FSI-53-vocab.csv 2.1 KB

  1. ma marker of pause or hypothesis 8 5 FSI Chinese
  2. bāng to help 8 5 FSI Chinese
  3. biànhuà 变化 change 8 5 FSI Chinese
  4. biānjìng 边境 border, frontier 8 5 FSI Chinese
  5. chénglì 成立 to establish 8 5 FSI Chinese
  6. -chūn -春 the beginning of (a time period) 8 5 FSI Chinese
  7. fàng xīn 放心 to be unworried, to be at ease 8 5 FSI Chinese
  8. gǎnxiè 感谢 to be thankful, to be grateful 8 5 FSI Chinese
  9. gè- 各- each, every, various, different 8 5 FSI Chinese
  10. gōngchéngshī 工程师 engineer 8 5 FSI Chinese
  11. Guǎngdōng 广东 province in south China 8 5 FSI Chinese
  12. guānxīn 关心 to be concerned about, to care about 8 5 FSI Chinese
  13. hǎiwān 海湾 bay; gulf 8 5 FSI Chinese
  14. Hēilóngjiāng 黑龙江 province in northeast China 8 5 FSI Chinese
  15. jìn the past..., the last... 8 5 FSI Chinese
  16. jīnshǔ 金属 metal 8 5 FSI Chinese
  17. kuàngqū 矿区 mining region 8 5 FSI Chinese
  18. lìliàng (lìliang) 力量 power, force, strength 8 5 FSI Chinese
  19. méitàn 煤炭 coal 8 5 FSI Chinese
  20. niándài 年代 decade of a century 8 5 FSI Chinese
  21. qiáng to be strong 8 5 FSI Chinese
  22. qiángguó 强国 powerful nation, a power 8 5 FSI Chinese
  23. qǐmǎ 起码 at least 8 5 FSI Chinese
  24. qīng to be light 8 5 FSI Chinese
  25. qīng gōngyè 轻工业 light industry 8 5 FSI Chinese
  26. qióng to be poor 8 5 FSI Chinese
  27. qítā 其它 other 8 5 FSI Chinese
  28. -qū -区 area, region, district 8 5 FSI Chinese
  29. ruò to be weak 8 5 FSI Chinese
  30. Shǎnxī 陕西 province in north central China 8 5 FSI Chinese
  31. ...(lái) shuō 。。。(说) ...speaking 8 5 FSI Chinese
  32. Sichuān 四川 province in southwest China 8 5 FSI Chinese
  33. suàn to be considered, to count as 8 5 FSI Chinese
  34. Tiānjīn 天津 municipality southeast of Běijīng 8 5 FSI Chinese
  35. wèi place, position (rank) 8 5 FSI Chinese
  36. xǔduō 许多 many, much 8 5 FSI Chinese
  37. yánhǎi 沿海 along the coast, coastal 8 5 FSI Chinese
  38. zhòng to be heavy 8 5 FSI Chinese
  39. zhōngxīn 中心 center, heart, core, hub 8 5 FSI Chinese
  40. zīyuán 资源 (natural) resources 8 5 FSI Chinese
  41. zǒngde lái shuō 总的来说                   generally speaking, on the whole 8 5 FSI Chinese