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  1. àn guījù 按規矩 according to the regulations
  2. àn guījù 按规据 according to the regulations
  3. ānpai 安排 to arrange for
  4. àn 按 according to
  5. àn 按 to press
  6. bānlái bānqù 搬来搬去 to move back and forth
  7. bǎoguǎn 保管 to safeguard, to put in safekeeping
  8. biǎo (yìzhāng) 表 form, application
  9. bìchúli 壁橱里 in the closet
  10. bìchú 壁橱 closet, wall chect
  11. biéde 别的 other
  12. bīngkuài(r) (yíge) 冰块 ice cube
  13. càidānzi (yīzhāng) 菜单子 menu
  14. cǎisè 彩色 color, colored
  15. cèsuò 厕所 toilet
  16. chī 吃 to eat
  17. chōutīli 抽屉里 in the drawer
  18. chōuti 抽屉 drawer
  19. chuángdānzi 床单子 sheets
  20. chuānghu liánzi 窗户帘子 window shades
  21. chuānghu 窗户 window
  22. chuáng 床 bed
  23. dà diànhuà 打电话 to make a phone call
  24. dānrénfáng 单人房 single room
  25. dǎoyóu 导游 tourist guide
  26. dǎsuan 打算 to plan to
  27. dēngjī 登记 to register (at a hotel, etc.)
  28. děng yīhuǐr 等一会儿 in a while
  29. děng 等 to wait, to wait for
  30. -de shíhou -的时候 when
  31. diànhuàbù 电话簿 telephone book, telephone directory
  32. diànhuà 电话 telephone
  33. diànlíng 电令 a buzzer, an electric bell
  34. dìng 订 to reserve
  35. duō 多 more (to be much, to be many)
  36. è 俄 to be hungry
  37. fángjiān 房间 room
  38. fángqián 房钱 room rental fee
  39. fàngzai 放在 to put (at, in, on)
  40. fēijī 飞机 airplane
  41. féizào 肥皂 soap
  42. fúwùshēng 服务生 attendant
  43. gānxǐ 干洗 to dry clean
  44. gàosu 告诉 to tell
  45. guīju 规矩 regulation
  46. guīzhòng 贵重 to be valuable
  47. guò 过 to pass
  48. háishi 还是 still
  49. -jiān -间 (counter for rooms)
  50. jiāogěi 交给 to give to
  51. jiào 叫 to call, to summon
  52. jiào 叫 to have someone do something, to tell someone to do something
  53. jìngzi 镜子 mirror
  54. jiù shi 就是 (used for emphasis), this IS
  55. kāishuǐ 开水 boiled water (for drinking)
  56. kèren 客人 customer
  57. kōng 空 to be empty, to be vacant
  58. lèi 累 to be tired
  59. lěngfēng 冷风 air conditioning
  60. lěngqìjī 冷气机 air conditioner
  61. lěng 冷 to be cold
  62. liáng 凉 to be cool
  63. líkai 离开 to leave, to depart
  64. lóucèng fúwùtái 楼层 the service desk for the floor
  65. lǚguǎn 旅馆 hotel, inn
  66. méi wènti 没问题 there's no problem
  67. ná... lái 拿。。。来 to bring to
  68. nuǎnqì 暖气 central heating
  69. nuǎnqì 暖气 heat
  70. piào (yizhāng) 票 ticket
  71. qǔchulai 取出来 to claim (luggage), to pick (something) up, to get (something)
  72. rè 热 to be hot
  73. shěngde 省得 lest, to avoid
  74. shìqing 事情 business matter, thing
  75. shuāngrénfáng 双人房 double room
  76. shuǐxǐ 水洗 to wash, to launder
  77. sòngdao 送到 to send to, to deliver to
  78. sòngshangqu 送上去 to send up
  79. suàn zhàng 算帐 to settle an account
  80. suàn 算 to calculate, to figure
  81. tǎnzi 毯子 blanket
  82. tián 填 to fill out
  83. tì 替 for, in place of
  84. wǎnfàn 晚饭 dinner, supper
  85. wèishēnzhǐ 卫生纸 toilet paper
  86. wènti 问题 question, problem
  87. xīcān 西餐 western food
  88. xíngli 行李 baggage, luggage, suitcases
  89. xiūxi 休息 to take a rest, to relax
  90. (xǐzǎo) dà màojīn (洗澡)大毛巾 towels
  91. xǐzǎofáng 洗澡房 bathroom (Taipei)
  92. xǐ 洗 to wash
  93. yàoshi 要是 if
  94. yàoshi 钥匙 key
  95. yào 要 to be necessary, to want, to take
  96. yídìng 一定 certainly, definitely
  97. yīfu 衣服 clothes
  98. yǐzi 椅子 chair
  99. yóulan shǒucè 游览手册 sightseeing handbook, tourist guide
  100. yǒu shì 有时 to have business
  101. zài 再 again (used for future actions)
  102. zǎodiǎn 早点 breakfast (Peking)
  103. zhàngfáng 账房 cashier (in a hotel)
  104. zhǎo 找 to find
  105. zhào 照 according to
  106. zhǎo 赵 to find
  107. zhěntou 枕头 pillow
  108. Zhōngcān 中餐 Chinese food
  109. zhōngfàn 中饭 lunch
  110. Zhōngguo Lǚxíngshè 中国旅行社 China Travel Agency
  111. zhōng 种 clock
  112. zhuōzi 桌子 table