words.csv 12 KB

  1. tīngshuō 听说 It is said that 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  2. you 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  3. yàodào 要到 arriving 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  4. biānjiāng 边疆 frontier 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  5. chūchāi 出差 On business trip 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  6. go 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  7. le span 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  8. duìle 对了 correct 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  9. wèile 为了 for 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  10. zhècì 这次 this time 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  11. chūyáng 出洋 go abroad 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  12. ménér 门儿 door 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  13. zhè This 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  14. liǎngtiān 两天 two days 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  15. máng busy 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  16. have to 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  17. bùdé 不得 must not 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  18. bùdéle 不得了 incredible 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  19. zhècì 这次 this time 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  20. you 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  21. chūmén 出门 go out 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  22. chūménér 出门儿 go out 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  23. ménér 门儿 door 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  24. bàngōng 办公 office 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  25. gōngshì 公事 business 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  26. , , , 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  27. zhǔnbèi 准备 Prepare 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  28. zěnme 怎么 how 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  29. zǒu Walk 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  30. a what 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  31. zuòfēijī 坐飞机 By plane 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  32. fēijī 飞机 airplane 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  33. xiàwǔ 下午 afternoon 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  34. dào arrive 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  35. zhōngguó 中国 China 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  36. zhōngguómínháng 中国民航 Civil Aviation of China 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  37. guómín 国民 national 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  38. mínháng 民航 civil aviation 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  39. mǎi purchase 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  40. jīpiào 机票 Air tickets 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  41. lǚxíng 旅行 trip 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  42. le span 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  43. èrshí 二十 twenty 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  44. èrshíduō 二十多 more than twenty 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  45. èrshíduōtiān 二十多天 more than twenty days 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  46. shíduō 十多 more than ten 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  47. shíduōtiān 十多天 more than ten days 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  48. duōtiān 多天 Days 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  49. you 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  50. juéde 觉得 feel 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  51. zěnme 怎么 how 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  52. zěnmeyàng 怎么样 How about it 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  53. zhècì 这次 this time 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  54. chūmén 出门 go out 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  55. chūménér 出门儿 go out 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  56. ménér 门儿 door 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  57. yòu again 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  58. guòcháng 过长 too long 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  59. chángjiāng 长江 Yangtze 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  60. yòu again 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  61. guò Pass 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  62. huánghé 黄河 Yellow River 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  63. yǒuyì 有意 intentionally 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  64. yǒuyìsī 有意思 interesting 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  65. yìsī 意思 mean 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  66. jíle 极了 Extremely 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  67. cóng from 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  68. běijīng 北京 Beijing 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  69. běijīngfàndiàn 北京饭店 Beijing Hotel 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  70. fàndiàn 饭店 restaurant 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  71. dào arrive 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  72. dào arrive 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  73. dòngwù 动物 animal 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  74. dòngwùyuán 动物园 zoo 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  75. ér Son 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  76. yào want 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  77. búyào 不要 don't want 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  78. zuò sit 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  79. chángtú 长途 long haul 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  80. chángtúqìchē 长途汽车 coach 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  81. qìchē 汽车 car 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  82. bùyòng 不用 Need not 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  83. zuò sit 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  84. wúguǐ 无轨 trackless 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  85. wúguǐdiànchē 无轨电车 trolleybus 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  86. diànchē 电车 tram 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  87. jiùxíngle 就行了 just fine 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  88. zhōuzǒnglǐ 周总理 Premier Zhou 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  89. zǒnglǐ 总理 Prime Minister 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  90. shífēn 十分 very 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  91. guānhuái 关怀 care 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  92. wǒmen 我们 us 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  93. dàxué 大学 the University 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  94. de of 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  95. jiàoxué 教学 teaching 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  96. xuégōng 学工 Scholar 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  97. gōngzuò 工作 Work 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  98. you 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  99. xǐhuān 喜欢 like 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  100. ride 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  101. zìxíng 自行 on their own 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  102. zìxíngchē 自行车 bike 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  103. xíngchē 行车 driving 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  104. chēér 车儿 car 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  105. ma do you 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  106. xǐhuān 喜欢 like 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  107. yìbān 一般 generally 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  108. yìbānláishuō 一般来说 Generally speaking 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  109. láishuō 来说 for 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  110. rúguǒ 如果 if 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  111. and 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  112. zuò sit 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  113. gōnggòng 公共 public 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  114. gōnggòngqìchē 公共汽车 bus 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  115. qìchē 汽车 car 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  116. Compare 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  117. I 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  118. háishì 还是 still 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  119. ài Love 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  120. qíchē 骑车 ride a bike 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  121. guòxiē 过些 over 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  122. guòxiērìzi 过些日子 some days 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  123. rìzi 日子 day 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  124. I 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  125. nǚér 女儿 daughter 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  126. jiùyào 就要 about to 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  127. yàodào 要到 arriving 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  128. lúnchuán 轮船 ship 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  129. chuánshàng 船上 on board 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  130. shǎngqù 上去 go up 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  131. gōngzuò 工作 Work 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  132. le span 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  133. I 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  134. yǒudiǎn 有点 a bit 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  135. yǒudiǎnér 有点儿 kind of 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  136. diǎnér 点儿 a little 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  137. bùfàng 不放 don't let go 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  138. fàngxīn 放心 rest assured 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  139. she 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  140. shì Yes 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  141. indivual 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  142. yǒuzhì 有志 Aspiring 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  143. yǒuzhìqì 有志气 Ambitious 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  144. zhìqì 志气 ambition 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  145. de of 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  146. háizi 孩子 child 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  147. you 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  148. jiù At once 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  149. fàngxīn 放心 rest assured 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  150. ba Bar 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  151. zhègè 这个 this 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  152. yuè moon 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  153. you 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  154. zěnme 怎么 how 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  155. mǎi purchase 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  156. yuèpiào 月票 monthly pass 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  157. le span 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  158. qíchē 骑车 ride a bike 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  159. búshì 不是 no 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  160. hǎo it is good 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  161. ma do you 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  162. měitiān 每天 every day 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  163. tiānshàng 天上 heaven 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  164. shàngbān 上班 work 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  165. have to 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  166. guò Pass 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  167. liǎnggè 两个 two 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  168. qiáo bridge 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  169. zhēnlèi 真累 so tired 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  170. hóngdēng 红灯 red light 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  171. yīliàng 一亮 a bright 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  172. háiyào 还要 also 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  173. děng Wait 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  174. bàntiān 半天 long time 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  175. háishì 还是 still 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  176. zuò sit 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  177. gōnggòng 公共 public 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  178. gōnggòngqìchē 公共汽车 bus 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  179. qìchē 汽车 car 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  180. fāngbiàn 方便 convenient 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  181. you 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  182. tīngshuō 听说 It is said that 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  183. le span 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  184. ma do you 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  185. wèile 为了 for 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  186. jiéshěng 节省 save 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  187. jiéshěngnéngyuán 节省能源 save energy 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  188. néngyuán 能源 energy 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  189. zhètiáo 这条 this 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  190. lùshàng 路上 on the road 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  191. de of 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  192. gōnggòng 公共 public 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  193. gōnggòngqìchē 公共汽车 bus 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  194. qìchē 汽车 car 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  195. jiǎnshǎo 减少 reduce 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  196. le span 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  197. zhètiáo 这条 this 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  198. lùshàng 路上 on the road 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  199. rén people 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  200. bùduō 不多 not much 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  201. jiéshěng 节省 save 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  202. jǐliàng 几辆 several 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  203. jǐliàngchē 几辆车 several cars 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  204. liàngchē 辆车 car 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  205. also 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  206. méiyǒu 没有 No 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  207. shénme 什么 what 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  208. guānxì 关系 relation 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  209. zhōngguó 中国 China 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  210. xiànzài 现在 Now 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  211. yǒu Have 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  212. yuǎnyáng 远洋 ocean 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  213. yuǎnyánglún 远洋轮 ocean liner 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  214. yuǎnyánglúnchuán 远洋轮船 ocean-going ship 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  215. lúnchuán 轮船 ship 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  216. ma do you 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  217. yǒu Have 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  218. zǎojiù 早就 early 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  219. yǒu Have 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  220. le span 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  221. yuǎnyáng 远洋 ocean 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  222. yuǎnyánghuòlún 远洋货轮 ocean freighter 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  223. yánghuò 洋货 foreign goods 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  224. huòlún 货轮 freighter 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  225. and 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  226. yuǎnyáng 远洋 ocean 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  227. kèlún 客轮 passenger ship 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  228. I 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  229. xīwàng 希望 hope 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  230. wǒmen 我们 us 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  231. de of 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  232. jiāotōng 交通 transportation 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  233. tōngshì 通事 General 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  234. shìyè 事业 cause 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  235. yèdà 业大 Industry University 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  236. dàfā 大发 Daihatsu 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  237. fāzhǎn 发展 develop 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  238. biānjiāng 边疆 frontier 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  239. zǎo morning 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  240. yìdiǎn 一点 a little 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  241. yìdiǎnér 一点儿 a little 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  242. diǎnér 点儿 a little 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  243. tōngguò 通过 pass 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  244. chē car 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  245. kěbù 可不 may not 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  246. kěbúshì 可不是 not 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  247. búshì 不是 no 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  248. ma do you 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  249. dào arrive 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  250. nàgè 那个 that 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  251. shíhòu 时候 when 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  252. ér Son 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  253. dàjiā 大家 Everyone 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  254. kàn Look 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  255. qīn Dear 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  256. Can 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  257. jiù At once 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  258. fāngbiàn 方便 convenient 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  259. duō many 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  260. le span 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  261. zuótiān 昨天 yesterday 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  262. she 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  263. and 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  264. shuí Who 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  265. dào arrive 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  266. yíhé 颐和 Yihe 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  267. yíhéyuán 颐和园 Summer Palace 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  268. go 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  269. le span 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  270. That 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  271. shì Yes 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  272. he 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  273. sīrén 私人 private 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  274. de of 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  275. shìér 事儿 thing 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  276. wǒmen 我们 us 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  277. zuìhǎo 最好 most 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  278. Do not 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  279. dǎtīng 打听 inquire about 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  280. you 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  281. zhème 这么 so 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  282. ài Love 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  283. yùndòng 运动 sports 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  284. měitiān 每天 every day 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  285. duànliàn 锻炼 exercise 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  286. sānsì 三四 three four 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  287. sānsìgè 三四个 three or four 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  288. sìgè 四个 four 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  289. xiǎoshí 小时 Hour 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  290. yǒu Have 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  291. shénme 什么 what 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  292. yuányīn 原因 reason 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  293. ma do you 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  294. \xa0     9 5 FSI-Chinese
  295. I 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  296. yào want 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  297. cānjiā 参加 Participation 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  298. míngnián 明年 next year 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  299. chūntiān 春天 spring 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  300. tiānyùn 天运 luck 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  301. yùndòng 运动 sports 9 5 FSI-Chinese
  302. yùndònghuì 运动会 Games 9 5 FSI-Chinese