FSI - Standard Chinese - Module 05 TRN - Unit 08 - Tape 8P-1.mp3.tsv 18 KB

  1. start end text
  2. 0 6000 Standard Chinese, a modular approach, transportation module unit 8, production tape 1.
  3. 7000 11000 On the comprehension tape in this unit, you learn some sentences used in talking about travel.
  4. 12000 17000 If you think that you might have forgotten the meaning of some of these sentences, go back to the end of the C1 tape and review them.
  5. 18000 23000 If you think that you know the meaning of all the sentences on the target list, you should begin learning how to say them.
  6. 23000 29000 An American Foreign Service Officer in Peking is talking with a friend about his recent trips to Canton.
  7. 30000 32000 He has been there twice in the last few months. Listen.
  8. 33000 35000 好久沒見。您出門了吧。
  9. 36000 39000 是啊。我又到廣州去了。
  10. 41000 43000 Repeat one word for again.
  11. 44000 46000 又。又。
  12. 46000 52000 This word for again,又, is used to describe completed events.
  13. 53000 55000 Repeat, I went to Canton again.
  14. 56000 58000 我又到廣州去了。
  15. 61000 63000 我又到廣州去了。
  16. 65000 71000 Like other adverbs,又 comes before the verb phrase.Repeat, yes, I went to Canton again.
  17. 71000 76000 是啊。我又到廣州去了。
  18. 80000 83000 是啊。我又到廣州去了。
  19. 85000 88000 Try answering the question yourself now. You went to Canton again.
  20. 89000 92000 好久沒見。您出門了吧。
  21. 96000 99000 是啊。我又到廣州去了。
  22. 99000 101000 Repeat one word for again.
  23. 102000 105000 好久沒見。您出門了吧。
  24. 110000 112000 是啊。我又到廣州去了。
  25. 114000 117000 The Chinese friend has a question. Listen.
  26. 118000 121000 您為什麼剛回來又去了呢?
  27. 122000 124000 Repeat the question word why.
  28. 125000 126000 為什麼?
  29. 126000 128000 為什麼?
  30. 131000 134000 Repeat the word for just, which means immediately preceding in time.
  31. 135000 138000 剛。剛。
  32. 140000 143000 And repeat the verb to return, literally to come back.
  33. 144000 147000 回來。回來。
  34. 149000 153000 Repeat, why did you go again when you had just come back from there?
  35. 153000 156000 您為什麼剛回來又去了呢?
  36. 161000 164000 您為什麼剛回來又去了呢?
  37. 169000 171000 Repeat the sentence again.
  38. 171000 174000 Why did you go again when you had just come back from there?
  39. 175000 178000 您為什麼剛回來又去了呢?
  40. 178000 180000 您為什麼剛回來又去了呢?
  41. 185000 188000 您為什麼剛回來又去了呢?
  42. 190000 194000 Notice that in the Chinese sentence, you say the actions in the order that they happened.
  43. 194000 196000 First coming back, then going again.
  44. 196000 197000 Repeat again.
  45. 197000 200000 Why did you go again when you had just come back from there?
  46. 200000 207000 您為什麼剛回來又去了呢?
  47. 208000 211000 您為什麼剛回來又去了呢?
  48. 213000 216000 Notice also that although the English begins with the word why,
  49. 216000 219000 the Chinese word 為什麼 comes after the subject.
  50. 219000 230000 How do you say, why did you go again when you had just come back from there?
  51. 231000 233000 您為什麼剛回來又去了呢?
  52. 235000 236000 Listen to the answer.
  53. 237000 244000 我這次到廣州去,是因為我有一個很好的朋友從香港來.
  54. 245000 247000 Repeat the word because
  55. 247000 249000 因為
  56. 252000 255000 Repeat this time I went to Canton because
  57. 256000 260000 我這次到廣州去,是因為
  58. 264000 268000 我這次到廣州去,是因為
  59. 269000 273000 Notice where you put the word 這次,this time.
  60. 273000 277000 As an adverb telling when it comes before the verb phrase.
  61. 277000 278000 Now repeat.
  62. 278000 281000 I had a good friend coming there from Hong Kong.
  63. 281000 286000 我有一個很好的朋友從香港來.
  64. 291000 296000 我有一個很好的朋友從香港來.
  65. 299000 301000 Now repeat the whole sentence.
  66. 301000 303000 This time I went to Canton because
  67. 303000 305000 I had a very good friend coming there from Hong Kong.
  68. 307000 314000 我這次到廣州去,是因為我有一個很好的朋友從香港來.
  69. 314000 322000 Repeat the whole sentence.
  70. 323000 330000 我這次到廣州去,是因為我有一個很好的朋友從香港來.
  71. 333000 334000 Again.
  72. 334000 343000 我這次到廣州去,是因為我有一個很好的朋友從香港來.
  73. 351000 358000 我這次到廣州去,是因為我有一個很好的朋友從香港來.
  74. 359000 362000 Now try saying it ahead of the speaker.
  75. 362000 364000 This time I went to Canton because
  76. 364000 366000 I had a very good friend coming there from Hong Kong.
  77. 376000 382000 我這次到廣州去,是因為我有一個很好的朋友從香港來.
  78. 386000 388000 The American continues his reply.
  79. 388000 389000 Listen.
  80. 389000 396000 我們有一年沒見了,他請我陪他一起去旅行.
  81. 404000 407000 This is the same syllable you saw in the compound verb of result.
  82. 407000 408000 看見.
  83. 409000 410000 Repeat.
  84. 410000 412000 We hadn't seen each other for a year.
  85. 413000 415000 我們有一年沒見了.
  86. 415000 416000 We haven't seen each other for a year.
  87. 416000 442000 我們有一年沒見了.
  88. 447000 448000 We haven't seen each other for a year.
  89. 451000 452000 我們有一年沒見了.
  90. 457000 459000 We haven't seen each other for a year.
  91. 462000 466000 Notice also that there is a marker L indicating a new situation in the sentence.
  92. 467000 469000 However, this is not a new situation as of now,
  93. 469000 472000 but a new situation as of that time.
  94. 472000 475000 In other words, this is a new situation in the past.
  95. 475000 478000 At that time, it had become one year that we hadn't seen each other.
  96. 480000 482000 How do you say we hadn't seen each other for a year?
  97. 488000 490000 我們有一年沒見了.
  98. 493000 495000 Now listen again to his last sentence.
  99. 498000 501000 他請我陪他一起去旅行.
  100. 501000 506000 Repeat the verb to ask or to request.
  101. 506000 507000 請.
  102. 508000 509000 請.
  103. 511000 513000 This is the same word 請.
  104. 513000 515000 What you have used to mean please.
  105. 515000 517000 Now repeat the word for together.
  106. 519000 520000 一起.
  107. 522000 523000 一起.
  108. 524000 525000 Repeat.
  109. 525000 527000 She asked me to accompany her traveling.
  110. 527000 531000 她請我陪她一起去旅行.
  111. 538000 541000 她請我陪她一起去旅行.
  112. 543000 546000 Notice that the Chinese sentence includes the word 一起,
  113. 546000 549000 but the English sentence she asked me to accompany her traveling
  114. 549000 551000 does not include the word together.
  115. 551000 553000 Repeat the sentence again.
  116. 553000 559000 她請我陪她一起去旅行.
  117. 564000 568000 她請我陪她一起去旅行.
  118. 570000 572000 Repeat both sentences now.
  119. 572000 574000 We hadn't seen each other for a year.
  120. 574000 576000 She asked me to accompany her traveling.
  121. 578000 580000 我們有一年沒見了.
  122. 580000 584000 她請我陪她一起去旅行.
  123. 593000 595000 我們有一年沒見了.
  124. 595000 598000 她請我陪她一起去旅行.
  125. 601000 602000 Again.
  126. 604000 606000 我們有一年沒見了.
  127. 606000 610000 她請我陪她一起去旅行.
  128. 619000 621000 我們有一年沒見了.
  129. 621000 624000 她請我陪她一起去旅行.
  130. 632000 635000 三個月以前,我在廣州的時候,
  131. 635000 639000 她那個時候還不知道能不能來.
  132. 641000 643000 Repeat three months ago.
  133. 644000 646000 三個月以前.
  134. 648000 650000 三個月以前.
  135. 652000 655000 You've already learned that the word 以前
  136. 655000 658000 can be used to mean before as in 回家以前,
  137. 658000 660000 before I go back home.
  138. 660000 664000 Now you see that it can also be used in phrases meaning a go.
  139. 664000 668000 In both cases, the time words come before the word 以前.
  140. 669000 672000 Now repeat when I was in Canton.
  141. 673000 675000 我在廣州的時候.
  142. 678000 680000 我在廣州的時候.
  143. 682000 684000 Repeat one of the words for can.
  144. 686000 687000 能.
  145. 687000 692000 能.
  146. 694000 697000 Now you've learned three words which can be translated as can.
  147. 697000 700000 回,可以,能.
  148. 700000 703000 Use 能 when you want to express the idea of can
  149. 703000 705000 in the sense of be able to.
  150. 705000 708000 Use 可以 to mean be permitted to.
  151. 708000 711000 And use 回 to mean to know how to.
  152. 711000 714000 Repeat, at that time she didn't know yet
  153. 714000 717000 whether she could come or not.
  154. 717000 720000 她那個時候還不知道能不能來.
  155. 726000 729000 她那個時候還不知道能不能來.
  156. 735000 737000 Notice that the negative marker 不 is used,
  157. 737000 741000 not may, even though the sentence is referring to a past event.
  158. 741000 744000 This is because the verb 指導 is a state verb.
  159. 744000 747000 State verbs describe the quality or condition of something.
  160. 747000 750000 All adjectival verbs you've seen are state verbs,
  161. 750000 752000 like 過 and 多.
  162. 752000 755000 In Chinese, knowing something is also considered a state,
  163. 755000 758000 and therefore the verb 指導 is a state verb.
  164. 758000 761000 All state verbs take only the negative marker 不,
  165. 761000 762000 never may.
  166. 762000 766000 Whereas action verbs like 念 do study and 吃 to eat
  167. 766000 770000 take 不 for the simple negative and 沒 for the negative completed action.
  168. 770000 773000 Repeat again, at that time she didn't know yet
  169. 773000 775000 whether or not she could come.
  170. 776000 779000 她那個時候還不知道能不能來.
  171. 787000 790000 她那個時候還不知道能不能來.
  172. 794000 798000 Now repeat, three months ago when I was in Canton.
  173. 798000 802000 三個月以前我在廣州的時候.
  174. 807000 810000 三個月以前我在廣州的時候.
  175. 819000 822000 她那個時候還不知道能不能來.
  176. 822000 825000 她那個時候還不知道能不能來.
  177. 832000 834000 Now repeat the whole sentence.
  178. 834000 836000 Three months ago when I was in Canton,
  179. 836000 839000 she didn't know yet at that time whether she could come or not.
  180. 840000 843000 三個月以前我在廣州的時候.
  181. 844000 847000 她那個時候還不知道能不能來.
  182. 847000 850000 她那個時候還不知道能不能來.
  183. 860000 863000 三個月以前我在廣州的時候.
  184. 863000 867000 她那個時候還不知道能不能來.
  185. 867000 869000 Repeat again.
  186. 874000 877000 三個月以前我在廣州的時候.
  187. 877000 880000 她那個時候還不知道能不能來.
  188. 891000 894000 三個月以前我在廣州的時候.
  189. 894000 897000 她那個時候還不知道能不能來.
  190. 920000 923000 三個月以前我在廣州的時候.
  191. 923000 927000 她那個時候還不知道能不能來.
  192. 927000 944000 Now let's try the Americans answer from the beginning.
  193. 944000 946000 This time I went to Canton because I had a very good friend coming there from Hong Kong.
  194. 946000 951000 This time I went to Canton because I had a very good friend coming from Hong Kong.
  195. 961000 963000 We hadn't seen each other for a year.
  196. 968000 970000 我們有一年沒見了.
  197. 970000 975000 She asked me to accompany her traveling.
  198. 980000 984000 她前往陪她一起去旅行.
  199. 984000 1000000 Three months ago when I was in Canton, she didn't know yet at that time whether or not she could come.
  200. 1000000 1003000 三個月以前我在廣州的時候.
  201. 1003000 1007000 她那個時候還不知道能不能來.
  202. 1007000 1012000 You may want to rewind the tape and try it again.
  203. 1012000 1016000 The conversation goes on. Listen.
  204. 1016000 1019000 你們都去過什麼地方?
  205. 1019000 1025000 南京、上海、杭州、蘇州都去了.
  206. 1025000 1028000 杭州真是漂亮.
  207. 1028000 1031000 Repeat Hang Chow.
  208. 1031000 1034000 杭州
  209. 1034000 1037000 杭州
  210. 1037000 1040000 Repeat Su Chow.
  211. 1040000 1043000 蘇州
  212. 1043000 1046000 蘇州
  213. 1046000 1052000 Repeat We went to Nanking, Shanghai, Hang Chow, and Su Chow.
  214. 1052000 1061000 南京、上海、杭州、蘇州都去了.
  215. 1068000 1073000 南京、上海、杭州、蘇州都去了.
  216. 1073000 1080000 As you remember, the word 都 always comes before the verb.
  217. 1080000 1085000 And that means that any other words which go with 都 must also come before the verb.
  218. 1085000 1090000 Even when these words are objects of the verb, which you would normally expect to come after the verb.
  219. 1090000 1095000 Repeat again. We went to Nanking, Shanghai, Hang Chow, and Su Chow.
  220. 1095000 1101000 南京、上海、杭州、蘇州都去了.
  221. 1101000 1108000 南京、上海、杭州、蘇州都去了.
  222. 1108000 1113000 南京、上海、杭州、蘇州都去了.
  223. 1113000 1117000 Repeat Say it ahead of the speaker.
  224. 1117000 1121000 We went to Nanking, Shanghai, Hang Chow, and Su Chow.
  225. 1121000 1133000 南京、上海、杭州、苏州都去了。
  226. 1133000 1137000 Now repeat the adjectival verb to be pretty.
  227. 1137000 1141000 漂亮
  228. 1141000 1145000 Repeat, Hangzhou is really beautiful.
  229. 1145000 1149000 杭州真是漂亮。
  230. 1149000 1155000 杭州真是漂亮。
  231. 1155000 1160000 Now you try answering the question.
  232. 1160000 1166000 Say that you went to Nanking, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and the Hangzhou is really beautiful.
  233. 1166000 1170000 你們都去过什么地方?
  234. 1170000 1186000 Nanking, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and the Hangzhou is really beautiful.
  235. 1186000 1191000 Again,你们都去过什么地方?
  236. 1191000 1213000 Nanking, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and the Hangzhou is really beautiful.
  237. 1213000 1216000 有机会我要再去一次。
  238. 1216000 1219000 这些地方你都去过了吧?
  239. 1219000 1224000 没都去过,我还没去过苏州。
  240. 1224000 1227000 Repeat the word for opportunity or chance.
  241. 1227000 1233000 机会
  242. 1233000 1236000 Repeat another word for again.
  243. 1236000 1241000
  244. 1241000 1247000 This word for again,在, is used in sentences expressing a non-completed future event.
  245. 1247000 1250000 You have this word before in the phrase 再见.
  246. 1250000 1255000 Repeat, if I have the chance, I'd like to go again.
  247. 1255000 1264000 有机会我要再去一次。
  248. 1264000 1271000 有机会我要再去一次。
  249. 1271000 1278000 Notice that the Chinese sentence uses the word 一次, although the English does not say go one more time.
  250. 1278000 1283000 Repeat again, if I have the chance, I'd like to go again.
  251. 1283000 1291000 有机会我要再去一次。
  252. 1291000 1296000 有机会我要再去一次。
  253. 1296000 1306000 Repeat again, if I have the chance, I'd like to go again.
  254. 1306000 1313000 有机会我要再去一次。
  255. 1313000 1318000 Now repeat, you've gone to all these places I suppose.
  256. 1318000 1325000 这些地方你都去过了吧?
  257. 1325000 1333000 这些地方你都去过了吧?
  258. 1333000 1341000 Again you'll notice that when the word though refers to the object, the object in this case, these places, is put at the front of the sentence.
  259. 1341000 1347000 Repeat again, you've gone to all these places I suppose.
  260. 1347000 1354000 这些地方你都去过了吧?
  261. 1354000 1360000 这些地方你都去过了吧?
  262. 1360000 1362000 Ask the question yourself, you'll get a reply.
  263. 1362000 1370000 You've gone to all these places I suppose.
  264. 1370000 1373000 这些地方你都去过了吧?
  265. 1373000 1378000 没都去过,我还没去过苏州。
  266. 1378000 1383000 Again.
  267. 1383000 1388000 这些地方你都去过了吧?
  268. 1388000 1393000 没都去过,我还没去过苏州。
  269. 1393000 1398000 Let's take a look at the answer. Repeat, not all.
  270. 1398000 1405000 没都去过,没都去过。
  271. 1405000 1411000 Up until now, you've usually seen the negative markers 不 and 没 come directly before the verb.
  272. 1411000 1415000 But here the negative marker 没 is placed before the adverb 都.
  273. 1415000 1420000 Moving the marker 没 or 不 to before the word 都 makes for a change in meaning.
  274. 1420000 1425000 For instance, repeat, they are all not coming.
  275. 1425000 1432000 他们都不来。
  276. 1432000 1436000 Here the negative marker is directly before the verb.
  277. 1436000 1439000 Now repeat, not all of them are coming.
  278. 1439000 1449000 他们不都来。
  279. 1449000 1454000 Now repeat, we haven't been to any of these places.
  280. 1454000 1462000 这些地方我们都没去过。
  281. 1462000 1468000 这些地方我们都没去过。
  282. 1468000 1475000 And repeat, we haven't been to all of these places.
  283. 1475000 1483000 这些地方我们没都去过。
  284. 1483000 1489000 这些地方我们没都去过。
  285. 1489000 1495000 Repeat, I still haven't been to Suzhou.
  286. 1495000 1502000 我还没去过苏州。
  287. 1502000 1507000 我还没去过苏州。
  288. 1507000 1509000 Try answering the question yourself now.
  289. 1509000 1514000 Say, not all, I still haven't been to Suzhou.
  290. 1514000 1522000 这些地方你都去过了吧?
  291. 1522000 1527000 没都去过,我还没去过苏州。
  292. 1527000 1536000 Again,这些地方你都去过了吧?
  293. 1536000 1542000 没都去过,我还没去过苏州。
  294. 1542000 1545000 Now let's review what we've covered on this tape.
  295. 1545000 1547000 Put the following sentences into Chinese.
  296. 1547000 1553000 I went to Canton again.
  297. 1553000 1557000 我又到广州去了。
  298. 1557000 1565000 Why did you go again when you had just come back?
  299. 1565000 1571000 你为什么刚回来又去了呢?
  300. 1571000 1576000 This time I went to Canton because I had a very good friend coming there from Hong Kong.
  301. 1576000 1594000 我这次到广州去是因为我有一个很好的朋友从香港来。
  302. 1594000 1600000 We hadn't seen each other for a year.
  303. 1600000 1605000 我们有一年没见了。
  304. 1605000 1613000 She asked me to accompany her traveling.
  305. 1613000 1619000 她请我陪她一起去旅行。
  306. 1619000 1621000 Three months ago when I was in Canton,
  307. 1621000 1634000 she didn't know yet at that time whether she could come or not.
  308. 1634000 1638000 三个月以前我在广州的时候,
  309. 1638000 1645000 她那个时候还不知道能不能来。
  310. 1645000 1653000 What places did you go to?
  311. 1653000 1656000 你们都去过什么地方?
  312. 1656000 1665000 We went to Nanking, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Sutao.
  313. 1665000 1670000 南京,上海,杭州,苏州都去了。
  314. 1670000 1676000 Hangzhou is really beautiful.
  315. 1676000 1682000 杭州真是漂亮。
  316. 1682000 1689000 If I have the chance, I'd like to go again.
  317. 1689000 1695000 有机会我要再去一次。
  318. 1695000 1703000 You've been to all these places, I suppose.
  319. 1703000 1708000 这些地方你都去过了吧?
  320. 1708000 1715000 I still haven't been to Sutao.
  321. 1715000 1720000 没都去过,我还没去过苏州。
  322. 1720000 1722000 This is the end of the tape.
  323. 1722000 1739000 end of transportation unit 8 production tape 1.