FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 07 SOC - Review Units 1-4 - Tape 2.mp3.txt.simp.txt 9.2 KB

  1. standard Chinese, a modular approach, society module, units 1 through 4, review tape too.
  2. This is the second review tape for units 1 through 4.
  3. Here you review your production of the reference list sentences.
  4. First I'll say the English and then you put it into Chinese.
  5. A Chinese speaker will then confirm your answer.
  6. Let's begin.
  7. Number 1.
  8. Is equality between men and women a Chinese viewpoint?
  9. 男女平等是不是中国人的看法?
  10. Yes, but that's a new concept of the Chinese, not an old one.
  11. 是,可是那是中国人的新观念,不是老观念.
  12. Number 2.
  13. Those who are parents shouldn't regard males as a period of females.
  14. 做父母的不应该重男轻女。
  15. Right, and those who are children should show filial obedience to their parents.
  16. 对,做孩子的也应该孝顺父母。
  17. Number 3.
  18. Why aren't you eating?
  19. 你怎么不吃了?
  20. My stomach is uncomfortable.
  21. I can't eat anymore.
  22. 我的胃很难受,吃不下去了。
  23. I'll go get you some soup then.
  24. 那我给你弄点汤来。
  25. Number 4.
  26. The novels you wrote are all very popular now.
  27. 他写的基本小说现在都很流行。
  28. Of course, novels written by someone with his position and knowledge are sure to be interesting.
  29. 那当然,像他那样有地位有知识的人写的小说一定有意思。
  30. Number 5.
  31. What was the political and economic situation like where you went?
  32. 你去的那个地方,政治、经济方面的情形怎么样?
  33. I can't explain it clearly in just a few sentences.
  34. When I have time, I'll tell you all about it.
  35. 几句话说不清楚,有时间我再跟你慢慢说吧。
  36. Number 6.
  37. Yesterday Xiao Ming wrote a letter to his girlfriend and it was really long.
  38. 昨天,小明给他的女朋友写信,写的好长。
  39. Young people are always young people.
  40. When I was young, I was like that too. Have you forgotten?
  41. 年轻人总是年轻人。
  42. 年轻的时候也是这样,你忘了?
  43. Number 7.
  44. Oh, do you want to do research on Asia's cultural tradition?
  45. It can't be called research.
  46. I just want to go have a look at the social situation there.
  47. Number 8.
  48. This novel is about the situation on the mainland.
  49. 这本小说写的是大陆的情况。
  50. How about the mainland?
  51. How about lending it to me to read?
  52. 关于大陆的,借给我看看行不行?
  53. Number 9.
  54. Mr. Liu's class is really boring.
  55. 刘先生的课实在没意思。
  56. If you keep attending it, gradually you'll become interested.
  57. 你听下去,慢慢会有兴趣的。
  58. Number 10.
  59. Look, here's a news article on living together.
  60. 你看,这有一篇关于同居的新闻。
  61. Forget it, what's interesting about that kind of news?
  62. 算了吧,这种新闻有什么意思?
  63. Number 11.
  64. To study the problems of China now, you have to understand Chinese history.
  65. 研究中国现在的问题,一定得懂得中国历史。
  66. This point of yours is very important, I'll think it over.
  67. 你说的这一点很要紧,我考虑考虑。
  68. Number 12.
  69. This French weekly is quite good.
  70. 这本法文周刊相当不错。
  71. Oh, you know a lot about French now, you can read French magazines.
  72. 啊,你现在对法文很有研究了,能看法文杂志了。
  73. Number 13.
  74. I stopped depending on my parents for a living three years ago.
  75. 三年以前我就不靠父母生活了。
  76. It's really great that you can take care of yourself.
  77. 你能自己管自己,真不错。
  78. Number 14.
  79. How is it that your older sister has become so interested and enthusiastic about political questions now?
  80. There's nothing strange about that.
  81. She started studying political science this year.
  82. 这没有什么奇怪,她今年开始学政治学了。
  83. Number 15.
  84. Is your younger brother at home during the day?
  85. 你弟弟白天在家吗?
  86. No, wait until the evening and then call him.
  87. 不在,你等到晚上再打电话来吧。
  88. Number 16.
  89. What do you want to do research on next semester?
  90. 下个学期你想研究什么?
  91. It's still the same old problem, the political situation in China.
  92. 还是老问题,中国的政治情况。
  93. Number 17.
  94. My youngest daughter cried a lot when she was two or three years old.
  95. But now she's grown up and doesn't cry anymore.
  96. 我的小女儿两三岁的时候常哭,现在长大了,不再哭了。
  97. Number 18.
  98. Where do you want to go over summer vacation?
  99. I'd like to go visit a few countries in Asia.
  100. 我想到亚洲几个国家去看看。
  101. Number 19.
  102. 老王,I feel awful today.
  103. 老王,我今天感觉很不舒服。
  104. I'll sit down and I'll go get you a cup of tea.
  105. 快坐下,我去给你倒杯茶来。
  106. Number 21.
  107. Before you got married, did you live with your parents all along?
  108. 你结婚以前一直都跟父母一起住吗?
  109. No.
  110. I was born before I got married and lived independently for seven or eight years.
  111. 不是,我没结婚就离开家,独立生活了七八年。
  112. Number 22.
  113. Hasn't the Wang family Xiao Lan ever had a boyfriend?
  114. Hasn't the Wang family Xiao Lan ever had a boyfriend?
  115. She's only 19 years old, busy studying and hasn't yet thought of these things.
  116. 她才19岁,忙着念书,还没有想到这些事儿呢?
  117. Number 23.
  118. There really aren't many teachers like Professor Wang.
  119. 像王教授这样的老师,真是不多。
  120. You're right.
  121. If it weren't for the help he's given me, I really wouldn't want to study anymore.
  122. 你说对了,如果不是他帮助我,我真不想学了。
  123. Number 24.
  124. If you live in China for two years, you're sure to learn Chinese very well.
  125. 你在中国住两年,一定会写好中文的。
  126. Yes, on the one hand, I can learn Chinese well, and on the other hand, I can find out more things about China.
  127. 是啊,一方面可以写好中文,
  128. 一方面也可以多知道一点中国的事情。
  129. Number 25.
  130. Your sister is getting more and more medical books.
  131. 你姐姐医学方面的书越来越多了。
  132. Yes, she's studying medicine with every ounce of her energy.
  133. 是啊,她在拼命学医呢。
  134. Number 26.
  135. Isn't this article any good?
  136. 这篇文章不好吗?
  137. That wasn't what I meant.
  138. The article is pretty good. It's just that it's a bit long.
  139. 不是这个意思,文章不错,就是长了一点。
  140. Do you have any other articles?
  141. Number 27.
  142. I'm going to go look for Xiao Lan to have a chat.
  143. 我去找小兰聊天。
  144. Don't go. She works hard all day and doesn't have time to chat with you.
  145. 你别去了,还一天到晚用功。
  146. 没时间陪你聊天。
  147. Number 28.
  148. Today I borrowed a good novel.
  149. 今天我借到一本好小说。
  150. What novel is it that makes you so happy?
  151. 什么小说,让你这么高兴。
  152. Number 29.
  153. Your father got up so early.
  154. 你爸爸这么早就起来了。
  155. He's getting on in years and he goes to bed early.
  156. 他年纪大了,每天睡得早。
  157. Number 30.
  158. The Zhang family's daughter-in-law is a very proper young woman.
  159. 张家的儿媳妇很有规矩。
  160. Yes, the Zhang family's grandmother is really blessed with good fortune.
  161. 是啊,张家奶奶真有福气。
  162. Number 31.
  163. This whole family has had quite a good education.
  164. 这一家人都念过不少书。
  165. I understand that their grandsons and granddaughters are studying the four books now.
  166. 听说,他们的孙子孙女现在都念四书呢。
  167. Number 32.
  168. 小王's grandfather is talking with those kids again.
  169. 小王的爷爷又和那些小朋友聊天呢。
  170. He's a very good person. He likes children a lot.
  171. 他人很好,还喜欢孩子。
  172. Number 33.
  173. Stay here and you can help us a bit.
  174. 你住下来吧,也可以给我们帮点忙。
  175. I have classes during the day. I can only do some work at night.
  176. 我白天有课,只好晚上做点事。
  177. Number 34.
  178. My mother is always worried that my older brother is having a rough time away from home.
  179. 我母亲总担心我哥哥在外面吃苦。
  180. His bunch of friends help each other out. They don't have such a rough time.
  181. 他们几个小朋友互相帮忙,不会吃苦的。
  182. Number 35.
  183. In the past, how difficult it was for Chinese who went abroad to study.
  184. 过去中国人出国念书多难。
  185. Now it's better.
  186. No matter where they go, no one looks down on them anymore.
  187. 现在好了,找到哪儿也没人看不起了。
  188. Number 36.
  189. Their family used to be quite rich. They had quite a lot of property.
  190. 他们家过去是有钱人,有不少财产。
  191. The property you're talking about is land, isn't it?
  192. 你说的财产是土地吧?
  193. Number 37.
  194. Didn't the Chinese ever stress equality between men and women?
  195. 中国人从来不讲男女平等吗?
  196. As for equality of the sexes, that's a new concept of the last few decades.
  197. 说到男女平等,那是最近几十年的新观念。
  198. Number 38.
  199. What's good about large families?
  200. 大家听有什么好?
  201. What could be bad about them?
  202. After all, if there are more people, there are also more people earning money.
  203. 怎么不好?人多,赚钱的人也多吗?
  204. If everyone thought the way you do, who knows how many hundreds of millions of people there would be in China now?
  205. 要是所有的人都像您这么想,中国现在不知道有多少艺人了。
  206. Number 40.
  207. Has your grandmother's health been good the past couple of years?
  208. 这两年,你奶奶身体好吗?
  209. Barely good, sometimes she can still get up and straighten up the room.
  210. 还好,有时候还能起来收拾收拾屋子。
  211. Number 41.
  212. Did you see the people in your hometown on this visit back to your country?
  213. Yes, they're living pretty well, and my hometown has become quite a bustling place.
  214. 看到了,他们生活得不错,我老家也变成一个很热闹的地方了。
  215. Number 42.
  216. Everyone feels Xiao Wang is a very well-mannered child.
  217. 人家都觉得,小王是个很有礼貌的孩子。
  218. This is the end of the tape.
  219. The end of society module units 1 through 4 review tape 2.