vocab-trad.csv 1.2 KB

  1. bù zěnme 不怎麽 not especially, not particularly
  2. dìng 訂 to reserve
  3. dìnghǎo le 訂好了 to have (been) reserved
  4. fēi 飛 to fly
  5. fēijī 飛機 airplane
  6. fēijīchǎng 飛機場 airport
  7. Guǎngzhōu 廣州 (name of a city in the PRC—Canton)
  8. -hǎo le 好了 to be satisfactorily completed
  9. jiē 接 to meet/pick up/get (someone)
  10. lǎo 老 to be old
  11. lǚguǎn 旅館 in years hotel
  12. máng 忙 to be busy
  13. pài 派 to send/assign (a person to do something)
  14. qǐfēi 起飛 to take off (airplane)
  15. rúguǒ (rúguo) 如果 if
  16. Sānlǐtún 三里屯 (a district in Běijīng where many Foreign diplomats and Chinese people from other countries live)
  17. shuōhǎo le 説好了 to have come to an agreement (about something); (something) has been agreed on
  18. xiǎnghǎo le 想好了 to have reached a conclusion (about something); (something) has been thought out
  19. yàoshi 要是 if
  20. zhí 直 directly
  21. zuòhǎo le 做好了 to have finished doing (something); (something) has been finished
  22. chū chāi 出差 to go on a business trip
  23. chùzhǎng 處長 division chief
  24. gǎnbushàng 趕不上 won’t be able to catch (a plane, train, etc.)
  25. hái hǎo 還好 fairly good/well
  26. kāi huì 開會 to attend a meeting/conference