FSI-12-Drill-J.csv 3.6 KB

  1. 1. Tā cóngqián bú huì xiě Zhōngguo zì. 他/她从前不会写中国字。 In the past, he/she couldn’t write Chinese characters. now he/she can Tā cóngqián bú huì xiě, xiànzài huì xiě le. 他/她从前不会写,现在会写了。 In the past, he/she couldn’t write, now he/she can. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2. Tā cóngqián huì xiě Zhōngguo zì. 他/她从前会写中国字。 In the past he/she could write Chinese characters no longer Tā cóngqián huì xiě, xiànzài bú huì xiě le. 他/她从前会写,现在不会写了。 In the past he/she could write, now he/she can’t. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3. Tā cóngqián bú huì xiě Zhōngguo zì. 他/她从前不会写中国字。 In the past he/she couldn’t write Chinese characters. still can’t Tā cóngqián bú huì xiě, xiànzài hái bú huì xiě. 他/她从前不会写,现在还不会写。 In the past he/she couldn’t write, now he/she still can’t. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4. Tā cóngqiándǒng Fàwén. 他/她从前不董法文。 In the past he/she didn’t understand French. now he/she can Tā cóngqiándǒng, xiànzài dǒng le. 他/她从前不董,现在董了。 In the past he/she didn’t understand, now he/she can. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5. Tā cóngqián dǒng Fàwén. 他/她从前董法文。 In the past he/she did understand French. no longer Tā cóngqián dǒng, xiànzài bù dǒng le. 他/她从前董,现在不董了。 In the past he/she did understand, now he/she cannot anymore. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6. Tā cóngqiándǒng Fàwén. 他/她从前不董法文。 In the past he/she didn’t understand French. still can’t Tā cóngqiándǒng, xiànzài hái bù dǒng. 他/她从前不董,现在还不董。 In the past he/she didn’t understand, now he/she still can’t. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7. Tā cóngqiánxiǎng xüé Yīngwén. 他/她从前不想学英文。 In the past he/she didn’t want to learn English. now he/she does Tā cóngqiánxiǎng xüé, xiànzài xiǎng xüé le. 他/她从前不想学,现在想学了。 In the past he/she didn’t want to learn, now he/she wants to. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  8. 8. Tā cóngqián xiǎng xüé Yīngwén. 他/她从前想学英文。 In the past he/she did want to learn English. no longer Tā cóngqián xiǎng xüé, xiànzài bù xiǎng xüé le. 他/她从前想学,现在不想学了。 In the past he/she did want to learn, now he/she doesn’t want to anymore.’ 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  9. 9. Tā cóngqiánxiǎng xüé Yīngwén. 他/她从前不想学英文。 In the past he/she didn’t want to learn English. still doesn’t Tā cóngqiánxiǎng xüé, xiànzài hái bù xiǎng xüé. 他/她从前不想学,现在还不想学?。 In the past he/she didn’t want to learn, now he/she still doesn’t want to. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  10. 10. Tā cóngqián bú niàn lìshǐ. 他/她从前不念历史。 In the past he/she didn’t study history. now he/she does Tā cóngqián bú niàn, xiànzài niàn le. 他/她从前不念,现在念了。 In the past he/she didn’t study, now she does study. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  11. 11. Tā cóngqián niàn lìshǐ. 他他/她从前念历史。 In the past he/she did study history. no longer Tā cóngqián niàn, xiànzài bú niàn le. 他/她从前念,现在不念了。 In the past he/she did study, now he/she doesn’t anymore. 2 8 FSI-Chinese
  12. 12. Tā cóngqián bú niàn lìshǐ. 他/她从前不念历史。 In the past he/she didn’t study history. still doesn’t Tā cóngqián bú niàn, xiànzài hái bú niàn. 他/她从前不念,现在还不念。 In the past he/she didn’t study, now he/she still doesn’t. 2 8 FSI-Chinese