Dialogue and translation for exercice 4.csv 5.7 KB

  1. Dialogue and Translation for Exercise U
  2. An American farm owner (A) is visiting BéijIng's Nǎnkōu Farm. In the
  3. apple orchard, he talks with a responsible person from the farm (C).
  4. C: Wōmende píngguō zènmeyàng? Hǎi How are our apples? Not too bad,
  5. kéyi chī ba?
  6. A: í?g, zhěn bú cud, hān tiǎn, hèn hXo chi.
  7. - C: Lǎi, zài chī yige!
  8. A: Ò, bù néng zài chī le, wǒmen Jiù liǎoliao tiǎnr ba!
  9. C: Hlo a! Nī xiXng liǎo shenme?
  10. A: Nimen nōngchǎngde zúzhi hé rénmín gōngshè yōu hān dàde qubié ma?
  11. C: Yōu. NŌngchXng shi guojiā bànde. Zài nōngchǎng gōngzuòde rén bú shi
  12. tōngde nóngmín, shi nōngyè gōng-ren.
  13. are they?
  14. Mm, they're really good. Very sweet. Delicious.
  15. Here, have another!
  16. Oh, I can't eat any more. Let's just chat!
  17. Sure! What would you like to talk about?
  18. Is there a big difference between the organization of your farm and that
  19. of a commune?
  20. Yes. The farm is run by the state. The people who work on the farm
  21. aren't ordinary peasants, they're agricultural workers.
  22. A: Ò. Nàae nōngyè gōngren shi ná zhèngftt gōngzīde. Tinen hé nōng-mín
  23. hi! yōu shénme bù yíyàngde meiyou?
  24. C: Méiyou shenme. TSmende gōngzuō shi yíyàngde, dōu shi gio nōngyè
  25. shéngchln.
  26. - A: Nōngyè gōngrende shōurù bí nōng-mín duō ba?
  27. C: Bù yídìng. Xiànzài yōu zìyōu ahichkng, yìbSnde nōngmínde shōurù dōu
  28. bí yíqián duōduō le.
  29. - B: Shì ma?
  30. A: LÍ wōmen nōngchàng bù yuinde dì-fangr yōu yige gōngshè, yíqián,
  31. Jì-xièhuà shuīpíng yé bù gio, dàjià xínxīnkùkū gōngzuōle yìnián, gōngshè
  32. shōurù bù duō, Jiáli fēnde yí bù duō, shēnghuō zhēn bù rōngyi. Kèshi
  33. xiànzài yōule zìyōu shìching tamende qíngkuàng hioduō le, chúle zhōng
  34. liángshi yíwài, tamen y? yōule shūcài, shuīguō, shenmede, shōurù yìnián
  35. bl yìnián duō a!
  36. A:   Name xiànzài píngjūn méige láo-
  37. dōnglì yìnián kéyi yōu duōshlo xiànjìn shōurù?
  38. - C: PÍngjūnshù wō bú tài zhīdao. WŌ
  39. rènshi yìjlā rén, Jlili yōu dàren xiíoháizi qī-bikōu, yŌu sìge bin
  40. láodōnglì. Cōngqián niánnián méiyou shénme xíìnlìn shōurù.
  41. A: Zènme huì méiyou xiànjīn shōurù ne?
  42. C: Yìnián Jiù néng fēn diinr liáng-shi, nir hái yōu shénme xiànjín a!
  43. A: Xiànzài ne?
  44. Oh, so agricultural workers are on government salary.. Are they
  45. different in any other ways from peasants?
  46. Not really. Their work is the same. They’re both in agricultural
  47. production.
  48. Agricultural workers have higher incomes than peasants, don't they?
  49. Not necessarily. Now, with free markets, most peasants have a much
  50. higher income than before.
  51. Is that so?
  52. Not far from our farm there's a commune. In the past, their level of
  53. mechanization wasn't high. After everybody had toiled for a whole year,
  54. the commune didn't have much income, so each family's allotment wasn't
  55. much either. Life was really hard. But now, with free markets, their
  56. situation is much better. Besides growing grain, they now also have
  57. vegetables, fruits, and so on. Their income is more and more every year.
  58. So how much cash income can a laborer earn per year?
  59. I don't really know the average figure. I know one family with seven or
  60. eight adults and children, and four and a half laborers. It used to be
  61. that every year they didn't have any cash income.
  62. How could it be that they didn't have any cash income?
  63. In one year they could only get their little allotment of grain. How
  64. could they get any cash!
  65. How about now?
  66. C:   Qùnián tǎmen Jiǎ fSnle bǎ-Jiùbài-
  67. kuài qián, hái yǒu yíge háizi shàngle dàxué. NĪ kàn zànmeyàng a?
  68. A: Ng, shi hàodeduǒ le, kàshi vèi-shenme gàibiàn zhème dà ne?
  69. C:   Zhèi Jiù shi xiànzài zhèngfúde
  70. jingji zhèngcè hào a! Jingji zhèngcè gàibiànle, nǒngcūnde shēng-huǒ Jiu
  71. hào la! Xiànzài, nèige gǒngshè yǒu yíbàn duo yidiànrde hùr zài yfnhéngli
  72. yǒu cúnkuàn. Nl kàn, nà bú shi hàodeduǒ le ma?
  73. A: Nín shuō xiàng nèige gongshè nèi-yangde qíngxing zài quánguǒ shi bu
  74. shi hén pttbiàn ne?
  75. C:   Hèn pùbiàn... .Nimen zhèige nǒng-
  76. yè zhuǎnjiǎ dàibiàotuán zǒule nàme duǑ difang, kànle nàme duō
  77. nǒng-chàng, gǒngshè, nín Juéde zànme-yàng ne?
  78. - A: Wǒmen xiàng zhèijlnián Zhǒngguō nǒngyède xiàndàihuà shi gàode bú
  79. cuò.
  80. - B: Shi ma! WS gǎngcái shuōde nèige gǒngshè yà màile bù shào tuōlǎjī
  81. le. Tīngshuō xiànzài rnàige dàduì shívú-tái, tǎmen shuō tǎmen hái
  82. xiàng duō mài Jītái na!
  83. A: Hào a! Hào a!
  84. - C: Duì le, wǒmen nǒngchàng dà ménkǒu yǒu hào duō túpiàn, llbian yà
  85. yǒu nèige gǒngshède, vǒ dài nīmen kànkan qu!
  86. A: Hào! Zǒu!
  87. Last year their allotment was eight or nine hundred dollars, and one of
  88. their children started college. What do you think of that?
  89. Mm, that is much better. But vhy has the change been so great?
  90. That’s because nov the economic policy of the government is good. Since
  91. the economic policy changed, life in rural areas has been good. In that
  92. commune nov a little over half of the households have bank savings. See,
  93. isn't that much better?
  94. Would you say that that commune's situation is very common throughout
  95. the country?
  96. Yes, it's very connon....Nov that your delegation of agricultural
  97. specialists has been to so many places and seen so many farms and
  98. communes, what are your opinions?
  99. We think that in the past fev years, the modernization of China's
  100. agriculture has come along very veil.
  101. You bet! That commune that I Just mentioned has bought a lot of
  102. tractors. I hear that each brigade nov has fifteen tractors, and they
  103. vent to buy even more!
  104. Great, great!
  105. Oh—at the front gate of our farm, there are a lot of pictures, including
  106. some of that commune. I'll take you to see them!
  107. Okay! Let's go!