frames-trad.csv 2.7 KB

  1. 1. A. Huáng Kēzhǎng, nín xiàge Xīngqīliù yǒu gōngfu ma? 黃科長,您下個星期六有功夫嗎? Section Chief Huang, are you free Saturday of next week? 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  2. A: xiǎng qǐng nín nín fūren dào wǒmen jiā lái chī ge biànfàn. 我想請您和您夫人到我們家來吃個便飯。 I would like to invite you and your wife to come to our house for a simple meal. 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  3. 2. B: Nín hébì zhème kèqi? 您何必怎麽客氣? Why is it necessary to be so polite? 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  4. A: shi kèqi. 不是客氣。 It’s not politeness. 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  5. A: yǒu yige péngyou gāng cóng Měiguo lái. 我有一個朋友剛從美國來。 I have a friend who has just come from America. 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  6. A: xiànzài zài Táiwān Dàxué jiāo jīngjixué. 她現在在臺灣大學教經濟學。 She is teaching economics at Táiwān University right now. 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  7. A: hěn xiǎng gěi nǐmen liǎngwèi jièshao jièshao. 我很想給你們兩位介紹介紹。 I would very much like to introduce the two of you. 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  8. 3. B: tài hǎo le! 那太好了! That’s wonderful! 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  9. B: Hěn xīwang gēn ta tántan. 很希望跟她談談。 I wish very much to talk with her. 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  10. B: Búguò, kǒngpà wǒde Yīngwén xíng. 不過,恐怕我的英文不行。 However, I’m afraid that my English isn’t good enough. 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  11. B: Búdàn shuōde hǎo, yǒu shíhou tīngbudǒng. 不但説得好,有時候也聽不懂。 Not only don’t I speak well, (but) sometimes I can’t understand what I hear either. 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  12. 4. A: Náli, náli. 哪裏,哪裏。 Not at all, not at all. 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  13. A: Nín shuōde gēn Měiguo rén yíyàng hǎo. 您説得跟美國人一樣好。 You speak as well as an American. 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  14. 5. *A: Zěnmeyàng? Liùdiǎn bàn duì nín fāngbian bu fangbian? 怎麽樣?六點半對您方便不方便? How shall we do it? Would six-thirty be convenient for you? 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  15. B: Fāngbian, fāngbian. 方便,方便。 That would be fine. 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  16. 6. A: méi qǐng shénme rén. Hěn suíbiàn. 我沒請什麽人。很隨便。 I haven’t invited anyone special. It’s very informal. 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  17. B: jiù xiān xiè le. 那就先謝了。 Well then, I’ll thank you in advance. 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  18. 7. tóng 不同 to be different 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  19. 8. chá tea 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  20. 9. chī fàn 吃飯 to eat, to have a meal 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  21. 10. dànshi 但是 but 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  22. 11. érqiě 而且 furthermore, moreover 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  23. 12. fàn (cooked) rice 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  24. 13. to drink 6 3 FSI-Chinese
  25. 14. jiāo shū 教書 to teach 6 3 FSI-Chinese