FSI-15-Drill-I-trad.csv 1.1 KB

  1. 1. Něige hǎokàn? 哪個好看? Which one is better looking? Zhèige hǎokàn yìdiǎnr. 這個好看一點兒。 This one is a little better looking. 3 3 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2. Nèige hǎokàn ma? 那個好看嗎? Is that one nice looking? Nèige zhēn hǎokàn. 那個真好看。 That one is really nice looking. 3 3 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3. Něiběn piányi? 哪本便宜? Which one is cheapper? Zhèiběn piányi yìdiǎnr. 這本便宜一點兒。 This one is a little cheapper. 3 3 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4. Nèiběn piányi ma? 那本便宜嗎? Is that one cheapper? Nèiběn zhēn piányi. 那本真便宜。 That one is really cheapper. 3 3 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5. Něibǎ guì? 哪把貴? Which one is more expensive? Zhèibǎ guì yìdiǎnr. 這把貴一點兒。 This one is a little more expensive. 3 3 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6. Nèibǎ dàde guì ma? 那把大的貴嗎? Is that big one more expensive? Nèibǎ dàde zhēn guì. 那把大的真貴。 That big one is really expensive. 3 3 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7. Něizhāng hǎo? 哪張好? Which one is better? Zhèizhāng hǎo yìdiǎnr. 這張好一點兒。 This one is a little better. 3 3 FSI-Chinese