Dialogue and translation for exercice 2.csv 2.9 KB

  1. Dialogue and Translation for Exercise 2
  2. Thia dialogue takes place in front of a vegetable stall in Dōngdān
  3. market in BUjIng. An American customer (A) is looking over the
  4. selection.
  5. Here he talks with the salesperson.
  6. A:
  7. Ài, zhèige qíngjiāo hlo dà a! IS hèn xīnxian, shi bèndì chūde ba?
  8. Wow! These green peppers are so big! They're very fresh, too. They must
  9. be local produce, aren't they?
  10. B:
  11. Shi cōng Jiioqū láide.
  12. They come from the suburbs.
  13. A:
  14. Béijlng Jiāoqūde rénmín gōngshè dōu zhōng shūcài ma?
  15. Do all the people's communes in the suburbs of BèiJIng grow vegetables?
  16. B:
  17. Xiànzàide rénmín gōngshè zhūyào háishi zhōng liángshi, Jiāoqūde gōngshè
  18. u xie dàduì zhōng shūcài, dāngrán yō yōu zhuānyèhuàde gōngshè.
  19. These days most people's communes still mainly produce grain. In
  20. communes in the suburbs, some brigades grow vegetables, and, of course,
  21. there are also specialized conasunM.
  22. A:
  23. Zhuānyèhuà shi shénme yìsi?
  24. What does specialized mean?
  25. B:
  26. Zènme shuō ne? Wō shìzhe Jú ge lìzi ba.
  27. How should I explain it? I'll try and give you an example.
  28. A:
  29. ftg, nl shuō shuo kan.
  30. Mm, go ahead.
  31. B: Bìfang shuǒ SÌJÌqlng zhèige gong- For instance, the commune SÌJÌqlng.
  32. shè.
  33. A: "SÌJÌqlng” shi shénme yìsi?
  34. What does "SÌJÌqlng” mean?
  35. B: Ng, "yī èr sān sì"de "si," "chūn-Jì, qiūjì"de "Jì," "qlng" Jiù shi
  36. "īa"de yìsi.
  37. Si C"four"] as in yi èr sān si C"one two three four"]. Jì C"season"] as
  38. in chūnjì. qiūjì C"spring season, fall season"]. Qlng means "green."
  39. - A: À! Nà shi si Jì cháng 15.de yìsi.
  40. Ah! So it means "green all year round."
  41. - B: Duì le, Jiù shi yīnvei nèige gōngshè yìnián sìjì dōu shi lade,
  42. wōmen cái guln ta Jiào SÌJÌqlng. Nà shi ge xiānjìnde gōngshè. Tā-men
  43. Jiù zhōng cài!
  44. - A: Jiù zhōng cài?.' À! Duì le, duì le, suōyl guln zhèige gōngshè
  45. Jiào zhuānyèhuà gōngshè.
  46. - B: Ou, wō shuōde "jiù zhong cài" bú shi shuō bāifēnzhī bāi a! Jiù
  47. shi
  48. Right. It's precisely because the cojanune is green all year round that
  49. we call it SÌJÌqlng. It's an advanced commune. They grow only
  50. vegetables.
  51. Only vegetables? Oh! Of course. That's why they call it a specialized
  52. commune.
  53. Oh, when I said "only vegetables,” I didn't mean one hundred percent! I
  54. ahu3, càidìde miànji hén di, zhàn gongshi z8ng miànjide bàifēnzhf
  55. ql-bǎshí!
  56. - A: Suóyi zhèige xiànjìn gdngshè zhūyàode shēngchàn shi shǔcài!
  57. - B: Duì le, yìdiànr d5u bú cud! Zhèige dà qlngjiào jiù shi cóng nàr
  58. láide. DuS mài jlge ba!
  59. - A: Hào, w8 mài yìjln.
  60. mean that the area of their vegetable plots is very large. They make up
  61. seventy or eighty percent of the commune's total area!
  62. So the main product of this commune is vegetables!
  63. Right, absolutely correct. These big green peppers are from there.
  64. Buy a bunch of them!
  65. Okay, I’ll take one catty.