Module4-target-list1-trad.csv 1.6 KB

  1. 1. Nǐ zhīdao bu zhidao Huáměi Kāfēitīng? 你知道不知道華美咖啡廳? Do you know of the Huàměi Coffeehouse? 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  2. 0. Bù zhīdào. 不知道。 No, I don't. 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  3. 2. Dào kāfēitīng qù, zěnme zǒu? 到咖啡廳去,怎麼走? How do I get to the coffeehouse? 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  4. 0. Cóng zhèli wàng zuǒ zǒu. Dàole lùkǒu zài wàng yòu zǒu, jiù dào le. 從這裏往左走。 到了路口再往右走,就到了。 From here you go to the left. When you have reached the intersection, then you go to the right, and then you're there. 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  5. 3. Cóng zhèli dào yínháng qù, wǒ xiān wàng yòu zǒu, duì bu dui? 從這裏到銀行去,我縣往右走,對不對? To get from here to the bank, I first go to the right. Is that correct? 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  6. 0. Bú shi, cóng zhèli yìzhí zǒu. 不是, 從這裏一直走。 No, from here you go straight. 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  7. 4. Ránhòu, dàole lùkǒu, zài wàng zuǒ zǒu, duì bu dui? 然後,到了路口,再往左走,對不對? After that, when I have reached the intersection, then I go to the left. Is that correct? 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  8. 0. Duì le. 對了。 That’s correct. 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  9. 0. Hǎo, wǒ zhīdao le. Xièxie. 好。我知道了。謝謝。 Good. I've got it now. Thank you, 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  10. 5. fānguǎnzi 飯館子 restaurant (Taipei) 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  11. 6. fànguǎnr 飯館兒 restaurant (Beijīng) 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  12. 7. shāngdiàn 商店 store, shop (Taipei) 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  13. 8. pùzi 鋪子 store,shop (Beijing) 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  14. 9. xuěxiào 學校 school 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  15. 10. fángzi 房子 house 4 1 FSI-Chinese
  16. 11. xiàng 向 towards 4 1 FSI-Chinese