FSI-19-vocab-trad.csv 1.3 KB

  1. 從 cóng from 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  2. 到 dào to, towards 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  3. 對 duì to be correct 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  4. 飯館兒 fànguǎnr restaurant (Běijīng) 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  5. 飯館子 fànguǎnzi restaurant (Taipei) 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  6. 房子 fángzi house 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  7. 華美咖啡廳 Huáměi Kāfēitīng Huáměi Coffeehouse (Taipei) 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  8. 就 jiù then 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  9. 咖啡廳 kāfēitīng coffeehouse 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  10. 路口 lùkǒu(r) intersection 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  11. 鋪子 pùzi store, shop (Běijīng) 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  12. 去 qù to go 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  13. 然後 ránhòu afterwards, after that 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  14. 商店 shāngdiàn store, shop (Taipei) 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  15. 往 wàng (wǎng) to, towards 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  16. 先 xiān first; ahead of time 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  17. 向 xiàng towards 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  18. 學校 xuéxiào school 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  19. 一直 yìzhí straight 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  20. 右 yòu right (direction) 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  21. 再 zài then (in commands) 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  22. 知道 zhīdao to know 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  23. 走 zǒu to go 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  24. 左 zuǒ left (direction) 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  25. 方便 fāngbian to be convenient 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  26. 還不一定 hái bù yídìng not yet certain 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  27. 經過 jīngguo by vay of, via 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  28. 開學 kāi xué school starts (literally, “open school”) 4 1 FSI-Chinese