FSI-12-Drill-A.csv 1.5 KB

  1. 1. Tā jīntiān hái yǒuma? 他/她今天还有课吗? Does he have any more class today? Tā méiyou kè le. 他/她没有课了。 He doesn’t have any more classes. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2. Tā jīntiān hái lái ma? 他/她今天还来吗? Is he/she still coming today? Tā bù lái le. 他/她不来了。 He/she is not coming. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3. Tā xiànzài hái huì shuō Zhōngguo huà ma? 他/她现在还会说中国话吗? Does he/she still speak Chinese now? Tā bú huì shuō Zhōngguo huà le. 他/她不会说中国话了。 He/she can’t speak Chinese anymore. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4. Tā xiànzài hái yǒu Zhōngguo shū ma? 他/她现在还有中国书吗? Does he/she still have Chinese books now? Tā méiyou Zhōngguo shū le. 他/她没有中国书了。 He/she has no more Chinese books anymore. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5. Tā hái niàn lìshǐ ma? 他/她还念历史吗? Does he/she still study history? Tā bú niàn lìshǐ le. 他/她不念历史了。 He/she doesn’t study history anymore. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6. Tā xiànzài hái zài kōngjǖn gōngzuò ma? 他/她现在还在空军工作吗? Is he/she still working in the Air Force? Tā bú zài kōngjǖn gōngzuò. 他/她不在空军工作。 He/she does not work in the Air Force anymore. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7. Tā xiànzài hái xiǎng zǒu ma? 他/她现在还想走吗? Does he/she still want to leave now? Tā bù xiǎng zǒu le. 他/她不想走了。 He/she doesn’t want to go anymore. 2 8 FSI-Chinese