FSI-14-Drill-J.csv 1.3 KB

  1. 1. Nín hái yào diǎnr shénme? 您还要点儿什么? What else would you like? Wǒ bú yào shénme le. 我不要什么了。 I don't want anything else. 3 2 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2. Nín hái yǒu shénme? 您还要什么? What else do you have? Wǒ méiyǒu shénme le. 我没有什么了。 I don't have anything else. 3 2 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3. Tā hái yào diǎnr shénme? 他/她还要点儿什么? What else would he/she like? Tā bú yào shénme le. 他/她不要什么了。 He/she doesn't want anything else. 3 2 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4. Tā hái yǒu shénme? 他/她还要什么? What else does he/she have? Tā méiyǒu shénme le. 他/她没有什么了。 He/she doesn't have anything else. 3 2 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5. Wáng xiānsheng hái yào diǎnr shénme? 王先生还要点儿什么? what else would Mr.Wáng like? Wáng xiānsheng bú yào shénme le. 王先生不要什么了。 Mr.Wáng doesn't want anything else. 3 2 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6. Hú tàitai hái yǒu shénme? 胡太太还有什么? What does Mrs.Hú have? Hú tàitai méiyǒu shénme le. 胡太太没有什么了。 Mrs.Hú doesn't have anything else. 3 2 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7. Lǐ xiānsheng hái yào diǎnr shénme? 李先生还要点儿什么? What else would Mr.Lǐ like? Lǐ xiānsheng bú yào shénme le. 李先生不要什么了。 Mr.Lǐ doesn't want anything else. 3 2 FSI-Chinese