17582. </para>
  17583. <para>
  17584. &quot;Ting&quot; is the wife’s affectionate abbreviation of her
  17585. husband’s name, TÍngsōng.
  17586. </para>
  17587. <para>
  17588. <superscript><link linkend="footnote6">6</link></superscript><anchor id="bookmark35" />
  17589. </para>
  17590. <para>
  17591. è: &quot;to be hungry&quot;
  17592. </para>
  17593. </article>