FSI-10-Drill-L-trad.csv 1.6 KB

  1. 1. Tā míngtiān bù lái. 他/她明天不來。 He/she isn’t coming tomorrow. zuótiān 昨天 yesterday Tā zuótiān méi lái. 他/她昨天沒來。 He/she didn’t come yesterday. 2 6 FSI-Chinese
  2. 2. Tā hòutiān bù zǒu. 他/她後天不走。 He/she isn’t leaving the day after tomorrow. qiántiān 前天 the day before yesterday Ta qiántiān méi zǒu. 他/她前天沒走。 He/she didn’t leave the day before yesterday. 2 6 FSI-Chinese
  3. 3. Tā míngtiān bù lái. 他/她明天不來。 He/she isn’t coming tomorrow. qǜnián 去年 last year Tā qǜnián méi lái. 他/她去年沒來。 He/she didn’t come last year. 2 6 FSI-Chinese
  4. 4. Tā xiàge yüè bù zǒu. 他/她下個月不走。 He/she isn’t leaving next month. shàngge yüè 上個月 last month Tā shàngge yüè méi zǒu. 他/她上個月沒走。 He/she didn’t leave last month. 2 6 FSI-Chinese
  5. 5. Tā xiàge xīngqī bù lái. 他/她下個星期不來。 He/she isn’t coming next week. shàngge xīngqī 上個星期 last week Tā shàngge xīngqī méi lái. 他/她上個星期沒來。 He/she didn’t come last week. 2 6 FSI-Chinese
  6. 6. Tā hòutiān bù lái. 他/她後年不來。 He/she isn’t coming the day after tomorrow. qiánnián 前面 the day before yesterday Tā qiánnián méi lái. 他/她前年沒來。 He/she didn’t come the day before yesterday. 2 6 FSI-Chinese
  7. 7. Tā jīntiān bù zǒu. 他/她今天不走。 He/she isn’t leaving today. jintiān 今天 today Tā jīntiān méi zǒu. 他/她今天沒走。 He/she didn’t leave today. 2 6 FSI-Chinese