vocab-trad.csv 714 B

  1. 不必 not necessary, don’t have to
  2. chuán 船 boat, ship
  3. dìtiě 地鐵 subway (abbreviation for dìxià tiedào)
  4. dìxià huǒchē 地下火車 underground train, subway
  5. fāngbian 方便 to be convenient
  6. Gōnglù公路局 Bureau of Highways (Taiwan)
  7. huǒchē 火車 train
  8. liǎngsān- 兩三 two or three
  9. màiwán le 賣完了 to be sold out
  10. wán (wánr) 玩 (玩兒) to play, to relax, to enjoy oneself
  11. -wán 完 to be finished (occurs in compound verbs of result)
  12. xiān 先 ahead of time, beforehand
  13. zuì hǎo 最好 it would be best to
  14. huá chuán 划船 to row a boat
  15. sàn 散步 to take a walk
  16. shān 山 hill, mountain
  17. shuǐ 水 rivers, lakes (literally, "water")
  18. yóuyǒng 游泳 to swim