FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 02 BIO - Unit 01 - Tape 1C-1.mp3.tsv 18 KB

  1. start end text
  2. 0 9000 Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Biographic Information Module Unit 1, Comprehension Tape 1.
  3. 9000 19000 This unit is set in the PRC. On this tape, you'll learn to understand questions and answers about where you're staying, and a few polite phrases used in greetings.
  4. 19000 25000 Suppose Ms. Novak is a foreign service officer who's just arrived in Peking and is staying at the Peking Hotel.
  5. 25000 32000 Here's how she might be asked where she's staying and how she would reply. May I ask, where are you staying?
  6. 32000 38000 請問,你住在哪兒?
  7. 38000 46000 I'm staying at the Peking Hotel. 我住在北京飯店.
  8. 46000 54000 Here's the word for to stay at. 住在,住在,住在.
  9. 54000 63000 The second syllable,在, in the compound 住在, to stay at, is the same as the word 在, to be at, which was introduced in the last unit.
  10. 63000 71000 Here's the word for hotel. 飯店,飯店,飯店.
  11. 71000 81000 And here's the name, Peking Hotel. 北京飯店,北京飯店,北京飯店.
  12. 81000 86000 Here's the exchange line. 請問,你住在哪兒?
  13. 86000 93000 我住在北京飯店. Again. 請問,你住在哪兒?
  14. 93000 100000 我住在北京飯店. Check your comprehension. 請問,你住在哪兒?
  15. 100000 108000 May I ask, where are you staying? 我住在北京飯店.
  16. 108000 113000 I'm staying at the Peking Hotel. 我住在北京飯店.
  17. 113000 119000 With most verbs, you can say yes to a question by repeating the verb as a short answer.
  18. 119000 124000 Since a short answer by itself sounds abrupt in Chinese, it's usually followed by a full sentence.
  19. 124000 128000 The short answer acts as a sort of preface to what follows.
  20. 128000 132000 To say yes to the question, 它是陳同志嗎?
  21. 132000 137000 For instance, you would usually say 是,它是陳同志.
  22. 137000 141000 There are some verbs that may not be repeated as short answers.
  23. 141000 146000 The verb 住在 is one of them. To give a short yes answer to a question with 住在,
  24. 146000 149000 you simply use the verb 是.
  25. 149000 154000 Listen for 是, meaning yes, in the following exchange.
  26. 154000 157000 Are you staying at the Nationalities Hotel?
  27. 157000 164000 你住在民族飯店嗎?
  28. 164000 174000 Yes, I'm staying at the Nationalities Hotel. 是,我住在民族飯店.
  29. 174000 185000 Here's the name for the Nationalities Hotel. 民族飯店.
  30. 185000 191000 The word 民族 means nationalities in the sense of ethnic groupings rather than countries.
  31. 191000 197000 Here's the exchange live. 你住在民族飯店嗎?
  32. 197000 204000 是,我住在民族飯店. Again, 你住在民族飯店嗎?
  33. 204000 207000 是,我住在民族飯店.
  34. 207000 214000 The verb 住在 may also be used in asking what city a person is living in, although not for anything larger such as a province.
  35. 214000 220000 Listen to the following live exchange. 你住在上海嗎?
  36. 220000 223000 不,我不住在上海.
  37. 223000 228000 Notice that the word for no in this exchange is simply in the following tone.
  38. 228000 234000 Listen to the word for no. 不,不,不.
  39. 234000 241000 Since 不住在 can't be used for a short answer, the word 住在 is omitted and is used alone.
  40. 241000 249000 The short answer is, of course, followed by a full sentence answer. Here's the exchange again. 你住在上海嗎?
  41. 249000 252000 不,我不住在上海.
  42. 252000 258000 Check your comprehension. 你住在上海嗎?
  43. 258000 267000 Do you live in Shanghai? 不,我不住在上海.
  44. 267000 270000 No, I don't live in Shanghai.
  45. 270000 277000 You may have noticed that with the city name, the verb 住在 is translated as to live in rather than to stay at.
  46. 277000 282000 Someone who already knows that you're staying at a hotel may want to ask which hotel you're staying at.
  47. 282000 290000 The word for which is 哪個.Listen to the question word which and be sure to identify its tone pattern.
  48. 290000 299000 哪個,哪個,哪個.Listen for 哪個,which in this exchange.
  49. 299000 308000 Which hotel are you staying at? 你住在哪個飯店?
  50. 308000 317000 I'm staying at the Peking Hotel. 我住在北京飯店.
  51. 317000 324000 Here it is live. 你住在哪個飯店?
  52. 324000 337000 Again, 你住在哪個飯店? 我住在北京飯店.Check your comprehension. 你住在哪個飯店?
  53. 337000 345000 Which hotel are you staying at? 我住在北京飯店.
  54. 345000 348000 I'm staying at the Peking Hotel. 你住在哪個飯店?
  55. 348000 358000 You may have recognized the bound word 哪, from an expression you had in earlier units. Listen. 你是哪個人?
  56. 358000 363000 What's your nationality? 你住在哪個飯店?
  57. 363000 366000 Which hotel are you staying at? 哪個飯店?
  58. 366000 374000 Literally, 哪個人 is which country person and 哪個飯店 is which hotel?
  59. 374000 381000 You may be wondering why the English question word which corresponds sometimes to 哪, and sometimes to 哪個.
  60. 381000 391000 This is how to keep them straight. is always only part of a word. Never try to use it except in compounds you've learned, such as 哪個.
  61. 391000 398000 On the other hand, 哪個 is a full word, like the question word which in English, and may be used freely.
  62. 398000 404000 For example, since person is 人, which person is 哪個人?
  63. 404000 412000 Listen for 哪個人 in the following live exchange. Miss Novak, looking at a newspaper photograph of a Labor Day celebration,
  64. 412000 420000 asked her Chinese companion to identify some officials she doesn't recognize. Listen. 哪個人是美同志?
  65. 420000 429000 她是美同志. Again, 哪個人是美同志?
  66. 429000 437000 On its own, without a noun like hotel or person after it, the word 哪個 may be translated which one.
  67. 437000 443000 For instance, the question in the last exchange could have been simply 哪個是美同志?
  68. 443000 449000 which one is comrade may? Listen to the two questions compared.
  69. 449000 466000 Which person is comrade may? 哪個人是美同志?
  70. 466000 475000 In any situation less impersonal than talking about a picture of strangers, it's considered rude to use the general counter when referring to adults.
  71. 475000 490000 Instead, you use the polite counter for persons. Wait. Listen to the Chinese or which comrade 哪位同志?
  72. 490000 499000 Now suppose that Miss Novak is attending the Labor Day celebration in person. Listen. Which one is comrade Zhang?
  73. 499000 512000 哪位是張同志? She is comrade Zhang. 她是張同志.
  74. 512000 519000 Notice that Miss Novak asks her question using 哪位 alone with no noun after it. This is the usual pattern.
  75. 519000 528000 Since the counter way is only used with persons, the combination 哪位 can only mean which person, even without the noun then.
  76. 528000 536000 Here's the exchange again. Live. 哪位是張同志?
  77. 536000 548000 Again. 哪位是張同志? Check your comprehension. 哪位是張同志?
  78. 548000 555000 Which one is comrade Zhang? 哪位是張同志?
  79. 555000 562000 You'll remember that we called your attention to the low tone of the syllable 哪, meaning which.
  80. 562000 575000 The word for that has the following tone syllable 哪. Listen to that comrade 哪位同志?
  81. 575000 581000 The only difference between 哪位同志? Which comrade? And 哪位同志?
  82. 581000 592000 That comrade is the difference between a low tone and a falling tone. The same was true of the difference between 哪, where, and 哪, there.
  83. 592000 605000 This is a good lesson in the importance of tones. Listen to this example. Which one is comrade Gao? 哪位是高同志?
  84. 605000 613000 That one is comrade Gao. 哪位是高同志?
  85. 613000 619000 Here it is live. 哪位是高同志?
  86. 619000 626000 Again. 哪位是高同志?
  87. 626000 634000 The following sentences will give you some more practice with this tone distinction between questions with 哪, which, and statements with 哪.
  88. 634000 644000 That 他住在哪个饭店?
  89. 644000 654000 Which hotel is he staying at? 哪位是梅同志?
  90. 654000 663000 That one is comrade 哪? 哪个是民族饭店?
  91. 663000 676000 Which one is the nationalities hotel? 你住在哪个饭店?
  92. 676000 688000 Which hotel are you staying at? 那个人是高同志?
  93. 688000 695000 That person is comrade 高同志?
  94. 695000 704000 Now that you have had the words for which and that, you want the word for this. Here it is 这句话你一说就好了.
  95. 704000 714000 It may be helpful to remember that the answers 这句话的答案是这句,这句话的答案是这句,这句话的答案是这句话,郵寄,这句话的答案,这句话的答案,这句话的答案,这句话的答案 are all in the falling tone.
  96. 714000 717000 而其中的问题是哪个,哪个?
  97. 717000 719000 哪个,哪个?
  98. 719000 720000 在哪里?
  99. 720000 721000 在哪里?
  100. 721000 722000 都在Botom
  101. 722000 724000 小伯伯在地区的宿舍
  102. 724000 726000 在那个人的房间中说話
  103. 726000 727000 他就在那里
  104. 727000 728000
  105. 728000 731000 你住在这个饭店吗?
  106. 731000 734000 不,我不住在这个饭店
  107. 734000 736000 再次
  108. 736000 739000 你住在这个饭店吗?
  109. 739000 742000 不,我不住在这个饭店
  110. 742000 745000 不,我不住在这个饭店
  111. 745000 748000 不,我不住在这个饭店
  112. 748000 751000 不,我不住在这个饭店
  113. 751000 754000 不,我不住在这个饭店
  114. 754000 757000 不,我不住在这个饭店
  115. 757000 760000 不,我不住在这个饭店
  116. 760000 763000 这个,这个,这, only be used to refer to something relatively close
  117. 763000 767000 not to something farther away that you just pointing to
  118. 767000 769000 那,我们作为大家该评则
  119. 769000 775000 Now let's review all three specifying words, which, this, and that.
  120. 775000 778000 See if you can tell them apart in the following isolated sentences.
  121. 778000 782000 You'll hear each sentence twice.
  122. 782000 790000 你住在哪个饭店?
  123. 790000 793000 Which hotel are you staying at?
  124. 793000 801000 那个不是民族饭店。
  125. 801000 805000 That one's not the nationality's hotel.
  126. 805000 813000 哪位是高同志?
  127. 813000 816000 Which one is combat高?
  128. 816000 823000 那位是谁?
  129. 823000 826000 Who is that?
  130. 826000 834000 你住在这个饭店吗?
  131. 834000 838000 Are you staying at this hotel?
  132. 838000 845000 Mr. Bauer, one of Ms. Novak's colleagues, has taken her to meet Conrad Jiang, a Chinese diplomatic official.
  133. 845000 849000 Here's the Chinese diplomatic equivalent for the name Novak.
  134. 849000 856000 诺瓦克。
  135. 856000 861000 Here's what Conrad Jiang and Ms. Novak might say to each other after being introduced.
  136. 861000 864000 Conrad Jiang, good morning.
  137. 864000 869000 江同志您早。
  138. 869000 871000 Good morning, Ms. Novak, how are you?
  139. 871000 880000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。
  140. 880000 883000 Here's the word used to say good morning.
  141. 883000 889000 早、早、早。
  142. 889000 892000 Literally, the word means early.
  143. 892000 896000 By itself, it's only used in informal situations between friends.
  144. 896000 901000 Otherwise, you either add the word or mention the person's name along with it.
  145. 901000 908000 Notice that the person's name may come before or after the rest of the greeting and is pronounced as an independent exclamation.
  146. 908000 917000 Here's the word used to translate 女士。
  147. 917000 924000 An unmarried foreign woman in the PRC might be addressed as 女士。
  148. 924000 928000 Actually, the title 女士 can be used to a married woman as well.
  149. 928000 932000 Naturally, it follows her own surname, not her husband.
  150. 932000 936000 Traditionally, the word 女士 is a formal respectful term,
  151. 936000 939000 which suggests that the woman addressed is well educated.
  152. 939000 941000 Here's the exchange line.
  153. 941000 944000 江同志您早。
  154. 944000 948000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。
  155. 948000 956000 Notice that in this exchange, the greeting 您好 appears in an alternate form without a question marker.
  156. 956000 958000 Here's the exchange again.
  157. 958000 961000 江同志您早。
  158. 961000 965000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。
  159. 965000 967000 Check your comprehension.
  160. 967000 971000 江同志您早。
  161. 971000 974000 Hello, John. Good morning.
  162. 974000 980000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。
  163. 980000 984000 Good morning, Ms. Novak. How are you?
  164. 984000 992000 Here's the word for a very 横、横、横。
  165. 992000 997000 Listen to John's greeting with Ms. Novak's response.
  166. 997000 1000000 Good morning, Ms. Novak. How are you?
  167. 1000000 1005000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。
  168. 1005000 1009000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。
  169. 1009000 1011000 I'm very well.
  170. 1011000 1015000 我很好。我很好。
  171. 1015000 1023000 Notice that in idiomatic English, the sentence 我很好 is translated I'm very well, not I'm very good.
  172. 1023000 1026000 Here's the exchange line.
  173. 1026000 1030000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。
  174. 1030000 1032000 I'm very well.
  175. 1032000 1034000 Again.
  176. 1034000 1037000 早、诺瓦克女士您好。
  177. 1037000 1039000 I'm very well.
  178. 1039000 1042000 Listen as the conversation continues.
  179. 1042000 1045000 May I ask, where are you from in America?
  180. 1045000 1053000 请问,你是美国哪儿的人?
  181. 1053000 1056000 I'm from San Francisco, California.
  182. 1056000 1059000 我是加州旧金山人。
  183. 1059000 1062000 我是加州旧金山人。
  184. 1062000 1065000 Here's the Chinese for San Francisco.
  185. 1065000 1072000 旧金山,旧金山,旧金山。
  186. 1072000 1077000 Literally, the name 旧金山 means Old, Gold Mountain.
  187. 1077000 1081000 If you want to pinpoint where someone is from within a larger area,
  188. 1081000 1083000 you put the name of the larger area first,
  189. 1083000 1085000 followed by the smaller.
  190. 1085000 1088000 In English, we do it the other way around.
  191. 1088000 1090000 Here's the exchange line.
  192. 1090000 1095000 Listen for the sequence, larger area, smaller area.
  193. 1095000 1099000 请问,你是美国哪儿的人?
  194. 1099000 1102000 我是加州旧金山人。
  195. 1102000 1107000 Notice that the answer in this exchange mentions both California and San Francisco.
  196. 1107000 1109000 Although you can answer simply,
  197. 1109000 1111000 我是旧金山人.
  198. 1111000 1113000 I'm from San Francisco.
  199. 1113000 1116000 In general, a question mentioning both a larger and smaller area
  200. 1116000 1118000 will be answered with both areas.
  201. 1118000 1120000 Here's the exchange again.
  202. 1120000 1124000 请问,你是美国哪儿的人?
  203. 1124000 1127000 我是加州旧金山人.
  204. 1127000 1130000 Check your comprehension.
  205. 1130000 1135000 请问,你是美国哪儿的人?
  206. 1135000 1138000 May I ask, where are you from in America?
  207. 1138000 1143000 我是加州旧金山人.
  208. 1143000 1147000 I'm from San Francisco, California.
  209. 1147000 1151000 Listen as the conversation continues live.
  210. 1151000 1154000 江同志,您是哪儿的人?
  211. 1154000 1157000 我是山西大同人.
  212. 1157000 1162000 Again,江同志,您是哪儿的人?
  213. 1162000 1165000 我是山西大同人.
  214. 1165000 1167000 Check your comprehension.
  215. 1167000 1172000 江同志,您是哪儿的人?
  216. 1172000 1175000 Where are you from, Comrade John?
  217. 1175000 1181000 我是山西大同人.
  218. 1181000 1185000 I'm from Datong, from San Francisco.
  219. 1185000 1188000 Listen as the conversation continues live.
  220. 1188000 1193000 请问,罗娃克女士,您现在住在哪儿?
  221. 1193000 1196000 我住在北京饭店.
  222. 1196000 1199000 很好.
  223. 1217000 1222000 请问,罗娃克女士,您现在住在哪儿?
  224. 1222000 1224000 那個飯店好嗎?
  225. 1224000 1225000 很好
  226. 1228000 1232000 請問諾瓦克女士,您現在住在哪兒?
  227. 1232000 1238000 請問,您現在住在哪兒,諾瓦克?
  228. 1238000 1241000 我住在北京飯店
  229. 1244000 1246000 我住在北京飯店
  230. 1247000 1249000 那個飯店好嗎?
  231. 1251000 1253000 那間飯店很好嗎?
  232. 1253000 1254000 很好
  233. 1256000 1257000 很好
  234. 1257000 1258000 很好
  235. 1277000 1280000 早,諾瓦克女士,您好
  236. 1280000 1282000 您好,方同志
  237. 1282000 1286000 請問,諾瓦克女士,您是美國哪的人?
  238. 1286000 1288000 我是舊金山人
  239. 1288000 1290000 請問您是哪的人?
  240. 1290000 1292000 我是山東濟南人
  241. 1293000 1295000 您現在住在哪兒?
  242. 1295000 1297000 我住在北京飯店
  243. 1297000 1299000 那個飯店好嗎?
  244. 1299000 1300000 很好
  245. 1301000 1302000 again
  246. 1304000 1307000 早,諾瓦克女士,您好
  247. 1307000 1309000 您好,方同志
  248. 1309000 1314000 請問,諾瓦克女士,您是美國哪的人?
  249. 1314000 1316000 我是舊金山人
  250. 1316000 1318000 請問您是哪的人?
  251. 1318000 1320000 我是山東濟南人
  252. 1320000 1322000 您現在住在哪兒?
  253. 1322000 1324000 我住在北京飯店
  254. 1324000 1326000 那個飯店好嗎?
  255. 1326000 1327000 很好
  256. 1331000 1334000 早,諾瓦克女士,您好
  257. 1334000 1337000 早,諾瓦克女士,您好
  258. 1337000 1339000 您好,方同志
  259. 1339000 1343000 請問,諾瓦克女士,您是美國哪的人?
  260. 1350000 1353000 請問,諾瓦克女士,您是美國哪的人?
  261. 1354000 1358000 請問,諾瓦克女士,您是美國哪的人?
  262. 1358000 1361000 請問,諾瓦克女士,您是美國哪的人?
  263. 1362000 1364000 我是舊金山人
  264. 1366000 1368000 我是山東濟南人
  265. 1368000 1370000 請問您是哪的人?
  266. 1374000 1376000 請問,諾瓦克女士,您是美國哪的人?
  267. 1376000 1379000 我是山東濟南人
  268. 1382000 1384000 我是山東濟南人
  269. 1385000 1387000 您現在住在哪兒?
  270. 1387000 1389000 您現在住在哪兒?
  271. 1389000 1391000 我住在北京飯店
  272. 1394000 1396000 我住在北京飯店
  273. 1397000 1399000 我住在北京飯店
  274. 1400000 1402000 那個飯店好嗎?
  275. 1405000 1407000 那個飯店好嗎?
  276. 1407000 1408000 很好
  277. 1411000 1412000 很好
  278. 1412000 1418000 最後一個評論,請把這幾句話和交換作詢問
  279. 1419000 1420000 第一
  280. 1421000 1423000 您住在這個飯店嗎?
  281. 1426000 1428000 您在這間酒店?
  282. 1429000 1431000 不,我住在這個飯店
  283. 1434000 1437000 不,我住在這間酒店
  284. 1438000 1439000 第二
  285. 1439000 1442000 哪位是張同志?
  286. 1444000 1446000 哪位是卡麥莊?
  287. 1447000 1448000 第三
  288. 1449000 1451000 您住在哪個飯店?
  289. 1454000 1456000 哪個酒店住在哪個飯店?
  290. 1457000 1458000 第四
  291. 1458000 1462000 早,諾瓦克女士,您好
  292. 1464000 1467000 早安,請回家,您好嗎?
  293. 1467000 1469000 我很好
  294. 1472000 1473000 很好
  295. 1474000 1475000 第五
  296. 1476000 1478000 請問,您住在哪兒?
  297. 1481000 1483000 請問,您在哪兒?
  298. 1484000 1485000 第六
  299. 1486000 1488000 您是美國哪的人?
  300. 1491000 1493000 您從哪兒來的?
  301. 1494000 1495000 第七
  302. 1495000 1497000 我住在北京飯店
  303. 1501000 1503000 我住在北京飯店
  304. 1504000 1505000 第八
  305. 1506000 1508000 您住在民族飯店嗎?
  306. 1511000 1513000 您住在民族飯店嗎?
  307. 1514000 1516000 是,我住在民族飯店
  308. 1520000 1522000 是的,我住在民族飯店
  309. 1522000 1524000 我住在民族飯店
  310. 1525000 1526000 第九
  311. 1527000 1529000 我住在加州舊金山人
  312. 1532000 1534000 我住在 San Francisco, California
  313. 1535000 1536000 第十
  314. 1538000 1540000 那位是張同志?
  315. 1542000 1544000 那位是卡麥莊
  316. 1546000 1548000 您能夠和您的意識和意見
  317. 1548000 1550000 或想要的批准
  318. 1550000 1552000 您仍然有困難
  319. 1552000 1554000 聽到這個批准
  320. 1556000 1558000 這是批准的結尾
  321. 1558000 1560000 這是文化資訊模式
  322. 1560000 1581000 批准,批准,批准,批准,批准